Newspaper Page Text
(trust Compameo. 135 BROADWAY, COR. CEDAR ST., NEW YORK. Capital & Surplus, $4,500,000. Fiaal Agent of the United States for Cuba. DIRECTORS: Char'ton T. Lew;*, Henry F. Shoemaker, Iohn G. Carlisie, Ro'.and R. Conklin, Hugh Kelly, Wager Swayne, Samue! M. Jurrs, James S. Kuhn, jMMS B Hil1, Wm. H. Taylor. A'.vah Trowbridge, Stanley L. Conklin, K-ank K. Ray, Heman Dowd, [_? Saar? Galban, Archer B-rawn, [*k_hef S. Heath, Benjamin F. Tracy, O-k'.eigh Thome, John C. Tomlinson, E. W. Scott, John Horte, H. B. Hol'.lns. F. R. Coudert, jr., Frank Rockefeller, H. A. De Lima, W'm. H. Chestbrough, Leopoldo Carbajal. XarqvU de rinar de'l R?. BRANCHES: LONDON. SANTIAQO DE CUBA, HAVANA. CIENFUEGOS, MATANZAS. 1 TRUSTC0A1P-NY u 58 TO 65 LIBERTY ST.. XEW YORK. Capital aad Surplus. $1,500,000. Illovrs Interest on deposits subject ?jcheck and transacta all Trust Com jany businesa. HEXRY MORGEiYTHAt'. Preaident. HTGH J. GRAXT. T. STALLKSECHT, Vicc-Pr?. 2d Vice-Pres. W. J. B. MILLS. ERXEST ________ Tre&surer. Secretary. DIRECTORS: J?t?erie V. Olcott, Augustus D. Jullllard, James Stillman, Henry O. Havemeyer, Actiony X. Brady. William A. Nasb, Alwyn Bail, Jr., James BT. Jarvle, John D. Crimmina, James H. Po?t, Miehael Coleman, Frederlck Southack, Krnast Ehrmann. Hugh J. Grant. Henry Morgenthati. CITY TRUST CO Or NEW YORK. J36 WALL STREET. CSPITHL.$1,000,000 K*__aj lneested ia Clty of New York Bonds.) SURPLUS.$1,000,000 L'eslaT_t? liepository for State, Clty, snd Court F_?. ?d for uvfal _?ey ReserTe of tba Banks ?f _? Siste. Arts _ Kn cutcr. AduilLl-frttor, Gnardlan, Traa U*. ?_m!ttee. Beceivcr, Asslfaee, etc. Cpt_ Aoco_ts suhiect to ?erk payabls at slfht sr Ebi ?gt the New Yurk Clesriug; House, and al Icm-e Irtterest on ?ilr balaaces. lssues Certlne*tea ot r-rposlt. bear_g ictarest, payabls on d__ad a* at _? dataa. F-ji-ctsbes Letter* of Cradit and Drafts on an iirtt at tfce ?*?*_ A<-t? ss F1_-?l and Tramfer Agent, Reglstrsr af Etocks and Bodda, and Trust? for Ooraoratlaa atortgagee. Lotnt Money on Tv.-.d ani Mortgag-j. OFFICERS. }_s. R?ra C-orrsm, Preaident. ohs D Crimmina, Vlce-Preald ?it. Grorgc R. Sheldon, 2d Viee-Pre-alslemt, Arthar Terry, Sacre?iry. TVtUter "*">'. Lee. Aasf. See?tarj. DIRECTORS. *?a D, CriTnmi?, Charl? W. Motae, Frank H. Platt. Henry O. HsTsraay-rt, George R. St??a. Hosicer B. Parsona, Bd--6-d Eyre, Albert Q. Jannlnaa, p?er fcoeW. WlUiam H. Gelsaiaaa, Wl'V.srn Hslls, Jr, Krigtaa Kcilr. Jxmes D. Larnt. Edwin Warfiold, WlUiam B. Gra?, Elrertoo R. Cbapraea, James BooaeTelt, Charles V. Fomei, Rdwa-d N. Cl?ia. Frank B. Lawaaaea. ?_ Bo? Cnr?&. i - fiank Ueporia. jQUARTEHLV BEPORT OF THE BANK OF ? ___UCA. at tl.e ciose of bualr.ess on the 4th day tof Bep-.trr?--.-. RESOUT.CES. I__s BSd dlscounU.f_V0"H>,? 1 SS sj?U?Bflu . 1.B03 (A trust oompaoiea, banlca, bar.kera aad br?..:* . 1,257,?0?21 Bankir.r __e or.d l_. 900,000 00 r . 1,040.077 31 foeele . . 4,016.1?4 12 eai -.f-r.'lf-rs ?n" drculatlng aataa afKational __!??. . 2.120,76500 <? Cfc .??, v.z. : Bills acd Chrcta for the rext _y*t .M.Pfis.eoo ?ft Other :? - as ca?h... 1?7.741 39 -6.03?5.4S8 34 134,413,808 94 LIABILITIES. Capltal s-"-'k paid In ir. r_?. f l..riOO,000 00 Surplus b_d . 2.U.V?.0OO 00 : profits. less rurrent expen?f-s and t__8 m :. 6-.3*i9 60 DM dep-itor!. 17,2.'"i<;,438 74 Tra? tm?- i .r: ;*:-.ies, banks. liarkers. hrokers aad sav.r.p- bar.ks_. 12.707.043 60 ?pa!(! dlvldend.?i.4"8 00 T?xes .32.5<ioOf? - 83.968 00 $34,413,808 94 ?tat* o? New Tork Oounty of "tn Vork, sa.: U__IAV JJ PERKINS, Presldent, and WAT/TER M. BEXN; : ? tbe I? r.k of Arr.erira. a bar.k lf.cated ?atdi-lr,p I .-.r.e? at N'oe. 44 ar:d 46 Wall Str_t, ln tha Cr." cf N Y . a ir. wi. '. Cour.-.y. duly eworn. aa* for hlmself says the fr.reBrir,K report ls true ?_ cc-rrect ln all respects. to the best of hii? knowledge atd bel.f' and _ey ??her say that the usual businesa ?f _;fl ? been trar.?a<r*-d st the locati n required *T the __cing !aw (Chap. 6M). Laws of 18?1. and not ?la?-be- rhe above rei-jrt ls made ln oom pllar.'rt i re?ived frr>m the Super 1nt-nder- . - : t- the 4th day _ t-'ef,rember, 19C*. at the dav . ? srliicb Fuch report Fhall be made. _IA_ H. PERKIK8. Presldent. L.TER M. EEN.NET. Cashler. ?veral!;.- -_ n to by both deponants, the 7th osy ..< Beptamber. V.*?>. befope ma .-HAS. D. CHIfHESTE?, I?tl of X-.tary.l _Notary Public. fmonciol illeclinge. *fH*B I?KE _R*_ ft WVSTERN" RAILROAD COMPANY. YHE ANMaL 1IEETING of the Stockholders r* 'he Lake Erie _ WeFtam Railroad Company. for tht p-ar-; ?* of e> 'ir.g Ij'.rf. tors ar.d for the transactlon ?* su - ,, aE jn^y t*. properly Irought befora J*? *j'--!-.| arUJ be held at the office of the Company, ln '*-*?, I!! . on Wcd?Mda-f. Octo?r 3. 