Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS TO-DAY. New -York. January a. ISCfZ. BaaaL pkf* ........ SjHay. tens 1 3nn Ci wSx*. bbU.. 1.186 : Straw, ton*.:::! '/.l'// I>B 2g ?»ur bW» 6.575; JUUfeed. tons i^ f^ur sacks 13.104 Grans seed, baffs...:. i« 5 TT. flour, paa».... Cls Rice, hhu...._... . *^ ( dniiir"' tbi»...... -HO.Rlee ri.aff. sacks.. ; R22 jliinn- 1 baes — 1..43. Raieins (Cal). boxes . 7TO ■SThext. bush -£••""' Prunes, pk|rs « yj SnTburt ■ £$ss l-2tl -2t2 tt Tits.T i '-^ts. pkgs.... Bk) Q t tr. bush •- O..JOl cottcn, ales 7 •-■ «}*. ta»h —••••• l.*o«iCotton«eed oil. bbls... V*) Peas bu«h -.6^o Cupper, pieeea 6 725 r«ai!»" '"- bu«h .. . 2.000 Copper matte, bags... 8240 js*rf (canned i. cases. 6,010! IpeJler. slabs . . ... . 1 100 port t*:* J5 Lea^. PIP« «4.-0 gams, P k SS R0 . 61n - bbls 177, Bacrn. »*«■ ..... ••» Spirits turp. bb!s '4<H S£gvr*. bbU t* Tar. bbls 'I. 645 Brewer h-rs, N0.... fi^3 ; Hops, hales .._.. a/wi iMTi. tierces 302 ; Hldeii. bdls 600 L»ri ks«s ••• 371> Leather, sides 1110 TiUow. pkirs l"2|«kln*. bales Y»-, Grrw«. P** l ,_'•■* -•«■ b«cs M . 07^2 Bh"'' t^s"* ■••■•-■ 3..lo;Oilcake. pkss . 4.159 Cfceese. r««s I.JJOO ''iln-.-a:. bacs 1000 firpi. e*»* 3 4.. 10: Ol*o stork, pkgn |05 nlissed poultry, pkss 2,12"' Peanuts. ba*s „.. 7?,0 jj r e poultrr. crates. 1« . Tobacro. hhd5. ....... lfri Orsnret boxes B. 102; Tob«<-cr>. trs j.- ATTI^ bb: * 2.170 Toba rk*« sK>n potatoes, bbli ....^. 4<K> WhlPkrv hbls 9«3 Onloos. bbis 370 Wool. ■- iles 300 Sisberrles. cratet.. 124 j ' EXPORTS TODAY. VIM. y "■'*■ — 2«.5*> Refined pet. ra15... 1.779.617 Osra. s»sh S^i Naphtha. c«!s 50 pjjs bueh C.7OJ Gacolene. ga's 800 sarier " & — ■'■'■" i Cottonseed oil. (cal». 80.4»ri ftt*. bus! —— 522; Lubricating oIL sals 174,J»70 ajtr.f ba>h '.4 1 Pork, bbli I." •tonr. kah 2.73»' F.-ef. bbls «3 r*jcr, Micla ...7.581 . Beef, tcs „ 212 Csrsaieal. bbls ■ Baoon IT) I,3<Wl.V> B»y. bal« 4.002 Hams, R) IT.OOO Wfclskey. «:« •■■ 2.0i0: Lard. n> _ erio.43" OSToea'.. tb 472<!25 I^ard oil. gals „ 12.960 CKlcake tb 733 siV>i Tallow. Zt> 12.000 Fpirlts tcrp. gals 4. 060 Grease, Tb «... 210.800 ji,*T., sW» . I.s»6;Butter, Tt> ~..... 8.600 p;td». bW» 6|Cheese. rb....* 5.060 Tir. bKi 37 CASH QVOTATION9. Iren. Set. >"o 1 My. J!,-|7. r , j Flour. Mpl*. patents. $4 28 ton la N 2 soft. 15 00 | Cotton, middling B>4 mssi rsfl< • »00 | Coffee. No 7 Rio . . . _ «%4 Plf lr-m warrants.. 1160 j 9ugar. granulated.... 475 lAkt c-pper ir.srM.. ISH| Molrrres. O -C, prim*. 40 T.r. 22 50 : Batf, family 1175 Exthsafe leai 409 I Beef hams 20 80 6p»:ier .. 440 | Ta'.". BrssM . _ .... 6*» : Wheat. N'j 2 r»d... '.'■■•% P . rk mew.... .17 00 Cora, ICs 2 mixed... 71 j Heps. •rssssßa, 1«> Tb. SVi Ciiß, N-. 3 auacd. . . 53 | Lard, prime -— 10 10 GENERAL, MARKET REPORT. New-Tork, Januar>- 9. 1902. F — Airaln liquidation was the ctv.ef feature of trating in coffee futures. The market opened steady in tsse it a decline of 5 points, but soon after the call turned weak under liquidation and was lrregr:'.ar most ef the day. The local contingent. Burope and Baltimore Kit on the decline; Wall Street ar.d spot houses cn-ered for profits in a limited »sy A bear:<=h estimate for the 6tr.: - crop and of the amount of r» coffee from the a- crrij still to come out. as given by "Johnson," la ccr.Junc:ien with disappoint injr cables, was responsible ffir the lack cf bull confidence and the efforts made by Jo&r* te gti n£ cf their hoidlaga. Trßdlr.B. however, as oomrs" with the last few days, was lipht. the total buflrcK .-•r.jr to but 25.750 bacs. Heavy receipts U Braz; r rt and at the interior adeed :o the un etiiaess cf local bulle. The market -was Cnalir steady asd ucchar.eed to 5 points net lower. The mar- Vet ciasei frar.c net lower and nbarg '•» pfg down. ra'.efl weak at a decline cf 50 rel?: the exchange rate crrpr-ed 8-32(1. to 12 13-32 A No change was retKJrted for Santos. Brazilian port receipts ranje to 30,000 cage tr4 the interior tctal to Ifi.loo -*s;i LiirM aametir warehouse deliveries of 13 <V>o bags had no effect en etntineiiT. The street market f-r local »pot supplies rjied <5uH. *-:th quotation? held nominally at yesterday's fcts'.e of S'^e fcr invoice lets of N 7 Rio. The of Kract prices in the '.'veal market to-day r.Le a» fciicxrs: Tester- Op-ning. H'.rh. L,-w. day. Jac-jarr 6.30 6.35 8.i5 6Z'.S-6.30 6.25 Fel-rjary ........— — — 8.?/»ia.S5 63S ZiiTcS 4 . **,-, «,4f< • .(i.45 640 Apr.l — 6.45 «.45 6.45 6.4553.W 650 Jiar . ft.S5 ■ H 6.5.'.36>>0 6.90 ;use «.«3 «65 6.55 6.6536.70 6.70 3-^v „ «.T5 6.50 6.75 I.THW-W 8. M> Aui^st ....„ . 6.55 6.55 6&5 6.5058.00 6.55 Bestctßber 6.98 895 6.&0 '»..-3fi.:<3 «05 October .._ 7.00 7.00 7.00 695«?7.00 7.00 KomsVr 7.10 7.15 7.10 7.Cf1@7.10 7.10 Eeferr.cer 7.20 7.20 7.20 715g7.20 SO C-See cables: Sastos — Cede market jolet; fod average tuitoe, MiOCi; receipts. 21.U03 bags; Et-Cic, 1.121.00W bags. Kamburs — CofTte -r-arket opened : i 'S t »er. A*. 2 .V p. ra. was ; » pf? ".ower. rkjes. 45.1X0 bags. Havre — CcfTee market cper.e-i tieziy. '-* franc lower. At 12 m dernned -± pf?. At 3p. m. irregular; advaiiced. ** frar.c. At 6 3<J p. m. iedinea h*. Crane TotsJ sales, 43,000 bags. raasary 43.50|T-,:ly _^45.25 Pebruary 42.75 . August .._ 45.75 Slarcn ..^ 44.00 ?epifir.ber 43.00 A-prJl 44.50 : October _ May 44.76 November 48.50 ; .-• — 43.00; December — 46.75 TM — Cc^ee weak; Ko 7 Rio, 5*250; exchange, 12 "3-32<!. Receipts. 8.000 taes; rtock. 4M.'<ifl bags. Tr.e s'-ii!s!:rsl ppfHjor. cf Erazi;:ar. cof/ee Is as fsllovs: To-dar. Testerday. Ult week. fc*ew-Tork deliveries 12,1'. J 5 17.3*t 16,060 Plifirriore dei:ver;es .... .V'S .-" 71 Kem--Orieans deliveries.. 6*S 354 1,620 Total deliveries....—.. 13,051 15.005 19 019 Kew-Yoric 5t0ck.... .... .1.5P 1.M7 1.679.312 1.75i,894 EalTimore stock £0.a17 51542 &2.7>J1 Ktw-Orieajis stock tt^ViS 73 912 78.74S Stack at c.: parts 2.042.<»3 2.027.f.21 1.888.598 VS2M — ...-.—. 412.000 440,0(V» 620.000 Visible BUSBIy 2.454.00 2.467.921 2,508. Eirr.e t&M 1301 _. 1.002,913 1,039.539 1.10e.626 COTTON— The cotton raarket rened eteady, with prices I soir.ts );wfr ta 1 pc::U a:»r;er. and for a moment wa» WitbtMt srer'aJ ; :n ether direction. Bulls aad »ear» w*r-e extreaseiy eastlooa and clow ta take tbe lnltla ■J.V until the fetlir.g arcczs investors was known- The sr.3 rae nev'ssjt cf *.te rop Tiere a^a.ritt any r-ut offseit:^ tr.e^a factors were bulli&h re por.i Brwa Bootliem s^ot caarkeu and eplendid trade Etate tests freni dryrwic eri cot:oa cloth markets. Soon after Ihe there web a general rr.ovement an.ioug ehuns to rover, an-1 several good sized orders to buy late months «tre received frr^m lnvestare. From the slight start thus Ji«ce tne n*.arket rapid. y grew firmer, ar.d speculative' »^y:r.g incrt-asi-d ty ieaps ar.d ' unda. There was little rsttcn for sai* et ar.y prire, while me short Interest jeeeirf t<> be thorough y frightened and In no position to iStr rtfii' to bull efforts. From S-03 May quickly! to fi 09, and then, after a slight reaction, made * new upward lurch, this time 13 before a sactisn at in. Wai; Street picked up large b.ociis around :he tu?h f.c-jres cf the morning; the more conservative io'.i i:r prcSts. Liverpool lost t.o time in getting icui :;r.e. ani r.y a<lvajir»<i In full keeping with cur, bSI cur.tni/uted buying orders to our market. T v s*Bth be-teme a large buyer en the tse, and commission swu w*re rrjide rr.'re i-'is. Bt«a they nave b«en in srttrts. At iT-idjiay tie market suffered something cf a rcrc'se ur.iT a scrarr.'.<> f'>r pr-rfits started by a big t»t:s£te tor to-HJorreWs Mcw-Orlaua r»-ce:pta. but (till »ur turr.ed strung en Tt niarliably buliieh advfOM from southern sp^ yrirketa. From M the May cpticn Jurrrpel )e i::s. this - r.g 13 points over last alghTs final bids and •Mat- 25 points up from the recent low level. Badly B'idshed jr<>fes«! shorts "iid not stand on the order el their eoLzc" b\:t simply fought it cut wIT. investors v i» wh-> aliauld get the cation sparina-'.y offered by »rߣi-tii:^g longi. Bun:ors that the movement was or. Sic ver» at a proonunetd drop and reports that export— *» mere rsi»ng b:d» throughout the belt sen-ed to st.m siat* tmvtag in tie last Ucls. Tracing iru unusually 4?tire a:! the lete eesiion. and wry genera!. The close si* Crn:. w:th prices net 7C14 points c:gt»er. ' The range cf contract prices ln the locai market to-day •v ■*% iiUows: Yester- Oper.!r.g. High. Low. Close.. day. taanary 7.W» 750 7.o>> 7.8797.99 7.84 ftbrjarr 7.58 7.8S 7.68 8.0138.03 7.90 itarc- 7.W •• '* '■•■'■, 6.0631 — T.»7 »tru „ b.02 .14 h-'-'l 8.1338.15 6.02 aiy _5.02 fi.lß « na 8.i75 a 8.05 laae M S.o<s 5.21 '•OH B.2<>'S"i.2l *-.WI htr „ c.(* -2: »• "7 £.20<r9.21 8.08 4'Jgatt 7.92 8.07 7.91 B.<*i§«.o7 7.92 ?»pt»mber ..