Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK ANX> PENNSYLVANIA. Qytfttr ended June «^ $1.ftt9.44P UM. ■lU*._| _»»._ gtap ::::" 1 l\£*Q sst._i Inc. im.4ss rxrtCr"* """ . .. — ""'"(__, 96* US $_._$ Dec. tit C yet aaraai .-3u\ 6.234 Dec. LSSS 4_£__t jnccnic- ....--• ______ .__^__^_ - _w«n* i*2.*<z SS&.SC2 Dae. IS.— O Total lncoinr...-.- 320.2G2 2i2.54<» Inc. 77.422 f___UfCf ' ' . t "" $257.3»0 «154.47S 1nc.*102.9C2 prflert "^eflactioc- . . ■ j TRADE IX CHICAGO. . 0 vug- a (Special).— Armour gave the ca * s*r Wheat shorts no relief to-day, keeping ?te rVne market and doing no selling. The result 001 °the September wheat sold at «%c over the » aS her" and closed _ over. The wttemt position c iso -*a_so_i by a sensational advance in the •a**" core September wheat shorts being **''■' uncomfortable by ■_—! they saw poing -•• w the'eoarse grains. The wheat news in a gen *r«_r ••*» Parish, and the market early sold «** *"t" t Cables were rather indifferent. The •* T^L conditions in the Northwest were im - •*' ' ' BrcK>rr.l:aU estimated Europe would re roVW oin the Inn.d States and Canada only **__«_ bushels of wheat. But before the market tasted an hour all the ordinary wheat in b*c rZ _. ere dropped, and shorts thought' only of I nT, r September and getting out. * rt f, t 7 old between 70V and 72c ' and ___• a , ?V tellers; December closed at ST'S.c; *TffiVc Clearances were 6U.«ff> bushels. TrSmary 1 -ViTwere MM>«T' bushels, against 96S.tW bushels ** year Of the 316 cars here, only 3 were con- Northern. Shorts of all classes were buyers. ---cilllv the Sej.t-mber. a advance of about 5c in September corn was _i sensational Rrain incident. It moved up the !__»_ corn futures V to IV. There was not *^; reaction. The corn closed \~c to 4'*c over ______ September opened at SS\ c, sold be *"^^pL c and 57» 4 c. and closed at 57c. December ** J, at 4 3r- May. #>c. Harris-Gates started the rtV-ipr-T- buying:"; shorts di.l the rest. The Sep "ber was hard to buy. The stock here is all !n th7 control of the old bull crowd, which was active JTjttly ihrcuph Karris-Gates. Receipts to-day were lv 45 cars, the estimate for Friday only 30 care. s^p-l=S saJes were 135.0W bushels. Foreign mar kers were up sharply. No one feels certain of what f t ike ]y to transpire in September, but shorts feel It Is dangerous to stand out with the situation so entirely in the control of the people who own the <____& stock. There is a general buying of oats on the crop lasses _ lowa, the small xtock of contract here and the poor character of the arrivals. To-night's nrices are *sc to l^c higher than Wednesdays; _e» September. »«_e sellers; the old September. S^c; .-,. new December. 30"i>c, and the May, 30 »c 0* the M cars here, only 13 were standard. The entire stock of standard is supposed to be .sot in excess of H0.«0 bushels. The provision market is responding to the short interest which has been created In the last month. BvyisS by Armour to-day helped the advance klosg- Pork closes 22c to £3c over Wednesday; i lard. Be to 4l»c over, and ribs. 7h*c to 32Vsc over. Tbe best advance was in the September and Octo- j ber. Hogs were Me higher. Hogs were 49.000. against 60.W0 last year. Provision stocks co far this month show slight decreases on everything Bankers nnd 13rokct6. TRACY & CO., BANKERS, SO. 4O WALL STREET Chicago. NEW YORK. Milw-uke. Connected by private wire. *■ ■ i DEALERS IX HIGH-GRADE BONDS. __T OF CURRENT INVESTMENT OFF-RINGS SENT ""~' ON APPLICATION. *» l i New York Stock Exchange. £' ; Me_i£«rs - Chicago Stock Exchange. ; " COMMISSIOX ORDERS EXECUTED I->' AM. L. S. Realty & Construction Co (Deliverable when issued.) - ? [ A Cent Realty Bond & Trust Co. New York Realty (Cent Realty Bond & Trust Co. New York Realty Alliance Realty DEALT IX BY P. J. Goodhart A Co. '■: Telephone 6*45 Cortlaailt. 87 BROADWAY. Members X. V. Stock Exchange. N. W. HALSEY & GO. BANKERS, 49 W3pW St., New York Dealers in Railroad Bonds selected for the investment of Trust Funds. LISTS O* APPLICATION. Mercantile Natl. Bank, Windsor Trust Wanted. WM. E. NICHOLS & CO. r*. ii<- ..r-,«..- J .r 15 WALL STREET. red'k I ♦ UlarauaM 3&-3T BROAD STREET. STOCKS c*3 BONDS For lßTettnient or on marsln. Book of Hallway statistics, also charts «•» ■ Be dally fluctuation* of the moat ncllv* Railway "and Industrial ittockH. on applica tion. DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND, 40 Wall Street 428 Chestnut Street NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. ( »vr York Stock X -. < li»in Imbrri .. . ) Pblladrlphld Stock Eicbaag*. i (hlcsKu Stock Eicbance, ~ye<i J Fi.'rton. ■'' . •**•»• A. Campbell. Dt Buvter Hol'.in -"■rtn. of N. T. Stock Exchange. Bpedal. J. F. Pierson, Jr., & Co., Stocks, Bonds & Investment Securities, 11 WALL STREET. American Writing Paper Co. Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD. Du'ibcni) Souccs. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LIB ERTY PURE FOOD CO. have declared a semi-an aaa: Crtdead of thr.-* and one-half per o-nt on the pre ferred stock, payable October Ist at the offices of the Csjr.pary. U-1O Jay Str^t. New York. Transfer books »la be closed ivrzi Bepit. 15th to Oct. 2nd 11. W. CAMPBELL* Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN COAL COMPANY. NO. : BROADWAY New-York. Aurost 11th. li*2 THE BOARD 'OF DIRECTORS OF THE American Coal Compaiy of Albany County. Mary '-»r.i. have this day deciared a ?<m! ar.nuai dividend of F!TE PER CENT uj^-r. the capital st-«* of th* Compaay, payable *• this ofScir on Uonday. S»-r'»mber Ist. 1&02. GEORGE M. BOU'LBY. Secretary. «.k\i:k\i. < in mh \i. CO 31 PA 25 Broad St.. New York. Auk. 21. 1002. 'piiK REGULAR QUARTERLY DIVIDEND of ONE PER CENT, will be paid Sept. St. ISO 2. to sotnfnoo stockholders of record at 3P. M.. Aug. 22. Com •on Mock transfer book* will oe closed from A us. 22 la En-t. 3 JAMES L. MORGAN. Treasurer. \ DVERTIEEMENT2 and «ut> script ions for Th« Trlbua* * *■ «MMtv«d at their Übuwb UIIX*. NO. 3 30* BROAD WAT. B«wt»ii S6th and S7th »ts.. until v o'clock p. m. ;•!*.■••-..,.. , will b« received at the following branch cC <*s si, regular cf3c« tatrs until .- o'clock p. m.. viz.: *54 Mo-aye., s. c cor. 23 . -»• IKS <ilh «vr.. cor. 1?«»^'»« j «2 Rim 1 «tfa-«t : VtZ Writ 42d-at.. b« ***"i 7th * <« *th ..... zict \\>M 12.-.fh-nt.t i.:t.iH ••-'•«••.. Ut***n TClh *cd 77th «J. . 1.02<l «-l.