Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. I EXTORTS TO-DAY. I I 9G.430 Spirit* turr. gals I.**" -*, bniH SlSißoeln. bfcls »«• aßßr^shll&b. -■•"'"" 2.0>n5. Pitch, bbls • 50 <^ su»a 2t;2 ; Refined r*t. Bata.-JuSTJ.*" ■*» 2S 61" I Cottonseed oil- irais. 2..5-i> i*t. bos' l s 72.VLubricatin«r oil. pals 41i,.<«» ~-tM-« n'«:«' fork. bhi£ J» 2£ieal. bt ** 2-to Beef, tcs. _ I' 3 §£^ :;: i.«* «: -:::::"^ 38 £f»l« -, IfOiLard. rt> "HX &**r. « r!s 54.500|BuU*r. £> £-2S i^" 1!'.'.".".'.".".-- Uia - slOlt ' cliees<> - ft "" ! ■ _. c v OJJOTA.TIONS. I* ia. So - *■' '■'•• «i ,„, granulated *■<• i •5 "raik- •■•"::.;■" T: ,*, lUolaaaes. OK. rime • >*Z rori" : *"* ;> *t B**f. family -.'.:! '-■" <*r 1 4l2*s!B«*f hams ~~« 1 bias* ! *" a " 5M Tallow. prime . *> * J Kitrr "" meet 2Tn» -■- _«M 35 i L»xd. prime ....1125 3 TH E GENERAL MARKET REPORT. T3E S^r-Tort August 21. l«02. ■ -*■' : ■>■ -"Tjsio: oa " "" c:'e :'- v^Tct 1% francs it Havre. ; %%»&? to-Wjd Santos -a, *. - - glS«>*» \** s fhe reported M.400 nap | ST •'" " -- " bM 5; % «ctiv«. *~« c o - Se morals* an alvanc* .-£ we •<» *r*e b^a .■•-••• l - , ;fce oer.r.niHK of the more- . *»«M : 'f;Jr. ;;-a~t:ve to the lonps. and shorts j g£«r.dti:i3 J"' ta-k V-e"i c -r.traet* at the advance. | •*»;» ;r * *• bu w( i£*eavy sellers, and as the session j S.. more ccuraceous of the room trad- I BSWSfS %& r^S^Br^n &g j JJJV*. :*- ' : ! .— - ■ . Z* :--■ -■-■'■' - . ' ' " «c ;-- -' * ■ Krs£e*snsK r s£e*sns4 e 3£2 telßl st « iged to i y*tf=:s "j x »a.« l;;-\ . he bas i. of sbc for Rio No I. «s»saout-..-s n _\- . e« la the local market to-day | «*e r»=P* °* ci-"- a - »" 1 pjjasi Tester- j I a- ■ ■ ■ ■ - ; ■^'- ■ - - jwecMr "^ 5%5 5 .to 5^5^5.40 S-»o ;-. 57,, 6.70 5.5.' S.^'^J.Vi .V^| En .... - — -,-5 5.50 5 si?s.:i !>■'■''> men -• • •>:;, v:, t 5T< 3 &ss@s.«> s •_« ES tf ?■!? .-,-.,5 5.65 5.6T-<iJ. r ..75 S-.» *■ -IS V.IS 5.T5 S.TSyC.Sa 6-V) 6J '*'*„ vi'ket" - Rio — Coffe« market steady; .- . ■ -- ■ ■ K/aTae^»ed 4 tr*ac: sales. 132,000 tags. *C 4""..' o<i.~ February %~ -• H2 .COO Mart h \?' BE - .•- after ?- %^ "liay 39 .(*•> WR^ber Ma} - - *£? --:::::::::^ f^ "..::::::: *>■"> ** ration «gsSstf SSSE ***"* deUvene. 13,3^ 1T.4H7 11.8g SS?^r ;^^-v S » - . ■■ -• - - S.n» _J^§ .— p , - -S3 ««5 2,007.619 S^S&^-ISS 1.245.700 rOTTOV— After an almost unbroken upward movement ■ S^ftr^rf^ mark-t'is concerned. The open tr- ■ t»r^ with pric« 1 to S pointi i lower .in ■ErWh wi-aKries* ia the Liven^ol market »_.ere S^^fTo^^re 2 a^ & Mrr»-o?Mr3 rarely. Jar.aary rearing ..3-^ . »""| ■ *&U:i*££e# River. h«:p-a to »^™- a V^ghout - _- ' ■ SS!?^^- 1^ of'-lncre^.rx very rar &£^*~M P-oes in the loca! market to-day fester - - iarast ••'' •-.. , - .. «if!.j^i..<:3 S.i>9 iot«n;N-r _• ' ;.;;£ -.; s^ t.^S7>» 7.5« :: ::= - :: :^" \ - - - - - - ■ - ■■- 1 " >«J J-S -vC 7-2 7.P1W7.53 7.SS fcrcu ••« 5 '•*" *_i 7>t j^ :::;:7.^ t. S 7 - .- r^=sr^ 1.88 - ■ -fW lowir. at fc?E^?";c-^.! unVhan^d . «»w: Aupsu firm :- ' - S* 4 S MSI taS irtaal for the corre.por.iing day 'k^,-.',. -v. rr t» and int-r'.or p-'.r.ts to-day, com ja-^^tr, the sa me -lay last ti-^k «nd last year: LaFt I-u^t Present p^-« To-4ay. m-e-k. ye»r. «'°C k _ - JfcirJVien- <344 «s*-2 1.080 34,.t>.J j «^.. t " 12 -■"•-. 2 ■!'■■■ 1 ESmVI"-"""**"*""!!i-h» ■»•* -- • B -? 8 &ar:»Ft?n •1* — _1 < ..Z ... « .. v - - .: — ° '.. _ _ — sa-toc " k 1 ; — o ,^ 9 1 _1 , — - T - ..'.'.'..'. — 1 - — M lAncas .--•• *• Toaa! , 4"^ a.« 34 =< ITO I4fi -^ 3 X 1 \z S v: ? -. e-^hf. ::: » im 3« 0=45 SwttB? ..:::;:::" 3^ j^» uw iis Its^, =IS2 1.043 2.2» 39^17 ' Cettcr. FTCharr» ?pecial I^v^rr^l r- a v.;es.— Spot Mttos k S^^der^d! »1«. «««- tal^s: «p«u Utton and «xpcrt. r«H, bales; 5.0C0 baJ« ; «« ei » t «L lt l -?2 »M«M«t M 44 deoiui*; rlo^rf steady, with prices «* Ifil's potote tower. Quotations foliow: Ausutt, *.C'-." A'-rust-September. 4.35b; Peptember-October. 4»b" V, r roi^r N-^mher. 4=4* : Kownber-December. 4-lv'- rvvmber-JaaiiarT 4-lttHs: Jar.uarj- February. 4.18b Fe-hr^y-llarch. 4::3b : Marrh-Apnl 4 19v; Aprll >J«y. 4.:-»v; Manr:iif:?;er— Yarns steady; cloths (juiet. Flora \nP MRAI Spring wheat flour wa* (Inn Ht ■ and "held h:?=<-r. wtt* a moderate business, but *3jte- ir~.r»e« »■•■-•• .-,,._• and »-itliiut chanr*. IbjOM &.'• • • J.?t*^*4 2O: wu.ter .-■•■<•* «<•: I »feS Tatert- »3*5.-.-?:«J«<: sprin* clears. *3 15SS3 30; ; trra nI l «it«. «^$:S: ex'ra '■-■■•• J3 ,«» ; ■I .-" co r-a<i«- HS?is24. spot ana tf> arnve RYE RCrP.-F-rr?: «u*red. Fiir 1" KW*. J3 2S« J3 4O; choice ; S» rar-v $3 4Sa'*3 7i> CORNMEAL- Steady: punted: I dr:ed. I 3 430SXM. Mto brand ...... BAG MEAL , fctaiy omtAd'-^Flae whit* and ye!!ow. tl Mm 50: »«r»*.' j;'"4<isi 2S ...FEED— Quiet: qurted: Spring *«^%r^ jit 7^ F ickV to arrive. 200 ft. Jl« B5: sprir.R S'Sk V4t flTeprlcr hrnn. middling. IIMKUSO: fi= **rt o;'"rai>e "s2«r^- eorameal cake. f24; h uniny chop. *3 w6t^4; oil m-al. J^. g» >TT XTHEAT— A very sharp ndvance in Septemh^r *>*at «;»n-r^i nteeolStm attention yesterday. The »« of tb« list, while h^her. vr«s only a*fert-p1 to a «*te eufnt by the bullish conditions that stimulated the 7»U opti«. At it* lw!<t point September ta N>»-) '>r* »aa **c above tht pr-vjous nlsbt. "Ml" l» <T»jf»K' £ reached * uosit tlie kWIMr, acajnst a^■out USV advance m 1««r1 ««r pwi-io-, Nr.rrr.w--t markets and St. I»uis were £ttfc«y Maker or. "both S*.ptemt*r and later options ttao were \e*-Tork and Chicago, cash wheat =« us repc.-rtei to »«■ scerre and milia »Hu. g* down in »ome ca>e» for lack of suitable '"•Jx'at. The 6 *^-=3«rbr advance was rnmarliv 'J'je to continued r"-x>r PMla*. Mrt t stocks, hlcn-r rash prices and a general ■»a» to get out of a month in which mampu.ation le a rsesifci^ty. The interior receipts were COI " iJ /'.r a "'\ •aaller. both winter and sprire. aicjrr^iraur.c only WWiw 5«J>. ajrainrt S»«2.'>W hush ia.-T year. Chicago rece:^ Eg 3C6 cars, betaded 3 cars eohr of contract. Seahoard were lart:« »p«B, including ~3.tX«> *•>'» or : iaur and 4e7..V*) bush <>f wheit. Very little change *»•' »*?*2 j a ». ff ei C n n-.arkots. t«T.h I^x-erpf«! and Pa-"" 1 b* - n 5 *»»T. X anything on acrount of fine weather In England Fr»nc*: A Broomtaall cabie «aid world's reQUirementa v year would I* abou* 44 ti .(''«i.«OO bush, of which the lalted States and ••"arutd* would be expected to furnish ..-■-.. bosh anfl other .. ;: ..-.* 23«5.<*K> buth. *pol^ r«pi nod arnvai* of IS! cars, of which -T3 cars graded -*• i and 1* ear* No 2. makLng a pretty good show for ~-'« season of the year. The export business lncluued . **•• 10 New-York and 12 \rmim at outsorts. Quotations « ca«h wheat were •■ follow*: No 2 red. 70Hc elevatnr. •« 77^»e77\r. fob afloat; No - red New-York. TT'iC ■MBpt. Sn 2 r*d New-York. 77**<-. August SO-September [lj Xo- " Northern I'ulutli f"lc. late September; No 1 [ northern l>uluth »*<»>«r earlr October: No 1 Northern ■■ if=teth. 79c October 15-20. all 1 o.b afloat . CORN— j • Tttere VHr * aenaationat advance In September <">rn yes |gj**»y. Xew-Tork r*arhlmr <a"*e, against 60Hc for the itrtrjou, eight, and Chicago 57 compared with 527»<r. •-Tfcls excitod upturn was a continuation of W«dneads.y's B^IT-h. and far niurh ih* «>urie reasons, stock being = -«■ ■ generaily throughorut the country, crop news un- J^fractorr. wesuwr «Ull too wei snd cold for beet re «**»« in Use U'«m. and cables iHd net higher. Nebraska K^^t« that about cue-third ni Its crop would not be. •n*» ** danger from fro»t before September 23. Ch!-»BD |_r^-»: su ••« •- gar, !nr!u«l!Ut 15 ears contract- Interior IWirUil cuoUdu«« rery light, aggregating but HI.OKI f !•»•'■ costpared with MA.MO bush a year ago. For Frl ■ •** «* uk> muc miiwliil ax Chicago. Tba local cash, MBrrttHt^B 1 1 im ifirr i r\ *i ■■■ fciiTTi«miii^iiiiMii ■ iniA i m\\ ■ business consisted of G»\000 bush. eH Buffalo, nn''. 