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f^k ..<«W »**L<w V^ LXIV....y_- 21.031. DEMOCRATS BITE AXD SCRATCH ILLIXOIS INSTRUCTS FOR HEARST AXD THROWS HARRISOX OUT OF COXVEXTIOX BODILY. Bryan Hails at Parker for Xot Talking and Scolds Everybody Who Doesn't Agree with Him. The Democrats developed a pretty lot of squabbling among them selves yesterday. Harmony in the party's councils was principally con spicuous by its absence. Out in Illinois the State Convention would not even admit Carter Harrison as a delegate, and proceeded to instruct the delegates to the National Convention for Hearst as long as his name was up. Down South they want Parker. That was where William Jennings Bryan got active— on the Parker question. He wrote a letter to M. (i. Palliser regarding the Cooper Union meeting on Monday night in which be said that all honest Democrats were opposed to the "burglarious meth ods" being employed to foist on the party "a speechless candidate" and a "meaningless platform.' WfIOOT IT UP FOR lIKAU-Sr Illinois Instructs for Him to the Bitter End. BnrfogfleJd, HL. June 14. — The Democratic Btate D«* *U llt fall to-day nominated Lawrence B. Stringer, of Lincoln. | r ';■•'. *rr.or. and in ftructed rhe delegates to th<- St. Louis conven tion to rote as a uiiit for William R. 2-li»srst !nr Presidential nomlnatSon. The conven tion was controlled \ •.• John P. Hopkins. ex- Mayor of Chicago, and now chairman of the Ratt Central Committee. Mr. Hearst' cam p.:j:i managers, who attempted to ride into power by the i :\ of his name, received no con s!d<*Tatk':i whatever tram the convention. The Harrison party, v. hich came so^ly from <'.V:rj.f ur.ti was T'U-dged to the support of Rep isjsjrtative Jan.' EL Williams, -.vas routed com pSetety. Mayor '.'•■ EL Harrison '.vas an ssjted <-s ej delegate; aid took a train for home vithoui going near the convention. Doth his f'ction ar:J the Hearst party irert. -..s aothiag compurei to Ronkfss. Prink 1. Quinn, of Peori:i, presided over the (o".>- • ■ both as temporary and permanent chsirmar;. The report of the committee on cre- Isttia] Indorsing Mr. Hopkins and seating his itkgatts. was put through under the gavel. in f?"e of rigorous protests from tiie adherents of Hearst and Harrison. Following this, Judge William Prentiss, of Chicago, a supporter of HeiTFt, took the platform and withdrew as a «.f«ll<latc for Governor. He declared that he de sired nothing Srosn the convention, as it did rot, in his opinion, represent the Democracy of '!H--.oi*. William C. Crollus, of Jollet, followed with a. brief speech, In<sor3lng the stand taken kf JiOhllW. and «Jfo withdrew his name. Clayton K. Crafts, of Chicago, read the report « the committee on resolutions. ' He was fre quently Interrupted by hoots and jeers, and In sinuatlr.g (.uesUona were hurled st him in pro • Bftoa. The resolution providing for the indorse ment of Hearst was not ma<3« a part of the re port of th« committee on resolutions, but was Kb^ltt^iJ to th* convention separately. The •^ifir-a'. resolution provided practically that the Illinois delation should vote for Hearst until It *a» DBCTedent to vote for somebody else, a Rftsdtttte offered by Clarence S. Darrow, pie Ig- Isg tho v.-gaits to Hearet as long as his name **• pcfore the convention, was adopted by a *ata«ro3BtoB9S. Ptajfinrlng are Um pronouncementß of the pla'. foms oi. iiiUct.i: qu«-s:iv-.r.s: ( We. th« deJesji t-s of the Democratic party of «• State of Illinois, in convention assembled. *• hereby declare that th* Democratic party of «e S^te of lllmoW art3 ceaJously co-operate *''th the D'mocratlc party of the United States > its tf*ort s to restore the national government ** '~>* American people, freed from the spirit of F»*ft with which it has been defiled during ihe •«• eight years of Republican riot of corru;. ■••. eitravagan'**:, favoritism and misrule. . V* point to the recent revelations of corrup ;;':' la Ihe Postofllce Departaaat Rt Waehing »oE; -v n, aepleted Treasury, shown by the last treascry KtHtement at Washington; io the failure uf the Attorney Qeaera] to pros "^cts illegal truns .nnd combinations ai.