Newspaper Page Text
. A V SIGNS OF I'RnSPKRITV. l» : : %?jt paring for Increase in the Textile | Output. * Th« <3er:>aiiil for vooJle.ns and hosiery is active, lad additions are necessary to the manufacturing {abilities of tore* of the plants to enable them to keep up with tfce increased demands. IV Mayo "Woollen Company, of MlUbuiT. Mass.. is preparing to start mill No. 3 and to have additional cards t&lpped to ail!lbu:y. Waterhouse & Buffum. lessees cf the Blacldnston CMaai i "Woollen Mills, have closed a deal with the Windsor Print Work* for the tee cf the Eacle MCI, in North Adams. This mill frig been idle for a number of years, but It will sow be equipped With the necessary machinery for turning out high grade woollens. Th* Gate City Cotton Mills Company, of Atlanta, Ga.. Is building »a addition to Its plant, 50 by 100 feet, which will complete the carding and sptwtnsj room of the mills «md win supply 10,000 spindles, without the neees eAy of operating day and olstit, as hat been the practice. The Exposition Cotton Mills. of Atlanta. Ga.. are also making extensive improvements, ■which will pi\e increased facilities. The I/oray iynw 1 cf Gastonla. N. i .. have awarded the con tract for the necessary machinery for their plant. rrh«se mill* will contain Indies. poster « Co., of Athens, Go-. have Bred a building, and wiH shortly equip it for the manufacture <>f m.i.-,- CUito netting. The Capital City Mills at Columbia, 8. O. , are preparing to resume operations at the "e?«nJng of the new cotton ■;..,;, The i:ik Moun tain Cotton Kill Company, at Aab«vill«> N. «-.. baa completed organization, and has pnl « represen tative to the machinery market* In the Northern centres to purchase the necessary nmc»tmer>. "lliW comparv has a caplUl of iflM.Wfl. Th* » r .™ bi " *- fns of the «r-»enwo".l Cotton Mil!. s at lolumWa. C. has l-«^n completed and the equipment pur chased. li NEW. VOTING MACHINE. inventor Says It Is Faster and Safer i than Old Kinds. TV. M Pe'ora-i. of Hartford, form . 1s *>xhlhitnic In this city a voting machin*. which lie repar.U ■* « n Improvement on devices of that character which !ia\c hitherto attracted .-mention, lie <1e «-;*r>s tbat It can b* operated twice r.s fa«t a« its rivai?. and that It cannot be manipulated fo as to rhaac* tin res-It after the. polls tare closed. An adjustment can b* made in an lr.Ftant t\v thfl In . P»ctors v hereby *= woman can vot« eiu.ii part of lim ticket f.s !s remissible, without affecting tha tut 'cf the tk-ket. With eQual eas* '■■•■' whola merhamsni cars be made available tor tb« next Voter, if he is of tth". h " rtrrner sex. , " Mr. Deloran arranges horizontally in* ''lank tpacf- for writing tli- names of candidates not on K ny ti-ket. p.vA thus facilitates th« use of that ieaxsxtt of the machine. Two ways oJ roting a tplit ticket' are provided, bur revving Is ap parently ma absolutely impossible. BAY. HE KILLED BROTHER. Italian's Wife and Daughter Accuse Him — Twenty Wound* in Body. Frederick T<->Mni». an Italian, of No. "•"" West rcrt;. -sevr-atb-tt.. was Ftar.bed t.» deal -torday •n a' family quarreij He re^-ived m^ro than twenty •R-car.Jr. His brotlitr. "Tony." »ras held on a barge cf hemicde. s.n<i the wife and daughter ..f • Tony" ,1-fj-o h"ld us witnesses. Th*» murder caused a j<aTisc araorif tho Italians nf th<- nelgilborhood. and St was nertssary to rail out the police reserves. According to xlvi two women the m^n wwe liav tag- a, hwtfJ discusirion at tho tal.lo. Suddenly; f'Toziy." it i> said, ihr^w a beer bottl<? and liit his trotter in the bead with eu< n fore* that li« fell to the floor unconscious. Then. It '1* alleged, "Tony" seised a ring la I»V and stabbed the yroFtrate fcrm repeatedly. Annie, the daught»r nf "Tony," cays she seized tho -fyiif* and threw St o-jt of the window to prevent further mutilauon cf the dying man. The noise of t: • fight attracted 1 crowd. Patrol man Dnpsd and Detective Servant Carter, who \ifT» using, entered and made the arrests. "Tony" resisted the officers, aid It was only after a dc-s jvrate Btrsggta that lie was overpowered. An am EOXSCOa iras called it once tr»m Roos» relt UofpltaL The wounded man led, however, r*>fove- the doctor arrived. The officers had <lifn «-uHy in getting th* prisoner throngb tlie crowd, •which was bent on summary rcv»ng». Serjreant Carter said he sncg»-sU"S clt-an rlotnea I^fo'ft removinp t<;*> prisoner. A shirt was bought «t once, but wnen the women round that it was tor tb« prisoner and not for the dead man th*y threw i\ nn the floor am irar.irjlt-d ii in thf- Mood. At the ftation Maria, ttw wife of 'Tony." said n«>r Trj- - band hau beeu drinking for some me, ■■■■■■ ad r>«en in an ugly mood. Yesterday morning he put on his b^rt clothes .tn'l went to the Nank to Bft snore money, f-nt lii* wife had forbidden the bank in let him draw it, and he returned uglier than ever. Thfn he bega'k the quarrel with his brother. The five smaller children were In the yard playir.e: at th» tlnv. and no one saw the murder li'it Mrs. 'Tobiiii'- and her older daughter. The woman de scribed the quarrrl In detail, tolling 1 it without hesi tation. Her Btory was corroborated by her <iHi:ehtpr. According to stories t"ld in th<* ne!j;hV»>rhond. 3"rpderi.-k Xohlnie h»'i 1-een living with his l.rother for nf f ecn rears. He was thirty-tour years old. •while "T.'nr" is flfty-four. Lately, it i« said, rela *iv«-E came 10 New- York and wanted the younger ■brnth'-r lo live with th';m. This enraprd "Tony." Then then wng scandal over the domestic relations of the family. This led to further friction, and it •,»-.-■• fcrm^i tho Biibject ft the fa'al Quarrel yesterday. PRIVATE SHOT WHILE ESCAPING. ( Wat^rtoTm, N. V.. Aug. 22. — Private Costello, of Torr.rany I. 9th Infantry, this forenoon threw a <raaatity of pepper j n t)ie frntry's eyes ,v t!i« post y Knd aft«mpi<-'1 to escape. Tha wntry fir^d a hul 1] l*t, taking efTect in 'he back of Co^icllo. who will r «■• •- Property For Sale or To Let SHOULD BE ADVERTISE] In the New-York Tribune TO INSURE RESULTS fIJCA'JO TOR RATES. MAIL CLERKS 3 BONDS. Those in Railway Service Can Secure Them Cheaply. (FROM THE TRIBCNB BUREAU.). Washington, Aug. 22.