OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, June 05, 1904, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1904-06-05/ed-1/seq-11/

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Condition* Arc Favorable for
I m portan t Exchanges.
It has *■" ■ fjsqusntlf •Bid that the present season has
MMsrksMa for the laissi unbar of important ex
tfia=(«» of p-op^rtv. Bed also for transactions involving- a
( » I the *J.-...r.ir ■ ■ s *::■- •=-'.i»rs cr ;.!irools in : art
pajiner.-. In the realty NBOTtS of last Ti-»e.k, as well as
jj, 88l St 8 'ry week Of ::w j<r^.,-;nt e«a;os. Will be
: fiur. *. true ■-'■' part exchangee. The fiiniei is one in
»tlcii Uisie .s bo cas:i cor.sileratlon, one parcel belr.g
taicn tS ttsds for aaother. TT.e lttter !s a deal m
»;.. a pen Mils a. parcel and receives hi payrr.ent
,orn"» ca.«!: and prop I
True sxehanges BsaaQy are the. "■■■'■' tlie efforts
of ti* priad ala to re&iy^f. ;..»;r raalty position *o as to
better U. '• I aapi dailf for present, but for the
Marl ~ - : >" - • • •---..- owner of
jsipr ■■?■'. ■ i'*riy, aul aa Investor the possessor of va
c*-' ' - la ' '■■ lea '.v r« j.. :r. hl3 happiest mood
v: »:. Bg - -; . BO ".r.e lr. r-.» from lraprcved prop—
erty. Bs bbsbH l- srar bed Bag b retain his place, to
£„. •■• BBSfdasSß cf his tools Irorr. r.?lng dlmlr.uhed by
wau'- of use. az:i DO rl^Ja h:a oii^iuU where there is the
j-ea:*f' ci:-"-* 94 ;.:t daalvlag U;o largest possible profit
fttl— BOSBS investors a_"-e btr_:;?e«t as owners of va—
aant bssd. bsrt tie najottty of liiiiaslins Sad their best
It.i r. • • ■ r- wwitiss of ... la impiroved dis
trict*. So, whtcj an invntor •>•<... .:~ a market for va
a*r.- pr.-pcriy meets a Guilder with Improved plots to of
l»r I - tha vau.-an: riu-iels, the deal is nothing more or
}ass. I" n.-»: cases, ih«.r. a hsippy MS4JIH of the
reait;.- a^laJrs uZ th» pr.i.clpali*.
The r^* 9^" l •eaacr. Is cr.a with eockStttSSsl especially
sultai.'- ' r SS r.ee,. and a fairly larg-s number of
tr :r i^'-.. part SSXhangas have be. n r.-.:i :e. instead of
BBSaty r ■-■."■>• bnportaaat BBSS, h.m-ever, there should
>iav> been * "..-. -isar-d cr a;or«.
thers its SOBM pergla' who .— . always ami forever
ax-S-.&::trr.sr proparty. -f there was n<> more laud which
they tv_'.i use they wou'.i. were It lliSßSfllis. try to swap
t!»e Stan tar tha mocn. E m swappers are Most art:-«
Ui '.c:.- - ; " ■ tty. There ara r»w tettar a]
prase: . of R .J.xn thaT. tnd SwCia-jmes they ax« s>
Sects* - ■ V I ioperty in sa-h districts that m«
■\ : la a week fig-lire ... of exahar.g-9.
aai SS ■- like ths) ram* oi "liuttor.. button, who's | I ths
SBJtl ' ■ -,«...3 to trj t.• k-»--p po«:ed as U
-: - ' '.-e.r h.:n-.es from day to ca.y. Bach ci -
charge are ; '.::::» ■:-.:p».rtan>;e
-■ —.-..... i ant the trades completed tMs
mi"- !* t.c: -.je:r imm^fr. but the Important bear'.nj:
tSa: are Likely to have or. futiusj yeara. A wall
kaowr. 1 ttod acme year* a») T\a» -r.rn »s.,c.
tow bs . aUdlag tot ■■-- fatara. "I m net think
gSJ ■ » s - ' rntare I en; ever work
::.». -■ •. . .: ■ will ;aab care of itM?:: "
?.irr.e a^ say.Ejj that :.<; waa |
. . . : •:»■ :.u ft II «ur« he.
t . -«f :r. the future. His exarrr:.
«. - ... ; ■ • » « Bid :..e most
aUce* . Wda yeacs v* . It Is toll • - -y
tht r- . aders
- ■ ex ;• AN.jnr.
Is tha cxehassjas oi real es;j.:e of t:i« present season
there IT 1 :..:.-• . I tha -:aii.J out
■j -:" :.g .-■-i:. 1a.... I. '. t!.l'-r. ll> r.r; - >.'jrr M
X jl Uarg. Charles ::. B bufler A — H. ft L* Hess.
Tjftr ar« ar:: ."..; tba leaders ir. their cl.. *f Balds. 1!:.
but a Napoleon
. ■ . • atid v*f iir. Cora.
1. Man . .. , .-»»j I Wider .. bl last a;:i su t
cei :..
- :-.:e leaders and :!:e
v« . t. ■ - .. ... sap then
tiicre. - ■ ■ ier, aad a .;:^t: share
of :::e . . . I projects of the
reait ipecula :.,!..-: •_
- i strer.B-t!: ta • .i«
sr <-• ■ . . :. H-!>s. I'-'upiujt Bobta
- a. Bbartnaa, G'.bbs
... - .1. r. .•-.: ally, Rlrfiar-l
Si. ii v > : Parlsb,
! . v Qei rg~ li I'.ead ai
■ - ..- : .-. ;; I- J. T:... | = .v
get tries H. Eajtcn &. Cu.. J.
: . Co., the rank I Plater
■ . •.- . Realty Trust C'xa<-&r.y.
- . ■ • . - . ■ : . Day, E. H.
: ■ - - ■ - - ::a <k ' ' ilir.a.
r.. . . Harriett * Cc . Henry '■>.
. ■ ■\\"J.:::..s. F. EL "• ■ ud .- '
F. de Forest S . a Ch, John I. Di ;:•»
i .- : .•• r- N . .» Jt Lummij. :i .:
: ■ ■-• ... limes i Co.. I^lOT ac 3*r;njter
B" . ii - r ':rr.» Bat ani :., the
: ■ ■ It Of what rr.ii y be
Lot exchanges of reai »-sta -^e
• '<^uun arc "'hirltt H. i-ci-u-, .<..- ji Co^ M. ft I*
H^-i lad X. L . . i Co.
"- fas Crtt t.g »i BSBge : the rear -. nry rr. a.:..
C",.p«i_«:ia»er iiTjti... rs & Vattb were v.« rrtncl^a.s. T:;»a
Sssj a. r i--'-a- •! banga, Mr Cm sold ta upper..-.>::nier
3brc-.i-.ers 4: Vetta I a. Ci ari h.i Flfta-are.. an sight
a-.-ry loft i~~.^..:.£. sa - ;,.-t OOiiiTx brregular (lease!] ::-.
H» t.«.k :- rarr : • -.::? r. r--vr-«- ncr
iundred-aaJ-tcjr-.v- :i::.-f : .. --•••■nth-ay" ar. : the
Sviiiawm: coma ... . ......
*'■ '■ Bsrenth-e . :w^ Bye Kory fUt -• =. ea<
fjst ii:.: ■ -.. aad N.». - .»:. : -i." Vest •■:.-
andreo-ar. (-atetessstb-«L, a ib st^TT elevator apartment
■ -•. BUrea, on a past 40xl'JO BMC The vaJue of
toe 2 rop«rty in tn« transacmc iva* more tbaa HBo.ooft.
'■ 'iavs faster J-^hn t. Klrwaa ' ig' » a:- v* ths
r Ko. IS vrmisv-eva.. oww . ■ ■ ; ■. mas I 11 .
:■".:... • I Eairty-eighth st.,
sans ; bjr M. L A; C. Ei-nst.
A. y. : ■-. . ■ 1: - ' " M, Max
lUrx sad Da - r-Tort
ar. : Ivmg Islajid Ksastj ■ Bcagpsaqr. were tnc ;.
I Istere ":,; "a . '. I to llr. L< p .- .1 ■ . t
.--.. ■ . ■ • ■■ ■
-■ '■ ■:-. »•■(-• of St. TBmliiJbs si 1 The buyer pave
-■-•- ' Isthniisna m the west ?:•!- <:i
2- - -iv« :■■ n. ...... rst-et. to Oa«
tun'-.-. -i.+> feel
Louis I>. .*-..- as =I^:7 a;*. ■
fc occupying • • c front on th« «-a«t sids ot
-- •■■ > SB . . .. . ..
srd One-t : . ■ • . . . ; . ■ SIM i"i
- • "■ t 1 erect la 1901. They
... og ..; ar.y. a
I - parcels L>-...^ : . • : asdtaaae.
. - flew twi ■ . ■-
lr* -- I ■:i a tot 2Ti .1 -..-..■
■ " : ■ • .■•:•: ,:. -. V -
I ■ ed .. :
**>• - ■■ • ■■ ■ . • Orst «.ni
• - ~ . ...
