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in ixxiS THAT EARN A LIVING ?l(intj Ways in Which These Ani mals Are Made Useful. Happening to glance at the papers affixed to the church door In a Yorkshire village, the property of a well known and Justly popular earl In those part», writes C. J. Cornish In "The Corr.hill Maga ri:ie." I noticed that his lordship had last year paid tUBS '• 'i.ty-elght dogF. bealdes his hounds. This included the doge of his sods. <sfii;gh ters and grandchildren, but It represented a sub stantial contribution to the national exchequer. Sevrn-e'-rbths of our doss belong to the ranks of tnc unemployed and are very property tuxed. The other eighth, which work for their living, enjoy th« iionorable distinction of being tax free, a very rare j Kiid tegular privilege In our dear country. It | must, however, be added that among the genteel or I tax r«yl&g clor^ is a small and honorable class, i ■which -rark strenuously and exercise their brains | end txxlles in the service of sport. These dogs cer- j tainly earn their llvinr for they aid In the capture j or fjine and save much loss of dead and suffering of wounded animals. Consequently their claim to belong to the active class 1? undeniable. As many of them undergo yearly competitive examinations In the spring and late simmer in field trials, they are thoroughly modern and "up-to-date" animals. ard. though representing a very old fashioned canine lin« of business, are quite progressive and In touch with the spirit of the age. Nothing is more ch::rncteri'-tic of th« "actuality" of modern life than the way in which new Industries grow up and leave those who were engaged In the old ones •without ssnployment, and nothing Is more charac teristic of Ei.gilshmen than the r.lmbleness with tvhich they Fkip from an old trade to a new one. sad avoid Ing left behind. As with men, so with dog*, and especially with Knghsh breeds of dog. They no longer carry the tinker's panniers, with a load of pipcer* and soldering irons, on their backs, cr draw the flsh carts to Nottingham from Grimsby. or bait bears, or track sheep stt-alers. or tur: the s;,it. Hut so great Is the affection and respect of dogs for men. so keen their eagerness to please, so unflagging their zeal when at work, bo ■trong their desire to be employed, that they are •ver ready and willing to learn new work and to make tbemaelv-BS useful as the times demand. The most recent evidence of the "transferabHity" of dogs from complete Idleness to strenuous Indus try occurred recently on the Yukon and other trails to Klondike. As the gold fever brought to gether all sorts and condition* of men, and set them to the roughest lota, in which all differences cf class were sunk, so the search for gold brought together d.igs of all kinds, sizes and occupations, -and set th. m all to work hauling sledges. No one cared much whether the individual digger were a navvy, a clerk, an ex -acrobat or a storekeeper. But they were moat particular in inquiring into -the antecedents of their dogs, and the value of these was appeal usually in inverse ratio to their civilization. What was preferred was a half- j am*ac» Indian dog. whOe the dog of civilization and j education was despised. Bat in the end many of these, even performing dogs, proved their worth. The "mixture of classes" in the canine society of the Yukon reached its acme when the Canadian government decided to send a police force up to Klondike. Previously to this all sorts of animals had en drawing vehicles up the passes and on th» portages. Among them were horses, oxen, "elk" and goats, but th. three latter seldom got further than thirty miles from the coast, owing to the dearth of hay. The native dogs were bought up rapidly, at prices equal to those which a good horse ■would fetch elsewhere. They were trained animals In which t!..:r . wners took pride, and were ail en paged to different persons or contractors, before the police expedition was decided on. An agent #ent to the likeliest spots in the Northwest re ported that he "could not get a dog that was a ■dog' 1 for any pries within the bounds of reason. Tl.e Governor then sent out another agent with orders not to be too select in his selection. USED TO DRAG SLEDGES. The result was. according to J. B. Bornham, that ■either because the agent wanted to get back, or because be was not such a connoisseur In dogs as the other num. be returned with .i line string of ail Trlnels of creatures which would not have come under his predecessor's eatepory of "a dog that ■was a dog" ••■■ all. They were quite civilized -dogs; for, instead of going among the Indians, the Rger.t just went down to Lake Superior. North Chore, and bought up everything from performing jiuodles to the pet dogs of barbers' shops. The jK>li'-e achieved •••• marvel of organization In turn- Ing many of this untrained assortment into useful hledSja animals. The result was that the dogs of x - iviiized man were soon in competition with Indian •-jiuskk and other native teams. One set of tine mongrels about in- size of large Scotch terriers, none of them weighing more than forty pounds, drew a load of three thousand pounds over the Ice of l^ake litunet. Tli< sleCri" wafi always ■jtarted for them, but when unco started they kept H moving. The owner, a halfbre<id. led to follow behind and out of sight, .nojurjigiiig them by voice only, and by a system of rewards. li;:t the dogs pr#Vi< . educated to other business acquitted themselves sretL "I Raw a trick poodle in one lean." says Mr. Barnham. "His leader (there wore only two dogs in this siedge) was .i big sullen Newfoundland, a picture of pessimism personified. Xbe poodle had i»> <-:. recently dipped, ;;iid still bad Jt:, heavy mane and Isssrllrnl tail. This poodle wai tIM lest t-mjiTed lilt!