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s*r LX -..-X?- 19.655. XEW-YORK. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1900.-SIXTEEN PAGES.-,. PRICE THREE CENTS. RUSSIA YIELDIXG. SAW TO HAVE AGREED TO A C0MPR0M1SE. TO LEAVE A FART OF HER " FFKTXO. THE MAIN RCE TO BE AT TIEX-TSI>". - great activity yesterday at - Wn re long L'nited States 'the Power? in I :cess. the abandon bc ser t__J I for an Ameri im to P? r*eported that K : -npromise, Iea\ - \\\ NEWS UXCERTAIX - - ;a_s cf the Powers - " - ng tre st:'.' ar. Foreigr, ; ? _ I ' _e Ra_____n rten wf_| - - Ier wffl sl J N" P _ STERLY 1XACTIYITY. AND ::nese -? nos. BL 1 a. m.- - -_.. s - - . !a. of - - I Bed ar. _ the ______ rtM be pur. ??- recurrence :_ation. _.d t>? _one, -ataaa _ss*_rr.e re ' . _n b;-* :' ar. ' r***e _ I - - UM* idflg! ted a ' ' I ' .'??? Wt ----- B UBt a _m_ ? ' - Powers, - - teeponf ' ? n Vo - to al - E - . -.a ln L ? . -' _ki ? the gen :e of candida* - f - - ! _re ai-k) - . iapt th*m ?-???..?. -' James ? Gaz - z ar.d - ? ? _____ 1 un . . ,rrm-iiy vviii come to ?___? of the min ?-._.-. k- ?_??-:-. , __ 4 Oai ?*_?_> _h temporary |_ili_J_l I Japan ar.d <Jermar,;- Thie :o the . ' - V .:__ P. ii! lt. hr .1 I __V '* peopie, and there wttl be a disposition to hlame the American Government for aot taking a stronger line of actfcm. Masterly in y has at least nne advantage for a na? tion preoccupied with the Boer war. in leaving !* free to grumhl. and cimplait- I. N F. ??- * LEG ATION GUARDS LEATE PEKING MINISTER OONCMOTS TRIBt/TE Tn THE M'> Srnv.AP.lES ? mataatat Wrmaa London, S-pr. V._Th" Chinese cr.sis pn mills sw feature ?- - - -?- - _- s-% tppean to he certain. Reganiing a.-t'nn vn l statements are made in Vienna an.1 Ber ' - I l - ' l ith --??"_ hut the balance of op;nion l-ans to the h.';i_f - Russia is stir. inctined to adher- to h*r de - tn quit Peking. .< batever the other Powers do. The sTudin-.-_':v nsoderate t on*-* *_m's soeech a - -a much remarked. rs armm nothiac of the ? mailed fist" ar of reveugc in his utt-rances. Accord.- Mosoow enrrr Russia =_ pncnuuM mam.y concerr.s __. and she nee^s troops from Peking to assist in th- seizure of that province. which k.d upon a? anr dra__al from Peking is e ?e adher (de* of The I -_P of Tbe E ard." wtring on August 30, says wlth the Amer --ugh thi The Sh naval hr.gade and th? marir. 1-egation Guards left Pekinz to-day. ndent of "Th*-* 11 Pcst." ln a d:-- - 23, sa;s Mr. per baa written a letter ueerting tha- ? out the aid of the An-- the l the legations would have been irr; Accord -._ - -his correspondent --: Btates McKinley ani Now that a - with an recommendatlon has ap PaUW approbation of at ' a ir.-. y known nion re Bain :-? P king nn! -tory arrangerr. for peace --*. are concluded with the _______ ALL QUIET AT AMOY. NESE ANI- ENGLISH KARINES BAID TO HAVE BEEN WITHDRA WN. Ber i he presei ons ' the Na-.a! Department Germany wiU make the 5*r?r.?eE* r.ava! Sett ever rr.ade ir_ -s-ha:. namely, ter. warshlpc, with 34800 men Of these vessels four wil - cruis?rs. fcur et] - ~-=".vhat ats. Adispal tays tha: both the Jap snear a_nd English marines were withdrawn to? day. and that everythlng there is quiet. A.n ur.da.ten_ dispatch from Shangha! an -?-?s the arr sre from Peking of Dr A. ? itr -Htmgarian Charge '. .-a ari Dr. F_ M. Knobel, Bl EARL LI WANTS AMERICAN ESGORT. 7 ? A dhq made a re; THE KAISER'S ! of Germany arrived her- to-d-. y to an ad ? master, His -uccess eing ma Far - nunest and ' an carry on trade undistur: - ? --- was satisfied his tereats 7 ?Three transport.. con - _ PLEA FROM HONG-KONG MERCHANTS. 7 ? The '. ? - m the -. a re -?