Newspaper Page Text
LITTLE ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE,— CLASSIFICATIONS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. aii Xl- <~"r^~foT"alT~*rt" collectcrs an. pro- A BOO^ "" r «-anc« to turn art treasures ; «r». • ol exchange. Address or »" ;r *•* th « Manager of ibe Waldorf »rt j , S'' ___ VT r ™^rti to .WI. Duy or ♦« « c .«l*r»e» - - -gs ••ter coJura. en»ravin«a, Chang* »*\"^MT rt i sntiflueß. curioa **pe»- • tg:u * 1 l- > l_g» burnt w<yvl »' * r * Orl trl'*i ™i» and art furniture Wanted, an •«•' rue* »_^ c * thai „ for «J* or «- , •" __? !_[---»• «n<S handK-roeKt art «•!-• ' -_»-».-» ( tT*r-,^.,c* e-r<i _>13r-_i for d»- ; *« : ";r* rtrc-ltr ' AI.I'ORF ART GAL- ' SmSS ' - *—1 Jt4th-«:.. opposite Wat- , J -'.»■ W _ Y ork _____--__-__-__-_ A>P >.K*rUOLOGT L ZZTycv know your own or tour , rR-EVPS' •_• character? Characier- . , *2r •ti_M- powiMlitiea. latent talents, 'X'^er'uliy demonntrated. acd valuable Srtaalbhma on *•"■> ■*)-«. Send ep*cS _2fl* S:._S:-rlt'ngS :._S:-rlt'ng ar.<l 26c. to CLAUDE ' ETk'wiv oisji-iiinr ' 6* wr.iiwmt, New-i>rlc Ciir. :—: — A TKOLOG V A> P PALM I STR Y. •—"■ JIME. HELEN wovwam. Vatcra' bom clairvoyant, palmist, card -.'m^e' advises you en mental telepathy. , F"~ "ma-Ti*-- eperulatlon, bueiness, re _lm lost »'"' ' ' ! removes evil ln fuer.ces. 132 Wart 24th-«t. j ¥>" f mm -L2g> si]. Med'ujr.lftlc Eula:ia. I<">2 West SSth-«t.. ! — - be ccnralte<3 on all _rra!rs of life. 10 to ; BL dally; satiaTacUoa r""-rar.tee ! or y 9^fee accepted. A vTiQi_g» AXTP^ririUOS. . n aiiSdpiinisi!ffft@nTrwp-» KiilbillliMuMlbO. Incf>rr>cra*.e3. REMOVED TO 0 % Ism I h "u3 Al we., sear 25th-n.. N. T. [i^^S^li _,!*§ Sir M« 1 Wrtt Oid Furniture, Old Silver. SheSield Plate. r._ »l«- Brass a: -•". Copper. " OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. H » LANTHIER. f>4 Fourth Avenue. between 25th and 26th * ■ :s.. New 1 >rk __M-t«r snd dealer Jr. Fine OH Paintings. Rare OH p - •'«;•• a" '■»:.» by the Old j . - ,-r Anc^nt Arm. j *.•?& Armor. Works of Art. Ar j,-^ ; <eri-.eTi;» for Insurance*. Transfer j T»x"«"3 sjrrnga:*'« Court. ! HERMANN ROSENBERG. Importer of I A— tlqae Furniture; Manufacturing of Fine Furniture: mitt attractive and fin* a: •fle'ticr: c* Art Good!" In New-York. In —MCdon coriiar.y invited, at 264 4th-ave.. t'-st 2>t-*t.. New- York. r-j-.E ANTIQUE FURNITURE EX C3IA.XGK. 15« West . -■: -•:.. near 7th __j The Ueal shrp for lovers of antique* «ad seekers after i (man* In odd pieces less liar S value. We buy. *ell. exchange. ~H \KMANI -O. Cabinet Maker. — Antique, Art;st:c an I Moderu Furniture repaired. Aitigu«- Furniture fcr sale. _.'- 4th-flve. A-r EBUBTS ART GALLERY. 105 West 42d f cfear 6th-ave. — AnjiQuen. curios, old Ic*eis, sH\er»ar». rare fans, painting*. r-.:r.ietures and weapons. Old gold bought. CI'TWE KONCIN. 113 6th-ave.. repairer ; c' Ar.tir-^e. Modern. Works cf Art, Brlc _-Bmc; reference (Daveen Bros I : CRA.GG ANTIQUES CO.. 116 Wart IM.rt . t.-jj s <»-..f s'lis oid m_fao£acy. silver. Jew *'jy. Coicr-iaJ china. j JJOQUETTE C\F.rETF. beautiful eressor, t,^i?^ : -i sEn^fl:s E n^fl: do^er r_ RALVO PRO?.. Ar-'-':» Fumltur*. Bric-ft-F-ac etc. KR 4?h «*a. near _Tth •t. Ttl. I.C-Ji Madiscn Square. yTTill) CURIOSITY SHOP.— an- { tiqu«. oli eoli. *l!ver sri books bought >- t.:A. -■'. LeTtr:e-!r,n-*ve. j ARTIFICIAL PLAVTS. j • r~ ' *"i ic — r ,^AL Tr^r.ica! Plant- Fe-r.» for , Vat> W THE TROPICAL DECORA- ■ TIVS ril°>:rr CO.. 37 West U.h-st. a iwun A\TIQIE SHOP ""■^ \""TTFt'LLY car-.ej rrahogany firop l^af U.Ue. ASUqoea in variety, rfSekTS East 42u-i'i.. just east of Bar thcicrr'W « Parish licrase. _________ _^ _^ . BOARD JkltD ROOXB. ard; *:ng:e ___r «__ces all '•• LEiIaND * - West 3* ll - 51 A ROOM AND BOARD B__y be obta'.ned •a— 'f Lexlrnrton-e-ve.. in i2d-»t. . A.i . cc.y-f-rts cf a repaid home may be »ecur»«. !viir-es Mrs. Hi EIX. Box H. Tribune O- ■M j THE FLOKII'A. 245 East 19th-«t.— First "_-« fcoa-dlng house; steam h-at; south t^. «tpo-U«; reasoi_ble; references re- ■ j 11TE--T 17 EAST, near sth-ev«.. Van Hensselaer.— Refined modern aparttnent j tsxel: one to four rooms and bath: TOT- 1 »ieh«d or unfarrished: superior board ?. *r.~k:v for one. ?25 for two and urw»rd tab:« "board. $10 weekly or a la carte pn- U.U t_bi<s. Meals optional. TranFier.ts a. - _T ».W j_ dally. DJrners. 75c ;.; hotel •errtce; elevator: eleetrto light; hot water --TPK- private telephone, etc. Telephone C:<»>— lPth. _J SO. H n.4ST 24TH-ST. offers -Mi accom tn-v^ation*. . j £3" WEST~END-AVE.. between 75th and j TBth Bta. — Tv.o large fumy rooms. j :&-H-?T 122 EAST, overlooking Gra—i »-r-r Park La-se comer rooms: 6e-on<l. t.V.r? So^i pr^ate bath: parlor dining. «r:a:i tmUoi: py-* l *"* cuisine; ht>ine..ite re ception parlor: relc-gtcc*. ! 1—1: GRAMERCT PARK.— Roo^.^ J^| . t-iard: r-a« rates. G. A. GRIGGs S nar.&ctrnent. 2JTH-ST -17 "WEST. — Desiraile roome; ~Tfir»<' "wefi kept. Ft-OCil boarding house; naofl— — crTver-lences; Tarisian cooKlnp. J^ERIJINAND. 7iD-ST HO WBT. — furnished rooras: Ki:perior table; references g.ven «£fl requ'.r»-d. , 1 SRAMEECT PARK, 21st-*t.— 6*"rr,d floor p>ms. en sat* or --rigie. *T:"r Arm ~'»: rcf *r-r.m : table board. DILI4ARD AND POOL. TABLE*. MAXUTACTURERS rf UDSarB and t>° o5 tables; h:»rh grade bdrtlr* a ley builders; lowes- prices MARX EROS.. 24 Lnion pp n ._i -^ BCSXSCSS CHANCES. EFESCIAL OPPORTUNITY. tnU ss- a« ?2TiO 2r.ett large drug etore fixture*, costing $7.<* X.'. ccr.Elstir.g of large pwrritrtloß and six ofl_T large cour.^rs - ■ - «ocre. large cumber of drawers, etc-; euit • tie itamt ar.y other business; shoe. hat. c^-_r nr coEfc-tlonen : larr* store also for rert. cheap. 61 Cathartne-ft.. city. BUaEHi MAN or FTP.!! warted to han ttlie u_e. Acdrees WATER. Tribune Of ricTj K-AMT-SD til Increase establishes tJ.r.A\f^2ous *_*_'J«_«V_5»S2 KtScteet Investigation. BIGG=. 41 Un.ver f-'y P_.ce. A BOLDER who has a r.umber cf new two fasilv houw in Jersey City, a high T»r eenl would like r-e-fatf with an L-r-.t o r who WMiem W.OOB income P«_°K Wo_M consider some vacant ,ot» I7p_-t exchange. P. I. H.jrrlbunj^Offl^ XOTD.G VAN ani fanittßre »»««_____•__*_ cq.'—--' dr-'.-g $5.00<) } ear!v : f>wn«-r l««»r iy?;:,.;' inquire -tore. Sl3 Gatea-ava.. Erook!>-r_ FOR BALE ?Tra!l rural patent: »*lls to ■wtiftwflT; rare chance to make morier: pltm low. E. rk.« SBL Trtrune Office. PBOXOTESfS I.I C T. — Ovr !5'»W »»"''• cf Ir.vettors OwuM**-** Kartem «nfl 3JIO- C!» =-a-e»; $25. M-h BEXIfETT. Mi Hrr*<s»-By. PARI3CEB WANTED. »Irn r »P' ?EI $10. 