^^ 7.73 77 7.71 7.7*§7 7.71 Setcber — — — 7.4807. T0 7.60 (•et cotton closed quiet, with quotations l-l«c higher * 'he basis at H «c (air middling upland and 64c far tliillr^ Gulf. Southern spot markets were telegraphed ■ fcUows: New-Oriean? active and higher, l-16c ad ■atot. at 7 13-16 c: Mobije firm. 4c higher, at 7'*o; ■stanaii steady. 1-16^ hUfher. at 7 13-1 6 c; Wilmington P-»Sy. enchanted at 7T4c; N-rfo!k steady. 1-I«c higher, •t 715-lflc; bi.tim-ire nominal. l-18c higher, at 8 3-1 6 c: **f«sta steady. 3-32 c hiirhrr. at 6c; St Louis quiet, un £uved. at 7 13-l«c. Estimated receipt, at New-Orleans «* to-morrow are from l«,0«0 to 17,«>0 bales, as eom »--wi with »872 bales actual last week and «.55« bales JCa*: last year: at H tuyton for to-morrow from fI.O<JO to *•»«) bales, against 8.608 bales actual last week and 8.4&S •wjs actual latt year. R*-e:r-i ■„• the ports eni? Interior points to-day csm- Hm with the same day last week and last year: This Last Present Ports. To-day. w««k. year. stocks. p«*esVsn 11.507 4.359 10.2«7 2<V>.7SB *»»^r;«aa 10,510 6,733 7.392 346. 78» feetle 372 I 111 83.477 •••■■aii «422 1.973 133.987 S^lencs 4)>2 552 2.050 23.20S =s ton 274 731 481 18,588 fiS 0^ ~ 2«9« 1.513 1.074 48.045 | i! ~'=or<» — — 15.791 Sf^-Torli 443 1.511 1.130 118.448 2«ob 877 2.007 . S"«***Phla „ 49 62S 5.757 •la-^s 6.817 *«*l! ..„ .31.232 17.032 2f1,453 1.013.872 evarier: ■f £*»»«* 918 44* 670 63,908 J^Plils 1.U09 1.f>02 875 110.298 tlfius 1.441 1.152 1.783 63.262 2*** a 1.»23 2.12* 2.052 20.341 * sa «^oa 8.998 4.564 10,828 100.377 -?J*;»8 Excharge special Liverpool cables — Spot cotton, rf?»»u desnand. sales. 10.000 bales; speculation and ex »V- i.<**; A^nertcan. 0,000: recelpU. 75,000: American, Zi7Ji atdiiling upland. 4 16-32 d. Futures opened steady. 25*"*** aavance. Closed Orm, 34 to 4 points net £♦-«■• January 4.275; January-February. 4.2645; Feb a-Marcn, 4.2« v: Marcij-Aprll. 4,26b; April-May. -'Us; May-June. June-July and July-August. 4.2«45: S"«-«*pt«niber. 4.2SH*. Maaehe»ter— Tarns firmer r^wti »**tcr with more business). ' 'y-tR AN*r> MEAL- -Business was again held In cheek Z "* irregularity of wheat, snd. wnl>e holders main- ZTt? «>a ratts on all grades, ih« amount of business was It"., fj-ing patents. S4ioes4as; winter straights. $.1 .',5 gV 1 '- *i£t«- patenu, $3 75w«4; spring clears. $2 S3© fciLJ?"-" 11 No 1 winter $3e5.1 20: exira No 2 winter, faafS-^ 0 erade. $25. soot and to arrive HI.-'Ti- J5*»T rLOlra— Firm: quoted $2 »c*2 Sa spot and t3 a_^--.BTB rLOC Firm; quot«d: Fair tojpod, 11?R««; Chdce to fancy, t* 4*©B» » COR-N' £ir,y^|»t: quoted: Klin dried. «3 «Ss3 65, as to brand. tlfcs. -Al*— Za«y; quoted: Fine white and yellow, |1 70® kpt't 2*»««, »1 37 18 KEEl>— ESasy; quoted. laaaat ~V •pot. »23. sacks, to arrive. 200 Ifc, $23* . nxtos; bran, bulk. $22; coarse, winter bran. $28: •^kv^-P* '•*' <»nu»eal, «*»; Un»e«d oil cake. J29 25© f^ttoso. 9a Cike< 1=260: hominy chop. $27 50; oil * »tt» m 7'XT r "KAT— The tw<) extremes were met with ■■Jt^T; '•*■■ UE r> yesterday, prices »t -.-.- time touching <4cer^ nt saaa.^, but In tbe last bsw, peWac , >»»r.^* J>a«h. so that nn»J vsjue. were 4'OVtC net ■ ; J^-^i,. '?'? curb May dropped <* to M«. but **ZT tJrLu V> £*C!>rHc. A. ccndltjons t**™* t( » ,*"* *-•?**>. or, .1 tr| ' r In the session traders loaded up jrlth J* to ■g* «*— - «h*t prices would go much higher tlS»s j—Hiauua by an absence of expert demand '^AfMsittr^? 0 * "asaa. clearances aad. less aXtentlon to •miarormb^^j-^ ■ ■ £rr«a--*cn;ts.west b?Je*? h *f had b ** r expecteS. Th. publle waa a rood to • aur '"f the forenoon, but also showed » tendency ir,i~ c ,P ro nts after midday. The crop ta:k included ad fcelt^T^ dnr w «*ther in all parts of the winter wheat at,h,?? oUaB fe*r» Uiat any cold snap striking the crop in-,,"l? lme wou ld have serious consequences. Another ln-u^nce that disturbed locul conndence In the afternoon »a3 we announcement that a government report would cc Issued on Friday at 4 o'clock, giving an esf.mate of the average yield an acre ln 19nl Bnd aljo an estimate in round figures of the newly seeded winter wheat area. ' • >l 0 reports, however, will be made of the estimated total prcauction until after '■jrr.pari.-ins with the forthcoming , ceneus report. On the Idea that the statement might contain a bearish factor many prnf^ssionaJ traders who 1 were lang at wheat determined ti get out and not take chances. The cables were steady from Liverpool, but nad less than the usual efTeot upon sentlsncat, Berlin wa» 1®1'» maik« n«-t hiKher. liv -npest lgl'i marks higher and Liverpool Sd Btroocer. The cash wheat situ atio remained Just about as It has been all the week, with only 4 loads reported on export account and 2.<n«> buFh No 2 red. elevator, at 4c over New-York May. The eeaboard clearances were also disappointing, whl.e primary receipts exceeded last year's total gligrhily, although by no means heavy. Quotations of cash wheat, fob afloat basis, were as follows: No 1 Northern. Duluth, SOHc, prompt: No 1 Northern. New-York, «oc. prompt; No 1 hard. Manitoba, 82c. prompt; No 1 Northern, Manitoba. Mtte, prompt; No 2 Northern. Manitoba, Ss'ic, prompt No 2 Northern. Duluth. 6Sc. pr"mpt. and No 2 hard, New- York. 87*ic. prompt — Cnder largs sales for realizing and other account the corn market became weak and heavy yesterday, closing ie net lower. Some of the. commission houses at CbieasTO were very large sellers of corn on prospects for an Increased movement at country points, sn.l reports that Argentina was offering corn at considerably under American price*. The foreign markets were uncbanped and cash business amounted to only 17 uO<) bush No 2 corn to arrive, c ! f, New-York. Estimate* at Chlcapo for Friday were 125 cars. No 2 com oioged 71c. No 2 white 7540 Rn No 2 yellow 75Hc. all f obo b afloat OATS— JuIy oats In Chicago continued very active, with heavy buying: through broker* a feature ln the early part of the session, but some realizing and de cline ln the afternoon. July at one time was '-tttl^ higher at the West. The local ca»h market continued firm. No 2 oats closed 53c; N-> 3. 52c: No 2 white. ■■He; No 3 white. .'.50; track mixed, 58ig."i3S'- tm.'k white, f>4:Jsi>c. No 2 white, dips. 50c RYE— Market Mgjr; No 1 Western, 77Hc and No 2 Western 7«Sc, both fob afloat; State ry*. "l@72c BARLEY— Market quiet, feeillr.g was quoted sflf«lc and malting 64908 c, both c I f Buffalo. Sales. 125.<«Kt bush malting barley, private terms RrCK'WHEAT GRAlN—Steady quoted SI rtO per 100 Th track. New-York CLOVER SEED—DuII; quoted »SlMOc. NEW-YORK PRICES. M Wheat: Opening. High. Ixiw, Close. 'day" JJ* 1111 11 - J»° 00 RflH fioH 80^ May sgii 597-16 88H BSH BS*i Jul y - - SST, 89 feSW 6S>* 881* Corn: January 70 ; 70H 70H 704 70H May 71H 71* 70S 70S 71H July • — — - - S% 70H Lard: January _ _ _ _ tlo 10 $10 10 __ CHICAGO PRICES, Wheat: January _ _ _1' -o M«y — m% *4\ S3H s«s mh July - S3T» &4 S3'» 63H S3S Cora: January _ «3U BSU <34 «H «S T » May . 67«* 67 5-l<! ««S Mi 67V, July ..- 654 6flfr-l« tiT,\ ds\ 66H Oats: January — — — 49 4«^i M *y - -•• 47 <74 46H 4«H 4ftl» July 42 42', 41*4 41V 41S Lard: January _ » R2H «O 0 77H » 77H ft RO May 8974 10 00 tK'>i »i>24 8824 Ribs: January .... ? 5» 830 ||f 8 43 8 47H May . — &524 S 824 8 774 8 774 S 774 Pork: Jar.vary .. _18f»0 16 rm 18 «74 16*74 1*824 May 1735 17 40 17 25 17 274 17 274 Receipts of br*adstuffs at interior points in thousands last tnrs* ciphers (000) omitted, flour bbls, grain bush a« follows: Flour. Wheat. Com. Oats. Rye. Barley CWcaa-0 „ 33 55 1.7 1»?» 2 55 Milwaukee .... .9 M 7 l^ *t 4S Minneapolis . . — 417 17 £."> 4 15 Duluth — 48 — I 1 3 M, vis 8 12 122 7.". — Kansas Clty.._._. — 34 . •:. 11 Toiedo ............. — 10 *.- 13 2 Detrclt 1 1 «::»__ Peoria _„ — 4 61 2» — Totals 49 8"9 STO SGI 13 121 Shipments from these points: Chicago ...._ 31 39 138 154 1 19 Milwaukee .........a 1 21 7 2 IS ilir.neapoils ....... 66 41 37 6 • 6 St. Louis S SO f.3 29 — _ Kaasaa City — U bS 44 — — Toledo _.. — 7 :♦ 21 x — Detrcit .............. : 1 9 — — — Peoria. — & 27 29 — — Totals 99 19« 357 200 ~14 43 sipta at Atlantic ports: New-Ycrk 1» 29 8 61 2 — Boston 17 — — 17 — — Philadelphia ....... 2<i — — 2>J — — Baltimore- ........... 10 1 — 10 1 — New-Orleans ».—_ .4 — — 4 — — Tctals ' TO 23 S 104 i ~~H Eipcru from ACar.tie ports: New-York S 27 — 6 — 1 Philadelphia. 7 3 — 7 8 — Tctal» ...... 