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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 20, 1905, Image 1

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'-'-■'■' •'■ ,' ; " i- ■ »■• ■ '•'.-"• ■■■-. -'■ m^ m **y zm >**VlKl^S&Jm^&m&^^My*^^~ .
V" LXIV- ■ ■ -y- 21.281. T -- > - -^j^-ai; ■'"" YORK. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1905. -TWELVE PAGES.-*n. c TRICE THREE CENTS.
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company Of erg to Take Lease— Men Who
Favor Plan for Relief.
So obvious are the advantages offered by the
proposed elevated loop connection between the
yanhattan terminals of the Brooklyn and Will
lamsbursr bridges for relieving the congestion of
passenger travel between Brooklyn and Man
hattan, which has long been a source of the
greatest inconvenience and hardship, that public
sentiment is likely to compel its construction
without more needless delay. Recommended by
jjlthe engineers and v committees of citizens who
jj,n mpde a study of conditions as the only
feasible solution of the problem, it is believed
that objections to it will Boon cease to be felt, ex
fjpt on the part of those who are jealous of
the growth of Brooklyn and wish to retard its
'progress- It is a matter of congratulation to
a U «h-> have occasion to travel between the two
pefong is that the committee of twenty-five, ap
pointed by Borough President Littleton, has
$o Ftr^tigly recommended the execution of the
plan, that the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Com
pany -.as announced that it Is willing to un
dertake the levying .and operation of such a
loop without any captious objections as to its
cost, nd that certain members of the Rapid
Trari?:t Commission, on which' the carrying out
ct th* project so largely, depends, have taken
fuch a favorable attitude toward It.
I Briefly stated, the plan is to construct an ele
vated structure between the Brooklyn and WIII-
Umsburg bridges, in order that the elevated
trains of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit system
may -- .- a continuous run. over one bridge and
back by ■■>■ of the other, thus doing away
•pith the terminal in Manhattan, which every
bee' BOWS and admits is the great cause of the
congestion. Although the committee has not
committed itself to any particular route for the
prcposed connection, leaving it to the wisdom of
the Rapid Tr.msit Commission, the latter now
has two routes before It for consideration. The
first runs from the Brooklyn Bridge along Cen
tre-sf.. Grand-st., Essex-st. and Delancey-et. to
,h. Tv amsbuiK Bridge. An alternative route
contemplates carrying the structure over pri
vate property and through Baxter-st. This
has been proposed to meet the aesthetic objec
tions of those who say that an elevated struct
ure in Centre-st. would injure the appearance
cf the Hall of Records, the Tombs and the Crim
inal Courts Building. For practical purposes,
however, this route is not considered as good as
thp former, as it is important to have the loop
as near the great artery of travel in Broadway
as possible.
It should be patent to everybody tnat h >' run "
j ,g trains continuously in cne direction, tn
ftead of stopping and switching them back at
any given point, they can be run faster
r 4 more can ho operated over a given track.
It is impossible t» think of any one so dense as
net to B-e thJt by distributing the crowds that
now leav«* trains In the morning and take them
ecain at night within the narrow confines of the
Brooklyn Bridge terminal over the length of
t*e 7:-i P r>se<l loop connection the congestion will
ved in the direction of th-» diminishing
Trains coming over the WilHamshurg Bridge
nil! b* run over the loop to the Brooklyn Bridge
r -k to Brooklyn by that structure, and.
=ely. trains from the Brooklyn Bridge will
fee run over the loop and back to Brooklyn by
way of the Williamsburg Bridge. Thus, no mat
ai elevated lin^ a passenger may want to
Mm to any particular pan of Brooklyn,
he will bo able to get it at any w of the sev
eral ]aref stations which h is proposed to estab
lish along the n.ute of the loop. The end of the
T'.rooklyn Bridge will then be no longer a ter
n n al. so far n.s the elevated trains are con
terned. but only a way ftation— one of the sev
eral ir. Manhattan. It will be used only by those
X to or going from the territory south of
t:.e City Hail and adjacent lo it. Persons on
Remarkable Charge of Cruelty, Made
Against Five Men.
i:ax Spitz, of No. .".63 East 135th-st.. told to the
po'.i-<* of the Morrisar.la station a story of great
cr jelty yesterday- Spitz, who is a. car cleaner, em
pWed by the Central -Hudson Railroad Company, in
th«" v&r d « ill 154th-st . says that on Thursday, after
V.* bad a tjuarrel with a fellow-employee, five men
tied Ms hands, poured five gallons of kerosene oil
ever his clothing and shoved him over a forge
f.r* until his "clothing ignited.
