Newspaper Page Text
Feed Estate. GO WEST"— Just over the river— and let your children grow up in the country. Booklet, "Then to Live and Do Business in New York," free on cation at Broadway. JOK 333 Fulton St., S9OJ Kew York Brooklyn. Or mnile^l. for 4 rr-nts postage. l»r SliHllin PASSEXGER At,|-VT 115» Broadway, .>«;•«• York* «"»■ K os-?2£u. tW_«t5ST_. M " QUWT - Charles H* Easton & Co* Real Estate Agents & Brokers, ESTATES MANAGED. 115 W*st 42 j it. t,i 6480-1. City Property to Let. I a CHOICE PRIVATE DWELLING for rent In fUth Ji. St. l«t«« Klr e Drjve »M W«V End Art a. tSre#-«t'3ry .l.U^-sloop brownßton« d«f!!tng 15 r»et ,ri(je. in first r:a»e corflitloa. with butler's pantry ex ... • »- ' *lx t»<J-oom«. Moflerr opus p;umblre p. f r- r««s?nsi>J« Apply to PLAWSON _ HOBBS - "li Qrivnhu* Ay*. nrnT ,3d ft ~* r j Ctf^y Property for Sale or to Let. 17STH ST.. SEAR CROTOsTpARIT" Ar sttracUre brick tn<3 »tcne hou?*. on lot 27x111- Ins* — -:r -* -: «■• I— prov«nwnta; accessible by Sd-ave.' el— TiteS *- "*~ "-i trolley r ads: for sale or rent. XI_ES A JOHNSON 11 WilrtL. or CIIAS. 11. CRONIX. Ford tsia Sacsre. broker. Furnished Houses to Let. T V g__ggsß^ Jt!c*-October. my d«- Brooklyn. "V^^JT 7 *^* 151 ?^ 0 "* jrt 'an ccttere. ~J?h flower tn3 fcltcben gmracn. to r^nt for handy to c;; 7 . I ':-t£3 or call 410 E. loth-«t.. Flstbush. Real Estate for Exchange. American Basement DwelQisgs Exchanged. ::ear»t. dented station; choicf rtsijential »»-c tlOT: Svo siorle?^ hardwdbd trim. rooi»rn. coa-.plete; elm 18x100: va:u« ,2C.(»'C esch: first mortar? Jir, <««- eoui'v 111.f.0 *acb; exchanse for c!»«r country piece or flats frtarirais. I. B. VTaKSMAX. l.'.S UroadTisr. \V ; ' EHDE Drtraie wart?C for •«»». rr« •-< clear » ♦ country p'.sxe. w:th summer house cc • car.. e^ied. A. WEEKS. SbOR Jlllls, X. J.. ' Furnished Houses to Let — Country. WYCHMERE (CAFE COD)i Esrwich. Mass.: b»eut!fui eeztbc-? eottaevs. r"r:t»-l fnr- Bttmea; all comforts, celigiitful bßthlns. CAFE. 505 sr«at l»4t v St. FURNISHED COTTAGES Te r*nt at L—ten Cor.r..; rr.oC^ni an>s up to date: prices accnrcir.c to re<iu!r<TT:#n'js. E. l PEABODT. La-^t;:ie. Cov.r., FOR R_\i— CO4Sr OF NAME. sur.:=:er prrpsny oa Bafiey Itlard. n»ar Portland. Am- F.* prcuais. partly vrooded. plctoresqtM! sho— front. M&e-rooo none; l3th: mi>dem plurnlnne; drainage to »^a. CrmrJetely furn'Efced. inoiucir:? linen, china, etc. Jor pbc:3g-Rph?. ■ r.s. ten — !. er-.. BdaresF ~ HOFFA'.T. No. ST William -■ . K«w To*. L/LO GEOEGE. AT EOI.TOV .— r:r.~ly loesittd ccttape tn let. - hUhL Acgrfss Ot\-yEH. R-• 15. 