15 30 — IS 3 1 METALS TIN lowered the'.r bid prtc-e 50 roirts, which mads the quoted rarge tor spot to March i'siUS-3. The market sed weak at th» quotations. The London market \vi 3 lOs lower on spot, whlcu closed a.l £102 is, but tutarga wftre fia higher at £100 6s COP —Ths local market was n.inlnally unchanged. There was scrr.e talk of sales having bean made at lower prtctta. but this was not confirmed, ar 1 Lake was quoted «t 12Hc; electrolytic, 12c, and casting, 11-ic Lundon closed net unchanged, with spot at £47 10s and futures at £47 17s tt-1. but during the session spot sold down to £46 17s, which makes a row low record — Both the home and London marketa wero unchanged, the former standing at 4c and the latter at £10 lua fcPELTEIt — was no change here, apot being quoted at (4 40. Lcn<ion was all unchuiged at El 4 iJ»- Iron was dull and unchanged here. Glasgow cloeed at 49s 2d and lllidlesboro closed at 43s lOSfed; r.l* i:on waiTaata, 1113412; N> i Northern foundry. $15 503*16; No 2 North ern foundry, tlsiSlf».M). Ho 1 Southern foundry, 18 su® |1«: No 1 Southern foundry soft, $159817. MOLASSES AND 3YRUPS — .Syrup* were- quiet at former prices. Offerings were, light. The tone of the market was steacy. kfi MM wrj quiet here but *;eaiv. At Neir-Or'eans the was nrm. Quotations fol low: New-Orieart eentrlfttgml, common, lu4«jl4c; fair, 15©16 c; s-ood. 17520 prime. 224?^0c; New-Orleans, open kettle. 333;i64c; Porto Klao. 28<r3Oc; syrups, common, I ©l4c; fair, 15317 c; good. 17030 c; prims, 20^1i1c; fancy, 54090 C, OCEAN rUEIGHTS — In sail tonnage a moderate busl necs waj reported r. the coastwise and West India trade. but lr all other departments business was exceedingly dull. Ratea were in no way changed. For steamers tne demand was unimproved, being 1 light In all trades, ar.d rates v.-re entirely nominal. Quotations to Liverpool, Id: London, l^d. Glasgow. 2.1: Bristol. 14d; Leith. 2-id; Hull, 2d; Newcastle. 2d; Antwerp, 14d; Hamburg. 20 ! pfirs. Rotterdam. d4c; Bremen, 25 pfgs; cotton to Liver pool, per 100 It>, 124 c; London, oats, 7Vad CHAR TERS — Norwegian bteemer. 2.104 tona. New-York and Hamburg trade, 12 rr.or.tiis. fii.Vi, delivery and redellvery Europe. Ju.y. Augutt; Hrttiih steamer. 1.957 tons, cotton. ; Eavannah or Charleston to the Mediterranean, private - terms, January: Dutch etetmer. 1.277 tons, timber. Gulf to two ports Holland. 6f.«. January, February; schooner, 297 tons, lumber. Moss Point to Havana, private terms; sckooner, •':.'■'< tons, rails ar. i general catg 1, hence to Guanlca, $1,900; bark. iTI tons, milaxßes. New-Orleans | to north of Hatteras. $1874; option Boston, $2124; schooner, 341 tons. Gnll to MVw-York, $G 60. or Boston, rrivate terms; bcnr>oner. 449 tons, lumber, Savannah I 1 New-York. J.: option Bridgeport, $5 25; schooner, 1,040 tons <or substitute), ties, Fernandlna ,0 New-York and (or) Perth Amboy, 15c; schooner 707 tons, ties, Bruns wick to Baltimore. 14c If IOO.OiTO per day. 13He 1f 100.000: two 6ehooners, 637 and 1,"24 tons, ccal. Baltimore to Providence, $1 10; schooner. 1.694 tons, cokl, Baltimore to Boston. $1 25; British steamor. 1.823 tons, cotton. Savan nah to Un:tel Kingdom or Continent, private terms; British nchooner, 487 tons, fertilizer, Carteret to 9t Aa drews. $1 60. OILS — The cottonseed ell market was firm and un chan*>-<i, with a moderate Jobbing demand. Llnsee4 ruled stesdy at unchanged pricen, but with very little doing. Petroleum remained dull ar.d unchanged. Petroleum, bbls, *7 20, and In bulk. M6S; Philadelphia, bbls. $7 16. and ln bulk. $4 t»; refined cases, New-York, $8 30. Cottonseed oil— Prime crude, bbls, nominal, prime summer yellow. 484Q444c; off summer yellow, 424e; prime white, 4f>(/! 46c; prime winter yellow, 46c. Lln»eed oil — Am-rican raw, 82c; do boiled. *>4c, Calcutta raw. 85c Western Unseed quoted 2c under city brands. Lard oil, 78@79e. PROVISIONS — Early In the day gfwvtatoag were firm and a shade higher w;th grain and on moderate buying COT outside account, together bflUi an advance of .''(jli»o in live bogs. In the afternoon, however, the market broke, rather sharply under general realizing and dales of lard by packers. At all Western points receipts of hogs were only T.t 700, of which Chicago had 35,000. Kar.s . City 11,000 and Omaba 500. Estimates at Chicago for Friday were 30,000 PORK — Quiet, quoted: Me«s, $16 so© $17 60; family, $17 5o©$18; short clear. $IS@s2O BEE*"— quoted: Mess. $asoa*l(>: family. $Us> $12 su: packet. $Ji>.VM&sl2; extra India m>>», $17 Co^ $1950 BEEF HAMS — Steady; quoted. $20@521 DRESSED HOGS — Steady; quoted: Bacons. Be; 180 lb. 6«/ie; 160 rb. 84c; l#o Ib, BUe; pigs, «4c CUT MEATS— Pickled bellies easy; quoted: Smoking, 10c; 10 Ib. 9V.©«^c; 12 lb. flc; 14 n>. is\c. Pickled shoulders quiet; quoted 7c. Pickled hams dull, quoted 9%Q10 I nc. TALLOW — Firm; quoted: City, «4c; .-ountrv, 6W® 6Uc LARD — Easy; quoted 10. 10c. City lard dull; quoted 0.85 c. Refined lard dull; quoted: South America. 11-. d-ntlnent. 10.25 c: Brazil, kegs. 12.15 c. Compound f.rm; quoted 806Hc STEARINE— <JuIet; quoted: Oleo. 119114 c; city lard st-axlne HHc niCE— There was a good demand here to-day for all kinds of lice, principally for Japan, and the market was steady to linn. Prices were unchanged. At the South there seemed to be a hardening tendency, with full prices quoted and an active sales movement. Quotations follow: Domestic, common to low fair, 4©44 c; fair to good, i\if 8c; prime to choice, 6©s»ie; head. tto«4e; Patna. 4*i@ &Vc; Japan, foreign, 4\.&''%c. do domestic, 4'4iff47»c; Java. 4H@4^.c; Rangoon, ln bond. 2©24 c. SUGAR — Th* demand for refined sugar -was very slow. The American Sugar Refining 1 Company filled most of the new orders, which, by ths way. were for kmall lots, as the other refiners w«r« so heavily oversold that prompt shlprr.snt could not be made. Tha American waa well up with orders, and It could give prompt attention to new orders, but It would not allow the special discount of 1 per cent. The other refiners would allow this special discount. but they would not guarantee prompt shipment. Granu lated Is still quoted by all refiners at 4.75 c. Quotations follow: Cut loaf, crushed and dominoes, 8.25 c; mould A. 5.10 c cubes. 6c: XXXX powdered. 4.00 c; powdered, coarse powdered and fruit powdered. 4.85 c; Eaxle confectioners' granulated. sc; E&gfe coarse- and extra fine granulated. 4>sc; IZat'.e, 2 Tb cartons, 2 n> bags and S n> bags of line granulated., 4.90 c; Eagle Cne granulated, standard granu lated and diamond A. 4.75 c; confectioners' A, 4.5jc; No 1. 4.40 c; Ncs 2 and 5. 4.30 c; No 4, 4.30 c; No 0. 4.250; No 8. 4.18 c. No 7. 4.06 c; No 8, t »sc; No 9. 3.90 c; No. 10, S.«sc: No» U and 12. 3.80 c; No» 13. 14 and 15, 3.T50; No 16. 3 70c; 23 la bag» of fine granulated. 4.75e. A new low record was mad* in London to-day on beet sugar, when the current month sold at 6a 6Ud. This was a de cline of %d from yesterday's closing prices. The F"ebru sr-. porltlon sold at 6a 6d. The local market was dull and nominally unchanged, with centrifugal, firt test, quoted at 8&-l«c; muscovado. $9 test, at 3 1-1693 3-32 c. and mo lasses tugar. 69 test, at 2 13-I*B2 27-82 C COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. New- York. January 9, IJ*»2. BEANS AND PEAS— Trie market Is still very quiet for ; domestic white beans, and prices are rather easy; quality ] to reach our outside figures must be strictly choice, espe cially small white varieties Red kidney still lean in buyere' favor; It is doubtful that $2 15 could be exceeded for any quant:tv .-f chole» stock. Foreign beans are hav ing some call and are uteady on the baels of $1 S3 for prime Austrian goods. Scotch peas arm firm. Greer. P»a» a little higher. We quote: Beans, marrow, choice, per bueh, $2 35812 40; do medium, choice, $2: do pea. choice, (1 65; do red iiiney. choice. $2 15: do white kidney, choice, $2 45; do yeUow eye. choice. $2 85; do black turtle. stfutyfl 803S1 £8; do UtaarCa-UXornia, $3_2&qs3^Bo; Italian, >-EW- YORK DAILY TRIBUTE. FRIDAY. JA2OTAEY 10. 190 i I medium. $100«$inS: other foreign medium. $1 80«$l S3; fl«s P aS "• * 150 ' 175 ; do Scotch, bags. $16249 BUTTEB— The demand for high grade fr»sh crearoery la nearly suScUnt to absorb the offerings, and prices for I Boca are steady on the basis of 25c. That figure wa» ob tained quite generally from store, and a sale of Do tubs «f extras was made on at 23c. Grades under nnest down to very faulty quality ar* ln some accumula tion and rather urgently offered. These goods lose quality ; rapidly by holding, and there Is quite strong effort to dis pose of them as promptly as possible; prices are weak in I consequence. Storage creamer:.- rather il m, especially » O r ; the class, of goads that eosßprlaa the great bulk of th* i holdings; really fancy lots are not pi»a:y. and command -i@22c to a limited extent. No change In the Western packings, but there are more inferior good* offering, and feeling is barely steady. We quote: Creamers', extras. 1 P*r It), 25c; do firsts. 22324 c; do seconds, l«S21c; do thirds. lt;g:17c; imery. Jun« make, extrai 21igr22c: do ! held, flrst-, lU@2oc: do seconds. 17©lSc; do thirds, 15#l«c; ! State dairy tubs, fresh, fancy 22»23c; do iirsts. 19Q21c; I do seconds, 1731 So; do thirds. nnUic, Western Imitation creamery, fancy. ISO 4c; do firsts. lG®l7e; do lower grades, 14©15 1 /tc; Western factory, fresh, choice. 