V? yO^
[ni CABi.r t an.]
BaemaM, Dee, 81 ' ~ ?* ^^^
Ma ui Cube have ? M the Falaee
a few oMatala remalm ' B* u" ftf"
<8!rs and arra- "'
aad deewnenl araedeeerted
keestoes no ? - " " !T 'a,l,r>"
Captain--- itolktaos nn; hfct sJda la an
their deUeato UmmeelYoa |
arlth a dlsnity whlel admlretloti
of Aanar* ? m\ ? ? -' ?-* ? ?""?,,lM'
also recelra meek tn ."*" BU4*eeafu1
?fferta ln matnta ? ? bp * ?? nst m?"
?satrythlBf ralatlm ! ?* imbarkHtloa of
Iroeps has ??? ?'? 'r,r,!on
.. .*,. spcnti ' en?lea i Bai ' ?
and P-? ; -tft-hment
gf.aoM t the rj Thtt hattalion
v ?. ' ' r"w when
t> . ;-..? *: ? ' ' 1atel>'
? ..k on the
t. .. | al Tedo erule
?ra akao l r ' ' - ph'" dea**1^
dock win reroaln '?..'? ' ~ cuard
I ? deetoai w-hat
. . ra Manterola
ha. embarked a the I " - -??*?? Cli?- j
ttarqota da Hontoro
a: | | tary ' ': ' S; atlish
BdS th* cere
The peoBTammi fortl ? Bo-aaaipaw ^oon
le unOkang ll DBVl* ("-"r.r,nr.,'.ir.K the
Am, rl aa foreea la I ? haa eesna in
ls ba pjoaanl wlth Oeneral Broeka ar.i ?h*
MSBBbssa od the An ? I ?? CasnasJa
gloa at the ceremony lt haa r**en arrenaed
that when the B8 - I Bd( B_1 IB BSJ tha
i Bga Oaaja ah<
Lleutenant But er, '?? >
, - . Mfranaa by Lte nenant r
Br 1 oeei M '? kde, eon of (
eraa Wada \ Cuban Con -
the Beata Crua Aaaembly ani th* rer.tr.-.
Irtol ttee. haa arransed to pay te- I
- ?? 1mm*llately I. ,?'*?
... . Df \- ei ? :> l
IhrOQITl ' -?Bd
are In a temperate '
're their dlaapp
ment ? ' ? are atlll led over the
degre-- to a he made of
,.,... : * Some of
. . . r, i llaplaytng neltner Cuhan nor
?? i ? ? ? ? ,iimit
I lenlal of the report that it ha i
a , * - tloi The Bpai - 1 are
era all
t . v- on the btal
3'!:' :-\'\!'..\ Bl GEXERAL BROOK8.
Ha\ . Itloa bf Maji r
.? ? ,ry .;? vernor of
Cuba, r to the
the laland lt
? ? rs of
I e and
tlon ol ?> n->'
end to'the dlatreaa
pay that tl - I l ivernment
to the people and ae urlty
..... ? ? nfldence, l
iraulti ol
peace. 1 i
I ? -. ? ?
ae of a ? ? '
Bfo tl of thi L'nlted Btatea
? , very poeei
..( pr. i to earry out tl
ti through the chai I Ivll edmlntatra
tlon, althougl ntrol.
In the li Rt of all the
of Cu aaed of rights
l properl the i IvlJ ar.d crlm
?? . ? .......... .f.||?.
qulBhment of Bpai gnty wjil remain
*. with bi na and eh
as Baay '- ? a be f ui I neceaaary
Jn the Int-reat f good |
rhe people ol regard tc pre
?\ ?? i Inarlted and irgi I ,r> co
:' m.'d
nd a e 1 ward
rty In our humanl
tariai, ; ? ? aure a k:r a and bi nel ? nt
governi ?
Ihi . ? ? rnor of the laland will al
^*-''1 wlth I e n ho mav
d*a'.r" to conaull him on mattera of publlc In
Th* laat of the proelamatloa has been ranlsfl
|s '?'? aaklnai and ai; roa .d
ijNvr:.. ~: ?, * PALACB DBCUMXD,
,? K
Havana. D*" 81. -The poalUoa of the mllltary
aadiaJalBti - a -... ,? r !in? B(M te
r ? ? ? upon the
? turnlng orer of the gorernment
to th ' ely advlaa
'' namee are nol
1 ; ? . ? ? them from the
tloi would
y- n If this . bad not
h" - tha fact thal II was
*'???? ? i . ,,
Br' ' neral ] latalned by ea
pert Judgea of C\i md fee laa
' " ' ? ' ? to-day A
1 ?g the llne
whlch had
"' ? ?..,...
^?- ' tal ?
ot*8 A-ertea.m ? , ,. ., ,., mm to
^! "n?" '" haa been de
' '" ' ? pienta
of th* lnv.-at;,, t intend to leave thelr
houaea to-n. ? ..
dra;,ed in hiack
, ^?'"??'?^?: ? _aaifc_.pa|.
dal.ie.* lake no 1^ ,.rnt(.(1
mouahar.di,ill,artU .. , ,utlr|, _,y ad
Tlelntf?_. Cubana ?N . ??,?,.. ;olJ|rl
kaeea aood Uae. al. Imerleaaa The
rhar.g- of Ba?B la Bkaaed it. tkeea haadMlM to
a weddlng | mkkih tli. WB-p#0^ta )u,,
"-*? ' ' ' ' - " -'"11 that th* marrlage
A RKMAKK/.l Ll PB \ls -., , r,/nu | > *.
Bouthen i __*??
... ? ? '? ? ?'!.. i ervli e
1/ Vik*, k , ale.,>lng-car
&?M^_7WB?e. s Htsssrss
?dr^bwaV.'-Adv[^ta ?^-VorkrVmc.A.,k%
Wlll take place to-nixht. btal that they ean ceie.
brate the cvent a month hence.
The clty la Mtiloft '-right. M lt haa been for
two .!*>?<?. Bnconnten of Indlvtduala ln heated
polltlca] dlacuaelona mach as ocenr in an Ameri
?'? Cltj Of iwo hun.lv.'.1 thotisand Ir.hai Itanta,
are do) COOa-ldkrod in.li<-at,ive of a rtoteua mood.