809. la <m- cf the cst In.p^ting »nt!que 7° **" 1 - • BKKBS. - -• r— s ,—, — . ■ ■ VERf*** 1 -OC.-..TX. _r>^"^^. < >,N'F^T v! PRODUCT. WylXZ&y^ Hinder * 'v B*dfe_i____r-"" °° H '*■' ■*- < " I t " BICYCLES. BICYCLEsT ... _t_*« ii"~wii^~ir. BAUSCH. _._;: i. a-a-. near l_-d-«L Oj«n * ________————————————■ f I TLEItI . _ _ CtTLERT if -very on «»«• ma<se to order and r»p»lr»d. at y |f\. -it - y> J-hn-n. mrA 7' \****"- rt » M. » X". iIAC-S fN«P'.R»TlO?r^*r n«*« B s^ ~? c»cts. pur* Ha-_n_ Tohac-i . *1 2*> _»r» r p-jn-!- to* i-ao- at toba<-o S^c pe* * CARPET CLEAXIXQ . .'. & A t. tfUIAKS 553 m fe4lifi! Sir. •_^_J_______t^Nl»Q. SMibUahed 1871. °bb ll r E O? Al ' , R UGS-Repalrt^"ana waatlng I W«r orjenuii tneuiods. e*t_bl»«be<l IHM» ." ki^v VJ^.*^3 • telephone. •*.««>& A-SBUI. ! _C>EJ< TATO^TAN BROTHERS. ~ aalM - j _^' T« CL>Eaning - cjeaniac. bruihin : VVMt 3M^f CLEANING WORKS. 157 I ■ ———__——_____________ t ORIENTAL RUGS repaired, washed. o> v P^ t ap«>»a;i»_ HA.IQ S. ISKIYAN. »4 C^ArWny' *' l--fer«nc . li* H. B. CUUn CARPETTS AND RUGS— Carpet cleaning; AKDER MORI-E. S3» West t3th-sU TeL ' - ■t'>i A Crlumtus. CAREFVL CARPET cleaning CO.— *•••*"■ or compressed air, steam, hand or . J* r°^ r _ 165 -"roadway. 421 Sa*t 4Sth-a_ «^OE * BRANDT. TeL IS- »»•-. CORSETS AM) WAISTS. MTT"ifD : Rp__Y^j^^. ; 126 West 23d St. M gg_ ft __ r - WaMa, PLAIN AND FANCY WAISTS, shirt waist •tits Mm-. MARTINEZ Hate of Lon- 1 ■lon fhop). «t>4 6th-*Te. DRESSMAKING. ' <* X I'IBTIC Gown* made for all occasions; reasonable; chic: latent design* ; satisfac tion guaranteed. COCKRAX, 142 W. 17th. DRESSMAKER.— <Joo<J all around: fin* hand F»«er. $1 day; carfare. B.'. Box 14, ■i eth-ave, DRESSMAKER. — ; reasonable. Mmr. HAVEHTY. 5,0 Earn 64th-st. DRESSMAKERS requiring perfect platt tngs. promptly executed at reduced rates. Send ycur orders to T. F. HAGERTY CO.. West 14th-»t. THE CON BRIO. ISB EAST MTH-5T — i-"rench cleaner* and fancy dyers. Laces Syed to match rcwiu. All the material* used by the Ire«»maKing trade. also fine gaimenta cleaned and dve-1. Real laces .-!eare<« and mended. Mall orders promptly ■ rtended. WHY NCT SEE the Colored Woman's Business Club Employment Bureau, 153 West S3d-et. ? They hare added a dliaa xr.kirg department, where maids' complete ■ntfit* car. be had at short notice Morning ;nd afternoon iresses. rli>o glr.gham aprons Out of town orders promptly filled. ■'nrTfgppndence solicited DVEWC A>D iWWL A F. PICHOT. 202 *th-ave.— ("leaning and j Dyeing Establishment. Highest grade j work. Established 30 yaara. ■ i ."LECN'ING and ~ Pressing. 50c. ■ Suit, j Called for and deli'^rej. Orders promptly , attended to. I. BCHWARTZBACTM. 1.16. . K'radway. Rorm 2. ' ~tfOGS~XM> ' HIRDSr~~ "^ ALjT^clncrs 'or sale: -)«dic!ne». vetertr.apr . inspection weekly WRIGHT"? Vennels. , f«' Cl»~1»»ii» 1 corner F-jlt^n Brooklyn. CAGE BIRDS Bad pet Mrtm-la. a!! kinds. Just received: 2 **«-■ Yorkchlre Canaries. %2 f>f>. JT'LKS FE^ONOL. 224 Sth-avf. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. __ ARE"YOtTT?rTHE DARK? A TRUSTWORTHY I ►ETEC riVE - CAN ENLIGHTEN you on »J_lJg"S^l I where the law has a remedy; CONM-i^i j ME FREE: if I do not convince you I am . rcliabl-. and Fiiow records of _.^f™s-?TVFQ the brightest modern DE .E( m M KNOWN. DO NOT GIVE ME tovr ; WORK: arpolntment only. Ad<lre*s -"" I BERT BERRY. 46-h-st. and Broadway. N. T.. end 'Phone, 6.349 — PK'I _.< 1 1 V ML— Ui 1 B—a: shadowing: tr vestiratmr.s: evidence S 'enured: S3 ca«»s: phorA 434— 35. 108 West ,n* .. r-r.^t»iri COTFP j e_tpi_vT«-ari AGENCIES. -SI S^TO : ? W ! S " "em'plotment bureau. 211 East 42>1-et. First class domestic? are * applied: also managing hou-ekeepera. na trons, govemeaats. tutcra. etc. s^.* muuiGHi-ra & P K 102 We*. 44th Formerly with Mr*. Seely First claw Employment Bureau fo r MALE AND FEMATJS, help. T-lephone. MSI. P. WE*IIBE^ Employment Bureau. 123 East 7r>'b-9t. Klgr. grade male and female help constantly on fcand. Telephone 401*2 79u;. ~~IP3S L FiKiIEHJISP, E^VIST^H A^ TlL^f O|£ *%£. SKTk-ST nuF.MEPLV WITH MRs. 8-_--.T). ' REFERENCES IN^'ESTI GATED. • , fidS. E.IfOBBY&CB. a EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 67 We?t 2Sd-«t. Select male and female help: reference, in- VCSI igatf J. Telephone Z,G3t — IStn-gt. HELLO: CENTRAU fe-lve KM l.^r-^.'c »on Square. SAMPSON & NELSON S Employment Bureau. 412 4th-ave. : best t;eip^ _ __. — SOUTHERN COLOREO3 MISSION.— MaIe and female help direct from the Sou£ retcrenc* investigated. P. S. EPPS ■'_- prietor. sib V.'est 12_ta-«t. Telephone, 5 24 Rivers! ie. T 7 hOFMAYErT IS West 23d-st.— A TrSnei °*£v*at*T also Jo^keeger* matrons, nurses. Telephone. 4.0J6 18th. BEST SERVANTS. EEST BTSTEM. IR wi\-« eTH-*.VE AND 11TH-ST. ref_p.::n-E^ INVESTIGATED. t_.lh- I'HOXE :.44.*.A ISTH ST. . FVl'V.vE'i" 1 AND EMPLOYES" IN DUSTRIAL UNION. i."-2 West »--£. ■ Tel S^TB Columbus. Select mai. and Xc : *>. Reference Investigated. FOURNIER BUREAU. 637 6th-ave. Select help furnl^ed « :«*•! references lcvestigated. Tel. --' •'■-'•- «__■_*£_«£££ K *^_gs« C s__ _-.!? ani' feinif. help for male employers :r- c cf charge. , MRS g SIM 9 Male and* Employ- Sr£ißi_MSs& §__. ! vvr AfGUSTE l '- Wart -40th-st : Tel • ; _r^l?s ■ g_SS S_nrt^e-T— ilwn __?__________: , V^= RAfTTAJI PARISOD and Mrs. L. ', ' M ?vn HOFCHLE French. Arrer - ■ I\O H( rL A Via Pa« f/id St. -Select belo I for 3 unfo^rlterencs -M«».». j | prompt service^ . I n 7 "! ~__n-i W~-st Side Employment Of- | flee' 112 Wet 2<-th--st.; best help • u Uc<3 .'or' city ur country. ____S_____|_^^ ! S^Sml? r SEfER«gca- IKVEOT j GATED. ELECTRICIAN; r-^TTT^Y^raadfr r-patni _ai »l__Hll_~__ RICHARDSON, :ri4 EU.t ......_«. ' v> r ' ;r.e n ;•■•' Mail s -, T --r— -Rir-AL WORK. — Everything •!•?- E^£J. JS-oriV reliaMe and reasonable. P- HIRS^?"ELECTRIC CO. 54 West jth^t.. TVlochono 122 Madron Square. FIRMSHEP HOOMS. ~« -jr_-^_^^ el y furr7ished coraer jjgSKi SiSfa^TS ss it . l7^. ■ -••-: ate^ references. 154 W«t€t. __ -_ ii EAFT op"O»lte ladles' entrance I _g_*!K____j»_2s_s ' . , rE ; tais Kumlahed very ,- a, -L JACOBSOS-. . . caf**- 120 >-■! >- . K^L_{^ffs_aj«KtwS: vmta family- .. - i rrr~S-p._ T _p.e f_int large and 7.TH-ST.. * l _J?^ln tmprAvementt' •«' .mall eco rorrr' table co_ re:»r- _ ' i.i\(;eh»e ________~ jatb-au. •»«* __a_or-*-» NEW* YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. APRIL 19. 