15' i» l»*io; do fair to prime. 14#l**4e; June packed, choice. 15# 15 «c; do held, fair to good, 14©144 c; do lower grades, 13§134c; rolls, fresh, ekoiac 17Ql!*c; do common to prime. 13©16 c: renovated butter, fancy, lac; jo common I to chulce. 13SlSc; packing etock. 13©14i4c '.HEE.SK — from home irade dealers continues , to keep up remarkably w«U and holders show increasing ■nr.Vnce. Very Jitlle fancy email cbi • - now obtainable below 114 c for colored or 1114 c for white, with, in fact, ■OBBS holders asking a shade more for <leslrabl« grades. The bulk of the demand Is for mild September small cheese, though we hear of some peddling business In fancy large sires, fkima quiet, hut desirable grades steadily held. Liverpool cable. 4&s for colored and 4>i> fur white. «c quote: S;at.-, full cream, *mall. fall made, colored, fancy, 11 4 c; do white, fancy. 11 '«c; do late made, dver age best, lu4@lo%tc; *lo good to prime. loSlO'.ie; do ••> mmon to fair, 7g»4c; do large, fall made, fancy. 10H® lu^c; do lav made, averag* best B*401Oe; do good to prime, US') 4c; do common to fair. 7SS?ic: light skim*, email, choice. SHiTOUc: do large, choice. 7**'a)v-ie; part isklms, prime, 74®Sc: do fair to good. 54S"c; do com mon. 3044 c; full .-k:ms. 2©2Hc r.GGS No further change In the market. Receipts of fre.«h are still very light, and while the demand Is small at present ■ high prtees, the urgent needs of the market are sufficient to absorb the quantity on offer. Refriger ator and limed eggs ln goo* demand and firm. We quote: State. Pennsylvania and nearby, f.incy. selected. 35©»»lc; do average prime. 33C34C; do fair to good. 27«32c; West ern and Kentucky, loss off. 30c: do at mark. aMflte; rennemsee and .•'.!:>-r Southern, at mark. 2.V'»M2c, refrig erator, fall packed. 20028 c do spring packed. lS<S22c; lirr.. d. 18 FRUITS — FRESH— Apples are rather quiet, but strictly choice to fancy qualities are held with s.ime confidence; medium an.! luw grades rather urgently offered. Grapes moving slowly. Cranberries ln light demand; prices about steady. Strictly fancy Florida oranges are not plenty and meet a fair Inquiry, but trade for medium and lower grades continues dull. Grape fruit nrm for top grades. Mandarins and tangerines dull. Pineapples neglected. Strawberries moving very slowly, and prices favor the buyer. We quote: Apples. Greening, cnld storage, fancy, per bbl, $5 50<fi f 90; lo common storage, prime. $4Q$5; do fair to good. J3 sOjgs4: do rthern Spy. cold storage. good to fancy. $4SJSS; do common storage good to prime, I 3 50954; do York Imperial, prim? to fancy. $3 50354 CO: do Wine Sar. fair to fancy. B3 SO?ZS4: do King, cold storage, fancy, per double head bbl. .'.o@sr>: do common storage, good to prime. MSSJS; do Ben Davis, good to fancy. $3 SAtfs4 BO; de Baldwin, cold storage, good to fancy, MSOOSS 2S; do common storage, good to choice. $4£T4 75; do red winter varieties, fair to good. $35«3 50; do poor to fair grades. >aas2">o. grapei«. Catawba. West ern New-York, per case of 10 3 tt. harktt! $I©sl 25; do per small basket, S3I2C: cranberries. Care Cod. fancy, large dark. late, per bbl. *7 r.O do medium, |T9t7 2K; do Howes, fancy. $7: do K»r!y Black, fancy, dark. $7; do good to choice. J« 2505(5 78 : do p"or to good. IB#tB; do Jersey, rrime to extra", bbl. $B.S?JB 25; do prime to extra, per crate. $1 SO<3s2 10; do common to fair. $1 50® $i IS; oranges. Florida. Indian River, bright, ne'.ected. lanr». fanrv $3tfs3 SO; do atralffht Unes $260^12 75; do Florida, other sections, br-p l!5O«S2OOs. $2 25<552«0; <5o bright, stralgtit line*, *21tf2 25; da r.js»et straight lines. $2SJ2 15: do common to fair stock. $1 .V>#sl 75, rrane fruit, choice to fancy, brls-ht. 4?s*Jfi4s. JfV?}s7: do MmsM«s, S4tmeiSSo h^ 12««<?15i>s. $3 5011*4 50; tan gerines, per box. t2 sOfl-$4 5O; mandarins. $2ffS3 50: pine ■PPl»a Flirirfa. Bseotti Cayenne, per box. $1BS2(W: do per ens*>. Sies2.*iO; stnmrberrie.-i, noriaa. choice to fancy, per quart. 304M0G : <1> fall to good. l'(V32sc. FHCITS — DRIED — The market Is quiet for moat grades of evaporated aprlt>s. Choice and fancy - -■;: comprises a W7 moderalo proportion />f the ofTcrirw and »r« held firmly, but pnrne fruit Is a little more plenty and ahow lng weakness. Only occasional sales of iun dried apples are reported and tha prices realized are sbout the -•ame as quoted of late. Chops and cores and ekir.s steady. Not much dning Ir. small frtilts. California fruits are having a quiet Jobbing trade Rt full late prices. W« quote: Appli*. evaporate-1, r.'.'l. fancy per lb. 104911 c; do choice. »4 l 310c; do prim*. f>4®?^ic: ,j 0 common to good. 738?ic; dn evaporated. 1900, choice to fancy, 9© 104 c; do poor to prime. flffrSKc; do sun dried, sliced, North Carolina. BO60; <in sliced, 4>-:'fs4e; do quarters. Ohio and Michigan, SO3%e: do Western quart ers, 4 l i*tZ l ir; Virginia quarters 43?44e; ,10 coarse cut. Tennessee. :>.: > . s .i34Hc; do chapped, lOOi. per 100 rb. il fio© $2 60 : <;o cores and sains, $1 OOCS2 10: ■raspberries, evap orated, 23c; cherries. State ar 1 PennrrlvarJa. 15«H5*ic: do fioutherr,. 13i514c; h<irklebf>rries. IIJlic; blackt-errlM. 7ff7Vic; apricots, California, Moorpsrk. tS^IBe; do P-r".-^l. fiCjilc; peaches. Car.fcirr.ta, r*ei*d. Wile do ur.pecled, 7«flOHc; prunes. California, '-"■ ••"* HOPS— Nothing developed to-day to change the general position of the market. In a quiet way some bualnes* wag done with brewers, a-r.i a recent transaction -.vai. re pcrted be-tween dealers, embracing lite a lorg line of Oregon hops at 14c. The fe?:lng seemed to be stead] es peejaliy on the finest graies of both State snd Paciflo Coast hops. V.'c quot*: Bt^te, 3901, choice, per rb. 14315 c; do prlne, 12Htfl3He; <!o common to medium. li>gl2c; do 19<X». choice. 10311 c; (it rommon to prime. 73PV?: PaMfi.i ' irt. 1901. cholcs. 14-gl.v. do Übmb to prime. 10@ tm ': do IMfl choice. lf*^llc: do common to prime, TS JK:; State and .Pacific Coast, -.Id Ossa. l©3e. POULTRY— ALIVE — Receipts to-day hsiri 4 ears of Western by '"-e'r I and about l car by expfks. With con.paratlvely moderate re<— st.-wk» are working out prnr.pily at steady price*. Llvo unchanged. We quote: Chicken*, per Tb, *1?ac; f-iw!s. prlrre. lie: ro«»ters. 7c; turVc>!». lt>;Jllc: ducks. We»trm. per pair. «i£7sc; geefe. W*Ktern, $1 257*1 BO; d-^ Ho'Uhfn. $1 Csl 25; live pigeons, 2<)c r>R£fa.^EX'— P«pplies of fresh drened poultry are cr>mparaiiv*]y moderate «p..1 only a very fma'.l propon vf fan y grade*. The svr.ersl demand Is light. Imt some call f.>r quality of nearly all de »frtptlon» FcalilM poultry esperially tree and firm. Nearly all -the ehlckana are running: ccarse and (targy end avernge ofrarlnga si war:-1w ar:-1 Irr' though fancy grvdes bring txtr»me prices. Ducks In m"ifri!i supply an.l r.rm. '";e*«« plenty and dull, bquabs very r.r-i. We quote: Turkeys. «t«t» imd Pvuiwy l (aata, fancy, 13^ 134«; do Ohio and Michigan, sea I I fancy, lS4e: do fair U> riod. 1143124 c; other Western ncafdrd. young hena. fancy, 13^1.1 -. do Western, araldad. younA* tnms, 12'<?124^: do young h»ns. fancy. 13c; <I'> bus and toms, fancy. J2CI2V4c: young tomo. funcv. 1 1 '-j ljr 1 2" : do West ern mixed, good to prima. l!iil;- l r. old hens, llo; old tOTTf. Ji">c: to poor to fair. <glOr; broilers. Philadelphia. fancy, 'ibttXZr. chickens. Philadelphia. *«l*<-ted. Uirge. 16 ©17c: do mixed s|7» ■•«. I2gn<:; do Jerrey. fancy. 13'<;i4c; do fair to g»->d. 11912e; do State «r.d Pennsylvania, farcy, 12013 c; do fair to good, 10(31ic; do Ohio and Michigan, scalded, fanry. lIOTI d.-> fair to food, BttClOHc; oth'r Wettern. choice to fancy. 1041?11o; d<i fair U) «rw>d. 90 10c; chlckons and fowls, mixed, ch'.lro to fancy, I<J@ 104 c; fowls, Ohio ajj-1 Mlchignn. faacy, sesudea I*-; other Western dry pickel, choice. lOaiOVfco; do »cald»d, cholre. 104*rllc : do poor to fair, 7gO4r: old cocks. 64(3 7c; capers. Philadelphia, fancy, large. '- -;-'-c. .lo medium sire. 1401flr; do small and slips. 12P13c; do Western, large, i4fi'lsc: do mixM Wflchts. IJ.'fflSc: <lo -.:! and ■ Hl'S, lOIMlc; ducks. Ohio and Michitmn. fancy. 14C?15c; other Western, fancy, Itftl4 : do pcr.r to fair. &dl2c; ge<s>e. Western, fancy, 9c; do fair to good. 7SSc; squabs. Frlme, lnrpe. white, per dorm, $3 2."><Js3 SO; do mixed. aCO6S2 7.".. do d«rk. $1 75. GAMX5 — few lots <-f wild ducks arriv'ng are gen erally of undesirable quality. Scarcely any snipe or plover arriving. Rabbits without mvement Wi quote: Wild duck?, carvaj p^r pair, $2 CM<iis3; do redhond. $1 WWI; do mallard. 7" Ml; do tenl. bluewing. Onli'oc; rabbits, per pair, 10®12Vic; Jack rabbits. 