- '.cast imaginable. Every June ihe learn stopped— end stops were frequent. Bar Ibens was a sick m^n along -with them— tha dog •would oitp-T around in his harness, ar.d do every thing Short of turning somersaults. He stood on his hind legs, and turned backward In the harness, ami never was still for an instant." Our sympa thies go out toward this pool little strolling actor of a dog, forced to join in the search for gold. Jie might have made one of the celebrated troupe ■with M. Joiieu-ur in Hector Mai «'a story •'Ens Famille." As an animal of draught. was found to be decidedly Interior to dogs, though tho me-i pulled sledccs without grumbling. A man could draw bis own weight and travel fifteen miles a day Th.- dog would pull v. load equivalent to his own weight ;>r:d travel thirty miles in a day. The dog Uuurmups use*: was quaint. It was a mixture of English and Canadian Trench, used by persons vim mainly had no Idea wnal th* latter meant; but as they heard the Canadian Indians uso it, they adopted it. The order to start was "machan," •which '■:, analysis was found to stand for "man-he chlen." The EriKll?h converted it into "march on"! It is commonly believed that the spotted carriage dops. once m frequently kept in England, were about the most useless creatures of the dog kind. maintained only for show and fashion. This la a -mistake. They w< re used at a time when a travel ling carriage carried, besides its owners, a large amount of valuable property, and the dugs watched The carrl.'jre at r.ii;ht when th» owner* were sleep- Ing at country tons. W« feel that we owe an apology to the race of carriage dogs. They are Dot Bsstess even now, but, on the contrary, very -useful :-.rima'.>. and no one appreciates them more th:.n the coachmen of whose horses they are the Inseparable companions. The coachman of th« lite Prince Batthyanl told the writer that these dogs were the befit of alda In training spirited -young carriage horses. The horse constantly looked out for the dog us it ran by its «ide, paid fett< ution to it. and was >li much engaged In thinking of Its stable companion, the dog. that it -wan far tess nervous, lidgeuy and shy than when taken out alone. «me of his dogs was. in his 1 i.ra. 1 -.-. the "pride of the park." Some readers may remember this dog. It used to place its. -If exactly "beneath the pole chains when the carriage was driven out. and, trotting fast, would maintain Its place there to an inch, either In the park or in the streets In the crowd of a London season. In the ataMea, which wars large, the carriage dog always had one favorite horse, which he slept with. But when the Mud was sent into the country by road, "he mounttd guard at the door ot the inn stables at night, and sometimes refuse to let the Indigenous hostlers and grooms enter or to go near the rugs and harness. While the carriage dog is becoming extinct In apiu of Us useful qualities, other breeds aie Invading t-iheres of work in which they had formerly no -jcrt. Th ■ i .ih< , for instance, is re placing the Scotch doerhour. ! in the work of re covering wounded doer, nnd before long halfbreed tetters win bs doing the work of retrievers. The clog which retrieves is so common that wo scarcely admire him enough. I'nc-ivllized or htlf civilized race* lock on him aa thing Euper-eanitte. When Trevor Battye'e old retrieving spa-del Sailor was among the Samcyede?. they, and even the Russian peasants, were q-jlte sstnnlsnsQ at h!i» sagacity and cou'.d hardly pay mm enough attention. They could not picture a dog which picked up game and «*.ld not try to ea«. It. though their own animal? are well trained as drovers' docs for collectlr.r their reindeer. BOUND TO 3U2TRIEVT3 IT. There la not the slightest doubt that In the mod ern retrievers "acquired certainly, one ac quired habit, that of fetching dead and wounded game are transmitted directly. The puppies some times retrieve without being taught, though with this they also combine a greatly Improved capacity for further teach! . Recently a retriever was sent m&h a winged >£&■!***- which had run into a fltteh. The a ° followed It some way down the >^i! ..? i? r . t !*'. nU i r cam *' cut with '«"» oIJ v^,i he l d I V U - T><luln b - v the handle. The Wile was taken from the dog amid much laujth njßpartridge' The i;.lanatlon was that the bird when ran into the ditch, w^ic-h wißw iß narl on 1,1, ,W <»teh was the old kettle, with no lid ?"•. !! tt V 10 ,» t l? 1 * , t $ <: U . rtl . cr< pt; and, as the dog could Mt BBt the bird , out -J l very pro-ieily brought out «m .?i' J lt « h tn l blrd tn ll Among dot's that 2K2L •?& f*S5 *•?• {TOO<I retrievers deserve a !,?rt Ur« rank - A cou|ll « of hundred hi.Ma 1 1- ■ ■■ --'■ ;i Blßrf-lS Tor f.pcrt and amusorrnsrit _ Tiw> ancl«it and hcnorsblo (Joe industry of ahe;> herding will probably endure in full vigor an long aa mutton remains in demand. The grounds or this pleasing belief Ha deep In the nature of the fheep themselves. Naturally sheep are mountain animals. They always flourish best on high moors and upland pastures, and it is there that the great 1 centres of ehec-p breeding endure, whether on the Cumberland fells, the Scotch hills or the raouiHulr.s of Sriain iiiid Thrace. Hut In the two lftt'-r dis tricts th« business of the dog Is quite different from that in Scotland or Cumberland, in Spain, or on the Khodope Mountains, the dog Is a guard again. at wolves; bears or thieves. In more civilised countries he Is deputy shepherd, and does nearly &ii the hard work, except that which demands tho Unf, of hands. Peoplo nave become so accustomed to the idea that the sh< : !ierd dog is clever and useful that they often omit to find out for them selves bow astonishingly clever and useful he la. One needs to stand below a Cumberland fell and watch