OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 10, 1906, Image 1

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__^ _^_^_ _^______^__^____ I ' ' . ■ ■" T. _ »
VolV o1 LXV -N° 21.6.%.
jjxrrixr ox black SEA.
man Attacks Choukn'm— Affrays
in St. Petersburg.
c» Petersburg. Feb. ft.— Vice-Admiral Chouk
i- «n command of the Black Sea fleet. was
'inded to-day by a woman, who attacked him
his <* c if Sevastopol. A sentry who rushed
♦he admiral." assistance shot the woman dead.
• statement has been issued relative to the ex
' n t of Admiral Chouknin's injury.
■■tiny is still smouldering on board several
■;.;. of the Black Sea fleet, notably on the
lesr.ip Catherine II where several officers
£, vf been wrrested.
X number of naval officers, according to ■ dis
' hto t ho • 1 P!oyo" from Sebastopol, have been
uar.sferred to the Far East for petitioning the
tfirtae Ministry for an open trial of former
Lieutenant hnif.lt. who led the mutiny on the
TUiser Otchakoff. and for satisfaction of the
ttfVice demands. The trial of Schmidt has been
L^tjxmed because it la thought to be hazardous
♦o "transfer him from the fortress of Otrhakoff,
ar OdeE?rs. to the naval headquarters at Be
T h? war between the fighting wing of the rev
olutionlf.f ani thi lack Hundreds assumed
, jf t nliaff to-night, when a band of Reds BUr
roenflei a cabaret on the Schliisselberg Road
gbovo the city and threw a bomb among an as
ieDiiUi* of workmen. The Reds then opened
f,re on th* i»ar.i: stricken crowd in the cabaret,
killing two enl Berfouslj' wounding eighteen
Wrsons. On* of the wounded died while being
taken to a horr-ta 1 ..
'Military detachments, which are constantly
pntmllinsr tho turbulent industrial suburbs,
x.cv reinforced by dragoons and police from
th<> city, and threw a cordon around the whole
dimri-t. Most of the revolutionists made off at
thf approach n* th<* tr^npp, but a few bolder
fiirits remained and offered resistance to the
FOiiiirrs. Wlioietale arrests were being made at
c late hour to-night-
Tfcre? employes of the Putiloff works bflonp
ine tr> ihf P>lnrk Hundred were surprised and
tiilpd yfPt*rday hy a party of revolutionary
workmen. They wore Hocused of furnishing to
thf police lists of revolutionary ■workmen.
T^ Terrorist campaign ls= bofntf vigorously
pr'>s'"-u!<d in the provinces. From two to ton
Kttetnpts on th« !lvs of offlrlals are rf-porte<l
GtT,era] Llnevlteh reports that a eat num
ber of arr^Fts of insurppntp have been made at
Chita. Among those .-irrestcd are eighty-one fo!
difrs". Large quantities nf arms and explosives
fcave bef>n «urrf n (s or<"'d to xhc authorities. Sen
tral Linevitch says that order has been re
eiored In a diFjiat<fi leceived here to-day from
Genera! Mistcher.ko. Vladivostok is reported to
U qui»"t.
The disclosures regarding nrn-.s smuggled into
Finland have been followed by the revelation
that arms in larce quantities have been openly
Imported through the custom houses at Reval
ard other Baltic ports and forwarded to Moscow
£nd <nhT places in the interior, the official at
P.fval saying that the law only prohibited the
Importation of military rifles of the Russian pat
tern, p.nd said noTMng about consignments of
Veaiiws of the French and Be-lpian types.
Thouch the "Slovo" d> nips the correctness of
the "Novoe Vremya's'" Ktatfment lint the Na
tional Assembly will he convoked on April 2H,
and qur:t^s a Councillor of the Empire as say
iiiS' that probably it will not be <-onvened '!■• fore
autumn. The preliminary flections among the
St. Frtertburg workman will begin next week.
The Cabinet ami Council of the Empln are
working overtime preparing Lills for submis
sion to the National Assembly. Even the pa
jers v.hii h have been flgfjtlns the government
Tooth and nail, like the • mm" and "Kasha
EUcm," refer io the Ftrojig liberal tendency re
cently manifested in the Cabinet, and say thai
the Minister of the Interior. M. Durnovo. is al
tr.ost alone in favoring a reactionary policy.
Over Fifteen Thousand Men of Linevitch's
Command in Hospital.
" Petersburg. ]>b. 9.— General .: • itch's
report <:f sanitary conditions it; th* Manchurian
tmy on January 'Jft admits the oxiFtrnce •' 220
cases of Siberian p'affuc Th'- total number of'
sick in the hospital was 744 officers and 1-1,282
tt^n, of whom 1,.*»54 were suffering from con
tagloaa diseases, irrluding <ilL cases of typh us
Kazan, p.-;,. IJ.--Twenty-slx cases of rifles.