4'i.Vm. POTATOnS AND VKGETAIiLES— The recent. Imnrove ment ln top (rrai'es of foreign potatoes is sustained, but th» market Hhows no f.r-h^r upward tendency at the moment; there Is a good -leal of poor stock offering for which sry modi rni<» prices hay« to be accepted; domes tic potatoes about Iteady Bweets iulet nn.i outside fig ures extreme. Onions w*ll sustained at anduasjed prices). Cauliflowers eteady. Bru.iS«'lt aprouts *.oln« a little bet ter. Norfolk spinach iiK-t-tlng a moderate der:. • at unchanged prices. Kale flrm under llc><ter offerings. Florida, lettuca is In f.iir supply aiul largely of Infwior quality; for general receipts trade Is very dull aad most sales are in range of tl'ill! Der baskot fancy stuck Is arce and would sell j>rumntly at comparatively good prices. Other kinda of Florida vegetables show little Changs; trade quiet for nearly ail kinds. We quote: Potatoes, Bermuda, No 1. t>er bbl. $.V?*tJ; do Nr. 2. O 60Q $4; do leoteh good to jjrSme. per 168 rh bag. $l!20«$2 2S; dj Irisa. good W prime, toer 108 n. bag. $a 10ti £0; do Belgium, good to prime. $21?52 2O; do poor to fair foreign, per M 8 Ib bag, $1 60011 BO; do German, large, fair to fancy. p*r 112 n> has. $1 2Oosl BO; do Maine, good to prime, per 190 IT.. $2 ,V>-(s2 75; do good to prime, per .-,-..„ t2*oOt2N>: do tsuite. fair to prime, per IN) 11, J2 25(3 52 50: do fa:r to prime, per sack. $2 12ii«2 sweets South Jersey, per douhle head bbl. $2ul>"dW2n; do Vlr.eland. cloth heads. t2 SOOSS 50; nrisaels sprouts, prime to choice per nuart. 6012 c do cauliflowers, Ixng Island, fancy ' per bbl. JMfS": do poor to fair. $IQ$4. d* Cali fornia. r,er case. $2&OSS3 23; ,r.i.age«. Long Island, per l<m $2«54- do State. Danish seed, per ton. $f>'ffs'2: do native $''.■■* celery. State, per '■■••" lOOBfte; J" '';i fornia. per case. $4; eirgviants. Florida, per box. »4(U*'; kale! Norfolk. peVbbl.W; lettuc«. FJortda. frame, fancy, per half bbl basket. $3»53 80; do outdoor, choice, per half bbl bibltet $225««280; do poor to good, per half bbl basket $l®s2 r 7o Norfolk and North Carolina. per half bhl basket' 75c.«*l 50: do North Carolina, per bbl B8 U 50- onions. 'irauKJ County white, per l>ag. S2'as4 SO. do red good to prime. $3353 50; do y-llow. $ar»s3 50^ do poor TTfaTr $ai»s2.-H)- do Connecticut red. per bbl. $S CMKS^ . do velluw $325«53 75 do white $3Sstl; do State and West l?n ye'Uow per lag. $*&& **: do per flat hoop bl-1. $J« £V dn red per hH. M»»«f4: do shallots New-Or leans per l.« l.un-hes. •»»**: mm BS* 1 * JEJ carrier $ IW iU M ■plnaob. Norfolk, p«r boi. »1 .5« $1 {J0&12. $IHAy"aND1 HAy"aND STRAW— HAY— No large trading wa« re- No S «o^70 l :7clave r . mlEed. «o W 75c clover «^*=. i^w in urns reported afthe Produce Kxchang. at noon to-day: Hudson Kiver Railroad. 6.0. Krle. IWJ. eI }J . «raw^ tons" LIVE STOCK MARKET. New-York, January 0. 1002. BEEVES -Receipts. 3 cars, or 62 head, all consigned direct No reported 'transactions. Dressed beef steady; city dressed native sides. 64w10c per It,. Cable, quoted American live cattle at U4ml34c per Ib. dressed weight refrigerator b»ef at 10®10Uc per n>. No exports reported for to-day To-morrow the Uller for the West Indies will carry 10 sheep Mr L. S. Dlllenback. CALVES— Receipts. 110 head: 7B direct and 32 to be ■old .mainly at Sixtieth-it. The market quoted steady and all sold. Veal. sold at $4®sß 75 per 100 Ib. City dressed veals. 13c per Tb; country dressed flrm at 0® 114 c; dressed barnyard and fed calves. «eßc. Sales— J. G. Curtis & Son: 19 veals 146 rb average, at $8 50 per 100 Ib; 1 do. 144 R>, at $S TB. 1 do. 04 Ib. at 50; 2 do. 120 Ib. at $5; 2 do. 65 Ib. at $4; 3 culls. 180 Vil 4 & Bro.: 2 veals. 132 Ib. at $8 75; 2 do. 132 m 's at Judd i Co.: 3 Jersey veals, 117 Ib. at $3 25. ' SHEEP AND — Receipts. 284 cars, or 5.940 head 114 cars direct and 17 oars to be sold: 124 at Jersey City and 44 at Slxtleth-st. Sheep and common and medium lambs ruled iteady. while good lambs were wanted and showed firmness. The rens were fully cleared. Sheep sold at $2 4!V254 50 per 100 It. lambs at «aiß 25: one car Canadian lambs at $5 85. Dressed muttcn. .'.4£T4c dressed lambs. 74©10 c c..i »l_D Harrington: 100 Ohio lambs. 65 It> average. rr'*flls per 100 Tri; 210 d> 73 tb. at $5 85; ISS Canada do. 89 Ib. at $5 85: E3 Ohio theep. 00 n>. at $4 25; 10 do, Kerns C mmlsslon Company: 214 BufJaio lambi, 65 Id, «t »5 65' 85 Ohio do. 142 TK at $4 50; 83 Virginia do. H re. »t $5; » Virginia *heep. IOS Ib, at $3 75; lt»7 <Je. 1"4 rb »t $3«2«: ISI do, 73 Vb. at *2 40; « Ohio do. 13S Ib. at SS 7.V •> bucks. 135 rb. at $3 60. Tobln 4 6hannon: 65 Ohio lambs. 77,1b, at $6 20; 223 Ohia ie: V>"esterri aheep,-83-nv^^|ißo^g2S.,ObJo do^6a 42' d" 88 : r? a?s2°7s. ft - Bt •* 83: 90 ao 80 U, at $3 23; ■R,?<r f11*?f 11 *? *« '- 0 : " =01 OhJ » iambs. 74 Tb. at $«25: 222 M -•< 'i. ?■ S6 **• at mS '•'■ BuCalo sheep, 114 R). at $3 .5: 18 Jereey ewes. 113 rb. at $4. Har-ington « $560 =32 Buffalo lambs. «1 Ib. at 30; - f - ; - ■' ' at $6 50. MePherson ft Co.: 201 Buffalo larabs 75 Ib. at $5 SO. J8 :a re * *c L. 8. Dlllenback: 96 State lambs. S3 Ib. at a.t A ia l^V Mnl!en <!ato T«srerday>: 34 State lambs. 75 Ib. -. HOOfl—^Receipts ipart'y eet!mated> were 13t4 ears, or r,'.,'.i- "* ad .o. on * *•<•« on sale. Th« jnarket quiet. N) Dusiness of importance had been repened up to a late hour Country dre«ed d»:ll and weak i»2 a^*— Andrew Mullen (late yesterday): 22 State hoe?. 2^-gh.: t .rv?wr r 10 ° n>: ■ do - no *• at ViZ : nf H t«Si' 5° ni (!ate terday>: 40 state hogs. 122 Ib. $4 co. 1 boar. 300 rh. at $3: 1 do. 2!*> Ib. at $2 75. IJilk .ti'7 * Bro - "" ! " y»t'rt«v): 5 State hogs. 4 t,,^i *.*' SP : l •">»■ 2SO rb. at $4 50. c. Juad & Co.: 1 Jersey bosja. 220 Is, at $«SO. OTHER iIARKETS?!-BY TELEGRAPH. ,J^ iC^°\ J * n - »•— C»ttle— Receipts. 9.000 head. 250 Tex ans Market astlre and lO®lso higher than on Monday. Good to prime. $n«vss7«o-. poor to medium. $435«75; stockers and feeders. $2 25e54 75: cows. $1 2:. a s 4 75: SiAS™' S-r>°G*^"Q'- canners. $1 2T.i352 30; bulls. $23 $4 CO; calves. W»W3.i: Texas fed steers. $a2sisS2r.. 'ga— Receipts to-day. 33.000: to-morrow. 20,»i0- left ver lfl 000 '- raarket s@loc higher. MIxM and butchers". >•«•-?s*; W>: to choice heavy. $<; 30«Sa 50; rough heavy $SDOCS«2O: light. $5 806$«10: bulk of Mies. $6«$«4o: fheep— Receipts. 12.U00; heavy lower, light Ka*ay. Lamba «r"n|f to 10c higher. Qood to choice w«th.<rs $40*4 0(>; Western sh^p $4ffs4 75: native lamb*. $3 6OfifG- West ern lambs. $5 75. Cincinnati, Jan. 3. — Hoks strong. $4««*3,lT>; rattle strong. $2 50i655 63: sheeo steady. $1 7 53 75; larr.L* flrm, $4@!K> T.-». East Buffalo. Jan. 99 — — Receipts light: fUil steady to strong: good fat eteers. $5 30; good mixed cows and heifers. SiiiS LTp: poor to fair oM cows. 12 25e53 75; veals active and strong: common to choice. $5 6i>iisS 50 HoK?— Receipts. 6,500: fair!-- active arul higher; Yrrkers. $<JSs<Bs6 30; light do. $f. IS9CA 20: mixed packers. J-i r/rf <■". 50; plrs. $5 00«*$«. roughs. $5 4(»4»»o 70. stags, i »if $4 60. Sheep and lambs — Receipts. 3,200 head; good de mand; strons; for sheep; lotjil.'c h Kher for lamb*. Choice lamr*. $IW$« 10: good to choice, $5MXg$5 <M\. culln to fair. $4 75555 75. sheep, choice bandy wetbera, $4 tunrtß com mon to extra mixed. $3 'Jt*[fi+ 50: culls and common. $2 MO $3 80; h«-avy export ewes and wethers. $4CiO®s4 75; year llnits $s©ss 25. E3ast Liberty .I.>n. !>. — Cattle steady: choice. $6 40© $« «0- prime. $5 H!Was»? 10: cood. $5 35#»6 «B. Hogs steady; rnme heavies. M4«^srt4, > '». heavy mediums. $6 40©$G45: light do. tSS3eS«4O: hea^•y Torkers, 20lg$« Si): li?ht Torken, $0 OS'S *« 15; DtK«. J3 >*)aso >.<o roughs, $s@sG. Sheep firm: best wethers, $4<ifs4 -.".; culls an«l common, $1 60S$2; yearlings. $;t(<i*4 50; veal calves, $7 50<3$S. THE STATE OF TRADE. Buffalo. Jan. 8. — Flour — Good demand; strong. Wheat f?prlng, no demand: No 1 Northern. SBVic. Corn dull; No 2 yellow. 7(>Uc. No 3 do. 69«» c. No 2 corn. 69 l *c; No 3 do. 6»c Oats steady: No 2 white. ft2'-2<v No 3 do. 62e; No 2 mixed. 49*iC5Oe: No 3 do, 49 i©404c. Bye. 73*»c Chicago. Jan. t>. — The leading futures closed as follows: Wheat. No. 2: Opening. Hlgheet. Lowest. Closing. January 80V» »H TO 79S May „ WSJTS4S 54% 83H©83** 82 *.««•'* July h3*»*S4 84 is3U 83»,i Corn, No. 2: January 63 « 63H «3H 63H May «7Vi«67 67«-iff67H WH.MHO^'j July ft«S «6HS«a*» «^965*« «5^565!» Oats, No. 2: May 47»4T^ 47S 46H 46H July 41»i#42H 42S 41*4 41*i341T, Septe-nber 84W 34 ! 4 S3V» S3HS33** Mess pork, per bbl January J18«) $16 90 $1« S7H $18 S7H May 17 35 17 40 17 27S 17 27^ July 17574 17 37V» 17 26 17 25 Lard, per 100 Ib: January 9HH » S2H • 7TH »TTH Ma; 9974 1000 B92 1 ft 92S July ...„ 1002 V* 1002 V* 1000 1000 Short ribs, per 100 Ib: January • • 50 50 45 840 May 6 82% S 82^ 8 77* S77"* Cash quotations were as follows: FTour firm; No 2 sprtr.s wheat. 80O81V»c. No S. 789«>He; No 2 red. *•© 894.V, No 2 o^ts. 470474 c: No 2 white. 4S%l©>soc; No 3 white. 4yQ4r»«-*c; Nu 2 rye. o7?«c; barley, fair to cholc*.!ng «o<J(Uc : No I flaxaeed. $165; No 1 Northwestern. $1 «7; prime timothy seed, $«55: clover, contract grad«. $10. Meas porn, per bbl. SS3JI« frt; lard per 100 Tb. $» 7r.