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VJS linnkrrs and Brokers. CUBAN INTERNAL 5% BONDS COUPONS DUB MAT 28. 1906. By arrangement made with the HAVANA BOND & TRUST CO. we will pay such coupons on pres entation at our New York office. A. 6. LEACH & CO. 149 BROADWAY, N. Y. liaiigfarten & Co. BANKERS 5 NASSAU STREET Investment Securities Foreign Exchange Mm cf Credit lftiUWt li all parutcf the WtfU. Chas. D. Barney & Co. BANKERS & BROKERS. 13 Broad Mnrt, S_W VOKK. m Ronth Foorth Street. I'HlJ_____lA. a «■■■■■ i 8. 111. John B. Yon SebaJek. Td. IZIO-lSll and 1512 It(»for. < Cable Tarpotenm. VAN SCHAICK & CO.. V. T. Stock ISxcbaose, ___3_BS OF l»nodnce. EichanffCt, a_l Cblrucß Board of Trader 7 WALL STREET. ■■■•■ °" ll)< JTW Bnwd St.. Newark. K. J. FOR SALE. FIFTY SHARES OF GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY Gl_llVrTOr_ GILBERT 2 Wall St. 1 nTTSBHRG, FT. WAYNE 1 CHICAGO 1% CLEVEUNOtPITTSBURG7% ILLINOIS CENTRAL LEASED LINE 4% Guaranteed Mocks Dealt in by JOSEPH WALKER & SONS, BANKERS. MEMBERS OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. 20 Broad Street, New York City. FOR SALE. E. W. Bliss common. New England Watch. Metropolitan Water. Kansas City 4';. American District Telegraph, N. J. Cook and Bernheimer preferred. FREDERIC H. HATCH. Dealer in Unlisted Securities of Railroada and other Corporations in the United States and elsewhere. Tel. 1146 Broad 30 Broad St.. New York. N. W. HALSEY & GO, U.V.VIkB BS BONDS FOB INVESTMENT. 4* Mali St.. New York. FHII.APELPHIA CHICAGO MAM FRANCISCO. FRED X F. ■ MABOOAND KIU X r, mARQuAND 36-37 BROAD STREET. STOCKS a__cL BO_TDS FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN. S—nual of Statistics showing fluctuations of the M&tket Cor th* year luce, mailed free _ application. SPECIAL LETTERS on any active Curb or Mining Stock Mar ket Letter and Quotation List, free. Curb Stocks Carried on Margin. J. Thomas Reinhardt, _ . . Specialist In Curb Stocks. Telephone ItJ9Q.Lt Hector. 15 w_i St. BALTIMORE STOCKS. /«* <Tunjlebt<J by Van Schalck * Co.. No. 7 Wall street) '"'^ Cnttefl railway .^V'wij Co- ton Dutr A> _ 1 do income... 71S 71% rt, m-omw "I! 3214 MV4 fell f 505 0 4".. prel " "!_ l ■fell fm^t 1 mass ip^ii i BOSTON STOCKS. < bj^R L Day * Co.. No. 3 Xa M ..r^,., Mln 12% J2H Sa*He-^MI« «£" «? OM Crlcny 205 205 |FrjnLlln Win il % West J>..J *ny CS OSH ' M_ Co., " un"u n " ' ' J ? v waSs-y s il,_^i;;.:;;.g» 1 »otn Ir..n & Rtl. 30% 30 I 4o M% «*^ w^nien ogsi.:<s _ let** rTr::.;:::; s5 «}^ CHICAGO STOCKS. Bid. Atk~s -.. . . _ An^-can::^ ,_J 4?,.',;:' » ■&, g- $<i «,»>■ % i BONDS. ' • ""•» l /_ PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. <Furnlch«*] hy Oinrlea I>. Uamey A «■<> k. o« •> g Zrt? :::: 'IT? l%5* A *r* -'I^S Con L Sup I»>4 my,] do pref. 49 A #* TSanJL o '^ M * sM^slis* Si Mam-nil fi«|.. » 4 ClPhlla Hl#r rk « • Klec Ft nat Co. 71 72 ! Phi « * rill"" fi? -2* Klec Co of Am. .11 llnlph ft L? -$L SL T^hiirh i- A *.S ,2J* Pmokelem Pow... 13 23 Mlfri?^* 1 U R 7^!K nlon Tmcllon :: kT f*% o« Asph«it. ... vT ohl w>iSSch co.^: '. 29 s no* BONDS. Am Ry Cony fia.lo2 lO2'4', l»Mla Flee 4* r«w nuv SECURITIES VALI'KS IHGIIKK. AFTER EARLY WEAKNESS ENTIRE LIST IMPROVES. Anaconda's Big Earnings Attract Active Bui/ing of the Copper Shares — Money Rates Relatively Easy. Closing prices of stocks dealt in. with net changes, follow: Adams Exp....545 lKan CHv So pf. 62 - — -, Allla-Chal Co.. 21% -(- %\K ice «•? Chic. 04* + % Amal Hopper. .110% -♦- l%Lon* ItNnd .. . .". «2 — % •Am E«et Bug. 274 + 4 1 Louis A- Na5h.. 145% + 1^ Am C * Fdry.. 41% + % Maihat Flev. .154 ' do wr.f 1024 — UlMet #1 Ry ctfs. 115 -• Am C*?on Oil. »2 (Met Kutc i4H — % Am Gxarn T... 9*4 +■ %!Mexlcan Central 23% + H AmH* L, 0% |M & S«t L. ... J24 -- % do pet SS 1 ■+- S iS 8 M.157% + % Am Ic-. Secur. .C 4 + %' do j.ref 1744 + .3% •Am Un**ed... 20 + %IMo Kan & Tex. 33% —• % •Am 1.0c0m.... «S% +I%' do r*f W% + 2 •Am »«alt pf.. 28% + •% Missouri F»c... »4% + % •Am Sru-lt 1574 + Til Nat Bl«cult «3% + % do oref 120 — %|Nat E& St »04 — % Am Pneumat.. 40% — 2%!»Xat I-^ai*. «»% — "A •Am Sugar 137% + 3% ! do cref 102% ,— , % Mo pref 137 .+ 2 IN Rl.of M pf. 3»<4 ■+■ % Am T'-b pref. .1034 + HI J« 21 pref 20% •Am Wool 38% + %;n Y. fir Brake. l 4«% — — •Anaconda 275 + 7 NY *ei-tra1... '.141*4 + 1 ATa. S X 89% + %'n V C it St L.. «9% + % At Coast Une.145% +1% do 21 pref.... 85 —2 Halt *c 0hi0... 107% + (41 K Yr. ft W.... 814 + J4 do 1 .shts. % — — ! Sort d -WeKt... 004 + % da ...ef »4 —1% North American. »8% + % Bklvn Kap Tr. M>4 + «i;Nnrth(<~- Pac...20S c + 2 Bruna^vlck .... 17% — 'ill^cin Coast \V,<* +; V 4 *Butter:clc Co.. 03 — 4% lacifl*- Mnll 38 Can South 674 — l»4|l»ann n^ilroad. .135% + % Canadian Pac .160% + £ Pr-aa"* ?tl Car. 51% + % do r^hta 11% — ■.■« Xv Steel Spring 52 — — - Cent leather.. 42% + Hißeadlrß ...:... 130% +1 do 7t*t 104% — %:*Keo Ir->- & Stl. 2«% + % Chea L Ohio. C»% : uo ri*-*.. 101 + X Chic £ Alt pf. 77 + % I Rock Inland 25 + % Chic Ot Weat.. 19% + %l ..o r-r «4V4 do j.r«f B ... 85% + %St I»u<- f»outhw 224 + % CM f St P.. 1«94 +814 do pr*f 554 + % C* Z: W 204% + 2 gloss-Shea* 79% + 1% Chic Cnlcn Tr. . .4% + %:southtr- Par... «6% -i- % do pref 13% + %l do i»rf 11» + 4 Col Fl-=! & 1.. 51% + % I Southern Ry.... 37% + % Col & Pnuth... 34 -(- I% ' Ter.n 1- * I 147 -+- «4 do 2<l pref... 47% -»- M Texaa * Pac 32% : Cft H C * 1.. 20% + %i Jo r/u.d Trust 7«H + IV, Cbnaol «aa. 138 + 2% ! To' Rv & Lt 33% + 2V4 Corn Pr R Co. 23% 4- %iT Pt I. ft W 31% do t>r«f 7» -»- tt do prof 50% — % Del S. Hudson. 2oo% -1- 2% Twin C.y R T.IIS + 4 Del w* W. 600 +20 Un Bas ( P • 9% + % Den it n G.... 48 4- % do r"i-f 71 IVt 6 > rtfa.... 9% I Union lac 150% + 1% Dtat Bee Cor. . . «34 -4- 1% do j»ref 90 4- 1 ■ Erie 43% + % Unit nr Invest. 61 ■ ' — % 00 W. pref... 7i*% 4- % US 1P... 45"4 4- ** M &am pf.. t«ft% 4- % U S HtJ & R. . 35% 4- B% O»n n<v C 0... 