HIST?RICA G. COXYFNTTOX. G?????? T?KAP ANO BUSINESS DONI AT TfSE nfw-????? MESTINO. firwriOMi inciucri to bxtaxsiom oomsumshiei) - n-rii-*Rs ron tuf ????ta t?a?*. Nsw-HsTsn, ? onn., ?"? *? sing day's see tier of the fount ??oathannualsenventionof the Amer? itan Hletorlc.il Assselatlon ! | ? thla morning aritli pap? -s and d'srusslon on "Cnionini History tirai G?'.'.?? " Probably ;?-o meet Important psper - - -ed rln-lnc the sessions ot the aasoelstion ires that r? ? ? by Justice Simeon E BsMerln, of S?? Hn\er. on "Tbe Constitutions! Questions :? lo the Acquisition n-d aoverntmeai of island -, ? lory ?? Proreesoi P? iwin . ,?ed n? or?? <%' th? Brat dim ? wh: m trevi?. p?;?? from the acqulaltlon of the PhHIpplnea the Queatton of th?? rieht of auf ?-*t? He y \s to the chUifen horn in former Bpsalsh terrl? fter the rstlfl tion of the treaty now pend? lag '.f it sbouU be rat.rie i, they will ai", be ell - ??-? of the United Pt.-vi???!. end. under the XVtl ASMnianent entitled t? the rith' of enffraee " He added: "Fiinh'rmnrr?. ihe provisions of th? i?? article of rh?? Constitution thst sll duties. 'r *?? Snd ??M.-lora shell be uniform threughont tw? T*r:t??r'. fj?,ve? wit] e)?? prore on obstacle ? j any open-door policy if our protective ayate? is to r- aastntsln? He he'd that no ronstitutlonsl authority could be found for the Irsnafer el th? Philippine? tr? the Ffl|| ? Touching Cuba, he ssi ' a* to ""ahn Bpstn *?p>? .-.? non-aelf-sggra. Should We r-ryp (? ? ,.,,., ?f |W M|f.kt?|Hty to govern, i-in be kep* ?? ? ? ; -? r th? United fStBt"? ?!, r? ? ? by Pr Herb?p Friedens rfntendent f the ?ci T.,e Nominatine, ? tt? to the ton Ti : . D ?:.?? follo? .: . the er.:- ting y? ent. James F. Ri od ? Basto;-., flrai rArd Egg>? New-Tork; second ?es roll Tyler, c'. Corne:: : secreta n \ : ? assistant ? ? ? ? ?. Howard < :arK. of the Smlt) treasurer, Clarence ? ? ? New-Tork secreter; Church History Sect ??..,?,?? ?, Macauley Jackson of New-Tork .? \? IPi s st-r H. Mori Rt? I fesaor Wls Profei Albert Bushneil Hnrt. of Harvard ? W Pullei -' Wai ilngton. Profeasor George Burton Adame, of Tal? Professo! A n. of the Vnlveralt* ' ' nominations were nanln ? ? y th? r?.n v< : lion It wss then' vot? ... ? ing of th? aasoelstion in ng ? ? ? ommlttee on Hlstoi " - ? ? ? ? ? rcelved nr.f hu of letters of J ? then The remmitte? o? r.n tri? revision ol . . . .. . ... . . ... _ ? ?. to petition Congreaa tc ? I - ? I: ? ? Professors Turnei - '.? rews, Cheney and Welle were a; point? ? f the swsrd f the Justin vVIt sor ; ".?..? f n ? - w be a wai ? ? the membei ? ?nt? est historical essay I ?? fore nest xt n A ot mmlttei ? ly ot cole ? pendencies wss ir?t nred con eist 1rs ? ? pnyrn* vTestTn Reserv? Stevens, .'? Wrong Toronto, and Ttc*'t'. k wir.iami v' AMZKICAU ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. Kam Xtonom. Osmi., De? ? ? Pro*nt of th?. Ameri? can Phonemic Assocletlon, to-day snnouStS? *h? r.'x' snnusl meet ?; f tha aipo.-iailcn wi',1 he held ai Cornell Cnlverslty. Ithscs. X T., durlna ?h?? ??'k after .hrtstmai 1IM Cornell. thro\i?th Becretary WHcox, of the association, exr?rd???> of Montana ear*:? has sversged I per cant higher then in any ?n pretlously la the history of the Btate, ac? cording to the report of tha Btate Btock C >mmls etor.. Just suhmltt^d to Qorsrnef Smith. Tne num? ber- si.:pi?ed eutsld?? the State '.?. the a? 18SS ??as 17S,t_.. and M.OdO **icre kill'-d for home cor. sumptloa, rr.nkir.p :*ie consuaptlon of Montana esttkl this yesr ??,?? Th?? average price received was Mt a h^a?], a material advance ov?-r issi yesr'l aw-?.?c ;r CC. . ipcMai f??atur??e of rhlvai.ee In sto k cattle ?sa ?" .?:, th? re wne ?G.:>? .?.r. ? -? ? li beef csttle The big sdvance j;? t.?? k ? ?. ? - was ?lue t< th? .lemarid for i?-??dprs in.it d? ?arly in the season. Owing to t ? ? if rouse atock. fewi-r catti? were brought !?.? ? ?.?.?? ftate In the Issi aesaon thai evei - . ? ?tot ?? mmii ?? ? thai ?? jt 11 '-?? rattle wer? shipped lr.to the S'at?? ln the ycaj ofl ' 71 per cer.\. as compared with lmport-tiin? : ? ?vVh.i.? the ehlpmer.tF of cattle fell BhOTI rear, the Board am l I rtage nest : "nr w... be ? :? ? ' ' ? inced Th? shipment? mai? vare grsster I from the 1 ? ..? f large cattle outfits went out of buat r.i^.o, ci?ar,:r.c out their rang? atock coi Por thi ? :? - ? ihipmenta wer? heavier then they ?.. I hav? ? ? :. ..r : ? . ? urs] ? ?nditlons STOLE FROM A BROADWAY JEWELLER. Central OfflT Detective Qsrgsn arraigned in th? ? ?. ; lay Trionr.as J. Ma? ? aa I rank Thomas, a Ork employed by ."er.k:.