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NEW CRISIS OVER CHINA laatlngrd _ro_n flrat pa__re. character cf th. -.8 addressed to thia _k> The recent German note wlii te aatwered by a note, and the mernorandum B ar.swered by a tbe French vt-rbal inquiry . ? ?- rea| nse. ______ communicatlonB the *"' | e ary posi far as the Ger -nment rr.ak.- the sur prece ? - lrawal lt .s aa . y the same ? -mor - I I until after - __. S lon will ?' r ? War, ar.. >-.- ra N a \ y to him _ EE Y> rxoNa EE _AT___Y. _ ?With the Powers waver open. er efl ra the g of ihe ne .-. from -. -krng States - I be disacvantages -g-.r.g tr.e prtatnt un ther com -y the - ba a^r-al of the ; s that C?Jna '.s at times arr i obum a ' B eta rescued ar.d ed with negotia? tions, a -ady and anxioua to -_ trot that a_: tbe various - - which have - appeaJa for openlr.g negotta T_? M tplea the envl -.-._- tha lead ln . ^r._.r._r _e.ay. It is he says. this coun - - . __U wha:?v-r tbe ___-_-__* - -d and ve a real aolut__?I of the i.t r.__:r. tha Hla?star :s uatag - ? meat take the na, ar. i thus the other Powers will at hia rep - -s here :r. preaa r.g the lineB Wxt has not received the edlct re Sb_-_*h__ appolatl-lg *.he Viceroys . | ing _? rart of the st the seroya to-day he :.&_ that tbe] - rv. a tbe Hc says. however, Tr.a*. :t -?? - them to leave tbetr Dresent e* -p. aa :i-_ V-ceroyaltiea are . <t____e to pennH th?Ir de . e ccr_Bulted by telegraph B ___ be secured ln all aet - s'.gr.atvirea g:ven to the ___ ; i ia ls at a loaa to aeco-ur.t for the port that the C_._-.eae Mir.-Ster ln _____ - Yur.g Lu had been ap Ll H_r._. Chang and Prince Ching Mr W_ saja there car. be l-.e matter, as be haa received r.T:r.g Yur.g Lu. ALLS ON LJ HUNG CHANG. ?Wa. - r t. SOl?___?___] C.owr.inshleld. - the Bureau and AcTlng See - Navy has re^e'.ved the followlng _ - _____ Adrr.'ra. ftemey: Taku, September 19. :.i Hung Chang oficially. - - - vessel. He -..^.g He desir^s that kexatlo_ _. _ .__. \_-jjited State" Gov REMEY. - L: R-XBg - --_ -rOvataaaaat in any ha* ? :r_g been extended bt to U ir. his --apaci r aa Vlceroy of __-Ch_-_J Province. PREPARING FOR WINTER. "-: PROPOSED?rOX I_ IN PEKING 1MPF.OYING. - mi Ml?Tbe War Department - - . -a1-"* dispatdh from _fl*e_ Taku (no _a:<". I -rowd _ Btoq of 7 .- Bg. Yang-Teun. Tien _? one bat T_e_-Ta_-i low, ? . - ra bc they aaaume some u Peking during "?r - hat is to be - - ? - .ps of - - gi_r ier.ers the ?-? - ? erxpel - *.ne oooa Peklng Head - 14th. CBAPFEl - ? th? r,. they have asked r__U_v_ to the U he Is still .rations for wlnrering raatfl_W It does not te Cblna d_rt__t - :s preparing for B AT PEKING. to ' ? IX. and that S.r __ . at Tokio, ;? ... a* Peking. aays the ar -. account ot flrtaaf to - Laa_aa T__n_s'a" aerraBpoader- polittfng to Brlt - East. as they had hoped that a Peklr.g.' baa be?n Brltidh S43. and - ,f _rtB ab UKl, _n_ waa aorriii_d to tba bar in _b*7. He eatat-d the Jajwu. conaular a*rvlc* aa Btudent in ?a_ Japanea- Seeretary to tl?e i?M_>> _- General ___^_Fl-?_: ,n 1?*V-Mmi"t?r Reeldent ln lfiM.Mtn F.r*_ _,.,d"*nt at "ontevldeo ln 1688 and Envov &*1,1"!,"1?. MinUrter Plenlpotenf.arv ln ?Iorocco lr. 1V3. He waa transferre. rn_;Vn w.hLch y'**-r h* mart- a Kr.ig*?? TX*T ?J St' M1---a- reorge. Ha ness fa **'Vf'ra- works on Japar. and the Jap_ SHARP FFGHTIXG IX CHIXA. ALLIES STORM TWO FORT8 BUT ST'FFER HEAVY LOS3ES-MARKED MILI TAP.Y ACTIVTTY. Taku. S-pr 90.?The a!!ies attaoked the V?