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LIGHT MARKET TRADING.' LEADIXG ISSUES F1RM. MONEY CHANGES IX THE WEEK?RAIL? ROAD EARNTNGP. CloBlna; prlcea yesterday of the princlpal ac? tive aecurltles and net changes from Thursday's flnal quotatlons were STOCKS. Am Su*sr Ref. .118% ?2 I Mex Central. 11% ?+? % Am 6tl A Wire. 3S%-!XT04 Weat. .. 21 Va do pref. 74S-HNT Central.180 -f- % Am Fmelt . M% ? % No?* * West.34* ? % Am Tln P. 2?<% - i Northern Paclfle.. W4 ? % do pref. W - ; d^ pref. 71% ? % Am Tobacoo. M% ? % Natlonal Tube pf. B3 - a A? Top IST... 28% -i- % : Natlonal Steel-27% 4- % do pref. 70% + * do rre*. I* "^ Atr Boob . 30 - Paclfie Mall.31% + % Brooklyn R T . 5SH ~ H.Prwwl Fteel C... 3PH -t- % Balt ?- Ohlo_ TS% 4-4* do pref. 72 ?? Oile Bur & Qy..l2Ti - ' Peo Oaa Co. ?>4 ?3 c H & Pt P ... 113% + * Ppnn R R.128% Osal Tobacco.... 3fi ? % Reading lat pref. niH ? H Sas.J7-i% .4-1 I Rep I & Jaat of N J ..US ? % do pref. 54% ? Jt r R T & Pac ...106% ? % Southern Paciflc. 83 s -+- *? Erie lat pref... 38% ? % I St L 8 W. 13 ? % Federal Steel_34 ^a ? %' do pref. 20?? ? * lvni*? A N^s..". . 71% ? % Tenn C A I- - ?Ji Lor.p Island .. ?4% -t-4% DnlOO Paelflo-59% ? Jt Manhattan -Pl% ? % do pref. 7?^ ?+? J? PaClflC 50% ? % U S Leather.10% ? > ,1c street Ry...l*4 ? % TJ B atabber. 30% + m BONDS. Atch adj 48. .. . Bi ? * Kan C So 8a. ?4% ? % BaOl! .10t>% ? % Mex Cen let Jnc... 25% ? J4 d-> B ^* V-.f- BT% + % Readlna; 4s. 87% ? % Cent Pac 4s. ...??% + % So P of Arti 6? . 111 ?1% De- C r,a? 5a . . M -1 , Tex & X O 5c-102 ? % THE DAT'S OPERATIONS IN STOCKS. On a small volume of bustr.ess stock market prlces moved toward a fractionally higher level of values in the greater number of issues. The approach of a triple holiday was responsihle for operations involving: the evening of traders' con tracts. arhlla it naturally helped to restrict the general volume of business. The passing of August brlnga the expectation that September aill provide a more active markeL the trading oontendlng that actlvlty will be at the expense of values. and the advocates of higher prices asserting that actlvlty wlll come from a renewed demand for stocks. The opinion of the bears would carry more weight if there was a weak long interest in the market. and if owners of securlties were net so firmly convinced that conditions governing the real value of stocks wW r.ot be upset by the November electlon. If a tecline develops this month there wlll be good iaayers ready to take all offerings. People who buy :n September will expect to sell out on an ?Jeetton ral'.y. The known movement of money ln the week ahowa a conslderable increase m cash reserves B' this centre. and to-day"s bank statement puarht to reflect the gain in specle and legal tender hold'.ngs. About $2,000,000 of the actual gair. laat week. which was not lncluded in the etatement of bank averages. should figure in this areek*8 calculations. but the peculiar methods used by the compllers of the bank statements make predictions rather hazardous. As long as th? Street has an idea of the wav money is mov Ing (and it is easy to Ond this out from the regular sources of information) bank statements eompUed under the average system should not be considered as important barometers of mon"y market conditions Th* demand for money from out of town has not been heavy in the week, and receipts are again in excess at shipments. Higher dlscounts ln London lndicate that efforts will be made to draw more gold to Europe, and the chances are that some of the metal wlll go out in Septem? ber In view of the fact that the heavy ship? ments a few weeka aeo had no lastlng influence upon the supply of available funds at this centre there should be no uneasiness over the possi bility of further exports. The market closed steady on coverlng of shorts. but final trading was without feature. Price changes in the day were small, the only noteworthy movement in the active list being ln People's Gas. which declined or. trade war rumors from Chicago. Foreign Government se? curlties were again higher on the favorable Chinese deveiopmenta. THE DAY'S OPERATIONS IN BONDS. GOVERNMENT BONDS.-Market dull without Important change. Flnal quotations follow. t- c JU rear V* 110 ITJ.S. 4s. 1925.C0U.133% 184% aT I" U cou" 10fi 110 r.P. 8a. I?04.reg.ll2% 118% n I' il' atra'i 109 110 f.S. 5a. 1904.C -.112% HR% V-cSi ivTre'i' 114% 11?4!US. 2a. w 1. refc.108V^ 104U r ? 4f, 1925.reg. 138% 134% Dist. of C 3-65S..122 RMLROAD BONDS.-Market firm on a small volume of business. Total transactlons amounted ln par value to $636,000. against Jl.167.000 on Thurs rtay The heavlest dealings were in the Atchlson general and adjustment 4s, Baltlmore and Ohlo 4s end Southwestem dlvlslon 3Hs. Central Paciflc 4s, Erie flrst consol 4s, Kansas City Southern 3s. Mexi can Central lat ir.coxnes. Reading 4s. Southern Pa? ciflc of Arizona 4s, Southern Paciflc 4s, Northern Fa'-ifle 2s and Texas and New-Orteana Ba. AMERICAN BECUBITIE8 ABROAD. ?Lcndon. Aung. 31. 4 p m -American Becurities were firm and Inactrtre. .losir.g prices follow: Atchlson, 28%; Canadlan Paciflc, 91%: St. Paul. tmk: Ilil'nois Cer.tra1.. 1JW4; I>oulsvllle. TSH: Unlon Paciflc preferred, ".