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g l\^ r #s*t^ .V'-LXI-.-N 0 - 20.145. ANOTHER BRIDGE CRUSH IT SWEEPS AWAY TICKET BOXES IN SWIRL IX G RUSH. YE MAN INJURED-CLOSING OF GATES FOR SEVEN MINUTES CAUSES LARGE CROWD TO RUSH IN. An interruption of traffic for seven minutes caused by a slight accident to a local bridge train about 6:30 p. m. yesterday caused a crowd of two thousand persons to gather about tliP elevated train entrances at the Manhattan cn flof the Brooklyn Bridge. When traffic was re ttored the crowd, with a mad rush, swept away the ticket choppers' boxes and the rail at the central entrance. Francis B. Oestreicher. of jCo. 124 Hopkinson-av%, Brooklyn, lost his foot ing In tne ma( * rush, and was trampled on. re ceiving injuries to his right leg. Xhe rush of travel over the bridge about 6 p. ir.. is a good deal like the flow of a big river. As long as It* course is clear everything goes 6tnoothly. But if the stream is dammed there is likely to be trouble. The local bridge trains were running on forty five seconds' headway, and a great number of people were returning to their nomes after the day's work. The mishap which caused the de lay was a simple one. At 6:25 o'clock a four car bridge train received the signal to start. Just as the wheels of the motor car began to revolve the drawhead of the second car pulled out and the motor car went ahead by itself. Tbe motorman brought the car to a stop as ioor as he knew at the trouble, and backed it p. Charles Gearhart, superintendent of traffic ea the bridge, as is his custom in the rush Junrs, was on hand, and took in the situation in v Instant. He saw that it would be the height of folly to try to couple up the train again, and ordered the motor car to make the run alor.e to the Bro-.k'.yn terminal of the bridge. The three rear cars of the train were then iUlle-L and the surging throng of people was pressing hard to reach the upper platform, from which the trains started. Superintendent Gear hart informed the car starter to tell the ticket 6ellers below to stop the sale of tickets. This was done by means of the block signals, which are used for just such an emergency. The entrance gates were ordered closed. To get rid of the stalled cars. Mr. Gearhart ordered the next train which was due to leave to give the three cars which were causing the delay a vigorous push. This was done, and the cars were sent ahead about 150 feet, to where the bridge cable could be picked up. The grip was made without any trouble, and the caTs, which were filed with people, made the trip to Brook ]yr. where the disabled car was detached from the train and caused no more trouble. The train which had done the pushing then filled with people and started for Brooklyn. The actual delay in the time of dispatching the trains was seven minutes, and nine trains were held back. In the mean time, before the signal was given to close the gates, a large number had reached the upper platfoim. but it was handled with comparative ease, and in fifteen minutes from the time the accident occurred all who had reached the upper platform had been disposed of. and the signal was given to resume the gell- Ing ot tickets. There are usually three pollcemen'on the sec ond platform whose duties are to control the crowds rushing for trains, but when the block began Roundsman Aaron Manchester, son of George R. Manchester, who is secretary of the Republican County Committee, detailed six e\'ra men from the "loops," where the trolley cars discharge and take on their passengers, to asElst in restraining the increasing crowds. It was about eighteen or twenty minutes be fore the signal was given, by order of the bridge superintendent, to resume the selling of tickets, but the police thought that this was too soon, and, on Roundsman Manchester's orders, this was not done for a few minutes longer. Twenty minutes is a long time to stop traffic on the bridge at 6 o'clock, and in the mean time it is estimated that over two thousand persons had gathered about the entrances on the second story of the bridge house. It was*not a patient crowd, and many threats were made and com plaints heard. It was with difficulty that the police were able to hold back the surging mass whicn filled all the space around the three en hances which were closed. When the signal was given to open the gates tiose in the front ranks set up a shout, which *ts taken up by those further away, and every <H* of the two thousand people wanted to go through the gates at once. The Jam waa worst tt the central entrance, and the mass of people cirried everything before it at that point. The two ket boxes were torn from the floor and •* was completely shattered. The brass rail ißf which divides the crowd at the boxes was *l»o dislodged. With a rush the crowd started for the upper platform. In the front ranks of the crowd which pressed *rour.