BafferlßS the most excruciating pain. Spitz says
1> ran from the Place and rolled himself In the
enow osth the flames were out.
Deter tives Bisssrt and Tomklns, of the Mornsania
Btatton yesterday arrested Henry Reisenhelser. of
No. 8K Robb'.ns-ave. a watchman in the round
Dr Barnert of Lebanon Hospital, responded to a
call for an ambulance, and found Spitz suffering
from t*rrib!« burns on the face. arms, legs and
ebdotnen? Be was taken to the. hospital.
Spits says be called on the men to desist when
they put him over the flre. but they h«>ld him close
to the flame!., until at last the flre communicated
to h\s clothing. In a second, he says, he was a
Tiilar of flam*. He remembers running out of the
roundhouse &vA falling In the snow, in which he
recalis rolling about.
VMjcc, lat«r. he recovered his senses, he was suf
ferins rrest agony. Going to a saloon at HBth-st.
and Morils-av*>. he started drinking, with a view
to forg'tUn* his awful condition. Yesterday morn-
Jsr he jfelt a return of his sufferings, and he pro
e*p<l'd to fhe Morrisania station.
Brt*enheiser was lodged in a cell on Spitz's
charge of a»=sautt. The prisoner denied every de
tail of the case as told by Spit*, and said the man
»a» r,>t In the roundhouse on the dcy in question.
fi* <\erJ.(*r that any on* poured oil or any other
uquM on any employe at any time, «o far as lie.
««i«enhflset, is aware.
A State lie finery Plan Proposed if
Pipe Line Bill Foils.
Dallas. Tex.. Feb. 10.— The Texas Legislature
818 >" pass an oil refinery bill similar to that Just
\ »*«*-- in Kansas. The Decker Pipe Line bill,
*">* under consideration in the State legislature
** Austin, seeks to protect Independent pro
*"**• f rom injustice, which they declare is be
** Practised by the Standard OH Company,
**** controls pipe lines and refineries In Texan.
** * conference in Austin laet night friends
** U* Decker bill derided if the measure shall
r*<Jef*aied they will" then seek to pass a. State
r**ery and pipe line bill similar to the Kansas
*!?; Another conference along similar lines was
£*W in Dallas to-day, at which Senator Me-
Cn* r - Chairman Murry of the House Finance
.j^JMttee and Representative Nelms. of Trln
»^oui. J y. -"were intent. Much sympathy was
«*. - rtt6tj for the Stale refinery i'ica. ■
their -sray to Brooklyn on the subway may get
HjeJr elevated trains at the Worth-st. station of
the loop. Those coming down on the 3d-ave,
and 2d-ave. elevated lines may take the Brook
lyn elevated trains at the loop stations at
Grand-st. and Ailen-st., respectively. Of course,
the same distribution will be obtained for traffic
in the. reverse direction. It is obvious that this
will also relieve the congestion at the Brooklyn
Bridge stations of the 3d-ave. elevated railroad
and the subway. That consideration ought to
appeal to strictly Manhattan travellers, and
make them warn: advocates of the loop for
Now the trains on the various elevated lines
are not run through to Manhattan during the
rush hours, on a?count of the inadequacy of
the terminal there, and much of the inconveni
ence is experienced in changing cars in the
Brooklyn terminal. With the loop connection
the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company will not
only be able to run trains through, but will be
able to organize an express service, which will
carry passengers to the outer parts of Brook
lyn without stop after the loop is left. The
plan for the loop includes four tracks over a
part of the route and the company contemplates
putting in express tracks on some of the lines
In Brooklyn if the loop is constructed.
When the Manhattan Bridge is completed the
loop will be connected with it by way of Canal
st.. making two loops within the greater loop
and offering splendid opportunity for a diversi
fied service which will meet the demands of all
classes of travel.
