Newspaper Page Text
_^ . SAN FRANCISCO STOCKS. | Sao Francisco, ■ IS.— The ofilcial closing quo- j tation* for mining stocks to-day were as follows: r j AJta CCJustice ]■? Aipfta Con OS i Kentucky Con .. -«« Andes :i!Udy Wuhlnpon Con.. .«.» Belcher !.... »M« .... \] Beet & Belcher 1.531 Occidental Con ■ ■*} Bullion tSiOphtr I-® C*>n< "-•".'■ Overman •£ Challenge Con WJPWort 7^ . Ch^lla- SOiSavwpe ■ -;» Confidence 1.20 j Sac Belcher. «r Con Cal * Vs. LBfl Sterri Nevada » ©or. Imperial 02! Syndicate, ™ ' Crows Po'r.t SSISt. Louis •-? 'Gould & Curry 4. Ur.ion Con »• :Ha!e & Norcrcss ..:... -73 rt»h Con. . « Julia. 'II Yellow Jacket ** THE STATE OF TRADE. Buffalo. AT"!' M. Tl— km Wheat— Sr-riag. little «© nc; No 1 herd B7*c: No 1 Northern. MHe; wtMar. ft^hir.g doing. Ccm n'rrJnal. Oats Quiet: No 3 white. C«V*c; No Z mlx*-<l 34 He. Barley, c 1 f. 50§60c asked. j?j-e — IB* 3 offered a- 57c. Chicago. April IS.— The leading futures ranged as fol lows: ■WieatrCo. C: , r -. Ki h-st. Ui^J*.^^*^ Com No 2: |g". :::::::::: «^ «h « H44 Jh •Sieißber"".:.;.: 43Ve-43-» 44 HMinaMM cc * t8 - va2: ran sSy" .::;::::::: siHt^is rss «h •» September 2Si«©»U «•* 2SV, » SH Mess pork. »er bb!.: May . . . 51*05 51520 51505 »!«*» fe,^:-: : ... 1745 1762^ 1745 55T* Septembi; .:... 17 10 17 22.» 17 10 IT 20 Lard. p«r 100 lt>: Slav 990 i»J^. »£* Jg v ••.•.■.■" ek» »• »«. »» Short ribs, per 100 Tb: M.v — — — ??ST "* BSS ..■...■.."■.'. Ps7^» &77H 9 0,7^ 9^ Sep'ter^cr .... 9 X » f« 70 « » Casa cue-:*- were as fellows : Flour taUMl* «« ad s': xrißtcr pater,-. n4Oottfl»: etraistits *3 U'i:>> .^>: ;Prj."| r*t«r.t» $3 3f'3>?3 70; straigh:s. jgtf&a* !*J2£« J^'?, 12 70; No 2 spring wfaesx. ISO60c; No ■■ ,»^..9c No - red TCHSTTT- No - com. 44c: No 2 yel.ow .44:. 44 : No » cits. S5Sc; No 3 wM:e. StQW^e; No 2 rye. ' ilsM '^ r A pood feeding barley. 3«?39c; :flir to .choice 4±Q SOc- "No i hunt 5106: No I Xorthwektern. . $1 11; prims timothy. S3'o; c!c\e.-. contract praoe fll W»*/*;, 32?" pork, per bbl. 51&3I1S10: lard, per 100 Tb. J 9 *?©* 9 fil»j Sort -lies (loose}. Sl» SCffSU 00; Cry klMfl "honldet* O>oxed> tS ST'-g-JS :<>• fhert clear 6;3<rs (boxed*. Jl« 1 -, e?I0 25; *hisk*y. hai!s of hlph wines. $130- On the Produce Exchar.c* to-day the butter market was we&K; eraameriea l!-g24c: dalrifs. 15522 c: agfrs steady at marls; cues included. MUOH^C: cheese steady. i2j.iia-rc. Duluth. April IS.— Close: Tfheat— To arrive. No 1 hard. T6 *c No 1 Northern. "7'ir: No 2 Northern. 76 1lic;1 li e; May. TBVc; Ja!y. 7CSc Oats— llaj. SSHc St. r i«H. April :8. — Close: Wheat— No 2 red rash. TO^,c: May 7i 7< ' 7 t c. July. 66 7 »c: No 2 hard. «l@i4c. Cora — No 2 cash. 40** c nominal: May. 40"* c; July, 4 ' Itc.1 tc. Oats— No 2 cash. SSc r— ■*— '• May. C3 8-* c;8 -*c; July. 29-,sc; Nc 3 white. S7"-»c. 31iJwauke«- Axail IS. — Clcse: Wheat higher: No 1 JTorthem. K»eSlc: No 1 Northern. 7«o7s>c; Hay. JJ^*C- Jlye firm; No 1. ."•: . Barlcv steady: No 2. SS®GOo; •ample. ■4f!5T.4c- Com — May. 44?»c. Mi=ae»polis. April IS — Flfjr— First patents, f 4 05® «415; tecord patent*. ?3513?4C5: first [ear*. $2 Jisß> <3 («f.; — in— clears. $2 45. Bran — In bulk. SIO@CIOGO. PhilaielpMa, April IS. — "Wheat He lower; contract «race. April. SlStUfec Corn steady: Ap-il. 4OH^4fl««c. Oats flrm: No 2 cilpr^d. 40c Butter weak and 2c lower: extra Western creamery. 2Gc: nearby prints. 27c. Ergs Crrr. pood demttna: fr?sh nearby. 14 J :c at the mark; "Western, Isc: Southwestern. l.'.c. Southern, I4c Chefto ■Sna but <,!.;•• New-York eremioa. full. prim*. «mal!. *14Hc: fair to rop3. sma!l USffUUc: prime, large. 14^c: fair to ft-oa. large UfeQTfc Recelots— Flour. 2.000 ill and 1.234.000 '" in Farks: wheat. 800 bush: corn, 8.000 »nish: oats, 30.OO;J bu?h. Shirinents — Wheat, 89* bufh: corn. 3.200 bush; cats. £3.000 bush. OTHER MARKETS— BY TELEGRAPH. East Buffalo. April 18. — Cattle — Receipts. 75 head; rtesfiy. Veal? — Receipts, fti head: isc lower; tops. 57 ■"'" «7 75; common to r^. J5 503*7 JO. Hoc<= — Receipts. 4. lf' heed; active, about Btea . heavy. $7 :■ • ; %'■ *<. a few at 70; rrixed S7 4SOS7 SO; *: Tortcen. 57 ?.t»^X7 40; rigs. *7»@s7Ss: roughs. $71?«7 15; t:acf. $5 7Efcs6 25. Sheep and lambs — Receipts. 8.000 heed: s!:«-c-p steady; lambs, 15@ 20c lower; top native lam .<" 40^$7 50: culis to good. *? 50!5f755; ".\estern :am!«. 57 .".■:- 7 40; yearlings. J6 503 $575; ewee. SB«is6 "5; sheep, top. mised, $0 75S$G; culls to eood. MD 65. One." April IS.— Hogs— Dull, lower, $5 600?" 15. Catt> eteaoy, I2SU3KS! Shtep ttsy. $3gS5 40. was, $4 25&f6fXt. Kansas City, April — Cattle— Receipts. 100 head. Market unchanged. Choi?* export ami dressed bed tee/a. .54 60«?55 '-" lair to grood. *4JtS4 6<>; stockers and feer.ere. 52 75645; Western lei Etc«rF. J?3Ks.">; Texas and Indian «eers. S3 50 if ' : Texas eovn. Xi M native oowa, $:. % 3 M ST. . native hel.'ers. $3ff?4 3J; car.ners. $1 T-i 552 7."; bulls, S2 50@$4 £5: canes, $2 '.ss* Becttota for the week — Cattle, 33.700 head; calves. COO head. Hogs — Receipts, 1.500 head. Market steady; lop, 57 27>i; bulk of sale?, $7 I©@s7 20- heavy. J7 lfgf 7 27-j: mixao cackers. J7 059 J7 22H: ll*ht. f69oef~l2Vi : Yorkeis. $7 Q5&57 12<£; ci>?, *4 7565S £0. Receipts for week. 15.000 bead. Sheep — He ■ceiptK, 600 head. Market steady; r.ative lambs. $4 CO®J!»; "Wt-Ftern lambs $4 '..