243 _Nr*T. New-Torlc A * BEI^PO«T. L. I. — To rent, furnished, for the sun —*• mer. hour*, cf 11 rooms end bulL; newly decorated: all rr.occra csienFive grounds, ban and csftaastnss: enaiers bbosSt of rrx« nter in house and btrn: variety or fruit: vejre-uibie cE.rden: rive minutes' ■^a'k frcn; Great South Bay: fin* fishing, sailing, crabbing. rtlll s.r,i -'a bathing:, jroling. drivliic. oicyclinjr. shooting:. *tc. : hicr.est sround on south side (Lone Island; rent tCBD: hor»>«. traD sad . urry 1? aesired. $100 extra. Apply to J. D WA— TOK. Bellport. I*. I. BERKSHIRE B-UUB— FI'RKIFHED HOUSE. mnom. Masc. — Tar rent. May to October: 7 s--« three acre* — ~— ; fruit an-? shade tr»«-. garden: irrt Soor: reception bm— l. li;->rarr. d*"n. "Jlninß room. J*^try. kitchen, toilette room; second floor: fire chambers, bathroom; third floor: three Be— — j rcoTns. two einrle, ccc larte doable room; baserr-ent: laundry «nd drying roc^rrj. storage and tci'.e:;e - m : a-wr.lnp?. pimzza: staMe •«-:th S stills: gari^ncr ta'nes all care of grounds. For jhotc-rTarihs cni terms Bj-r^y to I>ock Box ! Wi.liams tcirr., ilfc36. MT. ■•--.- MAINE — RXIfHED HOUSE. \ o? poslUon in £tal Uaxbar; views cf '.>cean. Is' Mour.tains. I^aii^; 15 acr^s of lard; first floor: i'-c»; ::cn rxn. liliTnry, hsll", dining room, pantry.!. toileTt* rocn^ laundry; feconi floor: five __- Ivry, two Uithroocs. ihr^a «»r\RTjt*s rooms, one single. cr.t iour.le, s-rr. art's btthronm: large. h!5" attic, with 7 wtuHawt; srMe ~ia.z*a. w-rst and «ouih: house nearly new. Fcr t^riua. «c Lork Box 2. Wllltametown. Mats. 4 nr.OXDACKS. — Cctiage at Lake Placid, furnished: •uLlaxgi l'xi.Zi.% ro'si; open fi:eplace; 4 bedrooms, fctchen, rar;?r Lot and rsa water. Lath and toilet; rent S4OO sea *o=; no liv-aliiJa. Inquj-o IX. F. C, ITS dai—so— St.. Brociij-a. A I BABYLON. L. L— ~Bf— Uhsi cottages, country seats. jrV 'uatfrfrcnts, fcr rert, ei> or exchange; Illustrated list. jrKEJiIAH ROB3INS. Babylon. L I. * tSJESOECCBST. DEAL. ASBtTPY PARK. -r_ ilodem fum!sJ"i ccttases lot rent. MILAN ROSS AGENCY. Aebury Park. N. .T. "VTA;: DUBLIN. X. H. — rum'.sh»d Bae of twelve -A rooTT.s for Ju!y and" AagVR. For M eoJan address Si 4 Ma:--st.. Keer^e. N. H. FSJCSBISQ V Y. <*5 minutes to wa:;-«t. .. — let. ■ for season cr term, fully furnished, very desirable lamry r^rjje^ce- electric lights: 12 roonin; open plomblnjr (two "be'^rocins. - --'lain tube); firrt ciess stable; fresh ecir: i.«>_6o f^e fowl, veil housed: exceller.t garden; rrc>i:-'.' I « rtaln r'x acres: adjoin* coif links of Flushing Country C, jb. nU-IOTT &. J.'.Fn:AV, C% ■vTlUiam Street. Ke— -Tort City. FL-RNISHED COUNTRY SEAT FOR RENT— roc-s- perfect ccnU'.Uon. handsomely furnished; 600 r^t sJtltafle: extensive vitw: 25 aces: larre ■*■*>_>; at tractive apartment fcr coachman; garden. CaldweJ aa )KOCKt T_f«x Fell* P_o_— rap*" can be seen. ACi-ress O^"MTP.. Bo- 12 Tribtme OSce. "pOH fT f_— ' F— — » V.: the most beautiful X nicutitala I— ie ecener>- In the Adlronda=ks: large eajcr; Saeet elte; TV acres. with 800 ft. shore; cottaje mate* BrteC -»«_. dining room, r-ar.t--. kitchen. 7 bed roor=?, 2 bethroocs and all conveniences; hana»orne,y furr.!s^e-r- boathouse. boat*, launch and house, etc.. *1.400. Pboucrajibe anfl lr.fonr.stion supp-ed on app.lcaUon. S. HUDSON CHAPMAN. 