them at work, to realize that these are the most highly trained animals in the world. Their bight, unlike that of moist dogs, must be ahttmlsh iugly keen, for they can follow the signals made by their masters' arms at a distance of one and a half miles up a mountain. The side of the fell is divided i artly Into square lnclosures Made by walls, with ?;ate«-ays. but no gates. These lnclosures become arger higher up the hill, till they end In one long wall, anove which Is the open moor. This Inclosed part Is known as the "Intake," and a pate, or fratt; wav, leads through it on to the moor; this gate, through which every four footed or two legfred being which goes up the mountain passes, being known as the "gate of the Intake." Suppose a flock of six hundred or seven hundred sheep is scattered on the moor, and the shepherd la in the valley and wishes to get the whole flock collected, driven through the "sate of tho intake," then through four or flvo Inciosures into that in which he means them to spend the night, or to bo sheared. or have- their fleeces smeared, or In the case of very cold moors to put on Jackets for the winter. He does not stir up tho 1,111 himself, hut sends the dog with one or two spoken words and a wave of his hand. The dog listens carefully and looks keen ly st his master. He is attentive, and deferential. Th»n he gallops off with a yelp, scampers up through the Inciosures, running through the gates, pets beyond the intake, and begins collecting the sheep. This he does often at full gallop, and with much barking. When he is "blown" he trots. By this time he is a mile up the hill, but sound travels well and the air is clear. The shepherd shouts and waves his arms this way and that, and tho dog pallors as directed. This be does largely on trust. for the following reason: The shepherd below, or on an opposite hill, can see the whole moorslde, and 'spots" single sheep or groups scattered In hollows and rolls of tho moor. The dog, being on the moor side itself, cannot command the same view, and would cither leave sheep behind or have to quart* the ground and beat it. like a setter looking for grouse. His master will in this way signal to the dog to bring in a single sheep, perhaps half a mile from where the animal Is standing breathlessly watching for orders. TRAINING SHEEP DOGS. On the great sheep ranches of North America, as well as on the estanelas of Argentina, the dog plays every year a more Important part. The Argentine method is the more complete, for by it the dog be comes part of the flock. The puppies are suckled by a ewe, and when grown up are fed only on vegetable food and milk, for which they visit the estanda, and having devoured it rush back to their flock, pursued by the farm dogs. When they reach the flock, they Been at once to gain courage, and turn on their pursuers. They guard the sheep both night and day. and also assist the shepherds to drive them or collect them on the pastures. In the mountain districts of Colorado, in the Far Northern States. Bhtep-.ioss have been Imported from coun tries as far distant as New-Zealand. The most nofd breed In Colorado is descended from a pair of these dogs, and their offspring have, an inherited gift of shepherding. A tdx-munths-old puppy was employed with others In getting sixteen hundred siieep into a "corral" before a blizzard. When the enow began to fall it noticed that two hundred sheep were not there, and that the puppy iv.i* also missing. Th<» herders bunted all that night and part of the next day, when the two hundred -!.•••;> were found, driven into a little gully, with the puppy standing on guard it had been thirty-six hours without food or water, and died later from exposure, followed by too much overfeeding from sympathetic persons. This occurred near Port Col lins, in Colorado. The mother of this puppy was on» day missed at supper. She was found at the corral, guarding a gate which the shepherd had left open th« night before. In France there is now a sheepdog club sup ported by the Ministry of Agriculture and by the agricultural press, as well as working shepherds and drovers. At Auf-ervlMe last year, in the im mense plains of the Heauce district, where sheep feeding Is the local industry, a competition was held, in which thirty-two dogs were entered. The sheep had to be driven along a serpentine track, merely marked by furrows and flags, over two fences. a ditch and a mound and through a gap. All this had to be done to order, ar.d was a trying ordeal both for shepherds and dogs. The latter were mainly broken-haired prick-eared dogs about the sire of a pointer. It is Interesting to know that there Is one dog who makes his living by driving a printing press. It is only a development of the "id turnspit busi ness, but th* .log prints a whole edition of one tho . sand papers in one hour. The dog la i in* : Gypsy and is the property of Carroll & Bowen proprie tors! of "Th<- Plymouth iWis.t Review." H< la a two-year-old English mastiff. weighs one hundred poun«s, and does his w-irk by rinmir.t' round In a wooden wheel eight feet In dlami u-r. To ih»- whei 1 if attached a belt connecting with tbe presses in the nut room, .and when the dog has ... ...... his copy with one pre^s be sets to WTOTk On anotl ■ r Jn conclusion, those who feel pleasure in the use nnd continuance of ai Imal helpers and servers will be pleased to note that two most creditable and highly skilled dog Industries .