Newspaper Page Text
Ntm T^LIX ? >~? 10.227 XEW-YORK. FRIDAY. JVLY 7. lsw. SIXTEEX PAGES. PRICE THREE CENT8. PUBT.IC MONEY WASTED. MOI.GAVS CHARGES yTRI.Ll-KR yfiAlSOn MANAOBM OF STATE .NSTITVTIONS. j-pAI.,-.T'P PIPCl.nSt'RFP MADE? FT-OTS TO B-QCUR1 HIG AP rR'TRIATinxs. [pt uiiikalB to THr TKtnt->nc.| Aibary. J""" ?> - The effort belng made by ?ii m J Morg-UB, the Ptat- rontrolk-r. to cut n letdlesa eapeadtttrrea ln the State ohari ?V _. ? apaearf to be int?rferinK with ?*" _t. ? . ' the local manairers of some ' ' '.,., na to such an ext-nt that they 0 ?-. wish to oontlnat longer ln the servlce . mo-th ar a malority of the R.ard of - Btate Refonn?torjr for Wnmen, Hl).. krremer Rortaerelt, n"t at thls actlon nf the manajrers, fl'ed tba recawil place* at once. Now the man _.t._v ? thi Weetern Houae of R-fuge for v .. \ll.i <n. have reeigned Th-ir namea ??,.. | _4| r, of Alblon; Edward c. _...k,. Clan M Waterman, of _,bifi: ra- _ F'-e. of Rocheater; Ira T.war - of Hadley. and Dr. Edward Munsoti, , _,. ? [t - .. ao r-p.>rt-<l the tnan ? ? Hocne f'>r the Hllrid, at Ba la . reeiga tha-i placea, an.l. in fact, _-e ef the memben Ol the _-J..a'd tUM already I Moraaua to-day said hla attctiti->n to the letti oa of rtie Board of -laaaaanra ?f the Weetern House of Refuc- ai Albloa, and the rarioua newapaper n htm in re'.atior, to his dlffereaeea _.,,h :, ra, and he thought both worthy ?farepl] from him. li. a ?tatemeat taaued re fard.- - l J' *? he p* ? Tf,^ nagera tn their latter say that "Re haa a en ri: to prac ol of all ii. .?'??vs. ? xi-i't rging Inm egal n Juatlflcatlon of thlo otate I tbe carpenter waa month. in the case are that the Western - Women la i in all and . Initltutlon, and then ? in th- Controlli r*i mlB the necessity for thi art< ady f a ? :?? ln fact. It was any IntelliRent obeerver that he ?k for hlmaelf In ord I was done wltb rel ab matter untll a chaug, v, as made m tl The api of a as thought hy the i rre e at Whlch to redi. f.".i> a month. This rate s-erned ? r^ndered, partlcularly in rlew raontb ? the rate allowed ? :nsari- hoffpltala of _jp v- | . | BBON ? .ulred tt th. rr. than a' ' rr.AVF.I.T.INT, AT THE BTATE*! EXPENBE. The manar-rs further complaln that "we are . the Controller tha;. th- Apprr.pnati'in - U ex ,. ? notifled to meet the l ? ?? r and a: d of Charitlea." arlll b? allowed. n of law. lt? T>assa*e he. ame / .. r.f the fact that th- mai Btltuttona made t.airs through - expenae, on the ground re to the boalaeaa .>f the tlone. an. also for the reanon that it has ef <*-rta!n laetl-utlone to kt-ep . i .f th-ir manaK<-rs in Albany the greater ohbylng in the interest of The ttroiier's "mtarfterenc*" ln thls aaa etmply to notlfy the institutions of i . ? ; -hat th,y mignt nm Ignorantly -tit: e - tnager? further onmplaln that ',we muat ii. foy rnme verv resp.onsible positlons men of i ? wt knem n thlng, except tha* IMaed an exam ? the proper aul alnt 1? almeri nt the c\\ Hona, irhJch have rer. ? ? i?er. made applicahl* to the charltahle Ini lon_. . ? ' ' ",t'd lri an" i that Ihe pei ; e of 1 N""w' ferk aaem to have accepted the principlea of ; - - - ? rm, and that their latest de nands are for a. more r.Kid appllcation .,f I rather than a return to th- old r ? r**Tent. ery rtiu'-h as If the appllr*atlon of th - ruies in the matter of appolnt inptltutlon. the curtallment of the . -.... f tl ? agera, to ?