1328 6pruce-et-. Phl.a^eiphla. TTTRXIEKED HCUSE; 7 rooms; 1 acre rround; poul ■FTr£ bVautlfuT location: 2v •_«»««• *•* M-m a" cSSoe: x«nro«a fare from New-York City. $5. Mrs. A. E. JOLL.OI. Box 257. Brr>ckfleid. N. Y. __^ f-yjr. prvr for ECIOIER. — A most attractive genUe- Jb cointry hem*: ha=ss-mely tumished; or for a ter^i cf --:T....-rd. GEER. Hernpeteaa, L- I. GG actst-sa ctst-s- CITY _. I.— For rent, __■ June Ist to Oc .;tlT'i is »r!«"«ra ..__■■ *uml»hed 15-room house: b» ba^- large pias__: statim* for 5 horses: roomy C C^ARICSON No. ~i Front-«t.. New-York, or Garden ctr. I **>?%-£. frvTaT*. stable. 4 hordes. S acres; fine vie-*. *." TTM AKNETT. Stock Exchange Building. "fcifrflrfrtrtti - F-^jtt. COTTACin for r«r.t at The Delaware • rcSj ArV : > ,*•**. Uotmn. cojr^gj-w-. A^Cres. H. A. CFOASDALE. Del. Water Gap. Pa. FrTAGCa at s__»aM ■_•*•« »-T« .-i e»as«-r. IS^'.".. rstc» lllwMWfi c Jt > repre »-«;»-.i"r* wiM ceil wtth photAfnaphlc _•**'•. _, „ N v Fr^DEP.ICK BRONNEK. Agent. Richfield Springs. f». ■> ■ S«»(J ••cood floor eep*r*t«. B-m «-. Mat.ltuck. Long A ;an* of Staten Islsci. CORNELJI-S hour. «w iiroiewty. ■ - '■■ '"■ ______ L- N. J.. on North Shrewsbury River. -To let, 'tmj. Mstad; hot and <*6j*«*iM"\ i.,.r«— 4 acre* in :*»r.; hei<-ri lucallon. »«*r B olf Jinks. A. H. l MATHEVTS. f£ .Negsau-»t- . RD. P O Box ! Sl6. New-TorH C.ty. Q7ATZX witch PAKK. R. J .-£<« I^™ u^ a <££. *V ti £e « 'or rent lor «ununer. POILJ>O>>. W «-or^ lacfii-tt. '* "--'-'^ ' ___ Mr« GF'JRGE S PRATT. Orahjjn <-Q^ - Country Property to Let. mo IXT— Xr*ck-on-Hutson. b«autlfiU |>«a* *%£!- L fumltfced: !arr« pnund.: en Wx ks of Hu dscn. ccn^ aa=e!r X «rard rlv» view: Jarre t*™. ic % & V^,r. B. c*rr-. £€ r.'jw: four minute* to •*-»««!■ ,*"'"" rft>.';F/MF t» I^on»rfi-^-. New-Tor* City. MY BAT. CANADA.-To i*rt * o Z.""?°*-. «at ur# -BUirrflefcy : Brw« •!'«etl'«: 7 bed^ofci. real *S'/>. Ap-;)y to DVIiLET TIBniTS. Trey. N. *• boo*, ror famines to «pesd T-: * — *«"__Jf_S •itUcAJixw. X. W, BaCea. Box «. Brooklyn Property for Sale. ACKER.SON HOUSES, FLATBUSM. City Property for Sale. QRAMERCY PARK. FOR SALE. Larre deep house at low ■*-«•■ RENWICK C. HURRY, 428 FIFTH AYE. NearSS -^ /JO- EAST I^TTH-ST.-Lot ■«••. rasJl !«««■ rt Country Property to Let. GARRISON-ON-HUDSON. A comp!''f countr < > ,r, r , pl *f% n rrar£n Tne r«:^nce The etable has «coir.modatlonfwr e^e ur an 4ft Club. etc.. tn the *«££{*%£*. THe rental Include, o^two-^rd^TeAVc^for the .rounds., > - rarUcuiars apply to Charles, B. Frown & Co.. Own* «^i^J&Ts^"Aj? iVJ onsible email fair.Jy. w»"w »"^ 1 Country home, three cnVthlrd rental value, a handiom. W u niry colonial r.^on\: piazza all •*?»»**££?•<£?■ 10 > minute.' walk W Ulephone; pood stable: <=™oes^^c- »Jf pictureeque small §§ ssrs SyS^SiS «to s nn R h: * ent H. T Gr-RXWr. T Plne-»t.. New-Tork. V^ Deal. Drafiley Beach ax» OrP o^ l^es^^_^!LJ^ GENTLEMAN ■.« CO"PSatsifs»Swi of tre j^ui St.. New iora __————— F,R BENT-At Pelham nO^«^ T boje""lar|| room.. 2 t* l^',- TO Trloune Uptown Office. 1.-M grounds- H. T.. Box '«• ; groft<ava^g roft<ava^ -T-^T-S^chester County. N. T . F°for HEST.— At Anao-^. « = houke. 