<i this entranoe was a man who, when the nuh began, was carried entirely off his feet and . Jell beneath the feet of the surging mass of peo ple. The policemen worked with might and maia to extricate him from his dangerous j**ce. but it was several moments and the crowd »>d thinned a little before he was rescued and Wt on his feet. He was somewhat injured, but *M able to walk. He was taken in charge by OScer Dubois, of the bridge squad, who. with cue or two other policemen, assisted him to the emergency hospital on the lower floor of the ■jMge house. Officer Thomas F. Graham, also Jtf the bridge equad. sent a "hurry up call" to «c Hudson Street Hospital, and an ambulance, a charge of Dr. Beckwith, was immediately *ent The' injured man refused medical attend ™<* at the hands of Dr. Beckwith. and de ■•ndtd that a cab be called to convey him to ■• home. This was done, and he was placed ■* hansom cab, which drove off. It was said -Mt at first he refused to give his name, but J™* he went away he handed a card to Officer yooie. This card gave his name as Francis * Oestreicher. of No. 124 Hopkinson-ave.. ooklyn. . I - *a« reported that when the chains were • ' {"" J» Oestreicher had advised the crowd to t^v hem down. Officer Dubois debated " n«hef or not he ought, to place the man *-«er arrest for trying to Incite the crowd, and Mked advice of Roundsman Manchester. The *^er told him, it was said on good authority. i ' j*t it was not his case and that he must use •o»n judgment. Dubols finally decided that, £J* th man was injured, he would probably :•?•* considerable eympathy and it would be t ■**j«e t0 arrest him. J f'.,'* r a '*" w moments the police who. remained J j* central entrance were able to control the j '■" This entrance was closed up, and pas <■ ■ were obliged to use the other two en jj^-ws. In twenty-five minutes from the time \ y, ' tfdent happened the normal condition of I £■*«"« was restored, and there was no further - "'*»» In the suspension of traffic tickets I tJ! *oM at the local ti-k^t offices at the east ••• of the bridge house. -&i. T ,BB HAVASA POSTOFFIGE TRIAL. ?A I, * Vana > Jan. When the trials of the cases from tne Cuban postofflce frauds were F'WhV* 4 lD the Audiencia Court to-day, after '•^ <tfc * >C n ourne<l Tuesday last on account * if Illaeßs of counsel for Charles F. W. Neely, MT%!lm' Rwres ' one r,t th*- defendants, was again '■-- ttfc- "'' ''■ etand, and testified regarding the *«* -■,5 UrnJn S incident. He i-ald the stamps I^,'V counted, and that Mseljr told him that *e«». J • "athbone acquiesced In the whole Hlnory THE OLD GUARD. . ... ' 2S.' *fth° f thls "n'l'Je and interesting organlza 'H9fW of ,? n!e v «ry attractive pictures. A At- ■ lAw., *if nnual baM Io t.. given this month -'-■^W^!^^ lltan Opera House. In to-morrow ; LORD MILNER'S LEAD. PRAISE FOR HIGH COMMISSIONER'S SPEECH AT JOHANNESBURG. MR. BALFOI'R'S VIEWS— TOBACCO Rt'MORS SIR HEXRY M. STANLEYS SUGGESTION. (fVipyrtsrht; 1002: By The Tribune Association.) (BY CABLE TO THE TRIBtWEI London, Jan. 11, 1 a. m. — Lord Milner's stirring speech at Johannesburg has given the liveliest satisfaction to his admirers here, who regard it as the most statesmanlike pronouncement on the South African situation since the outbreak of the war. The High Commissioner emphatically condemned the policy of clemency toward the Boers. The war, he said, would end all the sooner if there was no fidgeting about negoti ations. It was no use to threaten, no use to wheedle; the only way was to continue pressing the enemy in the field. The task of the states man after the war would be laborious, but nothing insoluble in its many problems. The danger was that the people of England might fail to see South African matters in their true proportion. In the great sister colonies there appeared to be no such tendency; their strong common sense and patriotism were the great standby not only on the field of battle, hut in the political field. They had no pro-Boers to keep their thoughts in one particular rut. Lord Milner then went on to speak of the Transvaal's grand future. He predicted a great population for Johannesburg and looked forward to the time when it would take its place as one of the leading cities of the world. Mr. Balfour addressed his constituents at Manchester last night, but his speech was com monplace. He maintained that Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman had done a great deal to prolong the war. The proposal that a duty of one or two shil lings a quarter should be levied on imported wheat is discussed in many quarters. "The Saturday Review" says the tax would have to be imposed on foreign corn, not colonial; such a tax would, it says, afford the government the opportunity of effecting real reciprocity -with Canada. Rumore are again current of negotiations for the absorption of the business of Henry Clay & Bock, Limited, by the American Tobacco Company. At the same time, it is reported that a London group has been formed with the ob ject of consolidating the whole tobacco business in Cuba. Meanwhile, a great deal of fuss has been made in some quarters over the announce ment that an appeal will be made shortly to the British public for subscriptions by the newly formed Imperial Tobacco Company. As its capi tal is £15,000,000. the issue will be a big one; but it doe? not follow that the importation of Amer ican cigarettes into the United Kingdom will be stopped as a necessary consequence. In the German Reichstag yesterday an anti- Semite Deputy epoke of Mr. Chamberlain as "the wickedest scoundrel on earth." The Chan cellor rose, amid deep excitement, and con demned in stern terms the excesses of the Dep uty. The next speaker, notwithstanding, was applauded for stating that the South African war had been conducted with more brutality than any previous war known to history. Sir Henry M. Stanley thinks the representa tives cf the principal newspapers of England, Germany and Belgium should be present at the opening of the Uganda Railway. Applications from America might, he adds, be considered by the Foreign Office. I. N. F. BOERS EXPECT PEACE OVERTURES. RUMOR THAT PEACE NEGOTIATIONS WERE ON FOOT DENIED IN LONDON. Amsterdam, Jan. 10.