«s> #hort ribs sides (loose). 40<g-$S 55; dry salted shoulders boxed). $7 35#57 50; shrTt clear sldoa fboxed). $8 ST><3s9 90; whiskey, basis of high wines. $132. On the Pro<iue« Exchange to-day th« butter market was steady; crsamerUs, 15024^ac: dairies. 14«20c. Cheesa steady. •..'■,}i:-.' Egirs strong; fresh. SOc. Duluth, Jan. 8. — Close: \Vheat — Cash. No 1 bard. 80%e; No 2 Northern. 75*»c; No 1 Northern. T7!»c; May. 811 »c Oats. 4fl!ie4«Sc. Milwaukee. Jan. — Wheat unsettled. Close: Ko 1 Northern. 81#ttVLe; Wo 2 Northern. 80CW>4c: May. 63«ic. Ry* steady: No 1. ft"7Hc. Barley higher; No 2. 64Vs<2«;c: »ara;:», 55365 c. Cora— May. C«4c. M'.nne»piiUe. Jan. —Close: Wheat— Cash. 7«Hc; May. 794C79^4.rt: July. MSe. On track. No 1 hari. Sl4c: No 1 Northern. 7S%c: No 2 Northern, 77"-k577 I '.our — First patents. $4 10@54 20; second patents. $4C$4 10: first clears. $3©sS 10; second cle r>i. i 2 30. Philadelphia. Jan. •. — Wheat firm. Ho higher: contract grade. Janui 673574 c. Com steady but quiet; No 2 mixed. January, •"';-vt'-t-. Oats steady; No 2 white clipped. fl4 4c. Butter »teßiy f.vr demand: fancy West ern creamery. 254 c; 1o nearby prints, 20e. Egs;» firm; freak Beartry. We: da Wenen. 3«">c; do Southwestern. SOc; do Southern. 27c. Cheese nrm: Ifew-Tork full creamn. fancy. small. HHc; dn fair to choice, 94511 c. Receipt*— Flour. B.C ■■) bbls anl 1.705,000 lb '.n sacks; wheat. 500 h-ish; cor;. <wi i-.. oat*. 15»,0iX> i!"-.. Shipments — Wheat. «■».<> x) bush; corn. 15.000 bush; oaxs, 6.000 bush. Ft. Loots, Jan. — Close: Wheat — No 2 Mat eaah. ort4e: May. 004 c; July. B2He; No 2 hard. 8338*. Corn — No 2. cash. Ote; May, ''-'*.- July. PSc. Oats — No 2, cash. eß\c. May. 43«4c; July. «Jc: No 2 w»-.!te. 434 c. KATAX STORES. The market for uplrtts turper.tln* retained a firm tinder— tone, btit was quiet, with offers scarce. Advices from the Savannah market w»r» very firm, and served to tnn«» up tbe rr.arit-r here. R."n>ln was steady but quiet, withoot quotable 1.-^an|c^. Tar bel I to former price*, w.tJi the undertone ab^ut *»e.Tiy. We iote- BPIP.ITB TURPENTINB— OiI hh'.s. 89Hc; machln* made bbls, 40<- TAB-rin* bbl«. J' S3; o'.l bhls. $3 SO. Rris;\ Common, utralned, $1 .V); nod stratned. $133; D, $1 65; n, $1 IV); F. $1 65; O, $1 TO H. $1 75: I. $1 00; K. J2 5O; M. |: 90: N $3 60; W O, *."• 00; W W. $4 10. STOCK ON HAND. Rosin _ ..._.. 31 bbls BpirttS turpentine.. _._ 2.3*3 bb:» Tar __.. 1.;i13 bbia Charleston. Jan. 9. — Turpentine and rosin firm and un changed. Savannah. Jan. 0. — PpMts turpentine firm; receipts, 248 bbls: sales. BM Msjmtl «5. Kosln firm; receipts. laSit bt>!«; i>a>s, 2.708; exports, 4fia, New-Orleans. Jan 9. — — Rosin, 253 bbls: ex ports ta il- Use, Besaftoraa turpentine. 1 bbl. Wilmington. Jan. 0. — Spirits turpentine quiet. 3VJ37a; receipts, 21 casks. Ro»ln flrm. $1W$1O3; receipts, 8:»5 bbls. Crude pentlne qul-t. $1 102-J2; rectipu. 48 bbls. Tar firm, $1 25; receipts, 191 bbls. London. Jan. — Turpentine— Spirits. 27» %\. SOtrTHKRN COTTON MARKET. Ton-}. JMg. Het nilMi Bales. Stock. Galveston Pteady 7 T » 11.WJ7 11.307 u)N> 260.73H Norfolk steady 713 l«i 2,40»J 2.4 M 455 48.048 Wllir.lngtCin steady. . 7% J74 -.'74 19,.'-SH PavannP'.i steady 7 13-lrt 4.422 4.422 702 153.057 New-Orleans . .ry firm 7; , 1«:.!<> 10.880 14.700 346.75S M bile flrm .- 7\ 372 372 1.200 55.477 Memphis T* l.Jnt» 2.013 l.«S0 lI'»2SW Augu«a steady 8 Mi 1.07S 2f»2 U.toi Charienton Urni 7 13-10 4-«2 4«2 2W> 23.208 Cincinnati quiet SMi 1.023 1.1»23 — ■ 20.344 St. Louis qule« 7 13-1«» 1.441 6.357 1.335 63.252 Houston 5teady.... ..7 13-10 s.itys B.U»S 1.1U5 UX),277 LTVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, Jan. 9. 4 p. m.— — Spot — demand: pti-«s I— lrtcf higher: American middling, fair, 4 27-82 d; good middling, 4 lii.'!2d; mldJlins. 4 15-32 d: low middling, 4VI: sr'".<l ordinary. 4 x 4d; ordinary. 4d. The sales of the day were 10.000 bales, ot which 500 were fcr speculation and export and included 9.000 American; receipts. 73,0<H> bales. Including «5,300 American Futures opened firmer an.i clused flrm American middling, g o 0, January, 4 27-A4.1 sellers; January and February, 4 2S-64&4 27-64 d sellers; February and March. 4 2ft-04d value; March and April, 4 2<Ml4d buyers; April and May. 4 2lMi4H<4 27-64 d etllers; May and June, 4 26-64 27-64 d buyers: June and July, 4 2*-64@4 27-«4d buyers; July and August, 4 3(MM© tST-ita buyers: August and Beptember, 4 23-4494 24--&4 d sellers. B T .*ROPEUN T PRODUCE* MARItETT. Liverpool, Jan. 8. — Closing- Wheat — Spot firm: No 2 rel Western winter, Os '&\>\, No 1 Northern itprlng. Oe 3d; Na 1 California, 6s 6d; futures quiet; March, 6s 4Hd; May. 6s 4%1d. Com— 3pot, American mixed, new, no stock; American mixed, old, steady, 3s Slid; futures quiet; Feb ruary 6s 4Md; March, &s 4d; May, 5s 4d. Peas — Canadian firm '6s lid". Flour— St. Louis fancy winter tlrm. 7» »d. Hops at London — Pacific Coast .'inn. Hi 3sff£3 13a. Deef Jinn; extra India mess, 795. Pork firm; prime rress. Western. 72s «d. Lard— American refined. ln palla. dull. 48»; prime Western. In tierces, quiet, 49a. Hams— Short cut. 14 to 19 Ib. steady. 459. Bacon — Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 Tb. ata 6d; short ribs, 18 to 24 Ib, 45s 6d; long clear middle*, light. 2S to 34 Ib. 43a; loiijr clear middles, heaw, S5 to 40 Tb. 44s tld; short clear backs, 16 to 20 Jb, 44s 6>l; clear bellies, 14 t> 10 rb. 62s «ML HhouMers — 11 to 1,3 Ib, dull. 33s A.. Butter steady; rtneat United States, 82s; good United Stales, 70s. Cheese firm; American finest white. 4Ss <M. American finest colored, 49s M. Tallow- Prime city flrm, 20s IM Australlun, in London, firm. 31s Bd. Cottonseed oil — Hull reflni-d. spot firm. 22s Cd. Tur pentine Spirits flrm, 2S<« <I<l Rosin— Common dull. 3s \o4d. Fetroleum — lteflned firm, "'.■!. L:nse«d oil quiet, 30a 3d. (Dccan Sicamcra. A — WHITE STAR LINE. NEW TORK— QUEENBTOWN— LTVERPOOL. Teutonic. Jan. 15, norn Cymric. . . .Feb. 12. 8:30 a.m. Oermanlc Jan. 23. nomdermanlc Feb 19 noon Oceanic Feb. 3. 3 P. M Teutonic Feb. 2tt. noon Pier 48, North River. OJBce. 9 Broadway. New Tork. A CUNAKD LINE. TO LTVEHPOOL VIA QUESEN3TOWM Baxonla. Jan. 11. 3 P. M. I I'mbna Feb. 1. Noon Etruria.- •• - .Jan. !(«, Noon'Saxunla Feb. 8. 3 P. M. Ivernla. Jan. 23, 3 P M. ' Lucanla. . . Feb. 15 II a. M VEBXOK 11. BROWN A CD.. Oan Agents. 29 BROADWAY. NEW-TORK. ADVKRTISEMENTS and subscrlDtlons for The Tribune -^- received at their t-'ptowr. Omc-e, NO. 1.242 BROADWAT. 2d doer north of 3ist-st., .-.ntll 9 o'clock p. ro. A '.vertlsementi wlil be received at the foil .wins; brerien offices at regular office rates until S o'clock p m., vlx. : 25-4 Sth-ave., » c. cor. 23d-*t.**ls3 Alh-ave., cor. 12th st.; U2 Knst 14lh-et.; 237 West 42d-at.. -e-w- -. 7th and Sth . 363 West 125th-st.i 1,338 Bd ,*▼«•.. between 76th sad 77th sts.; 1,030 3<i-»ve., near tilst-st. 1,708 llt-are., near SOih-st.i 157 East ''<•> Tremont.ave.l 6SO IMarr., near 41«U*t.; 554 3d-av«.t 210 Bleecker-at ,i 33S |lle>e<-ker-st. nrooklyn. >. V — 1 1; Cpnrt-at.i 215 Smlth-st. >>«srk. X. J— 7i>4 Broad-st. Also at all A. V. T. offlc a. ©rean Sircmer?. K3OOBTM dfEOBOaQ^R! iLi-Q^i:. FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. CHERBOURG— ERBMBN. Kais-r .. .Jan. 21. 10 a. M.'Kalser liar. 25. 10 A. M. Kals»- Feb. 13, 10 A. Xl.llCronprtnz Apr. 9. •A. il. Kronprtnm.Mar. 11. «A. M. 1 KaL<ir Apr. 22. 10 A.M. . PI" 32. North RlTer. Ganst.voort St. OHLRICHS A CO , NO. 5 BROArrWAY. , Lools H. Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Phlla. . >M3>IMU»£IRM}AI URL' Twtn-S«r»w Exprers ateiaiers durtri Wlattr on Med jterranean Express Sen-ice. Senrlc* to Plymouth-Coer boars-Hamfcurg irssliiisa March 8. 1902. T->VIN-.SCP.-..'.V P.ASSKNGER SERVICEI __ :M: M PLYMOUTn— CHE3BOLRG— HAMBURG, waldersee. Jan. 11. f, A. m. ! Penr.jylvanla.Jan. 23. « A M. •Palatla. Jan. 18. 11 *> a. M. Fret.iila .Feb. 1, irjuA II .r>«"_. •To Man-. buns direct. HAMBITTtG-AMBP.ICAN LINE. 37 B"WAT. X, Y. MEBJTEiBSABBiEASB EfflMMB •HAiIBURG-AITERiCAN t.NORTH -.HRiIAX .-._;■ _L. LINE. to LLOYD NAPLES AND GENOA VIA GIBRALTAR Jb ALGIERS _. BT EUCPRES^ STEAMERS. Steamers A:i«r. Trave. Lahix and Hobenior.era do not ._ call at Algiers. ♦Kaliwrin Jsn. 13. 10 A. M.tAiler Feb. 8, 9 A M TTrave... IS. 11a. M.i'F. Bfpmarck Feb. U TLahn.. Jan. 2T>: UlohenzoUern Feb. in •Columbia Jan. tKaiserln.. Feb. 22 .-„,» »^» Saillne at 10 A. M. FOR ALESXANDRIA »EGYTT). JAN. 4. IS. .'.O. MCH. 2» Return tickets available tor ... steamers of either Hn« from Naples. Genoa. Gibraltar Hamburg, Bremen. Lon- Con. Southampton. Paris aad Cherbourg. HAMBURG-AMERICAN NORTH SERMAN LLOYD. - _^ LINE. ; OELRICHa & CO., Afents. 3. BROADWAY. >T. T. ( » BROADWAY. N. Y. Hambur e steamers from First St.. Hoboken. N. J. LJoj-d steamers from Amity St . Brooklyn. KAIPERIN MARIA THERESIA WILL BAIL JANV ARY 13. 