5.000 bush n c g yellow; No 2 corn closed 68c elevator and 66%ic fob afloat: No 2 white and No 2 ftllßn 7OHs7le. both fob afloat OATS— September oats it. Chicago fol lowed other grain and advanced a rent a bush, while later position* fallowed at a slow pace, and closed about *»c net advance. December here was fairly active, selling up to 38%ic. and closing at 36.He. against 3<T-»c the previous night- The crop news was still bullish, because ■C wet weather, injuring the condition of oats and also retarding the movement. "The Price Current" said qual ity tad been further lowered in Illinois and lowa, fash sa!** here were SOO.WO bush. No - oats elaaed New, Sic- No 2 white. .Vie nominal, new: track mixed. :'-',.)■.-'•.■, track white, 42'-j«i«>4c. new to old RYE— Market etmng- No 1 Western. Oc. and No 2 TVe««ra. «14c, ' fo b afloat- State rye. ■'•• : : »e.'7c; No 2. S7#Mc. track ' BARLEY — quiet: feeding Me c i f Buffalo. NEW-YORK PRICES. ImUi ■\Vheat? Opening. High. L/»w. Close. .lay. Feptember "-* 1 * 73% 74 >* 7."ii 74% IVcember 12% 73 3-16 72 »-16 73 72** May 74 7-15 74 T » 74S 74- 74»» Com: i=ertemher ... 61 r-"'ir -"'i 61 B*l4 604 r>ecember .... 47 1 i -i 1i 1 - 47 47 4« s i May 444 4.'. 44- 44'» 44'» Oats: September — — — — 3t>4 December 3CH 3B 1 * 3T.H 3fiS 364 May . — — — 364 M M Lard: August — — — $1117 SIOW CHICAGO PRICES. Wheat : September . 30% 72 70' i 714 TO^i ! December 67"-» •;.< «7 1-16 f,7H «7H j May C 9 4 eafi 634 w>ie 604 , Corn: -■■■-- . . 53 ii* !U'l 57 52% December ... 41*» 4.1 4.-S 43 41S May ea% 40 31) 7-16 4'> S^4 Oats: Peotember 33 -"54 4 33% 34 H 33 H ; December ... »»4 314 »J4 »>•» »i ■ Ma^ .TOS 30". 30H ;Wm !W4 Lard: September $10 111 sa $10 f!24 110 374 Jl" 574 January S 35 «> 45 S3.'. B« -5 Ribs: September its 1* » >w 10 124 !> M January 7 M 7 ■ 7 M 7 <» ..">.4 Pork: September 10,324 IT« 16 324 16 « 16 r> January 14 52* 14 724 14 82* 14 724 14 H Receipts of br-a.istuffs •>• interior points, in thousands, last three ciphers aK*h omitted, flour bbla. grain bush, as follows: , Flour a ..!• Corn. Oats. Rye Barley. Chicago g 3H BS -^7 33 17 Milwaukee 8 8 - -- 3-4 Minneapolis ■ — '** 1 -- 4 -•> Duluth — 7 — — * '' St. LouiE 2 147 1« 5- — — Kansas City — l l 12 16 — "" Toledo — 12« 1 1" 1 ~ r^^.:::::::::::^ _! A A S S 7 r>>« *>.' — — Totals .38 - • 132 603 46 PS Shipments frrm theye points: Ch-cag! 17 I=9 «> 172 =. 1 Minr.eapotie . 53 M — j- _^ ?t ul 'i^ui s v. ■.".■::.■.'.::: — 18 »» — - - .... ih m a — — Kan«as City - — "0 -• -* — Toledo — 150 I ■ _1 — Detroit - 5 "7 c - _ Teor-.a — [ _• _ii . Total!i Tsii « T 160 ■» • 20 Receipts at Atlantic ports: New-York as its 1 »« 3 — Boston - ** — To i Philadelphia 13 3. - " i _ Ba!t:m"re 8 72 » 4« -i — New-Ori'ans 2 31 — _ Gaivestcn — — '- . . Totals .51 «• i: = 78 * J Exports from Atlantic ports: New-York • « •• — _= _ _ Philadelphia i — 25 _♦ 19 _ _ - * ,S 4 _ _ — ■* -.- — _ _ _ New-Orleans — **- ; t . -T* -- * 21 - ~ SHUTS. Vi v«li 45c The English market reported a de *?uffcern. *=2>«3: No 1 foundry. Southern. »£?«» SASTSS.-SS3 S S»rS "fe STSSS gf^^^g^^iill r €ir: S^Sc:^^^ s»de«.^£S£ «i plentL'a! and erder, scarce^ Quo j«gow and ***T£ £** CCtt9 "-A\RT^^Br^[,hTteamer. lIM tons 'P-v,ous,y,. .n . ■> , - , Sooner. I. , ■ m C<% 7<c aid towage: Spanish steamer. 1.3 M tons. New ".rVar.s to G^noa. bertheJ. early September. ™o-isin\-s There was a verj" strong advance in prnviVior.s" yesterday: notably In "f*^^™^ J^,,^' -ork Packers were buyers, and «hOTts bo«Sh.t heavily "f near pofit^ ns throughout the day. A modera^ ZZTvffZri It -niddav wa« foHowed by later strength and a nrr^ c^. 1 20 000 uirh 33.000 expected and - »|..., . r,L-eiTT<5 were "OOiiO with 23/kjO expected on Fri-.Aj . k74s CUv had T,/-nr>. Omaha 7/-10 and all 1> <I r 2 Quoted: Mess (ISff «,o. »..-riiv 520e*2030: s^ort clear. $1H ,j®f_l. . . . - - gSiaS«S»?^SSS at ?13M13 50. family. »I^^ pack-t. J146J15; extra It 11 [new, f2 ?S«ikJiSi*lroa« quoted at J226irt DRE^ED H'"' s o^J^tr- 14?. — 9»4'd9 r i'-: pU». lO^gmS- CTT MEATS-Pickled ' bellies flrm. Quoted. Smoking, ■_ - * ■ - .--.•■ rALI-ow_Duii; rftj ■ I - Firmer :■: ted at M -"■" O.WV Reta«J ... ,■ ntlnent ir«oe: ---•■ ■ - ■ ■ . - " ■ lard stearllie. 12Hc. OlLS— Cottonseed oil was nuiet and barely RH«. It*' "nedVtroleum ruled steady and unchanged wuhde r^L-tf> modc-a'e L;nsee,l oil was heavy and dull. ester- SSri q^at?ons Prevailing. -:>■ trade would not be «ur rrtKed at a further dron in DrtCM in the near future . Pc- Jloie^u bh's J7 20. In bulk. MC3: Philadelphia, bbis. 17 15"l- bulk' J4«O: refined cases. New-York J550...... rrvrroVCEED Oll^— Prime crude, fob millF. nominal: •T Bumroar yell » 41« me white. M»H6H7c: prime I?,^.^ 47c SSESD OIL— American city raw. «>eete- Toot of town raw. tiO«6lc: Calcutta raw. «c; lard oil. -- «* rl<-e:— FavoraN" craß reports are 7"™'"/ rrenj tr.e undertone. Domestic, common »» tow fair a»e4Hc: fair to g-->d 4»»*!"i 1»c1 »c- prime to choice. 54gT>:«c: head, I) S P Stc\ Patna,~sQs«»c: Japan, foreign »£«:*"_• 3SI&4 1 -.-: Java. 44&4 T «c; Rangoon. In bond. 2 l ««J_\c. SUGAR— sugar was steady and quite active. List prices were unchanged, but the American M Kin giving a concession from list prices of s^:n potnui en certain ■oft grad»». Crystal dominoes, ••»■««•*.•••*: cnifhed and dominos. 5.15 c; mould A and cubes 4.WV. XXXX powdered,' 4 **-, powdered, coarse nowdered in.l fTBlt powdered. 4 73.-: Eagle confectioners' granulated. 4 oOc' Eagle coar»e and 2 rti fine granulated. 4...» c: Eagle 2' Tb 'cartons and 2 rb bags fine. 4.88 c; Eagle 5 !b bags fine 4 V)c- Eagle fire and standard, and diamond A. 4«. V- confectioners A 4.50 c: No 1. 4.40 c; New 2 and 3. 4 35ci No I 4'!'- No 5. 4.2r«-; No «5, 4.2t>c: No 7. 4.1"'-. • No S. 4r: No 9. 3»c: No 10 3.00 c: No 11. t-«Bc, No* ' 1" 13 »nd 14. 3.l?Oc: No 15. 3.75 c: No l«. 3..0 c: Eagle. ! novdered. 4 !>r,c The London market for beet -'near was i K<i higher with August and September quoted a- <?» 2%d. ' The world's visible supply of sugar is 2.3W).000 tons, com i ia»»<l w'.tft ■ RSQ.OM tons same time last year. The local I market was steady and unchanged, with centrifugal, ftrt 1 test, a- 3Hr; muscovado, mi test, a: 2\'-. and molasses I sugar, -ft test. 2 He. COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. New-Tor*. August 21. 1002 opAVS AVT> PEAS — Ther«- -were a few small Job- Mi^rMlei to-day of white beans either domestic or for e<CT but prtsr«r« without change of nioment. Stocks ar^Vo light that feeling U fairly steady. Exporters took s^me more red kidney to-day. «n4 the price ha ? become O ibli«hed at J2 70 for choice dry stock. Xe .change in other varieties. Green and Scotch £-«-;»"" m™. V ,e quotr: Beans, marrow. cho:ce per bush. J2 r 4a?--5^ So medium, choice. Jl 074**=: •?"»•-»;. C J? olc 'i, IW ».>« $11>74: do red kidney. choice. CCSe»»; do white kid ney, choice. 5- 156J2 20- do jreHow eye, choice, »2 $2 25 do black turtle »oup. choice, fl Met! «V.. do lima. Cali'onia. J" -■ h«2» Imported medium, prime. 1 1 7'<J $I [M>. do poor to good. II 4.V7J1 70; green pea*, bags, 11 9<i do Scotch, bags. $1 95. * BTTTKR— Another decline of He was recorded to-day on nearly all grades of table butter. Supplies have- come for ward vrry • -.. . thta we.-k, and the accumulation of stock has become so burdensome that sellers have not hesitated to vieM in the matter of price. At the decline quoted th<-re ■»at moderate trade, but not sufficient to clean up the ■■! • ferings. W#- quote: Creamery-, extras, per Tti. l!>c; do firsts HSl'iV; do seconds. 1«40374c; do thirds. 1541J l>»c- State dairy, tubs, fancy. IS«l" '■■»•■. do firsts. 17® 174 c; do seconds. IGQICHc; do thirds. I.ltflS4c: Western Imita tion creamerar. finest. l«4ei"c; do fair to good. 15«i©16c; <«o lower grade*. 