14 rooms; NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. APRIL 19. 1903. Brooklyn Property for Sale. City Property for Sale. A SUPERB FIREPROOF MANSION with Automobile Annex, S. W. cor. Madison Aye. and 53d St Size of lot 25x100 feet Sire of house 25x90 feet In design and construction this house is a conspicuous example of the highest type of domestic architecture.-- It is equipped with every known convenience and luxury, and contains a number of features not to be found in other houses. URGE ROOMS. SPACIOUS CLOSETS Electric Elevator. Six Bathrooms Pamphlet* and particulars at Room 21. * 1 1 East 695h St.. or your own broker. THESE i Modern Am. Basement j RESIDENCES ] ON THE NORTH SIDE OF <§ I 5 1ST ST., <& Between Madison and Park Avej.. <§ Between Madison md Park Avu.. MERIT THE INSPECTION OF % PROSPECTIVE HOUSE BUYERS. § They are 22 feet wide and 74' 3" (*) deep, with an extension of 16' 4"x (O 10' 6". They are 5% stories In height (£• and planned to afford accommodations (0 to large households, with special pro- 0 visions for entertaining. The latest <*) method of flreproofins and other novel <*) Vrovlslons against fire have been In- <») troduced. £' NATIONAL REALTY CO., % OWNERS AAD BUILDERS, 225 FOURTH AYE.. N. Y. These Two ARISTOCRATIC American Basement DWELLINGS 7 & 9 East 89th St. 175 Feet from sth Aye.. Merit the Inspection of Prospective Homeseckers. In their design and construction they com pare favorably with the finest houses on CARNEGIE HEIGHTS. Especial attention has been riven by the architect to the provision of light, and the many up-to-date conveniences and sanitary equipments •which contemporary demands exact. Tho interior finish is of a superior Quality and notable for elegance and style. Size of lots, 28x100 ft. 8 in. and 23 ft. x 100 ft. 8 in. CHARLES GLENN, -?££?"* Booklet -sith plans mailed on application. < Attention . S Mo( ; ern fireproof hotel _ the Lorg l I acre Square section. leased Bor >^s^n^_-v^^-< term of years: can be bought very ! low. so as to net eight per cent on price. Only principals dealt with, hr a<ii.refs ! 1,,t A D. R . care Allen Ad. Agency. r 1.2G5 Broadway. New York. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES N*FTTI\'(3 5 AN*r» 6 FKR CENT. RULAN'D & WHITING CO., 5 BEEKixAN ST. SACRIFICE. , pLACE . • or «tory ar 1 basement dwelling: must be sold to cloi« estate CHAS. B. SMITH. 90 Brofcgway. For Sale or to — Country. T7LEGANT RESIDENT 19 rooms: medern tmprow*- Slt rr.t'r.-'t barn, etc: Shlppan Point, suburbs Stamford. Conn.- overlooks Sound «nd Beach: la'fly occupied by such" well known New-Tork*rs as . Judge Morcan J. OT-'en J v fi-Dinoh\:<». David Bonne* and others. Rent, (l.aba Fox sale. $ Cill for particulars and photo- Sr E!e\en room farmhouse, with 5 room annex: .2o acre farm: barns, fruit, etc.: oTfrlooklnit Hudson River, near Klr.cston. N. T. Ideal country home Rent. J2OO. Price. * 4 Three h'^s.^^cres^mp"^ farm, near Old , Brld^ H J Call and see my list. Over fifty places, city ana countrj-. V?. H REID. 12S Broadway. ■ ■ RENT OP. —Handsome furnt»»«*d room Till a, 1\ .