1903. FUR SALE. o.Ni; 40Hf. ax i__:ri_t: compound en gine AND BOILER. In first class con dition; one 12hp. Wolverine g-» engine and reversible propeller, c mptßia, with gen erator and batteries; used one season; fully warranted. GEO. TV. CURTIS, feS Wist Broadway. DESKS <Rolltop«).— GLEN & CONNOR 1 3 or c Furniture Exchange. 47-4t» Centre st. All kinds offlce fixtures on hand; high grade Mooad hand a specialty. FOR SALE OR TRADE.— market and grocery and —.ear rout"; March profits li per rent on the Investment. 2i per cent on the. business; also 1 wagon hub factory, a good Worlds F_!r location. 724 \ ande venter. St. Louis, 2jo. FOR SALE.— Wagonette, made by A. P. D*mare«t; can be seen at 60 East 83tt- Pt. A FEW fine ell paintings: sizes from Bxlo to 33x43 inches good opportunity for lov ers of art. A. SCHAGELIN. 247 Arlinston ave., BroaUjra. TYPEWRITERS.— Why rent? S5 monthly ba' - any make. Telephone. S__oßroan COHEN TTI'EWRITEI-: AGENCY. 18 Broadway. NICKLJN. 163 Par* Row.— Fine tool*, runs, piste's mathematical iurglcai. surveying and other Instruments; unre deemed pledges a epeclalty^ PROFITABLE GROCERY BUSINESS es tablished four rears; fins neighborhood. Call or address GEORGE PRICE. (28 East 13«th-st. > TEH wry MOBll and carefully broken Shet lana«. Jtso up. To b» peen an-1 tried at Wei-tchestcr-ave and Fox-st.. on Simpson •«t«t«. _________________ LAWYERS y 1 rjIWIB 1370 3Tth-<tt (night). " 1/lE'i.i 13Ti.» B«ay. 3Tth-<t- ( >r>VICE FREE.— Reliable lawyer takes all cases, accidents estates, contracts, collec tions, notary. Open evenlnca. 1.9.6 Lexlnt ton-ave. (store). ■ • ■ - ■ . SMITH & ENGEL. reliable lawyers. 309 Eroadwav New- York: accidents, diimes tlc difficulties quickly adjusted; consulta tl^r free. LADIES' TAILORS. LADIES* TAILOR-— Latest ParVslan styles; bicycle suits « __«ctatty; "^Js{-Sthj__l arteed: prUes moderate. _. ROSENTHAL. 2.058 MavHson-ave.__ i _____^______________ I___1 ___ LAUNDRIES. SANITARY LAUNDRY, hand work, clean ing and dyelnr: kid glove* cleared Sc per pair. FRKNCH WHITE HAND LAUNDRY, ■*" ; "" ll^h-rt . near Ma.i-.B^n-nve. LAMPS. HAVE A SUVIO ALWAYS ON HAND, Kee D Away the Grit) from Your Home. suvio. m._:.. *i.. •«'.*- Zee Neet Gas Heater E0(IO- ? 4CD®» Name and Patent Num bers on Top of Each Henter. BEAUTIFY YOUR H*MB. LIGHT. Patented Jan. 7, 1903. 150 CANDLE POWER SAVES 80% on GAS BILLS. Never blackens mant'.e. Prices, Toe. *1. *1 -M>. Samples put -] on re quest. Sjvilght Burner, «>oc. vcantipe from We. up. SUVIO HEAT & LIGHT CO.. 1 078 3d-ave., 08 Park Place. N. Y. Cltr. Vent on receipt of price, tip, prepaid. SO iS-S__.° f TKS| 1903. ' application will be mad- to the bank f or a r.- w b ■-._. . i T o=;t OR STOLEN.— Bankbook No. 413.2? C L of th? Entrant Savings Bank. Payment Etopi^d. Please return book to bank. No. 51 Chambers-Ft. ______ i MACHINERY. T^~»^r>i^rEn^PßlC?;;' — 800 aee^nd hanfl : A -c^^n?^ P-or_:B«P -or_:B« ».rhln 7i «ul., MISCEL.LA?iEOi:_. To the Public and General Users of Tele- SAVED FROM hh ° r THE i CENTRAL, \T LAST! THE DELC.VLL PHONE will five you ! co^nicltlon with one party or one- thou ■ - v.v are . Ln_ « ■. [_L PHONB wtU receive penwnally. nobody required to leave _B| m w« a:J pat them up FREE or Chan*, the renting for^ P^__s___ a Office. 307 East S&th-st. Factory. Mamaroneck. N. X. FT-K STORAGE AND REPAIRS. Fur« Rups and Garments stored in our lioraite Warehouse. Will do more to pre«erVe and lengthen their life than any , ii,ir tn«hrd We clean, store and lnsu.e \vD REDYED now at summer prices. Better workmanship «^_ B » r *L a l^ r - ;^ CO .'7 Broadway. N. V.. between 21st and tat rta. Tel qC37-lSth. WANTED.— lnvestors, patentees an<3 me cha-1" and every one Interested In natento and Inventions to eend for our In ventSrJ Guide. This ©> page Eook sent FREE contains full information about natents How to obtain a patent. What to fn vert for profit and how to sell a patent. ThW elegantly printed bor.k Kent FREE to Jnv addrV«s CMEARA & BROCK. Patent Attorney- €20^ llth-st.. N. V, . Washing ton, D. C MIETZ & WEISS, kerosene snd za.% "iflnes J1 for electric lighting, pumping and all power purpose-?. Send for catalogue. A. MIFTZ 128-138 Mctt-st., New-lork City. mv f-a rero id hand Jan motors: direct and alternating, iarsre stock: wp-lrtafr M F. FLECK. 7 Chambere-st. rr.F^TRTC MOTOR and dyr.amos bought, sold u««tchanc«d. first class repairing BELL ELECTRIC MOTOR CO.. 105 **>- ter-*=t. WOI.VFFTN'K MOTOR WORKS. 28 War- MB-Jf' N' T. • ae!f-«ta't!nr and reverslnc 'l-Tie" motor* for launch »nd auxiliary purposes. 2 to S3 horseocwer. two and four eycle^ ___— . .^— — OLD GOLD AXD SILVER. £T? r^ "|'~r^T"^EO N. JOTCB. HSUi'L'"' I J;»eiler. 123 N»»»au-«t . mi» ir?|J] i near Beekman. Best nrlce* ©'it. ' ;^ tf3 ! paid. Established 1*22. tc-t .]- 17 ES et ieth-st.— Highest prices paid for old gold, diamonds and pearls. WOBV-OIT GOLD AND SILVER bought I; R i/nt.MAN 1 .- SONS. Gold and &■ ver' Refiners. 6 John-Bt. ka -p~TAI 744 eth-ave— Highest prices paid "fo^Old'cii Silver. Jewelry and Brlc-a^ Brae. _^—~. ■ IS IT A FH^ME? That Miss SCHWARTZ 1 buTs old ro;a. silver, diamonds, etc.. at s Eai?t42nd? APP id Jrinn-ct ri lists Esair.toation by an OCCUST of 2« years' experien<-» FHBE. and proper glasses fitted for tl «*> up. PIFFI <I-LT •ASEB BOUC- UtD. Satstfactlon .»^rl A'l f!< ad> t*!««J barpaln? or G B BRIGD^. OCULIST. 200 Broadway. r' — i ■■-■!' ptTEXT !_ — ~~t —^?w~^TKT?ON. patent •■>- TH '.^r .M rxp'n e.t*bH»h«l UMB; «u r , . . — — — i— — ii — — — FIA.NOS AND OBCASS. „,.,,,,,- A PIANO? Buy direct of the DunKG «, ihf FicKH 8-cure best goods. B0.«O B^JlyJ" _ v 3, t L«n *»ti— lf ■■■ - r PRINTING. ys^lg-S^"— r"irir!T PRSSS artistic Job prtnt 335 «M* ■»>« 37th-«.-B-ih work our ffSdJ**: •!•«-*= P° wer " Send f ° r jn«tes. __ .. — — F^TerT 'I* printer. '* at 24 Ana-«U, yaw-lark. AU kUMIa at »«*, REMEDIES^ _^ DR. GTLLSTHOM. 5 ate Specialist. — Th« hair and scalp scientifically treated. Ex- , amination free: ladles' h»lrlre«?in|i. mani- j curing and chiropody parlors. 244 Gth— ave. : ESTABLISHED over ten years: facial message and scalp treatment: graduated creator. Mrs. CARLSON. No. 6S West , _*,;h-*t. ■ EAST SIDE Derma tologiat Parlor. — We cure dandruff, pimples. blackh-aJs, wrinkles. WADE & FOX, 15? East 2Sth-et. MEDICATED BATHS for rheumatism; all i nervous troubles. Mrs. MAY BOLAND. 117 West 15th-st. MANICURING, Facial Massage. Scalp Treatment »nd Shampooing. But Ene Dermatologist Parlor. WADE & FOX. 153 j East 2«th-Et. : VAPOR BATHS.