\ Tang forta at daybreak. Heavy cannonadteg is on. 20?The "Lokal Anzeig-r's" Shanghai corresponder.t cablea that the ? . to-day captured the Pei-Tang ar.d Lu-Tai f rta Peking. Sept. 13, via T. 19.?Actlve ttary operatlons are about t wlth a \ md food auppUea, i opening the northern psssea and restoring trad-. ral Chaff-e and General Barstow. | ln command of the Brll d a con rroe to-day. and deeided to dispatch an An ; glo-American column, \..".<-? atrong. to San-Hal Tlen, under G-neral James H. Wilson. tn oapt ure the arsenal there and disperae the i The columr., which wil! ieave to-morrow, will include two battal - - the 9th United States Ir.fantry. a detachmeni the 14th I'nited State At the confer-tnce lt was declde'. to ask the Germai __ westward I perae tba Boxers and rmal con? ditions. The Japanese and French are operating to the f P-k;ng. The sale of loot belonglng to the Americana baa begnn General at first proposed to i burn lt, ? t__elded that it would be ' ' ' 'eed the hnngry Ct Londor., Sept. 20.?The Secretary j_ State for | India has received the . dispatch _ ' -ra! Dorward, in command of the Brltish troops at Tien-Tsin. dated Wednesday, Septem 12: Oecupi-d the headquarter. ' - ?- Boxers at T-:-L-iu. twenty-flve milea ttom Tien-Tsm. Sep | temb-r 10. The enemy Oed to Sheng-Fang. Tel-Liu was I but the iarge nelgbbor iag etty ot f__lng-H?1 waa ipared, sn I that Mr. Groea, a misslonary, and two ladi-s and two e_lldr_n, who were known to be hlding at Hs'-Xan-K-ten, * nld be brought in safety to Tten-TMn. The Mandarin aceepted the con? ditions. Sheng-Fang, thirty milea distant, is the laat of the Boxers' atrongholds near Tien-Tsin. Dr MoR-BOtt, telegraphing to "The Times" under date of September 17. ronfirms the report that M. de Giers haa oed his departure, and ______ ann of Americans started that day to reacue Chrlstiar.s at Shun-I-Hsien. twenty-flve miles northeast of Peking. He reports aiso that the Britlsh Kong regiment has left the capital. and that the Japanese have occupied Huanp-Tsun. the rail? way statior. n-xt to F-ng-Ta:. where the Imnwdlatrlj begir the rec ? on wfth the Br It was explained to-day at the Britlsh Foreign Ofltee that "it waa found inexpedlent for the Powers to aceept the Russiar al pro posai." as they trual r\ rmation that "the Boxers were re_ | cupy Peking as soon as the allies r-tlred." THE OCCrPATION OF P____I_*_. TEN THOFSAND OF TKE ALLIES MAY AVIN TER IN THE CITT. Peking. Sept. 14. via Shanghai. Sept. 19-? General Chaffee expresses a ;,referer.c- in favor of tents for th- wlataar smp. rather than un sanllaiy buildl?ga. Th- indications ar- that ten thousand allies wi'.l winter at Peking Th- Gtennan fw w*i:i be the largest. Bome of tbe troopa will probably be __t*-fb_t-_ ln -ba rurr citles, to reHe-re the atratc The Japai wt_Ktraw the most of thelr force to Nagasaki. The P.uaalans will r-tain at least two thousand here. A Joint exped'.ticn to has been plazt-ed by the Britlsh. avi French forcea. The Err.prese Dowager has -xpressed her ogness t- rettxrn to Peking if guarani I? f__ gen-rals ln command anl M of the Powers ar- UBW___g to as BUtne such a r A nnnabaer of small Ur/.s Of Boxers have been raported in the neighborhood rec MFRDERS OF MISSIOXARIES. REPORT? FBO-f GENERAL CHAFFEE AXD CONSULS GOODNOW AND FOVTLXB. Washington. S-pt. 20? Th- 'War Department has reeet-red ths fol srlng dtspatchi Taku mo da*e Adjutax.t-General. Washington: Peking, Bept, 17.?F ar No. Two -r and twenry-aix i ruan, July 9. Ciapp ar fcur r." ______ Ju'.' 31 Al wife two c" ad by their near Pen- -?"?? a- ?-< in Bhan-81 Prorin e. S"~"c "'tB el" oi-ren ani srlfe, _-nt!-man and lady. as havlng es ?nto the mounta:ns from mission thirty mi -s t the n ' ikuan. Th?y escaped on hors-back. and possibly may have evaded their p'jr_u-rs. CHAFFEE. The State Department nas - the fol (owing ea ttotn the Consul-General at .