: . .•■:.-.■'
' - .■ . . j. ' • ■ •
■ : • ea«t of
J Stan ots In tfa* larg<r
r 1 . -: .-'.Her. Mr. ■
I ... east aids >lot '..« m.l
.. • . 1 1901
• • " 1,201 • :.::o nftn-ewe.
r ■ •• --•.:-• ••:: frst st.. four five
SI ■ . : .
M . .■ : . .
a: - tha L. at Saratoga Sj
BSBT] n - : • the O ! 1 ier Tri «t the new
t»*-:ve story stote . I ll.n? en the sits :
' ' 1 . ■ rwt eqracr of Flfts) at*, a.-ifl
: --■ - . : r t • :• ILSOO 000 [a part ps in .■•
11 ry trlT*te twelUag ! ci so at
}> ' 0 8 I I«un rr. or. plot 42x100.3 f»-t. trhl'-h
ss ■ . .-. Van Home Btoyreaant. Two lots at the
T " • r. i>r ;.!t.;' (<• 1 nflf exeilUl it were
also bxteded Is fas trade, which hrrolved $1'.<X»0.000.
Jc & .-.,.. • . .
. . ■ mt boose, tha West E.-.d
Or-r'^ at Lhe sanL.»e«; cjntr c! West End- are, and
s*k>liilsll,> si was trs ed far propcrt] it Ulantie •■;•
•W i.>m,.-> out of • ■. : :* occupies ;:■• lOJxVB^t
•J* 1 - ■: ' Its ..• -. as ire 94.10x93 feel ■■ |in open
Jp 1 * — - ling Tba lai i waa told lr. No-
Zr 1 "-^-"- '". for f:.w, -p,. ;.. ■ .; - N I, urn to
: F:.'z;er. « . • : r rh : t.:. .. • in
;•'• ' i . with •• Btefnnwts i, j !..-
Mc> -. the cost br'r;g est.fiale.i at UPObfIOO
■sb H . ntgat froia I^ouis
* : • . . , i Befanylar ** 00.
'a. H. J. Sachs, Has J-.T- rs'jn 13u.:,1i:.<r. a twelve sfiry
'" " I loft Idlag; Wca Us vi Wee* Twcsty
?"*-«■. runnlnj .. :iii azid in West
St.. on a pi jt r'.-xIoT.H feet. Mr. Clothier
• ■ • aat
My of H: i. , •• ■■•,! (,:-■ hcndred-and-ta'«jn>i <Uat
* : -- • ■ ■• : -ai-.o 1 . tweet • .•■ DI.IOsSOO fset,
••'■ : : - : ■ . ■ Oai Imadrad biiil ssk
*"■ ' H • rtending through ?r rr: Broadway to
»td»w -rt:. axe. T. ■ . •■ - - has fr.,.ta^.-» of '» feet
w • ■ ■ -•■ ,13 test an Walsworth ay? , and ill f.- t
'' Ti.^ aggrssjati j..^ .^r Use p.or<<rty in
%■% ■ ,•• .. trsds wna tX2aaOOO
<t L. Hess nr,i.j r.-r the PT ill 1 • Raolty Obrporattaa
tne tcr. et-,rv and baassacnt Ivild'.nc at the souJieast
!JJ ■ lacs aad Twetfth-st.. .'."x'S fret. t->
\Z> ''" : ' n " I K. liayri-. WSM jkiv* ,11 j-*""* payment Me.
;M; M F-'F -' . -■ ry sits • : :...:■ Ig on lot lSxl'lo
-•*". S :!; an alley in the roar to Nineteenth st. The
! - . . ■ •■ nnssrtinns waa jtvxj.Ouu. Dr.
r J. r * L ->" f' jI " inveslnitrr.v an.J r!»e Kifth-ttve. properly
at doubt t*= r.i.zt-'l and a r.»w eleven story h-:. ;:::g
ere^ir ' .
M Lln<la«isi & €•». and F. R. Wood A da were th<»
CW'era la a ;-i: v : .»- Broadway, Aossterdam-«Te.
* r -- Ceatral i-.^k West property. The Broadway par ■■:
w « tta iix-«;.ry hank ar.d <>«>••• bu!Xinß No. 4.3 G. soam-
X l ,c, c ' ;rn< " ■* W SHIIte ■!.. p*:fly stirnplsji by th« ii«- -
?* n> °* sr.d Trailers' Bank. Th* Corp>.'rat:.n Uq.;ldat:ni;
' ''ffipariT (sag tSSI paiSSl tc K*!l!<!a "?.'. Hrr>w«r whi>^a<i
s stsii'oss apsiUissaf. at OssKrsJ Purtc
r" st Md One-huadi . ■ She pssoM ths
, r ' & -7 •■'■:••--'• •■■ • ■.-..• -.. Constnetfcm anpany
"*■**■ "rower was Ifes BSWCSssSer at :nr ITIf'T'T apart—
■SJiJ 1 at A "!"erda.';. j v«. ir, : c me-*i unir-.- 1 nnd-Lh:pi-«t.
■"• later Btver Baatti sad Oossßtraetlati •.v.rnpsjiy has
•wu. *, j..':- c On :. in n> I'Si r.a*t ■iiiessuJi st.. a
pssn br;rk tru.ldir^. .n lot eij-ixSKi Te«t. Ltair.g
ja pan jia)-!:.,...^ BuopssUss St HaJtryi -,n. i-on< l»Jic<J. Th«
birJh o '' "'"' : '•" f " : * :'--: '--c > .:i st. bu. .•■:!./ siar.ds was ssntght
»l^ •'-•»•'-» OpcrsDag '.'• rr.;^r.v In .lunc. :»».!. ami re ■
l»i-^ m ' v *'' ■'"■ '' " li - r " R'"^r '."onf.aay. The cf.v
i.ifl :rc ►la^ be« leaned -^ r<- jrielßT. l'a 6 e & Co. at
'' •• a sear r--r im --tkr... w:ih vi option of tea more.
uwMaaen, t - ■..- , . «.g<,s c«-«?t Uixfa.
„? '— e-KS Back z.-oj, sold to Harassa %Vronitow the fi-."«
P^i v,"*' :::i - ' •-• lot SSaIOO f«*t, Ko. :mi> Osatxal
■mT "*t Bsatß -omer of BSgbtr-anh-sC Vr Wror.
bbm' ,/ , ravt '''•"•«'■ pr</^«r-.y :i: excha.-^* f' r 't, re
«I2S«T fcr;u "*- Mr P.ei Lousht the house In le^S for
£~o.w». n J •Paw i*r*e suns In Improving it. In 11><"'2
Cha^n™*** i: «^> Oeorgs Putts In an exchac«e fir the
Sid. "V"rt i: * ; -*"'"'-'''t l.onme. fc t U-e. soa'.h coruor of River
••s Drhsj md Wss«>Ssea-wt
t T**"*' "**•■ southeast corned On>?~lion<lrad-aiu!-««v«D-
TwZ!^""*" nv *' " icry brick BBBsssSSBJt house, 25x«54 feet;
r't^un" I;o«ri«. ' ■■' v:: ""; Nickfcrson A AToiln. arc!:Jte!:'.s;
J^^**"- **"'" ''•d*. 2« X*et south of One-hui«lr«J
*l"»^7» r<l:t <! '' nd ~" t ; five • ton ' brick tenement hocse,
We'lh^. J^Vct???.^ 1 - HtttJy - owner; I>.-r«rj D.
'^nJssTS' norti *" ; ''- " '«** T--,t of Taylor-st..
CrtiMt r.-..*** ***T ftMM <lwo!Jlo « house. 21jc50 feet;
Coiu-L-'i!' own ' r; R L Et«Unsr. trchite-t, S4.tii«J.
«w ,St t w^* V *- ' -' tccl »•« "? aarfie:J
••u nest; .co stor> frame Aweliicj; house. Slj .
ar^i'lte^t !dr $vuio nd ' r " Van ' st - owner: c - Ebel'.r.c.
ail^";";.^ sW *. 53 •-:..■ Or-hun,irM
sl.ooo! *•». owner; Lob« ft MOMaUck, archltKU;
bakarr * :^-;--' N "?- a -" r -"; one sto ry br!-k store, and
ir«^*^&Sfcf rl^'« ; --'-«-. «»rtli <M«, 13a feet
25i»/v 1, j' v* ; - : ' JUr story brtck ««MWat boos*.
,^\?--- .. r - ne «tOf» fram^ store Olr.JO , feet:
_ .. s:: . OWBeP . Moare & a.. ch^^r 9;
■ -h-6t.;
o?ner; K B7x^f^t-"': S? 1^ 1
PU:.» hay, baaa tM n ..... 1: ... : ,.. ;: , gs Boparlntaodeat
Hopper Ly Eatoa & La Parse. arcMtacU. tor th« re
modelUas or tha thrsa S ior-y Leak* & Watta tralldlagm,
■rwaad by Urn trustaea of tba EplacopaJ :;.-l:.l. of St.
■' ' ■ ' ' ■- Helchta, and occupied an a school
■ - : ■ • ■■ . . :. a lane ..=
■ form part of th« catht irai Tb» bulldlni to
' - ' • ■' • •"* !••••-• -..'. v ■ Tru- In
k'r: ". ■ ' - " n - ■ ; ■-. additional window* built.
r ' >v -' - '■• ard new eaillßM buUt. TUe coat at :..i
Inprovemanta .s eatimated ai $%GOO.