<l the WJtaoten, thereof by criminal action; • ' the refusal of Congress to reduce the tariff }**. tliom; articles which enable the Illegal 2J** • n< * comblnatioiis 10 plunder the people; .To sil « 'act thi.t the Attorney General left it th* Private citiren, at large expense, to uncover afc!>« Trust, as proving the truth of the ; jy« charge against the Republican party. u«t *i rfcc " rfl our steadfast confidence in the per **"?«ty of popular self-government. "<• believe our best rights necuied to us by wsr great constitution to consist: '!' a.i-ol'j'ft jifqulwrMf* in tli« mUI of the ,- or -' 33 r — tho vital principle of republic*. ,„:! '"*■ ««P"ejn»cy of the civil over in* military witnorlty. lr ' th total separauon of church and State, Cw&tluiicd cti il ii ium, J*~— . S^^g^nShesst --. ONLY NEGATIVE VIRTUES. Bryan Happy at Plan; i<> Defeat the "Speechless Candidate." William .7. Bryan says there are "burglarious ■ is" now being us*-.! by the EiUl-Belmont rren combination In booming Judge Par • ■ ■ ;•■■ ifdential nomination, an-l be pays Tns'-!f by referring t" hin; ns s "speecnless • mdtdate" nil I latform." These and other harsh words i re used by Mr. Bryan. who will speak l " the anti-Hill mm meeting on Monday night next in Cooper Union, In a letter to Melvin <}. Palliser, one <■( the or ganisers Of the gathering. Mr. Palliser would not give the letter out for publication until he had the permission of Mr. Bryan. This permis sion came yesterday. The letter Is as follows: Lincoln, Neb . June 0. If. G. Pailiser. New-York City. Dear Sir: i am In receipt of your letter Inclos ing the call for a convention of protest to U held in New-York on June IS. I am very glad this step is being taken, and assume that It is not the object of the protesting convention to send a contesting delegation to Bt. Louis or to question in any way the regularity of the Al bany convention, but merely to enter a protest on behalf of a large number of New- voters who believe In honesty In polities at.d are op posed to the burglarious methods which are now being employed to foist upon the party a speech leas candidate and a meaningless platform. The argument inude In favor of Judge Parker is i;ot that he is in any way fitted for the posi tion, because his fitness cannot possibly be ascertained without a knowledge of his views on public questions. The argument made, by bis friends Is that he can win. and they base their belief on the fact that as he has never said any thing In connection with pending questions he has no record that can be used against him. His Virtues are purely negative, unrl his friends think it sufficient that the Democrats send him forth as a candidate with the indorsement, "We know nothing against him." It is the first tin.*, In recent years at ]<vist. that a man has been urged to so high a posi tion on the ground that his opinions are un known. Surely the Democratic party is In des perate straights If among till of Its members It cannot find a trustworthy man who has ever been interfßtei enough In public questions to give expression to his opinion. In the great con test between democracy and plutocracy our party should take a positive and aggressive stand, and It should present a standard bearer who will infuse courage and enthusiasm among the masses. I am glad that there are Democrats In New- York who are willing to register such a protest as your call Buggebts, and I trust that the pro test may be effective at St. I/oulh. When It is shown, as I believe it can be shown, that a non committal candidate would not be popular with the voters, even in New-York, the Parker candi dacy will lose its only prop. I mistake the loy alty and earnestness of the Democrats who were true to the ticket in ISO*!, when loyalty meant abuse and ostracism. if they me really In favor of a silent candidate whose most conspicuous pupporU'rs have in recent years been more fa miliar with Republican headquarters than with Democratic headquarters. -»—-»«». Very truly yours. W. J. BRIAN. BETAS AT NEW-HAVEN MONDAY. Wanted at Hearing on Mrs. Bennett's Ap plication for $75,000. KswHaven. Conn., Jur.e 14.