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NEW YORK AS FLNANCIAL CENTRE. VARIOUS THINGS WHICH PROVF. ITS GROW ING IMPORTANCE. The ennouncement that two more of the eo calle. "TniBte"?the Diamond Match Company and the N'atlonaJ Biscuit Company?are about to remove thelr main offlcee from Chicago to this city servee to call attentlon cnce more to the rapidly inor*>asing flnancial importance of New Y. rk. a fac* which has recently heen evldenoed in another way by the action of forelgn Gov? ernments and financiers in scekinjr to place hlg loans through local institutior.s. The Diamond Match Company and the Na? tlonal Biscuit Company are the latest of a line of oocpor-tt-BS to tranefrr thelr executive offlcea to this -'.;'.>? since the beglnnlng of the year. among the earller accessions having been th* Amerlcao Tin Plate C?mpany, the National Steel Companv. the American Steel and Wlre Com? pany. the American Steel Hoop Company an.l th.- _Lmertc_n Radiator Company. Practically ali of the corporations which have moved their ? nffire.. here from Chicago are companiee incor poc-ted ln N. v.-Jer. ey. and thelr reasons for S the chang-c. ln the opinlon of well ln i men. Indude not only the desire to be A at the flnancial centre of the Fnlted . but als.. the .-onsideratlon that the com paaJee will he withdrawn Orom the scope cf *-je Illinuls Legi.-iature's lnfluence. and that thelr bank balanc-a, lf depo-tted in New-Jersey ln rtitutions. will nol be subject to taxatlon. -_ PBAISE8 NBW-TOBK- FINANCIAL WORK. JOHN BAKING. OF BAKING BBOB. 4.- CO . LONDON. Hf",!; TO VISTT HIS RHOTHBR. Jr...:: BaxU-g. Lord H.-v. istoke. of the London banldng Brn f Bari-.K*. & Co.. was a pas aeneer on the _-___-hlp Ma.e.tlc. which arrlved B_Bltilrtaj a: thla port. He la here for a short visit with his brother. CecU Baringr. At the. pler he (?ald. ln reply to an t_o___y: I car. sav nothln? arlth regard to elther the Berlin loan or the Swedis'-i loan. as both these ? traneplred since my sailing. Nor can I expres. any opinlon wlth regard to the ettect -? nf Hatch & Foote, of which I only learnei at Quarantlne this mornlng. When Been later at the offlee of Barlng, Magoun & Co. the American branch of Barlng Bros. & -rd Revelatoke said that the floatlng here of a par? of the Engli.h loan was an affalr of great pride to h;m h. a member of an Anglo-American t the opinlon that lt could not rmth m the frtendahlp exlstlng be e Tnited States. which. he saj_. u m more cloeely united every day thronch the operattona of ootninerce. He added; to New-York from London than - * on* Istempted to regard -nern _. dtiea i will aot call New-.orK ?n < ?n tho rontrary. in view ot : pr--.min.-n.-. of your eity loet now. l mich' - - justlfled ln calling London a ______ rk ? a-? SING CREW REACBB6 PORT. V PBOM A BOSTON BCHOONER r_T.I?1' ^FF KTOHI.AND LIGTIT BoF-nr. Bept. 29 -The eighteen member* of the Boeton flshlng schooner Maggie Sulll streyed away in a dense fog on The Bt Chatham last Monday night, and ghl to have perlshed ln Tuesday's yale. arrlved here this afternoon. The men, after 0_ to locate the Sulllvan. .ighted the BCbooner Julia Coat- and rowed to that vessel. Tr_ .-o_ia I?nded them at this port. The BCbooner Mary a. Whalen. of this port. herp to-day with her flag at half-mast. .: g perlshed on Tuesday. The mec were drowned while the vessel wae on the ng grounds. about seventy miles eoutheast of Haghland Llght. One of the dorles contalnlng elx j men B_ddenly capslzed in the gale. and all except , tw-. re the rumher -ere lost. r.iUGHT AFTER THRlE YEARS' FORGING. Poug..keer?->. N Y.. Sept. 20.?Harry O. Dell. ___rty-_ve years old- a professlonal forger, having a dczen al;__=es. ls ln Jail here. He was arrested ?T Milibrook. Dutchess County, where he was at temptirg to cperate. It ls sald that he ls wanted or twenty charges ln as many different places. his covering a pertod of three years. He will be taken to Northport. Long Island, where he ls war.ted for B_ri_____: the Northport Bank on July E. De'i's method of working was to seek the pro prletor of a machine ehop and close a deal to buy second hand machlnery, uaually for the Al'.egan _U__line Company, of Allegan, Mlch. "When about to n;ak<- payment he would tender a draft in ex cess of tr.e requir*>d amount. usually for $525, ar.d j requ^st an mtroduction at a bank where he could f-ashed. If Bucceaafu. ln securing currency he wouid pay for his purchase, retain the balan^e ? -v<= 'r.irr. XEW BOAT LIXE TO SATANNAE. felphta. Sept K.?A new line of ateamshlps between this port and Savannah will be put Into operation on or about 0--tober 1 by the Merchants end IClner.' Transportation Company, of Baltl mor<- Traffio arrangemente have been made wlth the Pennsylvanla. Philadelphia and Reading and Baitrm'-ie and Ohio railroads and with all llnes nah be t-f-c-m arlth the two flrst ojass ? and pa. imshlpa Berkshire and -1? will sail every flve rjav? A-Burancee are glven That the number of Bhipa will - warrant?. * LARGE ITTENDANCE 4 7" 8TRACU8E. u]).? The Byracuse Vniversity. _f wl \ Dr. James R. Dav la char term to-day with the U in its hlstory. Them wlH be over a accessions. This will ?? f" !ends of the iinlver-Pv RAILWAY UAIL CLERK& KOT ALARMBD. Tb? publlshed report of the re__gn____ m nilnoia ?ecrataryship Ltea Railway ____] Servlce Mutual ? Association aroueed some Intereat amoi? wav mall clerk- PoetolBce ln _ey sri i the asaocUtlon had fully for about twenty the wldow or heira of each memlM leath. Last month it had in th<- Jr' ' '?? ??? only flve death claims were hey had no fear. therefore. that th- -- Het_ri Bcc_u_.a SOUid ?'