-ha! and the Ctman] at <_he-Foo: 100 J "to date Rev. _r. iren; Dr. ar.: Mrs. . ve-Fu; iau; Missea .-? -ng, I'--.'. ar.d Mrs. - ???? idge. at Taku; Re bra. At and Mrs Pr at Fer.-''h. w-F vow -Tary of State, Wsshingl " ? ers Pao-Trng-Fn. < thera ? - m. [mpossil e a_ tbouts. Impenal edlct orderlm AJJ property Intact Mission. An.encan B ijrovernor arrived. rioters diai QciaJ From other aourcea to-day lear* issued or termteate Box-rt- F' >*- LER --? . ? '? ? ? SECRETARY LOXGT8 DACGHTERS TO VOTE. THET A.VD ?? M'-THj-R-IN T.aV.' gL'ALIFT TO CAST A BALI_?T IN COLORa:. Colorado Sprlngs. Col.. SepT . :'over, the mother-in-law. and two daugh l(.r? ,f Se-cretary Long. <?? th- N_v> imihar stoethm. They are legall;. Ao so under Cuinaadn laws --glaiered to-day. anewerlng al! pn - -uestlons satisfactor ?-_?. tbe vote "right." The Colorado residen-*- of th- Longs began -b-r 14 laat, when Ml.-s Helen Long eams here for her health. She had ber-n actlve ln re ca-ptions at Washington. and had beeom- ner was soon j..ined hy Mrs - a young-r sit-Ter. The three leased a n thev ba Thelr right to vote _ inable ig to uphold the Adminlatratlon. - retary Lnng's famiiy are gUd to be able to asslat tn the redemption .,f C'oi'-rado. Vot 3 "IF MKIN..EY IS DEFEATED BRYAN WILL GIVE L'S OUR INDEPENDENCB." ?Emilio Aguinaldo. MI88ING THE POIXT. THE DIFF-.~T-_.TY OF GETTING A CLEAR NO >N INTO AN UNCUSAB t'N DER3TANDING. r ln the world to make any ciear that lt will be understnod. It ia not rrrak? It fo rlear that it ought to be under s-ood, but the mtsfort?aa is that understandir.g de rends r.ot only on the clarity of the subject. but of the receptive condltlon of the rr.ind addressed. To the man who commar.ds men. to the Iawyer. the doctor. the preacher, the writer for the papers, romea the desire to seize -nmebody hy the thrcat and to say to him: "I have spoken' Now, - - - - you, I want you to under atand what I have sal. )_at 'he way I have sald It, and r.ot come around by ar.d by and pretend that you thought I meant something else"* Yes. even the preacher must feel That way some ttmea A paragraph was publlshed in The Tribune the other day commentlng on the use of the German word "stein" for a beer mug. and on the curlous fact that this use. though universa! ln America, La, iwn Ir. The paragraph __*?_ ?-<? m - * "But the qneetloo la. By what BOfl t etymologlc hocus-pccus did this German name get attached to thla '.erman thirrg lr. Amer? ica .."*.-. ir r.ev-r was used ar.d would r.ot even - - I Ir. f.ermar.y *"? Does not that sound -Vearl Is not the point ob vlous? But this paragraph was copied ln a Baltl? more pa;er. ar.d r.ow a Baltlmore man. whose of understandlng Is equalled only h> his obligingr.ess of dlsposi' t ""-? The - of tr.e der'.vation of this use of the word He aays: As you say. the "steln" is a krug. Kru_s are made .' Ufferent material?stone. wood. I Thus. th? ' would cai! it a Bt< rug. -:-_--? I th. B afchpa-dat .. _ _ - al lair?r beer ls ? ThnB, the sTein krug degenerates to your ? nwrn as lf this man ougtrt to have know- lt m tbe _____?__ aa quote-i. that the polr.t to wh '? caiied wa_ n the word "Bteta" had <-rme use. but that lt had come Into use ln America oniy. while :t re malned hi this sense ln Germany? Of Beana Bteh -rug." just as a tln c** rr.eans a tln can ' beef, _r:?t as a glass of eans a glaaa goblet II - er, and Just pp a btockb?ad mea-is a persor. having a head so _-_--s's a head carvM from _ of wood' There are persor.s who make one ~"ed wlth a :reer RETIREMENT OF JUSTIN V'rARTHT. FATT.ING H__- r-M TO B-TS _T PUBLIC UFB. __?