THE WHITE MOUNTAINS life at the Many Resorts Is Made Enjoyable in Various Ways. Bretton Wood.. K. H., Aug. 13. — One of the greet features cf life at Bretton Wood. Is to see tbs> arrivals by motor car. The only garage la tbs White Mountains with all the up to date requirements for keeping a motor car In shape la here, with accommodations for thirty can and adclent men in charge. Many parties here for tbe season htve their own motor, with them. and are becoming familiar with the excellent Mountain roads that were so widely ad vertised In the week cf the •'climb to the clouds." There are many routes available from Bretton wh!eh is a centre from which all parts it the mountains may be reached in a single 6 & y'a trip with eaae. Several parties have arrived here this week torn New-York, making the entire trip by jsotor. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilder, who are at the Mount Washington. IXS.7OT Weeks and family, of West Newton, have also been among visitors of the week. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, of New- York. Is a guest at the Mount Washington. Mx. and Mrs. T. E. Parker. Miss Dorothy barker and Miss Smith, of New- York, arrived at the Mount Washington on Monday, when j£r». j. Blake White returned there from a visit to Mrs. John K. Runnells at her summer home la Chocorua. N. H. X bowling tournament at the Mount Wash jagton on Friday evening between teams from the two Eretton Woods hotels resulted In a vic tory tat the Mount Pleasant. Several Mount pleasant guests went over to see the nnlsh and tc applaud the victor*. The executive committee of the Bretton TToods Golf Club, which was chosen this week. Include* B. David Walton. Paul Wilcox. Dr. J. Blake White, the latter also president of the dub, *21 cf New- York: Dr. Charles E. Clark, of I^nn. and George W. White, of Now- York. The joosth'a goif everts will be most Interesting. and wlli Include tournaments, matches between thtf «tsl teams of other hotels, the first of which will be with the Pin* Golf Club of Bt. Johns tour, ft Mr. end Mrs. George Austin Morrison, of New- TcriL ere at the- Mount ■Washington. Mr. and Sirs. A. B. Loundtxrg. of New-York, are spend izg the month at the Mount Pleasant House. jjr. and Mrs. Robbing B. Smith, C. D. Gregory and Miss Gregory are other New-Yorkers. They arrived on Tueslay. while the Rev. Frederick Lynch, paster of the Pilgrim Congregational Chcrch. of New- York, and Mrs. Lynch are also there. Mrs. Julian D. Falrchild. of Brooklyn, hu Joined Mr. FalrchUd at the Mount Waah- s"r ard Mrs. C H. Tenner and Miss Sullo way of New-York, have arrived at Bretton Woods in their automobile, and Mr. and Mrs. William A. Eall and Melvln Hall are other New- Yorkers travelling through the bills by motor who have visited Bretton Wood* this week, Among Maplewood af-airs have been a ann 2ght £&nee in the Casino on Monday and a card party en Monday evening, a bowling tourna- Bent on Tuesday evening and a golf team match at Bethlehem, a golf match with Profile on We£r.e£day, a tennis match and the ball game at North Ccr.way. a handicap tournament on Thursday en the golf links, and a full drees ball in the evening, a ball game between Maple woo- 1 ■Bd Bethlehem at Bethlehem. Maplewood vs. &*thlehezn at Maplewood on Saturday In a re tern game and a concert by the Euterpea Male Quartet, cf New- York, In the evening at the Casino. ▲bout forty guests from the Maple-wood drove £rer to Sunset Hill on Saturday to see the golf Jnttcti between the Mapiewood and Sunset Hill fauna. There have been mary New-Tork arrivals Bmong those coming to Maplewood for the re- Caa!n£er of the month. Among them are Mrs. A- M. Chapmen, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Andrews, Sir. end Mrs. W. R. Lvnde. Mr. and "Mrs. E. M. Johns. Mr.. J. H. Seaman, Mr. and Mra. M. H. Bailey, Mr.. S. H. Cary and Mis. A. B. Cary. The Balsams, at Dixvllla Notch. Is doing a grand business, many persons being attracted then* by tha fact that there are thousands of trout In Lake Glortette, and that every morning finds these fish served up at breakfast. It Is As only hotel In the mountains that boasts trout en the menu every day from the opening of the season until Its dose. The Hampshire Inn, at Colebrook, which ta •Be of the "furtherest north" hotels. is enter >Wflne several New-Yorkers this season. The young women of the Profile House and cottages gave a dancing party on Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. WLliam G. Flemmir.g. of yew-York, are at the Profile, where Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodwin, of New- York, have opened their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Meeker, Mrs. Ceorge A dee and Miss Adee. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Ames, Mrs. W. J. Milne and Miss Ruth Milne. lira. Russell Hoad;ey and Mrs. George L. Ron ald* ere among the New-Yorkers who arrived et the Profile this week. The PrcSle House is entertaining more New- Tork guests than any other hotel In that vicin ity, many of the oldest Knickerbocker families he.: „• represented in its numbers. Mrs W. N. P. Darrow, of New-York, was hostess at the first golf tea of the season, which we. given at the Profile Golf Club house on Eaturdiiy afternoon. A putting contest was the feature cf the afternoon, tt which the first prize was taken by Charles Jackson, of New- York. The hotel orchestra, furnished music for the «2air. The Bethlehem season Is In full swing, and ■*iii. cclf tournaments, ball games and tennis tournaments are among the many exciting pas tossi with which Bethlehem visitors enjoy •ssSBSt. Bails on Saturday evening at the &scLiir. Friday evenings at the Uplands and Hondavß at the Arlir.jrLon are all attended by tsssßU and cottagers of other hotels, and many g& down to the Thursday evening ball at Maple *ood as well. Intervale is waking up, and the August fes tivities are enjoyed by hundreds of persons. among them many New-Yorkers. Mounts Bur »rt«: and K<=arsar«e have been ascended by •any parties from the Intervale, Langdon. Beilevue and Pendexter houses, and driving has «fs» been a popular form of diversion. The Saturday evening hop at the Intervale was the •*t«t brilliant of the season, and a large number 61 guests from other hotels and the cottage col oay were present to add to the number of the •antors. Whist, hearts and euchre are all pop yar games at tha Intervale, and not a few "fidCfc parties have also been given. Mrs. M. Ktlly and Misa M. Fanel, of New-York, are ar fiv&is a. t Hie Bellevue House, where there is a cf New-Yorkers. The •■.-. ilountaJn Amusement Club hi flour "■u^ig and has riven several entertainments this *f*ti that have helped make the time pass mer- Jily. Among them, wan a series of guessing con **»t3. and an art exhibition proved that Miss ** r^ " of i'ork, was the cleverest "guess **"•" On Sunday a large party of Twin Mountain tsests enjoyed * brake ride to Jefferson, while • Tuesday another brake load enjoyed the ball tsaie at Bethlehem. A golf tournament on the *°*f links on the same day kept the golfers busy, .*aa Saturday evening a progressive whist party Ved several tables. The prize winners Included ***. Jaretasl. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Wolf, of New- Xork. At Kearsarge village. North Conway, there Is «uch going on, and the various hotels are all £*ih entertaining many young people, who are JJPsag mountain climbing, picnics, drives and •""•i and tetmia. Whist and euchre vie with one ,»«otfcer for popularity io the evening. At North 2?*** the race meet has attracted hundreds. B»» frcza all Over the mountains, aad the *•** • oars been taxed to chair utmost to «atar«i tain all the visitors. Some excellent races were seen on Tuesday and Wednesday and on the lat ter day an Interesting ball game was played be tween the Redstone nine and one from the Ma plewood Hotel, which took the honors. At the Fahyan House it has been a busy week with something every night, beginning with a leap year summer party on Monday evening, at which twenty-five young men were deprived of the pleasure of selecting their partners for once, the young women turning the tables on them. A. brake party to Bethlehem was another pleasant crcalr, especially as the Fabyan team was win ner in a contest with the Bethlehem team. Many New-Yorkers have come to round out the season at Fabyan this week, among them being Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wlchsler, Mrs. A. B. Sallger, Mr. and Mrs. Everett B. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Turner, Mrs. P. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. C. Oppenhelmcr, Mrs. L. Wolff. Henry Erd man, J. Tim. Sidney Schwartz and Albert" Bart lett. At Sugar Hill there Is a large colony of New- Yorkers, among them being several New-York stock brokers, at the Sunset Hill House and cottage*. Golf is th« reigning sport here, and at the tournament this week several silver cups were offered by Edwin W. Instills, a guest- Last Saturday the team match between the Sunset Hill and Maplewood brought to Sugar Hill, where it was played, a large number of. guests from Maple wood and Bethlehem, most of them, driving over before luncheon. The Sunset Hill team trimmed the visitors beautifully. There was a successful masquerade ball at the Sunset Hill this week, at which several hun dred Bests enjoyed a merry evening of dancing. Mrs. A. M.AcFarlan Baker, of York, has joined her sister, Mrs. S. Vanderbilt MacFarlan, at her cottage near the Franconia Inn, Fran conia. Other New-Yorkers at the Inn are Mrs. N. S. Hart, Miss Hart, Nathan A. Smyth. Miss Earl, Robert and Allan Power and Misn Meier. At the Forest Hill. Franconia. there fire many New-York guests who are enjoying the season. Brake rides are popular forms of amusement, and several parties have driven to the Flume, Profile and Bethlehem during the last week. New-Yorkers at the Forest Hill this season are Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Willis S. Paine. Miss ftfonteath and Miss Harriet Monteath. At the Crawford House it has been a merry week, with several affairs making it pass quick ly. Among them was a dove German on Tues day evening, at which twelve couples went through intricate flower figures, led by G. W. Hmckley. Monday night a party from the Crawford drove ever to the Mount Washington at Bretton Woods to enjoy dancing and a supper party in the grill room. A party of young people went horseback riding on Wednesday that Included Miss Gle.ison, Mr. and Mrs. Daddenbaum, Miss Osborne. Miss Kaufrnar.r. and Edgard Knuf mar.n. W. B. WUletta, Mrs. WUletts and their four daughters of New- York, are spending the month at the Crawford House. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lounsberg, also of New-York, are there for the season. WATCH HILL AFFAIRS. Lightning Strikes a Pier — Pro gramme of Water Carnival. "Watch Hi',l. R. 1.. Aug. 13 (Special).— Three of the cottages which hay* remained unoccupied this sea •on until now are open. Frank J. Enger, of Avon dale. Ohio, who gave a stag dinner of six covers at the clubhouse early In the week. Is at the T>':::' > cottage. In Everett-are. Lawrence Jones, of Cin cinnati, Is at his father's house, Sunnymede, which has been closed for the last two seasons. Dr. Langworthy's cottage, the Seaahey. Is now occu pied by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Adam, of Buffalo, and Miss Adam, of Bow den. Scotland. At the annual meeting of th« chapel society two of the trustee* were re-elected, and Davis C. An derson was chosen to take the place of Jortah H. Clarke. Financially, the society Is on a firm basis. Dr. McCor.nell, of All Souls". New- York, will again preach Sunday forenoon. The lawn f*te, which was to have been held on Wednesday, suffered nothing from being post poned, exespt that some of thesa who planned to go attended tha bridge whist party or th«» Watch Hill House ball. There were many attractions. The sand rile, with hidden prizes, for which the children dug, and the automobila merry-go-round, whereby one might enjoy a brief taste of that sport, were perhaps the favorite. In the tennis singles for men and women at the Mlsquamlcut Cub Allen defeated Hudson, 6—3, 6—l, and Burrall defeated Drtggs. 6-0, 4— 6, «— S. in th* aeml-3nals: Mis* Closterman defeated Miss Williams, B—o. «— and Miss Dickinson won from Miss Smith by default. In the finals, warmly con tested on the men's part. Allen defeated BarralL 3__g, e_a t 6— i, 5—7. &—6; Miss Closterman defeated Miss Dickinson. 