— Ten thousand clerks employed in the railway mail service, and their friends throughout the. country were for a time disposed 10 regard with disfavor the order re cently issued requiring bonds for the faithful performance of their duties. They regarded it as a reflection upon their official integrity and a needless expense to a class of employes whose record is not excelled by any of Uncle Sam's workers. ; Now, however, that the pituation has been fully explainer!, and the railway mail clerks have had an opportunity carefully to examine the various phases of the subject, they are prac tically a unit in commending the "innovation. They have become convinced that it works no hardship, as the cost of bonding to them is so slight as to be absolutely insignificant. They have found out that responsible bonding com panies look upon them so favorably as a risk that they will charge them a premium of only 50 cents a year for $1,000 bonds. When the complete reorganization of the Post office Department was determined upon Hie com mittee having it in charge discovered that the only employes connected with i lie department from whom bonds were not required were the railway mail clerks, it was contended by the office of the Second] Assistant Postmaster Gen eral,' which has charge of the railway mail ser vice, that the losses through this branch of the Service nfrc so slight that the government would save money by Insuring Itself, and the proposition to pla<v» this service under the bond- Ing system governing the other branches was vigorously opposed The consensus of opinion, however, was favorable lo uniformity in the de partment, and the committee recommended the change. VV hen Postmaster Genera] Paj i< lt>pu»d the order. th« Depart) advised various responsi ble bonding companies of what would be re <juir«vi and required th<M,i to submit estimates for blanket or Individual bonds. Th< responses have open particularly gratifying to th« depart ment; an well as complimentary to the railway mail clerks, and an noon as received, have been transmitted to division headquarters throughout the country, In this way every clerk in the service knows jum what he will hay- to pay for his $1,000 bond. and. up to date, has four con stantly d.-.-i«a*ii-c: premiums Though II bus reached the astonishingly low figure of .V) cents for a bond of $1,000. it Is not believed that a bedrock pi ice lias yet been quoted. When all the companies shall hay« be»n lizard from, every cjerk will be Informed of tho exact amount charged by every company on the list. Tie can then elect which company. he wishes 10 bond him, as there irill be no compulsion of any kind exercised by tho department regarding bis choice. Then again, If he s.. desires. *c may furnish a private bondsman, -who can qmilify In the amount, necessary to Indemnify the govern ment In case of loss. Tie Is absolutely free to bond himself wherever he may find the terms most advantageous. It was In a. conference between representatives of the Railway Mall Clerks' Association and de partment officials' that these facts were made known wliirh led to a dissipation of ib oppo sition manifested when the order was promul gated ' Wh'ii the employes of that branch of the service ascertained that leading: companies were rilling to bond them for ■"■" per cent l^ss than the rate accorded to other classes <>f em ployes they were highly gratified with what they considcre.l a testimonial to their efficiency and integrity. They are willing, they cay, to pay the price of a half dozen good clears for the privilege of bond ins: themselves at n rate less than half that pnld by any of their colleagues. AWARD OF PHILIPPINE BONDS. Oversubscribed Nine Times Highest Bid, $101,410. Washington, Aug. 22.- Bids were opened to j day in the- "flic* of Colonel Kdward-s, chief of : the Bureau of Insular Affairs, for $3,000,000 In temporary Philippine certUJcates of, Indebted ness. Th. entire lot was sold to My- I>. Turner, of Oklahoma, at 1101.410. Other bids for the. entire lot were Kountze Brothers, New-York, $100,252: Fißk & Robinson. New-York. (100.123; j National Park Bank, New-York, $100,577; j Guaranty Trust Company, Now- York. $101,260; «'. S. Jones. Kansas City, $100,435; Harvey j r..-k & Sons an'i .!...:■ & Co., New-York, j $101,377; Domlnlck ft Domini' and William j Salomon & Co., New- York, $10L141. I The bidding was spirited, and the results are highly pleasing to the War Department officials. They regard the high prices offend its Indicat ing that be Philippines have gained a good credit In the money markets The certificates were oversubscribed nine times. The bidding cwaßc waB close, tin- highest bidder being less than $1,000 ahead of his nearest competitor. DEATH OF ALBERT CONSTABLE. Large Reward for Capture of Murderer of Baltimore Lawyer. [BT rKLSORAPH TO THE TKTBCNI i ;m.r«i, Aop. EL— Albert Constable, the who was robbed and shot by "an outlaw near his li'.rnf at BUcton last week, died I at thi i nion Infirmary. A posl mortem i lamli ation ■ 1 lijit (l<.^.!h was dir*N tly <lu<- to !!:• bullet which struck the i i»ii.--. An inquest will ; :ncsday night. Ai! the members o! th< family were at the death' bed excepting Miss Arllne Constable, a daughter. - In X irope, and Jo who is in IContreaL The Stiito'a Attorney of ferii County will attend the Inquest, at the request of i . btions of this city and all the counties In the Governor Warfleld haa offered .i reward of tI.OOO In addition to the rewards ott< red ■• i, iiiak. s a total of »- 1'" r< - ward f'>r tin- .