??' of 'he aociety even f Henry would not make good." "loueht ??-. 8UES FOR ALLEQED ALIENATION. Richard Freeni nhattan, has brought suit in the B-presne Court in Brooklyn agaln?t McKeefry, alao of Manhattan. for tS.080 ._-,. tiges for th. tion of the affer-tinnK ot m. The defendant _fr"nu^ , iwer am has flIed a TO REMOYE THE DEWEY ARCH. MR. Ot'O'-HNHEIMER TO Or-FT-R A RBSOLlTTlOl*! TO THAT EFFKlTT?NOAA" t'PED FOR BRYAN AND TAMMANY ADAT-RTISIN.l t-*_R_Oj_B_. President Guggenhelmer of the Councll an? nouneed ya-sterday that at th- next meetlnB of tlie Councll hc arlll offer a reaolutloa to dlro. t the Commlseloner of Public Buildlnps. Li-Thtlnjr B__ Supplies to remove the Dfwey Arch at Flfth-av<. and Twenty-fourth-st. Mr. Guguenhelmer eay? the contlnuance of the arch ln Its present posltioti not only interferes wlth trsffic, but the weather hr-s mad" lt unslghtly and .lnnperous. The arch probably will be allo-ved to remain untll after election, however. ao a stereoptlcon man in t_e emplov of Tammany Hall has been usin* it as a mark for Bryan md Tammany a_Ar_r_se_ienis recently. SAYS COIX)RED MEX WILL GET JUSTICE. j MAGI8TRATE BRANN FINES TAVO -"vT-TTE MEN FOR AN ASriAT'T/T. William Jasper, of N'o. 414 West Thlrty-ninth-T-t., a n_at appearlnjr colored man. was buylng v-_ etables from a wagon ln front of hls house yester? day when he wns set upon by YS'lillam Tyrell. of Xo. 416 West Thlrty-elghth-st, and Owen M Crystal. of No. 415 West Thlrty-nlnth-st.. white men, who say they are cah drtvers, The assault w_s apparently without provocaUon. Jasper was obliged to flee. Then the two white men turned their attentlon to other colored men. shoutlnR. "Kill them!" Jasper went to the West Korty-seventh-st. polk e statlon. and Detectlve Duane was sent back wlth him to the scene ot the trouble. Ths detectlve csught Tyrell _nd MoCrystal. ln the West Slde Court they were flned $10 each. and the arralgn rcent caused Magistrate Rrann to remark: "Its gettlng so that colored people haAe no rlghta ln thls clty. but they will get Justice whi,.' I aaa sittine; lo thls court." SAYS MAX SHE EDUCATED DESERTED HER. HE DENTES THE CHARGE IN SUIT AGAINST HIM FOR ALIMONY. Justice Bischoff. in the Supreme Court, yesterday reserved deeislon on an application by Jennie Evslin to I'.-mpel Leo E. Evslin to pay her allmony and counsel fee pendingr the determlnatlon of a suit ln stituted by her for a separation on the ground of depertion and non-supporf- The defence set up ty the defendant ls that he never married the plalntift, and is therefore not liabla for allmony. The- lawyer who appeared for the plaintiff said she was a Miss Lowenstein when she met the de? fendant several years ago, and was employed ln a glove faetorv. Evslin had then been poor. and bad little education. He and Mlss Lowenstein had fallen ln love. and she had agreed to pay his rxpemsra while he was taklng a course ln dentlstry at Louisvi:ie College. from which he was gradu ated ln 189- They had been married before h? was graduated. Evslin had been started ln business here by his wife. but as soon as he began to make money he had repudlated her and gone to Europe. He had retumed in 1899. when he had resumed hi* practice. She had appealed to him to support her. , but he had refused, and she had brought her suit. j Coun?ei for Evslin denied he had ever married i Mlss Lowenstein, but admitted they had llved to eether and said she had 4>ft him of her own ac oord. He also denied That Evslin ever got an> money from her _ Sntroga.-s Xotuce. -~N PURSUANCE of an order of Ilnn. Abner X r Thc-maa, a Surrogate of the County nf New York. N'OTIVE ls hereby given to all persens havmg claims against Julla A. AVarren. late of the County nf New York deceased. to present the same, wlth vouchers thereof to the subserlbere, st thelr place of transactlng bu-ine-'^ at the offlce of Horace K. Doherty. No. -. ? Pine Stree'.. ln the Ciry of New Tork, on or before tha J 15ih dav of Jariuary next. Dated" New York. tha 5th day of July, 1900 PETER J AVARREN. MAY G. AVARREN. LORETTA A. AVARREN. Executor-. H K Dohefv. ATtv.. 27 Plne St.. New York Clty. TN PURSUANCE of an order of Abner C Thomas. a Surrogate of the Cour.ty of New York. Notice ls herebv given to all peraona havlng clalms againet Robert E. Mertena. late nf the County of New Y*'k deceased to present the same wlth vouchers there <-f to'the eubs-nber, at her p:ace of transactlng buslness. viz at the offlce of Aahbel P. Fitch, No. 82 Nassau Street. ln t*e Borough of Manhattan, In the City of New York on or before the thlrd day of January next. Dated New York, the 2Sih day of June. 1900. LATTRA E. MERTENS. Admlnlstratrlx. A-HBEL P. FITCH. Attorney for Admlnlstratrlx. No. 82 Nassau Street, Borough of Manhattan, Ke- York Cvy. TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. Abner C. Thc-maa. a Surrogate of tha County of New York. NOTICE la hereby given fa all persons havlng claima ss.'-'t Marla M. Kleiner. late of the County of New York de<--_sed. to presert the sama wlth vouchers thereof to the subscribera at thelr plaees of transaenng ousiness, at the oflVes of AA'etmore _ Jenner, No. 34 Plne Street, cr st the -ffices cf Aahbel P. Fitch, N . B2 Naaaaa Street. In ths Boroarh of Manhattan ar.d Clty of New York. on o- before ihe lOTh day of December r.