*? fa^t that the Controller has rtrenu . - ated that not more than current ? 'd for <c.ipplies for the Inatll ? t.hat has greatly disturbed the eal .- - ha# bad r - ? do vAirri the r- - than any fan ? >f their lei^timate r - . ?r rjnlofl aad Advertlaer" an - .nation of one of the Board of ar-York State Instltution nd at Bauvta, irea ln coa that it would not be si.-prlslnK. 1. if the whole . ? at at Alblon, on a^ ? ?.Tieridiir.g" of the said Ptate offl - .any. ra rRicE;-* for coai* Ty. . j- which conatltutea the basls ii tha that the fl refuaed to ail..w the inatitution to paj to i a bought for the manag' ment inslstr-d upon , regarrll-ss of the reanonable - ... ? : ht tak:iT- I - acbool is ? P*n?p laatltotlon, requlrWM to pay trlbute to - The report stated further that the Fatavla ln ttltul 110.00U for bulldlng ear '!1- >Mt waF h*r0' .. $:;:><*< more for "er-ulpment. | amo:nt waa approprlat-d. ar.d lf a thlrd approi ? ' would uv? ? efore the i rmnaelum will ? ? 1 of th's Insti rx.fore thi Ippropi tde a dletlnci ai Ir.g v.. tween thi ig?*? on th< ? r, thr* Coi 1 . 'haritlen on tbe .th*-r that tn? R ? .nstruct the bulldlng and gQUlp rd of < hari revent the Leglelaturefrom n thla way. resulting ln a uh ind that m Ita -- I tbeli frienda ? ehaii - ? flore^ ? n ,,|.,i,i talk h ? ? - ? n th.* ?ympathetlc _"?*_n . parta of a well mat ? >hC 'iV?rtrirnW of - mn H" *h' he merlte of the 1- ? ?????? .. . ? . . -..,--. Mi fetrd, j ra of aome ? ., rb- clasa d^ . . - le ex The -a' reaeon for thla notbuiwl r*f indierna rtnre v. ith the manajre tt^nt - -,use man lg-n vprl to a consldernt ? .,..,,-. the ti i!.apr.ror,r1?t.- publb funds ll the ... -.m of Btate aupervlelon naa i n '; ' r?ted twi _2"'? would havi "*'? !2 "x ptoplc ,.ta . tatti aa would be ia a ?rhetteri ? r'rr* ^PH.ha.vts . . RAIBI MUCr-B The idea rally pn imlled ln the 1 ..f publd instltutlona thnt 'h-i ' legi'irnate P|under for th- -"^!ltv_*nt^ il ot th- B at? **? aaatlaa. ? .,?, ra?gard to th morai ... m the paat m*-rrhan ? * fh- loealtty have comblned and divid-d tr.< tutlot ?' . ?ce_a of tne jn-r,. J.lnrdand forcefl g*__P?i >h?i . Of nie*at at thr __Khe?. ri,^ t,-,.vaUln>f for th>. h-gt: plan? for '?.........oi ua I'-.- .*? A CRITICAL POINT IX THE RACE. Just after taking the lead, at the first (windward) mark, the Columbia's jib-topsail bursta, SPANISH HEROES FREED. RELEASE BY THE IN?rrjBOENT_l OF THE MEN WHO GARRISOXED B_LER. THE Pir-TrRF?0T'r T.TTTT.F. BAND REACHEB l_AJ?ni_ii?COMMlBaiONERi RKTl'RN FROM TAR?AC Manlla, July 7. 