- -e# advo< = f fhe i the gu I - . sastrous * -.a. a specia' ? - - SEEKIXG A COMPBOMIfi neg -?' ot nre m I to eom- com] urrance _.rd Pekla*. The ? >mmnn exchar. _ en the Powers now hav* ?. of success. The compri it is asserted here, is the wfthdrss I - forces - Powers Ir.r. P? ? _ tt ie further asserted ln Paris. will be al? lowed to remain at the Ch a peace settlement. The r is also said. will ret._ nelghborhood cf T-en-Ts-i-. "eaving sufflcier.t forces al' I road to keep open the roots ani railroad be - _nd T-en-Tsin. Busala's attitude ls lnte-. re as mean lng that she wil the walls of Peking, but r - from that clty. VON WALDERSEE KEACHES CEYLOX. - ombo. Sept. 7.?Co*. 'aMeraas eom aer-in-chief of the lllied troops in China. arrived here thls * After apending a few hcurs ashore the Count r..?um. . his royage * IirVEIiTING TROOPS TO MANILA Washir-gtun. Sept. 7?The War Departmer.r has been ir.forr_-.-__ that the transport Warren arrived at Nagasaki y-eterday, and that ? Aztec arrlved at Kobe. Japan, to? day The Warren haa aboard two battai. of ihe Oth Cavalry. and the Azrec carries rhe horses of the I *? In a-"c<.rdance with -. War Department not to ?h trana ports have been ordered to proceed to Manila. Jj-kt. the 3d Cavalry already have pea c-d-d their mountF to the P* NO SCUTTLING IN CHINA. AMERICAN PLAN FAVORABLY RECEIVED BV POWERS. ABANDONMEXT OF PEKING NOW RE GABDED AS AN EXTREMELY BEMOT-B roNTINGEXry r_r? T___B____ra to tht- tr:: Wuh-ncton, Bept 7.?Tbe efforts of tke l'nited Ftat?s to harmnniz- the attitud* of the r on the next step ln th** solution of the Chinese problem give mor? prouatsc ot su-^ess than the European press has realiz.d. and the abandon men. of Peking to such another relsni of anarrhy as ?-"_ist_<l for tAravriy four months is now r? rfrdr-d hv thla Government as fn remote a ?-ontin_->-?-? - have further serious r-onsidera tion. Th* chlef obstacle in the way of immediate negona- ?-?- -=store a stable condition of af? fairs is the inaccessibi'.ity of responsible Chinese __________ ar.d this. it is hoped, may he remedled early next *vr?k, as soon as the last jpmh!anc? of dlversity of intention among the oo-operat ing nations ls publicly removed h-- officia! _*ela__at_o___ The modlfleatti na - the Ftusa u proposl-hn hav- Binawled tlmiiwiilm from th- r? - the nntp has had at ever.- cap.tai?in vi->lving, as they do, nothing that Etua tently indorse as essentlal to the ri B__e responsibi'ity at under the protection of an allled force rommeti-urat the task of guarar.fpir.g safety to for etgnera, ~.\- ?? ____ and Impesial authori tle_ aJlke?have a'. ready been made clear ir. a gen? eral way tO th. Powers. and have been pec ich favor that the United P*atr>s I a deftnire a as a mere forroality. The d'.sasters which wouid otherwise oaark a prectpitate withdrawal Peking one after another to the coast have proved too great for ar.y of the contemplate, anxious as Ueved of the tri task tsaepai m military occupation the FEATURE? OP THE AMERICAN PLAN. The accepted military plar. from the ? - restoral .1 Kshment ba rr.e L^s-ation quar ' such an international guard as d?fended ?nera through the recent ie the wa prompt ? - tn ar. emergency the main allled army remained at I a:n commur.ira- peace was re A_ irter _l guard of LOOO men would probe effectlve lf 2~<"ti constttuted the r?: near by ar.-: _ ?ed the gan Tlen-Tsi.-s bas*. At the State Departrner.t to-day, ?? hile sjrea* lent, K was explained that the usual . 'day mall for Burope waa dlapatehed, ar.d no developments in thr tion had occQIT-d that cculd be publlshed. The only dlpiocia.ic visitor waa Minister Wu. who, rettxrntna; from hla vi?:: to the seaside, ra s.arch cf news. He has had no uion his Government ?:nce the departure of the par:y from Pek'.r.g weeks ae He i doe- re his Governn wtth tforts toward ] -.t:ai ais ln July ai ar? r.ov I -ordial-y a* r.e posltion of the United ther -. thar. that for preserving d gives a promise of A XEW PHASE APPROACHIXG. NEGOTIATIONJ* ON THE CHINESE QUESTION IN WASHIMGTON. ?d Preaa Waa i spe May this afti i and, k the off - ?