Ry£\ IT (Sn TT 7 TT TT TS4T TG^ To) A T\T Tr^\ TT^Tr^ RIISULI " \1 ■:■ - « - .1, land "i the Ifoors, a cunning marauder, a swaggering figmc in scarlet and gold, with a white, jewel-clasped turban above his swarthy features, a scimiter a; his ■de. a n:u7.zli'-lna.i'.:T- T gun inlaid with polished brass across his shoulder, stands as the romantic cause of a striving historical coincidence in the affairs oi th. Lnited - I Tht 1 handtedth a.n uw . d thai ■ i Kepublic m its in fancy to bivak u]> the piracy an the Barbary Coast is in this pear. How wt-11 and heroic ally Comnodoie PirLle cam« i oat the task '•hat En flan ;.;i:; ; -h children, who were brutal]? pal to the knife nrhen it became appareni thai his bttle victims' : .ir> • • :- rr>uld noi Day the ■•■I , ■ ■ 1 r B. 1 British ] Times, ' ■ho aa SUNDAY MAGAZINE f:r JULY 10. 1904 By COARLES SOMERVIILILIE: nee of te thai an i ise of the non-payment . ■ >i" ten ; ransom; and finally the brazen ■ ppinj erf Perdicaris and hi-- son-in-law from a ■ t more than ,t mile distant from the arsenal Main Ntr.*-t of TinjjM-r Pa-a!-Ai- R«k«vili). the Moori-K bundil authorized robber at whose a wh< »Ye pr must be placed I v his ' n to a rai for his ■ ■ ■ ■ list of 1 t 1 And soil • • ■•■ ii Raisul ■ ■ citizen. Harris, was a prisoner ■• - thirl "■ wn the I bers in Tangier Such an • ' - ■ it. To explain \\ hat the ■ and barracks where one thousand at the Sultan's army were tered, followed by the extraordinary .■■• ■ ■ ■ he receive officia i ition a- an rti«t'«:r»f.h« bt" his lip for the frowns of the offi cials, knowing full well that they did not dart- raise a hand against him, for dread of the revenge that would follow at the hands of his desperate followers. Morocco has no roads except rough and beaten camel path:.. There i< nothing on wheels in the try There are n.> railroads Europeans once tru-.l to build "Ti- between F< : and the M-aj.«irt of Rabat on the southern coast Ten miles of track was laid. Sidi Hkhomed I)ti< .,■.,.•- ■ .-i: aJ ter it hud been |n■< d to thai the p too poor to pa> om, show ■ 4 the M • Tb :•■• • ■ : ■ .-.v Dea to I . Moor has not realized the great size of -.he 5 ai i the first ci g ■ i started pufl ng The natives an -s in per they