7 a m. - The Bpanlsh onmmls sloners who went to Tarlao for a onnferen' ? Auulnaldo rv-rardlns: the rorrender of the Bpan Isti prisoners ln the hands of the FlUpinoB re turned here last nieht. Chalrmaii Del Rl? nf the mmmlpsirin said the of all the prison? ers had \>oon practlcally arrar,-:ed for, hut lt would r>*> necessan to consuli the Bpanlsh Oor ernroent before tbe auxrecmenl could be ri He declined tn grlve th- terma of the arrane-e ment, or to say whether these contemplated a ransom. He aaaarted, however. that Affulnaldo had already Issued a de -ree for the release of the civlliaa offlclala and the slck sol I - The eommlBSioners, wlth the remnant of the Spanlah jrarrlson of Baler. on the <>ast ?08 Luaon, and a number of r-lvlllan prlsoner? eseorted by Pillplno soldlers from Tarlao to the Amerlr-nn OUtposta at Pan Fernando, and came to Manlla hy the ntpht traln. The heroep of the lonp defenoe nf Baler, where rh* SpantardB resisted an Inrorgeirt Bleg ' m- r* Than a year, formed a pl.-turejvjue hand. I.ieutenant Martln. the only survlvlna offiVer, marrhed them throuerh the atreet?. There are onlj' twentv-two, and most of thern are nr-re in faded Miie cotton uniforms and red shlrts. They are barefonted. A crowd of BpanlSrl men and women em hrared them. weepinp and phoutlne* their prslsea. They tell a remark ?' It afrpaaxa that the captaln several tlmes prop4_sd to BUlTender, hut the soldlers refused. Finally. some months zxc bi ti ? rai*e a whlte flac. Thereupon Lleutenant Martln kllled hlm wlth his own BW "rd. Thetr food s';pr!y cav?- out entlrely a week ?go. and thev Burrendered tr. the Plllplnoa with all the honors of war They were allov. keep their arms. and thoy say they maurched fr<>m Baler, wlth a Ptllplno *so..rt and r-arrvlne: runai thr'.uR-h several lnsur_renl camps. ? where beln-r chwreo and ftted. ? WBITE CAP8 AT WORK IN JERBEi FIVK MABKED MEN WTHIP A TOtTXCI MAN RETURKIN- HOME WITH TWn OIRl_1 New-Brunawlck, S. J.. Julj 8 Smlth. a young man of nid Brldffe, whil- re turninc late last nltrht frorn a plcnlc at '?'. Inarton Park wlth two glrla of waa lialted hy flve masked men. ?hn whlpped him and 8truck one of th- glrls, Thej earl the har ness off the horse and arracked the earrlage. Bmlth tora one of the masks off and ron,,K. nized several of Ihe srang. which waa com Of .lamesburn. jroung R_n who res-r.'ed b_ attentk.ns to the glrls. Smlth has BWOrn out warrants for hls alleped assailants. but re . the nam-s of the pirls or the mtn. ____ Bl LLET PROOF CLOTB. CmCAr.O MAN Al'I'AHKNT'.Y BVCCUmTVl IV BH INVKNTI' 'N Chl-airo J ? -al)-?Jaaasa Mnrkham BSO retsry to ''?- af al P Uca Klp ??> at< tarjret Biadi f a abeet of ' th to-d*l Bl v I* ph-Bt. and flr-d a atns;la ahot at 11 ' - Tha r.uiiet atroch The cloth aqoarelr, reboundtne. atroeh Markhara full in th* for* Bvrsd and f*ll t'. the floor an' burst from the w-.un.i Ha 4*^ aaalate.1 to hla ?) UBeSa 10 a nelshtiorlns ??? ator* where I hla wound waa -IBSBlB, ?nr! he waa ahia lo return to the B4T_M 0. hls BM-4_t A B_abar of pollcemen flred volleya ffsaa Mf ra>atahasrB ,,h For flfteen mlnu" lt Bnd when the amoke had clear.-d BWS] tt,. inth' hnni frsa from ...-rforntlnns A llttle man . i iratched the ahooting iv-.-ame wlki wirh r''" ? ' ""th was Becaared ta ba butte. r and the llttle man. < aatsatr Eag - - ,r''" ot the method of m_k.nK it Msrkha_, too. wa. aa^flerl. A H.t.e lower." he -ald. >_6. I wouid iiMVo loat aa eye. THE CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS ORDER FOR ENLIBTTNG TEN sUBGlMENTS IMUED THE NEW PLAN A OREAT BfPliOVEMENT OVER THAT OF LABT TEAR BEVEM MORE COteONELB AND SEVEN MAJOR8 APPOINTED TBT TSt-aOBAI- TO THB TRIBINF. ] Washington, July 6.