-.s & IfattSOS Jewellers, st No. I.SOT Broad? way, on a i-iia't,-? of rr?.:.l Isreeny. It was ?did ?:._?!?? prlsonei bad beei ateallng for two year?. ?.-.?' wh*n confronted with proofa In the ? the police he confessed uaglsti ? ned him ir. 12.000 bal for e* a:: ? a? thl firm would aay for ? ? ? ?as ?hKt Msloney IihiI bSSS in their emp.oy ' ? tes ??'?arii. fOUQBT PENSION IN BROTHER'S NAME. -:and. ore , Dee. M Hiss LuttreU. seed sixty, ef Wallowa ?'ounty. ?Ore., hsa bf-fn arraigned ir. ? ?. ??.?.?.. .-??.?,.,, ?-?re?:!; Court on a chsrge of _???.>? endeavoring to ob'alr. a pension, and .:: in defsull of 18.000 be I. H? :, to ths United States Commie i'r.er or J'eneion? ur.df-r th?? r -?rre r,r Jor.n Lnttre,:. sho wa> first sergesni in the BSd Indiana Regiment .. v. r ? ?? ? i.? lion Luti r?ll d ?? not st t to ?Jerv ble ? but st '? :ha: in th? war hu brothel erai t Ount? wn, t?- d he v.tr.? to nurse Mm Whil? ao engage?: a revolver ?3 ed. ti rlni bla eveaight. In view of thla Luttrell at? ?- that he ?loei, not be l wrong In applying for a : ? - - In his de_d t.roii.er ? r.iimc. A STI A l CIANCE 1.1A 0 ' f 0EQA NIEE S. ? permanent organization of tl.?? United States ndent Lesgu? sosaettsaes known a? tbe -AMtaa-M Lesgue, was perfected al Hudaon ?. : ,? ii end Eight i-av? . lasl evening, About twa ?reeka sge a number of dti ?i - ?? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? I ' . -? .. th?? oijjec: and purpose of ???. be opposition t ? ? ? incee with ? ? ? evenlni ? ' ? ?'? '?''?? 'r" w< ?" President ? . ' ?? r, M Van Hoe sen; ?. Ir-e-, residenti i ?: Th? mm Addle I Tbeobold \>? '? '? Msswell ! itrl ?? ford Sl Patrick Egar.; eecreury, ? A Moynshsn; tr?eae urer. P. Oallaghei An eaeeutlve committee of tn%nty-Sve mtml?era waa _;.jOir,ted to draft a constitution. FEDERATION 01 QRADUATE CLOEE. '?rambnuge, Ma?a . De? Sh?The Fed-r.ation of Graduate Chiba held Ita elOSlaS ??'s':"n Ihla fore? noon ?n Harvard Hall Prssldsnl Raymond M? Dor.ald Alden wa? in the rhalr. Tne first ;;.??r read was rv Mire j;mi)v Fog*, of Hr\n ilawr. on "The lUiatlo:: cf graduate and I r.dcrgradua:. < ??,G????? " A dlac isi on led by I"?' ' 1' l?Urhsm, of ?! Igen, follow^. Wendell M Hlroi.g oi rtad a paper m r?pl>- ? ? Hon. ' What ? an tne FederstU ? D t? the Int?r?t - the Loral Clubs'?" Up hupi.?t:ed the Importance 'f eorrespoodenee si ? bringing the different clubs together '?'?.. discussion on this paper wss led by W ?' ?? em P? serve Ofrieem u-i-r?? < eoted as folk ws Pr??eiden1 Wendell Id Strong 1 enti Mie rn ? Fogg, Brm Mini. Allen Ii Wtliel Co imble and B. j/earred. Harvard recording ?act isry. ? art Oaiii? Cornell; oorrtspondirc aecretary, aa Elisabeth Frf_:ki.?r. University of M trsss? ?rar. William J. Truasdall, Western Bssarva. I STA TEBVILDINGR COMPLETED HOSPITAL COTTAGES AT KINOfl TARK. LONO ISLAX*"?. READY FOR UtB. ?.?t?t???" Ajrrei *MNw. Weir and Jsecarl were deputed ko th? necessary arrangements Th? mon?: sry for ih? purchase wa? easily obtained laSS! March Mr nohlnsc.n'i? picture? wer? ?o?d at ?h?? room? of ?h? Amer -an Art Association. And ..< wi? appoln*?d to choose or.? of the ? ? ntlngfl for pro.i-r.'atlon tr th? Museum 1? BB? looted hy serrement, before rh? ?al?, a ?mall can msasurlng about i^? hy W inch?? It sraa a ? en? and th? choice wae thoroughly ?p provt-ad by tr.? -. ?? ,,f tho?? ?cho had arranged th* hese In th? rr.oan rim? the Art Commltte? Of th? Museum hid h??r, appronch?d and one m?m ber et th? commi"?? liad ?all that h? wl'l ?rilling ? abide by Mr r.a Far-re's cuoi,-?. After th? ae lectlon '-..-.? been mad? th? plctur? was ?Tit to th? "' IS? ?,. and Mr B*?c_Wltll wrote to th? commi! ??K're Iff: acceptance Of th? work as n pttf! ewer va? received, and a? a matter of fa???, no written reply has B? ?rei been ??nt !,y the oom mittee, bur a short tirr.?? aj?o one of th? connected with th? presentation w?rr> fold orali? ? ? majority of the committee had d?cid?d to ? ? ? Icture. Th?? ??; Committee eoneleta ol Honrj ' Marquend, prealdenl of the Moeeum; Bai lei F. Aver; . : : ? I Hui?into! It is un that Messn Marquend and H n ng! ? wer?? ??????