ftritmne. v*- ianr..,-.s* 21.40s. To-d?r. tnir. To-mtrrrp'w, falr; north to noithra-tt Trhid*. NEW-YOBK TUBSDAY. JUNE 27, 1905.-SIXTEEN VAjBrW.-?riE3?&?B? PR1CE THREE CENTS. JIARVAJID SEXIOR CLASS OF 05. TEMPEST SWEEPS HARLEM ' ONE BEAD, MANY HURT. fceacly Built Apartment House Blorvn Dozcn? Trces Uprooted. As a result of a thuoderstorm which reacfaed cyclonlo proportions ln the upper part of Man battan yesterday a stx story apartment house ln course of constructjon collapsed, killing She was bullt In Chester. Penn , in 1895. The Tarantula ifi 125 feet in length. She Is a i turbine and has a reputed speed of thirty knots xin hour._ ' BRIDE HAS LEG IN SLING. Was Married in Chair?Fell from Fiancc's Gift Horse. iBT TELEGRA.PH TO THE TRIBUNE.l Greenwich, Conn., June 20.?Though suffering from a serlous compound fracture of the leg, caused by the running away of the horse her f.ance, Dr. John Roswell Hasbrook, of New York. had given her, MIse Edna M. West, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. West, and Dr. Hasbrook were married at 4:30 o'clock this af ttrnoon at the home of the bride's parents, in North-st. It was intended to have a church weddlng, but this was not poaedble uniess there was a piotracted postponement. The reremony took place in the parlor. Miss West was propped up iri a big chalr. with hf-r leg in u sllng. and Dr Hasbrook stood at the side, while the Rev. Dr Joaeph H. Selden, pastor of the Secottd Oongrecatlona! Church, in a brief ceremony r.nited the couple. ? ?>?_? ? - ? WED BEFORE VACATION. 'So Chaperon for Mainc Trip?A Wedding the Solution. De'.iiuse a proper chaperon could not t>?? pro Vlded tOT a vncation trip th.y wished to take to a hunting cainp In Alaine, Alisis Gertrude Louise f and Eugcne Cory Webb, both of Ma maroneck. were married yeoterd&y iii the *Lit tle Church Around tho Corner." They had been eagttgei three wc<-k.s desplte mucn oppo Bition from the parenta of both. Some timc- afeo Mr. Webb enllsfed in th Fulton St.. K?w 1'ork. SECRETARY I1AY BE1TER. IN NO GREAT DANGER. Suffera from Effecta of Chill Caught on Journey from Washington. Newbury, N. H? 7une 26.?The condition of John Hay. Secretary of State. who is conflned to his bed at his summer home, near Lake Sunapee, by an attack of uresmia, was regarded as favor able to-nlght by his physicians. After a few days of rest it is expected the Secretary will be able to leave his room. Dr. Charies L. Scudder, of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, who came here with Dr. Fred T. Murphy, of Boston, Sunday night on a speeial train in re eponse to a message from the Secretary's family, remalned in the village to-night, but Dr. Murphy returned home. A nurse from Boston arrived here at 8:30 o'clock this evening. Dr. J. L. Cain, of Newport, N. H., who was called to the Hay home before the arrival of the Boston physicians, is with Dr. Scudder. Both doctors are of the opinion that Mr. Hay will have no difflculty In overcoming the effects of the present attack, An operation was considered at one tlme by Dr. Cain, but the three physicians, after a careful examination and a consultation, decided that lt would not be necessary. The attack was due to a chill caught on the journey from Washington, and is simiiar to one Mr. Hay had four years ago. The Secretary passed a comfortable afternoon and evening, and his family considered that there is no need of further anxiety. Secretary Hay arrived at his summer home on Saturday night. The day possed withot a recurrence of bad symptoms, and this evening Clarence Hay said: It has been a very comfortable day. There seems to be no need of further anxiety. Secretary Hay began to be in pain early yes? terday, and applled remedies which have given relief on other oceaslons. These failed to help him, and Dr. Cain was called from NewDort. He found that in