-im'st of i)j<- murderei 'i' r- 1-« — ad ditional Pinkerton men started In on tl <ia>. Jt ie believed the murdfic-r hus left the Stntr. TORTURE AND DEATH THREATENED. A Banker of New-Mexico Captured by Brigands in Old Mexico. [ST Tf.I.E'JBAVH TO THE nUWIW.I Roswvll. K. If.. Aug. John Eiland. vi.-e-preM <l»>nt of the Bank of Portalep, Portales, N. M.. and a wealthy sheepman, has fallen Into th« hands of brigands in OM Mexico, where h<» went on bust i.' -In relation to nheep Interests. Mr*. Biland seetved a latter from him postmarked at Oputol in th<s State of Sonora. Mexico, saying that bo had been captured by brigands, that they de mand a heavy ransom, and that unleps arrange rncnta are mad* at once to pay th« ransom he will be tortured and killed. She Immediately " tele graphed th* United States Consul at iii«. city of Mexico to "i se his efforts to secure tho release of her hrsband. Th" <"oti!>iil has not replied to the jnessage, and no further word baa been received PREFERRED DEATH TO HOSPITAL. Woman. Thinking She Is To Be Returned to It. Tries Suicide. F«ann« that sh« would be returned to the Man hattan Stato Hospital, wh^re eh« Raid she had been treated badly when a patient there. Mrs Mary Mlkltsch attempted to kill herself, yesterday 'at her home, No. KM East Blxt«nth-«t. by taking ram green. She was removed to Bellevue Hospital and it was said that her condition Is serious Mrs. Mart* Dumont. the woman's mother Bald afterward that Bh , had scolded hor daughter for disobeying her The woman then nurchasod »h« ffi!!2?,-.i rt ' MlkitJ "' h w " «n the Manhatfinstau ff«n W>, iSHi aso i Buff « r »na from sllghtVhSr?a tlon of th«i mlnrl, ajid she said her exD^rWn. /n,ir» w«* so unpleasant that she would nev-r r^T, „ ier * RUSH FOR INDIAN LANDS. Grand Forks-. N. D.. Au . ts>-«Utom thousand and ssventy-sis persons r^iet«r^.| for claims on the Fort Totten Indian Reservation. This is tb* total registration both bare and at Devil's Lak* The drawing wiii begin on Wednesday undar -h» NEW-YORK DAIEY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1004. ARMY AND NAVY NEWS. i ■ I FROM THE TKIBtrNB BCREAU.I I Washington. Augrust 22- SAFEGUARDING THE SOLDIERS.— SpeciaI prohibitory measures have been introduced in Colo rado In regard to the purchase of liquor by enlisted men of the amy stationed at military posts in that State. General Baldwin, who commands the De partment of Colorado, has advised the War De partment of a new law which prohibits the sale of liquor to troops, and he adds to thn State require ments the rules of the general government In the case. Xo traffic in Hqvor shall be carried on within h mile of any military post, and enlisted men are forbidden to enter any mu'li place within .that radius. Commanding officers have been Instructed to exercise every effort to discover persons guilty of violating this order, to the end that all such cases may be turned over to the civil authorities for prosecution. TO CARE F< ii: BIG GTTNS.— A :k-vv military po sition has been cwated under the tit!" of armament officer, attached to and under the orders of the Ordnance Department. The. armament officers will have io do with the maintenance and Improvement of th-^ mobile ;u:.l >..l coast artillery and acceaae ries. divided Into armament districts. They will keep themselves Informed of the condition of the material by inspection and by dlrcc! correspondence with the various distrlci and poni commanders. The formei are authoriaed to make the neressary repairs to nil material In their districts, nut no alterations •■an be made without th* authority or tho chief of ordnance. Where repairs i idicat« Im proper liardllng and neglect of material,' the eir .■umßtaiice will b« reported to the cblef "f ordnance. WTien mechanics employed by armament •-..!i;--r:-. sre on duty fit h post or In a district, they will. i'J the absence of the armament officer, be irnricr tne sup< nislon of tho por-t or 'i 1 rtrict ■ omm ler. A.RMT AND NAVY ORDERS.— The foilowlns army and navy orders have been Issued: Captain LEONARD D WILUAM. »lsT»al rorpe, from Nome, Alaska, to San Francisco. Captain EDGAR A. 6IRMYER, (th Cavalry, from *>'- r cultural Oll#-s<>. damson, S. C; to his regiment. First Lieutenant COSAM J. BARTI.KTT, assistant Bur geon, to Hot Springs. Ark. • sptaln T BON S. KOT"r>IE7.. qu«Tt«rmn-it»r. from ft. Tallin, to Fort Rllay, Kan . r«Uevin| Oapiain ..,.., p. V. , .-. -..,, <,), i'ava!ry. NAVY. l.i«-iit«p»nt 1. p JONES, V• , ..:. - 1 th«i Hancock; tt duty as executive officer of Newport. I-i^ut«T.B.nt J. H. RTPHBR, detached Yankee, hr.^*. wait ord«rfi Surgeon E. O. HI7NTIKOTON. a*»tach«d n«v»l hospital, rnrt'tnoiith. N. II ; Id duty recnittlnsr ma'ion, Chlcan". p.;rjr*^n XV. <'. DRAISTED, d»taeh«d th« R#H»f; to >>nsacc>la. Acting A«J>lfitant P'irg«>on %.. it •U"T-v. d»tarh»(l r« crultinK station, <hii»K^F 't> ns\«J rermitlnit r*rty N^. 1. v c l l ng- A"«l!< !=i)rs»pri <1. F. DUNCAN, •.•■-.-. th« Frankllo in n»\!»l r«-^TUtt!ng part No. ?. Arrli-15 AsMftant :- ■i : » . i n V. I'ABNCV, to naval r<> crulttiif party No. 8 MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS.— Th* foHr.TrlnK nK>Temen»"> of vise's liavo been announced: ARRIVED. >•!(>!« 13— R*n-rift ■< Mont* Chrlntl. 10 Lan i • ' ■ M nnaapolti ■ bla and I'rairl* at Newport; H*l»na at Hnnr Kong. Auiruct "1 — Solar*! «t Msr» Island. A'lpu.t T2— P»andl«h at A mapr-ll*; Olrwiplii, CTev«land and I^altimorfl at Gibraltar. PAir.KP. Auiriift 19—N.w Tork. Marblehpad. n»nntri«irin an 4 N»ro. from Tv.rt An(«ln f->r H«n Franclaeo; n»n rroft, fr^ni "oiaiiantanvj for Mont* OnrlMl. Aticust r« - - KV*r"«rg«. Alabama. l!llnnl.«, Maine. !<■>*». Mluouri a"i L«onld%», from u«rta for Menemsha P!th'; l.nnr»nr«. fro:n HHinpton n,..-t<!< f«r Nor folk; PolpMn. frr.m Portimouthh. N. IT. for New v.>rk; N«twpnrt. from San .luan for Colon; |{«l«na, frfm Canton for Hong Kon«r. Aurnat :i--U'y.-.rr;!nir. from Brrmertnn f»r A«»or1«: Po]- Alava. fro ln Woniunt for c>,«.f,, n ; Htand'lah, frr~m Annanol!*, for m'>utJi nf roiomnc Air. :?