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CONSTITUTION DISMASTED. STirK GIVES WAY TX STTFK BREEZE WTTHOCfT WAR\lx<;. JIISHAI- NOT ACCOUNTED FOH-IMMKDIAT* BEFrrmso POSSIBLK. BUT NEWPORT RACKS ARK POSTPONED. fny TETF.iRAPH TO THE TRIP.rNT] Newport. R. 1.. June 4.-The Constitution met % serious mishap about three miles off Rrenton's IW lightship at 2 o'clock this afternoon. and like th* Columbia two years apo, was for a time at the mercy nf the waves. he r mast havlne broken short off without a moment's warning. E<Jtvar<l Nelson, the second mat». was knocked overboard in the accident, hut a boat was low ered ani he was quickly rescued, little the worse for hss drenching. W. Butler Duncan, jr.. "Nat" Hfrreshoff, designer of the Constitution: C. 1. F. Bobinson, rear-commodore of the Xew-York THE CONSTITUTION. *?.« break in the mast occurred ai>out eight or nine feet below th« Inwcr spre.-ider. Yacht Club; C Oliver Iselln. who managed the Columbia two years ago. and Newbury Thome v. re on the deck of the yadht when the crash occurred, but nobody was hurt. Steam yachts and tugs that were near the Constitution offered assistance to Mr. Duncan, the manager, but it •was declined. Mr. Herre^hoff took charge of the -work of clearing away the wreckage, and of preparing the yacht to be towed Into port. She reached here about 4 o'clock. None of the spars except the boom struck the deck, and the hull is not damaged. All of the sails are Intact, and can be and a^ain. RACES OF JUNE 15 POSTPONED. There is another steel mast almost ready at Bristol, where the. Constitution will be taken to-morrow to be refitted. This will take about ten days or two weeks, fo that the races sched uled to be held off this port on June IS and 17 will be postponed. The day had been one of mishaps for the Con stitution from early morning. Yesterday after noon the big sloop had been stripped of h<»r mainsail, which had given euch' action that it was selected f<~>r. her racing sail, and a new one was bent this morning. This one saw a little trouble, and when set did not hang as neatly as the one it had replaced. The re mainder ol the morning was devoted to the No. 2 ciubtopsaU. When run up. the rigging failed to work satisfactorily. It caught, and men wrre obliged to go aloft to release it. This was repeated a dozen times during the morning, and earn time with the same result. Finally it was set, but the fit was poor an i was far from satisfactory. "Nat" Il^rreshoff had come down from Bristol during the morning, and superin tended the work on the clubtopsail. it was n-arly noon when this was completed, and. a! though it had been the intention to try the boat again ..... this had to be abandoned until latf-r in the day on account of the delay. After luncheon aboard the Mount Morris, Mr. Duncan. "Nat" •-•¦.•sh..rr. Mr. Iselin. Mr. Thome and Mr. Robinson were transferred to the Constitution, and at 1:20 she was under way and headed toward the Brr-nton's Reef lightship. During t!i«» morning th- wind had b~«. n fr*>sh from the northwest, but shortly after noon it had veered suddenly to the southwest itvA was blowing with force as the sloop, under mainsail, staysail, jib and rlubtopsalL beat 'down the channel toward the sea. The Consti tution had not gone far when it was found that the lashing? of the clubtopsail were parting. and the t^heet was taken in. Under reduced can vas and it th«» seaway the yacht appeared to be pounding badly. Three tacks brought the Con- EtitUtlon to the lightship, when her course was trimmed for !Carraganaett Pier shore. Once out of the tideway of the channel, the Constitution Mood up better, and. although the wind had in creased to fully eighteen or twenty knots an hour, the big yacht stood up well and was sail- Irq beautifully. CRASH CAME WITHOUT WARNING. The yacht had reached a point about three ir-iles southwest of the lightship at 1 :.".S. when without a sign of warning a loud report was heard, and in an instant the hue- mainsail was dragging over the side of the boat and her mast was hanging in Jagged splinters, broken off be tween eight and nine feet below the lower ppreaders. The topmast was completely cleared in th*» accident, and was found floating in the water some distance from the yacht. The steam yachts which had been struggling to keep pace with the Constitution, and had been unable to do .