So far back as 1901 the loop connection was
advocated by the board of experts appointed
under a special law to devise means for reliev
ing the congestion on the Brooklyn Bridge. The
report of the board, which was composed of
Messrs. Boiler, Prout and Whinery, said: "Any
general plans for relieving the present condi
tions should contemplate not only Improving
and increasing the capacity of the present Man
hattan terminal, but should make It possible
and practicable to diminish the pressure at the
terminal by extending the bridge car and ele
vated tracks so that a part of the mas? of peo
ple can be handled at stations other than the
bridge terminal, in connecting the three
bridges and providing other stations for hand
ling a part of the people who now use and will
continue to use the present bridge [the Will
iamsburg Bridge was not done then], regard
should be had to making suitable connections
or transfer points with the north and south
transportation lines of Manhattan, to supply-
Ing some crosstown facilities in the downtown
district and to a connection with the more Im
portant North River ferries."
This report also advocated, in addition to the
loop, a crosstovn elevated connection from the
Brooklyn Bridge dewn Park Row to Vesey-st.,
to West-Et. and to the Cortlandt-st. ferry, and
that the present gallery floor of the Manhattan
terminal building be used exclusively as a ter
minal for the trolley cars.
George Gibbs, first vice-president of West
inghouse. Church. Kerr & Co., engineers, and" a
consulting electrical engineer for the Long Isl
and Railroad and the Interborough Rapid Tran
sit Company, after a careful study oT the prob
lem, says in a letter just received by President
Winter of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Com
pany: "Their conclusions (the Boiler. Prout.
Whinery board) embody in my opinion more
common sense and better engineering princi
ples for traffic control than since offered in any
public discussion. Their report has not received
the careful consideration from the public which
its character merits, and, while some modlflca-
Continued on third page.
11. 11. Rogers's Former Engineer
Killed— No dew to Culprit.
Providence. R. 1., Feb. 19.— John A. Hart, an en
gineer employed last summer on H. H. Rogers's
steam yacht, the Vixen, was murdered on the Joy
I^irip steamer Larchmont while a passenger from
New-York to this city last night. The murder was
not discovered until this afternoon, when, after all
the other passengers had left the steamer, the
stewards, in making their rounds, found Hart's
stateroom still occupied and the door locked.
The door was forced and the body was found
in the upper berth with a bullet wound in the neck
under the left cheek bone. A blanket had been
thrown over the head. Th<» body was clothed in
undergarments, hut the outside clothing of the
man was missing from the room. No weapon was
found In the stateroom, while a watch and chain,
a ring and a considerable sum of money which
th<- o>ad niaa was known to have possessed had
been taken.
The case was reported to the police here, and
Medical Kxamlner Jay Perkins later held an autop
sy, finding that the man was murdered, and the.
motive probably robbery. He said the wound co»ld
not have been self-inflicted. He believed death h;id
be.'*n Instantaneous.
The police believe that the nvjrdorer escaped im
n:"Mate!y on the landing of. the b<<at here at noon,
and had a good start before the body was discovered
They are trying to-night to find a man who is s;i!d
to have acted strangely on the boat, and to have
attracted the attention of several! of the crew by
his nervous behavior and his repeated inquiries bs
to whether the boat would reach this city ip. time
for him to catch the &HA train for Boston.
Hart was twenty-five years old and was the son
of lyorln P. Hnrt. Of this city. He was on his way
to visit his fnthf-r. He was v native of this State.
and had worked in various: plices in this city.
Since last November he had been employed as a
fireman on the Pratt Astral Oil <"ompany's tug No.
7. He communicated with his father here regu
larly and made frequent trips to this city. So far
as known he Bras not acquainted with any of his
fellow passengers. No disturbance was h*»ard on
board the boat in the night, and nothing out of the
or< lnary attracted th'- attention of the crew.
Atrocities Committed After Fight
tvith Bulgarians.
Salonlca, Feb. 19.— 1n a fight between Bulga
rians and Turks at the village of Kuklitch, near
Btrumitza, on February 10, the Bulgarians lost
twenty men killed or wounded. The Turks sub
sequently burned the village.
