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r?c* %mT&-V* vOL lx. .x?- mr>67. NEW-YORK, THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20* 1900.-FOrRTEEN PAGES. 5M____ PRICE THREE CEXTS. REPLYIXf, TO GERMANY. ANSWER OF UNITED STATES SAID TO BF A REFVSAL. 'POT.TANT roNFERENrr. n\ THE m_f__-__ sttt:.\tk>v at r..r ?WHITE HOUSE i ktt RT M..1IT. 10 ? A o i m r.orta r. t La nntp vras ? I ? ... f ! T I ? Li/ZATG 777/: REPLY. "TY FOLLOWS THE v FROM N - ' - - ? - I " ol I ? - W i* - He :_?-_ it m?s ss. . with iry H_l _ at a - nsult ? .gr th - ? i - -? Tt ~~a -.Tveen tha - as are ln .? __x a_ia ----.-?. red. The C____ D__?r" I BB . AT THE FARTING OF THE WAYS. I . _evel epmesrs ls I _ u te ____?, a__d that at pr?i I Great against Franee ar.d R_s e?_, ar;-. are arder __- the ___?_r. it* aP p?_rs Ie be load* - _0_M Of 1 B_ ac" r.g Ohir.a that tbe Pr__i___t r__cbe_ \.:-.rre the Ur.ited .? _______ _, a - Tbe xmrse w??r. a avold - ... - - PEACE. ? been reacfcej French _x revero ... Hungr Chang This B?. on are hinglngf to .... $_ the Paris. G at the : that I have aeen ea "? A3 - B__o-Fre_ - . ? - - ? ringiead-rs pening - - ? with I - | th'- Fr.-; >nclu - -? - P.EACH.: - ... -an proftosi _draw Ita toree. lm _l__U-d, ar.d ? ____ ... BO* . lera ha _ ''i.TVV.s PEACE r: SAMED. - e. Sept. IA.?Aa ___p_rt_ ? <?__._? appoinu. I_i Hung- - _g aj-d ?:.? -ace B-_-4 ra ln Can ,een cir T*e_e vrer- the v. :th B The ?V-erf.y ta j.,,Bv*.rte*_; m ?uppreB_ this form of agltailnr. * ?_1tAi.lo__ TO SCCCEF-D MACDONALD. SIR E M. SATOW SENT KROl! TOKIO TO PE7-;iN?; \s P.RI TISIl MIMSTK11. - fBT . ar.i fl ' who ia <iUf. to arrivp ,n j-pan _,-,_, week> pro_ ':.?? thence to s ,-,aId aa Brttiah .V- "<-?'?* ing. the latter taking E lf. Batow'a pla iklo. The an nounrorr.pnt. mvs th.-- - correspondent The Tin-.?><-." arlll cause s-ome ' tment to Ffrithb Bubjecta in th.- F mghai rnpsfa..' ro "The Sta ? na; fund? replenish the Empress Dowa-rer'a treaaury. - ?'.ar. bat ' l to T. N F. LORD BALISBIRY _L\DE NO DEMAND. NIAL OP A BHAKGHAI VARN'-N'o REI TO r.F.RMANV. i B that no reply has "iner to the - ' the Shanghai ? press." tl ritlsl - Chanj.. K ? rring I i MANDARINS NAMED BY EARL LI. t. 10.?It is u: ?ular ? - regard lng ? :? ? Chii ; tlement was the fact that Li Hui i ing his recent Intervle** with Pr. lfumm I Schwartzenstein. the German Mii Ihina, ; mer. . mandar- il :: n*_ outrages, and :.a was willing to punisb t>pm. AT'MIRAI. SEYMOUR GOES NORTH. Shanphai. Sept. 19.?Vice-Atlmiral Seymour, r;h. THE COLLIER SCENDIA AT PORT SAID. ted Statea collier i, which ls on h*jr v here. BOXERS ROUTED BY GERMAXS. ? i ulws aj i__ars FFER HEAVIL Berlli ipatch to the "Lokal Ancetger,*' d? - -ning r 11 of I.iar.j-f-Hiansc-Hsien. south west - an naA-ai baUtal accompanied I ;~nga! Lancers, says the ' foreign forc*- faeed pix thousand Boxers "and a ; nurubei ? regulars. the enemy losrng TERMS TOO HARD FOB ' lilNA. CERMANY'S DE-CAK- I TO r;RA.VT. BAT8 JDNISTER v "Was: . 5ep| 19.?Mlnlster Wi : Far.g waa gi to the Powera aaklng coni - a demand that those ? in China I ? 