Newspaper Page Text
STOCK VALUE8 FIRM. LIGHT BUSINESS BECORDED. xtXrHAXGB MARKET W'KAK BONDS ANi> MONET. CtoaSSag pr.ces yesfrde-y :?'. tbe prindpeJ ac ?.es ar.d m I Crona Saturday'a flnal g '*:?? STOCKS. at-. ctrai aa fi m k? t rt .? - > A.? Busmr Ref 120H - S N?- Blacult 33W ? ?* lo, r?% ? h n ?J, ? ?. K rthern Paclne.. 51 ? ? . tbe 4;A - * lt Toi - ?>* TO* W.... ? ? H 2- s ? '- Pr-ssed Steei C. . 3fl'? -I- j* - r T 2 72** I enn P. P. -?*j 4- 4* Qy lltf.-j ? ' lat pref 58?* 4-1 C M * >? P 114-, - 4 F-tep 1 it ? pt MJJ Ofi li Pi" 1"" - Boutbern By ll> ? * 21.* ?L Oom T bacea -V . 13* ? % .7 - IS do pref 80 | -e W Taan ?' i I . .'?'> - ? ... . \..s & Paclflc 14-2 ? *s Int Paper ? r a*;Unlon Paclflc H Kan C ? B - J* ?<? Pref .U% ? \ r -v C ? Bubber. 2f'S - K 1.-.4S ~ S Wts r-e?it pf. 3.4S ??S Bovns. B * ?> 3-,? . . . P4? ? 44 M- P?c truat la. |5 ? "t C ?t N W a f 6s 117 ?1 Read-.ntr 4e. - -- - - 1> W * L. r la-. 74 -^ - V St I. & w lat Bl% ? S Kar <~ So la... <5-'\ - '? - - rt*'? ? ? K K * T Mt 67 - South Pao ?a 78Je ? '* Korf I ~ ? - ~? W;a Cent 4s.. 87}i ? J4 ttoe Pa/- <r 3s 851a ? N Cnioa Par ?a 1.?>?>,- - THE PAY'S OPERATIONB IN STOCKS. The stock market was f.rm on a small volume e?f businese Stocks t! at were heavy last week avJvanfed under the influence of covering of Short eor.tracts. and, as a rule. the whole 11st ajflosed above Saturday's final level on traders' ftransa/rtione Efforts were made to depress ?the seeurities of th? Eouthwe.stern rallroads, .irat no atock came on the market. holders evl dently faritnf Uttle alarm for the actual value of their poasessions. despite the destructlve STtorm along the Gulf coast Doubfless the rail .?xoade enterln* Galveston, and connecting roads lf* that part of the country, v ir. suffer heavy ifoesee from tha Texas flood. but lr ls not likely *hat lnvestors vlll eacrir!ce their stocks and 1>orids iecause of passing- wlnds and waves. JVature has seen nt to Tlslt Galveston and other polnts along the Gulf coast wlth fearful havoc, but man wlll build agaln and the wheels ot In 'fcustry will soon resume th?lr sway ln the af Ifllctea terrltory. Rallway trafflc in that part of :the country has not been permanently dieor jranlzed. The Atchlson, Southern Pacinc. St. 2?uis ?^>tithtv<?stern and other roads ln the jjouthwe.-t will not go otit of buelnees because of the big storm. The hard coal stocks responded to the lm ln the labor situatlon at the anthra Ijrite coal flelds. but the volume of buslness was .extremely lieht The prospects of a strike last *??'eek eaused no heavy selllng of the coalers, and narura!ly the indications that the proposed artiik*- would r.ot be aerloue were not followed "by aetlve buying. Active buying is not a fac tar in the current market. Good buying on a llcht scale 1? reported ln varlous issues, but a general demand for stocks has not developed. And there are no Indications of an Immediate revlval in speculation on either slde of the mar? ket. although bear ortrans continue to predlct activity ar th? expense of values. Conditions govf-rnine th*1 mtrinsic worth of seeurities do ri'it warant the expectation of cheaper prices. the onlv basis for tear forecasts being the small chance of a decllne based on fear over th* re sults of the BOtnfnc electlon. As yet fear over th-- politieal sltuatlr-u made its presence f?lt as a n.arket factor People who sell srooks short in c-xpectation of Mr. Bryan's electlon aie about th" only operator? who have cause for worry The money market presented no evldence of an immediate change ?a. rattrs, but aterUng- ex chan?'-- arma s trtfle easler. The banks are shlp plng money to th<> West and South in excess of receipts at this oemre, and the storm in Texas may be a factor in increasing the demands from the Southwest Large supplies at this point and other known facfors tending to add to locil holdinga redu<~? th^ posslbUlty of stringency ln rates to a question of littie Importance. The - market reflects in continue,! flrmness the belief in banking circles of comparative e?se in money throughout th? autumn. Clodns prires were ttrong throughout the llst, Brook? lyn Rtir-ii Transll f'irnlshing the chief ff*atur<\ THE PAY'S OPERATION8 IN" BONDS OOVESKKEifT BOND8 -Market strong Final B.i A?k*i bw aafexd. t" S ?? r?e .100 11" C.6 4? ir?2f> -.-.n 134 134\ C. S c- wu :??? . . ag 113 U3?4 V > S- tma I lOfl ? >u 118 ns\ -P"1-!1- 11! ? . ar i rea lu3?? 104^5 C.6 ? 5. 2*. v I, cou 104^4 108 BjG aa.iaS5.rea; 134 1.-14, Dlet fC ?6%?.ii;2 - RAIXBOAD BONDS -Market flrm Total sales an^o-irt" i ln r^r value to (979.000 The beavlest r, x,-ero (j, tn, atchlson St Loula Bouth ?n and Balrlmore qnd Ohlo i?