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OCTSIDE COVER AND BACK OF THK $3,309 BET OF THEODORE ROOSEVKLTS WORKS. SOME FIXE BOOKBINDINGS PRKSLDENT ROOSEVELTS WORKS IN KKVKRAL. CHOICE AND COSTLY EDITIONS. A Philadelphia publishing house Is about to iarue in limited, lettered, numbered, registered aad certified editions the complete writings to #*te or Theodore Roosevelt, in twenty-two vol ■ The author's edition will consist of twenty «Lx sets lettered from A to Z, and no set of this •dJtion is to be sold for less than $3,.'!o<J. The sets numbered from A to D, inclusive, are said to have been sold already at prices averaging about $4,000 each. The names of the pur chasers are carefully withheld by the publish ers of the work. The author's edition will be guaranteed as to hmit by the publishers, and the guarantee jsa«>> will bear the original autograph signatures •f both author and publishers. The illustra tions will be in duplicate, one set printed on CRAWFORD'S EPISODE OF ROOSEVELT AMD THE RATTLESNAKE. From HM con,;;.:- writings of Theodore Roosevelt. By permission of Gebbie & Co. All rights reserved. India paper and one on Japan paper. The text, as In all the editions, will be printed from type on specially made paper, every lea.: of which will carry In watermark the author's autograph. The famous artists who illustrate ti>e wcrk will sign in autograph all the illus trations in this edition, as well as In the col lectors* edition. The author's edition will be Vsur.d In full crushed levant doublee, the out ■lde cover being plain red, with a gold rococo margin line and small American eagles with ■tars in sold in the corners, the back bearing gold bands, eagles In gold and the title. The Inside cover will bear a wide margin of red, with a panel of green, the whole being em fclazoned with a delicate conventional tracery in Cold. The Illustrations are all etchings and photogravures, and include several fine por traits of the author and many scenes described to the text. The collectors* edition of fifty seta, to be sold at not less than $2,200 each, will be exactly like the anther's edition, except that the limit guar antee page will not bear the author's original autograph. The copies will be numbered, re«is- * ' THE AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH WATERMARK IS ON EVERY LJiAi , tfEW-YORK TRIBUNE ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. INSIDE COVER OF THE J3.300 SET OF THEO DORE ROOSEVELT'S WOKKS. tered and certified, and the illustrations •will bear the original autograph signatures of the artists. The binding will be the same as that of the author's edition. The edition de luxe will consist of f>oo copies, the first IDG in full crushed Levant at $1,100 for the set, and the remaining 350 in three quarters Levant, to be sold at ?CG<) a set. The cheapest edition, consisting of CTiO copies bound in three-quart. French morocco, will be numbered and registered like the others and guaranteed as to limit, and will be sold at $•'{*•> a set. Among the illustrators aro liominßton, Hud son, Crawford and others equally well known. The etching ar<- printed <-n panels in intaglio, and th»» photogravures on panels with embossed margins. A drawing by Crawford representing Roosevelt's adventure with .1 rattlesnake while stalking mountain sheep is one of the pnriiru la-ly striking subjects. Another by tii" sanu artist shows the President surprising a pict ur^qu, groan of Indians by tHe excellence of his target shooting. One of Remingtons pict ures is a -bronco busting" scene, and Hudson has contributed, among others, a picture of a fight with a big b^ar. These editions are published by permission of the owners of the copyrights on the Presi dent's various contributions to American liter ature, and it is said that the royalties involved are the heaviest ever paid in the history of book making. The permits are from all the best known publishers, and the limitation guarantees are reinforced by the inability of the firm issu ing these editions to publish more copies than those provided for by their contracts with the owners of the copyrights. The only addition to this total which has been authorized is a single set for presentation to the author. The first four volumes are now in the bands of the binder. THE DICE OF DESTIXY. Cass&r upon crossing the Rubicon, exclaimed: -The die Is cast!" hastily murmuring, "Come seven, come eleven." "Will you put that in the Commentaries?' asked his chief aid. Reconsidering the matter, the conqueror decided that "Come one. come all." would sound better, and asked hia officer to shake. THE BEST BOOKS «« THE BEST GIFTS Mr. CRAWFORD'S CECILIA Like this author's most popular novels, this is a story of modern Rome, of the friendship of two nun and one woman, "one of the most beautiful and healthful creations in current fiction. * ♦ * thoroughly manly, intensely human." — (N. Y. Times.) 