169 4- 1% do rr»f "8 +3 Ot Xoifr. pf...304 4-4 US Ri:^r £><> — % Hay I 5; »c Ry.. M 4- % do let pref ... 10»% — % Int M«t 53% — % do 2<l rref 80% — % ■Jo r'f «« — %!L T 8 Steel 41% 4- 4 Int Paper pf... «n% ! do j,r*-f 10(1 4- 4 •Int Pcwfr 51 —6 Va-Or C?»em.. . 42% 4- % In: Pump r.4 —1 Vulcan Pctin pf 64% 4- % do rrtf M 4-1 Waba*»i 21 - lowa Central... 27% 4- 4 do 1 •*♦ 4«% do piet 52 — 1 Wert Maryland . 39% — % Kana * 4lch. . CS% 4- % West In Tel... 92% 4- % K«n City 50... 26 4- %|W«sat MfK 154 — ,- " - Wls ftn.ral 254 — % •Unlived. - . . Closing prices of active bonds dealt In, with net changes, follow: Japan ?d aeries. 9R% — H'VI« Cs-.t let Inc. 21% 4- % do 4', ,9 »3 4- %|P«r.n cnv 1915.. 96 4- % Am Tol. 4a 70% ■+• % Bo Par !gt ref 4s 95% 4- % B «. O gold 4a.. 102% — % I Union Pic lit 45.104S 4- % Cc! In<l Aa 78% -I- %IU S Suil 5s ... 98 4- % do !«• 77% 4- HI Wabaah D Ba 79% 4-% Dirt 6^c C Ba.. 89 4-l%i STOCK MARKET OPERATIONS. After a period of weakness In the forenoon dealings the market developed an advancing: tendency, under the lead of the copper shares, which were favorably affected by the annual re port of the Anaconda Company, showing more than 19 per cent earned. As Anaconda is an asset of the Amalgamated Copper Company, the stocks of the latter naturally were influenced by the increase in earnings, and the fact that there was buying by brokers who are supposed to represent the Standard Oil interests served to attract a better demand throughout the list, especially from the shorts in the so-called pool specialties. All the high grade issues were strong features, St. Paul, Northwest. Great Northern. Northern Pacific, New York Central and Union Pacific advancing for the day from 1 to 4 per cent. In addition to the copper shares Sugar Refining was a conspicuous feature in the industrial department at a net gain of 3% per cent; also American Beet Sugar, which gained 4 per cent, the movements in these Issues appar ently being due to efforts to make a better mar ket for the stocks, though reports were heard of the possibility of a deal between the two com panies. The best prices were reached In the last hour, and at the close quotations were at or near the highest. The upward movement was not accompanied by an increase in activity: in deed, as compared with recent markets, dealings were relatively light, showing a falling off from the preceding day of more than 260,000 shares. An Incident of the day was an advance by Lackawanna on small trading to 600. its best price on record. Money market conditions at this centre and throughout the country have Improved in the last two weeks, but there is little reason for the Relief which is heard in some quarters that a 'prolonged period of ease is about to develop. Trade activity gives no Bigns of lessening, while there are Indications that San Francisco will need more money, a reflection of which was presented yesterday in the transfer through the Sub-Treasury of $925,000 to the stricken city. Since last Friday the local banks have lost In their operations with the Sub-Treasury more than $7,700,000. owing to the return <jf special deposits made by the government pending the arrival of gold from abroad, but, of course, this loss has been offset as an Influence on this week's bank statement by the actual receipts of the metal from Europe. The question of the probability of the return of much of the Im ported gold to Europe in the near future Is be ginning to be discussed in financial circles, par ticularly a.s before long a large amount of finance bills will reach maturity. It is believed In well informed circles that either these bills will be renewed or else enough exchange will be created by foreign investments here, corpora tion borrowing abroad for American account and remittance In connection with the payment of foreign fire Insurance losses to prevent a return movement of gold, but. of course, in the event of an absence of these factors It doubtleus would be necessary to ship gold from the United StatfH The fact, however, that there is no urgent n?»ed of the metal abroad at present, an indication of which is presented in the easier discounts in the European capitals, suggests the probability of heavy foreign lending In the local market. In the foreign exchange market offerings of Mils are light at present, while the Inquiry for remittance is fair, and as a consequence sterling rates are firm, though nowhere near the point at which gold exports could be undertaken from the United States. In connection with the for eign exchange situation It Is interesting to noto that In the month of April the foreign commerce return.* of this country showed an excess of shipments of merchandise over receipts to the value of $37,164,871, compared with an excess in the corresponding time a year ago of $33,405, 086. Exports from nil ports were heavier In April than in any preceding corresponding month In th» history of the country, but, on the other hand. Imports also were* large, being ex ceeded by only. three months within the records of the government, amounting In value to tho large total of $107,327,038. an Increase over th.i same period in 1905 of $12,216,750. The gain In exports amounted in value to $15,916,535. made up of an Increase In the shipments of domestic products of $12,267,405 and an Increase In the shipments of manufactures of $3,649,130. For the ten months ended April 30 the excess of ex ports over Imports was In value $467.6.2.164. but much of this amount was offset by the under valuation of Imports, by the large obligations I created abroad for American account and by the remittance of fot*r**4 and dividend payments on I American storks held abroad NKW-YOKK DAILY TRIBrNK TIiriiSOAY. MAY 17. WM. • ; BOND MARKET SALES. 1000 US 4a Cou 1007.1C3H1 --000 L S 4 M So Deb 2000 Japanese Cs 00% 4s i»«H 2000 do 00% 1000 do . 