-i: N<*w-York Central, 133'i: Er!e. 11%: Paainaylvanla, 86%; Reading. ft%; Erie flrst preferred, S5%; Northern Paciflc prpf<=rr<=-o. 73; Grar.d Trtmk S% and Anaconda. r'"-? M0XET LKD EXCHAXGE. MONEY RATE5 -Money on call, 1^4@1^ per cent. Tirr.e mor.ey. I per cent (or sixty days. 3^^4 per cent for three months. 4*34% per cent for four months and laTt% per oent for six months on rail? road collateral. Commercial paper, 4^5 per cent for three, four and six mrir.ths for xhe. b<?t r.ames and above for names not so well known FOREIGN EXCHANOE.?Market firm. Actual closing rates follow. Cables :-lght. Slxty daya B-e''T.r...4.8&%^4.68% 4.87% 4 S4%?4 M% vZZe? .'.15 1-1'. 5.15%-1-10C4S.1?% 5.18%-1-ia BeS^'kaasaatiaST-W lJ-% M9-1?0M% rjulldera.. - 4?'* 40 1-ia Eankers' posted rates were: Slxty dav* r>?mand. ?lerttas . 4-86 4SS'? Paria franca . 5.17% B.14% Ar.twerp tr**ca . 5.1J% 5.W% Berl'.n reichemartta . *?* ?a Bremer. relchsmarka . gj Prankfort rel hemarka *<% "?% Hamburar relcbenarka . ?4% B6% Amste.-dam gulidtrs. 4<j ? aoaa DOMESTIC EXCHANGE ? New-Orleans - Com mercial. 76c dlscount; oar:k. $1 premlum San Fran cisco? Sight, .>". t^legTaph. 7%C. <"inclnnatl?Be? tween banka, 10c off; oeer counter. iOc premlum. Eostor.?5c dJaooont and par. Chicago?loc disco'int. Bavannah?Buying. l-16c; selllng, l-16c premlum ^?har:eston?Buying. par; selllng, Skfi premlum. BANK ("LEAR1NGS. ? New-York - Exchanges, balancea, j>"i,674,11o. Boston-Exchanges. 337: balances, tl.218.903. Baltlmore?Er nces. $324,773 Philadelphia? V.<< 777.7.-1.: ba!;mce = . $1,744,700 Thlrago Cir.ges, |L"j,9*>;.3*!4; balances, $1,758,976. FOREIGN MONEY MARKET.-Call money ln Eondon. S% per cent Open market dlscount rate for aherl oi 1 is. 3-13-16'33% per cent: for long bllls. Z'tfy* per rent Berlin dlscount rate. 4 por <ent (Of ir.ree months' bllls; 37* jif-r rent for short bllls Berlin exebance on London. 20 marks 4&Hi pfennlgs. Paris exehange on London. 25 fran'-s 1?% rf-ntlm*1-? PariB dlscount rate. 2% per eaat FOREIGN SE^T-RITIES.?British ronsols for money. BB%: for the ar^.junt. '^^ Spanls.h 4b closed in Londoi rentea l"l fran> s tUnea THE SILVER MARKET.-Bar silver. 61V Mex lcan silver dollars. 4S%r. Ear silvAr ln London rlosed 8t 2S 7-16d GOLD PREMICM?In Madrld. 2r<?-.. Liaboa. =7; Biienoa Ayrea, iSofid. Rome. 6 4" IMPORTK OF DRYGOODZ. POFT r,y irBW-TOatK Waaak andlnc Aug n? ifcw jgojj Entere . '-' I2.14S.T73 41.8281M Tbcoam on tb? marl 2.108.470 1.0"3f*so Frorc .larusry 1? Entered st rhe port |ft4.231 7<-t 17^018.407 t?0.%77 790 aa*a??r. rke4 SSLOiatai sa.Vit.^trt 70.514.HS SALES AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE. RAILROAD AND OTHER STOCKS. j-Actual aalaa-1?CloatneT?| S*""** _lOpenlHia-hlLow. | Fln.l Bld.i Atk.i sold. mt 68 83 33 63 864 i S?4 88 mi M M Adama Expreaa Albany * Sua.. Am Car a F'dry, 115 IS 1.1 do pref.| ? American Coal.. i ? Amer Cotton OHJ 33 do pref.i ? Am Dlat Tel_| - Amer Expreaa... ?American I.-e.. ?do pref. ?Amar Llnseed.. ?do pref. ?Amer Maltlne;. ?do pref.I - ?Amer Smeltlna;. I 864 ?do pref. 894 American Splrlta ? j Am Stl & Wira. 35\i 36 35 U do pref. 74*. 744 744 ?Am Steel Hoop 2i? 20 20 ?do pref. 67',. 674. 674 ?Amer Sugar ?do pref? Am Tel A Cahle ?Am Tln Plate. 294 ?do pref_ 80 Amer Tobaooo. . R34 do nref.I ? j ?Anaconda, . 444 Ann Arbor.i ?? I do pref.I 40 I 45 i ?ft I Atchisnn . 28 ! 28*4' 274 do pref.. 7i>4 70* 7.H), Balt & Ohio-1 72 ; 72'? 72 do pref. 7fl?* 79% 784 ?B'klyn Rap Tr. 6541 554 54*4 B'klyn l"n Gaa. | ? 1 1124 128 ; 190 1 ? , '? 1ft 1FH, 62 , 64 18* 17ft ! 32H 34 , : 884 90 | : 2ft asv* (154 1157 , 33 ; 34 80 ! !"'r* , 514 3.14 89 44 24 364 88*4 1*4 69 104 03 44 27> , 37 8. 1*?. 400 240 920 ? 125 5,589 220 400 250 12i>4 1204 1174 11 i! 8*.28ft 294 20 80 8.1 931, 83 44%! 44*, 44*4 45 281* 704 724 79*4 554 444 1(1 4ft 284 70*, 444 18 404 284 70V, 724 1.370 100 1.00(1 6.T30 ft.?90 55V4 004 1117 174 , Brunswl-k .I - I 6% 7', Buft R A Pltte. ? ? ? -- I 60 do pref. ? ?- ! ? ?10* Hft Bur ? " K A Nor.! ? ? j ? ? lio ? Canada South... - ? I ? ? 4'."; 604 Canadian Paclfl.- ? 1 ? | ? ? j 89 894 Capital nty Tr. ? ? J ? 1024 1024' Centrai nf N J...13.*. nft 13ft 180 184411364 Chcs & Ohio. ? : ? I ? 27 274 Chlc Bur & Q>\. 12*4 1~>4 1244 125 1244 125 Chlc ? East 01. ? ? I ? I ? I ? 9?4 do pref. - ? | ? Chlc Gt Waart. ..| 11 I M I 11 11 do pref A - ? ? ? do pref B. 88 88 33 33 do deb.: ? Ch Ind * Louls.; ? i ? I ? ? do pref. 57 ; 574 7.7 674 Ch Mil * Bt P.. 113 1184 n.3 11*4 do pref. 178*4 1734 173 173 Chic A Northw. ? ' ? ? do pref. 1984a 1994 1994 1994 ? ? Ch R I & Pao . 1064 1064 1<>64 106 4 10*4 1064 _ _ _ | - 112 116 120 11 71. 31*~ 824 234 12.*. 114] 704 824 834 28*4 .".74 68 113-4 1134 178 174 163 164 & O. . 52 174 264 77*. 08 C St P do pref Chlc Term Ti .. do pref . . CCCcStL.... do pref. C.ev L A- "VThee' do pref. Clev & Pltts . Col Fuel & lron do pref. . Cc\ A South... do I3t pref . . . do 2d pref Col & Boek Ooal Com Cahle . . Consol Coal . . . COBSOl Gas. ?Cont Tobaoco . ?do pref. . ?Cnmstc-k Tun Pei A Hudson. . De! Lack & W Der.v & Rlo Gr do pref Des M A Ft D . ?Dul So S A Ati ?do rref Elghth Ave. En? ... do 1st pref . . do 2d pref. . Evans A T H... do pref. Federa! Steel. .. do pref. Ft W * Rlo Gr Gaa & El B C0 Ger. E'.ectric Cb.'138 Glucos* Sug R. do pref. Gt Northern pf H B '"laflln_ 304' 30U 68 58 ftfila, 804 58 " 68 160 94 804 574 106 26 64 180 104 88 584 lin 27 67 2.016 300 1.580 13 sso 100 272 184 ? , 854 854 !