?SPORTS AND SPORTSMEN. PROGRAMME OF SPORTS TODAY. f")OLF ?"?pen handicap. ??>c?an County Hum and Cftontrj CAub, Lm?tturao?. ? I : "puK-up" teem mate**?, ?tAi club ct t?ak? ? ???.?,. d CH?_M< In'c.-.-r>lV|f|-j?_ ????p???t????. Hums Tork BH ? e ? training ?1 ih* '?,?p"??? lu ih?? l??t t*???? days ?? ?. ir mors ??' '?'?" ''"?"" ""?'r'* ori ,iic ???? a. yesterda) n rvsM* spili ??'.'k place. Tb? rider? ?a ?.,:... n? and ?Inalee wer? ?ivir-.g around tn? {rari Bl "? ? 'ooit,?:?- wrr.? r?n ??* track ,?',? Una p finishing louche? On? of the fxlder? ??ruck a rarpenl ?? ? -.ul ten men w?r.: ?? ,?,. , while aevi il of the ridere were Kadi? - .; ? ?,?- -?,? that "Joe" Downey, *-,.,. , m Bo? * Bth? only one badly In H . ; ? ?. ? . a? Ihe Garden ? :, Mon _ ,? . . -'-k. tb? f'ii?'??? '?ine r> raoecl r*i-e be? ll?-??-?? Kikee nui Waller, the elx-day Md?r . rding ? '?" ? ? ??.?? ' tha Cycle BB ? u/mpt ?? . ... exhlbltom Indi? Maat? 'b?3? - ? - wi alala ?san) 11 ??!??.. ? -? rh? firm? exhibiting bav? ?omethinp ? f?. ... ??. i? i? two vi.irs ?luce there ?. ?? repr? enti ? e? :he public v Ind m ;?.?? thing? f Int?real A number ?low SCtngr's H'gh?ray ?vtiil? th? path nas damp yeater i ? ????? of the wag. It waa so soft bales King'? Highway than cyclists ?urr.ed off rh? pa?'h ar.d took iv? wagon road t? Ut? righi fpr the remainder ? ? , . - ? '? ?.- expected thai fh< m rT.... . .v? w-in?^, ,vl|; ?),,,, havoc With ??)? oon ?r ?r,d ?h? low? ? - ? A meei *>a ' ?"i pr ; sed National Cycling .??--r? ee": ? ??v.:-h wai to hav< been h?'d &n Ja ?v 4 !'.&'? sei : upo "i until Januar*] ? The n ? aaa reble ti ? In a-: tAgetbei -_?v SHOOTING -??-!? ?Rn ? v-c.r-T. pr?-trrrv ri-^r-'f ANT) r*K_Wf;H Re4 Rank " : ?De? " - -a r"*-""'1' s.v.o ? ag mater for 1 iltM wai arrang?e tc I Ih ?e? ''? im :: Perrlne of Keanabura and ?""???al Jack Brewei Pha rxateh wll ?? il at Kesnsburi wl ' ?t ? rewer from the tt-? srd Ferrino I* 1n | form A' f the > Is ? y Gun Club ????-? a killed tw? ? ards without a ml? e ta* >?" r.vi ?-??- ?,? ? ? ? t, - .?. ? ?-p r. ? t-t ? ? " ? ' , ? Ya)"hr ? bib the *"' ivlng th? ? ?- ' bis new stean ? bullt ai Ogdens huri " ? ?? . ot theae I? ? fool taun? n. ?xr.d '? ' ' r-.i'. -a , "? fooi cutter and a 1 ?- t?. n^,? - ?ci,, ?? | vessel 1*30 " ? ????.,.,- ? being I ullt a? Ch??t?r. Peni ' ne Mr Ton.? ? vea ?,? poughkeei ? he tw? i>ai? r??a*i( for * ? '. ? the Hud ?? Rlvei The sleep vachi v" ; ? with g?oip? Ceu*rv?**isl?*r and frlendi on board ? ? ? cruise to the ?- ? ? - ?-, .? j. . ?? ?rteet -?? ?i . ? o-?.- ?-.r.? i?--na Italy purchi??d b IBTften ef B???'?-") has ^tait.-.d on i ?'? Southern ??eteia, t-.\ w.-,j. report? : iver M ?-?? R ? The G!? i ..??-,- raiB'aa round ? further i-a? ?.-r- ?-?.c.???,^ ?. tr)?, ????-,?'.,?- Coronet which made Naai ni ine i,v 11 care ? ? taken t o ? - ? mahogany d?*ekl ? ? er ? fro - ??? rhei ? it? oi eooratlom Sil > ? -..--? It |. -, : ., ,? *?4 ^, j ,\t; , , d <*,r_ng? I.kk?? Beet "hi? rUtenioon rhe toe aaa rail ?.: : ed with ** ????? I he ?avt'lee in ih? (?rai rsi? wee? K? aahen'e Troubler ? omaaodere Hlajglnaoa s ? old Wave. ?WalSh'a Arctic ?nd "Vood.- Fiying Jit. Trie Tro;;ier ?or, la t*4 ralnutNS*. with tbe Cold I Thl lame yachts were entered In the second ra.e. ?rltk 'be ?dditlon of Jova's Graz c'lis The Troubbr won ir. ?? minile?, with the fold '.Vav? second The trophies were th? cha - eng-* mip and thi ?r-hamplonahlp pennar.? ? OENBHAl SPORTING NOTES. A? tb? '??rmont Avenue Skating Rink. In Rrrw-.k- ' lyn. msny eehpplhoya will ennip?*? !n the ?katlng race? ?which will r*? hold this morning Th? win? ner of ???-.- ei-in'-st will resolve a ?ilver medal The indoor baseball ?earn of th? Knickerbocker A'hletic ClUk ?? pr?ctl?lrig each ev?nln. In ?t? gvm Th? SkaMng Club of Hrooklyn bo??k?y t?am I? pra/-tiMr.jr bard at the Clermont Avenue Rink tor th? operar.? gam? of ih? Amaieur Hockey LeagUi 9eeega ? ????p??. ihr champloa fancy ?kai?-r. Who ha? not been seen here in man ? y?ar?. orili give an eahlbitl.a ai ihe i"l--rmonT Avenue f?kat;nK Rink on Tueaday evening. The Cr??rent Athletic C|,jb of Rrooklyn will hold a c!ay-bir1??I? F*OR?G?G????! OR TH? RFSri.T?? rtr Piimoatj TRAiietirn Th? ?!p????? meeting of me Society of ?'oiiee?