Newspaper Page Text
a. *HvWii If s\ * f?^ >Q^^^^J^^llVc^ _^ f^^^ * T-f V~ LXIV- N° 21,040. JAPANESE MOVE NORTH, OKI'S ARMY ADVANCING. Russians Expect Attack on Two Sides at Kai-Chou. Dispatches received in St. Petersburg show that th<- .Japanese were continuing their ad vance north from the Liao-Tung Peninsula. General Oku occupied Senuehen, and a de tachment of General Kuroki's army moved out of Yen. At the Russian headquarters at Liao-Yang it is believed that the Japanese intend to at tack either Kai-Chou or Ta-tche-Kao, between Kai-Choti and Hai-Cheng, from two sides. Che-Foo has news of a Japanese naval reronnoissance at Port Arthur and apparently of a land attack on the fortress at about the gam*" lime. OKU OCCUPIES PASSES. "Russian* Retreat from Senuehen Before His Army. St. Petersburg. June 23.— The general staff has received the following dispatch from Lieutenant General Sakharoff, under date of June -'2: At >> o'clock on the morning of June 121 the Japanese vanguard resumed its advance against our uutpssts, four miles gouth of Senuehen. The outposts retired Flowly toward tSenuchen and further on In trie direction of Kal-Chau. At noor. a Japanese column, consisting of nine. «ju*<lrons of cavalry, a battery of artillery and a considerable number of Infantry, was observed advancing in the direction of Penuchen. Other strong columns of the enemy appeared, and th* Japanese occupied Senuehen toward evening with over a division of Infantry, a brigade of eavairy and thirty-two guns. According to information received from our 6ecMt« and inhabitants, the enemy, over a di vifion strong, is concentrated southward of Chaps n Pass, near <'hai:g--Tla-Tlen and Ixmsr- Tia-TiT The Japanese did not advance beyond Chapan f'.i^s in the direction of Tanchi. and the enemy, on th» morning of the 21id, had not oc cupied the pass between Paitsiapei and Pan chin.B;n' > . an the Slu-Yen-I<iao-Tung road. No new movement ha* been noticed there. Our scouts report that a large detachment of si: arms advanced! from Flu-Yen to Karanza or the momlssf, of June '22. A battalion of th? enemy, taking advantage of a thick fog, tried to surprise ur vanguard t:*«r V'sndlapudse. on the ; . ; -Hai-Cheng road. The movement was discovered in time, and the Japanese re ceived volleys from five companies of Russians. The enemy retired with same losses toward Kiu- Ten. One EUuslan sharpshooter v. as wounded. The Japanese occupied Yafangtien. on th-> nißin rmd t« Liao-Yang. on th* evening of Jun« IS. 'th a bHtiaiir.n of Infantry and s squadron of cavalry. A detsvebemenl of th»» •am* strength occupied chanlinju. In the valley of the Esim River, seven miles north of Peng- Wt ig-< "heng. eror Nicholas h?_s received the foUowtasj c •! from '"Jen^ral KuTOpatkln under tiate I A fy|imf— army i* gradually advancing nonhwanl. General ski's advance from Rin-Ten has been suspended, evidently to trffect an alignment of the two armies. The ptrength Ol ih-- enemy's vanguard is approximately it division and several squadrons of cavalry, and ,v, gjy-Vfn force consists of nine squadrons. hit.vciV-4 by ;< strong column of Infantry Toward th« south. The enemy* position on June 19 and June -\ «"*:-:i<>d rttMn seven miles south of Bemushen. nlorijr a Hue from the sea to the, mountainous and difficult district east of the railway. The enemy's advance line? are being strongly h^!d by <a\olry and a screen of Infantry. The pfisse? hr.d deflJci :ri th* 5 mountains east of the railway are aiso vigilantly guarded. a movement of strong Japanese mounted patrol* artth lr.fantr - supports was noted on Jur* 2<> Eron S in the afternoon onward, we had ao (asses In the Brine which ensued, while th* fanaaese had several killed and wounded. >ji increase in the Japanese forces lia* been rntir-eri eouih of Vandiapudse and near the visages f ,f Mnn^iapudre. Takziapudze and Kha kahei. Keinforcements ire also reaching the Japanese at the furthest point of the road be tr««n Blu-Yen and Tan^hivla Palahankw and Einkhotan. Th*' Japanese are erecting field fortifications on the road from Biu-Ten to Kal-Chou. The BBcmr*a not posts have occopled the pas? be twe^n Pangrabei and Pal-Chang on the north ern road, nine a!;d a half miles east of Biakbotan an i !hr- "'h.ipan Pass, eeven and a half miles couth of akhotao. On fane 19 two Cossacks were wounded by Chinese ruffians. The Japanese nave fortified Kuan-Dian-Sian. mouiitii.g eiphteen guns with a strong screen. Th» enerr-y has occupied the village of Saper hai. tner.ty-five mile? northeast of Sumagu, and 1« firmly Intrenched. The expectation of a great battle has been ir.'