Newspaper Page Text
WHOSE WEDDING WILL TAKE PLACE BEFORE EASTER. THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER. WHERE TO GO TO-DAY. Er.tmaisnent and afternoon tea of the Womin'i Press ? U £ VJ Copter Room of Cirn^ie Hall 2^o p. m. ' will Cl«ra Clemens, the daughter of -vWrir Win." will El * k . her first appearance in public Wocthlr »e*tlas of the Krau« Alumni Klnffertrarten f-J**. "g.fftWlH.l Junior* a: the home of *" S2** C ' Co "; rr -^ Ke : 1«7 Wes: Beventy-tnird «U. - .30 1 p. m. Subject. ••Maine and M»s«achu»ett« in the CcJocial and revolutionary papers ¦ c r .V;? , b> ' Al?'*A I ?'* U J-^rest. Warner D. P OrT£ McAllister Ccieman. BERXHARDT A GUEST. A RECEPTION GIVEN TO HER AND M. OOQUELDI BY THE TWELFTH NIGHT CLTB "Ladeei. I sank you weez all my heart:" -were ?he words uttered slowly and distinctly by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, as she flood with clasped hands on the Mat form of the Twelfth Night Club yester day afternoon. She had just been proposed as an honorary member by the president. Miss Alice Fischer, and elected by loud acclamation from the members, who were present in large numbers. M. CoqueUn reached the Berkeley Lyceum early and was the centre of attraction until the arrival of f>mhardt. when he made his adieus. In response to a general request for a recitation, M. Oxjuelin entertained with a little story In French, and told In his inimitable style of hesita tion about a "little maiden of Japan" which brought forth shouts of laughter- from those who understood. Then all was excitement for a few moments when M ¦ Alice Fischer announced that a telephone message had been received that Mme. Bernhardt 'was on the •way." and that Miss Cecilia Loftus would entertain in the mean time with a few "imitations." The first was Ada Rehan in a speech from "Twelfth Night": the next .Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the English actress, in a recitation, and the third an imitation of Mme. Bernhardt, In French, which Miss Loftus admitted she "just made up." It evidently touched M. Coquelin's sense of humor, for he laughed with keen enjoyment. Miss ftus would not be let off. without "Just one more," and so responded with a May Irwin "coon song." At about 5 o'clock the advance guard proclaimed "She's coming!" and in short order Mme. Bern hardt came up the stairway, under the escort of Annie Russell and Leila Owen Ellis. She wore an exquisite gown of white lace chiffon and Renais sance embroider}. with a long coat of Persian' lamb, lined with chinchilla, ..nd a picture hat made of pink velvet rose petals and bordered with two fluffy black ostrich plumes. As she approached the club parlor there was a moment's hush, which was broken by loud applause as she passed through the aisle formed by ropes of ivy leaves up to the platform, where the president presented her with a large bunch of ivy leaves, tied with broad green ribbon, on the ends of which were lettered in gold the quotation, "The gentleness of all the gods go with thee," and "The Twelfth Night Club to Mme. Bernhardt, 1900." The hundred or more women were then invited to pass in single file for a shake of the hand and a word of greeting with Mm*-. Bernhr-Tdt. They were presented to her by Miss Emma Frohman. Other Twelfth Nighters who ctood with the guest were Elizabeth Tyree. Annie Russell, Maud Monroe. Lotta « 'rabtree and Blanche Bates. To give Mme. Bernhardt an interval of rest, Beatrice Herford v as called upon for one of her monologues, In response to which she gave "The Ehop GirL" Later on, when Bernhardt was es corted to the tea room to a table especially pre pared for her. there was a struggle for her favor between Bijou Fernandez and Daisy Humphreys as to the place she should occupy. As she sank into bar chair, the said in French. "You American. girls interest me fo deeply, you are so original, and you American actresses are more than delightful!" '" was nearjy 6 o'clock when Bernhardt took her departure, "with much reluctance." a.nd the violets tnd orchids which she dropped from her corsage wf-re gathered up eagerly by her admirers. The clubrooms were illuminated in rose hued lights:, and decorated with palms and French and American flags. The ices bore little tri-oolored flaps. The tea room was in charge of Miss Fran ces Nathan, who had for her aids Miss Evange- In* Irving, Miss Beatrice Lawrence. Mrs. Grant Stewart. Mis« Margaret Gorden, and Miss Ida Conquest. The Reception Committee included: Vrn. Emma. Sheridan Fry. ] Mr*. Robert Mantell. ilrs. ¦Ma Pearl. Mr*. Selena Fetter Royle. X'r». Sydney Roeenfeld. J The guests included: Mre. John Hare. XLhm Norma Munro. llm* Hare. ) Mrs. EUa Wheeler Wilcox. Itiaa Irene Van Bruph. • ilrr. Frederick Naethtn*. 11 !