88* 6000 do : I* JIOO do' l»7Vfc I**" do 23 ami l«V 1000 I- Ay API' Ist. .113vj «500 do 08UI 2000 L. I Ref 4a 100 SOOO do 08 s * I 1800 do 10OV4 3000 do 4Ha. 82% 10000 L4NCI Tr 4a. . 61% BM<» do 92*; 10000 do ...... 91% 75600 do 93 4000 Man Con 4a 101 IW»K> to New Ctfa... 91 H, 2000 Mcx Cent Con 4a. 7iH» 38000 do 02* i 20t)0 do Ist 1nc.... 21H 7350U do 92 5000 do 21* 2000 do 4a Ctfs ami. 85 2000 do 2\\ 4800 -do H4«* 2'ooo do 21% 4000 do 84\ 1501)0 do M Inc 1* 2000 Ren of Cuba 55.. 105 I €000 do . 17 7 /4 6.00 do IC3<4 1000 do If* MOM V 8 of Mcx 4a... 95 I 2000 M & St I, Ist Ref 17000 do 05>j; 4a 90V .-(!» Adams Ex 4n 102%| 6000 Mo KA T lat 45.102H IrtOOO Alb & Pus .107-*, I SOitO ■ do 2d B."^ SUii.) Am H & L.65... 92% i 1000 do Ext 5a 104% 2~00 do 92V 35000 do 4s Sub Rets. 9U 1000 do 02H' 4000 Mo Pac 45... TiM 3000 do 02 I 5000 do 3d 7a..: 101 17(K» do U2141 6000 Nof M Ist Con 4a S4\i 3000 Am Ice Sec 6a.. MlVi! 15000 N V C Gen 3V.5. . »*% 2000 Am Spirits Ga. . .102 V lOOuO do 118% 13000 Am Tobacco <!■..! 13% | 3000 do i)H% 2 WO do 113* 1 12000 do L. 8 Col 3V4s. «9% IK JO do ...114 |100«i0 do Rep B.S -« «> do 113^1 1000 Norf A W Con 48.100 4000 do. 4a 791*1 8000 do WJ!i 2000.. do 794 ' 1000 do fy.t% 1000 do ! 10000 do PC & C 4s. 03 4000 do 78*1 -WO" Nor Poc Gen 3a.. 7:.:* 6000 A T & 8 P AdJ I 1000 do 7« 4s Stpd 02 I 1000 do 75% 1000 do Gen 4s lOIV4I 20>*M> do Prior 4* 10- - tVii 20000 do 101% 1000 do Term Ist 110 «H» do 101>* WHO Ohio Itlver lot fia.llß 25U00 do Ccnvt 48...103 V 2000 OR * N Con 45. 101 16000- do 103'^UOOOO O 8 L Gtd Ref 4s iis 1< K)O At Coast 45..... 09»i j lUOOO do . . .' mv 20(M> B& O Gold 4s. . 102% 2000 do ...05* £*?« '*«> 102%! .<<> Perm Convt 3V»s . V.*% ™™ do ■•• ...10-i] boo do ;... ' M * 6000 do Reg 10«4 10UUO do SVis 1015.... Oft fjwp, *> . 102s* 3000 ,do Ofl'^ «-v« jDPLEtW I 600 do .. 06% 1000 £te-¥^:M,i& do V...V.. 8* «AJS2 5° Prlor 3 * s - °*H 1-WOOO do 96 2COOO do . . 05 mk)o Peo & E Inc . 73 . •;<*> |*Jn £' ty -I? 1 ' . .105 100 PCC& St L, 4*B -M™ "Jo RS 1 27000 Reading: Gen .100? 61000 do 97 1 *; 50(10 do . 1002 . KX> Pkln Un El lst.lOS% 5000 do . . 100W 5000 UutTalo Gas .15... 72 1000 R& D Con 6s 114% *£2 Ccn . So Ist »■■ ... 102 1000 Rio O W Is™. ! ! 88 10000 c of ? a 2d Inc. • m | rttoo St L. & 8 F Ref 4s 88% ,JUOO Cent leather sa. 09% :44000: 44000 do 7 . . ..„ . . 85$ 11000 Cent Pac Gtd 45. 100 I 2O(K> do ......1...... 85V4 8000 C& O Gen 4V68..108 ! SOOO do . . .' '" 852 U S2^ do Os 1011 107 ! 1000 do On 85....:.118 0,52 S5! c f Alt 3v * B 79% I<K)UO »t L Swn lat 4a.. 97 2000 Chic & N W Gen I 1000 St P M & M Ist . M 3 ,Ha 97H Con 6s 133\ I*!™ do »7% 1000 SA& A P 4».... 88 ! 100I 00 do 0714 1000 do 88% flUuO CB& QJt 4a.. 09% 1 4000 do 87? IVS2. d ° • • w '* 80no So Pac c Tr 4«. . 03^4 SIiOOO do «K>\: 2000 do 03% il^2 /> d w IU Dlv 3%s - Mv « lftoo ° do lst R ef *■ ••• «5% 2000 CM& St P Gen »M*> do . . 05V ,_„■''":« B 94 1000 So Pnc N M 1*t..105% l"00 C R I & p Gen ! 1000 S R M & O Col 4s 9« __ <» 102'i.| 1000 TASt L Ist 4Mi5.109 i22S 5° 102 ' 1<)00 Una Elec L B »--- o** 190 °fJ 5° J? ef 4* !'3V lrtt)l1 Union Pac Ist 10416 l*"> do RR 4s 78\ 106(iOO do 1044 30ti0 do • • 7Sl^ [ cant do 104% **Z*l doCI TrOs.... J>o>4 HK«O do 104% J£2? ( * do !»H| 15O>(0 U S leather «s . . .109 Vrt-I /- do • 90\ilf)0rtJ C £ P. & Imp sa. fl«4 MWO C C C ft St L C 175000 V S Steel S F ss. »7% y^.w'Mn ioo%|»r,ofio do »7"4 bOOO Col &So Ist 45.. it 4 I 500 do f.Sii v^i-I°,i 94Vi 23000 do 98 *£?S Co ] Ind 5 " A.... 78 2000 .In Reg 97'^ i^!S do K-*,;K -*,; 78l i ' lOllf> do ami llf!1 » «lil df> 518 77? » [ 2000 Va-Car Chem 5s .100 inSS ao /-•.••>,• 77 1 ***** Wabaah Ist 5s . . .113^ i?JE> w as ri!l 1113 ' 400 ° » 3^ JX2S Dl l 6ec Cor 5s - • 87l i I *i"0 do . 2(1 5? lO4^ 10 0«0 do $8 i 152H00 do Deb B 70>i }}?JJJJ 1° • S.<U,i! 30000; do 7«H JJ? 0 " ir .° ■ * 9 ISOOOO do TO* S2K Er J e Ist Con 45. 101 |KSOOO do 79's. "J2SJ 1° « lOU4IKMSOOO do 79\ <iOO(l .. do Perm CT4s 93 | riOilrt d ■■> 7074 •*" 111 Cent 4s 1953 .1 0314! 30000 do .......::...: 794 1000 1 « ot x Ist Bi:n« H 2:10.10 do .::.:.::::::: 79 1000 I nt r r Convt 5p.. 9«"4 25000 do 79<4 r^S i Met 4V48 1000 West Md. Convt 48.72 ,'*" do ? »S: 1050 do ..?. 72-. 1 2«2 *» «1 I 1000 do 72% "2°. ..^ •••••••■■-•• W4 4000 do 73 2000 X i- P f» *. M 4s «4H «ofirt West Shore 4s. ...10fl% %£. La I ka Steel fa 104 ! 0000 w Un F & R E. .104 * ooa "1° 104% 1 2<«tO Wls Cent Gen 4s. 01\i Total, sales of bonds. 4J.50C.000. GOVERNMENT BONOS. The following shows yesterday's 'closing quota tions for government bonds, compared with Tues day's: May 15 May 10 Rl<l. Asked. B'd Asked 17. S. 2s. registered. 1930 103% 10JH 103V4 103 % V. 8. 2s. coupon. 103(» 10.*^ 103* 103H W.{\ V. S. ,'!s. registered. 1918 102% 10.1 ft I<i2\ 103 V. ,3s. coupon. 191S 102\ 103»/i 102\ 103 - U. S. 3s. 8. 8.. 1»1S 102H — 1024 _ " U. S. 49. registered. 1907 103>4 103% 103»«i 103%, U. 8. 4». coupon. 11*07 103«4 103% 103% 103% V. S. 4». registered. 1925 . ... 1294 131 12»4 131 V. S. 4s. coupon 1926 '.".•. 120H 131 129">4 131 District of Columbia 3-«3s 1104 — 118V4 — Philippine -la 10!»'/4 110% 1094 110% AMERICAN SECURITIES ABROAD. London, May 16, 4 p. m.— The market for Ameri can securities was dull and firm. Last quotations follow: Tuesday's I>>ndon, N.T. London, N.Y. N.V. May 10.eaul%\ May 15.ut]Ulv. close. Atchlson 1»1H S» 01 4 tsß% SO T> d ,° pref ltMS ' 4 103 * I<>sl|i J o 2* 102' i Bait & Ohio 111% his 4 111% iosi^ 1418 Canadian Pac naVj 100% l*a% ir>l 100' i (.Ties & Ohio c.l 59% 60% r»94 69% Chic Gt West 20% 10% 20"^ 19% 19-;» ChlcM&StP 173 168 174 1«) 167% Denver & Rio Or 44% 43% 44% 43% 42 ■>» do pref 1«> «7% do 87"% 87% Er«« ,- v 44% 434 45 43% 43'/« do Ist pref 80% 77 7 80% 77% 77* do 2d pref 704 68>,i 704 «84 «7% Illinois Central.... 