- to th? BcceptsncB of ih? picture, ? ?.? fsult wai foun ! about the q al? Ity of th??? w ? ? waa ? ?1 ? neldered of ???fflcent Importan re for exhibition on tn? walls of the M ?uei One of th* arti??? wh?? ?rr?nr?i! the p.trchss* of tn? plcruro lo'.u a Tribuno reporter yesterday that ho hoped that 'he eommifee had nor com? to a final decision, end "hat the publicity now given t? the matto- srouM induce it to recon?lder its action BOSTON'S Pit! RAILROAD STATION. IT ?""?"??.*? PVTPI<""AT""*"*? ?G????????? -ITI ni ANT? acrx)MMOPA*nosfE Boston, ?1?? M -The new terminal station for the railroads entering Rosten on the south, hy far the ' itatlon In the world, wae de-dl -.,?.','. this afternoon in the r,-?s?r,ce of a larg? number of persons, by Mayo?? Quiney ar.d President Clark of the Consolidateti Road. Th? ?'a.?on. on which work hae been going on for two year?, is not r ; :? li is sufficiently advanced to accommoda?e psssengeri and trains President ?"lark presided a", the ? xorc:,??s In cor. :. w!:h th? The proeramtne wa? carried out In th? irreat .lalrtnK-room, and in? cluded an ad iress by Presiden! ^lark. in whl^h ho brief blstorj ol th? inception and work of building the etatlon and a ?p??ch hv Mayor Qulr.ey In which he exproeeed pride end gratlfleatlan nt cesi "' the gres! in ? The Btation cover? about thirteen acraa 1' l? TB ???. feel wide The mala building la of Btonj i"*r?ek crani'? nnd dark '? ? mofle,! brick. Il fa"?? ?'? ?quale '. rm?-: Dtersec lion of re ?? re .-.?.?, si Itlsn! :-ave, : ? the end of ?? ;? ra ?' ai I al ' ? teraec .?? Bummer ?et. ani Atlantlc-av? o main ? nee and centrsl srehlt? tt ire fee e of Ii is rive norie? in hetgbt and :? sur? mount?***] hy an Illuminati I ?ek I ": eagle with ouiBiretchM wings Th?? train-shed l? ?'"2 feel long :. 570 feel ? ? ? :? BXlnvum h":s!it l? ::2 feel Ite r? ' I f steel -?,? ereat ?pan? niddle on? 22S f?sl and eacta of ? .* ?Id? . p? f?C! Thirty-two -.recks ente- the ?tatior.. '.v.-: * ?-ii-:nt being on the main floor level and four In I Bubwa- thorough which It is :nt?t.d??: to handle ai; suburban trarh ? __<___, ._ , , Th? aggregati length of 'reck? If the terminal , ..r; ?.;;'?. ? and ""? ? ? lall* can '??? 1 i-andled over ." In " ? yard sr? :.? ??ma;.hore ?u. nais and 200 slgni ?. Th? ? ? rtanrred - ? -,? ?h? local, through and U , diatanca trafS-? ? . lied sepsi tel* Th? station originali) was ?atlmated to coat } .,,.:,. I ?;? |t |a ? lOUgh! Bl p ? h >,? y. OO.OX) more ??ti .-,? requin ? before it is completed Th- share lb?! Boeton ha? a??umed in ine ento-pri.??- for ?treet-wldenlng and other arc.->mmodat,ons m 11 be nearlj 1600 r the preseni only the Plymouth si l Mirjlai d divi traini of tii? New-York. New ;;, , ar : Hartford Road will ns? It ? will ba : nth? bef re the Boston and Alban] ai l the P-oviden?? ?"rvlelon of the New-V-ork. ?|??? Hnven and Hartford can "he brought to the ter? minal The roids rn-erlnp the ?rati-.n a? present wl'l al?o une 'he Old Colony drawl.ri.lse until each time a? th? new Fort Point Channel drawbrl.It-e II , :;.; leted. This will require from three tn elx Th?? five tru?:??? who have had supervi?^, of th? ? work of construction, under 'he a?t of th? lappi?.. laiuro Incorporating th? company, ?re Samuel H ar repreeenting th? Porr?n ar.d Albany; Royal ' Tafi th? Hu?ton and Providence; Charlee I. Levering the Old Colony: Francis L. HI?-ir.;n?or., thi N'tw-Enfland, and charlar? ?, ?"lark, the Net? York. New-Haven and Hartford. CAN'T COLLECT HER ALIMONY. MR? PPAfT*? 50G?? DAEOTA AWARD ?"?F |2.*,.r?Yl IXVAl-o' IN MaUMAiTHVaETTS ??????. T). The United States Circuit Court ,.* ??; ? ' lad down ? decision to-day In the Of ? '".-"..? Bel Ing agt. Henry Pfaff. jr.. ?? judgment of the circuit Court which w.,?- for tt,??',.? fendant with cost?. The (',.urt bolda riiat a .leere?? of ? BouUl I?..kola cuurt grant? ? piali tiff, .'? former wife of the ?lefendant. f-j:..???! -i;.in?>ri>- canno! b? enfosced In this Btat? BALE t>F THE I'om.RS COLLECTION. Ti.e American Ari Associ? :'. ?a announces th? ?ale at . . ?:. ?,r, the ereningS of January IS, II and 20 a- Chi kerlnir Hall of ? collection r.f palntlngfl from i tne satate Of lian:??! *?" Power?, of Itcachoster. There I will al?o i,e ?,(Tered a Clo-~h de.?l?;ned by F.'