— The Boer delegates in Holland evidently anticipate that some kind of peace overtures will shortly be forthcoming, though they are reticent as to their reasons for this belief. They maintain, however, that the demand for an unconditional surrender must be abandoned. It is privately admitted that none of the dele gates will reject what they call "any fair offer of terms," and If the negotiations are started by a neutral power the delegates will earnestly seek to obtain a modus vlvendi which will reconcile Mr. KrtlgT's desire for complete inde pendence with the terms offered by Great Britain. London, Jan. 10.— "Th© Globe's" financial editor said a report which came from well Informed quarters was current In the City to-day that the Boer chiefs had made overtures to the Brit ish Government to the effect that they were prepared to lay down their arms, provided they were not exiled. Wednesday next is the Boer feast day, and it was said the surrender of the Boers would probably occur then. The War Officials asserted that no proposals to surrender had been received from the Boers. AMERICAN CHARGED WITH TREASON. MRS. ANTHONY ANXIOUS ABOUT THE FATE OF HER HUSBAND IN CAPE COLONY. Chicago, Jan. 10.— Mra. Allc« Anthony, wife of Dr. Richard S. Anthony, is in this city anxiously await ing news of the fate of her husband, who is on trial for his life in South Africa on a charge of high treason to Great Britain. Dr. Anthony is an Amer ican citizen living in Cradock. South Africa. His trial was Bet for January 7 and his wife is still in ignorance of its result. According to Mrs. Anthony's statement, the couple were married in South Africa, and then came to America. The husband graduated from the Cooper Medical College, of San Francisco, after ward taking a post-graduate course in the Univer sity of Michigan. Five years ago he went to Cra dock and began to practise his profession. Mrs. Anthony wa.s a Miss Wessels. daußhter of Matthew Wessels, afterward a Hour general. For safety Dr. Anthony sent his wife and two little girls to the United States until the war was over. Mrs. An thony received word of her husband's arrest a month ago. He is charged with lending aid and comfort to the enemy and with intriguing against Great Britain. MIBB CTOXE'S RELEASE EXPECTED ANOTHER HOPEFUL. REPORT rOMKP FROM CONSTANTINOPLE:. London, Jan. 10.— The release of Miss Ellen M. Stnne by the brigands who have held her In captivity since September 3 is believed to be a question of hours. An official telegram received in London this afternoon, and which was dis patched from Constantinople after midday to day says the release of Mi.^s Stone is imminent. TELEGRAPHIC XQTES. Columbus. Ohio, Jan. 10.— Ten out of a possible Uteso plants in Centra! Ohio were purchased to day by the Capital Cty Brick Company, a West Virginia corporation, with a capitalization of $lf/u«»i. options on four more plants are to be taken up on Monday. Toledo, Ohio. Jan. 10.— The Central Union Tele phone Company to-rlay purchased the property of the new Harrison Telephone Company, the only ln .!• i ■ denl > ompany now in operation in this city. The consideration is not given out. but It is be lieved to be about JIOfI.OOO. The subscribers will at once be transferred to the Bell lines. Indianapolis, Jan. 10.— Governor Durbin, Attorney (;»rn«r;tl Taylor and Auditor of State Hart will go to Wrifhlngton on Sunday night, and will spend next wc«-k there In the interest of Indiana's Civil V/.'ir <:.t!m :i». air.--' tli< >-■ \ • r.:rr..-nt The claim amounts to 17M.0M, nml th>- State authorities think the outlook for obtaining it is bright 12:55 P. M. FLORIDA 12.55 P. M. Leaving time Seaboard Air Lino Ry. South.— Advt NEW-.YORK I_SATURDAY.1 _SATURDAY. JANUARY 11. 1902.-FOURTEEN PAGE&-*»flßaMS^ NO SUGAR COMPROMISE. LEADERS OF THE SENATE AGAINST THE SCHEME. NOTHING BUT AN OUTRIGHT RECIPROC ITY AGREEMENT WITH CUBA TO BE CONSIDERED. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE TRIBUNE ] Washington. Jan. 10.-The suggestion made yesterday by the authorized representatives of the beet root and Cuban sugar interests in v\ashington for compromise legislation on the subject of reciprocity with Cuba, whereby the Inited States shall allow a drawback of 50 per cent on all Cuban molasses and sugar up to 16 Dutch standard imported Into this coun try and carried in United States ships, does not meet the approval of the Senate leaders. Every one of them who was seen to-day expressed un compromising hostility to the scheme, and. while none are yet ready to be quoted on the subject there seems to be a tacit understanding among them that the so-called basis of compromise al leged to have been agreed upon by the warring sugar interests will not even be seriously con sidered by the Congress committees that event ually will determine the form and extent of tariff concessions to Cuba. Not even the Cali fornia delegation, which is opposed to any con cessions to Cuba, because of the beet root sugar industry In that State, indorses the scheme given out yesterday. Those who insist on this coun try keeping faith with Cuba and aiding the island in a substantial way to rehabilitate its languishing business interests declare that this proposition is more obnoxious than the proposal recently made by the beet sugar magnates for the payment of a bounty on all Cuban sugar imported to the United States. The fact seems to be that the Senate will en tertain no proposition that does not carry out right concessions of value to Cuban susrar and tobacco, in return for which grain, flour, ma chinery, and other manufactures of the United Stat.