Newspaper Page Text
V^LVTII ...IT-19,041. NEW YORK, MONDAY, .IAMAKV 2, PAGES. PRICE THREE CEXT8. A BATTLE [MMINENT, WARLIXB NSW8 BEACBE8 M .4 iV/LJ FJIOJC 1L01L0. ^BSKRAl. MIIJ.KH DBCIJNEfl TO ORANT IBI lNSlKiiKNIS' REQUERT FOR jMi _i ROTH RIDBfl PRKPAR im; POB A PIOHT. Manilfl. .'an 1 Th- following dlgpnteh, d:i>' ' tFri iav nftornoon. Doc, .'*". at llollo, i.sIh-/ ?l J'anav. ha* Jual 1 '? ?'''? "".vd !i-re l>v dl?i/i'<ri Yont itlofmpblc communlentlon with iuiio not -havlng been r---!im-d .^fha gitunllon ?t llollo la rmve, Firren h.m *reo aatlvea, fully nrmod, are at Moln ? mbtgrb rf Ib Iln Brvonloon thousand nn.r.?. lt t-< !?? M-ted p-> gwnltlng ordtn tr. erra*>nrk at Bev? eral r Inta i n Uw lalnnd of "ypgros. flfteen 4irijr?.' sail from llolta. ?VI thp vv.vmen hav.' w lt hdanivn. and nmny vf-onll.'p *"nv,> TaKen reftige wl/h the Amerfrans. ? MAP SHOWING ILOILO AND THE 18LAND8 OF PANA1 AND m:< ROS. is ABOUT 280 VIILEti BOUTH OP MAMI.A. THE Cl n ?The rebela, after a eonaultatlon, Inalal apon la- , ?.-! ? havi been h?ar1 from Oeneral Miller, when tblfl <i ? v,as ttrat mai ? 1" them tlme, and InslBted upon an anawer '?? Ing glven blm by r ? ? a-day At the Bame llme ha arave aaaur gaeaa thal I i and property would be pr ? laetad "Tr.e foretgi tloned Oeneral Miller toarai t the eal red by ih- reb ?la. aa a !._: nevltable loaa This al*" Oei ? "At tha deaii natlve Commlaali n ?pOahoardi ' Ihi L'nlted Btatea trnnaporl New jK<rt and a*k" ! f I d< ay, they wera un- j ablatoi ??? rhlch eomraaaded the | city aad roundtna untry. Oaaaral Mlltai . - ,, ] prepared to land fotvee, aendirtra.-. ? Manila for biatrue Uaaa ?Tr.< ng thelr ] Bltlona, and are preparlng to realal The atreeta of Ilollo er* fui] pf armed aoldlera who are coo-rtaatlp antertaa* la every dln i i Thera la (real ea ctement. a h. b Ib Increaaed by the appeara ??f tba gunl at i.i Cano, flylng the Sj.anieh fiair The px ??-.,?! boata along the rtvei ? ? b rei Tl ??'..? -s as the llapal h boat arhlch earrta - aboul leavlna, ara b-rlng lowared, wltb fout ma blne guna inounted in ?he:r bowa The Hgbtera ira aloriBalda lha i ted Btatei li laona. The Unlted Btatea tranaporl P lylvanla I ea hree n aa la tba a ath wlth al i I REMl.VDEH EltOM M -DR1D :?; !,,? Ilniater of P*on l_n Af fa.r*. Duke it ai ndlng a t ? . ? | ,),.. Am.-ri' an Qaven terma of tba traa y of Paiis. i btaln thi ot tha IV ' .' - . .'...; ? f t?, 000,0 10 , taa atloi larrji- la Cuba a BBB TOBKEB EILLEU r i /1: i / \ WRRCK. ***__ a MEMKKH OP THE rWBLPTH REOIMEM POUCI TW IX HI3 a <? i. raa ?, _- luartera :*- nlgi ??-... Ch!o. anaouaatag mpany B. Utfc Reglmani Kt w-Yorl k.-/ _ ? .. . ... ,, 8*?m ilgi *?: ;? H| , .??? waa tour.d la h1i 12th Rn- ...... aarned from Ihi tnor-r tbal Bturn waa aai - | - S. i ????>?-*.?? ii i ? ,. |?n,... Tha pollce found ? Mi ..,? ,. .,?!,. r L'l '?', ? ti ,t . . - _-?.,..'*'r *? ?' 12th Regl ff_r," " ''-' "? " '"?? tr .. ' !" ?"ra |0|UI en _____ ,,., , OOMJrORT UN dravohi 1?b rhar-p __ ? nouga T*rrryi*<l b gai radhV ; ilk. _.r^____*? -?*>*' f ?' lna:antl> avall VASTDR 8T0PPED A PAN1C. riRI IN THE Al.'i'AH DECORATIONfl li\;. ALARIIKD His CONOREUATION, a*i.i:I<>is iCTIDENT aVBRTOB IN iiik CHI i. ,i ,.F THI Bl LOVI n BT THE l:T*V lIKNItY M 11 Mtl!. ... ti'S i . -'i:\'.'i: < ip HIND By tbe prewence of mind of the paator, th. Rev. Henry M. Bnrbour, and the braye actlona of Iwo of hls parlahloncra npnnli wai preventod nt tb- 11 o'clock aon h - yeaterday mornlng ln tli- Church ol thc Beloved Dlaclple, Blghty tiinth at., nonr llodlaon-ove., when the Chrlat rn.'is dccorntkma nboul thc altar took flre tt* rn ? .-ai tdle, i >.. eithf-r alda ..f the altar waa a rough wooden frame, Bva by Bfteen f?t aqnare, and hung on this was a niasa of holljr, Ivy nn.i eveigreen, f\v h ag ara naod for hollday decoratlona. In fronl of eithcr Bcrecn atood a large. candelabrum holdlng twenty-four tapera. Thc paator. Mr. Harl.our. was ln the pulplt. and hls pcrmnn wn.