-", hurried to the assistance of the defender, but as th*> nearest one was fully three-fourths of a mil- away at the time of the accident Cap tain Rhodes had the nose nf the sloop up into th«» wind and everything working well when the Scimitar, the yacht used hy the photographers and reporters, ran alongside the Constitution. Mr. Duncan declined offers of assistance from the Scimitar, Herrephoft" Eugenia and the tug boat Quickstep, but all three stood off for some time ready to aid in any way possible. Immediately after the "accident "Nat" Herres h"ff assumed charge, and the work of hauling inboard the big mainsail was quickly accom plished. The discipline aboard the yacht was of th- best, and when it was learned that a man had been washed overboard, the first car was given to the work of his rescue. While Herreshoff was bus) with the crew, Mr. Duncan was asked what had caused the acci dent, but he replied that he was absolutely un able to give any reason. On the Scimitar's way into port the captain of the Mount Morris was Informed of the acci dent to the Constitution, and that steamer went at once t<"> her aid and tnwed her tr> her mooring near the torpedo station. CONSTITUTION A SORRY BIGHT. BTHTTiARITY OF HER ACCIDENT TO THAT OF THE COLUMBIA. Newport, R. 1., June — Every one on board took the accident very coolly, Mr. Duncan lighting his pipe within a minute or two after the mast had collapsed. The crew at once set to work unlacing the mainsail and getting It aboard. It was a heavy job in the stiff breeze and the sea. The men worked hard, however, and within an hour th« great mass of canvas was safely on the deck. It was found then that the gaff, which is a hollow wooden spar, had also remained Intact and there was apparently no Injury to the long hollow steel boom. Except for the two masthead Fhrouds which go over the spreader, practically all the wire rigging on th* boat was uninjured and can proba bly be used again, as it ha- already been tested to a high degree. The yacht to-night presents a sorry appearance. Her great, steel spar is bent down until the top almost reaches the deck. The boon lays off to port, giving her a slight list, while the gaff is lashed to the remains of the. port chain plates. The crew" came ashore" to-night apparently in a happy frame of mind over th.-ir escape from- a more serious accident. One or two of them did not hesitate to say that they bad never fell quite safe while th- yacht was under a press of sail, but that each trial had given them more and more confidence in the strength of the spars and rig ging. At the time of the accident Mr. Duncan had the wheel, as Captain Rhodes had Just gone forward to look at the beadaalls. Captain Rhodes was quite i":ir the mast when it gave way. hut escaped with one or two slight scratches on the face Although the. accident to the Constitution to-day resembled that which overtook the Columbia while 'he latter was racing the Defender, in Jul] ISW. only a few mil-s further off shore, the wind to-day was far stronger, in fact fully as stiff as any breeze that the IS9S defender ever encountered. In the cast of the Columbia, one of the topmast shrouds jumped out of the starboard spreaders, which caused the topmast to break in the middle. The big pole struck the mast as it came .down. and. like the Constitution's, the hollow spar collapsed Immediately, but breaking farther down the ma I so that the end. or head, struck the Columbia's side a good smart blow. STRAINING AI.OFT MAY HAVE CAUSED IT JOHN HERRESHOFF, H«n\ EVER, CANNOT ACCOUNT K< .p. BREAK Pristoi. R 1.. June 4.--The steam yacht Eugenia, owned by John Herreshoff. arrived here to-ni^'ht. Mr H< rreshoff said he did not know what the particular cause of the accident waa When the Constitution had her first snin in Narragansett Hay. th- working topsail waa stacked, hfif ausn it waa said she was bo limb-r that its head sagged somewhat to leeward. A ren cdv was found for thi-i quickly, [mmediately after the first spin, on May IM.'it was deijrlr.l t,, uiv.- the ni.