••.*" g.l; •• I ewes, $4^ss GO: Western BMChaea 54 50*3*6 50; Texe« dipped ■beep. «4 50@$e40; atockert zr.i ' eiders, S3 2 &$4 60 Receipts for week, 85.600 head. Sales by Auction. COMPLETE LINES OF MACHINERY, Milling: Machines, Drill Presses, Lathes, Punch Presses, Polishing T.'heels, &c, suitable for the manufacture of any Mechanical or Electrical Appliances or Light Machinery. Full line of raw materials and finished stock of Receptacles, Knife Switches, Panelboards and Switchboards, with all special tools necessary for their manufacture, belonging to said Estate. I'.MTI2D STATES DIBTUCT COIKT. For the Southern District of New York tn ll:>nkr .ut< > IN THE MATTER OF THE Falcon Electric- Blaonfnoturing; Co.. Bank rupt. CHAS. EHONGOOD. C 6. Auctioneer for the Southern Dlftr.ct of New York in Bankruptcy, -i 's MONDAY. Apr:: 20. :&•". 12 o'clock 1!.. st Ampere. East Orange. Cour.ty of Essex, ttate of New Jersey. a.s««ts of above Bankrupt. consirtinß of above described property, at the factory of the American Vr.icr! Electric C.orr.pany. Eetlujated va! ■;■ r.f Plant. S2?.Oi>o. Order cf THEOIJORK 31. TAFT, Trustee. LAMOXT McLOL'iiHLIX. Attorney for Trustee. 300 Bradwf,-. N. V TRAIN? LEAVE HOURLY. D. L. & W. RAILROAD. Financial. The New York Stock Exchange MILL, BE CLOSED OV Wednesday. April 22d. Th* COXSOLIDATED STOCK E.\CZIAN«E. kowrrrr. will he open for linninei« as usual. W Trould be iilcaKCd to execute any orders on (lie latter Eirluii'sp for onstomers of Stock. Excbance S. B. FITZ-GERALD & COIPANY. Members of CcnroliflatM Stock Exchange. 32 BHOADWAV. N. V. CITY. Telephone. .r. r i c T4 Broad. Business Opportunities. A SYNDICATE HAS BEEN FORMED to acquire leases and options cf the new oil fields in Kansas. Fortums ■will be made by those on the ground early, same M in Pennsylvania and Ohio; a cumbtr of «rof.iar:»- letee! have t»-en secured, end will no doubt pay baadeor ■ an epponunny i? crered to thote who would like to ret is on the crounil a. or. and subscriptions will be received In SBBH rot less than $100. amounting to $40,000. A large amount has bf-en subscribed and paid In. Those desiring to Jota cen do to by adj.esslng cr calling ,«n the. inde.rslcaai oasßSstctae. Fu.i Investigation invited. ALBERT WELCH. 'HAS. BHOVCK " !«-,« I^r.«rd St.. N. V. City."" V " ™™ _n»-115I^l^' J - St.. N V •■ M usical. tel~gblkfs conservatoeyTf mttsic. Dr. E. rw»rl Director. CS WEST 9 k TH STHEET. (Between Cclutnlias Ai-enue ax 3 Cer.tial Park.; The only musical srhool that is empowered by act of I^-lElatur* to conrtr the reeraiar uolreralty <Jegre<?« Thor^u^h ir.ftructlon ir all brar.crKs. 'from the f.ryt. V^ to the hlphest artistic perf«K:tlon. Open daily until 9 P. M.. except Wednrscays and Sat ■'-■■'•" Oocr all fvtnm»r. M<-.i»raip tf-rmg. Steamboats. - "priA-jc leave Pier 43. N". R . »naiF week-day. c P M ' Country Board. AND SEE MY LIST. 50 boarding hous-s. ' PuU pitrticularj. furri«ri«i 'rie. ."-ave \ou' time and money houee-huntlns- REID. Room 3.10 ft, 12« Broadway. Fi •- e(r>-e. f r «. t h vcaretablr*: «.therw:b» rood tat>: rates *0 to «7; refer. *:.T:char.!r?<J. Miss JAXETTE BASCOM. HlmdaJe. K. K. \XTILL TAKn two <"!ier.y DSOrte to t"sard fcr the n:m \ » men to diiMrf" <r other J-oarrters; bouFt and tb^dy ■ Aii ™* Mrs. M.J. 8.. Box 304. Str Harbor, N T. IF TOD WANT ST7MVEH BOARDERS I will secure them for jron. Re?i;trr your tlaoe with "■' RE1I). R<wm*l.Hi9. 12^ Spring Resorts. JEW 'EHSEI. THE ALBEMARLE. VIRCIXIA AYE NEAR EEACH. ATLANTIC CITT. JC. J Th'O-irhont the Spring Sc£:^n this elegant modern fcetel Dew threw »i!I make fpec'.a! terms cf 510 512 50 wecivlr. « anc OV daily, for BCpcrldr a, - ?Tlin«VlTlmn- KM Jtrs* eurr.y front i-.n-.s; n.^ie.batn i,<X« ft. of beanttful ="jj r--'-':s; oraweO^ e»«wor wr vie*. steam -i eiC lactai bf-'-s z:;d tic*: t! i.ajjy fio^^ title and *«rvle» «re features. Booklet- CuTicspcgitac* Su m m cr Viv f 113, 141, 165, 425, 1354, 1370 Broadway; 3 Park Place; — on May 20th and 3*th Excursion tenets at reduced (Fb 111 UCU/ VnO^ J 287 4th Ay.; 245 ColumbUS Ay ; 153 East 125 th St.; ?73 rates will be sold at 425 Broadway. 1354 Broadway and \£p WIN KtKT TUH& 1 west 125 th St.; 182 sth Ay. ; ticket offices Franklin and West ?™££t«^ m lg°Zg£' m f^SS^S i <g> viV L42d St. retries, : delightful region. Tickets good returning up to Monday, © IN BROOKLYN * 4 Court St>; 86 ° Fulton St 98Broadwav; Eagle Office. I*— «■ __ : 1 ]** © .1 C. A\nKHSO\. Gen'l Pass'ger Agent, 55 «* ■ 'v;r St.. N. V. $0 Spring Resorts. NEW-JERSEY. LaKcWOOUt SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY The Lakewood Hotel "The Hotel that Made Lakcnyood Famous. " March and April are the most beautiful months in Lakewood. With the balm and fragTance of the pine laden air comes a touch of buoyancy, aJdine: to the enjoyment of ideal Spring- weather. The desire for all outdoor pleasures and pastimes may be Indulged. THE LAKEWOCD HOTEL Lakewood's largest and best hostlery. supplies every comfort, convenience and luxury to Its patrons IS'ETV YORK OFFICE: 249 FIFTH AVIS. Telephone: 1008 Madison Sq. J N. BERRY. > M H. E. EDKR. { MX " LAKEWOOD. NEW JEIISEY. THE FAMOUS SPRING RESORT. THE LAUREL HOUSE Open until June 1. THE LAUREL-IN-THE-PINES. Open until May 13. Both Hotels tTnder Management of DAVID B. PLUMER. LASEWOOD, N. J.