-s will be admitted to Cuban ports on terms which will give this country an advantage over all other nations which sook to do business with the Cubans. As heretofore stated in these dispatches, it is expected that the Ways and Means Committee of the Hous.. will dr.ift a bill empowering the President to make concessions to Cuba when ever th* Insular government Is prepared to deal wirh this country in accordance with the rules of the international cod«. The extent of these concession* Is a mere detail, which will he worked out carefully by rhf Ways and Means Committee and by the Senate Committee on Re lations with Cuba. If it is shown to be prac ticable to obtain at this time for Cuba absolute free trade with th<* United States, th* Senate leaders can b<? depended upon to do that. But if they discover that the sentiment against free trade is too strong at present, they will secure the best compromise possible. At any rate, they will not listen either to the bounty proposition or the 50 per cent drawback scheme, both of which are regarded not only as makeshifts, but also as too absurd to be brought before Con gress for consideration. WILL BROOK NO MORE DELA V ULTIMATUM TO CITY PRISON'S ARCHI TECTS AND CONTRACTORS. After an investigation of the prolonged and scandalous delay in the completion of the new City Prison, in Centre-st.. on the site of the old Tombs. Thomas W. Hynes. the new Commis sioner of Correction, yesterday gave an ulti matum to the architects and contractors. He called them to his office, at No. 14S East Twen tieth-fit., and told them that there must be no longer delay, that the work on the prison must be pushed with vigor, and that the prison must be ready for the elty'R use before the warm weather of the coming summer or some of them would suffer. Mr. Hynes spent some hours on Thursday In specting the prison building. He saw what portions of the work had been completed and what portions were unfinished. Then he sent notices to the architects and contractors to ap pear in his office for a consultation. The result was that he had before him yesterday Walter Dlckson, one of the architects who drew the original plans for the prison; Arthur J. Horgan, of the firm of Horgan & Slattery, who were substituted for Withers & Dlckson as super vising architects by the late Tammany admin istration; a representative of P. J. Carlin & Co., the firm holding the contract for the building, and John Long, a member of the firm that has a sub-contract for carpenter work in the build ing. There was present as a representative of the city Chandler Withlngton, one of the super vising engineers of the Finance Department. It was developed at the conference that much of the recent delay In work In the prison build ing had been due to the action of Horgnn & Slattery In changing Jhe original plans, in creasing the amount of work to be done and vastly adding to the cost of the building. Then there has been a disagreement between the gen eral contractor and the sub-contractor for car penter work, growing out of the changes in plans. Mr. Hynes let the contractors and ar chitects know that he thought It was a shame and a scandal to spend more than five years In work on a prison building that could have been completed and In use at least two years ago. He said there were urgent reasons why the city must not be allowed to suffer furtht-r losses through such delay. All differences among the contractors and architects must be adjusted at once, he added, in order that the work could be pushed forward with speed. The architects and contractors consulted and said they would push the work as rapidly as possible, but it would take several months to get the prison ready for the city's use. Mr. Hynes said that the city must have the prison ready for occupancy before the warm weather came. Each summer, when the criminal courts take their vacations, the Tombs prison has be come overcrowded. The new prison must be prepared for use to prevent such overcrowding the coming summer, the commissioner declared. The architects and contractors said they could have the building ready for use by the city be fore July 1. They were told that was the latest date that could be thought of, and they left the commissioner's office with the understanding that some of them would be liable to severe penalties If the city could not occupy its new prison by the date named. The Inspection on Thursday showed that work in the new prison had been almost at a stand still for months, and that a sufficient force of men could complete the prison in a few months. All the exterior work was practically com pleted two years ago. The steel cells have been placed In position, and most of the Interior fit tings of the cells are in place. The electric light and heating plant has been installed. Elevators and dumbwaiters and some inside partitions and fittings are to he constructed before the prison can be turned over to the city. The prison will have 320 cells for prisoners and thirty-two bath cells. Every cell is large enough to accommodate two prisoners. If neces sary. The prison will be a fireproof stronghold, as safe and comfortable as modern appliances can make it. It will cost the city over $1,300,000, not counting interest on that sum for, a few years, before it holds a single prisoner. POrt'LAR WINTER RESORTS. The f pedal winter resort 'edition of The Sunday Tribune will be published to-morrow. It will be beautifully Illustrated in half tone, and will ae ecrlb© the most Important winter resort*, tram New-YorK City to Mexico and Cuba.