146 "..v- renovated, fancy. 17C174c: do common to prime. 156164 c; Western factory. June make, fancy 16C'fl4e: do current make, firsts. 15©154e; do seconds 143144 c; do thirds. 13«1.T-r. packing stock. 124*134 c. CHEF.fE) — Supplies of large full er«am cheese continue modi-rate but with lower Canadian prices export demand has r*—n checked, an.! a few surplus lots had to be shaded to S**»c to tirtr, up. Small sizes are held with Increased f.Tnnejis In sympathy with higher country prices, and 10c irenerally asked for fancy, either white or colored. The demard at this figure Is only fair, as many holder* prefer to look for something a little cheaper «ay about B\c. «k!ms ,re held firmly for desirable grades, but little if any improvement in the undergrades. Cable. 4*« rtd for rniorad and 47» 8d fir whit-. We quote : State, full cream. «mall colored or white, farcy. Me: do choice. 0*»c; do "••V to rood flfll>4e: do large, colored or white, fancy. »S «»•»"• do choice. 94«-: do fair to (rood S'-siruVic, light ■k!S» small, choice. B«SVr do large^hoice . T%««e: SS^kSm. prim* 7©7'-»c; to fair to good. .■.-,««<--: do SSwncn. 4C4WC. fall skims. 24C3c. POGS-Tber. Is a fair call for the better grades, and ♦or such th'i n-.arttet holds Ira. though offerings appear Jo hi ample, Jlefilujn and lower qualities ar» quiet, and T EW•yORK DAILY TRIBUNE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 21. 1902. have to go at comparatively easy prices. A sale of fancy refrlgeralors. April packed. Is reported at 20c. Y^equote. State and Pennsylvania, fancy selected white -i« -»*»=• do average best. 205204 c; Western, loss off. 19©-oc. do counw. candled, at mark. 174©ll>e; do northerly sec tions, uncandled. 16ei74c; do southerly *^!ons. «*B^' do undergrades. 148154 c; Kentucky, 13g1.>-4c: dirt.ea, 12ffl5c- checks. 10^13 4c. . . . _ KP.--ITS— FP.ESH— AppIes in good demand and " ™ -or choice. Pears Mil well at full farmer pries. Pineapples dragging. Peach-s tower for medium and common quali ties, but fancy fruit about steady. Plums In liberal sup ply: a car of Michigan sold at 16«17c. Grapes m light receipt and without change. Blackberries .lrae« berries weak. Watermelons mostly poor, and prices rule low. though fancy large melons are scarce and firm. Muskmelcns In liberal supply. and, while strictly faiu> sell fairly at rather lull prices, common stock, w-hicn corn crises the bulk of the offerings, drags at low and irreguiai flirarcs We quote; Apples, per bM. $1 Wsso: an cpen heads. $16*2: do windfalls. - ■>" 25; pear. Bartjett . per bM. »2©«28 do Seek< *2 S0«» 50; «o Clapp s F»« r lte - J2«tf27: do Catherine. $1 75<5:J2 25; do Bel SI 5«B»2:_do Watermelon. $1 .■■-c-c. i do common cooking, »12 - ••>. DlceaDolei Indian River, per case. 81 50€$3 50; <".o F.orma. tISOOS2SO; peaches. Maryland and Delaware, per carrier, r.Ocfisl 25; do per basket 80c#Sl; do Western Marylanu. per carirr. flfjSl 25: do Jersey, per basket. »'«.•«': do up river, average per basket 30®«c: plums, up mer. Prime. per s rb "basket. 15@20c; do Michigan, l.^l-c: grapes, up river. Champion, per case. So@7&c; do N.-.r.r. '"arohna per 24 Ib case, sOc©Jl 25; do Maryland ana Delaware. Moore's Early. 7.*'g'.* > c: blaekberrtes, per quart. 6«T10r: huckleberries. Vii>c: watermelons, fan--y. iarge ; per carload. Jl7.'>i?i.*2 < h>: do average, per carload. -'••""''••V. do. per 100. Sot? $1.1; muskmelons, Jersey. Haekensaclcseea, rer bbl SOO7Sc; do Jersey, per crate, 2S .■"'•■ do Ba.ti more. per crate. 75c*iJ2 25; do. per basket. 40c«*l -■■ other Maryland and Delaware, per crate. 400.6*1: do. per half bbl basket. 35©75 c; do Rocky Ford, Col. __ Gem, standard crate. C 50©13 do. per small cmje, *1 -s#i*-. do New-Mexican. Gem. standard crate. J2.VX3J3: do. per small crate. $lf?s2. , . FRClTS— DßlED— Evaporated and other new apples in very light receipt and hardly enough business reported to establish values: aid fruit pretty well cleaned up. an.i q«" tatlons nominal. Not much doing in small fruits ana prices unchanged. California apricots weak, ' "■l 01""1*1 prunes firm. We quote: Apple*, evaporated, 1301. ancy. per Ih ll»i(e-12c- do choice n#?ll4c: do prime. '■>>'•■ 19% : ; do common to good. -■::■■■ do quarters. >ew- Y~rk. Ohio and Michigan. S«6c do Wesrem quarters, .-...;,.. :, Virginia. 34@44c: do coarse cut. Tennessee 3 4 54 c -: do hopped per 100 », »1 s<l®s2: do cores and skins. $1 .Vf&Jl ,-v.: raspberries, dried, 20621 c .-.■.icki berries. 15610 c; berries, 14c; blackberries. 1 4c; apricots, California. Royal. 04374 c; prunes. California 3«ic. HOPS—Tfcere are few or no State hope offering on tne open market. Some lets of Pacific C ast are still avail able, but holders have a food Val of confidence In the situation, and ar« askir.c very full prices. It Is ;'. ou bt.iu that any fine Pacifies could now be bought below ->c and brewers have naid »©lc more. No material change In crop reports. We quote: State. IMI. cholc» per Tb. -<* ■. do prime 24@2.-.c: do lower grades^ 21©23 edo 1080, choice. l««i:tc: do lower Brade- 14gt7c: Pacific Coast. 1001 choice. 24H©55c: do prim-. =3«p4c: do lA V Via *1«224c- do 1900 choi.-e. 18ffl9c; do lower ffra.!e>. 14 t7e: Stat; and Pacific Coast, o!d Ids <v-<n<V HAY AND STRAW — HAY— Receipts of new hay show a marked increase, and. with poods in but fair 10 mMiJm grades. prices rule rather uneven, although marV l^ lots continue In fair demand at roMna; figures. TraMn« was not brisk, and purchases r-presented mainly pre>»..t renuirem»nts only, though, with the somewhat accumu lated stocks -' new hay m hand, the market offers a goofl rang- for medium selections. Demand for choice lots 01 old hay Is nrm but poor grades of old stock »»thlU« weak, and prices have been shaded »Jia Uon l^ «»JJ™ ,™ this class. W. quote: Best old. per 100 Th. $1 OSim IS: other use'ul ■■jr. r - new. in food condition. 85CWH;: mi grades, «i4»80c.. . .. .STRAW— oßertegs in long rye straw continue s-rarce and I 14 demand holds prices we . ■ ,• -<>■*--„■ Receipts of hay and straw, In tons, re ported at the Produce Exchange at noon to-day: Hudson River Railroad. 800; Erie Railroad. 320; West Shore Ran rond. fio : Lehigh Valley Railroad. 10; nr.ltlmor» and Ohio Railroad. 10: Central Railroad of New-J<-r*ey .0: by river bnrces. 130; total. 1,22«> tons. Receipts of straw: l.y river .vi tons; by rail. 20 tool POULTRY — ALIVE^ — Receipts to-day Included 4 cars r>y freight and about 1 car by express. Fowls sra only mod erately active, and in some accumulation, ' — "' new (boat as b»-frre. Sprtnir chickens sell fairly and steadily held. Turkeys slow. Trim* ducks and geese s*ea.l>. •..-. pigeons slow. We quote: Spring chickens, W "tern large per Ih ""- ' do Southern and «-":••■ we*""". US'. fowls. 134 c: roosters. 04c; turkeys. 12c; duck... Western, per pair 7C M«Oc do Southern and Southwestern. 40«»>c; p. se Western Jl 2S: do Southern and Southwestern. *' live pigeons. ISe3)c . DRESSED— Fresh supplies of fowls and chicken* were fair to-day and Included some lots expected yesterday. Fowls are only moderately ac tive and the tone is net quite so flrm. Really fine, west ern spring chickens In fair request and a shade "•"/- - r v but most of the offerings are of ordinary quality, and -uch du'l and irregular Nearby spring chicken* nearly all of undesirnble q-jallty. Sprint duck* held about th« same. but selling very slowly. Spring geese lull tur keys sell fairly wh*n Pane? but average irrad< s SiOw; 01.1 tufkevj verj- scarce and wanted. Tame squabs unchanged. We quote: Spring turkeys, dry picked, fancy, ,--"- ;L*> aversge grades. l*v!r2or: turkeys, old hen* and torn", aver ag- best 15c- do poor to fair. o©l2c; spring chickens, Philadelphia, fancy, small. lS«30c; do mixed sizes lS'ff lnc: do Pennsylvania, -hol -. ISc do fair to g~«1. 