1 as an indis ] pensable preliminary to an:- -.ons. When seen at tbe Lecatiou. he I him I a c - pnblishe He sal^: I can hardly believe that ?en, and if it has it. is so unfort*_c , infinence upon the general question that I I greatly in hopes Germa ; <*ondit!on Srr.; a China '- trery hard. It -would amount to determin:: , ations __n. The Ch:: ya are ln rnplete power to make terms v. Powers, bo that when the * oper.ed this quesl I ? with them. 1 in advance, aettle it. and make its executl nary to n g >ly hard. sa cireumst . s I a that Germany's ?hat the dlfllcultles over peace negotlations I that negotlatj tha: [ thai - .- - Impose a ? ! halr. Th - *eed - tvantage to all pa hina. feel I I anxlous many ? ABB '? THE PRESIDENT. - ETITRK T< S PRI DAY SliiV" _ - in Wa -" Canl ? - - -- which ' - on Monday ' - - the- ''errnflr- 6 ? ? .' - : The President. lt sent Cabinet - 0 wbo come back to -' - nt that. he will be b Friday. Ti aucb thinp as a quorum of , and lf _ece_a_ry a tary Meiklejohn also fiaw the Pro . MetkleJ - i -ident wfll return to CaBtoci Fi hlm. ? Foraker He BtOp] after a .-..mpalgnlnp tour li " ? Crbana ? __**._ tbe gre under of the campaid A GROWL AT HOLLAND ' HER OFFER OF A WARSII1P TO KP.FE GEB nTSPT.F.ASES A LONDON EDITOK. 1-00: nv Th# N>w Tor* Tnhune I i HT rABTJ. T" TIT1T TRrBT-NK-i lon, Sept. 20, (', a. m.-'-Th- Bt-B rrmmrnting upon the ftar-m-nt that President ?? has accepted an nffpr nf th" D-tcfe nvey him to Europe ln a war ship. mvs that England has a right to expect intry which !s sti'.I diplomatlcally ;- shall not display oftV- fusive patror.age of ar. enemy of England. By adopt ?-? it 'linkf? itse'.f hla partisan and upon fnr ex A '"r . ipatth says the Britlsh are tpy Koom ?? force Tr> nentary ci _ay be John r co. H? will rhallenge the < ;? - ? .. iapt ftve B r Wllliam Harcourt's plan nf battl" Tuef Iay, when h-> opena his 1. N. F. ELECTH >N 7_. IK IN ENGLAX D FORECASTINC CARTNET CHANGES - LORD RUSSELL'S SUCCESSOR. -? [ [BT CABUB TO TH. T__3US_._ _", i a. rn.? The press ia Wlth el( - ?;? tr.e cor.t<?st i? too unequal to _\ Unlonist -? -.e Liberal political mana Pr-rs. ai ? v question in doubt rnmei ' ave a larger or a ______r new than it had ln the old Parliament. There will be llttle political nra tory. and the del -'.ement in South xplained. although thia ls - hich the ? ? its lease of power. The electorat". which has been artincis. s-ricted by the disfranchisement nf an enormous body of voiers under I registry. will be to arm the i.nvernment wlth a dato to ctmvert Dutcb Africa into British Afrlca . ...... ... - rk .an never ? Pub! res in the reconstruction r than in the result cf the foregone coneluslon. Lord ls marked out for slaughter, and Viscount Cross will also be force- to retire. It ? Duke of Devonshire r Lhe Ministry after the that Lord Lansdownt's resigna ? ie War Offlce will be 'he signal for ". ? .oschen from the Ad ty. If these forecasts are fulfllled Mr. i n will be almoat the only prominent ir. the Cabinet. and ought to have a most eor.-; offlce illus the prtnciple o* tbe survival of the flttest. Ther^ aro. I od many superannu ated Torits who would adorn the privaey of re I_i# has __t yet t by th-* rumor moB| ory ls tha ' -.