*. ao.-Justlr. McCarthy th- - - i=> heen Member of Parlia - North L-r.gford since 1892 and who was rtTSTIN M'CAP.THT. M P formerly chairman f the Irish Parllamen'ary - -nent from Par.iament Jnsttn McCarthy waa ? ' Cork N -e was on the ?? ? -: Joined the Btafl 0f -_?__ ::?? " Of 1-. '-*1 1M0 -er-orter ln tha H -- - r whteh he waa afrer ward '. ad then e_ '??* !?* came - .... . ? -? ? entered political lif ?igford. Ire d when _M n took _ wttl ' - _ majority of twenty-nine, hut was taun-dlately - *?y an Be majority. In 1** he ronte.ted Perry was defeate- bf * majority of three. while at the same tlnM he waa r_t___ad for Long ford aBoppoaed. He elabaa ry seat and and then elected to slt for arthy's activtty in Parllament known b> ta* am I - tba Ba was vlce-presldent of the Irish a-atary party ln the Houae before the re th_ majority, when Mr Mc? Carthy was elected president. and haa ataea been ?action known by hla name He had .averal tlaaaa reviaited Amertc*. ehta-y to "t |... .e Home Rule cauae. for which he had many l.-eturea. \1-. arthy's literary work haa b**>n lmpor .. ?. He was the author of aeveral novela. Includlng T^ne Wa.ertik NVlghbora. 1M7: "My ****** r.? ._-hter l__ "L*d* Judlth." IbTI, A Fair f rd." LtT4; "Dear Lady mthrope." lt77; "Donna mer of a Season. Maid ?f Athena." 1__; "Camlola." UK. Dlctator." iaW. "Red Dlamonda." 1893. ta collaboration wlth Mra .'ampbali ?"th* Right H "*?. "Tb* hebel ,_,ll?._." U-_ He haa a:so wrltten "Con Amore,' a volume of criti- | eal aaaaya and "Prohibitory Leg'.s.ation fc --." His most Important work. how- | ever. was "A Historv of Our Own Tim< extendlng from the a to the peneral election of 1SS0. Other historical | studiea by Mr. M.Carthy art- A His-ory of the Four George*. *' "Tha Epoch of Ref.-.rm" and a 11.e of Blr P.^hert Peel. Mr Mcrarthy had been tn recent years a political wrlter or. oaa London daliy papers. AMERICAN LOSS HEAVY TWEM'I-FOUB DEAD AS THE RESULT OF THE FIC.HT AT SINILOAN. Maniia, Sept. 20.?A corr??cted llst of the casualtiea ___t___ed by th. Amerlcaa soldiers Monday \__t ln the engagement at SIniloan. sltuated at the east end of Laguna de Bay. be? tween a force of one thousand Fillplnos and j detachments of the 15th and 37th United States* Infantry reglments. shows that rwep.ty-four> men are dead. includlng those who hav. from the effects of their wounds since the fight? lng and the missing. and that nlm-teen are wounded. includlng Captain John E. Moran. of Company L. 37th Regiment. The total number of Amerfeaofl engaged is now announced as 134. Th* er.emy's casualties have not beer. reported. MACAJ-THUR REPORTS HARD PIGHTING AMERKAN CAaU________ ONE-THIRD OF THE r'uRCE EK6AO?O Washington. Sept. 20? A dlspatcb has been received from General MacArthurconfirmlng the reports from Maniia regardir.g Insurgent Itj The blank spacea ai could not be deelphered. The diapatch is as follows: Maniia. September 19. Adjutant-General, Washir. Considerable actlvlty throughout Luzon. Fight? lng reported vicinlty Carlg and Estella. Ii Province. Insurgents esrimated '***. probably much exaggerated, but Buflbcieat force to mat_e . in district heretofore }____ In tt can protrtncei Bamoal B. Young (brigadier-gen eral) reports numerous small affalra and haa alled so emphatlcall] f r more force tha: bury's aquadron 3d Cavalry and Boi talion 5th Infantry b?en sent him; other battal ion 5th same destination upon arrtvai. C-Biatry north Pasig. includlng all of Bu'.acan. very much dlsturbed. ar.d numerous contacts BB?a_ parties throughout that distr.ct. South of Pasig. Includlng Tayabas Province iLuzoni. same conditl een antieipated and repot ln tet ters August 25 . . . and rable August 31. September 16 David D. M taia l".th ry), ninety m<-rr Compan !