-.ii?s, Ksn??s aaa and TVxas Ms. New-York Central (Lake Sl N rfolk ani Western 4-- ReaeTIng la Texaa and Ksw-Orteana consoli rc vytooansln Central 4s. (Vmrai of rj^nrpii fc r;.i,-ftn and .vnrth?vstfii alnklni go. St l oni? and ICew-Orleana (Mempl 4=?. j--, rt Worth ano Dei ver C ty lsts. Korth ern PacHlc ls, Southen la and tTnlon Ta AMERICAX BECrRITIES ABROAlt ' i r m ?The market for Amprl rnn aeenritles w-.-,s flu\\ and inri!nr-n toward hpavl ? no hnportant trnnsa^tlons. and pn-? rr.zricr.e T'-'p small. nosln? quotatiens fol low a- - - ? . nadiai Paclflc BS; St Paul. Loulevllle and Nash vllle ' - Pari'V prffrrrr-d. T?: New-York -.. Pennsylvanla, <?.\: Read mc i-i Brte flrat preferred - ?'. Korthern Paclflc pr"ferr?d. 7-?4 Grand T-;nk. 6\; Anaconda 9% '-? MOXEY 1JCD EXCHAXGE. MONET EtATES.?Money on fall m pBr rPnt Time asoney, I r^r cent for six?v days, 3^ p?r mm for three ra?-hc si,,,4 per cent for four months and tffV^ re' n-n- for Mx months on rall? road eoUateral Comaterdal paper, Va-. r?r cent for three. four and ata montfaa for th? best n^m^^ and abov? t^r names not M w-.-;t kirnwr FOREIGN EXCHANGK -Market weak and lower Rs'? tor sot.iai boslneaa foit^w: . , r&h'? Elarhl ?'irt,. d?v? - 4 "T " ? *8t%**f?i, ? *$' -4 ?Lc#? 1-!^ \tt-r. p^t.ei rates we;e: Detaaaa emarke ",'?-'. ? FranW rlca giu ;"' '? aanatartBiii (oiMera JjS DOMEanrc EX.-HAN.;K-n?me?t!, exehange on New-Torfc w ,s aa followa at the pUcea nam.-d >e*-' mm^-rcifil. Jl 2.=. discnunt ? bank Jl prenliun. San rrsnctaco-Slght. Sc; teleaTanh -'?? Cloclnnati-Between hank,. i::,c o^iconnt; ov, counter. Mc premlum Boston-Par Chleago-Ssc int. Savannah-BuvinK. l-iae; ,s;|in. ..?. premium. <'harleaton - p?ntna par; ' premlum. aaTs^ 1 -KARIXGS. - New-York - Exehans^ ^'l hal*nc,e8'?11"'^ Ba.timore-Ex.hanKes. IMM.W: nalances, 1323.35% Phlladelphl ?*?"?? BtvMaJM: balances. I1.701.S52 rh1caeo Exchangee. t23.646J.K; balances $2 131 S42 BANK OF GERMANY STATEMENT-Tho weekly statement of the lmperlal Bank of r.r many ahows the following change.: Cash ln hand decreased 2,040.000 marks. treasury notes decreased 8*0.?* marks. other seeurities decreased T/w ?l marka. and notes 1-. .irooletlon decreased : FORBLTON MONET MARKHT.-Call money |n London. I%:9*%. Per Oaftt Open market <"?c?unt J rate for ahort hlll-, a?fc per oenti for lona bl.Is. axflill-ts per csnl BetitB fllsoount rntc 4% per oeui for three months' bltto; I pe* o*nt fbr anort hlll. Berlln axchanga marka 48% pfenntare. Parla itachange on London ? france ;*.~ oontJmea furla dlsoounl >nte. ?% P?>r ? rORSIOX SECUBITIES Brltlah Coneols, ?*** for money; as 16-W for the account Spanish 4a doaed ln London at 72% French rentes, MM franca 2-" cer.llmef! THE BILVEB MARKET.?Bar silver. StVfcc; Mex lcan alrw aollara ?%c Bar allver ln london rlosed at 2ST4d CK>LD PREMIT-M-In Madrtd "? 3' Buenos Ayres ".34 *>: Home. 8.78 GOVERNMENT RECBri?TS.-Cuatoma receipts reported from Waahlngton. 1709,841: Internal r?v. $1,302,189; miscelianeous receipts. S^ Mt Total rec-lpr, for the day. *????? . pendltures. 11.846.080. Receipts for month to date. S18 721..y7. expenditures. gla.StO.00O: excess of ex pendlturea. H38.18B. Receipta for the fiscal year to date $113,366,724; expenditures. H18.SW.861: excese of ? expenditures, MT4JS7. Receipta of Natlonal notea for redemptlon. ?*?? BALES \T THE STOCK EXCHANGE. RAILROAD AND OTHER STOCKS. ?--Artual aalea-j -CloalnK-j |openlHI?n|Low. Fln.1 Bld.l Aak-1 adaxna Kxpreas. 1126 1130 il26 126 1124 128 Am C & F pr 81% 62 81 I 62 ?1% ,?r. Am Oatton Oll ?l 83 3* B8 82% 33% Am Cot Oil ir - ? | ? :.. K, Am Dist 1>1... ? ,S IH ffijrer..::: 5 = s s ? g .?5 asUl.: ? ' '? $ g,, ?Am Ltne-ed pr <?* T ? ?Amer Maltmg - ? ? .?4 - 24 :AS|n? .. :;r- g ;,, tlns p? 88% ? ?>, * ?? 2 AnTsdT&re S?% Mtl M Am Sl A W pr 74% 74*4 74-, .4% 74% 75 ?Arn Bteal Hoop - *J?? 2 ?ln. Ins?^ * lii% 'iWlSfcfw* iSg 120*4 ?Am ?upar pr. . '** * ?? . *a^i4^ *% ? ?* jj? & anfTobaoeo - ?? Am Tobacco pr 131 131 131 131 128 181 la 4=". U% M?4 44-. 41-- 45 Aan Arbor _I ? ? ? _ J5 ' iSSfcis, .-. -- -7. S OT* * do Pret ......I TO%. W 70 - Ralt <? Ohlo . TL 75 . ?- . i-t? do pref.: 80 80 70V 79V 78*1 70*4 ?B'kiyn Rar Tr.l 54%' ? 54V, 65% 56% 55% B'kl. n Un Gaa. ? | ? ? ? ?? ITZ Brunawl^k .' ? ? ? .? ' .. BufT H & Pltte.. ? i ? ' ? - l ?Ma *? do oref.? ? ? J?" 1M Bur c P. a ICor. ? ? ? ? 1-4. ? Bouth - j - ~ - *?* K, Capital CSty Tr. - - - - J01JJ 103 Central ot K J. lS2vt 1S241H32M 1S2= 182H 134 Chea A Ohlo ... as*. 2-'-, 2SH >% :>'- -->\ Chlo Bur & Ov.126 125H 125 125H 126^ I2B Ohle & Baat IU.1 ? ? - ? d-i r.ref. ? ' ? ' ? ? U? 126 Weat .. n n n u v<\ iot, -;, ,;.. a ... 70*4 TOfl 60T, 89T4 70% TOV, '?''f.B.V.'