Newspaper Page Text
>OI LXIV N*' 21.115. A GROT7P OF STAFF OFFICERS. 1 Captain fTianVea 3 Captain Butts. t Colonel Helstead. adjutant general of corps. 4 Captain I'i-kman. general staff. 6 Colonel l>ravo. chief commissary. 6 Captain Taylor, observer. 7 Gen eral Crozi^r ichtef of ordnance), observer. 8 Major Clarence ;.loor<\ observer. 9 Captain Pershluc. assistant to chief of staff. 10 Colonel Knight, chief of staff. 11 Captain Thompson, assistant "chief or staff. */; COMPROMISE AVERTS 'L' STRIKE SUBWAY MOTORMEN TO GET $556 FOR TEN HOUR WORKDAY-THREE YEAR AGREEMENT. Final Decision Reached After a Long and Stormy Confcrcmr in August Belmont 's Office — Papers To Be Signed To-day. "It Is all settled. The boys get their ?3 50 a day and work ten hours." # This terse statement, made at 7:30 o'clock last right by K. P. Bryan, vice-president of the Jnterborough Rapid Transit Company.' an nounced the settlement of the difficulties be tween the elevated employes over the scale of wages to be paid subway inotormen. It meant that the danger of a tie-up of the entire elevated system of Manhattan, which has hung like a threatening cloud for more than a week* was averted. It meant that organized labor, with the aid of political and other Aimely influences, had won a decided victory over one of the most X>owerful municipal transportation corporations. It meant that the motormen had proved their •iaim to skilled workmanship that could not be supplied by the ordinary type of strikebreaker. This is the fourth threatened elevated strike to be averted by compromise at the last ditch Within two years, and it would seem that neither the ofSclaJs of the road nor the leaders of the labor organizations representing the employes *r» willing to brave the storm of public indigna- I'otj that would be aroused at the tie-up of the f leveled system. — tn—sntr, 1t»02.~ following the change in Janu ary of the motive power on the elevated from eifajv to electricity, the engineers, having; be come motonnen, demanded a nine hour day. it «as refused, and Grand Chief Arthur of the engineers, »nd the head of the firemen, came h*re a* take charge of the negotiations. A strike w&<« threatened, but a compromise, where- Iv the men gained practically a nine hour day through the adjustment of "swing?," was agreed to in August. In October. 3902, the elevated road officials put all the motormen through a physical examina tion, as the result of which several were dropped. The motormen thereupon demanded a lees se vere examination and the national leaders came on to enforce the demand. A strike was voted for, but again a compromise agreement averted It. In March af the same year the employes ex clusive of the motormen, hitherto unorganized, formed a branch of the Amalgamated Associa tion and asked for higher pay and a nine hour flay. The wage demand was adjusted, but a refusal to give the nine hour day brought on a vote for a strike in April. Negotiations were continued, however, and a compromise averted * tie-up. 111 1 t\a« said after the conference that the He- men would have the first choke of subway Jaka. This was a aiuch mooted question, as the «ompany had been hiring men to run the sul. »r*. The men had had opportunity to ap - t.ut had nepiP<ted to ., >.., |, aid that the ompany will g-jve all pref ♦•-enceF to the elevated road men v lv, In the subway. A riVB HOUR CONFERENCE. It took Mr. Bryan Ices than half a minute to t-11 the . reporters who were welting that there r.ns no danger of a strike. But that statement ■*«••« made possible only by a conference at August Belmont's banking house, No. 120 P.roadway, which lasted fully five-hours among the company officials, the employes and the heads of their national organizations. It was an «x<-iti!ig conference, a conference of loud words end at times angry gestures. Almost until the very • id it looked a* if there would be no com l»rr,jtilsp and that the meeting would end in a strike order. ■'/-'.•■? Th» fighting for the company was don* by Mr. van and General Superintendent Hedley, •ffco has fought elevated strikes in Chicago, it I' said they favored standing firm on th*» wag* <jumion and testing the elaborate strifcebreak- I*s arrangement which they have worked nlphi ■ad day to perfect.