* abottl half flnlsh^d when aa he patise.l f..r a m.imr-nt the silen.'e was brokon b* a cry of "Flre! Flre!" and ft woman ln a fronl pew Jumped up excltedly nnd polnted frantlcally al th- acreen, tbi evergreena on w h i h were I lai i g Tha greal tion i ?? t 1 >gi tl er, and ln ;i moment there a great tumult. In the midal of II the paator'a aonoroua tonea were heard. ; ; ray you, brethren, I e i tlm Ri " Qod'a houge," lu aald Inatantly all wa i ai The 1 rement to the ,- .- pped and Frank J. M '???'-" nnd .; .... |]ea > two of the church membera, rii?h tbe centre alale, tore down the burntng .. ,, -- ? ? -rn - -.? i y, throwlng it ln fi ml - ? 11 Tne Rev. John \ -worth the i 11 the pariah ?? ho ? aa In th. cham ? i w Ith the rholr, aaalated them tbongfi l ?'":'' of hls veatmi nta catchlng flr< \ greal rug on the chai ' i ??-??? I ' ? amoth. r the flan ea. The i holi boya helped - plllng thelr ruahlona on thi burnlng maaa lt t< ? k onlj h f.-w mlnutea to extlngutah thi bloze, bul in tbe mean tlme one of the pariahlonen had turned In a flre alarm. The flremen ai wlthln a few mlnutea, bul theli eenrlcea were r, ? requlred Mr M< Lean'a handa were bumed and his halr was alnged. Mr. Healy'a muatacbe waa a burned from his face. in.! hla handp were acorched The Rn* Mr Acworth'a banda were allghtly bllatered With tbe flre out, the paator contlnued hla aei mon to the end. Bvery peraon remalned to the . in) of tbe genrlce. -? 1//,'. DIXGLEY - RITICALLY 111. SI.K.MT CHANOE you THR BETTER I mis CONDITION CAUSEfl Al.AI'.M Waablngton Jan. 1 Repreoontatlva Nei n Dingley, ol Malne, la crltlcally 111 ol hla apaii menta at the Hamllton Houae. ln thla i Ity. from an attack ol pneumonla Becauae ol bla ax-. mucb r..ii..iii la fell over hla condltlon. M;s ill neaa datea from Wedneedaj ol laal week, when he bad an attack of tbe grlp He rapldl) grew ;,ii,i laal nlghl pneumonla ael In. This afternoon it was atated tbal tben bad I ? change foi tbe better. whi.-h wai contln u, ,i this evenlng Mi Wn ? i of di ii proporUona, la an unremlttlng ? flgured mi tl tarlfl ' the ii .... foi a greal number ol yeara poal He i balrman ol the Commlttot on Waya an i , | |a me leodi i of thi Republli an 11 ? . ; .,.,- Ol tne Hol ? Hil ' lf| ter ar. here nuralng hlm In hla ... tyali lan is In ???'- ?tt< i li n hia b dsld. ? 1 \ll i RE OF TBE A8h IBl l ' OMPA VI. , . , , ijfi v ; _AT> IBD N ' UlftT TO M . ? l.- IE ? -.???? ?'? tha \ rlng Compi .,;?--. B iturt , ; to the Mg mll rd belni The plani - ? ??? *?< ' . | :, IWO lhO-,1 -,l.,l ' . rll ' i . | ? thal ? ; ? ? ' Dutdown a ' . ... m? nard and the town i ppled ;\ , ?o foundatlon I -.,...?. ha. ?? ,,.,','..- ,.f ii.mpan) may reach 1 ? ??? . ., The i.cavleel li r5i -,...'?? ' . , rorl ? ni i.i' 8xow n "i^S,J ' "' w ?? Middtetown. N I ?'??'? : * ? '' ?, uttt inebei laal algbt. I.?u?t" """'< ?? nu-n with drlfti and rgBroad train. ar. ..--ri enclng great dlfflculty. FISiis PARENT8 8H0T DEAD. APPARENTLY M1TRDER AND BUICIDK IN A M> iNRl IE BT. TENEMBNT H< rtfBE i'..-V ! RODIRg < ?.' !' ? MOTHKH i.n -i ii'.i!', HOM1 Bl : DID NOT in m: BH1fl 8 AL1 Ml ?l*OH HK a 18 AgLEKP IN THi: NBXT RO Hi .1..IM's Bhuttulton, forti two yeara old a ihol nnd kllled hla a Ife, Bllaabi ih, tblrty-l old, In thelr roomB, al No 27(1 Monn ? - mornltiff, and ihen mltted Bulclda b) aendlng a bullel Into hla braln. No bne aaw the anootlng or heard tbe fln d, aad thi i auaea whli ii led up to tbe murdei and aukide ar? nol known Bhuttulton waa an lron worker. When he w<a*ked he earned 93 ;t day, bul he bad been oul of work n entljr, preaumabl) on act lunl of hia nnati i hHi.its ii.cupled three rooma on tha m ond floor of th- three-atorjr brlck houae al No. 270 Monroe bi . wlth hla wifa and rhlldren Ha moved Into thla houaa a month ago iraater day, havlng oecupled rooma in a tenement houae oppoaita for aome tlaae. it la aald thal the couple had four ebildren, bul only two llved with them Willlam, Bfteen yeara old, and .i<.hn. Blx years old Another chlld, a plrl. older than the ..thers. ls aald tn llve In BcOtlaad, nnd ptlll another chlld. the youageat. 