> Ernest Seton-Thomp-I ilrs. George f*a.ut. <• on. ; Un. Wilbur Hloodpood. ' Mr>. Karris L*e King. . Mrs. Annie Team Mr*. Frederick Nathan. ' Miss Isabel Eves^on. Mr». William Tod Helmutb. ! Lan Charles Klein. Mr». Miriam lias Greeley. ' Hr*. Normal. HapKood. i'-lrt Elizabeth Marbury- Mlsn Katherine Florence. OXE OF UMTOOJTJS SOCIAL EVENTS. what Is looked upon in London as the coming fy-isl • vent of 1901 is the marriage, which is to take place before Easter, of Miss Ms! Cornwallls-West frii the Duke of Westir.iriFter. Miss West, who is rwnsldf i ed one of the prettiest and cleverest girls In •"¦•fifty. if, like her mother and elder sister, devoted to yachting, and is a fearless horsewoman, a highly necessary qualification for a Duchess of West raim-Ter. HARTFORD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Scholarships for women have been established as follows in Hartford Theological Seminary: Eliza Hill Anderson, founded by friends of the seminary In Boston, J1.200; Mrs. E. C. Hurt, Springfield, Mass.. X 300; friends of the institution In Hartford, 2K>; Sarah J. Mather, founded by Roland Mather, of Hartford, $339; Harriet Pbelps Pond, founded by Mrs. Clara Pond Porter, of this city, $1,009; Eliza Butler Thompson, by friends In Hartford. Tee: Jujia Southward Ward, $l,y>j, and the alumni fund. R9. One hundred and thirty-seven courses of study *re offered this year by the seminary, exclusive of th« mission courses, of which there are thirty new ones this year. Twenty-nve thousand dollars ha» been offered toward the founding of a missionary fund, on con dition that a like amount can be raised. In the museum of the Institution are two hun dr^ and forty versions of the Bible. The Social Settlement in Hartford is closely af filiated w jth « ac seminary, and a large number of «ud«sts is -antly engaged in work there. Caprice, Italian Violet. La France Rose, Cashmere Bouquet. COLGATE'S Holiday Perfumes. MISS SHELAGH CORNWALLIS-WEST. AT A FIANCEE DIXXER. NOVELTIES IN TABLE DECORATIONS IN TRODUCED BY THE HOSTESS. A -tiancee dinner" was the novel entertainment given a few nights ago by an uptown hostess to four engaged couples. The dinner cards each had a blood red heart In one corner, in which was embedded the first name of the prospective life rxrtner. The table decorations were unique and original with the hostess. Two sashes of holly red ribbon were, draptd from the chandelier to either side of the table centre, and were ornamented their en tire length with papers of needles and strips of pins, to call to mind the jingle: "Needles and pins, needles and pinp, When a man's married his trouble begins." Standing beneath this drapery were the bride and bridegroom in miniature, and dangling at the bride's side were tiny scissors in sugar, to indicate that she would always have "the last word." At her feet lay ¦ broom, her weapon of defence, while in front of the bridegroom stood a candy coal scuttle an.l shovel, to show he would be the one to build the fire. After the dessert there was served with the cof fee an enormous pie, enveloped In a white tissue paper and decorated with sprigs of holly. The top was covered with a paste, which the ingenious hostess proceeded to cut open in the usual manner. Then with the pie knife she drew forth every known utensil for housekeeping, as well as mini ature furniture, which was passed on plates to the guests, with a view to giving them a fair start in life. The favors comprised boutonni&res for the men made of "elected sprigs of holly tied with red, and gold tinsel hair ornaments holding sprays of mis tletoe for the fiancees. Chinchilla, marten and skunk are being used freely for trimming costumes and the hats that accompany them. A striking gown of Russian green cloth trimmed with brown marten Is to bei worn with a hat If trlcorne shape covered wlth marten and having on the left side outside the brim a large bunch of fluffy white chrysanthe mums. Angora felts are becoming popular, especially In the gray and brown shades. A pretty example Is of khaki brown, trimmed with bronze brown velvet and biscuit colored Liberty, with a shaded ostrich plume that combines all the browns In the toque. All-feather hats are extremely fashionable in Paris, and are appearing here. They are less stiff than formerly, as the milliners have adopted a method of gumming small feathers on net in such a way that the fai tic drapes easily. A charming hat of this character has crown and wide brim, sloping upward at the left, of dark green plu mage, and the facing of the brim Is of white and pray feathers artistically shaded. Under the brim at tlie left Is a black velvet bow, with steel buckle and a bird and aigrette perch on the soft crown. The round, full skirt Is again in evidence. In the seven gored shape. A new feature is the yoke, which may be smooth, shined, corded, tucked, plain or embroidered, as taste and figure require ments may decree, and the skirt Is often adorned with flounces nearly or quite to the knee, or even above. Early return of the belted round waist, instead of the favorite bolero, is pit-dieted. "Round" does not imply a departure from tho pointed front, which is fixed for a considerable period, it is prob able. Everything In Jewelry is now of "L'Art Xouveau" type, glowers, birds, heads, animals, reptiles and fish appear In belt clasps, velvet "dog collar" or naments and necklaces. An extremely Oriental novelty, called a gorgerette, has come to the front in Paris, and is made of enamelled gold and jewels, it is worn across the decollete bodice, extends from arm to arm, and is deeper in the middle than else* bete. In iletipn it strikingly resembles the ornament Been In pictures of Cleopatra and Roman women ot ncr time. Among the n /velties in veiling are gold dotted and gold bordered veils, red and royal blue. These art. of course, only for ultra tastes and occasions, and black, browns and white continue the ordi nary wear. The green veil has disappeared abso lutely. Popcorn eriep. a dainty Introduce! from the country, is relit-hed not only by children, but by most people who enjoy sweets. Pop a big bread panful of corn. Let some one else make in the mean time some molasses taffy of one cupful of New-Orleans molasses, half a cupful of granulat.d sugar one tablespoonful of vinegar, and butter the glre of a hickory nut. Cook the syrup