(.ught into the Fw - into the War Offlce, and that Mr. Baif hamberi ; left wher ar-=. The ' A Gang." which ;'.ann^d the . ie to Pretorla a year ? the devil and the deep sea" ry which I f the new . Justiee. The Lord High Cha ordina- all judicial appoir. the Pr of Lc: . Justiee. " and ? talk er 1 tter, hut the - with the Pr ?ard Clarke would have h.?n Lord Russt .... - I ? rter has e_ chief seal jla a few months, and ' : ! I - astute law yers ar.'! <>ffu ia':.- ntment t th" bencb and has it Court and .1 circles -::at Germany and England ar<-> leading ar.'1. controlling th- - on th-: rmany has taken, wlthout t the ;r that it pre'erred to fol and was unwilling to lead clrcular is is the 'hina ques v any black I which - I hief conspirator against ths for Journais t. truth :ation. namely, that - ' a;.ve. : mlty f. r . Asiatic P worl i. England has ; olicy. . n rne For ffr-ning IU ? y and re - aking - ? I N. F. VIEIOKN MOVING XORTHWARD eral Viljoen, wl ?'.mand ' Bpruit, od will ei ? ?\ WARSHIP TO CAR!:. KR1 EGER. - of Mr. K -?hip at his I irquea a .. /?;/. 1/ /. 1. U'CLERNA VI) DEAD. Oeneral Jnhn A trly this j: r 1812. He r__ under .! A. I.ognn and ' ',-neral I and Vicks .... f _ , R OR CiB - to the ? A CHANGE DISASTROUS. PHILIPPIXE COMMISSION OX AFFAIR S IX THE ISLAXDS. IF __LEC__0_aI COJnriRMB PRESENT POR ICT ALE EHBURBUBCTION WILL DISAPPEAR WITTTIN ^IXTY DAYS. ? - ? lf elea-tloia ronflrm. preaent polla-v aj-emnant ?,f laanrrectlon ?III dUapfiear "Wlthin ?l_tv alaya by anrreader aaf leaatera aad fndinsr nnt aaf raatak aad Hlr. > hanara* of poli"y by tnrnlaa. ialanaia oarer to a* inlerlr ?f T;i_ali._ pollt Irtaai will hlljtht their falr pro?pea-t? of annrnoaa in- ' linm-iiifnl, alrlve aaat capital. make life anti '? l?ra>p*-rty. aer-jlnr arad reli_ia>na. moat In aea-nra*. htaniah by fa-nr of i-ruel proarripllon a-on-i<l?-rnhle> hmlv ol intiaeraallae Klliplnix wl'" hn?e nl.lpil Ina. I ll __a la avrll-fonnaled ba-lla-f that their pa*aaple nre not noarar flt for aalf eoi i-rnini-ni. :1nal r?-laiirndm-e the anrne aappra-aaion aand a-orrnpl iaaaa aalii.h eilated ia all lirovIncea nndrr Aljalaaloa a.ov ernt-aa-nt ilnrlnt tha- ri_ht montha of ita a-on tr?.I. 'M,e. reaatlt vatll he fiaa-tional atrife be lav,,.,, ja-nloaa leniter., ohnoa anal nnarrliy. naa.l avi|| ra*.,aiire nnal jaMifv j??-ti,a- inter ?aa-iilnji, ?f 0,Ir <,o\a-riima-nt or .ome other. H T-. THE . 7 1900, tbe ' Bnard ? f Philippine ' which Ju I i .hlo, is chairman. - 3 from ' montha Secrel War, at the - egraph aa ir.ake a ; port on ln the Ph. Ender date of August 21, after two an! a half months abor and personal investigation. the Board" - | such a report, which waa lay by the Wai . ^raphic instruction and of the Comralsafctn's report foll THE WAR DEPARTMENT TELEGRAM. August 17. 1900. - Manila: sident wlshi report by cable imlssiononi ralcondition of the islands as to peace and Industry; business and revenue conditions prevalling; progresa of ? on of tbe States; what Improve '. this particular: the present extem ot the insurre w much of the arohipeiago is tranquil; how much is still ln disturbed state; ? irfare, and ! influences operating I lt; bow it can j best be hrought to a c;ose; conditions a j quirements or' civil government. ' -..