*];«ified by General Kuroptakli.'fl speech to General Stakell.^rg's corps on Monday at Kai- Chn-j, ■ ben the commander in chief said that he ■valid see the troop." again soon, that they must **ttle the Japanese promptly and that they ''•re not going home until this had been done The general is understood to have meant that he would return from Liao-Yans with a latge forre and give battle. It is pointed out that h« can afford to leave a comparatively small gar rlßSß at Liao-Yang in view of th" ah— nee of way direct advance from PscMX-Wv*ang-Cheng Mid the concentration of the Japanese Boreas «©uth. Jn the opinion of many conservative military nsen Kuropatkin's massing of troops at Kai- Chou does not necessarily Indicate his inten tion to give battle, but merely to check th? •Japanese advance and defer the occupation of Mew-ChsSBAC the possession of which would *• of great advantage to the Japanese during the rainy season, affording the enemy bousing accommodation and enabling them to land sup- Hit-i- find harass the Russians!. The occupation *4 Kiung-Yo-Shan, twenty-five miles southeast of Kal-Chou. by a Japanese detachment ii<di «st*+ thai the connection between the enemy's fcTJTiies is practically assured. Biung-To-Shan • halfway between General Oku's and Gen •r^l Kurokj'a position, at BeoncbCT ai:d Sm ten respectively. In th<« opinion of the Gen era! Htaff the Klung-Yo-Shan detach menl Is an "Utjost of the Slu-Yen army, or of no the lor*- recently landed at Ching-Tai-Tsze. fifteen l^il^-^ smith of Takuehan. The roads from Siu-Y«-n and Ohlng-Tai-TBee past; BtUttg-Yo- Phari, whence they proceed respectively to 6«-iiuch»-n and Kal-Chou. The Information of th* War "'lie* accounts for the position of twelve Japanese divisions. Th» situation of two others in unknown. Thes» •r<- th*- Hixth and the Seventh, which probably •»r«> «)i^ jam to arrive, as they come from Hakodate. One or both m«y have just landed. -urnishlng a link between the armies of Kurekl •M <jJcu. According to the latest reports Oku' a rn »ln army Is still several miles south >•' .Senu- Cfr" li. 01 rrOST FIGHTING. Human ft Attack and Arc Defeated — Attache* in the Skirmish. *>n»r«l Kurokls Headquarters In the Field. June 'J3.-im«Blajis from Hamlmak attacked <** fepsiiiii outr>o»its In force yesterday. < omlnurd on nflti p»f. ._ nuTLANn n. R. Fon mostreal Brendcm. Burlington. Aero«« the Islands of I.* ke t*M»pUan. Ottawa G-jebec. four trains. Illustrated Nf. <c pottage.' Iniormatlon. l» Broadly, w 1.-Advu . - _ To-day, fair. 10-morrnw, partly rlonii.y, pro.cil.U sho«pr«; wiinrr DIE IN BURNING WRECK. Coaches Hang from Bridge -Pas sengers Jump by Light of Flames. Madrid. June 2.1— Thirty persons were killed last night In a train wreck in the Province of Teiuei, one of the most mountainous in Bpaln, abounding in torrentp. The train waft thrown fro.n the rails on a iiridge over th« Jiloca River and the coaches were burned. The bridge also took fire and the engine fell Into ih" river, dragging a number of coaches with it. A terrific storm was rasing at the time and the wind fanned the flames Boms of the coaches were caught on the projecting parts of th» bridge and hung in mid air. and by the lifiht of the burning bridge passengers could be seen jumping into the river. Rejjef trains have been P*nt from Tcruel. the capital of the province, seventy-two miles north west of Valencia. The victims were mostly gendarmes. In addi tion to the large death li.