Newspaper Page Text
■MM HO. rT^T i OP" a - i nun- I Urn- I u>t Pg*! *ti«. i no. » en. | salt. ■TTJ Alaska Minoa..... 4Hj 4*|J 4Hj 4?4 Central.. SSj 2H( 2% js BESetS O>« Copper \-'» >i%\ 7i* s^ SSSSr Securities. J 3*> S»| uZ' 84^ $ a id S i:\ !» , 12"^: is i.«?f,t?.; pel! »3 13 13 13 *X«^ac Gold Mln. ! 4% I 4*4 1 4% 4% '"'^ M«S * Corf Aro..|sl 88 1« 38 I*l SS SI 3* i2ui"ch*« MinHw..l »*^ 1 RMi 7% 7^ 5* «-t.«So Con new) 1«V.: ICY» j ICU ics fi^SstoOM Cop.. 1»V 13V» n\ IR-J aS^'vtah ■* t. •* <*i «» 4^ MSSsMseir S»--\ *** »* ™ 84 igJ.^Ba^Wer Co". I 44% j 4.1 4V* ! 45 VLVTJm Copp* Cto.i l\ 2 IV 2 ** ■ S <>r.r*r. .. . O»V «n^ «% ! <*% w#*L"J \r*\ « : rl t • i «*• •»':, op..' %■ 4' H : " *r ,r' ...... l« 1% 14 14 w» *^_I_— — < BONOS. — - — —"" " ! Open- I High- I Low- 1 Last" \ i ln». 1 est. I eet. I sale. ;; — r^Trfy (* flat w I m m '■ M : HM^ «ti wi M 'i« SfifartJ**} m I m%\ m I m •^STTsell- cent, per shire. • CLOSING CURB QUOTATIONS. ,-aea tir William E. Nichols £ Co.. No. 15 -Wall *t.» 9Vr " ' Bi3 . Aaked.! Bid. Asked. . _ v •■-, Grar.t-y Cotiper... 1-:% 13 i* 6138 , f»-i €4 Havana Tcbicco. 23 28 i V: 120 do pref 33 S* Vl**,^'V I **,^ ' 4W 5Wi Inter Me Marine 11", 12 tf-SSfcis' 5-l« Hint. Silver d^b 6s. 8u «2 •"^ifli r", 2S lnterb Rnp Tr...230 234 4- Taylor -.115 130 do F^V. ii"l7<» 175 I do rr"f i* 1 02 ijJgL e -^:S» - IMackay ll* 72»4 *L^?iipfer 38*4 28%; do prcf 74 '■•.•« B**-™ FAi-'k-t 7^. 8 1M& li Cons '-16 * ■*£J2£T£ 5 « Nevada Cons.... 1S1» ID f«t F«J«>» — £ 24 S V Trans ■'• 8 J? sSw-v' ' i ! 81% 6Slaj Otis Elevator. ...54 'M *»?2" 55 56 | do prrf I>S 102 «"*JSS Rova! Baking V.US 1«J £•s*-. ' 1-16 ?l do pref 110 112 C v '\' v S 22 :T«-nn Copper 44 45 70 75 Union Copper.... 1 » 2 ■Sg-ig JS § rnitod Copper... ««»* &* -. do pi>f . bS 100 3 3-i Utah Corr*r 2TJ» SS ESS!**. 2»\ SS W X Copper V l« do pref XV,, 1%, Gctot SOrtT... 2% » INACTIVE CURB STOCKS. f-sjtsed by William E. Nlchela & Co.. No. 15 Wall at.) Eld. Asked. I . Bid. Asked. ,„ -.._ ...115 — I B Stetson 3"0 — 253b'-' "0 17« , do pref 155 163 *!.;«• 1"3 "* Lans Monotype. . . 14 15 iTIiTECD- 2<> 30 : Maine g S IT 20 a i •*!..,< -■■• *■'■ ; Old Dominion 118 125 M-mt'liit M 102 I Bess L E... «3 72 SficaFßrnfc 3 « Pop* Uanfg • S.i *■ *? J ... 70 76 d© Ist pref «8 69 •T £. '.'.... 1 8 do 2d pref ... 15 17 *,l*P'-f '.. » ** Pratt at Whit rMOO 105 25 ore' . 8 8 , Procter & Gam.. 375 290 4 4, do pref 203 210 STrpSttr/--- » 88 j Railway Auto.... 1 4 % in' !•« tea I do pref 10 iS LsVwW'p'tf* 25 2« Safety eH * L.275 300 &to ...... t&A M Securities a>4».