* Finally, when he became <«nvinced that the men would not yield without * bitter struggle. It is said Mr. Belmont cau tiously brought forward the compromise which *a* adopted. He offered them the wages' th*y Remanded If they would accept the company's Incurs. . The conference had been In session so long t-iHi it was Impossible to put the agreement in '•vrit'ns. It will be prepared in all its details fcr Mr. Bryan to-day, and there will be a meet i«Z cf the company officials syid employes at the company's office in the Park Row Building ?arly this afternoon, at which it will be finally ratified and signed. Both the national officers of the labor organizations and the company offi cials declare that there will be no hitch and that all <hn;i.-. ; of a strike has passed. At '.';3<» a. m, th« lobby of the K'juttßl.l* Bul'.filng. in which Mr Bdaseal'c bonking nous* has office*, looked like the meeting place of a. labor congress. Members of th" executive and rtrlke committees of the three organizations, «»«ity-Qv» strong, gathered there to wait- for their national officer*. Stone and Hurley, of the Engineer*; Mahon and Orr. of the Amalgamated, anil Wilson, of the Firemen, soon Joined them. TINQ . .iol'i To-day, f a j r fa-morrow, fair; Hsrbt to frc'h #outh , a Hind*. and the entire party filed into the big board "meeting room on the second floor, where Mr. Belmont and his aids, Vice-President Bryan and Superintendent Hedl»y, were walling. After they had been In session for four hours labor leaders who left the room for a few mo ments said a settlement was doubtful. Bryan and Hedley were fighting against giving in an inch. Their stubbornness only Increased the determination of the employes. Then word came out that they had found a common ground and that strike prospects were fading. Finally Mr. Bryan appeared with the statement that an agreement had been reached. Mr. Belmont had little to say, as he • as weary from the struggle. "We have come to a most satisfactory agree ment." he declared. "The details will be worked out to-morrow by Mr. Bryan to the satisfaction of both parties. AGREEMENT FOR THREE TEARS. Mr. Bryan made a more detailed statement for the lnterbcrm!<h company. "We have madr-a definite arrangement to Fettle all difference?,*' he said. The labor unions have atrreed to sign a three- > ; ear. con tract, which the company considers a treat point gained, as it assures n.; there will bo no trouble in the subway for years to come. The difference between the &' and the $,';;.<■ rate means a loss to the company of only 30 cms n day on IM inotormen. which trill be about the number needed i:. the subway. No one can say now that we did not employ the best possi ble men we could get." "You can say that F tin perfectly Battened." *.;<l<] »irand Chief Stone, v >!<>.-• skill ai. 1 dip lomacy are largely teaf)onsibtfl ?"t the Ml ful Issue of the trouble. There seems little doubt th it politics had much to do with the settlement. Mr. Belmont, as the campaign manager for Judge Parker, • 1 1 • 1 not car" for a strike t*vo months before election, or a fight which would come home almost imme diately to a majority of the voters In Manhat tan. It Is raid that pressure from high sources was brought to bear to bring about * compro mise. ■What about Farley and his strike breakers?" Superintendent Hedley was asked. "They are still In the company's employ,** was all he would say. It Is said that most of them will be dismissed when the agreement 1b signed to-day. The l>,u rarks at the car barns at < me-hundre.l-an.l twenty-ninth-wt. and Third-aye. will not be opened, a::d the cariß and prOYtatona there will r>e carried Mway. There was a great diversity of opinion among the employes when the news of the settlement reached them. The trainmen and station men without exception thought it a great victory, and their faces were wreathed In smiles. The engi neers, or, as their caps say. "inotormen," re ceived the news with anything but pleased ex pressions. When the news first reached them they were inclined to smile, but when the detail* were learned and they found that the "down stairs" men. as the subway folk are designated. had to labor ten hours for &> '*> a day, the happy expression faded and a look of dejection took Its place. They fear the company will add an hour to working time on the elevated, making it a ten hour day all around. Mr. -iniont has been quoted as saying that there will be no wage or hour change on the elevated. Soon after the departure from Mr. Belntont'a