*;al day. he proceeded dlrectly to the State De p_Lrtment It ls understood that he bs Detrartment fl_ Por nearly an hour the Minister waa ln ??t?: conference .. and A.=- ? St ? I the messenger? allowed to enter. None to the conference were communlca to the sub-- ts of Dr. H. ;ise with ? ::lled with papers. For several hours preceding th? M'.nister's ir. i AmN-B) tary Adee had beea encaged in short and lt waa that the negotia? tlona relative t.i China were appr ? ther phase and :hat another pronoun^err.ent of some kind was in preparation. The fact is re when the United States m* lasdan note. on August - offlcials here expressed the belief that a red to determine u. Btep and at the end of that tlme it would whether or not th? trr''->ps were I fcrawn from Pekirc Bed. The repor- - .ropean chanceilcries inclcate tha mportant subject ls being : wtth the greatest deliberation. and at ieast anoth- I probably ever time. may be .-ensumed !n framing th? the Russian n BCeanwhUe thla Government has pretty we;; aelf as to the attitude toward this last pr of each and all of the F a the Chinese problem. It may be that this knowledge is regarded as sufficient on whlcb to base u rward and perhaps in pendent movement hy the p ard the settlement wtth Chiaa whlch rhe Government has had ?ing of the trouble. GOB8IP AS TO COMMISSIuNERS iltattoM wlth Mr. Wu are believed to have b?-en inspired by a lr?>ire to learn some? thing of the p-TS-Oattt] of Chinese notables whoee names have been suggested aa proper to conatltute the Chinese slde of any commission whlch may be named to arrange a settlement of the difflculties. Mr Wu is an ardent adherent t-f Earl Ll There ia mu~h _pe.ula.lon here aa to the Amerlcan Commlasionera, ln caee the negotiatlona should be mtrusted to such a body. ar.d the namea of men prominent tn interna? tional affaira in recent jears all have been can vassr-l Itiriuded ln th?- Hat la the ninif 4 nallnnrd oa thlrd pifr. FAST __r____DUI__. ANL' SUPERB ROAD Bi_L. Pennsylvania Railroad traln* to th. West affor romfort and si?e*d - Advt. TO STICR BY CONTROLLER. COLER-8 FRIENPS REFUSE OVERTFRES FROM THE CROKER MURPHY MEN. SHEA T<~> PRESENT HTS NAME _T THE CON VENTION-r-AMPBELT. U_______M THE BOSS BY HIS COURSE AT THE '"ONTKRENCE-TALK ABOt'T STAN0HFI3LP. The f'oler men decided yesterday to refuse all overtures from the Croker-Murphy combina tion: to insist on presenting the name si ? Coler for Oaaasnoc and to throw upon the Croker-Murphy peopie ths Ml responsibility of nominating a ticket and conducting the cam? paign Chairman Frank Campbell <-reated a sensati-in among th**- Crok?r-Murphy men yes? terday at a conferen-** ln ^x-?*"naior Murphy's room at th? Haffnum B te_____sg Mr. Murphy ar. : M- Crofcer ;r. ao rr.any *_? ords that they (th<? Croker-Murphy e.-mbination I ?Ot rominate a candidate for 'iovernor who w-ouid win. Ir wa? learned last night that Croker and Murphy are angry wtth Mr. Camp for practically ron<-.'i:ne the State to the ihiicans. Th**1 two leaders are ln a strange ng wnn a pre-conventi'" ' -out knnw-.n? "*hat tn do wtth * They j haven't ar.y es I Banator WUUaa F. Mackey, of Eri--. appar f the race. aad hia ?pooaor, Nor _B E. Ma-k. letmaed to Buffalo --usted with Sert -its. and Thos?> in Kings County in particular. He went to see Hugh McLaughlin in bebmH of Mr Mackey, and was told in few words that his man would not l>e consid-?red s?riously a a the Km_rs Ccunty deiegates. and that he might as .sell give up the idea first as last. His frtends may make .-_ Ught fOr Mackey for the Lieutenant Governorship. -g .-ertaln *. ani arith Mr Mackey rur.ntng in a safe Republican l begtau te look. poli ticians said. as if al . -1:*?