Kbm of th«n of the sjjortiiiK- type arid others
Of Qm military prat^rn, havr- been corfiscated
bT '-h- police. The City Hospital, the personnel
<* which jr Eupposed to be iir.j.lkntcd. was nir
rfuiidfi by t'n'.'is. and several arrests were
Twt.vf Q::.< Deficient in Zx
amir...- Be Graduated.

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UnfEt*, S ** York V - :J * i'^'"- '"fivf« £i. Aiu-.s-
- - .
To-<ln.r. fair nn<l .older.
To-morrow, fair; north writlorlj- wind*.
Sore Possible to Discern Jiabics in
Twenty Mrmttes.
BacterMoglata of the Health Department have
perfected a test for hydrophobia by which it
may be determined In twenty minutes whether
or not an animal had been suffering from rabies.
Under the old methods, which were, to Inoculate
ii guinea pis with nerve tissue from the animal,
it took from throe to seven days to reach a de
terminutioti. By the new method a sample of
the brain is placed on a slide and examined
under the microscope.
Dr. Wilson, of the laboratory staff, said »last
night that the new method was both an Im
provement over the old and ■ valuable acquisi
tion to the scientific data on the subject In tfie
three weeks the bacteriologists liave been work
ins here they have also succeeded in refining
antitoxin fo that now it has none of the serum
of the animal from which It was extracted.
This not only makes it purer, but more powerful.
Denver Woman Claims Tin Box
Containing Will ami Money.
[By Telegraph to The Tribune. 1
Trenton, X. J., Feb. 9.— Mrs. Julia Curry
Trinkle. of No. :;,<mi Gallup-ave.. Denver,
has written to Governor Stokes asking his co
operation in Identifying the contents of a tin
box containing a fortune. It was found In a
tree trunk near Lincoln Park. Mrs. Trinkle
says In her letter that she rend In a magazine
an account of the finding of the box by work
men who wore felling trees In Lincoln Park.
The story, she says, described the contents of
the box as a small fortune in money, a deed to
valuable land in New- York City, a will dated
December 12. 1789, and diamonds and jewelry
of great value. Mrs. Trinkle says that if the
name of William Curry is to be found on any
of the papers in the box, it is likely that the
property belonged to one of her ancestors, who
shortly before the date of the will was stricken
with brain fever and subsequently died from
insanity, leaving no will and no trace of a large
amount of money, diamonds and jewelry. Be
cause of the failure to find the deed to the
property In New-York, the property has passed
out of the family.
Governor Stokes will make an effort to locate
th" finders of th<«- box and obtain from them the
information which Mrs. Trinkle desires.
- j—"r-»j — "r-» -
Decision Like Sfaiidsird Oil Ca.se
Before Justice Gilder sleeve.
[By T- !'>"rai>. to Tile Tribune.]
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. !>. — In a case in the
United States Circuit Court of Appeals Judge
Sanborn handed down a. de< Ision on January lil
which deals with the precise question that is
pending before Justice Gildersleeve in the Su
preme Court of New-York In the Standard Oil
case. He derided In favor of the contention
made in that case by Attorney General Hadley.
Mr. • uttey this morning forwarded a copy of
the opinion to New-York. The opinion said:
It is not the duty <>: an auxiliary court or
judse within whose jurisdiction testimony is
being taken In a suit pending in a court of an
other jurisdiction to consider or determine the
competency, materiality or relevancy of tie evi
dence which one of the parties seeks to elicit.
It is the duty of such court or Judge to compel
the production of the evidence, unless the wit
ness or the evidence is privileged, or It clearly
and affirmatively appears that it would he an
abuse of the process of the court to compel its
How John Abernathy "Got Tip in the
World" While in Washington.
[By Telegraph to The Tribune.]
Law ton, Okla., Feb. 9. -There Is an amusing
story connected' with the appointment of John
Afcernathy as United State* marshal. He says
that when be visited Washington he crowded
his way by officials at the White House and
was ushered into a room where he found a
table, surrounded by men, with a vacant' chair
at the head of the table, which he occupied,
perceiving' that the inf>n looked nt each other
and smiled.
"Presently." fays Abernathiy, "I heard th»
door open behind me, and then two powerful
hands ■lapped me on the shoulder, and, looking
up, I recognised the President. He grabbed my
hand and said:
" 'John, you are getting up in the world, occu
pying the President's chair at a Cabinet meet
vag. n
Engineers Run Backward to Lessen Shock
from Coasting Locomotive.