— William Jennings Bryan sent word to-day to his counsel that lie would arrive In New-Haven early on Monday next. He is now in Lincoln. Neb. Hi* presence Is de sired here at th« hearing on an application mads by ti;e widow of ". B. Benn-nt, of whose estate Mr. Bryaa is an executor. Mrs. Bennett has asked the sum of |75.0>y. now in the hands of Mr. Hewlett's former partner, Mr. Sloan, be turned over to her. This matter comes up la the Probate Court on next. Monday. Arguments are to be made before the Supreme Court within a few days on the appeal of- Mr. Bryan from the decision of the Superior Court which threw out th* 550,000 gift provided for him In the sealed letter left by Mr. Bennett. TUK BEST OF SJSIOTCK and accommodations on the I.<ehlgh Valley Rail road, to Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Toronto, Chicago, St. Louis and the West. See time-table in this paper.— Ad rt. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY. HXE 15. 1904. -SIXTEEN PAGE&^tJ5s«25u- THE GRADUATING CLASS AT PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. 1904. HAS KISSED 151 GIRLS. Statistics of Largest Class To Be . Graduated from Princeton. Princeton, N. J., June 14 (Special). — The class of '<4, which Is holding its commencement exercises at Princeton University this week, will lie the largest class that has over left the Institution, and has the reputation of being one. of the strongest In mental and physical attain ments. The class numbers on its mil man- athletes, chief of whom is John H. DeWltt, the hammer throw»r ami football star, who win Its first president. Howard 11. Henry, of Philadelphia, is the most honored man in the class, being voted by his friends the handsomest. most pop ular find best all around ma"., besides being elected permanent president. In awarding the other honors the class voted for Witt and Conway W. Shearer, of New- York City, as those who fend done most for its athl*t'c reputation, while Lynn .'w Adsit, <>f Hornellsville, N. Y.. was chosen the best track man. In baseball and football the choice fell on Captain Clyde C. Stevens, of Chicago, and De- Witt respectively. George B. Horn bio of New-York City, «raa declared the best debater In the class, whii^ i- was decided thai William H. Underbill, of Bast Aurora, N. J., had the best tigur<*. "The Nassau Herald the class artmi b - Hi ! wotm interesting statistics, ;<* ? _■•■ age of graduates is twenty tu. -..■;irs and m\ months, th< I I *'■> imuii'is and the height •'> f. • t 1<» •■• I ■ is th» most popular, while law <::'! medic! ■• . with '■*■. ring and teaching next PootbalUan ball are the favorite ■ports, while the pr< I Is the brui ette and the f ivorlte lleK-n niusi have brov and blue ••>••? In t;. lass I*^' atnoke, and only '■■'■'■ 'eg ! smoking in college The ira boas< of klsslns 151 B'« t-,14 ;■ ipon lenta When ;iske.i w hat the • oil -•• • l i ed, the ■ decided it waa money proposed lake to beautify the campus. In the .lass there are ]!«• Republl ■ Democrat*. In religion the Presbyterians pre domii The clasa numbered -H.*> In freshman year, but ha« dwindled to 'J7::. testifying to the high ird of curriculum at Prii ■■ . ' >ut of ill. 273, there are S<) feet tB ll. Amon? tome of the colleges represented by tha class nr.' Washington ai I Jefferson, Rutgen Ford bam, E*ennsylvania, City ol New-York, Johns Hopkins and Muskingum. Tie class appointments are >T. H. Henry, president; L. M. A^dslt, vice-president; J. w. Cook, secretary; W H. tJnderhll! master <r caremonies; G. S. Hornblower, class orator; E. jl. Butler, class poet; B. M Price, rlass his torian; TV <> Satterwhite, ivy orator; G. T. Blspham, presentation orator; M. B. livirt, clasa prophet; A. P. Bcott, the I<\ debater. MR HAY LIKES "AMERICAN" BETTER. '•United States" Cut Out of Inscription? on Embassy and Consular Seals. Washington, Juno !•).