A. E. ft E. A. ECar taan oaVe i [<J fir Con*re»aman Ira
P. BtdaT his eottaga and plot, in Komiiisun-ave.. Axvern*,
to a Mr. DJmon. Tha I. ■■ ■ . ■ ■...-.. ;,j to H.
velskrpf tba lootbwcst corner at Storm avc. and th«
Arvarn* Boul -var ;.
'-■ - : ;s t Taylor ba.v« sold for Mrs. Roee A. Setfart to
a client for his occupancy tha three story ar.J basement
dwelling houea No. M 2 West On< liiiniiiair anil SllTleill at.,
on a lot 15xi».li fact.
Bbaw A: Ca have ■ Id ' r ilrs. UcDonald No. 20R "West
On* tlllllilliwl aurt Urty-flrst-at.. a three story prlvata
.iwelllnjr bouse. 16.8x50x100 feet. The buyer will occupy
the house.
f A. Weasrll has sold, m conjunction with Alfred
-' Coca, the Vm ;'.■■■■ itorj Satbouaea Nos. 40.. ana *'5
i. Serestl< I . st.. BtelOU feet
imw rduke is reported to have sold No. 100 West
F rtj aiKhtfc .-;.. ■ four story dwelllna houae on lot -<'x
•'" ■"■ feet. lie boucbt it a year a**; from the Trotter
estate f< r 134.000
Jacol B lieer has bought for lmDrovement fr im Nertm
- D. Baker 4 Br ther, So. 121,
123 Bast One h . In . . I thlrteentb-at.. thrue
Imn-.a buUdlan on pJ •• . ■
- 4a i Tay.-r bava sold for Mrs. Rose A. Setfart
us \ tleal . three story ■
dwelllnjc .- .-• N M 3 \\ vat One-hundred • ct
i lot 10x99 U
J !■; Brlnn baa i . ■ Ifary a. Etostwlck. of Calt
' rnla the four •( ry amerloan basei valllai >o.
loT W«ai ... •■ [in .!«■_ 2:• • •
B S ha 75x190 on th< rtß ■< te
of One—hundred-end Severn st extend
■ ■ ■ ... H ..r-l-st.. li»i rest of
on v.-. to B. Nlcholsber*. who wtl] ereci f >..
!iv.e st rj Qathousea
U saver, Marks Jt llesdelsohn have sold for Caroline
tieimer to Bamua Oreenfeld. N- 837 Bast Elg-hty
";" ' -■ • •■ as) • Oath us ■n ; ■ »xlo2 2 fi ■••.
- . - d to William
• - " ■ • -.:. .\ 238 md 240 East Twen
• , ■ - .- .
J. Arthur : ■ • sold for U rrls Wetnateta No.
2SS "-■ -• : rt slsnth st.. a thi iwelllnK house,
on lot LTx:* B :• ■ :.
■ - • • ' rnran estate an ' R,
■ . reap< -tiv .;•. • m. 267 and 265* Went One
hundre<i-ard-f i-y-eixt!-, »t. two live
; ■ I 90x90.12 t««t
Levy Hrot:ier» nave «' : . "-."■. I C Klein to -
nve story- flathoose. >n lot 23x90. 11 I
11 Shaj to H. Gordon, ths
six story i N - j^, Easi ■ ..
: • ...
Mr* A::.-. Hout as sold 1 Blrn a Adi r Nos 403
•nd 401 •. .•. i :..- st ry teaement
t BOx ■
■ nun 1 aye sold for diaries Toung to
' - ■ ■ ....... it ... No. 4i>4
Vlrst-ave., on i^i 24flxSl.fl feet.
A. Davis .v • ... ■ N ... TiT and 749 ]
'" '■ si hi Bert • ■ . . - .. tea, on plot
Zi tetf7 fc«t.
Nathan Ijoewy has sold, throosh ■'■'■' i : '■ •lnberaT.
m Iv--u!s Qotdstaln, fC( J4T. i:.i ::'.„-•. i. St., a five ati.ry
teoement house, n lot £3xloo feec
J inepli J. Ilnrri* bas sold to Aaron ly 11 ■:-.. f r oo
'• 83 . • .. .'. a two-storj dw« og house, on
23 .;..■ feei
i i !■.. ithera have sold for John P Caranag* tha
t -■•..-■ (act, or. the ■ uth itda of One
• • -: ' - 80 feat west 1 •.■ •. Tim
buyer »:;i improvs the ;.r perry
• ;-.i-i; -.i-i Brothers aavr< ■ I tor -John J O'] rady -in:
: • ■ ■ . . " - • -
btsl. ~.Z feet south of Oi •
eighth it. T?.e buyer win build I • ■• (well i :
- - Ha- cr * Hibei have sold l ■ I
li.irria tha two f^ur story I ...•:::.-- on pJ I BOxl . ■
un tha west slda • ' ■ I aye., vm iuat a :
hundred and se»snl Brsi it
\»;ii'»rr> H«njers d has sold the 1 • ■
lot 23x100 fo^t. at the southwtst are. aad
! nwaaa et.
■ •• stori Sathmse, on : • 27x100 feet, at the
. . . ■ a* been
■ ■ V:
m .v Co !:ar"> s> id the *.•'••■::: ■? h< use. No.
2.T02 c*res; n-evre. ' Imlra Lawrence to Bel
a-iso a lot on tha : ■ •■■ a ■ - ■
. . ■•_■■,
.:.. .. ■ a lot Che w<
. " . ■ near Van Cortlandt are., tor • H.
■ ■•-
and— «lith-ht., for Bni*rli Fuvlar, tv lue uma bu>or, who
■ ... .: ■ . -' .
'.i V ■ sold for On ' • as
C..:.;«iv • ■ ■ ' ■ 1.117 1
■t.: a!*', for Mr* Hecory '.' n !
lr.c houM, Ko. LJITO I.vm.ir. i'l.i. <■: also, f r H
.... rce si - | ise. In W . .-. i
Pla <. r.K'-r the buuthera Bouli .: :
■'.■■■ I 242 ■ :■: ml
j.j .' 'at* Vaa - • ■ i ■ - ■
Paul 13 . . . . - |;
James at, Noe 44 and sd r.73 7x37.1
M rrls Welnstste to Max i I; i rtgmge, $26.
: and I «■
; N ■ B." an I 812 East, ;: -
ak '■&■■■:■■ . ;. '■ mlnaj
. Park Drtt*. n •• aemar a< Pea - . :>.
ICanr ■■ .. . . • MomlnaJ
Lewls-st. Ko 111, ■• - - ■
-• ■ to Moi ' - ..
gage, lIIJKW .... ■ ■:
! « X •, «. 25x160 "■' ." •• :,- '. .
: ■■ u:.<b ■ 108
li^:: st, N — ' - ■-
:>:. i '.:
117 K)0 .;
:• . ■ .- aat. 27xllO; J M Rid. r • :
t al; i ... | lf)0
Wavcriey Place, es.64.Sfl t 1
22 ■.■.-. ■• • ■: .'. ■
r--,- , $5,000 .". N'< mlr.nl
Lei 14, map 120, lorn Daly eat&ta; Bud
■ ■ i-<-; ;.- ■ .. ■ .Nominal
hrtrr.er to J^hn Eknmn ■- rtgage ..
and i'<>
rr .. -■ N 'Z22. E»u*t. 2e.4x100.i1; it
to Adolf Press a - - • ".''.nilnaj
L^gg- v are, n ■■ cor Hewitt Place, 25.1 10
Bander to &enry Dreyers; mortgar
■ Nei Mdi v •■ ■ •'-■- '■ ■ - •
<• A :;\ K'-r to E3 sal ■■" ! ■ • B
$28,000 100
l:.-.i- it, i. St '£*> ft oat St Ann"s-«ve, -•
U . ■ ■'■...■ i I I ■ njamln B M i
■ kg • $10.000 Nominal
AJBSterd ■ ■ SSxMJO ' ■ ■• . Will
., ■ oe half part:
Brlgga-av« I 214 and 215, map of J S
at Wtlllai - &»xUB 7,
feet i •••;:. S v- ■ : •■ ■ Harris Tackaowtta and
an ther 1.875
Btantrm at. s w aomaf ■ I SflßrtS; Loots
Beehen to lias Dorf and another; mortgag*,
*--j 000: o c and l")
I 100 fl •--■-
.' .: .-■ . Rlrhard O'Hara to Julia. M
Vallosto: mortgags $B. MO Nominal
TOOI st So iJ 1 ' V->r' 21: 100.5; Bi ist Bunz] <.: '.
another execntor ami trustee to Isaac Behi I
1 ..... i2.r>(io
I^if ••!« ;i\". :: ■ ' ' It, rinn r.