L;i\i'i. CoL, Feb. ;». A wild race over a
mountain road. v\ith it-,.' lives "f two hundred
pn— ri - trainmen ;>i stak<\ was won by
ITinton and Matthews, engineers, of the Denver
and Rio Grand* road, at ."'. :«. m. to-day A m<>i!-
Btcr engine nrai disabled on ill- summit of La
w ' :!■■ ii:' engine men were making
• k i ii< engine, Jarring it
from lt« tender and starting i" down the
and Matthews, with two big
. pulling ;: loug southbound pan
train, J :«* •! lust Btarted up the hill when they
■aw th« headligrhi nt th< runaway Hashing
: Urn cur ■ -■• Quick!) reversing their en
the?' raced Liackvi'urd bo rapidly i'i;it when
me ihf impact was harmless.
[Uy Telegraph to The Tribune!]
Galveston, Tex.. Pel* •■' — Miss Rebecca lister
to-day obtained a marriage license, and with th»
assistance «>f an obliging justice of the p«-.ire
was married i,\< !■ the lows distance telephone
to Thomas Doolittle. The marriage was per
f< rmed in thai manner as the result of a wager.
[By Telegraph t-> The TrUran*.]
PUtsbiifg, Feb. U. While soing from her hotel
to the ■; ;..... „ Theatre this moon In :ui open
i ai: i;--- Mme. Sarah Berhliardt, the actress,
v.as attacked by two bucdred small boys at the
!{<!!cfit!<l School, and two hundred .snowballs
were thrown at her. Mme. B< rnhcrdt refused to
allow the driver to hurry, and, gathering up the
1 . . 1V _. that had fallt-n in her lap, was loon mak
ing Mowballa herself and returning the lire. For
two mlnutea the battje continued. Mme. Bern
hardt was bJt «ny times on the face, but he
s. .-mi»a to enjoy the encounter as much as any
<,f th- boys and -.\:»s laughing heartily when lh "
carriage disappeared.
Illy Telegraph ... Tfc« Tribune. 1
1 utsbi „,. Feb. 'J.— The BalUnuj ■ un.i Oliio Rail
road Company, on account of th« opposition .«f the
cily counj-tl lu-.ause of pauses belnj; cut off, has
temporarily Abandoned Us plans for ■■ i:)ill!.)!j dollar
ponenscr •w*Jon here

IP ' A ; .. i' .. . . '
Charges Preferred ~Agaiv.*t Cor
oner's Clerk by District Attorney.
Jacob E. Bauseh. tho chio/ clerk of the Board
of Coroners, who. during the administration of
Mayor Van Wyck. was a coroner himself, found
himself la serious trouble yesterday, when the
District Attorneys office tiled charges against
bin with the Hoard of Coroners, alleging that he
had attempted to "shake down" a citizen.
Tho Board of Coroners met on the charges, and
President Julius Harburger announced that the
board had found that Bauseh had been indis
creet, but not criminally guilty, and had cen-
Mired him. The board further told the clerk
that if such a charge wero repeated he would
get out in a hurry.
It is not known whether the District At
torney's office is satisfied with the censuring of
Baoacb by the Board of Coroners, but it is
thought that the case will be further Investi
gated. Bauscb is a Tammany Hal: politician.
He was not only coroner for four years, but
has boon president for years of the Columbia
Club, of the il'Mi Assembly District, and is P J.
Scully's tost Lieutenant in the political affairs
of tho district.
The charges wore made by William B. Green
bauni, tho president of the Navesink Distilling
Company, <>r No. 82 Beaver-Bt., whr lives at
tho Hotel Bartholdi. Mr. Greenbaam's wife
was run over on Broadway last Saturday night
hihl died a short time afterward. At the time
Fh*» was wearing Jewelry worth $2^500. She
waa carried to the American Express Company's
office, near the Hotel Hartholdi. and there tb/i
manager took th 6 jewelry and turned it over to
the. polirp, who s>>nt It to the coroner's office.
Last Monday Mr. Qreenbaum went to the cor
oner's office to pet th-» Jewelry. He saw the
property clerk, Tyndale. who told him, not
knowing: him. that if lie got a letter of intro
duction from the undertaker? who buried Mrs.
Oreenbaum it would be sufficient identification.
Mr. Greenbaum did as asked, and in a short
time returned to the coroner's office, accom
panied by his brother-in-law, Edward J. Welch,
if Boston. Tyndale was out and they saw
BaUßch, who was la charge.
The affidavit which Mr. Greenbaum made to
the District Attorney says that Bauseh said the
letter was not sufficient Identification, mid that
ho would have to he better identified. Mr.