.Rene Oor j nu ?r.d made for A ? Stewart, ?nd marble RatU? ?ry '???? t-arious acuiptor?. The collection compil?es ? | three hundred pictnrea and Ineludea eaampl??s | ?.f K'?.'a Honneur, Boughton, Bougusreau, J a. ; ret a, ? a Brldgmaa, J <"? ?Bniwn, cazin. ?""on ?'ant, Coomans Corot, Courbai Dt (Ugo . c? ?? ? ? r? ?, I'ewev. J Jii[,re V Du P r?. Kr?>mentln. M ?.,?. ?er?m? Hennei P ?)? Hooghe, D. ?????????? ton, Eastman Johnion Jo.jrddn. I. Knaus, Ko B-alskl .'.??.?. Lemalre Leroll? Lorraine. R ?1? ./ .: ksrt, Mauve. M Cord, Meleeonler Meyer von urern??:.. Mirsllss, Francois Mille! Moe? ler ?* ? ??-?? v. j r?* M,.-;,:.?. Peres Perra li Plot. Po?t Rajff?e'i: . Ricci, Rico, ? ...- au Roybet, .?? hr< ? ? .-? Ig . . ?-. .?, ??? ???. Tenter? ?in? yo,.rifer? Trojon \ain M?rcke Verboeckhoven, rt.:>,.- Vernet, VI? 1er?. E *. ".Veek?. "B/lltsms, T. W. IVood, Zam? ;? an. Zicai. 860 Broadway, Union Sq. & I8th St. HFAD0?ARTER5 ????.??*_?**_ Open Fireplace* mantels, p???? ?tua f:ieB?nt Stork. Des! Ser-lee. Maker's Priera MR. CROEEES SEW VENTURE. Hip COMME-G??? WITH THE NORTH AMERICAN MFE INSI'RAM'E ? 'MT'AXT it rrna s surpris* yesterday to many te i*arn thnt Richard ?"roker had stepped t,?Id* from political activity for a tim* and entered into a new Inaur anc? eompsny as sn SCtlva worker It WM report? ed that Mr. CrOkOV had OTgsnlsed the N'ortii Ameri? can Life Insurance ? ompany, for th? purpose of rePevlnp siam* of the old-Una companies of a por? tion of their presta m*. Croker denied thla yester? day. He raid his ir.terest In the rompsny finan? cially was net a tenet one. nnd thst he lent his nume to ths project only when th* organisera sf the company convincili him that it had In It the element nf s?rcese He denied emphatically that th* Gompailf WOUld b? an ftr.n*x of Tammany Hal:. and said h? had taken so little Interest in It that he did not even SnOW Where the ocVee were to he The orcaniz*r of the North American Lit? Inaur? an??? Cotnpsny is Alhert Freeman, director of agen dea of th* Notion,?,! Lif*. of Hartford. Edward F Fhe'ip?. Eastern superintendent of th* ''ovenant Mira'. Ufe, a Western assesfm?nf corporation, with headquarters nt Oatesburg, Ill . la another m*i!i?? man in th* curporatlon. Th? 1'? ari Of Di? rei tors Is t? Include Perry Pe'.mor.t, Mayor J?.flah Quinci- of Boeton, ??: ?' Potter, of Patter Profiler?, real estar?? operstOTB of .his city, Henry J. Braker. also prominent h??;* in th*? real estate market; PPhard Croker Perry B. Heath. First Assistant Postmaster ??????.?1. Theodore IV. Myers, "rena ? of Pawtuckei Henry A. Thoma<. of Po?. ton: !.? ila steri , of no ? wesi Twenty-thlrd-et ; ? M L?evy, Andrew Preedma?, J Montgom? rv ? ?evell ? I? Pearl-st Bei Jamln ? Klrkland of So. SI \*>v-st George I.. Myers, of No. ;?" Broad-ai . and PrneFt de Zeldo. of No. 2S3 vTeei One-hundred-and-thrltys-lxtli ai a meeting I? to ,?e h*ld n^xt Tuesdsy, nt which officer? Will he ele ted ? C. Potter Is Spoker of for the presidency Alhert Freeman will probably b* elected first Vtee-preeldent ara! general manager ? r?re to he taken Ii Broadway, near fhe New Tork I.lfe Pulldlne. and S penerai raisin??? Will h* done . ?.? ? ? CONDUCTOR en AR? ED WITH BOMICIDE. pamemoes on his cAr pir.s after aoccinro HIM ? A?F'"IT PM'.'.p Marx, of ?? BB Bsventh-Sl . died In g.-est pain at his i-ime early yererday mirr.iiii H* 'old Coroner Hsrt o* Tueadsy nlsht In er. an**-morrem ? ?a*?m*nt that h* had h**n beaien or the , ?nd by Qeorge Herbert ? eat oonduetar, *',-n A tlehet punch In a quarr*' on a r"OTty-ae??OOd-ei hor?*c?,r ? December l'? over the ci-.nr.,.-? for a lb-cent pi*?*? Herbert Uvea al ?"? ?? Esst One-hundred-and-sec He w?is c.rrer?'e.i yesterday arni committed by ..'.roner Hart IO th* Tombs on a -har?:? of homteld* ? -? SPACE AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. RT'MHA T'Tr" nN' ? POCNTST cifTPIPS* OF frav~f. that RAI MOKE THAU THS CXTTtTJ BTATE? ?\? th? rar'? Exposition of ifnYi th* Cnlted StStSa ?,.?)? r,? second in elz* und eompl*t*n*s? amor.fr th* , . ? ? ,.~ r..:-K'i]. i,' France." saM Major P,rark?;t. secretary of :he T'nlted Btstes Comntlseton of the Peri? Exposition at th* Nsw-Toft offW?? jrestsr? i',.1V. R ?Bla " he said, "will have a little mor* ?pa?** but th? T'nlted ?????? ?,.?? ? '.urger allotm*n' than either England or Qermeny. However, th* Fren.-h CommlBalone.*? v.