ehanging from the climate of Washington to the eooler temperature of the Lake Sunapea region the Secretary had taken a severe celd and that organs weakened by pre vious attacks had been seriously afrected. Upon lerning this, it was Mrs. Hay's desire that spe cialists should be summoned at onee, and as soon as posslble Dr. Scudder and Dr. Murphy were on the way here by speeial train from Boston. The Boeton and Maine Railroad cleared its tracks from Boston to Concord. N. H., and the speeial mada fast tlme between those two cities. The train proceeded to Newbury by the Con? cord and Claremont branch. A launeh was in waiting to convcy the surgeons across Lake Sunapee, and the doctors reaehed the bedside of the Secretary about mldnight. A quick but complete examination of the patient was made, and it was seen that his condition, whlle ex ceedingly painful, was not specially serious. Under treatment the patient soon showed im provement, and the necesslty of an operation, which had been discussed. was averted. In the latter part of the night Secretary Hay grew steadily better and by morning had regained tbe strength which was exhausted by hours of Incessant pain. On account of the organs affected by the cold, however, the physicians ruled that the Secretary should remain in bed for a day or two. Dr. Cain said to-day that the members of Mr. Hay's family were greatly alarnird because the usual remedies failed to give reftef. This morning Dr. Scudder gave out the fol lowlng bulletin with refcrence to Secretary Hay's illness: Mr. Hay is suffering from the efi'ects of a chill caught on the journey from Washington. Tho attack is simiiar to one whVh he had four years ago. This morning Mr. Hay ls restlng com fortably and expects to be about in a few days. No further bulletins will be Issued. CHAIILKS U SCUDDER. ANXIETY FELT IN WASHINGTON. Reassuring Dispatch from Mrs. Hay Re ceived at State Department. li'HOM TliK TKIBU.NE EUREAU.l Washington, June 26.?The gravest concern was experienced in offU-lal circles in Washington to-day when the news of Secretary Hay'g 111 ,,,.HS reacbed hero. Later in the day, hnwever, Cootlnued ?>n aeventh puge. After nil. DBHBR'ft th- Scotcii that made tho bJxn all famooa it h> the beau?Ad.t. SIIOT YOUTH BV ACCIDENT. THEN ENDED HIS LIFE. Doublc Tragedy Near the Mill Rivcr, Stamford. Stamford, Conn., June 26.?Herbert Birdsall, aged eighteen, accidentally shot and killed a companion, Edward Rush, son of Edward Rush, of Pelham Manor, N. Y.. this afternoon, and in his fright he ran into the woods, and was later found dead. He had killed himself with the sam'e weapon. The boys had been on the bank of Mill Rlver. in the northern part of the town, and Birdsall had been using the revolver, which was of .22 calibre, in shooting at birds. Rush wanted to handle the weapon, and while Birdsall was showlng him how the cartridges were dis charged Rush stooped down and looked into tha weapon, and the bul'et went through his head, killing him instantly. Birdsall told an other companion not to say anything. and then he ran into the woods. The companion gave the alarm, and after the body had been taken to an undertaker'o several men went in search of Birdsall. They found him sitting, apparently asleep, at the foot of a tree, but when they touched him they found he had shot and killed himself, the bulM having gone through his head. Rush was seventeen years old, and was a son of Edward Rush, of the theatrical firm of Weber & Rush, X?. 1,402 Broadway, New-York. He had been at Charles Spencer's sanatorium, in North-st., for eighteen months, receiving treat ment for a forrn of epilepsy. He had practically recovered and his father had planncd to send him to a ranch in the West in the near future. Birdsall is a son of John Birdsall, a laborer. He has been an Inveterate smoker of cigar ettes, and after