Newspaper Page Text
Like a well - known old - time English hat manufacturer, we can call ourselves "universal sympatkizers" because we have "felt" for ever3T one. Our new derbies are ready. All the so-called standard shapes, as well as a shape or two that you can't find elsewhere. ROGERS, PEET & COMTANV. 258 Broadway. mr. Warren, and 7 and V Warren St. M9 Broadway. cor. 1'rinca We flll ordera 1260 Broadway. < or. f_?, !>F mall. and M Vcst 33d St. WESTCHESTER COUNTY. TONKERP. Mr?. George W. Curran. wife cf the secretary of the Yonkers Gas Company, was serlously Injured cn Saturday by being- thrown from her wheel. Mrs. Curran was ridsng down Main-st. when the bicycle caught in a rur in the road and tumed over, throwing her heavily to the ground. She was taken home in a carriage. The Bottlcrs' Aasoriatlc-n Is makingr war upon r-ersons uslng marked bottlea, Saturday Judge Kellogs Bned Charles Embree 12260 for having twenty-^hree b ttles l-longing to the Kbling Brew laa* Company ln ;...- possession. Edward Shannon, ?who keepe a paint s'.oro. was fintd ?1 BO for riliing three soda warer bottle* belonglng to D. H. Smlth wlth oil. A child one yeftr old, the son of A. Harrlmar. of Mount K'soo. hnd a r.arrow oscape from death Sau.rday from dtinklng add. Mr. and Mrs. Harri rcan. with thelr Infant, areut to 'heir farm near Ijy for th<> day. A pluxnber was repairing in the houst-. 1. u*;k:;own to Its parents, pic-ked up a plumbers and drank some mtenta The ch:ld's screams brought Mrs. to iis sice. She hurrled to a neighbor's. where Dr. r>rown happ.ei.ed to be, and he qulckly admin!?tered an antidote. KATON'AH. Mr and Mr-. lsaac N. Hait. of South Salem, ha Invlted a lr.r:re. number of frier.ds to attend the wedd:nt- o; their second daughter, Miss Emlly Yirgi.iia Hait, :o George Linus Hoyt, which wlll : 12:30. The ceremony will he pprfurmeci ir, the South Salem Presbyterian Church. dnd a reception tt-ill follow ;.t the **?"?, the home ol The Rev. Davld H. Uanafa lent of Drew Bemir.;.- ind a former paator of the Kalonah M< I urch will preach h la moitiir: ? iitig service tbe pulpit will b- r pastor, i W. B. Wtnans. iven. The fureral c: K-.ow!ton Clark. the widow of Amos _< - beld on Thursday at 1 ret yoar a. K: rmer resl ? the town - death occurre,: on Tuesday ." .iv.?Bt phen !.. Hari. . Robert >.'. Clark p.r. ; _lsc ii : - . :.. of Bedford. MOUNT VERNON. lOaa _a**a >ung N'crmal teacb in the Mour.t Veni Board o : Presl? dent V. :ITC. in ferior to c ? need pcdago.gues, has V,. ? $2w) more a year than is pa-.d ln id that several other younp teachen appllca ticn : Mew-York Cl NEW-RCK_____E. ?f this clty, haa elected an honorary te ar.d \Y. I ?which ia to be held !n - ' - :mn~r.t ln Sot:;. u ? -r to pre*. ig from the union. The plar.s and [ ns have been prr-pared boulevard and blds f tlon are to be nsked for soon. The r will cost about ?: ? PORT CHESTER. The cornerstone of tbe new (40.000 Methodist Eplscopal Church. which is being built here by thc EummerfleM conaregatlon, was lald on Saturday aftemoon ln tne preser.oe of n_ny people from thls place and adjo'.r The Rev. Dr. Jofceph Pullma::. , of ihe New-York "Dietrict of the New-York East Conference, put thf etone in place ar.d made the prlnclpaJ address. Among the clergymen pr-^pnt wer^- tne llev. \Y T Pray, pastor of Summerfieid Church; the Rev. Yjr 6aul O. Curtic. now etationed In Xew-Rochelle; the Rev. F. B. Uplngton, of Mamaroneck; the liev W. Gilllea, of Greenwleh; the Rev. B. T. Abbott. of the Klng Mree: Church. Port Chester. and the Rev. H. W. Hunt, o: the v'ongregational Church. of this place. A h^t of forty-two artlc>s was sealed ln a copper box and placed in the cornerstone. Among them were the records taken from the former bulid lng. whloh was bullt in 1S56 through gifts from tho alsters of John Summerfieid, the evanselist; a copy Of The Tribune and copies of the local rap^ra. PKEKSKILL. Mr. Tate, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Edward Cole. Mlss Mable end Thomas IfeCoy have all reeovered from thelr recent crab polsonlng and some of them were able to go out on Saturday afternoon. After an intereatlng trlal William H. Griffln has been convlo-:-. ..; aaaault. He was eharged with tspaultlng in his own paloon. ln Central-ave., Benja j.nn Beneon, a v?