Newspaper Page Text
VolV o1 LXVI-- V 21.725. BIfIIMOXD POLICE FEW TFEFOT? IS THE BOROUGH. jumping Ground for Inefficient Patrolmen, Says Club Member. It* police service on Staten Island was warm ly criticised last night at a meeting* of the ggttii Island Club. Speeches were made by jnujv of the member*, and every speaker con temned the present police conditions on the jj&nS- President Tlmolet was authorised to appoint a committee, to Include either three or jlv,., to investigate the general situation of the •olic* department on Staten Inland, and to make £acb recommendations to Commissioner Bins jam as '* deemed advisable to remedy the exist ing conditions. '-I * -}J. tnjether it was murder, suicide or accident, the 4eath of Charles I* Spier has aroused the in- Kibltaots of New Brighton and the other towns ef gtaten Island to a realization of the unpro ved state cf their borough to an extent that no smaller tragedy could have done. In plain figures, this Is the way Staten Island ta -protected": For a territory equalling: In v t% about twice that of Manhattan there are allotted about 110 patrolmen. These men have to cover 315 miles of streets, roads, etc. Because c f tho three platoon system only one-third of th* number of men on duty at one time; thus each man has to cover a "beat" averaging some ,r},p rf between eight and nine miles. The Island is divided Into two precincts, known efflrltlly as the 80th and the Slst. The former *AP WIOWnSG SCARCITY OF RICHMOND BOROUGH'S POLICB STATIONS. W Mb-dhided into the KOth first sub-precinct »nd the second sub-preclnct. The stations are Iftuatfd thus: The Rlst at West New Brighton, the BBth at Stapleton. where is also Inspector Donald Orant'a headquarters: the 80th flrst sub- Sjeclnct at Touenville, and the 80th second sub ireoir.rt at Kew Dorp. Captain Hogan is In command of the 81st fcreci let. Under him are fif»v-rix men, includ fcg doormen, sergeants. rounl3men and pa»rol men. This precinct is divided into thirteen posif. one of them a mounted post At the pw* •m time. • however. Captain Hogan has only fony-scvn patrolmen to cover these posts, and la consequence some of ihe posts, Rre "doubled «p"— that is. the patrolmen from the adjoining t " ' hag to watch over an extra amount of ter ritory. In Captain Hogan's precinct the Spier home in Fituated, as well as those of most of the wealthier inhabitants of Staten Island. Tn* jireriTT-t extends from Port Richmand clean •round the North Shore to Tompkinsville. and lnclud«:-,s the most densely populated portions of th» island. There are 139 miles of streets and roa<!s to be' patrolled by the inadequate force under Captain Hogan's command. FEW TO PATROL. FORTY-FIVE MILES. The ..<»th Precinct, with headquarters at EtspJcton, is under the command of Captain Crow-ley. To patrol the forty-five miles of streets included in the town of Stapleton and the contiguous territory, including South Beach, there are forty-three patrolmen. This number, Insufficient at any time, will be more so when the summer season at the beaches opens in a f67r v.ceks. In connection with this the "ber.e tu ' of consolidation to Staten Island are cu riously illustrated by contrast with the way things vrcre managed before consolidation. Then thirty special policemen, at $60 a month, were engaged each summer for three months to aid in pi i tine the beaches; now there is no in crease In the force during the busiest season ef the year. The S<nh Second Sub-Precinct is in charge of a sergeant, who has twelve mounted men Inter him. The district covered includes sixty six miles of streets, roads, etc., In the interior •I the island. Of course, only four men are en duty at a time, so that each man is expected to protect over sixteen miles on Hi average. A Ur.l« while ago Mounted Patrolman- Falken burp. of this precinct, was charged with failing '■*> report a fire. "Why. the fire was eight miles t»"2>\" paid •: he policeman. "I have thirty B:i!f-8 on my beat to cover." The "th First Sub-Precinct includes Totten *'!le and nearby districts. It Is under the com f-f-nd of Captain N. N. Shire, recently reln- Bated. Sixty-five miles of streets, etc.. have •0 be cared for by twelve patrolmen— at a li:ie— on foot. Th» figures of the number of patrolmen given *o« the f U ji number that are on duty under tb» !