6—2. «— The Perln cup in the golf handicap »v»nt ha« been awarded Miss Ethel Burnet for I years, and she made the excellent score of thirty-six hosest; but M!s« Phlpps. of Sprl: one of the beat women golfers in this count: the fortunate winner this time, with a. Men Both played scratch. One of the largest motor cars to be seen here this year was the 40-horsepower Mercedes, which brought Mr. and .Mrs. De Witt and Mrs. Hostetter. of New-York, and Mrs. Beckwith. of Chicago. They are on an extended tour, and stopped at ths» Ocean House only a short time. The large touting car of Frederic Brooks, of New-York, which brok» down at Lyme, Conn., was brought over here on the steamer Margaret. Mr. Brooks Is a frequent visitor at this I— tilt The family of J. P. Reming ton. of Philadelphia, is stopping at the Ocean House for this month, having again made the trip from that city without mishap in their automobile. The garage at the Ocean House Is taxed to its limit in spile of additional accommodation*. While the battleship Massachusetts was in New- London harbor Lieutenant A. Eainbrldge-Hoff visited his mother at the Watch Hill House. Jus tice P*tney of Morrlstown. N. J.. is with his fam ily at this hotel. The annual ball passed oft suc cessfully on Thursday evening. The ball at. the Ocean House, 10 be held In the large dining room, will be given on August 17. The Colonial grill room is most popular her-, dinner parties and suppers for more than a dozen being frequent among- the young people. _ _ . , The programme outlined for the water carnival next Tuesday morning is more varied than tha pro grammes of "the last two years. Besides the swim ming canoe and tub races, high and fancy diving. walking on a greased pole and stunts by a man bound hand and foot, there will be nn exhibition of the strokes of famous swimmers by the swimming master the game of horse marines, which was a hit on 'the Florida coast last winter, and a bur lesque in fancy costume. Thia will take piace on the bay side, the admission fee. after the priz?!« are secured, to go to the Watch Hill Improvement Society. „ ... , The shelter on the ocean pier was illghtly dam aged and one of the heavy supporting girders ren dered useless by a stroke of lightning in the re cent severe storm. An excursion from Monson. Mass.. ram« on the Block Island one day last wec-k The forty-first annual reunion of the Jf,ti\ ReKiment of Connecticut Volunteers is to be held here on August 23. the Block Island bringing them from New-London. After ths busings m '*« ln f ♦•lection of officers, etc., they will enjoy a lihode Island clambake. Thou the height of the season was reached last Sunday, when some of the houses were really overtaxed, many are expected over this week-end, and the list of arrivals through the week has not as yet begun to depreciate. Those at the Oc-an House wera Miss E. H. Heath. Miss N. S. Norton. Mrs. J. P. Laying, the Rev and Mrs. N. De H. Gullck. Mis» Street. James L. Morgan George B. Stlllman, Thomas Mlnford. Mr and Mrs. f^orpe G. McMuxtry. C. W. Flak, Mr. and Mrs. V>. B. I.itchford. Mlsa Litchford. Miss Marie Lltchford Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Battle, Miss Battle E. W. Babcock. and Mr. and Mra. C. Crlghton. of Brook lyn. GOLF IN THE GEEEN MOUFTArNS. Fine Weather for the Sport— Many Persons Enjoy It Manchester. Vt.. Aug. 13 (Special).— Manchester has been enjoying perfect weather this week. The atmosphere has been as clear as It Is late in the autumn bo that partie* visiting the top of Mount Equinox have been able to see the White Moun tains. Lake George and other points net usually visible at this season of the year. Driving and automoblllng have been th« chief attractions out side of golf this week in the day. In the evenings bridge occupies the attention of the younger set as well as of the older people. The golf club has been th* central point cf Inter est this week. The annual tournament for tho First President's Cup. presented by Edward S. Isham, of Chicago, began on Wednesday, with a qualifying round of thlrty-elx holes at medal play. A field of over ninety golfers started. The first sixteen qualified for the chief trophy. There were three divisions of sixteen each In addition to the first. The weeding out process wa« completed on Friday morning, end the 2nals were played this afternoon, »?May afternoon' there was a b*st ball foursome competition. On Monday a four ball foursome competition waa pla> f for two cup. prossnujd by Amos II Evans, of New-York CU>. presented by ami a Aih« had the best score Their card was lb-li-IH. Tuesday, Bernard JtS^i. *Z%* #*** » V*b*M hole NEW-YOKK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUKDAT. AUGUST 14. 