Newspaper Page Text
1(7 automobile kills boy. Sczcn-Y car-Old Run Over by . County Superintendent.*; John Furlong, seven years old. of No. 823 Johnson avenue. Jersey City, was run over and Miffed last night a short distance from his home by an automobile owned by William Smith, of X«. 393 Palisade avenue. Jersey City, and in charge of Henry O. Wlttpenn. county superin tendent. The child died a few minutes after he was hit by the machine. ILLINOIS PASSES PRIMARY LAW. ■ ||MswMMs«l Governor Sherman Denounces Measure in Fiery Speech. , Springfield. 11l- May 16.— After a sensational speech by Lieutenant Governor Sherman, the special session of the Illinois Legislature, which was called by Governor Dlneen to enact a now primary election law. resulted to-day in the adoption of a bill (rained by Speaker E. D. Shurtleff. The measure had a dese call, re ceiving; only a bare majority in the house. It is expect that Governor Dlneen will sign the bill making; it a law July 1. Tne passage the bill Is considered a victory for Governor Dineen. Lieutenant Governor Sherman's speech was made after he had announced the vote of the Senate. He denounced the bill as a humiliating failure. saying:: , . _ "There Is not one line in it you may point to and aay that It «iv«» the people a right to say whom they shall nominate. It puts a premium on a«rrymandertnc and future deadlocks in con ventions. It portrays great and painful motion without one Inch of progress. It seems to me that It was conceived in a. refrigerator ana born In » fro**." __^^ m ____ ATTACK ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Question of Sapproetioß in Howe— Mr. Glad* HBM Kot Ready to Gire Opinion. London, Mar li. — John Brownlee Lonsdale, Conservative, Middle Armagh, Ireland, in the House of Commons to-day demanded thai legis lative and other measures be taken to prevent Christian Scientists from carrying on their prac tteaa. with the view of preventing; danger to the lives of credulous people. The Home Secretary, Mr. Gladstone, replied that the law touching the practice of medicine would probably be farther elucidated by the trial for manalaugTittir of Dr. Adcock, a Christian Selesca healer, who was committed for trial on May 31. aeeosed of having caused the death of Major JeJm Nicholas Whyte. Until the trial was unnrTtiiVrt Mr. Gladstone added, he could not express his opinion on the subject. tlOm 6ECOXD CLASS CITIES BILL Cwftunw Higgles Affixes Signature to Other Importer! Measures. Albany, Stay I«— Oorernor Htgrgins signed to-day tbs bUI of the Joint Committee on Revision of Charter of Second Class Cities. This law generally amends the present charter, but does not go Into effect until January 1. 1908- The amendments m the new law era designed to meet the entrance of Utlca, Schenectady and Yonkers as second-class cities. Other important bills signed by the Governor were that of Mr. Weranle amending the primary election law by permitting Utlca. Schenectady and Yonkers to bold primary elections this year, although they did not hold party enrolment on the day of registration last fall, as required in cities of the second class, and several bills of the Joint Highway Committee relative to good roads, the most Important of which is th« one which carries with it an appropriation of $5,000,000 for this year's portion of the work under the constitutional amend ment, which provided for a $50,000,000 bond issue by the state for such improvement. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS' ELECTION. A contest for the election of a president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers has closed with the choice of Professor Samuel Shel don, of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Other officers elected were: Vice-presidents. A. H. Arm strong. Bchrn««ctady; H. H. Humphrey, Be Louis: F O. Benin San Francisco; managers, Paul Spen cer. Philadelphia; Paul M. Lincoln. Plttsburg: John J. Carry. New York; A. M. Schoen. Atlanta: treas urer, George A, Hamilton. New York, and secre tary. Ralph W. Pope, New York. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. lira. Louis* M Wicks, who was arrested on the fifth floor of an apartment house on Tuesday and arraigned yesterday In the Harlem police court. Charged with maintaining a gambling house, was discharged by Magistrate Mayo for lack of evi dence. All the proof offered was a tDulette wheel and a stack of chips. la trying to put out a small fire caused by the explosion of a can of benzine In the hallway of No. TiSfl First avenue, yesterday. Francesco Lascalle, an Italian fish dealer living at that address, was oadly burned. He was removed to the Harlem Hospital, where It was said that he would recover. Joseph Morgan, known by several aliases, was ar rested yesterday morning with twenty-six other alleged pickpockets. Morgan, according to Inspec tor Mclaughlin, is a notorious diamond thief. When arraigned In the Essex Market court yesterday he eaxt, his name as George M ( or and his address as Mills Hotel Ko. 1. Magistrate Finn adjourned the bearing until next Monday and held the pris oner in $1,000. " WU'Jam Smith, four years old. of No. 218 12th street. Lobs; Island City, was run over yesterday in front ef Ms home and Instantly killed. Th« driver *JMO ai rcsteu. Th» Aoctloneen' License bill, which met with ay, tlcn from the legislature and the 'Mayor, was formally accepted by the latter yesterday. The bill rrrrtteß that auctioneers snail pay an annual fee of $25d. FJv« "yer? men." arrested on February 5, charged with having attempted to rob the postofflce et BuCfern, N. T.. were yesterday con\lcted in the federal court- Patrick Burke and James Hackett «ot a year each at Elmira: James O'Brien and Jatnes Clark were given a year each In the Kings County Penitentiary at hard labor, and James Broderlek was allowed to go on a suspended sen teac9. Next Sunday THE ROOSEVELT PPvOGPvAM A — — Stun alfttinf Contribution By ARTHUR WALLACE Pi NN "Next Sunday's WLzgazine, Section TRIBUNE LOOKS LIKE 1)1- I'OXT. Special Delaware Session May Be Called to Fill Vacancy. (By Telegraph to The Tribune 1 Wilmington, Del.. May 16- — Important political developments occurred here to-night, when tt was learned that the General Assembly of Del aware will most probably be called In special session by Governor Lea within the next three weeks. In this event Colonel Henry A. Dv Pont will be elected United States Senator to fill the existing vacancy. Petitions were sent thl» week to all the Union Republican and regular Republican member* by the regular Republican State Committee asking them to sign a pledge to abide by the decision of a caucus for Senator.