A commission of inquiry sent to the spot fro.n
this city discovered In the ruins of the village
the charred bodies of fourteen women and sev
eral children. . _^
via Pennsylvania Railroad tour leaving New York
TuMsday. February 21. Hound trip rate and all
nectary expenses for three days, $12 and l |M b%
according to hotel selected. Consult C. Studds,
K. PA.; No. SO 3th Aye. New York.— Advt.
Owner Values the Marble at $500,000
— Its History.
Many visitors were attracted to the National
Arts Club, in West :>4th-st., yesterday to see the
statue of Aphrodite, carved in Parian marble,
and believed to be executed by Praxiteles. A
photograph of the statue was reproduced in yes
terday's Tribune.
Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke, the new director of
the Metropolitan Museum of Art. was an inter
ested visitor. He examined the statue with
great care and declarsd it was a beautiful work
of art. Frederick Linton, the owner of the
statue, explained to Sir Purdon that the director
of the Naples Museum, Dr. Pais. believed the
statue to be an ancient Greek marble of the time
of Praxiteles and a model of Phryne as Venus,
the goddess of love.
Fir Purdon remarked that it was beyond sus
picion that the statue was a beautiful work of
art and worthy of the gieat Praxiteles.
"What more can you have?" asked Sir Purdon.
"You cannot obtain documents from Praxiteles."
Daniel C. French, the sculptor, also declared
the statue wss beautiful, but added that it
would require great consideration on his part
before he could say that he believed it to be the
work of Praxiteles.
Regarding the statue and how it came into
his possession. Mr. Linton safd last ev%nJnflr *.n t>
Tribune leporter:
"I value the status commercially, a t $500,000
at least. Rlgnor Fourcndi, an eminent Roman
sculptor, in 1892 advised me that the statue
should be exhibited in the Greek department of
the World's Fair and afterward in the prin
cipal cities of the United States. He offered
to deliver lectures on the statue and assert it to
be the Venus of Praxiteles, after the model of
Phryne. He expressed the opinion that the
statue was such a beautiful work of art that
no commercial value could be placed on it. but If
it was his property, he declared, he would not
sell it for less than $1,000,000.
"The statue has been in my possession since
ISK9. It was tak»n away from the country
where it was discovered and shipped from
France to America in the early part of 189L'. It
has since been stored in a warehouse till it was
exhibited for the first time on Wednesday last
at the National Art 3 Club.
"I have been an art collector in England for
thirty years and have for years, of course, been
aware of the great value of the statue. But as
an extensive land owner my Interests have en
grossed tn O much of my time to give attention
to thf exhibition of the statue till the present
time. In the West and South I have large coal
and timber land interests. In Harrison County,
W. Va.. I own about twenty-Bine thousand
acres of land.
"The trustees of thp Corcoran Art Gallery In
IS9O promised me the use of a room in their n*w
gallery. I was In Washington then treating with
the trustees of the gallery to obtain the use of a
room for the exhibition of the statue. Several
men offered to get a bill through Congress for
the government to purchase the statue for the
"Dr. Beattey. the curator of the Art Institute
in Pittsburg. lias taken groat interest in the
statue, and has been hopeful that Mr. Carnegie
would buy it and present it to the Institute.
The doctor will be In this city in a few days
to examine the statue again."
As announced in The Tribune yesterday, the
frtatue is Fa id to have been discovered bricked
up in a niche, according to some in Asia Minor
and to others in Greece or Sicily.
A card bearing these words is attached to the
base of the figure: "Aphrodite, girdle in hand.
Greek work in Paros marble, attributed i<»
Praxiteles. This Venus explains the Venttfl <L.
Medici, and may be the original of that famou.t
It was said last evening that the statue will
be on exhibition at least a. week longer.
Youth Had Heart — Exer
tion Brought on Attack.
Alexander J. De Haan, twenty years old, of No.
237 East llth-st., returned home yesterday from
a skating trip and complained of feeling pain*
about the heart. His condition became alarming,
and Dr. Watson, of No. ISO 2d-ave., was sent for.
He died soon after the doctor reached the house.
Heart disease was given as the cause of death,
superinduced by exertion while skating.
Price Was $1.500,000— One Said to
Yield 55 Per Cent of Mercury.
Milwaukee, Feb. 19.— John T. Keegan. of Lead
villa, Col., has purchased from H. J. Dieter, of this
city, a mountain said to be of pure cinnabar. In
Alaska, for $1,500,000. v The ' mountain has been
min»<l to a depth of 400 feet, and the cinnabar so
far found is said to yield 55 per cent of mercury,
while some paying mines produce as low us 3 per
cent. ' -.- .