- By tbe Presidenfs di n Adjutant-iien'ral Corbln ti ? -??. Ordat No l__. calling Inti ? i -" n-<_ iy flfteen th'.usand volunteera for tton the Phlllpplnea The plan foi sra at to State mllltia has been cu_refully , - >n t.-. av^i-I the . ntberra.ssmente encountered so frequently lleved by Army offlcsTa ol e to mark a notahl* advance toward - qulckly calllng to the Bupport of the Executlve ln a National er? - '.imited ln di'iiensf'.ns only by the ntimher of m*n ln the Unlted Btatea 1] .???? of t.*arln-r armi. or the nurnher the Oovernment wlth Its immense resourc.-s is competent to equlp. It ls ...1 to embody ai! tha advamtages of th? ?-.. st Europeevn ayatams without their cnmpui Sr.ry whlch WOUld be repugnant to Ameri TEXT T THE ORDER The order. " mj ared wltb thoBe whlch at the outbreak of war with Bpaln wi i y In - ied onlj ' beyond reci^gnltlon, la a model of mlll omprehenatvenesa lt reada ns foll ? Inaton. D ?'?. July .' eral rulea are pr< - Mr by the i j . aOjui - offloe, il . ln'" regln ? I ? ? ind 12 of the '? ted ? :',:-? 32 ' ... L'niti , ,r ?. . ..... tafl ? llltary hy - ? ?' ? ? -. - durlriK t ? - Amer' ? ?' _ ,,, 6 aer I "?? l.'-tfulnr Arm> wln iraed a ? ' ? r rejcinicnta. a. v ?nk- I ? ' *r"1 .lion-il ill other r- ? ler th* Ire Except in ? fcr theae Ir vlew of th- aervlcs Biraenta ar.n th* cl mai | jalltl i nrsi ? llfled wlll he, ap T, .. ....... ? . ? ? ? mc'l.-nl offi -er* ' _ "*' ii ' ruttuu tiv-r* ?rray ,1 of recrulTa at th* n - mroa ndlns I ? "' :,r"1 . mental and rnrnla it, n.-l ataff and 'n'';hr_ . il] ba awerned bv th* ! Arrr,". r.-cil.r _ rerlmeat ao nrnnlaed arlll for_purpe diiclpllnVand aupplj be B-bJact to the order* of the rommai - - -ral of the "' ? BTOiia ls located. and the resi irtmenl or. hi* arrna. n rlrnental rsndaan - rejrlmenta of Infantry Unttad Statea Volun teera Wlll be ..rar?nt_-?l ?-* fo_WWS: Twenty-alxth at PJattabura- Bat*l_rka. New T..rk Tweoty *??" tr. al Csmp Mesde, Pennaj eanla. Twentf-eta I ,n'* .-m *? E..n Bh< rl lai. nitnola Thlrty-ftrsl al For- Tti mai Kentucky Thlrt. -aecond at Kor' l.e.. vet * o> th Kanaaa. Thlrtj-thlrd at Fort 8am Hnuston. Texaa l 4, d ua Pmur _. FELLOW FEVER IX PORT. TWO OENXrXE CASEfl ON BOARD THF. i RAX8PORT M'F.F.i I Iv* DR. DOTt RAi THF PATTFVTS RTTH Twn ?'OTHF.R IU8PECTB, TAKSH TO IWIN BURNE ISLAND N'1^ DANOER APPREHENDED VThen the T'tVte<i Btatea tran=port M^lellan arrlved at Qoarantlne fr m rday, her sure-enn reported that there m fever on I tj. iitl.I ?' ! ? -J made ? e-tamlaatlon, aad found that l ? I ? *a-nga?r_4 Mlaa I Clendenaln and <"'?=rar F Laekey, were luffer from genulne yellow ferer Th- other pa ? .1 hn Fergtwon, a '-lisrharsred aoldler, and John Tldwarah, a togboat captaln. had not slrk lonir enough for hlm tn /ie'?rmtne the character of thelr lllneaa. The four pa tienta -; lalaad. Wh?n they were taken from the \< Mlss T. C Clendenaln aaked permlea i ,nv her slster and rare for her duiing her lllneaa, and ahe ?a* allowed to _ T.ater in the day three nurs-s. two woraen and one man. were sent from Bellevue H apltal to | upon the patlents. The crew and other passensrers on the Ifc in Were sent to Hoffmai where ? talned untll the veaael has been ... ? aad dlalnfected. Then 'i1**' wM h taken on board pcain. ani will remaln there , new r-ase* , Dr. lebeen ae .