— lr. accordance with an orde; issued by Secretary Hay. the. Inscriptions "United States Embassy" and "United States Cob sulate" no longer will appear on Hit embassy ani consular seals and in other places where they formerly stood. In their place, on all the new record books and seals, will appear the words "American Embassy" and "American Consulate** ...nd "American Consular Agency." There Is a dignity and simplicity about thr- term "American" that th« S icretary likes, and there also are about a dozen countries called "United States" aside, from the United States of America, a fact which leads to a *reat deal of confusion la foreign coun tries. DR. JOHN GRANT SUFFOCATED. Pillow Smothers Prominent Texas Republi can Sick at Galveston. tllT TKLE'SUAFII TO THE THIBI'NE.I Galveston. Tex.. Juno 14.— While bis nurse was temporarily absent iron his room last night l>r. John (.rant. on« of the most prominent Republi cans of the South smothered to death. liesi.Jo Dr. Grant's head there was a pll*> of pillows. Two of these feii upon ins face, and he could not re move them, as he had lust the use of his arms. Dr. Grant was a native of New-York, and was Bfty-tWO years old. Until recently h« was United States marshal of this district, chairman of the State Republican Bweuttve Committee and mem ber o: the national committee. He was removed from office by Mr." Roosevelt. ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN. Lumber Piled on D. & H. Track at Oneonta — Trucks Leave Rails. Oneonta, N. Y.. June M.-An attempt was made to-night to v.reck local passengec train No. 13 on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. A quantity of pine tits was piled on the westbound track mar Chasevflls Crossing, and the train hit the ob struction while moving at sixty miles an hour. The poay trucks of the eiufine left the rails, but the train kept on without leaving the track, and no one *aa seriously hurt. RUTLAND R. R. FOR MONTREAL. Brandon. Burlington. Across the Islands of Lake Champlain, Ottawa, Quebec, four trains. Illustrated book, <C. postage. Information, .;.■, N. y.'-Advt. GOVERNOR HOME AGAIN. DID XOT SEE MR. (HO ATE. Visit to General Porter Not Politi cal—Extra Session Talk. Governor Odell, who went abroad about three weeks ago. returned home from Europe yester day, lie was a passenger on th*. North German Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wtlhelm der Gross* The steamer was expected early In th« morning, but did not pet in until late last night. A party of the Governor's friends went down the bay on a revenue cutter, and took him off at Quaran tine, and he reached th» Fifth Avenue Hotel about 10 O'clock last night. The Governor was as brows as a berry and in exuberant spirit -i. it-' said that he had enjoyed every moment of his vacation, and was now ready to take up po litical matters with a zest. The delegation that went down to jjreet the Governor was a large one. On the cutter were Collector Stranahan, Charles H. Murray, presi dent of the Republican County Committee; Will lam Halpii:. chairman of the Executlvq Com* mittee; General Nelson H. Henry, James J. Graham, private secretary to the < tovernor; Major Harrison K Bird, Charles S. Boyd. state Superintendent of Pus Works; Lother B Little, Colonel Reub»n T. Fox, Michael Hlnea. Smith Pine. <;»-o:r» Cmmweli, nealdan' <>r the Borough of Richmond; George \\ ttTantnaker, John H. Gum Henry Blrrell William H. Ten Byck, George Raymond. Senator Etsberg and others. The Governor, after he had shaken hands all around. was subjected t<> a cross lire of ques tions, but he dodged nearly all of them, saying thai he had been abroad for rest and thai he had put politics aside !'