- This was done to secure definite aasurance for the Governor, who Is now on a ten days' fishing trip near Ottawa, Canada. It Is understood that he will change his mind, in view of present developments, and reassemble the body. The regulars believe they can control a com mon party caucus. It was stated to-night that President Roosevelt has taken an active part in having the Senatorial vacancy niled. There are now twenty-eight Republican legislators, there being three Republican and two Democratic vacancies. GAMBLE WINS IN SOUTH DAKOTA. Yankton. 8. D.. May 16.— Returns from yester day's primaries Indicate that the so-called "In surgents" or "Gamble"' faction will have 900 votei, in the Republican State Convention, leaving the "machine" with 463. It W considered a victory for Robert J. Gamble, who Is a candidate for rc-cl'O tion to the United States Senate. MONKEY SHOWS CONTEMPT OF COURT. Evicts Magistrate and Frightens Women- Is Cause of Suits Against Owner. A small monkey, freed by the breaking of his neck strap, was guilty of contempt in the Butler street court. Brooklyn, yesterday. I. Amdursky, of No. 620 Third avenue, is th« owner of the ani mal, whose antics are responsible for suits against his master aggregating $27,000. The monkey, finding- himself unrestrained yes terday, sprang nimbly to the bench which the magistrate hastily evacuated. Policemen and court clerks assailed the simian's perch, whereupon he sprang into a group of wemen who were waiting for warrant*. Their frightened screams added to th* turmoil which had already hopelessly shat tered the dignity of the court. Couit Officer John Higglns finally enticed the monkey Into a cell and secured him with a stout rope. The animal is alleged to have bitten several per sons severely. Amdursky was arraigned on com plaint of Ida Lovitz. who charges assault. Rela tives asked the magistrate to commit Amdursky to the Kings County Hospital for observation as to his sanity, which was done. The monkey went with him. WILL NOT PAY UNIFORM WAGE SCALE. Representatives of the Rnrkmen and Excava tors* Union, who made demands for a new wage scale several weeks ago, involving more than thirty thousand men, will have their final confer ence with the representatives of the Contractors' Protective Association at the end of this week. Eugene p. Clark, secretary of the Contractors' Pro tective Association, said last evening: We are not looking for trouble, but the employ ers will never consent to a uniform scale of wages. Borne of our employes are worth more than others, and we could not afford to pay the, poor men the same wages as the good men. A uniform wage scale would be out of the question. MOUNT HOPE CHURCH TO ENLARGE The Mount Hope Methodist Episcopal Church, in Tremont avenue, west of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse, has bought from George Brown a plot 40x100 feet on the north side of 177 th street, 129 feet west of the Concourse and adjoining the old church plot. The church will be enlarged. JUDGMENTS. The following Judgments were, filed yesterday, the first- name in each case given being that of the debtor: Ashlet;. Edward E., Jr.— X»r«*l Rauch et al $196 23 Adolph. Solomon — Simon Koin<*sbera- 437 «l 4 Ayera, Charles M.— Jsntzen Shoe Company.. 174 U6 Berkowltz. Louis— H. C. Hyde & Son* 669 78 Burke, Thomaa F.. administrator — N. V C & H it. H. K. CO.; costs 10927 Baldwin. Clarence i>.— John J. McGrath: cost«... 78 22 Brill, Abraham— Alter Darwin; cost* ziil Babcock. Frank A.— George C. Benjamin IS9 27 Cnayes. Herman K. b.— leidor t- 1» rue.2 •£+* c.2 Crowley. Oeorga W.— James B. O&ldwell et al 05 13 Corn. Paul— John J. Carlton •„•» 81 Decry. James c— Madison Pap*r Stock Company 146 03 Dempsey. Guy C— Lockland Lumber Company.. 48^5 Doe, John — John W. Castle . 2800U2 Davis. George mot summoned)— Eugene Battelle et al .................. , figji 14 Dcoley. John P.— Lucia M. S. Cohen"'.'..'.'.".'" ' 3u 61 Dicker. fcMward— Edward McMann 3777 Eu»ti». Newton B.— Preston Satterwhlte «3 -M Enreinian. M State Bank 40 «5 Feldsteln. Abraham— Simon Konlgsberg 437 «j« Flshman. Samuel— Louie Reich ... '" . ii «5 Fljichcr. Winifred, administratrix— lnterurbai, Street Railway Company; costs . IHS2 Freed. Louis— State Bank '.'.'.'".'. *oi 25 Falk Mortimer-Charles T. Henshall .' . .' '. '.'.'...'.'. 9M5 A Frieda, Alfonsc— Louis Kaguca . 33 mi Oallaher. Edw. B— New York Edison Co. . " " " ' 57s 19 Goodsteln. Jacob— A. G Hyde A Sons E59 rl Goldman. Louis (not summoned)— Louls'nVlch' 99 «k Oeorge. Alfred a— Morris RosenHe d et al i? z* Goldberg. Chart**— Bute Bank. . . V 2V 2 cl Hartley. James— Marttcn Lumber Co 111 Ye Hand. Sarah— C Dupont. . .: . .[ \ U t \ f ? Hood. Geo. W. — Photochrome Er.gineerine Co ' " 38 13 B atf'cosu nnd Mleh »^-^trlck VahV " U v»n,' Frederick wV^a«ob*Ouwwi'ian 37 ?a Linton. Mary— William J. Phillips Si 4? Ljmott William-Alfred C Dupont ul U Lockwood. Ale» -Patrick llaher et al ' co«w 72 70 «te,^F^K a V^r£m- : ;; : af- '«« Nelson. L«e (not summoned) -Benjamin *** * 7 g Pardon f b " Thompson Faulkner tt'ai.'::.': 62 91 KzVcol^nu ta h rl ' s $*?"£* -iViiiti:: pany Jacofy - Du " r.ox and Lumber Com- R'h h *^"- p^i'T-RoberV "Urgan '. ' .' .' '. '.'."'. '. '..' }" % Rlrh rl U; 8 H - E<5 »"d C Jones; costs ... J«2 2<J SI.- «• P.P .' yton C.— same; co« a ... ; .. 1C8 2« Hi.r^-, Ma nl nn ~ Mcrrls n«en«eld « al 6&«5 P*nT;cos 1 < . m - InlferUrban ' reet » ilwfc y C^ IsnSamT I"' .^ 7.™*'* ' A k '" Cr «$ \\ [? ||| S^h I n^"v r .* Ifcfl1 fcfl8 llrnl Engriivlnw' Company.! '. 824 42 wiv^r* V',' 4—4 — Abraham U«rlio«r *t al U3 2« Rvii n> J u 1 ks ~ «a'e Bank 6*l S4 kw . v«^°« n - administrator— of the New *ork Hospital; costs 23 85 ir,?»*^ A''xander (not summoned)— Ell and Eugene Battelle et al 890 *£«— m "- •Smlnletrstor— lnterurban Street u».V*i , y Company; costs 12266 Bhlndelman. Sellg—uidore Stern 51&31 Simmon*. E<SHh— Edward E. Mcßurney SCI 53 i ucker - ■ Walter L— Gorham Company 170 71 W Ishnlck. Harris—Eagle Roller Mill Company 167 91 Williams, John A.