- shore of large mojn-a!n lake: 45 mile« from cKy. altitude POO feet: nj mo«ultoes A-lJress Box 82. Mabo pac. N. T. . MSI VERNON.— Now Is the Mroe to settle the >,r,rJ question: sprln, ll« contains many «"• ««« »a .-■■. h«rr»tr.- cßTissre se-^-'oe: remen-.bT 'ar town !s "THKrITT OF HOMES" COOI.ET & WEST. Inc. op peelte Westbound New H»^«n Station. i GEVTLEME!PB COOTRY SKATS. Vicinity of New-York, larg* acreage, mansions, water front, or inland hlUs. For ""^t^^e^ St. MAMARONECK-OEIENTA-RYE. Famished and unfurnished house*. Farms romr n* l t. mrnisnea •u^,^ g BURGBHt Mamaroneck. N. T. on corner- five mlnutts from depot; sell cheap, "^iw on corner. II ' DA?fIEIt childs. 3 Cro*d-«t.. New-York. Brooklyn Pro pert?/ for SMt. They sell like Rent— that's so I IF INTLRE-STE.D s;nd for out book, a stun ning story— '-i hour's good reading. . . . '.Wd'^AV.'AW.'.V/.'AViVi'.ViVA ++++++++ 4.4. + . 4.4. ++ 4. + ++4.4-4"t 'M-M-M-4-1 M 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 111 M- 4111 1 1 1 1111 HI ■• To New Yoti'.ts who want to leave Flat Life *"i secure a Home, accessible to the % financial and shopping centres— to those who desire an I N VESTM E NT that -will be absolutely it safe and also give big returns— we desire to submit a few facts coa:ernin» I MANHATTAN TERRACE '.* In the heart of md comprising the high ground overlooking the rest of the choicest Suburban X home section In Brooklyn, that limited section south of Prospect Park, between Ocean I •* Avenue and the Brighton Beach R. R. i X Electric trains direct from our depot to Park Row, in 26 minutes, 5 cents fare. I • NOTE THIS:— The Pennsylvania R. R. Subway System and the Interborooga Rapid I % Transit Subway Systems converge at our depot. Upon their completion, Manhattan Terrace will !1" fes 20 minutes from 34 St. & Broadway (Pennsylvania Electric Subway System) and IS minute* ! % from Wall St. (Inter borough Rapid Transit.) % In three years, lots will bring more than double the present prices. ' 2 Early purchasers will realize best profits. X The property is carefully restricted, complete and park-like improvements being made by es— -i. no assessments co purchasers. ! * "We can build and sill you a beautiful home on easy terms, alt modern improvements, at ' «§• prices from 56.000 upward. I % Full particulars and booklet on application. \t Manhattan Terrace Improvement Co.. t Office on the property. ' No. 21 PARK ROW, N. V. Unfurnished Apartments^Jto^JLet. EL NIDO N. W. Cor. 116 th St. and St. Nicholas Aye. A SUPERB CORNER APARTMENT of 8 LARGE ROOMS and BATH To Let from May is The apartment is finished and equipped In first-class style. Hardwood finish throughout. Parquet floors. The house is one of the handsomest in this part of the city. Elevator and hall service. Apply to PAU L MAY E R Ofllc« on premises THE VICTORIA ABSOLITELV FIREPROOF. Riverside Drive cor. 97th St. IN SUITES OF 5 to 7 Rooms and Bath, ALL LARGE AND BRIGHT. LIVING ROOMS AND BEDROOM 3 GROUPED BY THEMSELVES. ! Every convenience known to the builder's art. Tenants may select their own decorations. Long ! distance "phone in each apartment. The finest sit j uation in the city. View of the Hudson for Mile*. READY POT OCOPOiCY. ! RESTS, *«;0O TO 51. ::<>■> A TEAR. Apply en Premises, or SLAWSON & HOBBS, : 254 COLUSIBUS AYE. (Near 73d St.). THE, ANSONIA j j . _J i Brondvray. 