-teran, about seventy years old. ? Weils sentenced Griffin to five rnonths ln the Kines County Penltentlary. His counsel haa ? ? ured his re!*-ase on bail pendlng an appeal. Herbert Griffin and Uriah Hill presldent of the Pfpksktll Savlngs Bank. have exchanged propertles Mr. Griffin taking Mr. HiH's two cottages and lots 1:. Divrn-Bt, and Mr. Hill taklr.g Mr. (iriffln's house amd lot ir. Nelson-ave. DRITESWIFEAXD CHILDREX AWAY KDBBAND GUARDfl DOOR WITH AXE THREATE.NS POLICE. Mrs. Peter Mel.f-an, thlrty-flve years old. and her elx children are being cared for by the women of the Bureau of Charities in Mount Vernon until a home can be obtained for them and their case can be lnvestlgated by the court. The woman entered the police atatton nl(-ht carrying a slx months old baby. Plve other .-nildren. rauging from two to blne years old. ciung to her sklrt.-. "My huaband is at home drunk," she said to 6er treant Beckwlth. "He beat me and tore off my dress. Then he threw us Into the street and barrl caded the door. We have had nothlng to eat to mar." Sengeant Beckwlth sent Roundsman <;ieitzman to J-ive?tlgnte. The policeman found that M'-Lean had berricadcd the dotjr and was guarding it with an aae. He had lmprisoned hid oldest boy, who ls ten years old, in a room. When Gleitzman tried to gc-t ln McLtan pushed his head out of an upstalra wlndow ar.d yelled: "You get away from thls houae or you wlll get hurt. 1 have put my wife out because she ependa her tlme gost-iplng wlth the neighbors and don't have rr.y meais on tlme." Not having a warrant the policeman was obliged to return t., tha statlon house. Chlef Foley declded not to dJaturb Mrf<ean \?*-i nlght. but to-day he wiil get a werrmnt and break open the doors lf necessary to g.t blm. DR. MAfARTHVR TALKS OF PRAYER CHA1X AirvisEs aroacKM TO htudt thb golden* ruld AND TEMPER "CKWISB ZEAI.. The Rev. Dr. Robert S. MaoArthur, paator of Calvary Baptist Church, ln West l^fty-sevcnth-st., jweached there last nlght on "The Golden Rule ln BuHlnes:', Po'itks and Rellglon." He said in part: Bittcr a^ has beea th? critlelsm >,f th<- Presldent ln certaln o,uartf-rs. it la not on.: tlth? as bltter aa waa the rritlcisir. on both Waahlneton and Llncoln whom now we all glorify. One of tha last attacka ls that made by the women wiih th<-ir prayer chaln. Nothlr.g can surpass tha _Ulneaa of this proposed endlos prayer chaln, exeept \\ \^. jl3 Dlaaphemy. Theae women expeet to laaao the Alniighty :f they can h.ive their chaln long enough *-*d ?tr< ? - little place ln tbe proposition of these zealoua bui unwlso won.en. I kn-.-w of ti? peraona so hopeleaaly In tempcrate : of the advocatea or Eo-calicd temperance. It wouid be well for them to study the golden rule. and thus temper uuwise zeaj. They degrade prayer, disbonor wotn anhfcod trnd mkirepreeent ChrietlaLiiav. Opening of Fall Dress Goods. We are showing Plain and Noweity Dress Fabrics from the leading manufac turers, France, Germany, En?