Most of the Cuhans are prlevod an.l .llstrustful
rec^r'Mnx the ultlmnte purpoaes of thc rnite.l
Btatee rather than angered
Company C, of thc Ith Vtrgtafta Reglment, is
r:icaiii[? d UP< n thc Kla ls at th- CftbU BJ 8" rl
raoa aad Bforro Caurtle. a few Bpantah artii
lerlata are hutde Thc Bpenlah liifani.tyincn ln
the clty have i.-cn wlthdrawn to a bi j
Ing Bla blocka, embracing the Cat?ller|a Wharf,
?he palace. the reoldenCO Of thc Milit.-ny Qov
ernor nnd the nearl.y betracko. Thc embarfca
tion ..f these troopi tboaxd the trangporta
Chtteau Lafltte nnd Btuttgart wlll take place
before ln o'clock to-n orrow tnornlnc leavtng
.'aj.t.itn-Ccneral Caslcllnnoa aml his s'.aff of
flfteen under thc protectlon of tne Arn-ncans.
The aound of hammera i? heard lu thc pala te,
nalllr.g up boxea contalnlnx tbe (Mapere, booka
aad < ITeeta of tha Captaln-CK neral
aWBaomic M*aa8traKg taxsm hy -ntr. uniteo
i ? rncncTt crbatbd ant kori
IPi OhPl"Kf:n TO THK Igl ,\N~!>
Waahlngton, Dee, 81.?-The proepeeta for a
peaceful ohnnge of admlnletratlon in Havaaa
have 1 itly as ? Ngult Of th- < n-?
p-tic meaauree taken by the wnr Department
an.l thc Army ofllcera in charge gi Havana to
preveni trouble, Advlcea to this eftect appear
la a ca! le dlB] .itch reccivcd to-day by Aaalstanl
Becretary Melklejobn from Oeneral Brooke,
Mllltary G vernor of Cuba, in which. after rc- j
fcrrinu tn sonio routlne matters. he eays. 'There ,
will he n.. braach of order: Of thnt I a:n ;c
sured. You may r-st tAWUrcd that there has
heen nothlnr* beyond tlM ustial in a clty Of thls .
The War Department lf aiso lnfbrm*d that j
Ll LudlOW, ln cliarge nr Havana clty. Is
procoodlng with vlgor to organize the pollce
force there. *to replaoe the dlamlaaed, Bpanlah
known as the Orden PubUco. Aft.
amining a nomln'r of appllcants for appolnt
ment on the force, he has aelected and appolnt
thousand Cubanav He la belng aeelated \
taak of recastlng the pollce force hy John
M Cullagh, formerly Buperlnteadenl of tbe New
Y -rk pollce force. who la fervlnfj him in a purely
idviaory capaclty. Oeneral Ludlaw has dla ov
i ?; rma thut there never waa a de- I
tectlve force In Havana, so he has called ln an
member of the New-York Detactlve Bu
organlse a corpa for Havaaa Immedl
The War Departmeat is confldenl that there j
luate foron ^aj>r"
to carfy oul its i.lar.s anoto order.
Adjtatanl Oeneral Corbla baa prepared a Btate
? ?? abowlng thal to-raorrow when thc Bpan- .
lah flair eomea down there wlll he an An
imber ng 88,014 men, made np
, ' 82 158 ? '?? -??' tr-'-n nn.l 1.1".'. ofllc r? "
trlbttted na oi | thi proi li ta followe: :
Havaaa Provliice, 16,914; Ptnar *ei Rl ?.
2 100; M itansaa "?
Puerto Prlneipe, 1.408* Beetlago, 7.-W6.
ara have been laaucd for the diapatch -f
addltloaal troopa t>> Cuba to aaehrl la th
tenaace of good governmenl there Thn ..rd.ra
are addreaatd to Major-Oeneral J. H W
? ? Ui | the Plral Army Con wlth head
ra al Ifaeon, Oa. Tbe Been ary of War
dlrecta that th< headquartera of the corpa, ortg
Bzed at Clenfuefoe, Cuba. be chaag. I to
?,:i., | and thal Oeaeral Wllaon, alth blg
irtera aad the sth Maaaachueetta, I
lHOtb Indiana aad the 8d Kentucky, be pul In ]
for trangportatlon C iba, fully
armed an.l equlpped f - fleld awrvlce, wlth thlrty
,.-? ratloni anri forage In addltlon to that re
qulred for the Joui
ln another order Oeaeral Wllaon la dlrecfc l
to ;t ceed with hia headquartera ai a equlp
ment fmni Ifaeon to Bavaanah in tlma I
bark ..n the tranapoii Paaama Th<? 8tti Maaaa
ehuaetta and the 8d Kentucky wlll emhark from
Savannah .>n tranaporta to be provlded; aad the
160th ladlaaa wlll proceed to Charleaton, one
battallon al a tlme, -? I ? ??? ?rt ," *a Bara
toaa. ?hich wlll convey tha reglmenl to Cti i
ln three trli-s.
To stniriify the admlnlatratlon f'f mllltary af
faire nnd preveni ? poaalbla c nfllcl ".r authorl
ty, the War Department to-day latued tn order
ng four new mllltary departmeatg in
Cuba, aamely, Plaar del Rlo, Mataniai
Clara and Puerto Prln Ipa bonnded hy ha pro
vlnclal boundarlea of the same na:.'-!". Tne
dei.arttncnts beretofora eetavbllabed are Baatl
apo. Havana and thc fity of Havana.
the Isiand now ls divid-1 into s-v-i, dlBtlnd
mllltary d-partraeata eacll uader the r^imanrl
of an Army olBcet Independenl of the othera,
hut all respr'nslb> to I'.-'n.ra; Brooke, tha Mlll?
tary Oovernor of the entlre laland
Oeaeral Lee aiready commanda the n-part
ment of Havana Pro*rlace; Oeneral Wood. tbe
Departmeat of Santiaso. und Oeaeral Ludlow,
the Departmeni of thc Clty of Havana. To
lay?a order aaalgraa ofllcera to command tbe r
malnlng departraeata The order la addreee. I
to Oeneral Brooke al Havana and atati
by dlrectlon of the Preeldenl th- foll wlng geo.
graphlcal mllltary departmenta are eatabl
The Departmeni of Plnai 6>1 Rlo, Ihe D
roeal of afatanaaa, the Departmeni of Banta
tbe Departmeni of Puerto Pi
th? Departmeni of the Proviw ol Ha
Umiu will Snclude the lale ol I ? ?