1900. The traaafer books win 1* closed at 8 o'clock P. _. on aoniay ?ptember 10th. ar.d reopened at 10 o'clock * ii. cr. Monday. Octo1?r ftth. lwOO. CIIARLKS F. CO?. SecreUry. DioiOcnb Xoticcu. THE lMo\ BA<; _ PAPER COMPANY. ?i?aaro IU Sept. loth. lfloa _ _ Slxtl, Uuartirly Dlvldend. A WVIDEXD OF ONE AND THREE QCART_?3 I'F.H r'EN'T un the preferred capltal *?tk of thla i* mpany has been declnred payable <>n and J"1"*- 0 Icholdera of record at the ?aa of buslness September 15th. iftOO. The trannfer books - y->- I - on September 15th. 1900. ? _ M . nnd reopen rn Morrtay. October lst. at 10 A. M. FRANK WASHBtJRJ*, Secretary (ToportncrBljip Xottcre. The firm of MclNTYRE _ WARDWELL ??? been thia day dissolved by mutual con ?cnt. A limited partnershlp haa been formed by Jhonaaa A. Mclntyre, James G. Marshall and Thotnas W. "loorehead, all of the former firm, *"-h Herman O. Armour as speclal partner, ??tler the flrm name of Hclntyre _ ilarshall, to continue the buslness. Ali the offices of the former flrm have been "Kalned. Dated, New York, September 10, 1900. Mclntyre & Marshall, New York Produce Exchange Building. ADrT^*-K^M.lrNTS ??* ?'J"*-T.,,n,.n? fnrTti, Tribuna w ?c_r ', t',\ ?*_?*?.'-" ' P'f'v-" Offlee. No 1.243 Bn-adway, ani, r,;. '"'' ??'? -'-l"t-st.. ur.ill 9 o'clock p. m.; adverdae **? rat?",*;, ;'* 'h.fc foi;., branch offlces at regular *** 23d ? ."?;} Joclodi p. ,n.. vlz.: 2-'.4 6th-ave.. s. a. 5?? I?S_l- w,%_?*'_ ,r"r ?'-"' *" : Macy's. 6th-ave. *?? 4_tlV V_. Columbua-ave.. near West 6?th-ot.; 106 ?--a-at.. near atb-ava.; 92 East 14th-at.; Cankere ano f3rohcra. liWaPoor ?., Bankers Ps*J 18 Wall St., New York. Dealers IN Seeurities. Members New York Stock Eichange. KOUNTZE BrOTHERS, BANKERS, Broadway &CedarSt., NEW YORK. BUY AND SELL Investment Seeurities. Receive accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals on tavorable terms. Make loans against approved collaterat. LETTERS OF CREDBT. Redmond, Kerr & Co. Tranaact a general banklna buslness. Receive d e p o a I t a subjeet to draft. Dlvl nends and Interest eol >cted ant remltted. Act aa Flacal Agent for and negotlfite and Issue loans of rall BA\KFRS t roa<5s. street railways. 41 WAI I ST m" t f Fas companles. etc. wai^l, bt.. N. T. I gecuritiea bought and Membera \ aold on rommUelon. K. T. Sto.-k Exohanee. DE5AL IN Htarh-Grade lnrmtment Secarltlee. UiU of current offerlngs sent on apFHcatlon. PHILADBL.PHIA CORRIXPOXDEN'TS. GRAHAM. KEIIB & CO. DEALER IN New Jersey Steamboat Co. 5% BONDS. Frederic H. Hatch, ?ea, 30 Brnnd Street. Stocks H3oixgltL-t axi-cL Solci. GLIIsTTON 6ILBERT 2 WALL ST. DOUGLAS & JONES, Members New York Stock Exchange. RSTABLJFHED 1S>>?. 24 Broad St., New York City, STOr-KS ANP BONDS BOTJGHT AND SOLD ON COM M1PPIOV AT THF. NEW TORK STOCK EXCHANOE AND CARRIED ON MAROIN. Daily Market Letter on AppUcatlin. rYiRRKsmxPENn-: invited. Aaa P. Potter. 9. E. Klrknnm. Potter & Kirkham, BAXKF.llS A BHOKEBS. 57 Broadway, New York, Brunch Offlce 12S?? Ilrond\*uy, Cor. :\:U\ St. Membrra X. Y. C'ona. Stock Enhange._ nry ?t sell ali. stdiks & bomis for CASH OR OM MAIM.I.V B00DY,McLELLAN&G0., BANKERS, No. 87 Broadway, New York Ctty. UKMBIRE NEW TORK BTOCK EXCHANOE. STOCKS. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. Orders Exccuted For Investment or on Margin. Ansraatna 8. Gorhaaa. Tel. 1B1?2 C nrtlandt. John B. Van Schalelc Cable Tarpoleum. VAN SCHAICK & CO. K. Y. Stock Eirhana;e, MEMBERS OF Produce Licliiingf, and Cblcaaro Hoar.i uf Trade. 7 WALL STREET. Balttmore, 221 Eaat Germin St. I F. MBAD. T. H. CURTI3. I. F. Mead & Co., 44 A 4G BROADWAY, !%. Y. Twenty-five years' membershlp ln N. Y. ttoclt Exch. STOCKS & BONDS Bougr.t and eold for cash. or on margtn. DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND 40 Wall Street 428 Cfacstcut Street, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, aiembere of the Mew-Tork and Phlladelphla Stock Kichaogea. Oer ofllcea beintV coa necttd by prlvate telegrapb, ordere ln elther varkrt wlll be promptly execnted. {jorsee onb (tarriages. rpo LET.?Prlvate stafcK 141 Weat 50th Street; four X ataJIf. eoach room; llvlng- rooma; $720 i?r annum and wai*r rat?s. H. K. FRO.ST. IS Hr..a.1way._ (to ?ct .for Cnsinees pnrpoaca. BiTSTORE TO LET ln ncTB- tlreproof bulldlng:. norlhweat corner Thlrd Avenoe and 83rd Street, beat part of > the nvenue: three lloora; 13,000 feet of floor ?pnrr; lurge, llarlit baaenienti innln floor 4s by 80 feetj eecond floor 4H by 73 fcett plnte ! trlaaa all amunil; ateam beat; toilet rooms ! -wlth open plnmbinit and tiled floorai ault i ableforhlglioalnraai rent blirh but worth It. Eatate of B. C. WANIJEI.I.. owner, on prem | laee and 51 Chambere Street. Xo brokera. OFFICES TO LET. RULAND & WHITING, 3 TO B BEEKMAX ST. Conntrn propertn .for Sale. Weehawken Heights, N. J., Opposlte 42d St 21W> bulidlng altes; sewer, wai'r, gas. aml macadamtsed Btreata, flne Oolonla.1 houaea Just eompleted for sal.- ?t $6,500 each. on easy terma. This property la thoroughly restri<-t*d. Apply Eetate of Hl.'GH N. CAMP. 55 Liberty St.. N. Y. Van Cortlandt, ^,1^,'" stone manalon and atable with ten acres of ground; house has flfteen rooms, and is well adapted f r a s.-hool or lr.stltutlon. Wlll aell this property it a sa riflce. Apply Eatate of HfGH N. CAilP. 