— William D. Moore Company. . . 41 «6 W elding. George —August J. Lutjena : 7T...... 249 66 waiter, Frederick— Mayor George B. UcClellan et al ; costs 7 101 SO McArthur Bros Co.';' cost»! V.'.'.V.'.'.V.'.V.'.V. »6» 7« Wadsworth. Charles W— Alfred C. Dupont «2 73 Wanderer. Morris— Morriti Tolk 80 30 weed. cc * '*' r - and Daniel R.. Victor Dis _. tributing and Export Company 84 81 tnlon Railway Company— Kate Brady 898 S2 Brown It Fle,nlng Contracting Company— National Powder Company 2,015 34 Bronx Bteani Laundry Company— 11. Moras 67 10 Unique Realty Company— General Society of Me chanic* and Tradesmen or the City of New York 112 22 "Tie Bronx Cold Storage and .Tenement Company — John T. Finn et al. ; coets. 103 77 — Edward G. Johns; costs 06 as New York City Railway Company or Interurhan Street Railway company— Alfred A. Romain 202 37 Brown-Fleming Contracting Company— Bu<lil,y, Woodhull & Bums 740 75 American Bunding Company of Baltimore — Patrick Maher et al /. 72 20 « AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. &S2!! 1 V E? y: 33T ■"" 87ft M aye - • w cor 22d st, St??S&J£ rlsr l 5? r p?Al«^a CWlOft 6 »«y W ten h; A A .. *£*£? 3 " 1 2l lirl ' > "" < * £ ic * h "B tt al; G W Tltcomb, atty: M H«arv. re<, partition. sa& y J**£?, r .A \ Sherman: not West End aye. n w cor ij/l !*• IV o*'0 *' 4 ." tw > and base brk dwg h; Manhattan if/.. 1 "? «"«"«• All "' r ' alt > Co ol ■': Holmes. It *K. tc&io* Stephens, ref; aim due. $37,721 63; taxes, etc. — •>— RECORDED MORTGAGES. **V££SL. John C - to w »m*«» A Roblnren; awfi^5 y «i« *■ a-Ja -J c " ntr e,llne block between with aad *«** si«; * years, *'•* vet cent $130,000 Same to I. Napoleon Levy; same property ■ ' prior * .»»fr«*»g«. »ia>.«^>; duo a» jkt bond? 20 00.. Aprlefaauni. Harr;.. : , n Milan t" M«Whatuii Mortpce Company ; 11.5 th « t n s VUi if t oof Morris ay; demand. « per tent , Adl|A Bh»lti*r. Harry, to I^uhT J H.vkr nrtorier and ?""?"£ umb^o *ye 11 v/ corner Mlih »t !;V w ?^r r '^, riloltcai -- > —'KSy'J: Warren, \*ojt«r R. to Henrjr'F Jones' end' another iio « Broadwey. a c .. :« 4 ft t, . of Eschaw one June I, 11107; "• iwr c«ut ... *;*>!l MM Reme to Henry X Juki; » j-rop,- r tv :< MiV:ha'ii oja.uwj P«rt; yri;r mori_-ii^. UU.tM, duo January l! jauT; 5 pir cent y " ».„,„ Cox John W. to i:nl'.e4 States Bavir*. ' liana" wlu> 1-.. No 24 E*»t. 1 y«*r. 6 per «Mt..7^.: ca.oi<o NKW-YOir.-; DAii/r TUinrXR TRTTv^DAY. MAY 17, 19QC>. Tin-; AYLs.\ii;i(i;i'ii.\\a:s hands APARTMENT HOUSE OCCUPIES BIG PIX)T <AT 76T11 STREET 4ND COLUMBUS AVENUE. Market Found for Lafayette Street Bttildings—A $100,000 Riverside Drive Project. Bernard Smyth * Son* have sold for Bonn Broth ers, to an Investor, the Aylsmfre. a seven story apartment house, with stores, at the southeast cor ncr of Columbus HVe. and 76th St. It has a frontage of 102.2 feet In Columbus aye. and 10") feet in 76th at. M. & L. Hess have sold for A. F. Koetblc the four story front and rear buildings So. 413 La fayette st. (formerly No. 2S Lafayette Place), be tween 4th st. and Actor Place. 28.4x150 feet, to a client, who will improve the premise* by erecting a nine or ten story building. Plan* have been Hied with Buildings Superinten dent Murphy for a six story apartment house, to be built for the Rutland Realty. Company in River side Drive. SCO feet south of 127 th st It Is to be 75 feet front and 73 feet deep, with a facade of biick with trimmings of limestone and terra cotta. and will cost noo.doo. L. A. Goldstone is the architect. WILL ENLARGE DWELLING HOUSE. Plans have been filsd "for the remodelling and en largement of the four story and basement dwelling house No. 21 West EM St.. owned by Mrs. F. R. Halsey. A two story and basement extension and a new high stoop entrance, with a portico. ar» to be erected. The Improvements are to cost J2O.W). ac cording to the estimate of Alfred Bu?selle. the architect. : '* "; Tfje four story apartment house and store No. 28 West 14th St.. owned by Walter E. Gaynor. execu tor. Is to be made over into a store building for Robert Taylor, as lessee, at a cost of $«>.(o>, ac cording to the estimate of Palmer A Ogden, the architects. - ; .„- . BUYS HUDSON STREET PLOT. M. Dlugarch has bought from Patrick Higglns Ni> 4SI to 429 Hudson at. imd Nos. l'S an 1 105 Leroy St.. '.i.x»o feet. The parcel faces St. John's Park. &T:ix Wliner wa* the broker. Also bought from will Inn H. Schmobcl and resold to I. Setkovitx No. 420 Ea:-t 10th St.. a five story tenemtnt house, with stores ?sxlOO feet. WILL IMPROVE PARCEL NEAR WALDORF. Gropi & Gtoss Company have sold to the Ronald H. Maedonald Company No. 12 W'eet 31st st.. a five sttor/ brownirtone dwelling house on a lot 28xlfO feet The buyer Intends to erect a twelve story fireproof office building. LEASES WAREHOUSE FROM PLANS. Etfniun.l C. Coffin will erect an eight story ware house on No. 244 to 250 West 49th St., a plot 80x92 feet, liom plans by Hill & Stout. It will cost about WOO.OOO. W. L." Nichols, dealer In automobiles an 1 carriages, has leased the. building. RAILROAD GETS MORE LAND. The New York. Westchester A Boston Railway Company has Just closed a deal for Its right of way through three tracts of land in The Bronx owned by the Halseys. This is the fourth large parcel recently bought by the railroad. REALTY NOTES. Joseph Bailey sold to the W. H. Mofflt Realty Company, through Mrs. E. W. King, a parcel fronting €50 feet In the South Country road, at Bay Shore, Long Island. The price paid for this property was $23,009. Mrs. King has also sold a parcel of four acres and a house at Fifth avenue and the Boulevard. Bay Shore, for the Patrick Conlln heirs, to W. H. Mofflt Realty Company for 12,600. Plans have been filed for a five story dwelling house to be built for Miss C. 1.,. FTellnghuyeen at No. 113 East 65th street. It will be. 20 feet front and 72.S feet deep and will have a Colonial facade of brick with terra rotta trimmings and ha\'ing balcony windows at the second story. It Is to cost $25/100, according to the estimate of Pickering A Walker, the architects. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. George A. Bowman has sold to an investor No. 555 Lexington aye., northeast corner of 40th st., a four story and basement brownstone dwelling house on a lot 19.9x85 feet. Charles Gahren has sold for T. Shea to Robert Gilmore No. 118 West 91st St.. a three story dwell ing house. 18x100 feet. J. Romain© Brown & Co. and P. A. Geoghegan have Bold for John R. Cahill No. 340 West 35th St.. a three story and basement dwelling house, 18.9 x 98.9 feet. E. V. Pcscia & Co. have leaped for a client' to P. Lavia. the six story double tenement house, with stores. No. 2.042 First aye., for a term of five years. Also sold for a client to S. Solomon the five story single flathouse at No 231 West 134 th St., on a plot 20x100 feet. M Harold Hochdorf. as attorney, has bought for Adolph Cypress No. 1653 Madison aye.. a five story double flathouee. with stores, on lot 25x100 feet; for Adolnh Cypress No. 216 East 77th St., a live story double tenement house, with stores, on lot 25xlW feet and for Samuel Groenwald No. 752 Sixth St., a five story tenement house, with stores, on lot 22x*¥7 ff # f*t ljowensteln. Papae & Co. have sold for Spiegel & Lazarus to M. Schloss the northeast corner of Madison aye. and 103 d st., a five story double flat house, with stores, on lot 27x70 feet. M Morgenthau. jr.. & Co. have sold for Louts Reiner to a client the northeast corner of Evcnue B and 6th st a four story and basement nat house, with stores, on lot 202v93 feet." William Kelleher has sold for Alice Brady to Mary Walsh two lots in Harrison aye.. near Cornell aye ■ three in 176 th st.. near Westchester aye., for Martin Bariffl; four lots in 173 d st. and two in I.6th st. to N. Chambers, and a lot in McGraw aye.. near Cottage Grove aye., for Thomas McCarthy to Alice John Peters * Co. have sold for Jacques Schlosaer No 339 East 24th st . a five story double tenement hbuse, on lot 25x100 feet. P R Wood A Co. have sold for William Hecht No. 311 West 88th st. s a four story dwelling house, on lot 19x100.8 feet. Ottinger & Bro. have sold No. 313 West 75th St., a five story dwelling house, on lot 23x102.2 feet. B. C. Gerken has bought No. 407 Amsterdam aye., a five story flathoupe, on lot 25x85 feet, and has resold It to a client of F. R. Wood & Co. William Lemberg & Co. have sold No. 451 West 164 th St., a frame dwelling house, on plot 50x104 feet. Hayden ft Co. have t-old for Hulda Stein No. 310 West 145 th St., a five story double flathouse, with *;or*s. on a lot 25.6x99.11 feet, to Reynolds & Mc- Mahon. Schmeldler & Bachrach have sold to Ernestine G. Krause No. 1584 Madison aye.. a five story tene ment house, with stores, on lot 25x100 feet. Julius H. Reiter, as attorney, has bought for Sirls & Malzman No. 733 East 9th at., a six story tenement house, on lot 25x100 f<«r-i. Also resold No 213 Chrystie 6t., a six story tenement house, on lot 28x100 feet. Katz & Co. and William Hennessy have sold for Samuel Ooldenberg No. 218 East 9th St.. a four story tenement house, on lot 21x75 feet, to Jacob Rosin. The same brokers have also sold for Mr. Rosin to Mr. Goldrnberc the northeast corner of Bushwick aye. and Meserole st., Brooklyn. J. Leon Brandmarkcr, as attorney, has bought for Joseph Bchenkeln and Herman Martlnowitz the four story bulldlnß No. 353 East Bth St., on lot 25x87 feet, for Improvement. Katz & Co. have sold for Mrs. Ida R. Bernstein to Mandel & Alderman No. 226 East 9th st., a four story tenement house, on lot 20x7ax21x75 feet. Ahram Bachrach has bought No. 37 Broome St.. a five story double tenement house, on lot 25x100 feet. B. Chenken has sold* for Isaac Leipzig to L,owen feld & Prager No. 17 Forsyth St., live story front and rear tenement houses, r.n lot 25x100 foot. John P. Kerwan has sold for Jackson <% Stern No. 8 West 45th St., a four story dwelling house, on lot 17x100.5 feet. The Gross & Gross Company ha« sold for N. Tay lor Phillips to Jam's Churchill No. ':.<* to 212 Wrst 46th st., four four story dwelling houses, on plot 80x100.5 feet. John E. Stellwell has sold Nos. 405 and 407 West 123 d St., two five story flathouses, on plot 42.2x94 feet. William K. Nunn has bought from Agnes J. Divers, executrix. No. 643 West 13Gth st., a two family frame dwelling house, with stable In rear, on lot 25x99.11 feet. Male A Hecht have sold Nos. 1515 and 1517 Madi son aye.. two five st<Jry flathouses. on plot 54x70 feet, to a Mr. Welsenberu«»r. A Kassel has bought back from Rosenberg. Arorj & Fish the three rive Ktorv flit houses. No. 1244 to 124S Madison ttvc, on r'"» o>>xß7 feet, which he sold to them about six months ago. J. Levy A Co. have mold Nos. 426 and 428 East 117 th St.. a Six story tenement house, with stores, 43x100.11 feet, for Harris A Timble to Betsy Panish. A. Dormer has fold to H. Cavln and L. Horowitz the two five story flat houses. Nos. 1678 and 1680 Madison aye.. on plot 40x50 feet. Solomon Kroll has sold to Green ft Mutter th* five-story tenement nous?. No. 155 East 99th St.. on lot axlOOll feet. Th* Schwab RealtyVnmpany hno bought the flve. story flathouse, with Stores, No. 23« Ninth aye.. 2f.x 100 feet. aioK«s Klnzler an«l Blak'slce Barnes have* boucht Nob. »25 and 527 West 47th Bt., old buildings, on pint 50x100 5 feet. V.'nlu-r D. Starr was the broker Rothschild Brother* have bouirht No. 1753 3d aw a flvo story tenement house with stores, 25x90 fe*>t' Also bought No. 17* JOust 101 st St., a five o orv flat house, on lot 25x100.11 feet. * Joseph L. Buttenwleser has sold to William Wet stein the five story flathouse No. 140 Bast 4Mb st on pV.t 36x100.5 feet. " ' Leopold W. Ilarbiirger has bought from Glaser Brother* the five story tc::*niem house No iio Kai-t 49th at., on lot 25x100.5 <»-•■'.. John C Uuyfortu has told to Louis Franken ■ thaler No. 627 East SSd St.. a five story flathoiise. 25 Charles °Wyniie has bought from ©.«•*«*' »nd resold to Morris Lang and Hyman No. 2037 2d aye.. a four story tenement house, on Julie B Brettel has sold through Levy Brother* No 517 Le! ox aye.. a. three story dwell ng house. 'atSToahn have sold for Perlt, Wolff to a Mr. Fal.