Greenbaum then alleges that Bausch^said he
would "send a man up to invest igate;"jjpkl get all
the facts" for $15 or $20. V^V
Mr. Greenbaum objected, and Bausch, he al
leges, repeated the offer to Mr. Welch. Last
Tuesday, the affidavit states, according to ar
rangement, a man met Mr. Greenbaum at the
Hotel Bartboldi and gave him a letter, pur
porting to be from Bausch. signed, apparently,
with Bauseh'a name, and on official paper. Mr.
Greenbaum alleges that he asked the man what
It would cost to fix things up, and that the
latter wanted $2"i.
Mr. Greenbaum became suspicious, saw As
sistant District Attorney Kott and. swore to an
affidavit. Bauscb was sent for by the District
Attorney's office, and admitted practically all in
the affidavit except the letter. This, He said, ho
never, wrote* and must be a forgery. He Bald ho
knew he had been Indiscreet, but had no in-,
ten lon of wrongdoing. . „ _., ;■ .'-■■•~ i
Charges That King Leopold Dreic
Great Sums from Trade.
Ix^ndon, Feb. 10.— -"The Standard"' this morn
inp draws attention to the alleged revelations
contained in a book on the Congo Fr^e State,
published at Paris and Brussels by Professor
rattier, the Belgian, indicating that in the last
decade King Leopold has drawn an amount es
timated at $15,000,000 from the rubber trade in
the dingo (Domains de la Couronne), all trace
of which was excluded from the published ac
counts of the I'ongo administration. The news
paper in an editorial says:
If it can be verified that such an income was
drawn, while it has been represented that doubt
ful expedients were employed in the Conga in
ardor to avoid tli.* carrying on <if business at a
loss, the conscience of [Europe will Ue stirred to
its ii> pths.
Could Sail the Deep, but Could Not Navigate
New- York's Streets.
William Jenkins, a sea captain, appeared nt the
West 20th-st. police station about 4 p. m. yester
day, nrd said ho was lost, He told Captain I}\\^
feint! lie was commander of the four masted tank
schooner Jut. ilia, of the standard OH Company'!
Beet. Me left the. schooner at Baltimore four days
an" and came to New-York. He took rooms at
some house, the number of which is 227. but th»
location of which Captain Jenkins said, he hail
Captain Burfeiml detailed Patrolman Peter Reid
to help Jenkins find his boarding bouse, and the
two tramped the streets until 7:30 o'clock last
night looking up houses numbered 227, but none
of them proved to bo the house they were seeking:
Two lively cats and a little canary caused
considerable excitement in the East 22d-st. po
lice station last night. A woman friend of
Sergeant Fitipatrick gave him the. bird. He
put it Into, ;i cage and then placed the cage
on the desk in front of him.
Cook, the station house cat. became suddenly
jealous and dashed its face against the cage.
The cage was tumbled over and the bird es
Another • ■;n trotted In ;'n<l Joined Oook in
id>' huni for the bird. Sergeant Fltspatrtclc
<:i!'(-(l >Mit th« reserrea, Mn<l only with their
aid was the canary «aved from Instanl death.
as fmiiHl nestlins In a corner, and tender*
ly i a-.-.i f>ir by in* owner.
Harrlsbure, Perm., F«'b. >.— The House of Repre
sentatives to-i.ay adopted the Creasy resolution, di
rect iiiß Attorney Genera] Carson to inquire if the
railroad companies of Pennsylvania are engaged
In iii. mining of coal, which is alleged to be in
violation or" the Stute constitution, and If so to
proceed against them.; Tho resolution was adopted
with flight opposition. It will coma up In the
Senate on Monday night.
Cataklll, N. V.. Feb. 9. — Becky Dickaon, known as
tlii- oldest negresa In Greene county, died here to
(!:iv, aged 101 years. Sli« loaves a husband. Chnun
,.,.;•' i>|,'k.~on. swho •% is nlnely-oißht years old on
September' 3 -'-'
A.xhevllle, N. C, Feb. &.— The Hoard of Aldermen
to-night unanimously passed an ordinance, t-ITectlvo
June 1, requlrlrie the sii..-t railway rompanlee to
provide eparute cars and waiting stations for
white nnil «-olon»<1 : eopli A Ana of 128 la Imposed
upon any person who shall go Into a car or coin
partmeni provided i.ii tin- other race.
Special Train returning via Pennsylvania H. ft.
j>-iivf Atlantic City; I" 12th, l:Z>j I', M. l'urlui
Cam and Ulalnj,- • iu».— L
Exploding Gas Blows Up Nine Man
hole Covers Many Hurt.
One woman was seriously injured yesterday
and half a doxen more were burned and bruised
by the simultaneous explosion of sewer gas at
No. 546 "West 30th-st and the blowing up of
nine manhole covers In the neighborhood. The
Injured woman, Mrs. Alice Nelson, who lives on
the first floor of the house, was taken to Roose
velt Hospital.' She was badly burned about the
face and head, though the physicians say her
condition Is not alarming. Mrs. Nelson was in
the cellar at the time of the explosion.