73d to 74th Sts. "I 111 1 -- Greatest Apartment Hotel In the \\ orld. The Ansonta Is practically completed and full ser- , vice installed; some choice bachelor suites of 1. 2 and 2 rooms and bath, from *tiOJ to JI.SOo a year. ! anil a few housekeeping apartments are still open to ! lease from 51. 600 up. SLAWSOS £ HOHBS. Agents. 254 Ctriumbua Avt-., near 74th St. GUERNSEY E. WEBB. Resident. Manager. "The Phoenii" 18 East 78th St |*aCW BACHELOR HOUSE. . ] Suites of two rooms and bath; hardwood floors; : el»<"trlc H^lit: telepVyne*. &<•. ; REXT $5O e To it» PER month. J. RUMAlftt BROV%M & CO., i 03 West S3d St. NEAR MADISON SQUARE. 1» "West 26ifl-st.. opposite Trinity Chapel; 8 rooms and bath: modern UnW«li»"H»l, For Sale or to Let — Country. T7»OR BALE. — CONNECTICUT SHORE FRONTAGE. X Very accessible. One hour from city. Three stations on New- York, New-Haven and Hartford Railroad. Fin est bulldlnr sites. In sizes to suit. Carefully restricted. Development of highest tone. Splendid views. Fine pri vate bathing beach. Boating- facilities from new pier, osly for use of property owners. i Also three exceptional, new. modern houses at taod»rat« prices These are decidedly out of the ordinary. Separate private stables for each house. Terms If desired, on both plots and houses, very liberal. This is a development of highest character. Equal to any along- the Sound, and from Its location, amount of nrcney being expended on Its roads, etc.. Is mire of great enhancement. Write or call fa s. f OSGOOD ro pELL A COMPANY. 542 Fifth Avenge. * LL THE ORANGES.— Compute list furnished and un- A furnished houses for rsnt sal. or exchange; n«w houses »26 per month upward; sale. 13..YW and over. special' *MLOOO trays Harrison-st. hou*e. 12 rooms, large JK lot */x6OO. with stable. C. H. STIGER. Brick Church Station. DO YOU WANT to buy or rent? Copley & West. Inc.. have a rental list which Is the most complete to &• had for Mt Vernon and nearby towns. If you'll buy wo have some "SNAPS" that are not public property. Cog* and Me^ns BS» W«*tbouad New Haven »atloti. Mt. Vernon. N. T. Brooklyn Property for Sale. T. B. ACKER-SON CO.. $ Un x^«c^ii <it NVw York- H Take the Brighton Beach "L" ■£ 140 Nassau ST., i>ew Yonc, o or flatbnsh trolky cars »et J 297 East 15th St., on property. \\ off at Aye. c. ■ m . . . . ■■■■■■■■■■ .ULULMLUJ ■ • » ■ • • •_• J • .• • «_S B • • _• S_S • S .. » ; Unfurnished Apartments to Let. I ICIOTRAL PARK WEST, MTH A>D 1.37 BT_ I t TO 14 ROOMS. I RINTS 11.390 TO M.M*. I JOHX V. SIGXELL. •■ rr«_!s»a. f HIGH CLASS APARTMENTS. 44 FORRES." 251 WEST BrST ST.. Xear Bist st. "L" Station. 