office Mr. Bryan telephoned to Commissioner McA'loo that no police would be needed. Within a few minutes hundreds of reserve policemen were Ml their way from station* all over th* city to tlnir homes, for the first time ' since Fund ay. Grand chief Stone said there was some talk at the conference over the physical examination*, which the men did not like. ■•f*fe object to the present system." he said, "the standard railway leal and want the prac tical test— that If, we want men to be subjected on a railroad to the test of color. But that will be fixed up in the arrangement of to-morrow." The elevated road had a hundred men on hand at. th* Qne-hundred-and-twerity-nlnth-st, and Second and Third aye. car barns, In readiness for a strike. After th« 'result of the conference had been made known tlii-rie were told they would not be needed. They were paid off. but just what their pay was could not be ascertained. Home said the men got their railroad fares l.r.cic to where they had come from. It was said all were Tar ley's men. It came out last night ill 'I in the last ten days conferences have been going on over the elevated railroad trouble between August Bel ir.ont. who Is a member of the national execu tive committee of the Civic Federation,' and both employers and heads of labor hollies who are on this committee. Among the latter were John Mitchell. Samuel Gomperr. Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Enijii •• P. 11, sfonisey, grand chief of the Brotherhood or Railroad Trainmen, and v.. v. Clnrk. grand <-nlef of the Order of Railway Con ductors. It wan understood that if a strike was actually declared an attempt.would be made by the Civic Federation to arbitrate the trouble before it -went into effect.:. Th!» officers, of the engineers and others who are members of the committee had a talk yes« terday with members of the national concilia tion committee O f tlio: federation before th« went, into inference with Mr. Belmont. Among those represented on the coiKil!at!on committee Continued on .fourteenth |»aif- • .^A;«»:«rn;!r« ,H y nn ,j v way IT your U.U «-t* ure via Hudson Kivcr l/ay Un*. JHslc.-Advi. '.." :;'..-/ — •• .-. . .;-. .:. ' ■ V- - .'.: - - ■•—->■.■.-..:-;:;■; ..' ■ NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1904. -FOURTEEN PAGES.-, SCENES AT THE MANASSAS ARMY. MANOEUVRES. BRAL COBBCT (AT KEPT) ACCOMPANIED BT HIS STAFF. CAMPED ON THE FIELD. HEADY FOR FIGHT TODAY. Grant Loses Five Companies on First Day of Bull Run. [*t TEt,r<;R*pn to THE TTUKJ <CI ' Corps Headquarters. Gainesville. Va.. Sept. 6. -The troops of the Brown and Blue armies bivouacked to-night ready for a renewal of the war game hi any minute after midnight. The quartermasters had provided for this bivouac, and it is counted. upon to contribute more of practical value to the participants than anything else, Including the work of the day over the country roads] and fields. The solutions of the problems are of Intcrent. but the condition." which governed to-day's movements were so impeded by rules and agree ments between the commanding officers of the opposing forces that the operation* bore only a remot* likeness to real war. The various as sumptions whleh are necessary are more or leea confusing and lead to some dispute of th rela tive advantages enjoyed by one or the other side. It Is out of order to employ civilian spies or interfere with the telegraph lines, so that all the opportunities of actual warfare re not available. The chief value of the exercises so far has been In the study of th* detraining of troops, and their provision while lii camp, and to-night In the selection of camps and the build- Ing of camp fires, which many of the nillltinm«»n learned for the first time should be small rather than large: the reserving of strength and the avoidance of cold water and of food other than that issued to the troops. .. v , ;. At da> light to-day General Grant, command ing the, blue army, had established -i front afiouj th« battlefield and pushed his line two-fifths of the way to Thoroughfare. The northern half of his line was ■ solid mass of Infantry, the south ern half was a patrol of cavalry. To m« "t the attack General Bell, commanding the brown army, established a it'", <-f battle sweeping In a semi-cirdo from Buckland on the «outhwestern limits of .the field to Woolsey on th" north. Back* land Is less than two miles from the