12«134c d0 Western, dry pi-ked. fancr. 1*«! d" scalded. ... a 13 Ifi do ordinary Ilfjl2^c. do Western. dry pitted, avewt,. be 6 t 134 -do scalded. 134 c: do Southwestern. lSffl3%c; do Western poor to fair. 11JJ124C: 'A corks. 04c: spring ducks. Long Island lad Eastern, par Ib. 17c: do J«se? nr " J upriver. 16©lftHc: spring geese. Eastern white. .•■ squabs prime. larg«. whit*, per dozen. $2 25; do mixed. »2 do dark. $1 2.".ajl W. , POTATOES AND VECCTABIJa Irish potato** In ?!^> erai supply and weak. Sweet potatoes more plenty and lower" a few Jersey sweets arriving. Strictly prime onions held 'steady, but poor lull and irregular. Cucumber -• kles In light receipt and firm. Cr>rn In good at full prices. Celery dull. Eggplants weak. Limit Uans lower Lettuce dragging it very low figures. P.eins a:.i p-as In larger supply from ■Western New-T<-rk and lower. Squash weak. Tcrratces plenty and law T\ c quot»: Potatoes. Long Island. in bulk, per bbl. J13?l -.. ao fer»ey STc«JBI '2 do per ««ck. JTf«l 10 sweets, per bM. Jl JWVSJ2SO; cucumbers, Jersey. per bb!. 73c'*$l : cucumber plck'.eE uprlver. par LOOO. l*9s3; do Jersey. *1 -' -■. d-i Rockland Co.jr.ty. per 100 ; . la ca:bag»». Long Isl and Flat Dutch, per 109 BSCB3 5O; raultfiowen Ixing [aland and Jersey, per bbi. T50952; corn, per WO. o'''B j, 25- celery per I sen, lo^4oe <- c grlants. rers per bbl 75CSTJ1; da per half bbi b~x or basket. 4OC«0c; te» beans, per bag. |l»*I 73. lettuce, par 5 dozen case. BOc« II 3O: do per 3 doten c»m. 3Oe#sl. onions. Onnnectlcut. per bb! $1 do Orange County, per bag, »l -off $2 JO- do re. tl<Btl 25: do Jersey and Southern, whit*, aer basket $1- do Philadelphia and Baltimore, yellow. $:; ckra Jersey per half bM basket. 81981 38: peas Western New-York Telephone, per basket. 119*1 V>: do per bug. 71cejl2o: peppers, Jersey, per bbl. 7.V511; string bear.i. Jersey and Cong Island. per bag. B«tf7Sc do Western Sew York and uprtver. per basket. 7Jc(8ll: do Western New Tork per bag. 7f.c; squash, per bbl. 25cQJl: turnlpa. Russia per bbl. s<'<e7sc; tomatoes. Jersey, per box, 2,"C X . NAVAL, STORES. There was a shade lower range of price* for spirits tur pentine, a." the demand was moderate and them was a little selling pressur-. P.osln ruled «•-•''- at former ratr^. Tar was firm. Local demand was good at full prices, we Ql SPIRITS TT'RPENTINE— OiI barrels, 4-"\ machine mad« barrels, 47Vic. TAR— Pine barrels. 12 25; oil barrel;". 84 59. ROSIN Common to g^od strained, Jl 65 D. Jlfi-i; B. $1«5: F. 81 TO O. Jl 75; H. Jl '.'): I. 8286; K. M. M. J3 4.'.; N. 75; W O. 844»; W W. 84 2ii. STOCK ON HAND. Rosin 31.4 M bbls Tar : l tur? ' Nt : ne :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: uS bbl; -Savannah. Aug. 21. — Turpentine firm. 4-*"-» c: receipts. 1 IK'7 bbls; sales. 751; exports. 348 Basin firm; receipts, a'4«> btu.«: sales. 7'H; exports. 2 sOS Q.• ted A. B. C. JUKI- D Jl 10 F. JI 15: F. 81 M G. *■ 39 H. Jl HO; I. II SB; K. J2 43 M, 1286; N. 83 49; W 'i. $3 00. W W. *3 -'• Chariestoi Ai:g. 21— Turpentine and rosin unchanged Wilmington. Aug. 21. — Spirits turpentine— Nothing doing; receipts, 90 casks. Rosin- -Nothing doing; receipts. 278 bblii. Crude turpentine firm at 814". J2 00 and 82 00; re ceipts. 40 bbls. Tar flrm at tl 50; teeetpta. 112 bbls. Kew— Orleans, Aug. 21. — Receipts: Rosin. 2«7 bbls; tur pentine 32 btls. Export.-! to Costa Rica: Rosin, 75 ibis. London. Aug. Closing: Turpentine— Spirits. 3.'is 3d. Rosin — American, strained, 4s 74d; fine. Us «d- LIVE STOCK MARKET. New-York. August 21. 1408. BEEVES — Recelpta, 27 <^ar«. * 472 bead, ill con signed direct. No sales reported. Dressed beef steady: city dressed native sides. S4Sl24c per Ib. Castes last received mated American steers at 13<gl4e. dressed weight; refrigerator beef at 114512 C per rb No exp. rts to-day. To-morrow the Cymric will sail for Liverpool and Is esti mated to carry 340 cattle for J. Bhamberg & Bon, .'. hca.l for Schwarzschlld & Sulrbergtr. and 2.250 quarters of beef for the Morns Eeef Cornnany. CALVES— Receipts, all for the market, were 07 head. mall with the stock carried over from yesterday, a to tal of 106 head to be sold— « at Jersey City and 100 at Sixtieth si The market rated about steely. Cl -»<• to B0 bead were unsold. including a car of Western calves. Veals »ol<! a: J5 &>lttH Der 1"0 Tb: buttermilks at $4 25i?$ < 50. City dressed veals. IOQISc par Tb: country dressed. ••'•;''•: '-1 '- dressed jrrajsers and buttermilks an' fed calves. »k3i>c. Sales— J H. Hume & Hro. : 3 veals. 240 It) average, at. $7 75 per .10 it. 8 do. 200 rfc. at JS 50; 2 buttermilks. 215 Tb. at »4 50; 4 do. 14" rh at *4 88. S. Sanders: 2 veals, 115 Tb. at *«. SHEEP AND LAMBS— Receipts, all for the market. were 22 cars, or S.<*>l head, making, with the stock carried over from yesterday, a total of 274 cars to be sold — all at jersey City. Bneeo sold freely, but mainly to one slaugh tering company, and at low figures. Lambs were in light supply active top grades firm and others steady. About 2 cars of sto<-k were unsold. Sheen sold at $2 25 ft $3 40 per 100 rb- one choice deck at $3 75; culls at II !H>9*l 75 lambs at JSQJO «3- Dressed mutton. s®7c per Ib: dressed lambs, fc@llc. ? a l Kama Commission Company: 63 Kentucky lamb", 71 Th nverag- at $ii per :•"> Ib: 11* do. 88 tb. at *5 SO: 172 Kentucky sheep. 11l Ib. at $3 40: 223 do. 117 rb. Xt $3 10: 144 do. 105 Hj, at $3 124; 173 dp! 101 ». at 83; 01 do lu3 Ib at J2 75- IST. do. '.« Ib. at *2 25; 213 do. culls. ,8 Ib. at *1 50; 100 Vi'Klnia do. culls. 75 rb. at *1 75 Tobin ( Shannon: 153 Kentucky lambs. *, tb. at $»> 25; ••7" Iniiiana do sa Ib. t«- 1«*» Ohio sheep, choice. IS ». at Bsn 24 do. 87 tb. at «2 50; 202 Kentucky do. l(n) rb. aX S3 25 " >y* do I<J& It. at $3; 11 bucks. 12i". TTj. at 8290. Newton & Co 14« Kentucky lambs. S3 Tb. at 88 65; tta Weir Virginia do. 71 Tb. at Jtt &>' 224 do, 58 Ib, at 8380 171 Kentucky sheep, 111* I?., at $;;.iu, B3 do. *3 Ib at *3; 211 West Virginia do. 82 Ib, at 83. g Sanders: «4 Pennsylvania lambs. 73 Th, at $*:3; 9 Pennsylvania sh*ep. MS Ib, at *3. B rudd at Co 200 Kentucky lambs. ,1 rh. at $63.4: m do «1 Tb at 86 75; 152 State do. 72 tb. at $«; 27 do. 65 rb at |5 113 Pennsylvania do. *7 tb. at Jit 25; 48 Stare sheep 'JO rb. at J2 75: 80 Kentucky do. lU2 Ib, at S3; 1') Pennsylvania do. 120 Tb at $2 75. J H Wllkerson: 227 Kentucky lambs. 6."i Ib. at $8 35; 114 do 02 rb at ».'• 75; 808 Kentucky ihasp, »i Ib, m i- "<: llfl do' 88 Ib, at *2 (!24. Harrington ■ Co.: 280 West Virgin. a lambs. 71 !r>. at MOO: 229 do. 70 m. at J6 25; 800 Buffalo do, 70 n at HOGS — Receipts, 4 cars, or 686 head; 1 car on sale. So sales reported up to a. late hour: the market nom inally firm. No change reported in country dressed. Sales (all late yesterday)— H. H. Hollis: tW State hogs. 164 Ib average, at |7 23 per 100 Ib; 8 roughs, 310 Ib, at J6 25. 1 stag. 320 Ib. at *5 25. J H Hume & Bro. : 81 State hog*. 177 rb, at *< 25; 2 roughs 335 Ib. at J« 25; 1 stag. 220 tb, at $5. S Sanders: 17 Pennsylvania hogs. 181 tb, at J7 10; 2 State do 1.N5 Tb. at »7 10; 1 rough, 200 18. at *5 10. OTHER MARKETS— BT TELEGRAPH. Chicago Au( 21.— Cattle— Receipts. 10.000 head. In cluding 400 Tcxans and S.(MW) Westerns. Dull and lower. Good to prime steers, $B«rsN 75: poor to medium, J4 25« $7 25- itockers and feeders, B}MmS26: cows, Jl toW *'.%.•' heifers J2 25«6: eajmers, $lIHV6rJ2«O : bulls. (225« *5- calves *2 50*87: Texas fed steers. K3OSS; Western steers C4SOeS«. Hogs— Receipts to day 20.000 head: to-morrow. 1«?000: left over. l.oOO; mostly 10c higher: mixed and butchers. *« s<i«?*7 35; good to choice heavy. tT«MT3S ■ rough heavy. |«40e8880; light. MSO«f7 25: bulk of sales JO <X«3J7 10. Sheep— Receipts. 13.