— rout, rheumatism. all nervous troubles. Expert or.e:ator». manicuring STEWART. 60 West WONDERFUL Scientific Remedy; It ha» no equal for sto-ninc falling hair; $. per bottle: one bottle will prove its value. BLACK. 520 Jersey-are.. Jersey City. ._ I pi _/-,-• F:\rf; N. DAKE. I ( > R West 42d-st. — Msgn-tism cures all chronic diseases; la ! dles attended at residence. I PINE LAWN "RHINO WATER. It has no I equal. All -1-uc:clsts and grocers keep It. ■ Depot 181 We_t-e_. bet. Chambers and Warren. Telephone 13SO CortlanJt. i RESTAIRAVTS i Lnchow's German Restaurant, jOS-114 E. 14TH. Sole Importer of ™ a z ~ burger Hofbrau. Pilsner Genos«enschafts ] brau. _ , _ , , Ala Carte. Table Cafe Boulevard, d-Hote. ceiebrai«a Hungarian Gypsy j 2D AY ft 10TH ST. Band. -D n-rn-nt* formerly of 200 Broadway. . D. UrCUli,, 141 Fultor St.. N. Y. : t?i T-rt? riATHSKELLER 9°°^ ELITE Restaurant. Music. 32d-st-, 150 feet west of Broadway. ' Private rooms a specialty. $250,000 In vented fitting up the L_ '.e. The most ■ unique place In town ffl "5) fril 1 ~. n 5 (5» 121 & 123 West 26th-st. ih '<*Pil * ; ' © Table d'Hote, with wine. 55c. (^mWinffflTnii^J 1 "5- Downtown, 20 Ann. 149 I V, » : : , . , ; ji JQ) _ij |j t?i & Fulton. Ale. Uptown. 6th^aVe^ nr •. ""Sth-rt.. Ale. Music Every j Evening. . ' MARSH'S RESTAURANT HOTEL. WIN ! SONIA. l"_ •'■:• W. 44TH ST. Tdh. Din : ner. 7^c. A!c. Ml a' •> _^ j GREELEY SQUARE RESTAURANT 1 2«1 Broadv. ay. west fide. tet. 32d and _ S-i Bta. Imported wines and cigars. ,, M ' c™e ™ l " prices and good service. Open all i PALMER"? DINING ROOM, I^l 'V. »■ ; it —Table d'hote dinner. 10 courses. EOc ; Specialty, spaghetti. CAFEyiIORETTI RESTAURANT I*l ■""• 34Ui-st. New-York.— Table dheie dinner. $1. lunch. 50c. LOOK FOR THE WHITE ROSE VECr:- TARIAN RESTAURANT. M W. lfth-?t.. rear 6th-ave.. parlor floor Open all day ; Sunday. No animal fata u*ed on our tables. HOTELHUNGARIA. 4 Dnl«B9a,^m_Tdto. Ix:h.. «0c Dinner. 7Bc. (With wine. »l.) RUGS. ! FROM~OLD ~ CARPET?r~^!ir^^n^ ; make portieres. Get clrcula- ORIENTAL i RUG CO.. 475 W____B_to»-«t. Newark. BEAUTIFUL RUGS made from your old carpets Write for hooklet. NEW-YORK. 1 RUG CO.. 4*ll West 124th-st. SHOES. (Dior (LDESiPOKiKa - Adjustable Ex- U tension she*3 i 1 I for the lame. ■ I I Can be worn J I ! to ■ " other _l*o _hoe« for deformed feet. t!» facUon^uan * ss * r ; d for directions for self-measuring. Cut this out for your lame frienas. WM JOOKIMssEX. 451 Lexington aye. Ne«'-York. "42 Sth— «~e. .^______________ STORA(.E. ,r-,iT! STORAGE WAREHOUSES Bth ave.. 33d to 34th b_— Storaga for furni ture, etc.; paired vans for moving, city or country- box ng. packlnir. »hipplng and In suranf-e: estimates furniEbea. TeKphone call — SB__-_t CONTINENTAL Storage Warehouses, 31^ " 319 W. 43d. Just eff Bvh-ave. TeL 2,oat B&th-Bt. SE\VI>G >IACHI>E_. SEWING MACHINES, New " Home. Wlllcox & Glbbs, Singer; Instal ments or rental. H. BAI H --. od are . near _Bd-_t. Telephone Ifi-Ai Harlem. STAMP*!. CUBA. Issue IbOS-9, 5 centavos. complete Eheet of 100, unused, O. g.. guantnteed Kt-nuir.e oniv l- cents, post free. MAN HATTAN BTAMP CO. 150 Nassau-st- New-York City. A PINKCS 216 Orand-rt. — Postage ' ? tai. , • j_u-e and mv ■ ased. DO YOU WANT to buy stamps for your collection at your own prices? If so, send lor my next auction catalogue. Its free. Kale takes place Saturday, April 2». at 2 o'ciock. at GEO. R, TLTTLKS. H8 Nassau-st.. New-York City. IMPORTED good Turkii b dsmrattea for . VRMBN PAFAZ. ■ - J. W. SCOTT. 26 John-st. — Buy, sell old coir.3. •tamps. gold dollars; discount cur rent stamps. WE BUT postage and revenue ctampa, postal card:., collections. CIIAMEcIHS STAMP CO.. 11l Nassau-Bt. SELL medium gra^ 1 stamps at half cata logue prices; hlkht-st cash pric<^ for scarce stamps. UNIVERSAL STAMP CO.. Room 605. llii Nassau- st. COINS.— SI r*» paid for roM dollars; $3 25 for ?3 piects; sold halves, $1; quarters. 75c. LOW. 287 4: -an .. 22 :-st. OLD postaca and revenue stamps and col lections bought at highest prices. F. KREBS, 7S Nassau-su WE BUT stamps and coins; highest prl-es [a book. Me STAMPS, FINE STAMPS from Persia, Bulgaria, Servla Greece. Abyssinia, etc.. for sale cheap. STAMPS. 256 4th-eve.. N>w-Torlc DON'T HESITATE sell a: once, poMar* stamps, coins and unnurrent money, to M'f SCHTW»WT^. D Fjjrl »■•• ■-• I\DKRTAKF.RS STFPHKN MEPRITT Emhalmlnit Inst. Undertakers. 241. 243 West 23d-*t.. eld stand World known. Telephone 3260 18th. Moderate. J\ME? D. atASON Wtt V.- S4th-st.. N>tv- Tork.— Funeral Director *nd Licensed — - . . - ne - '^rlr^re. IMBRELUS. ETC. STITIXSCITN'EinER'9 Umbrellas are the best. 124 Fulten-st.. cor. Nassau. bawrrent. Louden smoke best 611k fmbrella. 53.23. • ■ bnllaa recovered with Imported Silk. $1.00. All it-pairs 15c- CI'HOi-STEni. U^r-*r WORK GUARANTEED. I? Reffrence furnished. Moderate MMM fumuh.-d. M^Jera:, 7, prices. HARTMAN. 86th-st. and _-—i Lul >!■ ■»« GBEENHUT 201 Weet&Sth-tfL ■ »--t .'• '•» WINES and Liatons. __ iii\snFlir,FP. f-*"^ON. importers of Rhine '^s. MS*! BordeW etc., 40 Union f^uar*. Family tnrl<- a ypfcifl.'y- WAU PAPERS. Bxriraln Bale for few day* only. 1 GMd payers 3c. and ur>- Tap** ■ - ST.. *— door« from Canal. " Tel., --*? Fran— iia. AGENTS \VA.\TED. , AGENTS, males, (..-males, to se.l VerkaJe's ; Waxine Night Lights; 90 hours lor 25 cents: profits 100 per cent. C. 11. JOOSTEN. : importer ir- C-antl • - DO TOD GAMBLE? You do not. when you j take the agency for our new food product; ; big money sure; housekeepers delighted; de licious, nouiishlng, cheap and quickly pre pared; d.-. net let this chance sl.p by. bat ; write at once for full particulars and full : size sample. Inclosing lie. J. T. NAYLOR | & CO.. Box 2t». CnlJ Spring. N. Y. ■ ___ HELP WASTED. r ir i . ATTENTION:— Men. by doing an easy work, you can travel to England for t'< ! to Germany for $10; elso free triinsporta ! tion procured. Aopty ATLANTIC aHIP PING OFFICER US lst-st-, New-York. WE NEED COMPETENT MEN. The demand for high graae, experienced, capable men with auilky is grtater than tlie supply. We have openings tor Man- I agers, Treasurers, Bookaeepers. Superin tendents, Private Secretaries. Erperienc»vl I Salesmen and several openings for bright I I young men with old established houses; j College Men preferred. High grade ex- i clusively. Call OH us or '.vrlte Tor plsn ; and bouklet. HAPGOODS, 256 Broadway, New-York MAN of neat appearance, about 23 years. i to learn our business: must furnish se- , curity. THE SINGER MFG. CO.. 140 East ; j sl>th-st. ■ WANTED. — Competent railroad machinists and boiler-makers for out of town: good ' waees. Apply between 9a. m. an'! 