Brtgadter-Oeneral Oeorge W. Davla
to the command of the Departmeni of Plnar del
Rlo, Major-Oenaral Jamea H Wltaon to tb.
Departmeni of Matanaaa, Ma> r Oei ? ra J <
Bat. i to the Departmeni of Banta Clara, and
Oeneral L H Carpenter to Ihi I -
? -nt nf Puert. Pi lacli
The War Departmeni has eome to thev;on
:. that ll wlll be necei I Oen?
eral Brooke, thi Mllltary Govern ?r ol i uba, the
aaalatance of a epecla Cablnet - Ing ln
functloni the I. autonom iua i Cuba,
, th a,_M ,nlftratlon "f tt,- elyll affalra of the
isiand lt nai nol heen decldi I ghether the
Cablnel when appolnted. ehall be made up ol
Army ofllc. > detalled, r whether aa
BlatanU from clvll life ehall be.called ln.
One f thi moal dlflli uH queatlona t< ? ?
:. ,horl noucc ?? the Wai DeMrtmeat r;
n ol axea In < uba N
portance of this aub). cl wlll be reallaed fr- m the
.tatemenl just made lo the Wat i"^,,,.......i
that there are taaea t, the am ..... of fl.OOi.
already due ar.d oaeollected, whlle by tl
of the current flecal year the a-rreara wlll be
S.1IHHHMIO Two methoda an undei conaldera
tion ti collecl theae taaea Th- flrat la to ap
. . ?.. ..;,,,.r of the Army. probably of the
pa, corpa, a^ collect. Thi ta d metl. a
ta -1 ntlnui temporarll: uadi i a bi ? lal arrange
menl the taa gatherlng plan punaed by he
Bpanlah Oovemment. whlch contracted wlth Ihe
Spanlah Bank of Havana I.Ilecl the amount
.,i taxei agreed upon, authorlglng the bank to
. ,;;., i an ad lltlonal eum of 5 per eenl to de
fray thc coal of collectlon The ' ai k bM
branchea ... every pn vlnce In the ffdand. wlth
a thoroughly orgaalat I etalf t collectora
- ?
j"<,nounc..rt hy alBcrlBttaattng P?f?haaer8 the
cho"e.t ilcorlce apeclalty tha* nioney ean buy.
i Advt.
BtABl Pf> 'I'l.l. H M'l I
Th- nld year paeaed In thla .-ity l.-ist nicht to
the rlnging of tha chlmea .f Trlnlty, Oraea Bt
An.it. ? ': | MlchaePa nnd other churcbea
The aound of thi 11 .* marked the bi
..;" the New reai waa borae on the breeth of a
Btrona northea terly gale thal i!!h*<i ?h* atr
wlth o fluniea of anow, nnd the anlmal
enthtipinnni of the Un horn flenda waa eonao
qUI ntly )<.-.ii:..\v h;it mitlgatl '
Th* f.u-t thai N. . Tear'a Day waa te fall on a
Bun laj ma le ? eati i lay .1 half hollday for tbou
if Now-Ti nd for other tbouaanda
it waa a full hollday. .\'..no ..f tha excbaagee,
except the Produce Bzcbange, wera open for
bualneaa and of eoura ? the exchangea tosjether
with the 1 anks and all bualneaa bouaee, wlll 1 *
cloaed to-morrow, when the festivittes of the'
day will v..- generally celebrated. The r-suit ia
;i three daya' h illday for the larger part of tha
New -Toi b bualneaa a 1 Id,
Tlme waa when m ghl of leearhtg
town for New Y,ar*s Day, for thal was th* holl?
day moat unlveraally ol_ervad by the Now
Torkor of New-Yorkera Hut the euatora of
New Y-ar's calla ia a thlBf Of the paat, an.l hiis
been for yeara. There are b fen Now-T
who make a pretenae of keeplng ui> tb.- pretty
cuatom, but for tha moat part It, la no longer
obaerved. lu its stead has come the hablt, now
common am.>ng f*aahlonable folk, of leavlng
lnwri l.efi.re I'hrlstnias. and pending the holi
daya in the oountry. not returnlna untii aft-r
New Year's T>ay. Conaetjuontly to-day Hnda
many of New-Tork'a beat-known people al
Lakewood or Lenoa r>r at th-ir country placea
oa Lona laland, whlle a few are to be found
looking out ob the wlntry asa from the c!UTs
of Neerporl
Th* paaelng of !h<? old year was obi*rved In
varhuis wa] I last ntpht. There waa a e*rvlce
wlth elahurate mualc at St. J'atrick's Cathodl ll,
aad watch meettngB .'t a number of churcbea,
Methodlal Bplecopal f..r the moat part. Bueh
eervicf-s were held at 1" ,?',?', icli nt th* Thlrty
fnurth Btreel Reformed Church. At ;h- Church
,f St F'ranrl.s Xavler, Iti \\'p.?t Slxu-enth-af..
th*r* were Bpedal aervleee ln ihe f-.-ning, at
whieh ArchifiPhoj. CoiTlaaa hm preeoal
The Democratlc Club held a Mnoker, and In
fternoon there waa a concert at the Produce
Th- Preea 1 !lub elebrated in the
evenlng, and there were b aa a' Madl<
Maji y MenItt ia *xpe. ;? I l
? ,:,. t?-.,. day by taklng eotnmand ??? the
rtmeni of the Baal at Oo?einor*a laland,
Chaplaln Chldwlck, of the battle-ahlp M
wlll aaslBl In tl tl at wi
Catl s Chui ln Baal Twenty
? at , . * ?