<*K> head; ■teadv Lamba lower. C.ood to choice wethers, $3 »■>« »*; fair 10 choice mixed. $2 50<&*3 ,"»<». native lumbs. * 3 C?n l cfn 5 nati Aug 21.— Hogs active. Vi ajgy 1«, Cattle dull <L'«* 7 M). She— dull, lowsr. |i 2.v tf s; ( r, Lambs lull ower 12 "i's#B6 25. Kansas City Ana 21.— Cattle— Receipts. 9.890 natives. 2 VK> Temns ' Calves— 47s Texans. so<> natives. Corn led cattle and grassers dull, steady to 20. lower; stockers and feeders lower; cnofce expert dressed beef steers. BT4B ci«: fair to good. {4 55CJ7 40; Mockers an.l feeders J2 50 SI 75; Western f*d steeers. *4 »«5f5 05; Tex»s ?3 15^j g?M- Texas cows. R»C$»: native cows. $1 25*TJ4 35; Stive S2 35«H; canners. $160C»2; bulls. 83 6..0, JJiJ, calves, J2Wstuio. Hcfs-Kecelpta. 6.U00 bead; market active. 10c higher, closing weak; top. $.20; buU of sales. *0 (K)<gs7 10: heavy. ?T«s7 20: mixed packers. $6 si>ras7 A lltrht. $•> (jr.ifj ;s<-, :ir. : Yorkers. »«9O®s«s?». pigs. $f?.>"s*«7n Sheep — Receipts, 4.500 head; sheep steady; native lambs. $3 256*5 HO; Western lambs. *?<ss?; native wethers. J3 4--m?M4O ■Western wethers. $29005395: fed fwff. $3 05^*4 13; Texas clipped yearlings. J3e*3 ?•»; Tex;*;' clipped sheep. S2 'J>r3%\ 10; 'tickers and feeders. «2 3<»eJ2 90. East Buffalo. Aug. 21.— Receipts. l.'in head: fe«U Ine easier. Veals strong and 10-82T.C htKher at J5 .rf>« f* 124. with a few at 1830. H->r«- Receipts. 1 4IV> head: market active: heavy. st .-..- ; $7 37 >-; : mixed. J7 30©$7 35; Yorker* and pigs $7 2<~{?sT 30: roughs, •*."> .VMJIB; stae*. $4 7."iSJ."> 1": irrassers, $7igs7 15; closing firm. Sheen an' lambs— Receipt*, 1.630 head: ■■•■ dull: lambs firm; lamh* f4 30e*S15: yearlings J4 i'^s4 Si; wethers. H® J4r,o;'ewes. $:{ 25fj?3 75: sheep, SI 77,13*4 East Liberty, Auk. 21. -Cattle s-t-ady; choice, $7 7" ." ;. frlme. $7 13097 50; good -■ ■«■ -»7 Hc?s higher. prime heavies. tT2OG*7S; medi:iTis' ?7 20; heavy and iiirht Torkera and piss. |7 T. ■:S7 2O: -■.="« 16 3«99S 70. =--*-er> about steady; best wethers, *4ioe*4 25; culls and common. Jl 30©$2; choice lambs. S.i 75<351. Veal calv-s, SSVtS 50. rw/: statf: of tradf. Buffalo. Auc. 21.— Flour «-eady. Wheat— Spring: lower; No 1 Northern. Sic: winter steady; No - red, 74c: No 3 do. BSHc Corn unsettled: No 2 yellow. tWc: No ■'■ do. «SHe; No 2 corn. 64 3-*.-:3 -*.-: No •'! do. H4^-. Oats firm: No 2 white, 3»Hc: N ■ -' mix-:. 81c; No 3 do. Hoc. Barley — Western. 55e«i"c. Rye — So 2. 5.1 c. Canal freiiehta steady. CMckro. Aug. 21. — The leading futures ranged as fol- Whe«t. No. 2. Opening. Hißhest. Lowest. Closing. September 7oV iS 7oS 72 70 Tl lOJIJj December .. . . 67H6-67H •"> 67©67H O'^ May ■ ■ HOSgOO 1 * «3's '■-'-■> '■■' : Corn, No. 2. September 53UC54 57»i 53^ 5.' December 41VG417; *■■ 41H 41 May 3US'339 l i 40 38%©3»^ M Oats. No. 2. September (old-.. 27 4 2>%i 27 S 2.S I*,1 *, September fnew>.33!4©33H 344 .".." '•. 34Hf:U4 December (newt.. 30Vi 31 1 JO , 30Vs<?31 May 30% 30 SO* 30% Mess pork, per bbl. September $1« 324 $17 00 SI" 324 $16 80 October H +•"> 17 10 16 +."> li> 974 January 14 524 14 724 14 .'2 : 2 11 724 Lard, per 100 Tb. September 10 624 lino 10 624 10 974 October !> *2 4 lf»<«> P BM« '.> !W January S 35 8 45 833 S 45 Short ribs, per 100 R September 9 35 10 20 »95 10 124 Ocl ber 850 3-7 : - 930 9 724 January 7 ft) 7 •'•'• 7 68 7 •«."• Cash quotations were a* follows: Flour quiet and steady: No 2 spring wheat. 7-.';:7; : ; . No 3, 8Bc; No 2 red. 7O"*#72c; No 2 ■■:. %v corn «1V»C; No 2 oats, M)9Xtc: No 3 white, 354(535c; No 2 rye, 51 rial fair to choice malting barley, 55063 c; No 1 Saxseed. SI 38 No 1 North western. »1 4.">; prime timothy see<3, $."■. clover, contract grade. Jl>: im-ss pork, per bbl, ? 1<» 73 (sl6 80 lard, per LOO ft, !;..-. i>:., -t ; . short ribs sides (loose), tl>v& $10 10; dr>- salted shoulders (boxed), r8 7.">© *7 4 : short clear sides ib..ied), 110 notlQ >74 : whiskey, isle of hlarhwines, $1 81. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was '*■ i*. creameries. 14glS4c: dairies. 13'/s'!?l7c. Cheese easy, 10®10\c. Eggs steady, fresh, 174 c. Duluth. Aug. SL— Close: Wheat — No 1 hard, 77V No 1 Northern. "4c: No 2 Northern. 7iV:; No 3 sprlr.jr. ■>"-.- September, <Wnc: December, 05 »c. Oats — September. 3,' i L «c; December, 3Oc. Sflnneaoolla, a is 21. — Close: — September, <VT4c; December. 64%@65c; on track. No 1 hard, 704 c; No I Northern. 77 : -c; No 2 Northern. 7" 1 ...-. Flour— Prices ar« firmer and a trifle higher. There is little change in the genera] situation. Millers lay that the situation with re gard to supplies of wheat is not as bad as has been stated. The shipments to-day were 507 bbls. First patents ire quoted higher at $3 93554 05; second patents, S3 SO-3J3 8*»; first clears, $3t?s3 10; second clears. $2 'J.)& $2 30. Bran In hulk is quoted at fll 2.-.??Sll 50; bulk shorts, $12 50#512 75; Boor middlings, #!."it!sls .Vt. Milwaukee. Lnjr 21.— Close: Wheat higher; Mo 1 Northern. 78 hi No 2 Northern, 774 c; September. 70S ; 70»ic. Rye higher; No 1. T)2c. Barli higher; No 2. ~<~ . sample. 43g*1.'0. Corn— September. 56* Philadelphia. lug 21. — Wheat firm; contract grade, Aujrust. 73 K 'S 74c. Corn quiet and steady; No 2 yellow, on track. 66007 c. Oats dull and weak; new No 2 white cliEDed. 43.-. Flour firm and spring wheats SAlOc per bbl hleher. Butter Sii lower; extra Western creamery. 104 c: extra nearby prints. 21c. Errs steady; fresh, nearby. 21c, loss off: Fresh, Western, 21c. loss o.T. fresh. Southwestern. lt>c. .ss off: fresh, southern. ■--;.««-- r-heese "'' ' New-York full creams, prime, small, 10Vali>4c; New-York full creams, fnlr to ir^od. 9 4tfloc Receipts — ■ Flour. 2.4>» bMs and Z I2S. 000 Ib In sacks; wheat. 37.nn<> bush: corn. 400 bus] oats 4:«.<kx) b' Shipmenrs — Wheat. 23.000 bush: com. 4.0>0 bush; oat-.. ll>,(H»> bush. St. Louis. Auk. 21. — Close: Wheat— No 2 r»d, cash, (Vie; Senember. (»'.r; Dererr.t»-r. 43 He ; No 2 har-!. Cfl'i*^. Corn — No 2 cash. 53c; Sepierr.ber. .'lSc; December 36 > Oats— No 2 cash. 2V-; September, 2»5 4 ?2-:Sc; De-emNr, 28Sc; No 2 whil Z^: SOUTHERN COTTON MARKET. Tone. M !jt. Ne». Gr^ss. Sales! Stock. Oalveston. firm • 7-ltJ 3.12.1 3.12.1 1.7-2 11.742 Norfolk, quiet 0 * , ' 2.253 Savannah, steady B^4 1.100 177 s^T.ts New -Orleans. r;ulet -S 644 «i 44 300 34!'!7'J Mobile, nomlral SV, 12 12 3.003 Memphis, iu:et 84 7 157 — 7._ Aurneta. flrm S3 16 187 1-7 — 2.310 Chariest •.. quiet .... — .;■» 34 11 St. Louis, list. "■:•:•' .'. 5 12 12* Houst-n. steady ..-:■; 3.2i±3 --c — 5.175 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. Aug. 21. — Closing: Cotton — Spot, moderate . isinsas r-rl.-rs easier American .--•' jf(.otl ni i'«*'.. 1 ... 31 -wild ; m»'i<Uir*^, . ■<! i low m '■ ■!■ I »--""■ tZ. 4 25 . '2l; Ki»-1 ordlßary, 4 21-82 d; ordinary 4 31-22 The •ales of the day were ... hal-s of which s«> were for •peculation and experrt. and Included s.l'*> American; re ■■': cs. 10,000 bates. Including 1,10 Am«r.can; futures opened ea»y ar.d o!r>*e<* stesdy; American idling, roc AujfU»t. 4 43-*4Jj-4 44-»V4d buyers: August and September. 4 3ft 14d buyers: September and October. 4 ;KMl4d buyers: October and November. 4 24-«>4d sellers; November and December. • 21-J'>4d value: Dwember and January. 4 l*-»> 4 tj :* 2" f-4,1 sri'.ers; January and February 4 ll*-H4d buyers; Febr-mry ani March. 4 l^-ft4d bu\ers: March and April. ♦ 1»-«»4<1 value; April .-.: I May, 4 l!>-*»d value. EUROPEAN PRODUCB MARKET Ltverpe : Auir. 21. — nc<!ni: Wheat — Spot, No 1 North '■" ■ ring steady. «» 241. No 1 California quiet. «» 4i. Futures quiet; SeptKmber. >l»: December. 4s XO-^jd. Com — Ppot. American rr.ixcj new quiet, 5» 1141; futures firm; September. .'.» 14d: October. 