until it spins a hair Then work It into the corn until all the kernels slightly adhere to each other. Do not make it into balls, as it will i-e less llKht and delicate :n that -wav S-rv- with apples, sweet cider and nuts. Bread and butter plates are employed at every meal where butter Is served. For un afternoon tea sandwiches, cake, tea and a cold or frozen beverage usuahy comprise the bill of fare. Confecticns and Baited almonds may also be added. To remove rust from eteel put the article, if pos sible, in a dish of kerosene oil or else wrap the steel in a cloth saturated with the oil. Leave i 1i 1 a day or two Then apply if the spot 1* obstinate, salt wet with hot vinegar or scour with brickdust. Rinse thoroughly In hot water and dry with a flannel cloth glvin* a last polish with a clean flannel and a little sweet oil. Spirits of turpentine will clean and polish black marble. For removing stains from white marble nothing Is better than a paste made of one-quarter pound of whiting. one-eighth pound of soda and one -eighth pound of laundry soap melted. Boil the mixture until It becomes a paste. Before it Is quite cold spread It over the marble and leave It for twenty-four hours. Wash It off in soft water, and dry the marble with a soft cloth. Another paste that does not need cooking usually answers the Mine purpose. It is made of one pound of soda and one-half pound each of finely powdered pumice atone and chalk, mixed into a paste with NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1000. POST PA RLIAMENT A PPRO I 'X 5. IT WILL SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT TO ESTABLISH AN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Post Parliament met as usual yesterday at 10:30 o'clock In Genealogical Hall, No. 226 West Fifty eighth-si. Mrs. Cairns, as acting president, win in the chair, although she was obliged to preside without a gavel, as the officer In whose charge it was was abseni. However, in such an exceedingly parliamentary body stringent means are not neces sary to preserve order, and business proceeded without the gavel. After Mrs. Cairns had introduced the new presi dent. Miss Anne Rhodes, and they had "thrown bouquets" at each other with tact and grace, a letter was read from Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth, founder and honorary president for life of Post Parliament. This was followed by the reading of a letter from Mrs. Cornelius Zabriskle. president of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, asking the support of the society for the movement to establish industrial schools for girls as a part of the educational system of the State. This elicited a good deal of discussion, or, more properly, com ment, as all agreed that the measure should be aided in every possible way. Miss Rhodes said that the opposition and delay which the idea has encountered have been of more service than harm, as time has been given for development. "Nothing Is rightly done when hastily done." she said, "and the obstacles have tended to make progress possi ble on a more practical basis. When carried out, as it is certain to be, the plan will be far more thoughtful and permanently useful than if it had been rushed through." Miss Rhodes also said that the resignation of Mrs. Clarence Burns had come as a shock to the Federation, yet by that shock much good had been accomplished, as those who had been wavering indifferent suddenly realized the harm they werg doing by inaction, and deter mined to work with a will. Miss Anna Maxwell Jonet thought that most of the opposition came from Rochester, where there is a State industrial school of the reformatory or der, for which they wanted all the money available. Mi.=s Rhodes supported this statement. Mrs. John C. Trow insisted that some woman with practical knowledge of industrial schools should be placed on the committee and said that the absence of such a person on the previous com mittee was the principal cause of defeat. Mrs. 801 l thought that every effort should be made to render the plan fully practical in its workings, as "the industrial school is the first really great work that the Federation hap undertaken, and, when successful, will make of it a living being, not a mere lay figure." The society voted to promise its hearty support to the measure. The remainder of the meeting vas occupied by the discussion of the constitution, as revised by Miss Rhodes and Mrs. Trow. Everything proceed ed with exemplary smoothness, and the articles as presented were voted on in the affirmative with beautiful unanimity. Miss Jones remarking: "When Miss Rhodes and Mrs. Trow have gone over it there's nothing left for us to do." Incidentally, Miss Rhodes stated that more care is to be exercised in admitting to membership in future, only those "with good heads on their shoulders" being eligible. At the end of the meet ing Miss Rhories took her place formally as pre siding officer amid loud applause. / SDIBCRIMINA TE ALMBGTVIXG. London Guardians of the Poor are troubled about indiscriminate almsgiving. The committee of the Whitechapel Union recently urged more care, say intr: "There is an army of loafers living on gifts obtained in the street, a pretext being sometimes made of selling matches, boot laces or flowers from house to house, or of slngine: or of opening cab doors or helping ladies to enter their own houses, and at other times directly begging. This Is an evil calling for a remedy. But still more Is the moral corruption of those who might, but for the facility of 'picking up' a