* QpmnaetlMI Direr'or? en? held ??? ColnmMa UW? rerelty yeaterday. on?? .?f ?h? pnrnoaea of 'h* meerinfr wa? le n?"?"?? for ? gymnastic wi'?* in TThieh ??il of the promlneni colleges ?re et p#eie.i ?,. (?nd ithletes The me??? arili be held In rt??? ?'????-?'???? University Gymnasium som? time In Mir b ????? li arili bf open to all college?, it Is ? expe.-t-d that from twenty "? twenty-STe ?'??lies??? j Will 1?? represented Mar ? bevo ?lremlv signified I their Intention of sondino athletes individual prises arili ba airen to the -winners In ? ??? ? '??test, ?nd ?I?, college semini th?? greateal | number ??! pointa win receive ? cbamplonahlp cup Tie usi of , .??.??:.?> win tii.-inde tumbling, club swill*!-?*, piirnllel and horloontal bar?, fence vanir. ?,.?? sUablnn, flying rings ami side borse. The point ?.veleni wl". be need I" ploilnn the com? petitor nt the flnteh. Bach aonteotant will ba niark'd on a bee!? nf ten, and then scored ne oordlng ?o ?he regular sy-tem adoptad by the Intercollegiate Athletic Association. The beat gymnasts of the country will be asked to serve .is Jndgoa Among the director?? of physical culture in the prominent OOllegeS preaenl were Dr. J. \Y. Reaver, of Yolo, Dr. W. I. Savage, ef Columbia: Dr. 1> A. Sar?eii; of Harvard; Dr. William Ke Athletic Trainer," nnd Dr. YV. ?}. Anderson .t. "Some Tangible Result Oymna stl ra" Dr. Beaver attacked thi preaenl system of en- ' gaging trainers for >olleges Hi criticised the kind "' m? ? hired foi training, and declared that a lar;;.? number . : m< ? ? ??. BE RT'N AT THE BROOKLTN ? JOCKET CLUB'S MEETING .next SPRING. it p Mclntyre, tba m rotary f ma Brooklyn Jockey Club, ha? sent to thla office a clri olar con? tait g a list of the following atakeo to t.e run a: tba meeting of the association ne*? ?prin* Th? ??? ? weights ? . ? ,. . . . ..? 1 .....?.. ,,?> - ?.? ISO ?a h. 115 forren 1.1.???? add? ti s.??? ? - I 00 ? ? ?' ?? ? mllei -?, ?.?,- ? ? k? - - HO forren H mil - ? ? ?eoiwi ? furl -c? ? ,. ? wo-year olda I hi ? - - r mtamaa ot |2.0? ISO ? HI -. ? ? ? . '? ? ? ? thirl ? If fui Th? ??????? ?jraki ? ?. ?? ?;?? ttvil 115 f fi ? . -? ? tl SO and to thirl 1300 ? ? -?? r- :- snd ? hilf 1 -*??? i?,r, rer Stakes, s? j 10 fort ? ? ? ... . ? - ?. .... . - < and lion to ,? ? ' Five f? ? ns Th. Bedford .--tike? ? t 190 asci II! ' riet! ? ? j.? .... added ' ? |M0 ? MOO ? ? ? ? -,c. Steeple? ? and hurdle ??ike? for four-year olds end upward Ths Oraater tie? Torli Steealeefcas? Handicap ot 11,000; %-.\ each, or only 115 I ??? I v - an p. re ? th? - ? preeedlng 'he rgrr I f7 . ?'??? te third 1100 weight? '?'? he anr.mn. ? 1 IWi Is ? ? .. ) ??. a hslf ? Th. Kensington Hurdle Handicap f 11.000 ISO ?seh, er If - r)e ?red by J rao ? re in th? ??? .7?V>. ? ?.*.?-? t<> third I1"0 ?relghti ? ? o*v? -.'...... .-.. On? mil? and , . ? ?even hui Ilei Th? ?? announce! thai ??? msklnl ur. ?he r-oirr.?inme for it- spring meei ng lh? atakei SO ? SS IO Blve -? . ? ??, run ? II - fir? of Interest Komlnatlohf should h? iddressed 10 ?? ?? M I;.r?re s? ?.';???-. No :???. Fulton-st-. Brool Iv- j; ? ? WINNERS AT OAKLAND San Francisco, Der 00 Th? w? ither wss clear ; toh issi ?? Oakland R imm ? liei .?rt 108 '? "?men .? ?. ; ?.??, ,?.??. ,, ? ,.?, . . . . I ?O b. e? : . . , . (,? , ,,?. , , ? ?.???. .Wiling. 1 - ? a .... IDO ?ed?) 11 ?? ? ?,,,, ,-ardn'eii ios iPIssott), ? '. ? ?.-? *. ?. 2. ?eeond . ? :? ? ira? ? ?, ?.. r . ; " ?? ? ? -.r tv e f..-? ngsi !" Estro IM (1 .? ? ? I I - ? rr.?? ?; . .. ins ?; ?? Uni. _ 1 ? r.. ?. ? ?? :? ? p? ? ina ?:. ? t to ? third Tim? ? ??\ ? ?>? ? is en? ?? ? ? i irsi eau 108 ?? t?? ? ? ?? ? ??*-? ri Ignoti ?'? ? ?'? n I - ? l ? ' ? n TM ???? ? ;? te ? third : ??? 'sellini ? furl ?igi ? Zimur 11 In - - ' '? I 1! . G??*!,? HO ,\ Tui*0? .". . .? -?r nd; Knrr.?en r??? .? |!r.wn.. V? ?? ? nari ? . : ? : rae? faelllng ?????.?? fui ns* Roh?n ??. 107 ??? Itertln), s te l. won; ?'?pu???, ??? iRutten 8 to ? and ? to S - ? '? ? ' toi (N Turnei ? ?, ? . ;. ? T - * l 27 \ ? ?? RESULTS AT NF.W-riRi.F.ANS \?w-Orleans. Dec ?"?'?- 'vVenther elOUdy snd traeu fasi fi'imnisrle?: -? ?, , iMiiini ?? " '? mgS)-CoTlsgtoa. ?? itt ... le i. ?? n nushfleidi '._". rOuit?r?e) la ? l ?.ni 4 lo I, ?eeonrl. Beane? 