>th In? fantry. from Siniloan. La| ea who i" men a* Mal Desperate fight ensued, which waa puahed from the front wttb _rr?*at perttaacity hy M across causeway ar.. through water walat d--ep. co-operative attack under George F Coobe ? ap taln. with forty men Company K. 15th lal ?n men Company B. 37th Volanteer In? fantry: could not reach er.- tion because of high water la arm of lake which could not be -. ?r."r? country was afloat in conse L recent rains; this very much Impeded offensive action. After hour ai ___nute_* fighting cnrr.rr.and withdrea I - reaewal operatlons l*rh found that r-. Buigenta had a? aped fr tr revtooa ' night. most of them. no doubt. going back Late _ ioub barrtoa to appear i nnl e_ ? fieid aga: laltlea, which all occurred MitcbelTa com? mand, conslatlng of 130 mei ' rfroers. were: Ompanv I_ l!.t*i ~.r ' ai ' a ??:- '.? DAVID D. Ml~ GEO. j E I ft ir.;.: am fitz-jer - ." TOF. HART ? TRtTS JEKSEK -O rn seorge r THO_tA3 p. KK- IffS P BRINK. WII.I-IAM L. BAN'KER ARTHTW B MAVS *tcher sroTT _, SMITH RT~HaRT*> TATX.OR EPWARP M. VEA!_ FREI _? E1_ANT___ KA'FMAN Woui l? all rHARLIX OPa ?. :.- .FT__ TAM H POtX-tT Prtratea BEXJAMTX OWEMS, MICHAEt, KFr.I.Y OTTO F .THK, EVERETTE M.-T?ACB FRAXCTS r F_aNA <~.AN. KICHAEL, 3 HE"-NKS5*ET AXTHnVT KEARNFY HAP.RT PBRRT, i*HARI_ES R. Compan. V. J7__ ' .- -- ta -'? aa_ _.*_ - -.. Saravant THOMAS P. A Howe Prtvate* : " iRP J. GODAHL. a ?T. FRED ' ___T__TJ ? WF.=T le_?Taptala rOH_ B MORAN Serge-Jit . WK A p.T Prtvate. FRAN'K I ' \M B BRAPLET WORI_ET T "*R KB-WHITE DAVID ->AT. CORVE1 .'TRT. Thlrty-three p?r cent Ib prof nd y tmpresslve ioss. and Indlmt. *** ot flght. fear ?aderahip of offlcers ar.d splendid response of men Inaurgei I bb aa far as known ten killed twenty wounded; amonst former Colonel MACARTHt'R. Captain David P. Mitchell. 15th Infantry. who was b-lled in an ?nrarment with tbe Fillplnos at Mabltac. near Siniloan. Laguna Pr was tora tn Mlaa nnl ir M8, ar.d was appoluted a s'-ord lieutenant ln the- lBtb In? fantry from that State on February _*. I his regiment to the Phillppines last January. Ia the war wirh Bpaln he was Maior t tbe >* T rrttor__ Infantr ?rlng September, when he waa promoted *." lieutenant-- rotna taara holdlng that rank untll the diahaadnvaat of tho Volunteer Army H* reached his present tba Regular Arm 0. captain ln the 15th Infantrj- in July. 1**?. Second Lieutenant George A. Cooper, 15th In ed in the same engage? ment at Mabitac. was a r.ative o_ Loulalana. and was a captain of th? 2d Louisiana Voina teera ir. the war with Spaln. He wa* ! second lieutenant In the 15th Infantry on No? vember 24, lSfi?. and after a ahort aanrloa wlth 'that regiment ln Cuba accompanle-i it to the Phillppines last summrr. and was wlth lt in ac tlo_ when he was kllled. ? TO COXFER ABOUT mWMAT8M0P8 The Rev Francls J Clay Moran. chairman of the Church Asaoclatlon for the Advancement of the Interesta of Labor. will hold a to day wlth the leadera of the Internatlonai Ladles' ?jarmant Workers' Cnion. I_?-ttva to eharge* that the sweatahuw aya'.em la B??I prev.lent _B "he houa^s .reat-ent Groaaman al tba ui__.ii d.ciarea that whenewr alterat?9 aaaadad tr. the tBpenalve _arment.? worn ny W__B*? tha tailors take the garments home wlth them. and tha work is done ln the neart of the orowded ____? ment hooaa dlatrlcta. THE PASSINO THRONG. <~ol?nel Calv-m R. Kutt. of Frederick. Md speak Inar y-sterday at the Waldorf-Aatorla of the chan<*es of RepubUcan succeas tn FEEL8 his State. said: "Of course. we ST'RE OF do not hope to pile up such a MARYLAND. colossal msjortty for *_~I_niey ln 1900 as we succeeded tn doing tn ".8!