« No *» East 81st St.. a five story tene ment house with stores, on lot ■}****-. ... Charles E. Duros* has sold for the estate or Thomas Mulry No. 245 West 13th st. a three-story dwelling house, on lot ».10xl(B.3 feet. Isaac Male A Sons have sold New. 11. and 11» Avenue C. a six story tenement house, on plot 38.0x83 feet, to Barnet Menkes. Rosetta BIIMh hos sold No. 553 East^ l«h , « five Btory tenement house, r^SfltMSf to Max Waehsman. who has resold the property to W GoldDlatt > * r '3choenfeld have sold to Friedman * Messe No. 246 2d st., a six story tenement house. ° isaac :i4 Me 1 has sold to the Emanuel Realty Company No. 11 Jones St.. a five story tenement h Tj Se 'KUngenßtpin h«is*sold to Miller & !^£ II * 1 J y the five story tenement house No. 103 Broome si.. ' 7 H^Hardltw has sold to Harry Flschel No. IS Eldrid^e St.. front and rear buildings, on lot 23.1x187.6 feet. ' _ Joseph Steinberg as attorney has bought the three story brick building, on lot 25x&3.3 feet, at the northeast corner of Forest aye. and 161 st st. It is the first sale of the property In twenty-five S. * Jacobs & Son have sold Nos. 850 and 553 East 138 th St.. a six story flathouse. on plot 50x100 feet, to Saul „ _ Charles Gahren ha* sold for Kantor A Cooper the northwest corner cf St. Ann's nvo>. and 139tn St.. a five story double flat house, with stores, on lot 25x100 feet. has bought from Anthony Mc- Rose F. HamlH has bought from Anthony Me- Owen the northeast corner ef Tryon aye. ana Reservoir Oval, 60x"8x irregular. „ t . _ S. Cowen. in conjunction with S. Strauss, has sold the following properties: The southwest cor ner of 150 th street arid Union aye.. a four story flathouse, to Oscar Lindner: also sold No. all Fox St.. a five stcry flathouse. Julius H. Relter. as attorney, has bought for M. Cohen the northwest corner of l«4th St. and Steb bins aye.. a five story tenement house, on lot 25x 77 feet. A tract of 146 acres In Montvllle County. Conn..- was given In part payment. j_ -J Arnold & Byrne have sold for H. * A. Cohen to Louis Bernstein the northwest corner of 118 th st. and Lenox aye.. a five story flathouse. on lot 34x 100 feet. Henry M. & Joel H. Rlbeth have sold for S. Brenner the five story tenement house No. 663 East 148 th St., en lot 25x100 feet. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. sth aye. No 2201. 24.11x75; New Amsterdam Realty Company and another to Ttieo Lan«»n bahn; mortKaire. $25.000. #lw» Riverside aye. No 40. c a. x— ; O L Wood ♦• Mix I) Brill 1 Riverside aye. No 40. Ntn t corner 76th st. Ssx Ir repular; Richard G Wood et ml. executors, to Max I) Brill; mortgage, $55.000 81.750 144 th Ft. 8 *. 360 ft c of Lenox aye. 50x00.11; Prt*lau»r Realty Company to James MfLaugn- lln: mortgage. $5.000 "WO Oth aye. 6 w corner 17th »t, 4f1x140; Wesley Thorn to Helen C Jullllard: mortgage. $300.00©.. 100 Park aye. No 1141. o a, 20.5x70; Meier Lchmann to Isaac N P Stokes 100" AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY. By Bryan 1. Kennelly: 215 to 221 34th ft. n a. 173 ft w of 7th ay«. 100x88.0; two 7 «tory apt h«; a!»o 224 to 230 West 3.-th st, abutting. lOOxtm.B; church and parson age; voluntary sale; bid in at $635,000; 248 33th at. s s. 275 ft c of Bth aye. 25x»S 0; 3 story front and rear ten h»: voluntary sale: to J Conway for $:;3.C00; 148 and 130 24th at. s s. 175 ft * of 7th aye. .V>x9B.ft; two 5 Btory ten h», with stores: voluntary sale; to Alfred M Rau for $«».88O; 131 and 133 124 th ft. n w cor l*xlnr«on aye., 40x«7.0x irreg x 100.11; 3 and 4 story f blflgs; voluntary sale; to Morris B Baer for $51,000; 55 74th st, n s. 140 ft c of Columbus «v», 20x102.2; 4 story » f <l * fc: ***'• rale, estate of Sarah S White, deceased: to a client of Siawson & Hobbs for $43,500; 08 OOrh st. ? *. 120 ft c of Columbus &v... 20x100.5: 4 story <lw» h; e«ra* sale estate of Albert Bellafy. deceased; to Louis Cohen for $34. 250. M 11th st s % 252.4 ft <■ of University PUce. 21.2x94.»; 8 story store and loft bids; voluntary sale; to John McCauley for $ °By° Joseph P Day: 650 to 6.™ 149 th Bt. »s. block front fce.t M and Bergen ayes. frontlrg 2042 1 1 on at, • "■» ft on 3d aye. OS 7 ft on Bersvn aye and 24.11 ft on Willis a\e, kasehold; 2 sty brk office and store bids;; FleUchrnan Con struction Co a«t W I' Martin et al: Hays A H. . attys.^T F GV.ny. ref ; amt due. $103,500; to the Plaintiff for »10O.««: 44H Slst «t. a p. lftl.B ft c of lOth aye. 16.»;102.8x1ft.&x 104.3; 4 sty brk ten h: H C «rube a*t r, B Herrel et al; Williams 4 C attys; John Larfcin. ref; partition: to the Cast!.- Realty Co for $14,100; 69 Montgomery st. a a. 23 ft n of Cherry st. 20x«l : 3 sty fr ten h and Mere and 3 *ty brk ten h on rear: Martha Crowley a«t P D Orowley et al: 3 A Poneean. arty. J H Fargls. ref: partition; to Osk & Rflelsteln fc* »t».575: fif.7 and f»ft 151 st at n •. »>"•<>* Melrose aye. 50x114.4x Irr«g; two a sty r dwl h; Ann* Reltz ast Masdalena Mfss-»rschmitt et al; 3 F Frees, attys; I. X U-deckor ref; taxes, etc. $80; partition: to the defendant for $22,600. MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS. 137 th St.. s. a.. 435 ft. c. of Lenox aye.. •«»*■»• fix B»nrv brick flathou»e». 75x86.11: A. Shatz. owner: B. W. Levttan. architect. ............ $00,000 ♦Riverside Drive, c. P.. fIOO 2 ft. 8 . of 127 th at., for a »lx story brick flathouse. 7nxt3; Rutland Reaffv Company, owner: I, A. Goldstone. archl teet Wf-W-M 6Tth Ft.',' No. 113 Kant, for a five Ftory brick dwelling house. 20x7? •■: C L. FrMtnghuy*e n. owner- Plokertns * Walker, architects 25.000 R2d st . n B-, 125 ft. c. of 11th aye.. for a ten atorv brick lofte. .10x90.5: P. H. MrNulty. owner; W. C Lewis, architect • 100.000 »lst m No. 112 East, for a two story brick stable. 25x02; T. W. Shannon. own^r: J. S. .__ Maher. architect 15.000 THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. I.loth St.. n. s, 175 ft. c. of Courtlandt aye; three story and attic brick dwelling house. C2x 30.10; Rev. H. J. Otterbeln. owner: A. F. A. Schmitz, architect $20,000 172<1 **■ c ■ 100 ft. s. of Glrason aye.; five two etory frame dwelling houses, 21x55: Oleason Realty Company, owner; Moore & Landaeidel. architects 25.000 Woody, w. 6 . 327 ft. n of 164 th St.; two story frame d-,v»lllna: hous?, 20x36: John F. Kaiser, owner; William A. O'Hea. architect... 8,500 Balnbrldge aye.. w. a., 105.37 ft. n. of 200 th St.: two two story and attic frame dwelling- houses. l!lx<i".M: Jacob Zurneiden, owner; Michael J. Garvln. architect 16.000 Tlnton aye.. w. a.. 123.57 ft n of mist st. : two story and basement frame dwelling house. 