— THE LEXINGTON, opposite Laurel House. Open all year. Si nny rooms. Open wood fires; private and public baths; steam heat: electric liehu. Rates. 52.50 day and up. A. S. LAKKALSEE. I'rop. HOTEL IROQUOIS, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. SOUTH CAROLINA AYE. AND BHACH-— Flr.eal location Modern ing:-. -class hotel; capacity 400. Baths, elevator; sup pari< etc. Special Fp:ir.»r rates, $10 to $17.50 weekly; $:..Vi and in daily. Booklet. W. F. SUAVV. HOTEL PONCE DE LEON. Virginia Aye. and the B^ach. Atlantic City. N. J. Unexcelled hotel. Unsurpassed location. Capacity 800 Elevator; steam heat: baths; rooms en suite, magnificent porches. Spring rates. $10 to $1.1 weekly; $-' ana' ud daily. Booklet. W. F. StLAV.'. THE PENNHTJKST, Atlantic City. N. J. Michigan -aye. second house frcn Beach and Boardwalk A high-class, homelike hotel, with refined surroundings and patronage. Every appointment. ii eluding elevator, «team heat, baths, etc Open al 1 >*>.ir. BookX. WILLIAM R HOOD. HOTEL GLADSTONE, Atlantic City, N. J. Directly on the ocean front. In finest location. New and rtrictly hiKh cIaFF. Sea water in all baths, running water ?p rooms: sun parlors, overlocltlne ocean, etc.. etc. PreHai err'.r.p rates Booklet. Coach meets trains. N. J. COLLINS. HOTEL NEW ENGLAND, Fr.uth Carollna-ave. and Beach. Ailantlc City. N. J. Finest location. Modern high class hot»l: capacity 3SO. Rooms en «u:te. with priva-e bsth6. Elevator: ?un parlor, etc Excel lent cuisine. Bpec.el Spring rates BRYAN & WILLIAMS. THE ROMAN, St. Charle. Place and Beach. Atlantic City N. J. High class, with every comfort, convenience and luxury. H B. WHILST. HOTEL AGKEW, Atlantic City. Whole block Ocean front. Entirely new. Capacity. fiOO. Sea-water baths and swimming i'fxjie. Orrheetim A :to mobile. Borklet. A. C. MITCH -I. * CO. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTEL MORTOX. Vlrglnln-ave. near B--ach Ca pacity 275. Suite*, with private bath: el* 1 ator from street lcv»-l to all floors' fin.' table. O(-»pn "lew. Open all tl.s rear. Mrs. X P. HALITES. Proprietor. BERKSHIRE INN, Vlre!nla-ave. »nd Rf-ach. Atlantic City. K. J. $2.00. $2.50 daily; $S 00. $10.C0. $12.50. $1500 weekly during Spring, and special Easier rates. Extensive Improvements. fn t>b*trueted view. Elevator. Hot and cold batha free Steam heat, etc Capacity 800. Table and service the finest. Booklet. J. O. AJ. B. DICKINSON. •PTrp Tm?ATKrP Atlantic Hit N. J. Fresh and »a 10-Xa ljVriAlJSrj. On the Beach. St. Charles Place, water baths. Elevator. Special Spring rat>-*. PA.ML. WAGNER & SON. CARROLLTON INN. Chel«ea Aye ard l?ei, h. Atlantic City. N. J. Full Ocean view. Elevator, rooms en suite, with bath, etc. Special Spring terms. I? ok el Mrs. T. KECK. HOTKI. ATOLKN. ATLANTIC CITY N. J. \JL Mkhliran *ye. : near Beach. High class family ho t*l: $8 to $10 -vetkly i F. RICED. B>v rates nKr.T-rr:r»— sll TO $16. THE RITTENHOUSE, «<££ ■ : -, ,:; N a Ke<tiiar ates M.«O per day, reduced to $2..'.". and ?11 to Sl6 weekly Strictly high-cla?>* service a! cuisine msii talred. H. G. HALLINC.EH. HOTEL STERLING. AT t!™?c P cYtTv j. Kentucky-ai-e. and Boardwalk. Mo-Jem ani up-to— late. {Service, accommodations, location unexceil-'i Capacity. ■M $2.60 up daily. Special weekly. Booklet ' S. A. MANUEL * CO. THE GLENDALE, Ft. Jamei» Place mO Eeach. Atlantic City. N. J. High-class. Every appointment: best and iron central location: eleva tor, etc. Special Winter and Spring terms. L. F. Bllt'.rt. HOTEL. COLI'MUIA, rurectly on the Heard w ilk. antic City. N. J. Every room ocean view. Unexcelled in appointments. Elevator, etc. Reduced Spring rates. Booklet. „„ NEW BOSCOBEL, Kentucky-* vt, ne*r P.'-ach. ATLANTIC CITY. V J. Centre of all att -actions; -very appointment with e*rep tioml luxury SIS up weekly: booklet E. E. MARION. HOTEL ELWOOD, Atlantic City. N. J. An absolutely new fireproof hotel, at St James Place and the Beach, the centre of all attrac tions. Ocean view. Capacity 200 Elevator: room* en mtitm. with bath. Steam heat. etc. May and June HO to 517.50 weekly SMITH & BOZARTH. THE LEHMAN, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. O<van end i :r:.F> A\e.. In the mnet telnet and f,r.<mt tertlon. Capacity 200 Has modern equipment Uiroutrnout and every comfort, and offer* special Spring rates. WriU for booklet F. W. LEHMAN A CO. CHESTER INN, SVw-York-ai.-*.. near Beach. Atlantic City. N. J. Open all >ear. Steam heat. ti«U;». etc. D. KNAL'ER. TEE NEW CLARENDON, V'lrglnla-ave . near Beach and gteel Pier. Atlantic City, N. i. Open all l*li year. Attractive VVlntrr b««o«« Write for terms. M D NEIMAN. Owner and Proprietor. HOTEL TRAYMOEE, ATLANTIC CITT. N. J. Hemasr.s ix-r thi.UFhout the year Every known Mm fort and convenience tor vVlnter »jj<*tts <i<>if prlvllejta j(ur.iui » water in b*4rooaia THAYMORE HOTEL CO.. IX B. WHITE. President. NEW-YORE DATLT TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. APRIL 19. 