*> Nevertheless, w? fe-l assured there that we will earry the State for th- Republican nomlnees by from eight thousand to ten thousand plurallty. Our people reallse that the silver question is still _ issue. They krow that the lr.ud ar.". lmperu - _e Deaaoevatte taadars are lndulgtng In is slinply and soiely to -onceal The W rdingly. We do not believe In sntl-ei -rland. and w_ do not beUeve ln V\'ii::a-r. .l-nr.ings Bryan and the al'.-g-d Democraey he ciaims :c> --present. And this di?v- let wl _?.- as outward ind vislble manif-- lt Maryland oming -1-ctton. .. wo ?>_, th-re that we can ho'd the State saf- for McKinley. we are not golng te take any ? throaga .sc? of work W? ar -to the campalgn wlth rhoaaaghassa nd la .. - ? |: - - . - ' are orgamzir. - call for - -.... - ? I iba had already a iarge ard Masttc member ship. and they w t.i help our wo-1 dgr. VXe .- Maryland for McKlnl-j anri R I make thil shall ttoart from i _a Day." Joseph W Babcock. Member of ?.,-,_-_..- *- ? Wtaeoaata and chairman of the Congress Cam .k'.-.g ;? *? THE terdav at the Flfth Av >OK of I ? of the LATIth Con FOR THE gress : - .. said. ' It HOUSE. is -._.:>- UM early in the Congress -ampalgn to make a fa'.r pred. as to what the political compiexion of the next House of Representatives w;.. : -? All ?-.- -.omlna ave no. as yet be--n made. and for this rea? son it ls lmp issible for any that would ae liki ia party wiil be ln control of the I_Vll_b *e have by all odds tne har-iest flght on o'ir hands in m lectlon. Ne for the control c* we wiil have to w.->rk llke beavsra to aacura a i "One reason why lt will be a hari flght for the ontroi of ' : .use ls 3tates. ln ter. of - -.'ing lo an make aa contest whatever. and we 1 from aad to Iom wa now thls the I make gama In tr.- N - xit be tnost of the seata from that see SeW by '::- - N-w-Tork. .vania. Or. - itMabiy go for McKinley at present forty-tWO out of the Vtt Congressrr.-:. are Don crata Wa shail end-avor to make into thls phalanx, ar.d n I i coun terbaianve tha now Soltd 9> uth wlth which we are ited Wo r _.?on to hope Her . gain of flve -e_-. wir.g to the -.ew f Republi.~ar.isrr aad we ? -.ail t iourae, to rs_ ln wi-.-it ar- r-n erally call-d the bar: 'To rea!!_- how hari a flght we har*. hands." coatlnaed Mr. Babeoeic, I a oorr.i* la mlnd that when B-njamin Har A HARD rlson was eleeted Pr - a 1888. FIGHT the Repuba_C__s necured contro- of AHEAD majority of two Yet we secured r.o fewer than tv*. ? --?ssmen broa wWch we will now lose North of a coun try Uea soltdly R -gress ques ind Dixor, - - soUd'.y -a-tlc. and the fight fc- LVTItb ' teagreaa w In my opinion. whether or no the v.s wtll - ' New-York and *.! - a. It is a hard prob >m we hs- .trol of the House. Ani. while we hope and believe w- mav solve lt. we _: ngera of - - I fully appi - stand - campaign ter to win a compiete victory. It ? shouid begin his second t-rm with the handicap of a Democratie Hous- of Repr-senta,: ORFT1ARY. H HENRY GOODT. Gisstonbury, ______ S-pt. 20.?H. H-nry Good ?xtjr years old. a naallllj banker and man --r. die-l a- his home her- to-dav ttom H- was -*?->-- ot tha U(?._ la Paper rompar.y. th- Steramhoat Wharf ^omp-ny ot ar.d of the ."oedrich Brothers' Banking Company. of Fairburg. Neb. He was a member Rober* O. Tyier Post, G A ' - and of Putnam Ph .lar.x h had repres-nted G'.astonbury in the Genera. Asseatt y and held I CO_0"*a_X WILLIAM B. WOOSTER. - I to-da. aay. He attendad a Grar.d Army -elebrarJo- la Kew-Brtta-n yesterday, a-d came hoaae i -. hls osaal gcod hea'.