123 ? ihn?, r.r.l ' Tim? ? I??-. ?d r?.-e n;t ?t?? <.?? half furieri??! Banlsll ? ? ? ?-:-?!:? t ?.. ?, ? ? ?; erne? Bord ios ? ? ?. io ? m.? ? ' . I. second KUarma, M (Odora), ?;.? ? ? ? ?. ?". Tint ? 23'? Third ra.?? ???????? ..ne mile ???1 an eighth) ,Mij?k? M O'Conowl ? l 2. won; Tru? Ughi O? ?? ? 2?'. ??? l ani I? ?? 1 ?er,n?... tt '??.??? t ? ? ,1 Tin * ? i??'. -? - HOW 1.1RS TO GO WEST. Final srranitement?? for the .ir.nual Weetern 'our of the ??reater New-York BOWlOTO were compie-? ?' yeeterday The team, which will report to Man ager Karpf at fhlladelphla next month, is as fed I low?: Char!?? ? Starr. Cap'nlr Fred ?'lino!.. John I Bohl, ? ?em, J. Frelgau. ? Jackson, Philip Wolf. ?v C Le G??. ? Thvn?". A 1'nulson and W. ' Cord?? After playt?st a tare Bays Berk la PbUa ? dc]phl-i the ?-?m will vl?ir WtlkresbSITS, Harri? hurfz. Italtlmoi?. \\a*h:r.i"ton. !??, rinrfleld. Diylon. RSmfltOn, CTnctnnatt, T?!"d??. Irl'.an.ipoll?. l,?w :?i , bur?, I,?xlnrton ?nd i'ovlnptnn. Rv ; Chicago, Detroit, Figlna-v and Ann Arbor, Mie)?, and r? t'irni'ig Fa?', u;opp'nr ot London. Canade! Bnffelo, ? rt<. Rrtrhr-.i?r. .??vrac.is? ?nd Albany HARVARD STILL LEADING. POBITIONfl UNCHANGED IN ??? INTER? COLL03IATE1 ????? TOITRNAMENT. 'lb,? fifth ??.??p.? of ih? Interenllpplale ehSSa ?our nntn?'it na? played III ?bis rlty ? est.r.In?' after noon and evening and aftei ?la houi of c'a? ??>? ? men from Harrard ???) ?ho??? fr?.m CoInmMa won from ?b? ?f.iden?-? fron Tal? ???? Princeton, re , spectleely In conaequenc? of these result?, ri.? iioeittiaii? ef tha unlversttlee for Ihe poeaeeelon of tii? trophy remeln unaltered thst i? ?" ??y. n?r yard leads Columbia, which I? follow?,! by Prince? \ ton. and Ynl? t.ik?? the ln?i plHoe Following nr? ' ??.?? ?.-oie? ..f ?i.?- ?unie? contested yr??. HRST TARLI giFDN ? PAWN "1'I.mv; WHITE. BLACK. '?'? ???". TfM.'U. ??'..aa. ralh, ?\??.?, **?|? >... .iiilil?. 1 ?;?? ? ,?;,?p??,|?. I 1 r ?? '? ??Q4 "? ... li? t ?? ? ?,' G .? ?? g a ? '< ? '??'? ? ??? it ? u ? ???? ? ? < ''? >' ?? a it n < eh ? ? ?? g ;? ?. Kl 1 '?'? l? ?? ? ?. ? h '. i? K n t M q ? B8 ?,? ? ,: g u ?*> ? ?? ? ? a )? Kt ?'? 14 K R I! Il 47 ? K P. 4 P?Kl ? ?r.gn-gi" g us ?? ??.? ????? : IB I'- K Kt 4 ?: g a ??? ? ? ?? ? ?( :. 17 ?! ? ? ?? ?' '?? ? II ? ? ? " ?? ? Kt 4 y?? a Bl ? ici ?; - Kt 4 IB P?Kt? il ? ? .'..' ? KtB ? It ? h ?'? 11 ? R It -g .*.?( ? H .1 I' III 21 Kl g?: ? 11 M .' R I ? -?: I .: !' ? G wil' .*,.- ?' -KtB ? li 4 2.1 ? ? ?' ?? ,?'? 4 G'? i: 2 ? Kl ?'? 24 Kt .g2,B3 Kt - g ?| WK ??.? ? R ?: ? ? .?:? Kt??? 4 ?., i; a M ? ?; : ? ?? r ?'?'. Kt-KtB g?Kt .a ?'?'.. ? R ? Kt ? 27 Kt- BB '.' It?.' MX-Kl P?K T rh SB Kt ;i ???? B a r ?? .? . .? .. ? ? i?. \ Q (?'. i: x p rh Rssign?. .".?. it?Ka r ? ? 4 ? TM ?G G? ???__ QT'FKN ? ???G? ????G?? WHITE. BLACK. , ???G?? ?1 ??'?. Co >k Meyer ? ' ? h M?? ?r Mal fTele) KMumMa). ? p ... ? ?? q 4 20 K r; Q 2 ? Kt 2 I Kl ?.? -' Kl K Bl M .jK'3 r )< ? ;t 1 h ?' i K3 27 Kl K3 R Ktl it Q8 !? QKtl '-'*? P?Q? Vu P M' ?? G t p 20 R s 1 i: ? K? eh .; ?? a P Q K? Q 2 30 ? v C >t I R 7 B K Kt I rr ? : 81 '? R -t ? Q I 8Q?B3 li Kr 82 F?Q Kl 4 B- Q Bl PKI K2 '< Kt i 03 B -Kt 5 R -cech 1?? K K? KtlP ?." ? 34 K 04 ii ?1 ? ' H ?-???tie? Ostie? 38 P R * T? ?> B ? ? ? ? ?? ? p :;??K ???'? ??; s ? 18 K? \ Kl *?i H ? K- ':" B- 'i S R ? P 14 ?.. B ?'? Kt ? P 88 Rit r? x R (A H ? n '. < p ' 80 k- Kr 1 B ?J P S ? v . ' 10 ? x R ? ??P.4 7 > ?., } B??3 41 ? ?? ? ? K? 8 El ? q ?r ? II K?8.1 ? x i 10 K R '. K R -K 48 K?0 4 P- R 4 2t. ;;- B8 i. - ? ? t?. i Kl 3 eh ? K' ?? 21 ? ? : ? ; .'? 4? K K .t G Tt .?? SS R n :? r Q ?: S S? P? R Oeil ? ? ?? P 23 r -h ? i? 1* fien on the ?v-r he Is ?< ti,?, wleketa, ?nd tro-f.? mos ?p???'??' Laal season be waa well td ?n ?h.? s verri tre? of his club M'h * record of inInga, while ?he year before h? the 1 "Ing ist with ar? ? ????. ?f ,?. \iii probabl) Join the Wanderers'Club, of ?. there are a 1 pr? seni manj Soot : ? ? ? ? ROM I fl DES l\ MISSOURI. ?,-.-- \,y vrir.t.t r. ???????? AJfTJ TWO OT*r_RI M iv DIC ? ? . r . '.? . telegram tn ' The Poot-Dle .?.i. Weal Main-. ??>. saya lhai tt w.