1003. Sunnier Resort Guides. During the Hct Summer Can Be Had _ AT MODERATE COST © Iltf THE MOUKTAINS <$> Of Orange, Sullivan, Ulster and Delaware Counties, N. V., on the <© NEW YORK, ONTARIO & WESTERN BY. 1 Physicians Heartily Recommend This Region as One of Great <8> Natural Beauty and Absolute Heaithfulness. 2,000 ft. Above the Sea, with @ Pure Air, Pure Water, Pure Milk, Xo Malaria or Mosquitoes and <$ Within Three Hours' Ride from Xew York. Send 8 cents for postage to the underytjned, or call and get free at offices below the SUPERBLY (T£ ILLUSTRATED BOOK ° SUMMER HOMES," of 200 pages. It £;ives list of over 900 Hotels, Farm and Boarding Houses, with their location, rates of board, lacilities, attractions, &c. Yd* Summer Resorts. \EAV-YORK. II i' . "The World Famed View" n 1 |_j P FOUEST PRESERVE 2.780 ACRES "*'*-' Altitude 2.2D0 feet. Pure Spring Water. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN powerful searchlight !-ir| J TCP with a range of 12.000 square miles, casting Its rays UUU3D |nto five Slates i OPENS JUNE _ __ BOATING. GOLF. TENNIS. CANOEIN3. MUSIC. TWO BEAUTIFUL LAKES, ELECTRIC LIGHTS. NEW DINING ROOM. x-i.-i'.' -»-r.i*T- nppiri- Special rates to guests arriving before July 4lh. |^Ss O S CHAS. & QEO. H. BEACH. Managers, 1 to 5 P. U. CATSKILL, >. Y. RED SWAN INN, WARWICK, ORANGE COUNTY, N. Y. Will Open Season 1UO;{. Saturday. May SOth. A New Re* l Hotel quaint, artistic, original, for select patronage, accommodating over 100 guests. Beau tifully located In the sdge of a charming village. Less than two horn from New-York. Rooms, finely or en Fulte, with private baths and strictly first class furnish- Incs. Including the famous rmoor Mait:esses. \Steam heat, electric ligiil. paes«ni?er eleiator Every amuaa rent, including an excellent GOLF course- right at the bouse Superior stable lilies. The most charming drives anywhere to be found. Write for our beautiluliy Illustrated booklet. Please n ention this naper. C. M. BART LETT. Proprietor. HILLCREST HALL AND COTTAGES will open May 25.. One Bungalow to rent. Write for bookiet. W. J. READ. Highland Mills. Orange Co., N. Y. RHODE ISLAMS. NEW PLIMPTON HOTEL, WATCH HILL. R. I. WILL OPE.X JT'NE 25. Address THOS. PARKES, Proprietor. H >TKL HAMILTON. 132 WEST tTH ST.. NEW YORK CITT. CONXECTICIT. Health seekers, comfort seekers, rest and recreation stekers. all find their wishes at THE WAYSIDE INN NEW MILFOKD. LITCTIFTRLD CO.. CONN. Opens June 15. Illustrated booklet free. J. L. CASTLE, Manager. Spring Reports. XEW-JEHSEY. ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT HOTEL. STONE. IRON AND SLATE CONSTRUCTION. Maryborough House which remains open all the year. Is built, furnished and conducted on a ; lane equal to that of the brst New York hotel?. Its central location, with an entire block on the Ocean front and 0i 0 feet on the park. Is the best. It Is luxur ■ :v dipped ar.M r^rfectly hcatfd for the winter and .-1 ring patronage. . ucb a^ heretofore found at L«iVo weed and in Florida. Capacity. >'■<><' people Telephone In each room, connecting also with city system. Hi' «nd cold sea water In every bathroom. Special suites, each with private balcony dining room and service. Gentle men's Valet, Ladies' Hairdresser and other modern service tarnished If desired. High K^ade music dally with celebrated soloists Sunday evenings. Golf Privileges. A u torn bile accommodations. Write for Booklet, room plans and rates. JOSIAH WHITE & SONS, Proprietors. Hotel Strand, Atlantic Ci'y, N. J. The Strand Is a new, modem. *ire pioof hotel, overlooking this world-famed Boardwalk and ficean, entrails located Bea Water Baths. Booking rep resentative, .1. L. TCEXCHARD. at Hotel Wellmßtoo, St. end 7th Aye. Dally from 10 A. M. to 4P. M- THE HOLMHURST, Pennsylvania uve. close to Beath. Boardwalk and Piers. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Embcdylr.K evpi . appointment 01 a high class modern );• ;=1 with homelike comfort Elevator to street level; fteam heat; bath?; sun pallors, etc. In the finest section, with urv 1 stmctM view. of culs'ne and »er\ ice. Open a.! )<-ar. Special Spring terms. HENRY DARNELL. •The Salt Breath of the Sea Brings Health." GALEN HALL, Atlantic City. N. J. Sanatorium and" Hotel New building, handsome and ele gant In every feature. Physicians and nurses. Rooms With private baths and tea uatrr. A place for rest and health seekers. Table and service first class. Book let, K. L. YOUNG. Gen. Mgr. Special rates for April. May and June at the Hotel IsleswortL Directly on the Beach, at Virginia Ay«. Atlantic City. N. J. Extensive Improvements. Remodelled and newly fur— nlsbed Exchange. Capacity 500. Hot and cold sea water In ail batba. Cafe nrd Grill room. Orchestra. Ameri can and European plans. Write for Booklet. OSBOUNE & PAINTER, THE ST. CHARLES, Atlamlc CU>. N. J. OrEN THROLGHOUT THE YEAR. SO private baths, sea ar.d frcati water, shower attach ments, et.