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1 FINE DOG HOSPITAL. 7)itn:it Has One That Rivals Thote for Human Beings. T- ':;...:( every city i -.1 town in tho United Mates there are veterinary surj ; ;irt (lf \ business Ing sick and injured ,; i |n Detroil there la a dog hos pital whi re doga l .\ thi Ir rooms and numbers, their : . il diets, and are h my human beings. When a dog Is brought to this bos] it;d be comes in an ambulance, unless his owners bring him. If j 1 imal la :i varaahle one, and if his owners can afford the expense, he is carried to a pri vate room, if the dog's owners are economical he goes to a l *ward," where he may be in com- I with a i!oz-n others. When an animal enters the hospital its name I : . r, together with its owner's. A long slip, such as is used in hospitals for hu l . eings. Is filled out. The age of the dog, Its breed and the nature of its malady or in jury are first recorded. Then the dog under goes a thorough examination by the doctor in charge, instructions for its treatment and care » en and the animal has becom^ a patient \\ Ith the exception of appendicitis, dogs are I to ailments that beset human beings, and in the treatment pills, bypodermics, nerve tonics, heart stimulants and nearly all other drugs and medicines used by human beings are employed. In this hospital tm rations are of daily occurrence. Legs are amputated, tumors are cut out and internal organs re ; . Pulling and filling teeth art- done almost every day. There are many persons in every city who possers old pets that they would not part with for a great deal, but which suffer greatly, and usually die, because they have lost their teeth. A doctor at this hospital is now working to invent a set of false teeth which i amped to a dog's jaws. PREHISTORIC IDOLS. Found hii an American Missionary in Guatemala. A rubmerged city of prehistoric idolaters, the I s of which may be seen through the • of Ixike Amatitlan on clear days. Is ••d by Mrs. W. Francis Gates, a returned : -/ from Guatemala. She also brings k T the idols recovered from the depths of ke and others which she has dug up in ■ghborhood. &Ir>-. <;at< :■ has spent ten in that country on missionary service, and has now com© home on furlough, but cx i I irn tn Guatemala iri a short time rs ago," said Mrs. Gates, "I went to Guatemala, In Central America) as a r ry. Near Guatemala <"ity. wh< I \ m!, is a prehistoric mound city of 1 . traditions of whi. h have been , ,-cd through many generations, though \ the real character of Is religion. Educated Guatemalans believe It 1) be thousands of years old. It Is supposed y> be one of the cities of the Mayas, who pre red<'! the Aztecs in America. '•This mound city is laid out In geometrical I the mounds being sixty feet rectangular and others of beehive shape Now, it once happened that a President of Guatemala who was a romantic character had a love to whom he was greatly devoted. She a brilliant operatic singer, a woman of r> :;:.ement and culture, and artistic in her Their afternoons were often spent to gether driving through the country round about Guatemala City. A favorite drive of hers was this i -i.n. known as th.- Mound city. In the course of time another woman, also beautiful and accomplished, came t<> Guatemala ami captivated the President, who transferred his affections to her. Put, still having a linger ie for his former flame, be presented the latter with a beautiful plantation, which in tludtd the Mound City. Heing fond of outdoor : t to work beautifying the grounds by lawns and drives through the nvmndii md adorning the grounds with Italian statuary. "1 !-•».!] became acquainted with the opera and at hi r invitation frequently visited ber. These visits were usually devoted to music fend often ended In a drive through the Mound City. "i >] c afternoon, as we were passing through uts, 1 noticed an odd looking stone pn.j, . ting from one of the mounds, and got out of the carriage to investigate. The stone proved t . curiously carved little image. With the j of my hostess, I visited the place i times, arid with the aid of a small army '• icr tool dug into the banks, where I found i other specimens. The little god who Ftu k his bead out of the bank was my first find, though he is one of the ugliest in my collection, I prize him highly, for he etii-t d me in my antiquarian search. "Afterward my husband and I met with a Scientist who «,i= counting for a European museum. Aft. r the heavy rains the three of u^ v ould often start out, with picks and shovels, to iliur in the b(ds of the mountain torn mh, wi.: ii bad b« > n washed so bare that we often fouri.i Bpectmens near the surface. We have I days at a time digging