4s 114 d; January. la 11. — Canadian quiet. Ss Bd. Flour — et. Louis fancy win ter quiet S* 3d. Hops at London — Pacific Coast steady. £«ff£7. Beef— Extra India mew 107s rtd. Fork- Prime- meal Western firm. S^s 6d. Hams — Short cut. 14 to •■■ n quiet s>"«. Bacon quiet; Cumberland cut. 26 to *> Ib, Bis Ci: short rib. 8t024 m. 891 ionir clear mid dles liKht. 2S to 34 Ib. s~s *id: l«->n(f clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 Tb s*i«; short clear i.a.ks. 18 to 2«> n £?»; rl.-ar bellies. 14 to ... - 61*. Shoulders— Square. 11 to 13 tb, quiet. 4*». I^ird steady: prime Wrstern. In ttexces. Si's l»d: American refined, in pai:«. 03s. lluttfr no.-nlr.a;. Cheese quiet; America finest whlt», 47s fid; American finest colored 4!«s ■:■: Tallow—^rtme city steady. 27s «■! Turpentine — Spirits steady. 3-»h t>i. LJnceed oil dull. 31a 6d. Petroleum— l dull. tiSd. Rosin — Common firm. 45 3.'. Xoticc of Snmmons. SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW York — Julia P. Oarr. Plaintiff; against Arthur W. Gnllbert, Defendant.— Trial desired in the County of New York. Summons. With Notice. To the abov« named Defendant: You are hen summoned to answer 'he complaint In this action, and to --.-■■» a copy of your answer an the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service or this summons, exclusive of the lay of service an<l la case of yur failure to appear, or answer. Judgment will be taken n«a!n»t you by default for the relief demanded In the complaint. Dated June 30. 1902. GEO. W. CARR. Plaintiffs Aforney. Post '"" "- Address and Office No. 29 Wail Street. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. To Arthur W. QuUbert, Defendant— Sir: The foregiir.g summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. P. H-nry Dugn Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, made and dated tn« 23rd day of July. 1902. and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court In and for the County of New York and of the County of New York, at the i ounty Court House. In the Borough cf Manhattan, Cl:y of New York, on July 24. 1002 and plaintiff's cnmplalnt In said action was filed In bald Clerk's Oca aforesaid, on July 1 1302. GEO. W CARH Plaintiffs Attorney. 20 Wall St.. Man hattan. N. Y. City. N. Y. YEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNT! of Hew York.— Elizabeth r>* Laacey, plaint against Augustus Van Cortlandt, individually and as ad ministrator of Oloff DeLancey Van Cortlandt. deceased: Augustus Van Cortlandt 3d, James Morris. Elizabeth Morns. Stnyveaant F. Morris. Ellen Morrta, Louisa. wll bias Martin Wtlklns. Sara Mordauni. Francis U M"r daunt. Elizabeth Marshall. Elliott Marshall. Blessing Marshall. Bayard Livingston. liayard Livingston, Jr.. Louisa Livingston. Monaoa Morris, Helen Morris, Catha rine Pnelps, a. Newbold Morris. Eleanor Morris Juliet Livingston Philip L. Livingston. Augusts DePeyster. Frederick DePeyster Alexa Howden. Jumna C. Bow den. Edward Leßoy aiewart. Emily Stewart. Helen Kent. W. Irving Kent. Louisa Kent. Mary W. Kemble. Edward F. PeLancey. William 11. PeLancey, Nathaniel Rochester. Ottilia Rochester, Frances Wheeler. Charles B. Wheeler. Elizabeth Rochester, DeLancey Rochester, Mary Rochester. Margaret Rochester, Emily Rochester Peter J. Munro, Jam»s teHart Bruen. James B. Bruen. Au gusta Bruen, Henry M. Pruen. Norman J. Broen, Frances A B. Munro. Individually an.! as executor of the es tate of John W. Munro. deceased; John Hunter, Ann.- Hunter. Charles D. BurrtU, Draytoa Burnll. Percy M. Burrill. Mary M. Burrtll. Elizabeth S. Burrlll, Prayton Burrl'.l. Jr. Elizabeth Burrill. Richard L. Kemble and Mary M. Kembie. defendanta — Summons. To the above named defendants anil each of them: You are herehy summoned to answer the complaint in this action, ami to serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service: and In case of your failure to appear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated New York. April l«th. 19Q£ WALTER D. EDMONDS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Pet Office address. No. .11 Nassau street. Borough of Manhattan. City Of New York. To the defendants. Frances L. Mordaunt. Elliott Mar shall. Blessing 'Marshall, Percy M Burrill. Mary M. Burrill. Elizabeth S. Burrtll. Draytoa Burrtll. Jr.. and Elizabeth Burrlll; The foregoing summons Is served upon you. pursuant to an order of the Hon. Samuel tlreenbaum. a Justice of th* Supreme Court of the State of New-York, .late.l the Sth day of August. IB4S, and tiled on said day in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. The complaint herein having been hereto fore filed with said clerk on the loth day of April. 11*02. Dated New York, August H. 1002. WALTER P. EDMONDS. Attorney for the Plaintiff. office and Poet Office addrasa. No. 31 Nassau street. Bor ough of Manhattan. City of New York. ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for The Tribuns received at their Uptown Offlce. NO. 1.3*4 BROADWAY. Between S6th and 87th sts.. until 9 o'clock p. m. Advertisements will be received at the following branch offices at regular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m . viz.: •J.V4 Sth-ave.. s. c. cot. 23d-st.: 888 «»th-nve.. cor. 12th-st.; OSi E«.st 11th -St.; 257 West -J^il-st.. be tween Its. and .«th ayes. . 2lKt West 12."«h-st.: LJU 3d-sTe., between Tata and 77th sts . l,O2« M ■•• , near fUst St.; 1.70S l»l-»vf.. near »th-»i .: IST Cant 12.1th-at.: M Trrm..nt-nve.t ■■• 3d-sve™ near 41sl-»' 5.Vt Sd-sve.i 210 nie-ecker-at.: 32S Ulcccker-at. Brooklyn. N. T.— 216 Coart-at. fiailroadr "20th Century Limited" 980 MILES IN 20 HOURS EVERY DAY BETWEEN NEW YORK and CHICAGO Via NEW YORK CENTRAL and LAKE SHORE, FASTEST LONG DISTANCE TRAIN IN THE WORLD. Superb new Pullman equipment. Lighted and ventilated by electric lights and electric fans. Leave New York. 2:4s P. M.. Arrive O.icagi. 04; Next Morning. Leave'" - : - • "■" ".zi".r.if., 2 :<y, P. M.. Arrive New York, q:xn Next Mirnii>r IT SAVES A. DAY We have in addition to the -Moth Century Limited," 4 24-hour trains and 3 slower trains every day between New York and Chicago; also 4 fine trains daily to St. Louis and Cincinnati. See our timetable in this paper. A H «MITH GEORGE H. DANIELS. General Superintendent. Ger. raJ Passenger Agent. PENNSYLVANIA STATIONS foot of WEST TWENTT-THIRU STREET AND DKSBBOSSU AND CORTLANOT STREETS. I/ite leavinE time from Of»broM«i ana (.iirlliiuilt >tre«-t« in live mlnatci later tlian that Riven below for Twenty-third Street >cill.i.. except where otherwi»e notea. 7..*,.', A. M. FA.-T MAIL.-Llmited to t wo ( Bud. £*•£' Cars New Tort U. Pittsburs. Sleeping Car Plttsuurg to ClilcaKO. Mo coaches t<- Pittsburgh. __i__i 5.."i.% A. M. FAST LINE .— Plttshurg and £ e e!a3< *L „_ 0.5.% A. M. PSNNSTLVAXIA LIM ITED ""? vI A? a partznent Sleeping Dining, Brooking and O *""""-L Cars. For Chicago. Cleveland. Toledo. Clndnna.U Indianapolis Louisville. St. LouU. __.. nn 1..'.", P. M. THE PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL.—-'» honr train to Cl.lcaco. Pullman Compartment. Drawing-room Bleeping. Dining and Bu^et l™*^*^ US P. M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOLL- p^^^f.-., For Toledo. NashvUl, (via Cincinnati and>. Indianapolis, Chicago, St. Louis D '" l... C' _. c?n- BUM P. M. ST LOUIS EXPRESS.— Pittsburgh Cl= c'nnat!. Indiana] Loui«vll!e. Ft. Louis. ■ ■, ;;.f ar ' For Welch. W. Va. ,-.i a Shenandoah Jl all*y .f: 0 , 1 ; '- ror 5..'..', F. M. WESTERN EXPRESS.— For lc ' I * o - mr Toledo, oxceot Saturday. Dining Car. _,„«».„., « 3 d T..'..-. P. M. PACIFIC SXPRESS.-r-'f P 1 ",!?? VaUey Chlra^a For Knoxvlll* <JaUy. via Shg***"* al! ' Roure. Connects for Clevland «cer'- ?atu rl a . 3^ SX &2B P. M. CLEVELAND AND CTNCTNNATT B.^. PREPS— For Plttsburs Cl«-»l B nd »nd fA^? WASIII-VGTOX A.\n THE SOI Til. T.M. «.» 92.. (Pining Car>. 