1* report.-d tO ba Ilvinj, wlth relatlvea The father nnd mothtr r.ccupled a amall bed room. len.linK off the |ai_*T llvinir-room. nn the Monroe al al la of tha hr.u?". whlle the two rhll? dren ?=]ept iii a tiny apartment, nol much larger than n eloaet, nt tha ba ;_ of 'he llvlng-room, but corjnert. ,J u Ith lt Both th" boya elepl late yeaterday mornlng, t. t a akl ig np untll 10:3 l ? h Tha older boy 4'"' np flrat, nnd. golng tato th- large room foui'd n pool of blood "ti the Booi and thi i ' hla father and mother ln front of the atove H" haatlly dreaaed hlmaelf nnd ran down tr. tbe -?????? There he found Patrolman Lort gan, of tha Delaneey Bt Btatlon, al Jaekaon and Ifonroe Bta . and told the pollceman tha* hla father and m ?ther were dead or dylng. Lorlgar oenl In b hurry call for an ambulance from Oouverneur Hoapltal nnd Dr. Wlghtman re ?ponded He went al onee ta tbe room where tbe bodlea were, and aald that iif" had i.n ? x- .cl al i taal three boura Thal woul I made the ahootlng take place aa early aa 7:30 o'clock. Both boya were lueatl ned by the pollce, but ndther of them had heard tbe two or three Bhota whlch had been Bred In cloae proalmlt) to thi m The tenanl? iti the house a i |U ned, bH ii .ti" of them would admll hav? lng hi u i tha report of a ptatol or any no 0 tween the palr. Tb - older h wl I that hla father nnd mother had qaarrelled the evenlng before bul thal he heard no nound from them ln the early mornlng hoora room in " l li h tbe ahootlng waa done ... j.. ,i Hke b ? haml i r of horr ira to thoae who mtered it. aa the tx llea reated where they fell. The woman aai In a i ha r dlrei tly In fronl of ti,,. st .... , || trylng to keep aarm gne a-aa Ireaaed l nlghl i lothlng, at d around her l? - and the lower parl of her body ...... . blanket nnd what .?? emi i to b? a plece ol arpei >r table coverlng Her hua? band had evMentlj ahol bar in tha head bj aat lu the halr, for her head fell over toward the L-ft alde and hnng thera, ahnoal touchlm tha Boor, bul Bhe waa i-'f dModfed from h.-r Jialr. Leaning agal'ial the lega of hls wlfe, wlth hls head and nhouldera partlally eupporl them and Btretched on the Door al her feet, lay Ihe l" ?! of the hn band He waa dreaaed i nlj ln a dark eblvl and trouaei-a, hla feet belng bare Ki. ni ;. wound in tbe rlghl temple blood I id ! dovi n -ii hla . lothlng He had ei li nt y ti. wh? n he had Bn 11 I i had pul the bullel Into hla hea i whlle Blttlng ? ? r at hta wlfe'a fi et On tne fl >or, un I, near a hli h he ara* Ij n a ,. ., ii pi Three of the chambi ra i ontaln I ? i the other two were lo i l< I, abota had been flred A hole In the rlghl ehoulder of hla Bhlrt looked . - he had Bred ? ne bullel al hlmaelf whlch he had then trled a sh it, w hi' h strurk the mark. X ,- .;. ii of the i oom wa rered wlth blood ha ! fl wed from the wounda In the wom i itheru Ibi .! waa In falr order, and ? .... ??? idencea of a atruggli \ ,-- ti??? I..''!" near the ' illi i waa b1 I burnlng, ImMcal ng thal the ahootlng waa done id dayllght. The elotl Ing on 1 ln the room where the parenta Jilepl seemed to ? ? thal the bed had bei n ojcupled n i ently ,,r had ii"' been made-up lhai d iy Thei. I ; rerts In the three rooma bu! nol of al - lute want e are puxxled to know hoa the ahoot . : ha - been done \.Ithout the reporta of the ah ita havlng been heard bj the two boya .... i few f awaj and by the other Comi aral Ittle la * the couple, foi thej had llved in th" 1 , *.? only a month, nnd ntii" waa known aboul them In thi house on thi other sale of tba ? rhere thej had llved before. They were born in Bcotland, and were marrled, II la be? lleved, some elghteen yeara ago Th" oldeet aon Willlam, la employed In . factory where > i ihadea ar.