55 Liberty St. ~COLONIAL HOUSES on TREMONT AV.. Just weat of JEROME AV. trolley and flve (5) mlnutea' walk east of the MOP.RIS rTEIGHTS station of the N. Y. Central and :he New York & Put nam R R ! houses 10 rooms and bath; all lm;irovements; rround'sOxHS; prlcea J8.500 e?ch; ?.V>0 or Jl.oOO ln raJh; balanc? on lnstjUlmenta. Apply A. P. KIRKLAMi. BB Liberty Bt. Conntrn propertn for Qale or Zo Evoi-ErvV'OOD:?Houaea for sale or rent. A few fur ' nlihed houxea. WEATHERET & CO , Dean Pt . Englewood. N. J Conntrn propertn to Let. ENGLEWOOD, N. J. One of the handsomest places for rent, fur? nlshed or unfurnished. For full partloulars apply to the agents. JAMES L. LIBBY & SON. Telephone. 12*7 CorUandt, 8B Liberty Street. REAL EST ATE. ATJCTIOK SALES FOR TO-DAY. By William M. Ryan: No. 104 One-hun<lre<1-anr1 flrst-st.. south slde. 31.10 feet east of Parlt-ave., 1E llxioo.ll. three story brlek dwelllng house; Kate Warner agt. Julius Katzenberg et al. (No. 11; George \v EIlls, attomey; William J. A Mc Kim. referee; amount due, 18.152 91, and Interest on Ji-^TO. sub.lert tn taxes, etc, $193. No. 108 One-hun dre.i-and-nrat-st., south slde, 4T.9 feet east of Park ave., 16x100.11, three stoiy brlr-k dwellins house: same against ?ame; same attorney and referee; amount due, $8.132 91. wlth Interest on $138 70; sub? jeet to taxes, etc, $103. By I>. Ph.TPnlx lngraham: No. 1.108 Flrst-ave.. west slde, 75.5 feet south of Slxty-flrst-st.. 25x91. flve story brlck and tenement house: Michael Frles agt. Ella F (omstock et aL; <"!lnton B. Smlth. attorney; Charlea L. Van De Water, referee; amount due. $12.9Wi 97; subjeet to taxes. etc. $750. NO. 689 Prnsfiect-ave., weat slde, 244.2 feet north of One-hundred-and-fifty-second-st 19.2x95. three stury briok flathouae; New-York Building Loan and Banking Compjuy agt. Frederlck W. Pelnecke et al.; John A. Anderaon, attorney; Clarence W. Francea. referee; nmount due. $9.204 05; subjeot to prir.r ninrtgage, $5,750. and taxes. etc, $100. By Peter l-\ Meyer & Co.: No 518 t" "?? Green wloh-st.. No. 328 Sprlng-st., being Greenwlch-st., we8t side, 40 feet north of Sprlng-at., runa north 49.2 by west Sl by south 90 to Spring-st., by eaat 20.3 by north 40 by east 60.9 to begtnnlng. three four story brlck stores and tenement houses ln Greenwlch-st., one three storv brlek store and tenement house in Spring-st.; Frederlck J. Mlddle brook agt. A. Walter Ilaviland et al.; Edward Krowne, refcroo; amount due, $1,662 57; subjeet to prlor lions, 125,100, and taxes. etc. $590 68. No. 255 Nlnety-seventh-at., on map Nos. 253 and 255. north Blde, 125 f'-et east of West End-ave.. 75xino.ll. six story brlck flathnuse; citizens' Savlngs Bank agt. Thomas J. Kllpatrick et al.: amount due. JfiS.^1 35; subjeet to taxes. etc, $1.146 85, and recelvers' cer tlfleates, $150. RECORD OF SALES. Ilerman T'ngor has sold to Julius Wolf No. 89 Kelly-st., a three story brlck dwelllng house. on lot 25xl*io. Tho seller bought lt ln May last from George F. Johnsnn It is n-ported that the four story bulldlng, 2Sx93.lL No. 34 Eaat Nlnth-st (Sallors' Snug Harbor lease ho!d), has been gold. Peter F. Meyer Ai (.'o. sold, by order of Sherlff. all the right. title and inierest to and In the two two s:ory frame dwelllng houses, on plot 75x100, at the southweat corner of Bathgate-ave. and One-hun (lred-ar.d-seventy-nlnth-sl., to Adolph Freund. for $100. REAL EPTATE TRANSFERS. Manhaitan-ave. No 77 lfi Sx75: Stephen H Pavn port to Edward S Wallaca . $14,000 TarU- ave. No 1 .'.--; to 1 692, uraillm-wt com??r of 114th at, 100.11x30; Barbara Strittmatter to Nea Y rk nnd Harlem Ra!ln->aii Company and another. 1 I^exlnKton ave. n e corner 00th-st. 20x95; Julius Schlag to < -lenipntine Brodbecfc . 1 Rroaduav. e s. 2? 1 ft a of lOSth-st, 51.9x03 1>X 50.0x106.4; Spencer C Jnds..n to rharles K B?ll. 1 24th st. n s. 360 ft w of flth-ave. 26xW1.9; H-nry Grubenbecher to A'.fred "V Biaiand . 83.000 47th-s-t. No LT.4 Wfst, 25x100.5; Anna Bottjer. et al, ? Ludln I'.?alty Company . 12.B00 No 173 \V<-at, 22.11x102.2; Ernlce E Hnff to OttO TMndrtch . 1 Madlson-st. No 168. s s, 23x100; Henlo Stff to Morrla Stltch . 14,000 05th at, No SM> Fast. 25xlOft.H; Adolf Hlndenlang !??? A Stelnmuller . . 13.000 ISOth-st. n e. 300 ft w of CourtlanV-ave. 2flx 118.5; Mary L Leaourd. executrlx, to August C Lesourd . 11.400 No 5 West. 23xloo.S; James W Halstead to George E Rupp?rt . 00,000 Southern Boiilevard, n i corner l?7th-et, 25x76: Thomas Steed to Caxl O A Hohle.Exchanaje NEW* Rl'lLniNO PLANS. ?7th-st. No 104 to K'R Eaat, for three flve etorr hrt.k flatliouces. 2.r.vH4.-:. John J Mahonev, No 61 Weat 84t -. A D? a,!d?rn, archi tect. No 130 Broadwaj. $76 ooo Vlnfnrnishcb ^partmcnls (To CeL X ? M i'B*i LC, tie j\?ai*tinique 36 Wejt *}rd*St A home tor the weary housekeeper. A home for those accustomed to the best. Apartments of 2 to 6unfurnishedrooms for $800 to$3,2oo. Restaurant 15 th floor. Management un? der the eve ot the y owner. 