10.10 '^•*' ir «': BS T',,*r^. cart landt Str-rts. 10 20) rDtnir"- Can. 10-S* "' "li rort • . m.. 12.W fCHntng Carl 2.10 fP« b " ;"" s -"all VH>- I-indt Streets. 2.20). ,3 2.1 "Con«reMloiial '- !TT - n , n « It and Dlnlrui Cars). 3.2T> (Dlnlnp Car). *_~> B .r_,, y Car). 56 (Dining Car*. «.>-•!■■ - m.. 12.1<> night. J "-^ 8.23. 9 3 (Dtnlnc Car). 10.33 (©mm* C**] n ParVo' *r.d <r>lnln< Cur). (3 2TS "Coneres«!onal Lini;. *" r Ai./ 453 Dlnlr.t Cars). 3.:« (Dlnlnp C*r>. • 25 (Dlnl=S Ca-). **• raining Carl. 9.23 p. m.. I*M '••i-_i -_ .«> _ m 12 10 SOUTHERN RAIL WAT. —Express. 3.25. *■» ► m - ATLANTTC > COAET LlNE.— Express. 9.23 a- nu ,_« ° a ATLANTIC COAST UIIT ril»»1 83 ». m. an eEAnOARD^AIR LINE RAILWAY.- "Florida «md M poll tan Limited." 12.55 p. m. dally. Express. NORFOLK J3 ANl> WESTERN BAIT.WAT.-For Memphis CHSSAPKAKB A OHIO RAILWAY.— • 53 a. m - w *" k " dny<<. 12., r>.nrt 4M p. m. dally. >KFOLX. — *••■ *- m. FOR OLD POINT COMFORT bM NORFOLK-— •-•» ■■ ATLANTIC* CTTt! 1-!^5.531 -!^ 5.53 "' mT*anl -" tv m- *r" k^f-!i Fundays. 7.53 a. m. Thr-mah V^stibu'.ed V^i"", par- Parlor Cam «nd Star.dart CoachM on r e ' k^? yy SS { a ad"4 Jrr ?mok!n e Car. Parlor Cars. D'.nins »• ■■* - ta -— Coaches on Sundays. CAPK MAT— -i m. w<"k <li>v«. - . /«ro-n For i nti o n •.. - Trrk tad Loiw Branch Raliroaa «y - West -->.-•- • -• -•-.' BtatKm>. B-38 »-., ro -' i"« m 1.10 (Paturdavs only). 2.25. 2J5. 3.25. 4 10. 4 » n^ 6 -,^ p. m. week-day.. siwtayV T.SS. 325 a. rn^. * J^ Ifroni DMbroMM and Cnrrlandt S=tr?et*«. 3.30. 9-'««- I*> 12.20. 1.20 (Saturdays only). 2 .TO. 3. 10. 3. 4rt. la a. i:. end T.OB D . m. week-day*. Sundays. 5.13. »•*- *• "*~ 8. 15 p. m. FOIt PHILADELPHIA. _^ ... tin rDmbrowoa «nd Cortlandi Strata «2fn. .^=3. .^ ■28. AM. 9.25 fDlnlnit c» r ». <P 55 ?'"?» I.l™}^- /-.^.•. O-.hrrrs-. and Cortlsnd- Street* 10.SBJ <^''^« **** 10.33 'Dir!r,«r Csr). 11.55 a. m.. 12.53 '^ntns CarW-^ 220-.. 2.55. 325 (Dlnlnc C»r>. 3.53. 4.25. ' -...•*■»/ Cur). 4.53 (Dlnii C».r\ 5.55 (Dir.lnit C3 ?:'--i. . ' • -• . - coache;... --•"•- (ZMatBC Car*. 9.33 »«** £ f& »». 10.5 ft iDlnJnit Car) a. m.. 12.M ■^J--"', >,;, <Dlr!r, Car). 3.25 : nlng Cart. 3.55 4 —.'.£'"l A .} 25 4.55 D nlng Cart. 3.13 CDtnlng Car). 7.35. 5.23. 9.35. i.-» Tl?keT"o!r.^s Sob. 4*l. Itrtft. 1354. 11l »---d » VtomO^hJi 182 Fifth Avenue (below -" '■ ?t_>: : A.tor Hoo— : Twenty-third Strew Station, and ■'■._ briMsea and Qwtlaadt Street*: 4 Court StarJet sao c r^'^ Street. D<! Bmadwav and P-nraiylvanla Anna .£"••,"; BrooUyB: Station. J*«ey City. The N-~ T«S*J?^2£S Compar.r w.ll cai! for and Mk I >gS*C* from hotels a- ' rf.).2pnr»s thr--<->fh to destination. w .n_ Telephone "814 Eighteenth Street" for Pennsylvania Kail road Cab Sv.Ttee. ..^.^^^ J. B. BCTCHINSON J- «• w OOD. General M»narer Central P»s» r A«*-t. BALTIMORE & 0H!8 RAILROAD L*ave NEW YORK CITY South F«ry. Liberty at Chicago Flttsturg '12.10 nt •1115 nt. Chicago: Columbus •12.9»P-g«. *I.CO p. m. riner. Plttsburg Cleve 33 p. m. •.»*o°->£- £=«£ ••Plttsburg Limited" a a «.aj p. m. *.00 p. m. Bu_«t. Cincinnati. St. Louis. ._ '12.10 nt. "12 .15 nt. Cincinnati. St. Louis •ir>:3a. m. »10 ; a.m. E!=«r. Cincinnati. St. Louts..- •* 53 9- m. £■**> ">- Buffet Norfolk «-2 p. m. tl.oo p. a. Diner. •Washington. Balto •« r. a. m. t « 3O a. m. Bu-et. Washlngtss, Balto •lO^a.m. »11 .30 a. m. Doer. Washlngt.a. Balto •!! 29 a. m. •11.30 a.m. D ner. Washington. Balto •1155 p.m. p. m. D ner. "Royal Limited" •S-Mp.m. •3 40 a.m. D ner. Washington. Balto «4 35 p.m. '.VOOp. m. Diner. Washington. Balto •« Mp. m. *.W Pm. Buffs t. Washington. Balto 12.10 a*, '12.13 nt.Me.pera. •Pally. tnaOv except Sunday. l?»un<Jay only - mimM Offices: 113. 291. 434 !» '" wl: \-* Ast^r Houwj. 2S Union Sfjuare. W.. »1 Srand str-et. V. ~ .■^343 P*-jltc»a Street. Brooklyn: Whitehall Termlrial • n< * B lJ , l *nL,^r K> Baecaf« checked norn hotel or residence to destination LEHICH VALLEY. Foot of West OH A ; Cortl*aJt and De*bros»es atreet* B *oaily t Except Sunday, tjuaoaj changes: c 1.. A aU* c 7 15. n a.3S. a i 4S. x 5 «5. . _^ . Buffalo Local 'f^itl '%miZ H and Hazletun Local 11l P HrH r » ailsasUpresa... ».»»■.■ 4B a> p » Cb^o L ,n"forbV:to- Vestibule Ezpress!::: •« .40 r- 'x 5.« r . Tttß BUFFALO TRAIN wr Ml :"" ■ ■ ' IB V V *3Fu:wn St -irourtSt . * Broadway »nd Ft Fn.urt »Caiiokl>^ TraWer Co. til call for aui caeci B^»ge Lackawanna Railroad. Leave New York. (DOC Barclay and CkrtSMSSaBI a La, ti.yy A. M. — For Klnuaamtun axul fiyracuse. •10:ia) A. M.— For Buffalo. Chicago and St. Loula, •1:40 P. M. — ■ Buffalo and China— xJuOP. M. — Pocono Mountain SpeclaL t«:00 P. — Fur Scrantua and P.ymuuth. •« 10 P. M. — For Buffalo and CMrsajn •*'■*•> P M For UUca, Oswego. Ithaca and BuflaJo. •2:00 A. M.-For Buffalo and Chicago — Throuja Slee» "rick^af^ "-Broad.w. . Ccr. Howard St.. 1.193 Bread way. Cor. 2»tiT St.: 113 Broadway. N. T.: 338 Fulton St. Brooklyn. 'Dally. 1 Dally, except Sunday. xFrldays aa« Saturdays. . Ciuuoaa. /T>HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW -*- York by the grace of .1. --- and Independent, ro Chai M Warner Henrtrtck S. Holden. Edward Joy. John F Heraenway and to all creditors, or person^ claim- Ing to bfcredltori of Louisa Harriet, Dowager Countess r f nund.inalii deceased, wen.l er^lins: \ . i and cacti of you are hereby cited and required pera naUy to be and ar>D.-ar before <.ur Surrogate of tne CoUSty uf New York, at tne Surrogate's Court of said Count y. hel.l at the ■; I*; Court House in the County of New York on the lmn'iH "f September. lUO2. at half past ten o clock in the forVnoon of that d«y. then and there to shew cause why Vnclllarv Letters T-sta-nentary under the last Will and Testament of Louisa Harriet. Dowager Countess of Dundonal.l should not be Issue.! to Thomas H. A -, E. ro^hraa! of London. England, he having lately applied to^mS •Surrogates- Court of the County of New w Tor for suci -Vnclllary Letter* Testamentary, ,nd such of you as ■-.." hereby -:•■'.. as are under the V* of twenty-one yea?r are required to appear by your guardian, if you hive one or if you have non«. to appear and apply f r • f row r.egr:,.,-t . r %-T^.nfon r^W^U. nd wn^ • '■ : Tir< " l fa y, »• a proceeding. - ■ ln " Surrcgates- Court of the sil.i County of New York to be hereunto affixed. witness, Bos [L. S.I Abner C- Thomas, a Surrogate of our sail 1 J County, at the County rf New TorH the gse] . day cf July, la the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two. ,„-„.... iSd) J F\2RFAX M LAT GHLIN. Clerk of the Surrogates' Court. Prcposaia TT S. EN6INEEB OFFICB, AR.MY BUlLD *amg N>w Y-rk. auk. IS. ■«* swaW psssssssi Mt fornlahing saatertal and building in embankment jo U -h weat . sew T rk Harbor will s» re ... _ ■<. boob. Sept. IT. IH* psned tnf rmatlos ,n applirarwai. W. L. M.\i;sl!AiJ.. Malor Engra Public alotw« \yANTED. FOR U. AHMY. ABLE >> b.Tdied. aaaasiilsn men. between ----- and 33. citizens of United States, of food <■'»>»"<-•«« »? J '"T'S^n" habits, who can -peak, read and Vn*}"* 1 - In formation apply to RacraJtta* CrtaceniSS Third A^e.. m CorUandt St.. 21>.1 Eighth Aye.. 7iO Mxth At-.. N. T.. or 3UT Fulton .St.. Brooklyn. ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for The TrU)ua» J\. received at iaeir LPtuwn Omce. vT • NO 1.3*4 BROAD WAT. SMtteett 36tU and 27tu »t3.. until » clock p. as. . Eaiiroacs. ••The Busy Mir.j Train." THE NKWYORK (entral - y 1 HUDSON RIVER R. B. THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LINE. VIA NIAGARA FALLS. Trains arrive rjid depart from Grand Central Station. sal street. New York, as below: North and west bound train*, except these leaving Grand Centra Station a: 3.15. 9.30. 11.30 A. M.. 1 30. 2.43, 3.20. 3.30. 9.13. 11.30 P. M.. will stop at B9ta St. BSSB ceiva parsenge-s ten minutes after leaving Grand Cen tral Station. a:: southbound tral-s except the •*29t.