— A4vfr» ,' \ r TO FIGHT ASPHALT TRUST. BOROUGH PRESIDENTS RECOMMEND THAT NONE OF THAT SORT OF PAVEMENT BE LAID UNLESS PRICE BE CUT $1. Presidents Cantor, Swanstrom and Cassldy, acting as a committee of the full board of borough presidents, to consider city asphalt contracts, at a conference yesterday decided to advise the borough presilents. Mayor Low and Controller Grout, at a meeting to be held next Thursday, not to have any more asphalt ing work done In the city unless the asphalt combine reduces its price from 33 to 50 per cent. When Borough President Cantor was seen, he said: "The committee has decided that the prevail ing prices for asphalt paving are altogether too high, and that the city should not be compelled to pay them. We shall advise the board of borough presidents on Thursday that if the asphalt contractors are not willing to come down materially in th?lr prices they should not get any work from the city." "What do you consider a proper reduction In price?" Mr. Cantor was asked. "About $1 a square yard," he replied. "Asphalt was laid properly in this city back in 1*94, 18J)"> and IS9O for about $1 29 0r..*l 50 a square yard. There is no good reason why the city should be compelled to pay from $2 to $3 50 for the same kind of work now. If we can't get the price lowered about .SI a yard, then, doubtless, it will be decided by the borough presidents, with the concurrence of the Mayor and Controller, to no asphalting done at all. We are not re stricted to asphalting. There are other kinds of paving that will answer the purpose just as well, and they can be constructed at a reason able cost. "At the meeting this afternoon we discussed the advisability cf bringing about three impor tant changes. First, we believe that there is a possibility of a 'joker* in the prevailing practice of requiring a contractor to submit with his bid for building city paving a certificate setting forth that he has been a practical layer of asphalt work for at least two years. It seemed to strike the committee that this requirement is unnecessary- "Second, it seemed to be the opinion of the committee that the maintenance guarantee for ten years is somewhat costly. The contractor builds and guarantees its maintenance for two years now at about $2 a square yard. For guar anteelag an additional five years' maintenance he gets y~, cents a square yard additional. En gineers tell us that it does not actually cost more than 15 cents a square yard for main tenance for the additional five years. •'The third point tentatively decided upon Is, as I have stated already, that if we can't get the price down we will do without asphalt, and accept some other kinds of paving." The importance of the stand taken by the committee of borough presidents can best be ap preciated when it Is said that the city has been paying out 12.060^006 or $3,000,000 a year for asphalt paving. Prominent officials in the new administration are of the opinion that the Tammany adminis tration was entirely too liberal with the asphalt combination, and that the liberality cost the city a needless expenditure of several millions of dollars in the last four years. It is said that Mayor Low and Controller GTOut are determined to effect a vast saving to the city in the laying and maintenance of Its asphalt pavements. They are constantly receiving communications from Independent asphalt contractors through out the country promising assistance in a fight against the asphalt combination. Many of these offers doubtless are inspired by trade jealousy, but they have tended to convince some of Mr. Low's and Mr. Grout's advisers that the city has been paying nearly twice as much for as phalting as was necessary. Ex-Mayor Frederick W. Wurster of Brooklyn, when Informed of the action of the borough presidents In deciding to have no more asphalt- Ing done until the asphalt combination reduced the price of asphalting $1 a square yard, said It wan an extremely wise move, and that the city could wait as long as the trust. He added: We used to have asphalting done in Brooklyn for about $1 a square yard. Previously the city had been paying exorbitant prices. Alfred T. White, our Commissioner of Public Works, brought about competition by getting two or three asphalt companies outside of the trust to submit bids. I believe these companies have be<-n gobbled up by the trust, and competition is now throttled. The action of the borough presidents is com mendable. In the first place, I think it \v;\s a mistake to asphalt business streets in the Borough of Manhattan. Asphalt is not good for streets where there is much traffic. It is hard on horses. They are unable to get a foot ing, and cannot draw a big load. Good granite blocks make totter paving