1774 172% 17S 172% • 172 Louis & Nash 148% 144% 149 144% Ui Mo Kan & -Tex 34% 33% 344 334 83* £ V Central 145 189% 144* 1894 1«»4 Norf & West 03% 00% 92% 80% 00% do pref 86 92% OB 02% 01% Ont & \Vc«t 52% BOH 62% 61% 51^ Pennsylvania 00% 135% «9% 135% 135% Reading- CC% 129% C 7% 130% 120% do Ist pref «6 80% 4« fcO% 82% do 2d pref 47 91% 47 81% m Southern Pac C 7% 60 «7% flf, e,(\ Southern Ry 39 37% 30 37% 37% do pref 102 1004 103 1004 100 Union Pac 154% 148% 154 1454 14»H do rref ; (* 90% 98 0r.% o."> V 8 Steel 42% 41% 42% 41% 41 do pref 108%. 105H lOS% 1061* 1054 Wabanh 214 20% 21% 21% 21 do pref 48 46% 47Vi 464 43% FOREIGN MONEY MARKET— money in London. 3 per cent. Open market discount rate for short bills, 3% per cent; long bills, 3% per cent. Berlin discount rate. 3% per cent. Berlin exchange on London, 20 marks 49% pfennigs. Paris discount rate. 2* per cent. Paris exchange on London, 25 francs 18 centimes. Bar gold in London. 77b 9V4<l. FOREIGN SECURITIES. - British ••onsols for money, 89 9-16; for the account, 8911-16. French rentes, 99 francs 10 centimes. Japanese 6s first series. 101%. . MONEY AND EXCHANGE. MONEY MARKET.— Money on call opened at 3>4 per cent; highest. 3% per cent; lowest. 3 per cent; last loan. 3% per cent; cloee. 3@3V4 per cent; ruling rate. 3>4 per cent. Time money was quoted at 4% per cent for sixty to ninety days. 4^(55 per cent for four to six months and 5 per cent for seven to eteht months. Commercial paper was quoted at ->VoVj per cent for sixty to ninety days. M»SU per cent for four to six mooths and 6 per cent for l^, E J,^n BE^8 E^t CcC cs H^K- Market Cl ° Sed dUII FOREIGN EXCHANGE-Market closed dull Actual closing rates follow: frfrilngr 4.8585 4.83*04.884 4 *?<ff »«>>'. •'"ocs... 6.18% •5.1*% ©5. 15 4 5 20% -3 »5 20 «•' .. c hs " 94 13-18 94%©941.-«-l3 WU4* Outer. _- ;,;, ,5 !.„,,„ ;«.%,,:*•% •Lens 1-10. Banker** posted rates were as follows: Sixty <laya. Demand. Bterllnn; 4-S3 4.m;', Germany relrhsinarkg M 4 mv France franc; 6.20% 6.13% litltdum franca , 5.224 691 Switzerland franca 5.21% 6 19% Holland guilders .••»% <u% DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. — New Orleans—Com mercial, SOc discount; bank. $1 premium. San Fran, cisco — Sight, par: telegraph. . 2Vic. Boston— and 15c discount. Chicago— We premium. Charleston- Buying, par: selling. 1-10- premium. Cincinnati— 20c to 26c premium. Savannah— Buying. 80c discount' selling. 75c discount. Minneapolis— premium. St. Louis— 3sc premium bid. 45c premium asked BANK CLEARINGS.— New York — Exchanges, 1370.W2.754: balances. $14.63».1W. Chicago — Ex chanitea, 53G.797.763: balances. 51.«M.49A. Philadelphia — Exchange?. »23.2:3,437: balances, $3.393.« a. Boston — Ex<hi>tJKi-«. $»t,O3B.<Vi»: balances. »1.t»5.74«. BuUU more— FxchnnKes, t4552,576; balances. $719.&50. SILVER MARKET Har silver, €6%c; Mexican silver dollar*. uO%c. Bar s.lver In London closed at 3(H4d. GOLD PREMIUM.— In Madrid, 7.25; Lisbon. 4.00. " MEXICAN EXCHANGE.— Mexican exchange on New York Ip quoted at laSMs. , 8 * GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS.— r<- atpta reported from Washington. $1,172,058; Internal reve nue receipt*, $774,8!'.*: mlscellnntous receipts I"7'< *&.'. Hi-eiiHH for the «lay. r.!.2l'J.BM>; expenditures' lI.PSOO.'O. Kecelnts lor the month to date. $J4 ■» ■-, i.,V expenditures. $.'5,780,000; excess of rxpendltu'rM' li.Mi.MS FeceJpta for the flscil year to date «15 * 7:»2.762: expenditures. IKU.il7.ft6; excess of reVe:pi'. *J,4»t>,*j7. ■ '-7..V* 'if- -i if f SUU-THEASURY. T .• Bul>-Treaßury was debtor to Lho * Uoil.if Hoat; $323,(fch. * uci>to r RAILROAD AND OTHER STOCKS. j, h!lrM 1 I Actual s>l«s I— Closing^ j££"|_ lopenl Highlit. | Fin. I BKU Artt 125 Adama Bxpreas.|24S 2i» 215 1245 1245 250 Albany & sua... — ,«% — — (2*» «% 200 Allls-Chalmer. . 21% 21% 2114 21% « «£ » do pref 55% M% 65% 55% » ™£ 175. •Amal Copper... 109% 110% 108% 110% 110% 110% Anur Aitr Chem — — ■ — ■ — »*» ff 7^700 •Am P Sugar 25 28% 28 27% «% 2H 2 1 *£%£. iss .83 « «js £ ■ American Coal.. — —— -- 1*«» 200 Amor Totton Oil 32 32 32 32 | 31 V: «£% do pr«f — ~ — — °° £ Amer Dlat Tel.. - — — — — » il^o .aToW.:: 7n T% s% ovi **o% »% fi^sr.*^: >a M* « s^ 1.1(10 Amer Ice Sec... JI4 «4% «4 64 -- - 100 'Ainer Unseed.. 20 20 20 20 19% i 0 Mo pref — — — — *>* 4 12.600 'Am l>>comotlve 67% 68% 67% «8% — — »do pref — — — — 114 2? u « 15 ' A .Z r v%t *:: 27% 2 7% £% 27% 2& £% 100 Am Pneu Serv.. 40% 40% 40% 40% 41 41', Cfl^SOo" •A me? r |meit"lng.' — 137% — 157% j 157% IK7H 6fl SOtt •Amrf SmeltlnK. 157 157% 1»» 157% 157% 1f.7% 4 100 'do pref 121% 122 110% 120 120 120% •do prof 8... — — — — "* 101 'American Snuff — — — — 200 -•« _ 'do pref _ _ _ — 103 ICS Am Steel Fdry. — — — — j M J>^ ; j 0 pref . .. _ — — — 44 45 a.^900 •Ame? re Su S Vr.V. »7 H US '134% 137% [137% 137% 1001 *<3o pref 137 137 :137 13i |1J« 138 - -Am Tel % Cable — — {— - » ifs A ra Tel & Tel — — — — 1 138 140 2<K) Amor Tob pref. . HW% WB% 108% 10aHjl«3% 103% KO 'Amer Woollen. I 3SV, 1 28% 88% **[»*[*» —t—\ *<*iO pref ..I — I — — — l'"* •'•''• 107.900 'Anaconda »M» 275 2«0 275 274% 275 Ann Arbor — — — — 70 ■» ttlti A»K> P Mer'lat ;rf 110 110 110 MO 110 112% 3>ol>i Atchlson ....... » 89% 88% f^^iK - i do pref . . — — — — 10J^ li'-^i 1 300 Atl Coaat Line.. io?% 145% 145 145% 145 145% = 0001 Halt & 0hi0.... 107% 1077*, 107% 107% 107% 0.% r..»>43| da rlKhts. ..... % % % % — — 100 (io i.ref 04 04 94 04 93 04 - I Boston AL. nf.. — — — — 'I°, — BI.TM Bklyn Rap Tr.. 54% 84% «4 MHI M 4 M% l :' lii vn Un Gas — — — I*3 !•»•» lhonrunswlck .Z. 17% 17% 17% 17% 17% 18% -I Buff R & Pitta. — — — — }4« 1« . do j,i,.f — — — — ■ IN IM> — — Bulf & S>:s pref — — — — ™ £* 200 •Buttorlck 03 63 «l 63 «> Cl 100 Canada. Bouth. . «7% «7«4 «7% «7'i «•%."'* I.4oo Canadian Pacific lflo% im% 1C4)% l«O 7 4 lUO% 1»O% 2.0001 do rights 11% 11% 11% H% — — '. "sOoiCemrll 0 Am Tel — — — — 1 43% — 300 Central leather. 42H 42% 42% «H 43% 42% «Oo! do pief 105 105 104* 104% 104% 105 -Z— I Central of V J.. — — — ■ — 218 — 2.4so!Ches & 0hi0.... 50% 59% 68% 59% 59% BJMi Cliicaip & Alton — I— . — — *S 22* 200 do pref 70% 77 7«% 77 75% 77 tCh & E 111 pref. — — — — i=2t *•*» — - Chi.