*J Century" and th« "Empire Stat- Express" and Xo». 36. 66 and 200 will "too at 125 th St. ten minutes before their arriving time at Grand Central Station. 12 1 0 •*- M 'MIDNIGSt EXPRESS. Duo Buffalo ' 0 ' Z. *•» Niagara Falls 5.02 P. M 3]C A. M.— 'MAIL, AND PAPER TRAIN. BsJ • 1W Buffalo 1.13. -._.:,+- Ind'.ar.apolla 11.43 P it-. Ci:ca»3 7. .0. St. Louis 7.30 second rnora _ _^ ing. 750 A " M — *Arrp. v . -v THOCSAND 131* ■"?T* A_<r>s AND MONTREAL EXPF.ES3. 7 id A - M.— •SYRACUSE LOCAL. Stops at all |ga ' •°~ p«irtant stations. Q Of) A. f EMPIRE STATE EXPRESS Most V.%J\J famous •- - :r. the »orld. Due Buffalo 4.43. Nli«ar- Falls 5.45 P. M_ 8 4-5 A - M-—M -— | Ola .1 «j p. m. 24 hours to Chicago. A^ "i M. --•fa.-t Mail. 2+ seen to Chicago. w.-tw d,.. Buffalo 7.10. Niagara Falls «.07. 955 A - MM — SARATOGA AND MONTREAL. SPE 1 o'^X ; l! - Vi •D.■ H. and Rutland. 030 £ M ■— tDat EXPRESS, ilakes local stops. • v-> \j\j Due BufT.jlo 1 15 a M 1 1 .30 ---'•" ' "^LAND EXPRESS. Due P.utlsaeX 12 50 iJ - M --'BffTALO LIMITED. Dua 3tsaTa|ai 7"^i: ll -° M - - v; a<an> Fall* 12.2S a m 1 00 P - M •— 'SOUTHWESTERN UMITED. Due Cla 1 .\J\J etnnarl 10.30. Indlasapoi's 11.30 A. M.. Sc. . «« ■' " s 6.45 P. M. next day. 1 00 r " «-— •CHICAGO LIMITFTn. 24 toon to Oa> 1 • vyJ ie ► via l-ak-; Shore. 27 via M. C I Cf) P. M — SARATOGA L.IMITEI Saturfaya I .JU only; other wirek .iavs at 3.20 P M 0 AZ. P. M.— •"The 30TH CENTURY LIMITED" 21 t—~^> hour tra!a t - Cn i_. a( ; O v;i r^ie Share. Electric IJghrs and Fans. 3 9f» P. M- — {SARATOGA LIMITED. Leaves Qatar •£■'-' 4-avs4 -ays at 1.50 P. M. 3 30 P - *•— **>**■' FLYER. Due Albany. «:♦«. 3O- P. M.— 'ALBANY AND TROY EXPRESS, to •U%J cal , :C p,. Ann P. M. — 'DETRniT. CRA.VD R.VPID3 AXD" .UU CHICAGO srECTAL. 5*30 P. ■.—•LAKE SHORE LIMITED. 24 fco«r ■<-''-' train t.> Chlcaso. AM Pi"man Cars. Tmt <*iev_-:and 7.25 A. M.. Cincinnati LA Indlanar«> lls 3.10. Chiciigo 4.30. St. Lcuia a. 45 P. M next 6nn p. — -WESTERN EXPRESS. 23 hcurs «■ .UU -Meago via both Z. S. ar • M C. 6 OK P. M— •MONTREAL EXPRESS- via D. & H. .JO . - Rutland. 7On P M.— •APIROXDArTC. THOUSAND LA3(SbI 1 ,JU AN - D MONTREAL EX?P.E<?. 8 no r - M— «BT-FFAIX» AND TOBCWTO =T-ECTAT. .\J\J r,ue Buffalo. 7.25 A. M. Niagara FallJ. 5.33. Toronto. 10 -'i A. M. 9 1C P. M.— •SPECIAL MAIL LIMITED. sleeplcsj .IO car crly f->r Rcchester. 9on p. m.— •3ot:th"w"e?te?.n sf^ctal. dv* C7.^.U Cincinnati. 7.50. Indianapolis. 10.15 P. M. St. Louis. 7.30. seoord mrmiT.x. 9 Of* P. M.— •PACIFIC EXPRESS. Chlcazo. 34 hotir* "• JU by M ..a- r+r.-rnl. 33 h-'irs by Lai? Shore. 1 1 p. M. — -NORTHERN" NEvV YORK EXPRSS3. ; I I .JU Care Vincent Ociensbur?. *c. •r>*l!r • -- - - Sunday. 'F:xr»r: lloniay. jExcept ss:» ! nrday and Sunday. I <»tv:r4^T m'.r. tIIRI.KM mVI«*IO\. »."• A. M. and - *■• P. M. Oadrji except ----fir •-» Pittsfleld and Nci-h Adams. Sunday at 0 2t> A. 31. Saturdays only at 2.4S P. M. Pullman ears -- ill tl art tra!n«. Trains Illuminate i wirh Pir.tsch Ktht. Ticket fflces at 113. 2-11. 113 and 1218 " -'-"•■•. 25 Union Sa 'V :"" Coln-nt-us At». 133 W St.. Grand C»n'r»] Starlon. IZT.-It ?*. station a? t3Sth St «-i t!on. Now York: 3S« and '. Fulton St. and IC« Broadway. 1 s. D.. Brooklyn. Telephone TOM 3«"- — .-- ■ •-- N»-w T-- rvml CaS ! gani -c p<i^ca»e checked from hotel or re=:ienc« ha. •»Vestcott Express Company. New York Centra! Route BETWEEN NEW YORK. BOSTON ,AND NEW ENGLAND Via sprtn^f.eli and the BOSTON AMI ALII AW RAIIROVI). RCew York Central A Hudson Rrver R. R.. bbsl] Trains leave Graad Central Sratlon. Foarti Ave-ue Ant 42.1 Street New Y.^rk. as follon-^: Tf> 00 A M. t!2.04> rwn. •» i« P. M.. "lI.M P. M. : arrive Boston. 3.:'.<- P. M.. 5 .40 P. M.. 10.0u F. M.. 6.13 ! A. M. Leave Boston i 9 -V> A M.. *:2.iV> boo-. •4.00 P. M.. ■11.00 P. M.; arrive New York. 3.30 P. M.. 3. if) P. M._ •■ 00 P. M.. 8-14 A. M Tl.-kets at New T«rk Cet.tra! t:<-k»t offices. 415 aad I2U Broa.iway and at Grana Central star!on. A H. SMITH. GBnR'".K H OAXIBtS. 1 General Superintendent. General Passens»r Agent WEST SHORE RAILROAD. (New York Central * Hudson Kiver R. R.. Lessee > Trains lea-.- Franklin St Station. N-w York, as follows, and 13 rain, lat^r fool West 42i St.. N. R- : •7 10 A. M. — F<r interme-iiate points to Albany. •?> 40 * M. — <1> Catsktll Mountain Exr-re^. til 20 A. M.— l 2) Saratrira an.i Mohan'* Express t!2.4."» P. M.— '3l Hip Van W!r.k!e Flyer. •1 «n> P. M. — Chlcaeo Express. *2.-^5 P. M- — Cent. Lim. for Petr^lt. Chi. and St. LfTjJS. ; ♦? 25 P. M — <4> Tister Exrre»« to Catskill Mountains. •3 »I P. M. — <4> For Hud.<on Kiver p.Dinta anJ Albany. •■ 00 p M. — For R-x-h.. Buffalo, CtoreTd ant <~Stra«r>. tT +5 P M. — For Roch.. BuTalo. D»rr-tt and ft. Louis. -. 15 P. M— For Syra.. Roch.. Niagara FaUs. Pet. A Cfct. •Dally tDally. except Sunday. Leaves Brooklyn Annex: (1) at tt».ls A M.. <!•> at t10.45 A. M.. & at tlil.) P. M.. (4) at *3.04 P. M. Leaves rersey City. P. R. P.. St». : il> at f9 47 A M.. (T) at ■•.'..-■•• A. M.. »3) at ♦'.->' P. M.. ■ i*' at t3-33 P- M. Time tables at principal hotels an<] : re». Barege checked from hotel or IBSBSBBM by West cot t's Exrrew- AH aatTTH C. E LAStwrirr. General suoertntenije-t. General Passenger Agent. READING SYSTEM I NEW JERSEY CENTRAL H. R. Liberty Street and South Ferry — itiin* troni doaxai Ferry five minutes earl.-, r . P\STO"V BETHLEHEM. ALLESTOWN A.TO il KLCIi CHI.NK-i4.1X1 »7:15 Eastcn cnly> 9.10 A M. La*. * .*.••■■ Eaatoa only) P. M. Sundays. l *-- a IvVIKV ■••■ * '<i< l SCHA.XTO-r4.04,. 0.10 A. « nrt P M SaniUvs, z4 25 P. M. UKKWOfIO; TOMS RIVER A3D UAIWEGAT _i 4 iv> 940 \ M. rsl.OO '^akewool excepted). 1.30 114.J Lakewc^d on'v' i3O P. M. run'.av*. ». 15 A. M. AtlTanh> CITY A.ND CAPE MAY— A. M, Vlk t BlJvX tl>t I> AM) URIDGSTOX— tx*-0O A. M.. <LM • «v M ' llß\^■^H asbirt park, ocea.x ni vf POiVt PLF.ASAXT AND StUSHOM] POpVrs'-Tl ; *•». lIJOA. M. .1.10. 2.45. 3 30. m 4 45 5 3<> 3.30 P. M. Sundays, except Ocean Grove. 3.00 PHi| U %DELI'HIA - TERMINAL>-s-« 23. t- ( V» tVoo •»«» tio.oa tn.oo a. m.. rtioo. « [IS: t*"u«; T2L00.M.00. -5.00. t«-CO. f7.30. 13.00 p. M.. •»TH' ' 4N4 ND dt CHESTXCT STREETS-^ 14.25.1 4. 25. TS.3O. '10.30. m!. -100. :«i4o. •s.oa -too. ta=i p. at. i HP \DIVo HARRI^BIHG. POTT«VILLE A.\l> i \VII LI "PORT- 4.00. J4.25. — •». |jtt>.lo tU.O9 A. U lifi"s cn'.v*. i ! tl.oo. 1.20. tiOO P. M-. P.ead ; -c Pott.v>> a- ■ Har-sbur? cnly. tSJM P. M. I «t\nv HOOK ROITE-From foot of Rector Street. S Pier 9. Atlantic Highlands. Se*bright. Mcntnouth Beac^ «i/ Lena Branch Asbury Park and Point Pleasant. Sw 75% U M » \. M.. \X-\ :.M, 3-43. 430. 5..10 <*.(» Ocean Grove only) P. M. Sunday*. laoO A. M.. 1.0. J. 4.00. 8.00 P. M. ROYAL BLUE LINE. FOR B4LTIMORK AM) WASHINGTON— tSJ*. •IC3O. -11.30 A. M^ -~l*K 2.00. X«3.4*. '5.0 a *7-U» rFr^rk" Liberty Street esly. -Dally. tDally except Bws> dav ISunday only. tParlor ears only I;\U Taraadca, * 3 O t 3 "Llberty 5t Terry. Fonth Terry. 9 Aator Herns*. — s tjr.r- ?t T«"— PTatn Ferry <» Astnr Hpta«B. I. 4.T». l^"". 1X"-+ Bnusdwy. Mlltt Av«_. M Cntej ~,, «-» West IXI Emi 13th Sr . ?73 St. 34S Columbus Aye.. New Vim 4 Coart St.. 344. JJO Fulton St Brooklyn- 08 Broa-Jway. WJlliamjiburg New Tor* I Transfer Co calls for and checks ******? to destination. W. r. BESLER. c - '*- BtRT. General Manager. '---■ -" - '*•"■- f NEW YORK, OHTiRIO & WESTERN RY, f^xnfe^ Tr -s— --"-1" : ltlE 7:45 A. M :: :: Day Express to Oswego ---::: »;»*: S: 011.*. \ M USertT Express 9:15 A.M. •Hi" a! Über^y f.pi (Safr. oal, 12^00 «*«» ?»*• 12:00 Noon Express to Norwich 12:13 P. St. •1--43P M . .. Saturdays to RoekUnd l.flO P M. 8 M ? M. .-.Ellenvlll. »d Kerhonkson 5:13 P. M. 325 P. M Express to Rocfctand -.4^ P. M. •3 :4 o p M ._ . Western Express "■♦•' -ii. Tl