OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 14, 1904, Image 20

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1904-02-14/ed-1/seq-20/

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©•/>*? tOonderftil Electric Elephant.
t ..■■■-%■ t
HAnrrß BO
Anar Mr tilllliil ■» ' h ' -"i^ o - Ha T ;rt
,-- , -.-r.panion m..> B■» way due tU
OMB --rr-t *aa a MpM «• " ur •^^• 1 - r » Jj"
r %J^ It m S v H mack w-rmer that, the nai «f the
#^r.n 11 I 11111 "•"■»' " r " r "• n<l t;i " v «* ptatlon
th* .übtnitrine srassea. m.-aci. ar.d reatbm
», r . - . • ■ • - - •-■■ '
. did when Ifea v •■
Tciacr. ja« «^ in. roUata on laoi
* ■
• « ->■"" zone
• here )l .• .
DM mm day ,!.er ,-«-• to th. «urfa^ t^ ■»
. _ . - DM. or.ly af. n BflH **T. «»
. • .meillnc. *«r b1a»« Uland at the
:;a,tern MM, l« ■ •« ' " Mv " *%^
lhr „r „ „ ,h« Burfac. and arpro.«-ned th.
««•. pranrln, H In ewry dlwcOaa •» the.r
Ml «ta**» la M * ■** P»«^ to laI!<1 - ' : *^
„,ev WOC • not be M served by li-e Bali*** At
,„, ,h*> «w a , lift whe« a cluap of tree, rrew
,1 anaa f«r th!« plar* they »,-aded
When the, «ot MarltMn • mil. of the land
tan to c» MI 1» »«*■■ a*' ! " or hr ■ 1 -"^'" 1 ''*" 1 -
I'd on. •• .-hln«. JarJ- -
l, BaroU «ata«^d Dal to co
.., or- v-- a«M. «kaa it aaa «aa> d.rk he
,„ , „ .urtat^ ar.a r.iad. for <he rl«a» of
. and wa» «oon Wfldea by <
brands, it imw-r.ed. hiwever. tkat ha bai not
H'- h■:-■h ■:-■ •■" w! - rr ' *• c -
r.,-^ «.iii of th. mater bobi* b.
• rmrt. vho wer« i:s« I atw It. a«i
bropptz* •!■• - o«« th 'y fl -' ! ' l!l * "i 1 0*" lO "■"
i %i i. at th«-> had Been.
Ihortiy :i'tf>rwarrt EXarolfl an 4 loea »W •' JT
rout den : ■ t. lot «f ta*el ' ■' '* * nil
i tin, ..:; their liai^d- and ka«« to eft *
r.lmvse of the monster without them?' !v.« bcir.K
» . v, ... Oh «t( thus fn«a«e<l. Hur^ld. wi
■■MSiaai a] th<* attend . ba bad attract* L hap
|-tipd to turr. t!ie urur * I how thirds
looked a.hen.l and around him. turning UM Bgm
In aii fllrecUon*
At Urn .k' ' fell upon i'w . ntenw
that !: Mtoo>d them !ur IB« :mme-
Alately fell en tholi f»cen, jM-ayine frm.ti ally jTor
fcelp t'.i!:;k!iiir th>ii f>d Huddhn h»d •■••iw to ur^
•catn a:ii liU'i « ' »'• tho nhai>e of
« hus- ■ .-ored nt tIiMT n. ;•.,-.. ....iji.
he h«d turned ■ • " a flam^ ol lur.K !.*::-t
to destzv) tana ■ - - "' »nd
they r »•■••• rtlU itliv. tin y •■ I
f>riiiecl •or..' ■ ■ -"'
fyl«::t2y In ail direction> l-uter mlft runii^rp
mm .: . ; derful
j;ev.> of the I • mp«Tnr.