on the mountain Sides. "Some nf tin images In my collection from the bottom of I^ake Amatitlan Concern- Ing thL> lake then- is a strange tradition current NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY, JANUARY 28. I** CHLOROFORMING A DOG IN A DETROIT DOG HOSPITAL. among the Guatmnalans. II Is said that In ancient times, when the world was young, a beautiful city stood there, with noble palaces and other buildings, fine gardens filled with tropical verd ure and occupied by a happy and prosperous HOW THE MADAGASCAR SILK SPINNING SPIDERS ARE HOUSED. people. It was the city of idolaters, and was especially noted for possessing the 'Golden Baby,' an Image of pure gold, which stood m a ahxine In the royal temple. After this city — which Is supposed to have been a contemporary MRS. W. FRANCIS GATES. MISSIONARY EXPLORER. Arranging some of the smaller idols excavated by her in Guatemala! of Nineveh and Babylon— had flourished for many centuries a great earthquake vtsited the land, and the city sank and was totally sub merged. It now lies many fathoms below the surface of the lake, and on clear days Its lofty towers and the gleam of its white buildings can be seen by the fishermen through the water. Native guides have recovered a number of strange pieces of pottery and carvings from the lake. Those of my collection were brought up by native divers, who are r«ady to do <!own when off'-r^d a small coin equivalent to t:vo err throe cents of our money, •••■*' h hoping that ho may bo the fortu: I man to find tha '<J'>: la lUjihy.' The legend of th« 'Gold'-n Baby* is strongly believed In by the people of lhaX reglun." SILK FROM SPIDERS. France Trying to Male I! ■ Com mercial Success. The !s,'>idf*r w*-b gown may «oon be a reality for the threads of thousands at spiders are being carefully gathered, unwound and woven Into shimmering silken fabrics. On the Island of Madagascar this odd Indus try is carried on. under the direct management of the Governor, who has fceen appointed by th« French authorities manager of what Is perhaps the strangest factory In 11 • world. Here spiii»ri toil day and night and di* from overwork and from Ignorance on the part of the attendants. Therein lies the chief difficulty. The srider seems perfectly willing to ppin out in the mango groves of its native land, but It grows sulky when transplanted to the specially prepare . i m the silk spinning factory of Madagascar. These Madagascar spiders are the hard I sects imaginable to manage. Indeed.. they • m to possess an irnpi3h desire to thwart all man made plans and to baffle all students of tbetx habits. They even strike f^r shorter hour authorized by union law?, refusing to work more than two hours a day unWs they f like it. When the mood is on. they may spin all day for two weeks at a tim«*. with a res breakdown. Also. Mr Spider may take it Uto his contrary head to loaf entirely for a rood period, and no amount of coaxing or tr ig will induce him to spin. The "halabe," as the native can* the has a beastly temper, even If he is an and he not only fights his would-be esptor in the forests, but he leads tribal wars, in v. hi -h hundreds of his kind are slain. For no apparent lion he will pounce upon a relative or a one time friend, and, surprising him by the mdd n ness of the attack, will overpower him, a: ! tn less than five minutes will have made a n him. The female "halabe* is the more valuable, and she is also the more ferocious. She frequently gobbles up her young, and even, in a f.t of - attacks her spouse. Being the stronger. sh>- :" variably overpowers him. and she takes a : ish delight in devouring him at leisure. A nne awaits the man who will civilize th- : uable Insects. Until then the best that can te done is to keep close watch over the spiti ■■-- In captivity, and be thankful that the Oghl the freedom of the mango craves breed | and in great numbers. The native girls, armed v.-ith nets, ar. : square covered baskets slung across their ders, leave their huts in the cool of On morning to surprise the ipider in hi-= I among the mangoes. Tbm Beta rescmbl used to capture butterr!U%s. thoy ar>- s : and of a finer mesh. The basket! are Boed witll soft grasses, and gnat carp mu«t be ta- tfl keep the male and female "halabes" apart •tM savage wars would be waged withiri the bask) ts and only the few victors, maimed most UK- :>\ and the slain would be found within the Ui-^k- *j when they were unpacked at the factory. The carrying baskets are large enough to hold ODB&lnurd on dchita pace. ONE OF THE LARGER IDOLS FOUND BY MRS. GATES. English, French Etch OF liTH CENTURY. MEZZOTINTS. PHOTOS AMI CMfcNBJJ OK ALL KfttOl-KAN .\ LEKIES. 12 West 28th St. UliOßtiL 31 SSE