living in this way, get Into regular w^ork and lead useful lives. It is only necessary to recall how many boys, from fourteen to eighteen, are to be seen looking out for a job or at a cab door in order to realize the tempta tions to loafing which are due to unwise gifts. It is easy to see the amount of harm that is done, but Is It preventable? What causes It? Some give to avoid trouble, to get rid of the importunate; some, half selfishly, c. g.. buy matches from boys or flow ers from women who bother them; some give from thoughtless kindness, and some partly from fear. But most of us are more or less open to reason, and there is at least a considerable number who wish to keep the head above the heart and who give thoughtfully, anrl. for all their thinking, can not agree that the needy would be better off in the workhouse." THE TRIBT'XE PATTERS. A TISSUE PAPER PATTERN OF WOMAN'S FANCY BLOUSE WAIST, NO. 3.708, FOR COUPON AND 10 CENTS. The blouse with a waistcoat effect is a favorite among the best dressed women of the season. The pretty example shown is made of satin Alglon in pastel pink, with collar of cream lace, simulated vest, and sleeve trlmmin? of stitched velvet In a slightly deeper shade, full front and undersleeves of white chiffon, but countless combinations can be NO. 3.7 OS —WOMAN'S FANCY BLOUSE WAIST. made and a long list of materials ml-,ht be sug gested. Taffeta is always desirable for waists, panne has great vogue, crepe de chine Is a fa vorite, and the list might be continued to Include a dozen or more suitable .-tuffs. The foundation Is a fitted lining that requires to be carefully boned. The waist proper includes a seamless Dack and full front? that are Joined by shoulder and underarm seams. The back fits smoothly across the shoulders and Is drawn down at the waist line. The fronts are arranged in soft folds, over which the deep collar falls. The full front, or plastron, is attached to the lining, and the simulated vest portion* to the waist, beneath the collar. The full undersleeve is attached to the sleeve lining, the outer sleeve being made separate and drawn over to allow the finished edge to fall over the cuff. To make this waist for a woman of medium size three and one-eighth yards of material 21 inches wide, or one and a half yards 44 inches wide, will be required, with one-half of a yard of velvet for simulated vest and sleeve trimming, three-eighths of a yard of chiffon for full front and three-quar ters of a yard of lace 22 Inches wide for collar and stock, or one and seven-eighth* yards 44 inches wide or three and one-half yards 21 inches wide, when the collar is made from the material. The pattern, No 3,708. is cut in sizes for a 32, 34, 26. 38 and 40 inch bust measure. THE TRIBUNE PATTERN COUPON. EN TITLING to ONE PATTERN. ANY SIZE, OF NO. 3.70 R. Cut this out. fill in with Inches, name and ad dress, and mail It to THE PATTERN DEPARTMENT OF THPS TRIBUNE. No. 3,708. Bunt... in. Nam* • '- Address lii'loce l.i mmi to pay mailing and handling txpCßMa for eiteli pattern wanted. OOOD CHEER. Have you had a kindness ihown? Pass It on. 'Twas not Riven for you alone — Pass it on. Let It travel down the year*. Let It wipe another's teara Till In heaven the deed appear*. Pass It on. NOW. Break now the alabaster box Of sympathy and love Amid the cherished friends of earth Ere they are called above. How many burdened hearts are here That long for present help and cheer! The kindly words you mean to say When they are dead and gone Speak now, and till their souls with joy. Before the morning's dawn. 'Tis better far when friends are near Their saddened hearts to soothe and cheer. The flowers withheld till after death Has closed their eyes in sleep If proffered in life's weary hours Would still their fragrance keep. While hearts can thrill, and ears can hear. Let loving deed and word bring cheer. —(James J. Reeves. OBTAINED A POSITION. The invalid mother of the boy for whom a posi tion was asked writes to the office as follows: "Through the kind efforts of the T. S. S. my son obtained a position yesterday, and I am so grateful for all that has been done for me and mine." Mrs. L. H. Brown informs the office that her box of Christmas sunshine to the T. S. S. was for warded free of expense by Charles Drake, superin tendent of the Bath and Hammondsport Railroad. This courtesy entitles Mr. Drake to membership In the T. S. S.. and his badge has been forwarded. BOOKS WANTED FOR INVALID. Will any member who has either of the following books to pass on, "Brace Farm," "Mollle's Prince," 'Mrs. Romney" or "Best Men Must Work" please send word to the office? They are needed for an aged woman who has broken her hip and can do nothing but read. Any of these books will mean sunshine. FROM A MISSION BAND. The twenty-five dolls sent to the office in one box should have been credited to the Mission Band of the Jewett (W. V.) Presbyterian Church, and not to a "Missouri Band," as it appeared In the column. A NEW JUNIOR BRANCH. A new junior branch, of which Bessie Thayer Is president, has been organized In Bethlehem, Perm. The president says: "We did not wish to let Christmas pass without doing something for others, so we had a meetlrg and decided to take a full Christmas dinner a:id groceries to a needy family. Some new members contributed to this cheer as their Initiation fee. The names enrolled are: Olive Williams, treasurer: Winnie Applegate, Isabel Hig gins. Elizabeth Williams, Viva Williams and Arthur Thayer." C. R. 8.. of Vermont, has remitted the 26 cents paid on postage