20x f2; Charles Ulawatsch. owner; Frederick Ham mond, architect 6.000 Tln'fii Rye.. w. s.. 123.57 ft. n. of 161 at st.: one etory frame shed. 27x3<>; tamo owner and architect 80ft Tlnton aye.. w. p.. 123.57 ft. n. of 161 st St.. rear; two story brick stable. 27x27 ; s same owner and architect 8.200 178 th St.. n. a. 100 ft. c of Crotona aye.; two story and ba*«mrnt frame dwelling house, lftx fiO; Gtosue Callanl. owner; Hugo IT Avolin. architect 6.0 M) Topping aye. c. s.. m% ft. a. of 175 th St.; five two story brick dwellings. 2o.k«i ; A. Arnold. f <vner; Charles S. Clark, architect 40,000 El^mpre Place, a. s.. 125 ft. w. of Mnrmion aye. three Mory brick tenement house. 20.10*55; Will lam C. r.-r^--n. owner; Charles S. Clark 'archi « 15.000 LIS PENDENS. Cjpre*» aye., p. c. corner 140 th St.. lftftxlSO- Simon IThlfPlder et al. a~t. Jacob 11. Rubin et a! ; foreclosure o* mortgage ; nttorncy, M Sllverstein. -v«v.u« « 77th St., *. a ., TO ft. c. of Columbus five 100x100 Elevator Company agt. Montros? Bond and Realty Company *t al. ; action to foreclose mechanic's Men- at* torneys. Stephens &■ Raker. ' 75th St.. ? s.. 2SS ft. •. of Ist aye.. 27.0x102.2- Morris Gold»t«ln ft il agt. Can-line Kre.icei: foreclosure of mnrtpw: nttc.mey. V. A. Campbell. 114 Hi at.. No. 34 West; Abraham r>reenhcr« apt. Jacob Hr>lt7b*rj? ot al. ; foreclosure of mortgage- attorney I Wltklnd. " ' llßth .«t.. "" !" . 210 ft w. of 5,1 avo.. 21 7. 100. 11; Joseph Nordensrhlld r.rt. Alice M. I.i-noh e» «1.; foreclosure ' of mnrtgnge: nttcrney*. Kng'l. Kneel * Onpenhelmer. 4th Bt.. Ko. 27« to ■£* Kin; leasehold: Jennie Goldstein i>e;. Herman Simon; foreclosure of mortgage; attorney. L H. Levin. SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. 152 d ft., n. a.. 150 ft. w. of Broadway. 100x100; Tfotenhouer * Nesbit net. Schuman * Kauf man; May 7. lltttt 5203 «» 7Sth Ft., Nob. 202 and 204 East; Joseph Barber et al. agt. estate Henry L. Hi«u< t et al. ; May 17. 1005 40000 Hughes ,-ivf.. c. c I^o ft. n. of lß7th ft.; rat riok Toher ant. Belmont Realty Company et ul. ; January 17. 1909 (onnct-llmi) 1.760 40 Cr<v>k aye.. s. w. corner lfiSd at.. 100x75- James F. ntsKln & CV>. iiKt Joseph Ilueth et al ; May S. i«io (by bowl) 1.05000 25th st., N^s. 187 and ISO East: 26th ft.. No. 13S Ea^t; rnlt»M Dnnip Proofing and Painting Com »>tiny apt. Braekett Realty Company et al. ; Miy 1 1 l'.f»r> (by dcpoalt) 330 00 Loßfftvccd a\". n. ».. whnlf fr^nt 1» tween Fox st. and t-".-i'ith' in n>iuli*vari! nm«sntan Fires A nnsenbium art Joseph Dally «-t al , May :i. mo.l (by deposit) 1.0C4 00 Old Broadway, n. iv corner !2!>th ft.. lrtCxlftO: n-inii- <<gt. John Gum et al. ; May 14. ttURi (by dcpo«!t) 1.530 00 Union aye., c a., 100 ft. s. of I*M at., 75xlOt>: K.ime i>Kt John O»ln» ft al. ; May 11. 100« (by deposit) 040 Oil S2d st . No* ZTHi and Win Bast; I.aili Birnsteln Ml faram 1 Abran>« «t al : April 27. mm B0 00 Union ay« . *■ a . W) ft n. of 4lh at.. 22x100; B^rcla * Co. agt. Jerome I* Mont* it al. ; , April 14. 1000 803 00 £~"- ' *~ ' •••--. BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. 2H»th at n. * . MfeVJ ft. c of 4»h *v*., r.txu;, Vanhattt»n Mnrtpnse to. loans BnVh M.iual.ll . . 54.000 "it. avc- <> ■-. whoie front between I tilth and 147 th i»tK . — xlOO; City Mt.rtKaße Co. imtn» Fletsehmcnn Hialtv »nd instruction On 223.000 Amsterdam •»•-. w. *■• wh"le front between Had and l»l «ts . — xlOl»x— *30O; < ity MortKa«* Ob. loons l«oac H'nry Mayer 107.000 liitih m ii . «• • '7» ft- w. o( Ist »v«.. cox— : Pin cua | --r.f'lii »n<l William I'msir loan Abra ham LAslask and Joseph l/ingel. . . . . . .......... 3«,000 Uroa-iwnv n • cor. •''»*»• St.. OO.llxliirt: Cotn nioi-weaith Mr.rtsa«o Co. loan Flurl C.n.tiuclloii CB 19/ MO Real Estate. The Trust & Banking Department RECEIVES DEPOSITS subject to Check or on Certificate, allowing inter- . A est' thereon at favorable rates. LENDS ON AP- ' PROVED .. Stocks, Cor poration Bonds »nd on Mortgages as Coll iteral. ACTS AS TRUSTEE, Guardian. Executor, Ad ministrator, Assignee or Receiver, Transfer Agent or Registrar of Stocks of " Corporations. Takes charge of personal Secur , ities. CONSERVES THE PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS of Attor neys to their clients, in consultation with the Company's Counsel, in any business that may be placed with it. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company CAPITAL iL $9,500,000 SURPLUS <$9avUUa«*4Uu 37 Liberty Street. SO Liberty Street. •Title D**t.) must & Baastag D*»L> >i »<(ium\. *to aionts»Er««e Street. *'ri»uk 1 ) City Property for Sale. KINGSBRIDGL Never so beautiful aa now. Terminus of Subway-. W minutes from 42<i St. The Kingsbridge Real Estate Co. offer for sale : Charming House Sites ar.d business lots. at such low prices that profits are assured to purchasers this month. Fine- views, macadam roads: near th* great parks; healthy surroundings. Apply to any ft. E. Agent cr RICHARD .M. MONTGOMERY. 87 PINE ST. NEW YORK. BBAXCH OFFICE ON PROPERTY. PARTITION SALE of Staten Island acreage and waterfronts by Horatio J. Sharrett, auctioneer. Attention Speculators, Manufacturers and Shipbuilders! Two valuable large deep waterfronts, wKb acreage up land, near Tottenvllle. On* larg* waterfront, with up land. In factory district, at Krefacharvllle. One 14 acre, one 10 acre, one 7 acre, one 3 acre and two small acreage parcels in th* 3th Ward or Richmond Borough. High. magnificent marine views: suitable for subdivision. Also one building plot in Tottenvllle village. For full particu lars Inquire of PERCIVAL. G. ULUIAN, Esq.. Referee. 3* Whitehall Street. Ruom 34. Sale fleasant Plain. Staten Island, on May 21st. 1906. at 2:90 P. M. A DOWNTOWN PROPERTT. rRONTINO THB WATER; 26.000 SQUARE FEET. COVERED BT STRONG BUILDINGS CONTAINING 140.000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE; FOR SALE CHEAP: EAST TERIiS. RULAND A WHITING CO.. 5 BEEKMAN ST. PRIVATE HOUSES; beat sections West Side; eleva tor and non-elevator apartment houses: business properties; building plots; lists on application. N. L. * L. OTTINGER. Room «OS, SI Nassau st. Furnished Houses to Let — Country. BALLSTON SPA. N. Y. To let for summer, line country residence, barn. 18 room house, elesuntly furnished; six mites from Saratoga. C. HERZOG, Hal Is ton Spa. ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN, Five miles south of Plattsburgh. — Furnished country house to rent for summer; large, shady yard; pleaaant surround ing* A M GILLJLAND. 32 Broad St.. Pittsburgh. N. T. RACQUETTE LAKE. NEW YORK. A very choice camp for rent; fully furnished. JOHN N. GOLDING. 9 Pin* Bt, Fifth Ay*. & *sth St. MAKLBOROI'GH, COSX.— US miles from New Tork: tigM-room farmhouse, partly furnished; stable; Ice; vegetable garden planted; fruit: shade; fishing, hunting; three miles from station: *:00 season. E. W. BELL. 2< Cortlandt St.. N. T. ONTEORA-IN-THE-CAT3KILLB. Complete kwt of furnished cottages from FROTHTSGIIAM A MOORE. 81 Liberty gt. . TX>R RENT— Furnished cottage. 10 rooms; beautifully I? located; overlooking the Sound; also stable; Qroton. Conn. G. B. BAKER. 351 West H«th at.. New York. MADISON, N. J.— Comfortable 12 room furnished house; stable; three acres, garden, fruit; season. XX»). HEALTH FOOD OO . 61 ftth Ay*. L~~OSG BRANCH, ELBERON WEST END— Cholgs' I furnlshM cottages for rent. WARDEtA. * BURKE* West End. N. I. __^__ AST ORAXGE. N. J — l*-room furnished horn* . 10. ram«Ble aye., to let for summer; splendid location; owner called away. EPPSTEIN, 230 Grand St., N. T- Auction Sales of Real Estate. m'wEST SIDE LOTS AT AUCTION May M. DA YIP STEWART. 208 Broadway. nan CHOICE BRON LOTS at auction. May IJd. OiyO PARISH. FISHER A CO. lt» Broadway. MECHANICS' LIENS. Lexington »v».. • •• cer. U2th st 20*73; Will lam F. Lenaon *ajt. Irving S. Chart*. owner and SeMCO Broadway 'V: a.. 100 it.' n." •*' i»tn at". ZJOxSi; Joseph Wlodar agt. Emanuel Doctor, owner and te _ Ci 115111* •t?°No»." «13 ' and ' 614 " West • ' ?el'va«»l ' 4 Wrledt agt. Frank Woyttsek. owner and con- mmmM tr<irtor 6STS US 24th it. K0."i47 West; ' Frederick C. " Zob.l a«t- Caslmer Y. Wagner, owner and contractor 800 00 60th ™. No SOt» East: Lock* St Smith Co. agt T«nem#rt Improvement Co.. owner; B. Tucker Windle. contractor ........ • I " txf 36th at.. No. 44» W»st; Francis X. Orady agt. So rhia and Charles Bopn. owner and contractora. 300 00 fA'S. »aS- «o SCa\-SS C a\-S oVneV;^^ Reserved Oval. 75x100; name Frank \lahlls .„„ Co. , , wner find contractor «... ••• • ■ ......... IW v} Boston Road, w s , COS ft. a. of W*th at .. 73x l«nir?fot.-nh«uer & Nesbtt ««t. Melsel. Him berg * Perlltch. owner* and ccntractom 30» M 2Sth st No nan to 340 East; Henry F. Keyier agt. Huco. Rcsendorf. owner; A Schneider, con- * - tractor - «* SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. The first name In each ease given la that of the debtor; the second that of the creditor and flat* when judgment was filed: Alexander. Bernard— C. Podge; May S. i*o« • $:* 41 lu-Mltte. Beatrice- -James McCutckeon & Co.; April 14. l»t>« W. 71 Jl IV' Martin. Ramon* G.. and Williams V. Martin— M. de Miller: May 4. 190« MS M Guorttn. Clifford p. — J. H»(Ten «t al ; May 17. 1899 <car.cei|e<l) 1.451 €0 Katzensteln. Charles F. Klelnt; May 27. l»03 1.144 •• Martin. Clinton S. — Colonial Company: Oc tober 31. IS9S 4» 41 Martlnr. Philip — Burrelllt Press Clipping Bureau: March 19. l»0< " 49 08 Schorer. Martha F. — O. Bart«lstone et al. ; April »•. l»06 no •« Sachs, Samuel, and Simon Wetnstetn — D. Steckler: March SS, l»0G INN Taub. Isldor— N. Cohen et at; March ••. 11*06 : 73 3* Weiitrott, Robert E. — H. Pi>rlr.ger; July 22. 18»7 : ISJJT Same— Same; February IT. 1597 I.SSS 1* Whltlo«-k. Odl- — The Oeollan Company; March 7. l»01 »•» OS Ward. Walworth— J. H Work et al. ; July 7. IPOS 111? Game— Same. October 3ft, !••<> .-. 1.711 4> Same — Bame: December S. l!>0| ' »4 47 Welch"*. Samuel — A. Wetnberg: April 14. 15(06 ft 19 «5 War.l. Walworth— City of New York: De cember 17. 1903 (vacated) 1.214 30 Wachman. £lgmund — U. Keniniet et al: July 14. 18»« (caneelied) . 310 91 Wanmaker. Oeorgo W. — Cantor Lumber Company; September 4. \»9% (cancel !*<!>.. 31091 Bremer. t>u Four. Rtnit A I'lnVnev Com pany. Charles W. lMnkne> A I.ouU H. Dv Four — Armenia Insurance Company of Plttsburg, Pena. : December :n. 1)05 va cated! 1.314 41 Bremer, Pu Knur, Ring A |>inkney f«m fiai.y. Charles N. Plakaey. l.oula 8. Da Four and Jelleraon l> Br*mer — Same; December 20. 190& vacated > . . 5.715 00 Commonwealth Trust Company of New Tors; — H. T. OauM; Slay 3. 1306 (vacated) 47».1U M City Property TO Let. YVrEST~ l ~fe«TIl i ST.— lmmediate \s**m\<m. r**aes>a»l* ' • teat: a-ftonr hops* USTVIB. Vox XL Tribune oa^> Cam it Property for Sale. ' ■ OGEAH 110 RIVER FHONTA3E, K*rm*n<n* t?oibrl»ht,. N. — For Ml*. Colonial «* tag*, 13 room*, furnished; Kantfy Ihi commuters' fast «tcam*f «»nrlc»/ bargain, a— 417. HI am—way. FOR SALE AT RIVERSIDE. CONN. Flv> acre* en h'ch srouiui. An« vltw. noET: \vAr.r/noor> a *OX. GREENWICH, IONS, ANTwitnnc in WMKNBrrtt countt ~ Counujr iiouw*. Karaiv Ct.-oLj.V * WKST laa. lUia «.ir.ifr. v.oint V»nu.» mm Will. Flats*. TJUBX FOR SALE. ch#ao. ■(«> acre*. at Classic «huZ GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE. — — — — V_7 RIVERDALE. K. Y-Kcrntih*l for teascn. *r «a tarnish** ca mi tease. IS roast* 2 baths. A acts*, stab:. and gardener* cottaa*; tew than «•* hour (soot W*U Street. Goo 4 amomobUtES. Wit. H. HOTT * CO.. • *» West «M St.. .V I. TV** l * FERKY.— U. R. C. ■.: sjSSkSBSI IjulssslT M~* Suthiean fark l»ts. ten minute* Irunt tklagatirid subway 'station: city fnpto*env«nt»; easy wi^ a » 4k KhUtS. 33$ \\>«t 4Sth rt. *«&* UPPEII KOSITCLAIR. K. J - For sale, mMm'ie-tasn, ' hous/: *!»•» corner lot; ful.y resmcteil; M>»tion ua surpassed; near station. OTVKESt. 5 E<lg«mont Road. Upper Montclalr. N. J. "—^ /^OCNTRY HOME. —Ten lam*, bright rooms, fin* aMSSI \J aad siwie trees, gacaen. fruit trees; elegant <irU#v Duke's Park rear Cox 1. <«outh Branca. .V J. AT LAKE GEORGE*. — Twenty a<-res on Boßon~Boatt «c\. ■sanllii tit »il« for country hour; price Sajkm HENRY C JOHNSON. Jr.. Futon re, ASSena, N. Y. f3EEKSKHi-ON-HII>SOX - Modern nine room cot. X tage: large grounds. ««od river tt»w; Br» tntasrtiz from station will sell or rent to rtght pacty. hurt S. rNT>Eß\voor». w*»tvuie. cobb. SUFFERN. ROCKI-AND COUNTY.— Furniaceil eg*. ■ tag<»: homes and lams fov sate. A.l4r*a* AUFR£D HALO* real estate. Sugem. N. Y . /*\SSININO. X- V. — Farm for sal*. »• acres. 