.: 82%! 82'-,- 82% 82*1 82* 83*4 C* Ind i Loula ? ? j ? ? 28 284 do nref. ? ? ? ? ?" 57H CT. Mll ftStP.. 114 114S. 114 I14V4 114% 114% .,.<? .... ? ' ? | ? ? 173 174 Chlc A Korthw ? ? ? - 1?H l?8 Chlc B I & Pac l^Vi W* 10Wa 107% I07>4 107% : M & o ' ? ? ? - 110 116 do pref. - i - - - 1?0 180 Terrn Tr...l ? ? ? - ?"t 10% do pref. 28 2S 2S 2? 29 31 0 C C 4% St L..I ? I ? ! ? ? do rrei. _ _ _ _ CJlev L a.- Wheell ? ' ? ? do pret . - - - ? rA ''' Cl'v ft Pltta I ? ! ? ? I ? '182 ? Coi Fuei *.- Iron. 3.'.% 85 ,! i 86 do Dref. ? ? ? ? n;' '-2 r. 1 <v South-1 ? ' ? ? ' ? .'. let pref- ?*- ? ? ? 41 42 ! rref. ? ' ? ? ? 15% !?' 001 & Ho :k C al - ? ' - Coni Cabla. - ? ? ? 1?? I Coal. ? ? ? ? ?"' Consol G.<.17244 172\:i72 172 !T"'; 172' ?c .nt Tobacco.. *'<'* 2*%l 2>'. 2rt 2.V nt..I 79 79 78% 7i;-/ 7- T(' Del * Hudaon .i ? ? I ? ? ""'. 111% ri?l I^ar-k & W. 170% 17C?? 176% 17o?4 17.. , D^r.v & Rlo Or.J ? I ? j ? ? do pref. ? ? ? ' ? Dea M ft Ft D..' ? ! ? ? ? 18% 15 8 ^ Atl 4% *-?- 4\ *% 5% ?do oref. ? ? J ? ? we_ ? : ? I ? i ? 875 425 I Er!? . ? ? ? ' - II "J? ? rref. ... ? ? ? do 2d pret.i ? ? ? j ? 17 18 BvanaftTH... ? ? ? '? 42% V do pref. ? ! ? ? - ?" ?4 Pederal Bteal.. 35 85% 3S 88 J 34?< af .' 66% >"7 68%I <rr 67 ' 67% Ft t\- & F.1o Or. I ? ? ? ? 18 1?j k Bl B CO. 79 7(r, 70 79% ? ' ? Sen Blectrle .' - - - 188% 139 ? Bus R..i ? I ? ? ? 61 51% -'??' ? Ot Northern p? 1152% 152% ?2? H B ? ? - 1 ? ? ? !106 - ? Valley . ? I ? I ? ref. ? I ? I ? ? ' ;K<4 . ? ? I ? ' ? T'. 7.". Central 116 16% 116% 116% 116% Neaeed Utr?' ? ? : ? ? 1O0 ; 21% 2;% 19 19% 19% 2f ref. fifi\ 66% tWfl ? ?.ver.I 29 2:. 28 ?Int Silver. ? ' -- I ? ' ? [owa ?? 18% l-V l^\; 18% 18%" 19 _ J - I _ :-, . M.-r . ? ? I ? j - 14%! ] K-.i < ity & Bo. ' 7 V.; 7(8% 27% 29%! 27% 20% 29 81 K" k A- Dea H - - ? '-"-. 4 ' .....I ? ? ? 1 ? 1 14 15 I K<- c- a Petn Laclede Oa? ..." ? I ? '-' ? 78 ~ ? t ? t ? I ? '? L H A- We?tprn 1 ? ? ' ' _ 2S _ | ? ! ? | _ _ ....;_ t _ _ _ .-., Tr, ? N^^t . 71% 72% 7T. 72>, Mnn Beach.' ? I? ! ? Li 12 ?-. 92 92 92 92 92% 77 ? ' ? ; 154 155 154 ' ? 11%I 11V ll'v 11% U _ _ | _ | _ ' l.-.,-, Kfl RS :.-. .^^ M?4 8 1% 98% '? r" ? - M r.4 ^: ;?: tn i T. i B% in ' . 81% 31 31 80%] 81 .' ??_ 4 .'.'. . 52 52% ^2 . , ? ISfl 1-7-.-. _ ! ? ! _ .1 >?, ?,-'.*< " 17=4 18 17-. 1- 17 89%! 89%' 89%. 89%I (?9% ? -1 S-f-^1 .1 25 ? .pref. I ? I ? 85%' 86 Natlonal Tub* . I *>~.W 4C\ 4.'.'- 46%! 4'V? 46% ?%' - ' 93% 93% it Coal..! ? ' 85 ?\" Y Alr Mrak* 13f.%'132 130', 132 132 185 N" v Central. 131 '131 m ' 131 '130*4 131 I N - Ch ft 8t L 11% it pret 7o 79 I pref.....! ? ! ::?? :vi N Y Lack &- W.l ? 132 185 ' H & ? ? 210 '214 N Y Ont * W 2'>-.' 21 2f>T, 21 20% 21 Norfolk * "Vst 34K 84% 34% 34%' 34.. - ? 75 American - ? 15 ].,-. >rn ro^trir m, sr, 61 mv, r.\\ 51% ref 7i% 71^ 71\, 71% 71% 72 . Ind O-ia ? ? ' 25 38 Ontrir'o <=;ivcr ? ? .'. 7 r-a'-lfle r^avt f.rli^ Sfli? .-.(i. M1-, 54^ ?c,i.. do 1st r.r*f. do 21 pref - 1.\.. .-,.i Pa.-ln- Mall 80% 3..\ 80% 80% 81 " 3.' T?nn Coal. 4jn ?Penn B R- 128%'128% 128% 128% 128% 12?% Peorla & Ka?? ? ' ? ? I - a e> ivi 1% laB * C 00 fti^ w, r,r< f.,.v 9]^ P?r<? Marquette I ? - 22 Ob nret* .; _ . ? | _ P P f t 8t L ' ? I ? 1 ? ' _ :,4 do Vr-' ' RJ P Ft W * 1 h ? I _ lfc2 Preaeed Btl <~ar 39% .39U 39: ? $$14 ,-t.:4 301^ do Dref . 7H4 72 71% 72 71% T3 1^.; " |RR% Ro.adlns .,.| ? | ? ).'.. )('.5, do Ia1 pret .'.'.54' tWV 5! ' rr"' ? I ? ? 26% 27% Rena ft 8ara - -?.., o.""i 12% 12". 12*4 12% 12*4 12% ?do rr-' rx\ :-.? -4 Rio Gr tv?e< 54 ;, do pref Rotn? v ? ? 1 130 .-' ' ? i- i;r I ? 7 7; " ? oref 49'* 4fi ? . 4f, r,, ' di 2d r'ef ....-- ,., 1.'. 10 101 ? pret pref ? : ? I ? I ? 38*4 Bl L ^- Southar ' t>- . i-? ' do pref . . 2fli ., .... I Ir 18% 18% ls i-. ,? ' do r.r?f '? R H 12 12 11'. 11% i! ! !?' : "'"??.'; .'oal & Ir a0*4 70% *u\ 70U 7<. 71.: T-*** 14% 14% 14% 14% 141 do Ij?nd Pnial IS IS 15 15 I uu ir T-! ft o rentral ? 1 _ i; _ 1 do rr^f T?, To! Peo a- Weal ? l _ _ ! _ li-. _ Twln <"ltv R Tr.: ? ' ? _ _ 1 fvoJi ?cn b?p * r . ? - _ _ _ u nu ,-"?? nj4e? .?!* m ?? 6? .-514 (Wt! Cnlon Pj :? - 571. --., -7:, 57% 57% .:'- 74!* 74% 74'. 74% 74U 74% 1 B Expreaa 46 46 t-, 4-' 45 47 *'J/ ,^VV"r Uw M:"- ??H ?"? 11 n% 1o pref.' ? .. -,,, _. ?? t s n ,bber 2?\ 2V. :- ? JJ~ do nre' .... _ , ., ? c "", ??' ? ? _ __ .a, ,i5 ?>!la-FarKo Rx. 124 124 124 124 128 12* ' w*:,e'l*,?n^! T!,s' fcrt? 7i,4? w"* w?':' do Ut nre' . _ 1 _ _ 4fi * J ro la pref. . ? _ ' 23\. 2%u I Wtaconala Cent ' 13 ta ,., n S* fj1*! do r.ref S<5 3? .H3&- ^iii ??-; aa Bllvar Tiul Cert5 - - 2f% g** gg^ g^ Total sales far the day.. ?I'nllBted. '-" 119 422 BONDS AND BANK STOCKS. BOOO U S 4a Oott 182*> 134<4'25noo L 1 fnl 4s . P2 Io 3s Ctoup 104*4 1000 M~r E ?v l-r .. ltr. 19 Bank ' Com 2*> 10000 M * .