Frank Byrne, the Janitor, says he detected the
odor of gas in the basement several days ago.
and each day It grew stronger. Yesterday morn
ing Mrs. Nelson complained to him that the
smell in her apartments was unbearable. Going
Into his room, he lit a candle, and. accompanied
by Mrs. Nelson and his wife, wont into the cel
lar to investigate.
Byrne unlocked a coal cellar near the front ot
the basement, and just as he and Mrs. Nelson
entered there wax a terrific explosion, that threw
Mrs. NMmd across the cellar and knocked
Byrne off his feet. Mrs. Byrne, who was close
behind them, was not touched, but, in her fright.
rushed up to her apartments, and. seizin* her
sleeping baby, ran into the street screaming.
A series of explosions followed that shook th«
whole neighborhood. Manholes, one after the
Other, threw off their heavy iron covers, and as
they landed in ths streets the crowds gathered
about and ran here and there.
Kvt-ry window In the house was shattered, and
the tenants almost fell over one another in their
eagerness to get out. In this way many were
struck by pieces of glass or hurt by falling on
stairs. Some were burned. The windows in
the adjoining house also were shattered." Tony
Sutter. a shoemaker, whs struck by a piece of
glass fro-m a window in the basement. Mrs. Car
rie Hammond, who lives on the second floor, was
rut J.y flying glass, as were several boys. Police
Captnin Daly, of the West 47th-st. station, hur
ried to the scene with his reserves. Two ambu
lance calls were sent in, but it was found that
only Mrs. N«fcon was seriously injured.
Investigation by the police after the explosions
reflated that in the cellar where the first ex
plosion occurred.Vhere was an open space If ad
ing to the sewer running down the street. This
hole leads into the coal bin or private cellar into
which Byrne carried the lighted candle. The
light flashed along the opening into the sevrer,
and as the sewer was tille.i with gas, the. ex
plosions were simultaneous.
The emergency wagon of the Consolidated Oa3
Company was called, and In a few- momenta a
dozen men from the office were in the street,
turning off the gas for fear of more explosions.
Brooklyn Trolley Accident Due to
Slippery Rails.
Thr~* persons were badly injured and four
• wei\j J cut and bruised In a trolley car collision
•at Bergen and Smitn sts.. Brooklyn, yesterday
afternoon. The accident was due to the slip
pery tracks. The motorman of the Bergen-st
car lost control of his motor on the grade from
Boerum Place to Smith St., and the car hit the
Fmlth-st. car, lifting it partly from its trucks
and knocking it from the tracks. Emll Tukoil,
motorman of the Bergen-st. car, was compelled
to jump for his life, and the passengers of both
cars were badly shaken up. The injured were:
FERGUSON, J. M.. fireman. No. "4 4th-st., brui««s.
HKRBERT, H. I.. No. fiOrt Wythe-ave.. bruises.
JIKKiUVX. Mr*. 1., of No. 293 Warren-st., bruises and
nhock; taken home.
NIEHLKE. Mrs. E. A.. No 843 East 117 th st. The
Bronx, bruises and tfiock.
SCULLY. Mi.«p Annie. No. 212 Smtth-st.. severe Internal
Injuries and shock; removed to the Brooklyn Hospital.
TRIMBLE, Miss Helen. No. I*4 Prospect Park West.
badly shaken up.
TUKOIL, Emil. motorman. No. Ml Hopkln»on-ave.. se
vere cuts and abrasion*.
While Patrolman J. Mortality, of the Rutler-
Bt. police station, was attending the Injured he
w as approached by an alleged claim apent of the
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company. Th^ man
vas evidently Imbued wft'i the samo spirit that
!)•< ved the officinls of tho New-York Central
Railroad In th » recall runaway <ar accident in
42d-st.. Manhattan. He said to the officer in
the presence of witnesses:
"You look out for the B. R. T. there, sport,
end the B. R. T. will look out for you."
Damage Caused by Chinese at
Chang-P.n — Meeting Here.
Peking. Feb. 9.— A dispatch from Amoy to-day
confirms the report of the destruction of the
Knglish Presbyterian and Roman Catholic mis
sions at Chang-Pu. thirty miles from Amoy. by
I mob described as being composed of Boxers.
The damage amounts to $. r >O,OO<>. The Ameri
can missions were uninjured.
The sentiment In the neighborhood of Chang-
Pu is hostile to foreigners, and it is considered
strange that the American missions were not
molested, as the boycott of American goods is
strong there.