From Atlantic City vis- Pennsylvania R. H. Feb
ruary 22nd, leave Atlantic City 5.30 P. M with
parlor cars, dining-car and coaches for N*w York,
Mopping at Trenton, New' Brunswick, Elizabeth
nun -Newark. Fast schedule. Through trains to
Atlantic i'itv leave New York week-days 9.53 A. M..
2.53 P, M.; Sundays 7.65 A. M.—Advt.
He Knocks Down and Robs Aged
Man — Reward for Brooch.
It would appear that the highwayman whr,
early on Saturday, as told in yesterday's Trib
une, tore a diamond brooch worth f6\ooo from
the dress of Mrs. John W. Cornish, who was
walking to her home, No. 722 East KiSth-st..
with her husband at lo o'clock, on the same
night assaulted and robbed of $Hx>, a watch
and negotiable paper Edwin Bald wick, seventy
two years old. of No. 158 Summit-aye.. The
Bronx, in a vacant lot In Sedgwtck-ave. Mr.
Baldwick was choked and knocked down and is
now under a physician's care as the result of
the brutal treatment he received at the high
wayman's hands.
Mr. Cornish yesterday offered $l,<M>o reward
for the return of the brooch. It would seem that
The Bronx has a robber somewhat akin to
Christopher Smith, who last week was sentenced
to prison for twenty-five years for the series of
attempted robberies in the homes of Mr. Woera,
Dr. Talbot and other wealthy West Side men,
the difference being that Smith sought notoriety
and entered houses in dime novel hold-up style,
while the Bronx highwayman is after money
I and valuables, and knocks down and robs with
out any preliminary flourishing of revolvers.
Mr. Baldwick is the proprietor of a book store
at X' . 2.<>T>2 Sth-ave. As a rule- he go^s home
about 9 o'clock in the evtning. His roots is
usually up Sth-ave. on a surface tar to l(<.">th
st., where he walks across the Central-Hudson
Railroad bridge o? the Putnam Division. There
is a flight of wooden steps from the north end
s of the bridge, leading up to a vacant lot, which
opens on one side in Bedgw|ck-ave.
On Saturday night the oil man was part way
. up the stairs, when he heard footsteps behind
j him. The sounds died away and he thought the
! person behind had gone back. When be started
! across the vacant lot he again heard some one
! behind him. This time the sounds were those of
; some one running up the stairs. Realizing that
j some danger was imminent, the old man face i
i the man who was running across th<- lot. With
; out a pause the man ran full at Baldv. iok. ami,
I grappiing with him. threw him to the ground.
Mr. Baldwick started to raise ao outcry. The
! highwayman choked him till he was almost in
! sensible. Then the robber ripped open Mr.
Baldwick'a overcoat, undercoat and waistcoat,
ar.d extracts! from aa inside waistcoat pocket a
. wallet containing money and valuable papers.
A gold watch was also taken. Michael Saggeae,
| a watchman for a company erecting new build
| injrs in Summit-aye., who occupies a shanty in
! the vacant lot about two hundred yards from
! the place where Mr. Baldwick was attacked,
j heard the first outcry of the aged man. and ran
j to the scent-, a revolver In bis hand.
The highwayman had done his work swiftly.
i When Saggese reached the scene the robber was
disappearing down th*- Mi^ht of stairs. Saggese
opened are, but none >i' the Bye bullets he fired
took effect. Patrolman Wagner, of the High
bridge station, heard the shots and ran to the
scene. He chased the robber. An unusually
dark night aided the highwayman in making
his escape. Mr. Baldwick was picked up in a
semi-conscious condition. His clothing had been
torn in places; even buttons had been torn oft.
The old man was assisted to his home.
Baldwick s adventure aiii:ust prostrated his
wife and tb< ir married daughter. For the beat
part of a decad * be had been going home the
same way and had not before been interfere.!
with. Captain Wendell, of the Highbridge sta
tion, i>n being informed of the assault and rob
be;y. detailed all his detectives on the ca^e.