«t:!! survive wwii actually did Dot exist when Dr. Calus wrote his delightful treatise "Da Canlbua Angllse" for the Information of The performers are the decoy man's <;..a; and the blind man's dog If th- decoy dog had been known to Caiua he would have included It with delight In bis list of bird taking dogs. But, though he mentions the "subtlety" of durkF, and thai the water spaniel, of which he give- an accurate description, was used to retrieve them when wounded, he says nothing of the more artful devices of the decoy mini's dog. ll<- notes that the water spaniel was especially useful for fetching back arrows which had been shot at writer birds and were floating, and that the dogs were in clever that they often picked up other people's lost arrows and brought them as well as t!i- ir masters' arrows. It Is dear from this that decoys were not known at all .-'s early as that, and that the belief that they were a late Introduction from Holland is cor rect The decoy dog's business Is to run In and out of the screens which ad to the pipe, and bo to Induce the ducks to follow him. A mist «,r momentary disobedience by the di;' might lose tr;< best "take" of the season, y- t bo Intelligent and wen triiu«.-i are these dogs thai they practically never do wrong. Vne blind men's dogs do not appear In English paintings earlier thai: the reign of Anne, and Dr. Caius mentions them not. In London they form a large and most Intelligent part of the very few dogs which earn a living or help their masters to do so. The manner of their education, which Is highly specialised, must have puzzled many per sons who have seen them resolutely guiding their poor master to his stand or back to his home, along crowded pavements and over the cross streets, never passing these when a cab is out to turn up them and sometimes barking their disapproval if a cart turns without warning too near to their charge. I find that many of these dogs are taught by a half blind man who makes this part of his humble livelihood. And "this he does," as Herod tua say*. "In v way I am not at liberty to men tion." It would not be ri^lu to divulge his educa tional system. But many are taught by the blind mm themselves, especially If they have not always been blind and remember the streets and turnings A youn-s* dog Is taken out with the old dog. and soon imitates him by pulling on the string In front of the man. Then he. Is told not to go oft the pave ment and to be careful in crossing Ride streets The blind men ask for human help when crossing th' main street, but otherwise trust to th- dog. Their duty If to take their master out In the morning and to take him home again. The latter they learn with no difficulty, going straight to th'_: bouse door One particularly clever bund man's dog, which takes his master every day from near Fulham pis works to the Brompton Road and homo again, la only four years old. His master buys his provisions every evening on the way home, and this dog takes him to the shops he deals with. When told to go to the baker's he takes his master to the Shop and when told to go to the grocer's he does so without fail. UNUSUALLY HIGH DEATH RATE. State Board of Health Reports Third Largest on Record for April. Albany. June 4.— The State Department of Health to-day Issued Its bulletin of statistics for tho month of April. There were 13.700 deaths In the Stato during that period. The bulletin says: Tills month has generally tho uniform mortality of about H>,W) In this State, and Is seldom subject to fluctuation. In 1%» them were 12,600 deaths, fol lowing a still higher March mortality; in 1893 there were about 12.000 deaths in the month, with the Fame number In March, nnd in IS9I. at the height of a grip epidemic, there were 14,0") deaths, follow ing a March mortality not above the normal and exceeding the number reported for any month on our records until the phenomenal mortality of March of this current year of 14,300 occurred. Fol lowing this excessive mortality of last month we have 13.700 deaths reported this month, which is within 800 deaths of April. jtDi, and within «00 of that of the month preceding , so that it stands th"> third highest on the record of monthly death ratea. It Is further exceptional in that It is sequent to a peries of months of excessive mortality. In the four months of this year there have been 53,<i00 deaths in this State, against 44,600 for the same montha In 1&03, and 42.300 In 1902. At this rate for the year thero would toe l«O,000 deaths, against 134,005, or against our average yearly mortality of recent past years of from 125.0<V) to 130.000. As to the cause of death affecting this Increase, there has been a moderate Increase in the num ber of deaths from the seven common epidemic diseases prevalent In this locality, although in the three years they caused alike between 8 and 9 per cent of the deaths. Cerebro-spmal meningitis, a minor causf.- of death, is at the present time show ing an unusual mortality. Tho chief Increase In mortality Is In diseases of the respiratory system. and especially from pneumonia, from which there were 2.M more deaths than in the four month* of the two preceding years. The Increase has he . <\ general throughout the State. Smallpox has In creased In distribution during the month, or rather new places long Infected have come to light. At Cato and other towns in Caruga County there is evidence that it has existed as a recognized epi demic, but under a fanciful name, since December having teen imported from Medina, where it was then prevalent, and, besides spreading- throughout th<? northern part of the county and to adjacent towns In Wayne, has been traced from. Cato to Jordan. On^r. Ing.i County, and to Corning by a common tobacco Industry, also to Auburn krd Wey—^ort. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. JUNE 5. 