2 baaaaa \J improvements; 13 minute*' drive to station- thus* Dept. M. P- O-. Bt» *«. t»*a,nlng. W. Y. "**•** T>EST OFFER for a summer horn* In Wlasßasi i> County. Conn.: brick hou**; larir* barn; araaa. NEFF. 1W Hauler St Brooklyn. N. Y. W> *^ > ONE OF THE FINEST ESTATES on the Bastes*. E. iTK. WHITING. SS Pine tT^ \-\7ESTEKIEIGH <ProMMtlon Park) — 11-ro«m heaaal I i every uni>m««wnnt. comer »k»t. »>«ico. M.WW- £7 payment &■»■ J. BTEBX.IXQ PRAKBL 8 Broadway. ay AHA — ELEGANT S*« men farm on Barney*: KKUUV* Bay; TO miles from New York; half mil* from Station: erchares: *plen<lM for poultry: flaotnaws -hoot:.-.' all year around; good for vision. DlQgssV Lcn. Ws«t IQStb at. Long Island Heal Estate for Sole. Floral Park I* MINUTES PROM HERALD SQUARE when tli* grant Pennsylvania R R Tunnel (• com ' pleted. Floral Park la now a flourtshlr.e; town, with all , city conveniences, several good hotels, a number of stores, churches of various denominations, a flae publlo : school, a flre> department, etc. Choice Lots. {SCO nail Up. tie tan. m per — nn. ; MOCMI A^» WOMB CO.. mt East tS, St.. New Tee*. "TTiOn SALE —Two targe, elegantly tarnished cottage*. i with every uaprovement. at Crystal Brook, near Pert Jefferson. I* I Send, for particulars to BrRRITT. Crystal Brock. I* I Country Property to Let ~~ CATSKILL COTTAGES to rent In ■BAlTim, STAMFORD. E. GRIFFITH. IT West 2Sth St. '\ I ONMOUTH BEACH.— SJoat desirable cottages to rent I>X for summer season: healthful location. WIIXIAStS £ M'ANERNEY. 800 Sal aye.. sVT Phone 1381 Bryant. MONMOCTH BEACH. N. J.. and vicinity; som« of th* I>J- heat cottage* to rent, f3O» to ttLOGO. JESSB) P. MAN All AN. Agent. Monmnuth Beach. N. J. "TTIAR ROCKAWAT COTTAGES.— Tho place to Sad all J; remiialng unrented. WaTKIX W. JOKES. O!4 Es tablished Agency, opposlto poetofflee. Far Rockaway. RIDOEFIELD. Conn. — to rent for sunnier: all J.\ Improvements; open nreplaeea; steam and hot water heat: baths: toilet: laundry. tSOO up. m XL CCRTISL Real Estate. Unfurnished Apartments To Let -I r?f\TH ST.. 874 EAST, emter Franklin Are.— ElesanS j it) corner * room apartments: all light and tmnto«*» Bents; convenient to "W subway, trolley and arbilki Brooklyn. mo IjCT— Eleeant aDart»enta. all modem liiisfsaa ' 1 meats: possession now. rent to betin August 1; T and » rooanaT rentssS to SOS©! 945-S6l Preataent st. Apply to your own broker or Realty Associate*. ITS Itemaen at. nroo^lyn. > Furnished Apartments to Let 1— EL.BOANTLT FCRNISHED APARTMENT, pri vate bath. $190 dally; Including meals, two. $23 ■■!■ r: one. (IS. THg VAjf REXSSEiaER. IS East lllh at. Long Island Real Estate to Let Q VOGUE 1 I* I. Three attractively situated, cci Diet el furnished bar shore oottaaa*: latest lui>i*«> menu healthful surroundings; WOO. t«». $SOO. HOWELT, cTfEWUN CO. aoa Fifth Ay*. Country Property for Sale or to Let n\BM WXBCABBBT COTTAGES. Mt Poeono. Pa.— To .1." rent or for sale, furnished; 9 bedrooms; ransfis? spring water; bath: stationery tabs; large usslsi; lee: stabling. Surrogates' Notices. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OF HON. Abner C. Thomas,, a Surrogate of th* County at Haw York, notice la hereby given to all persona having c,--- < against Anderson Fowler, lat* of too County of K*w \-%rk. deceased, to present th* same with vouchers thereat to the subscribers, at Uielr place of transacting brrriirtv at tb* oaeo of XUebard B. Kelly. Mo. lA> Broa#«ay. In th* Borough of Manhattan la th» City of 2tew Tsa*. «• or before th* tenth day of October next. L I---V Dat*#.i«*w York, th* twenty asvanth «ay •£ STitsb. 1 emilt Fxywuat. 1 ARTiicr. A. >WI < EH. lExesstsr*. ROBERT H- roWUOIJ RICHABD B. KEI.tT. Attorney for EzwnUHklsw Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. New York CCy. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HOIt ■*• Abocr C. Thomas, a Surrogate of th* Coonty or Saw Torm. notlc« Is b«r«b» (rtTea to all persona havt=« c!ateti against Am C. Peck. Tat» of the CWiaty of New Tfrifc deceased, to present to* s«m* with Touchers taetasS ta the subscriber* at their place> of tranaacttag bmla«<» «t th* cQct <* Thoaiptoa. Vanderpoal A Free*naa. **+- man. Joha J. Freedmaa, Gessael. at Ma. 2 Wall lUSsX in th*. City ft N*w TotW. Bar^nxh of SUnnattan. «• ' ' before th« first day of October next. ._ , DiMMw Tork. th» tw»Bty-«l«nt!i 4ay «ff Ma«s>, *^ JOHX A. PECS. William a mac EXSCBtO». THOM»»SOK. VANPntPOKI. * FBEED3TA3J. A»o— aT» JOITJ? S"rRSD»IAIf. Ctwawl. » W^l BtrwS. MS* Torsi City. m — TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HO' • ■*- a *m** C Themaa. a SorrOwßt* of th« County *f If** T«a^ lHt>eV la nerjby «tra?to all peracnyhavln, etaiSsß aStastPtter Lortuart BonaMaw lat» •*•*•; Cc^r^ kSw Yor*. *>cea»ed. to prtsaat ta» •»»•. wtth 'uicliss the%*cr "t» tnawbicrOer*. at s{ac« of traaaaetttr int^eVx' "t the o*lco of ThttlSr* * J-vtTT. tSelr 6tt:r- Cltxot New York, oa cr befar* the) XSt& i.y ot *s!r. ABRAX 1. KUCI. _ __ . .. ana fro*. Manhattan. K*w York City. _ TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OP EOS. inn* C THOVAaV sXarmsjaila «f th* Omsore! B^EwWOHSNi U«Jtwß'Y«k.U «Jtw ß 'Y«k. the l«h aar of Jaiswiry. ISCa^ Dated. I»ow »«.*. ""jju^^jaij stMtrni. Exeetttrrw COWIVO. WHITE ft WAIT. Attorneys for E?* CB *? r V" V.-all BtteoU DorwiX* «t V,TinnrtWTfc th» City a* Yetv. ____„ - TN PURBUANCB OF AN ORDER OF HO* "*• Frank T Fltreeraia. • Surre?ato of th* Oftr «f New Tork. aotlee^Thereby «l»*n to all *»*" -S^SS TlaTm. asalnet Joha Sloane. Ut* of tho Cottjty e<^Nevr York deceased, to prrsent the tatno with xou-hers tSW t« th* mbWT&fi it theU plac of tt«»|fct«»s mm HOWUAHD. BJUIIHAT A PRENTICE. Attatway* sW » ocotora. 83 Wall Street. Now York. __^ IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HOIt * FraaH T. nttierski. a Swrrasjate of th* Owntyei New Yo*». nolle* la herebr gWen to all persons hirt=? clalui* aralnst nobert H. ttooth. bt* eff tae Oawar «? '.>'e Vcr, W'M. to preseat Oka sam* with »ca:>?r • ttlr^f^i«STaT!sS»ber aThla tfac of »»«-:!=; >V* * neMTNew ti East lOh Btroet. la tho City of Kff- YcxK SaVr beforo »»• 15U» ««L«» Jul » ■**»- «„. Dated Now York. th« *1 «ay of Jasmry. irA\ i»iea hw • r REDBRICK A. bOOTM. ■ailiilkjS' TUORKTOM * EiAHUi Attontera far decetor. S3 I"*** *" rcw. Now Tot- City. Corou^i ex jiaxnuiua. -