Tiie Bearrnllcht had dix-liwed
«he\ *rtf In a Tlih, xr"\> ..l tree* !•■ i At: .ug Da a
sriiip. areii k ).; public r.->ad, dotted )■:• and there
s»l!h i ..tut-. nr»« thi • - Ie knew I
th^ thr.i. • .■« th.y wre. it we
)n.i"*f!l>.' and not • x.ito a pn-at
•e»i of ti.'-
*v»t. iim: if li. had • ■
l^lanri ■ • I ■ rd »1. -
rhant ■ irtcotne m■l^^ thai tb* v-xt
jnorninr he rt.iricd aova t!i. road on hl» way to
the <~api:} !
About aaaa ba aaaart *.>m» raaaata hearing
tl<•»>^ to rbc Baqtcror. Rtep did not pee the ele
phant until ;t was qn!ti dopo t« th'ni. .-.nilnf; at
•i rapid p;::t tan itie mio "•■ of ?hf rna^J. W}:*n
t rie^ be» 21 hk th«-v thouxht. makl:i« ►traig:!it for
them, oil" f^li f ' r i •• m fr!».-!,f The
■■■■) »>•■ ,-<• lo the M Bf i* » raai ktin «ood
starir.c in WtU •netf honor »• *'■• BMM «•'• ■• si>^d by.
•nd ail this time. Harold and 1000 wrm attertr
<incon»'-iou« of ail the commotion the> wer»- caus
<■;. t!.:- *r' • • •',- cflr'^»: Ih*! t:<w *on;«- \fry
curious an<l l;iieresTlr.jt *i*ht« an we!! as l»autifiil
Brem-ry lor which Jajian f famed. As tfiey oi-M
alons. ' »P hill «nd down Wll. over rxtin<-t vol
c«.nuri i.ow oi\fr.-'! wltli • erdwr*-. the\ nw in th«
dtwtan-e. steaming and sni.ki-.* ioirtu of a.-ti\«
onea; aJfo that Mr-CanMtd iiyama. tno
well boloved mountMln of tli« Jap». !"«■ • ■
the-m with it« kio»v cone rearhin» n.t.. the rwar,
btaO iky and It? bMOB kisslnit tile rfcnada which
curled around UMCB. They paaaoa w l«'Ie fields «>f
chr>-«antiMsnußa arU* their >.;i.'W ntul white blo«
f i .*;■•' \ ■«", km Mach '■',•■ I.. I "': asked
■ w >bo w<>',:;.i :.kf to !....»»■ j salad or a Bt»ar
mode of thrm. U bra she declined. !•> aaid tfi.it
was tu>tJ:i:.n t" th« guc r Hii:iF« the Japa ate; for
•<■, raw Bofi. whlol siiVr-.l »>> tlirm
i! •:: :.■;•-! dish
■ Thr*. r^oi'le F'-eni to me to do everything iil>-
FUe t 1000 "Do jou beillev-w that it is
because thry BXB nlwnyn U|>f:id.' Aimu to our sido
of the earth. For too. 1 am goinn to raaka a Sal
In my < 4 .l*r> of the quet-r thine*^t bey do Oppoatta
tho way w« do them iv America."
Tafc" | aai ■■ lan atoo wwta aaaUf fo» a
■aOa -Thure." aatd fhf I haro written a !<»t
.■f queer thl:.yv. Let me r>-nd them tO) ITOM ar.d Baa
ir you can think of anjr ntli'r* tar ire to pot <l.«n.
• 1-1 rut They rea.l v;- ana Boari In ■ t k Instead
of aliaaajß. and l<e«ln at the na.-k inMcaa «'f the
arry ll.e l*bio* oti t!;e!r backs BMrtOM
•. !.olr armi".
lklni on «-nterir.» a h<vi."o t' ey take or their
»h..e.v instead <>f 1 1.« !r hat.