~\ DaTed New York The 24Th day of May, 1900. jOcvpHTNr* s<~HMID. EMMA SCHAA'ARTZ. __ecutrlees. i TN PURSUANCE of an order nt Hon. Abner 0 Thomas, a Burrogate of the County of New York. Notice ls hereby given to all persons havlng c:alms against Marv Louis* Ritter, late of the County of New York, de ; reased. to pres<?nt the tame wlth vouchers thereof to the I eutsi-nber, Mt hla place of transactlng bus'.ne.s. at the I offlce of James 5/-c'""regor Smit'n. No. S2 Nassau Street. I ln the Cltv of New A'ork. borough of Manhattan. on or I befora the'sixth lay of Oetor?.r next. Datea New York. the 29:h day of March. 1900. DANIBL H. BMITH. Executor JAMES MACGREQOR BMITH. Attorney for Executor, ."._ Nassau Sl, _*. _. C _o tDrjom jjt iilan Concern. ! fJNCLAIMED BALANCES- THE BOWERY ' BANK OF NEW YORK I fTATKMFNT of unclaimed .-eposl-s of the Bowery ' S ?-*-.? Y .rk. 4 189. .Abramfon Bros. $5. 11 -r 22 1804 .8. Schrr.idl. Mav 15, 1895 .V'has. Jnnea. 118.27 ? ?- r>s!g. belng duly aworn, ?ays he la the - wery Bank of New York, tha. th- : ?? e sad accuraie eiatement of all deposits made a-rltb aaid Bank, which at thls date have remained unclaimed for Ove '"" years _~_t precedln- amount Ing to Flfty (950) riollaraa or over. 10 the best of hla knowledge and belief. rlbed and aworn to before me thls 21st day of Au- 1900 CHARLES ESSIG, Cashier. WM F KAMMERER. NoUttT Public. N. Y. Co._ Proposaia. "TkEPOT Q. M. DEP'T., JeffersonYine, Ind.. 1 " geptexnber 17. wiO.?Besled propossls, tn trl] ... r-celved hers uniil 10 o'clock a. m. (i ictober 16, 1800, for furnlshlng of Qt'ARTERMA-TER'B SUPPLIES Prefei - ":,. e (-iv-ri to arT'.rles of domestl pr ducUon or miinn ?letar.a In sonedule. The rlciit is re.erved ton ? ? any or all pn posals or any lnforma-ion furnished on application. Envelop. t_ining propoaala should be mark-1 "Proposala for Q M ,1 addresjied ?'. R. BARNETT. Deputy ? " '" CEALED PROPOSAL.S, endcraed "Proposals for Pr, dsing." will be received t the Bureau of A'arfla and Doeks. Navy Departni-nT. AA'a" ur.til ] ? r 13, J90(i, and th. r and ther.' ; opsaedi for removing 3l0.iJ0o cuMc yards, tr.ore or leg... of materiai from the channel around Garden Key, Dry Tbrtu gaa K;a For plans. r; ?? nd forma of ; addresa ItORDECAl T. ENDICOTT. Chlet .,- Bureau. ftant-m-ar 17. KwiO. COOK'S TOURS. not >D THK IVOBI.D. Sexx partlea leave Ran Frsn _TACJ_Y _'>,;,SCM7^H,N?Kb'FHAT?CE. P*?l? I-** sP.rV^A.: Kt^V, iili m%^to9tMHp*jmm and PARIS leave New Tork S*pl -?. Ocl 8, 18, ril day*. flfl". p\M,rroiH^ to sAvtheru btat-BB _r_-*qp_-_t Intervala. fS6 '?? *11<?. Program now ready. VII _._pe__e* luelndeil. INDEPENDENT T1CKETS I.VEK*. W HER.. THOa COOK ? SON, SSI and 1185 Broadway. N. ?? DP THB PICTUR-SQUE "J.'2S?__Tr_ ? ?TBST I'OIVI'. m:\vhiroh A!-I POVGHKEBPSI-B. QRAND DAILY EXCTRSION (pgE* AtFRS BT PALACE IRON PAY LINE ^T^_*.E?f'-_** .. ??BW VORK" and * * a \i From Rronklvn. Eulton Bt flw Annex)._._?,'?? New Vork. Deabrosae* Bt. Fler.**;?" .. New Tor* Weat -_d Bt. Fler. . ... ??? ? -?'*** MnH^V,r'(>:rAFaNOON??WBTl i"orcclo_urc Salea. X"EW YOUK SUPREME CJOTJBT, COITNTY n.- KTRTW TORK ."harie- R. Farfltt. rialnttft. against Qa_r? SEC. a\,1 :?no. * Defend-i.ts.-In pursuan,* of -. of Foreclowre and Bale. duly made ? ' e"'*"r; ln the above-entltled action, bearins ' a,p^fe,r,'l .? .a d August, 1900. l. tha _n_er*lgned, the Refere" '" ??? judgment named. will a-.ll at ^^t^u^g?_w_y0,?__ the Tork Real Eatate Balearoom. No. 111 Rrun .,?,_' r-.d day Borough of Manhattan. City of N>w Tork on^aaraw of October 19-0, at 12 o'elock noon. ?n that dav. ?. " hon A. _-?___, AUCttO-**-. the Pfm'??? ^.X^;. aad judgment to ba aold, and thareln aaacr?*Aa* fonoani. All those two certain lota. P.?? ? ' 'h'of r. ,ni. aituate. lylng and being ln th* ''?^^Z'^Jani de city. County and State of New \ nrk. bounded and ae aerihed as follows: , . n_- ?-un Be_inntn? at a point on th* Northerly *We ?' fln!,,n"r\ dred and forty seventh Btreet. diatanl "ir?_-.- -vTh- in flfty (860) feet __ast_r.v from -hc- cpnt*r Virm'dJ"1?*.'" tersection of the Northerly aide of One hundred ??*>'?_ ty aeventh Street Wlth the Easterly ald* ofth* ????n Boulevard: runnlna thenc* Northerly *nd at W*"*" with One hundred and f__ty-**venthJhjBt **? J""?E* feet (100): thence __**t*rly and PjralW w'.Vh??_T% , VwTv and forty-eeventh Btreet. Bfty ---.o. f??: "!f^I^________S aeain at right annle-. wlth On" hundred -n.i foit.-s eventn Sneet one hundred flOM f**l to th* N'^therlV fUaot On* hundred an.l forty-aeventh Street'nce V^ esterly along the Northerly side of Ona hundred and ?p >-??* enth Btr-ot. flfty (60) f?"t to the point or place of he_ n ning. belng lota known and .-listlnginshed as and ??? Numbera Fortv one .411 and Fort. two (42. on a certain nap entitled ''Map of valuable building lota. at *-W*L*?? Ms. ln the _3r_ **C_l I rt the City of New . ork eurveved June 2nd. 1875. by Willlam B. Llvlngston. City Surveyor and flled ln the "ffl.-e ot the R-*tM?r of the CTty*n? Countv of New Tork, on October 14th. IS75. Toaether wlth one-half of Ona hundr?d ?nnd Stre. in front of snid lota to the centre of aaid Street. aubject to the easement of the public over the same as a public Street Fatrd New York. September 10th. \900 ROGBR A PRYOR. Referee. EDWIN C. WARD. Attorney for Plaintiff. 