Al tho Wi at Flfty eevenl mch of tne
tha R" ?'.
i, c l'. Fagn 1 ? Blt-1 Bem
Inary, wlll . l ? : ' '?< '" ,n" ;- '' '?
noon nn "The >?'? ? ? ind Other Dlvlne Nov
? n |S 0 ? k thin mornli
ety for Bthlcal Cull ? 1
? that ?h* celebral 1
ear. to m< n
, ,. . ; .? wlth, there haa
? greati - ia m tlie f untr\ than ever I
fore Again. thi re la no polltb al li l
But the real n foi th eerenll
thal bklB falr to r lo tbal the
l aa ll waa
a few | . '? : m**e ,h"
pr. ratloi ?'> madi.
There is no mon Btrlvlng among
. ? . rjul lo
f the ' "?''?'? i:""':
nda ol
dollari 1 ?? .:'k" a ;' putatlon for
lavishneaa. In prlvate llfe op tn h
? , s "? v-ar's Day T be auri.
of the clul - etlll eerve Ni w feai 1
. ?? moi.r ? ,:" ' ' x
,,., :. , there v ??? more eporta
aoing on to mon >n than uaual The followera
ot wlnter golflng wlll make a neld day of lt, aad
n,..,t of ih?- qun cluba wlll have matchea
A New Jear'fl receptlon wiil ho glven al tne
Harlem Bran. h of the T< img Men'a Chrlatian
aasoclal ?' ? ,n; A '"' '
. ,:- .? 1 mgi and ; aintlnga H nl by
th- Arkell Publlehlng Company, the Centurj
Company "Colller'fl vVeekly." Harper A Broe.,
[ri .. k I- Blle ?'? mpai ??' ? ?? ?
?m Bonn, wlll be
laat wlll be
held. In 1 ? . ??? 1 I at '? ' ?**? lM mc,,B
La .adle wlll glva an entertalnmant ln the ball,
tntitled "?,.! Bnal ld< a"
,,|- BT PA1 I ?> CA I BEDBAL
.,,,,1. j, . ? The dreary. ralny weather whlch
... 11 ol Bl PauPfl rtngoui
? . in ih. nea
Bcotland's ti ';,!' r ::'''' ahadow
Itlee bad
? ?'1 the aeml
ement ln front ol
for the gai rlng. tl
araa the am
: rly in man) j ea
X . malorl '.! w"r*
t] ? waa evl li n ???! . ? the ; on
. ?
? ? ? , H \..|
? teeof I
r i/B coal-trimmbrb'bhot INDONB8AIL
\ ilng affra
: ? - I'.iii! .'..,.
? "ii De ember U
I ,>. , eaman waj
, . ? oa ln tal on board
? ?
mpi on
... trlmmem > settli 1 8
. ' ? ?
arh*n the trtmmera can.n
ilrunk and broki In th. foreca.tli 1 kh -\
* illor r. Cummlng SVw-Jei
? Matthew B'al.h
Ciimmlna aaa arreated but thi trlmmera refujed to
..... . ? ? .?
I ? elf-de
? , ?? coun bera
? ?
?nt A. Oi ? aterday lhai no
\. ?.'. -V.,rk Of]
I . J
.,, . (j, pa ,| 11. 1 ad been Informed ol th- aaie
I'mil m j bad
ara of The M
I ...... | r New-Tork hav. ao
, ninu ? li "' I ' ?'? '"n
\V. iKI.I.
jVp|1 :? al tbe low aal ra ?- 11 le
?? e rlgbtfl of all
laa: Thi ? t of a ? ???? nt?; Ifberal 1 ?
,,, 1.. inaured; 1 1 h auireader raluaa; . ut.-mati* ,
opUon fot ilenled :-nn ln
Ivanui ?? '
of i - flnai "? -' I' ' ,n "'" ;
ajbtful N ' ?? bnl abclea II ia the
l ...i. , , r ,:,. beal ? oanpea] II i? ih" ''"", ,
poilcK -,,r aa ag.nl u aaa Appty r-r furth-r tn- 1
rorrtmtlon to C 11 Raymoad, .ien-rai Agenu a
Lioiaty Street. New-Tork Clty.-AdvU
no Ft RTitrrt f-FA.r.' TtONI POB OTTtCM AM
NOUNCKO A rr.NKKitr.VT: with BflgAM
f ot Ti-i.K'.rtM'ii T'. t 11:-. Tittrtvr l
Albany, Dec .'.! ti.I re Rooaevelt waa I
Bworn in as Oovernor of tha Btate of New-York
11- could llttle have thOUghl on Janu?
ary :'. 1882, when. .,ii" of the youngeet men ln '
the Chamb. r, he eame forward to take the
oath of offlce aa iaeemblyman from the XXIat
Dlatrlcl .if New Tork, th;,t alzteen yeara later
be vv'-uid become the Oovernor of the state.
Then moel of the Aaaemblymen, loking at their
colleague from New-York, wlth bla rather con
Bplcuona eyeglaeaea, mentally pul him down a<
a young "aoclety" man, who ?an merely plan
nlng to j-et a littie temporary glory by a year
or bo of eervtce In the Leglalature,
Bul Mr Rooaevell in that Brai year of work
as nn Aeaemblyman ahowed that he waa an ea
oeptlonally well quallftod man for i ut.l'.c life
and that be had th- courage and peralBtenc]
of pnrpoee of men who have dlatlngulabed ca
reera Thc "dude" Aaaemhtyman vantahed from
the eatlmatlon of his colleaguea before thc t.n.i
of tbe aeatnon, and he remalned in thelr memory
as ,i hard-worklng at: ! t>atrl >tlc man That
ptich a man should riae tbrough aucceealve etepa
.,f inm-r t.. I.- th- chlef "f the Commoawealth
is t<> many membera of the Leglalature of 1882
roI at nii Bvrprtatng, eapaetally under auch
. condltlona as prevaued last fall when
th< Republlcan Btate Conventlon piainlv nnml
nated f.,r Oovernor ihe chotce of th- Republlcan
roti ra of the Btate
coinnei Rooaevi it this mornlng at firat sald
tha! he WOttld defer laklng the oath ..f offlce
nntil tO-moiTOW, bttl flnally he.lnformed John
Palmer Becretarj ??! Btate, that he would visit
his ofhee ln the Capltol at noon and take the
pledge to He people of thc state Mr Palmer
at" Ui tbe Bame tlme reoeiv 1 word from John
I McDonottgh, th.- Becretary of Btate-elect;
Willlam J lf. tcan, ContP dler-eleot; John C
Davlea thc Attorney-Oeneral eleet, and John P,
Jaei kei. th? State Treaaurcr-elcct, that they
ala. dealred to be eworn in. He : ent w-ord to
Meeara M D nongh, Morgaa, Davlee and
? ??:. thal he arould t.c pleaaed to ve them
ntoi.t n.? n. Colonei Rooaevell reached the
Secntar- of Btate*a ofilea at noon la company
Wlth x'. ... | roungB, bla prlvate secretary.