-,? ??finitely learned to-day that tare men were vi!!?d uni two oih'rs probabl) fatally lnjur?td at Am? :, . .7,11 k Cou tj ? ? '? ' . In th* fight wltb William Barton ;i . Cobh and his son Andrew w?. ; ? l ??? m irr???? him ani o tain t .. reward offer d foi ., nalon on the man In North Miaaourl Barton \,'V7- h itllltles h? o.ice killing young Cobh end ' ? wounding his father The news qui kly II? wii a. n posse *,iii organised, Rh? '?;?? i,un,?, and ?-1.::'"??I for the f.fn?. of the orini?? When nart-.n ? bouse wai iurmund?sd bv the pos???? ilenrx \\ '?ifei who approached a window, ? ??ii ? killed b] Barton, \* tio then cui hi?? '?wo ?:,r ss taken to Oal wvllla, bul ?h.? Is nei known He " ii hav? died from air? wounds or h?? nay bava been lyi hi I this ????? sa reporta from ??r.hrk County ?ay irvrn??? ??x^lie-ner? G'G'??'?.!? ?tier? ,.v,.r the affair. ? lin ?.co) os DECISIOy REVERSED. The Appellate DiMslor. of Ihe Supreme t'oiirt yesterday reversed ? ludgmer.t ? t lbs lower eourt sa trial In ?'.? ra ?? af tho New York Board af Kir? ITndarwritari ?g?!? ?t Wblppla ?? Co., ss rhlef executive officer?, of ti,.? ffew-Tork and Chi ai;.. ;.:??.)? Th? a.-?ion un? brougbi io G? oover ?? ssseeemeni levied by th.? plalntM on the premiums rar?|ved by the New-York nnd ?"hlrago for Ina ira ? e ??????.| In the e|tj of S'?.? - ork during - ???rtstt, peri'.ri Tn? eomplaint was dismissed on ihe ground thai ?he liability of the ???' ndsnts lin?l not I.cen proven ??? Appellate Division hold? ihat the New-York and l.'hl'ago I....;,.!- ?a. :,n unineorporut???! ???ociatioi, com tnoi than leven membera. nnd that ell t?,.? memben v., v.- lolntly ??.?? severally liable for ?? ilion? \ sew trial i? orderen I I', HT III \ RI RIF.D l\ ? ? Oil. III \ f Wllkesbarre, Penn . Dec yi F.lRht nun were hur? led by a cave-In at No. S ?haft of the Lehlgh and Wllkesharre rosi Compsny. si Wanamle. this af? ternoon After t? heroic rescu? five of the men w?r? taken out alive The other three were rescued In a few hours. ? BCIENTISTB' MEETINGS ENT). 1 CLOBIKtl ?'?????? '?F QEOI_OOIBT8, PSTCHOLOGItf ? ??? ?OTHER unniER Th? aelentMc societies which for ?-".r daya bava be??) m?et!nc at Cotanta ? ??*????|? . ?????) ?hoir ves.lon? vesrerdai ?ffert.oi.n. ?? did ft;? Hist? fJcfence '|e?c!ier?' \??nc|;i 11 m. at I ? ???, b? r? <'???1?>|-? ??? Bollette of tb?. sorleilee which adjourned in | Tiiur?dfiv was partially ??? ,n?d for ytt-Bterday by p doubiinn-up .f the Oeologtcal Boclety ?rui !>>? the annual mertinrr ?,f ih? Borlety ??f Colteg? Gymna? ?lum Directors, which held ?*?? a? slons i" lhe Columbia symnaalum. tl will be a Iona lime, in .?il pr '.bui.him befor? so many men of National reputation ?.? ?pedalisi? iti th? rations departmen'e of eHence gather In NIew.Tork ?t one |lmi aa hase gathered fin???? Tueedaj In lhe Columbia buildings ,\ larg? number of th? members el the Boclety tt Naturellste ??.? of th? Plani Morpbok>glsts made ?m excursion yestenlay morning to ih? grounds of th? city's botanical garden ? iw building In nronx Pnrk. ?, id membera of lh< ??forphologl? ?i Pu, let?, rtslted th? Zooloigleal Hardens, In embryo, p-nr bv. Tb??? ?r?r? noi far enough ?ione loward completi .?? ?,. nttrn,? ? laue n ?tei;,Imi, ,?. (uh! ?lio remslndei stayed In town and held ?* seaeion in Behermer nor?, lirtii The Psychological Aeeoclatlon held ir? tieimi eeaolone. ?ini the American Geological s<> clet] ?? or.irr t?. ?. t through i?? long programme, : Itself Ini ? two ciana??, -.?,. dlecuselng ? tro graphical matter? in Ibe temporary 'bai???; and th? other //.mini geology In t!,c geological I? -turo room In fleliermerliorn 11 m 11. .Nearly ihlrty paper? were read at Cue tWO mart? ins? of ti., ?;-..>),,gieal *k>ctety. Two Interesting pnper? w??-?? read bj .? ? Tyrrell, of tii? Canadian Geological Survey, who hae lived in Ottawa, but registered or. tin- society blanks from Daaraon ?'in. Vukoli. ?a?ada. Tbees w?re up,m lb?? m?thode Of minin* in tb? Klondike, and on giada] phenomena In tb? Yukon Terr tori George M. I'aw?on. of th? Canadli'? Grotogl? al Survey, deecrttred Ihe phe nomena connected with ? remarkable landellp on the Riviere Blanche, Quebec, ??rhora who read puper? net?,? Profeaeor Burton Orten, of ?oiumbu.?. obi??. T, ?'