*■« of circumstances. But there are times • •' men are sick, away on leave, or absent for SJrtoaa reasons: then the posts have to be "doublrd up"' and the "beats" are extended from **tt or more miles to half again that number. BURGLARIES ALMOST EVERY WEEK- To say that this district, which Includes the fconieg of many wealthy residents, is In a state ''terror Is scarcely an exaggeration. Captain Eogan avers that only two burglaries have place since last December in his pre «W. yet very little Inquiry in the neigh k^oofj '•' the "Hill" bring* the information x *' "carcely a week goes by that one or two *"•«•<* are net entered by burglars or attempts *- «Her are made. "H is not only that we are insufficiently pro t«*ted f ft f\ tr as tne number of policemen is ****«*•<!." said a well known member of a *'-*t«n Island club, "but we are insufficiently l>-"otected by the men tliat we have. Staten Ihl *^ ha« long been the dumping ground for the ***He.r.ts of the New York police force. If a *■* '■ charged with an offence in Manhattan, («*llaMd on eec«nd par*. '. POLAND SPRING. SUMMER SEASON. •S*. , Poland Spring House open* May 30t]i. •«. _£« Mansion House open throughout the year. A iP**! representative will remain at the Kesort gw«*u. j M KI«K.r N. E. Cor. B way & 25th 6r. £?'> Hr: •„ 2Sth> to make engagements and answer "" l< WiJSrifc«. Tel. 4746 Mad.— Advt. T*oT *0 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS IN NEW YORK *£* aassa for busings mm, two books to con - Jf> i> 9 bells to answer, two oUiM to psy.-Advfc T, T»v.<l«t-, fntr aniT r»rmr r . To-morroTf. fair nncl warmer. 777 r WHIM 1 IS COLLISION Mrs. Goelet on Board— ltalian War ship and Yacht Damaged. Venice. May 9.— The yacht Nahma, with Mr*. Robert Goelet on board, in entering the harbor hare to-day was In collision with an Italian warship. Both vessels were damaged. airs. .Goelet's Xahtnai was one of the last of the largo twin-screw steam yachts designed by the late George L. Watson-two others being James Gor don Bennett's Lyslstrata. and Anthony J. Drexel's Margarita. The latter, built in 1900. la almost a sister ship of the Nahma. The yacht has done most of her cruising In the Mediterranean, and In British and German waters. At the time of the races at Kiel last summer Emperor William and his suite were Mrs. Goelet's guests at dinner on board, the others present on that occasion being Ambassador and Mrs. Tower. Mrs. Vanderbllt, Miss Gladys 'Vanderbllt. R. W. Goelet and A. Rlggs. The Nahma has a gross tonnage of 1,739.83: net, w.7». Sho Is 319 feet over all. 275 feet waterllne, M feet 7 Inches beam and 17 feet 7 inches draft. STRIKE ALL OVER ITALY. Fighting at Bologna — Workmen Demand Shorter Hours. Rome. May 0— In consequence of troubles at Turin over a demand by the weavers for shorter hours, a general strike all over Italy haa been ordered, to begin at noon to-morrow. The strike already has begun at Bologna, where several serious casualties resulted from a conflict be tween troops and strikers. SCARE IN CUBAN HOUSE. Tko Revolver Shots Fired in Hall Cause Great Alarm. Havana. May 9.— Two revolver shots were fired in the House of Representatives, In session this afternoon, in the part of the hall occupied by spectators. Several of the members drew weapons, fearing that It was a premeditated at tempt to cause a riot. The man who fired the shot was quickly overpowered and arrested. His name is Gelasia Garcia, and he is a veteran of the revolution. He appears to be insane. THE EDUCATION BILL. House to Divide To-day — Labor Party to Support Measure. London. May 9— James Bryce. Chief Secre tary for Ireland, in the debate on the Education bill in the House of Commons to-day, said the bill gave no preference to any particular creed; It was simply a prohibition to teach a creed. Joseph Chamberlain, Liberal Unionist, said that the measure would in no way solve the religious difficulty. Referring to the remarks of David Lloyd-George in the debate yesterday regarding clericalism iah democracy's enemy, Mr. Chamberlain said the great Frenchman (meaning Leon Gambetta) who first used the ex pression had a different situation to deal with, a clericalism threatening the law. Clericalism, he said, was not the enemy of this country and he hoped it never would be. John Dillon. Nationalist, said that if Catho lic* had to choose between what was called a purely secular system and what was described as simple Bible teaching they would unhesitat ingly select the former. After several other speeches the debate was adjourned. According to present arrangements the divis ion on second reading of the Education bill will be taken to-morrow, the Nationalists voting against it and the Laborites supporting it. The Vlster T'nioniats this evening decided not to take part in the division. BANK CLERK A THIEF. Trusted Employe of Philadelphia Firm Steals Some $100,000. Philadelphia, May 9. — Charged with embezzling more than $100,000 from his employers, Edwin F. Greenfield, head clerk of the banking and brokerage firm of Harrison Snyder & Son, of this t ity, was arrested here to-day and held in de fault of $10,000 bail for a further hearing to morrow. Greenfield has made a full confession, and is doing everything possible to straighten the tangled books. Following the public announce ment of the embezzlement, creditors filed a pe tition in