-?' try li give equsl favor? tn th* - crem countries, the CMt??d .s?a'?s. England, Russia and Qermany. BO far as th*f>e r-.ati.inr. are ..a erned, the French leti] show no favoritism. Germany is making gt?a' effort? to excel a;i o?h.er nations at too ?-???????, Bid the Fnlted BtAtes will find ?Germany It? ?_??n_?L competitor. Th* Oer? man Government has mad?? '.Iberni and ?r?n*rous appropriations for Ita e.xhlbltf. th? ?mount ap? propriated beine twi-e the mm Which has b*en provided for our Commission. The German? ar* goti S to make e srreat f?irht _t Paris In IMO for the trad? of the world. Japan also ?? ill mak? s fin* display. CommlsSlOner-OenersI P*ck has secured additional spare, amounting tn ?hout d?*? per cent "v?r the orlsrln.'.! sllotmenL Th? space now given this country Is SbOUl 07,000 square feet. As th? ap pllcstlona from Intending exhibitors, even now. n?k for over 700,000 e?juar? feet, of course somebody will be disappointed. "This Is to 1?* an exposition of Belectlos. The -???ice.* for supremacy between r.a'ions ?rill be a trrent one. and Commlealoner-Generel Pec_ win ?;e ??. dlsplsya th ' would b* other than creditable to America. Th? demand for ?pace ir, th? machinery and eiemi-ai departments stona r.ow amounts to mcr MO.OOO aquere feet, ?t, ?ay, S3/00 feet more thar. the entire ?'?otment to this try. "There la m rr,; ?n?ss or Indifference or th* part of rh? people ?>* -his country toward th* IMO ex ????????. dn th? contrary. Americana are enthusi satlc over fhe opportunity they will thus hav? to show the re?? of the world the results of t.heir Yankee brains and their wonderful, energy. As to Vlaltora and tourists to Paris In the aprtng and summer of 1W? from this country, they are roIiir from M lina to Oregon nnd from Vermont to Florid* .??nid?. The ateamshlp? srfll 1>* taxed to their utmoel capacity to carry th? people who wi.i po from lb? T'nlte.l States io tha ?xposltlon Tour? ist companies arc offerir.?: auch Inducement! ? even now. with th? fair filmo??? ? year an?! ?. ' aw.iv, thouasnda are nrranpirir to se? Psrk UNO "As to the aliotmerr* of sr?'? e to ej loi ? be done et the earliest practical moma ? Commlssloner?>Oeaersl Pi -k snd hla direeten lepsrtmenta Th?? Commlasloner-Ocnersl ?? ?? ? : ? plans ar.d organisation as rapid a? e and there frill b? no needleea delaj ir ??? Blgnlng p;.b-e nnd notifying exhibitors 'As to th? rumor? that ?he exposition wou postponed until 1001." Majoi Bracket! said. 'th*re Is no trutii in such rumora. The etrik?? In Parte probably did not seriously affect the work par.?? has enjoyed unusually fine w*ath*r this wir.t*r. so work on the palaces nnd bulldmps ha? progressed steadily. The Fr'neh ?Commission*? bsj mat everything will be In cr.mf,>;r. readineee on the ???'????? day Apri; Vt, 1000 I ?m now |n chare;? | -lie New York oT."*s of ?*? Cnlted S'ates Commis, nan. and will probably remiin h?r? nn'll th* i"'om ?rif-rion proes u Peril " MAYOR NOT OIVINO ADVANCE OPINIONS. BPEC1MCM OP -HF NEW p?tt hat I MANNES T"*>R 1\-FCTC*HE.?TFR riREMF.V Mayor '?n Wyck said yeeterdsy rhat h weald Kl\e no nions ln advance upon sny bill that miirht ba ? iduced in th? I>?irli.:ati;re ? de> sntion of volunteer firemen from th? Westchester district, which had been Incorporated !n the n?w dty, had calied on the Mayor arni asked him to re? the bili giving the firen..-t, tv api*.?? ?> ma In uln their organisation. The Mayor d-cimed ??I cannot expresa optmoni In ...?van.?.?." he ?all. If I ?d 1 s.i go crssy, and I am not *rolr.< criizy to SCCOmmodSte you people." COURT CALENDARS FOR To DAT. iuprei ? irl ^?--"??? Term- Part II?P.efor? Dalr J ? pens nt |0 00 ? p y.x pmrta matter? sun -????? ? in ? lai bars U.: .?.. Am?.-! ? ? r*oUrt ';?? SI i?'..tu a m .S., lay rali-ndar. Will fur trni.at*? A'ig.st? M D. Wrlgbt, at lOjo a. m. ? c;--ial T?rm Before M'-^trthr, J.?Court ppeii? at 10 a. m. Moiwr.s at 10 00 a. m. P.FrPRnrS APPrilNTPD. ?uprem? CSoit, ? ? Daly. J. Ilavnor ast Rerhsr? J, ]?. rrarmon. Rsyee ??t Kir-? Henry a R Mimob. ? Matth, .i MaltlSSd a*rt ("alh-un - ?'??? H P-ran Vogel act Bmlth -Thorns? ? Do?a? ? BtarK eu'-. ?????t [two '???.???.?',??? il Roaraji. 1-:?->?. hg: Cohen?John H Hofan H-ilner a?t. White? ???am g MeCblL K.r.|??>> airi M.