and tbe othei Btate ofllcera-elect who bave been
menl afterward arrived, The Rt
Rev. Wlillam Croawell Doane, Proteatant Bpla
copal Blabop of Albany, ean." Into the room in
? Btate ofllclala, and there were
ais.i preaenl Aehlei W, Cole, chalrman of the
Btate Rallroad Commlatrton; Sc-nat-.r Hobart
Ktum. Deputy Attornej Oeneral Leggett, and
Andr-v. Davldaon, Deputy Becretary of Btate
".' I the | --1 klndly come to order,**
? '? ? rd -r to ln:errupt a
general hai Ishaklng wlth the Oovernoi ?
R oeevi ?.. reupon itepped forward to
Oeneral Palmer*! deak, and, pladng h!s left
band npon a laoroceo covered Btble, hfted bla
rlgbl baad to 8 level arlth his face, prepared to
afflrtn Oeneral Palmer then read the "ath of
oiiicc. Colonei Rooeevelt'a "1 do" In reaponae
to the a/orda read by the Becretary of Btate
waa ? in ' ln a -lear an,i determlned trolce,
? Whlch hia fa< Ilgliieil Wlth one nf iils
charactertatti amllea as the aeaemblage broke
Into applauae. He then Btgncd the oath ln a
:? ? -ath book, his certlflcate belng the flral
TWO Bt nvKMlts.
The pen wlth prhlch the ,;ith was slgned was
one whlch General Palmer had uaed when be
. ,s ir, tbe Arm: durlng the '-''>ii War. II ka a
large gold pe". u|,h rubber holder. After algn
injr th- oath Colonei K lid t'> Mr.
? : ? "i would llke to have the peti f"r my
boy Teddy.' " Mr. Palmer laughed "All right,"
he aald, "I thlnk he wlll value lt; l have had it
thlrty-four yeara in my poeeeealon. I carrled it
all tbrough th- war."
i ?,,; ,: .;;;., ? .? ; -?-ni.-d embarraeaed by thla
.;,! "I Rnd I am b-t-inninj- my
admlnletratlon qulte badly with a ronflacatlon."
However, upon Mr. Palmer piainiy Indlcatlng
that be dealred him t<. accepl the gift, be eald;
?The pen is i much rn ire valuable one than l
Buapected H **??. il"' ' sh,llt "?*"' lf rny^' '
ean gi t it a good many yeara later."
Th- Blble uaed wlll be pre* nted to Mrs
!? evell i.y Mr. Palmer. It i^-ars thc follow?
ing Inacrlptlon
"Uaed In admlnlaterlag thc oath of ,.mce t.?
,; . | |? i; .-it. December 81, 1V'.,S Pre
ted to Mra Rooaevell by John Palmer, Bec?
retary Of State."
Thc oath was admlnlst-r. 1 tO Mr McDon
... 0t Btate eleet; C< ntroller -
M.r.'iti. Attorney-Oeneral-elecl Davlea and
. ..,r- Treaaurei eted Jaeckel. They -rtoed in a
,,,u before the deeb of the Becretary of Btate
and held ap tbeli rlgbl banda when Mr. Palmer
read the oath. Then they etgned the "ath book,
This cotnpleted the eeremeny. Oovernor-elect
Rooaevell remalned In the Department for half
an hour ebattlng aitb his brother state offlcera,
Th? arrangementa for the publlc Inauguratlon
arP.i remaln the aame M bave been aanounced
it wlll be held at noon on Monday ln thc Aa
aembly Chan
Colonei Rooaevell aald after belng Bworn In:
??1 do 11..t thlnk that I wlll have anj ...
ntei mahe l 1 day other than I
tbai after 1 bavi aaaumed thc dutlee of Q n
,.,,.,,r , arlll iv t receive publlc rlaltora after 1
,,,,.. !,.ft tbe Baecutlre Chamber 1 wlll
my deak tarly ln the mornlng. ?ad wlU eUy
there throughoul the day. bul whea I leave the
Capltol 1 wlll pol aelde all mattera of State and.
f the moel nrgenl neceealty, 1
wiii n..t eonaenl to any eonalderatlon of thal
,. , aft. ? ??'' a h wra "
i? the coorae of a converaatlon with the At
torncy-General-elecl Colonei Ro aevell said thal
one < ?' th- objecta be -? M.1 mpltohed
during his gdmlnlatratlon -vas a blg redvetion
ln the number of Btate lawn
?1 think then ar- now In exlatence al leael M
,?.,- ,..?t more lawa than ar- Deeeaaary, flon'l
youT' be aake I of Mr Davlea
' "j thoroughl) iatm aitb reaj," waa Ihe lat
ter*a reapoi ie
Colonei Rooaevell alao aald: "I aha'l nol make
-,, \ more appolntmenta before Monday." Thia
announcemenl quleted the rum. ra thal h- mlght
,..,- , . Buperlntendenl of Publlc Worka c-daj
,- ,?,.| -fo, aevell waa at tbe Ex< lutlve Man
?lon thia afternoon Whlle al tbe Capltol earller
he Invlted a number of the heada of Btate de
nartmenti to rail on hlm and dlacuaa matti
nertalnlng to the admlnlatrptlon of the depart
nvnta Pontroilei Roberta, Attornej Oeneral
,.,,,., : . .. number of other ofll lala were
.,,?.?.; hia callera The Oovernor dla; uaaed n
partlculai the ref rencea whlch he aill make ln
hia measa*. tn the dep irti ienU
K I Bond t- nh his oath nf Offloa as State
Bnglneer and Burveyor before BecreUry i'a!;,,.-r
.',, . thla afternoon Ha wam nol al tbe BUte
i-'ncii,. -.'?' nfflca thia mornlni when the mee
aenger from the Becretary of Btate nnnounclng
ihl. ,1,- n ivernot aad Btate ofllcera would take
t(',.lr 0atha of offlce al noon, and coneequently
,'.'..1 nol k:. iw of II
Ueutenant-Governor Woodruff la the only
Btate ofllcei who dld nol take hls ofhclal oath
to-day. He had nol arrtved in t,,wr. ui> t,. ihe
Coatlaaad oa nrth paera.