/andandA?nerica represented. The indications from the leading dress makers of Europe are that woolen fab? rics will prevail. Lord&> Taylors Broadway & 20th St. HOME XEYYS. PROMINENT ARR1VALS AT THE HOTEL9. AEREMAREE?W. A. Hoppln. of Provldence. ASTOR?G. M. Goddard, of Boston. FIFTH AVE NUE?C. W. Bonvnge. of London. GRAND-Cap? tain C. R. Raker. V. S. A. IMRERIAE?Arthur J. Blrdseye, ..:' Ilartford. MANHATTAN?Captalr. Dion Wllliama. U. B. M. C. Ml'RRAY HILL?Dr. Henry C. Palmer, of Utica, N'KTHKRUXD Og-lesby Paul, of phlladelphia. STrnTEVANT?Dr. -\. s. Horaley, of Knoxville. VICTORIA?Honore P. I.alne, of Havana. WALDORF-Mrs. George TA". Childa, of 'U'nshington; ex-Senator George B. Sloan of Oswesn: Dr. ,T. Woinberger, of I'ara, Brazil; Ray Tompkins, of Elmira, WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. Opening of the publlc schools. Repuollcan Club reeeptlon for State candidates, No 450 Fifth-ave., evening-. Yoteran Assoointlon. 127th New-York Yolunteers, Northport. Long lsland. NEW-YORK CITY. Emil Bossard, forty-elght years old, a sllk wf :.v. r. was found dead ln h:s bed at No. 554 West Fifty-first-st. yesterday mornlng. havlng cnra mttted suicide by cuttlng u\s throaL No reason was aaslgni d Edw urd Pelsel, the boy who was stabbed in the f Refuge last Tuesday. dled 'n the Har? lem Hospltal yesterday mornintT. Alexsr.der Stew art, I'' Isel'a assailant, is under arrost. 8LAIN BY MEXICAN CANNIBALS. FATE OF MAJORITY OF MEMDF.RS OF WELT.S EXPEDITION ON ISLAND IN GULF OF CALIFORNIA. Chlcago, Sept. 9.?A dlspateh to "The t'hron Icle" from Hermosllla, Mexlco, says that nlr.o of the dozen members of the Wells ixpedition, which left Guaymaa last Juno to expiore Tor tucas. have been slain by the cannlbals on that ibland. The three men who escaped did so only after a fierce flght to reach one of their boats. The YVells expfditicn was fltted out by Mr. Wells, cf Hermosiila, to .xr.nre the island of -is. in the Gulf of Californlri. The expe left Guaymas in a sloop last June. It landed on the north coast of the lsland in Juiy, and for three days was unmolest e<L The explorers erected several strong huts, which they planned to use aa forts in ease of attack. In the afternoon of the fourth day, when the entlre party was ashore, they were attacked by the savages. So sudden was the attack and so great the number of their enemles that the small party was panlc stricken. Their flrearms were not wlthin easy reach, and many of these were secured by the savages before the explor? ers had recovered from their confuslon. Wake lield Newton, ln command of the expedition, gave the order to take to the boats. But only three of the men got away. The eavages barred the way to three of th" four boats. The three who secured the boats were Don Wllllamson. an American. and Everest Aguilar and Natcho Gonzales. Mexicans. The savages had the others entlrely at their niercy, and the combat became a slaughter, but the slaughter was slow. Wlth axes, rlfles and revolvers the llttle party fought the great mob. The three men ln the boat poured lead Into their foes as fast as they could flre. Their com rades on Bhore, flring more desperately, dld less executlon, but for every one of them that fell a dozen eavages went down. Before nightfall the struggle waa over and the savages made off wlth the bodles of their victims. The news of the massaere came from the Isla del Guardia. BELLEVUE DEATHBED lYEDDIXG. ALCOHOLIC PATIENT DIES THE DAY AFTER THE CEREMONY-TIIE BRIDE'S NAME YV1THHELD. A wedding which ls surrounded by a mysterlous eiienca was performed Saturday ln the alcohollc ward ln Bellevue Hospltal. At 7 o'clock yesterday mornlng the brldegroom, who gave hla name as George W. Cosgrove, dled from alcohollc pneu monia. Eate on Thursday night Cosgrove waa taken to the hospltal ln a closed carrlage by a styllshly dressed young woman, who refused to glve her name. She eald Cosgrove had been drinklng