|r|. _rnst Cotnpameg. THE MERCANTILE TRUST CO., NO. I_O BROADWAY. CAPITAL $2,000,000. SURPLUS $5,000,000 INTEREST ALLOWED I I'OX DEPOSITS. OFFICERS. LOUIS FITZGERALD. President JOHM T TERRY, Vice-President. hENRY C. OEMING. Vice-President. ALVIN W. KRECH, Vics-President. ERNEST R. ADEE, Secretary JCHH B. OSTRAHDER, Ass't Secretary. WM. C. POILLON, Treasurer. HAROLD B. THORJI E, Ass' t Treasurer. DIRECTORS. LOUIS FITZGERALD, JftKIES H. HYDE. JOHN JACOB ASTOR. JAMES W. ALEXANDER. JOHN T TERRY. 6LFRED G. VANDEREILT. E H. HARRIMAN JOHN F. DRYDEN. GEORGE J GOULO. VALENTINE P. SNYDER. MORTIMER L. SCHIFF. HENRY C FRICK. L C WEIR. CHAUNCEY M. DEPtW. JAMES .'. HILL. HENRY C. DEMING. C C CUYLER JOHN J McCOOK. SIDNEY DILLON RIPLEY. CHARLES H. GODFREY, CLEMENT A. GRISCOM. OLIVER AMES. ALVIN W. KRECH. GEORGE L. RIVES. EDWARD D.ADAMS. H.M.ALEXANDER. JAMES STOKES. J. HAMPDEN ROBB. JAMES McCREERY. RUDIXPH ELLIS. EL&ENE DELANO. THOMAS T. ECKERT. i. ROOSEVELT ROOSEVELT. Cam Spools, NEW YORK Sixty-eighth -ear opens Oct. 1. tM2. DAY CLASSES with ses- UNIVERSITY * ions from 3:30 tc 6 P. M. <LL. B. UW«I_IIII1 after tvo years). EVENING I AW" <?r"HnriT CLASSES. session* Bto 10 P. M. l-AU M^fclUUL,. ilA^ a aft tnr<>e years I Gradu ate Classes lead to LL M. Tuition. $100. For circulars address L. J. TOMPKINS. Registrar. Washington Square. N. Y. City. VEW-TORK LAW SCHOOL.— Day School. 35 Nassau 1> St. Evening School. 9 W. ISth St. Dwight metho.l of instruction. LI. B. in two years. LL.M. in thre« years. Send for catalogue. GE'iROF. CHASE. Dear. Jnatrnmon. For Young Ladies— City. A CADEMY MOUNT ST. URSULA. __ -BEDFORD PARK. NEW YORK CITY. This Academy for young Ladies and little Girls is directed by the It Is delightfully situs • on the Harlem Railroad, near St. John's Coile_a. and opposite BRONX PARK. The Course of Studies is thorough, em bracing all .he branches required for a solid and refined (duration. The Academy will reopen on Wednesday, September 13— I. For Circular address Mother Superior. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.— Rev. Dr. and lira. CHARLES HUNTINGTON GARDNER, Principal*. 607 sth -ave. Teacher of English wanted. /"COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE OF DR. J. SACHS. \J SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 11« WEST S»TH ST.. REOPENS HOMDAIT. SEPT. 2I»TH. 1902. COMPLETE ORGANIZATION FROM PRIMARY GRADE TO COLLEGE PREPARATION; ELEVEN YEARS' COURSE. INCLUDING ACADEMIC DEPART MENT. WITH ADVANCED LINES OF WORK. DE LANCEY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 71 WEST BOTH STREET. NEW YORK. Thorough and systematic instruction. Modern Methods. Physical Training. Special and College Preparatory courses. Individual Work, Small class**. Circulars on ap plication. -Twenty-first year. "irPvS. FINCH'S CLASSES AND BOARDING SCHOOL, * R SJA_I_OX AVENVE. NEAR 64TH STREET. MISS GERRJSH'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. 549 West End Avenue. New-York. Special courses of study. Fitting tor College, a specialty. PARK AVENUE SCHOOL. 1021-1023 Park Avenue, n. •- cor. WSth St.— Reopens Thursday. September 2Mh. 1902 Kindergarten, Primary. Intermediate and High School Departments. College preparation a specialty of the scboul. Rents' approval. oppEKHEIMER p^ Mrs. R. OPPENHEIMER. Prtn. R_r_\_ [OVAL.— Miss F.oberts's echooi for girls, with kin dergarten and classes for boys, has been removed from 14S to 2T2 Madison Avenue. Address until Septem ber 16th. Sandwich. M_ — achusetts. m AGATHA— CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 657 and MP West End Avenue. New York City. E4e ir.ent_ry Ani High School. Culiege Prepara'i.r.. Gym- B ** llln: - EMMA O. FEBRING. A. M.. Principal. mHE MISSES JAfDON'S _, _ X FOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Reopens October 1. £<> East 50th Street. THE PEEBLES _ THOMPSON SCHOOU Boa.: dine and Day School for Girls. 30. 32. 34 E_t Sit- Street. >L FOR GIRLS. a* thoroughly equipped. r4TH ST.. N. Y. CITY. TEE VELTIN P'^HO. Fireproof builvii 1«>-1«2 "WEST " For Boys and Young Men — City. •A COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOT3. ■*Jl HAMILTON INSTITLTEt 45 West BlEt St.. ilanhnttan Square N. ELEVENTH TEAR BEQINB OCT. IST. N. ARCHIBALD SHAW. Jr.. Principal. ASSOCIATION BUSINESS INSTITUTE. __ A DAT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. Reopens Wednesday. September 3rd. 23rd St. Branch T. M. _ A. /COLUMBIA INSTITUTE. Reopens October Ist. At NEW 1/OCATIOK. 122 W. T2r4 St.. BETWEEN COLUMBUS and AMSTERDAM AVER. Collegiate. Pre paratory. Primary. Departments. Optional Military Drill. Hot Luncheon. Playground. Optional study hour under Instructors. Catalogues. EDWIN FOWLER. A. 8.. M. P.. PRINCIPAL. /COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE OF DR. J. SACHS. \_j SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 3* WEST SWH ST.. REOPENS WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 24TH. 180Z Primary. Intermediate and College Classes; Special Com tnerdal Department. DX LA SAXLE INSTITUTE. ■*-' CENTRAL PARK SOUTH, NEW YORK CITY. Conducted by the Christian Brothers. Select school for boys. Number of boarders limited. " REOPENS WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. Military Drill. Well equipped Gymnasium. For Prospectus address BROTHER AGAPAS. Director. IRVING SCHOOL. L. D. RAT. 35 WEST 84TH ST. REOPENS SEPT. 25TH. Over eighty graduates fitted successfully for College since IKX). Primary Department. Year Book on request. MORSE & ROGERS SCHOOL REMOVED TO ONB WEST 45TH-ST. Recpens October Ist. Address until S^pt, 15th. Cotult, Hue. One vacancy for boarding p'ipil. fTIHE LOYOLA SCHOOL. «5 EAST S3D BT. J. REOPENS MONDAT. OCT. 6. under th» direction of Fathers of the Society of Jesus. \T7HAT to do with, my boy. Pfcrenologr will aid you. \V FOWLER & WKLL3 CO.. M East 22nd St. For Both — City. PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 4th aye.. & 23d st. DAY & EVENING. 45th year. FALL, EESSIOV BEGINS TUESDAY. SEPT. 2. OFFICE NOW OPEN. CALL. WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR CATALOGUE T. /r\HE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. A. Madison Sq.. New York. 73 Court £t., Brooklyn. Schools Open All Summer. Trial Lessens Free. Brooklyn. TJR'XJKLYN HEICHTS FEMINARY. 