being censured for the habit on Saturday by his father he ran away from home. It would seem from a statement by his mother that he was in bad mental condition from the use of cigarettes. Mrs. Rush was prostrated at her home, in Lioring-avc, Pelham Heigbts. by tho shock caused by the death of her son. Her husband went home for the purpose of going to Stam? ford, but owfng to his wife's condition he will not go there until to-dny. TEABS AT CAT*S FUNEKAL Society House in Mourning and Lilies Strewn TTpon the little Grave. [BY TEI.EGRAPH TO THE TRIBf.VK.l Chieago. June 20.?The home of Mrs. R. I. Capen, a South Side society leader, was in Ueep mourning to-day. When r>odo, a $1,500 pet Angora cat, was buricd in a grave dug In a grass p!ot behind the house. The body of the cat was placed in a little white velvet coffln. and beautiful white lilies in great pr^fuslon were put on the little grave. Tears vrere shed bj' the mlstrese and tho Juvenflea of the family, and Dodo had a funeral as mournful and impressive as might have been given a human being. DEER LEAPS ON M0VI3TG TRAIN. Pursued by Honnds, Big Doe Jumps On to Flatcar in Effort to Escape. [BY TELEOnAFH TO THE TR1BCXE.] Montpelier, Vt.. June 26.?A northbound fr< ight was runnlng easily down a slight grado after leav ing Thelford, near here, to-day", when the engineer heard the sharp baying ..f .<. hound. lle slowed down a Uttte, aa he waa approacbtag a wooded cut, and beliered a dog waa driving cowa toward the track. As the train neared the fringe of the woods the engine driver i-aught a ghrapae of a big doe heading striiight for the cut. Fearing that h? could not stop his train, h<- opened the throttle and shot ahead. As tho train ran through the cut the engineer and tireman were astounded to s?e ;he djoe leap on an open flatcar. They succeeded in gettiog a rope around the animal's ahoulders, when the deer made an effort to escape and leaped be iwc'n the cars, breaklng her i:f Alderrai n to-day, by .i ?ota of 11 to l. accepted a gift of iiuO. 000 ottered by Andrew Carnegi*, lo be added t>> Ute fund left by Benjamin FrankMn, f<>r the ereetlosj ?f a trade achool here. Alderman Frank J. Linehan, who voted in the negatlv.-, in a spirited addrew. de clared that the money offered by Mr. Carnede waa "blood money."_ BURGLARY, THEFT AND LARCENY. Before ilosing vour horae for the summer aeenre a bolicy in The Fldelity and Casualty Con Pouciea cover loaeea oue to burgiars and aaeak thleves and guarantee the honeaty of aenranta. For rut>- and particulara. apply io any broker cr io [ 60 rinu SUeet. New-York CUy.?Advt A CBINESE C0NSTI1TTI0N. Neio Government, It Is Said, To Be Established in Twelve Yeara. London, June 27.?A dispatch to "The Daily Telegraph" from Peking, by way of Tokio, says it is officially announced that within twelve years constitutional government will be estab? lished in China, and that the lntervening period will be employed in bringing about the reforms necessary for so great a change. TORNADO KILLS ELEVEN. Sonth Dakota Sicept by Terrific Death-Dealing Storm. [Br fTILEOBAPH TO THE TBIB'JNE.l Sioux City, Iowa. June 26.?Eleven persons ar? reported to have been killed by a tornado in Central South Dakota early yesterday morning. Details are exceedingly difficult to obtain owing to the wrecking of telephone and telegraph wires throughout the affected distrlct. Efforts to get into communicatlon with Plankington and Ar tesian, the largest towns in the storm's course, have proved futile. Train crews passing through the Territory bring the only information. They say that at Plankington three were killed and several injured, while flve were said to have been killed in the country near there. The known dead are: Walter J. Johns, Mrs. Walter J. Johns, infant son of W. J. Johns. The Johnss residence was at the outskirts of Plank? ington. It was demolished. and the three were crushed instantly. At Artesian three are known to have lost their lives, and it is feared many more dead may be found in the storm's path over the eighty miles intervening between the two towns. The name of but one of the three dead at Ar? tesian is known, the victim being H. E. Martin, a section hand. ?