-«aVs 68 V. iSKi pf... 68 VI , Simp Craw C 0... 27 40 ££T ...... -:3S 142 ' Sinper Mfg C 0...510 &r«. S^iirrs-orks. .14 20 Etand Coupler .40 44 io r'ref ... C 671 , Stand Mill C 0... 10 12* BBMhrstrr. ...440 4SW do r*-f 35 40 STrS Tire «s 29 »0 do f.s 60 S2 >r« Copf. «3 C' Trenton Pot ten" -16 20 i, '■& ...I(iu4 1014! do pref 1*) 103 j«;.-i <B »jo — I do ctle 73 m r~~' r , steel <i 8 (Trow Dliectory.. 45 56 ST^ref 3% 42 iUn Bank N C0rp. 372 340 G~T£m rrer 130 135 ! do prcf 50 . 3 Brii 9» 102 | ■ -. Typewriter... 97 SB EE':2r!ir. HU» 115 do Ist rref *120 12« Hfrr-Ka:i-M ... 3" 40 do id pref *123 125 iisr E!«-vat!ns. •» •» IT S Envelope .. . . 22H — tftff c cata i t . .. 343 !£ SR I BO pref .. . tt% 91 >i Sf fiO 6S I Worth Pump pf.115 120 ■irot EttarnLcat. ■ £ I •A tins— ■ NEW JERSEY SECURITIES. BONDS. Tarzitiei '- J. t ma* Ba— karat. No. 15 Wall street.) Bid Asked. •*cirrlca= I>t«ck i Imp Co Bs. 1521. J_ J 1123* — atr?-. T nrcpike Co is: ss. 1861. J£ J l'K> 102 SruMwiJk Traction Co ss. 1640 J*7li — Caaien & Triton Ry l«t --. :92a. M& N . .. 100 101 co ses, 5«. 19.-1. J & 3 80 03 Caaiet S-itartan P-y 5t 1946 lUt. — C«irtl Eiectn: Co of N J lFt ss. 1640. j & 3 . . t* mo Cuzax- Ziex-it Co Ist be. lUI.V M A; N a.'. — Ca*>\ Tnmxx Co cf N J Ist Re. 1&33. J& D. 107 108 cvs__ta Ligat, Hecl<Cost. l»*s. J & J...ioa — ti£cr £i El Co t loiwonj let Ss. 1»12. J & J..100 — (So yea st. IHZ. J & D 10" — Ea. Pi 4 Cc- Jers**- Hy la". 5s is&o, J & D... «7 »9 EiaiiwTh i Earttan £tr*«t By per, ss. 11*:-* .. 98 100 a: Elec Co ol Eergen Co Ist Zin, ll>4». J & D.102 — dois, 1554. 11 4 N jn> 05 E*^esack (TaUr Co Ist as. 1952. J _ J. ...... •• S>4 Uobokes retry Co Ist con r.t. 1&46. MAN 10ft 110 Kotoieii Land & lir.p Co 6e. 1!»1" 1! if N. . 102 — Eulnon County Gi* Cc Ist se. 1649. MAN 10« 107 J«TKjr nty Siectr.c Ughi Co tit lSKft*. . . . .105 — -'■'•- city. Hob 4PRy Co «s, 1849. M & N. . 72* i 73 *"•« rttf tc l>»r* X R i-" 4' 2 s. !!«i. J & J.. -103 — 5* ' raQey Terminal B*. A& O. 116 — •icnf I>o:k, Erie E R 6a. 1935. A & 0 130 — s.:Ji:ti,:x i- sorasrtet Traetioa ss. 1850 ti"4 10") •l; I^^ RR Of N>» Jer-ey «ii=, A& 0 10*\ — *•'■"• & E»g« Ist 7». 1914. M & N ...119H — fee«. 7s, u*:s. j & d U6Si — .;«•»»* Ccr. Ga§ Co Ist .'■« IF4'. J & D l"»Va llO^i J.«2Tlc Gas Co Ist 6s .1644 Q— J 135 — ?.* «* JJ — * R R con st> DIM, J & J 1104 111* ?J» kraas L:»!it. eat * Power Oo 4s. 1930 .. HO — VarXsney 4.