Later Benjamin Finnegan, who lives at KrtJth-st.
and "Jd-ave., was taken by the police before the
victim of the robbery. Mr. BaMwtck said he
could DOi Identify the m.m. Finnegan had been
Men about the lot earlier in the evening, but
he proved thai he had gone home early.
From the description Mr. Baldwick gives of
his assailant, the man the police are seeking is a
man about five feet eight Inches tall and pos
sibly twenty-five years old. He wore dark
clothes, and :i cap. i>ut no overcoat. A posse
spent several hours Saturday night and yes
terday scouring Bedgwick-ave.
Mr. Baldwick lad ir bis wallet, besides the j
.s;i«h>. a negotiable cheek on th» Hamilton Bank
for •<-.".. signed by Mrs. K. M. Hall, and a draft
on sight for >10, signed by General K. P. Bny
Although Mr. Baldwick is known as a goo.l
pistol shot, he said that he never carried a re
volver going to and from his store. Hereafter,
however, be will.
The description Mr. Baldwick gives of his as
sailant tallies with that of the roboer who
pad with the Cornish bro> M -h.
Mr. Cornish announced at his home yesterday
that be would pay a reward >>f $I^ooo for the re
turn of the 1ir0... h.
•'What I "»«nt," saM Mr, Cornish, "is the
brooch. I don't care so very much about finding
the fellow that ti><.k it. although I would like to !
Continued on -••t-unil peer.
Through f;int trains ti. Atlantic City via. Penn
sylvania K. H. leave New York 9.55 A. M. and 2.35
P. M. week-day*. 7.58 A. M. Sundays. Special "train
returning leaves Atlantic City Februury 22nd at
6.30 P. M with parlor cars, dining-car and coaches.
— Advl. "". '
Loss Eg Etthufted wA $1,000,000 —
lint eh ami Station Burning.
Indianapolis. Feb. 19.— Fire, which started In the
large wholesale millinery house of Fahnley * Me-
Crea. to-night spread to adjoining hulMlngs. ana
within forty-flve minutes had completely destroyed
eight building*, and is now menacing that portion
of the wholesale district bounded by Mertdlan-st.
*nd Georgla-st.. Jackson Place and the Union
Sevrrnl explosions have occurred in the A. KJefer
Drug Company's warerooms. and on account of the
inflammable material stored in the adjoining build-
Ir.Rf. thf flre Is yet beyond control. A storm of
firebrands Is falling over th» business portion of
the city, and many fires are expected to result.
The damage already done is estimated at over
Among the heaviest losers are Fahnley & Mc-
Crea. wholesale milliners: the A. Kiefer Drug
Company. Griffiths Brothers, wholesale milliners;
Delmetsch & Co., toys and druggists* sundries;
the United States Express Company's warerooms.
the Savoy Hotel, the Sherman House, the St.
Charles Hotel.
Ex-cry fire engine in the city and outlying suburbs
responded to the three general alarms. The roof
of the sheds at the Union Station is on fire.
Victim's Injuries May Prove Fatal
— Dodged One Vehicle.
An unidentified man was struck by an auto
moblle at Broadway and 47th-st. yesterday, re
ceiving injuries which may result fatally. At
Roosevelt Hospital it was said that he had re
ceived a fracture at the base of the skull.
Charles A. Ward, the driver, of No. 102 West
lO&th-st., was locked up in the West 47th-st.
station, charged with assault.
The man was crossing Tth-ave. and Broadway
at 47th-st. Two automobiles were approaching
from the same 'direction. The man dodged one.
and in so doing- stepped directly in front of the
second, which, according to Patrolman Kerrigan,
who saw it, was going; at high speed. The man
fell after being struck. The occupants of the
automobile immediately got out and wont to
where he lay. Th.-y were James Pilkington, of
Fort Washington; T. H. Shannon, a Deputy
Commissioner of Highways, who gave his ad
dress as the Syndicate Building, in Park Row.
and Ward. The automobile was owned by Theo
dore Schultx, of No. L',S4S Broadway, and, ac
cording to Captain Flood. Pilkington was about
to buy it.
S. W. Battle Drops from Heart
Disease at Dinner Formation.
Annapolis. Md . Feb. 10.— Midshipman Samuel
Westray Battle, of the second class at the Naval
Academy, a son of Surgeon Samuel W. Battle.