-. ilodtrn ar.j con picte. NEW LIN" HAINEB. formerly of the Chalfonte. HOTEL RUDOLF, DIRECT OCEAN FRi 'NT ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Roomt, with sea and freth water baths Mt'BlC. tt. V Repre3eraatl\e— 3 Park Place. 11.30 A M to a P M Hotel Imperial 9tolo A. M— 33010 8 P. M Tele phone COSO Ccrtlandt. C. R MVKKS. HOTEL RALEIGH, Orfan End St. rhar]?s Place Atlantic City. N. J. Extensively Improve I and many new and attractive features In trod ed A Hgti class modern hotel, with best location. ofTer'.ti? Special Spring rut-s. C»P»rlty 400. Klevator service; rooms en suite, with nath. steam heat. etc.. etc Superior laJ '.• arid service. Coach meets trains. Booklet. C C. 9HINN. CALIFORNIA. CALIFORNIA Southern Pacific " Sunset Limited' DAILY FROM NEW YORK via Wachincton and New Orleans. TO SASi FRAXriSfO. Connectlnß RU-mishlps for ' i, Ijm and Japan MS BMa4mr, | M^... Vnrlr 1 ij..uii> i., i iNew I OrK. Summer Resort Guides. Summer Resorts. \KW-YORK. HOTEL KAATERSKILL CATSKILL. MOUNTAINS. Op«ns June 27th Renovated and Improved Same Management. Address HOTEL KAATERSKILL. CO.. Kaatersblll P. 0.. N. T. MANHANSET HOUSE A COTTAGES. SHELTER ISLAND. L. 1.. N. T. HOTEL will open June 20- h IS hole golf links, yachting. driving, etc. The .New- York office is open dally. 2 to 5 p. m., at 23 Union Square. Room 3. where applications wUI be received. To 1« phone. 1.277— 1? th. Send tot terms and Illustrated pamphlet. ROHERT MVRRAY. Manager; also Manager of Ponce de Leon. St. Augustine. Fla. Berkeley Inn And CottuKes, IWnntir-o Hills. N. Y. April to November. Altitude 750 feet. Well -shaded lawns. Driving, wheeline. teitr.ta. bowline. Especially attractive for families', hour md IS minutes from City Hall. Miss LEMMON. 61 V7est 104th-st. EDQEMERB HOTEL CDCE3IERE. LONG ISI.AMI. ■. Y. OPK.\S JUKE ZSTH ADVANCE ENGAGEfiENTS NOW BEING MADE For Booklet". Diazrams, *c. npitlr to THOS. C. WARD, Booking Agent. Can of RAYMOND & WHITCOMB 25 Union Square. LONG BEACH, L, L Less thin hour from \. Y. City. LONG BEACH HOTEL Or.ens Jun- 27th. COTTAGES READY FOR OCCUPANCY MAY 1. A E Dli'lv. Prop-ietor. Alsc proprietor of HOTEL GRLWOBI.E. B6th St. and 7th Ay.. N. Y. City, where advance engagements may be made. ADIRONDACKS. WHITEFACB INN, LAKE FLA'""ID. N V OPENS JXJSB 1. 180 S. Magnificently located. Finest tmatlng. golf, tennis, bowling, billiards, etc. Music. Now bnoiuner nt 3 E'ark Place. New- York. EDWIN H. LER Manager. Winter and Spring Resort, PRINCET' >N" INN. Prirc* ton. N. J. ADIRONDACK REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OR SALE. FURNISHED COTTAGES AND CAMPS. Camp Sites and Wild Lands In lets of five acres to «0.000 acres for sa'e J. BEN HART, WAWBEEK. SEW YOUIv. Adirondack Camp At Paul Smith's. SALE OR RFA'T. RENWICK C. HURRY, 42 <; -TFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. Deer's Had Inn, ESlnpi^ Open noT. Illustrated Bookie's. BENJAMIN F. STETSON. Propr. SUNSET PARK INN. (Opens m*, ,8) '*•' riRISI 1 > CA T SKILLS C II A X I) E «* T VIE S C. E. LELAND. Mgr. 3th A^;'^t m h ««* T . The Palatine, . n. y. ' ♦ ■ -■ —. nir rate price. All the comforts of the city, with the ben<-r,ta of Una cour.trj. H N. BAIN & CO. THE DUTCHER HOUSE, PAWUM. DITCH ESS CO.. K. Y. Will Open for Guests May I. For Information address R. C. LOVERIDGF, Manager Pawling, N. T. ' 4 afiw. WAUMBEK r TAGE3 JEFFERSON. N. H. A. J. MURPHY, J n Manager - WILL. OPEN IN JUNE. tliC Information obtained and \Y7t_ *a. engagements made by ad- Vy ill tC dressing Mr. Murphy at the Mountains. Laurel House, IVlOUniainS* Lake^ood. N. J. -jinsET. »ninn; hickh." ABBt*Ri p»rk. JL (.TENS MAY IST. New location. 2nd Aye., adjoin. th« beach, will miLkc sp«ciai rates Car Hay and June. Instruction. THERE ARE CHEAPER SCHOOLS. BUT NONE BETTER THAN THE |p55H[ DRAKE jt^S] BUSINESS SCHOOLS^ sTJ^vriyrEß session. >•» has a Drake Piploma has a fc-y to thm —if »sjj tt »j«».««». if ma Tha young man or rm w»n.«B -*» wUJ make ycu aa w# £• depends en his or her ability la English. »i nonltions- Can and ">»*• arrangement* to b*«tn ton* on* of -»or mm M j We assist oar graduates to AI position*. —» to-morrow. New Tork gchoot Ofllce * . ITtb at. and Broadway. In tfce Tribune and Bank of Metropolis Bids*- . > ""or Both Sexes— City. ■ nil 9 P» S% SHORTHAND. Typ^^rttlng. Book- O6" %i Ifl f» 1 I*unctuat!on an.i other sur .r,-^ I 113 3-113 5 s»S2ss?»teS3 Broadway *«« m their muut •» <n " n cor. 2 6 St. etanding we enjoy to;*** fc^"* •• community, the completeness of our J ," MM ° d ?! r J2J 2 »,usl- Which reproduces the conditions -urrr-Mndlng %if#n S the ness office, wherein we teach BUSINESS METHODS ■ tne modern filing devices, such as the vertical le.ter ..un* system, the 100 c leaf system, -the carton m^nJfoia^J system card indexing In Its various appll ?a "'{ l ,%nes* proper use of the telephone, etc.. etc.