for sunshine sent to himself and friends. He thinks the T. S. S. can claim the Scriptural blessing, as it seems to send out more than it receives. Mrs. Blanche Swire, of New- Mexico kindly offers to complete any kind of un finished fancy work and pass It on wherever di rected by the office. SUNSHINE IN ALBANY. Mrs. C. Helen Craver, of Branch No. 1. of Al bany, acknowledges the receipt of the Christmas T. S. S. box. As Miss Erwin, the president. Is an invalid, it was thought the excitement of dis tribution would be too much for her. so Mrs. Craver took charge of the work. "I shall not attempt to tell you," she writes, "of the 'Ohs!' and 'AhsVand 'God bless the T. S. S!' as we took out the lovely gifts. There was sufficient number for both branches. The Willing Bees' are always doing something individually for some less fortunate than themselves. God bless you In the good work, and may all have a happy New Year." TWO SUNSHINE WEDDINGS. The pleasant announcement is made^of^Ae mar riage of Miss Florence I. Suydam, of Dunellen, N. J., to the Rev. John R. Lane, also a T. S: S. mem ber, of Bound Brook. N. J. Both have pledged themselves anew to the sunshine work. Miss M. E. Dewald, of New-Brunswick. N. J., Is now Mrs. Joseph G. Baier. of Flushing-aye., New-York. These happy members will please accept the warm est congratulations and the beat wishes for con tinued sunshine in their united lives from the Tribune Sunshine Society. M. G. S. ¦ For an afternoon party of young wom en nothing is more likely to prove popular as an amusement than tableaus in some fon... A cele brated artist recently gave such an entertainment by daylight, that proved a great success. A large frame was placed In a corner of the drawing room, with black net hung behind it and stretched tightly over the front, to give "tone" tr the pictures. Taking the subjects from the audi ence, in their ordinary dress, with the aid of dra peries, wigs, pencils and rouge, different head dresses and a plentiful supply of safety and hair pins, he arranged a series of pictures that were .voted "perfectly charming." The old game of charades may be played effective ly in tuch a frame, which is easy of construction, being mtrely four boards nailed together— seven by four feet is a good size — and covered witn sheets of gold paper or yellow cotton crepe. If ¦taper is used, it should be crumpled lightly in the hand before 1 »-in:r tucked on. A curtain must be arranged to permit posing. Professional entertainers are often engaged to sing:, play or recite at afternoon affairs. Palmists, astrologers or cord readers are frequently called on to exercise their "gifts' in private houses at such times. Homemaker: A set of sachet envelopes for bureau drawers may be easily manufactured. Fold double a piece of pink, blue or yellow cheesecloth the exact size of the bottom of the drawer, then open it on the bed and cut another piece the same sizt. Between these put a couple of layers of cotton batting within which violet orris has been thickly shaken. Bind the edges together -with ribbon of the same shade, and tuft the cheesecloth through the cotton at regular Intervals with small bows of baby ribbon; half of the sachet is intended to line the bottom of the drawer and the ether half to cover the clothes after they have been arranged. These sachets are also mosi convenient for trav elling and hasty packing, as the content? of each drawer can be folded up in its own envelope, put Into a trunk and taken out and deposited in the drawers on arrival, without the trouble of sort ing and arranging. Huaband'Who Frowns on I-one Skirts: A short skirt may be worn ai the theatre without attract ing attention, lust as a man may go in his business clothes; but it is not smart. A demi-tralne.l skirt U- usually worn, and ¦ regular theatre dr^-ss now i« a Dart of •¦very well dressed woman's wardrobe. A demi-toilet is a high-necke.i. dressy >-;f; f ' w " n - which may be of any mateilul desired. A black skirt with a light silk waist is also appropriate. M M E. ' RE JAKE'S ORPHASAGE. The idea of Mine. Rejane in starting an orphan age, or. rather, in assisting one which had been al ready started, for the benefit of the orphans of actors, has had unexpected results. The great actress went about her work of mercy cleverly. She wrote a long and interesting article for the "Figaro." describing the work, which is known as •Torphelinat dcs Arts," and in the article sug gested to her readers that those among them who had some particularly happy day in their lives to remember should send a donation to the fund In memory of that day. The result has been magnifi cent Most of the "personages" of Parisian society, as well as others, have sent Important sums as souvenirs of their "date heureuse," and some have promised to send a similar sum yearly in memory of the same date. Altogether 55,7W> francs has been collected up to the present, and the subscription in vot yet closed. WHERE MEN DO Tilt: HOVBEWORK. All the work in Buluwayo, both *n the house and out it it. ta Jont by men— either Kaffirs. Indian coolies, Zumbesl boys or CMn.les, a cross between Kaffirs and Portuguese. They are highly pictur esque in their white limbo (calico), a long strip is folded round the upper part of the legs, brought up between the knees and folded round the waist, with iin end hanging down In front. < >ver this they wear a while chllt. They have a decided penchant for standup collars and a perfect passion for boots; these last, however, are not lalowed indoors, on ac count of, though they are put on outside. These coast boys are excellent cooks and extremely clean. The Zambesi boys are actuated by the love of money rather than work. For the sake of coins they brave the dangers of the terrible tsetse coun try, inhabited by tile* ho poisonous that horses can not' be taken through It, and leaving their own land, where they have every comfort— plenty to eat and drink ami wear— they come down to work for the white man in South Africa. The boys require and cet very high wages. VXITED STATES LEAD IX EXPORTS ahead OF ALL THE world FOR THE TEAR ;reat growth in THE last QUARTER CENTURY. Washington. Dec. 28 (Special).