- pal -its were l? lated from the nthers. lennln. who waa accompanled by w^ - - |||M i. C nenrlenm, on the the dauKhter of the f ln charge at Bantlago, * ? ? ? -,. it is aaid. told the aurgeon of the ? he had not aeen hei - l but twi ft Bai Her ettach la mlld ln cl Itld tn be inipr... Dr Doty > .-:..? aupply of serum. ... the two : ,c not yet ; ? ? The nln and Mr Lai r. for the aerum. Ther.- la ao fear of yellow reaching th'- rlty, I" Doty aaya, ? mtlne rule* are aufBclently sm.-t to prevent ectually. __ . \rr,, the other cahln pa?sengers were Major .1 T Knlght. M. and Mra Navarre and two ehlldren Mr Blefort Mr Campbetl, Mr ; Mr HaakelU Mrs. Bhrlner and A Leaer. Waahlngton, July 11 The Marine Hospltal Ferriee ta of the oplntoo that there is ao canaa arm in the arrlval of the tranaport Me u .. ith y. Ilow f-\-r aboard The fev-r un doubtedly d-v-i.-r-d afrer the reaeel left ruha, aa otherwlae thoae lr.fected would have been ?. talned Fever ships have arrlved frequently at but. owlng to cllmatlc conai t'lon- there Is no ri?k of an outhr-ak nf yellow : be the .-ae- ? 8 IthtTB DOrt. var ln helng at the .juaranttne statlon the ; la etactly where she should he to min all ri-ka FKVER CAMBB AT HAVANA. Ha.ana. July & Two cajae-, of yellow fev-r have beea repo-ted to-day. on** of the patlents ls an old Bpaalah woman. who has heen In Cuba for two yeara, and wlth her the dlsease ts tn a mlld form. The other rwe ls that of an Amerl? can. wboae ?ymptoraa are snii d-.ut.tfui. a_ thougb it la bellered hy Burgeoa-Major Darta snd other offlcera tr he yellow f-v-r Both rases v?r- it? r.v-r-d ln a had part nf the clty. whlch is hut llttle frequented hy Amerlcans. Hurgern MaJor I'avis doc* not belleve there ls much dan g-r that the dl?ease wlll spread. He saya that at this tlme of the year there are alwavs a few of the fev-r Every etfoCt will he made to prevent Its Increaee. Oeneral Ludlow ls sat Ipfled thal H ha tmposslble aa yet to keep yellow fever oal f Havana. and eapeclal'v MCh dia trlcts aa that at the southem end of rt BtfU no alarm is felt by the authnrttie* The health nf the troopa la remarkably gn^d. and make* a better ah'-wlng than at ordlnary a the T'nlted Ptates 1 TH Iie--n-entxado" a.cusee General -Oaxlmo r,nmoZ of plotting to overthroai th* Oovernment n Pom:nso It says: Havine aband>ned the hope of becomlng the head of the .'uban Uepuhllc. Gomez Ib con ng with dlsr-ontented Domintcans. amone whon - pa-itlcrn who ls n.iw lni H I - ? . nrgaafaing an espedltlon ccmpnsed Of former American *n* ?"**",?*; A,.rl - n-mlniro. klll Pr-sldent r.rocjalm f>m-?* Plotator w .? are Inforrned that Gomea. thmish an oWImai. la of nflnltely mora ralue 'han all the Domlnican generals put toaether. It ls Bcsrcely necesssry to say that thls story ls srenerally d;?oredif*d Bj has formed a Hvil P*rvlce ng of hlmself. th* PeputV Col . rs must pass an examtna^ the Board. befora se u'r ng pla n tl tomi k - e a _w Ib about to be Issoed restrtcttng tha taking of apongea,- forty ????