The Rev. Dr. Arthur J. Brown, secretary of the
Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, yesterday
pent out a call for a meeting? of representatives
Of the various missionary boards which have in
terests In China, to consider the present state of
unrest In that empire. The meeting will be held at
the rooms of the Presbyterian Board, at NV> 136
6th-ave., on February 16. at 2 p. m. It la expected
that tho denominations represented will include
the Baptist, Congregational. Methodist Episcopal.
Protestant Episcopal anil Reformed, as well as
Secretary Taft Says It Would Be "V. ise to
Have Them Near.
Washington. Feb. 0. — When Secretary Taft
wan before the Senate Committee on Appropria
tions, which was considering the Urgent De
ficiency bill, he requested an appropriation of
$100,000 to be expended for additional barracks
and quarters for the army at or near Manila.
When asked as to the necessity for this appro
priation, he stated that the situation In China
■wan such that it might be necessary at any time
to Bend troops there, and that It would be wise
to have troops near to be used for that pur
pose. The committee did not think It expedient
to make the appropriation at that time. The
report of the hearings when printed will be re
ferred to the Committee on Philippines, as it is
thought by some Senators that the matter Is of
such Importance that the Committee on Philip
pines should take It up and consider It.
Niagara don» her winter garb. Ice bridge lias
formed on which people arc cm— lng i*-lv.w the
X..ii.v Kromi efTi«ots niuKi>irt«-»-nt. Ww York Crn
li. .1 a ltd UVs-t Bhur« lia\e -') tialuj* a uuy tv
Niffjara i\illu.— (Advt.
Opponents Would Unseat Him, but
Retain His Services.
[By T«l*«r»ph to The Tribunal
Albany, Feb. With Congressman Herbert
Parsons, of New-York, and Timothy L. Wood
ruff here to-day, speculation as to possible
changes In the chairmanship of the Republican
State Committee became rife. Little has been
heard here recently about the retirement of ex-
Governor Odell. His friends have been saying
nothing, but looking hopeful, and there has
been no sign of the calling of a meeting to de
pose him. The real significance of the visits
of Mr. Woodruff and Congressman Parsons,
however, I* said by various legislators to be a
desire to sound party leaders on a scheme which
is mapping itself in the counsels of the metro
politan district. There the. sentiment against
ex-Governor Odell. according to the politicians
who talked with the visitors, is considered harm
ful to the Republican party's chances in the com
ing campaign, and since any open strife between
the two wings of the party must be even more
harmful, they hope to bring about his voluntary
Still, even his enemies concede that Mr. Odell
is the one man in the party best fitted to con
duct the campaign and the preparations lead-
Ing up to it, so the tentative plan contemplates
his acting in an advisory capacity to the chair
man who should succeed him. He would be a
kind of chairman emeritus, out of office because
his too prominent connection with the party
activities. was deemed not best; but retained as
adviser and moving spirit because his knowledge
and experience were necessary.
Mr. Woodruff left Albany this morning for his
camp in the Adirondack?, taking with him a
party of Senators and Assemblymen, among
them the Speaker. While here, however, ha
managed to hold long conferences with William
Barnes, Jr.. John F. O'Brien. Secretary of State;
Senator White, of Syracuse, and Senator Gard
ner, of Brooklyn. Senator Allds. of Norwich,
also talked long with him. The talk here is that
the various Interests in the party recognize the
need of preparing now for the coming campaign.
Much will have to be accomplished in the legis
lature to enable the party to take advantage cf
it in the campaign. The insurance legislation,
which will have against it many malign Influ
ences, must be passed. The &O-cent gas bill,
demanded by New-York City, must be jut
through if possible. Legislation against the
Election Day evils is necessary. For all this
some head must be found to whom the party can
look for advice and counsel and Instruction when
Congressman Parsons saw Governor lligßi.l3
this morning. The Governor said they talked
about the corrupt practices acts now before the
legislature. In which the county committee is
taking an Interest, and the superintendency of
the Metropolitan Elections District. George W.
Morgan, who recently wanted to resign, is a
close friend and political associate of Congress
man Parsons. Thf» Congressman would not dis
cuss the State chairmanship situation ir his
talk with the Governor.
One Dead and Three* Shot in Clash
at Savannah.
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 9. — Partisans of the two
rival local political factions had a plsto! flght
thin afternoon in front of the city p\<-hange.
Babe* Dyer was killed; Frank Nagle. a by
stander, was shot through the eye and Is in a
rrttfc«] condition; Pat Kearney, a policeman
<ff duty at the time, was shot through the neck,
and C. H. P. Dyer was shot twice thmugh the
legs. •■Snatcher" Dyer and Thomas Hewitt, a
private detective, are under arrest.
Others who took part In the shooting were
Harbor Master James Meßrtde, his son. Tim
M^Rrido. who is a clerk in his father's office;
Plumbing Inspector Richard McKenna, and
James Lane, keeper of the police stables.