— <«> l ". put 'J'T** in detail is the real secret of '"• success of the Ml"" Bebool The natural n«ult of ?uch tra!nm« $$%*£ a r» operteoecd sad bmnness men i s^w of our recent graduates by the B ard nf Srt" DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS ALL 9LMMER- BtaSen's! DI V AND NIOHT SBSSIQWS ALL 3LMMER- Send for booklet. TTTPNOTIPAt— Be an expert !n one month.^^.-ce* XL Instructors: subjects: dirinmas; correspondence. Academy of Occultism. 1.395 sth Aye. TNCE DRAMATIC SCTTOOL.— *™ engaged In X lpadln? co-npanlea: pra Heal Instinct] n in «"<"«• elocution recitals; engagenienrs pro cured. Address 1,439 Broadway Office. 1.364 Broadway. :~ ■'■ ' - -■ ' T mL"« . Square tVZ2 Broads ay>. Brooklyn. 73 Court St. Mart- Squa% <VZ2 Broad«ay>. Br^ofclvn. 73 Court St. X» » Term begins new. - Trial lessens free. ' For Boys and Tonne — Country. THE Wt-ANT-MUG Sf.HOOL fcr BOYS New .Mllford. Lltf'ifirl'l Co. Conn. Rev. F. B. DRAPER. Head Master. New BuiMlng*. Modern eouipment. Refers by permission to Mrs. v* ii. v. BLACK, Patroness of Ingleside- For both sexes— Country. 4 NT "TUDT DES7RED TAUGHT by mall. Extension A. cor lead to all college degrees. No residence re mired. particulars In National Magazine. 16 pp.. mailed for 10 eats. Circulars free. F. W. Harklns LL. D . Chance lor Natal University, 151 Throop-st.. Chicago. 1.1. Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA STATIONS foot of West Twenty-third Street and Des brossea and Cortlandt Streets. C7The lesvme tiro- from OesbroMf. an.l < ■■. >Ijii .] i Street* Is five minute* Inter than that Kiven below for Twenty-third Street Station, except « here other»vii»e noted. 7.5.1 A. M. FAST MAIL.— Limited to two Parlor Cars and Dining Car New York U. Plttsburg. Sleeping car I'Htstuii' -o Chicago No Coaches to Pittshurg SJIS A. M. FAST Plttsoun and C eveland. U.r.r. A. M. PENNSYLVANIA UMITED.— Compartr/.ent Sleeping. Dlniric. Smokin«r and Observa tion Cars. For Chicago. Cleveland. Toledo. Detroit. Cincinnati. Ir.d.anapolis. Louisville. St. L 0 " 1?!,,,,,,,.,, 1.5.% P. 51. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.— For Toledo. Nashville (via Cincinnati and Louisville!. Indianapolis. Chicago, St. Louis. D;ninz Car. C.S.- P. M. ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.— For Ptttsburg. In dianapolis. LouMvllle. St. Louis. Dining Car. For Welch. W. \a. (via Shenandoah Valley Route). r,.r,r, P. M. WESTERN EXPRESS.— For Chicago, to. Toledo, except Saturday. Dininar Car. . '.'- p. M. PACIFIC EXPRESS.— For Plttsburg and Chicago. For Knoxville. dally, via Shenandcah \ a.ley Route. Connects for Cleveland except Saturday. 8.215 P. M. CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EX PRESS.—Fcr PittJture Cleveland, and Clr.c.nnaU. WASHIM.TOS AM) THE SOITH. 7.f5. 8.25. &.S5 (Dining Car). 10. TO (Des^rosses and Cort landt Street* 10.20> (Dining Car). 10.r>5 <D * r ' * .",, a. m., 12. '.5 (Dir.m? Car). 2.10 (Desbrossea and Cortwnax Streets. 2.20). (3.23 "Consress'onal Limited all Parlor and Dining Cars). 3.25 (Dining Car). 4.25 «P !n ' re *r a^ 4 .'.3 (Dining Car). 9.25 p. m.. 12 10 night. i . ay n)^ 1 - 3 8.53 (Dinlr.g Car). 10.55 (Dining Car) a. m.. ■»,.-«« Car). (3 2T» -Congressional Limit**" all Pa '- or an^ Dining Cars). 3 23 (Dining Car). 4.25 (Dining Car). «•*> (Dining Car) 9.25 p. m.. 12.10 night. ._ SOUTH RAlLWAY.— Express. 3 2S. 4.25 P- m.. »- "» night dally. . _ ._ ATLANTIC COAST LlNE.— Express. 8.55 a. m. ana 8.-i p. m dally. '„ _ SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY.— Express. 12.55 P I= and 12.10 night daily. _ „ __w,, NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY.- Metnpßis and New Orleans. 3.25 p. rr. daily. t CHESAPEAKE A OHIO RAILWAY.— 7.S3 a. m. ween dajrs and 4.55 p. m. daily. FOR OLD POINT COMFORT and NORFOLK.— T.SS a. m. week— days and 5.53 n. m dally. j,--. ATLANTIC CTTT.— «LS3 a m and 2.55 p. m. „•",!*; ■ lay*. 7..15 a. m. Through \'»t^ule.l Train* B^" Par . Cars and Standard Coaches on week-days, rar lor Smoking Car Parlor Cars. Dining Car. and Standard Coaches on Sundays. CAPE MAT.— 12.33 o. m. week-days. __ For poirt« on V, -. York and I.on» Brunch Railroad (from West Twetrty-thtrd Street Station), »>.33 a m •*»;£ 3.25. 4.55. and 11.25 p m. week-days. Sundays. ».-5 » m.. 455 p m. (from Desbro<«s*s and rail""™ Streets) fl.oo a. m.. 12.20 3 40. 5. TO. and 11.30 p. m. week-days. Sunday?. 845 a. m . Mil p. in. FOR PHILADELPHIA. „„, __, 610 (TV=hros?es and Cortlandt Streets ("SOI. «-25. 1.33. 8.!5, F M f>2s (0.?5 Penna Limited). to 10 (T»«?brcsses and rortlardt Streets 10 2(1) (Dining Car). 10 55 «r>ln hT(g Carl ii 55 a m. 12.53 (P'-'nit Car). ÜBS -nintTi? Car) 2 10 (Dfsb-OFses ?nd Cortlandt Street* 2.20>. - ] \ ».5r Dlnlr.e Car). B.BA, 4.25. 425 (T>inlnc Car). 4 .3 (D:nlne Curt S :V. »Dir.lrt< Car). 7..'-V 5.25. 5.5-\ 925 p. m.. I.' 10 nJa*»l tandHrm fi.lo. T. 98 rrMn'rr Car no c^achos). 8.28 S.SS 035 'Limited). 9 55. 10.55 (Dining Car) a. m.. 12..'5 (Dt»vrg Car). 1.55 (P'rins Car). 5.25 fpinlna Car), 3..'-5. 4.25 (Dining Car). 4 "3 (Dining Car). H.FS rr«lnlng Car). 7 55. 8.25 5.15. 923 p. m.. 12.10 "■e'-t Tt'-k. t ofll^ea, I*oa <fil. 1354 111 xnd 2RI Broad-way: 102 Fifth Avenue (below S3d St.): 2(CI Fifth Avenue r— T ?f» -h St.): 1 A**or Hnuoe: West Twenty-third Street Ftstlon. and fattens ©Kit of Pas»-na»w and CWrtfttfldl Streets: 4 r-oiirt Street. Fi!lfn S'reet. P*> Broadway a-.ja -.j Pennsylvania Ar.nn Station. Brooklyn: Station. T .