1904. TRIES SUICIDE IX CELL. Alleged Burglar, Caught After Chase, Uses Suspenders. An hour after he had been locked up In the East Twenty-second-st. station on the charge of attempting burglary In a boarding- house at No. 121 East Twenty-third-st., Samuel Cooper, a barber, who refused to give his addrefl3, tried to strangle himself In his cell with his sus penders and a piece of heavy cord. He was un conßclouß when the doorman found him, and Is now In Bellevue Hospital in a serious condition. Mrs. Mary Jane Hunter, who conducts the boarding house said to have been entered by Cooper, alleges that she met Coopej: In her house with a steamer trunk on his shoulders. When she demanCed an explanation, he said a man named Cook had cent htm there to get the trunk. Mrs. Hunter ran to the street door, intending to call a policeman. Divining her purpose. Cooper brushed her by and ran. Mrs. Cooper, bareheaded and dishevelled, pursued him. At Lexington-ave. Cooper met Captain Gallagher. The captain drew his revolver and ordered the fugitive to stop, but Cooper kept running-. At Lexington-ave. and Gramercy Park the captain and Policeman Leonard caught him. Mrs. Hunter said that Cooper had ransacked all of the rooms on the top floors of her house, and put jewelry and other small articles, valued at several hundred dollars. Into the trunk he was carrying 1 off. XO CHLOROFORM, THE CRY Bronx Determined to Thwart In tention of "Little Tim." The friends and followers of "Little Tim" Sulli van In the Board of Aldermen have arranged to "put to sleep" the application of the New- York and l'ort Chester Railway for a franchise to cross streets and avenues In The Bronx. The taxpayers of Tho Bronx are equally determined that tho Port Chester project shall not bo chloroformed. William Peters, president of the Van Nest Prop erty Owners' Association, yeaterday sent to Alder man John J. Haggerty, chairman of the Railroad Committee, a letter in which he said: We understand that on May 23 19M, at the hear ing in the matter of the New-York and Port Ches ter Kallroad, yon announced that a recess would be taken by your committee.* We do not know whether tins recess means that it will be a recess of executive session, or whether your Intention \s t>> hear more of tho representatives of the laboring men, taxpayers, property owners and the public who will again appear In favor of the Immediate favorable a tion on the New-York and I'ort Chester ordinance, if requested. We call your attention to the fact that the time of tho summer vacation "f the Board of Al dermen Is approaching, and that the unantmoua demands of the laboring men. taxpayers and prop erty owners should not be ignored and their wel fare and Interests injured bj In :r.\y manner al lowing U-is matter to £'> over until after vacation. If it Is the Intention to hold another hearing, we respectfully caJl your attention to th« fact a recess means a short Interval, and not an In deiinite postponement. If there is to be another healing, we ask. upon behalf of the Van Nest Property Owners/ Association laboring men and taxp tyera of The Bronx lhat the hearing be (<et for next week, and that we be notHM thereof a t We call ymr attention to tho fact that tho Jour neytn in Stonecutters of America at ;i recent meet- l Q g ndorsed the ictlon of th< Central Federated I'mon In demanding the Immediate favorable ac tion by your board and thi- railroad commit) 'ti the Port Chester ordinance, and In demanding th« inim. Hate rejection of the defunct Westchester and Boston ordlnam •■ Mr. Peters sent a letter to James P. Holland, business manager of the Eccentric Fireman's Union, concerning the apparent Intention of the aldermen to let the Port Chester matter sleep. tie says In part to Mr. Holland: The Journeymen Stonecutters' Association fol lowing the example of the Central Federated t'nlon in th<lr resolutions, d«mand the immediate rejec tion of the application of the defunct and hold-up West Chester and Bostda Railroad, find they also demand the immediate passage of the ordinance of the Mew-York and Port Chester Railroad. It Is apparent that the laboring Interests of tl» city of New-York ■■■■■ now commencing to rfsliwe the man ner ::i which their rights and tnterrMi- are being played with by their supposed representatives— thai i.-. what the men whom th,- laboring men elected to office are doing. We trust th..' you will continue vigorously to -ire" this New-York and Port Chester ordinance by demanding its passage, and that you will be equal! an vigorous In ■(•■ manding l ' lP rejection of the application of the defunct \\'< -' Chester and Boston Railroad. The only effect of any recognition of the- latter applica tion by tho Board ■■! Estimate or the city oi New- York. or the Board of Alderman or the Mayor will be to hold up the Port Cheater Railroad for a while loiipt-r. and thereby prevent the employment of thousands 'if workmen in the Borough of The Bronx, a.» well us prevent the Investment of dn 'Is of thousands of dollars of capital. TRIES TO FREE ADAMS. Counsel Declares He Must Be Re sentenced, but Cannot lie Legally. A wrli of habeas corpus was granted yesterday ' .! istlce Keogh, .-it White I'laln--, directing War den Johnson, of HinK S:n^, t^> produce "A!" Ad ■■■ s him < ■!'. June 18, at whi< h tlmo Justice Keogh will decide as to the legality of Adams's Im prisonment. The writ wu^ obtained by Abram ti. Rose, of K< Hogg A Rose. Adams was arrested and convicted In April, 19flci, fur having policy H« whs sentenced to pay h. fine of $1,000. and to Sing King on on Indetermi nate sentence of not less than one year, nor more th;iM one year and nine months. The law requires, his counsel cays. that thos« sentenced on indeterminate sentences shall bo dln charged only between the months of April and October. Adams's sentence, reduced by good be havior, will expire in October. The Court overlooked the fact that about twenty days before Adams was sentenced the law was Changed, so that Indeterminate sentences should l>o without commutation," said the lawyer. "Now- the question is, When does his sentence ex pire? The, warden at Sliik Hlng cannot, under tho law, discharge Adi'inn In January, an the law for bid.