138-140 MONTAGUE ST.. BROOKLYN. N. T. Boarding and Day School f"r Girls. Opens September 25th. Prospectus on request. Mlf-ee OOL.TON. Ft'LTON and W'X>DWARD, Principals. Hoßoken. H. J. OTEVTNS SCHOOL THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT OF THE STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, River Street, between sth and 6th Sts.. Hoboken. N. J.. REOPENS SEPT. 16TH. 1602. Registration day for applicants for admission on Sep tember 10th. Examinations for admission on the 11th and 12th of September. Complete courses of study preparatory to all Universi ties. Colleges. Schools or Science. Law and Medicine. The rate of tuition for all classes is $150 per year, or $50 Tier term. Thes« terms Include all the studies. For catalogues apply to the Principal of Stevens School. For Young Ladies — Country. ADELIGHTFTTL HOME AX!) PCHOOL for GIRLS from fur to fourteen. Small classes. Individual care Term*, $000. Miss JOHNSON and Miss ALCOTT. Per* Chester. N. Y. HOME INSTITUTE. Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson. — A Boarding and Day School for Girls. Heop»?ns Sept. ISth MISS M. W. MtTTCAI>F. Principal. TNGLERIDB— A PCHOOL FOR GIRLS. J NEW M!!.F"R!». LITCHFIELD CO.. CONN. School year beplns Tuesday. October 7th IMB. MRS WM. D. BLACK. Patroness. KENT PLACE SCHOOL f r Otrts. Summit, N. J — Near New Tork. Mrs Sarah Woodman Paul Principal. President of Board of r-irect< rs. Hamilton W . Mtble. LI.. P. MORAVIAN SEMINARY FOR TOOKG LADIES Founded 174*. Modem conveniences. Two hours from New York. J. MAX HaKK. D. D.. Prln.. Bethlehem, Pa. MISS DANA'S SCHOOL "OB <";:!:i> Morristown. N. J. iSuburban to New York).— Exceptionally broad curriculum Certificate admits to four leading colleges. Music and Art. Resident pui.iis. JWw. Catalogue on re quest. • OBSIXING SCHOOL FOR fiIRLS. OfiSINING-ON-HUDeON. N. T. 33th year Miss CLARA C. FI'LLEB. Principal RYE SEMINARY. For particulars a.idress Mrs. b- J. LIFE. The Misses STOWE, Rye. New York. THE VAIL-DEANE SCHOOL for Girls. Elizabeth. N. J. 33rd year opens Sept. 23th. 16 instructor*. 2 build inc. Gtrttficatr accepted by Isadl&c foll»»«a. — Rw&ent studesu (300. ;,: . NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 22, 1902. Crust Companies. Jnstrnrtian For Boys and Young Men — Country. KINGSLE SCHOOL. ESSEX FELLS. NEW JERSEY. No new boy over 13 yqears. A home school where the spirit of family life _ preserved. New buildings, with every modern appointment. Gymnasium. Large grounds. '* r! J. R. CAMPBELL. Head Master. fTHHE MACKENZIE SCHOOL. The EcbOO] doubled its enrollment within the past year: It had no case of sickness, no case ot serious discipline; It had «ne specially trained master for every Fix boys; it receives only boys who can bring satisfactory testimonials. WYATT W. RANDALL. PhD. Head Master. Dobbs Ferry. N. Y. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE. CHESTER. PA. Forty first year begins September 17th. CIVIL ENGINEERING IC. E). CHEMISTRY <B. R). ARTS (A. n). Thorough work in I-at.oratorle*.. Draughting-ro.-im. Field. ALSO PREPAHATORY COURSES. INFANTRY. ARTIL-KRY AND CAVALRY DRILI-. •A Military School of the highest otder." — U. B. War Pept. Catalogues of Col. C. E. HYATT, President. IRVING INSTITUTE. Nun-Military. Tarrytown-on-Hiidson. N. T. Fail t.-rm. Sept. S4. J. M. Fl/RMAN. Prin. MA PLEWOOD. Concordvlile. Pa.— s294; location beau tiful; eU-vatfd. healthy, pr-pares for business or ■oU e(e; laboratory practice. Improved buildings; athletic fi<?;<l. every year boys — failures tn other schools — become with us successful students: department for small boys. No tobacco. J. SHORTLIDGE, Yale A. M., Prin. ST. DAVID'S HALL — Thoiounh education: ideal find most healthful spot fnr few boys: home influence. Rev. W. I_ EVANJ. M. A., Scarsdale. N. Y. npHE HIGHLAND MILITARY ACAPBMY. Worcester. X Mass — 47th year. Healthful location. Generous table.. Preparation for coUsce, scientific or business life. Newly eg lipped laboratories Larpe athletic fleid. Small cmeses. Tbe Kt. Rev. ALEXANDER H. VINTON. D. D.. Visitor. JOSH PH A_C »EN SHAW. A ML, Head Master. For Boys and Young Men- Country. fpHE WEANTINAL'G SCHOOL FOR POTS. _L New-Milford. Utchtleld Co., Conn. Preparation for business and College. Rev. F. D. Draper. Head Master. New Buildings. Modern equip ment. Refers b* lermission tL, Mra. Wm. D. —lack. Pati m— _ uf _ icle&lde. Fur Both Sexes— Country. FRIENDS SCHOOL, Prrridence. R. I. For both soxe*: all denominations. Established 17*4. Courses In Bngllsh. Science Classics Music and Art. AUOUS'I— NB I JONES. LL V . Principal. IJENNTNGTOS SEMINARY. Pennincton. N. J. (on Bour.d Brook R. R.>. A co— educational school of the first rank. &4th year. $275 to $332. Catalogue. THOMAS OHANLON, D. D.. Preb't. Gtljool -Igenciea. A MERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY il supplies Professors. Teachers, Tutors. Oovem^sees, etc.. to Colleges. Schools and Families. Apply to Mrs. M J. YOUNG-FULTON. 23 OBHb Square. leach A EVERETT STONE (Tale and ColumMa), Slfl West . 66th St. T\jtor!r.R at pupil's or tutor's residence. foxeclctinre Salts. YEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY Of New York.— Russell M. Young. Plaintiff, against William Koerber and others. Defendants. —In par—anos of a Judgment of foreclosure and sole, duly made and en tered in the above-entitled action, bearing date the 21»t day of July. 1&02. I. the undersigned, the Ttefer** in «»ld Judgment named, will sell at public auction, at the New York Real Estate Salesroom. No. 11l Broadway. In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 27th day of August. 't»O2. at 12 o'clock n.x>n en that day. by Vincent A. Ryan. Auctioneer, the premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the build ings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Borough of Manhattan. City. County and Ptate of New York, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning Rt a point an the Northerly side of Seventy Street, distant 2f>« feet Easterly from the Northeasterly corner of Avenue A and Seventy-fifth Street, runr.lnic thence Easterly a' Seventy-fifth Street 2.". feet, thence Northerly parallel with Avenue A an! part of the distance through a party wall ttt feet and 8 inches to land formerly of Julia Hunt, thence Westerly along £ald land 25 feet and 4 inches, more or less, to a point distant 23% fe»t Easterly from the Easterly «tde of Avenue A In a line drawn at right ancles thereto, and thecce Southerly, again parallel with Avenue A. and part of the distance through another party wall 103 feet and 11 inches to the point or place of beginning. Dated. New York. July 81st. 1002. HUGO H. RITTERBT'SCH. Refer**. WALTER T. LINDSAY. Attorney for Plaintiff. 