- were for the time t> riRE REFUSED T<> ENTER. ?ra Murphy ar.d Croker I - gr*-*a*. e yes? terday. There wer" Ricbard ? ' ta a: - rr. an Fra n k <"am p - r ? ' ? ----- ex-? M*I_au_rh nelmont. State Senator P. H. M - -r-.oration I n Whalen and ex-Govem-r W. J. Ston?* of Mlaaianl. who Com - ln his capaei*-. -man uf the sub U body. Jam-"' K. M lt waa learned. refuse .ay to attend the ence because of rhe pri z ago crit tbem. Mr. Croker-Mnrphy head; _ | that Croker *va. and refused to enter He -_air*d tin he got 1 Mr. Mnrph] _ad the two a iong rb The conference lasted haif an hour. The great? est com Mr. Campbell?so mnch ? .at it was sug? gested last night that Cr - --;.- were bit "shaky" about tbe ? rasbtag er. which they still insist must be done. i Mr C _ I that those t posed th- nomination of Coler ver- na_ >?s friendly to him. ani that he and hia I i could feel - reaeat retations -^ en Mr. Cai 1 I the New-Tork Democrats won: : otained. Mr. Campbell bot he began to think a iot. Then ir was suggested tha* _ '?' -- . Btate Di noerat who would e deiegates from th: 1 ade to this was thar lt was a . . Senator 1 Then Mr. - said tha- was deatrable, and -.->re was . Democrats g - together Mr Campbell . I Mr Croker face. 1 . . . . . . . - tate." was al! he said. but all a ? was lbs _- . . ? ' . grew more red in the fa- -_._>'.. Ljour ?crats on" man. and that that on- was They also heard that ex-Senatot the fight lat - 250 ence Mr. Camp started for ? roker wen* town. Mr me ln Stcuben Countv t_>ga early on Mondaj. V. leave the city to-day nn th - Sara _____ "Are j*ou artuony a: th? State convent:-:r."" Mr Murphy was asked after the adjournment of the c re is every srmeny bd -." said be "' nerer thought ? be anything else." "WDJ you repea- ? that Coler will not be - rnor?" he was asked. "Now, what's the use of repeating that?" I the Trojan lmpatiently. "If I repeat things E that peopie wi - s DO an oid DOll carrot." "You was asked. = " said he We talked __? H ? aa rman Frank Campbel tt oura _4> dropped in. and wa talked ? ne State situa* "QT'ITK A N :.K - When asked lf he had seen Hugh Mcl_a - yesterday. Mr. Murph> sald Yes, I waa over there. and ! a nice little taJk wil old friend Mr McLa . r McCarren dropped m while I was there. and came over me. ' Perry Relmont. who was present at the con? ference. was ask"'. :r his views of the situa? tion. He hesitated a moment and then dictated the following statement. "I think the interesta of the Nat harmony among aii fac Then you are present as a peacemaker?" yes, you may put lt that way lf you wLuh,' he replied Ex-Governor Stone would say nothing except that he was at the gathering to "see that the best interests cf the party at large are con served. " Corporatlon Counsel Whalen denled that he had been to Elmira to try to induce John B Stanchfleld to accept the nominatlon. Mr Croker had read the report of auch a visit ln the newspapers and hsd some fun with Mr. Whalen over :t "I see you've been up the State doing a bit of talking. John." said Mr. Crrker. "They say SAFETY IN RAILROADINO ln asaured to patrons of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Block algnala, automatie awUchoa. stone ballaat and a roadwar constantly patrollad ara all to ba ? found on the standard Railroad of An___nc_a.~A.t-t you've been trying to get Stanchfleld to run for ? r."' Mr i^roker then laughed. you sent me up. didn t -- .-,_. Mr '""?-oker?" replied the Corpcra- Then ne laughed. Mi Croker Joined him. and rreryb___** standine around laughed Mr Trnker was asked if he kn* about the reported removai .ulnn. Deputy Streel BmcK . I d'-in't know any- lt that have to '-rr Kr Croh he has hee- tbat he had aaid that C__rtn -ood a ehance of bein* nominated " I n?v?r said i ?v_= h;? Ktar-jy. HILLS PLANS POB SARAT' Arr-r.