— United States teems likely to stand at the head of the world's list of exporting nations in the year 15/00. One by one the great nations have fallen behind in the race for this distinction until during the last five years only the United Kingdom and the United States could be considered as competitors for the distinction of be ing the world's greatest exporter of articles of home production. In 1894 the United Kingdom led the United States by nearly $250,000,000, but In MOT the United States was only $60,000,000 behind. In 1888 this country took first place, its exports In that year exceeding those of the United Kingdom by nearly $100,000,000. In 1899 the United Kingdom re gained the lead. Us exports exceeding those of «.ho United States by nearly $35,000,000. In the eleven months of 1900. figures for which hare been received by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, the domestic exports of the United States exceed those of the United Kingdom by $5,473,670, and should this rate of gain be maintained in December the United States will In the year 1900 show a larger exporta tion of domestic products than any other nation In the world. Even this distinction, however, only partly tells the story of the wonderful growth In this country's export trade, as measured by that of other nations. Comparing American exports during the last quar ter of the century with those of the other great na tions a far better measure of progress Is obtained, trance shows no Increase in exports of domestic merchandise in the closing quarter of the century Germany shows an increase of about 50 per cent, the United Kingdom an increase of nearly 40 per cent, and the United States an increase of practi cally 200 per cent. The following table, compiled from official re ports, shows the exports of domestic merchandise from the United States and the United Kingdom respectively, in each calendar year from 1575 to 1599, and the eleven months of the year 1900: Y ** r - United States. United Kingdom. ] S :-: »41»T,^>3,737 $1.057.497.uu0 IS* 675.735.MM a 76.410,000 } X> - «07.M«5.4t6 i(67.»13,tJU0 J*i° 7JB.2*tt.«Cl WM.riOO.iiO)> }*£ 754,056,755 K32.0e0.000 *§§?••••* *7r..564,07. r . 1.065,321.000 ISM Sl4.l*U.W>l 1.13 M.573 }**¦¦ 74'J.911.3t)» 1,17j.«i91».(i)D» I»£3 777.323,718 I.IWJ . •-. . }*** 733.7«.-\7ti4 1.134.015.»»*> «M*s 673.5U3.506 1.037.124,1100 }«» Uto».olS»,»3l> 1,035.226.0tN» }££!•¦ 703.31»,t»2 l.O?».»44,0O» J»*g 679,M>7,477 1,141.385.tK0 !*U* 1.2U.442.000 J2!? 843.WW.W0 1.3*0.474.000 JSP* 657.333.551 I.LIJ3.IH»,U)JO J2*; 923.237.315 1. 105.747.000 1»W 8M.72».4M 1.0H2,162.tMX> }*>»+ 807.312.116 • 1»»6 807.742.415 1.1)X>,452.t>t10 18U6 $)«6,830.0N> 1 6TI (D>o 18J)7 1.079.534.298 1.1S».882:000 18»S 1.233,564.828 1.135.642.0U0 lbU» 1.253.45«.0<K> tt» »l»0» 1.308.913. 1.3U3.440.00U •Eleven months. TO OPEX XEW MEDICAL COLLEGE. COLONEL OLIVER H. PAYNE'S GIFT TO CORNELL READY FOR STUDENTS. The new building of the Medical College of Cor nell University will be formally opened to-day with simple exercises. The building Is at Twenty seventh-st. and First-aye. It is an imposing struct ure and it Is one of the largest and best appointed buildings of Its kind in this city. The main en trance faces the avenue, and the front of the build ing extends from Tweuty-seventh-st. to Twenty eighth-st. The exercises to-day will be held In the main hall of the building ana will Legla at 4p. m. Those who are expected to make addresses are President Jacob Gould Schurman of Corneii University, Dr. Lewis Atterbury Stlmson and Governor Roosevelt. The cost of the bul'.dlr.f aid equipment was more than $750,000. Colonel Oliver H. Payne gave to Cor nell University aoou. twe- years* age not only a sum sufficient for the erection and furnishing of the building, but & gj^-fc-iites for the maintenance of the building and for the payment of all salaries and operating expenses. in view of this gift the instructors will be entirely Independent of the amount received as si'.oeu.V fees, and they will therefore. It Is sale, b* enabled to maintain the highest educational standard* without restricting the Income of tht, institution. The college was opened In 1898. and It first occupied the old Belle vue Hospital Medical College building on the Belle vue Hospital grounds. Tne college moved into 'lts present home !ast August. The course of instruction Is ope.« to both sexes The female students ere required ie, spend the first two years at Ithaca. About one-thJid of the col lege building is devoted to 4i3pensanr purposes where the sick poor of the city are gratultously treated. In connection with th© dispensary is an X-ray room and a series of clinical laboratories in which special exa:.