■ Fi' 1.:';:1 .:';: "."».< i •« • ■ ' iou*es irom
the t-y JT.^ea.l ol ;:••::! U*B I ittoin. ■• we .1... ; vi i
lr.« i ho PaaC first ar.d n.:*;:ifi it aa BOlaa, UN then
i>u!ld;n« under anU around i'
•"Fifth—Tbej >■- "V t It food luaimeia to m.ik«
a Buckl:« sound »!<■:■. rtppinn ten or bood, »!Hle
we ronrl.icr It tho balfhl al bad Buu
Bxta They *r. tatatftt to turn tbatr tin?* in In
stead of oat a ban »*i:k;n«.
s. .■• •>•..... It la oaartca It is nipt
with them
Ahen iak!".«; a buthv they nil batna In
t!»e urn* tub uf waiur. froni the Krandluthtr down
t ■ the 'Miv the flUot p-'iic tU»t. unleaa th. i.- -~
a sucst in the house, and hcnai the. precedence.
'. . •!. They al!><. oooaMer it j*>llte to aat vi:h
their :::^era. us BJaQ «h artth chOfwUcfcß. M<
lea aiao work with ti.«-!i Patt abaaat aa ar*n as
with their har.da.
••TVr.th - When a ha!>y I"jv la N>rn ii a family
they fly a kite from the houaotop to un.w
!.k;"].> the* are to bar* a b">.
.•nth— Tlieir huuneo uro dtatltuto <.f fun,;
ture ajid they tvt no cook Bowva, but u»-e llttlo
irnen I > cook with: ndtbar h:iv« th.-y
nry rtatioaary i:.ii«r walls ta th.ir lioumb, but m
l . . .«« B<Teen».
• V few nieie of the querr t hit tea tha* '.o are to
hind th'lr fe«t. instead <>t Omit vaiata, k> our
ladles dv; they al»ep on pillow, aa hard ua a BrtCk
tuid not much largei . they all » ;.rerer a hard b< ■!
ti n i><.ft one. and alBfa)O ileep on the floor."
UI O.::;k Of :> Ket Hi.^r^ BjaaCT thIOCB." MM
Hnr^ld. 't'\it The one that atrikt-K me moot al i r«o
cnt is '.hat tfceT »ekr Macktasa with k p^parj*t»
, . c f or the big tea, and artay thnt iini«reaj»e« mo
: Day big t».>» ha« ju»t cwm throuirh my
f Inc and I wish 1 bad POO Of th-lr kit.: "
••That is a. htr.t f.-r ■.• tv> Mb It. (Hit I am not
Coins; t<> do It no» lam too much interexi- : '
watching theiw quet-r i>eoi>ie •» we r-o J-y 1^ k.
Harold, at tha.t little child playing hwrv with a
c bab| atrappod I ■ :.• r l>a.-k. I should think
I v.,ild Irrcnk ad ior v I? hdiiKitvfr !•■ k
ward and wanMlng around at overy move the lit
tle #;!r! rnnkt? "
"Put away your diirr and write, tome other time
f..r w-- ore aMraacataß; Tokla, th* capital of
Japan." «aid Sanaa. lam Brat Bataax lo *c«» th»>
cherry tre**-? Thr peoi.ie r< t ao Inspired bj I
■ m« atid b*-aiitT thi't th»y srrlta rsraaa »l.- ■
[bey tie In the i».ufrna of tba trees."
•■\Vhy don't the Japanese <-all th«-!r i*!.-uid the.
j.m.M of the Cherry Blos.ni.is. Instead of the Chry»
,inth»n,um». If thry are «o fond «! »h*m? I am
■ •>• am mrx-h BrettiOT and emrj; « thou-nitd
tinica sweater."
(Ts'* bo continued t
l-rti* No I— On- .1.,11.ii |
niH fcs. t Vm tlffr -,rum, r um l>e«t Hen »f Jiunr, M.,.!i...n. the fnurtl, IVe.ulent of ft. • Inllr.l M.te,.
b«ni Mar.li 18 IKL The Hat] »hould ' ••• In >our ••« n ■ ■■*». ■"•I -!iould n-.t contain more thnn ■*• hundred
Mm Km ■— BOOh for 1 1..- mMm) »r..i bml complete i».i of >■*!— of '••»"• a .h!|> >«•'•« i'"« • hr©n«h
on a Journey from « Ml !•_... 111., ti. KmMMWH '-*•
\n««rr. »h.»..1.l ...... HM •■"!•- n,.i MOT Mian oTlßßlllljr. I ebruan ?»• »»•» »l>oul.l be «UJrr.«-J to ' '"•
Men and Mitt 1.- Women. N«-M-}orU Trlbiinr.