heavlly and that he wanted to straighten up. He said that he was a bookkeeper, and Uved at No. 228 West Flfty-elghth-st. Cos?xove was placed ln the alcoholic ward, and the uaual treatment was glven. Dr. Buck, of the hospltal ataff, had the ease, but gave out no ln formatlon ae to his patleut. Saturday the young woman returned to the hos? pltal, accompanled by a minister of gome l'rutes lant flenominatlon, and they were marrled. The brlde left th? bedside. of her husband a few niln utea after the ceremony had been performed. Dr. Buck last night admltted that tht> marrlage had taken place, but would not disciose the name of the brlde nor that of the minister. lt waa aald that Cosgrove came of nn aiistoeratlc famlly, and one that had a long soeial hlstory. PAROCHIAL fiCHOOL BLESSBD. TT.e new parochlal sehool of 8t. Franels Xavler, at Nos. 122 to 126 West Seventeenth-st., was bleased at a special service by Arehblshop Corrlgan at 4 p. m. yesterday. The bulldlng ls a subatantial ?tTucture, whlch cost about $185,000. It wlll take the place of both the old schools of St. Franels Xavler's parlsh. ln Elghteenth and Nlneteenth sts. The boys* department wlll be taught by the Chris? tlan Brothers, whlle the glrls' department wlll be under tha eontrol of the Siaters of Charity. Father T. J. McCluskey, 8. J.. ls the dlrector of schools, tnd the exerclaes yesterday were under his charge. At the OOflCiUaton of tho rellglous ceremonlal there was an address by Monslgnor Mooney. Father Ileurn, the presldent of the college, lntroduced Monslgnor Muon.-y. and lneldentally madu :i few re marks himself. Father Hearn said that the excuse . ould no longer be made by parents that the facillties were lnadeyuate at the parochlal sehool slnce the bulldlng they were In was equal to any sehool bulldlng in tl.e clty. The Arehblshop also epoke brlefly. He especlally nilogized tho Christlan Brottaera, and apoke of the exhibit of the order wtihh be had recentl ln Purif. The order has :u preaent aboul twenty thousand teachers, who teach ln ti(?rn,< lwo thou sand schools, the number of their pupils footlng up the great total of four hundred thousand The sehool wlll be opened thla mornlng. About one thouaand boys and glrls axa expected io aUend. O'NeU The New Fall Styles in UNTRIMMED HATS. Special attention is directed to our extensive as sortment of Hats, Bonnets, Toques and Turbans, in the finest French Felts, also in Srlk Velve:, Fancy Braid, Cheniile and Tucked Silks. Exceptionally Low Prices Prevail. An elegant assortment of ready-to- wear Hats for early Autumn. in the finest French Felts, tr immed with Plain and Fancy Silks, Plain and Panne Velvets, Fancy Wings and Pompons, at prices ranging fron 2.98 to 5.98 each. Sixth Avenue, 20th to 21st Street. JjEr* pUNTlsfbflEFuKNlTlJRE 44 THE COURT OF RUGS." Our Rtig Department ls hrllliant as nn Rutumn forest with the noblllty of hand-woven Oiientals of which we have chosen this sperlal bale and marked them at bargaln prlces. GUENDJIS & CARABAGHS, averaging 3.3x5 ft. $5.50 each (value $7.50 to $14.00). In these you wlll flnd eolor keys for erery concelvable deeomtlon. Rich and sober blues, reds and greens, artfully eombined. Superb new llbrary furnlture at factory prlces. as you "BUV OFTMtJ MAKER'* Gjeo. C.FLint Co. 43.45 am q 47 WEST 23?ST., NEAR BROADWAY. FACTORY: I54jANO 156 WEST l9?STf,EET. ARRESTS IX MURDER CASE. HOTEL PROPEIETOR AND PORTER HELD ON SUSPICION OF 8TRANGLING MAN FOUND DEAD IX CHAIR. As the resulf of an autopsy performed yesterday afternoon by Coroner's Physiclan Weaton upon Oharles T. Merry. twenty-one years old. of No. 2.