-: L Con ? .115 C_aa ?'? 103% 20? _ 1st Ref 4* ..n Ar lst 4^ 91*4 1000 M K 5 E lst _ l'H i T * B FUdj >M K A T lst 4- 92 4? - ?? . ?>-.*, 2ao<". " r. -.. ioi . .? . 88*4 . ?? . 61 4. 10 1. 3000 M ? P l9t ''"1 ? !?H2 ? . - Trust 5s 180 ? 1 .- ?>\i* 5000 do 06 ? M 4 Es 7? 1901. 108 i .. \ - .i N \ Cent L S COl Reg 117>? 3'^s .!^"-? 1i> " Can S I 26000 N Y G 4 E L H _ P 49.03 16000 do looo N Y O * V" Ref ? 000 do . ,; ls .tOWi -.?., ? \ i .;?n 3s.122** 18000 Nor <v W Con 4s BJJi iv.m Cent p Gtd 3 " s20F. 97-, - \, 880i ii do .... JJY*t 1,.,, ;-, . B614 500 do ????-? ???? jf, 1O00 lo Con ? ? Ili- 1000 Nor F?f Gen 3s fin'~ K n C4 E 1 Gen 6s 115% 2noon do . '- - 1000 C B 4 Q P?n 500 do .'*', Dtv 4s ? ? .103 15000 do Prior 4= K't ? 401-0 do Neb Kxt 4s.lii llng Gen 4^ -? s. 6000 C O L & C lst 1000 dt. b7J4 108 BOOO -1. JSJ* 1000 C M 4 St P BOOO R 0 W ls? *' '"" - p W .-,- . c.llfl 2000 K v\- .* 1' Con 8s.l2t*% UOfiO -?. C A P 8a 118*4 ?*"?*> St _ _ 1 ?* 4a .'?''?* 1000 lo klln Pt 0* ii'"' 5000 ? '?v 81000 1- 4 X W S F 68.117 42000 <r l Swn lst 4s fjlfe 1000 c R 1 * P Gen 12'<" do ????.'-*1 * 4^. i'?'"v sooo d. f>'~ fljiV-rv 1- St L & N '"? 6000 di.9,1"j Minn I'.v 4e...lOS% 2n>?i do . Whi SOon C C i' .v St L 5000 do 2d 4s. 62?4 Gen 4s . 98 10000 do.gMi fio/io .-.-.] 4 So lst 5s 82% 10000 do . 62>* 6O0O do . 82 6000 Bo Pae Cl Tr 4s.. 16% 1000 do . s-"? 1. ??? 78?* 2.> Col Mld ?"? -ts T->'. 1000 do . <8*? 2000 11 4 R G Inip 8e 102?* 0000 South Rv lst Ba .1087a 6000 Erie l-r Con 4s. &1- ?* ? i t & n 0 Cbn Ba.l02*% 6000 t-'r \v 4 1' C lst. T3H 7000 do .102*4 6000 do ..... T4 4000 Tex A P lsl *>s .112% 6000 do . "-?'?! BOOO Unlon Pac lat 4s.lo.v-. 2000 do . '*'* 10000 do . 105** 8000 Q H A S A Mex l""'1 Wabnsh ls' ? -117"-j & Pac 6s 9<*-*4 7000 do 2d ._ .102 lSOno I p Ut ta.alOF.lOB d?m> do Deb B.S* 6000 Kan Clty So 3s 62% 10V??i W N Y &. P Gen. 94 8000 do _% 10000 W C Fnd & P K.lOflN ftoi.m do . "?-?. ?"?-? vi- & L E Imp 5a 1"? 1000 K.-n Cent 4* _ 97 6000 Wla Cent Gan 4- BTTa j? Leh 4 W B Gtd BOOO do .s7-4 4ijS .IO)'"-.. 10000 do . 87* 3000 I. I t'Tii 4n .... 9lU| 6000 do . R71.J Total s__ of bonds. S979.000 THE FEDERAL TREASURY. Washington. Sept 10?The conditlon of the Treas? ury. lilvlsions of Issue and redemptlon. at fh?? be ginning of buslness to-day waa as followw: RESERVE PTTND ? and bntlllon ... ... ?80.000,00 TRUST FTJND& DIVISION OF REDBMPTION .l_T.0O0.e79 lolla?.42.V215.O00 Silver dollara of 1880.. 2.383.139 Sliver bulllon ot 1890 . 67 . 2.440.0? . $7S4 DIVISION OF isstre Gold certiflcates oatatandlng. S237.'Vi0.it7fi Silver crrt'.tleate-, ontataxuUng. 4X8.21fi.000 Treasory notea oute_ndintr . 09.681'oii-i Currency oertlflcatea cutstandlng 2.440.000 $7-4 -;4 1 679 GENERAL FDND ln and bulllon - .$45.674.907 ?-tlfU-atee. 28.707.020 3il\er com and bulllon. 3.198.577 t-rtlflcates. 7.'.''.?? -1'. Unlter Statea notea. 2ti 699 240 1 irher asser.- lti i<>r..71 < Total tn Treasury..$126,306,279 Dej slte - v' tial har.ks.. 97.978.238 Total . . t224.871.809 ? llablllties . .. 88.08t.21] halanre CON80LIDATED EXCHANGE 8ALE8. W 1II STREET 1 ND E V 7/ A NGES. FOREIGN TRADING American saouriUea ln >i were dull and heavy. and arhitraRe houses sold ln the local market Total ?? harea mostly sales STOCK LOAN QUOTATIONS?Loan quotatlona Atchlson comraon and preferred. Btit red, New-Torh Central. Northweatarn, I rst pr ferrad Sugrar ManhatUn, U ~ .r preferred Delaware and H LoulSTille and Naahville and Jer-cy Central i; Chicago, Burllngton and Qulncy ^nd w. Unlon. flat@*4; Delaware. Lackawanna and w. ? ern aml Thir'l Avf-nue flat; t'-nf-ra) Electrlc Ml sourl Paclfle Nortbern Paclfle preferred Rock 1 .-innd. St Paul. Dnlon Paclfle <*ommon and pre ? red American Tobacco, National I.e?d Tennes d Iron anr! United States I f'rred. l@l*-i; N'ortbem P.ndflr. comtnon and Balti? more and Ohio. >*j; Southern Pallwav preferred l1-. BROOKLYN CITY AND NBWTOWN RAIL? ROAD Tho nnnurti report of th? Brooklyn Clty and Newtown Railroad il--ascd to the Coney ni ,n,i and Brooklyn Railroad) ahowa: Income. includlng rentala from leased lines. -t_3;o_: nxed dlvldends. 2'*, per cent ' yeara surplue M.?0 Total surplua S264446 L'NITBD TRaCTION REPORT.?United Trac non Company, of Albany nnd Troy. .Tun-< m quar? ter Qroaa earnlngs. Ja.i4.7i2; operatlnj- expenaes, __,4_; net earnina-s, Jii<;.27<>: other Income, 17,496 irross income. t?3.775 dxed charp-s. 169.3?; net income. $f.i B08TON BANK STATKMRNT Th- Boaton bank statemenl shows reaerve decreased $380.