1 The 'Aylsmere 60 Wejt 76th st. The critic can? not cavil at neigh borhood, accessi bility, appoint ments or mainte nance. A pleasant home in a pleasant street. 7-room house keeping apartments $1,200. J THE NEW FIREPROOF Iroquois FAIMILY HOTEL, 49 West 44th St. NOW READY FOR INSPECTI0N. Charaveter?Locatlon?Prlce. I'nfurnlehed apnrtrnents. by the year, ln suites of one room and bath, two rooms and buth, and four rooms and bath. Flrst-claas dlning-room service optlonal. Call or aend for proepectua. THE CLEVELAND, tam TO 130 K. 1I4T1I ST. LarRB unfurnish-.l anartments. all rooras llaht and open to outside alr; hardwood rtoore; ample cloeets. Owner raaldent, THE t'HELSEA. Wl'ST .'3D ST., NBW YORK. Absolutely flreproof. Mudern .-onstructlon. Apartir.cnts furn:.'-ned or unfurnished; an excellent restaurant malntalned. Bates reasonable. FI. 1 P.. 4 or 6 rooms. ln a choice prlvate houae ln Madison Av* . near S;.'d Street. to American family .,f adttlU; rent $28 to $30. Apply DUPF A CONOF.B, 1.474 ad-ave. MADISON AVB . n*ar 42d-st.?To let. etther parlor II..or r.M storv>. or entlre bulldinit exeept flrst floor occupied by a dent!?t; a liargaln. Addiess W. 7... Tribune L'ptnwn Offlce, 1.242 B'way. rpHE SCill'YI.KR. 50 and 61 W. 45th St.?Hlah claaa A apartn-iem hotel. E. YV. EAtiEK. Manager. THE ASIU.KV. *i0. 411 Weat 115th st.? Blevator Apartments. seven and elght large ll?;!t cablnet trimmed rooma; tiled bath room; open plumblnc; ?i-r\?nt?' closet; safes and alda . eteetrlc Iight; $50 to *tV>; open eventngs. JTTH-AVE.. 1.04S. corner S6th-8t.?Elegant apartments. O faclng Park. $65 to $100. Apply to janltor. Bnfnrnisljco _?pariri?nts _o ?et. APARTMENTS TO LET ln tha VO.TDEL. S3rd Street ar.d Third Arenua. New alx story. flreproof bulldlng; electrlc elevator; tlled halls and bath: open plumblng; steam heat; hot water; gas rangea; large. llght rooms; $50 to itiO. Also apartments In adjolning houses. Nos. 163 to 168; $30 to ta.'. App'y on premlaes. Real _siatc. THE LAWYERS' TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Furnishes careful appraisements of real estate at regular rates. Apply to Bureau of Investments, 37 Liberty St. Money to Loan on Bond and Mortgage at Lowest Rates. APPLY DIRECTLY AND SAVE F.XPENSE. TiTLE GUARAINTEE andTRUST COMPANY. CAPITAL- SURPLUS - - $5,000,000 14fi Broadway. New Tork. 175 Remsen St.. Brooklyn. (Eitn {Jronertt} for Sale. Choice st New Up-to-Date Private Dwellings, DOWN TOW-if OR UP TOWS, EAST OR WEST SIDE. Houses from 18 to 23 feet wide. all of my own conatrt? tion. perfect ln workmanshlp. plan and flnlsh. and the best vihies at the ln the city 49th ani SOth flrreets. near Madls.-n Avenue. 107th Street. near Kivnrjide Drtva. Partlculars on premts>s er of CHARLES BUEK, Owner and Architect. No. 108 WHKT 42D 6TR**_T. FOR SALTch-fAP" TO r_OPT- AN ESTATE. Private hrnp., Nn. JUH F?M 66th Street, three storlea. htgh stmip. haaement and cellar. bay wlndow. 16.S wide. nawly overhauled and in good order. price $7,900. No brok-rn. F. _ WASPKU* Executor. 51 ChamberB Street. Corner rijr,T. 75x100. on n-h-ave.. BouKrrard. at a ??ara-ain; rr-ar iindergn-iund r..pM rransit stat1>n. nWXKR. 460 West 147!h st. Citn Propcrtti _o Cct. GEO. R. READ oflfers for rent a selected number of Desirably Loeated Medliim and Extra Size Dwelltag*. Ready for Immedlate Occupancy. Speclal Liits Furnlshed on application to Head Ofll-ea. 1 Mafllioa Ave. AO Irdar St. r?120) at 23d Street. T7"?OR RENT?Furnlah ? or unfurnlshed?Restdenea, No. J 144 East Saventh Straet. ria!nf>ld. N J. Fine looa tlon. large yard. frult and 6?rara; flra ralnutaa' easy walk to depot: 15 rooma, electrlc llght aad gas. modern plumb Ing, lsrge barn on adjolning lot, lf wanted- Apply to any 1?1 astata ngsnt, or to HHNRY P NKWRAUt 26 Cortlandt Street. New Tork. Real _otatc IDantC ? A'KNTBP.?Good locatlon for textlle mlll about to start; \> ?ri smploj 7"> to io<> hands; good suppiy of elear wnter for bleachina natcaaary; noat be close to maln line ,f rallrot?. Boa 4. Tribune offlc-. Jnetrnc-ou. For Young Ladiea?Clty. ACADEMY MOT'NT BT. ITtSCLA. HEKFORP PARK. N. Y . <m the llarlem Railroad. near St John's Coliege. F'-rdham. npp sira Rronx Park. Thls bosrdlng and day school for young Indles and little glrls, tn charge of the T'rsulines. ls eiiutpped wlth all modern tmpruvements. The surroundtngs are healthy and attractive. TIIE At AI'EMY WII.I. REOPEN WEDNES PAY. SEPT. .'TH. Por termn addreas the Mother Superior. \ LESSED SACRA?ENT CONVTBNT Si'IIOOU 16> 170 WEST TffTH ST R*_OPENS MONDAT, SEPT. 17. Primary. Intermedlato and Aeademtc Departments. BOARP1NO ANT> DAT SCHOOL FOR OIRI.S, 807 ave n..v. 1 ir and Mrs. Charles Huntington C.ard ner. Oolta*** preparation COLLEQIATE 1NST1T1TK OF PR. J. SACHS. -Sr*H OL FOR cirls. 116 WEST 50TH ST.. REOPENS THTTRSDAT BEPT 27TH. 1900. COMPLETE ORG \NlZATJON FRi>M PRIMART TO AOADEMJC C_A8S_3. TMOROl'UU PREPARATION FOR ALL WOMEN'S COLLEGES. CLASSIOAL School for Glrls. Reeident and day puplls Full rourse of study. Art Muslc, Ovmnntlum. Home '?re and ?or|al rerreatton. Coliege oertlfloate pnvllege. Helen M. Srovllle. Pr'n . 