bankruptcy apjiinst George E. Snyder. trading as Harrison Snyder & Son. In the United States Court, and later Judge McPherson ap pointed Charles X. Vollum as receiver. Greenfield Is about thirty years of age. and has a wife and two children. He has risen from office boy to head clerk, and trusted representa tive of the house. About two months ago Mr. Snyder went to California, and gave Greenfield a power of attorney to carry on his business. He returned about a month ago. anil his first Intimation that something was wrong was when he missed some valuable securities from his safe. Last Monday Greenfield broke down and admitted that he had taken money at various times during the last si\- years, and that he had lost most of it speculating In bucket shops. Mr. Snyder and the accountants believe the amount of money embezzled may reach f175.000. FEROCIOUS BULL KILLS STALLION. Bed Blanket Causes Attack — Defends Himself with Hoofs. I By Teldrmph to The Tribune. 1 Paterson, N. J.. May 9. A terrific fight be tween a stallion and a bull occurred on the farm of Paul Hoffner. at Haledon, this after noon. The stallion, an animal valued at $1,400, with a record of 2:20, waa killed. He was owned by William Petrie, of No. 7<>4 Broadway, this city. Mr. Petrie's coachman was bringing the horse to this city to its stable. To protect it from the raw air he threw a red blanket over It. The bull became infuriated when he saw th<3 blanket and, leaping over the fence, made for the stallion. The stallion turned and met the atta<k with his steel shod hoofs, cutting a deep gash in the bull's shoulder. The blow stopped the bull for ;i moment, but It returned to the combat and both animals fought all over the barnyard. In trying to rescue the horse a hired man broke his arm. The bull was shot. The New York Telephone Company seems to be worried because the Atlantic Telephone Company proposes to furnish. New York with the Automatic Telephone, the cuissless. wattless, out-of-orderless. «irl-!e=s Telephone. Nov. "fork should have the »Hii century automatic telephone, to be installed by th« Atlantic Telephone Co.— Advt. To thus" who may be obliged to go to San Fran cisco the famous "Lake Shore Limited," leaving v. w York by the New York Central at 5:30 p. m •very day. affords the Quickest time from New Yortf— » nours and 1* minutes, or four day*, Uiie« feaur* ami «i£fats*B inlnatM.-A.dvt. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY. MAT 10. 1 <><;<;. -For KTEEN PAGES '-^ZZZXZ^,..^ "WOT MINERS' VICTORY." OPERATORS TO MITCHELL. Had No Intention of Decreasing Wages or Increasing Hours. The anthracite operators decided yesterday that one of the assertions made by President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers in his speech at the convention of the anthracite min ers In Scranton on Tuesday warranted a reply. This was a passage in which Mitchell sought to show that, after all. the mine workers had gained a victory. The operators say that there is nothing to show that the miners gained anything from Mitchell's agitation, and that their five weeks* of idleness w»re useless. On behalf of the op erators' committee of seven a statement on this matter was made last evening. It begins by quoting tho passape in Mitchell's speech re ferred to, in which he says: Last summer I made a tour through this re gion. I urged the mine workers to come back into the organization. At that time there were only. 34.0110 members. At the close of that tour there were NO.OOO members in the organization. Had lhat tour not been made there would have been a reduction in wages, according to reliable information that I have in my possession. My information is Ihat tho railroads were ready to increase the working day from nine to ten hours, to require the engineers to work seven days in the '.voek and to require firemen to work twelve hours instead of eight. If this is true, then we have won a victory. The statement of the operators then goes on: It is important that there should be no mis understanding on this point. The fact is that none of the operators had the slightest inten tion of reducing wages or of increasing the length of thf working day. On the contrary, if the men had been left at work, ami if th« agita lion of which Mr. Mitchell so proudly boasts had not taken place, the men would not have been idle for six weeks, much lawlessness would nol have occurred and the public would not have been disturbed by this wholly unnecessary controversy. It Is doubly unfortunate, also, that the con vention should have condemned the state, con stabulary, for a cursory examination of facts will show that this organization performed its duties most carefully and moderately. Xot a shot was fired or a stroke wielded except to pro tect life or property which had been wantonly attacked. This brave corps of men — organized upon the specific recommendation of President Roosevelt's Conl Commission — should receive the thanks of every law-abiding citizen for its con duct during these weeks of trial and difficulty. It was further stated on behalf of the oper ators that there was no need for the dealers to wait for coal to be mined in May to get the May reduction of 40 cents a ton on domestic anthra cite. The Reading Company, whose surplus had hardly been touched since the suspension of work, was selling from its surplus at the usual May prices. It was also asserted that any dealer could get coal at these rates without waiting for circulars from the companies. The Manhattan dealers appeared to be still waiting for ofllcial notification from the com panies yesterday. They said they expected to be informed at once and by the end of the week would fix the May retail price, which would be $6 10 a ton, the price charged In Brooklyn. Meanwhile they are trying to get rid of their coal at $6 25 a ton. A great drop has taken place in the price of soft coal, owing to the anthracite settlement, and the soft coal market was stagnant yester day. With the mining of anthracite there will be enough of the small steam sizes, of which soft coal is a competitor, independent of the coal in these sizes which the companies are re leasing from their surplus. KNOX FOR GOVERNOR. Pittsburg Republicans Start Boom for Senator. fßy Telegraph to The Tribune. ] Pittsburg, May 9.— Pittsburg Republicans have announced that Senator P. C. Knox is their candidate for Governor. This action was taken In view of the fact that Justice John Stewart, of the Supremo Court, has decided that he will not accept the nomination, as Senator Penrose wished him to do. Justice Stewart declares that he Is satisfied to remain where he is. Although the office would have little attrac tiveness for Senator Knox, his friends argue that it would be an easy step from the governorship to the Presidency, and believe that Senator Knox would agree to accept the place under that belief. TO SUMMON LEGISLATURE Moran After Bay State lawmakers in Alleged Bribery Case. Boston, May 9l— District Attorney John B. Moran today announced his intention of sum monsing before the grand jury the entire mem bership of the Massachusetts Legislature in connection with charges of bribery recently made over the defeat of the Anti-Bucket Shop bill in tho House of Representatives. Already sum monses have been issued for seventy-live mem bers of the General Court, and the District At torney says that the others will be called be fore him later. Three members of the House have already testified be'ore the grand Jury on the charge. PLAN ROOSEVELT SHAFT. Southmestemers to Build Hunting Monument in Theodore. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Lawton, Okla., May !•. -President Roosevelt is soon to be immortalized as the pioneer coyote exterminator of the Southwest. This Is to be accomplished through the erection of a monu ment on the exact spot where tho President's tent was pitched during the f>w days of his hunt in Southwest Oklahoma last spring. The monument is to cost several thousand dollars, and is to be paid for by popular subscription. The report is current to-day that the Rock Island system has selected the quarter-seition of land upon which the President camped as the site of a town to be called Theodore. The monument is to be erected in th« centre of the townsite. and will bear inscriptions giving Urn names of the President's party, the date of the, hunt. etc. Figures representing the Presi dent, John A!>ernethy. fleeing coyotes and chas ing hounds are to be placed on the pedestal around the monument's base. THE TRAIN OF THE CENTURY Is the Twentieth Century Limited, the 18-hour train between New York and Chicago by the New Yotk Central Une«. Leave New York 3:10 p. m.. arrive Chicago at S;3O next momtns— night's ride.— Advt. DEWHY'S SAUTERNE AND MOSELLE. While Dinner Wines of Superior Quality. H. T. I»ewey & Boot Co.. 138 Fulton St., New Y«> r -AdvU RATE BILL AUEXDED. MADE MORE SWEEPING. Two far-Reaching Changes Made- Rapid Progress Toward Vote. [From Tho Tribune Bureau.] Washington, May 9. — Sweeping as was the Hepburtt bill as pacsed by the House, the Sen ate has made It far more so. and the end is not yet. To-day two far-reaching amendments were adopted— the first the McLnurin substitute for the Elklns amendment, whereby carriers en gaged In interstate commerce are prohibited frr.m •nga.?lng 'n eorameice In any commodity which they mine, produce or manufacture, in competition with tho shippers over their road, after May 1. IJtnS; the second, the Bailey amendment, whereby all express and sleeping car companies are made subject to the Interstate Commerce act. as amended, so that When the. Hepburn bill becomes a law the commission