- ■ »a —x w - L«fa: •••••• .- ■• a c
WtaltUer-«t rtms « ».4a c — x n 660; Edn i :
a I: ■ ::m« to Edgvwater : ' . card)
2 v . |MM •■ ■ I£">t''- ; -: W II R icnberg to
Hyman Moakonts: mortgage. $17.«3S i I 100
Sax— aye n a earner Cornel! •■■■ 25x100: Patrick
J licVuuj to Emma M-Manus: mortgage,
j2 T'«i c c and I'M
B*th-st ' Kos 132 and 184 West. BOxlOO.5; Julius
B F"x te Jo«<-pn L. Bntteawiaser; mori
$44,300; n 0 and -'<*
tSStfa st N MS Estat, JBxMX): Angost Oestlng to
Uorris PYeondUch sad anoUJw; mortgage,
tuLoOO; o c and 100
Sd-aT* - •• ■ ■• - 119 th ii «O.IOxWX>; W1 im
Rowtinf-if to Bernnard Kllngenstaln; M part
mortgage $28,000; o c and 100
Waverley Place - s, 84-B ft ■ of Perry-st 2».»x
12 Janies Walsh to J >hn Heller; mort^.-ige.
t- ... Nominal
701 -«t No* 490 East, 21x100.5; [aaac Bchneldler
\r. Ki'las Ruhlnofnky; mortiraite. $12.900 Nominal
4I»U--st s s. BM ft ■ ■' Rtl '' •• 25x100.5; Bar
hars M QUlen to Patrick sfcGowan: mortgage, _
(i-io „ , . N'^mlnal
RorlcneM-«t. n «. 82» ft <^ of Marlon-are, Ssx
i.--. ywm. Hole to Marth.i '. Waterman Numtnal
■- ral-st Wo 120. ■ »• ». 25x100; J
Kangaaaro to Dosato Pletnlo; mnttgage. $28,-
K^'-!^"^. ; 'n W/iwjo'ftn eat MMttMit
9.2x128. 11x20x125.1; Charles H Proflen to
Minnie B Cox; i car..'. ■■■ 100
$Tth-«t. n s, M ft w of Bast F-:.i are, 25x100.8;
p; ntn t- . • ■.• - to John Rlexinger; mort
ni $ifl osio .. • «ti! 100
■H .: So «S7 W«;. 10.10x74.1; ETlixabeth !-v-
Ing to Abrahaxß J Bwaim; mortgage, $8,000;
L.~t» IT te tH ■ a sscnnj man Helll estate: Ed
wan N»:l! rT<--'.'f:r. to Aii":i-t 111-Tier 2,'J<J>J
Brook-erre w s. TS ft n of I44t*-st. SSxflO: Jamas
■„. . ... rt ai to Lea -Of Bbejjm aad aw-fhT.. 4.">< V)
Lots ISO srv< 11!. !. sscend nan N>lll ■ ■■ : Kd
var ,i M Nel!!. fi».-utnr. ta \ur'at Diener 1.500
Lots - s1 - to 20. Dartltloo m»r> of I>3tt <; Hunt
',**r Va: N>-' Station; Emma T' ICnowiea to
Theo<: -r- E ?te»-,by: rr,<",r*irH(re. *!■",. rmo : o ,■ and jrj
20t'h'-et No 151 East. 12.9xHt.9: William H Blav
man •■ "■'• • I aaothj m ort
irMr«. tsXfiOO; o - aiid If *'
«o*-. ■ «• No 181 F.asr 20x100 J{ : Thomas J M -
LaochUa to 'lliusuas J Cummins, ir.ortjtajse.
$1S.«OO: o c an<- l'*l
Drook-ava. w s. "- 1 ft n oi I44th-ati >S*W; Kary
Chin-ran to Leo 9 Cfc»«nbauni and another;
c a and 100
L^'it IR6 I*! nH 187 wo«nd man Nelll estate;
!.'v>:»rd 11 N<»r.!. nsjeßtflr, • Tuiius Qrosaaian.. 2.175
OSth-«t. n s. •73 '■ * of afcflfl"n l"t. 2Sxlflo:
Abraham Hester <■■ nl J" Korrbi Etothstctn an.l
another: t«ajce. J-4.0T3: o c and 100
SJa.-J-j-:^a.l-«t No 12G. s c ». STi.tl'tO ft; T'.inato
PViu!, : to rtsTsawn " (»• mnrtgage. SoJ.TOO
o c an<". I'D
I44th_st - s, r-zn ft « of LsskMt-atKe, - htaOS.4
rin«xlT4.lo; Suhway Realty Convaay to Pater
Dcjffy 17,000
104th-«t. 9 « I'd l 10 ft c of Brad-ray. 3C "x 70.2
Bufeway Realty t" Patrick TVnohne. . 14.250
gnn> prnportr. Patrfek rwnohoe to Peter DnJfy
hi.: another; mortgage $10.000 .. Nominal
Ist a- e Noh ISM BBd IJ>3 W B. 4t. 1x100; Max
sTsssHi I te VlUdletown Bos'.ry oseapss«y; mort
xa*- $SO.fiOi» . N';m!ra;
Proßpeci-ave. s c corner lOuh-st. T3.Ba— —
114 Andrew D Parker to Stephen J E»a:i,
o c and 100
Ilome-at. n a. 100 ft ■«• of Pox-et. 25x52. 11
x4i; Brcns Bo*it^ Con^Htry to Carroma CoQ;
JMrtjragß. $3.0n0. o c an,? 100
>^' er , b " t " iv*, • a. 175 ft a of lSlst-«t. 26xi-il;
-hari-s II Preston, receivsr. to Sarah A Gordon;
lEortttaj?*, $2.000 . . ... 2«1 ."3 I
Jacitson-ave, No 1.'J24. • a. IsVtsJRL*; frederlcs
a Vl.tnua ar. 1 another to Charles il Preston.
receiver; mcr:ga«» $3.750 250
-o^-st, Noa 3U sad S3 Ka»t, 33x4x«»4.a: Siias H
.•■^rrr.an ti Gecrse A Wheclcck; mortsase.
*«. .^.j Nominal I
■,r~- n"• =20 -* n• of Avenue O. 20.ax % block;
•*-«. n a, 180 ft a of Avenue G 2O.Sx&ti;
Henry Seller to Minnie Better; all ._;.. ... Nominal
84^-«t. No 407 West. lT>x74 1 ■ Jjjnes O
Freaa»r to Elliaiett Imng; mortsac^. 18.000;
o c an! l.»
»4;r-it. b a. I^3 ft • of Arr.v.erf'.an.-iive. '."xl«'2 2:
Mary C. Ur-r.nan ta Abraham X Nordlnger;
rAurtgajre. $23,000 Nominal
USO-st, No :m West, for a two story brick
bowling a"evs, 2Bx9T; & rn»teln & Auerbac;-..
owner* ; W Hlgginaon. architect $4,000
14tlmt ar.i Avenue A. a c comer. i"r a fix story
brick tenement house and stores. 24x98.4; 8 M
Hoflberg aiil another, owners; A E Baat. ar<:hl
teet 40,000
lOUth-st. Nos 2T-H and 210 East for a six story
brick stable, 3T6xO;>; a Siegel. owner; Bernstein
* Bernstein, architects . 33,W*>
BSth-St, 3 9, IR!> ft w of Park Terra. • East ( r
a two story frame dwelling houpe 21x^S; L Q
Haaaett owner; S ... I>nnls. architect . 2.000
64'h-st. Ni 34" ICasT. for a two sti rv brick -•able,
28x44.11; Ali Cox. owner: J Streifler. architect. 3.000
Chicago, June 4. — Wheat ranged from a strong
higher Opening to a very weak close. The strong
start was because of the floods Southwest, but wet
weather failed to hold good as a logical bull argu
ment. When the owners of wheat attempted to
tako profits they found that the market had de
veloped a wonderful lack of buying power. This
feature was prominent throughout the day. Rallies
W< ro fow and feeble. Shorts who covered on yes
terday's closing: buljie resold to-day. Car lots at
Minneapolis and Dulutfc this week were 1,239,
ajcainst 729 last week and 1.379 the corresponding
week last year Crop reports from the Northwest
were excellent. The Southwest reports dams by
fli ods on the low lands, but this counts for In
creased production on the larger area of upland.
Local s.-Ues were Ij.uuO bushels. No i Northern at
10c over new July. Flour prices were advanced
100 to 20c a barrel last nUht. Minneapolis leading
brands, $5 90. Local mills patent aprtaj $4 60.
Eastern roads will gr'-" 1 " 1 tha reduced rate from
Chicago and trans-MlsWlssippl points that was srlven
U spoils millers on flour. July opened W~%c and
closed 89%0 bid. September opened 82*40 and closed
81% c, after selling at 81% c and si^ic.
Although rains In the Southwest amounted to
. lUrsts In some localities, there was a flood of
corn on sale at the start, and It kept core all
day. Eastern and local longs sold hea- i'y. The
demand was poor and scattered. The bent grades
of cash wero lc to 2c lower, and low grades wer»
a drug ut 2c to -.■ decline. 'rings from Ne
braska and Illinois were enormous over night.
The reotipta were 553 cars; estimates for Monday,
517 cars. July opened at CH4C sold to 43-^c, and
closed at r.'^r sellers. September declined from
t9o*c to IB*gc cl( sing ai 48Hc
Bcattered ■■•..: I ise selling of July oats
ma.de ttois future weaker than th« S.'ptemb«»r. Th«
buying- was scattered and unimportant July
■ m 3 at 40% c and dosed a* SHic. Bepl r
opei d at .'■'.. closed at 3:-% c. All these prl.:ea
wer>- eAtremes. Receipts weri iu7 cars; tiie t.sti
::.;•■■ f. - M ■ '...■ v, : US
Pork declined 12% c, lard Sc to 7» 3 ■. and nhs, Jo
from yesterday's dosi i;a. Trading light
BurTaio. Juno 4.— FLOUR— Steady. WHEAT— Spring
Bering 1 ■ . :. . i red. I :'• asked. •->• arrive.