-.T West Twenty-seventh-st.. two men are under arrest ar the West Thlrtleth-st ; lon, and the police are worklng to flnd a clew to Justify a bellef that the man w;:s murdered. At 1 a. m. yesterday Merry w;:s found dead ln dewalk in from of No. i<"^ iVest Twenty-atyventh-st., the body being ln an upright posltlon. Pollceman Kinney, of tne West Thlrti eth-st. station, Bummoned an ambulance from the New-York HoapltaL Dr. Connell. who responded, said the m::n waa i id. and gave ;is hla Opinlon that death had resulted from beart failure. The autopsy dlsclosed two wlde, vivid marks on the throat. One araa about an lncta wlde, and ex tended across the throat: the other, about an and a half In width, and runnlng up and down under the chln. The latter was about two Inches long. The man's face was badly dlscolored. and the lungs were in a state of congestlon. All lndt cations polnted to death by strangulation. and Dr. Weston so reported to the police authoritles. Merry had for four montha been employed as a walter ln the Tlger Hotel, Nr>. 299 Seventh-ave.. at Twenty-seventh-st. Patrick Martln, the proprle'tor. and Louls Grioux, the porter. of No. 266 West Twenty-fourth-st., were arrested and taken to the station. No. 168 West Twenty-seventh-st., in front of which Merry's body was found. is the next door east from the slde entrance to the hotel. Mar'ln and Grioux denied that there had been any troublo with Merry. or that hla death had re? sulted from vlolence. Martln said he hired Merry four months ago. and that he was a good walter, 6ober and Industrlous. About 10 o'clock Saturday night, Martln told the police. Merry had com plalned of feellng 111. He went to a drug store at No. 304 Seventh-ave. and got some medlelne. When he returned to the hotel he took a dose. such as was prescrlbed, anl was shortly afterward taken slck. There wns a pronounced nausea. and Merry fell to the floor ln great agony. Martln said that he and Grioux. the porter, then plcked Merry up and carrled him out to a chalr on the aldewalk where he could get fresh air. Both denied that there had been any quarrel or trouble. of uny sort When arrested Grioux had a number of smali acratches on his nose and face. He explalned them by saylng that when he bent down to plck Merry up from the floor the slck man threw out his hands and struck him ln the face. Merry's two slsters who llved wlth him. said that he did not drink and bore a good reputatlon. METROPOLITAN RAILWAY REPORTS TARDES TO BE FII.ED WITH THE STATE RAILROAD COMMISSIONER AT AI,BANY. The following ls a condensatlon of the annual report of the operatlon of the Metropolttan Street Rallway Company and the report for the last quarter endlng June C0. 1900. whlch aro to be flled to-day at Albany wlth the Rallroad Commlssloner: Annual report: Year endlnK June 80. 1900? 1U00 18SD. niangea. Miles operate.l. 217 217 Groew earnlni?*.$14,721,550 $13.15R.H30 Inr $1 3(12 9*0 Operatlng expenees. . 7.104.007 6.408.711 Inc. 680 898 Per cent. 48.20 48.70 Ix-,-. ' 44 Net earninifa.S7.616.043 $6,740,910 Inc. $8077(24 t'lxed charges. 4.0OS.768 4,477.767 Inc. 131,011 Halance . $3,088,1TB 82.272.102 Inc 8738,018 Other income. 881.801 300.893 I'ec. uilws Total Income. $3,300,160 $2,689,066 Inc. $72111,-, Dlvidends patd. 3,145.891 2.471,675 Ino. ?74',2W Burplus ... $214,261) $107,380 Inc ~$4ft 880 Fourth quarter. endlng June 30. 19UO? Milea uperated. 217 L'17 Qroaa e^rnlnrs. *.'!.*?'.>..T.4 $3,OB5.!Mrt Inc $186 40* Operatlne; expenses. . i.825,St"> 1,705,071 Inc co'oiit r?r cent. 47.43 48.10 l?ec. .73 Net earnlngs.$2,027,664 $1,900,275 Inc $1"1 <?<t Flxad chaj-jta. 1,175.400 1,126.667 Ine'. 49,747 Balance . $84M.2ft4 $774.81* Inc. ST-TaTi Other Income. 