14.. Broadway, Borough of Sdanhattan, Xew Tork City, N, Y. The following is a diagram of the property to be aold a* described above. tiie street number being _47th sti eet. The app-ox!mrue amount of the lien or eharge to aattafy whlrh the above-deicrlbed property ls to he aold, la t2.07o.55. with interest thereon from the 3rd day of July. wlth costs and allowancei am untlng to 1172.38, wlth Interest from Auguat lo.h. IIkxi. toRethet with tne expenaea of the sa>. The approximate amount of taxes. aesessmenta or other liens. which are to bo al lowed to the purchaaer --nt of the purchase money, or pa:_ bv the |9 (101.91 and Interest. Dated New York. September luth. 1-00. P.OCT-.R A. PRYOR. Referee X JEW YORK SUPREME COIIJT, Pounty of New Y-Tk. Thomas L,. tVatt, plaintiff, against Kd ward W. Kllpatrlck and others. defend.-.- ts In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosur* and sale, dulv made ard entered in the above-er-.titled action. bearins date the fifth day of September. 1900, 1, 1. ihe Referee in said Judgment named, Will reil ..r public auctlon. nt the ESxch.ri.e Sale. Rooms r.ow located at No. 111 Broadway. in the Bor - oush of Manhattan City of New York. or. the second day of October, 1900, nt 12 o'elock noon. on that day. hy Herbert A Sherman. Auctloneer, the rremlses dl? rected ly said Judgment to be sold. and therein ri"Sl" 'b?'' .... .._ _ \11 that certain lot, plece or parcel of land, wlth the buiidings and lmprovements thereon, sltuate. lying and being In the Borough of Mtmhattan, of the City of New Tork ln the County an.l "ttate of Nesr Yot-k, bounded and' rie?crlbed as follows- B*ginnlng at a point on the ?id* of Grand Street. distant one hundred and Ove feet weeterly from the corner forme.1 by the ' the northerly sl-ie of Grand Street with the westerly side of Woo ter Street: runnlng thence . parallel wlth Wooster Street; and part of the . through a partv wall one hundred feel; thence parallel wlth Grand Street twenty-nve feet: thence southerly parallel with Wooster Street one hun? dred feet to Grand Btreet: thence eaaterly along Grand Street twenty-flve feet to he point or place of be fc- New Tork September 6th. 1900. EUGENE SMITH. Referee. F.ICHARDS A BROWN, Attorneys for Plaintiff, No. < Wllllan" Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York Tlie followlng ls a diagram of tbe property to be sold fi_ r!-?_Tibed above. the street number belng B0 Grand _i Grani Btreet. The approtlmate amo'int of the llen or eharge to satlafy which the above described p-operty ls to be .old, is $10,521 67. with Interest thereon from the fifth dav'of September, 1900, together wlth costs and allow ances arnountlng to $373 77. wlth Interest from Septem? ber Bth, IIhjo. together wlth the expenses of the sa'.e. The approximate amount of taxes. as = _-sments. cr other liens whih are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money, or paid by the Referee. is $S_: for water rent. and also the taxes for 1H0O. the amount of which ls r.ow unknown. The premlaea win be soil subject to a prlor mortgage now thereon made to se . ure pay ment of 554.000 and interest. and to any pro ceedings brought to foreclose said last mentl^ne-i raort Dated New York. Beptember 8th. \9"0. EUGENE SMITH. Referee. OUPREME COURT, County ..f New Vork.? "?" Clarence Cary and Henry Iyw',- Morris. Trustees under the last will and t-Btament of Pa?ey J. Morris. deceased, of Mrs Cary Maudsley, plainiiffs. againat ? _t, puo - '.n-l aale, duly m,-'ie nn.i entered in the above entitled a.-tlon. bearing . :;.. 1900, I, the underslgned. t e Beferee 'n ? named, v\ eal l-Xstare Balearoom. No. 111 Broadway, in - Manhattan, City of New V...rk. on the -rd day of October, l. at 12 o'elock n .-n ..n thal aay, bv Mev.-r A ( to be sold, and therein described ns All thal certain lot, plec. or parcel ..f land with ihe I ! ernc in the . e ,, __ie cornei 1 rm. I bj t':.- Intersectton of the I nnd' forty-.'ourth .1*4. ? k.* w-.l of on?" hundred and in> Street .eventy-flve utherly parallel wlth Seventh Avenue tour (24) feet eleven >ll> lnches, eaaterly I t of the way thi irtj wall *eventr, -flve . ? Seventh Avenue and runnlng I '''??' westerly e-de enth Avenue twenty four (24) feet eleven .ll. inchea to iiniimg. New Vork, Bept. Ilth, 1900 JOHN H ROGAN. Referee CART ? WHITRIDOE i for Plalni Wail Sl N**w' Vork CitJ ? the properts to i e sold. The - ls 2.474 Sc ' ie: 144rh Street The approximate amour.t of . h. satisf) -STROLO'.V. ' Read? a_ _0c ur, l?S v --? .-? ,. ' ' ROAR1I AMJ ROOMS. * _? HOTEL P.OL.AND. i Park avei ? ? - . HTFl*L ROOMS j, p-j I'AA .- LIGHT ROOMS aviti !-: ?. 412 PER WEEK Pl'NV :l- WITH BOARD. tl' I'EIt WEEB .Suites of two i,r. ?? -. ul'l, haUa. R_f?___saa r? ' ANNOT BF KQl'ALLEI- PO "THE MONEY MADISON A>"E 44-. ne_r r/rh-at.~ Hanc f.rnl-be" room. wlth a rtMMB; terit AA'K , 7S9, near ailm-at. -Tr_ll rooma. hand, ? n uul'.e or altigle. i_?i. flrat c__ _i. PT., _-> _? 81 EAST rnv-Mte l-K-ardlr and -parrtTien-s for amali famill.a; fir <?__? aervlre; quiet, excljetve, homehj. Ula-phone cai] _.7_? Irth-n, THE LLEV ELLYN IST. ALUANS. 7 B. 81hT-ST. Rooma _!___? or tn .une breakfaaa o tional: trar.aienta acccnimodated. Tlt-T ST.. S? TTTT-T It-slisMs rooioa wi lasa appolr.tmenta: r?.fer.