•>:■ be time He was sked if >;■• had asked Genera] Horace Porter. Ambassador to Prance, to run for Governor this fall. "Thew la nothing In that." replied Mr. i tdelt "■ called «'ii Qeneral Portfr and had a talk with him, but there was nothing political In it." "Did the general manifest any signs of home sii-kn»-ss?" was asked. "Well. 1 answered the Governor. "I didn't see any. General Porter is exceptional? well thought Of In Pram He Is an able mar. and makes an excellent representative This tall about my seeing Ambassador Choate and asking him to run for Governor Is moonshine. I did n«»t go to England, and 1 did not see Mr. Choate The Governor was ask- 1 If be would call a special session <>:" the legislature t.. act on the question of a water supply for New -York. In approving th*> Dutchess County Water bill he said that if it was thought best, and on a re quest of the citizens of New-York, he would eaU an extra session of the legislature to deal with the problem of the New-York water supply. He was told that the Board of Aldermen and the Mayor were considering the advisability of peti tioning him to convene the legislature it: extra session for this purpose, He was asked: "Would you consider a request from the Mayor and Board of Aldermen sufficient reason for calling an extra session? ' "In ordinary conditions I would consider a re quest from the Mayor and the llo;:rd of A! !er n.f!> amply sufficient," was the answei "If such s request! be made, whet: would you call the session?" ■"That is uncertain." replied th^» Governor. "Probably in a short time. 1 see do reason for delay If an extra session is needed." The Governor «uld he had heard of the selec tion of Attorney General Knux as successor to Senator Quay in Pennsylvania, but h<- had no comment to make In regard to It. "I>o you think It will be necessary to r.nme Secretary Cortelyou h member of tho Na tional Committee from New- York, Inasmuch as he has l>een nel»cted by thf President for chair man of the National Committee?" was nsk".t "I do not think go," said the Governor, "bttt that in .something that I cannot answer defi nitely row. 1 will have a talk with others about It to-morrow. When Senator Hanna was made chairman of the national committee he was not a member.. I believe that Mr. Cortelyou can b«> added to the committee without belr.R elected as a member from thla State. The candidate usu ally selects the man h»- wishes to be chairman, and if the President has decided on Mr. <\>r telyou. that Is nil there is to It. Whether he will be made national commit teeman from this State or whether he will be added to the com mittee remains to lie decided later." In reply to the Question as to whOSB he fa vored for Vlee-Presldent, the Governor said that he had no candidate. Asked if the New-York delegation favored any particular candidate, he replied: "1 suppose the delegation will confer about that later, but just now I don't know who will be favored." The Governor talked enthusiastically about his trip abroad, He win so to Newburg i<< ■'.• ■. \ start for Chicago on Friday as the guest of Sen ator Depew in the tatter's car. He would not talk about the candidates for Governor thla fall or the oufstion of Senator Depew*s re-elec tion. DICK TO RUN THINGS IN OHIO. This Will Be the Ninth State Campaign He Has Managed. 'Columbus, Ohio. June 14— The Republican State Central Committee met here thU afternoon ami 1. .-!<■ i an executive committee of forty-six mem bers, of which Senator Charles Dick Is chairman and John R. Malloy, of this city. Is secretary. This will be the ninth State campaign managed by Mr. Dick. He will have entire control or' the cam paign, the executive committee Lelu» • Purely advisory bu<i>*. BURBANK HEIR PRISONER. FAILS TO EXD HIS LIFE. Makes Attempt While Argument Is Made in Will Contest. Samuel M Burban*. a nephew of Ambrose Bracket! Burbank. who died on January 17, attempted to kill himself yesterday by outtlnsr his throat with a pocket knife while in the of t'u es of his counsel. Eugene D. Hawkins, of Hawkins & Deteflold, a! No. 1 Nassau-st. Ambr. B. Burbanh left an estate variously estimated at from .ST."* >,«"« * > to H.VIVH.MIo\ which has been lie! up In a contest now pending in th»- Surrogate's Court. It was while counsel for Samuel m. Burbank and his brother. Caieb A., was befor? Surrogate Th>mns. arsnsjßs; a motion on an order to show cause why, his two clients should not bs coirpe''el to pvodsjco a will ssdd to have been miv- in Ju i«, IS9T, several years after tha" which hai: been offered for probate, dated Marc!! -".». lss«.t, that Sarsuoi M. made th* atter pt on his !it- Samuel M. r.utbark came h°re about a year and a half ago from Arizona, and in tbe. last jea.