-:-?' ft2 52 '1744 174 264 26 774 77", 03 08 52 1744 26 117 6 41 16 1ft 184 118 64 42 164 16 181. 1744 1744 26 264 -9 75 1.028 1.700 _ _ 1.500 1114 1124 - 1761, 178 - 184' 1?4 - 334 834 334 664 13 ? ' 12 334 ' 344' 344 674 674 375 10*4 334 154 424 80 344' 344' 34V ~~4' " m 664 16 87 15 44 15 425 114' 344 174 45 84 344 674 20 771, 771a. 774 ? ? 139 139 " 188 188 1304 514 51*41 514 M4 51 514 _ _ i _ _ 98 994 153*4, 1634 1534 1534 1524 1534 ' ? ? '103 ' 810 25 100 400 200 - Valley.. I ? ' - ? ? 84 I 344 ef.' 634 634 ?34 634 62 ' 624 H-rnestake . _?_'? ? 72 80 mtnola Centrai.. 116*4 1164 H?*4 H?4 H*Va 117 do Leased Llne ? ? ' ? : ? 100 Int Paper. ? ' ? I ? ! ? '22 do pref.: 674' 674 674 674 ?*4 I84 19 18% 19 _>_;_! s 304' 30 ' 914 154 114' 114' 114 U4 55V. : ftftV 944 914 55\ 944 51 185 504 185 18 ' _ 1 27 I 80 ' 464] 024 lfl 18 ' 18 274 27 " 1 86 1301^ 1304 130 180 ?Int Power. . ?Int Sllver. . . Iowa Cer.tral. do pref. Kana & Mlch Kan City A So.! ? do pref.' 30 Keok A Des M do pref.... Klnjr & Pem Knick I<*e ot Ch - do pref .J ? : ? ' ? Laeleda Oas.' ? ? ? do pref.i ? ' ? ' ? ! L E & Western. ? I ? I ? ' do pref.! ? ! ? ' ? ' Lake Phore.' ? ? I ? ' T^,r,e Island. 644 644 644 T?u'.? A- Nash...! 714 714 714' Man Rea-h.' ? ' ? ' ? Manhattan E"....1 914 914 91* MI Conl pref... ? I ? l ? ?Met =treet Rv. ? 154*4'1544 154 Met W H of C. . - do pref. Meylcnn Centrai M*x Nat ctfs. .. Minn A- Bt Louia do pref. M St P A S S M do pref. Mo Kan A Tex. do pref.! - MIesourl Paclfle.' 81 Mob'.le A Ohio. . ? MorrlB A Eaiex.'ISft Na?h A- r-hat....! ? ?Nat Blaeult_I - ?do pref. ?Natlonal Leid.. ?do pref. ?Natlonal Steel.. ?do pref. Natlonal Tube... do pref. New Pen; Coal.. ?N T A'.r Brake. *" v Centrai... . N T Ch fe 8t L. do let pref_ d^ 2d pref. N* Y Lack A V*'. N Y N H A H . . N Y Oat A W. Norfolk & West do pref. american Northern Paclfic do pref. Ohio A Ir.d Gas. Ontarlo S Iver. .. Parlf.-; Coast. . .. do let pref do 2d rre' Pacifio Matl . . . Penn f"oal ?Penn R R. Pe-rla & Baal . A Ev.. Pen Gas A <"* . . Per? Marquette. do nref. p c c * st l. .1 - i ? ; do nref.1 ? ' ? ' P Ft W A i."h ' do pperial. Preaaved Btl Car. d o p r?' Pullmar, Qulckallver pref Readlnc . 167a do 1 = t rref do 2A pref.. Re-s A Bai B ?Rep lron A Ptl ?do pr- ' Rlo Gr Weal. . do pref . Rome IA* A O*. I St Joa A Or 1. -' do 1st pref d" 2d pref. St L A pan Fr. ' di let pref. do 2d pref.' St Louia Bottthw <r. pref. ?floas flh Bl A tr do pref. Southern Paclft Southern R R. ' do pref Stand Rop? A T Te.-.n Coal A Ir Texis ft Pa-lfic do Land Trust Third Ave R R. ToJ A <~> Centrai do pref To] Pen A Weat Tv.-ln Cltr R Tr ?Cn Baa A P ? pref 284 3*4 18\ 544 14*4 ! 304 8?4 24 14 R 15 22\ 67 29 ' 5 19 55 | 16 124 31 4 15 10 ' 20 55 ' 75 ' 284' 95 714 10 914 _ ' 98 ? " 27% 93 ? 1209 fi44 60 70 I 714 714 714 10 12 92 774 168*. 1544 80 V 38 pn. 1 82 ' 11%' 114' S4 84 554' 55 I 55\ ?44: 934 944 15 ! 18 ' 54 | y% 804 504 37 1185 45 ' 314 ' 83 100 150 100 100 ' 504; 185 1 _ 56 ' I 10 I 314' I ftl ' 384 187 I 89 814 8fi.. 18 * 90 ' 274 27 I ' 8R t 854' 4fi4' 464' 4?4' 46i 93 ' 924' 93 ' 9:t I _ I _ i ? , 80 I 934 35 000 150 697 834 I _ 214' 214 344 344 71'-* 714 1128 II8O ! 114 ' 70 214' 214 344! 344 344 744 135 i 180*<l n\' 79 82 ' '132 185 ! '210 '213 1 .'14 21 *,?' _ 1 _ 5041 6O4I 714' 714 _ | _ _ I _ 15 604 714 25 844 76 1'4 ft'">4' 714' 88 7 ' 57 94 1 ? I 55 I _ ' ? ' ? '85 _ ! _ I _ ' ? ? 65 ' 67 ! 304 314 304' 814' 304 32 ' _ 1 _ _ I ? 410 1 ? ' 12841138*4 127*4 1284 1284 128*4 ? ' ? ' ? ? ? ' 14 14' 90*41 96*4! 934' 94 ' 93'. 94 ' 224 234' ra 09 88 394 72 574 28 124 894 164 '?74 28 18 05 89*4 ? ! ? I 1 55 ' 54 ' 82 11*44 | _ 184 894 394 894 72 "72 714' 7 _.. | _ 'lS64,18SVi ? ' ' ? 7', 8 '.--. ir.4 184 174 574 574' 57-4' 57i2 28 ' 28 ' 274 2? ? 1 lfto 13 I 124 13 544 54*4 66 54 59 ^ r88 1324 124 544 134' 134' 12V 30 ' 30 18*4 ? ' 94 - ' 67 - I 334 I 13 ' 124 294 294' 294 19 ? I 664 33V S34 11 ! -1 ! t ._ 1 Z ' _ 6*4 704' 704 7041 70V 69V I ? 14*1 ? j ? ? I ? 144 1104 1104 1104 1104 110 334' 33T? 11 11 334' 11 I I _ 1 f,2 62 62 62 104 104 104 1041 :? f)441 64%' I'nlon Pacifl." do pref t: s Cxpreai ?'- B I,eather ?do pref 1" S Rut.b'-r do pref ' do pr<"f ?Wells-Farito Flx Weei Union Tel \\ beel alE do lat pref. 80 2 I r-ref. PlHer Bui Certa 694 ?'?'?;. 764 TOVi 10*4 10*4 68*4 68*4 294 304 ? 1 584' 764' 25 ' 45 I 84! 62 I 11 64*4 594 124' .94 1 764 "fl'*i 45 10*4! 10*4 684' 684 80*41 294 '.4 100 1 145 i ? ! ? I - ! - ? - 1 - 24 ; 24 ' 24 I l?4 1?*4' ' 123 130 I 1 794 S04' ' 84' 9 '46 48 ' I 234 24 ' i 614! 624 Total eal?s for the day.132,302 ?f*r>llst?d i8mall lota. CHICAGO STOCKS. (Furnlfhed by *t\"a ker Brothers. Nn. 71 Brnadwav 1 | Hlgh. | Low. | Cloee. American Llnseed . do preferred. Chicago t'nion Tractlon pf Lake Street Elevatad '..ten Elevated 4? ll BlBCUlt... do preferred Bouth Plde Elevated. 104 52 99 94 614 504 94 974 314 84*4 10 52 .?W4 9**. 97Vi 3,4 99 COLORADO SPRIXCS STOCKS Closlng quotatlons on the Colorado SprlnRs Min? ing Stock Exchanste. furnisned by Wllllam P Ron brlsbt A Cn . of Colorado Pprinps Pid Asked ? : Porlland . 134 vtndleatoB 44 Work . UHJAeacU 94!Battle Mountain 29 7 I Col City A Man 114 27 '"opper Mountain 4 494 ' Damon I8V4 r,arrlf.ift i-nnanl TJ. 1-,ld "--in 14 QaM Kini ? )? !