5 p. m. GEO. H. THOMAS. 31 Coenties Slip, on j flight up. . ' I WANTED. — Sa>srnen to carry a fine lire ' Of calendars as a side line. Also special • representative wanted. Samples furnished, j j Give experience as a Talesman and refer- • encea. P. O. Boa 413. Chicago. j i WANTED — An energetic salesman capable j ! 01 bu ldlng up' and holding trade !n New ' York on «tar!° line. A S. CO., 31-59 ; 1 Gran<!-ave.. Detroit. Mich. ! i WANTED. — Gentleman to solicit elite ad ' vertising on commission; or' those who I are thoroughly Dusted and familiar with the business need apdy. Address G. C. EL. Box S3. Tribune i WANTED.— Experienced salesman to carry ! knee pasta or ■ side line. GLOBL : ! PANTS CO.. 41 Great Jones-si.. I I WANTED. — Capable newspaper a-: b^ok j canva-Mra: cne of the most attractive j 1 proposition* ever preaei in New-York, i • Apply to WILLIAM H. GCTEXIUS. Tnb : ure OSice. $20 PER THOUSAND pal '• for COpytOS ! short letters; «everal lines of work to gr. e cut; $5 to |6 weekly working evenlnsrs: en- : close etamti fcr copy of l*tt*M-s. Instructions, etc. Add M EAGLE WHOLESALE CO.. Chicago, 111. _, ■ : HELP WANTED. Female. CHAMBERMAID. — Neat young — oman. chambermaid and waitress; email family: must have city reference. Apply, between i* and li 80 West Ssth-st. LADY to call on retail trade, and agents for manufacturing bouse; local territory; salary $18 TO. paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary; business successful. Inclose nelf-addresswd envelope. STANDARD HOUSE, 33'J Caxtun Bldg.. Chicago. LA:'II : :h to lo pled wort at their homes; wi ruralah all niaterlals and j i ha:. CO.. o4 M inroe- st . NURSE, $25: cock. ?25; laundress. S~>: cook and laundress. (_2 chaxnbermaW a-iu laund.e>s. t-2; general hoaseworker *M. ST. BARTHOLOMEWS BUREAU. 211 East 42d-st. PLAIN WRITERS.— Home .0. 0 S m ' :oym / > ."': tilling smell blank?: rate $25 PfJ,_f'^ : addre^oed stamped envelope. L.v.l>lr.s i-N DUaTPJAL LEAGUE. Desk 59. .Chicago. WAITRESS colored, first class. In private family willing to r> to country for tho summpr- cit> reference required. Apply Monday afternoon, 118 East 40th-?t. WANTED — Two Protestant jrlrls fir Mont cia'.r, N J., one as cook and laundre** the other a-3 waitress and chambermaid; go<->d waer«; mu?t have pood Call on THE BTTKBRCG COMPAN-l. 132 Keade-st., between 10 and 12. Monday . WANTED.— An energeUc sa: ca- G:and Rtrer " ••'■ •''■ WANTED.— An -oneat. ■ofeer. c!»an. ft'st bm wen rec- U a ay : R at 210 Wi WANTED. Workine housekeeper; rirl. «3. for widower 65; two children. H., 143 Brighton-aye.. Perth Amboy. N. J. $"» PER THOUSAND paid for copying short letters- several lines of work to *ive out- !•"> to $5 weekly working en- Close stamp for cop}" of I«WT. Instructions. etc Address EAGLE WHOU-SAI-B CO.. Chicago. 111. S5 PER HUNDRED for «<sdr_satn« en ' velop«s: .end dime and stamp for full in structions; Fteariy work. C. E. _-r... & CO Ely I>a!Hlnir. _____________ W9PK WA\TE.. Female. BOOKKEEPER.— By a younp la^y. as bookkeeper or as.-.istaiit ; quick at UKures; good penman; Cm furnisn excellent re ter tnces ir^m the Jewelry trade. MARUAKETX EKUE. _5C Hu^niJolai-st., Brooklyn. BILL CLERK.— :: young lady, cr at of fice work; experience; west re^eren'.es. Mia LKVY. 444 East l^d-«t. • >N or H| KEEPEE.- By 5:., B I . :ty. \VIOX. — A Ja_3 Eur . highly edu i) Qei n:an ar.ii Ftei oi June. A mann, All tuma, I'enn. CLOAK _K>DEl_— By yooni I ■ 36 •■ • waist, 44 tn 2.068 Bd-aT_. CASHIER and BOOKKEEPER years' exp« can take Ci CASHIES. By young lad> restaurant up town preferred; experienced with cash register- best references. Address cr in quire M S. Et, 13.1 East llOth-at. EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY PESIGNBR (French). late head with Isabeile. of Pa--is will make or remodel ladies" ua. or go out. AIMEE. 170 East 61st-st. FRENCH jfraduate. highly recommended, experienced traveller, expert in art needlework, engagement June to October: tutoring, companion, secretary- M. t-OT TERELL, Lakewood, N. J. GOVERNES3. COMPA!tK>N or SECRI^ T-VKY.— By educated and experienced young woman, row or In September. Ad dress COMPETENT. Box 675. Tribune Up town Office. 1.394 JANITRES3.— German-American w mum as janltre?^: reference. Inquire JANITOR. 623 West 02d-st. MATRON or HOUSEKEEPER In hospital, home, school or day nursery, ly one ac cuKtnroed to t*ie supervlPlin o' l»ree "'"" tutions- catering ar.l management of ser vants a specialty: b»st relereneea, A. A . Box 74. Tribune Uptown Ofllce, 1,334 Broadway. SECRETARY or COMPANION.— edu cated well bred youns; woman: capaf^e and experl-nced : references exchanged Ad dress H D-. Tribune Uptown OfEce. 1.3t>4 Pr"a>lway. STENOGRAPHER having A I •duration: with or without new typewriter; $10 weekly. LAMB. 38 Cer.tre-Et.. Newark. N. J. VIPITIN'G ''OVFT ■ r YODXG WOVAJC, tat/ nccnt, «'■' thor ourh k;nn-wle.lrs of German, taofltre B. P.? ?£x V TfilHilM Uptown OSlce. 1.3&4 Uroartway. - • WOHK WANTED. mmim Af"TTnp. - Br»wn« *f«atonal enrmiltlng. "pert account^ tcoks d«!snod. opened closed fcj wra- ? . Ron Buil^Of- ! _________ ■ BOOKKEEPER-— Ae«l 30: first class; «_ Sert^uMe entry; «rx>i ofnc- man «nd r wilfitg aitenti*.: 3Uick to learn; SiifcTi «S£r. «15 -t -tart; M tnnl«W -.«». W. X- C«.il«_» Foist. N. _. \\ ORK UIM ID. -talc BOOKKEEPER'S r. — Young man ■■— !-o*.-«ep«r'* n.-wusi-at or any of fice work in ar!j reliable whole-rale or re ia»i tiuuse wita cuante of advancement. AodrttM lEILHCNE, Uux 20. .. .mjr.t, N. J. BOOKKEEPER.— By young man. 21; ex p,r •• <i ii'.u: !*■ entry; cm A I rcft-rtn^es. It. GARI care Of Hausler. 110 cr.rystie-st. . BuY, cripple. IS year* eld. at wrmr.g. ad dressing envelopes or answering tele phone; smail sa'.iiry; first cl^ss rtfc;er.c__ Audress W. J. tiI_AVT!», 411 W. 4_d--*. ra to run Bwltchboard. JOHN KBRR, 772 lOth-ave. EOY. 16. to learn machinist's or t\t>c triclan's trade; good reference. S. JOHNSON. 800 Manhattan-aye.. Brooklyn. BOY. 19. colored, wen educated, la office or as elevator runner, light porter, or at anything; good reference. 3. L. COX. 517 bih-st.. Brooklyn. CHAUFFEUR-— By maehh-,l«t. with prtTate party: understands thoroughly foreign ana American automobiles: references. E. MAITRE. 1.345 Cola— ibaa-a-e. 1 and MASON.