-n _ ADA ERTISEMENT.. and aub. riptiona f Tbe Tnb-ne ra_eiv*d ai thelr ITutoa Offlce, No. 1 242 Broec_ay. 2d door n.jr ot 8Ut-st., unttl 9 o'cloca p. m . adva tlaanitnla received at t_e foilowing bran, oas-aa at regular oflice ratea untll 8 o'clo. p. B_. vlg.. 2M fcth-ave.. a. a. _. ?3d-?i BOARIJ A_D KOOM8. LARGE. oon.fortab'e room: 0OUV_ni_-t tl bath, bieakfaei and o'lnner; home cook lng. a-eniicnun praCarrad; i-f_r_no_a. * ast 2>th-n. 1?40 _A_T __T_UBT.. near I'ark a^e I-arga room. aacond floor. other rooms referencea. , _OTH-ST.. 26 WEST.?A eunny aulte, larg and amallar room, eecond floor; otha [t FOOtas; wiih board; referen. -s. y ITTH-8T.. 8tt AA'EST ? Deaatrable room W.tli bi.ard; highest referei.oea given an reajuired. 482 MADIBON-AVB. -Vary pleaaant fhtr floor suhe; exrra large close ta; also tourt ...n, ? referen.-ee. UILMAItD A POOL TABI.KS. BIUJAP.D AND POOL TABLES. naw an aecond hand; lowem prli-'i; eaaleat termi marx I'pos.. 24 union Bquar-. Bt_I.M_Mg (UAMES. PATBNTSI 'TS*V_NrOB_r HAND BOOK FREE. pateuta aconomlcally aecured ar, ?ro_tably aold. INA'ENTORS' < ajill'ANl fxa _t. ?-?-. _IIANBIRY HATS. '?DANBTJRY Derblea 12 "Danbury" A ,-?ln_;' *lf*r- worth $S DANBURY HA CO.. 2_ Deabroaaea at . N Y. "u^>:KJlsKi*KS'1's *"' ?aascripuoas t ,2 Jr,,"'r_ re.ened at their 1'i.tov, Offlce. Mo. 1,_42 Broadway. _d door non or _ls. _t.. untll 9 o'etock n ra advai tlaemerita received at tha rollowlng bram on-eea at regular offlce ratea untll 8 o'clo ?_? . a_., 254 Mh ave., ? e , or 23d -t .... wi. ?..? eer i?th ?. __, ?? I'AHl'ET C__ANINO. fARPKTS cleaned by Kle.iin, bj band or o Ihe floor. C_ ning Co Broadway, 421 Easl 48th st., COB i BRANDT. Tel. 132 F. ACKERMAN. Ste.-im .-n-ix-T cleaning, feutber imd mat renovatlng works. 183 West J Madla",ii. DB8KI a_ OPFICE Kl HMTIKK. A. a. A. Baal (?nmenta un,i .,i|it tir furs repalrsd, radyed snd remodelled Ini ? -les ?t e* | -.* pi |oa 1 _<iii^^ wattad nn al 'h<-ir realden. ea Mr i: J liAKKi-R, 111 Wesl 8_t_-et., Is wlth C '? QuB-n-r_ H,.ua. ?m k-RST CI-ASS cblldrea's drsaa aad tnakar; yeara wlth Thurn oro>ns re o.r lo half prl Mra. WHJ.IAMs, H7 East l-im, at lojj iv 8CHNE1DER, 3-; nth a.e. ,i_t.- or _tl Ladlaa' siiIih to ord,-r, *i! 00 fare pair: foi loi Bulta 812.0 .-io.-m. _l K_n ler ,1 I illoi ii,ar. Miiir atore 801 . ,l.", l.-. > tt. DRESS A \KOUDIO> PLEATIMi \HJ . _,__?".&__ PING SO '?'?' 2Sd 51 Eatabl?? *d ?'?' ye*n IMl'LOYMi;*.. AG_-*.C_--9. ST. i TiiiiECS EMP1-OTMENT BUREAU, .11 B*s1 .'.d st., dr*t -lass domestlcs ar _ pfsT 8ERVAXT8 -BEBT SYSTEM. -IR WIN'H I'.TII .1 E. AM' UTH ST. IM-.K KRENCES INVE8T1UATED TELE 1 11. INE 19 18TH BT MISS MORROWS F.Ml'Ul - MENT BI' REAU, _nt East RNtli st., best help, real and fernale, onstantly ?n hand. T.le i.7-h 88th. _ l-rnt lAJLB. I.,]- BAL-S 500 ___H--__ CHOICE Al. .'?ai.i'a ___BD wksui-.v 1CONN! SA1.INA. K \.N 11 KMMIi;i> ROOM* WAVIKII. a \.\tk \ small, ph.!!. al**_M?a rooi in m prtvat. bouac t., b? occupUd by .. n: occaatonally visltlng lhe . it. no board; referencas eacha__*d _ddr*i J _*. MASON. Botel Darllnaton. "Tti. -; UVnt Nf'...'. . "l i. AI.VI-.HTISKMKNTH and _uDB?rtpil(.n? f. Thi Trlhui.e received at thelr UptO* ');in?-. No 1,2-1 Mr.'.a.iwa\ _.i door nart Ot Slst sl , ,.i,tll (I .,'. i , I. p n. . advei tisementi ? et< I -. tha followlng t.ran ? r 0?__ r_le_ untll H . . |.., l' rn. vt... an sth-ave, ? e. co) 23d -i IA- rt.h av< eor 12th ?i Ma. ave and 14Ui r . 1 __ < Vlumbus-ave , ne, '?-.i _Bth st . I0B U,-i ..; ?t near Bo *'?-. U_ Eaat at.. 2_7 Weat ___ al g-RM-gHEP ROOMS TO Ljg__, | -.RAMB-RCY PARK. 2_-28 - GenGem-n o_h?? hsndaomely furnlsbed sulte. alao -r ?t r-om; P^vste bath in both; basement. iot cold water; hall room. brea'.'.fast. ref .rencea. _ ,ARGE and small furniahed i-amme. t,}"rtl . weat of AA'anamaker's: aplendid locatlon. ; 1 "apteln RIOOS. 41 t'nlverelty Place | rwo PAREOEB artjolnlng: euitable for 1 phyalclan or buslness purpose-. Inquire ? l.tMAu Lexmgton-ave. ' ( ISD-BT 217 AVEST. near Bnadway ?Prl- , \ ~vat_ houae. heated, large rooms, sultable . ? For two: also email room; gentlemen. *70 WEST 110TH-ST.?N?wly furniahed light rooma; connected or stng'e: bath. "L statlon; Columbla College. ingulre of lanitreas._^__ 12ft WEST 47TH-HT.?Nlcely furniahed. large and amall coonectlng rooma, tor rentlemen only private houae _ 105TH-ST.. WE8T. 205.? Oentleman and wife llvlng alone In small houae will let Iarge front room to deslrable tenant. a.OED Fl RWIT.'RE A HKGII..OINC; - | i ; IU'.'III-'MNG. -Ptf'ure framea. fnn.-y fur niture; gold leaf guarantecl; reasonable haraea; cstlmatee. GOf_) FURNITERE MANl'F.AiTl RKRS. 99 Slxth-ave. HORTO"?'S ICE t'REAM. HORTON- ICE CREAM ls the standard Ica i-ream ot the world. tt ls no evervbody ktiowi lt. All ordera promptly flllej. clty or country. _o__. _?>ST.?Bankbook No 83A.-6& S.-amen a Bank for Savmg-. 74 snd 78 A\~ll-st.. New-York. Payment stopped an.l . ancel.a tlon applled for. Plea?e r.-turn to bank. LO-T.?Baakbook No. _.'!0.?10 on I>ry Doek Savlngs Bank. Any person havlng clalms upon said book la called upon to present th? aame to the l.a.nk wlthin thirty days or the said book will _e declared caacell-d and extlngui-h.-d and S new on- Issued In li??? i thereof. I/>ST.-Bankhook No. 157.1-'-. Seamen's Hiink for Savinga. 74 nnd 7H AAVill st.. N-w York. Payment stopped and caneel Intion api'li'M f.,r 1'lease return to l*nk. LOST. Bankbook No. ll.'.-lrt of the New York BSvtnga Bank. PayBMBI htoppe.l. Flnder please return to bank. MAFHINERY. AT P.EDl'CED PRICES.?6O0 second-hand wood and iron working machlnes: fu'.ly ruaranteed; macMnery bought an.l a>x changed. GEO. B EI.DY. 39s Aladlson-st. PIAIVOS AND OR.-.-"**. ?TTQ_i_MK THE OLD RELIABLE PIANOS For o\.