- made Llttle la known of the hablta of the palr, bul Dr Wlghtman, of ir Hoapltal, reeognlaed the man m one aho had ?? i patlenl In tbe hoapltal llve i ago 'or dellrtun. tremena 11 la sald lhai iuple had relatlvea in Brooklyn ? \OT ihLOWBD TO PREACH. DOORfl "F THK MOUNT Ot-TVKT BAPT18T OH1TRCH r_OBBD. DK8PITK THK RRV. MR vTISHKR'B ANNOUNCEMENT troul le In thi Mounl < rllvet BaptbM fty-l rd al between Blll enth avee.. betwe*m tha paator Um Rev Daniel W Wlaher and Ibe deaeoaa >t tba ebureb, dmlaated reaterday, whea no Barvteaa wera held al lha .?. mornlng ? evenlng ourlag to actl m laken tha '? "'. H Benali n In thi church atema to hava h I n*- orlgtn In tba actlon taken bj the paatoi wlth ,, .. .,, tb.- polltk al ? impalgn Df laat BUI ? the deacoi f tha church formu argea ag itael tbe paal n gullty of ui '? ? 8 .' m| Bthy wlth the Colored Tam x . . Ing 1 I made an) I '*>:'. r . \ , v. ? ? ? but all igh the .pled i *? at In 'io- p ilpli i??? rt |n thi ? ' ? itll 11 o'clock. ergj man takli bai ge The ? ? Ifounl ' Hli et 1 Satu ? ? M i pan '' flned to ??. * mg and ? I l ? In tbe chui ?? ? . mornli - Pl hi did ln aplt .. thai be would nol ba alloa ipy the pu plt agaln untll tbe chargi b aa <i'''! him b ? ? ? tigaw d D. ii Ite thls ai arevi r, t ., ' >?-'?? day mornlng and tha ? ,., :azni In expectal ' ai Ing him . w, ,.. ? I. The Rev. Mi M lani i ????- I ??? - r the Mount < bi ?? I ?? tw?. meetlng f i ? Board ot Deaeona i f tha ? bai been called for the e-.enln-.- of Jan 8. ? tba paator wlll be tm *-? _ _ oroppi d i'i io u t ?nr/03 makaobr ron T_a btahdard oit at oi*-an Dt-91 hi DDBH-T in ? >Hli ? \ ? ,?*? -j. i. Ohlo Jan i VTHUam ftl Irtab, , . i foi tt ?> Bl ii. lard 011 Ct mpaa a di oi ;.. i .i... | al . rallwaj itatlon i ? ? . a irala He wa -?? entj 4MPAONE IMPORTB IN ll ?:i:.::i > ? aaaa ^ * hk*_l *' BA m ,._tri I >r\ TblB wlne ls made o rrapea nnd flr<i preramira Iloitiea will baar gr??n Qockbar.d and ami labtl.-Ailvt. ? ll.-'?. t{ whlch W Sf_. '? ll ? M iinm * i;_trt Drj Thla wlne ls mada pf cl "" ? LYMAN ALSO DECLINE8 IT. ANOTHER man WHO WOULD NOT BB BTPERINTBNDE.NT < ?F PUB IAC WORf S THE ..lTi:ir aUDI Bl THE NKH OOVRBNOB ON lATI'BDAI u'!. i:v"' '?? IND PROMPTM REJBCTKO Albany, .Jan I (8pet lal). Oovernor R velt haa n ide another elforl t., ntl th- offlce ' Buperlntendenl of Publlc Worka wlth a man ln whom tbe rotera ol the Btate would pul truat ' and mi I- more haa falled On thla occaalon he proffered ibe place to Henry H Lyman, ..f Oawego, the Stoti Ea lae Commlaaioner, bul Mr i.: man .1- lined Comlng after the dei llnatlona ..f Jamea A. Roberta and Fr.m.:- V. Oreene, the Oovernor ha- reaaon to feel deeply dla.raged ov-.-r this .? curreni t. THo Oovernor mel Mr Lyman early yeaterdaj afternoon al tne offl.I thi Becretary of Btate and Invlted him to call al the Bxecutlee Man si.,n aboul I o'clock. Ur. Lyman probaWy tbougbt thu the Oovernor dealred to bave "? taik with him about the Kx-is- Department, In company vv,th other Btate offlclala who were to se.. hlm .n bualneaa relaUng t.> thelr depart menta Bul th- Oovernor quickly ahowed Mr. Lyman thnt this was nol his purpooe by ask Ing hlm tO necept tranpfer papers to the ranal department. Mi Lyman mav bave i.n r i. nish-i b) thla proffer, bul he dld nol waver Ib tbe reeolutlon be formed over ? areeh nc> wben prtaetd by Benator 1'iatt and Benjamln B i ?l-ll. jr . ti, I- rinit the UM of 1ns nam- as a candldate for the offlce. He told Oovernor Rooaevell thal for three yeara he had been really overtaxed In 'he or ganlsatlon and admlnletratlon of the Kxi lae De? partment un.l he was iii no mood. and he doubt . l aomewhai If he had the physlcal Btrength, t.> undprtake the gi al work of reformlng thi d. partment. Mr i,-. man i the Bxdae -,,.,,., . g revenue collectlon bureau, and bellevea thal only by the moal ener getlc methoda ia the Btate'a Income from thla aource t.. be kepl al Ita preaenl grand total of ,.-,, $12,000.00(1 a year. ln Ihe last flacal jrear the aum of jl2.04O.71N waa collected and thus st.-it.