1904. PIKE GROVE DRIVE, LAKE CANADARAOO, RICHFIELD SPRINGS, X. ?. match with Donald Ball. the Ekwanok profes sional. The latter easily on. Next week, on Monday, thero will be a selected ■core all day four bull foursome competition for two cups presented by J. Harrington Walker, of Detroit. On Tuesday most of the golfers who are stockholders in the Ekwanok Country Club will (a to Rutland, jvhere the- third annual Ver mont State golf championship will begin on Wednesday. Albert M. Reed, the present title holder, and Paul Watherraan. the former cham pion, will be amon; the competitors. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Janney. of Philadelphia, pave a dinner party at the Equinox House on Sunday evening. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. il un. of New-York" George H. Armour, of Princeton; Mr. and Mrs. George 11. Thacher, of Albany: Di and Mrs. E. \V Taylor and E. M. Sill, of Philadelphia. Mrs. E. W. Tay lor gave a picnic for her daughter. Miss Anna Taylor, on Wednesday. lira. George Orel*, of New- City, gave a tea at the Country Club this afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs. J Har rington Walker. of Detroit, and Mrs. J. J. Gunther, of New-York. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ryan, of New-York were among the arrival, at the Equinox House this week. They will sptnd the rest of the season here. Mr and Mrs. Robert Hagcr and Robert Hatter. 'r., of New-York, CUM here tlila week from the Hotel Champlain. Mrs. T. M. Turr.or. of New- York City, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. William F. Orvis, at the Equinox House. She l.s accompanied by Miss Almy. Among the New-Yorkers who arrived at the Equinox House this week ar* Miss Harriet L Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mi.« 3 John son, Miss Jer.nle John«or.. Miss Herreshoff. Mr«. Alice E. Bloom, George L. Robinson. J. B. F. PROFILE LAKE AND EAGLE CLIFF FROM OLD MAN'S HEAD. By courtesy of the Boston and Maine Railroad Company. Berresboff, Miss Hoe. Bernard Nichols. C. D. Cleghorn, Charles F. Aahe. Mr. and Mr», Robert • . Mrs. T. M. Turner, Mis* Almy. Mr and & M B Wise Mr .ir.'l .\: Evans and Mr. a AT SHAEON SPRINGS, N. Y. Sharon Springs. x. v.. Aim. 13 (Special).— The weather thu last week has been too cool to suit the hotel men, who aiana In mortal fear of coid weather, but fortunately it is yet too early for it to cause a hegira to the cities, and the crowd here is tills week at its height. The winners of a recent progressive whist at the Manhattan were Miss Ray Nagelsntth, Mrs. Schintzer, Mrs. Clara Manhetzns and Mrs. Henry Levy, of New -York. Mr. and Mra. Charles MyslUt, of New- York, gavn a musical entertainment at the pavilion Friday evening. J. A. Flack, ex-BherifC of New- York, who has been I regular visitor at Sharon for over thirty years. 13 again at the Sharon House. A large whist party was gtvea at the pavilion Monday night. Tho prize winners were Miss M. Cuchblndur. Mrs. Freund, Hiss Kalmers, Miss Rotkopf. Mrs. Kltogenstein, Mr. Borck, J. Salo mon. The winners of the prizes at a euchre given at the Eldn-d^e House Wednesday evening w»re Mrs. Fred Snyder, Mias Bnnger, Miss Margaret Hughes, Miss Estella M. Greenwald. Ahrena, J. Bachman, Mr. Hopkins. K. Swing. Recent arrivals at the larger hotels include the following New-Yorkers: Pavilion Hi>ttl-»Mlss R. n.linasllTl. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bornstelr.. Mr. and Airs. Abraham Levy. Mlas Jessie iirir.:), Leon inheim. Mr. and Mrs. Max Eorck C. L. Borek. Mr. and Mrs. M Schiller. Mlps Schiller, Mrs. M. tman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankenthal. Mrs. Max Rosenberg, Miss B .Ro senberg, A. Straus. Mrs. I. Helm, Ellis Solomon. A. B. Jerwarker. M Klttenplan. Charles Ku- Mr. : J Mayer Mrs. Ed.lh B^tng. H. J tager, A. VV riurohard. j I *^ Schlesinser. Miss Belle Kohn. Mlsa Evelyn FUher. Sharon* Houses-Mr, and Mrs. B. I Ke.rn. Miss Lillian Kearns. Benjamin Schwarts, .D. Nash. G^rg* DetUoft, William Lubbert, G. A. Warner. Mis- Wbeetock, William S. Pettlt Mrs. B .Smith. Mrs N. Smith. H. S. Strawbeen. Mm. A. Stewart. Mr and M.s. Charles W. McCarthy, Michael Carr. Mr. and Mrs. F. a Walter Mrs- Leonard Eppins, Mise