U. S. N. (retired), of Asheville. N. C. dropped
dead as the midshipmen were called to dinner
formation to-day. Battle had just taken bis
plnce as third petty officer of the '.M Battalion's
Ninth Company when he was stricken with
heart disease. He was dead when picked up by
his mates.
Midshipman Battle entered the academy in
August, IM&, from Asheville. and was twenty
one years old. He was popular with his class anl
schoolmates; and stood well in his studies. He
was an oarsman, and pulled stroke in last year's
'varsity eight at the academy, but did not be
come a candidate for thf- crew this season. H«»
was also a member of the academy bop commit
tee, and was prominent socially No arrange
ments have been made yet for the funeral.
C. H. Mackay Makes Like Contribu
tion to School Athletic League.
J. Pierpr.nt Morgan and Clarence H. Mackay
have made liberal gifts to the Public School Ath
letic League recently. Both have sent checks for
11,000 to S. EL Guggenheim, treasurer of the
league, but r« quested that their gifts be kept a
secret. It is saiil that the funds of the schoolboy
organization, w.itb its more than one hundred
thousand members, have been greatly increased
recently by generous contributions from the
public spirited men of this city.
The movement of the influential m^n directing
the affairs "f the league toward acquiring ade
quate athletic grounds is reported as taking
definite shape. SO that .1 successful outcome is
expected before long.
Report That 2JDOO Revolutionists
Are Ready in Mexico,
San Francisco, Feb. 10. The steamer Dende
rah, from Hamburg vii central American ports,
brings a report that a revolution in Guatemala
Is likely in the near future. At Tapai-hula.
Mex.. dose to the Guatemalan border, part of
the revolutionary army Is said to be awaiting
developments. <>n a big cosfte plantation at
Tapachula there ;sr^ L'.'HHk men. ostensibly labor
ers, but in reality suldlf s, well aimed and
drilled, and r*>ady at a moment's notice to march
into Guatemala ;*"'! take the nvid against Ca
Injuries to Hand Through a Fall May Stop
His Billiard Playing.
Pittsburgh Feb. Is.— As Jacob Scha?fer. "The
Wizard." was rushing for a train to-night he was
perhaps put out of billiards forever through a fall
on the ice. Mr. Buhaeist broke the little flngpr of
his right hand and cut a long Rash across the
heart of his hand which quired six stitches. The
physician who treated the hand pave It as hi*
opinion that It would be many months before
Schaefer would be able to use a cue again.
Schaefer suffered great pain as he took the train
for Chicago with Mrs. Schaefer to-night.
Washington, Feb. 19.— M. Ji:ss«-rand. the French
Ambassador, mad* a long call at the White House
fvnlsht. He sild his visit to the President was
simply ■ social on*.
. Chicago. Feb. 19.— President Harper of the I'nl
verslty of Chicago was taken to the Presbyterian
Hospital to-day, where he will be prepared for
the operation next Wednesday. According to the
statement of the imtlent'a physicians to-night. I>r.
Harper's condition remains unchanged.
— • —
while th* weather Is pleasant there? Pennsyl
vania Railroad Tour February 21. $12.00 or Jl4.?»>
rovers all expense* for three days. Detail* from C
Btudds. E. P. A . No. 363 sth-ave..' New- York. —Advt.
Strike Forces Russia to Order Wai
Munitions Abroad.
St. Petersburg. Feb. 20.— 1t has been decided
that the body of Grand Duke Sergius will not
be brought to St. Petersburg at present, but
will be placed temporarily in » receiving vault
of the cloister of the ChudofX Monastery. Th
funeral ha» been set for Thursday. February 23.
The body will be buried later in the Romanoff
mausoleum In the Cathedral of St. Peter and
St. Paul. On account of lack of space. It was
decided last year to bury only rulers of the
dynasty in the old mausoleum, and a new sepul
chre in the new wing of the cathedral is being
built for other members of the Imperial family.
This, however. Is not the only reason for the
decision not to bring the grand duke's body ti
the capital. Even Governor General Trepoff has
recognized the fact that no precautions can fur
nish absolute guarantee of safety, and at a great
state funeral, where ancient custom requires
that the Emperor and all of the Romanoff fam
ily assemble and follow the coffin on foot, a
single bomb might wipe out the dynasty.