*?*?; "Jj h?n ?ron_-ers complain strone.-. -? trardinc M f Na^S vessels. snd agunboat wlll ..,-1 for to protect 'he Industry. PEXTHS OF SOLPTERS TS CTJBA. ?v , .rjerera! Bm^k- Bl Havana ? - ? tha Wtearh-f Bat of Major Paul ^^'^nTrT . .,: Prtvatea Bdwart Haenpera;. HobpIi Frederlek 8 n* 5th [n?*n?_ A. nth in rrom yetlow rth-Cueasdos: Prlvste "Tllltam P. Trout. Compani B, Tth Csealry. f-BflhOt B .rrment haa h?en id- '?*d of the deftth Bt Sanfiaico of I, .' " IghllB, VoU - .- .; Corpa H? -?>? a rlctln of yellow 'ever. ROERs: MAKE C0NCE88T0N8. THE V'-)r.K5RAAP. IV BECRET B_MtfON, A'lRFKS TO BEPORM1 IN THE FHAV'HISF. Pretoria. Transvaal. July fi?Tha Volksraad sat !n secret aeastOU to-day. Presldent KnlR-er frOBB the Oranne Fr*e State l.einsr present. It is understood that an aexe*m*nt waa ?-d to jjrant th* fran.-hise imm*dlately to all settlers prlor to LBBO, and to other clauaBaa of Bta wlthln seven years. the naTuraJlzatton clause to be optlonal. These prr.posals wlll he d-bat-d ln open sea Blon to-morrow. Althoua-h Slr Alfred Milner. on behalf of Great Rritaln. demanded at the Bloemfontetn epnce that a residence of flve vears should he a quallflcatlon for the franchla* It is ^1'eved that the terms said to hav- been ^^ "P? to dav in th- Volksraad mlaht be a-c-.'able to he Outlanders if BUltable suarant-es were Klven for the ex-ition of tha prr.rn.sed reform. RRITISH OFTICEM ORDRRBD TO (___, London. July 7. "The Tlmes" thls mornjna. announcea that several ofrWrs. !n.-!udlnr Br ret-Colons! Rohert Btat>hsnaoo Bmyth Rad*n Powell commandlne the fVth Prsiroon Ouards. ,:r i.ord Edward redi .fifttt son of the Marqula of Salisbury). of the Orenadiers. and Ueutenant the Hon. Ale*rnon Henry rharl-s Hanr.ury-Tracy .second son of Baron Suddeyi. o- ,h* Royal Horse Ouards. have h*en ordered to proceed to South Africa to nrganlie the resl aB well aa the pollce and local forcea. at potnts on the fmntler tddlttonal aervlce offleers, ??>? l"; Times' are llkely to he BSSlt out durins .the ne? few daya; and th* rommander-tn-Chlef Jen ensa.ed ln completins the composln?n arid organt-Uoti of a lortor tor'* whlch lt ertU **. to d.spatch Bhould the negotia tlona wlth th* Transvaa! fall XE1THER PWE WILL YIELD. SI.IOHT PROflPE^T OF ARRANaiNO AN AI.A5KAN BOUMDART IJ0IWJ1 vivendi Wash.naton. July H- -Ambaaaador Choate and Lord Sallshury are aJmoat tn a BlBBlink over the modus vlvendl flxlng the Alaakan houndary. Neltbar aid* wlll accapt the prorlalonal llne ?uBia3Bl1 hy the oth*r. the Canadiana demand b_i th* lnc!usl.,n of the Porcuplne country and the Amertcenfl the projectlon of the houndary llne Bortbwsstsrly from a pulnt two mllea above Kluckwan. Y1CT0RY FOR COLUMBIA. THE NEW BOAT WINS HER FIRST RACE. A REAT TO WTNPWARD T'NTlER PnTI* rn.TIFJ*- RKTTFR HANDI.rNG AND SOME IMPinYKMLNTS IN HF.R IAILI LIKFI.V JO MAKI A RIG DIFFEREXCI For the flrst :lme sln< e she left the ways nf the HerreshofT's wnrkshop the rolurnhla waa put upcn trial >vst*rday. It ls true trrat In the waters around NV<* port she had one or two brushes with the TWender. the old champlon, whlch