10 A. M.. FROM BREMEN PIERS. HOBOKEN. A Month's Cruise toth« West Indies * na Mexico Upon the Luxurious Twin-Screw Cnilsins Steamship PRINZESSIN VICTORIA LUISE leavlnir New Tork February P. 1002. A erul»« of 28 days, the itinerary includes San Juan. Do mtr.sro City. Kingston. Pantiaito <i» Cuba. Vera Crux. Mexico City (extensive side tnp in Mexico). Havana. Charleston. S. C. : New York. Rates from 5255 upward. £!*? ,£i? ! ,?t" to the °RIE>*T January 22 and ti»« BLACK SEA March 12. • Apply far pamphlets, rates, etc.. HJUIBURG-AJtfERICAN LINE, OSces. 85-37 Broadway. ST. T. *? CLARK'S CRUISE OF THE "CELTIC." THE LARGEST STEAMER IN THE WORLD MEBITEJp^KEAM 08.ENT Scrr.» choice berths left at $430 aal up First clas.. tr.cludlnat Shore Excurslcns, Guides. Fee*. Hoteis. Drives, etc. The cheapest and most attractive trips leavmir the U. S. thl. Winter, covering the mesi ground and afTnrriing mott alsrhtseelng. Tfca mas-r.-.rlcent Whlto Star Une new twin-ecrsw *teamer "Celtic" (2O.»«) tons), a flatins- palace, sperialy chartered for the round trip. Length. 700 feet- breadth. 75 feet: » decks: S3 single r<v«ms SPECIAL FEATURES.— Madeira. Al»»— , Malta, 1« DATS in EGTPT and the HOLT LAND. Constantinople Athens. Rome, the Riviera, etc A eonree of eight lect ures. Tickets good to stop over In Europa and retura later on *he "Oceanic." "Majestic " etc EUROPS.— for Clark's Programmes f-r IDO2. F. C. CLARK, lit Broadway. New Tork. (M)OBP© SOO3DOSIT 7 :". 1 !:!!! TSS?S t^.-^ VXBER PERSONAL. ESCORT. A r S I TON ' Jan. 16. Feb. 20. S *»■»• til Jan. 11. IS. v, days, «S. FLORIDA Jan. 17. 24, 11 days 57 Fares Include ALI- Travelling Expenses. Tlck#ts and Tours to ALL Winter P.-srrt.. Fpedal Tourß to th« Rr\-IER-\. ITALY. PARIS. ur n etc.. Jan. 1!. 25. Inclusive fare for 52 days. $330. Programmes. Tickets, etc.. from TTDCdDS. OQDdDIS cS SdD^ B ' 2«1 * 1I« BROADWAT. NEW TCF.K. " CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Intended Steamship gatling* fr-m Vancouver. JAIPA3B. " , '.LARDS IMpkII c A^N-I.::r.v-.v J ¥eb i7 = 1 Ar May 4 5- r 3ury 1 ? EMPRESS OF INDIA.. Mch. 24. ilay 2«?' JuTy 23 KIAWAiS^^ BLASeDS^ABSTO MOaNa. Fab. 7. MIOWERA. Men. T. For rates apply 353 Pmaiway and 1 Broadway. ciiiaiP/aGDadgDCDoaa HAWAIIAN AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S. S. CO. TOYO KISEN KAISHA. Between San Francisco. Honolulu. T.-vlcohams, Kobe. Nagasaki. Shanghai. Hong K-nif. Steamers leavs San Frarri*co at 1 P M PEKTNa Jan. 11 CHINA " »eh. 7 GAELI - Jan. 21IDORIC ..." Fen IS HONOKONO MARU.Jan. 30 NIPPON MARU " Feb 23 For freight, passage «n.l general Information anply to 849 Broadway, or 1 Battery Place. Washin«ton BulMlng. and 257 Broadway. dDILDI GDdDIBinKnnCiDSa !LDR3II. DAILY SERVICFI Fnr Old Point Comfort, Norfolk. Portsmouth. Pinner's Potnt and Newport News. Va.. connecting for Petersburg Richmond. Virginia Beach, Washington, D. C.. and entire bouth and West. Freight and Passenger <teamera sail frjra Pier 2ft. N. R.. foot of Beach St.. every week day at 3 P. M H B. WALKER. TraSls Manager [Pod:? LPo^cld ffi3aßcD a Steamships of the RED "D" LTNE will sail for Saa Juan direct as follows: B. a. CARACAS Saturday. January 11. Noon S. S. PHILAPKLPHIA Saturday. January 25 Noon F«r freight or rassage apply to BOULTON. BLJ33 A DALLETT. Ganeral Managers, 135 Front St. AMERICAN LINE. ■^ NEW YORK— SOUTHAMPTON— LONDON. St. Louis. .Jar.. 15. 10 a. m. ,St. Paul Jan. 29. 10 a. m» Philadelphia. Jan. 22. 10a.m | St. Louis . . Feb. 8. 10 a. m. RED STAR LINK. NEW YORK— ANTWERP— PARI3. FVlesland Jan. U, noon! Vaderland Jan. 29, boos South-xark Jan. 22. noon I Kensington »>b. 5, noon INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Piers 14 and 15. N. R. Oflice, 73 Broadway jr. T. TyCALLORY STEAMSHIP LINES. ■*"■ From New-Tork Wednesdjvya, Friday, and Saturdays. FOR TEXAS GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. STRAIGHT nnd ROT T SD TRIP Tickets issued to. all -lints ln Texas. (. olurado. Arizona. Callfcmla, MexiCvi, Ac.. Oeorcia. Florida, ic. Delisntful Excursions. Write for our iWpage "Pocket Oulde" tmalled free>. C. H. MXLLORY * CO.. Oca. Agts.. x'ler 20, S. R.. N. T. T>ED 'D" LINE. For La, Ouayra, Puerto Cabello. Curaraa and Mara caibo. via — Calllna; also at San Juan. P. R. Prom Roberts Pier. Brooklyn. 8. S. CAJIACAS Saturday. January 11. Noon S. 8. PHILADELPHIA Saturday. January an. Noon These vessels have superior accommodations for pas- BOT'LTON. BLISS * D.iLLBrT. General Managers. 135 Kront-et. RailroiiDs. iannuraUUlhitannb MEXICO.— vestlbuled trains with dining ear j service interpreters, etc. ofT'»r unusual facilities for traveillnsT leisurely and with every degree, of comfort, and 1 enable the passenger to Ylsit many places of picturesque and historic Interest tbi*:w<rald taerwise b, Inaccessible. | Jan. 16. Feb. >'>. 27. C%X,IFOUXIA.— Specfat vestlboTea trsja* wttll «la!ag cars. Tickets providing for«r*ry aad hotel ex pense under personal escort. Also through cars to Cali fornia without change or stop^ Jta. 16. 2S, 3i». i eb. a, 18. 27. March 11 and April 22. CL'B 1-MEXICO.— tlmm«a tropical waters on a magnificent steamer of the "Ward. including Cuba, Progreso, Yucatan. Campeehe, and the ancient cities of Mexleo. Jan. IS. Feb. I FLORIDA.— Including %-lslts to Washington. Plnehnrst and Nassau. Jan. 23. Feb. 5. 26. and iUrch 5. EUROPE.— Austria. Bavaria. th» Tyrol. I:a::aa Lakes, Parts London. France, etc March 29. Other toura In April. June and July. I'OHTO Hl* Two tours to Porto Rico on the mag nlflcent new gteamers the "Ponce" cr -'San Juan." of the New York and Potto Rico Steamship Company, embracing 'is towns, fortification*, h« sugar and coffe* plantations, drive over «nt. • length of military road, etc Feb. 1, March 1. Ct-'BA-— Two cruises, vis, Munioa-Line steamers to the" N r •- Coast, the. most beautiful part of the Island. Includ ing the famous Caves of Bellamar and rim to Havana, re-urninsj via Ward Line. F«b. 8. Illaetrated Clrcalars on Application. Send tor mir general announcement circular, containing brief outline of tour, throughout th« United States. Europe, and all parts of the world; also Travellers" Con densed Guide, explaining our facilities for furmshlas; rail road and steamship -lcktts via a.: lines aad to all polals. Private ears arranged for on short notice. - - w ... 85 VXIOX st«tARE. -^-" C^., -j GailrcaDs. PENNSYLVANIA I lE* ATIiRQAP. ■TATTOVS foot «f WEST TWSJNTT-THIR-D STRTsTI and DBSBROSSES and CORTLANDT - ■..-:■•:-$ I- Th- IfHvlnc tlnn- front h.-,'.r...»r. *N t "-"•■tlniutt >jr^»>ri. t> rt «■ uiiuim later taan that clvm brlow for Twenty-third Mreet station, except where otherwise noted. ■ "■• •». -"• FAST MAlL.— Limited to two -iuffet Parlet , Cys New Torlc to Pfttsbur*. Meepins CariPtttstrar» « Chicago. Xn coaches to FUtsburs. * J :;• A \ ■• *"AST LlNK.— rittaimrsr and Clereland ».oS A. JH. PENX3TL.VANIA LIMITED.— Pullan.n "-ompariment Sleeping. IHaing. smoking, and Obe.r i tion Cars. For Chicago, ■ land. Toledo. Cincinnati. Indian aaajle. Laul*vlll«. St. Louts. I--..-. 1- 31. CHICAGO AND ST. LOCK EXPRESS.— tor Totaao. LoulsviKb <rta Cincinnati). Taaamii ii_ Chicaeo, St. Louis. Dlalae Car. &SS H. ■*» ST. LOCIS EXPRESS.— For PltJsburx. In4{anan*li.«. Louisvt:>. .-:. Leul*. I .nine Car. ■"•■'■ WESTERN EXPRESS.— F-r Catavak. Tor Toledo, except Satiirdasjf Dining Car. T •"••■ »' "I PACL7IC EXPRESS. — For Paeaaaal v] L'hieaso. ** Kor Kn-ixvllle. daily. via Shenandoan Valley S.2S i« .M"^LBVEIIAND* lI ANEf" : ciNCINNA : ri kx- PRE — For Pittsbur*. Cleveland, and ClnelanaU. W.ISIIIMJTO.V A.MJ IHH SOCTH. ..30. 5.25, 5.25 tDlning Car). 10.10 (Desbri-Asses aad Oort l»ndt Street*, io.2u> (Dining Car). 10.55 (Dining Car) a. m.. 12.55 .L".:ung Car).> 'Desbrcsssa ar.J Corr lanat Street- r.3 (3.25, ■bngrissliTal Ua all Parlor ar.d Dinin* Cars). X.25 (Dining Citr). 4.25 iDMm far*. 4.55 (Dining Car). 9.U3 p. m.. 12.10 nigttt. Sunday. 5.23. 9.25 (Dining Car). 10.55 »Dlni=s Car) a. ■.(■ iu:n:nc Car), (&:3, "Congressional Lira..'* aJX Parlor aM rinlne Cars). 3.25 (Dining C^r). 4.25 (Dining Car). 4.55 'R"l' nXn X '"ar>. »-2» p. m.. 1210 nigtH. SOLTHLRN RAlLWAT.— Eisress. 3.23. •».» p. ML. VXli night dally. ATLANTIC OAST LIN S. -Express. 9-3 a. m. and 935 p. m. daily. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAT.— Florida aad Metro politan Llm.ted." 12.53 p. m. dally. Kanresi, 12.10 r.lsht daily. NORFOLK AND WESTERN" RAILWAT — F - Mexpnti and Mew Orleans 3.25 p. m dully. CHGBAJ>BAJCE * OHIO RAILWAY.— 7.SS a. m. ita days an.i 4.35 p. m. daily. FOR OLD Poixr ( OSfFOsYT and NORFOLK-— 55 a. m. week-days and 8.55 p. m daily. ATLANTIC C1TY.— 9.15 a. m. ir. 1 2.55 p. m. week-days. Through Vestibule* Trains. Buffet Parlor Car» *aj Standard Coaches. CAPB M.\Y. — 12.55 p. m. w#ek-days. For points on New York asd Long 3rar.