%7 New Tork reaerve decri ised ?.6 SILVER EXPORTS The sr^rrnhlp I_hn sail tnsr for Europe to-day. wlll laka out 2.t.2.i>d> ounces of silver, ahlpped aa follows: The I'nited Metals BellinK Company, 209.080 ounces, .ind Zlmmermann .v Forahay, 60,000 ouno - BOUTHERN RAILWAT Th^- Southern Rallway Company has declared a seml-annual dlvldend of 1V& per cent on its- preferred stm-k fhts t^ tha Srime r.ite ;is decbired at the last preeedlni* dlvl 'i'-inl period. OFFICERS ELECTED.?At a mootliig of the of Directors of th. Internatlonal i-;ir.'-r-v ?undum Company. held in thls city. rhi- fol lowinp i.fTlcers were elected: Presid.-nt. Frank M T'.-.i ; vioe-preslder'.-. <> C Harher. Frank Rocke feller, \\'ll!lam M. TvIiik: treasurer. Charlea I? Flint. and secretary. Winfleld ? Stern Th- com was Incorporated last week in New-Jersey -? BUYBR8 A.ND 8ELLER8. The principal buyers and sellers in yesterday's mark-1 were: D. O'Dell bought People's r-.aa Spelgleberg sold. J. Wallace bought L'nlon Paclfle J. Tappan sold. F. H. Palmer and Flower A Co boupht Brooklyn Rapld Transit. R H Thomaa sold Chicago. Burllngton and Quincj \v p. Houghtallng and traders sold Northera Paclfle J. J ?annlr.g btd up Brooklyn Rapld Transit. S V Whlte bought People'a Oaa; W. R. Houghtal'lng sold. T. L. Manson and 1 'arklnson _ Burr aold Sugar. J. j. Manning and H. Block sold Brooklyn Hapid Transit. Coutent (about 6.S0O) and Klrkner aOOO) bought Brooklyn Rapld Transit: W. B Relllv (1,000) sold. R. H. Blssexl soid Paper. Wormser & Co. (about 1.000) bought Loulsville and Naahvllle rhompaon _ Malrs. J. j. Manning and Halle _ Stieglltz bought People s Oas. Jurgenson sold Brooklyn Rapld Transit. D^mlnlck A Domlntek bought ani .1 A. Blsir bid up People's Gas. Floyd * _oore ani J. Blanchi bought R?>ading flrst pre? ferred: J. H Grlese] sold. ? H Palmer and .1 .1 Manning boughi Brooklyn Ripid Transit; Imbrfe and R H. B1ss?il sold R H Thomns boughi Southern F'acjfic Bell A Co boughi T?c I'oal nnd Iron. H H Hart sold Kirkner and Reilly sold Brooklyn Rapld Transit Van Emburijh .t- At terbury bought St Paul; I.ondon sold ,1 M Sbaw A ro. hough' Sugar MONEY MARKET FACTORP Domestie exchange at interior points on N"?*x York foreabadows an artlve ilemanl for m*ney from rhe West and South. The larger banks re 8 heavy Inquiry for funds yesterday from out of town. and rhe Treasury receipts were lirgelv ln excess of payment? Tbe latter named factor may become promlnent in thfl mon? m^rker *r>i? fail. but the Treaaury Dfpnrtment is not likely ro he a party to monetary stringency here In fact ir ls generally believed that if the market needs as slstance it will recelve tt from the Treasury Stcr ling exchange was again weak The situatlon tn the cotton market i= apparently the chief influence lo depresslng sterling, despit ? th?- fact that cot? ton snipments in the last two weeks have been 30 per cent ltghter than In the same tlme last year Cotton. however. ls now bejng hurried forward as reflected in the hlg supply of cotton bills in the exchanee market. European supplies are low. warehouse holdlngs dropping in two weeks 160,000 hales. COI.ORADO FUEL A\P IRON*. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company's report shows that the net earnlngs of the fuel department Increased $H9.fiT;>. and of the iron department $1.1?. 8? The iippllcation of net earninge to slnklng funds has been on the nsual baeis as regards as sumed depreciation on aecount of coal and lron ore mlned, and an arhlirary amount of 050,0? has been set asicie to proviiie for the depreciation in value of the steel works plant. The balance to the credlt of proflt and loss aecount is snfflcien* to pay Lhe C?cumulated dlvidends on the preferred stoclc and 6 per c?nt on the outstandlng $17,000.0? of common stork. and t.iis surplus will be available for divi l'-nd purposes whe-n the stock can be sold to oom p]. sreel works and other tmprovements which have been nndertaken. Tbe preaideni of the com pany saya: From the present outlook the net earnings for the six months endlng I>.-cember 31, MO0, wlll probably ahow i considerable lncrease over rhe earnings for the ?aim- period last year. notwith itandlng the reduction in the svlling prices of iron ar.d steel products Durlnc the remalnlng six . of the '"n;ing year the- company wlll have a irgely Increased output or" iron and ste-1. which will help materially ln maintalnlng rhe earnings if pricea of iron ami steel continue to decllne, con dltions which, conslderlng the prosperlty of the country and large demand for iron and steel. is not likely ro e\>-' COI??R?DO PTTBL. AVD IRON COMPANY The reaulta of operaitl?u-. with comparlsons. show 1900 Gioss eurnlnirs . $10,380,029 ? : ..