will have authority to investigate their rates and practices and prescribe others whenever those existing shall be found to be unreasonable or unfair. These, taken in connection with the Lodge amendment adopted on Friday, whereby all persons or companies engaged in transport- Ing oil by pipe lines are made common car riers and subject to the provisions of the. In terstate. Commerce Law. constitute radical changes from the existing statute?, and material progress in the movement toward federal con trol of public utilities. An amendment offered by Senator La Follette. which provided that the commission might in Us discretion prohibit any carrier from charg ing or receiving any greater compensation for transporting passengers or property for & shorter than a longer distance, was defeated by a practically unanimous Republican vote, Mr. Cullom casting the only affirmative vote on that fcide. \» hile every Democrat except Mr. Clark, of Montana, supported it. Ample author ity to do all the La Follette amendment pro posed is conferred on the Interstate Commerce Commission by the Hepburn bill as it stands, and many Republicans votod against the La Follette proposition because they lacked con fidence In the Judgment of its author. After spending the greater part of the day dis cussing the Elklns amendment and the various amendments thereto and substitutes therefor, in which a motion to lay the amendment and everything pertaining thereto on the table was declared out of order by a vote of 25 to 48, Mr. Elklns offered the McLaurin amendment as a substitute for his own. The substitute was car ried by a vote of 67 to 6, the only negative votes being cast by Messrs. Bulkeley, Clark, of Wyoming; Mlllard. Warren, Pettus and Ankeney. The McLaurin substitute is as follows: From and after May 1, 190 S. it shall be un lawful for any common carrier to transport from any state, territory or district of the United States to any other state, territory or district of the United States or to any foreign country any article or commodity manufactured, mined or produced by it. or under its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, except such articles or commodities an may be neces sary or used in the conduct of its business as a common carrier. An interesting question was raised as to the. result on the Standard Oil Company of fie adoption of both the Lodge and the McLaurin amendments. By these provisions a single com pany cannot own pipe lines and engage in the transportation of oil and in Interstate commerce in oil. It is assumed that unless the House ob jects to one or the other of these amendments — and that is unlikely— the Standard will be compelled to resolve itself Into separate com panies, some of which will own the oil and en gage In the business of selling it. while others will own and operate the pipe linos. Other amendments to the Hepburn bill were adopted, as follows: By Mr. Elklns— Requiring carriers to put in switches for shippers on reasonable terms. By Mr. Warner— Providing that it shall be the duty of carriers engaged in interstate com merce to give equally good service and like ac commodations to all persons paying the same compensation for interstate transportation of passengers." One of the amendments voted down was that offered by Mr. Elkins. requiring one road to make connection with others and to prorate with them, and another provision thus disposed of was the McCumber amendment requiring rail road companies to supply all the special cars re quired for the proper conduct of their business. There was no division on either of these propo sitions. There was considerable sparring over parlia mentary points, but there was at no time much confusion, and when the coal question was final ly settled the progress was so rapid that the first section was disposed of befora adjourn ment. When the Senate adjourned there was a gen eral feeling that the rapid work of the latter part of the session presages the early, final dis position of the bill. The Allison compromise amendment was not considered to-day. NATIONAL PARK SHAKEN. Tourists Report Geysers Unusually Disturbed — Constant Tremors Felt. IBy Telegraph to Tha Trlbur.e.l Cody, Wyo., May 9. —The first tourist party of the season to pass through Yellowstone National Park has just reached here and it reports un precedented disturbances within the park since th* San Francisco earthquake and the. eruption of Vesuvius. The geysers especially are mak ing a most wonderful display of internal power. "Old Faithful " is almost continually in action. Geysers supposed to have been extinct for hun dreds of years have broken out afresh, and the park atid contiguous territory are kept in a con stant tremor from the effects of the disturb ance?. New springs are making their appear ance. EARTHQUAKE IN SEAFORD, DEL. [By Teleffiaph to Th« Tribune. 