- It. and hIH neiitence expires then. Several similar cases have come up since the commutation was taken from the indeterminate sentences, anil the State has adjusted matters by bringing the convicted man back to the trl.-W court and resen tencliiK him. Ah Adams haH already Buffered on* legal penalty for tho offence In 'paying the, line of $1,000, it is our contention that Jio cannot bo mad. to pay another, and resentencel. That being so he is wrongfully deprived of his liberty, and Justice Keogh can do nothing but discharge him." The writ was served on Wardtn Johnson at Sing Siii{- CROWDS DELAY THE LIBERTY BELL. Thousands Anxious to Greet It at Places in This State. Buffalo, Jur.'> 4.— The Liberty Bell, on the way to St. Louis, arrived her.- this afternoon nearly an hour late, the special train having been unable to make schedule time, owing t;; the clamors of the people, at every stopping place for an opportunity to touch either the historic relic Itself or the flat c;tr on which it is transported, and to obtain ono of the souvenir buttons which the officials are dis tributing. Several thousand people waited in the hit sun .'it the statin here for the arrival of tho bell, ;md welcomed It with loud r-heers. which were renewed when the train started at 2 o'clock for thi West. Rochester. June 4.— The Liberty Bell passed through Rochester at 10:20 o'clock this morning on Its way to St. Louis. The New-York Central sta tion was crowded with enthusiastic men and wom en, who cheered the old bf-11 as long as It remained In view. Between four thousand and five thousand person" were In the station. Elmlra, Juno 4.— Fifteen thousand peoplo caw the Liberty Bell hero this morning on Its first stop on the way to the S Loulb Fair. The party of Phlla dHphians, headed by Mayor Weaver, distributed souvenirs. WORKS FOR CITY FROM SING SLNG. Although A. M. Fragner, the lawyer, Is serving a sentence In Sing Blng, bo la at the same time carrying out certain contracts with the city, -which are In his name. They are for laying sewers In Brooklyn. Superintendent of Eewera O'Kcefe soys that the conviction of Fragner in no way Invali dated tho contra;..', and that they will have to stand. A message was sent to Sing Sing the other day to ask him wny he had not begun work on three of the contructs. He assured the messenger that the work would bo properly done. It Is un derstood that Fragner was simply a dummy In the bidding, ajid made his bids ror an Italian con tracting firm. He never had a contracting plant, but is said to have received a commission of two pur cent for doing the bidding- I>O YOU 1)I>"K 'JUT? ftereral nt'ntaunuits that offer tempting dinners are to-. in/ adTcrtUed among- th» "IJtfl* Ada. *f th* feoglo." Homer's Furniture CONTRIBUTING to summer comfort and restfulness in quits a liberal de gree are our spacious Settees, Sofas, Arm Chairs and Rockers in Flemish, Mis sion, English Quartered Oak, Weathered Oak and Forest Green. Prodigality of choice is also here in Bedroom Suites of White Enamelled finish (plain and dec orated, also with cane combination). Bird's-eye Maple, Birch, Oak and Mahogany Brass Bed steads in over 100 patterns White Enamelled Iron Bedsteads with brass trimmings. ALL AT SFF.CIATXY ATTItACTTYE PUJ( E> R. J. HORNER & CO., Furniture Nlxken and Importers, 61, 63, 65 West 23d Street. WILL PAY FOR TWO BRIDGE PLANS. Set That Cost $19,000 Won't be Used— $25,000 One Will Be. It was learned yesterday that the change of architects for the new Manhattan Bridge has al ready cost the city fia.OOO, and may run up $7.r<00 more. Originally Henry F. Hornbostle was em ployed by Commissioner Lindenthal. His contract called for J26.600. He has already received $19,000 and has a claim pending in the Controller's otfico for the balance. All that has been used of his plans was for the piers -which ara completed. The rest of the plans have not been officially discarded, but. as Carrere & Hastings, who superseded Mr. Hornbostle, have a contract for $25,miu, It is not at all likely that they will utilize the work of their uredei-esßor. This means that the city has paid twloe, practi cally, for plans, one set which it will have no use for and the set which Carrero & Hastings have about completed and which Commissioner Best said yesterday ho would submit to the Municipal Art Commission in a week or ten days. NEW-YORK CITY CORPORATIONS. Albany. June I— Certificates of Incorporation w«r« filed to-day with the Secretary >f State of the fol lowing companies: The Anicrit-an Aerial Amusement Company, of New-York City; capital. $.'.'W.uoo; directors. \\ . \\ . Doty, of Brooklyn; J. C. GrauUce ar.d C. C. Grat tan. of New-York City. Holcomb-Newromb Steel Company, of New-York cn\ , capital. $260,000; directors. <J. A. Holcombi, of Caxenovfa; O. G. Kabbe and G. A. Bpeera. of Hoboken. A Moses & Sons, of N mi-- York City; capital, SloO.000; directors. Aaron M'-ftes. L>. O. Moses and A. M. Moses of New- York City. PRIZE FOR NAME OF RAILROAD TRAIN. The Erie Railroad has announced a prize of $100 /or the best name suggested for its "World's Fair pperial. An especially distinctive name is desired. because, as tho company explains, the extraordi nary character of the train merits It. Running Its World's Fair special in conjunction with the His Four, the Brie will enjoy the advantage of short mileage between New-York and St. I>ouls. The train will leave this city In the morning, giving the passengers a day view of the scenery along the Delaware, through Urn Genesee Valley and the mountains of Pennsylvania. As an example of now the names of trains become fixed. General Passenger AK<-nt Cooks of the Eri.i said yesterday that th» Monitor