-i-t additional support, ami two new backstays were attached. The m.tst «;<> much more ricid wi't-r this alteration, but 'her- de veloped .i pecullarit] at the m.u-:h-:i.) when th final ha<! her topsail set. It was a snapping Bound ..ft. with the limber features of the mast more marked, it was decided that both th- additional backstays and the backstays of the masthead were too long They were shortened up several fe-t last Friday ar.d Saturday. The accident to-day was. It is believed fl caused hy the straininp aloft BRITISH VIEWS ON ACCIDENT. London, June 5 -Secret, not unmixed with s^tis- Caction, is expressed at the accident which has NEW-YORK DATLY TRIBUNR WEDNESDAY. JUNE d. 1901. befallen the Constitution, and her misfortune la held to prove that yacht designers on both sides of the Atlantic show a tendency to cut matters too fir.-. "The laugh is on our side now," says "The Daily News." "Yacht racing will soon become a dangerous sport if ships are not allowed a larger margin of safety." "The Daily Graphic" says: The«.» accidents raise-doubts as to the prin.-iple Of telescoping a topmast into a hollow steel nl3n l3l "* mast and point the moral that a cutter ri-: W ""J suited to s=uch large boats. Cutters of the size oi tho two Shamrocks and the Constitution are dangerous monstrosities TALK AMONG LOCAL YACHTSMEN. THE ACCTDENT DISCUSSED, BUT OFFICIAL. INFORMATION LACKING Few members of the New-York Yacht Club were at the clubhouse last night. Secretary •'¦ v - : " v Oddio slid tnat the only official Information which had been received at the clubhouse was the follow ing telegram, which he made public: Spreader carried away, which let mast go. No body hurt. W. B. DUNCAN. JR. In speaking of the situation. Mr. Oddie said that he considered the accident no more serious than that which befell th.- Columbia in her preparatory work, basing his belief on the limited information which he had received last night. He added: No steps have been taken here toward calling to gether the challenge committee or In any other way taking official recognition of the fact that an accident has occurred. The members of the comm ittee are all out of town. and. In any event. It will be several days before any action is taken. There, has been no* meeting of any kind here to night. When asked if Sir Thomas Llpton had been com municated with. Mr. Oddle said that, so far as he knew no message had been sent to him. and he personally saw no reason at pr-sent why such a message should be sent. The only member of the regatta committee who could he found was the chairman, S. Nicholson Kane, who said that his information about the dismasting of the. Constitution was very meagre, being confined to the men report that such an accident had. happened. Mr. Kane could form no Idea as to % the length of time the Herreshoffa would require to put the Constitution in sailing form again, as he did not know the extent of the damage. In this city last night nobody seemed to know whether the second steel mast that was order for the Constitution was yet finished. The general opinion was that this spar is not yet ready. The last report of 1; was about (he time of the launch of this yacht, and It was then telegraphed that work was in progress on a steel mast which was to be a duplicate of th" one to be first used. It was thought at that time that this second spar might never he used, and the sole reason for order- Ing it was that the craft might have one In re serve. In business circles yesterday the news that the mast had dropped over the side did not create any thing like the excitement evident when the metal pipo of the Columbia did the same thing two years ago. and the truth is that yachtsmen. In re gard to all these ('up yachts, have begun to dis count the French maxim by saying, "It is the ex pected that arrives." The collapse of the sticks on the Columbia, Shamrock II and the Constitu tion, and the tame folding forward of the first Shamrock's lead pipe gnff. have made yachtsmen feel that this sort of thing cannot any longer be ranked as surprises, and that the best designers In the world have miscalculated the strains that are now placed upon ''up yachts through enormous spread of sail. The point most discussed waa whether the New- York Yacht Club races at Newport for the Co lumWa and Constitution scheduled f. .r June 15 and 17 will be Bailed. The r-port arrived from Bristol last night that these races would probably be postponed, but Mr. Kane's id»>a was that the ques tion of postponement would depend entirely upon the ability for quick repair and whether the second mast was ready. It was announced some tinK> ago on the authority of a Herresholt workman that It took about forty days to build a steel mast for a H. rr. I •• cup yacht, and that the work could not b» hurried much owing to the difficulty of the work on the rivets, these having to be attended to by a. mechanic who lies inside the round steel pipe But It Is kn.»