-rjine - '-tation rece:ved at head - to make a fight at Sarasoga p is th? present ot the - ' hn L Shea nominate Contr - for i.ovemor. Ex-Senatr.r Hill wil, then - and say that the friends an are de termined to den - earnestneaa in popu? lar candidate Under the -Her Col?r. at - the unit ru!' i-annor ':>e pr? serve-' - has a friend - the d-leeate. wtm -1 hv him Comn ~--a has . lat h* hi? fHendsbi* - tn h? does _ | that Ta~ in have h. - d he wii; :.EP. AND M*LA*"GHLIN -;" r. ar. noun. e Coler ls n Democratlc leadera aa ? rea?"--r. f r Mr McLaughlin was - - ! -.torial n- - B ? - ' tion . - have - - upon Tasaaa ? ..... would a '---. ' Mr I tha: Mr. Coler baa witbdrawi for the nomlnal ? ruef' X :. II ax - A A eontesl ta - termir- I t rote for - "throw down" will bs Mr ' ,r ike wa - ti) th* rumor that 8a aX 'arren had been chosen as temporary State con r.. . "Toi meets up in Sarat ga Over l - a step a* rer. .NCHFIELD L -IN The ? . Stanchfield thar ' Shepard. of Br---- I n K.r.53 aa -. . ao many _ i ? - - Murpr. in and ] - terdav that - Bryan ir. ira--^ M- Sl - I - - These - - - . , ? HILL MAY TFRX TO EARL. CROKER*.! OPPOXEXT MAI - SPLTT IN THE PA! THE TRIB- ' that Dav:d B. Hi'.! had arr*' this afternoon - I politiclans her I to Her'r pose of persuading ex-Jui Judge Eai of Appeals. State, ,vaj on all [ course. ? an opinion as to the legality or bills referred t pass upon their m the age limit Herkimer He i commission which revised the class '.ately ga Herkimer * *?<?. to be used as a build public library. Thls ls r. -ir..f?station of public . n the I i'_a_-tt fail he accepted the post of president of the Road Impn .-ement Bo__sk_r. ff H_ ports Judge Ear! frar liovernor. of course he abandons the candidacy . f Bird S. Coler. that he has been p_c_____| pajch vlgor. It is though bvlous ?hat Mr Coler _? beaten. however, and it ts not Impossible that Mr. Hill may seek to galn aup r a stronger candidate. wltb the hope of ar the Democrats who thus far have been r.g Richard Croker and Edward Murphy, Jr.. ln the contest which has been raging for the control <->f rh? Demorrartf State Con-ven ??OLERS CHAXCEs WAN . Democrat.c politiclans were lnc.ined to believe to-night that Hugh McLaughlin might havs told to Mr. Hill on Wednesday that he could not posslbly aupport Bt.- vernor (oattaaed aa foarta attuje. Tor CHILDREN'S COLDS thr best remedr ia JATNE-8 EXPECTORANT-Adru LY DEX BERG TAKEN ? AN T \ mNFIRMED RT MOR THAT ?MB ? 11*1-_____? II HAS BEEN ? APTT RED ? -na Ta:sr-?a.l ?*. ? n-^ws ??-? _ .-?_ - _. ' Th*-* Mai! - *ria beara -h an ~ he try is ' The M _i? sent off with a large parc-M - ' congra" -rs. and ha - waat of g - nnw beea determined that there shall ba a ffsanlntl? af Parliament !n the last _.??_: ?f the present month. *hat "lortng the neat ? s reacbee the Mlala ?' F. A_MERI<\.\ KNTERPRISf H at - - three -'es on vitally im - Amer uoted lower - M_p the - BD BOBEKTl Lon--; *-1 - ptember 3. * erday - m. thia - I : BAJ . ELI a: I N ? - - ASVTIC EXPLORERS' HARDSHIPS. XPB ? - = --__. t___naaa_ - rway. - - _ I - i two - - ta. On - .-.ow un passed tha ______! _ _ - _ - - - - _ I BLAZE IN PAPER ? - _ - |3? - aa ?? _ - - - .'> a. m. - iboot I .. _o... who - was feared b?en una _ ? -.wer a -_.r-*-i i_-i ?f -.-- |Ofl_lMaa_ - I Kr-ieno. '.al.. - place on a raach stxt**n ml the vt:_____ f oremar. for ff O :_na__iaed thai 'he Japanese :n< aga;aet Ma _-l _->th barrels of hta gun tsto a Japanese, ihat taking effect !n the ama.1 -f hia -a ? ?*.r_r.i carrytag away hia runt ? - - : a aahe ta Lrtdge ? pow ic ._* sa pioston atar Browning*a head and ]__?___? wer* lorn from tb* trunk. the body beiag left unreoapdaable. Th* Jaa THE REPTBL NVEXTIOSt fully Ulustrated ln to-day-s lal _ , lt pages aad 1* pa?* Ptctortal tUrUw. X 1 AAmt.