-Kahar?v?Charles l?tv>h,j?. ?,-r-- , I Powell irr. ? ?..Run. RK^KIVFRS APPOINTTP. Pufrem? ?curt. Hv Smyth J 'OS!?! AOSMgaaa ?St r.rharl ?".?Ihari?J-*lah H Pe?k. Catharin? He?. ???t af. Ar.r.ie Traman?John J Prern Magia lesa Sedea ?.tt Maria Murray lam?? K??m?y Bi ? bea .' Mattar af ?""larrmnt frur,?? Cemsssy Rsrs ReshaO. Ry S.-ctt. .1 .1 ?. ? G Kar.? ?ToninaBl a?t I?'ri.r.? Sakaria???! ?G??G? M. r ? ?"l.arlea Vrilla? Bgt Ktanl?v A K**]e- - Stan'.?T A V.-. ??? r- Datr, Cheetet ? L_-ren ? ;,f. Uar(ar?t E. Ce??an -Heory ?*_*?^?^^?^^?^>\ (fnrtrpran Hbpertiermente PARIS ?SHOPS. ^r4^rararaferar*r?r*r'r?r*tora^^^^^^emmmeam^ FOR TRUNKS AND BASS See the immonse Choice at LOUIS VUITTON'S Paris 1, Rue Scribe. London 454, Strand, All Sizes All Prices. Nowhere Else. axaaaaaoooaaaaaaoaaoayaoaxxaoaaoayfcs^yb^ ^^??^?????e^???????????????? SPAULDING & CO., tIr.-orpon???.1). lewellcrs and Silversmiths, STATE AND JAITK90N ST8.. CHICAOO 36 AVENUE DE LOPE RA, PARIS FURS P. M. Grunwaldt, Paris. 6, Rue de la Paix. H. P. Truefitt, Ld.. 13-14 OLD BOND-ST.I LONDON, W (Through to Burlington Arcade.) and Hotel Cecil. Hifh-r'iiiK Ualidissslag Bs temale ???-*???. M?nu cure ani Ch.rr.podr by Htm Y..rk operator?. Klr?t ana oniy "AmerKaui Shaving baloona" In _ond.?n WH-KK TO SHOP IS El ????. fi, ??. THR Goldsmiths & Siiversmiths Company, LTD., na, Rroent St.. London. W. Chnke?t Stock In Ihr W?rM At DIAMONDS, PEARLS, RUBIES, SAPPHIRES, EMERALDS, OPALS, Ac, AT ? ? BC H A NTS' PRICrS. The Goldsmiths _ Silversmiths Company, Ltd., Hi. RECiF.NT ST. LONDON. W The Grafton Fur Co., Ltd ART FURRIERS. Tho Leading House for Furs in London. ?64 New Bond St London. WAUKENPHASTSH?ES 60 Haymarket, London, L?ND?K HOTEL VICTORIA, Northumberland Avenue. Most conveniently ami fnshionanly situ arr-fl. Orchestra plays, ?luring LunohPon. G????**t ari Supppr Fino cuisine and it-iiips. Mi-ulornt?? TnrifT. Proprietors, The Gordon Hotels, L'td. WRECKED OS A PARRES ISLET. rvrr.E mf:n t.t^r.v pt*ven pa t.?? on Mr?.*"*ft.? ANT? ?G.?" BED ?i''.'? AV.Al IV AN INDIAN .'AV'.r. Vancouver, t? ?'.. Dee. SO.?Seres days "i en uninhibited ???-?r,?^. erttli r.nthi??*: to eut ?xcept measeis snd aeswsed, nn? th? experience nf three AmTl^ans ash o wer? Mown nut in *??, on ? llttl? Sih(v?-i?r 'wo werk? afro They srere Pr. rhl.?ps. .' New-Tork; Roben ????*!ns. to d?IStb. They ?1? r.alled to Indians on the neighboring Island?, bill without auf. e?s. Final.y an ?nd.an hoy of t.n yinr? approached th- Islnnd ln a nanr>e. He was Ma csn.?. n?*ated. Tn?-, they left r'.rn on th? '?land, and In hi? frail craf: the fam ..?:. ;!::l? mor? than ?k'?l?tnn?. paddl?d l.ni-k to 1 t Slmpaon, II? li.ft for th? trip entirely or. kelp or ????????.! '? their arrival th?y wer?? nearly ? iik. 1 and bed., fro*:Mtten. their shoes being wnrn ? . |r feel by contact with rn-k?. All thre? are ? . a preearlona rendition aV'THKR RICH FIND RF.POnTF.rv It MASTODON ?OSES TO BBLL TO A MUSEUM, lieferte p ?, Dse V-Th? ?t?arr.er T>*nuh?. arrived nn Wednesday nlgbl frotr. A!a?k?n I Inte i.'vili' tl?? ?reamer T. Sraffa writiri broke wr "r. her way to Yi-torla Sh? wan drifting or. darserou? rttfa when the Danube hove In sieht nd too? her In tow. N?*? !? i-'.ven ot a di'h flrd o- Ylcfnrle ?"?ulch. whirl) antera Bonansa <"?i??rr? between No? !*? and II ui.?.??? Miners took out from Jl& to Sia to th* pan T. J. McNnmnrn. who recently returned from Moo*? Hid? Creek. In the Klondike dlatr'ct, telle nf the finding nf rhe rorr.pl?)? skeleton of a mas? todon on hb cl ???? The bonea hsvs been removed wir h (treat .'?re. and an effort wl.'. be mads hy the finder to dispos? of them to th* Srr.l'hsonlan Insti? tution or th?? rtriTt??ii Museum. _t_ ? WHEELING T???? TO AT/APKAN* -vTATFRB. San Frani-ircn. lien 9" The T':.!*ed State? fOtt? I. ??> ? Wbeellne has rome down from M.ire I?iar.d Iri r.ew Tihire paint, and will ??art In a few day? for a two montha' <*rulse la Alaskan waters. TLniRTEES ISS ASF ?\ A DAY. Thlrte?n naSfl ani women werr? nfflclnllj? ndju^ged Insnr.e ye?t?rday hy I>r?. Fltnh and Wlldman. the Insanity expert? at BsOsma Hospital. Ten were sent to the Manhattan State Hospital. The rum ber of pstlenta ?ent to this ln?:itvitlon In one day 1? limited to t-n. and Dr. Rut.orson. ln chars? of the ln?an? ravlH??- ?. j?, ij.-v .... hud to k?