AjnONMBNT op THI assabf.t maNU
rtoaton, r>*.'. 3i -Th* Af?ah"t Mannfacturtng
.:>-. af No. 4i Bedford al . and N IJ Btate.
ar . ihi? -ity. with arooilen mltla al Maynard, haa
n-a la ''ii aaatgnaaMnt for th- beneBt of Ita credl
torn io Bdward Panaao, "f Fenaae i.r tbera .<? Ch iis;
Arthur Btleboa Ueaaurer of the Cochu. Manu?
factnrlrg Company, of Dover, tt. H., nd J retnlah
Wllllama, of Jeremtah Wllltams J Ca I
is ,n- ,.f th* !arK-?t wooll.n manufacturtng com
panlea ln tba country rrs iiaMBtlee io rdlng to
th- Jul] atatement, aaaouatbd t.. tWlAltl. in< iu.iins:
ipltal atoek Thla ataUmen! alao ahowed
debta ak'icr. i ? . r IjtU <<! th- aaaeta R.a.1,
i .I.. !?, manufactnred atoek; MBMM ln -aah and
debta r. Blvable; .'"?l-" 4*7 ln machlnen 1384.871 1-.
bulldlrura, and tllMM in land .in.i water power.
To meet thta exeeee of debta ebora the capitai
atork ft mnrtc-.i^ >>f 8450,000 waa glven npoe prop?
erty owned by th.tapany bi Btowa, B
Murlho ., and Maynard ot, Auguai .".. In faVOI nf
Lorenan Maynard nnd othera lt waa undera I
that the moi " ralaed araa to pay th* matur
Ing debta of th* r-.,mpany. whUe, a' th. aame tlme,
tated, an arrangemeni araa made ? l Oelber
Dommerleh * Co., of New-York, hy whirh
tii.it ii.'is.. was ;.. do ih- ftnanelng for tke \ -;
i..i company, ?nd to advance th* n.caeary money
from llnao lo tlm. fi r the eonttnuance of the
*aa, Th. money fr.im auch a.j\;.m, it aa
underalood, had io h* uaed to meet new obllge
tloi ? of the company.
Anotrer dlfBculty eneountered by the eompany,
ln tbe oplnlon of the trade, is thal 11 found I '
hampeced In Ita outlet for lu paper by the eon
aolldatlon of elght or nlne of the Boeton banka
wlth'Whlch II had done buelneea
t ... indebtedneea ot thi company to th- noston
wool trade for merehandlee, II la eetlmated, wBl
nol , xi- ?d 11,10,000 II la beHeved that. bealdei tbe
etMnHH on Ita mortage, aome 1200,08 or U
i.i. been advanced '.n gooda by New-York ; irtl*.
Th- utatement waa made at th* ..ffi** of th*
treaaurer, Mr Buckmln ter to I I ?' the em
barraasment waa due te heeary kaana whi.h the
company found Iteelf nnaMe to nv-o- al naaturtty.
n Howard who ia a m*mhr>r of th* flrm of
neibermann. Dommertch ? Ca, tblB dty, waa aeed
at hla lonaa No. ttl VYeat ieventy-fourth-et., last
nlght. ii- aald that tha nowa ? I the ? nBgi b
tha Aeaabel Manufacturlng Companj <? I
came as a aurprlea to him. for hls firm bad re
celved BO intimatlon of lt Ho knew of no COUM
for the aaalgnment, aad thought that the men
of th* nrm mtghl bave beeeme dleheartened and
declded upoo the cmw that they bad
Mr Howard waa of, the oplnlon that th* houae
nol ba arlped oul bi the i algnment, a*
lU proapeeu for the preeenl year were eeen
brlght, and as aoon as Ita affalra were atralgl
oul it? bualneaa wouM probably ba eontlBuad
. i-???^l|ij|^NHvti.e
tiif CTTflTH1T ~?i
The atatement of the reai
Cuaton Houae, ? Ith the ti- ^rs.
eetlmated, Bhowa an exceea of ea rta j^^tN**
[ ..rts nearl) aa i it ?;>- ihe ei ea '
porta . v r exporta ln 1887. Tke toUl d u
**i Tta from tna Port of New fork in tv
gregatird In radue $4*10.007.000, sgalnet 1308
SSSftii in 1807. The I ital Importa of merchan
,!'... ,, the :?? ar andi *H'?.
74i . |.,| m value, as eompared Ith MtHl
for thi ?? ? ?
laa al thla porl In IHH (en lu Ung i
? ,' i !? ptal sl-- 108.530 Kl,
agaln.i Sl 19.048.652 79 ln 1807 The total Im
t gold and alh er were flOO 1804187 I
....,., .,, | 828,079.30'. In 1897
Th- -.:;?? for the "ln tranait trade" are aa
follov Mei ndii >28 584.717 I r 1888
f riH8,030 for is'.'T. Qold and Bllver, S2 178,491
?in 1898, and 84,734*340 In is'.'T DomeBtl
porta of gold and allver, W4.086,0ltt ln 1898,
? red wlth S75.237.233 ln 1807 F i gi ex
. . rilvei >!:?-'? 1.017 ln 1898
S2.293.S74 ln 1897 Thi t relgn exi rta f mer
chan ii-- aggregated ln ralue f8.650.719 In IBBB,
tfi 362.182 ln 1887
The iperatlona of th* local Buh-Treaaury for
the calendaryear ended yeaterday, aa compan l
wlth 1817, w< re aa folloi
|gjs l8*',
.??;...::::::: - ? ? -.
