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MOTOR CARRIAOtES IN FAVOR. l?RKAT intkukst im th? exhibit of THEM AT THE CTCLE BHOW. "tVllAT THK1 008T AM? WHAT IT COSTS T* I RUM niEM AOYANTAORfl .maimki? POS Thi:m OVRR IP ?itskm Amoiii* the attractive features of the cycle abo-A at Madison Square Garden wore the motor ??airi.-ia-' -. The little Incloaures where these ve hlcles were llsplsyod were always crowded ?with Interested p.?.pi?, who listened attentive? ly t.. the de? rip on of the mechanism and working qualities of the novel traps, although ten iik. "volts," "direct current, ?"amperes," "Wut motor," ?-i?., wen meaningless to them Th. motor carriage has outgrown the experl mental stage, ami, while many of the people who gathered about ihe beautiful specimens of the carriage-maker's arr were attracted by the novelt) of the thing, aa, many mor.- srere nnxioua to knot* all about the horseless car? riage because thej hoped to become purchasers The man u h., pi.o -s an order will find that i. ? ? men have been ahead of him. Th? manu? facturer? hav? 01 le?ra ahead to keep them busy foi ?-." ?-ral months, and popular patterna can* not be delivered until next April or May O real Improvements hav?- been mad?- In the motor carriages since the last exhibition, but the pries an- still high, ami (he b? st electric vehicle? ai.- ?till properly termed expensive luxuries Thej cost from $ I.(mo to $.'!.*?<hi and th. omnibus?**, which are being made by the Pop? Manufacturing Company are quote i at 94.001 Among the hydro-carbon or gasoline Wagon? th- r? were some Which w?-re much lower priced, and one little trap at $7?0 uaj-i Shown to prov? that a ?mall fortune Is not necessary t?> buy a rarriage. Thi.? little trap, which will carrj two passengers, will run aeventy-flve i nlthoul being r??cluu-ged, and when It has Kl.Kl "Ht ir DELIVERY WAGON. m..i* by the Pupa Manufacturing Company. Pries &.W?. run thai dUtanre on? gallon of gasoline i* poured Into the reservoli and the carrlag? is good foi ?event? tl? mil?*?? more A handsome runabout foi cltj ?.r countr) n**? Is als., among th. cheaper vein? les This trap maj be run, according lo the manufacturer? statement, f.-i twentj iiv. miles on a good road ai ? rang< ol ?peed ??t from three t<> twelv? Dille? an hour forward and from thr?-. to six i li? an houi backward, Thi ?*osl of energj li about ?ne .-?ni ;? mile, and the accumul?t?? m. ?v bt i. ha i -;? .1 m a b ?ui t hi ???? hours ' nie ol manufacturera aaid that th? most Important improvement? In motor car? riage? ?.-.?:? ma?l? m the design? ?.f ih? running geai w hi? i h..-. ?? been made light? r and b? l lei. In tie loi agi bat?, i les, m hi. h an le? cuml ? re in th? eai Ij motor carriag? , ed m< i htxla foi re? hai K : N. .u ly all ih. . ; n i a ?le in thi gasolin. gagoi a .. 'i. the odoi from these \> hi? lei? ami th. tendel I i it? heat ha ? nol > el h. - n A man h - ?? i. -i. .| in the i ask? .1 Ih? ?u| erinteiid. n| ,,f th. Pop? "No . ; el ? .,' thi fl WSJ ai i iag? ho? ' l! lilt il Ik? ..!..? |. ? th? ? even to ih? hall bearin? and re qui .' th? sum. kind of care The storag? batt? car? than Ihe horse? whl? h th.. -u.led, but of u different kind Thej must nol b.- abused and not overworked, if th< > are th?-? will break down, bk?- ihe hornea They CUB be charged at an) 1 1 ?J ?.oil diltt't tUf AN ELECTRIC BTANHOPB. Price $2,500. rent circuit such as u- used fot llghtlnf?: In l?e [furnished at a low figure It takes about three calilles where this kind of direct curren* Is not ?? '?urS to restore or char???