- expenses 8,000.84*1 1*W Changes ?.164.809 Inc.$2.1S3.220 100.717 Inc. $2 S49 681 44 W." ,- income.$2,89' F'.v1 - gi 4 ' ? ?-"? *53 nl* Balance < fund Balan'-e . . . tni i ? Sur appl to dl" Divlrtenis . $?, 941 662 Surplus ? - - - surplus | ' 2." ? $9ft1 651 - ?l 088,0? 80.888 1*1.093.673 433 029 *>'.42.?4* 128 S6S -..?m.77<* - - Inc .$1.291.5W Ine 9.412 Inc.#1.299.'?"'l r>*<- 15 Ine $1,299,016 Inc 55.105 Inc.Jl 248.S41 Dae l.l? Ine.$1,244 974 Ir.c. 890 ?2 $277.S20 Ine S?*?4.131 IT $1,525,345 GRAIN MOVEMEXT GROWING. The mov-menr of graln on the ".Vostern roade ls growlng heavler. deltvel?s ar Chicago la?' 1.k .' per cent over rhe precedlng week. aaea of frelght show heavy aaini in the vol f buslness. and ? nli - erally for the teraber have been unusuallv satls D Uverl) ol flonr. graln. pro-rlslons and ... -? . .. ? g Weatern Ilnes t waak ? "? ' me i n e In j followa: 138S. 1397. - bbls _ 114 560 113 <?2^ rtT m<4 Wheat, ?-' 1,122.0? 1.817.000 ... 1 795 ?-- .. .- 174.000 .-. . . . - 000 3.351 000 ?- - Rye. bueh ? ? p "" - - - ? ? 98.000 Barley. buah - 100 296.000 T^ta: -rrain. bu.7.r?cl 'hc T.090.000 7.908.000 11.2?.009 Curmeats. TT? -. 2.171.384 8.042.620 2.B39.0J-0 Dresse i ?ef ths.4,274.417 S.S8S.073 1.172.481 Lard tT.s ... - ? ci , 4r.'.' 045 I1S.OR0 M --, :-?_ f?a lon t:* 139 157 _'- II 787 9 . 889 62.623 92.719 - -? 79.16." -? - - 0UT8IDE SECURITIES. The market for outslde S'--*''rltl?s was dull and ?malgamated ? , t waa talrly actlve, ??i waa flrm ?:d ar 1% Com ,-.'int on llghi trading. St. ria::rit ? n >;??>.1 ilemand.. Oll cloaed al S39Q64L agalnst ither proml Havana Comm*!rclal, 9fil0; rre f.-rr. -1 ? :lng Pow ler pref? Mar keen Copper. 4'/?'., Am P*)r. 58 *-*, lnterstate Oll "v-., . Rubbei Oo_ls. :s'*-!2.->S: preferred. 75 ?-. St wei r 17: General Carrlage, 6*J6\; New-I >rk Transportatlon, 7*_*n tjer-erii qnotatlona follow ACTIVB ISSL'ES. A rr. A d An er Bl rjrcle do pref. nlcle.. . r" nlns Co Am II .v I. 6fl Am *".'??? I'.'-ii i ?? ??' : ' ' pper \l -ibs ' ? w l. . . Com Air i '? i: i. ? Con H Tlre Co. <\ -? pref '. Am. do pret p n Vehlcle : I ? tr Pneu Tr tate 3ug d l-.t ?s. Kmplre Steel. . . di pref i tt C i ler Carriatic Co Havsns ) ' - H0 IV. 11 l RTt-i 35 90% 10 ? - Inti r Pump -?' l-"-r?'Kt? ' 'll Man I. -.- H . a Coi per . N.-i- \ S - Ve? K: . N V I'.l \>h Tr "?h Elei prel Llght.. B14 Asked. 681, B6Vs 01 -?? I. Ilv IS common pref .... < I. .-? subi i |? ?I . c ? I ef w l : Ol! ^'"mk- Power t t'n Stl & Chaln. ? 1 rref . ? P Co. do prr-f r 8 Pneu H C. s?\ 21 -?..', b ?? 01 rt7 9 28S 15 B8*? ?'14 .-l-r, -' . - . 244* 3*4 27 44 ' INACTIVK ISSUES. B? Am Pk (Sote.... 47 Ani Hidc * L do pref. Ani Eoda Fount do lst pref... ? do 2d pref . . S Am Typ-found. . .'i3 Barnev 4 S Car 10 _ ? 9 - 43 8 10 pref. 90 do lst r?.107 BlceW imrh T. . 12 Cellulold Co . . .95 <'<-n Flreworks 171 pref.57 Con Flreworks pf 83 C'l.iflin Co 1?r pf joi de _ pr-f . .101 Cramos' s * B. 75 f'.-n Chemlcal f-< do prtf. He, k .1 .1 Int pf Horrtne H M do pref. lt T.-l ln- S'lver pf. 10.1 icn '.ifiu, 08 . 11 Itrt 38 | do lat _ ... 45 so l.orlllaril pref_100 109 Ml-h P C 1st 5s. 114 118 Me:g?thalar .. . 1S1 184 ! N V *i N .1 Tel lili) 170 Pltts n \ f. F r.iv, 2iu i Procter A ciam 42u ? > do pref.19S ? I Pratr tk Whimev 3H 3 do pref *)i) ftj Sv C tl ,v I. Co lh IL'0 Sinaer Mfa Co 860 n_ 1 Swift ? Co .... loo tn:i do 1>- 8s . .109 1"7 |Ti?nton Potteries 4 8 do pref . .*.(> -,5 n a l lirectory. ..54 14 Unlon T\pe?r!ter 2"< ."' do ls- pref .110 112 do 21 prrf ...US 120 I'nlr True & Kl .llttt 111 d-> 6s.11314 1144 GAS COMPANIES. Bid ?Cen li. Q _ 106 .. Con Deb :-.? 110 Cun lias deb fls. SM"> ?Kqult lar C fis llii M'ltnnl <mi ? \- Am ii 1?* 3t ln".; ? r-.sol do l?t 5s. . Blngh?m ilas. -Jc 5s . . Buffalo Q Srk ,=i.'i;, 112 24 91 4* ?do Bi 'U Ch'. 1 -m lat Ba.104 Ch F. ii L* F lst 6s .104* Chic P O _ c lst rls.104-? do 2d 6s.104 V* do Con ?s . . .121 ?C P G ref 3s. .105 ?Colum Gas 5s IO44 Con G of N J.. 12 do 6s . Denver Gae,. .. Detrolt Inc 5? Ft W lst 6s . <; Raplda Oas. d-i lst 5s.. . lOa 1 N G & O 6a. S0 I N _ I G lst 6a 37 ?And Interest. NEW A-k,-t M 119 'l;ii t( - ; hfr 51 113 19 NY .".- FH l-> Bt do <~on 5s . SrqndirJ CITIE8 lst 1 l? 80 19 !>6 MIH H'7 W 106 107 inti l_ lilT' 1"?* 16 84 2.< ?K C ':?.- Co 5a 117 S i.,f Qaa lai Us _ 1.. & vv v l-r t,., u Mad iWifi |-}as _ ?do lst _ llWL, n i-: Gas i Coh? 18 ??1 5a H2 s 0 9 Ind Mal 111 Con Gas Co. 28 0 * Ind Oas fls U 1'iit & Pa Qaa . 110 ?Pltts C Gas 5m. 107 '? 11 A. L. Co.118 61 Jo? ph Gas . . 30 ?do 5s. 92 8t Paul Oif 50 ??i 1 r.-, 5s. 77 ?St P O C U 6a.ll0 fe>racuse laa 11 1 Gas 5? 108 \\'es:?>rn Gas . 