\TRR6s. IPIO. MAN ...108 — 1« ;«rs»; Z:cc Co let 4s. ISOS. A 4 O «9 100 "ST« Greenwood Lake T>f, 1P46 M & N 115 — I. 1 * B*ok_ Kerry Co ten Bs. IW9, JA D. I©TH 108% ?.» *N J Trrry Co 2d s*. 36 W. J& J 100 104 *v7^ J? tep — *• Co Ist S*-. MS, M* N. .110 — Jlfc.N J iVet^r r 0 in ss, l»20. F& A 96 100 ■sjTOB & .-ub Gay Oo con tts. 1811. M* S X.l 109 "Si £j» & W**t?m Trm ss. 1545. M & N «.lli?i 11«^4 *J* Uujsra <~o Ry IK 8s 1111. J& J 112 113* to con ss. 182$, J& J 10S — _Vgjf. K-* M v N 103 105 jets Hudscn L H & P Co se. 1936, A it O 109 — ami Jersey Et Ry " 1«8. M A N 77V4 T«H J2?"- ■ Passaic Val 1« ss. 3»3a JAP 05 87 nsilj L: E ht:::g Co Ist se. Itr2s. M& N 105 107 <.t2dr.s. lst-.-s 100 — *» 1 ' T\ a:?r Ca Ist 4«. !t«2". "a * ' n". ...... '.'. «S»V» — «- e« :•«. 1537. j & j 107 _ E_l_H&M Lu'ht Ca Ist Bi- 1922 110 112 CaOway Co ''I 6s. 1608. J A D 107 — *7** Vr Qty Railway Co Ist Ca, 1907. f* A. .104 — do <- 03 6s. :<CI. J& D -. 123 — EgßKa E!*cTrt- Licht Co Ist fls. 1908 103H — Su***.^a» Upht Ct> Ist ss. 1906 100 _ «o2i fe. ai O 100 — " --erj-r. iI as C«j E!ec Co con ■ ■'. M& 8 . 103 103 Faitam Ggs i- Elec Co Ist 5«. 1911. JA J . 10S — rSiSSJ** »Ato 103 — HgaM Srr^t Ry Co lrt ts 1!>22. 1& J 110 — "w.r Si^ni^ Corporation certificates . . .70 71 *,-?£?* °* r;t "«•* "«v. 94 M «?.M jransiT - -— • Railway f>* 1»21 .. lf>o 110 ' P r J&r re,r c , igt «« 1911. MA? l-> 3 — tz**'- Co let s*. r.'3f. r& a m — • .■: LO 4s IMS J An 7<5 — *.„ v Or!S E *Tf»i ist ftß jtet. V- b mi 103 -^ Oa 55 s * & Else V) 1« Re 15»4». M«- P .10814 lOJ.U a!;:^ J >a ?* n » ; '«' R y i« ««. laii. a & 0....120 — «JJ«*n fct l 'y Co let con 5». 193-*. JAJ .. . 10« _ l^ttt Elec Co of N J Ist 4s. 194». JA D 71 75 *^ !a ' Price . Jons STOCKS. §25?" C'wiw.v ,88 - ggggMgo SntXton Ccir.pany of New Jersey. 77% . 78% S2. i?« 0 5 Cru " !i:)l < Cnir.pany 890 — f^-l Gas Company 12*1 127 il', ™<Ttrle Conepanv of Eer«:en County B8 GO *^-*«n«a^k \Vaier Company common 175 — s «s rrererrfd 175 200 £"_» Owmty Oas Company 107 108 »r *■•*'• Hob*>ken & l>a:en>on Railway Co. . . 2* — rifc.ihajTl preferred 145 )M CteW Ultfct. Heat <- Power Co «0 — _!L < 'f" ce > 1 2*c Conrany 425 — {TO -^rsey- stw. p.a!l«.av Company ;>M — Kg" & Pe_a:c Ga« A Electric Co 70 75 r.j, \'f ttniict Corporation 115 120 gyM -raitriz Strait T;,,,!uav Coir.r>any . . 2T>O 2«) EPt 1 - '* r '"" <■■ Mi^Wft T.ichttrur Co . so — 2_ J ,7^»'. Ca *- Electric & Traction Co 125 J2S 2Sa_RS!%_?« Comcsny 545 f»SO u~^*2., ol L Colls:>an >' r,12 cis ■t.i*d El^rtrtc Oimpeny of New Jersey 45 — BANK STOCKS. ;^rted by Clinton Gilbert. No. £ Wall (tract.) L_ f'i 2 M ?