2,i ? Flfrh Ave.. New TorTg. *f.T. DE L?NCE?' SCUOOI. FOP. QIRI_. 71 '"'?st *th Street. New Tork ?Thorough and systematlc ln strurtlon under competent tearhers. Modern metho_. Physlcal tralnlng. Speclal and collece preparatory couraea. Indlvlduaj work. ClrcUlar on appllcatlnn._ MISS OERRISH'S COIXBOIATE Scnooi.. focmerly of Enc!eu,..?l N t will open in X?? Tork Clty Ort. S. 1900. at ,',4i? VTas| End Avenue. near Etcfcty seventh St. Bummer iddress, r.,1? Coaaraaa st.. r.irtlar.d. Me. M R8. LBOpoun wEir/s School for Olrls, 109 and 111 West 77th Street. MISS _BTNO_D_ BC!HOOU 66 West ?th St.. REOPENS OCT. 2D. _Bpeclal atudents admlttcd to regular classea. MISS .TEN'NY Hl'NTER'S Klnderpaften Tralnlng School wlll renpen Sept. 24. at 1*. W. 127th St. Poat gradu.-ite Clas?es Oct. 1st MISS MaRT HaRRIOTT NCiRRlS. lately Pean of Women :ir:d Aaslatant Professor of Engllnh IJterature at Northwextern Unlverslty, wlll open Claaaaa ln I.ltera ture. Hlstory and HIstory of Art at Hotel St. Andrew. "Hd-st. and Broadway. MRS. LESUE MOROAN'S Boardlng and, Day 8chool for Olrls. IS and 15 West 86th Strest. Central Park. N. T. Thorough lnstructlon ln Engllsh. Foreign I_n guages. Art. lncludlng speclal coliege course. Prspai ? for colleges. MONTPBI>IER HOME **?_?_ PO*. (HRI?. 3 W. S4th S? . New York Overlooklng central Park. Pay Puplla llmlted. Address Mrs. T. Ttleston Oreene. VEW YORK. NEW TORK. 17*. THE PEEBI.ES AND THOMPSON* SCHOO_ Boardlng and Bay School for Olrls. Opens October 3. 30. 32. 34 EAST 57TH STREET. H T. AOATHA?CHURCH SCHOOL POR GIRLS. 287 West 93d Straet, New York. Por partl-ulars addresa the Principal. MISS EMMA G. SEBRING. A M. iJT. 1 BOARDINO ANP DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Collegiate Preparatory. Primary Classes. Cllege Cer tiflcates. Advantages of New York ctty. Cymnaslum. Roor Garden Otie Elevator. _ THE S1STER SL'PERIOR. New York Clty. 6-8 East 46th Strest. THE MISSES JAUDON-S BOARPIIJO AND DAT SCHOOL POR GIRLS REMOVED TO 28 EAST B6TH ST._ THE MISSES CRAHAM (Successors to the Mlsses Green> Boardlng and Dav School for Glrls. Established in 1M6. 178 West 72d St.. Sherman Square. THE BARNARO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 131 CONVENT AVB, COR. 148TH ST. Klndergarten through Coliege Preparaff.ry. Claaaes for small boye. Fifth year begins Sept. 24th. KATHERINE H. DAVIS. Resldent Principal. WM. L HAZEN. B. A.. LL. B.. Headraaster. THEO. E LYON. B. S.. Assoclate Hfadmaster. THH COMSTOl'K SCHOOL Boardlng and day tchoo1 for glrls. 38th Tear. Open Oct. 3. Miss PAY. Principal. 32 West 40th St. THE VELTIN cSCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Coliege preparaiion. Number of puplls llmlted to :w.-lve ln each class. KIRE-PROop Bl'ILDlNG. Ete vator. 100-162 WEST 74TH STREET. UrtBtrncticn. For Young Ladiea?Clty. rpHE MISSES ELYS BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL Reopens Wednesday. October 3d. RIverstde Prive. S5th and 86th Sts.. New Tork. THE MISSE3 RAYPOV?Roaraing *nd day achool for glrls. Small Claesee. College preparation. Reopens Oct. ?. 176. 17> <nd 180 W. 75th-flt. THE JIISSES WREAK9 Thoroughly graded Sehool for Olrle. College-Piepara tory claae. Reaident pupils. Klndergarten. 12 East 7Sd-et. THE MISSRS MOSES. Boardlnf and Day Sehool for GIrla. NOS 047 * 649 MADISON AVE., N T. C1TT. THOROtMH work ln sl! dapartmenta from Prlmary to College Preparatory Littie boya received in Klndergarten and Piimary claasea VAK NORMAN 1NST1TUTE. (Foondeft 1887.) All Dept,rtments and Special Students. College Prepar* tory. Teachera* Tralntng Class and Ktndergnrten. - 120-122 W 70th 8t. Mme. VAN NORMAN. Prlnetpal. For Boya and Young; Men?Clty. A SSOCIATION BUSINESS INSTITUTB. ?^V 52 EAST 23D STREET. A day sehool for younc men. conducted by the 2f!d Street Branch of the Toung afen'a Chrletlan Asaoclatlon. All eomnriBTelal suhjecta taught. Tultlon Ineludaa all privlleges of the Aasoclatlon. Send for prospectua. Re? opens Sept. S. T3ERKELEY SCHOOL 435 Madison Ave. Upon the old Columbla College slte. Inrorporated 1900. Twenty-flrat year begtns Oct. 1st. Attention 1* Invited to the exeeptlonal reeord of Berkeley candidate* for ad mlaslon to Harvard. Yale. Columbla and Prlneeton In June. Addr?sa _J. CLARK READ. A. M.. Reglstrar. |~VHAPIN COLLEOIATE SCHOOU \-/ 721 Madison Ave. (64th St.).?Engllsh. Claaateal and Prlmary Pepartmenta. Lahoratory. Manual Tralnlna. Gymnaatum. Slst year opena Sept. 26. Princlpals at schnoibouse after Sept. 15. Clrculars on appllcatlon. HENRT BARTON CHAPIN. D. D.. Ph. D. ) p,lnMMl_ BENJAMIN LORD BUCKLTT. A. B. i "'""W*. 137TH TKAR. COLUMBIA ORAMMAR SCHOOL 94 AND 36 EAST 51 ST ST. REOPENS TUESDAY. SEPT. 25TH. Boya are prepared for all Departments of Corambla, Princ?ton, Yal? and Harvard. for Law and Medtcal Schools and Bualcess. Prlmary Classes. Laboratotie?. Gymnaslum. Grnunda for .