113 i do 5s.108 S5 HHI lurt 65 7.1 liu? sa 58 MI ira 120 :t4 04 f.2 80 114 in;* FERRY COMPANIES. Bid. Asked Bld Asked R-.^AkHn Fbtey. 17 20 N T 4 East R ev. 5s . ?2 -..3 1=T 5s .96 9* Hoboken Ferr\ . ?9 79 T?nth & 23d St 7* ? ao .-? 5a H'1 IU oa Bonds . ...atB 197 ? 1 :.? 83 88% T'nion Ferrv- 3.1 M. a-arrj 5a 181 118 de l" 8*. _ M 9* N v ^ Eaal R ?7 88 RAXK STOCKS ,r;?ro^ted 01 Cltntoa 'iilherf. 2?"n 2 HU ?? ) <~apital Dtvldand. when pavaMe America. Arnei Ican Exch. As'or Natlonal I Bowery ..> Br.-ia.lway . Butch^rs 4 Droa Central . Chaso. Cbatbarn .I Chemiral . Clty . Commerco . il .' Columbla .| Conttnenta] .1 Corn Exchanse. . P meattc Fxch.. . I E?*t Rlver. El?v?nth Vard . . Slral Natlonal Flfth Xational. . . I Ft'th Avenue.| Fourth, National Fourr-enth Street' Gallatln . . oort .I OarfleM . G?rTiin Amer. ... i>rn,m Exch . . . [ Gcrmanla . Greenwlch. Hamllton .I Hanover .I Hlde 4 Leather . Tmpor'ers 4 Trad Irvlnn .I Loa'her Manuf.. Liberty .I Llncoln . Manhattan ro. . . | Market ft Fttltoa Metropolls Mechanles" Meehantes' Mercaattle Merrhanrs' . Mt-rohanta' Exch. Mount Morrla. Mutual . N'assau . New-Amaterdaea. N Y X B A. X Y County. X Y Xat Exch.. . Nir.eto.-nth Ward. -N'ln-h .. ..?. North America. . Orlental . Paclflc . Park ... . People'a_ Phenix . P!?za . Exch. .. . Republic . Riverslde. Seaboard . Second . Seventh . Shoe A l>ather.. State of X Y State. Twelfth Ward_ Twenty-thtrd tri L'mon Square. . . Western . West Slde _ Yorkvllle . 4 Tr BOSTOX i-F-iratshed by R L. Da? Satordas To-day A T ft ? F - ?rr. 28% -'7% do pref "rt% 7' ?'-? Am Tel ft Te! 142% 142 Am 3 R r-o ooaa 119% 12"% do pref.115 Bort & Albany 24S B st & Me corn 188 Chlc Bur 4 Qy.123 Fltchburg Rd pf.138% Oen Elec cim. 139%\ do pref . 138 Mextcan Cent. 11% lony.206 C s Rubber com 29% t'nion Fac com. BT% We?l Er.-l eon 93% lo pref 118% West Elee cora 4*1% la pret R3 - 4. 99% 1141 247 188% 123% 1SS 138 l ? 11% 205 93' 11.3' aa CHICAGO STOCKS. (fTvmlakad by Walker Brcthers. N-> 7! Breadarai ntgh. American Linseed.1 do pr?>Tf! .I Ptamor. 1 Ma- -h Metrop lltan Elevated 4s... Bti ull.( Natlonal Carb. n pret Routh Slde Elr ?ted. ?-. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. iTtcported by P? Haven ft d. No. 40 1Ya!', Stree* > UiJ. i*'t Bttd. aeaad, Amer Rv Oo .'2 82 : Northern Cent. .81 Asph Co of Am 9% .. North Penn_ 1'% M8 Brooklyn '"-n - 2 Phfla On .88 39% C n L. Bup ?om 2-'% 80 Penn H R Cb. . 81% *4 * do pref . . ? 8% Penn Bteal eom 57 C&mbrla Steel . 18% 1S"% do pref ..... I Ch ? ,?> _ ? F'-r.n E! Yeh Cb. 3% ?> INJ - ' ? d ? pr?f.? S Pbtla ft>- Co -'-. - s - Bai ? 7.. 7- Phl do pref . '?- - I 6 i ft Er-.e. ..23 .1 I . . : Iti -'on Tr Co 2*% ? . Suaq ie I 4 St!. 2% . * ' ? reter Stael. 7% 8 ' N J 872 I-. .-., ,| N A 29% 21 Calon Tractlon . ,3rt% 98% I^ehtur Ni 58 53% ln Gaa Irr.p Co.112% 112% I^h Vr] R P 35% 25% W T t, CO of C. 1% Marsden 8% I ' vps \4 Co trl Am '?? 7". Psai .*??? 118% 117% Ird P Rv CJB 5s 1l7% l'.T ?r.i - 4s 107 N J Con Pa.100% 119 Unlon Tr-?r 4s l?*% 188 RAILROAD EARNIXG c ANN ARBOTt l*9S BBBJ N.imh?r -?:' mi!->* . . 292 29"? F1rs? w*?k tn Sep. $26.29* 880.259 avrTS .lan 1 to sept 7 TOtSSB 1.608087 1 mfJJ <-HI<~AC.O Mlt.WAT-KFF aitD ST P4.rx Vumber of miles 6.15.3 4 154 Ftr?t week ip S-pt $81*. 229 *86l'.1M ??5*2 .t.n 1 ,0 ?.rt 7 22.127-'-. 2&SSB.0S7 yt k?J2 trTS.-.NSIN rpTXTRAL Numher of miles 937 ,, Flrst w??k m Sept *105 .VW 4115 r?? a,..!'! *?? itoftaui 7 asmna aaeaiS *}gm H'V-KTXG VALLET Numher of rr,)/'. .... S29 -iia K, ln Sept $88,774 IT2.3M arrU! Jan 1 to Sept 7 1.741.708 2 ''H5*? CKfTTRAt, cijp GF^RGIA Numher of mile* 1 *24 1 aaa roorth arsea 1 aaaj aisawza ai-i?"1 Jaa 1 te a?a 31 3%7? 791 ,'^*g CIWTMUMB CmCtmtA-n CtOCJaOO ANP st Lone Number of mile* . 1 s.-,a V" Fourth week ip An? $436 551 | ?.sil2?!*, lan 1 to A?- ,-;, 9.:54 957 9.5.56 522 ,e^2?'2S KAX8A8 .-TTY FOR1 9TOTT X\n M^m'pjtV Numher of naltca """" F ur-h week ta Aaa $1*4.4:10 8r*?.Sn ii?aa2 lan 1 to A?r -, 3.13T...79 In?v? KAICSAS CTTT MEMPHI,' 43CIJ r ;PMlVOH *? Numb?r of m.!?s 27* ' areek ir Aue *30? C .,?-** h? 1 M uw a o4J ._; M9.23 >i 477 PwUBia AVn EASTmil RT" r:n\sr>K WESTERN" Numher of mil?s bjjbj ?>>? Fotrrth week tn Aoa 3114.107 | ..-.S" Jan IibAbj 31 aios.ww -rlV.. ,M*?-?0 ERIE ??>'M*5I Quaeiai cmdtn* Jnneaa laoa i?<? ^ Groaa enTiinc- ???,',v, , "???*?. Ing e.penaes - g ?2 * ^jMB i ?-. 7T^r~ ??? _ - *}?*? Tot?i m-ome Flxed charges ... 2.264.327 2 Ba?*kM 5471.177 PA471FK r-r.AST COMPAXT Mor>-h of T : Gross e3rmn*-s t**Tr\Tr1 tunivv , Operatlng enpenaea _ - 75 7^ Wet ea.roine:? ,] ?.. ; <?- ,.., ?--. June and J-; ? Bar, ?10 ?t* Gross. ?a-n.nss . . ?.v~<t 37:: $410 .s* . . Operatlng- tMUtw _ |ne lllg.fcrf ? _-__ _ ?'"' nua Not earnmc* ? -?? POr vfdr endn* JtoM aTtSSl Not aea-afga S127.. - , .? -?? For vear endne r-,^? 