*ep the ro nialnlna three of the patients. JUSTICE (HUES READY TO RETIRE. Justin? \v >" Cohan ? w lesvsa the hench. He eat In the equity part nf tn?? Supreme Court?with? out a Jury durlr.? ]S??S. Besides Ilsposing of the oa!! tslsadsrs. drswtng Jurors and naturallilns njti ie:.? he ha? tried and derided over ninety squlty case?, heard arid dispop?.i of about two thousand litigated motions, slfned tiirt?; thousand ord?r? and issue.] alzty-flva warra:.*? or attachment ?nd flfty order? of arrest. ?? w'?ll resume the practice of ;he law alone at No. 22 Wlllism-St. All the rumor? of hla asso^iatinit lilmseif wltb any one are Tlthoal foundation MR. DEPEW AT HIS OFFICE. ?"hsunrey M. Depew wa? In his offln* ?? the Orsnd ?""entrai Station yesterday. He l? utm (,uf. ferine somewhat from luti,lugo, hut It Is not seri? ous enough to keep n'.m In the house He experts to he entirely recovered within a ?h?rt ttme. BUILDING INSPECTORS TR?SSEERRED. John A Doonsr, Beperlntandent of Building? for Manhattan end Th? Bronx, yesterd_y ordered th? following transfer? of holding Inspector?, und r ?anctloti of the B.ard of ? 'ommlsslorert? to tsks effe rt on January i. Josesh J. Kyan, Peter M?? Ei'ov end John IT. U'asner. from Tne Bronx to Hr??rkl>n. John burke. John J Clan.-ey. Michael ? Walsh. Nell P. Dougherty. Fergus MrGarrv John ? Anderson. Vohsey Butan and Hsrrj 8taf f.-r.i tram Mii.inau. U> lire, jk.i a t nropcnn _l?nrrti*eracnte. EUROPEANS AND TRAVEL? LERS will find the London o?-fice of The Tribune, 149 Fleet Street, a convenient place to leave their advertisements and subscriptions for The Tribune. SAVOY HOTEL, London. Hotel de Lair of the World. SAVOY INSTAURANT. Of Gastronomic Faroe, tinder tiio direction of turn famous Maltr? d'hote 1 "Joseph" of tba B_rtaur_nt Marivaux, Paris. Tbe Orchestra*, play? during Dinner and lhe Opera Supper. CLARIDGE'S HOTEL, Brook Street, Grosvenor Square. TiVr>ritre of Fashionahle Lonion. The "Last Word" ?if ???t? Hotel Luxury. Charrriiri-* suits -with privat-? entrane??, bath? room, etc. Ovr ?300 rooms. Nearly 100 bathrooms. A ma?a-nific-?rit Hoyal Suit?. THE WALSINGHAM HOUSE HOTEL AND Restaurant, Piccadilly. Thi? Hotel oecupies Iba most uniqus poulion in London, overiookin? the Green Park. Each suit? of rooms I? orovlded with a Private Bath Rrx>n.. Te'?r j-rams *'_oij-ne,*' London. _ G. GELARDI, Mana*-??r. THE LANGHAM HOTEL, London. OTmrVAI.T-aET) SITUATION IN" I-"OR""*Iaa?J>*_? PlaAC?, AT ?**?? OI?" P.eOF.NT ST W. txntwsi^sT tor tata best ?mors, t?^t???. B*a Every Modern Comfort and Convenient*?. Moderate Tariff. Horrex's New Hotel. LONDON. Corner Norfolk St. and Strand. WITH PERFECTLY AlTOL\T_!? MOl'tRN AR ItANOBMENTB TKROUOHOUT, ELEVATOR. ELBC" TRIC LIGHTS. ETC. LOCATION MOST CENTRAL, NEAR LAW COl"RT_. EMBANKMENT. AND PRIN? CIPAL THFATRFB; IS MIKUTtt? WALK FROM WESTMINFTEK ARBET. ?????G8 AND RAIL COMMUNICATION WITH ALL PARTS ?G laONDON. W. HORREX. Proprietor. Upper Norwoofi, Qu??en's Hotel, ?foor Ot?'?1 P?J??f?. lawndon. H?aJthle?t ?ttuatlae ta Cariar?.. Lcv.lr garden?. BoanJlna urm? from 12.SB p?r J_0_ Lo&?oo. Queen's Hotel, ???!p?,*?_?wnv<*n*. ? I nn? m?rln. ?lew. I"_claa I?l? ot Wight, i/ovely oW *-?nr!?n? Tenni?, ?tc. Ad?? Jo'.n? Roy?! T?rht Club. rr?rju?fit bo?t? to Cow??, R>d? ?rid Routhampf-n. "ROTAL PIER HOTEL'" un?3?r ?lrBcUon Ovpoett? Qu????'? r_)ld?ac??-Oabom?. The Howard Hotel, Norfolk Btr???.. Erab-_kmt-it. L??o_o_. T_t? ummOf er?ctiil Hot?: l? r?pl?te with every molirn comfort. OetT* look? Err,o_iltm?nt ?nd River Elegant tai ?sacto??? rw? Uc room?. Electric :ight tnrougtiout. Anurie?- ?/???ta ?UTTUers. ru?d una, Norfolk Hotel, Brighton, England. Elit? Family Hotel. Overlook? ??m-w?ll promeriafl? ?nd lawn?. Fin? puhllc room? P?r??ct ??rutaUwa ???<1.?_ ?iMtrle light?. Lift. I>?lle_t? euieln?. ?????? wtn??a. Jul?a A. C.-effhion, Mgr. -forcigu Reson?. The International Palace Hotels. Hivit-ru ? uluir.Moine Carl?. ????- UIvW-ju rul.oe. MCI....Franc?. M.? l,ii?-.a p??' ??????, ao'I / 'Ili?? (. I..?l r. I. l'ii lu ce? I._?pt. ??????. S 1 lu La Planar, os l i:\jj ... .Palei aim, i im irmi lt?>) al, AHlJIa.VMa .Belgium. I'avillon ?!?? Ilrllrrne. ???.?.?????* ??ur Farla... .Franc?. Iloti?! ??-1.1.uni??. ????7.?? .Anatri?. Tie ?j?i. Ilotfl International, Hit I Mil M.Ital?. lhe Aveiiiila l'alar?, , USBO*4. .Portuaak 1 be ?lun.mer Coin???, THK? ???? .Turkey. Tl?e l'?r? Pula??*, CO>STA.\TI\l?l'LB.TnrUey. Trrmlnti? Hotel.Bordean?. for infor.x?tl-in. ticket? ro ?II r""!nt? ?nd to r??