western limit of operations and Woolsey .i little more than that distance. General Bell's centre was the strongest part of his Hm-. General Bell advanced bis line at least two miles further east than the position he. originally took up. going a little more than halfway to m< >»t the attacking party, and establish! an extraordinarily strong line, or succession of lines, bisecting the mati-.i-uvr-: zone, th« right resting about two and a half miles north of Gainesville and extending from that point due north to the limit of the zone. The attacking forces were marshalled In front of this line on the east. Between Un two forces was a stretch of about a mile of rolling country, with woods and corn fields on either side General Grant's advance was stopped about 10 o'clock. Four companies of the 74th New- York and one company of the. sth Infantry, regular, under Brigadier General Wlnt, com manding the First Brigade of the blue arm;.. were ruled out of action for attempting to cross the open space. They were subject to th« con centrated lire of a long line of the 2d Texas Regiment, under General Lee. commanding th- First Brigade or the brown army. Alter this brink skirmish, which developed such strength on the part of the brown army. General Grant swung the bulk of his Infantry and artillery to the south In an effort to flank GeneraJ Bell's line of Infantry on th " rlghl General Bell, however, learned or the move ments of htH adversary and rushed up his re serves to the threatened point. The two force* came In contact shortly after '1 o'clock, artillery was brought Into play by the Brown army, and rapid (Ire ran* and rifles* »pok on both sides. The battle hail proceeded only a short time when ;«'i order from the umpires was given in c east: llring. Fifteen minutes was allowed to each side to rectify lt/> lines. At h signal from th- chief umpire the action was resumed. The lighting became very hot, but before .< decisive, point was reached the umpires stopped; tic flKhtlng for tlip dii) . First Lieutenant Cornelius K. Vanderlillt. of ill. l.'tii New- York, was compelled to submit to n.fdical treatment to-day on account of th»» heat, His condition 1., not regarded as periods'. "TRUE GEORGIA GRIT." General Terrell I 'mixes Soldier's Re fusal to Salute Negro Officer. A*i;piMß. 0h... Srpt. . <!.-- A.': • • C<«l dispatch to | "The Heralti ' from Atlanta save: ; In discussing the 'refusal of si Qeorciii sn « ;-r to ' feVtut* ;i M^Kru ' officer. Ctorernor Terrell to-day salrl: "That's whit I mil true Georgia Rrii. Me is made '.in of the proper stuff/ Kx-Otovc;r.or Csindler was even more emphatic. H« tared that "any Yank*o who think* •< Georgia soldier will salute a negro It n i\ — n foot. D n Yankees and negroes, anyway." KILLED BY . NEGRO'S BITE. Georgia Planter Dies in Convulsion After Fight with Ssncgarabian. (BT TBIJCGBiriI TO TUB 1 R t rtf v i-. ! Atirwta. Oa.. Sept. 6.— Asa result of ■ Wt« >>n the thumb received '" * flght With a negro. •' ,X. Porter, -i wealthy • planter _of Dodpe County.,; died ■ frcin blood poisoning this; morning:. He . di-d in conviil?!on*. «"d suffered terrible .-ujop% When evidence* of blood pol>onln«r developed Mr. : Porter | ]rft ii!^ hoo»« near Albany abput a ; month *«go snu | cam*- here for treatment. Up to « short time Im>. fore his ,lo:ilhhV appeared tob* gettliis^pttKr."' - Th'" SUuu'lf". 1 l"''"O"tf*mc. irotPl.'KroWtenac' N. V. Mo-t d«l!shtfui «ensoi> on th-;St.SI-4WT'»nc« niver and lt»a: fishlns- open durln; September. '—. Ad vt,:.: LEADERS WANT HIGGINS. OI) ELL REFUSES TO MUN. A Break Between Taggart and Bel mont Thought lAkchf. At a confonni-e of Republican leaders yes terday (iovrrnor Odel! positively declined to be a candidate for rr-olcction. A majority of tlic leaders spoke in favor of the nomina tion of Lieutenant Governor Higgins for Gov ernor. Richard Olncy. of Massachusetts, was the guest of Judge Parker at Esopus yesterday. They were in close consultation most of the day. Other Visitors there were General Miles, Join R. McLean, of Ohio, and Judge Mc- Conrille, chairman of the speakers' bureau of the National Committee. . The Democratic editors began to arrive for their conference. "Bclnionttsm" at the Democratic National Headquarters is offending Chairman Tag gart's friends, who say that a clash between the real boss and the official head of the national committee may be expected this