CORN- Weak: No 2 •■•.... w, BOi . N - »ny KHo.
Quiet and weak.; N - white, 4To; So U ::;:i^.
4jo. ...... Nominal. RYE— No ofTt-rints «pot.
•■ - .i»;.. June 4. — V..» .m ;::< ftttnrss rangi . u.i f .
Wheat No. 2 Opening. Highest. Lowest. CI sing
J . . ..:•>>..■•, - , ■ ■ •».:-.• v
v .«»,««»», ■ . " , -- -
' Id) SIHe«4S v-<v -< ■ ■' • 8 >
-. . ■ - i«w)..8215083K *^ -'- t -- . --- -•
torn : . _
Jinn 4"-"m
.-..-..:.-. i ■ 4 4I<S 4:- ... .
r ■ -■.■ . . • •'■> 4i>'"» 4- 1 4»S
. — *3
. . ■• ;.•■!•: *■ ', 59% „.••*.•.■'<
I .^rr . . ...J: •* U 3J S» -1 ..... -I •»
ji'>.- ; rk, per bbl
J HI 35 |i: "ft fit 47H *:■.'-.
-cr j;<> ii 00 117/ :..o
:-j.-:. ;•• .- Ivo IS.
1 C ifi '" *' i 6 I"
• ea» *i«i o i; -i « i:-»
rt t per ;ix> nj,
b«p'tE.L>-:r 0 -7 j ■• .'--I 6 S3
■ . ~ - . • ■■* : •
«..■■. straight! KSoOtf|4; ■ ... <- ' -
, ....... :....•*.• • .:. ."■„■•- . . ■■ -
. . ..• - ■ - ■■ •-■ - -
. - ....
.- ■ ■ • ■:.■•.
\., 1 >: N 1 1 N ■ .-■ ;: -. .
■ : "• ■ ■
i • :- : ..\ • -. ; •
;,•■. ■ . : -
•.:. «■ t
„ ; . . of htgh wlea. i■ ■> Ob i
• .. T v ■ '« Brm;
.... :.■•■■;-
- •
• • i ■ ■•: ■ I Northern, W T ic; No
..-r- , BS%c; Ju ■ "■■ •
•.. 1 . . June 4 VTHE \T. No : N ; <• ■_
.- |r . -'• . : '- i-. SO ..
BARL£Y, N - •■• sample, 4 .-■■.'• 'RN,
... . . .-.■•-.
June -t IT. Jn
ber -- .■. ■ n track. No ■ > ...:■■
■ . . ■ • - Fi' it'R, I " ■
. patents, jr, LO««S :; ■' •'■ '■
..v. 1 ; ;:. b jlk, Jl'i. « rt .
I . 1, June 4, WHEAT 1 I nu 1 :
gra-ie June, $1 06 :jsl"'i CORN Steady; Jjii^. 6(wff
' . OATB I trm . N - wl Ite, oai -■ n. > •
cd. -1- „:(■■ ■ CJTTEH Dul '■ prints lc i^a-r.
extra Wi • iinery, UtHc; extra aaarb] : : .::ia. lua
EUUS— Steady; fair lemand; fresh nearby, l»V»c, ; 11 rt
. ..... : . : . ~ Southwestern. I^\
l.*a of; • ■ them 17<-. loss ofl CHEES ■ Bteady,
L.m quiet; Nen Sock full .-r.-am:<. choice to fa ■
to fa ....-._ u> fair v ..
- - i ■ ■■ ... bUa .t:;.i <*-.'■>•■ n
■ I.Tiju buHh. oats, 8.000 buih
\s:.ej'.. I.7'mj bush; corn. I. I bush; oats, :. ■■•
• , [EAT, ". • -
jt, „,-, j u . >...-'.■ September, No 3 hai •'- '' :
.'•■ l x .. a sash, +*< July. •*-'»■; Beptembar, 4<;'in;;
OATS. No - cash, 41c; July. -7 ■. . bepl m ....
.\ . 2 .\:....-. 4«.- 3
Toledo June a.— CIiOVERSEED dosed, cash, I*3o
.... October ?•■ .'- - bid ALSIKE. prime, $t»20; Au
. . »,. io Id; 'naiuTUT, trlme. $1 47 •» , September.
I 1 •'
Lgo June •» -CATTIJ! -Racelpts, too head; ir.arlt*!
„,,... g od to prime steers, JBao©«ft26; poor to
USOOS&!M>; Btockera and •■■■ era, |3 25QJ4 75;
:1 heif^rM. *1 7T>Ui* T3: ca-nn«:-- $1730*2 73 buUa,
|225V5460: calves T- ."•' •«#.■ ■■' HOS Receipts " 4ar,
li'tHJii bead: Wtt-I'T 4B.O0O; market Read str'iiK:
..: ..:• hers*, $4 80O$4 8^>»; good I s heavy,
1485; rough heayy, H«0Of*78; light. $4 &."'f*-* 7.'.:
bulk of sales, $4 63014 78 BHKEP Receipts .'.'»•" •.-•■' '■ .
■ ■•.. . ■ 1 tv choice wethers. |B-S<gssß -S<gss 30; fi.r
■ .. ; . ISTSOtS; nativ- lamha, $3^(4&a
Cincinnati June 4. ■ HOOB a.-tive S3 80©J4 73. CATTISH
St« :■■ »a^S«ssia. .Slii^i;!' Q'Jiut. *U 70«.54 *o. I^.\.M:i3
. _. ■ >7 3H.
Kama:: City. , ma *.— CATTUJ— Beeelpta, 2m), tact- I
in* 6u Southerns. Market nnrhangaiL F-xport ur.,].
1 .•».'. steers, |fi3S9seuS; fair to B"cU. J4 .■■■■*
i. .:. Western fe.l steers, I4T0O1S30; Bt'K-k»ra ar.'. '•-■ .
era $:i -.'•''is4 7o; Southern it^rrs $;! .*>.i-iij.'. . Boi
eowa, j- -'■" i.Si; nau-.H ouws. |260054i10; oatlv* heifers.
jr.*.". S5 buUa. 127609428; calves, f2 73i854 7S. R
ror ih« week, - iJ.">iX>. HOGS Receipts, 3.700; market Bs
bighei ■ p, S4 ~<>. Lulu 1 sal.a. (*50Q14Q6: heav>.
$1 •:.!.; (* 7". packers'. |4>80054 63; r'S-i aad litfht«, 3-itf
$4.".;,. li.-.-^ii)t.i for the week 4:-.4(«- BHEEP Rece! ■ .
:■- starkei nominal Ij steady; native lambs, IS - -i:.
Western lambs. |62!K»$Ta; fed ewes, MTUOtSSS; Texas
clipped yearlings, ... Tea»s dipped .-ihfi^ij. J4»''iJ
$4 80; stoekars unJ r^eilers, $a 50<u'S4 .... receipt! for U'.a
v.-^.x. 17.700
E«st Buffalo, .lune 4.— CATTLE)— Reoetpts, 13f> head;
steady; prime steers, 9335053 60; shipping, jr. ;< ■ 13;
butrhera" |4 WKdS 33; heifers, $.'! 73fti,". lv. <-.>s\i. *;; -"JJi'
»4 t>i bulls, $32309460; stockers and f Its. s: 1 . '■• ;■
84 •». VEALB Receipts, SOO head, J4 5H«(».' TB. HOGS -
■, , i . -,i LOO head; flow, lOOSOo !.»v».t; heavy. J4 *n>"-J
(4 8 mixed :i".l yurkers. S4 7." a.> 4 si> : plili. J** I *^! 1 :,;
roughs <4554-O. stags. 1300013; latrtea. $4 sii"i*4 70
:!i •■" AND UA3CBB l^.ucelpts. 1,800 head; steuJy. Un-

The market (or spirits tnrpentins wus stead? but quiet,
wilh rr..ii.-h'.!'.^ mad- ljiirrcl'4 quoted at 37??."'~]e. Rosin
was H r-.i ' 1 r-i • grades and steady t'> ftrm tor the lower
Kra.i" Tar was dull. V\ - •,:. I
BOStK— Ctosmun tv rt^.^J strsined, 53 05: t:. IS 13; F.
SS3O ■ MM; H SSSO; !. (3 40; K. 13 SS; 11. H(M* 10;
N* 14 25994 3S; W O »t *>• W W*. M ■"■"
SPIRITS TUTU'IiNTINE bt>l». 37c; machine maj«
bbln. B7V»C.
TAB Pins bbls, $2 33&J2 40: oil bM?. $.1.
Roam 3" l '- 1 b !»
Spl.ita turpentine 1.083 bbl*
Tar . .... -•••«>- bbl »
<^"parlearrn June 4. — "ID KVEM TINX firm. Kic BO6QI
flrm; A, B. C, D, i 2 i»>: E. {383; K. «-.• tk>; .; *- ii". H.