1 Wilmington. J>H.. May 9. A dispatch received from Seaford. I>el.. says that a severu earthquake shook occurred there to-day. The. ground quivered, buildings werf shaken an'l windows rattled. The residents were greatly alarmed an<l rushed from their homes. The shock last, d several seconds. but no serious damage was don«^. WIDESPREAD SHOCK IN NEBRASKA. [By Telegraph to The Tribun-. i Cody. Neb., May 9.— At 6:23 to-night an earth quake shock lasting nearly on« minute was felt in the Elkhorn Valley, tho earth seeming to move north and south. No damage is reported from the different towns which h;iv.< telephone.! In the news. Towns In all directions for sixty miles have re ported feeling the shock. POLAND BPRING HOUSE. Special representative will be at the Resort Bureau, 3rd Floor N. E. Cor. Bway and 28th St. (May 10th to 25th) to make engagements and satisfy ail In quiries concerning the summer season of 1906 at Po land Spring. The Mansion House (always open) Greatly enlarged. The Poland Spring House opens May Stth.-Advt. : TWO TELEPHONE SYSTEMS IN NEW YORK would mean tor business men. two books to con sult, two bells to answer, two bills to pay.— Advt REA( If CRAPSEY VERDICT. Ecclesiastical Court Will I), -dare Rector Guilty, It I» Believed. fßy Telegraph to The Tribune. ) Rochester. May 9.— The ecclesiastical court which tried Dr. Algernon S. Crapsey. of St. An drew's Church. Rochester, for heresy, ended Its work to-day, when a verdict was reached. While no ofllcial announcement of the findings of the court will be given out until they have been delivered to Bishop Walker at Buffalo. It Is generally believed that the court has found Dr. Crapsey guilty. Only one of the members of the court. It la said, declined to vote for conviction. The one who held out waa Dr. Francis S. Dunham, of Christ Church. Albion. Dr. Dunham will proba bly dissent from the findings of the court and file a separate statement. The court drew up the judgment roll with the findings last evening, and Bishop Walker will receive them to-morrow morning. The Bishop will then inform Chancellor Selden S. Brown of the decision and serve formal notice on Dr. Crapsey. When Dr. Crapsey receives the find ings they will be made public. The vote on each of the counts of the presentment was 4 to 1 for conviction. It is said. At this morning's sesakM of the court Dr. W. C. Roberts, president of the court, waa very bitter In his denunciation of Dr. Crapsey. He declared that the accused minister went into the matter with his eyes open, and had set the whole diocese afire with the controversy. The Rev. J. M. Oilbert, of Phelps. a member of the court, said this morning. I went Into this trial hoping and believing that T»r. Crapsey had been the victim of a mistake or misapprehension which could bo explained, and I think I can safely say that was the atti tude, of mind of every other member of the court. There has been no desire, either on the part of the court or the Bishop to persecute Dr. Crapsey. I personally know that the Bishop sanctioned the proceedings only with the great est reluctance, not only because of his desire to avert anything that menaces the unity of the Church, but also because of his strong personal regard for Dr. Crapsey and appreciation of the grand Christian work that the latter has done in the i>ast. The defence, when Dr. Crapsey was put on trial, did not see fit to try to explain away the charges, but admitted them. The only point left for us to decide is whether or not the de fence has succeeded in proving that these dec larations are in harmony with the creed of the Church. Mr. Shepard, In summing up for Dr. Crapsey. affirmed that Dr. Crapsey had had no opportu nity to make explanations or recant. This- Is not so. The Bishop and personal friends of Dr. Crapsey made repeated efforts to get him to do so. BANKER IN BELLEVUE. Physicians Say Overwork Probably Caused His Delusions. "Henry Carey, banker, sixty-nine years old. a native of Canada, residing In New York for twenty years, living at No. 148 West 111 th street." according to the hospital register, waa admitted to the psychopathic ward at Bellevue last night. The patient arrived at the hospital In a closed carriage, and a young man. apparently a min ister, took the banker Into the reception room. Before Dr. Holmes, who is. m charge of the psychopathic ward, could ask any questiona of the young man he departed. A telephone call to the address given was answered by a man who said he was the banker's son Henry. "My father is suffering from general debility." he said. "I took him to Bellevue because I be lieved he would get better treatment there fnan at a private institution." At the hospital it was said last night that the banker was unable to give any account of him self and seemed to be afflicted with delusions. His condition, it was thought, was the result of overwork or worry- LAKE STRIKE ENDS. Mates' Union Wiped Out — Twenty Thousand Return to Work. fßr THegraph to The Tribune. 