70,245 77.708 Inc. 1.477 Total eurplus. $927,500 $862,388 Ine. $75,123 The eomparlsons ln the above tables are on ldentlcal track mlleage for both years and ,v cluslve of the lately acqulred Thlrd Avenue nvs tem, whlch comprlses 209 miles ln actual servlcn and between th'.rty-llve nnd forty miles of unde veloped franr-hlses in that portlon of the cltv Ivina, beyond the Harlem River. ' *' * Announcmenta. E. & W. DRESS BHXRTB. E. & W. Oorraet ln nt. MA RINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATTRE ALMANAC. Sunriae 6:3?iSunaet 6:1*; Moon rleee p m 0:6.1: Mnon'B agn 18 H1UH WATER. AM Smdy Hook 8:07. Gov. Ialan-1 8:.?0 Hell Oate 10 2S ^ II,^k 8:26i?i?v. Ialan.l 8 58 Hell <iate IX( 03/IX0 t>TEA MEMB. TO-DAY. Veaael. Krom Une i^ni?t,.Jn;.Olbraltar. Auttuat ?.., atatutarranaan N*uLtrl." .rfJKT!: a*aataaabBf 1 .Irrench Neuatrla.Olbialtar. Ausuat 20.Kahra Am?te??-m.Rotterdum. Autuat 80.lM-?m ^rLch,?0rla.aU.tow. AuKus, 30.Am h.-rU mi Ar.?i-.Uveip<H,|. AuBuat 31.Whlte BUr XUe arandc.Brunawlck. Sejiteniber 7..^..Maautfy Millinery. Autumn and Winler Fashions. Opening Days, Monday & Tuesday, Sept. ioth & iit/i, igoo. Lord& Taylor, BroaJway & 20th St. TUBSOAT, BEPTEMBER 11. ton.Antwerp, Beptemoer 1.Red Star Olenelg.Qlasgow. Auguat 2*. ty.Sv ?..-? ;. a igual 29. . . .Brlstol Firby.Oibraltar, a ... ? tt . - EJIdorado.New-Orleana, -.'ptember tl.Morgan 4.Panama R, R. WBDNEfiDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. Alhano.Havre. August 29. - D _. Ther*e.Bremei . - 4.N c, Uoyd Werra.Oibraltar, September 4.X <; Uoyd El cid.New-Orleana, September 7_Morgan OFTGOIXG STEAMERS. TO DAY. Vi aaeL I-'t. T^iae. Ualli < lose. Vessel sails. . rharl?ston, Clyde.- ;-i:*?? p m thFU. Peraambueb, -.10:00am 1200 m TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. I_hn. Brernen, N 8 UejH.7-0o>a_ 10:00 am Advaxtca. Colon. Panama R R.0:30am 1 :<X? p m ... Morgan. ?- Swpm New v?,"!:. S in Domlngo, Cameron ... Piiopr.i 3u0p_ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. Teutonic. LJverpool, Whlta Star . ;? oo a m l2:flnm Bl Louis, Southumpton. American. "nWam lt>:no a m Westernland. Antwerp, Red Star.10:.'{.?am 12:0.) m ttty of Waehtngton, '. - ----.. 1:00pm 3:00 pm gemlnole, Charleston, Clyde.- 3:00pm Aatilta, Naaaau, Monteli. 1:00pm 3:00pm North Rrazll. Red t'ross. 2:<N}pm 4am) p m Betvernon. Hayti, Cameron.10:00 a, m 12:00 m. sniPPIXG XEWS. PORT of NHW-YOBK?STJNBAY. SEPT. f*. 1900. ARRIVED. Steamer Nomadic <Rr>, Thomas, Aiurust 30. wlth mdae to the Whlta Star Ldne. Arrived at the Bar at 4:14 a m. Steamer Uandaff Clty (Rr), AnJrews, Brlstol August 24 and Swaaaea 26, with mdse and 3 cabin passengers to Jamea Arkell _ Co. Arrived at the Bar at 5 a m. Steamer Salemo illn, Bearpark, New.-astle, England. August 2.'*. wlth mdse to San-Jerson & Son. Arrived at th,- Bar at 2:2<> B in. Steamer Torunto < Br. new, 3.949 tonil, Marshall, Huil Au ruat -?"? and Portland 27. wlth mdse and 10 cabin pas eengers to taanderson _ Son. Arrived at the Bar at 12:45 a tn. Steamer Ettrlek l>ale (Br), Stewart. Tokohama June 13, K >ba 16, Shanghal 27, Am?y July 4. llong Kong 7. Stnga pore 20. Port Said August 15 and Malta 19. wlth mdse to Irwln, KcBtide, Catherwood & Co. Arrived at tha Bar at 1:30 a m September '.?. Steamer Caprbl (Ger), Rambuach, Santos August 11, Rlo .laneiro 22 and Barbadoa September 2, with eoffee anj 14 cabin passengers to Punch, Edye A Co. Arrived at the Bar at 10 p m, september *>. Steamer Roinan Prince <Br), McMlllan, Rlo Janetro August 2t>. wlth o'iffee aad 2 eabln passengers to John C SeiiH'-r ?