for business Btieef. Asphalt Is all right for the side streets. It is supposed to be used in residential districts, and there it serves Its purpose. The prices that have been paid in the last few years for asphalt are simply outrageous, but that sort of thing is inevitable where there is no competition. ROOSEVELT'S NAME FORGED. CLUMSY SCHEME TO SECURE A FORGERS RELEASE FAILS. Helena. Mont., Jan. 10. — A plot to secure the release from the penitentiary' of L. C. Living ston, who was sent from Silver Bow County in April, 11MK). to serve flve years for forgery, has failed. The names of several prominent New- York persons were forged to a pardon petition that set forth that Livingston came from the well known New-York family of that name and had served as a Rough Rider in Cuba. Among the names signed to the petition were those of Theodore Roosevelt. August Belmont. Hugh J. Grant, Thomas A. Edison and E. D. Morgan. Governor Toole's suspicions were aroused by recelvins a letter from President Roosevelt last June saying that he had learned of a clumsy attempt to forge his name to a petition for Livingston's pardon. When the petition was received by the Governor a few days ago he looked up the letter and decided to write to August Belmont, Hugh J. Grant and others to ask as to the genuineness of their signatures. All have replied, denying having signed the petition. VH T YARD PRISOXERS REVOLT. FOUR ESCAPE FROM BRIG— ONE AT LARGE COMBINED ATTACK ON GUARD Four prisoners escaped from the brig on the Cob Dock at the Brooklyn Navy Yard early yester day morning, but three of them were soon re captured. They are: J. Kelley, a .Ireman; E. Percival. a coal passer, and ''Fillplno"McGarty, a landsman. The man stll! at large Is an ap prentice named Nunns. It is helieved that he is still In the yard. He war seen going aboard the receiving ship Columbia, and is supposed to be hiding in one of the many compartments on board. The sentry who gave the alarm later ventured into the brig, where he was attacked by forty three prisoners. He was rescued with a black eye by two acting corporals. "Filipino" Mr- Garty Is a deserter from the Philippines. The m-n c? t aped from the brig by picking the lock on the window bars. Three of them made their way toward the ordnance dock, and were there captured by Private Gllmartln, of the marine corps. The brig is said to be a ram shackle affair with thin walls that could be cut ♦hrough with a Jackknlf^ - ._ TORPEDO FAILS TO EXPLODE. TEST OF STGXALS IX TUNNEL SHOWS THAT TUFA' ARE SOMETIMES OBSCURED BY VAPOR. PLANS FOR NEW-ROCIIELLE MEETING TO-NIGHT. An official inspection of signals in the Park-aye, tunnel was made ye> e- day by repesentatives of the District Attorney, the State Railroad Commission and the Xew-Vork Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, wirb t lowing result: A torpedo failed to explode when set automatically to fhrc warning: d a danger signal ahead, although five trials were made with a locomotive. Signals could be seen from a locomotive in some parts of the tunnel, and in other parts of the tunnel the smoke obscured the vision. District Attorney Jerome decided in the afternoon that a charge of homi cide could not be sustained against John M. Wisker, the engineer who ran the Harlem train past the signals in the tunnel on Wednesday. Wisker may be re leased in #1 0.000 bail. Coroner Scholer announced that he would take a jury to the scene of the ac cident in the tunnel on Wednesday. The inquest on the bodies of the fifteen persons killed will begin on Thursday. Arrangements have been made for an indignation meeting in Xew-Rochelle this evening, and District Attorney Jerome and the Mayors of Mount: Vernon and Yonkers have been asked to be present. Xew-Rochelle was still in mourn ing on account of the tunnel disaster. OFFERS TO HELP JEROME, DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASKED TO SPEAK AT NEW-ROCHELLE MEETING FUNERALS OF VICTIMS. The indignation meeting called by ex-Mayor Dillon and other citizens of New-Rochelie. which will be held in Metropolitan Hall, in that city, to-night, to consider means to remedy the Park ave. tunnel menace, is likely to take emphatic action. Mr. Dillon yesterday sent an invitation to Mayor Clarke to preside, and it is expected that Mayor Fiske of Mount Vernon and Mayor Walsh of Yonkers will be among the speakers. Mr. Dillon also sent the following telegram to District Attorney Jerome, inviting him to be one of the speakers: The people o f New-Rochelle are anxious to co operate with you in a thorough investigation of the tunnel disaster. A meeting will be held here on Saturday night at S o'clock. We would like to have you present and suggest how the people of New-Rochelle can best help you and prevent a similar catastrophe in the future. Judge Jerome declined the Invitation. •The popple of New-Rochelle cannot afford to allow such a catastrophe to go unrebuked." said Mr. Dillon. "If we don't protest now it will look like we do not care a great deal for the lives and comfort of our citizens, and the city will suffer as a consequence. Just th:nk of it, fifteen of our people get up in the morning and leave happy homes, to be slaughtered and cooked to death: The nuisances of the gas and smoke are bad enough; and the stairways leading to our station are enough to wear the fci-arts out of people who climb them. We have borne this for