7, 8 and 9 Large Rooms ; Corner and Southern Exposure; Rents, Si. 100 and $1,200. JESSE C. BENNETT & CO., 338 Columbus ay. THE HUDSON. RIVERSIDE, COR. 95TH ST. Strictly Fireproof Apartmeati. Bach, overlooklns t!s« Drive and beautiful Hudson R!ver; artistically arranged suites five, six and seven r^oms; everything modern. Including long-distance telephone; separate- elevator and stairs far servants, etc. RENTS S<J3 I'PWiRD. M'-rieratf t» partfes new r»nt!ne. MASAGER OS PREMISES. HOrFMAN ARMS. Jladlsoa Aye.. s»th St. On* family apartment of elflit to t-relre rooms, furnl-be-i or unf_rnls>.?d. Private kitchen ac<i laundry. Hotel restaurant s*r»Sce. Large rooms, cool In sudsier. Also Bachelor rooms. C. A. GERUACH. Pro?. 612 I^xingion-a— ».. 9 ro~r.B *47 .'•-> 463 Central Park West. S rooms %*! ',*> 1,405 Madi£on-a*«., « rooms . $CO-*C2OO 771 6th-ave., comer, lit floor. 7 rooms $3*oo CYRIJLX>£ CARREAC. A«ent. Grand- near Bowery. Coder Oriental Bark. Brooklyn. TO LET— Stfum heated «!eva.tor asarttsests: * ::«•-: _, m . and bath: first Class s*rrtee: hot water; hail boys- t*le»hone: excellent Janitor aervlc*. "THE LAM BERT "" &* Marcj-av«.. orp. Md>o_o;js*-«t.. Brooklyn- Apply 'premises: rect *■«>. Real Eftate for Sale or Exchange. TC*2? s S :;; ;^_t__^ *** SeSSS-ir*. ftor. «d 3-.-x.-y brick .-.-. $: 28 Vandewattr-«U *-*«-■ Ms* and at— *-**• Ar^i-U^Si-Se*. 15 room cotiaso for w!e or rent: P TT # n?«a D *?";^t- Ov-r »« Ciry sM country. Call and ••• my - w . _T REU>. 128 Ex.»dwajr. Brooklyn Proper*;/ for Sale. Latest Ideas and Designs. 2 B^nd 3-Story Houses. Best Houses for the Least Money in Brooklyn. Perfectly appointed a- and 3. Story Houses, with every modern Improve ment; hardwood trim: foyer or salon parlors; upstairs dining: room- Front elevations of vari ous colored stones: box stoop. Situated on M!d wood-at.. near Flat bush-ave.. the most attractive residential section of Brooklyn; two blocks from Prospect Park: one block from "_" sta tion; 20 minutes to N. T. City Han. Prices very reason able. Writ© for booklet or call. W. A. A. BROWN. Builder. Flatbush Avenu« and Mldwood St. I VALUABLE DOCK PROPERTY I I FOR SALE. I P The property known as WIL- I M LARD'S DOCK. FOOT OF 25TH I ST., BROOKLYN, is offered for sale I I by the Estate of Charles A. WilUrd, I ■ deceased, and will be sold ON REA- I ■ 50NABLE TERMS. The dock h 9 ■ 100 FEET WIDE and nearly 2.000 ■ ■ FEET LONG, and has GOOD l] B WATER AND SLIP PRIVI- j I LEGES. The estate also owns prop- I I erty on 25th and 26th Sts., and a I I frontage on 3d A-re-, between these U I streets, which will be sold separate- I H Jy or with the dock. B 9 For terms apply to ■ ■ DAVID F. MANNING. ■ I Attorney for ~7ili_rd Estate. 9 I 350 Fulton Street, Brooklyn. 