$U7D: I $.r K. IS 30; Vl. $3 06 N. «O.i, W O. $3 S>.».
W '.V Si IS
Savanna • Juno 4— TtTRJE'KNTINE arm, BSttc; receipts.
S.2SS- sj>«, 2-!< exports, a.avi. ROSIN OrsB; rwripts,
z'.^'- sales, tioa; txports, * B il- - i> l Sj* : -A. i: V 'v, n>
giao : >• noa ■- 12 7" >;. C-: : fi. $2:xv :. (510;
1" W4O;' M~ *:•.•", N WSB W Q >4W; \v W. |4 48.
ilodoa. June «,— TURPENTINE— Spirits, 41s «d.
ROSIN -American str:tir.fl. 7s M: i'.i><*. tls 3d.
City Property for Sale.
KI.EOAXT corner apartment boose, with three.
Stores upper West Side. New York City; all modern
Improvements; 145.*0»: yearly rentals 14.12 only
iii >.').; cash req»tred. Bold t.. .;:o"* an estate. [ARTS-
Hi'P.NE. IN3LEY A LEAKIC, Attorneys. 23^ Wa.->u
ln«t.in St.. Jensy City. N. J.
THWI. STOUY. basement brown»ton«; open plumb
ing; price il*,<i<iu. part cash. UW.NEK, 131 East Utta St.
Country Property for Sale.
Beautiful Summer Cottages
With All Modern Improvements
For Sale at
This attractive Summer home colony overlooks Great
South Bay, famous for its boating, bathing and fishing.
The cottages are new and of most modern design, with
8 to 1-1 rooms, and have large plots of ground.
Prices $4,500 to $7,500. T £.*&d.
There is no more delightful spot on Long Island. Besides the
many attractions of Great South Bay, Fire Island Beach is just
across the bay. These cottages surround Argyle Lake, a body of
fresh water abounding in brook trout. The roads in the vicinity
are of the finest and are always kept sprinkled.
The Long Island Railroad affords excellent train service, running
time being but 50 minutes from East 3-itlx st. or Wall st. If the
cottages already built do not meet with your approval, we will
build to suit toot own taste.
Call or sonrl to-day— your name on a /T\ £ rv_. c-> i it,,-*— c*.
postal will do. It will pay you to learn I UtQm~i ms Z. ° CtT 01.
what you can do even If you don't do it_ \T) > m _j!^' New York.
Auction Sales of Real Estate.
BEAUTIFUL HOUSE and 53 Acres of Land to be sold at
1 Public Auction on June 8, 1904, on the premises, at 10 a. m.
The location is in the Berkshire Hills, with an elevation of 1,200 ft,,
in city limits cf Pittsiield, Mass., one mile from depot. Known as Davol
Estate. Timber and meadow land about equally divided. Terms of sale,
10 °,> down; balance on passing of title. For further particulars address
win »oi". at auction
■ WEDNESDAY. JUNE Bth, 1904.
at II o'clock, at the Ne-v T >rk K*ai Eutatu Salesroom.
161 Broadway, New York City,
Valuable Water Front
Bli tatad
Cor. Cropsey (Si 17th Ayes.
Unnnlng to am! with n front:ig;»» of IM*^ fe<«t
•>n 11.13.
Hnoun u» tho Katblaca Villa Hotel.
T!ii» ■ water fi . I three-atorj ?r:im*
hit»!. eonti .. - v . ..!•'. .i handsoma frumi
riila adjoining wli < llsvi 4 \ki mas the
ta . properties ;. • ■- .1 frontage
i.n 1 rro] < I . : feet to tba !>ay,
u-:tn * - ter water A splendid
• ■ for Bua mer b »tel r clnl ".. ; ise. Ma restrto
■l property 1 in be .■■■ ' - -■>
Maps and furl ■. olars i - . mm :. Beer's .:. -. :
F'tn- st . New V rk City.
BRYAN L. KENNELLY. Auctioneer,
WIIX 3ELJL AT iUi "-!• >N
Wednesday. June 15, 1904.
at ; . i 1i 1 b .. :. ■ ■ it tl v - r Tort Baal M-'.u»» Sa'.ea—
The handsome 3 story un.l basem nt Uw«Uinsc, roiuUt:ng
of 23 t • 1:1-. and •'• bathrooms; electrlo Usf.t. . ;«n plumt>
inß. mnolng v tter u.r. : .-. aoiaats »lsi> tine
■'• stalta, " •' Pr ■;•:•• has f:-pr.::i«<' of 200 feet on
Ocean \'-- ■••■. r-;r.:::n^ :'.■•■• t> tn* water, oonr.i:-!i:n
over I 1 * arre« and Known as tha Palme* Place, adj :.::::j
tha Russell residence Maps anu full particulars at
A.U all i;.jh: s ■ :'.:. «■». 7 l".ii« Bt . N»»--\".)rk City.
W*. r RAB CO., Aoetieneers, will sal] at
on June 'i. noon, at Real Estate Exchange. 13-> >Tin
tagus si . ' it a, the handsome and w^n located
Anderson Cottage; In •"xchU-t" •-. adlttoa for tinmediato
eceupaney; 19 per cent tiwi> retnain 00 irwrtKaKr.. Kir
furtli.-r purtloui.ir» address C. I". lIAKiIS. H-) Br.i.ul
-t.. N. V
To Let for Business Purposes.
Buildings, Stores, Lefts and Offices
land A. momo co..
Country Property for Sale or to Let.
1 furnished or unfuriiiMiiea ), niwst attractive Place:
house la good oruer. s:.t iarg'" heffllNlllls; twsj ba:h
rooms; four set « ants' roaaas; three n.i:r<»M, rt-"h garden;
BT^er.houie; stable. Any reaaouauia ''■-■ will l)« con
aldared, At-pij
RIVBRSIDE OOXS. — At! - rssldeaesx sale, wenld
rest tumsjhed; eottTeaieiwes; ... devoc
ATWATER. Owner, or. Ltharty-et.
KENT. A room villa, fumlaned. on
mountain lakp: aititua-' imhi feat; no maaoattosa Aa
drass QAKVNQ tSUANI>. Uui» Mahopac. N. Y.
CJAND9 POINT. I* L — To i-t. turn sbad x^ntieman's
>O mtry seat; price S!.'" l^ season; aaohorig» de-p
u.-aughi yacht. Itoum l.ol^. :-'Ui.;' "■
Country Property to Let.
Six slseplng rooms; srerj canrenleace; exten»tv»
jitazzxi^: shudy !ann: tli>n->.'r3; an esatajs; !^ss than h'>ur
from 42d-st.. frequent express trains, *3<O to I4OC. SBBB.
mat ■eaaon. Applj an premises an; ttme. 417 suznmer
st., Ktamfonl. Casn.
TO RENT — riabai Ishutd. en.l of Lomt Island Sound;
X hoii!!-* of sc-.^n bsdroonn; modem plumUng; furty
mile «ea. rlew; Kolf tftrea ttores; ataUe. Apply
<;. a walj^ach
434 West 7th-st.. PlalnHeld, N. J.
MO.VTT-LAIR. ft, J— ll room hous»> 10 rent for sum
ni--r: axcoilent neighborhood; convenient to station,
ehorehes, stores, etc.: all oonTealences; rent moderate.
j. a. 0.. «7 mm st Montrlatr, N' J.
LOW RENT July. August, for Oranir<» (W. J.I home to
small farnllv: heal street: Lackawanaa an.l trolley
.ars near; wi!! fflftTT* '-'^ Pl-T>> more m country. Al
vlress r.. i;. x 30 Tribune < HBc«
i "tOi:\TRY BOCBS TO HB.VT at Ma<!i3on. N. J.. fur
\_/ nUlieJ or ur.fumlshrd. all muiitrn improvements;
Lt.Li:.- fer tivo h.>r^-». for ■ ■ .iv length of tlm«.
apply alex n\r,LHi. sfadsssa, N. J.
ELEGANT I 0T 1? room o^'tnite: near ocean: con—
vaatsai to stattoß; Bae grounds. OEORGB, 41 Fair
«lt«-tvc, Boekasw Bssjch.
EL.KO WT FLOOR. In Drlvatu ooita*e : all imDroTe-
Hj menu. GEOKGE, 41 Falrvlew-ave.. Rockawajr Basch.
Country Property for Sale.
Auction Sales of Real Estate.
Wednesday. June^. 1904.
Wednesday. June 15. 1904.
at IX o rlock s\j, at :he N»w York Real Estate
Baleeroam, ICI Broadway. It T. city.
und-r t-* dtfsctloa. ot P»sTtnaH| H. Williams. Eso,
P. it ire«.
36 Pearl St.
1: ]' : ij:.ii:i.ui:.j4. *-st.->ry ar.d bavnaat
12 South St.
lt.tO%zl97.<S4xlS.taXST.S; 3-story bji'.dlr.g.
PIER and BCUCHEAS rtghta ■ FISP.S I and 3. H.
R .). particulars ot ».-.;ch ... b« otnaiaad from, Urn
jk ■ ' n sr
HARRIS 4 TOWXE, P.a:r.-_:r: » Attorneys. 153
Haps aad farther p*^ r '-'>i-;ir3 frcm th» Auctioneer,
11 Ptne st. and ii; str. iv*.. eoraas) seta st . x T.
Furnished Apartments to Let.