-r 4<> YEARS the standard of ex rellen-e and dur.'bility. New Styies now ready; assoi-iment ronipleti Some -lightly used "Stecks" nt attractive prlces, NO. ti EA8T I aTH-ST._ STOR ._!-* AOTKI'.S. OFF ICE of Daub'a Flrst Avenue srorage W-rehouse, S 7.'. Flrst ave . New A'ork. Sept. 2ft, 1900.- Th? foilowing nam> .one ?.? ).<-.?; nolltied, as law directs. tnat the amount due on st,.red in th-ir s>e\eral namai must be paid on or b-fnre Sent. 2S. 1900. at thia offlce. or sail ? a . at public au.-tion to pay char_ea and of such sale; Rin man. Ica Deflancer. Flnn, Fred Murat. Burlow, R. Orr. McWay, M ij i urr. AValter. Green Morgan. TVPEH K1TERS. TYPE"* RITERS tnewh ?40, Remodelled Reminir-ons. Rralths, $"">: reptaLs reduced; pro-npt repairlng. CONSOLIDATED TYPE WR1TER -XCHANOK 241 Broadway. HELP WA14T-?? r'emalt. AT ONCE ?<~oo_5. waitressea, laucdreyses, Engllsh nurse*, French ladlea" n.alda. German. S*wedt?h help for all capac'tiea. ,-hefs. kitchenmaide Mrs C. KER NAGHAN, Emiployment Bureau. 862 6th avc._ LADY CA-HXKR AVANTED in a large re? tail store; must he sxperlsaced and fur? nish satisractory city refeienc*. Apply ln .'ing. mentlonlng uamea of ref? erencea and aaiary reqmred. hours for duty in. until 6 p. m . Saturday even Ings until S p. m. Address PERMANKNT. Trlbune Offlce. TELEPHONE 2,_9_ 18th-at. Mrs E. M. BACON. The moat reliable empl-yment bureau ir. New-York. firat class cooks, wait reeses. chambeimataa, mai-s. governesses, butlera, c, achmen, all referencea laveatl gated. HELP WAAiTEU. ATTENTION. Men. $fi 50 Takes you to Europe, any port, also free passage and eteadv position procured ATI.ANTI' BHIPPTNG OFFI'-E. 2<>9 -d-at.. Nsw-Tork, AGENTS and phvslclans wanted. each city, renresent Morrell Liquor. Morphtne Treatment. wrlte for circular aad testl monlals MORRETX LIQUOR TREAT MENT CO.. 96 Broadway, Room ^>_ MEN WANTISD.?Cheaa trlp to any Eu roj-ear. porr?Ixindon. Llverpool. Him burg. Bremen. Paris; also free passage and steady position procured. >hippir? Of ftc-s, 0 Ctlatea-st and 73 Wsst-st_ WANTED.?A thoroughly reliabl* married couple to take care of a counBry house, during the winter; man to aT'end furoaces. horse etc, wife ro keep house .-lean and in good order; Brsi class referencea requlred. J., Box ,rr 1.242 Broadwa-_ $2_ TO $l*> DAILY easlly ma-ie r-y our Llve \ge'it? men or women. aelllng oau lar-sr nwelty, ' Campalgn Waterproot Ne..-?iies. ely n?w and pateated, Asenta -i!->s unll-nlted. AA hat ? tners do you ->n -i Tlme la sbort. Wrlte t da'y and secure exclnslve terrltory. l ,.: ar.'eed best ress, with stanip, _ MANFG '?. ["-r1 C. Spring flel f. Mass. _ WORK. WAATEO. Frmaie \ LtADIES halr irlmmfd. singed and ,,t the-.r own ra?sla*?>ii f CLARKE, 118 Beri ? ii_ , -. ijap \\ii i\ By l ' ' ' ,,1"n* - panton. would he in home whi treated -is one of family. excellent ^1111 nee t,. large compe'i inquestlonabte ref. Address C, 708 Columbua-ave. COMPANION. Amlable young wldow as ,,r tul ?? care of n otherlesa help manase home; .1 ti 11st ? -? here. Urr \ . ..". !% 14th st COAIPANION t<. a cheery, belpful yoaag . j. .-I reader nn,l - rre?pon ?PKINS. P. ( ' 388 , ,- 1' ERNES . rrnaa-s, . mversation. grammar, llterature. '11-. languages. piano, di iwlng, - inta 207 West 80th <i. R N ESS 1' 1 ? Ived, sa governess .',1 Rb 1 n HOFSES CX.EANEP froin top to b.,-r,-,m, carpei heatinar ecrubbtng of palat, white wnshing. MOORE 2U0 East ?0?h st. JANlTRESB. Respectable woman ati.l two adulta, f,,r fi-e rent; n. basement; r_ perlenced. best 1 'ferei ? Mi - M GREEN, 2-".7 Wesl 18th st. STENOGRAPHEII Well known clty hrm wiahe tent atenographer now In thelr employ, bul aervlcea uiu?-1 1 dlapenaed wiih. ll ilble posltloi equally unexceptlonable V.ldreaa ME TAt'X, Bos Sl, Trlbune 11 KTENOt'RAPHER and TYPEAVRITER. Brigbl young glrl aa atenographer an.l typew r ter 1: H , .'.fj " STENi GRAPHEH ..1 i rYl'l , R1TER Somi axpei I. ..,-.airea ti -r lo 1 Ad dreaa MAKGARE1 HAGERTY, 1M.I Alhnna ,^t . Nea Brunswlck, \V .1 N.. u-^- ea STENtaGRAPHBB One year*a experlence llarj v.a 1 ?: : I lloih-st TT I 'I '.WlilTIXi;. Y ung ... ,|,. tVp7 :?_ .11 ln 111 culara addresainj -? .?: . 47. 1,242 Broadwa Y. ?T'\,; \vi >: . \ , ? nblllta patlon ror the iftei.1 hou any utha r emploj . I.::. i'i ? 08th st. W4IHK WA.ATI.Ij. ~^4_TaT ARTIST roana man -. sad lak on aome weeklj ... niaKii7:n.? papsr Addreaa D_61GNEI( 72 Collece ave.. Springfleld, M -B8I8TANT BOOKKEBPDR -Wlth ohau, of advanceroent; aged 21 1, AA'INKUS* Nllea ,ive . Weal Net ' rk, \ j. BOOKKEEPER, ihorougb, wiU ; faon axperlet . ln sl! the detalli .,f , tr? ?..ik. qulck. a.-.-urute ard ha* teatlcnonlal ..-4 to character and ut.iiin |- n.\ iv (buna (ifti.-e BOOKKEEPER.- rouns man .,. auu.ietnli ln,,ikkee(.er (JIASfKiHp un, \\,.* I Int Bt 4 ERTISEMENTS and auba-rtptlona U Trlbuai received ,t theli ' iittl-e. No. 1.242 Broadway, .,1 d._->r non uf :tlai-?t uiiiii !? o'clock p tn.. adv-i ? 1 at ti.^ foilowing branc IBce ratea untll S ..', 1. ? l> n v ls _V! MI l-'ad st 1.2 Oih_\e.. tor. 12th at.. Mac-> a WORK -WANTED. ICOKK-TErER ? Mlddle aged. i\tf>TOU*Vl7 competent and reliable. firat class p?n n?n. tfrslres a chan-e forn present poac lon; credentlals good. Addresa M. ?n* IS, Trlbun* Otflce.___ .OOKKBEPER. 4c-By unetnployed b<_,k-T keeper and general offlce man; four y??r? x.-ellen. experlen-e ln po*ltl?ns of ?**?_?? .old chartered accuntant's t n I ermao-ar.* ?rtlflcate; also hlghes. Delta r"Ttl^2~m,l.l\\ ?haracer and rellablllty. slngle. 