>old Sovereifn 112 \ M-iuniain Beautv lh4 Mount Roaa Alame Llttle Puck Rock. Pllgrlm ... Rose Maud -. - Trachyte ? Argentum-Jun Anarcnda f Creelc rnnrol Elk'on Conaol Plndley Ingham leabella Lrxir.gton Moon Ancfcor Finna/Ua .4U 134 4 13 9 64 254 134 1884 184 18 1124 144 Rld A.*ked. 840 140 45' 19*4 BONDS AND BANK STOCKS. 10 Nlnth Nat Bank. 80 600 Adama Ex 4*... 104% 30fM? do .?? Whmxi A T A S F AdJ 4a . 85% 2000 do _. 86% 1000 Man Oon 4a-101% 10000 Mex Cent lat Ine. W 3000 do . 25% 1000 M K * T let 4a. MVi Mxai do 2d.68% 6000 do Ext ?a. 90% 9000 do 6Vn 4a.100% 10000 Mo Pac Truat f>a. 98% 2?X. ao . .100% i 6000 afob ft B Pr Inc lnnoo nait ft omo 4?..100% aa ???_,? 2cOO do .100% nOOO N TO* E L H 600 do .100 * P 4a.?2% 4000 do .100% I 5000 do .92 10000 do 3%a. 94%l 6000 do ?????????? J|*% 8000 do Swn SVfce. . 87%' 5000 Nor ? W JT0,".4,8" 2Zi? 22<vo de . 87%; 40O0 Nor Pac Gen 3a.. #W% 12O0O do .87%, 1000 dO ?:..?>? ?\? ?000 C of O con Ra.. 93 6000 do Pr 4s. .?20P. 04% 81000 Cent Pac Otd 4s 08%' 2000 do . ? ? ? ??? l"4?? 2000 C & O On 4%a.l00%: 6000 Pltts C( ft St l. 100O do R A A l?t 4%s a- ? ??? ???? *II? ron 4s.105'. 1O00O Read' ik ?.en 4a.. B.% 2000 do .106% 48000 do -,-??..? Hg l.H? C M & st P fJOB , V**> Pt L. * 1 Mt ?4s. . T?% Ta .1?8%[ 3000 SW li*Sr*H .112% loooo CCCJtftltC aoiio 81 1- gjrn lat 4a. yn % ar * M 4a.... ?t% BBOO do M.c. ?.% aOOO Coi A So lat 4a. 82 I 5000 do . ?;% 4000O Erla lat Prlor 4a 8?. | 2000 S A * **!?"_?? I** 9000 Q H & B A Mea I lOOOO So Pac <~1 Tr 5a. 78* * T>Ar Ss 88*4 400<lO do . '* 2 6000 r. * bTb Co'tia 103 ' 2*00 Po P Art* ?"?}? HOOOGr Biv Pel. F 8 ' 2000 So.i!h Rv lat .*..!?% affiWr*^^ ri?T2ito:oai-i;:? TO -:::.: -v^?^ia; 5.: 22% 5000 L S ,v M So 2.1.112V, 1000 WsbBSh 2d_?? ????g 10..0 i. 1 Gen 4a.100 50i>o do Peb B. g 1ROOO T, * N fnl 4a 00 I 500ft do . ??* Total aa|o? of honda. SB30.000 THE FEDERAL TREART'RY. Waahlnajton. Aug. tL-fltm conditlon of the Trens ury. dlvisior.s of Issue and redemptlon. at the b? g'.nnlng of bualneaa to-day wa? a? follows: RF.SF.RVE PTN'P Gold rom and bulltoa.. .?l.V>.ooo. con TRl^T FVNPP PTV1SION 'T RBPEMPTION _ .. _. .$235,975,679 t?oln ooln ,o, 0,0 |(00 911 ver .lollara . ? ? ???. Vafta'esi BRver dbUaare of lsoo. *? JHH-SS Silver bulllon of 16?n. o k?o,w, United State* notea . ____ _ Total .$733.l^.?79 PIVISION OF I88TJB GoM eertlUcetea outatandlna.^tS'SS 91H-er eerttflcatea outatar.dlnjr. 4-4..1.. ?_ Treaatiry rotea oumandln*. . ?. oaiamavX Currency certlflcatea nutatandlng . -??*>.?*? Total . .*733.1S6?79 GENERAL FUNT> Cold eeta and bulllon.^?anS'SS Gold -ertlflcatea. a iao'S* Silver eola and bullion . tano'lSa Silver certlflra'ea . . Jt%&TE VnltM Ptates note*.- -\L--f''Xi, Oth*r a???-a . lT.4gB.aa3 Total tn Tr-aaurv . . ?tSSira Pepoai'a io Natlonal banka MO.aBa.lT3 Total $228.167 772 Current llabliltlie < 458J98 AvaUable raah balanr? $138,711.4711 GOVERNMENT RECEIFTS? Customs recoipt? reported from Vashlngton $74.1.061. internal reve nue receipts tl.001.3T2: miscellaneous receipts. H02.995. Total receipts for th* day. $1,847,430; ex pendlturea, $659,000. Receipts for month to date. $49,688,755; expenditures, $50.48bV?53; excess of ex pendltures. S770.S9S. Receipts for the flscal year to date. J90.843.91rt. expenditures. $104,488,653; ex cess of expenditures. $4,841,737 Receipts of Na? tlonal bank notes for redemptlon. $407,880 C0XS0LIDATED EXCHAXGE SALE8. STOCK? | Open- ! High-I Low- I Clos- 1 | ing. , est. ! est. Ing ' Sales. Am Steel & W. I 33^ 36%' 35% 36^ 1.M0 Am Sugar Ref. 120% 120% 117% 118% 17.280 Axn Tobacoo ..; 8S 08% ?2% 03% 24? AtTop&SF..: 27% 28% 27Ji ?% 860 do pref . 70% 70%' 70% 70', 1.488 Balt & Ohlo...! 72 72% 72 Tt 40 Brook Rap TT..1 66 55% 54% 55 4.950 Best & Balehar. .17 17 17 l. 4?v? Cent of N J... 135 135 : 135 35 M ChtoB&Q....! 124% 125 124%. 125 1.148 Chlc Gt \Ve*t .! 10% 10% ;<>;% 10% ? Chic M * St P 113% 113% 112 ?? 113% 1.330 CtnRUP...1 106 va. 106% 106% 106% 20 Cont Tobacco . 26% 26% 26 2h Wo Comstock .04 .04 04 .04 Z.008 Federal Steel .. ? 34% 34% 34% 34% 210 Gould & Curry, -19 J? g 12 i 225 Iron Silver . . ! 67 67 .? .? 200 laabella . 1.17 120 1.1. 128 ?.74? Louls ftNaab... 71% 71% 71% 71% ? S^SSS B| 8* S| i a &S?*SV7:: |? gl ga f5 J PPhf., ?1* .2 ale 288 People/ Gas... 85% M.% W% ^^ ? BAfSe P ? g5 1 mS Southern Pfac. . &>% 33% ?* ?"* ' Southvn Ry ?? M? fi?% 63%: 62H -? Syndlcate ..... .11 : ?".' i^u, 70% 70 Tenn 430*4 * I. <0%, '?*? g? ^fl^ P10 rrJSfe;l I ?l_^ - s -1-~-'. . 46.240 Total 6alea ._ BONDS. _ ' " | Open- 1 HKrh-. Low- I Clos- i | tajj* \ est. | est. ! ing. 1 Sales. Mtaa ati ?i ssi ?i ^a Total sales. WHBAT. $7.oon ' ~To7.n- j Hlab-| Low- j Clos- Baa**, ! Ing. I est. | est. I Ing. . bush. '- ?,_, . I ..?. 1 ??ui 74Ti) 74%. 720.000 is.aftS'Sui m r wi ??i ^?>? TT-.4L^ ST/7EET AYD EXCHANGES. FOREIOX TRADING.?London prices for Ameri? can seeuritios were firm. but arbltrage houses dld llttle ln the local market. buylng about 5.000 shares and selllng 1.000 ?hares. STOCK LOAN QI'OTATTONS. -Loan quotatlons were: Atchlson common and preferred. Erie f.rst preferred, New-York Central, Reading first pre? ferred, Sugar. Manhattan. TJnlted States Leather preferred. Delaware ana Hudson. Tenneaaea CeaJ and lron.' Louisville and Nashvllle. Jersey Central. United States Ruhber preferred. 