lie^ina Epplng. captain and hXKj?J. Hi Shook;., ilrs. John Shooks. jr.. Miss West. Miss Brno:B mo: b Hotel-Mi-. and Mrs. F. Van Axte, Mrs. J Hdckm.r. Charles F. Beckman. C. F. W. Jo hannioff. B. A. Mehringer. Miss Helen I. Philips, Georce G. Schaeffer. Charles W. Kaocke. Dr. Sophia B. Schnel. Dr. George A. P^'-ry- »B. •*-:iy, Miss Marguerite Ken nelly, Mrs. Louis B. Rolstone. MssMS Jean and Louisa U. Rolstone. of New- York, will spend the month of August at the Alanhanaet. They go to BernardsvlUe, N. J.. in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Grannls and Mrs. C. S. Wlshart. of New-York, wilt remain hen* the rest of the season. Mr. and Mrs. lienjamin Atha. have gone to the Maine coast for a short stay. R. S. Wood started Cox Philadelphia or Thurs day, taking with him his tally-ho, which has afforded many delightful coaching trips for the young people this summer. On the coach wlra him w.jr« Miss Findley, Miss Mitchell and their chaperon. On account of the frequent storms Deerlxxc Harbor this week has beer, rather a quiet scene, most of the visitors being smaller craft. Among the larger yachts were Coranto, A. E. Austin; Viking. Jaxvls B. Eatson; La Mascotte, launch. Frank C. Havens; Buccaneer. L. G. Fisher; Planet, the big auxiliary schooner, a. L. Ranney. owner, went to Greenwich on Wednesday. The Pioneer said only a short visit. She has been chartered out by her owner. George E. Chlshoim, to Robert A. Urannia for the season. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Grannla are stopping at the Man hanaet. The Rev. Dr. Robert B. Booth will conduct ths religious service In Manhanset chapel to-morrow morning. One of the most Important functions at the Manhaneet this neadon, was the clam party given by Mrs. John W. Shaw, of New-York, on Monday. The cuests were conveyed to Paradise Point on the Whim, which Mrs. Atha. had tendered for the occasion, and the Augusta, Mr*. Emmet Queen's yacht. The day was overcast, but It did not affect the pleasure of the outitig. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Shaw were Mr. and Xrs. T?* 11 * I s *^r Mr - ana Mr «- Benjamin Atha. Mr. and Mr» Harry Atha. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Atha, Mrs. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs QueenTF P Scudder, Mr. Edwards and Dr. Fowler. The entertainment given at the- Prospect House on Wednesday for the purpose of raisin* funds In order to buy appliances for reviving half-drowned persons realized a substantial sum. Those tak ing part were Walter R. Hicks, of Brooklyn, who. though blind, gave the cleverest monologue of the evening. Miss Elsie Swezey. Miss Mildred Stouten borough. Rudolf Jacobs. Miss Ethel Hicks and Alela Howland Gardner. Edward Barnes Robert Bums and Robert and Paul Baumgarten formed a male quartet. A cornet solo by Mrs. W. J. Fuller was the last on the programme. The children's carnival, under the lead of Thomas G. Austen, was one of the most beauti ful affairs which has taken place at the Prospect this summer. Some of the children were Cathleen Childe Mildred De Havens, Ruth P. Flske Mar- Jorie Craven. Frederick B. Shepora, Will Fred Anderson. Elizabeth S. Flske. Olive L. Lockwood Evelyn O'Callahan. Edith M. Field. Clara G. Baum garten. Elisabeth Downes. Ruth Elsworth. Beatrice and Juliet Kalley and Fred. Ecker. IN BERKSHIRE HILLS. Activity Prevails Throughout the Entire Region. Lenox. Mass.. Aug. 13 (Special).— While there have been no large social affairs In the Berk shires this week it has been the moat spirited and pleasure seeking period of the year. Of pic nics, excursions, golf and tennis there has been an endless chain. The theatre and a circus have attracted cottagers and hotel guests. All of the hotels from Vermont to Connecticut have been alive with activities. Liverymen have been unable to meet the demand for vehicles, and every automobile station has been crowded with cars touring through the hills. Percy R. King, of Washington, won the weekly handicap golf match with a score of SO. Mr. King has b«en entertained by Mortimer M. Singer at Home Farm. It was announced this week that the trials of the Berkshire Hunt Club Indicated that the beagles were not fast enough for the hunters, and foxhounds have been ordered. The ken nels are to be moved to