--.thletl^s. The Headmaster wlll confer wlth parent* on and aft?r Frt.. Sept. 14, st Hta achool. c?talogueB on appllcatlon. B. H. CAMPBELL. A. M.. H?admaat?r jPIOLUMBIA TNSTITLTB T2d St.. Oor. Weat End Avenu*. Reopena Sept. 26th. Colleglate. Intermedlate and Prlmary Depts. Optlonal Military Drlll. Gymnaalam. Hot luncheon. Flve board Ing puplla for flva daya ln ireek. or achool year. Cata logues. EDWIN FOWLER. A. B.. M. D.. FRTNCTPAU C0LLEGTATB SCHOOL, 241 WEST SEVENTT-SEVENTH ST. Boya prepared for the Collegea and Sclentlrto Schoola. Prtmary Department. Well-equlpped Gymnaatum. Re? opens OCTOBER 1. Mr. Magatt wlll be at the aehoolhouse dally 9 to 12 and 4 to 6 o'clock. c? LLEOIATE IN8TITCTE OF DR. J. SACHS. -SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 8S WEST 19TH ST.. c REOPENS TUESDAY. SEPT. 2BTH. 1900. Tboroucb preparation for all Collegea. Special Com merclal Department, UTLER SCHOOU NO. 20 EAST BOTH ST. Reopena Monday. October lat. Mr. Cutler or the Regtatrar wlll be at th* achoolaoue* after September 10th. Summer addreae. HolHston. Maaa. DR, CALL1SFN-S SCHOOU 182 West 71st Street, A seleot sehool for a llmlted number ot boys. Prlmary flcpartrrent (33d year) beglna October 1. D W1GHT SCHOOU 18 WEST 4SD STREET. NEW TORK CTTT. 21ST YEAR OPBNS SEPT. 2?TH. H Hlgh class prlvate achool for boya from 7 to 20 year* of age. Indlvilual attention glven boys whose educatioa has b??n Irrceular. Large faculty. Laborat^ries. Gym paaloni, Athletica. DRISLER SCHOOU ? EAST 49TH ST. FRANK. DRISLBR, A. M.. PrtnclpaL A aelect achool for a llmlted number or puplla. Stadenta prepared for all collegea Reopena Oct. lat. Clrcular* oa appllcatlon. AMILTON INBTITUTB, 43 Weat Slat Street. Manhattan Squcr* North. Reopena Sept. 28th. For Informatlon or catalogue addreae N. ARCHIBALD SHAW. Jr.. M. A.. Prlnetpal. IRV1NG SCHOOL. L D. RAT. *B WEST 84TH ST. Reopens Sept. 27th. Mr. Ray now at achool. Seventy rradua-ea fltted succeaafully for College slnce 18i>o. Prlmary Department. Year Book on requeat. AfANHATT/VN COI4LEOB ?*?"-"- Christlan Brutheia Boardtng and Day Scholars. Grand Roulevard * lSlat at . New York. Couraes leadlng to the Degree* of B. A. and B. 6. Modern Languages. CIvll Engtneering, Archttecture. Gen? eral Sclentlfic, Pedaguglcal Courasa. Commerclal Dep't. REOPENS TUES. SEPT. 11TH. For Catalogue addreea RRO. CHARLE3. Dlreetor. MORSE AND POGERS SCHOOL FOR BOYS t'J. H. Morse'B). 42S Madison Ave.. New York. Reopens October 1st. Engllsh. Claaateal and Mathematlcal. wlth prtmary derartment. Summer addreas. (Until Sept 17th). Cotult. Maaa, R UUBY MILITARY ACADEMY. WEST END AVE. AND 84TH ST., MANHATTAN. Preparation for all Collegea. Prlmarv Dep't. Mili? tary optlonal to sendera. Day, Special ana Reaident studenta Twelfth y**? beglns Oct. lat. Prellmlnary lnatruction Sepr 17th. Telephone 1260 Rlverslde for illiietrated catai.gue. T HE WILSOM AND LTOIf SCHOOU 622 FIFTH AVE. (near 80th St). Prlmary'. Classlcal, Sclentlfic. and buslness depta. Graduates now at Harvard. Yale. Prlneeton. Clumbla. Wllllams. an<f other collegea. Cloee attention to the tndlvldual pupil. Manual Tralr.lng. Gymnaatum. Athletlc F'.eld. Resident pupils received. Reopena Sept. 27. THE SCHOOu OF COMMRRCE. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCB OF NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. OPENS OCTOBER l. 1900 For ANNOIJNCKMRXT. contalnlng all Informatlon. aend postal to "Regtatrar of the Unlvtrslty, Washlngton Square, New Tork Clty." T HE BARNARD SCHOOU 117-119 WEST 125TH ST. Elndergarten through College Preparatory. 15th year begtns Sept. 20th. WM. L HAZEN. B. A.. I.L B.. Headmaster. THEO. E. LYON. B. S.. AaaocUte Headmaster. w 'OODBRIDGE 3CHOOL. 417 MADISON AVJSNUS. 19TH YEAR BEGINS SEPT. 37TH. For Both Sexea?Clty. THE ETHICAL "ULTURB SCHOOLS. KINDERGARTF.N. ELEMENTART and HIGH SCHOOU J. F. Relgart. Supt.. 109 W. Mth St. Perclval Chubb. Prln. Hlgh Sehool. 48 E. Mth St. t. SAVAGE S OYMNASIUM AND NEW TORK j NORMAL SCHOOL OF GYMNAST1CS. 3o? West P9th St.. N. Y. Opens for eleventh season Sept. 17th. Clrcular*. D F RIE.NDS- SIMINART. 220-22S EAST 1?TH ST. NEW TORK. Non-Seciarlan' 1 ay Sehool for boya and glrls. Fortleth year begins Sept. 18th. Splendldly located ..ppoalt* Stuy veaant Square Thorough courses from Klnd^rgartan to , College preparatory work. Phyelcul culture tralnmg wlth- 1 out extia eharge. Catalogue gladly aent on requeat. M ISS WARREN'S. 10S W. MST ST.. SCHOOL FOR GIRI4S. lass for Ix.ys in prtmary department. M ISS CARRIERS SCHOOL FOR BOTS AND GIRL3. 52 East 30th St. Reopens Oct. 2d. Manual tralntng: also klndergarten. PARK AVBNUB SCHOOU 1.021-1.023 Park Arenu* N E. Cor. 85th St.?Reopena Wednesday. Sept. 26th. 1900. Prlmary. Intermedlate and Hlgh Sehool Department comlng under Regents' approval. (.ollege Preparation a apeclalty of the Sehool. Mra. R. OPPENHEIMER. Prtn. (JTAMMFRINO io permanently eurcd; reaaonable methods: regular phy alcian ln eharge: abundant referencea; nearly twenty years' experlence; pamphlet giving dlrectlona free. i BRYANT SCHOOU 105 W. 72d 8t.. N. T. THE BEiRLITZ SCHO.DL OF LANGCAGES. 