train on th« Sus quehanna division of the Erie got that name early In the war. In 1863. This train was called No. 6 for a time after It was put on. Them some one living alone the lino fancied a rae»mblance he tween the rounded end of th» locomotive and Erlcs son's monitor, which had lately come Into prom inence as a powerful war engine, and he dubbed th« train "The Monitor." Th- name was at once adopted by those who frequently used it, and to day, after forty years, it is known as the Monitor. Ti, lulpment for the World's Pal special about tn be put In service will be unique. The whole train been built for this use expressly. In the Worlds Fair at Chicago the Erie carried many lieis« mm to the Wind) City, and made tt:»: record <if having not one passenger Injured. TO BE COMPLETED TUESDAY. It Is now understood that the organisation of the Lake Superior Corporation, the successor of the Consolidated Lake Superior Company, will be com pleted nt a meeting to be held on Tuesday, and that the company will thereupon begin active bu?t ne*!». It la expected that the company's steel rail mill will be In operation by July 15 or August 1. NOT TO COME TO NEW-YORK. i: 6 Layman, assistant cashier "f the Illinois : ] Bavinga Bank of Chicago, who it w:i^ r*'.-. ml announced was to •: ter the service of tho National <ity Hank, of New-York, In its foi'-'.tn exchange department, h.^s withdrawn his a anre ■■:' the City Bank's offer. The r>-us'.n I lot be learned yesterday. NEW CARS FOR ST. LOUIS TRIP. The I.< high Valley Railroad has received Its con slgnment of new Pullman cars, ordered specially fur the through service to the St. Louis Exposi tion, and they are now running daily on tho Black Diamond Express. They unite all the latest Im provements of the Pullman Company, and are mo<l"ls of simplicity, elegance, comfort and strength, Their interiors arc solid mahogany, fin ished In oil. The seats are upholstered In tlßured rich olive green, with velvet carpets of a color In harmony. The oars are lighted with electricity, and each berth ban two electric bulbs, so that ltn oc cupant by the touch of a button controls light for reading or other purposes. The toilet and .smoking rooms have disappearing stands, which, when not In use, can be folded up, thus adding to the space. There arc no filigree or tapestry ornaments, to serve as catchers of dust ana germs, and the ven tilation is after the latest Improved system. Tha routi' of this new* through service Is on the Lettish Valley, the Lak] Shore and the Illjf Four routes. COMMITTEE TO RECEIVE BANKERS. On tiif Invitation of James Stlllman. president of th« National City Hank and president of the NeW- York Clearing House Association, the n<-xt annual convention of tho American Bankers' Association will bo held in New- York City on September 14. !"> and 16. The announcement comt-a from l l *. Q. Btge low, president of the association, whose home Is In Milwaukee. Th<> following committee on ar rangemi nts has been appointed: Btephen M. tlris wold, chairman, president <>f t!u> Union ltnnk of Brooklyn; Q. B, Whltson, vice-president of th-^ National City Hank; Walter B. Frew, vice-presi dent of tii.- Corn Exchange Bank; J. M. Donald, Vice-president of the Hanover National Bank, S. G. Nelson, vice-president of the Seaboard National Bank: Albert H. Wlggln, vice-president of th» Chase National Bank; (Jat^s W, MclJarrah. presi dent of tho Mechanics" National Hank; Henry P. Davtson, vice-president of tho First National Bank; William H. Porter, president of the Chemical Na tional Bank; Gilbert C. Thome, vice-president of the National Park Bank: William H. Perkins, pres ident of the Bank of Amerlcn: Edward H. Town send, president of thf> Importers and Traders' Na tional Bank; Saniu.-l Woolverton, president of tho Oallatin National Hank; W. C. Duvall. cushler »>f tho National Bank of Commerce; A. s. Frtesell, president of the Fifth Avenue Bank; Btephen Baker, president of the Hank of the Manhattan Company; Herbert L. OrisKs, president of tho Hunk <<f New-York. N. H. A ; Jamea r. Cannon, vlce-prori lent of the Fourth National Brink. The first meeting of this nommlttee will be held on Juni! h. THE PRINT CLOTH MARKET. [BY TELKGRArn TO TUB TRIBUNE. 1 Kail River, Mass.. June 4.— Brokers report a week of fairly good business In th« local print cloth market. Tho sales exceeded 100 000 piece*, and that total la considered good, oonaiderlng cond.!tlon3 I'.rwl the fact that there was a day out. The market was Irregular, but at that It was easier than In the week previous. The feature of the business was the condition of the market for regulars. The sales of them were sn-.all. and thero was a drop of % cent in the price. Small lots were sold at the opening at 3% cents, but on Thursday »i cents ■was the best mat cculd ho secured. This was fol lowed by a. decline of »8» 8 cent in the market for 23 inch C-ixCOs. while the 27-lnch 56 squares advanced ',fc cent from last week. The decline in regulars was expected, as the £«n eral market had been selling on that baals for near ly a fortnight. The tales reduced the stock, for about two-thirds of rhe mills wore shut down tin entire week, and most of those in operation ran no moro than half the week. Some of the unjteadi nt-ss in the market was due to tho agitation for a cut ix» vra-res. A number of tho mill men started a paper with that end In vl»w, but they could not »ocuxu a sufficient number of &$ -stures to wax- Foreign Resorts. © -3 Hi^- %± ° J J Heart Diseases. -= j e£lsialii^i!llPiiH 5 M Gout- I Bfci3 isWr f T flr iK— fcfc"^tlHssCßTsi Ji^^M?BMHMWT g ir-''^^ w ™ j^ — C For convalescents we recommend the small jjj _10 DiseaSCS Of Women. 7i i= -= and quiet OKOSSH, BAD AI'SEX, near *, = C F I "° == "3 Nldda, station on th« rrledbere-Nldda R. K. £>i oCTOiUIa. v "• Forest w.IK-. .