^t. It Is feared that many were injured. BIG DEMOCRATS IN TOWN. Hill Much Worried Over the Demo cratic Platform. A regiment of detectives could hardly have kept track of the conferences which Democratic leavers from here, there and everywhere held in this city yesterday. They centred around cx- Benator David B. Hill, of Albany, who is at the Hoffman House, Senator Arthur l'ue Gor man, Democratic leader in Maryland, came to this city yesterday, a3 did ex-Senator James Smith, Jr., who leads the New-Jersey Demo crats. John H. Btanchfleld, of Elmira, was here engaged In legal business in the day, and in conference with Senator Hill last evening. Cum shoes and rubber boots were in continual use, and every one seemed to have instructions to say nothing, or next to nothing. The presence of ex-Senator Smith and Senator Gorman, both of whom will head doubtful dele gations to the St. Louis convention, was the cause of much scurrying about. Kx-Senator Hill would give a good deal to get them Into line for Judge Parker. It was said that Gorman and Smith ha.d conferences with representatives of both the Hill and Murphy factions, but neither Hide made any claim to success. Senator Gorman declared that the Maryland delegation would decide on Its candidate in the convention hall at St- Louis, and not before. He said the earne thing when here last week. ./. whose request yesterday's visit was made and what its significance may be a great many Dem ocrats would like to know. Only a few of the many who called upon him at the Holland Hou.»« were able to see him. Kx-Senator Smith made the Waldorf bis head quarters. He refused to discuss politics. It was a busy day for the man from Albany. It: the morning he had a stream of callers from : the ranks of the Parker faithful. Senator Pat rick 11. McCarren, William K. Sheehan and lilliot Danforth were among them, it was .said that Mr. Hill was not BO much worried about Judge Parker's nomination as he was about the. platform on which has candidate would have to run. On Wednesday The Tribune explained the probable tactics of Bryan and others op posed to Parker, It is evident that they will have a considerable shewing la the committee , on resolutions, and many think that concessions ■ will have to be mad*- to them. Hill will naake a desperate fight for a conservative platform, i and this visit, it is said, is to nail down sunn; of the planks that are likely to be loose. After conferring: with nil. Elliot Danf->it:i !-ai<; that fudge Parker's friends were sure that be would ' ■■- nominated, as i II over the country New -York's choice was considered the choice of [ the convention. The opposition to Judge Parker. ! Mr. Dan forth pointed out. was in Republican I States, while the South was lor him. John B. BtanchneW saw Mr. Hill last night. He said, at the Hoffman House, that It was too early to talk State politics, and smiled when ■ a:-;ked if he thought of running again for Gov ernor. He refused to say anything about the platform which would probably be adopted at . ! St. Louis beyond 'he statement that it would ! undoubtedly be conservative. "Whom are ■•••- going tO yeli for at St. Louis?" is the question that Tammany delegates to the convention 'are asking every time they visit the Tiger ( age In Fourteenth-si. "So far no tip has been given out." said a Tammany man yesterday, "and unless it come:? you will wUn^ss a silent and solemn crowd of iu:\c-. "VY"e an- good at yelling, and the rank and tile bone that Murphy will decide on i: course of action that will sjive us a chance." i Mr. Murphy wan at Tammany Hall yesterday : in conference with some of his district leaders. I but as usual would say nothing about national i politic*. Th. usual big Tammany delegation will go to I St. i»!jis. ready for any emergency which may I arise from the existing Democratic uncertainty. i The stun will be mad*- on Sunday, July 't, jf 1 present arrangements are followed. There will j probably be nix trains— three over the New- York Central, two on the Pennsylvania, and the other over the Baltimore and Ohio Hail road. There will also be a large delegation from Kings County. It? members shouting and , Carrying banr.^re for Parker. NEW-YORK. FRIDAY. JUNE 24. 1004.-SIXTEEN PAGES.-* T* e^r^\22u..«. THE REPUBLICAN STANDARD BEARERS. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Candidate tor President. (Copyright. 1!«h. by C. If. Ball Photo. I ROOSEVELT-FAIRBANKS Republicans Nominate Them With Boundless Enthusiasm. CHICAGO CONVENTION'S GOOD WORK For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York For Vice President CHARLES \V. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana This ticket was presented 1W live suffrages of the American people by the Republican National Convention which concluded its work in Chi cago yesterday. The nominations were unanimously made, and the proceedings were marked by a spontaneity of enthusiasm and heartiness of sentiment that augur the certainty of election. The nominating speeches by ex -Governor Frank S. Black for the President and by Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver for the Vice-President, with the seconding speeches by Senators Bereridge, Depew, Foraker and others, were received with every demonstration of approval. When ex-Governor Black had named the President to succeed him self the enthusiasm was unbounded and the tumult of applause could not be stayed for twenty-three minutes by the clock. The same exhibitions of delight marked the presentation of the name of Senator Fairbanks for the second office in the #it't of the nation. Secretary Cortelyou was unanimously chosen a.s chairman of the National Committee, resigning as the head of the Department of Com merce and Lahor immediately after his election. The President received the news at the White House, and con gratulatory messages were interchanged between him and Senator Fair banks. The Committee on Notification, headed by Speaker Cannon, will officially inform the President at Oyster Bay on July 27. Another com mittee, headed by ex-Secretary Root, wiU wait on Senator Fairbanks in Indianapolis on August 8. f LEADERS CHOSEN WITH NO DISSENTING VOU'K. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS. Convention called to order at 10 o'clock by Chairman Cannon. Prayer by the Rev. Thaddeus A. Snively. Call for nominations for President. Name of President Roosevelt presented by ex-Governor Frank S. Black; seconding speeches by Senator Beveridge and others. Roll of States called and President Roose velt nominated unanimously. Call for nominations for Vice-President. Name of Senator Fairbanks presented by Senator Dolliver; several seconding speeches. Senator Fairbanks nominated by acclama tion. Committees to inform nominees appointed and adjorrnment taken. George B. Cortelyou elected chairman of the national committee. fr. ■• vi-|p;iuPH to Tin: TBIBCICK 1 Chicago, June lE*. —Enthusiasm, boundless, sin cere, almost awe Inspiring, chara< terized to day's session of the Republican National Con vention. For twenty-three minutes eight thou sand people applauded, cheered, waved hats and rings nd banners and by every method known to human ingenuity sought to iKpress their love •'md admiration for Theodoren Roosevelt and their confidence In and loyalty to the Republican party. The speeches, in point of Ht*"-ar"/ beauty, brill lan >■ of epigram and fine elocution. wer». al beit perhaps too long, above the ordinary heard In conventions. The great qualities of the Presi dent, as recognized by the whole country, were eloquently presented and met with enthusiastic response. And through the warp und woof of the whole rhtstf -leal and elocutionary fabric ran one golden thread, which obviously attract ed the instant attention and genuine enthu siasm of the gathering. It was th» assertion, reiterated and variously expressed, thai all men, high or low, rich '<r poor. Macs or white, must be permitted to enjoy everywhere all rh rights which Instare In cttizrnship and must obe; the law in till things, great and small ; that capi tal lias a ri;rht to combine; that labor has a right to combine, hut that both must k^;* with in the law; that the ritfht of tudivl.lua! Übert] involves the right of every man t>> work for a uapp mutually agreed upon— a ri^ht which can not oe tiiken from him. The highest tribute pai.l to Roosevelt, the one which elicited the hpaitinst response, was that he always recognised the distinction between liberty and Itcenae, and that ho never feared to enforce the law without re pard to conditions and without reaped of r» ji soi:s. GREAT BURST OF CHEERING. It was 11 o'clock when ex-Governor Black, In closing his nominating speech, pronounced the name of Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. Black's own appearance on the platform had been received with enthusiasm. Mis characteristic speech, full of pungent epigrams Mid piths witticisms, bad elicited frequent bursts of hearty applause, and when he closed