1 122 BROADWAY. N. Y. 73 COURT ST.. B'KLTN. Branches all over Europe and America. Terma begln now; fee reaaonable. Trlal lesson free. iAWARDED TWO GOLD AND TWO SILVER MEDALS AT PARIS EXPOSITION FOR BEST AND MOST PRACTICAL MKTHOD) 1 IQ MADISON AVENUE. X'XO Mtsa Roberta. aucceaaor to Mtaa Walker. Sehool 1 for gtrla. Reopena Oct. 3d. Claasea for Boya Llmlted number of reaident atudenta received. For Young Ladieg?Brooklyn. mHE BROOKLYN HE1GHTS SBMINART. 138-140 Monugue St.. Brooklyn. Boardlng and day achool for glrls. Each departmeat la chai-,,0 of a apeclallat. Indivldual lnatruction. ADEH.PHI COIJ.EGK. Lafayette Avenue. at. James and Cllfton Place?Classlcal. Llterary and Sclentlfic Courses Co-edurattontL Sehool of Muslcal Art. THE ADELPH1 ACADEMY. Preparatory for college or btrtl ness. Students admltted at any tlme. Seaalon opena Sept. 19, 1900. CHARLES H. LEVERMORE. Ph. D., Presldent of th* Faculty. Jnstmction, Boya ard Young Men?Brooklyn. THB RBGENTS SCHOOL. E?_ER E JOHNdON PRIN'CIPAU 19.1 LINCOLN PLACC BROOKLYN. N. T. Recpi-ns *-pt 2*. Classes hmite-i to ten. Indlvidaal instruction. Prepartng -.tu-len-* { r Law ancl Medioal '"blleges a !>r Fa guaranree a four year High Sch.ol c.-,urs-i li. iwo vears. Tuition $1 ? ; boya under twelve. $73. Bojrlers hmited tj twelve. * For Both Sexes? Brooklyn. KtSSICK'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE. ,_th Y-i- i7 aahtand Pla?-, Brooklyn. I Kten^araphv. Ijpewilllm Ihv. $20; ev'ga, $1". l_nguag?. hlgher n mechaB?al. archl lianl-sa W. A. KlSdli'K. LONO ISLAND BUSISESS COLLEGE. 141 tr> 14** S,.uth sth 8L, Br_klj_ Tho busfr-^-. __ of :? ?y for young at?B and yoi:ig women. I av and Evening sesaiona. REOPENS SEPTEMBER la H ? KY C. WRIGHT. Principal. PRATT INsTlTI '.TN. N. Y. Fal Tertn b-k.-tr--. Ba*st(M?aa 24th. Kor I ounj- Ladi-a? -Jouniry. ADELIGHTFTL Home and School fnr llttla gtrla. Elevcnth year bett.ns Seott-mber 27th. HISS JOHNSON \NI> MISS ALCOTT. POP.T CHESTEIt N T. DARLINGTON SEMTV'.RT for Young Ladl-s. Waet Ch-ster. Pa.?Oaauj __. 17. R*--nitl*Ml l-icatlon. Cnll. Prep.. Engh.?h. Musir. Lancuage n->.1 Art r-nr-e-. *190 per year. .'atal-^gues F p RYE. or R PARI.INGTON. "L'ORT EDWARD C?__KlIA?i IN-STITT'TE FOR A TOl'NG WOMEN AND GIRLS: 4.1.'. year. Sept. 23; choice of bM?ies in seven courses; rm:sic, irt. ?! laaa ?? - . ,- wrh b?-?I and anv tui-!->n; reprewe- ,. ir,.?r,^,j ?-!rv, ?--. Sapten-'r ? will tscort stt???U from ?_ ?? P--iin? ia**. Por illu.-rra'^i .-aralogue. address JOS. E KING. Prea.. Pot1 Edward N Y HOME INS'TIITTI - !'-.dscn.? A Board? lng and Day Bcho I for Slrls C-?l1?---s preparaticn. Re cp<-ns Sept __ BJH-i m \v METCALF. PrinctpaL INGLESIDE?A SCHC-OL FOR GTltLS. New-Mllfo?; Lltchrteld Co.. Conn. Recpens Tursday. October "?, 1000. _ Mr- *-.?>!. n RL\CK. Psttnneaa. KENT PLACE SCHOOL FOR G1RI?. Summlt, N. J. Near New Ycrk. Mrs. Sarah Woodman Paul. Prtnctpa 1. Presldent of Ii >ard of DhrectO?, H imRl n \V Mabie. LL. P. MISS BANA'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Morrlstown N J. Suburban to New Tork. Ha ceptlonally hroad curriculim. Certlflcato admlta ta* fcur laading coUt-_ Mun.c and Art. Resldcnt pup4_> $800. MRS 3AI_?IT*?Y*9 SCHOOL F'>R GIRLS. Nvack-on Hudson inear New-York l?lh }ea- Prepares for roi:-:-' S;>eci_ students. Separat* rmusa for little girls. Deiightfu: home. Wrlta MORAVIAN SEMTNARY and Coliege for Won?a. Founded 174?. Modern convenlence*. Two hours from New York. J. MAX HARK. I>. P.. Prtn.. Bethlehem, Pa. fiflSS BAIRDS IN3T1 Tt'TE yr>R GTRLS. Not__k. X'A Conn. ?2t)rh year. Primary Acadamlc and Colleaa Preparitory courses. Music, Art. and tha Langua?_, Careful attention to moraia and manners. New bulldincav steam heat. gymnaslurr. RYB SEMINARY. For partlcular-. addresa Mrs. S. J. LIFE. The M!s?es STOWE. Rye. Naw York. THE ijlCKWOop collEGIATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. M-^unt Vernon. N Y. fTwenty-flva mlnut? frora New Ta-k.) Beautifui hnme. Thorough aqulpment. Only earnest sradents desired. For Boya and Touna; Men?Co__ry. BETTS ACAPEMY. STAMFORn. CONN. t_ y_? Pr par?s fnr ("-"ege or ousir.ess. Speclal adVantagea for savlng tlme !r, preparatlo? THB INOIVinCAL THE PASIS. _WM. J. BETTS. M. A.. ?_ak PrlnolpaL EXPERT EDUCATION?Backward youths. also dnsuo c?s?f-i! for co;>ir? ?nrrir,-,?. received by expert tutor imarried> of long experience. In h!? -!*ari-t hnme. at Morrlstown. N. J. Sncraag g-iar-jn:e-i. Numher ilmltad. Highest recommen-; i _r?_( and terms apjly ta H. PENN. _oi--l?e*-ra N. J. FAIRFIBLD ACAPEMY i*,V to t-450. Ynune Boyi ci ?'-i!;-.- _F H. BREWER, Prtn.. Fatrfleia. Conn. FRIENPB SCHOOL. PROVir>EN<~E. R. I ?Founde<l by Prlenda over a century ago; but rpen to all denoral natlons. Kndow?L Eighteen Srates represented last yaar. Ideal comtlnatlon -f ?ch<v-,! and heme llfe. AfQCSTINE JONES. LL. B . Prin-rrp_. ?LL'SHING INSTTTT'TE. Bnarding ar 1 for Boys. Opens Sept. 19th. E A FAIR 1IILD. GREE\W!i*H ACAPEMY AND HOME fnr TEN POY9. Th^-oiu-h preparatton frr eo!!