...nn, ......|8.?8.84 - ; -
. *1 ,- ' ,- ?
, . 8.48BTS |1S18B?,SS4B0
"- ' -. ??,--., MSS5.T? 81
r ;:;:::::::: rr.Me.Misi ?.*-.< ? -
Phe Inereaaa ln the bualneaa "*?? ot eouree,
chlefly due to the large eredlta
count <t war dlabura - nta and the payi
on that account.
i n\i PRICEB 00 II'.
g ?
An advance of 'j:> eenta a t<m In the prlei l
all gradea of anthradte eoal al tldewater potnta
has just hc-en orderod to go in',. efTecl I daj
The new BChedule Ib aa follown: Btove. 8375 a
ton; t.'it, |850; cheataut, |875; egg, 8880;
grate, 83 25; buckwheat, $1 85 to$195, aad pea
.<?_? to >'-' 18 A ~ B !" '."
adopte ! for the pea aud buckwheal -
,., .'. tbe Bupply of theae aorta ol eoal, wbleb
? - i remaii ' all the
,Uea I..-.- ' '?? th? r,"l! whieh
haa gone through the breakera. uaually 8uct ia
.1 deal H th< ei il * belng paaaed
through the breakera la I ?nd to break
ibe realduum of Rae fragmenta, tke ;?? i end
buckwheal Blaaa "' ? breaki
quantl y of the flne gradea la emall and the prtee
inu-t i ?? correei ondlngl) hli
Ttlhaa also been dodded to Un ratlon
? ? ?.k,
,,..,. ,, ,. riave been mlnlng a i thi
2hS they could get eara to carry; bul aetrong
;.,,;,-; iin be made to enforce the propoeed cur
?t of ti-' weeklj outiut
_ ? -
M,,lr,i Dec 81 BeBora Bagaata and Caetelar
aI,. ,?,, oonvaleacent. The former waa a a to
kb r ?bi '" ,: ?'?
Fourteen iteamera nr* now oa theli a
Harana to repatrlate the Bpanlah troope remala
Ing i.n Cuha.
Tba report i l the meetlng of a doaen Bpanlah
renerala the purpoae of whlch baa not
.,1 hai b< n ? Brmnd b) a mem
,,;;..:aSn?V whod m nol denj the Importaaes
,,f th.currei i ?? ...
?i ?, Rtforma" publlahea an Intervjew with
Ueutenam Oeneral ( rea Mlnlater for WAi
whn a?y, be la pnxkma lo realgn his portfollo
Hs ao n aa poaalble Oeneral Corree ci mi i I
,,,?;? ahe facl thal the llghl thouaand offlrera
vh? buve returned from the colonlea are, i ow
wlthoul p ata
ro w tgHiNa roN
. ,i Bluc i.i.nM.ii.' eoltd trali dtntag and par
lor^ra newly bullt ' - "?'?'>
unnln. B uth i-,.- ? dally from antral
Railroal of New-Jeraey. ?" ,r "f Uberty-at., at 3
, ? Other llve b< ui tralna al U K fl n and
., ti L.iv- Bouth rerry. fool Whltehall-et..
rlvV mlnut*a parll^r Tn*ae. wlth numeroua other
faattrnlna (.*? tlme-tat I-). alvr (In^at servlce ba- i
Iwean New-York and ahove cltlea-AdvL I
a rnoROuoH obolooical burvbi recomv
dkrs'art N'OTF.S.
[bt eeann to tiit vaaraanBaVl
I.ondon, Dcc .11. Thla heintr, morallata' day,
"The Tlmea" Btasni up ihe Mstory of the world
ln tbtrteen mlnmni, of whlch two are devoted
to Ameiica. Every KnKlishrnan kn-.w* In hia
heart what haa heen the most helpful evertt Of
the year for h!.? own country. It haa heen the
Amerlcan war wlth Spaln, l.y whlch the two
great hranches of thc An*!- Baxoa ra.e have
been broughl into harmonlooa retatloae. A year
ago there waa puiilic dlacooaloa ><t the rjueatlon
..f Knjrland's food siipply in tlme ..f war; nohody
haa anythtnjc now to aay aboul the poaalbHtty
inratlOB ln war time. Am.-rloan good feel
Ing aecurea Bngtand at the one polnt where ahe
ls vuloerabta Thls matter la -rencrally tinder
?????? d. altbOUgb lt is no: mentloned In the re
vlewa of the year, nor in th* leaders on the open
.1 or EngtaaeTa poaltlon on the Contln'-nt and
her bold upon the colooiea have heen srreatly
strenKthcned l,y the frl-r.dly relattir.s wlth vlc
torloua Ameiica "nterlnK upon a n<-w career of
eapenaton. Thla tt i* that haa made the old
year a good year for Merry F'ni-iand.
Th? Pblllpplne ^Isfirhances are not regarded
n- serloua i.y Eagllahmen who have praetical
knowledge of the lelaada Mr Sawy^r, an en
pl ieer who waa ln the i'hllippines fourteen
yeara and in consular <=erv|ce there. acuta th*
Idea that Americana wlll need a larce rr.ilitary
f- rei there, or that tbey aill ha-e any perma
nent trouble !n govemins; the natives. He la
confldenl tha' a nativc army with Amerlcan
s ean be "TKanized tn a short time for the
malntcnar.c" of ord-r. Praetical men who
have been In th- Islands ronfirm the ideaa
which Mr <"*hamh-rla,n bofda in rcrr.ird to the
minetal w>ilth of Amerlca'a Bouth Soa p~?i*(?f
slons. They assc t that one of the flrat meaa
urea adopted by Congreaa Bhould he an act for
e.,ulpping a scientlflc ro nmn?i-'.n for a complete
gi ? iglcal Burvey of the Pblllpplne grotap, The
larger.udanda are unesplored, and it ls prohahle
that there gre rVh gold dlatrlctg in rh? interlor.