week. Mr. Taggart's friends declare that money for the Parker campaign h is been -wasted and is running low. - -■-—•-— - ***? lIKiGINS HAS THE LEAD. Men Discussed for Smaller Places on the Ticket. Governor Odell and the other Republican lead ers from all parts of the State gathered at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday to talk over the situation. This meeting was widely heralded as a gathering to ( bOOM a State ticket and to pro pare the details of the Saratoga convention. No ticket was decided upon, but the availability of candidates was freely discussed. In theflrsl place Governor Odell made his position known. He said to those who came' to meet him In prac tically those words: "1 am hot a candidate for the nomination for Governor, and I will not be a candidate. Noth ing could Induce me to accept the nomination. I have no candidate. I am for the strongest man we can nominate, and I want every one to speak right out In meeting. The consensus of opinion will govern. The best brain and thought of the organization must rule. Who ever can get the most \ote3 and stand the best with the public is the mar. I am for." publican leaders beKan to flock Into the Fifth Avenue Hotel at an early hour yesterday and they kept coming and going all day. Among: those who saw and talked with the Governor were Colonel George W. Dunn, former chairman of the Republican State Committee: William Barnes, jr.. chairman of the executive commit i...; George W. Aldridge. leader In Roehee^er; Congressman James H. Sherman. ex-Cangrias man Emerson, of Platteburg: Senator Edgar T. Brackett. of Saratoga; Senator Klon R. Brown, •ir Watertown; Senator Elsberß Loots F. Payn. of Chatham; William C. Warren. of Erie; Will iam L. Ward member of the Republican Na tional Committee: Edward Ijiuterbaeh. William rlalptn, and Congressman L.ittnuer. Senator Braekett brought the Odel' boom to the city. He sal.l: "Up in my section of the country the people realise that Governor Ociell has been the best executive we have had In a dozen years. He la a sterling character, and w,. would like to see him nominated." After ta^kiiiK with Governor Odell Senator Brackett clung to bis views about the desirability' of nominating Governor Odel!,' but said Chat he would not ac cept the nominal ion. senator Mai by. who in fo be permanent chair man of the convention, had a long talk with Governor Odell. He went over bis speech with him, and the finishing touches were put to it. (> was announced that as Timothy L Woodroa had declined to be' temporary chairman. of the. convention ox-Governor Prank P. B»ci ■roUW! be named for that honor. ■ The situation "so "far as the Governorship i* drue.l is still open. Governor Odell, Senator ."i.i it and the other leaders have urged that ihf» convention be ■'■■ open one. and that the strong est man be all) wed to win. Nothing has been done to injure the boonu th;t,t have smarted. The movement In favor of Woodruff seenu to have made the greatest itrides, but It was said yesterday that the former Lieutenant Governor" would probably fall short of, th- nomination. It is thought thai hia attitude toward the cimal would 'hurt him up State. On the other tun.i. L.l»uenant Governor Htggins came In for many kind words. It .was pointed out that ATr. His- Kins la a man of great popularity. He has practically no enemies. ' H»> has never been i allied with factions. ,He has a clean record, and In his years of service at Albany he has i been in touch with nil the detail? of the State government. Governor. Odell. denied -. that Hig gins was his candidate, but it 1* understood that he would not view his nomination with disfavor. Senator Phut and Senator. Depcw visited Continued oil third i><c- . ' >MNIyiBASrt FISHING- Ik .•!■ <>p» VinrenY (Thtiimiiul itiHiid^ : on Nfvv York *<>t>tral. Irf-avr Ntw -.York- 11 S», arrive Curt! Vincent V^s next morning.— Auvc HOW AND WHEPvE SOLDIERS PASS THEIR LEISURE TIMK. VERMONT BY 32.000. 810 RF.I'CRTACAS VICTORY Result Indicates National Triumph in November. White River Junction. Vt.. Sept. 6.