— Yank ton. from Norfolk f>>r r»>wr" rf IIAFFEN STOPS PAVING. Courts Will I laic to Decide in Eight Hour Complication. I irsugb President Hafi jresterday ofi»momi "abandoned' the paving contracts lately entered Into with tl » Barber company In Ot>ft-hundrcd-ainl eighty-seventh St., and with thi Continental As phaJt Company In Bathgate-ave. Mr. H.«ffe n was prompted to "abandon" the two contract* on nr count of Treasure brought by the labor Intere*^. which »i!l»K«» that the Htl^ht Hour law 1m constantly violated by the contractors. !t Is «alt| that the Hnrber and th. Continental companies have about (100,000 in contract* with the city, and It W und»>r stood that work will N> h.ilto.i on all thet>e con ira tl until after election I'omplalnts wer*» lo<lk'<l fiKaln«t the two rora panlea about five weeks ago by the latior loadern. nrd the complaints were turned over to Corpora tion ounxel IV-lany for nn opinlc-j. Meanwhile Mr. Haffen went ahead itn<l Rave a numtior of bearinßS on the charges. Nothing definite wd? ac romplished, evftrytiilng rentring on the action «>f th.> i;iw Department The companies assumed an attitii.l* of hostility toward the city, nn.l said that \.-ii!>)uh decisions warranted them in disregarding th« provisions at th" Ki«lit Hour law. To tiring the matter to a f.wuM mvi ke.j> clear of trouble lilmiolf. Mr. Haffen yesterday ordered work Ktopprd on tbe contract. ". "I have waited for flvo wr'kfl for the Lhw r>o l>artment to take coKiilz'incs of the complaint* lodged ngalnsl tlio cuntraotliiK companies," b:jl<l Mr. Haffen yesterday. "In the absence of a lepul opinion from the Corporation Counsel, I thought it best .to abandon the contracts, and allow the com panies to test In the courts the question of their right to continue work in disre^.trd of the pro visions of the Eight Hour law." OHIO WILL HAVE JURISDICTION. No Action by Federal Authorities in Killing of Soldier at Athens. ilngton. Auk, 22 -A telegram m ceoaived at tho War Dopariinriit to-'liv from Genera] Bates at st. Louifl In answei i" Becretary Tatt'i 1 d with tbe gillU ;i ■ .1 National Ouardsman at . Bate • ■&: ' rure tbe Informa tion desired, bui adds that i:«- baa called local military authorities at Atbe ari the . ■ <.n''«. when i.n will forward them m«nt. Ii la said at the War Department that, following pre adent, the civil irlbunali wouia f^ a;: 1 with tbii caae of homicide. LACKAWANNA CUTS DOWN FORCE. Bingbamtoa. N. V.. Aug. 22. An order went into <-.ff--< ; this morning on t!:<> Lackawanna ElaUroad whereby one fit three brakeraen is dropped from ir.-ipht and COal train on the road. This Ig in line with tbe general retrenchment system being followed on the road, md Ig partly due i<> <:• reaaed i! aflje H Is thai the Erie will soon follow thla plan, wblrh wag adopted on th< Delaware and Hudaon ■everal montba age, but thr- rumor t n regard !■• the Erie could noi ■ L*.ckawanna order Rill throw aevcral hundred brakeraen out u£ work. MALARIAL MOSQUITOES AT KEY WEST. "Washington. Ausr. 22.— Passed Assistant Knr«;<»oii Gordlner reports to ili«» Public Health and Marino Hospital Service the discovery at Key West of mosquitoes of the genus anopbeies. He regards ih<-- discovery us an Important one, in view of th» fact that for years Key West has enjoyed im munity from malarial fevers, and systematic «<virch of th« Island heretofore had failed to demonstrate th« rir^sf-nf" of this mosquito. Measures for ex termination are recommended. SWIMMER IS LOST AT ROCKAWAY. Henr>' Kellerman swam strai out from, th« beach at Bockawaj yesterday mid did not return Hft nat employed as 1 waiter at Roekaway, and. lived at South-st. and Grand v|-.w Boulevard At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon! tin and another waiter went In bathing at CaSrey's. Kellerman »>-a5 a HtronK swimmer, and his friends f<.rk-.i hint until It was time to drr^a. and then h* was not to .- ■ ••• d No mm saw him sink. ARRIVALS OF BUYERS. .1 N. Adam &. Co.. Buffalo; Mi«a Bturte*»nt oka an.l J. E. Breeaa, laces. No. 50 White-*t. Allen A < 0.. Portland. Me; W. C Allen, woollens, trimming* and furrilihlng gtiode. Navarre. J. Baron * Co.. LeulsylUe, Xv . Mr Bllllnj;s. drygoodi. Ballsy Company. Clevtlsad; 11. n. TyraW. /-loaks, wHlsta. etc.. No. 24 Wa«hlnston Place, Spaldlnp. J. L,. Barrtnger, F!ore.n c, S. <:.. J. L. rU.rrln«er. dry roods, notions «nd fnrniahtng a;-«.d.-i. and I. i: Waten •Iryroodn. Albert. Bates street Shirt Company. L*nristoo, Me.; J. t Waltc. plo^e soods, Imperial Charles Bore. Carlisle, Perm . r|.-.thln*, Albert «J. Barnheimer, Urop. &■. Oj., Kanunn City; W. v. Bemla dr«r» L" ••"■is snd tllka, and U!i Barker, women's wear' Wellington. H. BIS * Co., Cleveland; C.eorae L. Kaufman. p)er« gooii*. Imperial. Bo y.- land. Morehouuw & Martens Company, Columbus Ohio; Miits \J H. Wets, corstta arid underwear. No. 377 £fg^£a7a4. Victoria) I Brandon- Durrell Company, South Bend. Ind.; T. H. ! Brandon, dryeoods. Navarre. * CO.. Hoches^r - r.rove Burke. FltzSimons. Hone & Co.. Roch ""; r » »Ad : Brown, domestics, prints, ginghams, etc.. Navarre, ana J. 1.. Madden, linens, Victoria. T ... Tlarvev HurUiam, .Stoepel & Co.. Detroit, Mich.; J. W. Har\cj, domestics. No. 43 Leonard-st. .__ rrr-onneil Carson. Plrle. Scott A Co.. Chicago: MM- - Connell. cloaks and suits. No. 115 Worth-Bt.. Mctorla. Carter * Carroll Lima. Ohio: G. R. Carter. drj'SOods, : notions and furnishing cood». Herald square. -..__ . Caatner-Knott Dry Goods Company. Nashville Term.. Mr. Jonnson. linens, No. 4:« Leonard at.; Mrs. King, art embroideries. No. 43 Leonard-st. . .... . . Cbamberlm. Johnson & Dv Bose Co.. Atlanta, ».a.. ; H. ChamberUn. No 305 Broadway. Cadillac. . .... • leorce K. Cimlotti.. ptttsburje. Perm.; woollens, Seville. A. Cohen, Amerlcus. Ga.: drygooda and notions, Ka- L. Cohen & Co., Charleston. 8. <■'■■ L. Cohen, dry goo'ls, notions ana furnisn:ns noons. Marlboroush. „ . M. Cohen. Erie, perm.; drygo.