« .. Clrv. The New York Transfer Company will ca!l fnr mwA <- v e-k big-rage from hotels and residences ttrrourn to i"«:'rrlnn. T?'e-hone "914 Flenteenth Street" for Pennsylvania pprron-1 ---' • 7 »-v'c» • * ■vT. \T. ATTiTPRT'nY. 3. R- WOOD. Of!if— ' "'-naser. Gen'l Passenger Agent. UNSURPASSEDT OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT CALIFORfm. Fine special vestibuled train, leaving Tuesday. May 12. with visit? to r»nver. carriage ride to Garden of the Gods, the Royal Gorire. Sunday in Salt Lake City e-oss lnc the Sierra Nevada by daylight. Including every ex renpe to arrival at Los Aneeles. May 20. and railway returning via any direct route. $115 Or leaving May 13. outward via the Santa F« route Including two days at the stupendous Grand Canon trip over the- fam-tis kite-shaped track, with visits to *Red- Innda and Rtversfde. every expense to Los Vnr-i»« May 20. and railway ticket returning via. any direct route $115 Tickets returning via Portland. $11 additional. Option of including- the Yoscmite Valley fat Its best in il.Vvi A'.a.«ka. the Canadian Rockies. th« Yellowstone Park' etc. Unusual epportunlty to make a grand tour of the West at very low ntes. Send for circular. RAYMOND & VVHITCQMB CO. £?. Union fr>., 3f» Washington St., 100S i ••!*«♦-, ,, St. »w York Boston. Phllarse;r.hta. " .'.12 Para Bide. 232 South Clark St Pittsburgh. Chicago. Lackawanna Railroad. Leavd New York. r*>ot Barclay an I .rat. pner Sta ts.'\ A. la.— Kit B.iiKhamlon ami Svtacua*. •Hi.") A. Si. — For Buftalo. hi. aco and St. L<ou!a. •1 40 P. M. — For Buffalo and Chicago. t ; <»•> p M. — Frr Sciv.nton an.l Plymouth. •B M P. M. — Fi» Bulfßlo and Chl<-ajo. •!« |9 V. M.— !'r ■•, O?wnn. Ithara. RufTalo. •'.''"• A- M. — F«r '""'■ ••" >!»»■» II '->p*n » P M Ticket* at US 42J> II." Rroadwit N. T. : «S8 Fuitoa St.. Hr<«>k!vn 'Pally tKxrept Sunday LEHICH VALLEY. Foot of T*-»c _i.l A : Cortlandt and T>ejbro»»«s Streets 3 * l)»!ly. | Nicest Sunilay. touaday ciumgea r c IZJH d 12.«. %7 OU. ns.iti » 6 45. i.45. LtT.s.f..A.LT.jfr;B Buffalo Local 1 '* » * Ml ' a m M»jcd cnunlc Express .... t» MA » ♦;> »A ■ BLACK DIAJttOTD EXPRESS *l"^i » M 10 HI » v »Uuch i hunk aa.i llazlotoa Local rcU.« P m *diajO r Wyoming VaUey k^preaa. tS 38 r M •■. 10 r a t.»»too Local ... J '^ 10 p M Ma) p ■ <^hlc»co »n1 f o'-hb'o Vf«tamla Ei?rer» . . . I *v* 10 ■• a -is «» P«* T'lß npyPALO _ TRAIN I •* ■" - . -" ~; Tlci .-i» ai,j Pul!m»n »ccommmlKlon» »f J13.r?1."!*). i3Ti2S tuui l^.i l<-n<t'.lwhi-. •<< Mh Are « t'nton xju«!» West, JO Colttmbai ATe. >. v. m Kalton St .4 Court St .»S Br.i»u.-«T and Ft. Kullon a*., Brooklyn. &'. T. Tra&ifexOu will call tor and ciaci Da*x»£a> Instruction. For Tnunj I MRS FTVi'H--- '""' 'VS * sstsnsV FOR ! MRS LESLIE tfOROAITa BOAHDIN.". AND DAY SCHOOL FOR CIRX-3. 13 an.l J3 VV>« »*n S-r*at. N»ar Central P.irk. N>w Ycr< dry. REOPENS WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER IST. SWIMMING f-K.^YHN- AN-D CHILDREN School Agencies. \ MERICAN AND F0IIE1';?; TEACHCP-T A'IENCT Jt\. supplies Profesf^rs. T««eher», Tj'ot» <",ovfrn««\ etc. tc CoMeg^i. SebTOia anJ J-^-^ Ap-pW to Mrs. 11. J. YOUNG- FI'LT ON. 23 LTn:o-. S.^ar*. Railroads. (ENTRAIv — _ HUDSON RiVEB B. B. THE FaUR-THftHK tbuwj UHE. VIA NIAGARA FALLS. Trains arrive and depart troao Grir.j Central 3t ""*a* 4td Sueet. New 1 ork. as Leiow: Nortb and west boi-nd trains, xcept these Mlilll|WN Ceitral Staii.n at » So. II Zn A IX. Z«. -30 3-«^. 11.30 P. 11.. wiii BtOO ai tSStfc St la receive puM|M ten minutes alter leavirg Grand <->-"'-£ 3J aiatios. AH sou-h! trains ex; t pt tb* "iO:* '' Kav fl, *"., th- -Empire Sta;e Express." ana Nos 35 :til «n w:.I atoo at I^th st. ten ntantM t«fore ' arrsvia* lisa* ll—in 'a *M — 'MIDNIGHT EXPRES3. Dv« Albaay -/ CJ A . M. -'SYRACUSE LOCAL. St ps v HI .»- B*qn A.5M."— tESPIRO STATTI EXVKesa Ms«t •OU famous train in the wcrld. Dt-e Buffalo 4.*5. Niagara Fa!'s 6.45 P. 11. __ BAG. A ».— -FAST MAIL.— 2* hour* to Ciaja. •40 D . ue Buffalo 7.10 Sttnn FVH. 80. If) OH A- M.— tDAT EXPRESS ilakes local rtog* IU.OU Due Buffalo 1.13 AM _ .. . 11 On A. M— +P.UTLAND EXPRES3. Dv» RutJi-3 I I •*>»-' 7 5.1 ph. „ ... 19 t^n p M.-«KL-mi.O VntTTKT>. Ost BTiffali « I^.OU p v Niaear, r«.IN ti .'.'. P V. 1 Of) P. M.-'SOITmVKSTERN *£*£*** P?. # I.UU Cincinnati 10 20. lrdlar.apcl:s 1130 A. SL. =- Louis 6.45 P. M r.ext «*av. 1.00 i* m — *chicaoo : ■ 3rlt^ 2^C P M.— •"THE 20TH CENTURT LtMrTTO. •">-» 20 hour train to Chicago via l.a*e Shor«. trie l!eht« ami fan JOrt P. M.-tALB<NY a:"! TROT F-TER. Di« O.OU Albany « 40 -- ,- 7 •'«> P. M. QOK P. M— •ALBANY AND TROT EXPRESS Vo °"33 cal stops. 4 f)f\ P. M— •DETROIT. ORAND RAPID 3 AND •r.KJVJ CHICAGO SPECIAL son p. M.— 'LIKE SHORE LIVTT-EO 2* *»« <vJVJ train to Chicaco. All Pu;!maTs Ca^. T»i» Cleveland 723 A. M.. CartnatMl I •'•'> I^^-'in apoh!. 3.10. Chicago 4.30. St. Louis 94i ? M. 6 'flfi next 11.*— -WESTERN EXPRESa 2S hoar* ta C.on p M.