- Co. Arrived at the Bar at 7 a m. Steamer El Sud. Hlgglns. New-Orleana September 4. wlth nulsa to John T Van Slckle. Steamer Hamtlton. Boaa. Norfolk, wlth mdae and paa eengers to the old Doaarnlon S? Ctx Steamer Benefactor, Swaln. Phlladelphla, wlth n.lse to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer _oataerrat (Span>. Correros, Oenoa August 23, Baroalona 2'V Malaga 2* ond Cadtz 30. with mdse and 22 cabin passengers for New-York, and 158 passengers In tnuiMt. t? J M Ceballurt & Cb. Arrived at the at tt p m. Steamer Marquette <Br>, Oates, Liondon August 30. wlth mdae and 117 cabin passenger* to the Atlantlo Transport Company. Arrived at the Bar at ?:45 p m. Hook, N J. Sept 9, tMiO p m?Wlnd oalm; hazy. BAI_ED. Steamera Bvehrn, f->r Tampa; Alexandre Bixio iFri, Havre; Oceaa (Dutcb), Amaterdam; Mimiherm (BrK l'ara and Manaoa; Alaanbom, l'hllailelphia. THE MovmiUNTS OF BT_A__I_PB t*0*_BIOM PCWRTB. Uizard. Sept 10?Basaed, ataamera Dantacalaad iCeri Albers. New \.,yk for 1'lymoutll. CherbOurg and 11am burg; l?lti. Noortlland iBelgi. _j_wltz, Antwerp for New Iiurk. Scllly. Sept 9?PasBeJ. steamer Deutschland (Oer> AlI.eiM. New-York tor 1'lymouth. Charbourg and Ilamburg' Queenstown. Sept l>. 9:16 v ta?Sailed. steamer L.uoania tltri. HdCay, tif?m Ulverptx)l? New-York - Southampton. S^pt l?- Arrived. ateamer Aller iGert W'llhelml. New-York f..r Bratnen (and pnxeeiledi London, Sept B?Arrived, steam.-r Tanoarvuia ntri Lu.-kham. New York. ???*? gilnat.r,^eSw-LYorK:Sttl>d? S'eamer ?t G*?rma"- C?T). Bar Shanghal. Sept 8?Arrived previouslv. steamer 4?turla (Oart., Baltimore and Sew^YortvU 8__t^ pora and Manila. ??>?* a BIFFALO LIVE BTOCE MARKET. Ivaat Buffalo. Sept 9.-Ue,-lp:.s CJatUa. 1 _? eats; 8heeD ar.d lambs. 5 <-ais; hogs. 12 cara Shlpmonta?CatUa l"S cara: ebeep and lambs. 2 cara; li..i;s % cara <_ttla ataady; calves steady; choice to extta. $7 matt> -mod to Chplea, ?.(U$. 5o Sheep and lambs -Choice to extra S". 7^ Wltt. good to choice, $5 60e?3 75: common to faii s\\x^ *3; Btirep. chotca to extra. $.'! 7,r.((($4: ..-oinmon to falr ?"*? 6: wathara **4. Hoga hlgher for^frable araoea hfavjrVR*_I<t?_/5: m,**d'.F__*??5 N>- ToA?S."?lS llli*'u$*V: Eraa-ie"' ''"^^ '"? r"u--- *waa! -a BUFFALO PMODUCE MARKET. No 2 whlte. 25la(u2*.,4,-: No^i wlilte, 24V.- No'4 whlt? aatic; No 2 mlsed. 2?He: No ;; do. Se. Barto*-Oh_ on temi.^-.^Ir. fecl 4.^42,. Kyo dttUj No 1 .rfered at ^IK-. No .^.o. rlour sllghtly tlrmer; b_t patent ?pring. |4WXb?4 75; bakerH* Blralght sprlng. >4 2".(a*4 CO; Amuoi'iiu'iito RROADWAY THEuATf--5 " Bw.y _ 4?t .,. DnUHUVVHI Kvg.. atA Mata. Wad. A Sat 2 ^fgai I BEN-HUR. BTtTOTT BROADWAT AND _B__#__?_" '*__*?' %^J aWta STBEET ?n?-MfillT. MATS \YEl? A S \T CUPID OUTVVITS ADAlM. KOSTER ^^r^g'^&Jte ? BIAL'S. ^^s^js^rwS^& O'NeuTs. SALE OF FURN1TURE UTH FLOC On Sale To-Day and Tuesday a sample line of Parlor Furniture. consisting of Two, Three and Five Piece Suites ot Reliable Ouality. Although these suites are at present marked below the Regular Market Prices we will allow for this sale An Additional Discount of 25% Metal Beds and Bedding.(MFtat) ALL BRASS AND WHITE ENAMELLED IRON BEDS. -xty in a!!. usecj ? samples in our show-room, will be closed out to-day At Greatly Reduced Prices. Upholstery Dept. Six Special Prices in LACE CURTA1NS that will prevaii To-Day: 6 Styles, formerly 1.90 to Pair 6 Styles, formerly 2.50 to Pair 6 Styles. formerly 2.90 to Pair 6 Styles, 'ormerly 5.25 to Pair 6 Styles, formerly 6.00 to Pur 6 Styles, formerly 7.00 to Pair An Exceptional Offering of Portieres! A special Iot of 350 Pairs and Half Pairs of PORTIERES. form :#* 7.00 pair, will be offerei to-dav at the remarkablv Low Price of 98c, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and 2.50 each. Eariy Buyers Will Secure Best Choice. California Blankets at Less Than Cost We offer at Special Sale To-Day about Two Hundred Pairs or Fine CAllFOF BLANKETS, slightly soiled througa being n our show window. at Less SIXTH AVENUE, 20th TO 21st STREET. IXmuaemtrms. 42nd St., Bwav. & Tta Ave. ?'