aucressfully frustrated Lord Dunrav?n ? designs upon the Amerlca's Cup ln IflM, hut these meetings were hardly more than mere criises. arranjre.i for the purp..?e of ailowirg the Polumbla to flnd her set legs. and ao In formal as to atlow of no estlmate bein* made of the reiative merlts of the two hoata. The flrst real tesf came yeaterday, when the '^n_ lumhia and Def-*nder were pitted tngether upon a trlangular eourse of thirty mlles. starting from and flnlshina: at Sandy Hook Llghtahlp. The n-w l.oat, all things considered. acquitted herseif |n style that augurs badly for Slr Thomas I.lptnn's ambltir.n. and assured thosa Who saw her performance that the mililonatre h tea mcr.'hant Is not likely to succe?d where so many of his omintrymen have falled, T'ner- is no undue bomhast in saylng thla much. In the ahs. nr- ..f ofrVial timtng. lf was vart ouslv flgured o?l that the fYlumbla beat tha Defender yesterday In anything from 140 to .', 50 mlnut-s. Oreat as is that achlevement on the part nf a new ra.'er agalnst a seasoned craft and a crew whose mutiial experience enahled them to work togetber llke so many mechanlcal parta. tha C ilumbla by no means show-d her fullest e*. paclty yeaterday Bea dea belng -xtremeiy un lucky at more than one polnt of the contest, her sails admlttedly did not flt well. The -x> perta who followed tha race were rjuick to nh seive faults in the cut of her mainsall and ? | faults whlch wiii he reaaedted mf fore she sails against the Def-nd-r agaln u>* tnorrow at the Larchmont reuatta Asrain. aft-r passlng the rirst mark. the Po? lumbla lost around in conaequenea af the fall ure ro shak- the Jibfops.- i| clear. .nd Jusr be? fore the yachta croeead rhe flnlshlng llne it ta estimat-d that the Defender. then a lonir dla tan.e in the rear. aalned somethlng llke a nvnute by h-r good fi rtCM tn flrst feeling th* impetua of a suddenly rtslng strong wind In summinu up th- dedurti .ns to b- -Irawn from ? tussle. yachtsmen gave it aa thelr ODtnlon 'hat HerreshofT's n-w crearp'n. whenVroperly runed up and her sails adjusted. would prove the superior of the Defender hy fully rive mlnutea on a slmllar eourse to that followed yeaterday And nowa-la.s. wltb yarht buildinsr brought to the pe-fernon that lt la. flve mlnutes mean a great deal Ten years ago. wh-n the Vnlunteer beat the Mayflow-r in the triala by ten minut-s. that was looked upon aa an eminently aatlsfactory performance, but tt would be tncomparable, ao cordine to th? opinlona gathered yesterday after ' the race from old mer. to aee only a ; five mlnutea' vtetory nf the Columbia over the Defender. Some people were inciin^d ta lt downcast last night hv th* narmw marjrin that t^eparat-d the two yachta at the finlsh And yet. when the Defender flrst met the Vi^llant tn the prelimlnarv spins. she only heat her competltor by about three mlnutes. but for all that Val kyrie III was obliaed to depart for home wlth? out the much coveted cup in her locker. Aitogether. th- enthoalaata who went down the bay yesterday are well satisfled w:fh the new fli-r. apd behere that she may .afely be trueted to uph^ld the prestiae which thls coun try has retalned slnce that famous vlctory of the oid Amerlca some forty yaaia a*o. r.T.r.OM AT THF1 BTART. To acr*ommodare the memb, rs who wi?hed to be present at the flrst appearance nf the Colum? bia. the New-Tork Yacht Ctab charte*-ed ?