\\n that the Herreshoffa can replace a broken section of a steel mast In a short time, and this was don" with the Columbia, which afterward sailo,! the challenge races with the spar that had beei broken and repaired. A man who ba,s tn-t-n the Constitution calling said: One thing is dear, and that la that, although th» Constitution has double spreaders and three sets of shrouds, she needs, and I guess they will all need. a fourth set. Herreshoft had this boat rigger! for strength us no Cup yacht wan ever rigger for*. The Constitution has topmast shrouds that lead down to the deck through her upper spreaders, which stretch a -roes nt the top of the lower mast head. The second set begins at the lower mast head, which thej are Intended to support, and leads down through the lower spreaders to th« deck. The third set leads from that \ irt of the mast where the lower spreaders cross and go*s direct to the deck. That was a splendidly con reived plan, nnd I freely admit that I thought the Constitution's mast would be the last of any of them to fold down. EtiiT this mishap shows that the spar must be fur ther supported by more shrouds placed lower. Yes terday the break of the spreader did not spoil thn grip if the lowest shrouds. Th< mast simply crushed down and bent nine feet !)¦ iw Its lowest point of support— that Is, nine feet below the lower spreaders. The result shows that unless a new lower spar is built with a greatly Increased strength t : ¦ re will have to be a fourth set of shrouds in the region of yesterday's break, or a little lower. Another thing is certain— that neither Crownin shir-Id nor Watson can reasonably expect to get their boats through even the preliminary tests unless they rig In some way like this, n rid have the mast supported in at least four places Their boats are both carrying a larger rig than the Con stitution, nd unless their masts are built <>f rail road steel they can't do anything else but fold down when the whole strain Is turned loose The Shamrock .ii i well to break when she did and to gain more time to rier stronger. Yesterday's acci dent to the Constitution w:<s a distinct advantage to the Shamrock in its telling Watson that he can not hope to carry his canvas 'unless his mast Is ported by shrouds all the way down. The Con stitution was the best rigged Cup yacht ever known, and to-day she's wrecked. That's the lect ure she reads. THE SHAMROCK IN HRYPOCK S. uthampton, June 4.- Shamrock TI went info drydork to-day for an examination of her hull. MAX HAS SFT BAT ANNUAL, RACES Edward MacLellan Robert Jacob and Charlea n. Mower, the race committee of the Manhasset Bay Tachl Club, will hav< charge of a large regatta next Saturday The entries s.i f-ir Include yachts of all the regular classes from the 4:;-f. ><->ters down ward, an 1 will also take fn the special Newport 30 • oters, the Lerchmont 25-foot clans, the regular raceabouts, the Manhasset Ba> Seawnnhaka knockabouts and the one-design dories. The races will be s;(ile,| under the Sound associa tion rules, and over the riub ,.,ir s es in whi^h the «. 36, 30 md special St foot classi -¦ will go to Matini .¦.N-k and I>• lam ey pointa and r-rurn. :i distance of nineteen miles The 26-foot clasa raceabouts and knockabouts will travel to the Gangway and ONI H-n buoys, in the Bound, and back, eleven miles while smaller classes will sail shorter courses The races will be started at noon off the club b'.'is- in Miph.-isset Bay. ACTIVITY ON THE INDEPENDENCE. Boston, June 4 There was considerable activity on board the I,aw«>on boat Independence, which is tied up at the State docks, in South Boston, in n-nkinir ready for her second trial, which is scheduled to take place on Thursday Yesterday's tri;i! Bhowed her sailing master that the mast raked too far aft. and to-day this defect was remedied The mainstay waa set up about five Inches, swaying the mast forward, and It was 1 in the r)«stred position at the deck CLEVELAND BOAT TTYY.s' RACE. I ONLY FORTY-FTVE SECONDS AHEAD AT END OP ONE HUNDRED MILES. Cleveland. Ohio. June 4.