- of bis uii -Ir's life lived with him. an l cared for h'.vr. to such an extent that ati health was impaired. In a statement at the hospital Barbank said he attempted his life in a momei.t of temporary mental aberration. Borbank was removed to 'he Hudson Stre< t Hospital. where he was made a pi tome r. Hia injuries were only superficial Later he was re moved to the Bellevue prise ward. be said that he and his brother, ''- 11 ' 1 ' \ Burbank. of No. 77 Lexington-ave.. a lawyer ,t No I Nassau-st.. were the only remaining direct lineal dewendani of Ambrose a Bur bank Most of his uncle's estate, he Mid, con sisted of railroad bonds, it had advanced con siderably in value since his death. Pnde» lbs terms of a will that bad been offered for i'' bate, Burbank said he was to receive :•- bequest Of $23,000 and his brother, Caleb A., waa mads the residuary legatee after a number of nieces and nephews had received bequests. Some of these had begun a contest of the will. Burbank said that he had been drmhtag heav ily for the last week, and was extremely nerv ous. He was in a moment of temporary mental aberration when he attempted bis life. He had no rood reason to wish to die. He declared that he had aided his uncle in managing bjs estate, the nucleus of which waa made In exporting tobacco. It is said that the win alleged to hav«- been made ... [x;,- does not name Caleb Hurbank as the residuary legatee and an eaecutor, and doea not leave a legacy to Samuel Burbank. T\v< w.'. ks :;s> counsel for the contestants ap piled to Surrogate Thomas for an order to show cause why Caleb A. Burbank should not pro duce the alleged prior will, but the Burros. I re rosed to grant the motion, which, he declared, was a nshinff excursion. The probating of the win bsteg on the calen dar for next Monday, th* contestants made a i attempt yesterday to get Surrogate Fitzgerald to consider the motion denied by Surrogate Thomas SußOgata PltXgevald reserved decision and allowed cow»el time to submit briefs. The wUJ offered for probate, which declares it self to be the last «-ii! an.l testament of Ambrose Burbank gives $18,000 to K'.eaze- A. Burbank. eon of Eleaaer Hurbank. brother of the tes tator; s;..«nN> to ivrc Bnrbank, grandson of Eleaser iiurbank; $2,000 to Charles P. Bur bank, grandson of Eleazer Hurbank; $2"»,tM» to Samuel F. Burl-. MO of Caleb Fur bank; $25,000 to Proocott Borbana. son of Eleoxer Burbank; $35.00Q to William K. Bar bank, son Of Caleb Burbank, a brother of th-« testator: ••>-•'•■' • to Samuel **■ Burbanli eon of Samuel Burbank. a brother of the testator; $30;000 to Robert W. Hurbank. son of Rsamel Burbank; $9wooo eaeli to Phlneas Tobnan, Untai Tolman, David B. Tolman and El—san Tolnuui. sons Of tan testator's sister. Elizabeth Tolm:in. and $2V.000 to Caleb A. Burba nk. son .<( S i::i i;.-: Burbank. The remainder of the estate is bequeathed to Caleb A. Burbank, son of Samuel BUThonfc. Caleb A. Burbank. of ProvMtß**, R 1., and I*l nil Hurbank. of New. -York, and the presi dent for the time being ot the New-York -are Deposit Company, are named as executors. TIM witnesses are John M. Kider. of No. IT<"> Sixth nve.. F'rooklyn, and William H. \Vll!i:.s, of No. 1.068 LestnsUon-aY"., Manhattan. In the proceedings before Surrogate Wtmi« BJM tWO affidavits were filed. 0..e, by M.ry Ne-vcomb, widow of Eleazor Burbank New '■omb. states when Ambrose Buibai.k died one of his arms v. as disabled by earner and the other i y rheumatism, and that he waa other wise feeble and Infirm. She allege:; she saw in the tray of a trunk belonging to him several memorandum books, one of which was labelled to indicate that it contained the provisions i>f a will he hud made on June 1"J. l^i)7. She assorts that Samuel Hurbank had access at all times to the trunk and papers, as he was the ••! 1 mans personal attendant. Mary Kllen Xewcomb, her daughter. makes the second affidavit. Magnificent Hotel Frontenac. Thousand Island >. Open June IS. Interesting Souvenir booklet free. Address, C. O. Trussell. manager, Frontenac, ;, V —A 1 . L. PRICE THREE CENTO. (CnxTrrtlfht. 