1; Chicago. Bur linKtnn and Qulncy, Northern racific. Weptern Unlon, Baltlmore and Ohlo, V. People's r,as. Gen? eral Electric, Mlssouri Paclfie. Northern Paciflc preferred, Rock laland, St. Paul. i'nion Paciflc American Tobacco, Natlonal Lead, 1Q1%; Delaware. Lackawanna and Weatern, Third Avenue, flat; Northweatern, fla? af%: Southern Railway pre? ferred, 1%. SILVER EXPORTS -Steamers salllng for Europe to-day wlll take out 312.000 ounces of silver shlpped by the T-nited Metal Selllng Company COMPRESSED AIR ? There has been qulte large trading ln Compressed Alr within the last few days between 24^ and 27. It sold yesterday at 27^. and was 2'i12 bld. with no stock offered. TO PAT DIVTDENDS ?Farson. Leach & Co.. the Knlckerhocker Trust Company. the New-York Securlty and Trust Company, Wlnslow. Lanler A Co. and N. H. Harrls & Co. will pay divldends on a number of securlties. Itata of whloh will be found ln another column. a RT'YERS AND BELLBRS. The princlpal buyers and sellers ln yeaterday'a market were: Honigman Brothers. Domlnlch & Domintck and C A. Harned bought Wire. Bweel A co. (l.OOOi and F. W. Savln sold. Bternberger. FuM & Slnn sold People's Gas. Keeoh. Loew A Co. (1,098) bought Atchlson. Chauncey (1.0tX?> an.l W, Gould (l."ton> bought People's Gas; Caspary .1 R Wtlllaton. B, V. Whlte and Sternberg'*? aold W. P Allev bougbt Atchlson preferred. Dlck Brothere (about 1.000) aold Pennaylvanla. <"'ne or two fair Inveatasenl puri-hases were report^., 1 |n Pennaylvanla and New-York Oe-ntral Wlth theae oxceptions. 'he railroad stocks were rtegleeted Buylng i'i Brooklyn H^ipid Translt was i;.tlier bet? ter. and ihe selllna;, auppoaed to be pooi stock, had ceaaed Pool aelltng was reported |n Sugar. and traders offered tt down People's Oa* ?as heayj on reports of a war between the new company and the Ogden company The buylng in \Vire wap good ft w Nearton (2.000), H ?""ontent a.000) ^nd J. S Bearns sold Sugar Sternberger (l.?V)0'i sold Peo pleli Gas Bell A Co U.OOOi and De Cordova (1,080) sold Sugar Wormser & Co. bought Pennaylvanla ; Suaadorff sold. Kingslev 11.0001, Chapln, Blanchi and Randolph sold Sugar. Housman bought Cnion Pneirb .1 Offenbach (l.<v?l bought Southern Pa? ciflc; J Mulr & Co. (1.080) sold S V Whlte and Blanchi bought Brooklyn Rapld Translt Mend ham Brothers. J. S Bache ft Co . Bell * rn . O'Dell and S Y. Whlte. sold People 9 Gas ."'on tent ft <""o bought Sugar; Mendham Brothers (1,080) sold Dlck Brothers and J S Bearns sold Brook? lyn Rapld Translt Popper & Stern. Wormser ft Co and Content bought Sugar; Rolston ft Basa, Elllnffwood A Cunnlngham j. B Bache. Imbrie and Blanohl sold SEPTEMBER DISBT'ESEMENTS. The Dall\ Stockhold. r ? oompUsnon of inter aal ind dtvldend pavments for Sep'emh?r ahows that disbursements are materlallv larger than a year ago Further evldence of the proaperltv con ferred upon the trenaportatton induatry by fine rropa and a good forelgn demand in 1887 and 18M is fumished by thlg month'B dlvidend dlstrlbutlons and by the fact that several corporatlons wlll make euch 'dlstrlbutlons for the flrst time Conspleuous among the latter ls the Baltlmore and Ohio. Among storks whlch will get dlvlrfend* thls month. but whlch were not on the dlvldend llst a year ago. are Baltlmore and Ohio cnmmon and pre? ferred. Readlng* flrst preferred and Bia Four. The par value of stock on whlch divldends are due is $iX'. calllng for $2B.1.V>,8W. os against 811. SM.V577 last year and $10,381,873 ln 1K98. Interest becomes due> on bonds having ? par value of $490. O.Vi.O.W. the amotint of such interest belng $11.0iiH. 5i?S. as compared with fll.817.SM In 1?9P. and $11. 5P1.201 in 1888. Interest and dlvldend payments com hlned aggregate |38,8tS.4l08, as ceaapare. wlth *23. 488,427 in 1883, and 831.948,740 tn iv.v PKXXSYLVAXIA KAK XIN?8 The Pennsylvania report f..r .luly shows some falling off in traffl'- on the lin^s west of Pittsburg. liut a blg incrense on the llne* enst of Pittsburg, g-rnss earnings on the la;t n.imc.l .livlsion sralning $"0R,4iX? over July. 1SJIH. atiil net -urnings 8888,800. For thr seven months anded July 3<? the net gnln was $4,143,300. On the lines west of Pittsburg gross earnings declined ln July $62.9710 and operating ^x penses incrt-ased 8344,800, If-aytng a loss ln n?t of $'.'77.2ihi Oetailcd flarures foi low : Ltltea directly nperateo1 ?a?i Of Pittsburg and Erle. Month ofJql] 1900 1899. ChaafM. Grosa earnings.. .f8.790.096 $8,081,606 In- $708,400 OperaMng expens^s. 4.575.66I 4.304X584 ln<~. 325.10" Net earnings $2,214,431 $1,881,181 ln- ftSBJOS p?\e,i months ended July "1 Groaa earnings.. $47,611.40. $89,330,808 Ine. $8,380,800 Operating expenres 38,188.835 28.918,189 In*. 4.387,598 Net earnlafi fl4.48T.781 $10,314,481 lae. $4,148,890 N'nrthern I'entrai. month of July i".rnf.s earnings $888,515 8614.11"> Pac $15,680 Oreratlng expenses 164X888 148.888 In- 8 2i*? Net earnings $141 083 $148,483 Dee $38 *"<> Seven months endipg lulv 31 Barnlngs. ..$4,888,408 $3,762 309 In-v $886,108 Operating eXpen<=?? 8.888.192 2.942,489 la* 880.800 Net oarnln-rs $1,188,217 ?*19.617 Ine PhiladelphU. Wilming'on and RalMtpnre July? GroSa earnings .. J1.0O8.57S $9*4.27? In.