71 Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan. N. T. The following Is a dlagTam of the property to be sold as described above, the street number being 013 East 75th Street. N. T. City: E. 7.'th Street. The approximate amount of the lien or charge to satisfy w.Vch the above-described property la to be sold Is twelve thousand three hjndr<*d twenty and 04-100 dbllars. with Interest thereon from the 21st day of July. l(*02. together with costs end allowance amounting to three hundred e»-venty -eight and «6-100 dollar*, with Interest from 21« day of July. I!><'>2. together with the expenses ft the tale. The approximate, amount of taxes, assessments, or other liens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money, or paid by the" Referes. Is $47* 72 and Interest. Dated. New York. July 31st, 1802. HUGO H. RITTERBUSCH. Refer" vi:\V YORK SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW YORK.— Edward Hlrsh and others. Plain tiffs, against Em!! Block and others. Defendants. In rur»uan<-e of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, bearing date the. 3 f th day of July. 1002. I. the •undersign"'!, the Referee in said Judgment named, will n«-ll at publlo auc tion at the New York Real Estate Salesroom. No. 11l Broadway, In the Borough of Manhattan City of New York, on th« 2flth day of August. 15W>2, at 12 n'ck>ck Noon on that day. by Vincent A. Ryan. Auctioneer, th» prem ises directed by nald Judgment to be tnlil and therein described us follows: Ail that crtaln plot, piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the Borough of Manhattan, City of Hew York, hounded and described as follows: Beginning at the corner formed by the Intersection of the westerly side 01 Seventh Avoiud with the northerly el<s'» Of One hundred and thirteenth street, running thence westerly mii.l along nal(3 northerly side of One hundred in! thirteenth street one hundred (MO) feet. th*nre northerly on a 11n« parallel with said westerly side of Seventh Avenue •"•- hundred <100) feet and eleven (11) Inches; thenre easterly and on a line parallel with said northerly Side of One hundred and thirteenth street one hundred ilimi feet to the said westerly aide of Seventh Avenue, and thence southerly and along said westerly side of Sev enth Avenue one hundred 1100) feet and eleven ill) inch** to the corner and place of beginning, together with th? appurtenances *•■:•'. all the estate ami rights of the said Emll Block in and to the said premises. Dated New York. July 31(<t. 1902 GERARD ROBERTS. Referee. WOLF. KOHN & ULLMAN. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 203 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. New York City. The following is a diagram of the property to be sold as describe! above, the Street Number being No. 1,864 Seventh Avenue: The approximate amount of the Hen or charge to satisfy which the above described property is to be sold is Two hundred and thirteen thousand seven hundred and thlrty «-iK>'t s—loo dollars (4213.738.06). with interest thereon from the lOth day of July, UW2, toßether with costs anil allowance amounting to Three hundred and eighty-seven 6«-l«o dollars <f3M7.WJ>. together with the expenses of the sale The approximate amount of the taxes, assessments or other liens w^ich are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money or paid by the referee is Five thousand seven hunared and fifty-two 40-100 dollars (S3 752 and interest 'Dated New York, July 31«t. 1902. GERARD ROBERTS. Referee. 4 rVERTISEMENTS ano «ut«CTlpUone for The Tribune received at their Uptown Jtnce. NO. 1.304 BROADWAY. Between 36th and 37th sts.. until 3 o'clock p. m. Advertisements will be received at the following branch offices at regular office retes until 8 o'clock p. m.. viz.: 1:54 Sth-ave. a c. cor. 23<!-Bt. ; 133 Oth-ave., cor. I2th-st.: «2 East 14th-»t.i 257 West 42d-at.. be tween 7th ai.d Bth am; SOS V%'e»t 12.*Sth-at.: 1.338 :;ii-avc. between 76th and 77th sts.: 1.020 :!d-sve, near «lst-st. : J.7OS lat-uvc. near 89th-st. . IST Ka»t 125tfa-st.: 7.%0 irrmont-av*.; «s<» 3d-«ve« near 41st-st.. 554 .Id-aye.i 210 Blercker-at.i 33S Uleecker-*t. Brooklyn. ■. Y~- 216 Cnart-st.i •')". *i»lll>-- t.i I.«N>.t «> t< Krwnrk, N. J. — TU4 Broad-il. Also »1 ail A. D. T. offlces. Merchants and Bankers' School, 59th Street and Madison Avenue. Shorthand, Business or Lan guages. Our special offer w:i! rnterest you. Write or call at once. Dept. C. Estey, McNeece & Gardner. ©rcan Steamers. FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. PLYMOUTH— BREMEN. From Pier 52. North River. Gansevoort St. Kronprinz.Aug. 26. 10 A.M. iKronprinz. . .Sept. 23. 9 A.M. Kaiser.. Sept. 9. 10 AM Kiiser Oct. 7. In A.M. Kaiserin...Sept. 16. 10 A.M. Kaisenn. . . Oct. 14. 10 A.M. TWIN SCREW PASSENGER SERVICE. Cherbourg — Southampton alternately, and Bremen. From Bremen Piers. Hoboktn, N. J. Bremen Auc. 38. Noon! Kurfuerst. .Sept. IS. 11 A. M. Frledrich Sept. 4. Noon i Bremen Oct 2. 10 A. M. Luise Sept. 6, 10 A. M.I Frledrich Oct 9. 10 A. M. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. GIBRALTAR— NAPLES — GENOA. From Pier 24. ft. of Amity St.. Brooklyn. Lanr. Auk. 23. 10 A. M La!.n .Sept. 27, 1 P. M. Trave Sect. 6. 10 A. M Trave Oct. 11. 10 A M. Aller Sept. 13. 2 P. M Aller Oct. IS. 10 A. M. OELRICHS * CO.. No. 5 BROADWAY. N. Y. Louis U. Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Phila. FAR PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— HAMBURG. TWIN-SCREW EXPRESS SERVICE Columbia Aur 28, 10 AM F E__arc» S^pt 18. 10 AM A Victoria. .Sept 11, Ift AM <olumMa Sept 25 in AM TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER SERVICE Patricia Aug. 26. 1030 AM Walilersee. Bept r> W3O AM Bluecher Sept. 2. l'l AM Pennsylvania. Sept. 16. S PM HAMBURG- AMERICAN LINE OfTWs. 3S and 37 Broadway. Pi»rs. Hobokon. N. J. _J/A\[P_A\[K_o(g[}{]DK]^a HAWAIIAN AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S. S. CO. TOYO KISEN KAISHA. Between San Francisco, Honolulu. Yokohama. Kobe. Nagasaki. Shanghai. Hong Kong. Stenmers leave San Francisco at 1 P. M. KOREA Aug. 801 CHINA Sept. 19 GAELIC Sept. 3, DORIC Sept. 27 HONGK'G MART.. Sept. 11 1 NIPPON MART" .. '■' 7 For freight, passenger and general Information apply to 349 Broadway or 1 Battery Place, Washington Building, and 287 Broadway. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Intended Stramship Sailings fro— I Vancouver. JIAPAW. eeSSfitA, PB.iIL3IFIPII3BIEiiSLAIi.2JS R.M.S. ATHK.