-;? of War. the co_onssio_rs report. Manila, August _1, 1900. ?etary of War. Washington. -lng to dispatch, Commission reporta: It has for two months and a half made ln quiries into conditions nrevailing. Ma?? I p:-1 has aptltude for education, but is Ignorant, superstinous and credulona in a remarka gree. Hostiiity against Americana was origlnaUy i :.uioua leader?. E is ' .ndred rract larj. .-ti'.'.ty and steadiiy improved temper This -ment, furtbered by ahuse_ . f insurgents. that Iarge number of people long for peace and are willing to accept government ita not Burrender j ing after defeat have divided into smaii gue -.-anos under general .-fllcers or beeorat la -. Near:;. -nt gent rals and pcli j _____ of Inaurreajtlon except Aguinalda have been captured or have surrendered and j have taken oath of ailegiance. Poli' iting ln amneaty had : mark".' BPe to induce surrenders untll deflning : of political issues in United States, reported here ; in full, gave hope to ir.s ; arma of changed pollcy and -tayed s_rn ; to await r Disturbar. ?f island. kept up and avowed by rnsur and ordera - :r-.f.uence n, do not show unfriendly attitude of ma rovincea wbere thev occur, - of amall insurgent hodies in iln fastnesses, wbence they issue for esa night attack? or mur small American aqua recruit from : ."ing out * murder and pluv ? enables ir.surger.ts to malni. . lance irer peo] ; towna. TJncertainty as to future poli - anl defencelessnes. | arms larg" _ ISLANDS BECOMING PEACEFUL. Q iltles. malntenance of statua ' ns. All rn Luzoi n Nneva K< :ja and m, is Bubetantially free from Insurj-vnts. are busy plant ing ar.d ar j municipal organizati | lin^s from " _ ipan. 122 miles." have ths. In ea 9 uthern Lu it't hands dodgi ? moun Tam refut ? - irfa:-". have Bucceeded Im g bands '. parts ty, which maintain them- - method In Negr blain. Mas liate, Sibuyan. Tab'.as, Bohol an.l ...ther \ .iger'v awaited N-ar ra.ayan, in inao, old Tagalog setl ronsld Lkes neierhhorini? : coun:: '.-an e exia 10, but :r. south of thls lan ely sei -iand, at Zarnboanga - war an.l - parta ??!ands ha lltions, ar.d unguarded American or '-reiener travelllng ordinar :.i.r from garrlaona and attract ?; pa, I . ary and militia, which - u-.inized at on - ? irism i ? a hlcb ? zations. If Ju : selected and ... ?r and will permit ear'y materiai reduc - ? ? - -? eded by al m arms an.l is Impiied ln their proclamatlon, thaT ronfirm? pr wiil disappear withln stxty lays l > firrenrt-r _nd fading out of rank and file. I.a i In part a herttagi _nish rul-. will <?? - ' " - meas ures. i on now rraintained with grea : :rpos* stated. E_ is I igfa ir..--urgents to rrush ? our smail garrisona - ? but hlth- ? DANGERS ET OF POLICT i"ha: - ilanda over to * blight their fair pr -mous improvement, drive ? anish by fear of if coa i h.ii-- aide.i AnuTi-'ans in llef thai ;.:e are not -viment, and retntrod D Which existe.t in all pr.'vinces under Maloloa lnsurgi durinp the eight montha yntroL n Jea' i anarcby, and win requir** and Justil >vern ? ? ' -- ? of the I'nit-1 Sl <?r la - ? ' ?iltlvati.m. :aughl na for last re '<>< pe- ar*rcT lu show .