:■ ■ ;
DOGS OF MANY KINDS. ron-.ri:.-! for thfl ComintrctaJ Bfnstmn M '•"*• .
it.. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • *'l vary
***•• «• mttrudwdfli-
St. H- , ,

„.i n- , Whaa „:: of Urn drawtn*. v . . . , ,„,„, aM .
for tn~ i,n.vr th.y «. ■
it mi I-. rd to caooaa iha '• I •
. res v.n o • • • ■ ■ ■
of coon* to find a | k . •"» HOLES iiiim r.
r*c- ' »ar. _, ......
.X . . • |i,, di ■"•■• »f d.'s« »*nt In l-y our • '"!•■ Mm «o.i
If n«dn r."t ► ••N.i ;.!/r; .!/r VOTk Oil OC b*l WO tl j •>„ Uomrn I •«! «-. k I .tp i.;» »•> mu> h room that
;tt a iMuamtri „r , in .| v hmw) t.> paataaaa Cfcaaaw I ■■' -Tho
M.ilrn l'rln.r ' until nril Min«l:t". ll i» » >-r» inter-
MOTHER-OF-PEARL OYSTER „-,.,..•. „.t.-r. .-■, i o«l|Nri I „ 111 . , r , fin.
The rr.oth«r-of ; ».,.•• H •"" ■ ■••• "'• « '" """ •■' * ni " three prim of
! Item :n f.' I • . • . f.rrd.
Ja.pcinefe-'RxxtSficLn War.
One Little Man Atkt What It's A
A nrtala BMU boy asked his father at the
breakfast table ■ few mornlr.*3 us<>. " > v
the war between Japan ..:1 Ku.-s. i ' M ■ ■■: j-"i>le
think boys nsk too nnni- o, i» st'.'>n-«. bol h'»w are
thry t .. lmrn things if t i.-/ da
read and alMMri things M ttafi Batben cast
Bes!d<"«, axklnj; <iuestlons— espwla'.'y MKll .\ •■•!!• M
(K»e» as th:?( taf Mtad Hrth'1 M t that the lnt'r
rogiitr.r—or h.jy mUb| questions— ha.« a g«W f"iir.
rtatloM to Mart buil(]!rjj hfn "li'-itwn on. Now.
th?s bor'" luestlon »:i» sent M Tlio TIAUUII AD
we have t<> nay about the question Is that we wish
he wouM i.'k Ba Maler one. How Is nn«
ahout the cau<f!i of war when one doos rot know
all of tkaai? T» b* mat Hke two bo;.» w)!<> hBM
tot into a fiiiarr*! ar.il have) l>*vn calM BPOa
ti expUin afmut It. ruch tag his -*J<l» M ftw; hut
on* cannot fell wh<»th»r either 9ld» has ti>; i
the truth. Hot'i .lapn'. arui Roaala bwcrt ;'• «-n their
it wll! be well t» l"-K\n by Rfttinff out the grng
raphy ar.d turning to the map of Asia. or. better,
to a map "n which can be found a s!i<-e of Siberia,
the apoar I'.-u-t of China ar.: C I
of Jap-in bf Ibaßaachn - ■ kni>v.-«
l>y ChSI ' . ' Of to Russia. Running along th<»
lower »^s^ of ?!b.-rla and cro^ainjr th» c\:\rr of it
r.rar the .S (l a «>f Sapma t.< a 11^: r<v<r c:il!»>'l thtj
Arcoor. On the low it aS«l'> •■' t:..« rivr
country calle'l ll. in ••: . :r!i. VM ' I M'in-
Ctorla bl !'in»«d to China. Juttlnc >>ff from Mnn
cbmta Into >ii« mid»t a; tJ>>- faOav .->« a aa4 tin
Sea ef Jap.T!i Is a timjrue al ' ' rea on
some nas* "nil Oacaa ««n the atbrrs. Kc*, i"<'k
A river will 1.-i fuui:.! laillllllß BBSi * ■■
a<ro#s • :, tigui of lar.rt 1.. .« • ■». an<i
Mam hurt.. This Is UM Tata K.