- $44 300 Operating expenses 679.14ft 63774.". Tn- 11.400 vet enrn'ngs $838,488 $838,388 hM $31838 Seven months (-;ross earnings $8,421,881 $8,888,481 Ir- M-8 411O OperaMnar ovpenr?s 4.778,634 4.878.284 Ir- 8*90.48. Net earnings $1,858,231 $1,388,881 Tn- $a*3.888 tVesr Jersey and pe??hore. Jaly Qroaa earning* $465,581 $412 781 In- $53388 Operatlns expenje. 887.619 244 319 ln<- 43.300 Sel earnings $177.91*2 $168 462 Inr $9408 For se%en mon'hs ?^W July 31 ? Grnsf earnings $1,888,88$ $1438,938 In- $229 7041 Operating ?xp<-n??s 1.404.988 1 187.488 ln- 207.200 r>r .-Tnina-s $461.69.'. $439 195 Tn<- $22,509 Une* weat nf Pltt.bure ,ni ??. ^ir?rr|. 0p?ra,?^ Julj FVom Jan 1 Oross earnlngs p,e- $52,900 Inr $3 66.S 80,1 Op? ?xpens'? |-.?- 244.300 Ine 8 153.500 N*, .arring? . . Doc $277 2iV> In-. $512,300 SUGAR TRADE 3.ND BTOCK. Wlliett & Gray say For the pre.-ent and untll the comlng State elec? tions give Indicattona politicallv. the rally in Sugar Btrx k should continue. with eventually. however. another low level below $118 50 for the Sugar stock. It is not near its bottom price yet. The receipts for the week were much more than expected and ?arger than the meltlngs. hence there is no redue tlon in stocks. and 89.000 tona stlll remain for use durin? the n?xt st. week., plus what may be re? ceived from week to week. Only one reflnery. the McCahan, of Phlladelphia. has thus far been obliged to close for lack of supplies. Others must follow if receipts de not keep up. but the American Sugar Kefining Company, having the fullest sup? plies. re.ips advantage from the closing of inde pendents. Few centrifugals and a few Zvfuscovados could be bought this we.-k The raising of prices would make no difference. a? there are no sugars fnr Bale; hence quotations remain nomlnally un changed for centrifugals as well as Muscovado?. ot" which a few were bought at current quotations and a few more may come on the market soon. but only in dribiets for the next slx weeks. In view nf the ahnormal conditlon of the raw sugar mar? ket it is not surprising that refir.ed is firm and in in.-reaserl ,'emand, wlth all brokern recommending purchases for fear of further advances. when rawa reach the greatest acrclty and production la cur - muat r*e before n?w crop sugars reach the market in quantity. A small advance of flve cents per one hundred pounds has already come. This has caused qulte a scare through the coun? try. and orders which were aocepted at old hasls came in freely. It is quite wlthin the possibilities thHt further arlvances may be made in September. XKYV COMMISSION RULES. The Committee on Commissions of the New York Cotton Exchange has recommended the fol? lowing rules for adoption On contracts entered into prior to September 1 the charge fnr each purchase or sale shall be cne half of the ratn for the round turn prevalllng prior to September 1. Doing business ''interest flat," or without charging for revenue stamps. is contrary tn the hvlaws It ls an evasion nf the rule to make arrangements wherebv a varlable monthly saiary for obtaining business or to make a varlable monthlv charge for the use of a wlre. It is per missible for a member reporting transactlons to pav his own telrgrams. htit it is not permissible for tel'egrams from his customers to be pald for by him. or. if paid. the same must be charged to the cus'omcr. Any member of the Kxchange not an advertising member of a flrm cn nnot execute or? ders for anv other member of the- Exchange with? out .-hareing the regular floor broke-age GRAIN EXPORTS. "Bradstreet's" reports the exports of wheat fflour included) for the week as aggregatlng 3.248.313 hushels. against 2.695.168 hushels last week and 3.613. M3 hushels in 1*99. Sinee July 1 the exports of wheat aggregate 26,944.761 bushels. against 33.122.347 bushe's last year Cprn exports fnr the week ag? gregate 8.717,488 bushels. again>t 3.493.375 bushels last week and 4.167.868 bushels in 1899 Corn exports slnce July 1 aggregate $2,089,878 bushels. acainst 41.290.924 bushels last year ? a CONSOLIDATED <?AS D1VIPEXD Th" dlrectors of the i *onsoli.lated Gas Company deciare.l a divtdend of 2 per cent on the stock yes? terday. -in increase of 1 per cent over tha^ last payment The Increase was in a.-cordance with the recently announced intention of the directors. and it restored the stock to sn 8 per cent basls. the rate that prevalted before the re-enl gas war in this city. -? 1 Ai KWYANNA GETS THE FIRST BALE. Every year there ls .-onsiderable rivalry among the rallroad* for the honor of carrylng the flrst bale of the new cottOD crop. Thls vear the honor falls to the Lackawanna Rallroad. whose fast freight line yesterdaj received the flrst bile of the new crnp shlpped from Memphls. Tenn OUTSIDE 8ECI RITIFs. The nutside Becurltiea tnarkel wis dul! -jt =mill rhnnces Stundat.l i >il rlheed it *33??"??1_. ? ..ti Thursdaj Lasi prices of other prraril penl Irauea were: Ravana Commer. I il ^/ni.v |>r. ferred, 40/34.. Rak'ng Powdei preferr??d :?!' ov Markeen Copper, 4V<|6. Amalgamfi'.-.] Copper, $8fj ?'... (nterstate Oll, 58%?68*4; AmfKrlsm Gaa t?t :,s 6*4; Rubber Good., 2TH?*S8A4; preferred. Tfttyfl 77';. Storage Power, 148)1$* ileneral Carrlage, 5*4$ r.t4. New-York Transportation, 7W" I'enerai quota Uon ? f'.H ?w: r.AS COMPAXTES. ?Can ' n Q 5b Con I'eb 6a.lio C*on Ga? .1eb 6s. 90 ?Equit lat C 5a.ll? Mutual . 