<i ra-v.-nue for ?am. Ni.THIN ' ORTABIU NKAV TORK < -KNTKAL hour. AarJ?L was one-third greater than any quarter under j Spaln. though r?dula tax. rhief source f,f Span- | ish revenue, has been practically a E?_B_aty and e__denoy of military k m?r.t hav er-at"d surplus fund i f IW.00O.O0O M"xi<-an. which should be expended in needed publi- wnrks. notably Improvement nf Maniia Harlnr, th? conditi<>n nt a eT.seo,u?nt d>day and expens" in lar is % greater embargn on business than manv nearly rrnhlhitnry tariff ratea Spain and still operattve. Wttb prop^r tarMf and Pnettll beeome tbe great port of rh-^ Orfent S| revenue laws. throwing the burden of ta. on the poor. eiv? tbe -emparative im- ; munlty. Tarir* bow preventa Importa America rf can" n_acb__eijr and other necessaries. Bpanlsb tnland r?*venu?- chiefly de rived from pnli tax, tax on small business. flsh B_e, the llk?. lut _o land tax. F. .RMULATIN.. NKCESSARY LAWS, Are fnrmulating laws leinedjl_g tbea_ nfldent that by Judi itoma laws. reasonabl* ad valorexa iand tax and | poratlon francblae tax. Imj rate than that in the av^rag^ wlil give less annoyan e. and - will produce revenue sufflcient to pay eipena tdlng mfiitia an stabuiary. Bad cond Birency hindera buatnesa B tak^n toward early resumption of gold standard. Are prepartng atring ing equal opporl inity I ? and Amer? icans. with - .^1 tn enter ar krweat raal I y promotlan r~ach h~a.l Ma nlclpal rorporatlona ed on eriminal pr i Rai! r ? ? ful tropical ? te !ar_-- h in val '.:ar.y. an I -'- market to va agricultu. i schooi suppli^s ai ! = >ste Night tr establish. hildren show aptitude i-i learn tlon of the people. and in a few yea dium of .-nmmunication h fleea and between different tribes _ iish. Creati.-n of eentra months, like that which substantially al! ri-hts I In Bill of Rights in l_der_1 Constitu??- ai to th" pe ??: ' the Philippine - inl political enlisrhtenm WTI.LIAM H TAFT. DEAN C. WORCESTE LCTCE E. WRIGfl HENRY C. fi BERNARD M NINETT A GAINS T A THO l SA ND BATTLE NEAR MANII.A _S WHICH TWELVE AMERICANS, INCLUDING TWO OFFICEBR ARE KILLED. Mani'.a. Sept. 19.?Durlng the last .even days there has been a distinct in area aggrression. particularly near Maniia. along the . J, and in tbe pronlo-ea of Laguna rong. Bulucan. Nueva Edja ar.d Parr: tatittg on Monday in an engagement near D, at the east end of Laguna de Bay. in which detachments of the IT-th and P.Tth \ Vrtted 9B___?B _B__i__'r r-s.irr.ents. ninety nsesi | all told. raet a ______ rlfles and intrenched. The American loss was ine: . aptain Da-. I Lieu? tenant George a both of tbe 1" fantry; twenty-slx wounded and II : who are probably dead. The pursu- eral ia.. a Ther^ ar" rumors of at;a. k? on the railroad and of trouble in Mani'.a ; ing here from Laguna. M The natives of Mani'.a are _i and many are leaving th* elty. The hostile demonstrationa are particulart: '. along the railroad anl on th- I T.agjna de 1 Bay. Thj insurgents ha- ? and outposta. in some cases th"y h . - fle<dng when pursued. Gulguinto. Po'o. Mai.jlcs ar. : in bave been suhje | The Maniia ma of thirty men . tacked ar Cabugao Lak^, -at en . Bulng igao was ala _ .