- ' DIE RATIIER THAN PART. Bandmaster and Wife Commit Sui cide When He Geta Cruising Ordcr. IBT TELEGRAPH TO THE TRIBirKE. ] Paterson, N. J., June 2G.?Rather than be separated for months, Henry Eichenrodt, band? master on the United States battleship Alabama, and his young wife committed suiclde together this afteraoon. They were married i?fght months ago. Mrs. Eichenrodt was twenty-six years old and her husband thirty-flve. She frequently told her relatives and friends that she was exceed? ingly happy with her husband. He had been away for a few days at a time, but recently he recelved orders to join his ship for a long eruise. This afternoon several friends and relatives j gathered at the home of Mrs. Petzold, the ! mother of the bandmaster's wife, to give them a farewell receptlon. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eichen- j rodt appeared to enjoy the festivities, but grew j morose when their friends left. Both retired to their room. Both were ab- j sent so long that Mrs. Petzold beoame alarmed, J rcmembering the change from a cheerful to a j morose niood in both her daughter and son-in- I law. She went to their room and found both [ lying on the bed. Her son-in-law was dead and her daughter was dying, clasped in each j other's arms. AU of the guests had not de- i parted. Mrs. Petzold returned to the parlor and J fell on the floor in a faint. When the guests learned the cause a physician I was summoned. but before he arrived Mrs. Eichenrodt died. The physician found that death was due to carbolic acid and illuminating gas. The gas in the heatlng stove was turned : on and an empty vial was on the table. FOUR CHILDREN AT ONE BIRTH. Lamore, N. IX, June 26V?lln. Evlgne E. Reilly to-day ga\e birlh to three girls and a boy. Tho little ones an: perfect and well. Mrs. Reilly. who is 3-i years old, is now the mother of ten chiWren. _ t_ YALE-HARVARD BOAT RACES. NEW-LONDON, JUNE 29. Fxeursion tickete. includin* parlor car seat. go irE on 11.40 u. m, train from O. C. 8. (connecting ." RV. Obeervation tnln) and on apeclal train re turtiir.K, ?7.00. OD sal?- at Koom 3. Excuraion tiek ,.,? sood "nly ln ooaches, J4.T5. on sale at Ticket : hrrice Orand tvntrni Statton. Obaervatlon train ' tickets for I'niverslty Knce on sale at Room ?, i Urand Central fltutlon, rate, S2.60.?Advt. EM1RE FOUND AFLAME. MAXY FIERCE AFFRAYS. Barricades in Warsaxc Stormed? The Peasants in Revolt. Warsaw, June 26.?Disorderly crowds have thronged the streets since early this morning. They have erected barricades at Ogrodowa, Krochmalma and Wronie sts., on top of which they placed red flags. The police anroclaniation of mnrtial law the situutlon has berome quietrr. The ramors ot an approaebing n>a-.-sacre ef Jew9 has caused twenty thocannd Jews 1 ? leave th>* town. Scattered caaw of rioting eontinue. One of these oo-urred to-day in the old I'rotestant ceinetcry, when n patrol was tircd on from be hiud a wall. The patrol chanred :tnd kiHfrJ twelT8 persons?five men, four women an ' three ehiUlren. Business is at a standstlll, and all traffic has been stopped. The victlms of last week's ontbreak nuniher more than twelve hundred. Thus far tbe bodles of 343 Jews and 218 Chrlstians have beeu 20TH CENTURY-18 HOU RS-CH 1C AGO. The WKh Century Ldmltfd of the New Tork Cei tral Llnea leavea New Tork daily at 1:30 p. m.. di /?,> S:30 next morning. Returnlna. leavi i*o vla t-ak.- Rhore 1 > V- in . d N>-w v i ?xt morr.Sr.K. T<> **:??? t? * ??? i?:!oi rcatrvatlons ahould be made earij Advt.