. Hopkins I'rofe??or II. Fleidtmr. Held, ?t Johns Hopkins L'nlveralty; ? ?. BmerBon, ,?' aVm herat; J. I". Kemp, of Columbia; !.. ". Piraeon, of. Vale, s.-.i.rj, ? Calvin, "f loara: Btate ?;.gt?_ W. ?). Crosby, of the M ?-?a huaetta Institute ??:' noloty; ?. G. Coleraan, of the Caned Q logical Survey; ?. K. Ollbert, of the I'nlted Btatea oen lo?icai Burrey; Pater McKellar, r. ? Gullhrer, ?:. W. Un h. f. w. Bardasen .-md ??. p. Cuahlng. The seventh annual m?? tlag ?if th? American Paycbological Asso iati..? ,-iosed yeeterdsy afier noon in Bchermerhorn Hall. Ths oflteara elected for tb?? cernina rear were: President, Profeesor ., Dewey, . :' ?h?? l'nl er Itj ??:' Chicago: ??crc t.'ir;. treasurer, Profeeaor Livingston Farrand, ??? Columbia; ? ?und!, Profeeaoi ?. N. Gardiner, >?? Smith ?Oil??,., and Profeeaor ? McK. Cattsll, of Columbia: Commute? m Phil?ophlcal Terminology, pr,,,.? ,,r Calteli, Muenaterberg. Crclghton, Royce, Baldwin an ? lanford. Paper? were rea! .birlnpr. th? day's ???Sion* by J 11. Lough, of il.o Sta??? Vormal College of Wie? ? ? /.ansili Dr. . wi)ii?im rtaiio.-K. at n?lw?ai_i ?"??orge. F. Atkinson of Cornell; ?'harlea B. Scott. of the Osw-e^o Normal School; Anna B. Cometock, of Itha a. Ra:?>h ?. Tarr. of Cornell; Richard E Dodge, of toe T?a h?rs' ''.-.liege, ami John D Wll. ?or. of Futnam School. Byra uae, asked m Rs re? port a discussion and approval Of proposition? ad vocatlng a continuous course of nal ire atud) In tho elementary Frh'">">is ot an Indlapenaable element In ed icatlon, the teaching of aclencaa in the secondary schools by a method combining oral Instruction, text-book ?uiii study ani laboratory work and ?ho ??captane? of science is preparation for collage, provided tbat the aobjejt offered hai bean pursued for not ]e?s than one fOAT. five hours ? week, bv ty'j method, s"d provided that tb? o-jfrinal records of Individuel laboratory work b? submitted for In? spection end that ill tasta of the quality of the ?vork aliali r"' be lees severe ti'in tho?nt, of I th? Reg.? ' '?" ?'? ?or Edward j s ? il. . , ? i???-?? ? ? ? ? B snd Fred? , . / Lewi? if 'h? C'anandalgui High fi I >ol ? llowi d?.? ? ? ral by ih? - port of th? Committee of -a.n of tho detailed ree? ? ommei I l rent branches of r-lenee ???..< oi ry schools, it was adopted hi ?.,: ,. wen ? eommli lee contli j work upon 11 The following otti? er? ware alaciad foi the coming end the associai p rned to moot in ? ft icuie next December; President, Profe??r>r I^eroy C Cooley Vaisar; vice-president, Albert l Orey, of Rochester Free Academy; secretary? tr uurer, '.:.?? 1. Peabo?!? ' ? ? Mixed High fj-rioo? yew-York council ;l*l ' ! ?'? lohn '-" W.I ?. h College till 1903, Charlea ? i'obb. Regento' onice, Albany F W Mame-, Buffalo, ml t H l Ornato k ' ' ?? ?he Invitation of ?he irul>r? of ?u,? ?t??-ein Museum of Natural History, the nisociatlon last sveni g sttended o lecture hv Frank M Chapman on "Tn* Educational Value of Bird Study." Illiis? trated ^?l?Vi ? ?ereoprtron VteWS 1*) ihe Mm:? im - ? . PLTMOVTB CHTRCH'B WTALTT. j;,r nKV W ABBOTT SPEAKS ^r HTP RESIGNATION AT * LECTTTBI ROOM MFFTINO y|U T??? Dr t.vman Abbott, whose r?rl(rnat|on ?rom ?h? pastorate of Plymouth Church. Hrooklyn, he? rauseri ?o much grief and ?ome conaternatlon among th? member! of the church, ^poke of hti dorislon end of the futur? of the ? hur? h for the flr?t tlm? Sim??? tha presentation or hi? re.?i*natlon .,? a Tieetirg held after th?? prayer-meeting in tha leeture*roofn of the church laal nlghi tivwin j Me?ero|e and other?- made speeches, in whkh they ?..k? of the Inspirati! l ?? ? ad reoslvad from G .r v .botr and predicted I brilliant futur? for the . ?. ireh. Dr Abbott tr??*:? Of 'lie loyalty of th? chun h to Henri ?Tard Rf her, x;id ?.f the i.-.vai wav in which he hlmi id been supported in ail hla work, and expressed 'he belief that they would ihoa ??- earn? ?pi H ' loyalty toward hi? suc. : , , noy He ?-aid In part: ?m* Shearman toi.i ns rn* other d?