* 4 - 1 Bid. Asked. * a * r;c^ *i 8i 8 | I.5*W 1.700 *a .-I r.acge. 2S" IM ; lli.r.l:a'tan 'X. . 2i*r, Sa" *«or National <> ;i« Market A Ful.. 2«» 27* r-=» National tUt .1' | Uetrcriolls . — 400 «M i - ™m I*o — ; Mechanics' . ... 275 »«.'. Mary Park.. — J33 j Utch * Trad. . . !i» ITS !?5> 320 *» MereanUfc. 245 259 ff 55 * 1 * i- Dror. 175 168 Metiopol'tan . 170 IK i* ■* i Kat.. 2*o — I Merchant*" . . l<3 175 '-«f -Heated .. !6<» 170 i Merchants' X*. 17.1 18» JF^ry ■ 175 It* (Mount Morris.. 225 240 J***- .. . T<»> •— 1 Mutual .. »o<j _ g*t"»r '/• ii" I Nassau 2"2 213 ■*•■*. 4.1"' 4.2V»-|New Am Nat.. 4<xi 4i-'. 2L<*«Kat.. '.:« i 27 N1; N B a.... aia sea r? ; i .* I"e7«« N V Count > . . l.tO* _ ltu» — IN V Nat Exca. 2'».'. 210 V«:rf*ce IH I'M J Nlneit-c-nth ".Vd. 3T,(» Jifl fg»ia: ... «A» — (N<-.,rh Am«rlca. 25.1 28J ... 420 — I Northern Nat.. l-'.ii i«» SwsE^ha^ge __ S7r. i Oriental 2*50 S7O f*f l hlver.... :a> 100 I Pacific i^o 2-' a» V-'-tJ' 200 - (Park — 4<jO t^« Jiatior.;:. — 7r^» i Peopled *» j — Cj4 Kational S4«> — I Ph^nlx »75 '1« 4.J«1 Pi»» ■« W» i'.T^. :r duce Excli . 17" •»■<' *^"*-ti«< Hi. a^» — |It(Vtr»i<Je -'; s*" S;r"? jau 41*1 Seaboard *™' — g"«M - . i«J . -.0r..; ■ 7<W — tg*!** Am . jw jcs Stata 1 :<>■_' 2,00* CJ« Xi:: 410 — Thirty-fourth fit -' " rJZ'f lA ' J ... 6O) — Twelfth Ward.. $»0 — SSr*' eh ■■-• 2s* »» Twenty-third '.V W - ££■** 21" — Vis.m E*^h.... 215 --; ;S* *<« ... MS «iO jL'SEjcnanp.. U"S , I*U ■2^* a * rli IVI J 6 " fW*-htn«ten Hta 223 — J,"* ■-■ 24<» 250 . lV*st '.'lit WW — \jl£,J- 'lor^vlli* ***• — Trust Companies. Morion Trust Company /-»•.- ss NASSAU STREET. ' Capital - - . . 52,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $7,000,000 sate C Tl ih \ *«***> Admimstrator. Assign **- ■*- and lOnasfer Agsnt Takes charga of Heal end Pcrtonal Property. mpwrti woeivad sobjo:t to cugq^g. or on cgrt:te»t» Interest eilowod oo duly biu»t ' Tr&te^ers' Letters of Credit iesuoi Foreign Exchanca. THOMAS C BVAM %/• fe EV L P 'l MOR 1 -^«W«wi : CHARLES A. CONAJ!?T, \SiSSi ' **»"****' " Counsel. PAUL D. CRAVATH. / ... DIRECTORS: John Jacob A«t..r. James B. Duke. A. D. Juilliard Samuel Re« ECward J. Derwlnd. G. G. Haven. Levl P. Morton. ££b H «c?S^ Bowling Green Trust Co., 26 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Capital, $2 500,00dT~"Surplus, $2,500,000 OFFICE** i EDWIN GOULD President WILLIAM H. TAYLOR - Ist Vice-President CHAS. P. ARMSTRONG - 2d Vice-Presideat JOHN A. HILTON - • 3d V.