- taxatlon waa reduced M.2W.278, and clty nnd town laxatlon $8,304,102. Whatever Mr. Lyman aald. hla decllnation of the poal of Bu? perlntendenl of Publlc Worka waa poaltlve. nnd Oovernor Roonevelt'a tjueal muat begln agaln. VO MOXEY TO PAY COUXTRYMAX. BLACK Klti:i:i.v CRITIC13ED F* R LEAVINO THIB BKRDEN TO ROOBEVELT [-,-?? ti:i.i-i.imi-ii TO tiik TaiB**HB I Albany, lan I O. vernor Rooaevell la aoked to paj a ra;:, r dlaagreeable debt --f hta pcede r Ex-Judge Bdwln Countryman, who re I ,-.,i on th- tewtlmony taken by the Cnnal Commlaalon, haa aubmltted a '-in f,,r $8,000. This "demnltlon total" aome pen ?na eonatder rather atoep even for a work whlch, m aaured by tlme extend d only over four montha There I, , , fund in tif Oi v rnor?g poaaeaalon whlch .,vljl paj tbe I-.!!. and man (,r<.nmi-rit Repub ,,, .,?. .. |ay aald tb ry tboughl Oovernor ninrk oughl 'i, have Incurred it. -,-.,.. i, | ita ire 0f Is'.'** npproprtated S4J-".'h-) .,, ,1V -n? pxpenaea of th- Canal Commlaalon. Commlaalon made a carefUl Inveatlgatwn ,,r th-? executlon <>f th- i anal contracta nnd took evidence regardlng 'ii.nducl of Btate Bngl neer Adama nnd ,.f Oeorge W. AMrtdge, Buper? lntendenl of Publlc Worka, for two montha Then it :i motfth ln i-"-?d'm?r over tha lea mon) it had lak?n ?<i preparing Bm raport t.. Oovernor Hia ik. Wben the reporl waa preaented the evldepce t.atlfy Oovernor Black in mapendlng Oe ?rge w Aldridge waa Juai as empla as it was In De rember, wben he did auapend Aldridge Ina ? | ,his verdlcl he turned tl n atti ? (,\..,- to . \ Judge Countrj man. < >ne ol the con Benuencea of thla pollcy waa thal the Republlcan partj had t,. bear th- load -f an unreformed ,-.t| Depi rtn ? nl tl;: .ughoul the BUte cam? palgn whlch foll.'1. and Colonei Rooa vell was ibtedly i iu. ? i by t:^ altuatlon. Th,. removal oi Aldridge and th- appointmeni ,,r -t aultable tnan in hla place on Augual 1. the ,|.,v aftei the Canal Commlaalon'a reporl waa Bubmltted. ir. th- Judgmenl of lea llng Republl , :,,.. would have glvi n the Republlcan Btate tlcket u- the Noi mber electlon flfty thouaand -- th in it re ? lt -l ? ATTOBXEY8' I EEB TOO BIO, oyl ,,,- thi REfORMI THB NEW ATTORNEY. OEKEItAL PROl TECT v, ., . j ial) Atton ? -. ? ? Da ted fo bla adm ' - ll,; ared to mj l-i artmi nl are wholli Inadequa - Tl ? ? il "'?'"?" > , the aal n '?' '"'? - :' " ,! '' '' "" f,)Ur ''?","1" ,, j e Attorm .-- alli l opon to look .... ., a i of a ? oratlon whenaver there ? :. | or pi-llng In bankruptcy He N . p ,.,,i to be " e guardlati ot tbe peoph ? tereata and wlth the vael amounl ol labor per > rmed under thi ? ndltlona 1 hav.- mentloned, Ihe ,-*- .\"'. ih.w. i hlm Ib rldi uloualj - .:?.- - whlch i bavi i aertouely . .. ., *tlon of enormoua attorni rn f--- ; ild ,v corporal ? foi uhidlng ip tr.. ^ tMoXn. 1 i, 1%l. knowledge of on, Inal im e where the fe. i j.. t gri .Ive aumfor 1 ii rrlco iper f?n?..,. rlthli tn) power I ahall take ?tepa to pul ? > itop tn lt ? 1 in: GOYERXOIPB st i rr. HAMRD IN MI nnaTORDBH ia?t**5D BT THI NBW IDMINIgTR ITION Albany, Jan l ';.rnor R aevelt l laj ? ? ? i .,i . order i ad the Oa -t document to hla nam. I attached aa Oovernor. II la ,ljv .?,... emeni of Ma complete -".ff and readi a.- follon - Oeneral H- ' - Kew 1 rk AdJ ?? ,,, ,,;....,... oil \ y, January 1 QKNERAL ORDER S ?r... ...-,. lovernor of ... ind ol the mtlltla , . Ihe followlni v ERT i'i:i.AN' I ? -UfT. vi. i-KAKI >V U>H ... ii.i v\t un i ? I1HARH V\ : ? , , ... JAM ? .. ..,:.:.; v.\t UVINO i kN WHITFOKD MA ? - . ?. ? ? v . .. I! \I<1_ . . t JAN ,' ? i ?'. I . v N , - . N ., " . ? ? . . n. . , ? - v ?.. TH!.. iDORE Ri" iBEVELT Oon r - ? //// col F.R30R II ' //' RCB. an iKPRgaaivg -i ma i' '". at m.i ?Aiirn- cathb ? v ,;i RATION >;? I - i',.-.ernor Roo?-\^'t attended ...... ., ? | laln) i athedral thta ai ?? ? ,.-.. wao not ? "? ? ' t n:'^ "nombera and be aal ^irn,,*' Ainne. Sq-n' I Oovernor Bla h'a st^ff. Oovernor Rooeevelfa ..- -i ? Oeneral rt->e -m. bla i ifl wi ?? praati inlform Although the eatbedral holda fully two thouaand peraona, m.-.nv were un .,,in.t.?i r, in tha ?