*?? or bu?'.ness. Puplla carefully selected. J H ROOT. Pr n .;---nwlch. Conn. HTGHI? NP MTT-TTARY ACAPEMY. Wnr-e?er. Maaa. 43th year. Th? best acad?mlc tuatiucUoa. physlcal culture. mllltarv tr-r'.nlng. r*n>'w nh'. new athletl-s fleld. Vlsitor; The Rr Rev. WILLIAM LAWRENC?L D P. Head Master. JOSEPH ALPEN SHAW. A. at. HUDSON RIVF.R M1LITARY ACAPEMY. NTACK. N Y Fineat k?Bt?1 n the Hudson. Ma-mlflcent appolr.tmer.ts. Every tr ifessor la eoIlee-a br?d. Athletlc grounl" Eiu?str'.an outfit for rldlng. drin and arrrllerv oraclce. Capt, J. WILSON, T*. S. V.. A. 3C. Bupt. TRVTN- INSTITI'TE FOR BOT^. ?^ TARRTTOWN-ON-I?.**?;o?. !?f. T. JOHN M. FL'RMAN. A. M.. Principal. MAPLEWOOO. CONCORPVILLE. PA. ? Suoce ?9fu 1 achooi. one of tka best t^ ir.ruse -nfr-y, to wake> up boys to dutles of llfa; prep i---1. I coliege. $ftV>: under 13 vears. $'_<"> !- -a-! n beantl?i, elevated, healthy, no tobacc .. .1. SHORTLII - \. M.. Prln. R*v. W, A. Q_k* says: Tt b tke ??*e-r and best school for boys of wh;ch I have any kn w'.edse." MOUNT HOLLY A('\!'KMT Mt. HoII*-, New Jer?ey. A preparatnrv -cboci fnr ttaauty-tk?a boya THB PL'PIL ANP NOT THE CI.ASS TS THE I'NIT. Healthf? locatlon. Single rooms. Excelicnt table. 3. C. PLA. Prtnch*?. XJ_WTON COLLDT?ATE INSTTTITE. !ta-*rtt_, N J. _S 48th vear Bnai Itfa enmbined wlth ?ut>erlor achooi. Milltary Dapl Hl-'h haalthfnl I.arse aniunds. H rses and nata PHILIP S. WIL80N, A _., Prln. PENNSYLVANIA MILTTART v'OLLEGEL CHESTER. PA. Thtrty-nlnth year besina S?ptember l?tk. CIVIL ENGINEERIN" '. <C. E >. CHEMISTRY (B. S>. ARTS IA. B.? Thorough work ln I?bnrarones. Praughting-room. Fleld. ALSO PP.EPARATORY COURSHS. INFANTT.Y ARTTU_?t** wn CAVALRT T-RII.L? "A Milltary School of the highest order."?U. _ Waa f?pt. Catalo-rues of Col C. E. HYATT. ~ ?JT. JOHN" 3 SCHOOL 5*5 MANIJUS. N. T. NeTt term be-rlns ?'r'?nk" 20?h. 1900. Apply to COL. WM. VERBECK. s TEVENS SCHOOL. THE ACAPEMIC PF*? \RTM*?*NT OF THE STEVENS INSTITI'TE OF TECHNOLOGY. Rlver Street. between Mh and 6th Sts.. Hobokan. _. J. REOPENS SEPT. 17TH. 1900. RepLstratlon day for appiicanta for adnilsslon on Se*s> tember 12th. Exam.natlona for admlsalon on the 13th and 14th of September. C< _aei of stulles preparatory to Collegea and Schools) of Sclm-e. 1?w ani Me.:iclne. The rate of tuition for all classes ls $130 per year. or $30 per term. Thes- terms lnclude all the studiee. Por cataiogues apply aa the Principal of Sterena SchooL SACKED HEART ACADEMY. Select Cath He B a:d r.g Schn.l; thorough a-adetn!o and commercial cour;?e!<; locatlon unsurpaaaei; militarr drill; terms moderate: stude-i r.-sume-1 Sept. 3. Addraaa Brother AUGUST. West Chester. N. Y. THE *<ORW_LK I'MVERSITY SCHOOL. A modern twiar Hng ?chi-i.->l fnr boy*. Tw? coliege preparatiry and two rinlahing c 'urses. Gymna atuni. l-owlInK alleys and all m^xlcrn 9,;a;;ir.-.eats. Cartful lndivtdual tru-.nirig by aannlaai twl teachers. W. G. CHASE. _ R.. Head Masrer. Non-alk. Coan. For Both Sexes?Country. f*>HAPPAqfA MOUNTA1N INSTITUTE. CHAPPA--irA, V ' N. Y. T'r.der -are of Fiiends. Prepares for colIefja and busi-iese. B.>v< and *\tU In hill country. "H1 mi?s fr- rn New Trk. :t!-t >-ar. ALBERT R L1WTO*". A. M.. Prin.-ipal. T>ENNINGTON 'N. J> SEMINARY. X Oi. Bound Bmnk R. R. ?2 d year. Both sexes. Healthfu 1 locatlon. Hnmt comforts. Nobillty of ehana-e ter and caref Jl tralnlng ou- consfant atro. $63 OCO near Improvements. THOMA3 O'HANLON. D. D.. LL. P.. Presldent. w Mi?-ellaneoua. "ANTEP.?Edltor fnr Qiiesrions H_ Answers 4epart? menr of an educarlnna! jnurnai. A ldre_ EP1TOR, Box 1?. 8tatk? I> Zam Schools. VEW YORK I 81xty-sirth year opens Oct 1. 190)X _> 1 PAY C1_,SS_9 se_iona frotn UNIVERSITT I 3.30 to 6 P. M. il_ p. after two ! years.) EVENING CLASSES. sesslons LAW SCHOOL. j 8 to 10 P M. (LI* R after three* I years.I Graduat* C?aaaa lead ta LL. M. Tuition. $100. For circulars address L. J TOMP KINS. Registrar. Wa?hlngton Square. N Y. Clty. XT^""*" TORK 1 I AY SCHOOL. 33 "uaaail St. _?1 rEVENING SCH?X>? 9 West I9tn st. LAW SCHOOL j "DWIGHT METH'tP OF INSTRUC? TION LL.B. in twu years. _L_, in thret v-ars Se-^ for catalogue._ GEORGE CHASX, Daa_ .carhcre. DR. W. G. NOWELL. private tuior at puplla* ho__ at 117 E s2d-st. Two pupiis received la fami'.y. PRIVATE TUTORING by Smlth gra.luate; succeaaful teach-r. non-resldent. P- :e?-e a spec?lty. Addresa P.. S. T.. 1? East _d St.. New Y .rk School ^lf)tndcf. A MERICAN A.ND FOREIGN TEACHER- AGENCT X\. auppliea Profesaors. Teachers. Tutora. Goeei-aeaaaav ac. to Colleges, Schoola and Karr.illea. Apply to _rs. M. J. YOUNG-KULTOX. _ Union 9*r-_?. Hlnaical instruction. (1AROLINE H..BE.N. - TEAv?l_R UV PIANO. HARMONT. ANP VIRGlIa CLAV1ER. HIGHEST *>IPLOMA FR1M THB KUXPWORT** 8CHARWESCKA COr,3-*RVATORT. K_UN Flva yeara* references from best New-York familie_ TBRMS RB\S()NABL_. STUDIO. CARNEGIE Htl.I.