— The hundred mile race \ . from Cleveland to Erie to-day between the Cleve land passenger steamer City of Erie, owned by the Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Company, and I the Tashmoo. Detroit's crack passenger boat, i owned by the White Star Company, was in many respects the most noteworthy race ever sailed on [ fresh water. The Erie covered the distance in 4 hours. 19 mm I utes and 9 seconds, "passing the stakeboat at Erie ; forty-five seconds ahead of the Tashmoo. beating I the latter by forty -five seconds elapsed time. It i i was pronounced by old vessel men to be the pretti- j est race ever witnessed. Aside from winning the 1 i speed championship of the Great Lake.?, the Erie ' J won about $100,000 for those who bet on her. The Erie made no preparations for the race, ex- ! ! cept to unload her freight after coming In from ! i her Buffalo run In the morning. The Tashmoo had I ; been scraped thoroughly, and everything was done I to facilitate her speed. The boats approximately . made nearly twenty-three miles an hour. It was \ , neck and neck from the starting point until Just I about Palrport, where the, Erie encountered shoal \ water and fell three lengths behind her rival, j From Falrport to Ashtabula she made no per- i ceptible *.:•:. but finally picked up and passed her rival. The Tashmoo sailed by spurts, getting i ' ahead for a while, then falling back, wall* the Erie maintained a. steady giiAu VREELAND REATHING OUT THROUGH CARS FOR KERRY PASSEN GERS HIS AIM. IN TWO WEEKS EIGHTH AND SIXTH AYE. LINES WILL BE OPENED TO THE CORTLANDT-ST. FERRY: Notwithstanding the fact that H. H. Vreeland has expended fully $35.000.0m> in the improvemnt and extension of the Metropolitan Btret Railway system during the eight years since he became president of the company, he is to-day hard at work laying out more money for new ferry connections, and yester day he reached a point where he was able to an nounce positively that in two weeks more he would be running the cars of the Sixth and Eighth aye, lines to a terminal directly opposite the Cortlandt st. ferryhouse of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Mr. Vreeland also announced that he had just given the order for the construction of underground trolley tracks In Battery Place to connect the present southern terminus of the Sixth and Eighth aye. cars at Battery Place with the Broadway tracks running to South Ferry. Mr. Vreeland was also able yesterday to Inform the patrons of his road that he would soon begin upon the tracks which now bring certain Sixth-are. and Eighth-aye, cars to Broadway at Canal-st., and he would extend them across Broadway, along Canal-st. as far east as Centre-st., where con nection would be made, with the Fourth-aye. tracks. , For the thousands of suburbanites who visit Man hattan [aland daily, arriving by way of the Chrls topher-st. ferry, Mr. Vreeland had also good news. He announced that those Slxth-ave. cars which now run only as far south as» Fourth-st. would soon he sent speeding down to the Chrlstopher-st. ferry. Three other Important undertakings which Mr. Vreeland will prosecute this summer are the changing of the motive power of the Seventh-aye. line from horse to trolley, the extension of the Amsterdam-aye. tracks from Ono hundred-and slxty-first-st to the Harlem ship canal, along the Kingsbrldge Road, and the laying down of about twenty miles of new tracks In the Annexed Dis trict, in connection with the Union Railway. A BUSY SUMMED MAPPED OUT. "You see." said Mr. Vreeland yesterday to a Tribune reporter, "we have ma oped out for our selves a fairly busy summer These ferry con nections 1 consider of great importance The pub lic demand for them has been insistent for some years, and many ;. re the complaints I have re ceived through the malls that I did not build them sooner. The great obstacle in the way has been the cable system on our Broadway, Columbus and Lexinsrton-ave. lines. Now that these cables have been abandoned for the trolley, our whole system Is on the road to become homogeneous, and cars from one avenue can be switched to another avenue whenever traffic tends to became congested. This could not be done before, hut now that the great feat of dispensing with the cable has been accom plished I can rind time to push the ferry connec tions to an early completion. "That to the Cortlandt-st. ferry I now feel safe In saying will be finished in two weeks. The ex tension begins at West Broadway and Fulton-st. and runs by way of Greenwich. !