1 Cleveland. May 9.-The strike of the long shoremen and allied interests on the Great Lakes came to an end to-night. Work will be resumed to-morrow morning on all piers on the Lakes. Twenty thousand men will receive em ployment. The action means the wiping out of the mates* union, which caused the struggle. The pier managers' refusal to recognise the mates' organization led the longshoremen, with whom the mates had become affiliated, to strike in sympathy and call out all other interests. The agreement was reached at 6 o'clock to night, after various conferences during the day between the vessel interests and the strike lead ers, including President Keefe of the longshore men. A few minor details are yet to be adjust ed, and conferences will be held in a f»w days to settle them. They are not of a serious nat ure, and will in no way affect the agreement reached to-nieht. The strike which has just been brought to a close threatened for a time to tie up not only the lake trade, but also to spread into the iron and steel industry, causing embarrassment and forced idleness there. WORST BRIDGE TIE-UP IN YEARS. Crash Follows Shutting Off of Power — Trouble Lasts Over an Hour. "What the police of the Brooklyn Bridge squad term the worst tie-up for years occurred during the rush hours last evening. The trouble was caused by the shutting off of the electric power from the trains, as well as all the trolley lines. This occurred without warning at 4:f»0 p. m., and every car came to a standstill. Captain Brophy detailed officers to the different stair ways and platforms to keep back the crowds. which increased so fast that it was feared some one might be Injured or a panic be started. The stalled trains on the bridge were run by gravity as far as they would go on the inclines at both ends of the bridge-, and many passengers walked through the lines of cars and were helped off the platforms to the roadways and prome nades. The congestion became so bad that the bridge officials gave orders to close the north roadway to vehicles and allow pedestrians to use it. Park Row was soon blocked by human beinga as the congestion "backed up" the crowd. The power was turned on again at ">:&"» o'clock, but the congestion was not relieved much until an hour later. Information as to the cause of the tie-up was refused. TAGGART LOSES INDIANA PLACE. By T»legr*ph to Th« Tribune. 1 Indianapolis. May 9.— Tom Taggart. chairman of the National Democratic Committee, who for years has been treasurer of the state organization, has lost that place at the demand of the local reorgan- Izers. Ginger Champagne— Equinox— Extra Dry. Tel. 6131 Franklin. 193 West Broadway.— Advt. • - .i Equinox House Booking Office. The Lorraine, StnAve. * ttth »t "Ask Mr. U*rtla."-<A4vt. ■ I I ■ >. PRICE TIIKKi: CENTS. ST. PETERSBURG QUIET. PARLIAMENTS OPES ISO. The Czar at Peterhof— Peaceful At titude of Radical*. St. Pet »rsburg. May ».— The dread that son* horror might occur to mar the opening of Par liament was largely dissipated ro-nlght. when members of the radical revolutionary parties ef St. Petersburg announced that they had no In tention of attempting demonstrations to-mor row, and calling upon their comrades to avoid all conduct that would tend to bring about a conflict with the police. A terrorist attempt ts the only thins; that is now to he feared, hot po lice measures have been so well taken that such a crime is believed to be Impossible. All those who will take part In the ceremony of the opening of the first representatire as sembly of Russia have gathered In St. Peters burg, except Emperor Nicholas and the Imperial family. They are expected to arrive in the morning by sea from the palace at Peterhof. to which they removed from Taarakoe-Sels) to-day. The Emperor's escort of picked Cos sacks arrived by a special train. Other trains brought a battalion of detachments from «A the Guard regiments, who are to keep watch over the Emperor's apartments and those of the members of the court who are to be p meant at the reception to-morrow. Announcement of the names of the appotnttvw members of the Council of the EmpJr* was made to-day. Count Witt* Is not on the list. No explanation Is obtainable, but the orntssesat of the former Premier's name would seem ts Indicate either an open slight on the part ef th« Emperor or a determination on Count WMMIs part to withdraw altogether from public affairs. Witts win start Immediately for a foreign country. According to the expectations of the* GmmbV tutional Democratic leaders, the test session sf the Parliament win accomplish nothing oeysssl the election of officers, which, under Russlsa procedure, will