\IAN..Sept. 1 R. II 8. TARTAR . ..Oit. 20 BMP. OF CHINA... Sept. 8 BMP. <»F JAPAN Nov. 3 BM.. OF INDIA Oct. f, B M.S. ATHENIAN Nov. 17 fi-AWABOASG lISLAIIB-lSAND^pjsx^im AORANt.I Ret,; lfi MOANA Oct. 17 For rates apply 3P3 Broadway and 1 Broadway. DELIGHTFUL SUMMER CRUISE Ti HALIFAX, GS. 8., OTIMV, H $ . ADOiD iT, Ji^l'S, B, F. Through Long Island. Vineyard Haven and Nantucket Sounds. ne Passenger Steamers ••ROSALIND" and "SILVIA" sail from Pier No. 40. N. R. foot West Houston St., on following- dates: Aug. 27. Sept. 2. 12. 19, 30. Oct. b. IS. 23, etc. For rates and further Information apply to BOWRINO _ CO.. 17 STATE ST.. NEW YORK. GD__[B GDGDOMDiKijDdDRO __G(j___ DAILY SERVICE. Fir OM Point Cb(— fort, Norfolk. Portsmouth. Pinner's Point and New pi t News. Va . connecting for Petersburg. Richmond. \ tririsia Beach. WashlnKton. I). C. and entire South and West. Freight and Passenger steamers sail from Pier 28. N R.. fool of Peach St.. every w^f-k .lay at ,"i r M BL B. WALKER. Traffic Manager TTOLLAND-AMEKICA LINE. NEW-YORK— ROTTERDAM. VIA BOULOGNE S. M. New Twin-Screw Steamers of 13.CMX) tons Register. T n rnfr reW ROTTERDAM Aul? . 23. 10 a. m. Twin-Screw NOORDAM A ug. 30. 10 A. M Steamer Twin-Screw <ST\TENPAM Sepl 8. 10 A. M. AW**"-* HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. 30 B'way. N. Y. niivlll) A_P atOOatt. ST. ALBANS. 7 BADT'nSrfilße. Rooms, single, en • - "- *"l arlor fl^or private baths; _ainf •-, m paxior electric light; tabl« board f IB V N hnvi'^^ «••■ ""• I_rge HBd small furn .» hev »^ , beard If desired; by da> or »■ ►". summer months; term, moderate. 11 BAST 24TH-ST.: near MadL«"n f,- I '^;.,: ifrVe sad small «— a, wtt_ .-■•'• -■ «f« ence». UTH-ST. 71 WKST.-French r In the besi arrsr.nrm^nts : f r a». M TO m EAST .WH-ST. -Full hotel ac wine, for $12 per week. Full value. n«> in i> W \\TKn. i VERT NICE. Tuiet educate! young wnrnVn. employed. I"*"' ' »«™' ftJL*?^ <o family («8l Address BOARD. Box 10*. fi.ift «rh-ave. ___^___— — «. Hill I VIII) AMI pool TJkllLF^ MANUFACTURERS of billiard and poo' tables; high grade bowltac alley builder*; lowest prices MARX V-VS-* .24 Int. .-i CARPET n.EAM>fI. J. a J. W. WILL9AMS CARPET CLEANING. Established IS. a. W, MLLIAMS & I . CARPET CU A N I N .V KstaMisl.-l l-^a. CAHSrOL CARPaTT CLKAJOKO CO.— DF.TKCTIVB AGRXCY. veFtlftatlnft. strike* nHF.SSM VKIN<. Ft . Bi ■it:-;-- ' ; ' — KMI'I.OVMKNT KGKH* IBS. IT 0 BARTHOLpMEW'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. »ii f..i 42.! First da** lomestlcs are -".I,"", managing *l "• "' tr.^ns. novernefses. tutors, etc. roa saub. VALUABLE PATEJITFOrj SALE Address W t.. Box It. Trtb'in<- O:Tf~* I'AW WBslOmßat*S BAI«sSS. ELI BOBEL, Auct.. »B««I, ' '; *£ Mic 22. — Clothing and Jewelry- ••" = ..; \ 704 3d-ave S. Wronker Bon. I•• •' l "AuT'2r..-rir.thln ; J. Blauro k. 321 Bow "auk. 2.V Clothing L. Stem-.. 427 M BV Auk. 27 Clothing Henry Bobal. 772 9th '■■ x ,^. . 2*. rewelry: L W. Harlem, 160 Amsterdam aye CENTRAL AUCTION CO.. M. Sheehan. Auctioneer. IBJ nr.d 1.'4 ''anal *t AUg 22 by M. Lavery. «M SHh-ave.. - i niC -- i -: 1 -i?r 1 i l i° Aug. k io. M o orand . St.. clothinK pl<"<ißP.l to Aup.-IS. 1>" 11 - Aur 27— By Barney l>ian < >m.~«". 1.063 3d avc. clothlnj pledged to Aug. 20. IWI. Auk. 27— By P. Freel. 027 Broadway and 160 Grand-st., jewelrj* to Aug. 20. 1901. A U g. 2s— By M. Ilackett. clothing. 1. L. fimi'ski. Auctioneer, 70 Bowery. ■<ells 10 m.: _ „, Auk. 22 By 8 Gpod»teln .ii Boa, -•'.♦ Bridge Brooklyn, diamonds, watches. Auk. 25— By L Cahen .v Sons. 41 Canal s!.. diamonds, Wilt Jewelry, and all goods t.ledced prior April .V from No. 53.0H0 to 88.800; also Mo. 56,520, and all older date? held over. Aug. 20— O. Weaver. 4fiO fuh-ave.. clothing, etc.. pledged prior M 15, I 1"!I 1 "! Auk 26—- By J. Anderson. 3"' West 42d st.; J. Harris & Son. 145 Coon st . Brook lyn, diamonds. watches. je«elr>. and all goods pledged prior Aug. Id. 1001 Au«r 26 — M. Manning i Sons, 594 *th-ave., cl.ithlnft. etc., pledged prior Aug. 1«. 1801. Auk. 27 — Estate A J. H"ane> . 214 Atlan tir-ave . diamonds, watches. Jewelry, and all Roods from No. S.!i3o to 12.745. and from May 27. 1901, to July 27. 1901, and all guslis reserved from previous sales. Auc. 27— J. Simons. 772 Colum^'is clothine. etc.. pledged prior Aur. 17. 1001. JOS. BHONGOOB A SONS. Aucts., »4 Bowery. Aug — Olothine. A. Sellnger. 2d-«vc Aug. 25 — Jewelry: M Levy. 2.«1fl 3d-ave. Aug. — Jewelry, watches, diamonds, etc.: M. A. Newman. Bf«3 Columbus-aye. Auk. — Clothing 1. A Levy. 220 3d av>.: P. MrPartland. 121 Greenpolnt-ave- Aug. 27 — Men's and women's clothing, etr\ . A. Frankenstein _ Co.. *7 Delanc#v-st Aug. 2* — Men's »nd women clothing, •tc. . Alex. rr«uad. 1.543 Bd-*ve. (Dcean &uomets. &S_©C_(!DD3 ILO__G__ Glasgow, via liaUlXjL&B LONDONDERRY From Pier 54. North River, foot of Wot 24th St. Columbia. Aug. 23. Astoria Sept. 6. noon Ethiopia Aug. 30. noon) Fumessla Sept. 13. noon First saloon. $50 and upwards. =econd saloon. $35 ana up; third "'.ass $26 and up. HENDERSON BROTHERS. 17 and 19 Broadway. CLARK'S THREE CRUISES FOR 1903. __>__©■_" QKIQDOIE©, ©OBOLEKHITs, NORWAY. SWEDEN. RUSSIA AND GERMANY. by specially chartered North German Lloyd express S. 3. ■Ka:s»Ttn." 9.500 tors, the ch"*pesr and most attractive trips ever ordered: Jan. 14th. West ladies. $150 and up. Feb. 7. Orient. $400 and up; Ja.y 2. Norway. $275 and up. all necessary expenses Included. Specify program desired. FRANK C. CLARK. 11l Bro dwaj . N. Y. . ■„■ F®[p Pcd-M-GD oßß(_kid_ Steamships of the RED "D" LINE will sail ■_ San Juan direct, as follows: S. S. CARACAS Saturday. August. 23. noon S. S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday. September 6. noon For freight or passage apply to BOULTON. BLJ.S3 & DA-LETT. General Managers. 135 Front St. AMERICAN LINE. -^" NEW-YORK— SOUTHAMPTON— LONDON. Philadelphia. Aug. 27.10 a.m 'Southwark .. . Sept. 9, no— St Paul ..Sept. 3. 10 a. tn. St. Louis. .Sept. 10. 10 a. m. •From Pier "Ci" foot ot York-st., Jersey City. N J. TIED STAR LINE. NEW-YORK— ANTWERP— PARIS. Kroonland ....Aug. — . noon ; Frtesiand. . .... Sept. 6. noon Zeelaid . ...Aug. M, noon , Vaderland Sept. 13. noor* " INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Piers 14 and IS N. R. Office. 7S Broadway. N. Y. vrALLORI" STEAMSHIP LINES. F-om Hew York Wednesdays. Fridays and Saturdays. FOR TEXAS. GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. STRAIGHT and ROUND TRIP Tickets issued to all points in Tex. s. Colorado Ar zor.a. California. Mexico, _ c Georgia. Florida. _c Delightful Excursions. Write for our 80-page "Pocket Guide' (mailed free). C H MALLORY _ CO.. Gen. Agts.. Pier _v, E. R.. N. Y. "RED 'D' LINE. v -*-• For La Guayra. Puerto Cabello, Curacao and Mara calbo, via Curacoa- — Calling also at San Juan. P. R. S S CARACAS Saturday. August 23. noon S S PHILADELPHIA Saturday. September «. noon These vessels have superior accommodations for pas sengers. BOULTON, BLISS A DALLETT. General Managers. 