there burst forth a volume of cheers which, like a great wave, swept through the Coliseum, brought dignified men to their feet, and for nearly half an hour could not be stayed Wild with the fulness of their ■■■ ll ments, men, and women, too, sought to give ex pression to their feelings with cheers ami shouts and whistle*. Flags were* waved, banners flaunted and hats thrown in the air. On the Stage "Uncle Joe" Cannon, waving the same flaK which first led the cheering in the convention of 1860 at the moment Abraham Lincoln's time was placed in nomination, led the charring. Two little children, a boy from Alabama and a girl from California, were carried to the stage and raised- to the shoulders of convention offi cials, from which vantage yointa they tried to CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS^ Candidate for \'iir-f'resident. (Cor*rtghr. li»<>4. by Pack nro».> lead In the singing of "The Star Spangled Ban ner." using silk flags as batons. They were un successful. There was no cessation of the cheer ing. An excellent crayon portrait of the Presi dent was produced on the stage. T'nable to satisfy their enthusiasm by cheering, the dele^ gates started to inarch. Representative James S. Sherman led. followed by Governor Odell, shouting like a Comanche Indian, and "Lou" Payn was not far behind nor a trifle less de monstrative. Next m line came New-Jersey, led by Senator Pryden. his face wreathed In ■miles and waving an unibrW!;! of red, white and blue. ornamented with pictures of Roosevelt and Fairbanks. Governor Herrlck almost slmulta neouely wheeled into line at the head of the Ohio delegation, while President Mellon of the New- York, New- Haven and Hartford road gave an imitation of a cakewalk at the head of the CaaV necUcnt delegates, carrying silk lias?- Texas. Alabama and Massachusetts, led by ex-Gov ernor Crane, the delegates bearing umbrellas, fell Into line. Alaska's six delegates, with their now famous "tuffed eagles waving aloft and shouting an AnttTmTl warwhoop. rushed to join the procession. After twenty-three minutes of continuous cheering Speaker Cannon stepped to the front of the stage and mad* vigorous efforts to bring the convention to order. Finally he begun to speak, regardless of the tumult, and only a de sire to hear the chairman's remark* conquered the desire to shout. The chairman told the story of the flag he held, predicting that once more It would prove prophetic of victory. His remarks were followed by another outburst. Just as it subsided Senator Bevertdge reached the plat form, and again the vast audience broke forth, la cheers. Senator Beveridge'S seconding speech was re markably eloquent. eliciting 1 frequent and enthu siastic applause. His voice, always under per fect control, carried to the furthest ends of the Coliseum. "One difference between our opponents and ourselves Is that they select a candidate for the people, and the people select a candidate for us." began Mr. lieverldge. and from that moment his audience was with him, Almost ever) sentiment of the speech was tersely and eloquently put, and promptly greeted with ap plause Senator Beveridge spoke about twenty minutes, and was enthusiastically cheered when he closed. TRIBUTE TO ROOHBYRLT RACE. Georgi A. Knight, of California, made the next seconding speech, in a voice as clear as a bell, well modulated, but powerful. In such grateful contrast was Mr. Knight's delivery to some <-aiiier speeches that he was greeted with cries Of Too loud!" which raised such a laugh that he was compelled momentarily to stop. One of the most enthusiastic plaudits of the day's ses sion iras given to Mr. Knight, wheat, in paying a nigh tribute to RoussjiaH for his Justness and firmness, be declared that socialism and an archy and the disintegrating elements which come here from other clime* could rind no rest ins place in the United States. By the speeches as well as the responses of the audience, it Was made manifest that Theodore Roosevelt's great est strength is in his fearless devotion to the principles of liberty, and especially to the funda mental principle, without which the solid fabric of the Republic could not exist, that all men. great and small, rich and poor, powerful and weak, must receive enual