\ that be knew \ou ware ????,?: t.. bave ? ????.,? preaeh?r although bo did t ol kno?? who h? would b? Well, 1 do not know arbetber you are going to have a Krent preacher or no*, though ? think 1? likely; but I am ?uro that the prrarher Is going to havo a great ohur'h And after all. th? church Is more than any member of the church, and In some true ?-en?? it Is more than all the members rTtffihtneS. "The futur.? we mak. for ours? ive.? Your char art?r ?'.??t.-rmln?'?? your destin?, ar.d tne character of ?he church d. termine* the future of the church; end 'hai character is loyalty to liber;?, t?? love, to ? 'hrir-t ?nd IO His ????? 1 " An Incident to hhow how the members of 111? chureb are wrapped up in the pr?-aeher occurred when onr of the wotm-n ar .ce and took vigorous exception to whit she supposed was m disparage? ment l? Dr. Abbott of hi* pwn a Ulli?.. She suld, wir h some emotion ??I know no preacher In Amen?,, the equal of Dr. Abbott, and I think 1? s shame that be should be allowed t.? Stand here and any that h?? l?n'i sl? '?li'-rit. Pr Abbott ?nail not be gllowed to leave. thl? room without one volee bring- uplifted to say that !??? Is one of the gresteel bf orator? Nobodi could have llsiened to his sermons without being thl I.le.I and moved t" the hlshe.-.) .birre.? and no sod) but an orator could do that." A hunt of applause follow.?,! this spontaneous tribute and protesi Ur Abbott untied plsesantlj ? and eald. "A? this Is not a RUOlneef me..Hr.g. 1 ?hall have to ml? those remarks out of order." ?Ul pro It wai stated that the work of looking for a iltabie successor to Dr Abbott will he vigorously osecuted after January 1. t '????'??"> "Slick and Span." Patent I ?ather Shoe? are a neret?.iry pjrt ?f every msr.'s wardrobe It i< the correct ?hoe lor rer-pfien ?nd evenifie weir Men's Patent Leather Shoes, ???t?T In Rutlon, lace end W\$* I < Rutlon. I.ace Congres?, Per Pai $5.00 Newest Shapes. A ?rrflmg diff'-eru-e m the sil!? oft'?? ?hoe r'nd?:?. the pjtrr.t leather the corre.t in I dressy shoe for ? .-??? day street um It save?, ii,.? tinic ?nd annoyance ?nd expense ot biack:ng ,?n,! .ilw.iv- loor.s 'slick snd : m Open Saturday Evening Until 10 o'clock. ALFRED J. CAMMEYER, 6th Ave., Cor. 20th St. COFFEE REPLACING TEA. WHAT TREASURT STATISTI'"?" OP IM? PORTATIONS SHOW correa sccc>3_sfl*i>_y ogowN irt alt. oi mia ?t?p- s NRfv **?oaa?_*stONa [r.T rSLSOBAFfl '?'? ''"" TRiursi:.; Washington. Da ? More coffee and leas tea, or a f: iti >:i Of coffee for tea. Beem? ??? rule w.?;; ibe Amerlcsn ???-.;?!? just now. The fig iires o? the Treasury Bureau of itatlstlcs Bhow rhat the coffee importation of tb.? laat year h?? been the heavleet in t:?.? history of th? country, and tea importation the lightest ir. many years The Importi tlon of coffee In lhe calendar year '"?" araa over ?F,????? potm?!?, and the figures for UN will ba about ihe ?amo aa tho?? of l*?f>7 T-? ro farli, r ye.ir were the Importation? ever .1? high ,)? '.? I O.0M ?munds. Thl? I? a larg-er amount of eoffae for eacii Individual than wee aver before consumed in the country, the p?r cepita coiir-?imptlori 'cine? about eleven pounds annually, v. "n : ? ?^ no earlier year shonei" a par capita consumption ot ?? much .-?? ten pounds. Reduced to ton.?, the totel for rha year ?s'iS would be ktt.000 ton?, requiring for 11? transpor? t.atton 17.000 cars, which, if Krnuped In .? ?,??!? train, would reach nearly from New-Tori*, to B-.;n more The United Itatee Is by far the large?? .-of. fee-consuming country in the world, consumption h?re b?lrsr nearly double that of Europe, 'he ?fnlted ?tatas t a k?.? ?? praoUeally half of the coffee pro? duced In ?ho world. In only 'wo countries"?Hol? land and Denn*ark?IS th? p?r capita convimption Urg?r -ban In th? rr.lt??! Siate?,, Car of Holland being twenty-three pounds, per capita, and of Den? mark rlft.fen pound?, again?! eievfn pound? per caplt.i lu the '."nlted P;at??-, fl-.-? and a quarter pounda in Germany, three and a oi.art?r In Fran??, and I??.? than one pound per capita In ?Ceni ???? Ain These fic-ir?! ire especially interesting, m rissa? of the faci thai ? ???(?. ??!, bs. successfully grown In all ? of ?.? Islanda which are just coming Into cloaer re ; latlor.s with th* I"nlt?M ?tste? Ft ?? now th? large?? artici? or e?v??