>??? ? i Beal tnta *ront aal ernor R - all whii- ln the row I .,,,,, B-ero i. enant-Oovernor and Mn . - ? , , m '?' I Oeneral '? ihtara In the nexl row .,. ? \t . ... and M?"T, ,:ifi the p*M t) - , on A T:,f -? pened wlth Bquadro Vu band ,, -v Ing ri,. Palnm." ..."i then ihe reated htrfr en iere,i. -ir:t-in?{ 0 Zlon FoXt Clt] " Blahop Doane rea.j the \>r" UM* "f'1 L'**"1 KuLhine vraa^hcd on ?Tba BattJa of l._a " n i5 PAIN'S SOVEREIGNTY CEDED. 8TAB8 AXD 8TBIPE8 REPLACE TUF BED AXI) YELLOW STAXDARD IX cl HA. B1MPLE BUT IMPRE88IVE BCENB AT THE PALACE I\ HAVANA, far > _Bta i" T,,,: rkiacsra l Havana, Jaa. I Bpala'a hlatarlcal Bag Boata no loagar In the Aatlllea The sinr? and Btrlpea weal UP at noon to-day ? ith IllipraaalVB alm plldty. The ceremony whlch aealed the yteMIng . f Bpanlah Boveretgnty In Cuba t. ><k plaea ln tha Palace. The maaa of tha populatlon could aot ba Bdmltted there. and tbe poopla Of Havana Kalh . red along the Punta. nt thr? foot of the Prado nnd oppoalte Morro Castle and Cabanaa F> r tr-ss. They BBW Ihe Spanlsh oolnrs go up nn Mom. nnd recelve the salutes uf gvina from Cabanaa nnd from the Amerlcan urarahipg in 'he barbor (julckly they saw the yellow and red pfandard COUM down and the Amerlcan flag floaflnir over Morro. Cabanaa and the other forts of the clty. whlle they heard the aalute In Ita honor from the Spanlsh artlllery whlch had been kept In Cabanaa for that purpoae, and also from the Bpanlah i-hips whlch were remalning In the barbor. BAW THK BTARB AND BTRIPBfl 00 UP. People who were vlewlng th" scene fr"m tba fiat houaetopa in whlch Havana abounda alao aaw th" Btara aad Btrlpea ko up on th" Palace. They did not ?"<? tiv Bpanlah enalgn come d *ara from th" Palace, becauae this morning none was ralaed. The Bpanlah authoritlea had thought it was enough for them to go through the palnful formallty of cedlng eoverHgnty wlthoul havlng their tiai? lowered over them, and tbere wa* no comment Governor-Geneml Caateltanoa aad hla staff watched the early mornins movementB of tha troopa af both arm laa nnd recerved reporta of tha progreaa mada. By ll o'clock nii th" Bpanlah Boldlara arara aboard the transports ex cept the 10th Engineer Corpa whi.h remalned in Cabanaa to Bra the aalute, aad two companlea of the I.eon Battalkm, whi.h remalned nn guard duty at the Palace The Amerlcan tTOOpB OCCU pl"d all the streets leadlng tO the Palace and the Pla/a of Arma ln fr >nr of it. The company ot tt." i^".n Battallon was drawn up ln .loui.i" Bla ln lha facada of tha Palace. Ftedag them from tha Piaza of Arma waa a company of Amertcan Boldlera The contraal araa a contraal hatwaaa races. The Spanlsh aoldiers made their beat poeelbta appearance ;n Mae atriped ualforma and Btraw hnts. They wera m-dlnm Of under glaad men. The Aiaerlcaa BoMlera In Mue ahlrta, trouaera and leather legKltiKS and with Army plouch hats. B88B_ed llka giants. Half an hOBT before noon Oeneral .Tames Wade. prealdent of the Amerlcan CO?BlMOB, and Oenefld M. C. BatPtt arrived with thetr reapectlra Btafla They dinmounted and Btood in groupa Chattlng wlth one another. All were ln full dreaa nntform a few mlautea later Ueneral John R Brooke, Oeneral vTllllam Lad loa and Oeneral Oeorge W. Darlu, commaader of the troopa ln Plaar dei Rlo Prorlnca, ar rived ln earrtagea The Ajnerlcaa regtmeatal band flrat played tha Spanlsh natlonal alr, ?The March of Cadta." in whlch the Bpanlah buglera of the Leon Battallon Jolaed. The Land then played "Th.. Btara and Btrlpea Porevar.'' Oeneral Brooke .v_.? greeted bj Oeneral Wad and a fea mlautea later Oeneral PlUhugb tuea rlding ui' wlth his BtaH and aacort aa com mander of tho Beventh Army Corpa After dla mountlng he was raluted by thi men of the i.eon Battalkm, nnd retaraed the aalate. INBUROBNT CHIEFB PRBBENT. About thls time the commanders of the Cubaa Inaurgent forcee, who had been Invtted hy the Amerlcan mlllUry aathorRlaa to parttdpete 1n the ceremonlea arHrad In earrtagea Tbej Included Qaaerala Marto Heaoeal. who eom manda -he foreea la Havana nnd Mataaaaa provlncea; Joai Oomea. who is a member af tha Commleeton whi.h a-ccompenled General Ca Itxto Oercla to ffaabtiiatoa. Hayta Rodrtguea, Lacret and Rafael Cardenea, aad -_i_uoa-OeB. arai Agramonte and Cotonel Valleate. After a aborl talk aith tha Amerlcan offlcera wbon they kaew, Oeaeral B-*oaka and bla mda ea tered tbe Palaca aad proeeeded up the rtelra to tha Balon de Beaetona, or aaaanon-rooaB. whare tba Baal eereaioiiy waa to take place. The other offl.