-? Pepheus. the same steamer that took the cluba (Ueata down the Bay when the Defender made h?r fjrat bow to the vachtlng publi" Wh?n. iust after 9 80 o'clock, the repheus eaat f, i ih?r? probably nor ? s<-ore out nf th- foar | hundred nr more peop.te on board who had any 1 Mngntnc eapectatlona of seejng a fully sailed out race At that r ivr the atmosphere ?al and heavv, and with no' enough wind to ra;se a penny Wte Olooroy todeed wre the prognoatlcatlona heard on all sides as to th* | outlook for the day, bUt snme ot the oM ral'8 nr board. after a at the lowerlng e just smlled ar.d told thelr aelghbora thit ?? of an hour or two there wottld be i M n to arhlatle for wind And. as It turn?d oat later. they read the tklea falrly well The trlp of the repheus down the Hav was made ln COB | with two or thr-e acore of craft of all makesand eoloro, ladea wtth paaaangera i * - to make the aequalntance of 'he aew proteetor of the Nation's yachting honor All of them made for a common meetlng polnt a' the grot land Llght.h.P 1-ong before the llghtahlp came tn sight the forapart of the Cepti ed with enthus.astic yachtamea and ? l ardent yachtawomen tager to obtain a flrst g, -,pse of the two racers. whleh had from thelr moortnga off Tompk:' I in the -arlv hours of the morntna Probably aot half ? f the men an-1 women who were peering wlth strained eyes thrOOgh th* mlsf knou th- diff-ren.e between a snmnaker and a eaBtreboard, bal that dld not tend tn the ie?,t to abate thelr ardor They were aaal u? cheer and admir*. and MM h unimportant con sid-rations a.- technlcal ri-tais wer- net to atand in the way of their patrtotiC RAIN iTOFPBD THF H?BP_JCTI<M* It was not until the OepkunM rame w'.tVn about half a of th- lightship that the tWO ya.-hts came Into v)ew. and then t-MOat blrfora a satisfacoo- InapeetloB could be mad- af therr. as they la> under n-arly ba.e p, les bealda their tenders a beer, raln s.juall came on and htd them fnr the tlme belng entlrely from sight With the eomtn* of the raln what little a ai there was at that tim- drrpped. aheraapoa J. Flerpont Morgan'a >acht. the Coraalr. earnrtag ? meho-aoa Kane. Chaatai onswoid and Inrlag Grlnne.l. the Regatta Commlttee. ho.s-d .*. nals ch.nglna- the starting polnt to th- Handy Hook Llghtshu Prnceeding lelsurelv ln the w.kes nf the flag .hip and the excurslon steamera the tWO varhtg 1ZX* -y out ta -. rea^hing ,b;? Ugh?. Kir. i-..t after 12 o'clook. The forhlddlng tl*rj?Z~ -h,h .a^ked the atart from New-York grew w-rse Every 909 and ?a.n ra.n M K -beet.. whlle the heavy aw?J which came rolling ln from ?he WMB tnade U ?,v unp.eaeant for the pea.ple nn board the mcklna and pltchlng HaBB-Wa waltia| *9 Company the Columbia and Defend_r ou tbelf flmt trial of speed VO GREAT DEMAND FOR WMMI purmg the wall the gueata on the Cephe^ were aummoned to lunrheon. but althougl rjM, were about four hundred nn board the Ublea ware aimoat aa deaerted aa the dining