- Bur &Qy — — **** — 800 Chic Qt West...' 19% 19% 10% 19% »H Wi. — — <lo pref A — — "^ ~~ *• H *** 500 do pret 8.".... 35 35% 34% 35% 34% S» ■ I do deb — — — — 84 " . 18^00 Chle In Mlf& L S Pr p 167H 16»% 166% KM* 1«% ||»Vfc — — do pref — — — — I ISO 181 460 Chic & North 203% 204% 203% 204* 204% 205 Ch St PII & O — — — — 175 . ISO do pref......" — — — — 190 1!)O CWc Term Tr... — — - — 11 12% do pref — — — — 28 30 400 Chic Union Trac 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% S.IOO do pref 12% 13% 12% 13% 13% 13* - CCC4KL.. - — — - , ,V* •»» — — do pref — — — — 112 11»; Cl»v Lor & Wh. — — — — » »!% — So pref - - - - 109 11» Clev & Pitts — — — — 175 It 1 * • . 7.700 Col Fuel & Iron 50% 51% 50% 51% 51% j 5J% 1.100 Col & Southern. 33 34 32%! 34 33% 34 - do Ist pref — — — — 70 .o>4 400 do 3d pref 47% 47% 47% 47% \ 47% «• ' 200 Col & H C & Ir 20% 20% 20% 20% ! 20% -0% a Coni*tc>ck Tun.. .15 .15 .15 .15 — — . Consol Coal ... — — — — •'* — 4,4H>|Consol Gas 13rv%113»Hl 135% 1 1138 137% 137% 1.780 1 Corn Products..! 23% I 23% 23% 23% I 23'4|23'4 1031 do pref 179 179 79 79 7^'j' .'.''■4 !.::.*> Dpl & Hudson.. 208 210 20S 1209% 20»% 210 TOO Del Lack & W. 485 500 485 500 48.1 501> 1.100 Den V & Rio Gr. 42% I 4:4 42% i 43 43 44 Ido pref —I — —I — 8 J KS !D-;! D- ; M&Ft D. — — — — 19 24 Petroit Southern 9H 9% 9% 0% — ■ — 1 Det United R R — — — — « «6% 6.810 *Dlst Securities. Cl% 64 61* 63% 03% 64 •Dili So S & All — — — — IS I°% 1 «do pref — — — — 37% 39 F-netman Kodak. — — — — 235 — — - i Elec Stor Bat... — — — — — *2 5.300. Erie 43% 43^ 43 43% 43% ' 43% 150 do Ist prof... 78% 78% 78% 78% 7K I 78>* do 2d pref — — — — ; "8H «0 - Federal M & S.. — — — — ' I<»', VU\ 300 do pref 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% j Gen Chemical ... — — — j — 77 M do pref _____ 10241044 800 I General Electric l&S 109 1«8 !HVt 16R% ir,9 5.000 Gt Northern pf. . 300% ! 304 300% 304 303% 304 100 Havana Elec Ry 61 161 51 51 41 C 6% >. do pref — — — — 91 ' '.».-> Hocking Valley. — — — — 12* 130 — do pref — — — — 9fi«i n«4 11l Cent L, L. . . — — — — 100 104 Int Paper — — — — ■ 19% 20 100 do pref 86% S«% 8«% Pfi% 8« 8«% 100|*Int Power 51 51 61 i .'.l 51 M 1.200 Int Steam Pump 5*5 : •">•*• 53% 54 53% P4 5001 do pref 9rt 191 90 191 00 : 91% 300 1 lowa Central.... 2«% 27% 2«% i 27 4 27 : 27% 100 do nref .... !F2 152 52 '52 52 52% 4. 100 Mnt-Met w ... r.:«\! 53% 53% .Vi% — — 7001 »do pref w 1... 811 I BfiV(,| S« Srt — — 300! Kana & Mich... t» I 68% 68 68% 68 69 100 Kan City South. 2fi 2H 2« 2H 2rt 27 100 do pref C 252 _ 52 62% 83% KCFS&Mpf— — — — 8O 81V> - iKeok & Dcs M. — — I —;■•'—' It 15 — - ! do pref — — — — 4O 50 700 Knlek Ice of Ch 63% 64% 63%! 64% 63% 64% 1 do pref — — — — 77 | M Laclede Gas — — — — — 1"5 do pref — — — — 95 110 L E & Weetern. — — — — 34 39 — — 1 do pref — — — — !84 i 95 100 Long Island 72 72 72 72 •| 71 75 2.400 Louis & Nash... 144% 145% 144 145% 145 145% — — Manhat Beach.. — — —.—IS « 100 Manhattan E1... 15-i 154 154 154 133 i 155 Md Coal pref . . — — ! — I — 100 I — 200 'Met Sec S ctfs 7"\ 75 74% 74% 1 74% 75 250 'Met St liy Ctfa 118% 115% 115 115 114% 115% 2.G00 Mexican Central 23% 23% _% 23% 23% 23% Michigan Cent.. — — — — — 145 200 Minn 4 St L ... 72% 724 72% 72% 72 75 ! do pref — — I — — 92 M 200 111 st & M 156% 1 157%! 156% 157% 157% IS7H 1.630 do pref 173 174% 172% 174% 174% 175 300 Mo Kan & Tex. 83% 33% | 33% Xi\ 33% 33% 3001 do pref 08% I 68% «8% Cs% «as^, 68% 3.5410 i Missouri Pacific 94% 94% 93% 94% 94% 94% ! Morris & Essex. — — — — 189 193 — — Nash & Chat... — — — — 136 i 140 500 • Nat Biscuit 63% 64 63% 63% 63% C 3% 1 »do prer — — 1 — ] — 114 115% 2001 Nat Etiam & St 13% 13%! 13% 13% 13% 14% - — do pref I — ! — I — i — 83 87 6.700 'National Lead. I 81% 81% 80% 80Tfc 81 81% 1.500 »do pref |l(>3 103 102% 102% 102% 1 103 300! N Uof M pf. 39% 39% 39 39% 39% 39' i It*: do 2d pref ] 20% | 20%| 20% 20% 20% 21 - 1 New Cent Coal.! — I — I — I — I 35 I 45 200 >N V Air Brake '146% 146% 1 146% 1 140% 146 ' 144 6.100 X V Central 140% 141% 140% 141% 141% 141% 1,000 XYCh4 St L 69 69% 66% 69% i 69 ♦'»'•» do lat pref ... — — — — 1 115 118 100 do 2d pref 85 85 85 85 83 86 N V Dock — — — — I 40 45 - do pref — — — — |80 81% «NY4NJTeI - — — — 140 146 21 N V NH& H. 196% 197% 196 197H lf-3 197% 1.400. N V Ont & W. . ; M 61% 50% 51% 61% 51% 11.300! Norfolk & West | 00%; U>% 00 I tOYs 00% 90% 1 do pref ) — | — — ! — 190 ,92 1.700 North American [ 96% ! 97 90% 96% 96% 97 8.000' Northern Pacific 206 208% 206 208 207% 208 Ontario Silver... — — — — 2% 3 600 Pacific Coaat.... las 139 137% 128 137 138 ' do Ist pref — — — I _ 100 i 103 do 2d pref — — — — 130 134 500 Pacific Mall 38% 38% 38 39 38 39 15.500! Perm R R 135% 13.'.% 134% 135% 135% 135% — - Peorla & East . — — — — 86 140 |P-o Gas & Coke — — — — 91 : 93 Pittsbur Coal.. — — — — 13% 14% do pref — — — — 54 I 57 PCCiStL. - — ' — — 79 til do pref — — _ — 104 10.5% ?FtW4 Chic — — _ _ ! 175 180 do apeclal — — _ 174 I I.ooOJ Pressed Stl Car. 51 51% 61 51% 61% 61% 1 do pref — _ _ _ «7^ its ! Pullman P Car. — — '221 227 1 Quicksilver — I — — — 1% 2 ; do pr..-f — — — — I 3% 4% 200 »By Stl Spring. 52% 52% 52 52 61 63 — — 1 • "no pref — — — — 101 102% 65.400 Reading 129% 130% 128% 130% 130% 180% do l9t pref — — — — no 89 - do ** V** — — — — 9:1 !94 1 Rens & Sara — — — 200 — <•,(». »Rep Iron & Stl 29 29 ! 2R% 28* 28% 2*% I.MO »do pr.f 101 101% 101 !1..l !lol£jlol% 800 Rock Island M ! 2i:«, 2rt ' 2rt 24 26>4 .100 do pref «4% «4% 04% 04% 64 64% Rome \V & Old — — — _ Ino __ — — 1 Rutland R R pf. — — — _ -.> «•» -St L&S X Ist pf — — — _ J2J ,t» 'do 2d pr^f ... — — — — 451/ ' {* dor^ElcU — - _ _ lw >* ,£5 do pref — — — . — i<jh i3-»ii 100 St Louis Southw 22% 22% 22% 22% "IV '••" MO do pref 55% 65% 56% 55% 65 M\i 1,700 Slo«i-Sh St &Ir 7SW| 79% IS 7).'»: 79 ;»% 1 do pref — — — — no 120 7.100 Southern Pacific (HI tW,^ c. <>-. «i% «(»•-(, «fiu 5"0 do pref 118% 119 n^>; Hi. iia% ipj 3,in10 Southern R R... 37% 38 37% 37% 37% 37% do pref. — — — — ! M%!imt - — - do m& O etfa — — — _ ' so i.m 400 Tern Coal & Ii». 