It is not known definitely who fired the shots
by which the killed and wounded were struck.
The shooting was general, and about forty
shots were fired. The. battle started when the
three Dyer? attacked MrKenna. one felling
him with a billy. The others came to the as
sistance of McKenna,
There had been a fight earlier in the day
in the < -ourthouse. when MoKenna beat "Babe"
Dyer with a billy- This had followed a fight
In the courthouse on Wednesday last, when two
of the Dyer brothers fought with a police patrol
driver. Half a dozen pistols were then drawn,
hut no blood was shed.
Eleven Rescued and Sir Bodies
Found in Went Virginia.
Hlnton. W. Va.. Feb. — It now smiiis m*
tled that there were thirty-one men In the Par
rail Mine, near Oakhlll. Fayette County, when
the explosion occurred yesterday afternoon.
Eleven were rescued, six bodies have been re
covered, leaving fourteen in the mine. Some of
those rescued may die.
The men saved were not tn that part of the
mine where the explosion occurred. The res
cuing party, led hy Superintendent Fred Dixon.
is continuing the work of recovering hodles. It
is thought th» remaining fourteen bodies can
he got out to-night, but this depends on the
interior condition of the mine.
Baltimore. Feb. 9. — President A. J. Cassatt of
the Pennsylvania Railroad has written to a trade
body here that his company will build a new sta
tion and belt line around the city In response to
demands by commercial bodies for better fiu-ilit^%
[By Tel««T.aph to The Tribune. J
Cincinnati. Feb. — By common consent, and
with the support of all railroads affected, the
Pennsylvania is to begin action an soon as the
two cent fare law becomes operative to fight it
in the courts, on the. ground that the new rate
Is conflscatory and therefore the bill Is uncon
stitutional. It i« understood that the railroad
will make it as obnoxious as possible, and will
also collect "the old rate on through traffic
under a decision of the Interstate Commerce
Commission. _
(By Tel«ra[>h to The Trlbuiu..]
Lexington. Ky . Feb. I).— Dr. Charles Chllton
Moor*, a well known Infidel, who died here
Wednesday, was burled this afternoon with a
peculiar ceremony. Funeral orations were de
livered by Mrs. Josephine K. Henry of Ver
sailles, and Dr. J. B. Wilson, of Cincinnati. .M.
A. Kaufman spoke at the grave. All commend
ed the dead man for his pure life, and d«nled
the existence of a God. Many ministers and
nible students listened attentively to the ad
dresses, which consumed some two hour*. Ag
nostics from different parts of the country were
For Albany. IHloa, Syracuse. Rochester. Buffalo.
Niagara Fulls and the West the New York Central
has trains at S:;». 5:43. 10:20. 11:15 a. m . |i£ i:W
2:04. 3:30. 3:40. 3:12. i. 4:!0. 5.1». 5:30. 6. 7:50. 8. ».A'. 9:30
11:30 v. m. Can you Uo Letter?— AdvL
office Bru.nisa Trip.
Designer of First Steel Skyscraper
the Architect.
Bradford Lee Gilbert, the architect who years
ago succeeded In getting the Buildings* Depart
ment to approve of the erection of the first steel
skeleton office structure ever built In this
city, the Tower Building, at No .'iO Broad
way, has again asked the same department
to make a radical departure from it* well beaten
lines. He wants to build for Ingram Bros.
& Qo. a theatre and mercantile building, to oc
cupy the block bounded by 47th and 4Sth at*.
7th-ave. and Broadway. His tentative plans,
filed yesterday with Superintendent Murphy, of
the Buildings Department, call for an ex
penditure of $700,000 for a four story theatre
at the 48th-st. end of the block, and an eleven
story office, building on the 47rH-»t. part of th*
Mr. Gilbert Bald last night that th« drawings
were for a theatre within an office building-. th»
theatre to occupy a large part of the first ttv
stories, and above th*> theatre were to be six
stories, used for offices. Continuing:, he said:
The site la Ideal for carrying out the proposed
project. Whatever legal objections there may b»
to such a building: I hope to overcome. Th« main
entrance to the theatre will he In Broadway. Just
north of 47th-st. If the Buildings Department"
permits, there may be as many is fifteen stories
above the theatre Every Inch of the strucnra
will be as fireproof as human hands can mak*
It. The- general plan of the theatre will be simi
lar to that of Mme. Rejane's, In Parts
Regarding the theatre and office building
project. Oscar. Hammerstein said:
The Building Code does not permit of th»
erection of such a structure as proponed, no
matter If It Is fireproof throughout. It sayj
that above the theatre proper there must b*
clear space. Why, you could not even have a
kitchen on top of a theatre, and therefor* th»
erection of six or more stories for offices above %
theatre Is Impossible under the present build
ing laws. You may build offices over the en
trances to the theatre, but that Is as far as
you can go. I do not think the project in th»
form most desired by the persons identified wlthi
It will be carried out.