— Returns received at midnight Indicate that the Republi cans won a signal victory in to-day's State elec tion, in that they held their own and elected the head of their ticket by a plurality equal to. I? not greater, than that returned for William. W. Stlckney when he was elected Governor In 1900. Stickneyv however, received the support of many Gold Democrats, and the Republicans generally did not look for more than 25.000 plurality In to-day's -election. Stickney was elected four years ago. by 31.282 plurality over 3«nter. At midnight the Republican leaders claimed the State by 32.000. and this estimate appeared reasonable, in the light of the returns from 233 out of -'46 cities and towns, which gave Bell •W. 242 and Porter 13,663. The same places four years ago gave Stlckney. . Republican. 45.823; Sinter. Democrat. ir...">3.5. Returns from some ot the cities and several of the remote mountain towns were not available to-night- Secretary Alfred E. Watson of the Republican State Committee said to-night: The result of th« election to-day is a great surprise, in view of the hard work of the Demo crats during the campaign. We expected a Re publican plurality of .TO.OOO. but the returns to-night indicate' Mr. Bell's election a* .Governor by" a- plurality of XMttOt I attribute this in crease m the Republican vote over l'.«ot> to the excellent weather, the popularity of Mr. Bell nmong the farmers, and the care with which the- voters read the campaign speeches and lit erature which we seal them. The victory must also be regarded as a splendid Indorsement of President Roosevelt. . . Return* In from l»K» titles and towns show that the Republicans have made large gains In both branches of the legislature. In all the districts heard from Republican Senators have .been elected, with the indication that the upper branch of the legislature will be without a Democratic member next year. The party had five Senators in the last legislature. The Republicans have also made gains in the lower house, the standing for the Ua> towns being 198 Republicans. •_"«> Democrats. 2 inde pendents and 1 Citizen. Democratic leaders re fused to-night to comment on the results of the e\?et!on. Vermont to-day elected ■ Governor and oth^r State officers, two members of Congress, thirty State Senators and one Representative from each city and town. The day passed without special Incident The weather was fine and the vote was normal for a Presidential year. The State officers elected are: Ov-rnor— CIIAUI-E.-! .1 HFa.I,. of Waldfn U-ut.nant Ck.v«rnor— CUAßt.ES H. STEARNS, or John- MML Treasurer -JOHN U BACON, of Hartford. Sccratari of suit- FKSDERICK U. FLCETWOOD. of • SUrrlsvlllt. Alidttorvoi Aeruunu- HORACK F. GRAHAM, of Crafu bu:>". Dav'd .1. Foster, of Burlington, was elected to Congress from the Ist District, arid Kittredg* Hawkins, of Brattleboro. from the lid District. The vote lor Ceaisjioemea followed closely that for Governor, and. with the exception of the three northern counties, where local issues af fertM the normal role, the complexion of the legislator* was" practically unchanged. This in dicates that Senator Redfield Proctor will be re elected at the coming session of the legislature. The campaign was hard fought by both of the leading parti-ts. the Democrats bending their ef forts to a reduction of the Republican majority of ::i.::i- given to WHHam W. Stickney for Gov ernor in MWPk The Republicans corceded a fall ing ott from these figures, owing to the probabl? loss of the gold Democratic vote, but a plurality of less than 25.000 for the head of the Repuh- I!,-.-.,, ticket would have been construed as Indi cating ,i decline In Republican sentiment. The. polls opened eo'rlj every where, j>ml hi thf lur;s«v iHies and : "" : were not cloyed until SUn'seW 11 Th--- early return* froM» tbi- rentre •>,• Hi.-- State, disclosed "the. ■Republicans M >kHng their own. while ih" Democrats {showed a fall- Ing r>fl from tbctr vote of WOO. ' \* Vo'clock 12"' of thi 24»! towns and Cftfes had tf~en recorded, the results being slmUprUo thost rfcetveil earlier and tak«Hi by the Rerubll can leader* os Indicating that the plurality would- not fall U*»ow :w»«>. !.-: mt e m exceed «l.«» 0: th« plurality cf I^\ .; The taw refiu'rlng in»Jority elections for au candidate? neces«sury in several of th^ cltlen :<:i'l h»rgee town* a third end fourth bal- . 1C> At BurHnßton th«« l»3rd ballot for r€pr*senta- ' t«ve began at 10 o'clock, and the poVs were not rinsed until midnight. The vote fo:- Governor , • i d not then been tabulated. Two ballots were tnl-vn J"t Karre: lief ere th:.« Democratic Udat*> f or the 'legislature \vi>s declared re-el-jcted. At Rutiatod Hpi't bnllots were also the cau*e for a. second -ballet..