>U«, notions, eac. JJelve- Crow i 'Whltmarsh. Cleveland: Miss J. Ramsay, cor i nets, skirts and muslin underwear. Miss A U right, muslin underwear. No. 31 Union Square. Herald Square. Deardorß & Poor Co., GalllpoUs. Ohio; };. M. Dear dorff, drygooda and notion*. Marlooroosl V. IX Desontels, Springfield, Mass.: millinery, Vlcto • \'\'. S. Dickinson & Boa, Pocomoke Cnf, Mil. ; W. S. . Dickinson, drygoods, .»11-cri. „_- Dives, Pomeroy ,v Siewart, Harrlsburß; KranU 1 lesser. i dress goods. No. -l Walker-flt.. BiarUngton; H. Wltmer, cloaks. Horall Square. UlveH, Pomeroj & Stewart. Reading Perm 11. Elsen l, M i V . notions, laces, fancy foods, .1 ■. . Miss A. 1-iinl.ert, women' i wear. No. 'i Walkvr-st.. Earltajrton. Drewry. Huchi-.s Company, Richmond, Va.: < "lay Drew ry, drjg I*, woollen* and white goods. No. r>* Leonard : I Marll« iron**!! Economy Store, Cnamplain, 111.: W. I^«wl?, clothing. I furnishing goods, etc.. Herald Square. Etfroytnaon ,v Sons. Indianapolis: P. nfroymson. dry- Koods. ii. raid cHiuai S. Kichcul&uin. Corning. Ohio; drygoods and clothing, Albert Elder .*. Johnston. Dayton: Ml*a Cooley. underwear; Ml ■ I- I«i.Kart. rloaks and .-'lit:. No, 53 white st. Kngland Brother*, Plttsfleld, Mass.; .- England, cloaks, I nuts!.*, tc, Imperial. ■ , . , I>lo Dry Goods Company, Erie, Perm J. K. Pplttal. I drygoods, notions and furniahlng Rood?, Psu '■ Avonuf. Famous, St. I>oiii»: J. A. Brown, domestics and linens, 1 No. 4 Washington Plac 1.. 11. Klflrl Company, Jackson, Mi-h.; John 11. Docks*.* dress R^ods silks and velvet*: •!• W. Reid linens and whlw goods, Navarre; Miss E Hi rrlngi • notions, fancy ko.>.!f. etc.: Mis? K-llar. lullllln^ry; Ml i Long and Mrs. L 1)L 1 ) \V«DSter, va.iwfi ■near Cumberland William Fileni & Sons Company, Boston: A. L. Fll»n«. drygooda, Vli loria G Cos .*- Co.. Hartford; T. F. Ronrke. cloak*. No. « LUpenard-st., Imperial. M. \\'. Frank * Co.. Ncw-Ilavn; M. "W. Prank, worn 1 en's wear. Imperial. V i C |strrecl at the rooms of the Merchants" Asso- I > iation of New-York: I l^eifhtif ld Cl"th!ni.- Company, I>ltchflel,l, Ky . K. B. Tilffrd. clothing. Hrradwuv Central I \V. W. Caldwell & Co., Canton, Ohio; John F. O'Brien, dryg^ods. rare of Charles fchoolhoußO ik Rons. liftman Straus & Sons company. tiouii i lie, Kr. . E. s ! Taup^haii. carrots. Herald liquaro M Hoffman & Bro.. Scotland Neck. N. <" . O. Hoffman, (cent-rat mer-handlse. No. S2 ?t. Nloholai-ave. &lward Schuster Company. Milwaukee, Wl».i S. Herr man. millln«>rj . Helvldere. .Mrs. J. .!. Rouse, Dansvili*. N T.; Mrs. A. J. Crate, • millinery. No. S»H Second aye. The Alma at Dwpkn Company, Cincinnati; Miss N. F»M ! !iau«. drygrvodn. F.arltngton. ntroypson Brothers, Indianapolis, md . Fhillp Efroyn f^ii. drypo^d*. Herald |iiar« Buckeye Wocll<-i» Company. Cleveland. R. A. Beheoer, ■ woolleui and trimmings, Victoria. I: Sri*gl«. Cleveland: clothing, Victoria. I. eiwaracker, \\ btellng, IV. ; Miss C, V. Fiml'r. j mil!!n»ry. No. 74 West. Washington P!a<-». 1 J. n Neil»on. Oxford. Miss.: drysoods. Vend"me. Sii'-irthi Department Store, ripl n, Ind. ; George Sfi^r'^i. I Jr.; and Helen R Phorth, Aberd< n; Edward T. Tflrnan, I cloaks, Van Hencs'laer. Th^ Sh^rth Stor». Fruikfoit. ir.l ; John E. Cnd-T ! WOOd, dtrroodi nnd clnaUs. <"irand Ho"L L. B.iiun. Uale.-.a. Kan.; dryKOods. No. 4?3 Broadway. Barnes. IllffiAn A O>.. T*rppr»»s<, T»x.: C!ar» Lorrrrz. i cloaks ard nalts, Holand. A. B. Jam-)*, Oil City. Perm.. F. ."' '•■.'" ! Imperial. Th<» Wing I Boitwlck Oampany. mini N. T.; H. R. ' . Cl »ver, dng-Oils. OonTlner.'al. 1 Carter & Cowiftll Lima. Ohio; Ge<>nr<» R. Carter, try fto^ds. Herald Square. William H rt»rr Pry Oooda <-<-tT>rany. Ff. I/";'-: Mar>' L. Kelly, drvgoods. Albert. Ti • i;a<-kett store, Gem • Ohio; John P. roller, n^ i tlr.nv. Droa-iway i tenrral. r!d*r < Johr.f'on, Dayt<»B. Ohio; C B. o«.-. find ' Mary J. •-*. drygoo.l*. Navarre. Blta Holstetn, fyraru?*, N. T.; mimn»r>'. N*. 4^l T.*tr • On» hundred-«nl-f.lx;ef nth- st. Dry Gcodn Company, In'ilararoH^; t^lm Kerr c.nd ! Henry K-rr. '".ran 1. <; C winm. Champt'e'i. in : H. K. .t'-hn, <ryrwl«, : J'n-k A\»n-i». I>. M. Roger*. •~~*rr,lr.s. Ohio; jr»lM'- n^=«-r». r«rp*!»aiil j r^ef. Broadway Central. Fred Mar* r>rv «10.-i.l« C- trpav. Ala.; J. M. ochwerztr. drj^'ioJ* an v »l!k.«. < \iuir#rUivl H ?»rl.-k. Ha}yvill*. Mo ; dry goods and women's fi'ii. Albert. Tho Ellk S.h^p, Detroit; !M«r: g. Hough and r"arollr.» J Burns, Kllks. Victoria. B. IWnh«!mer i Fors, F^rt C;:b*"n. Mlfs ; Samuel f W<-!1. dry« **X Naia're H. H. Sturtivnnt A Co.. Zui'fvi!!*, Ohio; lut'a Klower. I i-kaks. .St. Ix-nli" BehUtta Brothers Comr^nr. M»n1to»oc. Win.; Rurt Al 1 ter. >in ccnxls. Kil»!«l. oidham A Co., Mo-int Pterling. Ky.; W. Ti ll' fTmsn. 1 drjgood*. Manhattan, John M. i~»r«n & <'o . Columbus. Ohio; John W. CrrMtt ar.d M. A. CaiKman, dry^'«vi». Navarre. Th» Kohertnon & Wiiw>-n» Company, R'.dr**"^'. Ind.; Jnhn M. Wllklns, drygoods. Park Axmue 11. Tor«y M*ri:tntll« Oinpany. BrOoaTtlle. Mr..; M- Tory, clothtrg Botneiiet, I. .T. Ilayn. MantUS, Ohio; f !"tMnr. Rron.lw%jr C»rtral. <"hn.r!^s ll^fser. Gretnvllle. M!«» : I. JTK-it-en?. .Iry i go<>J» and miHliH-ry. N->. 4;;t Pro»d»a--. S. P. Hartinsn A <>• . Hrc-kfleM. Mo.; 5. P. I'ar' i .!r' tfi-«li> and cloaks, Somerset. U-tijnrain Nri»<-;n. Ctnclnnatl: P.. ■ ■■•»■ »-lf», m'.\ j linery gi">o.i», Ilr «t»av Onirnl. Krjnk It. li*rUer. Ottwon «iiy. 111. : drysoo*" »" a K" n - I eral merchandise, ltal»!th t 'J»-'t«e Burdge, North M»n.-h«-nt«r. Ind.; books, crock i rr\ an! wall juip^r. N>> 4 1 * W«-it Uroadway. SIN» A. Panftte. Akruti, Ohio; Kn.m» U Mlillkln. inll ! lln»r-. , I'ark K venue. <;-re- W. Mxgce. Gr**nsburc, Ind : .lr)'*'^--!*. Bt, ■ I>enlii. f^ii» rr.^teiti |lro*h*"ts. (^iftfoD, Ohio; T />w?pst *•!?!. i rl'-thms. N«»Hr|.-. P. SherwooiJ A •'.. . I*k« PUcld. N. V. ; F. Bhenrood. ilr>go»>«l», N\ •'.- I.l«|>enar-1 st, lyonard « lArocnue, Tupper IjU». N. V.; i>. 