ST. PAUL HOTEL beautifuiai jr-sishbd
KaOned U...tw far Famines. Bacnelon and Tranannta
fiu : .v..i. deiacaad aath. T.Ou pea w«oit
T3 rucms. prtrate bath. B.M anj up.
S1::S 1 :: ci Barter, bwUroom. bath. U.uu and upt
Res'.. .■ telephon* every n. m. tr»^ap^rViUo» »c
eesstbllity linsWsHaw
Furnished Houses to Let — Country.
LAkE CHAMPLAIN, 9 -\eet ?rom an! tWn
JJ.->>> fa* the seaa.^n.
A flaUshtfHttjl situated lorsa honaa at Port Kent, nv»r
lofi^iaK Ln.k<i at it.< widest po::. - - FtBM 'i"..'.:aj b«ach
n-a.r. Boatir.s ar..l fishing •"">r.v*n'»r.t : j ata and
trains. Wall pstrttanlarSj address MISo KSLLOOO. Box
ISSi, Now York.
< omni'HliiniH. fully furnished rotrajjr, g-iM and water,
to sublet. *34K>.
Apply Telephone 4, Lome B«*»i-h.
T»» LET. — Thrt beautiful ressdeaca knows as Trour
becit. fully furnished, at LeaAsvQlSk two m:las
from Baaron, Conn., and Anwntsi on Harlem: fifteen
• :.■ modan Ultyiwieassata; .a.rste gr..>'.:r..ia, barn.
garden; Boii; no .... n> mostiu;to«9, t*o hours.
E. AVKP.y. 1* assswssesj Street. Brooklyn.
rOB KENT. — TO.V.ST OF MAIM — Summer prop
errv. near Portland imp:* grour. is. ;.artly wnodad;
pi.-turasnue shor» fror.: ; nine soon BOSsse; bat:: hot
wa.t«r. drataaga to s^a. completely faraaßßed, includ
ins iteen. ohina. et,- . Hi') for season. For phot-
graphs. plans, ste., addr««» w. U M'FFaTT. iT v. ...
iam-st.. New~Tora.
ITQJJSBTSQ, N T. — For ssssos), foratslks*, or " r term
J UBfurntshed: largo 13 r-)n: :..a.ae. open p. :a.i::.i
an.! electricity; zo<-d jtaole aad -n. six ib::tu. ajar
ioms goU linns rent rsaaooaJ -
68 irmiass st . Hssr-xcati city
BEKKSIIIKE staUA — FOR IUE>T. — \Tnl\y fill .Mia <
eoontT] iemdt-r.ee. U rooms, J bathr > as. open fir»
plaeesv ■'l—'trtc iisrhti*. b--autifal IscatSsSU -J.rg- *r->unds,
K^irilfn* and »t^ij;»*. A. C LIN3, tlreat Barr:n«;
toa. Mass
X* UW TOBX. — Bkaasatelca Lax.v to rent. '■3'^mniit
JS View K*.-:n House." 2 r!::nu'-ea frcra poat.Scr?. steiir.
and stsetrtc ara; brick house, '.- .--■ ra^. hsCSSsßasj aa:.i
psaas ;:ioderr> furniture, stacie. i stalls, .seaicrn. Sot*/
tralaa leuve lirand Central Ix-pot. New York, gjq a. sa>,
Hill! Skani-at-les 3p. m. Address JAd. M'LAL jHLiN. J..
SI M.MIT. N. .;. — To rent for summer, ser.tlcrr.ar.'s coun
try reatdsacsr compU:-''-.- rurniih«d. te:; rooms, all
tmproTeweats ; stubla for four horses. line ,jar.:eE. gar
d. tier ....■.{■j iUJ.-;y uroua«li». C 8.. Box Tnbur.B u£
DLNO Jll.V A2CD AVUI'ST —Eleven room r-«i
deni-e. completrij- fumlsheii. ail improv«nien;s; eufc
trlc light: hU:: stswrstVlfi. Glen II: ige. S. J. Teiepnoa*
*.XZ) v'rankUa. Saw— or 3i v tl. M ntclalr, n. J.
IL. I —To let. on Hanur.g; Lane, 4
J fur:.:>:i«<l ci>f.i»e. Oonadahsg ten rooms, oes.de !aun
a:y. butier'a par.c.-v and .arue bathroom. Waria* »vs;«™.
of aawei • srtthts iiv<" mi::uc--s' tMls eg urn *t.>fflce
very reaaonaL c rT.tal. ABpty to either of taa .oca. amenta
v.- tu
W N WALK'tli'.. 17>> Broadway. New Tort
T7*;>R F.FINT IhßllSSjti 1«B>, |3B; "Civ^y tta«e." fur-
A r.isned. tjr 3!:iai; ia.;u;;. . jpive. lutl yirdj fr-nn
orach. Write D SPRATI Cm** Beac.i. Conn.
Ln:aj. 11 rooms: con
j lealcaeaß; sjifitsjn; f.ai^a. rive minutes to depot.
yeasli moJaaie. t'WN'ER. Crj.:sworth-a»e.. »»cond cot
uwr. right.
i UJEtTHWai N. ■— Bargain: two handsomely fur-
atanad cottages: all Improvements; large Lawns; sta
bit. near ocea.i. OWNER, '"<*)«» -i-av.:.. AjSury Part.
fllO RENT FOB SUMMER —Furnished house, near jolf
J. and tennis esob; convenient to station. P. O. Box
XI, South orange. N J
SOtTHAMPTON L- I.— Beautiful lar** furnished house
and stable, twenty romaa; rive baths; ocaan front;
also smaller cottage. M. B. J . Box 41. Tribune OSIco
"ITJURXISHE: ten room house to let. conveniences:
J. Diuzzas. shaded erou'nds- MO per month. SOUTH
YiiVKERS. Box 13. Tribune OOea
Ci RAND THZfI ON 111 I -V— Attractive furaiahe^l
T cottage, nine roorss and bath; abundance of pure
»prin« »att-r; *«> ft. frontage a. rtver: private bath
houses. $300 season. Owner. 143 Überty-st.. Room 811
\ TTRACnVE furnished seashore cottages; modern lm
".""V pro»«ment9; running water sanitary sewerage; aafa
bathing. QrculAra. ProT. NORTHKOP. Brockij-a Pciy-
Country Property for Sale.
Expr-sa— 3tt mlaatm from L. L C delect, restricted
property, a U= uner Cottages.
LOTS. 5550 UP.
T1:!-s &y T. G- * T. Co. A:;. inoJera ln>9rev«tsaata.
Aai. t.jr map*.
The Rocket. way P».rk Imp. Co. Lad.).
t»2 BROADWAY iroitUTN ELT^. ] H T.
Uptown *.& , \Vqi:e A iT-P.**. 1 W. 3»ti»-si.. X. T.
T^OR SALE.— E^rm :n th« Catsjtliis. i , asiies frees,
■ railrcaii '.epoc. 7i> acres .tier .:a.:. ,->r.. It) «crM
wooduir.vi. new cu.iili^gs: hocse, 12 r^o.::». running »cnag<
water Urge bam: cr**k; orchards, *mj..: trials; t«a
laites =•*.-, elevation about 2.000 test; er . cheap. Ad
"C*OR SAIi!-.\r.j roon kOQHh 2a* location; ocean
-i „ -rent. Bradley Beach. N. J.. wttaln Sva minutes*
7"i :hS ' 3=d -' olti 3S<l t»tHla« pavlUion. aahtnaj pier
i-- a*, S or Bo» t;3l . , 'J-i!*.- location, wtUttg a abort
?? t *' aj r"- ! o? attractions. EDWARD L. K3N-?. Owner.
.*■* Oheatnut-st. East Orange. N. J.
BARGAIN .— Ut> aerea of t- ■■ r-a* gr ,., anil :n West-he*!
-L> !er Cmi=ty. r>u;«r !* ,-f VT>.f.» Una; apple orchard
and a&un^ist. iruit. weU aad *j>ruut waiar: an idaai piac*
r ,i -**■■■'->>■ ortca *' 000 - pnnciiwua -*•
h^sa.nn i:i;s Ma.ixsorv-a.ve.
A HQDCL FAim near Saratoga ■*) acres. higa MM*
** 0 ' ■:.::<■»::=. buiidlno A* condition: produces .-.
con:* of 11.204 yearly, price 96.300. Reaaona for *»i:ta.r.
parties gr-w:nsc old. Where -an you possibly tod a het-
JJJ, '^ir?;'"'* 11 -- ' »'»■ responsible. Box SB, TWn-
V T HIGHLAND- MILLS. Orange County — Gent'.eaa&'s
-TO. "cuntry .loins or small rarrr. fr>r »a> cheap; easy
-erms: lir.si-diats Boas*s»i.-n: 4 acres. 12 ruomi. 3 *tory
oa.-T-. . grr-.i shada. fru:: and water. Box 112.
fyrraigCg FREE- rairy farms: stock, fral- nd
v^ pou.try farms country seats. surrmeT hemes. villas*
realdences, Adirondack .-amps. <iEO. H. "WEST. BalUtea
spa. >ara:-ga Co',:-.:y, N. y
P»OPN~H LOT. 4(>rTr, Pr Sin] 1 Park Stater) Zjlaaadi
v> -heap !f purciiiis^J now. sdT.VEIKSRT. ii Bay
s'... Tornpit^isvi::*. 1 I.