-iaia foiiowed Oeneral Jlmenea CaatellaDoa and bla ataff arara awaltlng them la the aaloo. This la a reetaagu la, room, and la Bomethlag Ww the Ifarbla Room of the Benate at v/aahlaat< n. Tha Bpan? lah aiifhor.flen had Btripped the whIIs of thelr biatorlc palnttnga, bo that to-day the room aeemed bare to flaaolatl* n Introductloaa followad amoaa tha Amerlcan and Bpanlah offlclala who were nol prevloiia i ., qualnted, Oeneral Caateltanoa rhatted pleaa antly whlle awaltlng tha ttrme of tbe cereraoolal The doora were tbrown opaa to th" belconle*. ,,.A .. ... , of thi "tti' lala Bti pped oul of tha sai-n Into the freah alr r^rom tha baleoay they could look acroea thi Plaaa of Arma aad ovei tha temple eracted on tha apol ahata maaa wai ?ald to tha Bpanlah troopa te the ahmi.iii rrarablpa In tha barbor. They could alao look down on eoaada and oooipanlea of Amerteafl ra [n tha aaloa oeneral Ctoua aad Colonel Olrauta, reapectlra BBcretarlea of th- Amerlcan ,: Bpanlah Commlaatoaa aralked up and d ?u_ talklng of trivlal affalrs. <;*'neral ('asteilanoH ?teppad o\er to the group of Ins.irger.t H"ld!ers ar.d -rreeted llayla Rodrtguea, whom he kne*. He v\as introduced to others of the Insurgent , (Bcera, and taik-d pleaaaatly with them THK MARgllfl MOJITOBO ARSKNT Inqulry was made by 80B88 of the Amen-an offlcera for tha Marqula MoatOrO, 88M ^t the ortgtaal membera of the Bpaalab Cnmialaalaa ?i... eaplanatlon waa mada that ICoatoro waa too iii ta i? aeeeeal Juel a year m;". Naa s !*,,.'-< hC tOOh ihe ? alh Of offl. e a.? Sec retary Of the Treaaury ln the Autonomlsl ?-al. Inet. arhlch '?'',, thnt dav In-talled A monlh waa enonah fr. ahow that Ihe tlme when an Au tonomlBt Cablnet o.uid aave Spaln'8 domlalon la Cuba had paaaed A year h?? been r'-jnired te j.ri.\t- tl,'s f,i ? Aft.-r aeveral rnlnut*<? r,f Informal talk had bean golag on. Oeneral Caatellanoa indicared that the hour had COflM to yleld hia trust. Half unoonoctoualy, membera of the two Comm.ssiorig took thelr (du- ea, and tbe gr<>U|. <>f Qenerala aml Bpaalah ottceri BornMd a crea r-nt. Oeneral Caotellanon and h.a staff were la ordlnary fatiguc uniform. They dld not digntfy ihe functlon hy appearing in their anlfonM of eeremonlal nrroalona No orden ard deeora tlona were worn hy them. fhoitj-h they have goe. tceous onea Ba.'k ot the ataff were f-.venty-rtve or thlrty Spanlsh nfllrlnla. a..m? of whom wore thelr deroratlona; but they were preaent aa ape-tators and not as oftVlals. Oeneral Castel laims Is nol a large man. He has the mllltary goatee and a bullel aliaped head Notliina' about hlm to-day showed hls rank e-s<-ept hla sash, only a st rl;. of whlch was \islhle. Hia jarket was bttttoned under hle, and hle aword hur,g hy hls si.'.?'. almost ,-arelesslv i;-neral Hrook- is a large man. the typlcal aoldler. Bo ar- Oeaerala Lodlow nnd Iiavte. Oeneral l'.ut.-r ;s ,,f aplendld phytrtque. <;-n>*ral Chaffee, <?f <;er,erai Brooke'a staff. ls alight but tall. Oeneral Waide ln r-g!mentals la not g Klarit. hut h's stattire ls rohust. All theae i>n erala and their aids In full uniform preaented a .11. st Impoalng appeeraaco. Oeneral 1.0 *aa in ftield nniform. LetM imposlnir than the Ameri^an Oenerale. but not without Impresslven.