800 ? V v.n a lsl .*>s l.?5S B-ilt Consol NEW-TORK Rid Asked 108' NY A KR lat 5s 109 | do Con 5s ,$81 ?1'? Standard .120 119 | do pref.140 311 I ?do 1st 5s_115 108 Bid Asked. 112 108 124 144 118 CITIES Indtanap I ? . - Jt do lat Ha ?K C Gas Co 5s 97 >* Laf Gaa lat 6a . 60 I. & IV V lat 6a. 68 Mad i*-Vlsi Gas . t? ?ln 1st 8s.... 108*4 N* E Gas * Coka |$ ?do 5 s h.t, 0 v Ind Nat 111 ( on <ias Co 2*"' <*> * Ind Gaa rts .*> | Pat & Pa Gaa... 8? ?Pltts C Gaa Ba.107 Saf C H 4 Ia Co 118 St loseph Gaa 30 ?do 5s.92 St Paul Gaa . fc> ?do Conaol 5a 77 ?St P O C M ?s 110 Syracuaa Gas- 11 ?do lat 5a.87 Tranton Gaa 5s. 102 IVeatarn Gaa 93 do 5a.loSt 8*. 100 llK> 65 aon 7:' ln6 14', 64'j *>4 1?>1 ll* 120 34 94 62 80 114 13 91 ?5 1071 Biil Aaked N T * Eaat B lat 6a 03 97 TaniQ & 23d Bt 78 IS do bonda . .106 107 tnlon Ferry. ?8 85 dn lat Ba . 08 ?s STOCKS. (Fumlahed by Frederic H. Be** a. No. 86 ! Int. . i period. B?d. f Aaked Amartcan Bank Note..... Amer. Agrlcultural Chem. Amer. Agrlcultural Cb. pf.. Atnalaarnated Copper American Blcycle ... Ameri-nn Bievie pr?f. American Book Co. Amariran Chl<-le . Ameriran Cblela pref. American Hido * lyather Amer. Hlde A I?e?ther pf Anaeriran WooHena Araerie ia Woollene pr?f Araerl. ib Tfcr ad ? o pref.. I Amerl'-dit ';r?pr phone . Amerl.-aii Graphophone pf ? Am. Press Aaenrlattoa >l Ani Boda K'.un. oom .I Am. Boda rotna. Ist pf. Am Boata Fmn '-'d pf ' Amer. TyDefoanadetaf.I Amer Writlna Paper com... Am?r. Writing Paper pref.. ? Barnea & B. ' 'ar pref.I Bay Stat- Oaa .I British Columbia Copp?r . . | i ellnlol i ? ompanjr .l (*en. Flre works oom.I Caa. Kireworks rr?f.I < :i \. S . Ain Tel.t Gatea a pot. T-i.I Chvael.ti.iigli Mfa. Glaflln iH. n. > Ie1 pf Ctaflln "11 B i 2d pf. Conaolldated Equtpmaal < . ti . ;.r MeatinK. . < I. Blteworka coaa. rear rka pref. Platillina; Co. ot Amertca DWtllling ' "o. of Am i Blectric Boal coaa.' hl-ctrl.- B"*t J.ref. .. Electric Vehlcla Co ">tn. .. Electric Vehlcla Co. pr?f -. K!e. tro F'n'.imati'' . Brnptra A Bay State Tel... Empire Steel pref. Clemington < "oal & ' 'ofea . . - General i "an laaja .' General < rbenalcal .i General Chemlcel pref.I Havana Commerelel Havana cotninerelal pref... HfTrlng-H*.!! Marwn tl)BB ..j Mernng-Hall-Marvin pref...! rTobokao F?rr\ . ' Hoboken I-tnd & Imp.1 Huds-n Rlver Tel.I laternattonal Pump .-om International Pump pr?f lm*rn.itional Silver pr-f . Iron Steamboat . J. n. Stetaon eoai . . J i; Btetaoa pref. Lonllard pref . Madlbun tiq Garden stock.. Uavkeen Coppa* . M.aier Safe pref.. Natlonal Enamel A Stamp i Natlonal Enamel 4- - Natlonal Gramophoiie ,, Wall Paper. New-England Trana N E G & C. N. T. & E R Ferry. N. T. Loan & Imp. N. Y. & N I. Tel. N Y El v*h * Treaa Natlonal Sal? Natlonal Sali pref ? 0'ia Elevator ?Otis Elevator pref . Old Dominwn S S.I Penn Salr Mtg . Pltts . Bessemer A L B Plan'*ra' Coaapraaa Pieuman Gun ' arnage. ... j Pratt & Wnltnej pref.[ Procler & Gamble. Proeter & Gamble pref ... I -: Bakms; Powder pref Rhb Gooda Man C R'ib Gooda Man i pref safety Car H?at 4r L:r Slmmona Hardware com-i Slmmons Hardware pref Singer Mf8 Co. ?Standard Oil Standard Coupler .I Standard Coup'.er pref.| Baatft 4: Co .... 10th & 23d St Ferry., Teleg. Telephone & Cable I Tennessee Cnpper .| ? >n P. tteriea coaa.j Trentcn Pottertea pref - ? Trow Dtrectory, new.I r. S. fiaeelope coaa.j LT. S. Envelope pref.1 L'nion Ferry.J Cnion Swltcb &. ?:sr.'>. Cnion Switch A S.gnal pf Umon Steel A Cbam. Unlon Steel i Chain pref.. Unlon Typewriter com. Cnion Typearrttet 1st pref. Cnion Typewrlter 2d pref. C. S. Glass com. U S. Glass pref. Weetinghouse Alr Brake... Worthmgton Pump pref Q i Q-M Q-J 241 f. !?:? - ! Q-J I - - Q-F l.V? 101 n > 101% 85 5 1 Q-J A ft O A ft O 365 11-J ?Ex dlvldend. BONDS. Aeker. Merrall A Condf. . American Bicyele. Amer Writing Paper 5s. Barney & 9 '"ar. Brooklyn Ferry . C & O Grain Elevator ine C. A O. Grain Elevatcr Hecker-Jonea-Jewell . Hnbnken la. A I. Sllver bonda. fron ^teamboat . Madison Square Garden 2da. 1 Metropolitan Ferry lat... N J. Steamboat bonda... N. T. A N. .1. F. 1st. N. Y BlS'Ult bonda. S. Y. & N. J. T. Proc. A Gam. lat mtge. Rlchmond Stand St Spike ?e S. I. Rapid Translt lat... S I Rapld Translt 2d.... Swtft A Co. 1st. 10th & 23d St. F . Texas A Paclfic Coal lata. Union Ferry 1st. i*. 8. Kavelopo lsts. L". S. Flour Mllling. BOSTOX STOCKS. . Furnlshed by R. Ia. Day 4 Oa . Ra 1 Pr-al-s* Yesterday. To-day. Yesterday. To-day. A T 4 S F eoot 27\ 2< AttMmm 45. 99 1-9'tb do pref . TO% 70*4 Gen Electrlc 5s. 115 115 Am Tel A Tel.. 143 142S New-Englajid 8a. 110 110 Am S R Co corn 120*% ll^-V. Edlaon Elec H1..305*Vi 808 do pref .116 116 Old Pom Mng. . 18*4) 18*8 Boat al Albany. .047', 24* Bost A Root.. 316 838 I *t aa Me eom.188 188 Butte & Tiost.. $8 Chlc Bur A Qy.lM*, 134*4 Cal & Heda..753 $83 Fltchburg Rd pM3$> 139! . 148) la** Gen Elec corn. 188*4 138*4 Franklin . . 13\ 13*4 do pref.139 13ft Osce-Ma . 83*4 88 Maxlcan Cent... 11 *4 11'4 Qotney.140 140 Old Colony.2i\3 203 Tamarack .214 8X8 I* S Rubber com 29 28*14 Wolverlnea.41 4H-, Tnlnn Tac e->m 59 ssi, Bostoa Elev- 14* 14* West End com 93', 93*-5 Arcadlan . I-1* 19V. dn pref.113 113 Wyandntte . 