treatment before the law. His assertion that "the party needs Theo dore Roosevelt more than hi needs the party" met with hearty and loudly proclaimed response. Be asserted that Theodore Roosevelt "hypno tizes obstacles," and declared, referring SB the course of the President in his relations with Panama, thai ■ "the Democratic censors who posed him have been laid quietly away in the Democratic graveyard, to Bleep until time shall be no more." a statement which drove the con vent wild with joy. At the close of Mr. Knight's speech California led the iteming, and her handsome silken banner was carried in pro cession. Harry Stillwell Kd wards, of Georgia. waosfjeiM next, jir<-sunuii>;y delivered a Him SllfllWß , but. hampered i>\ the lacli of acoustic qualities in the hail. was unable to RSaJM himself heard more ill. a few feet from the platform. As Mr. Edwards concluded til*- cowers of tIM conven* tiun we-re augmented i>y tha bund, which played •A Georgia Camp Meettas." Ex-Governor Bradley of Kentucky s;xik* forcefully and ai tiroes eloquently, and «a greeted v\ith >; applause. Joseph B. Cotton, of Minnesota, followed Mr. Bradley with a speech that m well rteehred. and was followed In tun; by llarry S. Cram mings, the colored orator of Maryland. Mr. < 'umttiiiiKs raptured the' convention by an nouncing that he would •peak briefly, »M ht kepi hit. word, bui his few remarks were force ful .uk! effective, and highly pleased his audi ence. CALLING THE KOLL The utmost heartiness an I sincerity w*>r«» manifested throughout the roDcall that fol lowed the seconding speeches. When Louisiana. I'KICE Til REE CENTS. CORiELYoI CHAIRMAN. RESIGNS FROM CABINET. Absolute Pozvcr in Conduct of Cam paign (liven to Him. chi<ago. Jure S\.— George B. Cortelyou was chosen chairman si the Republican National Commute.? ;it a meeting h»ld to-day just after the adjournment of the convention. In thanking the committee fur tiie honor he told the members that, while he would be glail to have the- benefit of their advice and coun sel, h* intended to he chairman in fact, ami woi:lit accept no dictation from any on*, high or low. He told them that th.> friends of th« late chairman. Mr. Hanna, were his friend", and he asked for the s:ime measure of confi dence nml support that had been given ro th* las* < ! airman. In conclusion. h» sought the ad vie-* of i .of eM and now :Tn»mbers. Mr. < ''irtt-iyoii made no formal statement of his plans. He resigned as Secretary of Com m»r:--> .ml Labor as soon as he was elected enanranan, the resignation to take effect as soon as his successor sssalsseei which will be ai>ou' July 1. Secret! Cortelyou will not «iv« any active rime to political matters until he retlr*« from the hi net. No vice-chairman will be appointed, and th» new chairman will divide his time between th« New -York and Chicago headquarters, although some member of the committee will no doubt b* designated to take charge of the headduartsrs in this city. Headquarters will not *•• openexi In either city until the latter part of July. Mean while. Mr. Cortelyou expects to select the execu tive committee and m&ka> his preliminary ar rangements for the campaign. As soon as the committee wast called to order. Postmaster General Payne, in a complin speech, nominated Mr. Cortelyou for chairman, and the election was without a dissenting voice. Messrs. Clayton, of Arkansas; Murphy, of New- Jersey, and Yerkes. of Kentucky, were, appoint ed a committee to inform the new chairman and bring him before the committee. After Mr. Cortelyou's remarks. Elmer Dover, of Ohio, was najned for secretary by Senator Scott; Cornelius N. Bliss, of New- York, for treasurer, by Gov ernor Murphy, and "William F. Stone, of Mary land, for sergeant-at-arms, by Senator Me- Comas. All of these officers were unanimously re-elected. A resolution wan p.issed authorising; the chair man to appoint an executive committee, of nine. with euch other officers as are necessary for the management of the campaign. The chairman, secretary, treasurer and sergeant-at-arms are to be officers of the executive committee. Under this resolution the chairman has absolute power in the conduct of the compa.lgn. Mr. Parker, chairman of the Missouri delega tion, presented to the committee an