*"-. c after arisir.g this he was taa-n _1 and died withln an hour. ?ter was born n Chutbri, Coai St, _BL Hi.? yoath was apeat on a farm and ii tsachtag ll _- '-nol. after which he went through Yaie and opened a law ?_* here Ba ?is a ? -he Oonaoetlcat House of Repreaentattvea i_ *Wt aad Wt and r-pr^?er*-d i_3. He orgar.ixed a eompany . ? "onnecticut ?er Infantry. For bravery al The battle of by hrevev Thero two horse- w--?- der him ar. . ? ptur-d and thr a I ? - aw '" " - ia;-: waa recaptured i red :n tlme egiment a- *M He w.s ' tbe -V ored. ar.d hls command was the - tbe war : weatj years - a of his de | ?npar.y ar i Blrmr.eham Water ''ompany. aad a dlre, - a prominent Rep .? an_ ? _t_L JTBURNEra' BYERS Alexaader at a <*om wnlr.g ar. manu . Paaa., d'.ed on Wedaesday -? - ?"?- I ns Dalias win B. and John F. Byers. were w:-h leath. Mr. Byers was ssva_a*r ?'. failed rai dly after Byera. jr , a year ago Watch Hlll. R. L early ln th- summer, but tha crt'ise rtiiv'improvement la tha Mr Byers te return to g la this city even .e.*ame so Ul har evening tnat tt .possible for him to f -her Mr Byers was born ln Grssafletd, Fenn . and he - a- "rs- u sn operator o' a *? - la Pittsburg. Pre - - - plpe corv raa a partr.-r la tne -rm ef He was presld-nt of tba i_s Interested in several cor Hls body will r^? buned lr. a Btttsburg THE WEATHER REPORT. YEST_Ri**AT'S RE<^ORr> aST> TO-DAY* TOP." -Va?r - Boat : li - Ms__ag t aaa terest attscbes to __? weather map : > niaht. The ram are? B-S a*r*OaaOt -astward. aixl l-S-Bg th? last twesty four Ss_n '.__r- have BS?l ra "? ? New-Saf.* lak. toaaaa, thi "?? '?'?-?? T--.n?iaa?. ?-? Ww ;,,.? j_j rh? issslnssBi; ttaanOamam gmnaraiiy ci??r "-mparaiurfa have rtacn _a_t sf ?_stpft sasagi ta t_e w??t ouif statea uaio v?i ? -.- -? < ?v? . ? riaen Waat. av??: nta.nai th. a?.a:her ..__ _-?? falr scat'errd _howars hav.ns -'"currad. T-mparacu?? _n?r on the coast ao4 a-.tntvliat lew?r oaar :he stetssna ? arlll b? rm;n Ft'.^st la N?w Kngiaad aad t__ _????? a_o_e* rior-.tx art ir. _M aortharn ? B-StM ?;??w_aT? falr w*a;_?r . .-lay tn- w??'.nrr will _a fair. eacepi Rxack- M. untain r-ar. n whera ah..w?re ar? remp-raiura r..n|?, - *r-aric?d. ?a ..Pf m tha MI *?? ?: ?-?'?- N- r-._x_?t, arha - - suawhai -aiiaai l~n.1.?y. followed b? lower ta.inp?rature BataW-SJ .n 4-.r:ct. rOWm A*?T rOB TO-DAY AND SATVRDAT F r dM MaMS* I *_lum_U. Nsw-_*_r!a_d. Kaatare N._ V rk N?? Jassss Eaat?rn I'enn-ylvania Delaware. _tai-.:_nJ aad A i-gJn.a, rv I ?. .saTuntay #?_?!_.> -.??? laouth to souThw?st wir.da ?raatsn Wsw-Tsrtfc. rair. ;.>~_y. SaTutday falr: fr?ah 5 -?'.n i? ?art k**Mi saa. I J - iliiiiin la -raaa-i. aa tn_m___S -T T-* T-C_??_. aetf r*cor_i__r (____.___-. Th* _-tt?_ Ita* aho-a ta* !_?_? tor* aa r_e-r_*_ at Perry'a Pharmacy Tri__?_ O-kra. 5a_t 21. I - ra?The wemtber j_e*ll?-J waa fair rhe??a 'Be aa.:*. war* r>?ar-"*a* Th* t*_n__n_ rar? r_.i_.ed ixrrw-an tl aa<J ?? .eg."". th* *-???_??? ?-?%> ?i~??? - _--- '-eaday ____ ' ? _e_r-# rugher rr_n on tb* . iih.mb.B-b **** 'am y?_r. m MARRIED. WEF.HTVAN-KLAKF-. "-. -.V-inearf-j- S?rem-** M_ lfiort ?-? to?u__rtoa. Br**_ty_. -a1. T.. -..._- J G. Bacctroa. D. D.. __-r_* E* ? Notlce* of marrlagee and death* must ba doraed with full name and addr?a*. DIED. Barher Marrt*e--i. Mar-a?r**_ -? P -?-? ?.. Wa'.tar <_ Mary c" ?.'_-.-? -.?? - ? - . BARRER ? A- IB___r?_PB _-B_-BB "*t*T. ? MMBar *. '"-*.-!?- ? ItBB-Tltl ?e-?_ ? --?*-. a -urn__*r K ' I B. F - a agt F-ir.?-a --?? ___DC_C___T *?*?-? ?-- ?- H?n??T. at hia r-a?M* - !'.)?