- The Wv T;i3C table gives tfcc Republtca:> plurali ,-,,, at tfc? "Septcniber election Irv Vermont in the last six rr«aldtutl-l y*:vs: .,, .. ... -M.«kr;;i<o: . — 10.105 JPJ; ;-;");:. ;..;.;.. r.r.TiHji-i*........ 1 :: .t*.wi :: PRESIDENT RECEIVES BULLETINS. interested in the Vermont Election. He Has a Special News Service. IT T^lFfiKAi'ir to tiik mirc\K.l Ov^ter. F**r- ?f- T.^r .Sept. !V-.Pro.sJ«>iit Roosevelt rec ilv«<l th^returr* fmtri i th* : V<r.-nor.t fJcttion tO ... ;,r C*::jiiui:f 1 . a third segßt : ' PRICE THREE CENTS. ARMY'S FATE IX DOUBL Xl ROPATKIX SI LEST. Japanese X earing Moukden — Rain* Hamper Russian Retreat. The fate of General Kuropatkin's am far as dispatches show, still hangs in the balance. No word has been received from the Russian leader since Monday afternoon, when the. army was moving northward, harassed by the Japanese on the rear. A dis patch from Mookden yesterday said that the baggage train was passing through the city, and that the heavy roads were retarding the retreat. An action, the message added, wal going on fourteen miles away. The reported annihilation of the Russian rearguard is denied by the general staff at St. Petersburg, and is not borne out by dis patches, though the Russian capital is filled with rumors of disaster. Telegrams repeat the reports of a Japanese force west of Mouk den, and Russian officials express fear lest Japanese gunboats may seriously hamper the crossing ot the Hun. A land and sea attack on Port Arthur ii expected to-day, according to advices from Che-Foo. Tbe n forts"" were subjected to ; a heavy bombardment on September 2 end 3, and two Russian guns were dismounted. ; A vessel loaded with provisions is reported to have run the block There are indications that Russia will —Ir substantial concessions to the I nited States and Great Britain respecting the treatment of foodstuffs as contraband. Thr report < Russian commission is expected to be sub mitted to the Emperor to-d;>.v. RETREAT HARD PRESSED. Russian Position on Monday Im ?v- — Alarm in Capital. St. Petersburg. Sept. 7.— There has been tin news from General Kuropatkin since Monday afternoon. This is attributed to the int-rrup HOB of direct m at ion with the com mander In chief, owing to the transfer of th« telegraph office to Moukden. whither message^ have to be sent by courier. General Kuropat kin's latest message follows: To-day < September .">• the army la advancing northward. It has extricated "self from the dangerous position in which it was placed, being threatened by the enemy and having a narrow The enemy through the day cannonaded our rearguard especially its left flank, but without much effect. We lost 3bout one hundred men to-day. . *J Private reports from Moukden said . tha Mii| of the rearguard actions were severe, but no de tails have oeen receive*!. The* utmost "confidence prevails at the War Office thai the Russian army is slowly but surely effecting Its retreat, without »erlou3 risk of being cut off. Intense anxiety, nevertheless, i* felt through lk« nation, and, this feeling hi rhared by th? Emperor. His majesty Is an y ill ing t« al>">vit hlr.i3e'.f'fro;n Peterhof. and ha« tounter:i-'»ude<3 all. proposed journeys. He will rc-t R'-> tf> ffaiwv: or LJba.S«'.and remains tH»^« f ,l f or hours, wlrh hi* tnfHts»^--adviser^. • liberations wUI >: aivorCer to rr.obUize se\?r*l •tate la:«t evening T>^' "A-Vsrviare'! Prt^ oi> tiincd .ihv following statcmeiU f;or.j" the~.War. " X ; telegranm. whatever ;W^'re.Tfv^^from »lenen.: Kuropatkin to-day. It --is T.^rred • th«{ the cily Russian troops r.:ma!nlng -tt > »#nt« mX Sep«e«r>bPT «I are %h* rearsruHrcT. ■ whos<?^mi» sfomis solely t<» retard the en*mv'3 i .ir.bvemei'.t. - it i- quite consistent from.' paanioi i ,ot affatw t-> *uvr»-'a* that a -rortton of the Jap unes*- forces ent?rea Tentai, ther? be!n?ro In t".>tlon to hol<i this point. *s it is of no in trinsic" Tfce stores there have : at- Teady jieen ' removefi. and whatever was not r* irsove'l ivasbumed. :'.•...■- :': ' I Moukden ha .-, of meat..' -A -Russian correspondent (orVTba Associated TYesa • <^' rll a message from Moukden Tuesday e-.-r-. more than twe.r>ty-four hour* after to? Ulspntch of Go:wral Kuropatkln's last publishf«l in#ssase- Thi3 correspondent .give** pa d*t«»> cf !♦*? retreat, and the censor is probably not alloti-ini to 'authorize fh? tfensmis^ioh^ef th:« ■