11. t.i rix-que, ilrjgi>-Is. N«V »*2 Mapward— St. Hfik.r * Hlkkn Canyon city. CoL; Rosa K!»r and a. A. I H»ltiT. AU-rr. M. B. H«!-inen, Hulln*?er. Okia. . John r. ll"1g««. drr i goods, nalalgh. Ocle Brother*, Anadarko, Ok?a. ; I*vy Osle, drygoods. i lUlolgh. Barneit Brothers. Nevada. M >. : ■■ ii • irnett, g«r.»ral : store. ?U!»tKh k I. Leeour /t Sm, KaiiUkM. 111.; f» P. I-ecmr. «!ry ! S'»^l.'. Itn!*!ich. H Herrman, t'etrolt; mlltlneTr. T*Mt»;"«. WllUam Hugben. KransvllKs Ind ; A. U Arr. notlonsj IJlllan Britton. millinery. Albert. Ft. F. Ilooenhelm Millinery i>.. St. Ix>u!»: U. F. Ito ' aenhelm. millinery. Orenoble. F II Jonlyn. c«hko»h; J. 11. Kutchlns, drvgoojs, Qre ' nct.le. 1' «'.. Nolan. T..|^do. rr^rchnr-* r«t!o r . Victoria. C. I: Houtr Marrrllus; A. II Woods, bazaar. H •'-•-•* Mrs Amanda liß«sttt pahl. Davenport: laces, silks and ! noreltles. Ht. i»enl«. M!si Nettie STynn, l>av«ni>ort: laces, »KV.s and no-, e, tl«-». Ht. I>«n!s. S. S Elnit^ln. Clnclnr.itl: '^'-uiriig. V.irk. I O. D, Ila*tnus»*n. Ogdin;\-hu.nt. Uroadway Cen tra!. <». T-'Yank. Marlon, men-hunt. Hoffman House. J. M. lllix'V. Canton; m»rtham. Herald . iara F. Cohn, Erie: merchant, isri\ei!er>>. ciiarl»-» flowers, i>eiroit: merchant, oi^.ntt. WeinmHn * Slmnnsrin. Albuijuerijue; L). Weinman, dry goods. 113 West 117 th, J. B. Brai a Co., rv»ldwat<w Mich.; J. B. Branch an! Lerov J. Braii dryguodit aii.l cari>fts. \V>vtdnnr<t. be lllrach Store. Qulncy. 111.: U Illrs^h. «'.ryi;o«»l\. Albert. Mi L. Nairn an 1 O. Nairn. lu-trott. mlUincry, P.r..»jl ««f Ontrul. liliier & Johnson. Dayton. Ohio; IVttie Dohlender. Tlllle 1:■ .'.l-rKter. Anna 1. Honnecker. dryg(.o<ls. Imperial. .Viw -Turk Rarket ptorc. M -• Clemens. Mich.; R. A. Water I ■•• di rgooda Westminster. Ray & i;i!!i>tt. Helton. Texas: S. M. P.«r, drysoods, Broadway <* Kent Co.. Cleveland: D. H. Rawllna, dryjjools. inn "VWht Olth st W. H. iii^..r A Co., Bast Bt LonH; W. H. Baker. drygood.i. Orand, J. II Campb'll. Burlington. I'vnn.; gsneral merchan dise. Smith • Mcff ell's. Mlat Vera Bush. Curslcana, T'xns; millinery. Navarre. Boston Pel I 'ry Ooodi Co., Paris. Texas; Mi»» Hum phries, goods Imperial. Rucklr.icfiam Bros. & Co.. Chicago; W. J. Rarden. skirts. Albert Barnea, Hlgdon & Co.. l.»mi^««i. Texas: A. 1.. Hie don. ilrygoods «jiJ millinery: Anna Q Loreni. mlllln«ry. no .mi ! A. i". Prince A Co.. Tuscaloosa, Ala. i A. F. Prince, dryirooil«! atid shoes, Ftnclslr. B. Marks A Boa, Corslc*na. Texas; H. Marks, dry go ■ Is, Raleigh Ki-;«iii'K Fostoris, Ohio; Amelia Kissiinr. mlllln«ry. Bread wav Central. Tho Hike I'rv Hoods Co., Dayton, Ohio; Geor«M P. BalU v. goodi York. m O. Goodman. Cleveland; dryg'fO<!s and general m«»r ■ ehandlae, Broadway Central. Sam J. Goodman. I •■..»>.:.-. Perm.l drygooda Ttroadway Central. K. Kalnt Paul, Matthewaon. Ind . Mrs. B. Saint Paul. drygorxla. l: Llelgb 11. It. .~t....i . Parsoni Kan . F. C. Stevens, dngood* St. John's. Tli<» l'furdorf A Pair* •■■•■.: my, Oalllpolt*. Ohio; K. n. Deardorf, drygooda, Marlboroogh H|iitea.i a- Saiomii Company, Ijondon, ont.. it. <*«hrie, tiats and furs; '■■■ • M. -"-i ■ ormiolc, h*t« and furs St. Denis. limy Brother! Dry Goods Company. Sherman, Tea ; F. J. Bray, drrvoods, St. i>^ni«. Miles Oodd 1 Dry Goods Company, Purls. T»x.; I T. Dodd, drj'KOods St. lienlw. Timothy A. Gll«»n. Nashville, Term.; John 'iil«un. re-, tall drygoi da, Ilo*<niore. Rlech * McCoy, Akron. Ohio; O. P. IP. Rjsch. millin ery, • roadway Central. Edward Bchnster A Co., Milwaukee. Wls. : I>. J. f,, „,. . thai, drygoods. Spaldlng; J. B. li :•• i'maii. drygoods, Har grove.. W. ,T. Donel&n i '". Otlumwa, la.; W, .' Donelan, dr>'go<vi^, Brevoort, The Poulsen Company, Battle Creek. Mich . P. S. Ster lln, department store, York. Scott & Bean Batsvla. N. V. ; .lames I» Bean, drygooda No 881 Adelphl-nt.. Brooklyn Orensteln & Rica, Cincinnati, Ohio; William <»ren»itein. nerkweur. Herald Square Pardudga A- Blackweii. Port Huron. Mich . N. Mullen. arygoocta, Wellington Th» Anderson Brothers Company. Portsmouth. Ohio ; Anna K. Maun, drygooda and mllllnt-ry. No r.s West u!i»-th-«i Jam** ■; Moor*. Cleveland, Ohio; men's furnishings. Imperial. C. It. Han lev A Co., Bay C|»y. Mich.; T- J. rarrirs ton. drygooda, Navarre. . A. ■ Poulsan, Utpeer, Ml' l . general merchandise, Broadway Central. .1. 11. Barclay Dry Gooda Company. Miicon, Mo.; J. n • Barclay. drygoo*ls. etc., Marltorough. Samuel Elchenbaum. Corning. Ohio .frvgoon-, Alh-rt. ! George Cott, Omnha. Neb.: lints and raps. Weatmlnati i ' Ttie. KUne-Norrta Co., Hillsdale, Mich.; Wild Norrl*! , drygooda, Albert. Olson Bros., Leckport, N. ■ John W. Olson, cry good*, Victoria. _ _ M Coba .V Eon? Sharon. Pfnn.. D. Vf. < v.(i . cloaks and , suits. Herald Square. Mack * Co. Ann Arbor. Mtch.; Acne* Phillips, mil linery, Victoria. Smith. Brldgman A Co.. Flint. Mich.; C N. Poty. dry- '■ goods, No. I<B West Twenty-«fpond-sf. A. * R. .Tupp. Buffalo; L- .i«ipi>. mlllinen'. Victor!*. C. W. Kl*nlm. Bloomtngton. 111.; Leonora M. i lark. millinery. Martha Washington. B. J. Eifwartls. San Antonio. Tex. . p.. J. r.,li\ai.!.«. milliner}, No 1.337 !•«'-!"■• ' ' . P. ro.->k < jti . Oeorge C. Clement, nrnn, Ohio; department .'tore. n«lelgh.' -ri -c.-■c '.-■ ; c A. Moore, Columbus. Ohio; department store, Ualclgh. Sam r-i-hmMt. Detroit, Mich.. Jack l*aut>i. tailoi . Ni>. 1,685 Flial aw. M C CLUR£'S For September Just Out R.oosevelt and the Postal Frauds How the President exposed one of the most barefaced steals ever known. A forcible and picturesque story By William Allen White Ida M. Tarbell contribute* The Fall of Sumter and another chapter of her famous Htntory Flight from Richmond are vividly 4r o* th<" Standard Oil Compar.v. THE wnberl by Louise Wigf all Wright. Frorr, PRICE OF Oil -how RorkefrUer ha» prifss letters of the rime, fought ro keep it up. The Chump— political hen. A Th© Frisndly Fog a .