30 arm ducated; I'roteat.-int. have never usedn* oxlcanta or tobacco; moderat* aamry. iIATHESON. 1-S West 2<"h .st._ liHiKKEEPEfl?l.__T<er.en?"erI double 'tl trv b..oKkreper; Al referer.c. spei - * -erinan and Engllsh. salary $!? r___lt_ _> AU>|on-ave.. Paterson. N. I. '.OOKKEEPER, CASHIER. nll around of Boa man. 26. ai- years' raartence; tbor xighiv accurate; college graduate; AI rer ?reiyee; salary .10 to $l.v MET. 251 Wa-! IMtll ?T._ JfiOKKKBPER, 23; competent. th-.rou-h. , wlth stx years' e-P-rtence anl Al t-r-fj-r >ncea; speaks Germati, *)??? t ''MARI.ER NIEBLING. 2M Omtral I Brooklyn. N. T._ ' HOY 14. aa offlce boy. Addresa Gt'S. WElHir,, f? Kos.-lusku Place, Hi.H.klyn. BOT 17'. Bl BUv_r*mlthlna; b*a two , raant aaserteaee. JOHJ" SCCHAXEK, '.."... ._.?( 73d st._ ' BOT, 1?>. at anything. W. WACTK Kast 71at-BT^_I BOT, 17. atronK. srfh? t-1 learn ele. trlclan's trade. W. M-BfTZSCHlNO, IM 19th nt., Bro?Uyn. BOT coiored. IS, at anything. wltli chance or advanc-ment; e_p*rt*ac*d ln shlpplng -...irn of prlnting be?a*; g<v>d r_-?r*_c*. PHINNTB, 40 Chapel st I'.r.K.klyn. i'IIKF.?Hy Oerman. flrst-class. tn down town restaurant. VELDESZ, 200 B_sl I'HKr".-Oerman. flrst class, in downt ?rn restaurant. VELJDENZ, 200 E_st BBd st. _KI BAKJCR, g.I second hand. wanta steady positlon. *__._ PH HT. care if Gottlleb Fuchslocher, Mh st.. near COl__ECTOR >iR CA3HIER Be*1 of r*feir ences; security lf r*_U_r*d M. B_, IW Sumnslt-et., Brooklyn. COIiORED MAN. wll artlst. Bt.T_I_OCK, Bl W?I -'t-'-h sr COLORBD BOT aa docl r*i >f_Wr* __ r,r '" dr+v* fcr doctor Addresa JAMES MA I-ONB staplet..n. Staten Iaiand. r,I_OTH EXAMINBR, al preaeal employed, : make a r-hansre wlth some r-al. ctothtng house; '_?> years' experience chap.I.KS F FlXK, 241 rroutman st., Brooklyn. "HRISTIAN young man ot good ? -*? ma-iager ..f a business ->r assistant. -_A RK. 2.-_i Srh ave. CAKB H.AKER. ronfectioner ?: n as second hand. Address **F1I__A3J PP'HT. 417 Sth-st., near lst ave COMPANION to an Inralld gentleman or as "iror tr. B back ward child. by a man ol educarion. who can furn erwnce aa to character. Addresa S. S. B . B Henrpstead. Ixing Islat? CARPENTER.?By voung married man. also haadjr around machlnery; *w willtng to take charee of Hats as or work around fBCtory. JOHN J. FO? 226 Herktmer at . Brooklyn. OARPENTBR on gentleman's amat*. .-r ns caretaker; best of references FRED HAMMER. 597 l__th-*t. COLORED MAN*. 22 yeara: unmarried. good reference. EDWARD TT'PNKR. B_ West 44th st.. Pay-nne. N t COI.L.EG-- nr SCHOOLS. -Carpef-r an.l cablnetmaker dealrea an ene-_ ??? t positlon wh?re his aMIIty might prov* an advantage. REEIARI.F. Tribune Ofl CHIROPODIST.?Experi. i I - _ -?r-d, aa an assistant or to ta?e harg* -f n of Ice pr. U WFTMf-R. 211 Bleecl Brooklyn COMPOfllTOH ar. : FF.I'PF.R lc_Un_* >, 21. active ar.d ambitlous. m .ke up and ma_e ready; lhe weekly preferred; sl2. D. C, WILKINSON. )r., Newbur.. N. V COI_I__*CTOR of rents wanta more housee; would take full eharge; best referen-e Call or address __. MaPX. 2.063 2d-ave. COMPOSITOR.?Married; steady. fast. clean; good book or news. ln country' Addre.-s A. A., r>- 19. Trtbun* Offlce. EI_ECTRICTA> -T?n year*' -,. all cla-ses of armature wind Ing; six years- references. HIGGINSON, S4? Weat 24rh-st. EN..INEESR. fir:n?. repairs. steam and gas fi'tir.g: has toola; good references; wishes to change from night to day work. Bl'RKE. 4f> ? : iwn ai . Pr vkiyn EDCCATEU MAN. German. wrth knowledge hat? and reataurant business. speak:ng Spanish. Enellsh. bookkeeptng, seeks posi- j tion at anvthing. SCHOl-.. 7i> Wa_I MtB-st BLECTRICIAS ar.d _??tructlonlat would p. "pt position building telephone p'.ant,. IS years' experience el*Ctrtc_1 work; grad uate -cranton S.-h.-.ol T-'.rhon" Addresa ?RIC1AN. 114 North 'Vi'te-st.. : 'er.n. FFRNACE MAN. wirh best eliy references, wanta some more furnaces to attend. Ad- | Ires* 4 Fast 27th-st.. private m FIREMAN, EI-EVAT?">R RlTgN-ER Bober steady: long -auailence oa statlonary and ! martnc boiie-s: ei" ? steam s. r-ferer-ces KFLEAS. 217 East 37th st -I FIREMAN ftoiler); e'._ht yeara' experience. Address D. I'OHEP.TY. .-are .1 Mrs. i Glenn. 11? *A-est 2?>th-st GROr'ERT CLFRK ?Experienced. c-pabl-. of rnanaeing. un_uesttonable r?r*?r. -f? wishes g< od ' Idreas E M . Bo* _& Merrlck. N. V JANITOR or CARETAKER ? Apartmeat rlrst clasa flat*, in-tttutioa. busi gs; Bwedish Amerlran indus Intelllgent, competent, experienced: - personal references; abaolutely tem TRISTWORTHT, 8_. Ful-an-.t., Brooklyn JANITOR. -By man and wife; underatanda heat. electrlclty and general re palrs, reference; spea-s German an.l Eng liafa H D1ETRICH, 717 JANITOR or AGENT.?Will rhargs ne or di.t? houses v N i and experienced rent eollector- reliable and repalr*; b*al re enc_i as lo honesl Call or ad dreaa S. TROMPSTER. 2.0?9 . . ? rANITOR-? By stnct'.y ternperata and relia ?uple. best personal reference, Iren. can d repalr* \ GR \.\T. ?>>1 Fast 1 ? LITHO HKI.PKK.?Have had flve years' ex pericn-'e: can gp' '? tferenc*. CHAR-ES 9 HOENDORF 202 Grove-st., ?vn I,\>\ .:,F.RK or 9 years experience, w*_ up In a rk i t .nI pen - ? ! nn e\p?.rt typewriter ln ?' .ddress P E ;\N. _B_ IS ave MATTRESSES P.P..MAHF. _i , ustomers' resldsnces in thife l..><;r> a special'y; :.ew n.-kinKs anl halr supplled; - own patented o*. llatlnVi batr cardlng tna chlnea and coliapsible b*i hea THK MAU BORGNH METHOD, s?'