— TtHM claae work; jabblr.ft _H 1 r.ew. reaacn- CARPOrTKR, 231 East - C ARPEN"V:R — ETr-riepred: mMdle aged; city or country. KELLY. 2<35 Na«_au-9t.. BnwUn. DRIVFJR.— By young man. 21. as express driver: single or douhle: understands shipping: ateo express p«ck?r. MESSING. SI'S Hiruiaa-sL. J'rt-oklyn. Dn.-'IGNER iaf shirtwaists and suits, an Al expert, desires to change position at ooc«; In or cut of city. DESIGNER. ■!!> Charles st. DP.AUGHTSMAN.— StructuraI and mo chanlcal: seven years' experience; first clan checker; competent to take charge* of ofllce; best of references: mastering four languages. Address COMPETENT, 203 East 4Stn-<. DRAUGHTSMAN. —By young man. 22. ■tudytns architectural drawing and de— «ii,-n:r.g at present employed. In architect's offlce: references. JAMES J. BACON. 242 Slulben ■ AN.— Reliable man; or day watch man: with reliable references from prom inent gentlemen, written and personal. 3. JL. 1.2U2 " aye. ENTRY or BILL, CLERK. By young man. 21: hlchest rffeiences; M penman; wholesale commlsstOß house preferred. HUKMAXN. 31S East 5?-h-st. EN,;". . — Licensed : Al r»f»renc«s; gfxxi mechanic; moderate. ENGINEER. 16<» East 4th-«t. ENGINEER. — By American; first class li cence refercTT-* from last employer; ex perienced in offlce building and apartment house; city or country. LILLY. 31 West COtn-st. ' EINGINEEK. — Sober, honest; understands business- rcferenre: city or country. B. ENGINEER. S3 Gla^ser-st., Evergreea. Brooklj-n. ENGINEER. — Steady. Industrious; seven teen y-iars' experience; best ref— r-Bcaa. WILLIAM DUN3EITH. 510 West ioth-Bt. ENGINEER.— Cltj reference. c'KOWE. 409 ■ Mth-aL E___CTRICIAN desires steady position: ref-rence- out of town: city or country R. C. NEUMANN. 1.189 Mjrtle-av«. Brooklyn. FEEDER. — Experienced lithographic press fp°fter; please state wages. 8 WON NKI.L, 233 West Water 1. New-Haven. Conn. . FLORIST.— Youns German, thoroughly * x perienced (special for cut Bowers), wants Ftea'iy position on gentleman's country place or br florist. Address WILLY KRIEGER. 443 West 13th-st. FOREMAN or SUPERINTENDENT on concrete, masonry, excavation, rock work. foundation c r.struct!::; and warn work; ca paHe of taking charge 01 work; can give references. Aadreas F. MOORE. 124 ttth ave. . HOTEL MAN. lontr experience as man a«r«r steward and cashier, open to en gagement, hotel or club; city or country; bn- rcierence. Box sj. J--Txy City. N. J. J \.XITOR- — By colored man and wife, with "out children; goo<3 city reference. Call 21G West S.~d-st.. basement. MACHINIST.— By yoo-C Swede. lately lanoed; I?rsti>n.i3 r-palrlns °|' ewln * machines; reference*. OTTO MATTSSON. »>5 L'r.itn-st., Brooklyn. VECHANICAL engineer and draughtsman: •j) year*' experience in marine, station ery and gas engines, cesiffning and operat ing machine shon practice. RAABE. M. & P.. ENGINEERING CO.. 23 Lawrence- Et., New- York. MILLWRIGHT wants work. PARKER, 421 Counland-st.. West Hoboken. N. J. MASON, &c— Capable of dotn? a!I repairs; pla«t°rinE. cementing, paperhar.pins, etc; steady place: aged 3O; city or ccuntry. 2.283 Pltkin-ave.. Brooklyn. SIGHT WATCHMA-*.— By refer»r:ce» d. Addrt»s - ' OVER?EKR. — By middle aged icarrled taaa on eenU-tnan-s place: ur..ler»tands dafry carder;. lawn, hews; best references. CaJ or address GEORGE S. SMITH. New- Wlnsor, Nrw-bure. N. T. OFFICE PORTER, fnnt door or messenger of bachelor apartment, by colored man; city reference. JOHNSON, care of Craw ford. 20*« West 4'Jth-et. OVKRI>OOKER want- position In America. leavirsK England for New-Y^rk: aeventeea jeers' exp'Tit-ncß Fplnnlce textile fabrics; energetic, trustvrortiiy. M Box 14, Tribune Oirict. PHOTOGRAPHER.— Dy amateur, lntelli sent aoie and industrious, photo grapher: fpeaka Polish anj Russian but ÜBderetanda very little English. JOSEPH RADECKI. 310 Brcome-st. PAINTER. — Country residence; owner fur nlsh material; insioe or outside work; wa'-"3 by day or we.-k. with or without b.^ri- reference. . LAX, :,-l tot-are. 1 VINTING and DECORATING cf every de scription: estimates given. G. S?EKLIR & SON. 13 Manhattan-st. ; 'phone M 0 Morns. PRIVATE SECRET ART or CONFIDEN TIAL CLERK.— Stenographer and type writer: be« city references. C. 1.. ■*« West 123J-st. PORTER. &c. — By colored can, with doc tor or portrr In oflce; references. THOMAS. B2fi I'resident-st., Urooklyn. PORTER Of ELEVATOR RUNNER.— By colored man; g'j<xi reference. 0j uarfleu. Place. Hrookljn. PORTER Of ELEVATOR RUNNER.— By colored man- can furnlsn rood references. 204 Prince-st.. Brooklyn. PIANO I'L.VYKIl— Gck,d accnrrpaslst; hall or" hotel. SCHUBACH. 1.753 Ut-av». EIL.ER.— To tide faddte horses, by thor oughly experienced Swede, who !•»»•• a rood driver: wises moderate. Address KI&BR. care of 6.. JOHNSON. 2 bast 42d-st. RIBBON FINISHER, experienced; ac customed to all kinds of goo-ia. FiN- IsilEß. 70 ."th-ave. . ; - ■ STENOGP.AI'HKR. it- By an. »j neatj r-»d education; has ■•" m "_ ka^ w > ! *'^'L,r. ettnography. D. 1 ITBVOY. «2 Eae^* ave. __^ , SAILOIC— Dy youns can. *f*lJ^2JsV? Biiyfrlr.jr: kober. steady. ALTIX. I I**. 655 i;^:o^-s^. Drockli-n. , catj^cvw &c— By ambitious married - ! L «i Broadway. SHTPPUia CLERK.— Fami:) ar with ex enVs H. MARTIX. 2M { ■ \-,- rt^FRK or WATTHMAN ta - candy e'.ore. - TIIIESEEPER.-By all •"Ef*,,./ 0^ JIMAHOS, 132 U'eat Ktr.-»t. , HUM, PORTER or ■ § -p re ■ , - 1.3R4 Broadway. 1.115 Park-avf. ____——- YOUNG MAN. academic n^ U Jf,\J_ M at UtKcil 6»tb-«b Unll«. HAMED. YOUNG MAN.—A s helper at anything. factory work «r«f.erre_. age. «4. G. *- 19- li:h-s'... Brooklyn. TOUKQ MAN to run eievatur, or at any tal:.g. GEOK'iK R___NKlNriOr. _»•- TOUNO SCAN, 18: position driving doctor's carriage, m anything; aid l.*e »—. rt SJ. K. KEN.Ny, 224 West l«h-«t. tOUXG MAN. in. viiiia ponltlon with cnancn of adv»nceni«nt. EX>WAIUJ ?PO_.r_U 3»« M_rcy-*ve.. lsrookljn. YOUNG MAN. 21. at anything, caa drive. PHLLJP BaUNOTTE. 27tt l»l-a»«. YOUNG MAN. 25. married, sober and steady. In factor*, best of r»fe"rence». GEOR<iE3 WATSON. 6 B_lhwlc_ _v«.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. 25. three years" experience as confluential clerk, coca or factory. first class refe.ence; fair s__»ry. J. I. Lvx 32. Tribune Ode-. TOISG colored buui to do few hour-" h«d r YOUNG MAN. 21. intelligent. In wholesale ho'j!»: exccHent reference. CHAIiLCS FUHSE. 539 East 87th-«t. YOUNO MAN. 30. In wholesale house, with chance of advancement; be«t references. U. M. KORB. 413 East C3J-st. YOUNG MAN. 23; good morals; excellent associations; salary to start. $10: refer ences. CHARLES D. THOMAS. 