135 Front St. i - CT'NARD LINE. "■*■• TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENST^WN. t'mbria ...Aug. 23. »A. M. Campania... Sept. 13. noon Lucanla Aug. 30. nor.n > I'mbria Sept. 20. 4 P. M. Etrur'.a ..Sept. 9. 9 A. M. ! Lucania Sept. 27. noon VERN°N H- BR<">WN _ CO.. G»n. Agents. 29 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. TTALIAN ROYAL MAIL S. S. CO. -*- NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA. NAPLES — GENOA— ALEXANDRIA. ALL NEW STEAMERS. WEEKLY SERVICE. HIRZEL, FELTMAXN _ CO.. 1* Broadway. N- T. pOOK'S ROUND THE WORLD TOURS. 81st year. Inclusive arrangements; strictly first class. Illustrated Programme. THOS. COOK & SON. 261 & 1185 Bway. N. Y. A — WHITE STAR LINE. ■"* NEW-YORK— QUEENSTOW>T— LI\ ERPOOL. Cymric Au?. 22. noon I Celtic Sept. 3. noon Oceanic Aug. 27. noon i Germanic... Sept. 10. noon Majestic Sept. 3. nooni Teutonic Sept. 17. poon Pier 48. North River. Office. 9 Broadway. New-York. '<T A VELOCE."— FAST ITALIAN LINE. Sailing every Taaate* to Naples. Genoa. BO_OGNE_I. HARTFIE-© _ CO.. 2I» Wai! Ft. A DVERTIPEMENTS «nd subscrix itlons for The Tribune _A_ received at th#lr Uptown Otflre. NO. 1.3*4 BROADWAY. Between S6th and 37th sts.. until 9 o'cinck p. m. Gnrrogatca' Xotuca. -OLISII. THERESA M.-IN PURSUANCE OF an order of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby Riven to all persons having claims against Theresa M. B'.lsh. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, •with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the office of Frank W. Angel. No 116 Nassau Street. Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or before the 3<Xh da.v of September next. Dated New York, the 2Stli day of March. lf*)2. GEORGE H. BUSH. Administrator. FRANK W. ANGEL. Attorney for Administrator. 11" Nassau Street. New York City. Borough of Manhattan. LAWVEHJ. DIVORCES ASSVREP. —No f»e SB— I granted quickest, cheapest: reilabl" ad vtea free. SMITH _ BNGEL .. 30i> b way. LAW nrm. t*nk references, sccepts all legal builr.esa free untii successful: consultation free. Apply 1. 1—3 Broadway Room til. BANKBOOK Ko. ''•'..■•tl. Issued by the Manhattan Savings Institution, and pay ment of same ha* been stopped. LOST.— Bankbook No. 880.087. Bank for Savings. .><> 4th-ave.. New-York. Pay ment l *'!. Please return book to bank. MACHINERY. AT REDUCED PRICES —500 ••ond-hand wood and lren working machines: fully guaranteed, machinery bought and ex changed. GEO. B. EDDY. 39» Madlson-st- SCALP TREATMKM. SPECIALIST bl ftvlnc sta'.p treatment. 62» Bth aye., second Boor. WATCHES HKP.IIREI) WATCHES OffiEiit S® FOR CLEANING OR MAINSPRING. "Warranted 1 year." Jewelry made and repaired. OM watches and gold Jewelry taken in trad* and bought for cash. CHARLES A. KEEN?:. 1-*1 Broadway, New- York City. Open until 6 o'clock, Saturdays included. WATKR (I RK I\STITI TK. NATURE Sanitarium. Wat«T cure, healing Prof NF.''Mn'IYER. Manager. 25 ♦ 'A ■■'■'■ HKI.P MtAMED, Male. ATTENTION! — Men wanted); by doing an easy work you can travel to Engiai '. f'-r «-. to $7; Germany. $I'^; France. Help. im. etc return passage ATLANTIC SHIP PING OFFICE ll.V!st-st. ATTENTION! want* cheap trip to England. Germany. H^litium anl South Africa; also fr<"» transportation procured. Apply immediately Shipping Offices, 5 Clin ton-st.. or 7.'! Wesl st BOY WANTED — An Importing house re n'l'.rcs the services of an Intelligent Amer ican boy from M to IS years of .ig«. to whom n p»rman^nt position can b* offered If satisfactory: one Just from school with out business experience r r> ferre • A<l<ir«-ss tn own handwriting; bring reference, B. M. It . Tribun* OfHr?. DENTIST. — Flrat class, nil round man: r<-r*>r^n--e; pcsltion. $C<> to $.V» r*-r «t»^k- also nrst >-= laborator>- man. AI. f!A PENTISTS, 10th and Market sts., Phlla delphla. STATE AGENTS WANTED for a lln* •■' new household articles; no competition; responslMe parties nee 1 apply. Ad t lrt-!<s P. O. Box 7M. Plalnfleld. N. J. WANTED — Industrious young man. IB to I*. to h*-lp In bustnera office of Tribune; must have (rood referen salary at flr^t $0 Apply '• BUSINESS MANAGER. Tribune. \v.IUK W4MIII FssßsUe. SPECIAL KATE TO UNEMPLOYED. I*l word" '•'■ tlmr«.. 15 cents 7 time rate 3U cunta BUTTONHOLE MAKER F!r?t ctasa but tonhole maker, bj hand. Mrs. HOrT :»l \\. OS East »th st. GOVERNESS — By a Virginian of experi ,-■;,.■ as frovern^ss; also well qualified to teach; best references. Address Mrs. CLARK, Box ■'•». BcpttsbTa; Halifax Coun ty. V i LADY, with 16 years' experience in library work, in bookstore or library. Address A. B V. C*>* IO«b St., Brooklyn. OPERATOR. — Experienced lady operator In private branch exchange : reference. Ad dress H.. 14'» Dofßsid ft.. Brooklyn. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER. — Experienced; neat, careful and irate; good reference. Miss A. GAYNOR. tO Woi cott-st.. Brooklyn. AOCOUNTANT. — Book* investigated. opened, balanced and closed; charges rea eonal-le; references. E. P. CLARKE, 126 Liberty 5t BOOKKBEPKB <-*>. thoroughly experl lillf»<l; single or double entry, rapid writer and accurate flgurer; highest era lentlaJa. LOUIS B. FELDMAN. l"l -• ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions fot The Tribune received at their Uptown Of fice. No. 1.3t>4 Broadway, between 36th and ::7'!; sis., until 0 o'clock p. m. Advertise ments received at the following branch of fices at regular office rates until S o'clock p. in. viz.: 254 Sth-ave.. s. c. cor. 23d-st.: IJ3 tith-ave.. cor. 12:h-st.: 82 East 14th-st.: 257 West 42d-st.. between 7th and tin aye*. ; Jri3 West 125th-st.; 1328 Bd-ave.. between 76th and 77th sts.: 1.-126 3d-ave.. near Cist s' • 1.70S lst-ave.. near B'jth-ti. . 137 East 125th-st.: 756 Tremont-iive. ; 6.V) 3d-ave.. near 41st-st. . 554 3d-ave : 210 Bleecker-st. . 325 Bieecker-st. Brooklyn. N. V.— 218 Court-»t. . 215 Smtth-st. ; 1.004 Gates-aye. Ntwark. N. J.— 704 Broad Also at all A. D. T. office* TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. 1 AbnVr C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York. Notice la hereby Kiven to all persons t»vlnir ««»ta» wralnst Joan J- Tucker. late of the County of New Tort, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers at their place of wtD'^"-^.w tD '^"-^. c- 'Manhattan, on or befor* the thirtieth day I°I BK-a"Sa_ York, the —s «■» ;f **•*:.