-Pres. & Treat. WILLIAM M. LAWS Secretary DIRECTORS: Charles P. Armstrong, Myron T. Herrick, Frank Brainard, Edward T. Jeffcry, Harry Bronner, William M. Laws, Robert C Clowry. Wm. Willis Merrill, Edmund C. Converse, Window S. Pierce, Wm. Kelson Cromwell, Dick S. Ramsay. Grenville M. Dodge, Frederick B. Schenck, A. Goepel, Andrew Squire, Edwin Gould, William H. Taylor. Frank Jay Gould, Edward R. Thomas. George J. Gould. John P. Truesdell. Jchn A. Hilton. E. F. C. Young. Excursions. C~ STAR I N'S > EXCURSIONS BOOKS OPEN STEAMBOATS AND BARGES SHADY GROVES ON L<ING • ISLAM) BOUXD and HL'DSOX RIVER A Day's Pleasure for Churches and Sunday Schools. OFFICE: CORTLAKOT ST. PIERS. l .'Phone. ir?S Cortlandt. k OHARMINQ ixbURSIDNS WEST POINT. NEWBURGK AND PO'KEEPSIE Daily «eifei<t Bunday), by Palace Iron Day Line Steam ers "New York" and "Albany " IJk'.yn. Fulton St. (by Annex), X; D*Bbrosses St.. 40; W. 42d St., 0; W. I2Ut*i St., 6:20 A. M. MORNING AND AFTERNOON CONCERTS. RED BANK LINE Leaves Frarklln st . Pier 24. N. It. daily. J> a. m.. 3 p. m Sundays. 9a. m. only fcr High!En4H. Red Bank. etc. Trolley connootion to Lcmg Braach. Anbury Park. Eic. BOc. City Hotels. HOTEL CAETLITOX. ET. GEOP.GE STATEV IST*ANT>. V. T. Advantages of mountains, seashore and city combined: lar*;* airy rooms, excellent culcino. every modern Im provement: moderate rates; music. bllUards. bowllnK. tennis, poll. E. A. DEKECHAUD, Manager Boston BOSTON COMMONWEALTH AVENUE. A HOTEL FOR REFINED PEOPLE Unexcelled in location and appointments by any hotel in the city. Particularly attractive to la<lie«. families and tourintg. Perfect quiet ; 5 minutes walk from Back Bay K. R. stations. GREEN LEAF A BARNES. The NEW Profile House, White Mts. opens June 25 \ DVERTIEEMENTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS for The Tribune received at their Uptown Office. No. 1364 Broadway, be'wM-n SOth and 37th me., until 9 o'clock p. m. A^veriieen^tus refeived at th« following branch offices at regular ofsct rates until 8 o'clock p. m . viz.: S.">4 th av«-.. s. c. cor. Bd -■ : 153 Cth ay* , cor. 12th st. : 02 East 14th rt : 2".7 West 42<1 St.. between "th and Bth ayes. : 2CB Weßt 325 th su : 133S 3d aye., between Tflth and 77th ets - 102 3d tiVf- near Cist St.; 1708 Ist aye. near 89th St.: ir,7 Ea«t 12& th St.- 7.V, Tremont aye.; «50 3d aye.. near 41?'. f'.; rr.i 3d nve. ; 210 Bleecker St. NEW-YORK AND OTHER GAS SECURITIES. tFurr.ith«l by William E. Nichols & Co.. No. 15 Wall-st.) Bid. Asked. I Bid. Asked Am Lt'& Tr...113 118 NAm Con 5* 101 106 do ore? . 