147 147% 147 147 147 U7%' 100 Tessa & Pacltl;. 32% 32% 32% 32% : 32% ! 32% 400 do Land Trust 7f,V 76% 75% *.«IV> 7tl ; *.7\, Third Aye RR. — — ,1— — 12a i::r, Tol I'eo <4 Went. — — — — 17 io% OOOIToI Ry At Ll«ht 32% I 33% 32% 33% 33 ' 33*-i 200 Tol St L & \\ . . 31 : 31% 31 ' 31V» 31% S3 •(<*» do pr.f . BOH 50% lit)% 50% 50% 60% 245 1 Twin City RTr 117% US 117% 118 117 11H 300|*I?n»on l!u« & V 8% 9% 8% 0% 8% a% lot» *!•• pref 71 I 71 71 ' 71 74> 71 88.»t»l Union Pacific... 14»% 151 148%! 150% 149 I4snt 2<"0l do pref 05 OH 05 urt 1.5 9»l 300 Un hv Invest... 61 «] «l «i Ini «i 4 .50 dr. pref 08% «8% 68% 6«% M «8% In Ry St L. pf . — — ' — — KJ% hi>Z 800 »V »CI P* F 49% 48% 45% ,sV 48 4-» Oft «do rr>"f i<2 * 92% 92% -V >«% 94 — — V S Kxpresa. . — — _ _ 'u« us •!! 8 leather... — — — — ilO 1,1 - ' (1 » I"" •• — — — - lift 11.1 — — I" BRy A Imp. I — — — — s ft «.POO »U S Red & Ref 34 SO Xl% 3Sk Bs% SM «.'.m;o *do i>ref 7.-. -.> 75 :7H 77-; ' 7s 8.010 1; S Rubber 50 I .'.<»% 40Ti 50 .V)W c«»«i ion do t.r<-f . K»%(UMt% !0tt%,108% nn«% un 9.101 do M prof -o hos M , 80% I .H» "| Xl 29.0M1 V S Si.-l ! 41% 41% 41 41 v 4114 41U 1.t. •:,■.. Jowl 1,,;.., IOC^ 105 loS 108% IC.I —^-jVar.dalla It 1t... ' — — _■ •-, . - Llti«!Vo-C:.r.. -.hem 4i:% «]% CM. 43% 41% 4*114 do \itrt.... — — I — — ! lit»% ll.Mi i'm Iron CA C. — —I — _ rfi* l 4,* . •Vulo D-tlnnlnsc. _____ ",,i ?.'„ 100 Mo pref «4% 04. ?*% e~iK JX3 tAw iik> \v..Ht Maryland, aS.ta srs -n "i» i?» •onlwabMh 21 j 5 121 L>i *■ :.i «, 1( " w 1 n " r T- f r • E ,: ■ _*if_* ** SHfelS \\ ■il< Turn.. K» •■-,(> -Nil 175i\V«»t I'uion t.i on, 1 1)2% I«J% w% *n>vi "«."v 1». W.Mliuh Mf 8 ... ir,4 11841 184 154 * i 3;*i 3 ;* iISS* I«* — — I •!■■ I*l I- »"f . .. . — I — ! — — __ 'is-; ,\V»—I A!.K .. — —I — — IT r'. 1 do l«l pref.... — — — — ani/ lA'* 1 ooSdcnf _____ Sjji* * - ,.; ; ™ ,n Cert. 2T.% SSU SCH ST.Vi ?."% "-J'. I ~~J- —° • '--•.•■•••'" — I — I — — I covlmj; F.'.)».r,i; T(l ■ '•• tor ih« mv. »Uu2^t_. '"•■'"^"■■V FOREIGN COMMERCE TN APRIL. . • 3gß f '.■■AiSv.-''';..:. ". ____________________^^______^_^^^^^^ apri- i ten MONTHS ejtdxso APIQU cold. i looi. i . ioott. ' I !•»* i mi i "«- i — • Imports '■ SIOZS&mtO! $2.551.057 «14.5TZ576; »«3.«a«.5551 «4».M&7«7| CSOT^rrt Km :.•::.■:.■:.■.■:.■.■.•::::::;::: _^^UpSaa ■«a •SSSi ■gaßS'^B nxce-^fbnporu _== «1.277.1« «12.«7^24 t "=j_ =^r« Imnorts S " Yer ' t2.V5.&4 *2.5T».»7« \ |2.7«».«2« j f21.in3.n83 i «21.8M1C74 (- — ■ — — — ££&l •.■.•:.:::::::;:::;:::::::: ( _wnj _-- 117r9 °; _ 41>13tJ ' 7 _.»i.o» _.g77.gOT iSSg _«c^,-sg«u:. •::::::::: I »:«7.a_i t "—^- »» w.«a{ $ $17.200.9- tt a^g I __ April- »| ll' Tea months »nd«S frj~n \' lf->t. 1 !«»• 1 1008- f I 1004. I 19C& 11^^ Free of au^ PP ° nTS ' ■■ . ?57.15t.7C0 »I».«ff«.»»l **CJ2S.«>oll «3M>.Mft.«»« f43)1.C9.74« (man... liable .'. . '. . 1 "... . '. I:.": . . «g.8«7.118 SO.4—.«*H \ C0..»a.2a.| 443.235.a«l 488.aiO.gjg sSSitJ Totals.... 1E5.321.85S $95.1K\2SSt $10T.327.C5S j JR29.231 «Kt4.34ft.«nß Ji.oa,,,^ Domestic EXPOBTB. t10T.473.147 $1».."U».».>» I f142.05H.f3T ft.2M.51A.«)77 t1.231MM.2Kt »l MM 7 K?eiS ! ::::::::v.::::.: g.487.258 a^omf 2.«a._a| »«»&._»[ «.»«usaf It a!Sa_ Total 9 $109.RV>.405 »125.57-V174) *14t.4ni.ttnt>j i»1.277.713.4.50;«1.273.«».«H 1148333-^: Eacess of expoVta'..... 86.858.323! S3.«e3.«iac ! 37. 1.;». 443.4.53.5_j — ».W4.aOj «gj&s{ . - IMPORTS AND EXPORT 3OF MERCHANDISE; BY MONTHS ~"~T' ._,__.«. ' ! ~~ 1»"K>. ; i»^i ' woe. | ' ima. 1904 i ' v*n ~" imporia. $71._3._3 f78..V»2.7<»! $75.8«».«»»7J $T».«13.yi37 »».«w.l«n «y»£_-, r -« "... ,~ «1.001.367 «».«<H.«S7 73.115.064 M.9U».777 M. 1*7.233 SftxSfi j"P' 65.«».«»2! 73W2.433 70.U7.«74 8i157.823 71.103.M3 ft»a»t lS AMRMt'V...... C1.820.48S 73.127.217 7W.923.2*! «5.0«» »7 .737 _"ifff4 September 5».569.«001 «AKM.».I3' K,7.m:i(B« »4.124.:>- ISiS-H* -."!..!.!... 70.631.034 1 M.448.763 87.424.0T0j M.921.147! JC.T77 :«. iSSf* November «.Ss4.O*> , T2.S'M.3'>7 H5.35.; 170 77.00H.310 W.l7t>.lT2i »l_»;i! bn-rmber - «5.9W7.207l T » 2TI IH..WWT ! 7T.7.;5.»J34 98..VW.7^» 101U>$2 1901. IKt IWC. 19W 19*5 January $5».307.050 $7».13H.1»2 f»IH.7Mj f»2.&«>.^<s |t>1342.«75! IlCftSMs- February ..I «4.901.60 ft RH..T.V».*.T»i 82.fi_.24« B».i_tsoO 103.0iM.413 ! loi_sS Marr^V.. ..:...:: 76.M*W4! «4.227.052 WV2n.>.457 »1.347.1»» 11A.431 liISS April 7ae»8.131! 75.8_.2<» 87.U82.10G M 3..'.21.5.52 '.i\l\»^ : lOrS'S Total 10 months ending April $87(U21.8<W $734,516,807 f«m.ft54.323 $J>2».231.»73| «934.540.402 tismrnum ToUl 12 months endln? April 80&7T0.e»7 901.5&1.1671 1,013.4.5a.4&l «J0.a».88&! 1.Wfc30r..7!* 1 2«jsaH EXPORTS. " { 1000. j 1931. ' I 19C2. "j 1003 i 1904 j "^ May T 1 $113,427.8491 $124.5«7.9Uf $t02.%i1.531l $10r>.!KH>..',91 1 $J».wav»2s ! flAw Jun« I 103.-1.957 H2.774.2-r? 50.240.453,! U3._2.*4« BSisiVtwi ISISiS July I lft>.«2.«V7| \m. 4.12. f*.-.W.V*7'< f>I.HI.T2«S 83_aL4T»', lrtrsstS? Aurust ' ' 1«!.37!1.ft6.V 108.024.2fU>! &4.W2..110 K).44«.457! 02.253.%.*' IjtSS September 115.901.722 l 10rt"»«>:»26 121._ C,334! 11O..1»M.«»4«> 134.2R5.424 mS October 1««>! 14.-..f.V.». «13; 144.a3T.438 ia>.3B^a«i 162.527.tM3; imSS! .- November 134702.3241 1_.4_.03» 1232«>.U> ISOiI^SSS l!W.f*S- W im»!~f December 145.85».871| 13«.f«41.53» 147.902.408! 174.A1».5_; 145.253.aK»; 1901. • 1002. 10OA. I ISO*. I IDOft. BMBi* January $136.32R.«>1 i $12».143.150' $1.-a.U9i2W! $142,045,170! $123.5»7.2at' |t»2 m February 112.»:.7O14! 101.Bfl0.«!«j 125.55HL0241 ll«.^^.iH2 1fi«.87rt.7»2 lfl'Ss March 124.473.««. V 10«.74».4«.l ' 132.«»3.5»«! 11».»<1V44»! 13«.!»754» lissSS* April 120.754.Wt0j 109.1«i».873 H»».x27.213. 1f».8«X.4<»; iaR.573.3T4 144~5.M» Totals 10 mos. ended April.. f1.280.422.M7 »1.23.!»-« :J42 11.277. 715.4MQ 31.2T5.R14 .:ii 11 4«T-.-«o^I Total* 12 moa. ended April.. 1.482.302. 623 j 1.417.450.581! 