--_ C. MARY A TICKER EDWIN TL-KER. WALTER ■— TUCKER. Execntors. Attorney for Executor*. 2 Wai JOHN M. SCRIBNER. Attorney for Executors. Z Trail Street. New York City. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. ABNER C THOMAS, a Surrogate of th« County of New York, notice — hereby ziven to all persons ft* »'.-!« claims against Embra Scott Watscc. late of tha County of New York, deceased. M present the same with vouch ere thereof to the subscriber, at his place cf traasaeiln* business, at.the offlc« of his attorney. Edward A. SaaanT. No. 141 Broad-way, la the City of New York, 03 or bafor* th« 1?: day of February next. Dated New York the 2nd day of July. 1003. JOHN T. "TOOK. Jr.. Administrator. EDWARD A. SUMNER. Attorney for Administrator. 141 Broadway Borough of Manhattan. New Tork City. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of th» County of New York, notice is hereby riven to all persona havtac claim* against Simon Wolf, late of the County of New York decetsel. tc present the same with vouchers there of to the subscriber, at her nla«-e of trar— ac- busings*. Vi) 753 Ninth Avenue. Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or before the first day of December next. Dated N»w York, the ?th day of May. IMO. PAULINE WOLF. __ec_tri_ WILLIAM H. KLINKER. Attorney for Executri*. 63 Nassau Street. New York. AfILLIKEN. .TAMES.-IN PURSUANCE OF an order of the Hon. C. Thomas, a Surro gate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby «t— sn to all pei sons h»"!i« claims aeaicst James Mill:'**.. lat» of the County of New York, deceased, r*pi-ssat the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his place of transacting business, at the off}-* of Shilaad, ShoemaK-jr _ Hedges. No. 71 Broadway. In the Borough of Manhat tan. City of New York, on or before the aotn day of Sep tember. 19<?2. „, DatM New York. March 25th. 1903. EDWARD F. MILLIKEN. A4mln«?>trat=r. EHILAND. SHOEMAKER & HEDGES. Attorney* for Ad ministrator. No 71 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. New Tork City. N. Y. T\fARTHA F. VER TALI-f.— EC PURSU ™ anc« of an order of Han. Frank T. FKz?era!,i. a Purrcgat* of the County of New York. Notice Is *«*bj glvp.n to all persons hav:ni claims azalnst Martha F. Ver Valen. late -of the Cc«r.ty of New York, decoaaad. to present the same with vouchers thereof to the »üb*;crlb«r. at her p!a-e of transacting business, at the efflce of Trua*. Watson _ Roberts. No. 141 _-«■■>. Borough of Man hattan. Cltv of New York, "a or before the __ day c. October. *£ York, the 24th *», j««* ___ mm» New Yoric. the 24-h l***^ T&i--, TRUAX. WATPON * ROBERTS. Executor. Attorneys for Executor. TTOX PAPE. ERNST.— IX PURSUANCE OF an order of Hon. Asaw C. Thomas, ■ Surrogate of the County of New York. Notice is hereby siren to all persons havln? claims a-iinst Ernst Yon Fare. !%t» of the County of New York, deceased, to present the sasall with vouchers thereof to the smbscribers at their place c transacting business, at the office of William Grevel. No. 7SS Rror.<*Mray. Room. 22. Borough of Manhattan. New York City, on or before the 20th day of January. 13U3. Dated New York. M, 3rd. »«£— r>R _ VEL NATHANIEL DOYLS. ROBERT _. PRANGE. Executors. CHRISTIAN G MORITZ. Attorney fnr Ex»cnors. 23t Broad Boroueh of Manhattan. New York City. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. Abn»r C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the Coonty -' New York, not.-" _ hereby given to all persons having claims against n.:::,-m D. Whipple. !a:e of the County of New York, deceasf.l to oresent the same, with vouchers tnere of. to the subscriber at his plac« of transacting business at ti:e office of Robinson. B— Wle & Ward. 160 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the Ist day of December next. Dated New York, the 7th .Jay of May. 10C2. HERBERT S. WHIPPLE. Administrator. ROBINSON. BIDDLE _ WARD. Attorneys for Adminis trator. 160 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. City « New T«s_ ! TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. ! Abner C. T^<-rr.a•. a Surrogate at the County of New ' York Notice is hereby eiven to all persons havtas claims ', against Mary Barnett. late Jt the County of New York, i deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the ( subscriber, at hi* place of transacting business, at the ' office of William H. Kilnke.-. No. .<.'. Nassau Street. Bor • ough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or be ! » — the first day of December next. Dated New York, tri«? Sth day of _ »v 1902. PATRICK DOYLE. Administrator. ! WILLIAM H. KLTNKEP Attorney for Administrator. i 93 Nassau Street. New York. IVUUIv WAVItD. Male. BOOKKEEPER, assistant bookkeeper, ste nographer and typewriter; exp«nen L -e>i; r-lerenoe- HARRI BTTINGEH. -*■ I>«" lance; . BOOKKKE i'_ R. &c. — Hor.-.-st. roaag U_y as bookkeeper. caa_ • typewriter in BrooUyn. A— ireas .* - st.. Brc- kJya. BARKEEPER or CAsHlEK.— Best, (rfn^ si sat as. dswntown experience. -all. ERDMAN. 208 WiKls-ave. ______ BOY. 14. in office, where he tan advance. ; .W. F !•">* East Mth-st. __^_ - BOY. IT. bright and aonssi steady and advaacemeat; e»p< HARRY BRADLEY. M Rl Brooklyn. CAPABLE young man. 21 v nrst class refer ences. H. C. M . •?« Herkimer-5... Brooklyn. CORRESPONDENT. 4c— Young man. -' best references, speaks English. Spanish. French. German an.l Italian, in offlce •» correspondent or bookeeper-s assistant. J. rONT. 1& Rector M CASHIER collector, manager, bf n aged man. BBSBaajsi Oissi .v and P. Tea C •tr.p.i.n> . - trustworthy: besi of refe •irrss M STGOWAJS. !■•* West Ml DRIVER *c Stao at "-•' r ■■'■ factory. HITTER. 2W Emm -- DESIGNER an.l CI.TTKK.- By a young man: Just finished the study of lesigning ar..i cutting et ladies' costumes: perfect tit— tin?: In city L V EMANI'EL. 3M East llSth-st.. barber shop; or Inquire by postal card. DRI'GS AND CHEMICALS— Youn< man. with 12 years' experience - '■" t business would act a« representative for manufact urer or Importer in Philadelphia; sp<Mks r,«rraan; can furnish references. A. S.. ut;V North Philadelphia. ENERGETIC your,* man |2P) wool like rxjsttion of trust and responsibility with a reliable business fvvjse; Is at present in the retail erain and bm business, but Is •!