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8 FIFTEEN JAPANESE EDUCATED AT ANNAPOLIS. Ho-x Cadets Arc Taught There to Handle Warships, Torpedo**, Big Gum, Submarine Mines and Other Engine* of War. The United Ftates Naval Academy at Annap olis 1* wittUH to at laaat IlkinttUM rrc.lit for the \ ri!:i:int campaigns of the J.i; UMM Navy In the war with China U : that now being wajf •: npalnst Russia. On J/> 27, l>i.\ th.- Presi.!-:.t ap; roved an Art of OMgTtM author txlr.c the admission to Um Naval Ar.nlctry of ■ Bml!'-I DUJbtf < f atOflaOta to be npp"li-'' l- ' l 'V the empire of Japan, the J:i[.t Government bear! .r th<» <>;• r:e <<t tuition and maintenance •f t 1 t •■•..•■•:«. Tndcr that authority fifteen •tu ' ••s from the Japanese ElUftlftia hive been adn .r.oft to DM Ara^Ty at WHOM tlm« * 'li" No»f u !t, lv;O. of these. «•* have I Dit i ! oatr '.. arid the r Ir.e others, on account of various 4efl> !• r,<-!« *. hnve I een withdrawn without wln nlnr d.plomaa. In *ome <av*. however. '.< tag ctfttflcfctca of proflclcnry in son.e of tIM bro bl lof Instruction. TK" flrnt ror.a f.f Japan to b« appolntad to the Na\ 1) Academy ty th« lr e ■•■• •• t -<•/..-. Eou M •. •• aUa and l'f S<Tarn, bott <'f whom ento: ! m ix-err.Nr S. IMA M;Uztnulla *ai gntestad in I T3 and afterward bTIWM an aJ 1 in OH J.; : Navy, rendering dls- Ur^ .. '• 1 »rvhs ir. the war with China. whi. )i ml5«l him to a hlßh pli e In offl< Ul fa\or and [i.i:ic HteMß In his native land He vw retired with the rank of vice-admiral In 1900. Fetaro made p«.nr process In the a^:id «ny anl withdrew In ISTt. I'eih.ips the most Intcrestln»f of the. Japanese rtudents was Sotoklchl Urlu, who entered the Naval Academy on September 12, IST", and HI graduated In 188 The achlevemcnU of thla prominent figure In recent war or>« rations In the Far Ea*t make him Just now the centre of tbe proup of the Annapolis educated naval of ficers of his country. The last Japanese ap pointee was Illroakl Tatnura, who entered the •caO. y May ~"«. IM^ and wm graduated June \ 1900. I'rin's standing at Rmdu-ition In his class of ■eventy-clx was No. 20, but Tasukor Serata, who entered the academy at the same time, wu No. 14 In tho clas-a at pr:i'!uatl^n— a record highly creditable to one forelpn to the lan guage, laws and custon.s of this country. The published order of merit of the class discloses that Ferata was particularly ar-t In seamanship, fairly ro In shipbuilding, only five and a half points txlow tlie first In his class In ordnance, well up In marine engines, four points below tha valedictorian In tcrhnleal navigation, five points below him In practical navigation, three In elec tricity, one and three-fourths In public law, and two In French nr.d Fpanlsh. In conduct, how •"»«•. although his record was over two points better than that of ttie head of the class, he was somewhat lnff-rlor to many of his clas» matrs. His weakest showing waa In naval architecture, an e!wtlve course of study. frlu's strongest points were seamanship, ord nance and theoretical and practical navigation. He did not take the Hectlve course In naval architecture and was more than a point below B^rata In conduct He had a considerable num ber of minor merits, but absolutely none of a ■BTto'.is nature. His appr< -ate Uieillfl for the ftrur yoars* cr<urs« were .r»70.-15,. r »70.-15, against BM.M tor tho last mll-of-honor man In the dsjsa and f09.1T fcr Serata. Yonoske Knotiye, a third Japanese mcmbei of the same classy withdrew before the expiration of the four ■■.;•■. Of course, the classmates of these two Jap ■sjasc students are now widely scattered, and ■ttla I;. formation oooceridnc their schooldays NEW-YOIIK TEIBUNE ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT. ANNAPOLIS CADETS AT LOADING PRACTICE. Tryln* for a record In this drill tcsU the nerve, steadiness and endurance severely. I, PCTMM ti.r.M fill In -.ther I A Tri sUj !y • :• n JT. ••I>-i. •;:.;• r \--.\'i- ■ Bid b* "I- . !•■• d. I do! Ba u.1.1 ■ scrtoa Bdlaw, ttadtod hard. .1; ■• I to l,e |bi ?<•;', -f t. r : 1 -a.iS fX tr.-ri.'y MtattlTC 111 tad, f'""> niy assocla- HOM «::!; I'rij. BtTftU and EDO !)■■. I bttW to rcsard the firirfi m taf naon to arytJiitiK t<r: : ■.••■;• :: I hutinr thir. the ITtngl run of ii. on. BDOtiy* ••.is nt.e «>f the Oecptloai t'> tM.'- n;!-. He v.;.s an all- U a ! *■;■■ rt :n.'l v.;is li» trum ,■■ b ->f his time. Til!'', as ttOCb U aijthinß. cauneJ him It bfl VltbdniWfl f «'in the m:i !• ::■>■ • irly In his tell >ear. Irlu and Forit.i Wtra \-«ry DM* Ji ashamed of Euuuyt*a aacapMtt*. ar.d I i...\ heard them Aa&tOPa bbj vOdacaa with tf.irf .: HIBMIMfII li.< identa? It's a lung time sliuo •I r»-i •■!:•. t, however, that I'riu was ■■' e:ir tif-st d> ' <*• ' ■" 1 Bkcd argument aJnMMI as well ■ • • • :• ■ •'. I thought, evn better th:m - «Irep. He was s"ii.e\\h:it <•*■ it:,l le, and when he warmed up to his BttbJOl t he talked rather fast arxl toudl] ''•••■ evening early In our re- ond year he got Into a heuted usslon with Ferata about a p"lnt In law, and the argu ment wns ■UII at Its height when "taps" was sounded. Blthcf the talk drowned the bugle c.i'il or L'nu's mind was so taken up with his subject Uutt he did not heed the rule. Anyway, CADETS' FIRING DRILL. The flrlns Is here conducted exactly aa tt would b« doa« on a warship at ae^ URrU AS A CADRT AT ANNAPOLIS. The "hero of dsemufpo"* to ■tandtn*; at '?■.* r"C*"t. TajiuXer Serata. another Anna.j>oll3 Japanese ca4a\ fcj seated at Him left. Tono&k* X^o*cjr% a t^lr-4 emdeU la seated at Cb* tisiii. TORPEDO ISSTI CADETS AT WOP.K o>'