«:orv of love wory by Charln F. Embrer. love and yachting by Henry C Rowland Frances Hodgson Burnett A Midnixbt Comedy of ad roncludes her novrlette, "In the Closed venrurr in N>w York Short «ory hy Room • Beautiful picture* in color* Samu»l Hopkin* Adama. hv Jsssis Wi'lrox Smith. PICTURES IN COLORS 10 e«nt« a top*. H.OB a rear. Oet j/PiK T *>« S. S. McCtara Company. Cm- MrClure 1 . from Tour qew«dealer. £&~3A ™ of T weary- Third Straat and anjrMeCh»oa«ent.orthßpublUh«ra. WkT?JrS Fourth Avenue. New York. M. T. An Old Fashioned Living Room offer* a perfect scheme where quaintness, comfort and refinement are gathered to ward one harmonious result. The loose cushioned Virginia Sofa witH its fine suggestion of ease and comfort — the "Hearth" Chair for the leisure hour — and the "Washington" Study Table are a few of the pieces, -where simplicity of detail and purity of design are beautifully ex pressed. Grand Rapids Furniture Company (Incorporated) 34th Street, West. Nos. 155-157 "MINUTE FROM BROADWAY.* Kram»r. B»r- ■•. * Bernhardt. Columbus. Ohio; Ge<?rs» (.. « ram«r, rnrp»t/i, Wn«tTsin»t»r. •J- N. Krr.tem oon.i. Mown, oh Mr» Mlnala Die- I-'. dry*r>CKiß arj millinery. I'ark Ai*nu<!. Brandon, I>unn»ll !'• mpurv. South B«n^. Tnd.: K. Jla*««y. Urygixvis; Thoma* H. Hramtoa. ■:-„-.• N»v»rr«.. .'"hint.n M'>«, I'uJuth. Minn.; Jehu J. M.-c. d'r^rtni^nt »tor». Alb«rt. KawhasMl Hro» . ToWo, Ohio; v ... Rumpf, tlrj« ro^'t.*. Xav»rn> Sprisccata Pry «;.x^«i company. El r'«*o. 111.; R. C. Eprtncratp, dry>ci»>!*, .•iirr't*. .«onier»«-t. Th« S'*rr Drj csoodn Oorepanr, L*>ul«Ttn«: Charln StMrr, <!r>K«»,l^. ri-.. II«r«l<! typiar". <iie^n*'^i:)'s Drpiirfiinnt Stor^, I»airvill*; !•. J. .;-,■»:■ ♦••In. 'Moaks etc., 11-ra!>t t^acard. W, T. GrltWOkX, barren »>hto; .)»rnrtm»nt stcr». O»l> tlnratai. W. It, Rtmucili i Co.l Uount Stcrtlns, X; .; A. H"(T c:a:i. ilrTSOudl, Manhattnn. A. Cation, Ar«.; A. Cation and wlf-. bock*, it«tton. ry an.l chin* Gr»ii'>M». Ueckes. «:i«\rlan<l. H-1U M. Wlllees «nl lajKla M. \\ Illi-'H. ilryrnods. rarlltuston. frank li. Harbor. Ttib^on »'ny. 111.; l>. TV. t'.arjn'r nr.d 1^ C Wright. .!t>K.x»!s. Kaltlsb. W, A. McNauchton • :..; .-v. Munci*. Tnd ; It, i:. Walker, <Jr>n»li!. NA * arrf I.'ry vVoodi* I'omranj-. For. ! 4 : T-ae, Wt«.; 11. | Wa^n^r. dry^DOd* iirlmol. H n. j^iuhr. Harrljibum. r»r.n : 11. B. f-pahr. ' .. 134 r.uM Nll:r! st. V. F. Saxlon, fort I'lains. N. y.; V. K. Sa^ron. Jry rood», St. l>r:U«. I <-'. 11. Grab-. Co ader»T>ort. IVpa. ; furiiit-.ire anil earMtv. . «'. A. Wurrtn. ••.•lna.lxiS. »>hlv>: Mrs. C. A. \Varr.>n. mlllliKry, No. 11 U-st l-:i«!;t»rtJith-«t. T. U. < ■«!;•. Alliance, t>lilo; J. A. i;rim*i. .!r;;w,!.< »nl Noble A Sliudbnlt. Detroit; F. C Hull, mpn's fonii&h inei. Qraad Cnlon. Mulukk! tirithprj. Kingston. Oiiio: Ferry ?. UabooJ, fancy k.h>.i-* tirmdway (Vntrai. \v. A. McNauithton Company, Munele, 1n.:.; w. A. Mo- Naughton, •Ir?e..'vl3. Nuvartv. The L.. H Fiotd Company. Jackson. Mlcb.; «;*or£« F. Vi.s:*r. i-I.n:^ u-i'l sult#, Navarre. . • 'tmrles 11. :"r»n«l!n He Co.. Crand Rapl.l". ilioh ; A. S. \Yli-k<rr»:ia>v. allka anil ctre*s bouJh. Navarre. <•. M. No-.- .i ivtrolf. Tn . dryrooJs. St. f!»-nr s^. M.ra Hr >ri . -.«. Maysrtllr, Ky.; William Mer». dry gt>'jils attii ii.i:' Cumtxrland. Wath .■. Paltcraon, WUmtnctoa. Ohio; 11. R. Patterson. Jrjito.jJs. Ah •::. "■"link, s.-.i;. ,^ !'ro«s»r. Columbu*. Ohio: Mrv !>. Pxosser an.l Mrs. *nn • M. t'llnk Scale, millinery. Victoria. '/.. E, Hurr.b< ... Fowler. InJ.; dcpartmcßl •■.'■-. Na va'-re. Uroad«a\ i. ■■ * I>itUvlHb. Mich.: H. J. Mo»«rs aad Jct-.nli* Muii'i.', '-ymxids. Br adwai Central. Colombua <:•.'; npaa] I • ..nnbu». On . Charles N. Rutcr und Mrs < Pox, ctoak». suits and (nrr. Allvrt. J. J. t-r^ui .! ;Vr!v>n. T«x. . merchant. BrW*av Central. «.'. i; Ito^y. i;.i-nl'!.\ i:;. . diygoodi notions an.! een •r«l merohanili-' R'telch. Fair A Co.. »'e»er»t' ro. citil Miss A. Armstrong, dry sooils and nUUllnery, i>ri!ilncton. \, .... Taft A >'.., CMnmhus. Ohio; Soplia roes, mil Hlifiy. Chelxea I>la 9. Bins. X"ii; i Ohio 1 milliner)". Che'sea. Sleln it QoMst«tn, t!f\«;anii; K. A. WoMst-Mn. depart merit »tor.>. li«-ruld Rquare. Obvrft * <'«... SflUney, Neb.; Robert S. Ob*rf*M*r, rlothlng Waldorf. John ■• L««l4 Company, t.oulsvtll«; C. O. I^n^aster. dryieootls. BrtKhton Heach. June* & Auvlelte, Jamfstovrn, X. y . v. V. McCombea. dtTßooda. Victoria. Columbtu Merchandise Company. Columbus. Ohio: Peter Si-hrelner. nntluna. HeraM Square. <• if. Wortblnston. Ja--kson\iiu». Te». I .Ir\«.x>'« St. Denis, M Stern. I.lttle (toe* Ark.; ilryguoJa millinery. Paleli-h. lJrown Brothers. \Vheehns. V\*. Va . A. O, Rrown. tailor?. Herald ?|iar». Kvaas Lloyd .i. Co.. I'hK'Vßu; B. Heller, cloak*, fur*. tU\. lark Avenue, • 'l«nin & Bchaoffer, Palla*. Tex.; T. ricmnwn.«, mil linery. No 4.1 Weal Tw«lfth-«t Strou»» A HlrsohlwrK. Toung»iomi. Ohio R Hiriwh b<Tß and I :.i- i I. lob-nun. >lr>B(H.d^. Hrl\«M.*r«p. Grorc* 11. Heine.nan Company. Milwaukee; A. Heine man. hat?, linn" lal Mlddleton Manufarturillg Company, Milwaukee: W. C. MidUlelon, hats. Navarre. J. 11. Randolph, Fort Bcott, Kan; dry*oo>l». Alhert. .losiin Dry Qooda Company Denver; A. U. De Vry. <Jry irnnd*. Manhattan. Mi - . i. Meyer. Cadiz. Ky.; J. Mayer*, dryaoods, n-a.if ird Kent Company. (Cleveland: Charles u«i»»«nbiirc. dry go* •!- raid Squat* ■Uiunensan A Co.. sanit St». Marie. Ml.-h. ; n. R'.urr.en - ■en, 'ir\ goods. Victoria. Hli\men.«en Brothers, lliiniiti.Ti?. Mtch.; " r?umen.«er. dr\«oorl9. Victoria 1». Meyer, O»wego, N. V.. [nine O. Meyer, millinery. No. 44S Central Haiti West Qeortra Huntlry. Cl l'>ia<iii Rvrinfs. Mo.; department ■tore, No 3.14 Vital Knrts flfth-»t. E. S. Iluntlev, El Dora<ta Spring*. Sin.; ceneral m»r rhandts^. No. t\fH Went rcny-nfth-st- D /.eiin»a & O>.. Athens, Ohio; .1. 11.-..,i|» ri GrjgooX*, Hoffman Housk. [• W, 1 >men, Amarlllo. TVs ; dryaaadv, P». Gennt* W. H Ellington * Co.. Illllshoro. Te\. . W. II FHIInc ■ ton. •rood! hi ijefrfte ,••■■ Starr Dry Good* Company. T^iilxvllU. Ky.; Bell* P. Ix'Mer. . toakS. Herald Square. A. r. Rickey, St. Louis; mlllln»ry, 11.