- butteries that hav? uvailahle the alternating current must 0? np?d been completely exhausted." but t ti is? can be transformed Into the 110-volt ' As to th? cost of eharplnp th. batteries it was direct by the use of an apparatus which can be ?aid that electric hy.lrants would soon b. placed AN BT.KfTRIC TRAP. *Moa ji.ixMt, In convenient place, fsr the arromm??-*,,,, owners of elavtrtr rarrlair-s and th??+? ???a ply power automat!? ally when a ?V-aaaj owners of e|??etrtr currisges, and th??* ?f.. ply power automatically when a ?S-eaal ITl in dropped Into a receiver, Kor m?kln?? % * plete charge th?-r?- ??-.-ms t?. 1..- M uniform prfc. Until owners <?f electricit! igrsa a* |g whM it is worth whan transfi-rr? <| to motor-w?, hatt.-ri.s, th?- price will vary and th( tirr,,. wh It is. fak.n w iii have iom< ? .hf. becaus.. th?- power RIA) be deei Igj *% ttrnME at nltiht than In the da ' Recharging th.- batteriei li ? ,?. .-.,.ry v atan electric-lighting plant ? s Forkaaa now about 40 cents, an.i wi'h thai . bargt tin wagon ?'an run thirty mlh wliu, east mor?? for pleasure vehl . sjq cm-YZ $1 would be a bit* price. In answer to the question, "Hon ;, n(? .,,,, battery last?" the ele. ?? ., ml^, ,-_ life is Indefinite. We h.av<? never known a bv, tery to break .?own thai b*l had ;r per?ait* A new battery for a p|< I --.-?? ??-hmie Ca*?jt? fuOO, and when the inquisitive mar this piece of Information b? ,? the prie? ?ras another point <?f ? th?, , of horses. In a circulai , ro p,p. Manufacturing Company ; tatd 0n a? subject of "expense i I and maintain. Iru.'": it seldom happ? na rent h hau from wires connected ?!?;.- rashes Irai lighting atatloi .? for'??^ full charge ex<*edi HO enta \ aeil known electri? lighting and power ? ... u?Ui.' has.- th'-ir pri'.-s f..r their output ? the aUSSBg of current consumed and ?. n a .-? r of .^ ? i ? als? employa the sam? plectrl? ? urrentf? lighting his house, ?.r for snj other purpose, ?j, .?an arrange to ? !..?:;..? hi arriage i.?.r terie? at a cost extremely slight '?' \ .?.d that the average cosl of running a Columbia esifssj is one ? ?nt per roil?- for ? tirrenl w hen tak*n froe a public station, if frequently happen? tha owners of <>ur csrrlage? i ?-? their awiae) vat?- electri? plants and ??? this u tht cut th?- , . st Is even i?-.??s. an?! undei favorab!? asgg, tbins is sometimes as low a~ one-quarter g ? cent a mile. The carriage? ar>. ,\. ? > ar avtrip maximum sp? ? . of ..' ? at >*e miles as lag AJ? KI.KCTIU? SI RHI.Y. Pria B M on the level, in ?weight th? I iiblnlaBB? from approximately 2,000 i ui la for IheBB* est to 3^00 for tb? larges) ? I .... h ?Mtu? the batter) weighs aboul one th ? I of thi? ires amount When compared with the light P**1 and buggta ral f bwl h?*1,r' ?iut when on. taki s Inl ?? ?otBt take ih. piare not onl) of l ?> but ?* of tbe horses to drau them rhei tonto** some exciis? for their added '' Th.' front whrele of the new rnotef tnr* are usually 32 Inchre In dlametei sal HbB* or driving wheels ?"-,; Inches ??:? W*f* ?lid rubber tin ,l__5? bave pneumati? tu. s, ihn e ii - i'1 di*"*'-** and ' orrugated to pn eni - ?!1 BEES pavem? nt <?r i.e. Tbe a ? : ?* tot most part with Wil , ?';''''- ' a graceful appeal anca, An ele. trie .airier to be tl " .H!v<-r.*f : . ? 8 WSS ,,ne of the cl r wi*^ on exhibition. It lias thr I ??aolD'?5' i.i, k, over whl? h the Iriver - M ; fr.uit of the L..V, a-hi? I ? '' order to ebon th? adi. .irncr"1 ? a h.?rs.? and wagon. I "''''. pared a tal e ??? hi? h show? rlerai d o| era : a * Il M ' *' ' ! and Will mu' 7,000 hill a horse and wsg m an i *m ''"' ' t t 'ii?t *r?!^ the first year |3,06?] 74, and ' of service, making a gain v -' L? miles ?f sen. In favor of th? ? '? ctrle clLrr^ Hy the MBM calculation it is Bbosm th?'' motor carii'-rs will do the work of t!irf*' ? .ta Itl'?Xl*? herue and wagOB Outfits act BU 8 ^ ***** "^ favor of the c+rrlei* ??f E??A\2 tt\ or a ?*