Should Mr Gilbert succeed in building: a the-*
atre within an office structure, the majority of
theatres In this city. It was thought last night
In realty circles, are likely to be altered by th«
addition of many stories for business purposes.
With the rentals from the space used for bust-*
ness it might be possible, it was further thought^
to show a fair yearly return from the money ln-»
vested in the structure without considering the>
sum derived from the theatre lease, and under
such conditions theatrical managers might be
able to offer to the public the best production*
at popular prices in a Broadway house.
From what could be learned last night, In
gram Brothers A Co. are Western capitalists,
who have never before been interested in any
building operation in Manhattan. Thomas F.
Murtha and Morltz B. Phllipp control the land
selected as a site for the proposed building. M .
Phllipp is a well known lawyer. He said last
night that Ingram Brothers & Co. had not yet
acquired a lease to the property. "The company
offered, some time ago," said Mr. Phllipp, "to
take over the property under a long lease, and
it is evidently satisfied with the terms of th
lease. Contracts will probably be signed on
Wednesday or Thursday. As I have been deal
ing with the company through my agents, I
know very little about its make-up."
The proposed theatre and office building is to
be of ornamental brick, with a frontage of 206.1 »^
feet in Broadway. of 200.8 feet in 7th-ave.. 93.9^9
feet in 48th-.st. and 44.11 V, feet in 47rh--»t. The
theatre will have two balconies and a mezzanine
story. Its seating capacity will be 1.415. In th*
basement under the theatre will be a billiard
parlor, with a cafe and bowling alleys. On the
ground floor will be a grillroom, and there will
be private dressing rooms on the second floor.
On the same floor will also be a large banquet
hall. It is said that a lease on one of the parcels
forming part of the block will not expire for
some years. The projectors expect to have the
theatre and office building erected in about
eighteen months. Many theatrical manager*
have already made overtures to lease the theatre.
Bradford Lee Gilbert was one of the architects
in the work of remodelling the Grand Central
Station site. The Riding Club was also erected
from his plans, and it was from drawings by
J. C. Cody and him that the old Metropolitan
Opera House was built. He was also the archi
tect of many other well known structures in this
city and other places.
Eight Hundred Persons Homeless in
Cold in Littleton. IF. Va.
New-Martinsville. W. Va.. Feb. 9.— Fir© brok»
out In Littleton, an oil town near her«, to-day,
and before It could be extinguished nearly every
business house was destroyed. About eight
hundred of the fifteen hundred inhabitants ara
without homes, and a financial loss of more
than $200,000 was sustained. The fire broke- out
about noon in the- attio of the W. M. Crow gro
cery, in the centre of the town. In less than
30 minutes from the time the alarm of fir© was
rung the building was a mass of flames. Inside
of twenty minutes the entire business block
along the Baltimore and Ohio trark was blazing .
In it were the Bank of Littleton, the Opera
House, the Commercial Hotel and several
smaller snores and residences. From this block
the flames swept across the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad track to the Exchange Bank an.l the
Delbrugge ""Hotel. Flames spread from house
to house with great rapidity.
A small army of men and boys fought the
: flames, but they were unable to stop, the spiv«d
iof the fire. Assistance was sent from Wheeling
and also from Cameron. W. Va. Dynamite was
resorted to. but the high wind blowing carried
the flames across streets and over tracks, licking
i up the frame dwellings In Its path. One hun
dred houses were burned and t.>> families ar»»
homeless, numbering between six hundred and
eight hundred. Not fifty houses are left stancj
Richmond, Feb. 9. — The Barrett bill, provid-
Ing for segregation according to race In street
cars and other public conveyances, passed the
House to-day. It extends over the entire State
the operation of the Richmond law. which pro
vides for separation of whites and negroes in
street cars and public halls practically with"
IBy TeUsraph ti> Th« Tribune.]
Galveston, Tex.. Feb. 9. — Leo Clamp, an l;i
trepld cowboy, to-day discovered a large moun
tain lion In the mountains near Bracken ami
promptly lassoed it. Clamp was riding- leisurely
' along when the animal crossed his path, ana
without hesitation the lasso was employed. The
lion is now safely caged.
A thief drew ■ I"** diamond pin from Patrol
! man Henry D. Ward's tie yesterday ufternoon
i us he was standing on the rear platform of an
eastbound car on 34th-st. Ward arrested a man
whom he believes to be the thief's -pal Tho
prisoner gave the name of John Wllburt a
painter, of No. 287 West 42d-st. The pollc* »a
bid Blctura Is in the Rogues' Gallery.

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