>••>• and Washing ton sts. Into Cortlandt. The terminus will be directly opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad's ferryhouse. Through cars will then be run from that ferry to the Harlem River over the Eighth ave. tracks, and to Fort <)¦ urge over the Sixth ave, and Amsterdam-aye. tracks. This will take shoppers from Jersey City right Into the heart of the retitll district of Manhattan with comfort and speed. Our patrons who desire to ride from th« upper West Side to South Ferry are now forced to leave the Slxth-ave. and Eighth-aye. cars at Battery Place and take the horsecars for South Ferry Since the Installation of the trolley In Broadway I have ordered work to begin on a con nection between th- Sixth-aye. an.l Elghth-ave. tracks and the Broadway tracks. ThU connecting link will run through Batten Place, and before long will be carrying cars from Fort George and th« Harlem River to South Ferry without change. Four weeks will suffice. I estimate, to establish this new ferry connection. "But a morn Important connection rhan either of those already mentioned Is the. line to 'he Christopher ¦ ferry. This ferry does a business ..f 18.000.000 passengers annually, and four-fifths of thorn when they land here go north for their business or pleasure. Thosw whose business takes th.-m south of Christopher-st generally land at Barclay-st The crosst iwi cars on the Chris topher -• line ar* now drawn by horses, hence we cannot run through cars from the avenues to th« ferry. [will S'*>n beciti to Install the underground trolley on the cross town line, and then those Sixth ive cars which now run only as far south as Fourth-st. will be, switch>-«l off Sixth-aye. at Elghth-Bt. and run to the Chrlstopher-st. ferry. Certain Kighth-ave. cars will also rim to the ferry without change. Our transfer system will of course giv<> passengers Who board our cars at the Christo^her-st. ferry easy access to any part of the city. FOR WEST BIDE PASSENGERS. "It is our Intention also to give our West Side passengers direct connection with the Brooklyn Bridge. This will shortlj be done by extending the Cnnal-st. tracks across Broadway as far as th« Fourth-aye. tracks. Through cars can then be run from the northern termini of the Eighth-aye, and the Sixth and Amsterdam aye. tracks, across Canal st. and down Centre-st. to the Bridge and the Gen era Postofflce. Vislti from Brooklyn to tho West Side can also go from the New-York terminus of the bridge right through the centre of the retail shopping district and on to their West Side desti nation without change of cars. "The public will also appreciate the Improvements In the truffle situation which will follow the in stallation of the underground electric trolley on our Seventh-aye. line. The work will be started in July When ii la completed the Sixth and Sev enth aye. new lines will be connected through Eighth and also through Twenty-thlrd-st Shop pers In the conjested part of Six::: below Twenty-thlrd-st. can then board Seven th-ay« cars In Slxth-ave. and be carried north along the com paratively unerowded Seventh-aye. with fur more, speed than the regular Slxth-ave. cars can carry them along overcrowded Sixth-aye. In addition to this we will this summer extend the Amsterdam ave. tracks from One-htindred-and-sixty-tirst-st. to the Harlem along the X ng >rl Ige Road and at the same time lay down about twenty miles of new track in the Annexed District. This will not be on a continuous strip, however. but will consist of various extensions and connections of the Union Railway " "At the close of your summer work how many miles of single track will your system prise?" Mr. Vreeland was asked. "About five hundred miles," he replied "Our southern terminus Is South Ferry and our northern termini are White Plains. Tarrytown and Mamaro neck. You can take the whole rld> for 10 cents. Five cents will cover Manhattan and an additional nickel will carry you the rest of the way. It is a good deal of riding for the money and gives the best service in the world. Englishmen v. ho were recently looking over our system in the Interests of Liverpool said the plant cost far more than could be Installed in that City with profit, but we be lieve it pays to give New-Yorkers the best that can possibly be had. Now that we have got