years, but the railroad people have finally gone too far. The people of this city are finally aroused, and they are backing up the tight and will carry it to a finish. The tunnel disaster has given New-Rochelle and every other town and city in Westchester County a black eye, and unless we take emphatic action at once and compel the railroad companies to give us safe transportation we will lose many good citi zens." Several of the real estate agents of New-Ro chelle are taking a deep interest in the meeting. H. B. Downey heard that Mr. Dillon had been able to secure only a small hall for the meeting. Fearing that this would not be adequate to ac commodate the crowd. Mr. Downey gave the committee the free use of Metropolitan Hall, which Is the most commodious public meeting place In that city. It is expected that the meet ing will bring out many resolutions bearing on the recent disaster, and that committees will he appointed to confer with the railroad com pany and District Attorney Jerome. Mr. Dillon has received numerous letters, some of which are violently anarchistic. Funeral services have been held over the bodies of three of the victims, and flve more funerals will be held in New-Rochelle to-day. The funeral of H. G. Dlmon, the consulting engineer of the American Bridge Company, was held Thursday night at his home, in Rochelle Park, and was largely attended by relatives and friends. Mr. Dlmon was a brother-in-law of District Attorney J. Addlson Young, of Westchester County. The Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Presby terian Church, conducted the service, and the body was sent to Riverdale, Long Island, for burial. Mr. Dimon leaves a widow and four small children. The funeral of William Leys, wht.-h was held yesterday afternoon at hia home. No. 91 Woodland-aye., New-Rochelle, was attended by three hundred of the employes of B. Altman & Co.'s store, of which Mr. Leys was the general manager. Mr. Altman himself headed the party, which went to New-Rochelle on" a special train at 1:30 o'clock. A large delegation from Empire City Council, Royal Arcanum, of this city, also attended the ser vice. Several thousand dollars' worth of flowers were sent to New-Rochelle as a tribute to the dead manager. One of the pieces was a coffin cover of orchids and violets from the fifteen hundred employes of Altman & Co. Mr. Alt man gave a large wreath of orchids. The Rev. William B. Waller, of the Presbyterian Church, conducted the religious service. Burial was in Woodlawn. The Rev. Mr. Waller also officiated at the funeral of Oscar W. Meyrowitz. the optician, which was held at 5 o'clock at his home, No. 18 Banker Place, New-Rochelle. Th-> service was attended by about fifty of the employes of the Meyrowitz store. There was also a dele gation from the New-Rochelle Yacht Club, of which the dead man was the secretary, and from New-Rochelle Council. Royal Arcanum. The body will be taken to Albany to-day for burial. To-day there will be flve funerals and to morrow one. Among the victims to be buried to-day are Mr. and Mrs. William Howard. This is the young couple who were literally cooked to death in the rear coach. Theodore Fajarda will have a large funeral to-day at 10 a. m. in St. Gabriel's Roman Catholic Church Uselln Memorial). Since the accident all public entertainments and larcro social affairs in New-Rochelle have been postponed, and the city has given way to gloom and mourning. The rity is overrun wUh ,-laim agents and lawyers anxious to take suits for damages against -the railroad companies. Some of them are so persistent that they have forced themselves into the houses of women whose husbands have not yet been buried. The police say they will take some action to stop the annoyance 1,006.405 BARRELS OF BEER. The officer In charge of the Brewery's Revenue Department, upon expressing his New Year's con gratulations to" Mr. Adolphus Busch. President of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing A3S'n. submitted to him a carefully compiled. statement of the brew ery's last year's ■ output. ' showing the enormous sales of 1.006.495 barrels of beer.whlch netted the Government an Income of $1,801,818. . The achievement ia remarkable, especially so since this record was made in less, than 35 years and under the sole and continuous' management at Its present President.- ■— : -».^. -,:- - . . ,•» PRICE THREE CENTS. TUNNEL TEST AIDS WISKER FIVE ATTEMPTS TO EXPLODE TORPEDO FAIL-OFFICIALS FIND SIGNALS SHUT OFF BY VAPOR. The failure of a torpedo to explode in tlm Park-aye. tunnel, at Fifty-ninth-st.. yesterday at the time of an official inspection, together with the discovery that passing trains at times made the smoke in the tunnel so thick as to pre vent a view of ocular signals, led District At torney Jerome to the conclusion that all the re sponsibility for the dreadful disaster in the tun nel on Wedresday could not be laid upon Joha fet Wisker. the engineer of the Harlem train. Wisker has been in the Tombs, a prisoner held without bail on the coroner's charge of homicide.. It was decided yesterday afternoon to chang© the charge to one of manslaughter, and allow Wisker to be admitted to bail in $10,000, pend ing the result of the coroner's inquest upon th« bodies of the fifteen persons who were killed in the tunnel accident. A trip for the inspection of signals in the tun nel was made yesterday on the New- York Cen tral's observation locomotive. No. 28, called The Hudson. The officials on the locomotive were Assistant District Attorney Garvan, Com missioner Baker and Inspector Schultz, of the State Railroad Commission; J. H. Franklin, the Harlem division superintednent. and C. C. Paulding, of the Central's law department. Tha locomotive left the Grand Central Station at 10:10 a. m., and ran up through the tunnel at the usual speed of trains $asaing through. F.