YV"ATTIPJ"RONT. 30 acre* near Good flroun.i. on Fa
** ronic Bay: beautiruUy loratwl: cheap for oaah.
"V'STW-ROCEELLE — R-sHerice Park: »lot *0xl30; *2J«XI.
--^ M"TR' j a ??.' --; m :.ir-ii.;ii-in. Bronx.
Unfurnished Apartments to Let.
uapi^ov ATE. ANT> 3DTH ->T.
RvTO^I?. an 3u:*e H TTsek^ep^rg or res
"ar:m: Borvtesi Mtreel an '■ fttsl floor;
'jr'-'ker!"' '■??. •», ISSSSS -ni'ig^ now for
*a:i . will decorate - . -■ '
ELEGANT SINGLE .APARTMENT of «!ght rooms, all
'•uts . J .e. Bteasn heat; hot wa:ar. hall ssrvtoa Apply
Janitor 71 West -<C.--:
— *
Furnished Houses to Let.
TO LET — FTB>'I>HEI>. for .. Of and Avsaat a 9n»
detached hcuse. U roods, beautiful aurrmadings;
-'," C-cean-av*.. near Alb-rr.arl- R^ad. Flathnatl.
Brooklyn Real Estate For Sale.
Brooklyn's newest row: 3 and 4 story hocaea.
with and without extension dining room: la
white, brown and red stone; 2d St., opposite*
Prospect Park. Open daily. Sunday and »ren
icza. WM. H. REYNOLDS. Bttilder.
$7,000 UNDER COST"
Two 4 stary Phiiade.piia Srw*. stor» bulldogs f3» J10 ._
50O : cost i22.«X)0 to build; nsuSt sell to close estate. :n.-rt
gage, 115. 000; can remair.: on Investment o? $4,300 you
cia SJaabls your this BBBBSSSR Ca;: en
J ? ;%^ans
"T Var;~a'tan— Br^ok'.vn.
Summer Resorts.
wiim ii im i in COJTS.
Beautifully located, with all rooms en m:« ar.t! mo**
em .-and.: ions and runuaniaga. Carafui sen-ica for select
<"..- : Ssapsrssi =:a. k .es it=d ■a»:y 4^Ai-tors: licit.
T«-S2is. CSSBBS BBassH aid serieci w»_ia And. ir;vss
Uirouii cictiire*iu» country.
3. P. SIMPSON". Manager.
Psrt'.-uljrly desiritl* for *»ni:lies. K.Kims wts Oath.
sßsssssa bssssa ssttsssl ssssgsst sjblC t«r.r.!«. cioai^ ial
cuier tu«ra«:< ... rrsort ictei.
W. a. BRYAN. Manager.
Fort Griswold House
1 Eastern Pola'.>.
a Beautiful Seal Resort.
Atce9*'.bi# BssMbrsßSsi Attractiv«
' 3«n 1 for dmcrtpttv* Booklet.
New T-rrk Office at -Hurray Bill Hint.
Hjil:-5 > A M to : ? M.
OLD INN. Lyme Conn — Ooen a.! the year. A
ijjiec. hu~«i^-» resort. 3anUs and" taila exceilant.
~v»-- ,«.^ — 47-3; BSOSSOSSI r.s.J.vn. Bo.;slet3. tUaICCSb
s-r.d (ir BookKM
Address ERNEST O- GilL'3. Manager, a: New Am
ster .-im .-tJto.. tslllUi AvaBIM and. Tw=n-.i -first Stre«b
■ New Yii-*.
Id'ally located, o- »fl. ..*'.r.^ ocean aad hay: th?r
•OSUy modfrn. iis.™:n<. ja:.::ng. *a.l:r.s. g?li, orches
tra- Reduced rai a tor J: = c ar.d Septeruher. Riasca
■ ai.« ralei lor Ju.y and .--. - 3 .oils'.
13TKAJI L-V'JNCU. — U.ts:. fit w«ii -u^iea.
•.-rr.;sii«ti. r.oujeMeeptng. J^3 to $si> seiaca; .--u^r;
' r-ferenca*. >~O:j-INS Vl:irar.A.:i'.-^. 34e
■ _ ,
Country Board.
BAY RIDGE. W." acctnmritHtare a (•• aanamar guests;
v»:v o^r.venier.tlr SjtflSMd; sr.ort walk from ..Ays;
I near dsaesxl ataksttc CtakK iars-e Uwn ana porcaa*;
■{■ .-ian jarien aa«i trait trvaa eSPeUeiM la.s. n£«i«c«a
'■ n.-.i*r>.t*l. Mrs. H. T'lsfW Tilt. 2«C i ---4.. Q*y RiUia.
. IST QK.y=. » Y.
a T SOCTItOLD L. I -Ap'rlor inaso«i»ujoos : »
ar'.a.e resi..enee for a 1a..-r.::y or jarty of ats la
Sight, .-• :-.j uit.-.er fcasgasSJS are :xien. Pur term*. L.
• J. C. Soutnol.i. L»>r.«r Island.
i FEW REFINE^:' PERSONS in »cur» excellent ao
! ci mn tati m*. wtth sanerto* ra:ie at WoodwiMe.
Bkos c ■ »■ a<?r«-s wotxtect ia»a»: aii:i'.n;ng Brootetya
Yacht "'..;■. pnviu b»aoij. on aao:« qC Lower Bay; kijw»--
tssss Bay JS;.-. -*:. a:j.::.'n.
HAZARD PLACE E^'FTELX). OO NX. —Private *amtty:
-> ;:.fi» OH BSSBSASB mi! grounia: everr ocn-rss
tca * a-^i t-.rr.fcrt first elasa fn eTery particular: » fww
teCned r^c»-« ■scsii'ss' — M yaoai -hi'.Jren. olf: win maU
b«xiiilat. ■ W. ROCICWEXX.
HIGHLAND FARM HOI'^E. — Terms to per wee*:
raise ows vesetabtaav at . I minutes' waA to lake an>t
! lilUln Wit MERCER. Watt* Lake. Sull'.vaa Co.. NT.
MORRISTOWN M .1 — Wenman H™«, 5 Mt. I«ra
.- ■.— Caul location: excellent table. SB to $15: ae
j a auaaaatea 1» ter.nia. pleasant drives: 3 minutes id depot.
i rp-HRTTT. P'.XA^A.N"" ROOBO BOAH? WyckoS. >• J. .
j JL prt\ats farr.iiy. 5> BSBJS. auuiirn :.TipTov»Bieats; "tffa
1 ele^-aaon; p»«asant surrouadl^s. :esr.:»; N. T.. S. A V.
■ R. K. ; hour yew Tort K. a 1.32 T. Pa.er*3n. X. J.
; rrtHl K'JXSE UOME.-iTE.vr . — A^coinirr.o.iate» 13: ihaitjT
I A. ni«r elevation *<! aJui'.s hair i>r!c« fir chil>li»n.
Mn. BRADX?:;-: HT"LSE M..::>' 3 in. twangs Co.. N. T.
HILL Rin farm rilsssima o-arue "•■-.. N. T —
B althy location- «o«J »iia*le. ajood table prtoe mod
1 crate. iHAPiXS Ha.TC.
: rpHE Rll MtMi>tX— WaiiftfU'lj aIIUSIaaX on Great Snath
j A. Bay West Hampt-.n. Lenic ia.!. spectaJ rates Jar
I sea-'L-n. Km JOHN E. I3UK3ON.
: THIRST CLAM BOARD. r :i SlO. all very large rooiaa:
! J" In private park: hra«e surrounds* St r»ln»». betA;
tt-r.n'.s <~curt. etc.: H ml.m to static- ; one hour troia city
; PINE LOCOS. Nanuet. BeeMaa4 C-ounty. N. T.
LARGE. AIRY ROOM:? tor cr* ar two ref.neii irentle-
J men. w!th or without breeitfast: beautlrul location:
; private family 10 |»aarl Stanleton. Matea lalaisi.
! T~>OaRD«:RS WANTED— MaVi^hr.rst Farm. latina.
, Xi N H. : heautsfolly sltuat*rf: fine -i*w of -n.->antalaai
sure air: eoci airy rooms. A. D. UEIQHTON. L«latß
ton's Corner V H.
i nnO BOARD tn the conntrv. an !n*^nt 3* v-unc chili
■ J. every posaln.V care. Address MOTffiai, Tribuae Qi
| Up*.
Suburban Board.
! REFrNEI> HOMF. .-lean. ;>r.?ht. --i.-r,M, : -rat clam
: -i-t service, wtth but few other boarder*, who are. ra
| fined: at (ha haait»>m* rhaiaaah situated in lane tienijtl
1 raL shaded park. 30 aunntea from city, near Erie ifi>ot
j inecta! att-nt.on to axr>4. persona. Cosaa aaa ar -write ii.m.
Iv.v:..1 v.v:.. T~\ZZ!ZT^ THE SuXBAC, P*ss*-c N. «V

xml | txt