. !?.h ave Country crders sollcited. T*l*ph( D B67 Clumbua. MATTRESSES rrmtde at ctisvomer's resl denc* or ln ^h..?. ne? ticks and halr fur - -..d al COSt; fe.ither, BteaBaed an.! curled; n aitresses made to rder; special pr; h us*a ll BUSSM an - . 1 Hl! len. MI- -SI-W. ;f : m?n of ko.n! ?.lu ? tsj ' .4 \ . .; Slst v.' .NAGEH f. ip ?? Imi nt h...ise ik e; excelleni enres. WERNKR, IU East 52d st MAN, ;-? years, marrted, seeks _ork at vvit -, t.-..|- ivl.ANK, . M \ \ ?lahe i wnrk ln ? oon "i kltchen M \N. .'t:>. han !< run t ihlns II. BAI'MAN ll? lyn. M ii ?! il.i: \, ;>;i. .;.., man \n ? rican I n m store ??? ei pei ien ? in i. ir.lwai ? ,-.-f.-r.-r.. es I:.. .>_ ,|v n PROOFREAIiER. Job. i.k or Rl \i>. i:. -.iu Broad st.. Se* 1'RESHMAN, Gordon ..r L'niversal ? ? i ?uiiu fing .i \A> i:-, \ ? j 316 i , | .'.\. ?;. , fun.. ;.?<,.,, i,, ,. | m v,vi,i., 7?- cilnton av,. ) ..): : i ... . ?? ? ? ! 714 ftll e ! poKTEit. Experienced :ti steadi l!_ ... w.,rk U n i.i ,\ i RAPBKR im u. ' ? ''' 'K 11 It. 11)ari ? - ? lubhouse or u vil.. ?_?'_?.; Ba ' I PAINTER. DKCORATOR __~_T__ l-At'EI. HANGEK Worh toi laa__>n_ a-iaia , . an.l private part laa; r**a_n*bi*. ii: w\ ? T. 2.M9 lat ave . puint store. SWK.1MSH ...upte. wife flrst rlaa* cook npateni; plaln r fancv , man ui.lerstands steam heai and - i?l . r*f_r*n ea | i .V'_i Bt "IN". CUCRK Ib -__*__-.'___?-_-- ?x?,<,rl*ni'*? H MARTIN -_w r_a?t _lon-p( laa. ITENOORAPHBR oaf ?**"*?? Rapld. accurate and -xperi _S_^_l*WSMSI S i tutherford, N J__ -EACH EK - A V?{*?*<: will oreiare eeveral atud-n," _ri?__s_ -_???**7* jy^AV.g-'ay**-*'' *PlK)_-ri_R_NO and ?.* it. brsnch-e at real -f.l.PEN. lf..'. AVeat 2*>'h-sT._ VAT.'I.MAV _"? "m^';. er anj .,, . K ' VATCHMAN, _C- Exterlen.ert rerencea fron, rraab W8 ?'-?-' *?>"?? ?'?_ M.I'I.H like t" "'? ,|?n ln s-me erred, i ,dvancement; am a tlr-t '. .1 l.'.i7" ___< :? _ ,-.,im; ma*. :?_ ' ? . A| , \. 21 eatn i-e hlmself ' IAMES* M ? Al .'HEY. 188 Kast lOlth-St. _ rOUNG MAN. wltn > little ^xperi?-:i ,r outside emptoyroei rOITNG M.\N. iu. ea WOUld llk" prealtion ai anxtBlng wtt ent; can '. rellent r-fa renca < "TOFNG MAN waiter. ref. loor. fr-.ti" p lt Ni ; M \N -' tdvancement; ? K. \ !IKi S .1. ______ TOITH. 17 wlth - ' leal drawing. wil ?h.ini. al engtni ARTHL'R _>AV_S, - ? -h--t._ _Ol*NG MAN -- l rtEITZAMEB : ? - .ls West 17 YOUNG MAN. 18, had two yi - Id a-. e. Y.iI'.N".; MAN 19. in offi<-e ta advan. e. qul, _ tnd a - - 4<ith ar._ YOl'Ntl MAN '.'--? h.,ur ave. rOI'X'1 MANV 2.".. B-M II' _?__?. IC _ir? ATIU.AS .- AAII.H _?lc ATTEN1 AN'T B* an experles - I . '? ' - - BI'TLER. ; - K ITA, 164 Sai da ?t . Br.-" - BI'TLER. _*. -Speaks E | wants posi valet. -n-- austrtaa Society, 14 G wich-st EL'TLER ? I: lf-.-BCe. AA'ILLIAM H. JOPFER. 115 West 27th-st. COOK.?Bv colored in prrrate family 41& AA e ne -f R ' "? -_ COOK -Japanese aa good cook tn j family. ctty refe-ences H. H... 112 CHARGE Of ger.tleman's place; country : stock farm. 2" years' experlence; make gilt edg* butter; use separator; unqu abl? referen?-. no -hi!d-en Ad^r-ss PERON, 300 West 3_*h-st. COACHMAN and oughly understands horses, oarria^es, harneas. flowers. lawns. roads. furnace. all around man; personal r-'er?r MANV Box ?.. Trtbuika .".fflce COACHMAN.?By a young - stands the ,??-? -?:' _M _u.sa_ and car? rlage? ; ?ober, hoaest and w - *e J. L. Boa -?*? TYTnune OAue ffiACHMAX ?By clty ot country; ai - .1 M.. 11. TVeg, "7-h-st._ | Oai 'HMAN' ?Gen ?___ ? I whom ;-.e ran hlghly recommend. h_ E. G. STEDMAX. 13 W r 7 N.ssa COACHMAN MedhUB ?:ze competeat; city driver years' ex--el'ier. ? last emplorera can i*OACHMAN, 114 AVe.r 60th-sl COACHMAN.?Colored. with pstarata fam? ily; is y-srs' eap*tl?a_a best ij r_f**r ence. seven years lt '., ani wilhr.e to do ar.' Call t" r W VLTER 317 Wesi i*. VA.I HMAN. ? Thoroughly ui. areful driver; care lawn. furnace; ? ful; Btrlctly temperate . I COACHMAN. GARl'ENFR > MAN.?Uadsrstaads car- of rl-ic->^ lawn, furnace. chicker.?, o.m milk; low w \. FAITHFYL, Box 12. Tn - . deraa-ands his bualness J i'l'NSBITH. .. COACHMAN or STABLEMAN - ''? T.;".reia'e man. arv h;.;\- and sobrlef- w J. BURNS, 7H5 7i CO.V "HMA N P\ .-renca ,-, vering a ;- . I years - - -4 v : ln ?s '? tHN .U Hlll. Coaa. ilMAN" - Elderly S in respertable fa an.; wtllin ; ferre.i HAIAN Styllah elti ?oome sts COACHMAN, -Lady gartB* io wtaV nine y. hlghly re,-,.. .OA.'HM.VN Ba. .omp-ent ni_t. ref.-i . . I \.. HMAN.- Stylwh ss !? RAEI ' 4 4 Weat GARDENEB ,nd l'i. ? ?.. ? t.ARDENER \, ,",-., ,~ . .an man< under . farm A ' ? i ,? -.?-______ ENER atngle; i..?, - - ' -' ' * OARPEN al - ? 'I'N- K i... ' ?"?- BEI.IMH * funiah go,_ reference J Al ^ n,,.., wick _ve. Brooh " Bv"'1 DOMESTIC aiTCATIO-as W..TT___t iaa w? _ ? ' - .area* B.. _o_ ' ? ? - __Ma._____.-rM -11. A I t O *4 - NV % NT K D ?"rm.-lr ' - - - ? - ? * ' - - Mrs HALJ - - i - laaa .____ly - . _ at an ia -s A. C, _ra _ COOK.?Young woman aa flrst cla__ soct years I W West ____-?.. COOK ?Respec__ble woman as cr?l - -__? r**__a_bla wa_.s. good Bt '.__-* . rlng Ryan'a bell. CO<">K. washer a__d Irorter by W*___ Prrst prtv___ f___.. - IBERM ATTV?To_*_ . ____BJE or as ____ 2ft3 Fist M-k-at C*HAMBER__AI_>.?As - - . -._ _ba__Bs . __S, 314 _ CHAMBERMAID and - preferre-1. re:are___s. - CHAMBE___AID.?__?! aa _______ ! CH A' -1 ing - -c-ti_rt __ r V ... ..._.__ ?3r - - W< -F.K.- -. _-rt DAT*S WORK. ' :?___-> -_ _. VFRT __Bt*?-( ' _IL> ? Kren __ .-.__?a. - r-- ' - B_ '? ' l _dy. - ? ? ___?? - - ' " * -**_?_ :__? bb-bHj ____ -??_? . \ w*__* ___-*?*?