-otj Fifty--'<lxth-Rt., as far as the openings ia the roof of the tunnel extended, there w_i smoke enough to prevent sight of the signals, but in the closed northern part of the tunnel the smoke was so thick that the men in the ob servation compartment of the engine could sea nothing ahead. After getting through the tunnel the east** proceeded on to White Plains, where Mr. Qar van examined some of the railroad employes who knew Wisker, the engineer under arrest. The testimony obtained was that Wisker was a man of steady habits, that he and his fireman. Fyler. slept at the roundhouse in White Plains on Tuesday night, that they were called at 6 a. m. on Wednesday, that they both appeared to be sober and well when they took charge cf the locomotive for the run of the White Plains local to New-York, and that the locomotive was in good condition. On the way back to the city the observation. engine ran through the tunnel on track No. 2. the one on which the White Plains local dashed Into the rear of the Xorwalk accommodation on Wednesday morning. The following report of the trip was made by a passenger on the loco motive who was not an official: We found the tunnel clear. At Sixty-thlrd-su the crreen light showed plainly, that being the cau tionary signal before entering the block below, and the observation engine slewed up until we picked up the red or danger light at Fifty-ninth-st. The bell rang and everything seemed to work to % nicety, all but the torpedo, which did not explode. The engine was stopped, and the railroad orflcia.s explained that the observation engine was rv">t heavy enough, or its wheels were not large enough, to explode the torpedo as a big passenger locomo tive would do. This torpedo, it was explained, went Into posi tion alongside the rail automatically the moment the red light was shown by the block system, and was cut and exploded by the flange on the wbeels of the engine. After a consultation It was decided to bring up a heavier switch engine, which is the same size as the passenger engines. The — 'g* ll *^ came up. the little observation engine was run out of the way. and the larger engine was brought through the clock. Again the torpedo failed to ex plode. They tried it again, with the same result. Three more times the big locomotive was run through the block, and not once did the torpedo explode. The railroad officials explained this by saying that the mechanism throwing the torpedo into piace had been pressed out of order, so that the flange of the wheels did not touch the torpedo. While these tests were hem? made several trains parsed by the party, going both ways, and filled the tunnel where the party stood with thick clouds of smoke and steam. John Dolton. the man who placed the torpedo in position on the morning of the accident, gave testimony that tended to prov* that the White Plains train cut the torpedo and should have exploded it so that it could be heard. The officials who made the Inspection returned to the Grand Central Station at 1:30 p. m. Mr. clarvan. Commissioner Baker and Inspector Schultz declined to make any comments on the trip, and the railroad officials were silent about .t. Mr. Garvan made a report to District At torney Jerome In the afternoon, and later the District Attorney said he would not oppose the application for the release of Wisker on $10,000 bail. The investigation, he said, had shown that the charge of murder in the first degr«*» could not be sustained against the engineer. A charge of manslaughter in the second Jc^nu. might be sustained. To sustain the forum charge in an accident case, he said, it would b<» necessary to show a '"depraved mind." and no such accusation could be made in the case of Wisker. While declining to go further into the facts of the case, the DIMM Attorney said. "Our reason for opposing the admission of Wisker to ball on the day of the accident was that w«» wanted to satisfy ourselves of a..: ;he> facts. I will not express my opinion at this time as to the responsibility of persons other than Wiakrr. I want to place the full responsibility for the accident wher<» it ; ::hall not make public my deductions until ther.» has been a fuller examination of the facts It is a fact that flve efforts were made to explode a torpedo in the tunnel to-day, and that there was a fail ure each time. The evidence in our possession, however, tends to show that torpedoes did ex plode in the tunnel on th- day of the ac cident." About fifteen witnesses in the preliminary In vestigation of the District Attorney were at his office yesterday to sign their testimony. H" said the investigation would be continued up to the time of the coroner's inquest. He was asked if a charge would be made against directors of the New-York Central In view of the rtcent FIRE LADDIES. O^P Scenes in the lives of New-York Fire Chaplains] * and tales of heroism frequently displayed bj tliasa clergymen. la to-morrow's Tribune.— ...■■-.•