1.415.551. 1.473.8H7.917! L4M7»4te 17_Sr«t Ten months ended April: '111 "'** >4 "- Escess of exports 884.298.0121 435.640.3 501 359.304.919! 448.493.505 1 33».074.a00' «STSnM> Twelve months ended April: 1 ? | | \ ••-*»«• Bxceas of exports I 673.723.9261 515.935.3041 402.0C2.702i 483.«01.0_i 360.330.604; B2S^ss.sS» CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE SALES. STOCKS. Shares! ' Open- i High- I lew- I LAat sold. I I Ins. I esc. I eat. ' sale. 40|Al!ls Chalmers... 21 j 21 21 21 ' _.Q.yilAmal Copper U«>H 110% 108H 110% 410, Am Car & Fdy... 41^. 42 41% 41:4 MIAm Ice 64 <U'4 Hi 64 M»'i,Ara Locomotive... r.-\\ BBV4 G7% CM^4 2.«n»|ADi Smeltloa; I.'>7S 157»4 135% 157% 4.:><»> Am s*Jgar 134H ( 137% 134' i 137% ■ 140 At Top &S P. ... Kft i S»\ SBH 89% 4<> Bait A Ohio 107% 1 107% lO7H 107^ 10.4501 Brook R T MHI *»% S3\ f«4H 20; can rac \ ie»% l«m% 100% lflO^ 40 1 Cent Leather 42 42 1 42 42 Che* & Ohio tM* 5J)<4 S»H 6»% 20lCh Gt West 10% 19% 19% 19% iTIOICh Mil 4- st P. .. I*7 V lti'.»% ir>tt% HR»> 4 2.040'C0l Fuel & I M>% .-2^ SOY» 31V4 32t>!C..nsol Oas ISS% 13-«% 13»% 13»H 1«» D«-n &R G 42% 42% I 42% 42% UOo . DiHt Securities ... fi2H 64 : »X! | €3% 1.t»2il Erlo 43% 4'lH 43 43'» 10; Inter Met ... !W^i 53% MS] S3V» Mcx Central 23% 23% 23% £<% JO Mo X & Tex 33% : 33% 33% 33% 810 Mo Pac M% 04% 0-; I Ui l 00 Nat l*ad 61% 81% 80% 80% 120 V Cemtral 141 141% 141 i 141 20 ' Norf & West ! UO% »O% 00% 90% «*! Pennsylvania ] 135 135% 130 135% 301 Pressed Steel Car 51 31 51 31 20.030 Reading 129% 130% 12H% 130% ICOlRep Steel 29 2!> 2-S 28% 101 do pref 101 101% H>t% 101% lift Rock Island 25% 26% _% 2'! 1 * 87ftl Southern Pac .... <»% I «p; 65% . •;«•; 420 Southern Ry 37% 3H 37% 38 10 Texas Pae 32% 32% 32% 32% 13.120! Par 140% 151 ' 14»% 150% 10 V S Rubber 50% »>% 30%: 60% 2.040 V S Steel 41%| 41% 40% 41% .'.f«> do pief 105% 10.1 10A% 10.'. % 20|Wab_h pref 46% I 4«%! 46% | 46% 08. ISO Total sales. "~~ "~ ~" MINING STOCKS. Shares! ! Open- I High- I Low- I Last •old. I , ■ Ing. ! est. 1 est. I Bale. 3.n00;r,->msrtock I -1« .IB i .CHfcl .13% •VX» Klkton ] .s<> .51 . .50 1 .51 1.000 Gold Dollar I .0* .OH .08 .OS 300 Jim Butler 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 50! Little Chief Of! .08 .(Hi .0* 2.000 1 Manhattan Comet. .16 .16 ,1« .16 100 Moulton .65 .65 .«3 .65 Ontario 2.50 2..V> 2. 50 2.30 300 1 Sandstorm It© .00 j .00 .m 300 Savage ! .OS ! .05 ! .05 .05 200!Tonapah Midway. I 2.00 2.00 i 2.M 2. 00 BOO! Work ....| .OS I .09 | .0» .0» 8.175 Total sales. WHEAT. Sales. I I Open- ! Hla;h- I Low- I Ln«t bu»h- I I Ing. I eat. ! eat. I aale, 208.000! July option I 60% 1 SIS' So%| 81%" WALL STREET AND EXCHANGES. FOREIGN TRADING— Foreign houses were not active factors In the local market, dealing in only 10.000 shares, sales predominating. In London the general market was Irregular and without especial feature. Discounts were a trifle firmer, both la London and Berlin. AMERICAN BANK NOTE —Stockholders of the American Bank Note Company have voted to re duce the number of directors from thirteen to seven. The reduction was accomplished by the voluntary retirement of six of the board, leaving the direc torate as follows: T. H. Freeland. W. L. Green. P. C. Lounsbury. E. C. Converse. F. L. Potts, A. V. Stout and A. Jaretxkl. CORN PRODUCTS DIVIDEND— The directors of the Com Products Company have not yet reached a decision as to whether or not dividends will be started on the preferred stock at the meeting In June. It Is the Idea of a number of directors that the company should use Its surplus earnings in the Improvement of the physical condition of the prop erty. ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE PROTECTIVE COMMITTEE.— A protective committee has teen formed by the stockholders of the Atlanta & Char lotte Air Line Railway, to act for them in the read justment of the relations ot that road and the Soutn ern Railway, which leases it for a rental of 7 per cent on the stock. The Air Line has $>,500.000 bonds falling due at the beginning of 1907. and the South ern Railway Company has asked the Air Line com pany to consent to the creation of a new mortgage to secure an issue of $15,000,000, for refunding the old bonds and providing for double-tracking the road. Such a mortgage cannot be create 1 without modification of the agreement of March 26, ISSI. and the consent of the stockholders of the Air Line. It Is the opinion of influential stockholders of the Atlanta * Charlotte that the dividend rate on the stock should be increased if the bonded indebted ness of their company is to be increased. READING DIVIDENDS DECLARED. — The Reading company has declared the regular semi annual dividend of 2 per cent on its first preferred stock, payable September 10 to stock of record of August 24. The company has also declared the regular semi-annual dividend of 2 per cent on its common stock, payable August 1 to stock of recor.l July 14. MONEY FOR SAN' FRANCISCO. - The local banks transferred through the Sub-Treasury yes terday $925,000 to San Francisco. There also was transferred $100,000 to New Orleans. NATIONAL. LEAD.— director of the National I-vacl Company says that a quarterly dividend on the common stock will he declared at to-day's meet. Ing. The rate, he says, has not been decided. NO SUGAR COMBINATION.