- U have burnM the village ng the telegraph wtr rnai tain pointa Arm"! i-. . In the Province of N with an e> ( re attacke eort are sttil mJfl Advices ' near tbe capital. The American c__r_altie9 outslde tbe 9 engagement it _ rt they arf a' least The Philippine i passed tb TWELVE THOUSAND DEAD. \\ F.STTMATE RY GOVERNOR SAYERS OF LOSSES IN THE TEXAS STOH Austin, Te__, E I - :s?u"d a statement in regarl t. tbe "ffects of th" gr?ar i - The oed by th" storm ln ind e__a5wh_re oa tba ? -oas: a thousan aggregai mmiMi N -.'v. ith^tanding this s--v 1 have every _-_____?_? that th^? b< -."ston from ber present deaotation .r.d boitow - ed strength and %__ iNOTBER DEMAND ON THE FORTE. United Stal ? ona to th* P - . Armeniaa v. _ natura'ized Ameri-an Msen a- ! 'as ar ?n the eharge of ' ti mary Coerunttti ? gation and if th lcan he wtl! be relea P IDrS H-Ul ^ ? Bl '?"/ 8ST1 I I :y. the Brooklyn contraetor, a. vana Municipal Cour .rrivt-.i ar ?anding in th ?d paving MI.-.- NETBKB80LE I :n tha "all -. THAN Bt\ KR TO <'Al<: - 1 r..?ln? n. r *ets antl an 1 Northw-atern Offlce. N*_. *ol Broadway.?A_vt BREAK IN COAl STRIKE. OPERATORS SEE A SPEEDY EXDIXG. MANY MEN Tr, R**m*X TO WORK TO 1. THEV PAY?P'- *-TTT.T_ ~ A' \ -.ME nrPTRTi-TS. rT.a<ia-_>? tcj yant T_TB-te | M_n?. ? ? i laaiiiaT" statement - OM first break in tha? big * on the poinr of takire; piai-*?. and ft In - ~-n -i ?r;_--v -nding. The? bellayara rhat a? -iow on strike begtn to return to work th.e from *_ rt? ceived by th. di.-?Te -har tl*-rd of the jatrlke. ar.l M aaBC cessful as k Tbe .ppll cation-. - a; . s UMB. .er tn th? af the*r chTin-h at M .nd da~ work. T ~ :mmlt branch, ?tt- r. and Ba, marched , . work in tlB -v at Ta_ Aed tn - anl T ... and ?re all working have had -?n_i doah regi- rt ref?l 'rs fa: End d - - - - ^- the ' and that - gatna ra sald thia I <?< | - - T_* - up predii ted ha-? not r and the strike r - r.tage of the men have _ c'early and - return rather than Tha fact that t: '. _aa*e not eocaa out -gtns t - to every means | - - '-. -ylkii! and Ha m th*?v at w-ork ir. th-? lower * strike will last loneer than the i The thlrd baaa f-per. e*ab stantia ?.--t and tbe I d.Twn of th- N . I tba Pennayrva : . thls mornlng: the f.rces at se?eral eollieriea _se in "..maqua region. They ass-rt that tha rabla each day. -* Pr_a*_ent who asserts that 11S.00? men are tn aer, aj that _etwa**-_. KtOM and 90.00ft ?-- aarflaaaa made a N^ r-nv. * I men al: . BSta* 7>-i??e tion i> and rea :nk?n. - .-oa'. fleld ? FA] l v: v ' -. and - ? _bo_t The p ' - - Up.'Tl ' - ? buay Tbe ? iravans o* *htrt tn h. row a* rough vinny ha\ -ry of a-toal. ' ;Me l=a -.y waabary. - - ? : have itirvey ? *a*aah ? wer _ ? strike- | Tbe *ail the ht, and TiaTe *.l the re - - ' ny waa aa ' :-? and * i take ? - only tn the fcaal I - panie-* iid lead tt> They -INBS - of tbe Penneyt -