Regard for the safety of the sovereign also
has led to the decision that the Emperor most
not go to Moscow to attend the funeral of his
uncle. It is possible that no members of the Im
perial family w 111 be present on that occasion ex
cept those who are now within the walls of the
Kremlin. Grand Dukes Constantlne and Paul
probably will represent the Emperor at the ser
vice. Constantlne is personally popular, never
having been prominent In the polities of the
Court, and preferring to devote himself to sci
ence and the arts and to his work as the head of
the military academy." He went to Moscow Im
mediately on receipt of the news of the assas
sination of Grand Duke Sergius.
So grave is the danger of a repetition of the
Moscow tragedy that several of the grand dukea
have not stirred from their palaces since tlia
murder, and instead of going to Tsarskoe-Selo to
be present at the requiem there they have at
tended special services held in the chapels of
their own palaces. A service also was held In the
Winter Palace on account of Governor General
Trepoff. who is known to be under the sentence
of the fighting organization of the Social Revo
lutionists, and who. as far as can be ascertained.
has not left his quarters In the palace since the
assassination of the grand duke.
The public is greatly concerned over the Vie- .
velopments of the next few days. Other terror
ist crimes are generally anticipated. According
to reports, many cities and towns are to a- condi
tion of political ferment, and several officials
have been assassinated in Southern Russia. Ac
cording to a telephone message from Moscow,
the students there are afraid to appear on the
streets in their uniforms.
In addition, the strike situation has again
grown menacing, especially in the matter of the
railroads. Three of the lines entering Moscow
are almost completely tied up. In St. Peters
burg the strike has assumed the form of a lock
out, the Putiloff Iron Works, the Franco-Rus
sian Works. th-» American Rubber
Company and a few smaller concerns having
discharged all their employes, with the notice
that the works will be shut down indefinitely.
There are many alarming reports regarding the
action of the men. With thirty thousand or
forty thousand men out of work for an indefinite
period, even if no more join the ranks of the
idle, rioting ami bloodshed are feared. From
the attitude of the men many of the masters
are convinced that they have received financial
assistance from some source.
The closing of the Franco-Russian and the
PutilofC Works is a serious embarrassment to
the government, as the former mills are occu
pied exclusively In navy work and the latter in
manufacturing guns and munitions for the army.
Over 2.~».O0O,00O projectiles and shrapnel are
being prepared at the Putiloff Works, and the
government ha 3 been compelled within the last
ten days to place orders in France and Germany
for Sl-3.000.00> worth of munitions. At the
government owned Nevsky works the Minister
of Finance, M. Kokovseff, has been able to ho?d
the men only by conceding everything they hay*
demanded. Including the eight hour day.
Th«» employers, in a letter to the Finance Min
ister, squarely refuse all responsibility in set
tling the labor ferment, declaring that the strike
is not of economic origin, and that the nature
of the men's grievances can be adjusted only
by political reforms. They say that th* condi
tion of industry in Russia renders yielding to
the demands of the men utterly impossible.
Revolutionary literature is being distributed
broadcast through the capital, and Is to be
picked up in offices and factories, wherever it
can be scattered unobserved. These pamphlets
assert that dissatisfaction is fast spreading In
the army.
A telegram from Svehun reports a serious
riot, workmen wrecking the house .-f 8 sus
pected political Informer. In the fight between
the rioters and the police one of the workmen
was killed, and several, including a policeman,
were wounded.
The suspension for three months of the news
papers "Our Life" and "'Our Days." following a
second warning, is ptobably equivalent to the
abolition of the offending journals. The decree
of suspension assigns a "dangerous tendency"
to the publications, and specifies several ar
ticles on popular representation, but th» owners
of the papers believe that the true reason is that
no expression of sorrow for the murder of Grand
Duke Sergiust was printed in their Moscow dis
patches, ami that there was no word of edi
torial comment. Both papers, which have a
large circulation among the workmen, have
Leave New York 5:22 p. m.. arrive Cleveland 7:13
next morning. Cincinnati 1:30 p. m. Indianapolis tOO
p. m.. St. Loul« Ml p. m.. by New York Central.
fin* Service. No excess fare.— A*rt

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