^l VJI^Ii~V Opens Mon., SEPT. 17TH. S*at eale. Wed.. t> a. m. /im^Ikr * I THE ROGERS BROS. ^1edyEco. IN CEN RAL PARK. .-?? . ?aaajaa. ?and? HLK' ?Ll) THE.VTRE | FIRST TINt-TO-NIGHT?v n-F ABIZONAa DALY'S B'way & 10th 81 Daniel Frohman, Maaaaajr. OP' N" | . "-:13 Shaijx ???"* rharmin? Comic > ipera.? ? i?. . i Merry."?N. T. HERALD. ???"L bretto dipplav. re*l wit."The mu> mu?lclanly.,*Orch< ? > fceax. ??Rlch, Dattcaift, Ref.r.ei."?N. V. TlM?.-v SlR ARTHLR BCIXIVAN'9 LATK8T OPaOta. BOOK BY BASiL. HOOD. THE ROSE OF PERSIA R. D'OYLY OaJtTaTI bbKOUSH CO. Mar.agement of CHARLES FROHMAN. AS PRESENTET* BUKBtQ ITd IjONvi Rl'X AT THE SAVOT THEATRK. LONDON. ????'Hlehly Acceptatle. ??<.'aptivetlng."MeIodlous."? N. V. SCN. MATTNEF.3 SATT'RDAT ONL.Y. AT X 4th ave. & 23d st., at 9:30. Management of DA.SIEL, FE< 'HMAN. "A charmlng euccess from, any polnt of view."?N. Y. Herald. "Not only a great aucceas ln the mala. but ln all par tlculars as well. ? ? ? The mutual triumph of tha American actress and the English author."?N. Y. S :n "A great hlt. Wlll have a long run. Doubtful tf the theatrlcal aeason will deve'.cp a surer or mora lasting triumph."?X. T. Timea. MR. CHARJ^ES FROHMAN PRESENT3 LYCEUM ANNIE RUSSELL ln a comedy of romanoa ent'.tled A ROYAL FAMILY. MATTNEES SATl'RI>AY3 ONLY UNTIL. OCTOBER. 9lt\t Hurf. Grand Circuit Trots, EMPIRE CITY TRACK, Begin T0=DAY. FOUR GREAT RACES: 2:12 Trot?2:30 Pace. 2:08 Trot?Road Wagon Trot. FIRST <RACE CALLED <AT 1 <P. M. Trains from Grand Central Depot (Harlem R. R.) every '^0 minutes atter 10.35 A. M. EXCURSIOIN R/VTES. ^.mnsemcnu. f-~iV1DIDF th K*TKE. TIKSDAV K\?... -:1*.. FIR*1 I1ME JOHN PREW in RICH-X: D L\RUl MADISO* ?-<?. THEATIU:. TRiiSipti THE HUSBMQS V LEOITK III I.ITTI.F. ( HRHTIM. RIITFR fle k*-_* jfiiicnui -attnaa*. MACIeTTI THE PRIDE OF Wk_ GARRICK ll Flrst Bi^ Laaghin; Hit. I.OMs MA>\ - \il. >'N ?L\K\ 1.1PM \>. .UCoINT "!' ei.IZ.%. GARDEM THEATRE ___T? ?B i::svn . __*-? MONDA\ i .tPT. 17. E. H. SOTHERN virginTa HARNED anage-c: - HAMLET A. M WALLACK'S, '"'? OTIS SKINNER " PRIUCE "TH i Man age? UKAND - -a wife in pawit MllHiU'(Miri> OPER.l H<M ?E. t.HVM) OPKKA IN KM.ll'H _ \\ K\'.LI?-H ?.R\>!> <?p. C*a Sutiacriptioii -iale vi>i. 17 . I1.S MIONON " Mr. Jt Mm. 9a_B>va Di**? ,l?.??ie- ? ?>uth??ui. nt ? lara A Kltt? Ueete* KEITHS ST. I-1CHOI?9 UARI)i:> KALTENBORN AMERICAN _aa ^? THE GREATIIir ACADKMY OF MISH . 1 A\DRK\V I HK Kl 111 t CASiNb7~r?i?-??'??? ?-? 52 "?>^,i WkofSepf. IT. |S __._ The NEW Br a? .,,,,, CHKRRY BLO--OM ?i,MT* 1 UKA-. XOVINO picn : - -* MACK. kMl hl.llllllt hllt. us'kns chursd FRANCIS THE ?J?g EDE> ^KF.. ? l\KM V t tl'H <j? . ^*. Morning and Afternoon CoiKerts ard charm ng aivs . -tea _? LIOX PALAI'E 1MM Xi*_!T 1'ASTORS ? l?> I1M M1 i rs ->? & ao '?_ Hhe iTnrf. BROOKLYN JOCkEY CLIB R^CES Sept. H, 12, 13. 15, 17, 18. 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 2* Six Raccs Each Day at 2.15 P. M. TUESDAY, SEPT. 11TH. The Junior Champion Stakes, $15,000. The First Special. $2,500. FIELD ST-AJSTD, 50 OZEHSTTS TRAINS IMUEOT TO THE TKAl'R. LEAVE EAST 34TH STREET. NEW TORK, Tta r.ON.; isr AM> RAlLROAtX 1.20 1*. M. l'Hrlof CaWl ou all iraius. Hr-?"i LEAVE PAHK ROW, NEW TORK, daily. vla Hrookhn Rri.titv and Bth lyn EU'vated. wory 1Q minutes. Satuivlayn, .>vei-y 10 uiimit.'s Exprvss n> ra>v trai'a. pliiR at Clty Hall. Flatnuali aTCttM aml l>th Srrv?-t Station* oulv .,.-? LEAVE WHITEHA1.1, STREET, NEW TORK. \ia 3?th Strrrt, Brooklyn rY 20 minutes rroia 10.00 A. M. LEAVE PARK ROW. NEW TORK. Troil.-v Cmn, via YauuVrWlt Avmie and ??* ? & C, l. Road. LEAVE BROADWAT KEKKY. Tta Man v au.l K^n> Awniio aml W P * '" l LEAVE HAMILTON FEUUY. RROOKLTIS, Tta IStk Str.vt aml tUe P. P JVLT-TSIO 1BTT 1 . A.1STPEJR.