1*8 1*4 West Elec I'-m 47 46t- AUoues . 1*4 IS dn pr?f 63* 2 63 *? Pomlnton Coal 41'a 42 PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. RAn.POAP EARNINGS. CHICAGO BT PAC1* MINN*EAr.**l.lS ANP OMAMA 1*9* IsfVft T^XV NimN>r Ot mlles . 1.488 1.492 1 492 Month of July $712,201 $8*B.1M f.733 424 i?n 1 t, T.jiv 31 4.436,747 B 471 ..*?? 82R5.14" |-HFS\rFsKF ANP OHIO Month ol .luh ? Number of mlles 1 180 1.44.'. 1 4*< Qa-ejBB earnings $081,380 < n81.1A5 $\ ?ft.s.,w* Operating espenvei 888.818 700.7*8 71., ?.*;>? ttal e^rnlnas $338,173 $850389 CEXTK.U. OF OEOJIOIA M>nth 04 MD Number of mlles . 1 834 1.324 l 62* earnlnns .... $448,825 $428,702 $888,084 Operatlne; expenses ... 881.818 304 B88 368.311 Net earnimta 8148.408 8388.184 RlFFAIaO. KOCilKSTKi! ANP PITTi* Rl RO Year en.ltnat.Tune .30 lflrt. 1sftj> ?-ire? Groaa eamlnsa. 8i.*-*a.3i3 $3,842 052 I-? I Operating expenses 1338,441 18881.438 ln- 4*8.881 Net e.irninas 82.01T.874 $1,811 088 In- $704V*7ti Other ir. nme 20.330 13.512 In t\83M Total income $8,888,418 $1,325,110 ir> - gnaVSaM Psasd rhattgafl 1 163.727 033.1*. ir.. Kal inrome $-?74 kv; $888,881 tne Dlvldanda deolared 240.0.10 1 *>\?X*??*ti ln.- l.OniV Total surplus .lur.e ?"*? 1 1S4..MC S33 3*7 Inr 8*5 ft7i Retterm.-nta 308,707 382.581 Pe, The? passengers earrtae] the |a? ?)r BMnaabwrad JK?i 4 Mtd the teaaa ef rretght ?* ^41 74* UEH1GH VALl.F.T Rallroad enmpany?Month of Jeii Grcss earntng-a $3.080.105 pe - $** 7?. Operating expenses 1.756.235 1 714.67.. 1;,- ?\ 58! r?r ?Ih'.n,i L ***** 8*35.223 Db*. $f*SX3ay Fnr ? ght ninntha .?rS*.^rn'""?" ?ia239 7?, $14?1.1?M Inr $1^26 11 O-aa-atlag .-x[. naaa 18.Uo2.88H 13.142.108 ln. Ne. earnings 18,888 $3.471518 P ? ->ai company?.lul - 'armnga $1,704,213 $ 1.573 003 ln - I Cparatlng expen..ej t 881.888 t.?32.^2*J In,- 190.00 gJJ 1o?? $11T.31A " $4S."a12 ln- 171.64*1 For eight montha Grcas earnings $12,048,547 $11.317.190 Inn $728 54' r?peratir< ?xp-n.f. I1.T08.314 ln. sfl*. *2> Net ln? $337 41*4 $388,114 tae tmm Boih companiaa- - .- - Net earnings $158. V* VS79 M.l r>.,- $423 ilB' For eight montha Ket earnmga. 81.T2..B08 $2,083,488 Dac $353 M Ma** UE.I * f Month ow Julv? 3roea eerntnar* "ip-ratlnr expen?" N?? ? arr'.>?;? In-'.rr T^tal mrnm? rtred ^ra:?? Bal*nr? F??new A fe 41 eee Snrplu- 5 Quarr-r ?nd?d Jw? r;ro?a ?-irn:r;?? 1227 rij^rtvir r?^n" V-t ?arnin*? * rh?r?? Dea> ? MKXI'VN INTKat! V-? ? ? far I , - - _" ? --. . I ERI \ ' t ; i - V., .:i-r < ? r?^*?%? lo'iuded :r. 'h- - ? ar VFV/ Y' ?: ? rn.-tudloa; ' I - ( ? .. -- ". i .?;?t ?arn:n?? K- ? * ." i Incrn V __" tv,?> i-i TBF. Th'\r>F i\' CMH {',n ? htc=i. - ,T ._ der tbe paeaa - prlmarv m ? ?.???-. holdlngs of September T - Uv. ... ^_^ ??ak ard %d low^r ? rnjaaaa '?ueh?l=. aj ? -aa tta 'rarle ? ratg ,-j^ pcor atttk aapuri M j,-. ?K^.t n:;r of ;;-..-. Neeeri '*=**? of aja.. OPO hush'ls was j j.^ Toied^ Primary receipts arere I *?/a)i boaaan* against S24 ?'?'? "tf.Oflfe baaaamb Local apa ~ caaaa b'tlled aabeaal of rh"m f?r* forced to ' >? saQfeaa near rr;? eiaae Tba a i . fMajv *b!e for * eontJnaatfem af tl ^lieat aoa*. merit* Eleva'o' "-taaaaaaT nnd aa ? lajajaa wbi> Daeeai -^tamm *xpaet. ed E>'"a f ports ttat .j^a ? Sept^rr ?rer.- saadal 74'- Charters ?? ?Tat .- !,,_ - Qto> b"r Caan eora anaa I ergaa. tembe faa ter wer? W ,5?> eajt ajaajteaatbet oaaacted bi "i:.d closed - -taaaaaa af l%e la ? taCaaa Oafta aajit - y^, contracts to mor? 3ei day;s business Bfantd whlch was . Flaxseed was :2?2" higher Caab and SeptaatJaMS 11 42. O-rober, r. ce'.ved 96 ears. agairr Protis'.ons wer* aa but closed all sorts showed ar. 1 3eaasa> rk haat 5c an~i -laaar - tptaaaaaT rlbs were ir.i Jastarr (atae ~i *"ere stade. (trnst vLompanicg. REALESHMSTffl OF NEW YORK, NO. 30 NASSAU STREET. C4PITAL SbRPLUS ANO LSOIVID?J? PB0FIT1 $900,000. DESIOATEO LEGAL OEPoSTTOaT. Allowa lnterrst on de-poalta. Aeta aa ?\ecutur, lruaiee. Reglatrar, fta H. -H. Caramann. v. ITes._Ii flETROPOLITAN TRIST C0MF.VI1 OF THE CITY OF \EW-Y0RK. Nos. 37 and oS> Wall-at. Capltal .^-SSfS? Sorplas and protitsi.1.33MB* - ? poaitory V. r**"^5 as flaca". or tr inafe accept ar.: ?? ? rati.-"-.s r. ? ? '"Saaaaam fre: "^"-altaaa BEVERLY -^aaaa* ALE.\A.\"?ER ^ BERTRA3 ?fmannal. Hocking Valley Railway Compa* Neaj '. Pl 1** TO Colutnbus & Toledo Railroad Compaiy SECOND MORTGAGE 7 BONDS DIE SEPTEMBER 1. li*??: Tfea abov- I aad ** eoupona there.-* rr.\- .-? s - - 5e 91-2 at maturltv. upo- al * " MORGAN 4) The coaaaaay haa reaa >ns feaaarla ar ? 1 *** siar- I . ."jtBBaf* a* rb? pr:.-? .>f sX*'? | -lereaaa. ^ '* rn it? ??- ' ba ii .-*sb V MOIiMRHU. Pree* . ?rrea*. F?fern*tg *' *" Falfwav ? tSBt^w r>apv ">? f aaaraat ra aaja* ?"olumhus * ad th? aad feeaaaa I ./. P. WOMGAXS Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City Railroad Co. REORfi ANIZ VTIO>. per shi -rafcareajj' Coaaaae t : *"? ta^^ajL -t the OBN ? ''gl PTJatS SEFTEM. TJgB All holder* '!* aaf V^aaee the anount ? menttoned _, Th? i ER- . , at pa^ a ***M ' "? ?. FRKDKHIl t* OLt OTT Cbaaranaaa. W1U11 \M A REAH. MCaWl tum.E. M Wall Street. New 1 1 rVERTISEMFNTS --eived at ;heir Uatoera Otaca .. ;a 4o^r north of .tlst ?: , vjaaj m menta racetved it tha Mfewtaa br*noa oaaeaa ?r ^ fc otnee r?taa untti a oolock p ei vij. >* aia-*''. ^. ooe. 234 aa.. na exa-ava.. eee. iJta-ea.- *?*??> ?