«« bath,, .prlng* excellent air. | NeFVOUS DiSeaSeS. P 5 Circulars frr«« on replication ti> Oenrral Dlreotiw. "~ B£± *• 1• n | The ° St Fashionable HOTEL 13 WrilOe I of the Metropolis. ISEL, The Continental. COPENHAGEN Hotel d'Angleterre The Leading Hotel of the Metropolis European Advertisements. For the convenience of Tribune readers abroad arrangements have been made to keep th; Daily Tribune on file in the read ing rooms of the hotels named below: LONDON SHOPS. NEW & EXCLUSIVE D£SIG£S / SN SILKS for /sty 1904. /^fcy\s> 4 jg Aw i yQ&y 4^/ HOSIERY, FLOWERS, AND ORFSS MATERIALS HATCHARD'S HOOK SELLERS. 187, PICCADILLY. LONDON. W. Their shop has been th- resort of the fashionable world far a hundred years A special catalogue "Americana In Rn-!an<l" M-Tit free Foreign Resorts. LONDON HOTELS. SAVOY HOTEL, LONDON HOTEL DE LUXE OF THE WORLD The rooms are bright, fresh and airy, and delightfully qul-t. Bathroom to every Suite. SAVOY RESTAURANT. Th«. most famous Restaurant In Europe. The Orchestra plays during; Pinner and the Or>«ra Supper. /^LARIDGE'S HOTEL, % fMf / The Centre of Fashionable London " The Las'. Word" of Modem Hold Luxury. Charming suites •with private entrance, bathroom, etc.! Ober 300 rooms. Nearly 100 bathrooms. A magnificent Royal Suite. THE CARLTO^J ■» Hotel, Restaurant, and Grill Room, LOMDON. FRANCE. BELGIUM « HOLLAND Grand Motel PARIS BOULEVARD OES CAPUUNfcB AND PLACE— DE L'OPERA. I.CCO RCCM3 WITH PRIVATE BATHS. TARiFP ON APPLICATION. MERCEDES '"HOTEL paris PLACE DE L'ETOILE. - SS££d«& Kntlrely n?w ron«trm-trd flMt-claiw Ilotrl: all the lat e«t mrnlrrn Improve-iit-nt-.; luxuriously furnUhnl; nitMt .i.l. .»nt:. scou*)y nltuiktctl; open April 13th. 1904. A prl vute buth-drrtwiua: room la attached to every ituite ua.i every bedroom: »er»l<o de lu»e. A. < HAUIt VZ, Mima-fin* Director. I3ARIS (Favorite American House.) ' Hotel Chatham, PARIS HOTEL DE LILLE ETd ALBION. W. Rasa*. Iloiiorr. close to I'Uce Yeuiomp. Fiist alßaSb All niiklfrn lm*>roTruieuts. Every home comfort. I «'."• hill. llf>!.iur»nt. lumtiroiis ami dtnii(v» at fur.! price or • 1 . carte. *>'■>■•:..-: LII.LALUIUN, Pakis llrnrl Ab».lle. I'roprtetor. PARIS. Hotel de l Athene^ ■S. KUE SCKIBH, OPPOSITE THE GRAND OPERA. The Modern Hotel of Paris. E. ARMBRUSTER, Manager. .... _ . . Paris, 28, Cour dc la Rcirtc. HillP Hi! Pa 31Q Heated throughout, rooms nUIG! UU raiaio lrom 4 its.; with board 10 lrs . Aix-Les- Bains. AiX-LES-BAINS I •» «« Louvre & Savoy Hotel ) Manager. XClSMtria l^i«h.t. l<"aoin.K Casino Park. nRjjQQH^ LE GfiiHfl HOTEL, U IHUUO LLU Grill Room. American Bar OSTENQ--HOTELS ON SEA FRONT. THE "CONTINENTAL," 400 BEDS. " "SPLENDID," 400 BEDS. " KUKSAAL & BEAU SITE, 150 BEDS. AIUUM.!-.Mi:.M> — PENSION, IJ(M»H AM) MEALS. *.i i«) ski pi-:i: in.. \< i:i)i:i;im; TO i.ocatho hf ltt)OM>. U (.. I KKfK. Troprirtor. rant .my st<-p In that direction. When they falleu it \v;ia thought that the i«ipor was In the wrong '..:•.::■:-. and another comnvittt»>. waa tried, but thai result was the same. It la evlcrni that th* mill men as a body do not re«aid a. cut In the pay of o-jomtlves as the proper remedy for the troublvs they have endured for many months. They place their only hope in the cuitallmt-nt i>roe*ss. and that will be continued Indefinitely. Tho price* are as follows: ■> Inch »vi scuarea. 3Vi coats; 2i-l.iGh tvtx&'M. 3'» cents; 06 »4Ujtr«i, i cms; 38^-lnoh f.4 squares, 4»iitl"i% cents; 3»-tnoh 68x72'a, 4Ti5Jt» cents. Foreign Resorts. tnirciy reconstructed with c?cry pos sioic luxur>. Large Palm Court," Daily Concerts. Suites with biths. Umni buses at Pier anj Station. Manager J. Aimino. HOTELS IN GERMANY, AIX-LA-GHA^ELLE " NueHens Hotel BAOEN-BAOEN Adjoining The HOTEL MESSIER Curhaas. QUSSELDORF PARK HOTEL Strictly Ist Cluiw. Patron* — American Society. PRSNKFORT Ms FRANKFURTER HOF PftAfSXFURT m I Opposite Statloa i HOTEL BRISTOL. Proprietors : FAH RIG & WOLF. JJEIDELBES3. Hotel Metropole. rrout p;, n nipB p ; rk - VERY FIRST CLASS. HOTEL De RUSSIE, Newest & Most / fc/| • |_ Elegant in (Munich. HI 43|I&Jif*L3 «• ALL MODERN COMPORTS fttjJUmLin Z FINEST SITUATION' IVIGQNTINEHTALHQTEL — ———^———^— — — — i » ajURENBERG 11^^ f of Nur-^dbtm, W WUHTEftiBEBBEyaF fi^ nb ii I l ili uln b l n- n v r WIESBADEN w w Hotel Wiihelma JVEW HOTEL-DE-Ll/X. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE. W~ILDUNGEN-BAD If HOTEL KAISERHOF Entirely rebuilt. Lift. Electrio Light. ILDUNGEN-BAD M THE QUISISANA FAVORITE HOTEL OF AMERICANS. AUSTRIA AND SWITZERLAND (AUSTRIA. VIENNA ■L'ST ? HOTEL BRISTOL Located on the Fashionable Karntherrtaf, and the favorite report of Americans. P«f" feet Freacb Cuisine and choice wines. BUDAPEST 00' HOTEL HUNSARIA fiMt-CIdSS Hotel wita Panoramic Vl-jw over the Danube, Every modern comfort. Exclusive Ameri can 4 English patroMge. CHARLES J. BIRGIR. Manager, former!* of Imperial NotaU Menu* EM EVA «- HOTEL BSAURIW.CE Finest Petition on t*o <.j«e. fmclmj Mont Blanc. iijjiu'lfiif Tcrffos, Commie '■» Summer. Public mnd privmia batfta. Liom. EJastric light all over. Slam.-n hmmtlna. Every modern comfort. Mxnasod by Pry prletor*. MAT ft * HJttl. INTERLAKEM. £*- S RUBEN-MOTE;. JUHBFRMJ9UM CEUGHT7UL V'tWS OVER OLACIM^ kHXi I. AXES. J. OCSCH-MOLLUL fntxUto* * M»«M«. ff AUSANNE Oy^rad §3©tc! LTD . CO.. BOTTLS BEAU SITE, ff RICHK-MOMT. *" THE MODZitX HOTELS or causa*.**-* aUPZSB VIEWS OP LAKE AND .MOUNTAINS; •JtST AMXXICAN AND BNGUSM PAT»O>JAC* II HOTEL WEIMAR. HOTEL WEIMAR. rWT^ir'U f OPEN THE \ & Villon I YEAR R.OUNDJ The Baurau Lac. ITALY AND SOUTH OF FRANCE §LtllsJr4;» PRIVATE PARK JUtIIVji4u PRIVATE PARK. " EOEfJ PALACE.^ MSTR9P9LE HOTEL. HOME. Avanzi Hotel Metropole & Ville American and English Family Hotel. Alwayi open. Full South near station. Thoroughly modern & moderate rates 76 Via S' Nicola Tolentino.