as well as corpor. Iron and coal heds ln the
amall.tr Isiand?. Caporta agr*e that the impor
tant work undertaken by the Amerlcan Gov
ernmeni for dvHiaatlon Bhould hetrin with the
orsanlzation of a complete geologlcal survey hy
the beal s-tentinv talani avallabte from eoliegea
i.nd mlning BCboola
Th- new Amerlcan craleei Albany, whlch was
bougbt wlth the New-Orleana ls n?arly ready
he launched at Newcaetle-on-Tyne. A part
iant requlrsd for h-r araa aaat *o
^ca^fvf.,r??%^ht_oiitL,rcak of the war. arid
! the remalnd. r wiTlRe M.pplicd when the ahlp
mplete.i, durlnRT*||jf|axt fev. nvnths. Lleu
1 tenant Colwell, Ualted Btatea Naval Attache,
i wh-> haa done more work durlag tbe last year
thnn anj other dmerlcan oaaeial tn Europe, wiii
; attend the laanch earlg ln the year. The Albar.y
Wlll be a sister shlp'.if the New-Orleana. wlth
! precleely the same arniam"nt.
The Liberal membore of Parlteraeni \re Caap
ln ba kst'.irs poiit'.es over the vacanl I -li-rship
li ttae of Commona Mi I.ahouchere aa
Bumea thal Mr. Aequlth wlll he the ofn. :ai ean*
Idate, flithuiKh he hlmeelf prefera Mr. Ilerbert
il .ii- There baa been nothlng hke a full
' Liberal membere, altbougb the whipa are
quletly canvaaalng for the Brai and *amoad
s. Well-lnformed Ubi aanert that
when Parllamenl meeta there wttl i>e no con
teat, bul only oni eaadldate, and ho an uawttltng
Sragged Into harneaa Theie are nimon
thal the prellmlnarj raeettag wlll he held at
l...r.l R iee ? -?? s |fo lee, bat thls seems unlikcly.
when there la gew ral agrefmenl that *h" '.eader
' ; of the whole party sh- uld he lefl open and
aaor Of S!r Willlam Hareourt quletly
- b taitb as llttle dlsturbance a* poaatbea
Men llke Mr Laboucherc favor the redaetton of
, thi party platform to a Blmple leeoe llke the
Ition of the retO power in the House of
Lorda; ahrewder obeervera maJntata that the
aucceaa of an aggreaalve pouV y agalnet the
Li rds is nnjlkely without popular agttatloa,anl
that no Blgnal for auch agttatl m eaa be Kiven
whlle the ITnlonlata remaln In poaret ataaae of
the moel tboughtful ' afflrm thal Lord
:? mlatake waa bla negieel arhea
in offlce to bave ? btll sent up to th- Loi-df to
allow any member of th- npper hbvaa ta ait m
the lower bo-iee whenever ba ahould prefer to Aq
bo. They belleve that thla aill be an affeutlva
! ?: enabllng Lord Roeebery to ifad the
I ,??-. ... the C mmona and forctng the Dalaejlati
r .naenl to aome acheme for mendlog rather
? i ? Houae of L rda
y. Btf Willlam Har-.urt ls wlnding
up the ritual debate In a tetnperate toae, hut
ulth ? , | ? n of the truth that he has
..,, .' 1 .'' ln '..rcinK slui-glsh
biahope l ? l : . lawleea a-ts wlthta the
.-,.?. - baa ? ? ' i f r drag
- rt ij ? poHtlea, and limpoaajad, aa
though he v.. another Btenatl Time haa
broughl his rli licatlon in tbe.raaelate atand
rnforce tne law wlthln
the rhurch. Th- Archblehop of Caatarhary haa
done more t?ian aaybody alte to reanere peace
in the dlatracted Cbareh ard tO reacue the
, shment from publll Bgltatl n He haa
I tbe air l.y deflnlng ^-hat ls leual and
lllegal dOCtrtne and practlCO, and haa enrned the
..?:,'ti "f belng the most statcim.i.illk.' An
Bjilcan Prlmate ef tbe vci..rian reign.
The cff.,rts of Beveral Journala ... magntfy the
laat Ilarrv ?.f ilBCOnteal ln tho Tran-vaal have
Preeldeal Kriiiter is known to he con
rlllatory, nnd whtte there la lajaatlce in Roer
deallnga with the Ultiandtr**, there le n.> :mme
dlate method -f redreaa lameaoa nnd itho.ies
in ha-.- i.ari rted th- CPtOtaJal Of*
nce for a long tlme to aome. Th.- franohiae
. | aare eea aatended ty thle time if there
- ,, : aeen no laaieaa lavaatoa by night-ri.lera.
Mlnlng bualneaa tn the a*raagvaal has greatly
Improved lurlag th- year, and polltlcal agita
ti.-.i is the laal tbtng whlch Hritish mve.-tora
waai bi lhal qaarter. Reeidea, aa "The BpgetaV
,.,,?' reada the leeaor, in n Impreealva tcne to
i,; ?? i Bagllah-epeaking race. whlle
eq ii.i to the reet "f th- arerl l maal govem with
luetlce, mercj ar.d moderatl.'.n.
The money marbat Wlll he eaaed next week
,:i-e paymenta of dlviaeada and there are
BlgnB Of a mnri; t-ndenev t>> invest ln Amerlcan
n.ilditiKs Mr Lloyd glvea thc cue in to-day'a
"Btatlat" by predletrng ihe re-clectloa of Preal?
dent McKlnley, nli yeara <?! aoand money ad
mlnlatratloa and a -rreal increase of Amerlcva
proaperlty, and adds that tu?liirabla tnveat
ment of Hritish capltal ln the l'nited Statefl haa
already beguu and wiii rontinue a more con
?ervatlve \ l.-w on the S'rc-t la that thla tnveat
tm-nt cannol he crcat. when gfgCh speoulatlon
tn Anicrl.a ls gOUg BO faat, and when Immenae
balaaei-l atfalnst Bnglaad are beM ln New-York.
Home seourltles an- pref -rred when money te aa
dear as lt la at present. and when great indus
triea llke ahtpbulldlng are faaklng aetoundtng