340 Weal lSth-«t. YOUNG MAN. lately arrived, after long absence; willing to An anything with chance of ad»anc*ment; has travelled throughout South Africa, participating In two Kaffir wars, and served In the l—i Brier war for thr»« years, with meritorious and d!«tin«ni!>>h»<l service; b»s; cr^-ientla— — OPPENHKIM. S*s An_tertlam-aTe. YOUNG MAN. __ E»irt!_h. lately land-4; ta!l. good appearance: Indoor wcrk; <-try or country. Apply TOOTELL. 418 West Sflth-st. YOUNO MAN. 23. as »hls>T'ns cler** m packer: experienced: r«fere^icea. J. KLA''?. 694 6th-ave.. Brooklyn. TOUNO MAN. 23 as ass Kant to Mltldiac superintendent: understands plans: or will take charge of repairs for -Mil* -''»'' hotel or etab. J. H.. 350 Colnmbus-ave. YOUNG MAN 20. tntel'Uent. hon««t and obliging, familiar with o9t» work, de slres situation wi'h chance of advance ment: excellent references. R. C. 52 Ave nue A. DOMESTIC SITIATIMSS WAMtU. Jl*ie- A- ANYTHING. —By steady, sober married man. 45; four years last |)ae» as watch man; reierence. AdJxe»» '.c.NM.NG---, 4^i West ..-it. AMERICAN YOUNG MAN. »!n«le, care horse, lawn, garden, hennery, good driver; willing, obhsin^; good _ax»ua; trusiwortay; best teiertnee; cuy cr country. AcWresa _.. Box 3i». Tribune Ofiice. ATTENDANT or NURSES to Invalid g*ntl« man; bicneat of empH»yeri «nl prominent phy*ic;ans- FRANK. REICII HAKI 24U Weal 25th-st. BUTLER end VALET. — By Swiss: aln«l«: first class: very god city refsreote*. Address HBSRT. _"3 East lit- ■> BUTLER — COOK. —Ey French couple. speaK English; competent: wages S.O to jeir. do enure work fi>r •mall family. ML. Box 60. Tribune Uptown OSJce. I^HM B*_y BUTLER and VALET.— By a. thoronjhly competent and reliable ycun« man, Amer ican- sober and of the highest character; references. AUGUSTUS BfCKNBR, care of Leonard. 16S East 2?th-st. BUTLER. — By a tnoro_K-iy co— ipetent and reliable American, of the h!g&«st charac ter and reference. « lULIAM MOitAN. 66 Beach-st-. Orans«, N. J. BUTLER and VALET, or attendant to In valid Mm' l-— II personal city references. M'CANN. 311 East 29th-st. BUTLER-— Ennlmh; thoroughly competent; excellent references: In Brooklyn; quod valet. " PEATY. Ml West 48d-s_ COOK and WAITER. — man an_ wife- city r«>feren.?»;3. Address R. P.. car* Toller. 349 West " r.-a t. CARETAKERS. — yonng c-j_rl« to take care of gentleman's house for t_» «, jmrr . best reference given. Apply I.'-. !n store. * CARETAKER. — By man and --.:>. Ameri can: private house darlnz summer months; best reference. LILLY, 21 Weal 09;h-st. CARETAKER.— and wife. Aserican. to take charge of gentleman's house Tor rummer or longer: best references. J. C BRYANT. 206 East 2Sth-9t. CARETAKERS. — By man and wife, to take care of private house for summer. -44 Ea^t 2Stb-«t CARETAKER.— Doctor r*!inq_i»tilr.« house desires position for his caretaker: un usnal'.y reliable: t*?'*'*-,.™ America-. Call or address _3S V. c* 73<i-st. COACHMAN. — Colored. 30: first class retri«rnan: ■_*»• b_n* all duties: ooi srpearance mi hat)!*--.; hieie references JOHN GREEN, care of Al>r. s U«ry stable. 28 Ealnbridge-gt.. Brooklyn. CO \CHMAN.— UsefuI; liable: «pd_rmaita proper care horses, carnages, harness, lawns, furnace: careful city driver: first .1... -•y recommendations a- to scfonetr anl ho=e y .tyT CHARLES. Boa 1C Tribune Off-cf. COACHMA.N.— Swede. 83. married ; anp™nce: MVMt tho'rou-»- ! v experienced handlir.e finest SSSf bfmeU: carriases: take full charge of pentleman-s stable; fr«d. careful driver rider- served royal cavalry: strictly tem peraVs.xrf written «d P«~»_"£5: tnre*,- country preterred aU year. S.TBEYF FEKT. 31. 3d-ave. COACHMAN.— By a f rat class roan. w. J» the best of ref^renc**: mUersMrid* drlw lng four-ln-haßd or _■■-_-- JOHN. 623 Fark-ave. COACHMAN.— Married. 34; « 1 l . ,_ >■»* best city reference as to capability. h«> e«tVand sobriety. L.. Box 21. Tribute Of fice. . _____ COACHMAN.— First class. I "" rr I f d . ," n * ' n fArrllr- !eax»s on account death la*'- m* plov^rV city rVferences. Can or address A. J. N.. ..-. Madtson-ave. •« \r •. v By vr^n« man: tAr.&e; trTs^nde^ rld^: excellent r*f*r e-ces- four years In U< pUcs. J.. Bn jih-ave.. cirp cf Maxwell. minriV _ = :_ i .- Rood rtder. drKer: ployers can b» seen. P. irULT-E-VPi. -* East 37th-st. _^ — — — CO.ACHMAX.-I>!* written and P'^ l^ referent: willln* M^JS^^L ' ! a^re« -nrtT.T.TAM. 147 West COACHMAN*. no *"**■ *£ WILi-AM yi'Vtv,) ns v*** 40th-»t. | to.™'" ence HI^OVK. 427 We* TOrTi-st. ,-, x r-i^f W —Oer.tleman golrs tn Eam>ne - Scotcnmia. »f- -. fee t W IB**— : l*>°r- rrvAniMAN Exj«rtence<J : married, no ?an?Uy^nelCht. G-. feet 7 IRChM: S*% 147 pmndi. F. G.. Hametf. Stable. IS fcUflt ■ih-st. __^ CO%CHHA>T.— ETjrE'h: permanent: cftar acte7and a*ffitJ— tear strictest inr«att- CO \CHMA.V-— Will i-f d:se=Kag#<» by M*y 1 en account of death In famiU -. nln* v«rs r p-r«.n 3 al rcftmee Addrew 03C.1R BAXt>WT. 2 lft VC«rt 71t!i-st^ ro\CKM*N. — By ti«»I man: pin«l«. beat cUy^ reierenees from la« «™P^7«"- who cai^ be sSb. Call or address 2* West Ssta g ... prt"»'« stable. . , — r*i\<*HM*N —Ey vo-;r.« married man. no family- bi« of riferenrts from la* em- SZSmsrTvSm and ofcßrfßff. Call or JSST- »G. Z.. -■■ Parlc-aTe. riiinnHV First class: trnderstands marrlM. no family: -^»£ t^l laundr-ss: bot!i ■ roir.r«!«it toil their wTrfc: «n furr.UJ. best re-'^^s from l£t i* i n who can be s«eo: ootn. **» 255! COXCHMAN. S. Ellzabet^t-. Oran?«. V J ________ CO\CHMAN.— Good. reHabi*. safe city • written and prr^n.l reference MM r-r.\. HVW— E isritihman. marr*»_. want ,tav» eoachaian: «cv*_ «_££*> "nc-s Iron- ia«. eTnj».oyer: pr-s- JJf!_V4- can be ee*r: thoroughly un =~ T? POTT 9. 1.453 A_-terd»- •»•• COMMAS '■ — Slarrt**. 38: fc*V»« 5 ft. T C 9*. VT-M i^Tprttn^: «ty!«*h urn *«r» four %'tT '* : - H-»; P»Ury ** «£ *£ 5? or address W. H. !>.. car* of C. M. liTi,,m« s*-*5 *-* Wlaiscr Arcada. St_- »wM>m »rrnriu.\4 wA.%rco, COACHMAN — COOr_. -By man an 4 wfl*e colored; * *'»; reference*; strictly sot»r; no family. country jr-:-rr«-i, now •■»• yloyn!. EDITH. 9* WUttt-aL, Jamaica, COACHMAN.— Ecweh. marrt««: -" in —-'» «omp<trr,t: aobar. •even >->»r«r city r«;e«» rr-.i-'-. persona; or written. J. c.. ISO Weak •>oia-st. COACHMAN.— SingIe : Pro?»»:aat: th«r '•_-',-.:>• ur.v:.-,.--. .r'.t horse*, carriage^ fur.-. . ■*. la*n!i. .• * -■* jj."-».;<> and .Uiirtss COACHMAN, cars or E. C nok» ins, HO U>srt lOta-s^ COACHMAN.