*rr? eccmmod.tlon epnty Int?tt??tton?! 8. C. Co.'? Officia I* Cock?pur-?t., Lona?-, er ? Pl*c? d? l'Opera. Pari?. European Trains de Luxe FROM LONDON. Katr_ i?gprraaa Parila ?fr ?St. Feiershur-*. Bagad Ine Ebtpraaa -Coire, Zur??"h. _ Lucerne. - ? iirlsti'.fi I^prc-s G?-or, Bayreuth & Carls? bad. Peninsular Express? P.rinrtlsi for Egjpt ?Medirerr-uiran F\pr??ss- Nico. Mont? Cano? etc.? Truste Kxpress- Vienna. Trieste it Egypt. ? -Oonatansa Exprees Conatanxa ?v Constanti nnjilf..--Itnir.?? Kx-.rcss ('eno.*.. Rome k Naples. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING CAR CO., 1? Cockepur St.. tJtmtom, ? Pia,?? tt l'Opera Tari?. HOTEL CONTINENTAL, PARIS. Hotel Chatham, Paris.^^ GRAND HOTEL de l'ATH?N?E, 15 HUB SCRIBE. OPPOSITE THE GRAND OPERA. THE MODERN HOTEL OF PARISI aV ?RMa_X"_?TSR, ldj_e_?r. The Grand Hotel. Brussels. Lucer,ie- Switzerland. GRAM) HOTEL NATIONAL. Fin? Cla?MK. B?p?st Situation On the Lake. Fleet rie Light Throughout. Proprietors, Pfyffer & Cc THE HOTEL CECIL, London. The largeet and most magnificent In Europa, Pe**f<.<"t In every detail. Location iinrlTnlltsd, facing and overlooking the Embankment Gardena and river IMiamea I'nsurpaased t-*u|aine and the beet ?eiertlon of wlnea ?aver oflfered. 700 liedroome and 800 aalona, private dining roome, and public r?-*<^pt-0O rooms. The HOTEL CECIL, Ld. Gibraltar. Hotel Cecil. Manager, 5. M. Casaglia. This axpreaaly canstru??t?.l Fir?t ("".a?!? Contl n?ntal E?ratill?iiment arili be open-rl about the end nf th?? gear, ?when Totirlata and ,nh??rB can rely r>n firit-clars fl?"T,rnm'adatl"n. home like comfort?, ?parlous, luxuriously furnished rooms, perfpr-t sanitation, and unsurpassable cuisine. T'loKrams, "Cecil. Gibraltar." ITALY AND SOUTH OF FRANC!? -??^/???^???? CANNES. HOTEL METROPOLE. ft"autiftil position, ?1m? South. Larga nunilx*r doubl?? nnd sinirlf tv-d-rooma Flo? ?Miisin?1 and wlnfs. Lift. iargt Hall s_4 G?????* Konnis. Fl?trie Light every? whore. Prrfor?* sanitation. Hotel Privst? Oroiind?. twenty aoven nere*. Proprietors, The Gordon Hotels, L'td._ The Monte = Carlo GRAN DHOTEL, Patronized by the Elite of "American European" Society. Hon. A. Bourke, t _ C. Ritz, ? Direction. L Echenard, ' H. NOEL & PATTARD, Managing Director?? CASSBS, FKAM-E. Hotel Beau Site, Cannes. Hotel du Pavillon, _Cannes. Cosmopolitan," Nice. AMF.KICAS ???G??,. NICE. HOTEL des ILES, Britannirues - ,_??? __??_? ? ?? -? *Mk% GENOA. Savoy Hotel Oponed October, 1897. Opposite Railway Station. Th?? onlv Modern Hot?*?! in Genos. FRENCH RESTAIRANT. LIPPERT & FIORONI. Proprietors. FLORENCE Krafts' G'd Hotel Italie AND Grand Hotel Late Continental & R'de la Paix. Florence, Hotel de la Ville. FJrrtrirll.r. Slfamln-al. Wintfrgardn. Rome Italy. Grand Hotel. Opened In 1894. The most complete of Modern Hotels. Electric light throughout. Americas elevators. Under the same Direction as THE SAVOY HOTEL, LONDON. tmm A. Pfyfefr, of "^."rS;?1 *??1?"" Rome, Italy. Gd Hotel Quirinal Parlili r-potii ?nd fnhwnaM? Tint flati H*'i u Vit a ?ai Uli md nnnt pvt ot K-.m?. BaSSi ?u"ii Is ?rsrf r?a. R??tifili brtim Ga'i Vu: ?. fcrinl Hill. low u4 mttt eaRmm iiriUri ?rni.'rnrjli HIGH CLASS FRENCH RESTAURANT. STEAM HEAT THROUGHOUT. ? Grand Uvei M?4lierane?. I'eglt. i.rin-l 11 tel Europe, Lucerne. Grsnd li nei. UJiajenii??.-?, u?_r Luosr*a? notti Btanaarborn. near Lucarna. Iran i H ? ?-.. Cairo. - ? .-- a) Parker's Hotel, Naoles. Grand Hotel, Venice. fit a Fronti?' if Mi ? t'M( ??? ? ?? ?.rami '.ml B4S*SM?I M Mietili ScstApf^toi te Itali. Spati ? ria-iU, rrspsitssL, Hotel de la Ville, --?.?, Railway Ticket?. IVI liai! Lug.age Re-rliterad. iunaii. Llft Blectrlc ug%m, Grand Hotel Milan HAGUE, HOLLAND. HOTEL DE LUXE. HOTEL DE LU3UD. HOTEL des INDES, Finest House ln Holland, beet culata*. B*_4 plays ?.urine; dinner. Splendid apartmentsnewly-? refitted throughout. Bathe. Hairdresser. Etimi vate hotel carriages. C. F, HALLER, New Manager? ROTTERDAM-HOLLAND VICTORIA HOTEL _______?_?-.- ^> HOTELS IN GERMANY. Frankfurter Hof, Frankfurt */ Main. Wurttemberger-Hof, NURENBERG. ?*?_? HOTEL CONTINENTAL ODERN COMFOR? FINEST SITUATION. MIINIPH ; RT* Gd Hotel de Rome, BERLIN. Innsbruck. ?issi uivi'tH UK-tour. m I'ry Climat?, Ir??? from r . ??.a n.rutte? from eoi* ?inda, full nf \itaiity. ?nd rac?>mm??ndad by medical evZ ?h Timm All ?..