rid of the cable we shall not rest until our entire system is run by electricity. That will he a gigantic under taking, of course, but It Involves no difficulties like the recent change In Broadway." A TREMENDOUS TASK. "The ordinary citizen can hardly imagine all the problems Involved in sending Broadway's mighty traffic home on Saturday night by cable and bring ing it downtown again on the following Monday morning by electricity without a single hitch. My staff of engineers worked all these hours without a wink of Bleep, and fully earned the double pay which they received for every hour of that long and trying continuous performance. This company has several times performed feats that were con sidered wellnlgh impossible, but never before was it so highly praised as for this last Broadway change. Not only the general public, but skilled engineers by the dozen, who know what electric traction work means, have stopped to write letters congratulating the company upon the surmounting of this "prodigious difficulty so successfully and so swiftly." TWO HCRT IX AT'TOMORILE CRAZH. MACHINE DASHBB DOWN HILL, BRAKE FAILING TO WORK. Geneva, N. V., June 4.— Cheater Meredith, of Cohoes. was badly Injured by an automobile run ning away to-day. The accident was caused by the failure of a brake to work while the machine was going down hill. Meredith was rendered uncon scious, and the machine was wrecked. Sylvester Robbins. the other occupant, escaped with slight bruises. The two were on the way to th* Pan- American Exposition. RODE A RAM TO HIS DEATH. Cumberland, Md.. June 4— Luke Mallon. aged six teen years, living near the south branch of the Potomac, met death In a manner that was novel. In company with others he was trying- to conquer a vicious ram that was grazing on a mountain field. In a spirit of bravado he offered to lay a wager that he -could ride the animal. He mounted the ram's back, and the animal bounded down a steep mountainside. When near Its base the ram ran Into a tree with great force, and the rider was bo badly injured that he died a few hours later. The ram was an unusually large animal, which had been running wild In the mountains- I FREE I I Cooking School I Every day ai 2. ;o the tree demonstration I Every day at 2. 50 the free demonstration ¦ and free lectures begin at the new gas y stove show rooms. Come and learn the ¦ comfortable methods of cooking with ¦ gas. New ideas for hot weather com- ¦ fort and better meals. I I Mrs. Helen Armstrong I Of Chicago, the Famous Culinary Expert, I will answer any question, detail methods B of dainty cookery, let you taste the dishes. ¦ Everybody welcome — everybody made I comfortable. B U Gas Ranges sold at cost I § $2.00 cash, $1.00 per month. I H Gas Stove Show Rooms — 43 E. 23d St. 9 BEST &CO v Tritt " iP ut.anba^ a Young Folks m***£^> Hosiery & Underwear Our variety of Hosiery and Underwear for Children is far superior to that of any other store. We have prac tically every desirable size, 'weight and style, including many novelties not to be found elsewhere. Prices range from the lowest that are in any <way economical, to those made necessary by the finest material and 'workmanship. HOSlEßY— CottonSLtele Thread, Silk, Cashmere, etc.; Socks —3-4 and Long Hose; Ribbed, Plain and Luce Openwork to match shoes and dresses; Golf and Bicycle Hose; Youths' Plain and Fancy Half Hose. Special— School Stockings for Boys and Girls, doable knee* and soles, light, medium and heavy weights, igc. & 2$ C. All sizes. VXDERWEAR-Light and Medium Weights; White and ' Natural Wool; Combination Suits; Enlbriggan Underwear ; Silk and Woolj Cotton and Linen Mesh; Jean Drawers. 60-62 West 23d Street. I 0 ¦! -^A^^LflfiiaßßßW. B a V* *4s^^^ WJ CTnnnc 825 Broadway. 12th BtJ MANHATTAN. O I UKto 262 WEST 125 TH STREET. MANHATTAN. v 43? FULTON STREET. BROOKLYN. THE NEW SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. PRESIDENT OF AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSO CIATION SATS IT CAME INTO EXIS TENCE IN LAST HALF CENTURY. St. Paul. Minn.. June 4.— Dr. Charles A. L. Reed. of Cincinnati, to-day called to order the general meeting of the American Medical Association, of which he Is president, in the Metropolitan Opera House. Bishop Whipp!