1004. t>y B. T. McManns. 1 ) BATTLE ON PENINSULA. THE JAPANESE CHECKED. Russian Loss Heavy Xorth of Polan* Tien — Monkden Menaced. Two Japanese divisions, numbering about iO.OOO men, began a march northward Polan-Tien on Monday. They attacked the Rus>i.m position near Wafang-Kao yesterday noon, and were repulsed after a stubborn conflict. The Russian losses were heavy, in cluding a colonel killed and a general severely wounded. Official Russian advices indicated a Jap anese advance in force from Samaja toward Kwan-lK.ui-Sinn on the road to Liao-Yaii'.'. (ireat Britain mav abandon Wei I . it' Port Arthur falls, the lease being vsjbj only so bssj M the later port is held by ti: Rnsftians. Nineteen men were killed and nine wounded by the explosion of a mine on th ■ Japanese ouapiju transport Tiihoku. Th«» vessel was said to SO tmder a hcavv tire from Ihe Port Arthur forts. VLADIVOSTOK FLEET OUT! Firing II Heard in the Corcaii Straits. T-'kio. Jur.e !"•.— Th.^ Vladivostok squadron is reported bn the Cm an Strait?. Fir ing has been heard MB Tsu>:.» Shima, .1 srr.aU island lying off the southwest of Honahlu Isl aml. It is possible that an engagement la progressing: the FiaiiTixa srriiiioßx. Russian Cofontl Killed — An Ad vance from Samaja. St. Petersburg;, J\:ne I Emperor Nicholas has received the followb>g telegram from Lieu tenant CSeneral Baron StachcßMTK bear: rig to* !..;'s date: A battle I. at noon around the Itussiaii posuion Sbtn : 'id ■< half miles south of th 1 sta- Uob o! Wai'anho.M; ( . Dg-Kao .'i. th- enenv. makii - rfpeateti attempts to dislodge our Ml flank. The attai k v. is repelled, and we retained • ••:•■ position. The tii'^L regin:-:it occupying the left f!a:':K of oui posltloti sustained, severe losses. Its commander, CMunel Khjtvastounuff. an.l Adj': tani Dragoslaff. Natlotrhinsky were kihetl. General c.erngros-i as wounded. a shrnpne; boßet shatterfeng the light Bids aj| his lower Jaw. iiut he remained on the field. The Kmpernr also received the following dis patch from General Kuropatkin, dated June 13: This morning Ills advance of two Japanese divisions was discovered northward from Polan- Ti-:i. The advancing forces at 1 p. m. wore observed to extend from the village of, Vanil- Chow along the valley of the Tassa. one d: visinn advstoctnsj by the T.issa Valley. Th.« enemy halted at 4:"*> p. m., occupying the villages of Tao-Tsti-Tung. Chang-Tsla-Tur.g and Lui-Tsia-Tung and the heights southward of \ and-Chow. I nave not received detailed information of oar lessee to-day. t>ut Uevtenant Tcherepakhin and several soldiers were wounded. According to our Intelligence, no advance -if the Japanese from StO-Tcn toward Tiling Pass observed to-day. The geneial staff has racetved the foOwwliaj report, dated Juno I."V, from Itajw General Karkoviteh: During the night of June ll and VI the Japanese attached on advance posts near th><> village .»f C:H:ite:!. south of Wafang-Tlea BBa« tion and ahenre the Pttan-tTe and Poian-Ticn ;i!>e. The Japanese were repedssd v.ith l.iss. The same night, aftet tightins lasting until morniaoj, m & rtfllhl'l*"' 1 ! tuok pos«>ssi'>ti of th'» p.i.-s and heightl neai Ike villas* of Lui-Taia- Tung. Our losses in th*>se nocturnal encounters were? four Idlers killed and eighteen wounded. 4 1 X IMPORT A XT ACTH ) V Russkan Think Japanese Advance Probably Checked. St. Petersburg. June 15.— The general staff re mained in session ur.ti! almost 3 o'clock this mssmti to translate and give out Lieutenant General Baron St.u-koiberg's message announc ing the ngh; at Wafans-Kao. This unuaaally late hour indicates that the authorities attach . -rable importance to the dispatch. The movement of o.<>oo Japanese north of Kwan-Dtan-Stan only adds to the blindness of the situation in the northeastern field of opera tions. It Is unquestionable that the Cossack* have been worrying the Japanese north of Feng-Wang-Cheng, and the movement may ha merely an effort to clear the country. At the, same time this movemeut holds the possibility,]