— £:y Crsi class man; marrjn«: best re:erence» from last employer, -a* can b« seen rtgarltoa capability, bcaesty, •otriety. Box lit. llamaroneck. N. Y. COACHMAN.— Ur Gerrsan. 3Z; -M_Bte«| steady place; understands car» of r.or»-«, carrtases. g->1 driver; ai*> useful arouni hc«s*; best r»*?rtrrices; country preferr«<J. SCHAAItoCHUCH. &2 Trimty-ave.. Tha Brtna. COACHMAN.— so :a__u-s kddu 5 ft. 7 tn. ; weight I*7 j'-tin-ia. F. G.. Har>!fj Stifcie. li EStst CO?t-st. COACHMAN.— By German: married; n» ehiMrtn; w;Lj last employer twel»« y»ar«; city or country. Address COACII li.VN. l.0."»4 Amsterda— t-av«. -■•nt. nr_l COACHMAN. &c— Married; •.'<• flr«t -__» cook; thoroughly hUt bK9:ne."»: tir.« horv*rs«. cutugfi an"l tar ness, wt-.i'h he can keep In Cr«t class ©rd'rj good r«r»r«nce: country preferred. &. J.. SU ll!ckj-*t.. Brooklyn. iillA.N. iAEDEXtB — HOCSSJ - WOSUCKSK. — Man *r.i win; man aa coaciv man and g— ruecer; wu.t.jt. to .. > g*m<tral r.'- . .-'*-., r *. -:. . -.91 :r. OjOkmg. AJ_r»_» COACHMAN. ."JO id-avc. CO\'.*HMAN. — By first class -.- was-* ?..". last employer can b« v~-n. £5 .*:>» aye. ; wtilms — oU obliging. >v ALL, 4_k 3* a\e.. two msats. rear. COACHMAN In a private family; country preterred; StoU ■ ■ r-rv - A-...:- '* F. J.. 4CI-4r«j MadiJQO-St.. near auainer-av*.. fcrwitlya. COACUMAX. — Gentleroaa tfestr's to «ecar« poetUOQ for hi» coaenm-n. wim—S be cut h-K.'i.y r«C(poam^r..!; ti-^iUn. married, city or c^ustry: ~- i.v.r.. UK. I. ore 12. 4 Waii-st. - | COACHMAN. — First class I«_M»-C|»i mi*, rted; _- tnewmhranc-. F. pli_U_PS. VIS ?th-ave. COACHMAN. — By C-slh-I— saa; t— -•ox- CO-XCHiIAN. — Fifteen years* best city ref erence; married; no cfciulren: "-e«ent »n<4 fin mi employers can b« s^en. CVII or ai— dress 3 East Silh-st.. prrvaw »t_tl«. COACHMAN.— First class: colored; illl-ll stands Mi bualreae tSorcugr can fur niatj Uit rf ref -rente; Eve >»ar» last -->- ploy<>r: city or country- DAKNEY. 2.323 Broadway. GARDENER aa.l FLORlST.— Married; n^ childnin: compete i: to tske charge oS tmt'.rman'j place: creeabnosea. Mwns. hot beds, trees, roa-a, g— ip*r;es. line shrub bery : rood Y-^tab!* irrower; thirty years* exp^rrience; strictly sofw*r- tnflaatrtou»: first cl»3s references. Address I*. 11-E-U^ Milts Hotel No. t. GARDENER.— Head or tr.ana«er. 6y Gei«-» traa. 3S: marr><l: no chiMren: erpeT*-» ecced In every branch corse<t*d wtti» m I»2ilor.«n'9 est_ilishment; full ... ■- *'.(• of greenhouses and their care, laying out oj n«w places. rpar# ables. management or incubating and Br iO-:r.f and all worse p<-rta!rins to a j?entieman'» estate; only those la n«>ed of a thorousn. practical nvif» need aoply; 12 yars" re'erences. F. £.. 2CO East luth-st.. city. GARDENEIi. — Too ßg man. 05. on «en:l»« irans place; Rrat _■ v»setabla sn-r dener aol tanner; -.uo driver; first _*• al: ._nJ can on gentleman' pUcaf horses co~s, chickens, lawns; IO years on last place. A. S.. 2i7 Chauncey-st.. B'klya. GARDENER ar.<! useful younj sun on prt— Tate place: atte=»l and drlv one h.irsex ke*"r> lawn and fiowcrs In order. AMr»s» BARRY. 7ZS Leilrston-ave. GARDENER. COACHMAN.— Car» of prt vate place; str.c'.e man: rr.i'.k; exp»rlen<-e<X resetable and flower grower; sober. r»!'* fcle; »rt:t»n an>! personal references. GAli— DENER. Box 12. Tribune CS«- GARDENER-— V,j German. ."V sinsl«: tak» can of well kept centleman's p!ac«; preeahoiise. Rcw»rs. shrubs. lawn. TeK*>ta— b!»s. cow, poultr-.': refersnc<"« z ;.-.-.. REr- LIABLE. Box 24. Tribune O.Tke. : ■ 1 GARDENER. — Encl!!»h: marrlert; rwentT four T»ars* pracihral erp*rtence. nndeF fTaw an-J uii*!»Me: cjo'J referentT**. AdJres^ F.. Box 3. sitation A. H: rtfori. Conn. KOUSEWORK In rrtvaf- family, br Frenchman. tTrenty-Eve year*: a—o spealta German; Juat arrived. LOCI 3 EonLs. 123 V»"est-sr. HOUSOCLEANING or s!sti!ar work, by r» »p*ctable man. with »r.o<i reference*, by the day. VINCENT, cars of G. Tweedie. ! 479 Madison-aye. Mvp.:. • » ■ IL\RRIED MAN. un?erstatr.d» !atm» and Bani-:n; w:f<! ran board help: mlmt sing?** man ** coachman or a.«»'stantt inference. AiJr-ss ADVERTISER, -IT te i.t I*l ~M» * NTRSE. ATTENDANT or VALET— tO younif En^lisbmar.: «i aij aurnd tsvalbt or e!d»riy genil-raaTi: v^zsooal referencea. XCKSE. R^x l!'\ *a) fta m. KCXSC — Ey ma'- r.ur». a<» betw and (•"rcpanir.n tr> r»nt!einan cthtic to ■>___■ tains or abroad: text of r»fyrenc*s. AicJres* D. 0.. New-Rocb«'!«. N. Y. VSF^FT't. — I ; v coior?«I nan aa<! T-I't. ■■ "1 •rr>a!i family- z>< anywhere: *■! ar>uM warier*: sate iram. A. L. JONES, cara ni S-in-lera. 1 77.1 «tV«T».. th!r4 f.t^rtr. j;5Ej.-t;l. By colirr'i rran niit wife; ritf or country: km a bor. Z\o West 53t1» eZ.. Vj.iv^t Kail. T-?EFrt> MAN.— 2y i> X.. marie 4. ~ rood rthrnim; at Mjrtttw^wwiT— M elevatrr nra^ or ■ - — EEI:TIi.\M. 1* We«t iv4t!>-«.. Janitor. V\L.VT arrtT r*WX~T* MAN. In barftelon* apartment r «« -'«-!i ant waafi: city c? ei-nm^rr. rEJTEDICr. care cf Kerr. .13 >■ . -• 1 1 ■ VAIJ'T. «TI t'^TKST. — *.- • .» chane* c-f *»»vitt'.l r^r el'erlv e«ntVm<»TT: ma.««**» If r»on'-»<s: *wtBT «"•« » T-»r •~ rw 's« wm p^nr^wj. poor. .r«» ra«t ri»'h-»t. V»T.'=" r> r->ln-r* (kit 20. «^ ral»n cr tn T.:-.v.r. .V! Ircrf F. I* lIOCDIX. 17 West 21st— st. no*iK«Tic «iiTt:%Tio^» w*»Tm;a» Ffcml*. CARSTAKKR.— By widow, wit* OBechlM: can giv* references. Mrs. J. lETta- SOHN 3T-3 WtJt 44th-rt. CXKETT^Kn^- — Two fa'!!e». r«n»b> pai^ tws irouU Bta to tak* ca-e of city «r eouctry hf>me 'lurtra sutnraer moctJvs: »!.l '_.. . - ._•_•' ■■■ UNI :. in any war 8", l r^rr.i'h _- «f dt» - ■— . .... A<4 t!re»3 M. G . Bex 10. Tribune. Offlc-. C\fiE"^*KF3L By r»ttaM* loman; best .wfT»aiU— . c«tnp«j«atl«n waa:eii. t'*9 rent." *D. D.. 2=S Ejst ;»th-st. CAnfrTAKKn.— r«rtn«d * B * r^J* w'o^iars to take care ef IMI or "P"; 1 r- ..•-•-■- put bous* tn onier for autumn: care f-~r r»«: anusuaJ r*' l^- TOr€a .... Tr'.ttoa* Uptown OP fto—. 1.3K4 HrtiafJw-!y. . CaRKTAKKH.— By r»TO*«at!e wcreaa. » hou-o tn talc* care of for tSe •.—. — I--: Ja. D..' 454 i!a<JUor*-av<?. _^ CXRPTAKFnt f^r a priv3t» "<»>»• *T ■» «!=*!- wonran o«l to b^st fam!ll'«: b^ est and tr^«w«rthy: t»*t c ity »Tt^«^ no tarumcrance. no ccinpacy. Aitiress io» . CARETAKER-— '— *r__*__; marrW • wotcan. to tali* "»re of h*rr»« tor «J— — FLAH*3tTT. TO West IQOtii-st. Cl*r\KlSn — Ret'an?e cetomJ girl; eteaa t. or apar» menti AXVTE. I*** 74. Tribune tptowa OrtW. t.3«i« Broadway. : L'.rvlher^nrrow — ■■■>» adTtr ttaem.-ta _*c Pace . _