-? delivered the opening prayer. After a speech of welcome by Mayor Smith, President Reed read h!s annual report, in part as follows: I proclaim, events proclaim, the existence of a new school of medicine. It Is as distinct from the schools of titty years ago .- Is the Christian dis pensation from its pagan antecedents. It is the product of convergent influence:* . of diverse ante cedent origin. It acknowledges no distinctive title. It heralds no shibboleth. It is a school of human tolerance, of persona independence, of scientific honesty. It makes no proclamation of complete ness, no pretensions to sufficiency. It recognizes that truth is undergo! progressive revelation, not ending to-day, but continuing through the ages. It greets as "a friend him who thinks, though he think error, for. thinking, he may think truth and thereby add to the common fund. Th.-> era of effective legislative control of med ical practice came as the natural reaction from the demonstrated failure to accomplish the same result through voluntary organization. Mixed boards of Ilcensure are now to be found in the majority of the States of the Union. The results of the twenty-five years of Statutory regulation of medical practice are in striking contrast with th* results of the quarter of a century of attempted regulations by methods of prescription. The pro scriptive rule which propagated the- very evils it was Intended to correct is rapidly expiring by lim itation in the face, of new conditions that have been Induced, In spite of It. by beneficent and cath olic legislation. The Army Reorganization law of the last Con gress was Inexplicable and Inexcusable. It grades the medical department for rank, promotion, and. In consequence, for pay. below every other depart ment ana special corps of the array, and with the exception of second lieutenants It is graded below the line. In accordance with its provisions a med ical otlicer. to obtain a colonelcy, must pass through three times as many trials as an officer of either the quartermasters', the subsistence or th« pay departments: more than twice as many as an offi cer of engineers or of ordnance, and nearly twice as many as an officer of the signal corps. The. effect of this discrimination is not only to lower the rank and pay of medical officers, but must re sult in lessening the efficiency of the* corps by re pelling men of spirit and worth. When Congress by the enactment of a law de grades relatively, the status of an Important body of medical men* engaged in a public service It strikes at 'he status of every physician in the country. It becomes, therefore, the duty of every member of the medical profession jealous of his rights, his prerogatives and the fair name he may leave his children to resent as personal between himself and every member of Congress who voted for this law the action which cast a stigma upon our profession. It has been the conviction of many enlightened members of the medical profession that the means employed by the general government for the pro tection and promotion of the public health are capable of improvement. The conditions to-day are precisely the same that they were ten years ago. GOVERXOR GETS "FREXCHY" AFFIDAVITS. PAPERS IV THE CASE SENT TO DISTRICT-ATTOR NEY PHII^BIN Albany. June Governor Odell to-day received, from Mr. Robillard, who represents Amer Benall. otherwise known as "Frenchy." who i 3 serving a life sentence for the murder of "Old Shakespeare" in New- York ton years ago. the affidavits which it was promised would set forth new evidence to prove the innocence of the convicted man. Gover nor Odell. after looking- at the papers, sent them to District-Attorney Phllbin of New-York without giving them out for publication. TWO KILLED IX A WRECK. Newark. N. V.. June 4 (Special).— Eugene Welch, an engineer of Clyde, and Charles Wright, .* this village, a fireman, were killed in a freight wreck at Macedon this afternoon. John McCarthy and Richard Pettlnger. both of Newark, received sert eua Injuries. An open switch caused the wreck. WWOIW& I It is recorded tha- Col'ath w«« »ery mcch turprised when Pavvi hi: him with i »ton« — sach a thlnj had entered Ids twaa before. 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No. 1.2*8 Broadway 2d door north of 313t-st.. nziitl 9 o'clock o. m.; aii\ertlse-l menu received at tie following branch uScn at nmUr offlc* rates .until S o'clock p..m.. vts.: zSk *"-". i- t • *• cor. 23d-«t.: 152 6th-ave.. cor. 12ia-st..: Macys. Bth-av*. _5^