99 100 ; N H G stock ... 47 CO Cent V Gas n*..l<« 108 ;n y«• d E vi' r.s 63 Col Gas Co 65.. 80 94 ; do pref. 70 80 DG E Ist C ss. 02% U5 \N V * Rich 30 38 do stock 56 61 I Nor U Ist 5s . 100 104 Eg let Con 5*. 114 118 I Ohio & I G 65... 25 80 Ft W iia? Co 0s 43 47 \ do stock SH 6 OR G LCo ss*lol 10.1 Standard 123 134 Ind Gas 5s . ..100 103 | do nref 1.-»« 190 do stoek.^ .«7 72 I do ,v in» 112 L&"W W G 6s. «5 40 , Syracuse 5a 101 10S\, Mutual Co 200 225 St Joe G5 . •« 100 j,; V f. E River St Paul Gas .Is . 90 100 Ist 6s 1944 ...1<» 111 Westell LtE . . . 106 108 do con Cs 105 I*7 •And Interest. FERRY COMPANIES. Bid. Asked. I Bid Asked. Bklyn F stock. 1 3 NT & F C 104 10* Hob Fe" Ist 6s. 107 10» I 10*23 BF Ime .Is 92 «9 do stock .. . . 95 11* INT * N.T 1 me 5s 80 91 N T & E R F stk 67 70 i U Fof NT&B stk 22 25 EAILROAD EABNINGS. ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN. 1906. 1005. 190*. Vumher of ml)« '■'"■' 309 804 Fourth week in April.. 1102.808 $00,955 J85.237 July 1 to April ») -• 3.141.M>4 2.758.386 ■ S.*S4.«U MISSOURI, KANSAS * TEXAS. Montr, of March— * Number «' mllei S.ft*3 2. .16 2.4*0 OroMi earninirs 11.M5.47S »l.«80.S09 f1.3»7.42« Operating expenses .. . . 1.C40.00ft J. 297.761 1.135.927 -x- earnings 1324.570 *302.r.4S ~Ta61.409 Interest and rentals.... 411,458 353.740 343.43T Surplu. •$S6.SBS $38. «« •151.038 Gr^ y 2krntnMM r ?^....-9}*.*11.3M $15,403,733 SU.BIB.OM Onerailr.e; expenses... 11-IV*<» 11.212. 01». 10.084.590 Mat earring 0 mo«.. $-».402.!?20 $4,181,714 $3.»:<1.09H Interest and rentals.... 3.352.410 5.183.783 2.952.762 Surplus $1,140,410 «1.007,J)31 $848,336 • I>"f<*tt. PACIFIC COAST. Month of March — C™'t' earningf h ~- $4M581 $452,010 $450,715 Opnattnt ejtpen*es .'.."• 837.M4 588.393 370,702 Net tarnincs $n.'.037 $82,620 $*1.013 Gro*« y rareSn|5 rCh •SI — »4.W!2.7e0 $4. .'.77.101 $4.345.787 Qroaa •arcinc* $4.fiM.7«0 $*.877.1C1 M.345.T»7 Oi*ratlns expeMMei ... 3,705,761 5.C81.070 r)34.44Ur )34.44U N>t #-arnlrr» I roc*. • lt.««.«M |B».«et $511.3« rHHUAPEt-rHiA & nnxs, G^. nt a rnln^ h 7... Bg.JM ? 500.0,4 $«> Esp<?ns« > » 490,171 4M. ■>* ra».w>j Net eaminE*....^... fOS.»CI $136,030 $100,838 Gr J J»" aarilßa^" 1 . $1,743,404 $1.M7.953 $1.453.214 Expenses ... l.r»J> Ml 1.3M,.VW 2M.892 Net earr.frKs 8m * $104,063 Jl-i'i.- $201,832 WESTEBN MAHVUND. Uontn cf »rch— '''- r - 1005. anaja. OroeV «rnJris» $K.:..2f1l $3:*.»..v> Inc. $a».asi Oi.. «p. and taxc-3.. ii/>.4 2UU.JC3 In. 37.052 Net eaminps fir.7.:i27 $130.02« In-. $27 2M Oth*r ln<-t,me US 4»7 70,148 Inc. :.