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ff PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE PANAMA CAKAE ZONE. MADE SHORTLY &FTEK VIEW OF BROADWAY, IN CULEBRA, PANAMA. PANAMA PICTURES. Photographs Talzen in the Early Part of Last Month. The Tril.une presents to-day for the instruc tion and entertainment of its readers a series •f photographs made in the Panama Canal •one in the early part of last month by C. L Chester, a photographer who was sent there by ' the firm of Underwood & Underwood, of this ' ■tfity, to make pictures for other purposes than acwßjiaper illustration and who knew nothing at all wh-n he made them of the brief but Cow notorious visit of Poultney Bigelow, which veo nil\ resulted in so much amusement. Mr. BigeJow visited the isthmus last November, and on returning' home made most positive and grave charges against the sanitary administra tion there. These charges at first were received by the public with some consideration, but when the Secretary of War showed from the records that the steamer which took this painstaking investigator to the isthmus landed him a: Colon at 10 a, m. on one day and bore him away again at 2 o'clock on the following afternoon, so that his personal investigation was confined to a period of twenty-eight hours, Including one night, a roar of laughter went up from the whole country. Mr. Chester, the photographer who took the pictures which The Tribune publishes to-day, did not make an "Investigation" for any po litical party or clique. He was sent there to photograph the physical conditions as he found them, and without comment or deduction. His pictore < ;illed "Overlooking the Burned Dis trict of Colon" shows one of the modern tene ment houses on the left and in the background a new government building in course of erection. The street appears to be neat and clean, and two covered garbage cans show up prominently at the stre< t lino. The photograph called "View of Broadway In Culebra" shows the main street of Culebra, in Panama Standing at the right is a canal zone policeman wearing a helmet. Large cans for garbage are conspicuous. The street appears to be well drained. It is not littered with refuse of any kind. "A Street Scene in Cnlebra" shows two men belonging to the garbage department of the Sanitary Commission carrying a box of refuse. Open drains under the houses and along the Bides of the street are apparent The untidy look of the street is due to loose stories. "A View of Cuss Street in Colon* 1 presents the negro quarter of the town, where the sani tary board h::-- not yet Improved the streets. The garbage ,an is again in evidence, but a mudpuddle shows up conspicuously In the fore ground, reminding one forcibly of the condition \i which Lenox-ave from Central Park to the jy«i-r:.':n River remained for many months after the subway there was completed, if half as much patience is shown with the sanitary com- Btaioa In Panama as Is shown with the Bureau •f Highways la Manhattan there can hardly be any doubt that sutii a mudpuddle as this will NEW-YORK DALLY TIUBUA'K, £UJS>i>AT. l^liKUAilir IX, HMJ6. soon be a thing of the past on any street of any town in the canal zone. Mr. Chester remained on the isthmus five weeks. Sioux City. lowa, Feb. 10. -W. M. Belding. a master bunder on the Panama Canal at Ancon. writing to his nephew, F. B. Burbank of this ity, said the mercury was 80 degrees in the shade on New Year's Day, when he was writ ing Work on the canal had not regularly be gun, but fourteen thousand men were engaged bet term*; the sanitary conditions. The writer adds: "I am asked if it is a good place to come to if a man wants to earn a living. I answer: ■If a man comes and is willing to work for the meni a; he would for a contractor or a railroad eorp< r; I on ;■( home for doable the pay he l ■■■'■ l! '-""- «n i tittle more cost to himself for living, with rree medical attendance in case of sickness and other advantages he does not S« I at home, then 1 say yes. 1 l believe the health conditions are us good here as at home. As f., r scale of wages, carpenters get Bfl cents an hour; painters and mechanics, «T> eenta; bricklayers, $150 a month; foremen, from $\27> to $150; superintendents, fron $175 to $100. Free transportation under pay is given from ANOTHER STREET SCENE IN CULEBRA, PANAMA. New-York. Board costs abont $25 a month and room is furnished by the commission, or If room cannot be provided 15 per cent of your month's wages additional is paid you." Mr. Relding says he finds conditions much better than he expected. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. The daughter of Bret Ilarte, with the aid of a number of her father's English friends, has opened a typewriting office in London. She is a proficient typewriter, and an Ameri can Journalist, calling to have some copying done, complimented her on her skilL "My skill, such a3 it is, Is due to practice, " said Miss Harte. "It was acquired very pain fully, like the marksmanship of one of my father's Western Menus. "My tether used to tell of a man called Red wood James, a character of California. James, in a bar one night, drew a revolver and shot the ashes from the cigar of a fri-nd on the othe side of the room. "The friend laughed, and calmly drank off the remainder tt his cocktaiL "* father said to Redwood James: '• -Ttuit must have required considerable prae 'Practice'' Redwood replied. 1 should say so. yoTiiig man. I guess 1 spiled more'n three duzou v huuimen a-Ujxuin' that there trick'" MOBBING f AND HAZING. Brief Observations en 'Sul)jcctt Engaging Public 'Attention. Two subjects Just at pr^swrrt constitute po^ «lar themes of discussion, the one is the mob totng experienced by Miss Alice Roosevelt cm the occasion of her visit to New-York ten days agt>. and the other 13 the endeavor being' mads by the Secretary of the Navy to suppress and ■tamp out hazing at Annapolis. At first sight It would appear that th -re Is no relation what soever between mobbing and hazing. Yet there ta a point of contact between the two. It ts the sense of personal dignity that is apt to de ter people from taking part In mobbing, and ta Vie same way it is a sense of dignity and of re spect for meit and for the rood name of tl» Institution to which they belong that prevents w*U bred, wholesome lads from permitting use» fni ii»«^ ta< decbaerata Into dowxri^at tilaci^ mardism. When hazing, as a to called m America, or -ragging,- as a b styled in Eng land, assumes some of the utterly dbgraccfß] and caddish farms that have been brought to light In Q»e course of legal Investigations In this country, tn England and In BoaXb Africa It Indicates a questionable tone on the part of the school, the academy, the universit> or the regiment that has furnished food for the scandal, and affects injuriously the fair n;>.:: -.e of the organization concerned. In fact, the character of a scholastic Institution, as of a military or naval corps, may be gauged by the nature of the hazing which Its members ad».>; : as a means of self-government. With regard to the mobbing of people wna for one reason or another occupy for the CtxxM being the eye of the public. It is by no m s conrined to the United States, M one mitrht bi tempted to believe from the scathing COBOncntl in many of the dally papers here In caoatctiaa with the manifestations of popular cur;. :y ited by the President's daughter whey. r>^ cently in New-York, and some years ago l» . the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Kox burghe. to which reference has been ni;i, , to connection therewith. The fact of On t . . ■ Ls that mobbing Is distinctly un-America; -:>-