5 ?;. Gro*s earnines ?-, 29.1 440 ?. mm , ., Operatlng e^penee, l*msjj N.- .ajwaafai thf TR\r>r ix rmc\rjf). CUeavso, s~Pt M (Special) 'v adraaead aS?litly Most of the :. ,*" and Ita volume was n-.t keavr The ontinjjZS moMs ree^irts everywhere ln 1 . -^,f talBsk ladteencee Ralna -*!*? ln the worthw, , wL? >hre?hintr for ir ,15t , ...?k J *J p?*ss?e decreased 2.080.000 h;i?h ?- ? ments last w^k were -iehr >mp L.verpor,! w*. afcd and Pa. ' ~ higher. CTearancea were or - . -..rT1 Though lake freienr, w^e btd .: ~ for wheat and , weJTT a-881 boahesj o15h , m-aa bu,h.,; :^ however. were 4?'?' ---ei were enormou? - ,.e^ market receipts were :-a.?,., ^; 080 last vear The v: bushelf No reports wer- - m Galvest?n whlch had 2JB.8B8 bushels wheat a a tober wheat opened 3- Me Its was Just *4Ve each wa ? lr3 H Estlmstea for to-rr.o ment flgur . CoJiaaltleaB, 63 6. Com was slig-utly lower Biareatec f.rms led by Armottr atartlatt-Fiaaiaa ar.d aajj October freely Cour. ^- a ^ar^ inorease. nOl faatjl OreaD I - rrOBI lowa, Receipts f.-!ay. wh' -.-, 3 ^^^ tlon on flve btg- roads. wer- laSJaa Saturday'? Estlmated rscelpta for t -:.-. rres gSJ in 5.-.:pper? rspori i :-??-;:?:" good de? mand. bur few ; joja. ir.e Local sa' urters, SrJ? bushel*. clearar.ces BamJ88 bsjahajta Liverpoil wa? \?1 to ijd higher OctL.ber oper.ed at 39c, soid at 3?4c and cloae.1 it a&%fJ3e%e. Goverzmeat crop report Indlcatei total crop of 1 .?79 Cv"- >"<?> busaeaj Oats ware higher. erjth : ::? hr/er ot the December. There waa a fj'r caib trade Charters were for 188.888 *rwrmH, at l^c to iV "? Buffalo. Clearances. aafafM 8? heha October cloasa at 21-'..- ? ? U\c Tha er.ttr- iay's raage wa? !*.<? than !4o Tota! crop. IobvSBbVbSI tnsaasia niiiuil was jtsanly s -- tha ' Cash I at S15.V September. {! tv aci October, a?. Receipts at Um tlme polrtts wer-3 tal cars. eon I with 131 last year. Provisicns were aetlve and latajhar on the hea\^ coverlng on Octshei atofj (#j Cottahf and some al ?her packers January meor.Wn'.ie was soll bv mlscellaneoua '.r.'erest?. ar.i was relatlvely a? ?< srrong aa the n?ar BMHithav Forh gained iiV a barrel over Saturday'? prleea a: one time attd held Me to bbtsjC at tha - laatJajl ta Be; rlbs. y*c to n-.c WKFKLY STATEMENT OF NON MEMBER BANK? '?.? ,-.i -:k',v york ' Manhattan i .... Elerenth B ir 1 .... rea* ... M unl M riaiH Klv- r- '. Sr a'. -\ -ir.l .... Twenrv thlr I Ward i nl -n Sqti ire . 1 -rkvllle \\ ashiiy-ton - nk ? n B ink Kijrhth Ward B?nk - ., NW riank Kinas Countj P ?nk Satl *nal ?v-s Bank ? ? > t, ' Tr v1er? Bank Nation i' '" ?? Bank N ? ? ? h " - liink irhorn Bank :=, venteenth Pprap-oa Nat i wentj slath l'nlon Bank Wallahout E iik Mr-h.inl"' Bank Bomuak ol Rtektj R ink ol >'. ' ?*?*" Flrst Nat'l B - Island nTIH'K CTTI^S Flrsl Natlocil Bank "*?ej '"", Hudaon Co Sai t< - ' Nll 1 'iir.'K t- r-,M 1 1" Thtrd Nn' 1 Bank Jeraey CltJ -I Bank H _,. n- National Bank, Hoboken T tai Kati mal Banks Total P? i?* t' >nks 1 l-V ?I i.' --??? "_ __. ! - tt, nal Banks June 29 1909 t? p n'e Banks Ma? 31 1909 . 1436 -.'.i> deereaa*. -?? Tlnrea-e tPeerea? : . . ., T _ _-v ?3.1 -.nction Salce -fmancial. l,Ol |? MF"?"1F.R. \aotl??n-*e>r. 111,1.11,1H %t ?'TIO\ ?.%?_! OF STOCKS AND BONDS Ry ADRIAN H. MULLER & SON, WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 12 1900. *? 12 TO o'el?k, at 'he N. Y Real F*rate Sale.rcom. No. 111 Rroad" iv iRv order of Ei?nHT I I150M P'ate -f Vorfh CaroMna ?'"- ?pee|?i Tvt Bd? 8?a IStM .<- 1899 iF'T sjCCOOM "f rvhom Ir niv ec(*-?ra 2 fh? Che?bronab Mi ' 130 sh- American Snrety Ce 10 i?h? German AlUanca ?a ' 1!> -hr- Siii'i Pank of Convn-en-e -1 ??><i llltnolr" Cent. C C 4~r OoM IJer.d 1953. BnaincBB Opporinrntiea. yOTlCl TO C?PTT___T9 ?*_ -__, rhe aacra- al a -*- -aarval?? rvlenttflr dtscoiery a radical .-'ire for mbai?doall ind dlabetea iwiiin- $6,000 a year Apply !- M V 31.121 care JOHN F J)">NFS A CO _ bls Fauha M.-nrmartre. Parts. _rii5t _0TnDiinif9. HEALESIAIEW01 OF NEW YORK. NO. 30 NASSAU STREET. UPlTaL SURPLUS A*0 UNOflDti) FHOflTS $900,000. DE91GWATED IMII l>EP?SlTOB*#. Allowa Intereat oo dr|io?IU. ?_,-_?. .**? *?*ta aa Eirrutur. Truatee. Kr*,','S3aeat H. Cammann. * l'res ,j.-i'S l're-i" KENK1 C ~ \DVERT!SF.MENT- |r_d*"** received at thei' ' ' *?\tr ?** w nonh of 31al-st.. unti. ^ lt -<*u-*? ments recetred tl ? ? ?_ o_? ratfs until 9 o'cl rk r *"> *"'* "*_i,-v? '"*!l~*._ -t. 1S2 "ih-ai- '- - *' ,. : v I lth-at 142 iViluml J7 "**J "?V_t 42d-st n-ir ? 42d st imaiiau T- - **?**; ,-ld-ave . herweer. 3 t>lsi-st.. 1708 1-t-ave. near - ?r ?? ??.'-I SO ?n- --?f 4lM ?t -" 325 Ble-H ?.-?--st.