•> sirous of nelllnt out from lark of capital; correspondence Is respectfully solicited. Ad dress ENERGETIC pox >. Tribune • laVe ELI>ERLY GENTLEMAX. good penman. ad.lre«?es envelopes at home, will call for and return work: "•'•■ pea I.ooa MARTIN. Box -• Tribune Office i 'A ANT to influence consignments of coun try produce tor dealers in the city, am sn*lsfi>.i to w.,rk en just commission, c ■ N V. JANITOR. Ac— By young colored, as janitor of np^rtm<>nt house or office bulM in<. or as aortar; good reference and cash secuiitT J. M. ELAKENEY 5 Li\tr< ston Place. LADIES' TAILOR.-For years experienced cutter, fitter, designer for Isrtlis tailors; cloak?. !>ult«: best city references; desires position. KNEELER. 79 Stanton-st. MACHINIST and tooltr.aker; high class mechanic; will develop at:y Invent -- or Invent anything for you. or will develop m» own inventions if financial aid is given. W. OUSTOFSON 22S Atlantic-aye.. Bro.>klyn. PLFMHER. Towaaj man wants M rlni.«h trade: two j-eant" experience; Brooklyn preferred F. HTFFI-.i i Flatten** Brooklyn. PORTFK— Neat, active man. 35. in laose office bullSlntr or apartment hou.«e; willing tnd ibllaTing; nut afraid of work. CON NELL. 311 East 2«th-st. PORTER — Youne man. American, as light •.-.■■' in a wholesale house. Address N. J. KEATING. 42* West 19th-st. PORTER. — By colored man. in dental par lor, with a doctor or In drug store. CHARLES WILLIAMS. 171 Fort Greene Place. Brooklyn. PAINTING. paperhanging. ka!«.^mlninn, plastering, decorating, have all neessaarj tools: first class work; best references fron. private houses, upper West Side. THYL STRUP. 155 West lOflth-st. SALESMAN. — Permanent position by sales man. acquainted in Boston and suburbs; to represent first class house; either grocery or flri:(? specialties: on salary basis only, tint class reference. Address W . Lock Box 14. Lone Island City. New- York. WATCHMAN (preferred) or porter or M drive single horse and truck; security if required; steady place. Call on M. RIOR DAN. 23 Hicks-st.. Brooklyn. WATCHMAN— By a respectable married man: references or bond. O. S-, 405 Malbcr!*-"it . Brooklyn. WATCHMAN— Day pr night, strong, ex perienced, sober, reliable man. Dane: married: best city reference. JENSEN (V> Eist 2.Vh-st TOI'NO MAN. 21. In office or collecting; good references. WILLIAM J. OILMORB >" Perrk-st. YOUNG MAN. 21, with a lance acquaint ance among the dryitoods stores tn Bos ton and vicinity. Is desirous of accepting a New -England agency of any eood New- York ham*: ladles' cloaks, -.nits or waist Una preferred: highest references. Address STANLEY DAVIS, l«* North Boston. TOCNG MAN. 2rt. good excel lent references, speaks French. Italian and German. Address EPW COPPOL\R 435 East 13th-st. YOUNG MAN. 21: Christian: _,_, educa tion; with 4 years" offlce experience de sires .•:•::.•!! position, where ■ <...• appli cation to business secures rapid advance ment. Address C. H., Box 14, Trlbuns 02". ;e. 13 Surrogates" 25 antes.' UUJiLMII >IU U111.X.1 V« A.M-1). -ale. SPECIAL KVIC TU C.XEMPLOYED. -} nortlii. I tiui>> ....... 15 itui» 7 time rale. .... ... .... ;•• •<-;.(» A COMPETENT PERSON, wltn experience ar:d practical knowledge is agriculture. viticulture an.l gardening, wishes to meet snrr.e capitalist or proprietor cf land, to de— velee the ?an-.e. L. .;.:>•• W»st 24ta-a_ BL'TLEK VALE".. -Cn«_aa; sf.oer. re liaMti ar.4 trustworthy. X. Y. Z.. Box tti. Trtbooe Uptown Office, l..'i*l Broadway. . ■ - - - ■ ■■ ■ ■ HATCHETT, st COACHMAN i:-. - ■ . mupsrau -. an ;-■ -■ • .- --- cars - • Irrrer; RED RORIO. • COACHMAN— COOK.— By man an<i wife en ge t!em;»n's pla<-f: man bandy around tha place; wife a* •_-K>k or liu^dress. Cal! or adcir»-ss 3. R . .** . ■--•-• COACHITAX. — Thoroughly understands Us business; married : ni family; first class refer-r.c*«. s-HAUB. -." Part v.* COACHMAN — «em ■• .-■ jpeaks French and understand« Erarlisa; as stableman, or driver. J. EEP.EXS. 227 Faei2c-st. Brooklya. EXPERIENCED COfPLE fir gentleman's place or fsrm. A.I-iress W. 2. .'.3 ■lth-«r. FOOTMAN ur..!-r batter, *■•■ Englishman -2: he:zh: 3 ft. 11 In. W .. Box 24. Trlb ur>.v» Cptown Office. l.rovt Brnisay HANDY MAN. ?lr.x\». shea steady posi tion; ooun'rv prtvare piace: shore pr» erred: understands h.->rs*«. < *"'»s. earden. furna.--. DITTMAR Firrh»sr»r. N. Y. CSEFCX. TOCXG MAN. single; thoroughly under*! - st»nm h-irinj .- • lawn: seven >^ars" r»for»rtc<"9. ROWLANDS 1V» .'.7th-st.. Brooklyn. WAITER. BARTENDER -Br ■ ung Eng lishman; neat, courteous, thoroughly «x p«rt; fi\e years' exetasfcra l#i club and rr) ■ ■ «te ref^r^n^e? ; p!ac« only R'S«RI.r. 1 ».■'. M-av. WAITER.— CoWe-i; a years' experience In. board -• h^us<- and hot*!: can furnish first elas* reference. J. BELL. 37 Fle«' P!a.-». Bro.%ktvrt. ADVERTISE3tEXTS an.l ? ibserlasjaal for The Tribune received at their Uptown ,-i*_ fice. So l.Sf?4 Broa.lwav. between 36th and 37th sts. . until 0 o'clock p. m. Advertise ments received at the foil twins branch of tW* at r-K ilar office rates until 3 o'clock; p. m . viz. : -J54 Sth-ave. s. c. cor 23d-st.- IX3 «Th-ave c^r. 12'h-»t. ; 92 East 14th-«t- 2.",7 West 4M-st.. between 7th an.l $th ayes.': 2«3 Wesl 123th-st. : 1.3.1* 3d-ar» hetwee^ 7>;th and 77th st?. : 1.026 3d-sve.. near 81st- St.; 1.70S II iv- . near «>th-st • UUM^vriC *ITIATI')M tt AM Eb. Female. SPEriAI. KATE TO I'VEMPr.OTEn. tH word-i. ;; limes 15 pent* 7 lliur rate. ........... ,at» crnt* CHAMBERMAID. &c.—By a German girl: expTien'"*-! in '^stairs work an.i -'vrirm; city --'..r. K<TC,i home preferred u> hiatt wajr^s. 253 *•* 37»h-st. COOK and LAUNDRESS.— Colored woman, first cla«s. wishes situation or lay's work; dry reference; »'.li do housework. HALL. 53* West SOth-st. ''< ' 'r. ••• faro— iitrv. h»»r ,-:ry ref?reaceav - COOKS — By m competent girls; ess* arvl laundress: si* chambermaid and wait re!l?: two years' references; city or country; separate or together 3tU 6th-av«.. second floor. DAY'S WORK — Respectable colored wom an to •!•■> hou»ecleanin«- or washing by th« day: personal reference. ROBINSON, S2i V»Vst 3Tth-st. HOUSEWORK. — By« seat, sooer woman; c tod cook, laundress: small adult fasilly; city country, two years' reference last place: $:» GOOD HOME. 153 6th- a v*. LAUNDRESS, fir t .■:a».i. *0 iro nut v -- •-« day: best city reference*. 403 East 223-st. NURSE to one or two vounf children: ref erence. 7S «.-h^rrr.erh.->rn-st.. Brooklyn. Call after Ip. m. No cards. SEAMSTRESS.— By colored girl. witi dressmaker or private family: wires. day or week. Address Miss L. E. C. car* of Janitor. 205 'West 61st-st. W TO WASQT THE 83G53T R33SD OF EEL!? HUM HESi-