9 mB9HH99H9H9D9IB9HD PROSPECT PARK SOUTH One of mr most suce»«'3fal Romaaesqn* deslaTia Center hall running clear taroogh the house, fin ished la weathered ash. most artistic detail: coat closet and toilet room off. Larsa oval diningrjoa. manosany trim. gre*n leather panels. Parlor. whlt^ enamel: wall panels of pink watered silk. Library la famed ash. Decoration*. French poster effect. Panels by Mucha. Second Boer: Ttv» large bedrooms, beautifully decorated, with Java tor;^. Bathroom, all fixtures of solid por^elalc. Roman tub: lar*e oval washbasin standtns em single porcelain pedestal: walls In aaare. wit* fly l-g sea kul'S. Third floor: Two bedrooms, tali and larre b!l!'arl room. All culinary appetnt meata of th« best. Largo slot: choicest location. Price. $18. TOO. XI.-.53 County L, to B^erley read. DEAN ALVOR.D. Owner, 256-257 Broadway, New York. Putnam Aye . near Nostrand: 3 story, ioaDla. fa^rr »toe«, 30x50xlO>. Tearly rental H.fSQ. Prlo« 515.P00. FRED H. SMITH, 51 COURT ST. TELE. 209 MAIN. OA IT~(\ — BEAUTIFTJL HOME AT PA' •RIJHIfJ.— • $y, I O\J» New three story white stone frcr.t D«ll 'n«- modern. fcanU=ifr<»lT decorated: hot water hwttejr: finest location in Brooklyn; Park S>»pe. near Pros?-<» Park Piaza- easy terms. C. L. WISE. Owner. 45 Ceilzr St.. New Tort BENSONKVRST-BY-THE-SEA.— 12 rooms. asSa, steam h»*t«d v "-':^'' plot WxISS; 4 Mocks from Cayx restricted neighborhood: bathing;. CshJns a^i bo *i?'? ; owner gotne West; eacrlflce m-j. ascents). Address SJti> »t.. near Bay Parkway. JOSEPH ZOELLXEK. BrookTya. Brooklyn Property to Let. TOR RENT.— Only $730 » rear rest tar beaotlTsl. Isrsa A 14-rocm house, In perfect repair; modem l:rprov< rp»nt«: stable: two acr»s ground: shade and frcit «••• and garden- In Brooklyn, within » minutes of N*-»-Tor'< City Hall. Rent fr— to May '.. U. M. HTTCIKXGS. owner. 100 Wllllain-st.. New-York. TO Snmm-r month*. historic Benson ifassioa. 1 £oth-av«. anJ B«n«cn-av».. B«DsonhurM: 12 lares rooms- flne hall: aU Improvements: 1* lot?: C=» oU trees, lawn, garden: lawn Mas I.OCO feet from bay; boatln*. bachinr Oaotaa: rent $200 per monih. WALTER I PARFITT. resident owner. Furnished Apartments to Let For Eent. Jnns 1 to October 1. Handsonely Furnished Outride Apartment. Beautiful locator. . 90th st. *=<! Ontrml Park West; «r*er!oofcnr Part: » rooms and 3 hath*; references re quired For particular. ai«lre« F-jnNI3HEI> APART MENT. P. O. Box 542. Xear-Tork City. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED, very !!f!tt apartmei'. 4th floor, to rent, from now uiut! October 1st—po«»» tly thereafter, (acts* Museum of Natural History. ..tb at, cor. Columbu»-ave. ; electric light free; eiramr a»<t t*Jephoae: reasonable) rent; references re<jalre<L Apptr •• Room 42ft, 1 Madison *»•. ■* OrkTH-ST.. US TTEST.— Tw«: six rooms. taCL he«. 1-lThot water. JCO. «SS. WILSON. 16 WaTWley PUce. HANDSOME!.* fTTRNISHED APABTMXNT. JJo, • Graham Court; » room, to lot. frota Jaa« to Oct«- -^■..cmvGTOV HEIGHTS — A 'err light fm«ls*ll \\aoirwlt-fIT" rooms »n4 t«th: electric lijitn open /,': ./ /.'«• i^ Wanted. TT-ANTED-— T» rent, ft mil ftg»y*_>«?*>. ?*— \> Jus* Ut to Au«b« »»t: w<th>> ' °ft_*?T lr f „^7 v«w-TorV' l*n« I»Um»4 •» WeXCMWMjr CWB«F §■•»»■■»« Alin** ROBIUIT. Box 12. TrtSxin. OSlc^