invitation from Pavid R. Francis, president of the Louisi ana Purchase Exposition Company, asking the committee to dine with him to-morrow night. The thanks of the rommlttee were voted to Mr. Francis for the courtesy, but it was stated that the engagements of the members of the com mittee wouli prevent them from accepting. The vacancy ir. the committee from Louisiana was left to the chairman to nil. The delegation from that State is deadlocked, and could no choose a mt«m"o«r. A resolution of thanks was voUo to the esj committee, and the commit adjourned t» meat upon the call of the chairman. Chairman Cortelyou lunched with the com mittee at the Coliseum after the adjourn::; ..: and in the evening he was in constant con ference with party leaders in his rooms at :'■.• Chicago Club. Many suggestions wen made r.. him concerning tho selection of an executive committee and other matters relating to the coming campaign. H« listened to all, saying that he would give them attention when he re linquished his duties as a member of the Cab inet. was reached her chairman announced that "Louisiana exsts her eighteen votes for New- York's heroic son," As Xew-Tork was called Senator Platt stood on a chair and announced UM vote amid loud applause. Governor Murphy, when New-Jersey wa» called, asked utuuiiraous consent to dispense with the further call and make the nomination by acclamation. He was greeted with cries of "No. no:"' "We all want to vote for Roosevelt!" etc. He announced the unanimous vote of New- Jersey for Theodore Roosevelt, and the call pro ceeded. At Its conclusion Chairman Cannon announced that the convention had given 90-i votes for Theodore Roosevelt, making him its unanimous choice for Republican candidate for President fur the term beginning March 5. 1005, and one* more the enthusiasm knew no bounds. BIG DEMONSTRATION FOR FAIRBA^K?. When Senator Fairbanks was nominated for Vice-President there was no diminution in the demonstration. Voices were hoarse, but the cheering for him was just as unanimous as it was in filling the first place on the ticket. Mr. Fairbanks was nominated by Senator Dolliver. and seconding speeches were made by Senators iH-pew and Foraker. ex-Senator Carter, of Mon tana, and Governor Pennypacker. of Pennsyl vania. There being no other candidates, th-» nomination was made by acclamation. Senator Fairbanks, who Is staying in Chi cago till to-morrow, when he returns to Indian apolis, was the recipient this evening of many hearty congratulations. He is highly pleased with hisSnew honors. When he came out from dinner at th- Auditorium Annex many people greeted htm. An aH man came up -with torn; hesitation. 1 tTUI you shake hands with a Democrat?" he ashed. ■\\ i'h slsasure. 1 replied the Senator. ■■ : lni .i DsssMMMl and ex-Confederate." said th.^ eU scan, •l-ut I d like to shake hands. You arc running with i man who ought to be <-i, i te.!." Mi. FjUrbanln shm )iigii!y gratirled b> the re mark. The usual resolutions of thar.ks to officers of the convention and committees on arrangement were adopted, and the great body was ad journed. Speaker Cannon came in for one of the resolutions, and he Muatjed like .i schoolboy as the word bouquet was s;i\en to him. i:-> made eleven sp» ■"•= in the 'lay. each a few crisp. original sentences, introducing the eleven speak era His: audience aevn laved of watching or heari ns him. Ha was a sauce t" the proce«Ki ings. His jerky walk to and from the peninsula of the rostrum thai projected i:uo the audience amused eYtrjr (>c... Us hepl a tight hold on th-» rlgt>t lad of et eh spoakeT with his right tern) and iwonE Mie give! la hi* !eft. The v.i ! sweep of the heavy ?::.i!!et rather terrified mem bers of the press who were within range, for sometimes the'r h.;'.«> •scaped by not more than an huh. While Mr. Cannon spoke his whole hody shook, his left arm made full circles, both legs ribratfil. .m. l even his* toes could be seen working up :id down in his shoes. His control of the convention was complete. iNTKK \>I.I.Kr;t.\TK REGATTA. JUNE WTH Pmighk '*p*tc- Highland toon*. Observation train tickets ;ire now on sal«» ai Wont Shor^ ticket offices t'9. 3j«. S7l. 1.21S lirw^ndy; 275 Columbus ,\vf ; East ... Su, and 338 Fulton St., Brooklju.-Ad'. l