< from rcrto Hlco. and the production there csn h* greatly increased. '. line? a lare?? proportion of the island is capable Of . producing coffee, *? blch grows most suce see fully on th? highlands and mountain aidea In parta of Cuba condlttona are similar, and at one time the coffee production of tbat island amounted to nearly or.? hundred million pounds annually, though after the Introduction r,f ?he sugar Industry M practice I iv disappeared, sugar-groarlng being more profita? ble in Hawaii coffee Is being successfully grown, nnd the area, ?here ?a? be materially Increased. and the same is true? of the Philippines Ab the principal eoffee-produdng countries of ihe world pia???? an export tax of 121. per cent oa eof? fee leaving their porte, a decided aiv.intage la given to those producing ?olfee in eountrtoa where s por? ? ?? li Impoaed ?;? average of over ???.000.000 1 ; ear ha.? '.een seni out of the LTnlted States for the purcl coffee since 1899, and. while the amount :n the !a;* \er 1- than '.';. average, because of 1 : low pri?. th?; totsl Is auffielen* to Indi? cate that ? marked advantace to ?his country would recul; If thl? sum annually expanded for COf? tld . ?. ; ild to Ita own citisene, either in per son or aa represented by capital invested in this .? tr; ir: thoae newly acquired (elands G? , Importatlona, a> already Indicated, will be unusually light during th? year just etidtne. and the withdrawal of tee from warehouse foe sctual be very much le^s than the actual ? rione The total Importations of -ea fe tl calendar year wiil be about ?,???,???? poundi In pan ?? ? they have ranged up? ird of M.?VN - 194 ot the fiscal year 1807 being ??,???,??? pounds. Th?* reduction In the consumption of tea bj rea itltutlon ot ?'.?.ff??? li apparent In m marked degree In the receipt! from th? torn? duty on f?_ impoard by the recent war reve nue .?? ? Estimating on the importations of recent years, it wai reasonable to presume that the uni? form 'an of ia een ta ? pound would result in a I ue of nearly ???.???.?*?'!. Thl? expectation, hew. ??ver. , .--? resllsed. The tea withdrawn from warehouse for consumption in th* full five monti ? of ,iu,v Aug" rt, September, October end November. Ir w ni? h ?. ?- a??' has been !n op*ratl?.p amounted to only 13.99O.0tt) pounds, and 'he revenue from tei in thai time wns consequently onl?. ? little ? ???? n.SeO.OOfl On? curious fact which develops in conjunction with the imposition of a duty of 10 cents a pound 1 Is 1 ? red ictlon In Import prices which has (lately followed A re?*ent letter from s lead? ing ter le&ler In >few-York, discussing this sub? isci ?? tei that Import prices are now from 20 to | 10 p^r -?., ],.ys than last season, while another equal'v prominent dealer of -hat elty states that the average price In Chino haa declined .1 rents ? pound from last season ? 1 ? - BROOKLYN SEWS 1\ BRIEF. Rlchsrd Rendieli the law firm of ; Spencer Court. He iras formerly a jeweller ,. \-,. Mfi ||] rle-ave. |{le conditi?) Ute last r.lgh? ?.?.,* more SSflOOS than at any time sir.??* h? entered 'he I hospital, ft Is bettered tha? he |? suffering from j ? fractured skull G?G? BROTHERS DROWSED. OJfg BROK? THHOCOH T1IK Rfl AND THK OTHER TtXXWD Tu PAVB ihm Mlddletown, Conn., Doc. M ? -Frank, ahtteen reara old. and Joseph, fwehe. BOOS of Frank Blejalngton. of Kock Fall?, were drowned In the pond buk of the Ro,-k Falls woollen mill tonight. They went on the ice to skate, end Joseph broke through. In trying 10 save him Frank, ah" could swig?? wns carried under the lee. Going;? Christmas Decorations ? LL Christmas decorations have disappeared save I only the Tableau, C/ihxtmas in ' i ?iureft and Home. The chimes '< will play their last to-day, and 1 soon as the closing gong rings this evening the work of de? struction will begin. Before you again visit the store the I scene that has delighted so many hundreds of thousands will be only a memory. It ?will, however, be quickly replaced by another graphic subject appropriate to an? other chapter in our store historv as it will open at the beginning of the next week. With the exit of the holidays we oesire to cxprens our thanks to the vast numbers of people that have