->(TTT»in .tones K>iiMirtftf.n. Jackaon, Ml»» . Mr« I. S.-r»i»on. millinery, H*raM Square. Sternberg Ilrothem. Alton. III.; J. 11. SlernN-r*. drr irooa.l «nd cloaks: T. C Harris. drysooda, >■'■ !'"> iv»jt Forty fifth Thom«i P. Pyrne. Detroit; drynoode, Fv»r»tt Buckeye Barbers' Supply Company. Dayton, Chin; >%lr - em-« a. WrliTßtn», barbers supplies. Fifth Avenue Hotel A. Bo««n«law«liy. Milwaukee, •\vi.i . A na(rer»li\w*kr. hair nrtjament* and leather «-r»>.i«. No. I West One-hun <lr"l-»n<l first -St. fl. Whitney, O«lawar», Ohio; <IrvfO.-Hi». No R23 Wev Knd-ave. .t. Eisrnan Company. Portsmouth. Ohio; 1. M Kumin an.i S. J. niemnn, woollens and cotton goods. York Brown. Ca)d*n * Wlnn. I onlnKt^n. Ky. . Ml(« Mary G. inn and * 'in* Brown, wonien'i furnl*hlng«. SlVrthn Washington. roaster. Ros« & Banous. Auburn. K> . J. ll.' FV»t»r . de ranraent more. Cumtttrland. H. H. Hohlt, Hrenham. Te» , William MeUaar. depart" maul »loi«. an*. 118 TV (f> TP (ID Y. AND POINTS IN* L£) \HJ <=>) LJ Ui/ L\J NEW ENGLAND. tALL HIVER LINK tat Newport, %.: Riv«r. Boston and all taj.ern and Nor:hera Points. Steamer* PRS(-lILL-». and PfniTAN. Orchearra on each. L-av» PUT 19. N. R. f>xc oi Warroc St.. week day» ana Sundays At 5.30 P. M. PltGVlDi_\r-K LINE for Proviience. Boston. North <IBJ F.ait. c'.ei:i<:r» PLYMOUTH «nd PILAIRiiI. Orct*» tra t n m:1. Leave Her IS. N. H.. Tool M-rra* St., waak d«»-s ealy, at 6 P. M. NoUWICH I;*NE tor New London. Block Islasd, Nor wlctt. Btoatncton Watc?» Hill. Narragaas«tt P:er. a ress ter. Hoaton. Xor;h and fcia»t. ateamera CITT OB* UiWKLL ar, I CIIUSTEU W CHAPIN. I^av* Pier *>. N. U.. fod Ctavkaoa St.. week d*y» only, 6 P. M. NEW H\\"EN LINE for N-w Haven. tartasjßslq aa4 North. Week days Str. Rt'^lAßt' PECK !»». Pier *>. 1. H i k'>. ft E. 31st St. 3uO P. M Str. NSW HAMr^iilßn Ks. Pier 20 B. R. 12 - *-- Sunday* RICH. PECK Us Vier 10 E. R. 9 30: ft. E. 31at 3t 1U:00 A M.. return due N. V. 143 P. M TU*k»t!> »ni itatervoms. alt Lines, it 111 tn. 673, 1 tsj 1 354 Krcadway. U5 Cnl d Square. 182 s'-. A>enu«. US Colurr.bui Avenue. 273 W. «R.i 153 E. 123 th 9tre«t. N>w Tork: 4 Court. >>60 Futtca Street. SSO Brcai«ur. Brooklyn. ar.d a» i'i»r». inidiliui^iy uilJu'l&ft 13 v tulal.Al bt*iuiier» NEW YORK" »nd "AUBANY" of i the Hudson River Day Ljds. fute&t and Saeat rtv«r taata la the world Urookljp. Fulton St. (by Ar.nej).. »:CO *.. la. ■• l<t»brc«sM St. P!«r - »(> " \\v»: 3S St 0 (*» " •' Waai l»th St . .» *» l*r.dlnj: at Tonkar* Wnt Point. Nrartarsh. Foas »•*•" »<». Kinsst.->n Hjlnt. rarsk!'.!. Hudson ani Alsany. ! ai.«. e»Cf»t Sunday. ?pecUl Trains to Catskin Mtn. rescrw ar.J Saralv-sa. an^l nay WDBtUOM to ai? points T>J»- North an.l West Through tK '■iets and b*s»;t,- checHtd » efflces Of v V. Tran§!-r ■•• Most d*!ls*tful one-day actln** to Wtst T'^nt. S.wturgn. or Po-*'*. ».-•;■»:«. r« tUT! IDS en down tvat. Rp«tnjrant open ,• 7A. M MfSTC. g . "id o^ \Pz: aOi Utvmt L'<a:m«»> at. at J. 15 P. M. .mi ; •»)» i ** V 11 ) .... 21. ->» P. 11. (Saturdays .P. M. '. l2Wh S>t en Saturday* only. ]» P. jt. For HU "-«-'» a Falls \V«st I'oint. Cornwall. Ne«t>ui» i. New lUmSur*. UUton. Pouihke«r»S«. Bsopua. Roiidojt ±zi Klnc«ua- Orche»tra on boari*. . ' - pn_re @ 1LQ532 NEW YORK — AI.BAXV N*w t . W. Stor»r. «ai!:nt on 01M .-.■it-3 In Jul\. and Adirondack. rEHNATIN.I l»\lt \ .\>«» SIM>\Y. SPIXXtIID Aa'OJIMODATIO.NS. ORCHXSTKA. t*»»« lirr ;~, X k: t..ot ot Cunal St.. « P. JI. Ptrevt r«i comwrtloa nt Albany with rxfr*** trains »o all p«>int». t-*T>l 1". foe C. W. M^ii« Souvenir. Excursion SOSSBBW *c. >!.i:r.;'. __ "TTfflflD^lLDGaiE. ?tr. "Clt" of Trey" or " aaja*aßJß ' le»v 0 Pier ♦". ■"*■ *• West li-ti. St.. Utl «eaccpi SaturJayK. at •> t v . M. »Un djy-STEAMERS TOCCU AT ALBANY. Dir*.t "HJV^ connections mttJt. »l Troy tor ail resort* NcTih ar.J t^»^- Phone 120»-*prtn«. DIXINO ROOMS OX MAIN <?*££ nSARCUUOBT. EXCURSION; TROY .I 2 TOGA »1.5 i« I.AKK OEOROE. J« 30. Wlt^.^.rov. VT. » .l». SKXIJ FOR POOKT.CTTTXCrP.SION TOt-K^ olfsiLElMiii Oii For Catskill and C*t»it;ll Mountain Points. Hudson ami Tnc Berkshire*. CoxsacWU' and way UnJinf*. .-• •* n> • KAATKR3KIIL or ONTEORA. week-days. - F. M from Christopher St ; I I' M. from West I:9th S> .. Extru boat (ONTEORAI. Saturday*. l •' frc-n Chrtatophn St.: I:S« irvvn West i:9th at. far CMW* Hodaoa b> »ir.n<-x. and M.tid<*i. . . Special trains for Cairo. Palanvtlla. Otis fcvimm.-. Ultuua Corners and Tannersville Din.n« Rooms on Main t>»ck llluuratfd Folder i:u:,J fre«- BLOCK ISLAND. ORIENT. g r e n po rt, SHELTER ISLAND AND SAG HAR BOR, VIA MONTAUK STEAM BOAT CO.S LINE. From rt-r 13. K. P.. N. V.. Mar Wall « «- \*Z^ rip»rt Satur.iajs. -. «► P. M . Sat.. IP. m M-miaJ*. ««Lra ;rip. >» "' A. M.. for ■'* H*r^■>^ City Hotels. _^ r THE HANOVER, To r-nt by th« jpsajr, saason a» s'»«rt»T not .-•>m!TK»M-'"je apartmenti. furnished ami nnfurnish*(l. from e»pr»m^* r •• now t.p^n for insp#ctt>->n. tiibl* American vl»a- *>• r ll.ithaway. 1— II \.NTI V KtnNIPHED APARTMENT: private . bath: $1.90 rtalty: meals for two. f"l »a»al» VAN REX^SELAER. » r iff I lth. n W »'> » r * _ E Hlrs<-h I^-it*\ttl» Kv; 'lr>s»i». Sav«*T. _—•« K. ai J. (I.wvl. «.'atit'n. 11l ; i"ath«rln« HoodL --<*«iai fumlshir and mttUn*rv. Rroa.iwav «>ntraL . . .' .v. Pr-> .-an Ai.s.-'. ••>. Tm ;U 0 XlmltS. <Jrr» tools. Navarre. . v -.t«» C ytoit. rifvclan-1; J««nnie r,*rjhe^. dryro^*; ""» <>r!th»n. milllnfry: can of Voaa A Statm _««^ ' St«S*). f»r.<>r * Ob.. Chlcayo; P. R. Brm.h^l^-. *••"• \»unKeilOrf>thers, Dea Moinea. lowa,. Max Salls-ro, tau* oripc. KmuiwaT Centra!. _ . - - - RothschiM Brothers. Ithaca. N. T. : .1 D- Bailor, arr* _ ilb#rt. i Co.. I**-. »• _ W. C-. Linaari £ i MaSßats !^ak». T : w. L#ixaard. dry«o«via. S«m«i . . _ ,->_. B Orp»nh*imer * Co., North -«»'»r. Inl . » '"P* i»nhfiiu'-. drygootla and clothing. ' *"*'"*£ »- J. O. Oppenh'im * son. >i^ih«a. lad.. U. OvS*» n lal * -- ajaaaaal ia*r^hasdi»a> ' a iillari Steamboats.