55** thousand. Cloth, $1.50. Mr. WISTER'S THE VIRGINIAN Now in its 160 th thousand. A story of 'the real West." and according to Current Literature, "easily the best book of the year." The Nation says: "The dramatic thrill in it is very quick. • * * The Virginian has been one of the most popular hooks of the season; it deserves to endure through many seasons." Illustrated. Cloth, $1.50. GERTRUDE ATHERTON'S THE CONQUEROR Nozu in its 50// i thousand. "Mrs. Atherton has brilliant descriptive ability and power in characterization, more virile than that of any American woman of letters," says The Boston Ad vertiser. "It has never been more absorbingly displayed than in this, 'the true and romantic story of Alexander Hamilton,' which is attracting the widest at tention in France and England, as well as here." Clcih, $1.50. Mr. LUTHER'S THE HENCHMAN "A book people arc talking almut : and. indeed, the reading public long has been waiting for just such a story as this. ♦ * ♦ One of the great political novels," says The Boston Tbamsoupt. id Edition. Cloth. $1.50. Mr. MASON'S THE FOUR FEATHERS Is "a good story," says The New York Tribune. "A romance which has many aspects and all of them beguiling." "An exceptionally good story. * * * Superbly told." — (Bostom Herald.) Edition. Cloth. $1.50. FREDERIC REMINGTON'S JOHN ERMINE Mr. Wister thinks that posterity will prai-e Mr. FREDERIC REMINGTON even more than we do now for the imperishable picturesque work that he has done and is dome" says The New York Herald. Ihe book is freely illustrated by the author ' Cloth, $1,501 Mrs. BANKS'S OLDFIELD The Mxth edition of this charming Kentucky idyl, which ?»Ir. Mabie calls "restful and Arcadian "' Ihe new edition is illustrated in color by Harper I'eiinington. Cloth, $1.50. Mr. HEARN'S KOTTO Some Curios and Sundry Cobwebs, collected by Mr. Lafcadki Hearm m his Japanese hf<\ have here an appropriate setting, "ntv», strange, and fascinating."— "(l-'iin v Ledge* ) Illustrated by (.f.n.hro Ykto. ( idh. $1.50. ll lust rated Holiday Books Dr. HALES New Book MrMORIES OF A HUNDRED YEARS By far the most entertaining personal recollections published in recent years; "and if any man alive to-day is lilted to be the historian in his own proper person of the last hundred years in America, it is certainty he."— (Kkv. of Reviews.) Two volumes. Profusely illustrated Lloth, $5.00 net. Mr RIIS'S THE BATTLE WITH THE SLUM nMO ° an . ,he 7 th ,d. of THE MAKING OF AN AMERICAN "No one who is interested in sociology can afford to miss reading what Mr. Kns has to say," says Current Literature of these strong and thrilling books, whose dominant note is optimism. F.ach Fully illustrated. $2.00 net (postage, 20c.) Mrs. EARLE'S New Book M RQSES QF yESTERDAY By the author of "Old lime Gardens," etc. A revelation of the marvels of senti ment and service associated with roses and dials. Profusely pictured from the author's photographs. Cr. Svo, $-'.50 net (postage xc.) Miss MORSE'S FURNITURE OF THE OLDEN TIME "The author, herself a well-known collector (Frances Clary Morse) has had access to private collections and to old houses; she has traced the origin of particularly fine specimens, and occasionally their story, the romance of time asso ciated with them. A book that collectors, dealers, and amateurs will welcome. — ( Book Buyeh.) Fully illustrated. Cloth, &o, $3.00 tut (postage. 20c) Miss NICHOLS'S ENGLISH PLEASURE GARDENS "A contribution to the literature of delight relating to its special field, (Boston Herald,) which should appeal to garden makers seeking inspiration, and to garden lovers with a fondness for the romantic and the picturesque. There are many illustrations, very beautifully reproduced. loth, Bvo, $4.00 net (postage, 2OfJ JOHN FISKE'S ESSAYS: Historical and Literary "They bring everybody who dips into them at least some new aspect of historical learning," says The Boston Transcript; and have "not merely a scholastic but a national appeal."— (Churchman.) Two volumes. Cloth, $4.00 net. Dr. FAIRBAIRN'S he pH|LOSOpHY op THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION "The most powerful defensive statement of the Christian faith that has recently appeared," says The Atlantic Monthly. „.■,.» , , 11 Third Edition. Cloth, $3.50 net (postage, 24c.) Dr. HILLIS'S THE QUEST OF HAPPINESS is "a study of Victory over Life's Troubles," or happiness in relation to man's growth, success, and personal influence. Each chapter is preceded by a Quaint allegorical "Foreword." Tenth thousand. With a page border in color. $1.50 net (postage, loc.) For the Young Folks. Mrs. WRIGHT'S DOGTOWN "'Fur ail tho*.- who Jnvc children and dogs, as the dedication says. • There is more than dog story in this entertaining volume— there is dog-learnin g; nor is it surprising to find woodland and bird I«.rc as well filtering through the pages" says The' Nation of the new book by the author of "Tomniy Aim.. v b ' 3 Cloth, fully illustrated] $1 50 urt Mr. GREENE'S PICKETT'S GAP "A rarely good boy's story," is The Oiti.ook ? estimate of this wholes. .mc and well-told talc of a railway war for the right of way and of a boy's part m it. Llotk, $!.-•=; vet. Miss DIX'S fl LITTLE CAPTIVE LAD Those who have read "The Making of Christopher rernngton' do not need to be told that this new story of a yoonger cavalier lad is, as one cntK says: bo engaging that it will make the boy who gets the book unwilling to come to meals until be has read it." c loth - * ' ?° net ISABEL L STORIES IN STONE FROM THE ROMAN FORUM -A capital idea." says The New York Sum of this vivid sketch, which it pro- • ■ounces just "what many an American in Italj has often wished K.r ( loth, illustrated. Ifi 50 net. Send for the Illustrated Christmas Catilogui of Bnks pub.ishtd by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 * 5 V- Fiction 15