*, -- _?. . ? , .aldam i ? . -?. ? ____. ._ -ra So?? - . - - -j m??B --.--? SIARP.;- - ? ? -.- M_r_*--t M_--r!a#___ ? imrarura of __? ? _.va_r -,d tn* ' _n! Aiur? ?.?_ a v?. MEEK <-.-a-f - M-.-T **_: - *y H__ tot i_b*_ at. ar . =, ? I WOOPNT-TT?At _-_h--a- N J ?*p-em_?r ? IB**. Maraaret D.. youn_eat ; - ._-??- * :-'-- ? aa. T_? ?r? Sptcial Xotu.s. Eiprnaloa r?at re 1 -y a- - , -->- Dr Deaaa. __*b!_a E_p<:- ' Trl___e ?-_*<T.ptloa Rate-. FT-XD.VT B ? - r_T ta DAILY. ? TP.I -W ______ T. 3c. BT EAP.L.T __a__ TRA IX. For all po.r.r.- : <_f Gn N>w-Tor_ DAILY AND 5.NDAV On* ? ? Three Mon-ha. .. V - Months. Sl 5*> _ _ W .sa _T: -. |: vi T_re . H tha. v .: DAILY .2? 0?e 1T ?_.-?. a bs - t_ _ Twalva MaDTh*. _??? ??-.;;? ._..__?. BT ? _.- ?_ .?? rv.ri.Y ? On* _ ?*-*'?> M : a M - j - ? ? - x BBBB _____"_-'__. BT U --r-.a. _i_ aa .: NLT: 3:x V f- BB - Bl 1S T-?a. B_e??_a *_ _ C_ 04 TRI-WEEKLT. atx B___T_s. a_ 1*-_ T-e'.-e -fcntha, S3'_a :v .fEW-TORK CTTT _ Ma" _BlB?rlh-n a The DAILV 'TSKLT _?n -7 eirr. po-tace :a add:-.?* ?? me r_?-a rru_rr ^ I r?M:~A.' a | r--?>. l -"Vl* T j mt .... j-?t ?"FT MAIN" ?"???-":'*?_? X?. 154 H?BBi BB? Am?rt -ar. : XEWAKK 3P.AN :. "crrm-T !*a\ WTEP ' The T-v-ir- al LOXtx ?Ottlci *t F-.a_-._t. Nr_ 8 P!l_ Br-v- 1 ' ** Tha Lr_ B B*__BBBI .1*e* to l*_i ? pJJr ?0 K -aka and __?? m r'l ?* M ? " ______ T'JT___ . _t_r?_a la* E:-ar.g*r? --rth*. _il*_ r. __. g_PM **? ?" RE.V- -rr S ~- ?*T?a ELT-' ,_?_. .. HAMRT-Rci? A-r- ?*? E_.r**a Comoaar. "**? m _ _?_ m- -^ P.R.-rv xp-rea* fomp---. ?*_ ? Bwaaaa aBaaaa P-atnfBce tlotlce-. -. ?at Ti.- *Baat as - - _T___. ?? I B_e ?a- w_a___ar, T____-_-*R-B-?TI _ v , ?*_ *T-.*__-__^" * ir-*.. ^__-_-V ' par a a Laoa___ .;-.B_tc.r.. lt 1 r ..__?_.? ? *-J^T _ ?PRivTF.r. matT- -?a? tlMBlt Ma -- oitammj - _t__r BBB-a -Tt- wll aot he mox. X>, __? ipa___r.y ? Buppl?_?atarv Tr___*__-_ _-p_a___r_-r> mall* ar* - P-*_c_ ?-ain o**n -ata wt__a B ?BBB I ?? BS Bl a<a__?r. _____ IBM- ____? Avr *-BTB_- AM I ERir-A ? _? :-* 1 rha par Sew*ou_____ _-r ^ -. ai __ ?._.._, 14'. 311 a na-i _?___, T"._n ?_? ?MBalaanir _?__B_B **-d - 10 30 a - * * ^n* must d* ?-* :."?,. _.*_ _ -er a 1 **____! 15 ' .'._*._. _*--? ?aa:'. ?t -- a a ?>?-??? _ vr_ _ - ? Waa ' Sy*a*y. aad ?*-_? b> ??- iW-r.n____. ? : ..- - - -?---. N, ta. .' "'.-r??_*r ___ ?atu'*a? Male f?r X:au*Ua. by ra? ta B-Btea ___ _-?_._?? ? ' .imi" ' aa al ?..-.:? off! ? __.:. at >.?> i. ra _t"_i.- ' r -.*?? ' -? . Ta-rr-a. Pla r_ . --erra ka ?'?>*" -?** a* __a ?__- .*..? ?t tT _ .-_ _ ?-. I - I B___k_ TVa.t-.-a.. ? -?? el-aa at ?^*_f *r.p c__-^J*-_____ M **??-..*_: v____.^_*-* "*?"_ _ N*w "????* ??? ? -an a t-y ??_ ..?r c!'_r *' 'nua ?B - .,_* *_ a-r* -T.__._v* tor v-t* R-_ a_-i Sa-iyt fr Ratrie t --v ?? . at ???!*>, XRJLN3PA. .rl>. __._-> BUlia for H____. ___*. i*P** *?1 Phlltwir.* ______ ?: a _n p. aa. up t* utv* ' * -t_B*?i*a ??r a a Rio _? . ??M A__tr__ a-. ta_ r_alamI H?a?a". .'" >nd _na?an T-tanda. rta B__ F.a?.larc. e??? hara lai;y at 110 p. m aitar _?*> laibar ti? aad *a t_ JUHen.r-ar ?_B. ta. luara*. or _a __V of arnia: ?t a. a l_i______ d?a ac .t_-T_l __a> .??.: *r ??. for dlapatel. par a a ai**_a_a ___? far . and -*??_. vta V*ncou?_r. da_* ??_. dauly aa IM . m up t* <Vtob*r '2. rncloaiv* far diapa?a IH* ? a B_B-w?-- *_*?*_??* BMu; m,i?? _L*r*ct*d vta Van-o_v_r*-t MalU tor Ha-a._ via S*a _V_aeta___ .: B -0 p m. apt- -*?-?? na la ?-r. _-T . a Auatraira Tranax-crao n-alla ai* foi -arB** 10 part aa* aa____ BatV aae ta* *-M_i__* -f _o___ a -n_____ _k ta* _*av auEaptl-t. -f th-lr an?nirvpfd .*?r___ _____ ? H-au H-*** at a - p. ra. for _atar__ c__ ar '" * , ' anly - roBxaurs Piaailn. X*?-Tor*. N. T.