Llthgow, the estate of Cllnten G. Gilmore, master of the hounds. The club has announced a day's racing in September, at Pleasure Park. Besides pony races, events for thoroughbreds, hurdles and a steeplechase, there will be gymkhana games, which will be in charge of members of the British Embassy who have followed these sports in India. Much interest waa taken in the competition among the cottagers tn the arrangement of floral centrepieces for dinner tables, which took place In the Town Building. Mrs. Richard C. Dlxey, of Boston, won first award. Miss Evelyn Sloan second and Miss Adele Kneeland third. The list of contestants included Mrs. Edward Wharton. Mrs. W. B. O. Field, Mrs. Frank K. Sturgls, Miss Helen Parish, Miss Mary Whar ton. Miss Charlotte Barnes and Miss Tucker man,, of Washington. The Curtis Hotel will be the scene of a gay ball next month. The cottagers Interested In a North Carolina sanatorium are to dance for charity's sake. Among the arrivals at the hotel are Mrs. Francis Andrews and Miss Louise Gil more, of New-York, who have been abroad. Robert W, Chapin. of New-York, is registered at ihe hotel. Mrs. Frederick D. Tappen enter tained at dinner at the hotel this week for Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Herzog, of New-York. Concerts and entertainments have been of al most nightly occurrence at the Hotel Aspir.wail, where a large colony of ann'ia! visitors to Lenox has registered. On Tuesday a tournament against "Colonel Besie" was played on the Lenox Club -ourse. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Choate, of New-York, are being entertained there by Judge and Mrs, Thomas Allison, of New -York. Golflng overshadows everything else in Stock bridge. Tennis Is to have its Inning next week, however, when a tournament will be played at the Casino. Among the cottage changes have been the arrival of Lieutenant Reginald Bel knap, of Washington; Mrs. Walter Hoffman, of New- York, as guest of Mrs. F. Hoffman; Payton Van Renseelaer, of New-York, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl de GersdortT. of New-York, at other cottages. Mrs. Frederick Crowninshield gave a reception this week for Mr. and Mrs. da Gers dorff. A. C. Van Rensselaer started this week for Cohasset. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Field. Jr., went to Boston by motor car for a several days' trip, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. More head staxted this week for the White Moun tains. Walter kerxnan, of Washington. has ar rived at Stockbridge, preparatory to defending the fatockbridpe Cup in the annual golf tourna ment, .a; the Red Lion Inn Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ashwe'l. Mrs. Alfred Watkins anil Mr- Her bert M. jetts. of New-York, are among the many »rrivnls. At Heaton Hall are Mrs. Ste phen I. Ticker, Miss A. V. Tucker. Mi- ■ Flor ence Tucker. Mrs. John Sutphen and Miss Sut pheii. Colonel F. C. Wayne, of New- York, has been a guest of Mrs. David Babcock at the hotel, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles a. Rusk have 1 been guesi.3 of Mrs. S. F. Jeremiah, of New- York. The hotels are filled with summer guests. At Greenock Inn Judge Robert WUkln, of Brook lyn, oz-i Dr. W. J. ilacFarland. of New- York, have arrived. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Sprague and Frederick G. Wltteman. of New-Ycrk, annual guests, are registered. Other arrivals include Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ulman. A. Van "Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Burrows. H. B. Kirk land. Mr. and Mrs. William Pegram. W. Barry and Miss O. J. Sherman. Mrs. George Law and her grandson. George Law Davidson, of New-York, arrived at the inn this week for the fall. During the week the hotel guests made a trolley trip to Cheshire and Berkshire Park. The Snail for the aroJf trophy offered by W. a Edminster. of New-York, were played to-day in Plttsfleld between E. A. Thomson, of New-York, and Henry L. Dawee, of Plttsfield. Bishop and Mrs. Henry C. Potter, who have been In Plttsfleld, have gone to the Maine coast. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Henry W. Bishop, of Chit-ago, gave a dance for her daughter. Miss Jessica P. Bishop, at the Bishop summer resi dence. Ex-Governor W. Murray Crane opened his new country house on Windsor HIU this week. Mr. Crane, with his mother. Mrs. 7.. Marshall Crane, and his sister. Miss Clara Crane, entertained a party of friends. There are many diversions at the Hotel Maple wood. In PlttsnekL Euchre danoir.jr and nightly concerts have filled In a busy week. The late arrivals Include Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Starr, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Platt. Miss Margery Platt. Miss Lillian Van Nine. Mr and Mrs. C. W. Starkney. G. A. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Lancaster, S. G. Schenck. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bullis. John A. Lewis. Miss Mathilda Wattin. Mrs. Lane Maloney. Frances J. Maioney. Miss M. E. Lane and Mr. and Mrs. David CromwelL AN INSOLUBLE MYSTERY. Governor Pennypacker of Pennsylvania was reviewing the State militia at Gettysburg. A young staff officer described to him In a low voice some unimportant error that had been made. "But as to the cause of the error, sir." ha said, "that is a mystery." Governor Pennypacker smiled. "If it is a mystery." he said, "it Is like th i have been offered. In connection with the regatta i an illuminated parade of yachts, launches and row ; boats will be held In the evening, and a ball at the Fort William Henry Casino will bring the i occasion to a fitting climax. The hotels at the lake are now wen tilled and the weather Is superb for bathing and boating. Since the bass season opened fishing has been In vogue more than ever, and the guides ax* busy conducting parties daily to the good fishing grounds. Last Sunday thirty automobile parties arrived at tha Fort William Henry Ketei. Among the visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John a. Drake, Miss Roberta Rae. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tconias. Jessa Lewlsohn. David Gideon. Lillian Russell. Ausrost Eehaont. Frederic Kernoehan. Mr. ami Mrs Will iam T. Ryand. Mrs. Fred. Perry. A. W Bra-d. W. A. Arbuthnot. G. Stuyvesant. H. R. C Watson. Frank L Fabbott and Miss Babboct and J. B. At the Sagamore the prevailing pastime Is te» n!s. and several Interesting tournaments have beea played by tho younger guests. Last week Mrs. Brown save a progressive euchre, in which tha prizes were captured by Mrs. Hackett. Mr Bur gess. MUm WUcoxaon and Dr. Dlxon, who are season gnest3. Dudley Peabody and Miss Eva Peabody are now at Kvaiey, the summer residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Peab.Kiy. wio have returned to Broosat lyn for a few weeks. GOOD REASON WHY. Captain Spender-Clay, who is »o marry 3f9B* Pauline As:or, is well known In the America*. si London. "Clay," said a youn;? American, "is as aaassV ing chap. Going about from place to place, ha picks up a myriad of odd and taking episodes. These ha stores away, and during lulls m con versations he relates them virlih vivacity. "He describe! the other day a daace at Ills place in Surrey. He said two girls were there who were jealous of one another. The first girl danced with a tall and awkward fallow, aad afterward see sat down beside her rival. Clay. who stood near by. then heard her say: "*I have been lancing with Mr. Smite.' " 'Yes?' said the other girL " 'Mr. Smite.' las went on, with a complacent laugh. "plays beautiful compliments. He sail that. till he met me. his life had been a desert.* " 'Ah.' said the second girl, that is why as dances like a camel, eh?* " THE LAZY HOBO. Governor N. J. Bacheider of New-Haaaj* shire dislikes tramps. "One of my first experi ences with tramps," he said the other day. "happened in icy early youth. On a fine sum mer morning I was taking a walk through tbs country. The road was white and firm. la fho green fields the farmers worked in their brown overalls. The birds sang in the woods, aad tics air was sweet with the scent of pine trees, grass and Cowers. In a lonely place a tramp lay under a tree. He rose on my approach, and la a melancholy tone be told me a hard lack story and asked tor alma I gave him some assail change, and then I said encouragingly: ■• 'Down there on the left, my friend, there is a farmer who wants men to help him threat* wheat.' -. Thankee, sir,' said the tramp, turning to tas right. Thankee. I might have ton* down Ist ■raw s^ssASßtal flsasw' ** o