appreciated our store and its service by ?giving us a business that we bel'eve is without equal or approach for magnitude in the history of New York retail? ing. Over thirty-five thousand distinct de? liveries were made in a single day, many of them involving great bulk and numerous items. Our store system stood the strain finely. Of course it is human to er, aad some mistakes were made, but the number was reduced to a minimum, and corrections* promptly followed. Intelligent self-interest demands that th?. great business of 1898 shall be an inspiration for 1899. We have ideals for large retailing that will soon find expression. ??. ?\??? If the maker could have ror Men? . , , . Rath Wri-m?- ROt them here be?ore ?9 7- Christmas, you would have **?'?> had to pay $4 each for these. And gladly, too. .A.s there was some trouble with the deliveries, the goods are only just here, and we'll gild the bargain by making the price $2.75 each. Men? rin Ishlruj -? r? ' ? ? itra?i f-.- u^? Two sorts of shoes for after ror Men ... -G__ New Year B00D aSSu>g' Both "i c . patent ?father, of course. footwear One sort costs $3.90 and the other $5 a pr?ir. Both are extra good values, and selling in competition with goods at higher figures. They are handsome, stylish, ?"upright shoes ; laced or buttunca or Congtr-ss. in very light or very heavy v-eie-hr??, as well as the happy medium. ?r,-,..??- ? verni* ?-' *'?'?"? ?"??*? ?. , ? new style, and one tha. Men s has alrpady found much Overcoats Iavor) js ?_??. "longer" over i coat;?44 inches from collar to hem. A warm, stylish coat for which we're asking $22.50. Of all-wool Oxford mixed cheviot, ? satin lined. Try to get one like it from : vour exclusive tailor for less than $40. A?$16 50--Black ar.-! blue Kersey overcoats; some satin lined; n'hers wool lin?*d. with satin shoulders. The kinds that have h?en f*>_0 ami $22.50. The siics on the Mae anil h!a-k Kersey overcoits st $13.50- fron $18 -are complete again. Don't fail to see them. Prince Albert ?**, ?b'<, ? . j %/ ? me thing. It s Coats and Vests ??? ???? ?. _, _ ._. not op.iv the The Trousers, Too most dressv but the most serviceable fabric. You may pay your exclusive tailor $45- or rome here and ? obtain equal quality for $25. For that sum we're oflEering a cost ind ve;'ci splendid Mad" ThQwt; "flic lined throughout; ?doi:;>-br-au*ed vesti with s.ik backs. At 'her qaality, [taliaa cloth lined, for only $20. At $5 .lome 6ne worsted trousers, ifl <*y!i?h d*S_a ble patterns; gond value at $7 Fincv don.-.?e-brea?:???! r/eetS, it $5 and $6. Boot I ? ? ? ... , . . We do not need to Velour Jackets . . mMm ? , ? ? ? remine: you ot their ann tapes pr escnt popularity, nor of their beauty and richness. We will remind you only that we are selling some of the best and handsomest we have ever seen, at ?half and less their proper prices. They are beautiful garments, mostly of French make, trimmed with all the elegance that cut jet and silk braid and fur can give them. The fair prices now,?to say noth? ing of a week or so ago,?are $70 to $125. You may choose here from about four hundred at $40, $45 and $50. ?. . The Lillian is the best . Ab?.ut , corset of which ? L.lhan Corsets Mve knowledge. That is why we secured control of it. Many models in various materials. These are in particularly good favor : At $2 Ol tine coutil; sateen strips; medium waist; trimmed with embroidered ed_e. At $;*. 50 -Of eoi??;!; bias ?cat; fatui bust and hifSl .? ta ind drab. Same in black asteea, al $4. Al $4 Etera] teaa?sboa)a? leog v.a:?,t, ?se*?aa l?"**" bus?; made on the bias; ??G-? h:?s snd b?ist| equal to many tia: sell at $6 to $6.75. At $5.50 Ot coutil; real whalebone; bi? eat! trimmed t?,p end bottom with lice ?nd rbfweej same in black siteen, $6.50. Bs??nd Beer, T?nth ?treet. JOHN WANAMAKER Formerly A. T. Stewart A Co . Hroadwav, 4th ave., 9th and 10th sts. **_*_?_?_-:--?-- ?. - .-=*-? ?xd'vti. \?\\?6 ?emaxvd \hr svace Vt\ XK? S*_w?_a*a ^y\_utv6. -?_\??*?\?t_ odvW toTv^er a _Tca\ -ja?0T b_ sewdvw^ Vm Wvevr cop_ a\ \\ve eailvt&'t xx\omew\. -Unction Salce. GREAT BOOK AUCTION OF __ m P. F. f ??t.LIER S _irii?_r?i Bloc* WlU b? h?l4 ?t? 9* w? l*?lh St.. 7..M).