— *wesiehi" express 28 hoa*» •» U.UU Chicago via hof, U S. an.» M C. COX P. M— 'MONTREAL EXPRESS v!a D * H. •«'•' or Rutland. " Of) P M — -ADIRONDACK ANT> MONTREAL. • •° 1 -' EXPRESS. 8 nn P. M.— 'BLTFALO AND TORONTO ?rECTAL. O.VJU Due Buffal- 7.2J A. 11.. Klasara Fai:» 9.4 a Torr>nti 10 .V> A M QIC P. JI.-«SPE IAL MAIL LIMITED. S>»r»« -*- •yj car rnly for Pnrl-sf»r Qon p M.— •SOC'THU'syTKRN SPEJCTAL. t>i» Ct-i- J.wU cfnnat! ISiO Ind:ar a? or.s 10.10 P. M-. S:. Louis 9 "•,<-■ second -norr.lrj. Qon p. ■• -*PArin * F-xrnr?s chtc«<o ?,* h-mr* • V " J by M!chls-!»r' Te-t-al !O hoar* by Lrk» >>icr« 11 30 p M■— •CHICAGO THEATPEiTItAC*. Cap» ■ l.w»w Vincent. Oedensburg. EufTalo. Detroit a=-i — CHI-— Ji •Dally. tExcepr =:.--»-. v *■'». »in vwiUy. nAHLKJI BRANCH.. •.OS A. M. •^/^ 3.38 P M laily exi-epi r*ur.-l3y. tn pttt» field and Vorrn A-laT>« < !:Tr''(>v »i »M A. M. Pullman ears on all throueh trains. Trains lllurr<inaf»-l arTrh pl^t«**i lis^t. Ticket oSTVes) at It 9 2«\ 4TS an.! tSI4I III «>»■■» :': ' Union Sa W. 275 O>!'jm 1 -u>i Aye.. 13S vT»-t tStth ?t-. Grand Central Sta'lon •'- SI vratlaa a.r-1 IS»H ?t sta tion. New Tork: 33* and 72rt Ful'on st. and 106 BriaJ w»v. K. t>. Brioliivn Tel?p?jone -tKV) ssth 9rrr*f Itor New Tcrk Corrr^l Ci> Service. Raj.-iea .--»,-■.■-. ' from fcore! or r»s!ier.c» t» Vfestcott Expres? Companj New York Centra! Route BE— WEEN NEW YORK, BOSTON! AN") MEW ENGLAND Via ?pr'.n?l»!cJ »-• the BOSTON A.\D ALn«..\V RAILROAD. CTew York C»ntr>t! s Hu.lson nt-.»r R P. . Le-se*> Trains leave and Central c tat!«.n. Fourth asd 42S !*tr>»l New T«»r| ->« fo'lnw* ♦9.oo A. M.. t|2.C« rrrn »4 Prt P M VI Ml P M: a— rive Bo«tnn 3 .10 P m ■40 p V to (V) p M. «M A M. Leave Enstcn to <v> A V . »IZfln noon ••» no P M-. •11. '>•• P. M . arrive v,,, York 3ZO P M.. 3 ■*"> P M-. lA.rtO p. M . «14 > M Tickets at N»w Tn'k C»rr-*T Hrlfel <- - -. 4!5 ar.d 12H Broadway, MM at Grand Cewtr»l ~'»r'.'-n A. IT SMITH. GEOROE :': ' ' *.' ■"'■» Genera! Superintend^-t General Passer.cfr A cent WEST SHORE RAILROAD. CCexr York Central & H;1«-- River R. R.. L^«?»e.) Trains !eave Franklin ?; -tiittnn. Vrv» Tork, ii fol lows, and 19 rr - Eater f.-ot of W«»-t ,C 1 ~t-. N R.: •7 10 A. M. — Fcr intermediate p-lnrs to ADany. t1!.20 A. M. — (1> Airstna and llohiait Express. •1.00 p. M. — Chiraso Kxpr.^s3 •2.25 P. M Cr.rx. IJm fc r Petrrft ttrt A •< ♦a «c p M.— f>) F->r Ku.^«.->n River r>n'-v<» sad A'b^nv. •« on P M— For R-->ch.. Bn^alo. n***bmd an.? C^-rntro. ♦7 -" «■ M. — For Ro-r) »»nfrajn rfnt and >• tjmal* •9 15 P. M. -Foi Pyra . Rr>.-h Niagara Filti FW *CM •Dally. tr>a!Ty exc«»rt SurJay '.eaves Bmofttva hmtn: ft) at rtt a A m (2> at +2 45 P M Lmtm T'-'^'T C'tv P R R. sta5 ta • ,1. at til •> > -. Oit ?.T..TI P M Time tables at princfrjaT hr.f»'« offc»-» Itt.tz3g* checked r*" ™ Hotrt or by ITwuil F»-'»->a. a H SMITH C =: LAMBERT General Superintendent. Or* - Paa-en?er Air-.t. 'READING SYSTEM NEW JERSEY CFATRAL IK li. Liberty Street ami Sontd Ferry nttrm froo South Ferry five minutes earlier than fc«lcjw». E.»»TO». BFTIII.KHKH. AM.KUOW^ » \T> %I'Cn CHI Mi- z4 fiO .7 13 East.o -r:y. S 10 a ra.. LSI 4*l »*"••!! IS Rast.^a oaryl p rr. ?ur'a>» i*.Z3 a. m.. * ?!(>. 3.30 r«. m. IVI|KF«»MMtr **■» «r-,\xrn\_ a. rr 5.00 r< m. S'rr>iav!» y\ CS ti I n m UKEWOOn. I.AIfr"'RST. T^M« riyi-n »XT> !?\R>iFfMT-/t no 04.1 a. m. l.Sn (3 4ii. t4 :i> I-a\« wood anil Tjik»h:T-«T fmtn. 3 00 ,'x.l 3i) La:\«-t»oo(J on!;» ■ m Si:ndsv« ;<>•» » m .*T?.*\Ttr f !TV-"> (i s.'wi rtVsm vi\ri.*M» »r> PR»n»:FTn\- W & m. •• - p. m. |O'i: n»? %-xrn. »«nin> r» » •? i< orf»1 I r.pnvr pni\T P'»"»<s»\t 4-v '» «•• ortr ' I'OTNTS— -4 «) «»>. MSOii n •45 i r»r> rt -M p m." s*tt'il»vs »^r»n» rv*>a»i n^^i-» «> en <• — > • - •« f>;m \pvtp!M> fRVirtTVn Tpovtvi't, -.t. t « ♦ - MM. ♦« M .1 ttnoo .... 'f"v> »t ij 11 ?<». ♦?«». taWft -too «Soi> th'o(> t7 2a I?»mp m.. •f* 1-I » TPtit 2»TTT AND CH p «""N'T"r 5T'; r '-T<!-li -^ ♦« •«« «I 03a •ti Wl »•!. •! Oft t ' 3 - 0 - ?"° - ?00 "?>^ VII I.M>»«PimT r , ?< ts >■> >|t»Tft<«liKt 11*Vk « i., K»?.t'n« anfri ■'»: y> mi «y» ♦" ,to p m. Rea-'inT r ttjrrm* , n ■ fT«n-'<.*u «~> v *i .^n ■• ■-«) p m 7~- M'-ttt <s»-» # i >„], »p a .| T " »ria!:T »* en* Ptjrday *«Tir.tav only tParlor car* .-nlv 'iVt* ..C^"*' Tn "T" T Of *w>tn r»"-» « *•— T-T«». IW ?«1 !? - '"' v> '**'■' RmMw,, rt? StU *.• SI frl^n Oolumhi.» A».. Now Y>r* #'<" ;,^» Cr <J«4" -<^ rWWW Ft.. nmnk!*n- h<» Brraidwar. WKT'sr-iahu^ NY« T.-.r* •" «~i <*«iv ■ Viet Pi em and G»t» Mrr Cm Passr Aft. ROYAL PUt7| ,m HEW JUKI CE\TItU. R. n.. PIJ!I.\OEI PHiA a\o iu:\i)»%»; nr. nn .i n\L TI.MORE %>l» OHIO R. R. „,.,... ........ av * KV'-y ÜbvrrySti rerry. si gggu:?.:? '»°> AI. I.IMITKn- . uVti •-4i l ).- p ner. ill ;::.::. ■!;:.:■;: «i«^ "SSSS SSJS r£tl y . i .K ally S?**W Sawfii, «-- ;I n.iav only 113 - I- <:t * M| I«V| r!rr.».« W av IV 5tN Ai* .< K^t»n4 3<53 <5 7 oru « h "« *v- N-.w T.^1,?4 P.i.r, M SU. «*> tln,tt»^* Co **"■ °' •■ •"''•oka bassai* U. de*- V..rV ,?? atl * St ' ••*•"«'• •• «V-p™ .7.^-1 PaTrt -''* ''^ -»■ »■»» • «t. «^fci quar % W Snt """"» « 5 T W3 ruttaa •««« &ua hut«» ar r«all— n to ia«ilnat|-tl