-!ii^.uur.e of patients are in stantly made to secure amwfiy In diagnosis. In the dispensary also ar» numerous small clinical rooms, to which clashes of students are admitted ana where they receive instruction In the treatment of patients. -,¦;¦£ The remaining two-thirds cf the bui»di-.g is occu pied by the laboratories and recitation rooms of the departments of practice', anatomy, chemistry pa thology, etc. ALLEGES HIS ACXT IS INBASE. SHE DENIES IT. AND SATS SHE HAS QUIT GIVING HER NEPHEW MONET. Decision was reserved by Justice Blanchard, in the Supreme Court, yesterday In an application' for a commission to inquire Into the sanity of Mrs. Anne Deen, of No. 409 West One-hundred-and fiftieth-st. The application was made by a nephew of Mrs. Deen, who alleged that his aunt was over eighty-two years oid. was worth real and personal estate valued at nearly 1250,000; that she lived with a niece, and that her only relatives were nephews and nieces. Affidavits were submitted by other relatives of Mrs. Deen and by her coachman to show that she is incompetent to manage her affairs. It is alleged that she sometimes Imagines she is of royal de scent, and that any person who styles her "queen" is able to get checks and money from her. David L. Osborne, a nephew; Bridget E. Smyth, a niece, and Margaret A. Pfeffer. an adopted child of the old woman, opposed the application as un warranted, and produced an affidavit by Mrs. Deen denying all the allegations as to her insanity. The applicant was said by heT to be In the habit of drinking heavily. Although she had for years treated him generously, she at last had felt com pelled te refuse to give him more money. Justice Blanchard asked that all the affidavits on both sides be submitted to htm. FAI.I.s FROM POLE TO HORsL's BACM. An employe of the North River Electric Lighting Company was at work on a tall electric light pole at Boston Road and One-hundred-and-sixty-eighth st. yesterday. At the foot of the pole stood a horse ami wagon that he had been driving. The man lost liis balance and fell headlons. He turned a somer sault In the air, landed on the back of the horse and rolled off into the middle of the road. The boras was knocked to his knees When the two re covered they gazeil at each other. Then the man climbed into' the wagon and drove away. In the mean tini" an excitable person had sent in a hurry call for an ambulance. When the ambu lance arrived a Health Board inspector who had seen the affair explained why no patient was there. TAMES HER 111 sBAMfs BODI HOME. Mrs. Brown, wife of Dr. I*. H. Brown, who was found dead in an areaway in Forty-fli'th-st. at an early hour on Thursday morning, returned to her home in Syracuse yesterday. Or. Brown was here with his wife to stay over the holidays, and was at the Imperial Hotel. On Wednesday night he dined with friends, and at a late hour separated from them on upper Broadwaj. and was supposed to have started for home. The next heard of him was when he was found dead In the areaway. Death was said to have been caused by aHphyxU- There was a report yesterday that Mrs. Brown was seriously ill. This proved untrue. She had been prostrated over the death of her husband, hut was able to return to Syracuse yesterday after noon on the 1 o'clock train, with her husband's body Wi ' tf^D^EP H^isL iv » w "any .-\ccoruca u»c i .-rente on account of '->^^^ V ~~ High Quality, Economy and Delicious Taste. SoU *: all CTPcery Morc»— of Jef it nr it tim*- PIERS TO BE REXUMBERZD. .^ DOCK BOARD DECIDES ON STSTM— rxvTCMA»rz» FOUND OUILTT OK NEGLECT. After more than two years of agi*a' r ion the Board of Trade and Transportation has succeeded, in persuading the Dock Board to pass a resolution for the renumbering of the piers. The Board at Trade and Transportation suggested that the ptera be designated by the street at which they were. For Instance, a pier at Cortlandt-st. should BS> known as Cortlandt Street Pier No. 1. and piers between Cortlandt-st. and Dey-st. should be known as Cortlandt Street Pier Xo. 2 A and Cortlaadt Street Pier No. 3 B. and so on. The Dock Commis sioners decided to begin numbering at the Bat tery, <¦ -tiling the first pier No. 1 and piers dlieUfr opposite crosstown streets by consecutive num bers, in addition to the name of the street. Thus. if a pier opposite Barclay-st. is designated as Barclay Street Pier No. 15, piers between Barclay and Murray sts. will be Barclay Street Pier Na» 15 A. Barclay Street Pier No. 15 B. and so on. The same wiU apply to piers on the East River. L. Hitcn Harrison, the Docktnadter who was tried by the Dock Commissioners last week for neglect of duty, was yesterday found guilty by tlsf Board. He was charged with neglect of du violation of th" rules and regulations of the De partment in not reporting the dumping of eaOat dirt without a permit on Pier Old No. & Iha sentence la that Harrison be called before the Board at its next meeting and reprimanded. Har rison denied the charges against htm. REMOVAL OF HOfLETARD TREMB. PUBLrC LETTING WILL PROBABLY BC RECC9C* MENDED BY BOARD OF ALDBRMHTS COMMITTEE. The Committee on Stre#ts and Highways of the Board of Aldermen held a public hearing yesterday on the question of the removal and transplanting of the trees on the Boulevard owing to the baHttssT of the tunnel. Harry P. McTague. president of the American L.irg-- Tree Transplanting Company, said that Ma company would guarantee every tree moved by Ik to be in good condition three years after trans planting, and said that by that time the trees. U they were going to dl*», would be dead, aa there would be ample time for them to take root. He sal-* that there were between 'hree hundred aad Sfty and four hundred trees in good condition whtea were worthy of removal, and that, without