— H. O. Havemoyer says that there li no truth In the report that th* American Sugar Refining Company has secured an Interest in th<» sugar business of Arbuckle Brothers. John Arbuckle made a similar denial a few days ago. J N. HI LI, EI*ECTEI> A TRISTEK OF XKW YORK TRUST COMPANY Jamfs H. Hill was yesterday elected a trustee of the New York Trust <*ompany In place of James J. Hill. NStgasA PRODUCE BXOHANOK SKAT SOLD - A New York Produce Exchange membership has been ssH for &ao. STOCK ISSI'E BUCX'ESSFI'U -It Is announced that the public subscription to the 7 per cent cumu lative preferred stock of the United Cigar Manu facturer* Company has been a swecssm The stock wuh ovi-r.subtirrlb«<l. ANACONDA'S 810 EARNINGS. The report of the Anaconda company for 19«» shows profits earned on the }30,O9O.0O» stock Of the company equal to 19.06 per cent. Th* ar«raga srfesi of electrolytic copper in. New York last year was 15.82 c a pound. In the first four months of 1M th» average price of copper was 18.32 c. or tsoc higher than in the preceding year. This Increase _ the price represents clear gain for th» Anaconda ess*, pany this year and Is equivalent to an lncress* on the selling price of copper over 1306 of _§» me cent. The total surplus of the Anaconda compass on December 31. 1905. was equal to 24.13 per cent «a the stock. ' The mines were developed In the year to greater depths than have been reached heretofore la tte Butte district, and with the increased depths th* life of the mines and grad<* of the ore are assures! for many years to come. The Anaconda mine a now opened on the 2.*»-foot level, and the Xevtr Sweat arid St. Lawrence on the 2.300. and at these depths the veins show fully as good In siz» and la value of ore-.? as in any of the levels below to* 1,000-foot. The mining properties owned by th* company outsde of the working mines have been developed to a considerable extent during the year with satisfactory results, and it is the policy nf the management to continue, especially In pros perous times, active work In developing th* larg» holdings of the comrany that are row productive. Detailed earrings follow: Total receipts. 523.7M.3M Expenses 18.14f.4ftt Net earnings |5.5KT.7a Interest 13LNS Balance. P roflt SS.7IMS The balance sheet as of December 31 shows: Asset? — Vino*, mining claims, land, etc $20. 430:757 BulHlnc an.i machinery, sawmills, etc 4._7.31A Inveatments In sundry companies.... 531. Ml Total fixed assets 125.59L53S Insurance unexp!r«*l 5M.079 Materials and supplies for future use. 1.NW.761 Deferred aaaeta 1.964.M* Merchandise held for sale StCft.49l Copper, silver and gotd 761.103 Loans and acc'ts receivable and cash. ••.741».«)iWV Current assets Total assets «2>.*BS.&«« L_tlliti«s — Capital stock. 1.20O.<»» sharea. of 523 each »30.00P. < XX> Acc'ts & wages payable * taxes ace'd Sl.€2n,2Sfi Dividend warrants, not presented.... 17.01 ft Dtvid'd No. 21. payable Jan. I*. 1006 1 060.00* Current liabilities '..-„< ■ • J 2.633.303 Balance surplus Dec. 31. 190* $4,071. T44 Profit for year ended Bee. 31. 1006... 5.713. Total surplus $H>.600.5T2 Deduct diviienis Nos. 13. 20 and 21.. 3,430,000 Surplus • T.asMß Total liabilities *-.«- 5" SECUHI'I'IES AT AVCTIOH. The following securities were sold yesterday St auction at the Exchange Salesroom, by Adrian _ .. Muller & Son: BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS. 1-16 Interest in the Printer Boy Mine and th* Daylight 4 Twl!l*ht Mining claims, sit- . uatfd on Printer Boy Hill. close to tow» of Ore. County of Lake. Col.: 5 »tareS Barnston Tea Company of New Totk »__ lt_). full paid and ucaascssable *-^ BY ORDER OP TRUSTEES. 2 share* Central Trust Company S- 10 FOR ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAT CONCEBX. '-. 50 shares Union Exchange Bank 5? 13 ahares Fourth National Bank ■_• — ■ *»■• 37 shares New York St Harlem Railroad Cora- . pany 111 5 «hare« Weeteheeter Truet Company £» 100 shares American Expreee Company -•-_•" =;an '■• SO share* Phoenix Insurance Company of Brooß- —3 lvn 3» t* «w 5 shares Safety Car Heating ani Lighting _ Company *Ji 170 shares Star Hygeia Ice Company . . . . ---• -•• m . 5 shares Warburt>>n Hall Association of Toes- ley ■ 8 ahares American Exchange National Bank., Jgji 8 shares American Exchange National Bank... *• » 25 shares International Grain Elevator > 0S» pany •- — --•* ™ 5 shares Automatic Heating Company. pre f erred - •J.-'V ■ ■ "4* 27 shares Market and Fulton National B_K *S 4 shares Home Insurance Company v*_ ww $1,000 Wcls'nach Company thirty sinklas ru"" 5 per cent ••,-.ii;iteral trust mortgage sou* bond, due 19:»; reslster^i; coupons. June and Deoembor . 120 share-* American Butter Refining C^nsr*ny. . rom.non ■ • 10ft shares Royal Peking Powder Company, cos*- I_.1 _. mon • ••* Si 5 shares Hanover National Bank. — ■ -i mm IO shares Kln^s County Electric Ll.cht A Power Company • ■" CU_B MARKET TRADIHG. The market for outside securities, while —ST moderately active, displayed a decidedly strong tesr dency. Interest was chierty centred tn the _ — stocks. Chicago Subway ami C.r.1.1 HiU Copper. •> though there was a fair inquiry m other parts o the list. Mackay shares were somewhat <rr^ I especially the common, which, after an early C*** of V broke more than a point, but subseq ™"~J rallied to its high record. The preferred ieotw. within narrow limits under moderate Ceilings. CW cago Subway was under excellent support and C 3* proved a point. Standard Oil was strong ■• **** active, on buying by Standard Oil brokers. »*• vnra Tobacco, after early strength, broke • *2 In tho mining group OoM Hill was strong aj~ a.tlv.- at »4 advance. The G*e**M Issues w«w steady. |7aMsd Copper ruled firm St ■ slight » provement. Furnace Creek improved **-^^*" ni|llSSllH was active within narrow limits. Bo *"" was irregular. In bonds. Pennsylvania new *>iif cent notes were dealt In for the first ttro«. »•* Haven 3V»s were slightly higher. ACTIVE CURB STOCKS. INDUSTRIAL. *„• " Open- i H! 8 h- I l*~- I__ 1«»> . American Can »'»t n-, »* Jt * 100 do pref 6* ••■»•• 5 M>ol \m IV i Wlr^ T t>-» ■» J» 2^ lOOjOeth s-'teel Corp. . , 27% 2»% -«^ J" N»l do pr«f 9© 9»» JJ* Lr, SOU; Havana Ttobacco- ST ■ 9t\ =J« Jv 5 2»WJ do rref 83% 35% 3»J* g^ ISO Inter Salt...". »37 87 W^ §> , B.JOO Mackay Ct>» 7*% 73%, JIJ» « ti ot^» .1- r --. 74% T4% r**| J2 W aoftlstandanl Oil 607 «12 607 "^ RAILROAD. har««l I Op«i»- I Hlsl»- I — «»- I Mf* aol_ 1 I ln t . I wl. I ct 1 t^. s «.<M>;Chlcas» Subway.. 1 o»fi| MH»I ««l *"• V '