be a lens; drawn out affair. X. Muromstseff is the unanimous choice sf tha party for president, and Prince Peter Da]sjaraas> off will be one of the vice-presidents* hot it has not been decided to-night whether the othflw rice-presidency will be givn to M. Nabookoff a* to a representative of one of the allied parties. if tsJdaal an oath to "Emperor and Autocrat" has been settled by the caucus of Constitutional Demo crats, which accepted after a Ions; discuasfcaa the historical argument that the tltto does as* signify "absolute." hut "owing no aUsgianca ta any other sovereign." and hence to not Incom patible with the ideas of the party regarding ths constitutional nature of the monarchy. Ths caucus also reaffirmed the decision of ths Con gress not to take hasty action with regard ta the issuance of the fundamental law. A small body of recalcitrants, mostly Social Revolutionary peasants elected from ths In terior provinces, have decided, as a. mark of dis respect to the Emperor, not to attend the vs> ception at the Winter Palace, hut to Join their colleagues first at the Taurlde Palace. Other members of the assembly decline to wear even- Ing dress, which Is the correct apparel for the* ceremony, but will appear in ths high boats and colored smocks of the peasant costume. That the peasant members will not be allowed to play fast and loose with the wishes of their constituents is indicated by the arrival here of eighty peasants sent by rural societies to watch the activity of their representatives and espe cially their attitude on the agrarian question. The law providing for the reorganization of the Council of the Empire was published to-day. It contains a provision for the appointment of special commissions having exclusive jurisdic tion over certain subjects. As foreshadowed in the manifesto of March 9. all accusations of malfeasance against all persons belonging to ths three highest ranks are consigned to a commis sion composed solely of appointed members. Accusations, however, must first be submitted to the Etnperor. who. If he approves an Investiga tion, refers it to the commission. In case tha latter determines that there Is ground for pros ecution, a trial will occur before ths ruling Sen ate. Provisions are also made for special oam misslons to decide on private railroad conoss slons and matters relating to the expropriation of state and crown lands. AJIXIETT TS GREAT BRITAIN. Fear That Baron liwoliky Hay Undo Work of Count Lamadort. < London. May The retirement of CwaMs Lamsdorff and the appointment of Baron IswsW sky as Russian Foreign Minister meets ttttle favor in official circles here. Tha direc tors of British foreign policy ass to €» chaasja the possibility of retracing ths Ions; slaps mads toward a better understanding lists sag Orsafl Britain and Russia. Baron Iswolsky foraerly had not concealed his antagonism to Er.r!ar.'J. though he has recently given signs of a medera- Son of antipathy. ARMAMENT SEDUCTION. House of Commons Favors 'Action at The Hague Conference. London, May 9.— Henry Vivian. Labortte, moved a resolution In the House of Commons this evening, calling on the government to take drastic steps to reduce the expenditure for arma ments and to press for ths Inclusion of the ques tion of armament reduction by international agreement at The Hague conference. Carlyon WUfroy Bellairs. Liberal. In moving an amendment, said it was inadvisable to open a discussion concerning armament which foreign powers deemed necessary for the defence of their territories. He said the only hops of stopping the present mad race was an Anglo- American alliance. These two powers. Mr. Bel lairs said, could guarantee each other against attack by any two powers, and both could redws armaments. A. J. Bulfour. the former Premier, said peace in Europe and the success of British dip . depended on necessary military ai-'i backing. Bir Edward Urey, Secretary for Foreign Af fairs, said he believed a declaration such as was contained In Mr. Vivian's motion was worth having for the effect it might have on other nations. There was a growing disposition In other countries, the Foreign Secretary said, for some reduction. He thought the question should be discussed at The Hague, but it would depend upon the responses of other nation*. The gov ernment welcomed the motion. He hoped other nations would regard It as an invitation from TWO TELEPHONE SYSTEMS IN NEW YORK would mean for business men. two books to con sult, two bells to answer, two bills to pay.— POLAND SPRING HOUSE OPENS MAY 30TM. Hiram Rick»r & Sons beg to announce that their special representative will be at the Resort Bureau. Srd Floor N. E. Cor. B'way and Ssth St. <M»y.l*th to 25th) to arrange for bookings and answer all m quiries concerning both the Poland Syrtnsj Hoes* end Mansion House at Poland Sulin-Aiwt,