betas sure, he thought a price of $125 per tree should be a safe estimate of the coat of removal. The committee seemed to be favorably Impressed with the scheme for public letting. As the proposi tion now stands in the Board of Aldermen, Pt,Ma Is to be appropriated for the rerroval of the trees without public letting. The flgi res given by Mr. McTague show that with pu^ic letting the trees could be saved for 143,750, given three hundred aad fifty trees to be moved The committee will report at tne next meeting of the Board of Aldermen aw^i will probably approve the proposition. OKKANIZED LABOR AND THE TTJN>~ET.. CONTRACTORS AND COMMITTEE "WTLL TRY TO AD-TVST WORK SO AS TO PRE CLUDE STRIKES. Organized labor is much Interested in the ean~ ference which will be held next week between the. Rapid Transit Tunnel contractors and the isyte ser.tatives of trade unions whose members are em ployed in the work. There are now about fifteen hundred men employed on the tunnel, but It H expected that this number will be increased to five thousand within a month. The coming con ference is for the purpose of formulating a plan which will prevent, as far as possible, th* likeli hood of strikes when the construction work gets fairly under way. The Committee of the Central Federated Union will attend the conference, and a branch to be known as the Rapid Transit Tunnel Section of the Central Federated Union will be formed of the unions whose members wii. be employed te the work. Eight unions which have grievances against the tunnel contractors Sled their com plaints with the Central Federated Union's com mittee last night, and these will be acted upoa at the coming conference. W. L. STROXG 4 CO.'S LIABIUTISSL AUTHORITATIVE STATEMENT THAT CREDITORS WILL RECEIVE ABOTTT 4© CENT 3 ON THE DOLLAR. The creditors of the firm of W. L. Strong * Co . which went into the hands of a receiver seven weeks ago. will. It was said on good authority yes terday, receive a little less than 40 cents on th» dollar. Liquidation of the accounts ha* progressed sufficiently to show that the Indebtedness and assets are substantially as follows: Indebtedness, in round figures _ |I.6o<\o(V) Assets, of all kinds 80CMJ0O Estimated shrinkage on accounts. Intonat charges, losses and co: ts of liquidation, about. . 100. OuO This brief statement of the condition of the firm's Indebtedness and assets was obtained from an au thoritative source. From the same authority The Tribune representative learned that the coat of liquidation, shrinkage on accounts and losses !n collecting accounts Is estimated at {100.008. bsraaaa of the sadly mixed condition of the firm's affairs. A report that the creditors would realize 50 cents on the dollar was circulated yesterday, and on ac count of the excessive estimate of the firm's assets it was considered proper by those most directly interested to acquaint the more Important creditors with the fact that they would not realise 30 cents on the dollar. Edward A. Treat, the- receiver, has for nearly seven weeks been working at the accounts of the concern and he has been assisted by John Claris., Augustus D. Jullliard and Cornelius N. Bliss, the Reorganization Committee and at the same tta* bondsmen for Mr. Treat. Paper Indorsed by the firm and held by out of town parties is bete* pre sented at different points in New-England, and until the receiver gets all this In he Will not be able to make a statement. „..„•• It was said yesterday that the Central National Bank, of which ex-Mayor Strong was one© presi dent, holds one of the firm* notes for 160.000. _¦ The death of FrancU H. Stott. of th» firm of C. H. & F H Stott soon after that of Mr. Strong make* the work of the receiver additionally difficult, as ex- Mayor Strong's firm and that of the Btotts wer» intimately associated. Eastern banks handled moat of the paper put out by W. L. Strong & Co. The firm was selling agent for the Ballard Bale Mills, of Norwich. Conn.; the Clinton Mills, of "V rwlcb and the Winthrop Mills, of Wlnthrop Me. * Kdward A Treat, the receiver, refused to male* any statement yesterday. It Is expected that Ms sta'terae-nt to the creditors will be ready in *bout two weeks. TOM I. loH\so\s SUIT DISCOXTIXUED. The action brought by Tom L. Johnson to restrain R. T. Wilson and R. T. Wilson, jr.. and other mem bers of the banking and brokerage flrm of K. T. Wilson & '"". from carrying out an agreement .with, Pack & Everett for the purchase and consolidation of the Detroit Street Railroad system and forth* appointment of a receiver, was discontinued by Jus tice Leventrltt in the Supreme Court yesterday. ay consent of all persons interested. CIVIL SI ITS FIRST IK RICE WILL CASE. Assistant District Attorney Osborne yesterday said that he would not put before the Grand. Jury the evidence he has in the case of Albert T. Pat rick charged with forging the signature of th» late' William M. Rice to checks and other docu ments until after the civil suits In the artnrrtntalm. tion of the Rice estate had been settled. THE TRISITY CHIMES PROGRAMME. \lbert Meislahn will play the following pro. gramme on Trinity Church chimes New Year*. Eve. commencing at U:3» o'clock: Concerto in rondo, by Dr. Hodges 0*1): **Even in* Hells"- Scotch melody, from -Guy Mannering"; •rhud of the Regiment,- "Life Let Us CherUh. "Kiss Me Mother. Goodnight." Parting Sons. ••Come. Welcome the New Year" "The Old Volu nteer Fireman," 'The Harp That Once Through Taras Halls." "Coming Through the Rye." march. in "I Puritan!." "Auld Lang Syne" and "Horn* Sweet Home." T