»<■» much Is bolnif said.

7 Aboot, and We Try to Tell Hin.
hitl m Mi MM !" CW«i a^ the rxa r k, 4 ,J
'tter ri ; . in Rus«ta ? s t* JlaU
■' ir'-l t-. roblile r-. •■ V."
'■' ' • B^" T- '
and Russia wer« like!, to „• j.trh near neV" w
yoar to ask r> m m ' «ar to tliiir f^
« they wuuld - " ' :
.-■ . • . •-,-, «„»;» n,,t<«^ to «:»<-h other •avlr? •»s. <
they would .!■, in.i wliat th-v w-mld like \" h«.
tSe oth«r Bide ,10. They rti^nrreen on a h 0 lt f^!
things, ar least. Japan .<<k>-A Roavta •„ ,*— , !
•har «h«" mtenrtJ
r ;^ ;r - 'h:na. Russia, on ti.
liar.il. .isk.<l Japan t.> rrorr.ljw. to \>t r«S
»'' )r '-- '■• ■ ■■■■ ' -n.l of r^T?
whl r ' " <-omp» dow;i near the lowtjiS
or the isiar;.!-< t>« Japan, and ta mtU aai i *£Z
of land •■ -i «i,j. nf the Tata j>j v _ '.?
which neither of .: i gn ' ■
Th<- <- r ., r ,\ , ■ i n writirr th.it b« mi
th^y shoul.l be ohlig •! to .!,. in r»yard to r.XI
whil ' • ■■' recnr.l to Manrhurla
Sof could f! -\ nn.Wstan.l why they should ot-mb'
■*♦' '■' '" "■' srotmd which •iid PO J
t wan hardly fblr »v
Mh the .'.v- to gti rlifht lo land on 'on,
«f the >alu Kiv»r whe., Russia would
; : ■••-■••' ! t.l be>-n rlatateS
th " ' ' • -s tn th<» Taller of till
p ..n hnn «-.>s "f »h- river. Th
'!"■■■ • ■ • ■•' .«ri.t wax • • treaties
th-m t:i:-lv. :r..| wl,«-n th- fur's ministers didl3
«ni"w i krij- time, uppare-tir
'' 'ho rz.ir v ;.'. , v t j~£*
• r>:\dr tn flirt: .-ici»". not to wyi
■ -nt h»r war- !:■-. „>;•.

Marie T>re«a ITonry. "f X>>. 3T> West Flfty-eijith.
■t.. >■ I "ty. sent in t:io neatest ar.d mo*)
rum; ri tion ■ f a water Joumt>v from L<»n.
di.n. Krißlund. t,» M»ng Kons, ••hir.a. ar.d tJier«frr»
Wtna the Interesting cnolt. Marie is
twfl>. - md hi r ;T-.r:.^r took tTtis
v«r>- ■ ■ ■ . itbn
':.r,s S'a*s.
frown a: as \"U pam
A■ - ■
wanl «Txarreta, sr.ub» an-! frm».
•- • *how«
Th.- Mea.
The wi;:j |a !:<« a looking c!.im.
\ ' y.iu wish ta I ■*
a?ant t»rm3 with all who rasa.
on ih»m pt^asantry;
Be helpfuL icenerooa anil true.
\ \ try «oon roul] .'
Each f . eh" to ynti
An li • ! kind.
— iPns>-!'.!a Leonar '.. in Th» Ch .—Oaaa-

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