«-h Railroad rtrem W>st Twenty-third Street Station), •» a. sa.. U 3.23. 4.55 and 11.25 p. m. Sun.l-irs. v.26 a. m.. 4.53 p. m. <from Desbrosses and Cortla.idt Streets). 9.00 a, m.. 12.50. 3.10. 5.10. and 11.30 p. m. Suciaya. 9.43 a. au^ a. 15 p. m. FOH PHIUDELPH! «.!« fDestweeses and Cortlandt Streets. 6.20), T. 29. T.SS. j;.V Sjss. 8.25 (Dlnins Car). «9 55 Penna. Limited*. 10.10 iDe»bros»eg and CortUcdr Streets. MLSV) fDtBjM Car). 10.55 iDinlng Car). H55 a. in.. 12J5 fTtalaa Car), 2.10 .De•^^oß9 and Ccrtlanfit Streets. »ja>. 2.55. 3"^i.<Dlß!ns3 "^ i . <Dlß!ns Cart - 5:55 - *-^ s - *-25 tDlnlair Car*, i.ts (Dining Car>. 5.55 (Dtr.l=c Car>. 7.55. 5.53. SJS 925 I «- m a.l- 1() n '* h '- Sundan. *tft. Tit (aia eoach«i). 8.5, 3.X. »25 (Dinlas Car?, a53a 53 (Limited). 9.53. 10 55 <Dlnlnp Cart a. m.. 1i.15 Olnlnsr Car). 1.85 »Dln!a« r '»r> ; - < ntntn f CterX 3.55. 4.25 .D'.mi>« CartTTS (Dtnic? Car). 5.55 (Dlnmg Car). 7 55. 8.2 a. 8.15. •.» p. rs.. 12.10 ntsht. Ticket afleaa Xo> - 4>il - my?. 1354. in *** jaj Breadway; 1«2 Fifth A\<>mi« (below 28d st.>; 1 Astor Bouse; W«: Tw«nty-third Strati fetation, and stations tnnt of Pe» brosses acd Cort!andt Streets: 4 Cojrr Street. -o r-i'. ton Street. 98 Broadway and P»>niJ.«v' A=SM *•- tton. Brooklyn; Station. Jersey City. Tha Nt«r T'r» / ransf er Company will call hrud check taMM fram oot»!s and residences throo^h to destination. TMMloai <:. 4 Elrhteenth Street" la* Pennsylvania RaUraad CaS Service. |* »■ HrrcHncyox. t -r. ttood. | General Miiiajff Ceneral Pass'r AjeTrt. neWyork central 4«. r t. ns f 1^ I**1 ** *5d5 d depart from Grand Central Station 4_i Street. New Yorii. as foUowi: Xaw Tork - Arrive N-w Yark, .•fij*- « Mat! and Paper Traln..._. -T.m afVnT ts.3»a. m Emplr. Slat* J&pr*a> tC2S p. ra_ t8.30a. n Emplr* State Express tIO.OO p. m. l!f-S*- m *'«»t Mall 'lO.CO ». su Uo.3oa.ra Day Express I im^ li.« *•"' •• Rutl <i Express tT.OO »«_ •1.00 p. m 3«Kfcwestem Limited •«.<» p. m_ •2t->p. m v. T. 4 Cbtaaaa -xijft p. au ♦3 3i>p. m - • Albany an 2 Troy Flyer -tU-XOalis 333 p. m Albany Special ..__ t2.00 p sj_ •4.ih)s%. -. .... Detroit Special *10 OA a. B. •s.3rtn. m T.-.e Lake Shore U.-nited •ft.3o p. si. •3308. n> St. I>ou:j Llrr.lte** _... "2.38 a. m_ •flkOit p. m Western Express ..... *9.45 j. m. •^-.p.m... . Montreal £tpr«« - . ■ *T.a»a, sr '••30 p. m.. Adirondack A Jf-nrr^al Skpreaa.. •« 53 a. au 7JIP- 1 " Puffa - Sserial, ■ •'•■ Special _ •9 30p. m Cxpres* _ «5.30 a. m_ Ji-30p-m Northern >:« York Eora *T. 27 a. Xl*. 10 a, in. M:ir.ij-.- Expr»=.« »5-30 a- m_ •Dai!,. TD^lT.^^^day^tDalJ^except Xoaassu HARLEM niVl»lO*. 9.0S A. M. ar.d 335 P. M Dat!- . except 3ur.l«y«. to p-tta-i CeUJ aad North. Adams. Sundays jnlj. at »3* A. M. Patlraaa Cars en all thr^-igR tralrs. Trains JUum'nared w:rh Pintsch lAgin. Tl;ket oQces at 113 L 231. 415 and I^*» Broadway. 21 tnion s<|. W.. 275 Cotnraboa Aye.. 133 TTeit 125tA St.. 1 125 th 5t and l.t«'h St. Stations. N»w V — 333 aai 72* ! Fulton St.. and !C»^ Broadway, H. D.. Brocklyn. T*i#phi^n» "SCO SSth Street" for V«w V -: Cactral Ca!» I Service. Barsas* checked from hotel or bx weateott Expreas '"ompar.y. ■ P. 3 BLODGETT. eFnßi'.ir, H. OAN-ISTJ General Snßerlnta=i»nt. Geseral Passensar Anal, f NEW YORK TO BOSTON ! SPRINGFIELD LINE V;a Springfield and th» .- i BOSTOX A\D ALBANY H.VILROAD. -* - (New T-rlt C-n:ral * Kuiaon River R. R.. L«a*ML) Trains l*av« Grand Central Station. FasrUi Av«aua a»2 42a treat. New YcrJc. as tttila-mm Leave Arrive ArrtT» ' >.ew Tork. prtmrSeM. 1 Bosta= «».O© a. tr.. 12 ** noon - * ' ; *-3° 9- -_ ft2.oonoon. 8 IS p. m. ] i.t»p. •4 00p.m. 7.27 p. a 10100 p. nu •ll.<U» p. m. S.H a. m. Al3 a. ns.. Tickets at N-«r Tork Central tlek«t -.fBc««. 415 and 121* Broadway, and at Grand Ca&iral itatlcn. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Lnjati St. and South Ferry m from South Ferry Sv» minutes earlier thaa b«low. except as noted). I Week, daya.! 3uaday»> Caston Local 7.15 a.m. .......«! I Eaxton Local ' M ,,, w , ' Scranton & Reading 8 10 a. as. T — -, I .^ ! BawaßtMl t Reading 4.40 p.m. ......... Mauch Chunk & Readtr^ 1.20 p.m. 1.00 p.m.' I Mauch Chunk a Reading ' 4.40 p. ta. 8.30 a. ia_, 1 Lakewood & Atlantic City...... I •.40a.m. ........ Lakewood ,v Atlantle City 3.40 p.m. ......... Lakewood t Bir-«t • 9.40 a. m. «1«.15 a. .-n. i Lakewood & Brtdctttm f 1.30 p.m. I _ .....: Likimortd Local ! 'i.l Op. m. ' ......... ' Lakewood * Barnecat S.oo p. m. • _......; N. T. A Lon« Branch R. R *-.3O a. m. ' 8-00 a. a— N. T. & Long 1 Branch R. R I 10a.m. ,TT N. T. & Lons Branch R. R 1 •4.45 p.m. I 'i(O>av N. Y. & Lons Branch R. R....1 8.30 p.m. I ■■_»««»ej ROYAL BLUE LIN E for riiiL.vnnLPXii.i. 1*4. 25, ts.oo. 'ft-00. *iaoo. a. if.. »i.ool ti*u tS-OOx, «3.40. t4.ort. |»4.00. t4.30. 'S.OO. »7.0 a tTJO. |9.00? I •tO-25 P M-. "1- . ' " mdt. BALTUIone ASD XVASniXCTOX. ♦".00. 110.00. -11.30 A. M.. »l.eO. t1.30*. •5.40. •B.O<V; •7.00 p. M.. '12.15 radt. OrHcen: Liberty St. Ferry. South Ferry. 113. Ml. 494. 1300. 1.W4 B'way. IS2 sth Are.. 737 4th Aft, 25 Usicn S<u. West. 153 Ea.«t 125 th St.. 273 'West 12Bth at. 215 Hiam"* bus Avb.. New York; 4 Court St.. 344. s<*) FnltMl 3t.,' Prooklyn. 99 Broadway, 7/illlair.!«bur«. New Tork Trana-s : fer Co. calls for and cheeks baffaas* to ilitlaaUit •Trcm Liberty St. oclv. »DA»y. TDally. except Sna-« I day. ISundays em!y. xj»ar!3r Can* cn!y. \ BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. I L«av« NEW YOKK CITY. South F«mr. Lb.r- 3t. **w Chlcaea. Pl'.tsbura; '12.10 nt. '12.15 at. Chtcaat). Columbus. '12.55 p. m. »I.o(>p.m. riß^r. rtttsburst. Clrre 112.M a. m. fl.oo p. m. Dtnerr Pittsburs. Cl«ve t1.23 p. m. tl.3op.ra. Din«r ••P:tt>barg Limited" •8.55 p.m. «T.f« p. m. Buffea Cincinnati. St. Louls..^*l2.U>nt. *12.1 Sat. ~ Cincinnati. St. Lou:* 't>&s a. m. •laoOa.m. Etner, I CinclnnaU. St. Louis • '7.00 p. m. , Ba(f»e Nart ouc •• -iidVAL- n'i^^T^Al^ 0 "• Washlnston. Ba'.to t?.93 a. in. ♦iOO a. ra- BuOvl 1 Washlncton, 8a1t0.. ...... *».55 *. m. '10.00 a. ra. Dlaer? ' •Washington. Balto -.*11.2S a. m. •11.30 a.m. N.i«. 1 Waehln^tan. Balto *H.SS p. n%. '1.00 p. m. IMtar. WuhißftMi. Hallo tL3Op.m. Diner. ••Royal Limited- - . . '3.3S p. .-n. "3.40 p.m. Dtner. Waahlnaton. Balto *4.55 p. v. •t.O» a. sa. Dtn«r. Waahintton. Bait •«.« p. m. •T.OO a. m. BullWt Waatilnttoa. Balto *12. 10 nt. *12.J5 at. 81e«p«Ta •Dally. tDally #xc«pt Sunday. ISunday enly. Offices: 113, 261. 434. 1300 Broadway. 25 Union Square,. W.. 391 Grand Street. V. V-: S4S Futtoa Street. Bronkiya; Whitehall Termtaal and Liberty Street. Basris« caeclMer from hotel or restdenc* to destination. L-EHICH VALLEY. *• ■•'— ' — **1 r-linrmnilTTiihn—rWui ii 8- '! • .•DsOly. tExcepiStxnd«». Soadaj ch>o CKJ3. dtleV Ea..ton Loci ~. WifitfV» T i? j BVjhlo * Ntacara F»«* Local...!!":.::.::. IT*) 1 » ••: 50 ii 1 IsuiAi» »nd Chie.itfo jCxprrM iju» iDsOiM. • s*-OCDiA»ow» lotPMaB. tii»*a tu'ro *•* M»ach Chuni: and Hazlnos Local *elJ.+O r » *di2JO » wi WU2e*-B*rrp aad Vwitni Ei?re»a. tt.S r * n.iu ■ 1 KastoaLocal t».a>r*« Chicago and T(-nnti> Vestibule Express.... '5.55 r« U) ri: TH.B KTJrgALO TaAor ♦:.M y M oS.CO nj 11clistsapiiynllmanisrnwaisitMinSMatltt.aai.Me. Bi. aad } l"at JJrontwaT. l^J Jtli ATe.,t3 Calo« »qm TVe»t. a»Col'!ml»«s ; at,.n Y.ltoFnlta«SL.4&mal.afßrM*M*sa«Ft Fnltoa ; at.. Brooklyn. B. Y. Tranafn Co. will eaU for aad ciuci K *«TTi ! WEST SHORE RAILROAD. | Trains Uava FranjCla it. Btation. Xe* York, aa t-4r», «.i. and 15 mm. Alar foat \\m:i 421 St.. N B.: H •7:10a.M. — Kor ln%-rnu i>cint» to a. winy * Meat*!. ; UIJU A U. — tl> Htkl*o« Rlv. * Uah. lotm. •l.uuP. M.— Chicago rqrssa, •2:25 r. M. — Cor.t. Urn. for Detroit. Qtfcao* St. LatiUh t8:45 P. — .2) For Kud»un River Points A Albany. \ •«;15 P. JC.— For Roeh.. Bu-Talo. CtevfJ « Cnlcaso. t7:-»5 P M.— Roch.. Budaio. Detroit A St. Loaia. ' •»UP it. — For Syra.. Roch.. >:a«. Falls, ret. A Chi. ' •Dally «Dal!y. except Sunday. Leave* Bi%x.klyn Aa-> nex. No. ! at tiou.s a. M.; No. 3 at *3:0S) P. M. U«r* Jersey City P. R. R. Sta. No 1 at tll:2o A Si.; N<v a at t3:35 P. M. Tlm« tab at principal hotels and oftlce*. Basjaga checked :-on hotel or resl4ene« by Westoott'a £sv P. S- BLODCETT. C E. LAMBERT. Otn'l Suparlatendent. C«n'l P>w r A*"!f*. ■ r" ' Lackawanna Railroad. Leave New York, toot Baxelajr and Christopaar ats^ • t«;OUA.M. — F»r BlacAamtoa *r. 1 3yr«cu*e. V •10:00 a. M. — For Buffalo, Chicago an 4 at. Laata. •1:40 P. M.— For BuSaia aa4 Chicago. "' t4:OOP M. — For Seraatoa and Plymouth— BuffK. . .' •TIOF M— For Burtalo and Ch«»«o •8:45 P.M.— For Utle*^ Omwejci. Itaac* BuSKkk '■ ', •2:00 A. M. — ter Buffalo and Calcaxo — Through W—yl «rs epen » K. ; Tickets at 429. 1193. 113 Broadway. S3 Lafaysta Ft. ML Bth Aye.. 133 W. I23ta 3t_. 14 Park PL. X. V.. aad aafi raltoa St. t Brzct^-a. - Vv .*l>aUx. - tSxc^pfjtaadK^S ~ -~~' "^ " ■ — XIX »■ — -^^ i i efc» ■ ■■ *^ ■■ ■ i —^»^e^^B 11