-s". was the rr-up of Ins'irpent comm.inders who formed the outer rim of this creacent. Tbey were in untfom of dark Mue, with nothlng l.ut tlny *aUver *tars to Indlcate their rank. Thelr baaring was maniy and dlgnlhed. They rtwnmandai tha reapeot of everybody. Vlce-Conanl of Oraal Britaln, was preaenl in ofll.'lal dr-ss not aa the Conaular Engltah reprooentatleo. bat as the Amerlcan repreoentatlve, whooe Cowmlar tmm> tlona were at.out to raaat Benator J W. i>aniel, I <.f Virginla, formed one >.f thd aeocn >>f Anvrhao clvlllang m tha backgrouad. A MBMORABLB BCBNB The seone was BMBBOraMe. The guns fr*?m j Cabanaa and from the ships in ti-,.j harbor w?re I roarins BalutOg wh-n (I-neral ('astellauos gteppad forward and handed a paper to ("aptaln Hart. the oflVial Intrrpreter of the Amerlcan Commlssion. It was the text of th-- speech he was about to make. H? addressed htmself ln Bpanlah directly to Genoral Wade. aa prealdent of the Amerlcan Commlssion. f'eneral Btrler gtood on the left of Oneral Wade <;eneral Oae. t-llar.oa apoka with coaatralnt, but mastered hla emotlon. it was apparent that ht? staff oflVere were reatraintng theenaeleea oni\ by the stmng .-t exerctae of*wlll power. Tha regrlmental handa IH th. Piaza of Arm" were playlng Amerl-an Natlonal alra Art aM was sent ro at<>p them. Caatellanoa contlnued bla aenteneeg in intervala wl,l |, ?,. , punctuated t-v dtachargee <>f cannon | maklng aalutea F-.tir bondred eearg of btatery ' ,v,.r, , taalng away Uka the tlcklag af a watch. I Oeneral Caotellanoe was anderatood when h? I dwelt upon tbe romtnand of his King and the Treety of Parla as ,-eaaon (or the worda he araa , aaylng, th ngh rnoat ol hta hearera wera not fa mlllai Wlth Bpanlah When he uoaeladed Cap? tain B. Hart tranalated hta written speech. Wh-n Oeneral Wade turned to Oeaeral Br, oka ar.d aaked hlm to accepl th- govaralgBty whigh vas tbere ylelded by Bpaln to the Unlted states. Oeneral * Brooke had no prepared speech. He made bla brlef raply aeceptlag th? sovereig-ity. and it was translated. sentenre by a-ntenre. Into Bpanlah by Captaln Harr. In two mlnutea this funr-tlon waa over. and Caatellanoa waa no inncr a Ooreraer Oawtal of Ppain In Cuba l.ut slmply ? general af 'he Span i-h Armv He pgeagfl wlth his staff Into the room adjolnlng Ihe mton, Intaadtaf to take Icnve of his rrienda He -rxsfcaaged farewelle with a few of th-ni and then brohe iOWR, "I hav- been hi as many l.attl-s as there are halra ,,n my head." he ertad. - "a?M thaee f-r.-es o/er r. ?,.. me!' And thus th- itcafttea of Oeneral CaotaHanoe was teraatnatad. LOCAL omCIAUl I'vY tiikih BBBPBCTB, Oeaeral Brooke and bta st.iff nmBH ln tha .s.-iion t,. recelve the rlaltg of raai.t from \art j oua ofl lala Aaaong them weee Jwdgag al the l ,-,,iiits nnd profhoaora it, the Unlverelty, >vho | eame In n body wearlng thalf piofegBortf <?p? and gowna Tha Inaurgent naerata a'so i>a'<l thelr reapa ta Oeneral Brooke taikvi fo them itidiM-i....'.-. and Ihen .n a I ody. "Vou kti..v\ th. rircmnataneaa," he s.iid. "in mmatt Am- rl? ,.n "?" tpe bare - ome t.> y.nir sii-.tea Kx trnordlnar) ? nr.. ? t.- n -v ? aeeeooan on yamt pnrt, i rxped your milem tro-operntlon.'* Ajttt i maklng thla ".111:.- apeeeh .;en-rai Mr ?.ka lefl th- Palace Eor Um Inglatarra n-t-i, where h. revlewed the Beventh Army Corya a? lt mar, 1. '. i tot -,\-n..|i o mi i ial laa alafl tii" Balaaa "ith - . , , M of tba Laon Battallon ,. . ,|r, | |y deftled IhrOUgh the .ordon of Amerlcan tn 1 - and -r-r,e on hoard thrlr tr.tne i port Th- Amerlcan troopa saiuted him. 0*m* I Pral ClonO anl .'attaln Hatt. aa repreaentatlvee of the Ani,'r:,-an rommlsalon. walked on el-her alde. hla staff following A narrow street rung from the Plara of Arm* to CaballerU Wharf. A Spanlr-h ctrl on a balcony of one ot the houaea alon* thhl ?treet dlspiayed a Spentsh flag and crled ' Vlva Kapafta' ' Vtva cl arar" In an Instant raat-.llat.oB and hls itaftT w,.r.. aobMag '< waa an extraordlnary B.-re. Th-ir kii-i" w is r.-sp-. ted. and a amall throng .,' Bpanlarda at tbe wharf ambrated theaa, with erlea of "Long lire Bpaln!" and Lonir li\e Caa tellanoo!" Hta staff ofBcora tried t? r-'apind* but gaaotlOM made their replles Inaudibla. Aa Ueneral Caatellanoa atepptd aboard th%