■«•' Twa! Inoo.'tifc $25^,824 $300,170 Inc. $as,«al Gn«i y L^iln/s .. . !r"s.-.413.U') $i.5r.«.:4« rne.ssßß.MM Op, up. U I taxca.. 2.3H. ;«'■<•. I.TSKOIS Inc. 511.^"^ Vet earning "$1,131.7-1 $1,034,108 In-. «77..V« Other income..... \.. «2.307 1- •'•'■- Inc. 133,70.-, xoui tneoroe |l.W«,«« $1.675.00(> Xnc.|3ll.ool ' NT-W-YOUK DAILY TRIRFXE. TTTrRSTWY. MAY IT. 1006. Trust Com panic*. Summer Resorts. XETT-llAjjpsinnß. THE MOUNT PLEASANT THE MOUNT WASHINGTON AT Bretton Woods ANDERSON * TRICE, Mer» po«'K. sasa i oX a & hh T *" pho - -• X l \p' r »P wltß i. 11 ' 1"*"1 "*" at I»*«>rt Bureau. 3rd Flow, M.i. r ■,? w »" v anrt 28th St Telephone 474s Madison. 10:00 A. M. to 3:00 p. M. New York Hotel*. Florida Hotel*. Bretton Hall. Th. Ormend . Brit ton Hotel Seymour. inn at Orraond Beach. Russian- Japanese Peace Makers met at HOTEL WENTWORTH New Castle, poSvJmoIVJ.T'h. AH Seaside Diversions. Fine Golf Course. 1)4 hear* from Boston on the NORTH SHORE, with aeeamno*!- V»s£ for 400 ONE 0T AMERICA' B MOST SCPBRB AND BEST EQVTPPED RESORTS Address HAKVEY ft WOOD, Hotel Bellevne, Boston; 281 Fifth Avenue, Hew Tork City. THE WAUMBEIT 4\D COTT4GES at Jefferson, New Hampshire, in the White Mountains, will open for the Summer Season on June 28th, 1906. A. J. MURPHY, Manager. Also Laurel House, Lakewood, N. J., October to June. GRANLIDEN HOTEL, Lake Sunapee, N. H. Finest Hotel !n New Hampshire. Entirely new this Beeeon. Fishing the he*L Golf. Tennis Boating. Oood livery and fine roads. Write for Circular. W. W. BROWN. Deivey Hotel. Washington. D. C. until May 20th. THEN Granliden Hotel. Sunapoe. N H. The New Profile House WHITE MOUNTAINS One of the finest resort hotels In the country and now rearing completion will open June :26th for Its flret wamn. Where onlr the best can be obtained » I private cottares. C H GREENLEAF. Pres. Boffton — The Vendomo — Commonwealth Are. MASSACHUSETTS. NANEPASHEMET MARBLEHEAD NECK, MASS. Opens June nth. Finest location on the North Store. Every room has ocean view. Special rates for June Fend for circular. E. O. BROWN, Proprietor. STOCKBRIDGE £»__£«£_ Red I.lon Inn now open. I A. T. Tr«adtvay Hraton Hall middle of June. | Prop. BERKBHTRE HILLS. THE MAPLEWOOD, PITTSFIELD. MAPS. TO OPEN JUKE 18T. Send for iftOC Booklet before looking elsewh«»», AUTHUR W. PLUMB. PKOPR. BERKSHIRE HILLS Dry. Cool. Invigorating Climate. Pare Water LENOX, MASS. Scenery of Unsurpassed Beauty. HOTEL ASPINWALL OPEN jrNE »TH TO NOVEMBER IST * AUTO AGE. O. D. SEAVEY. Manarsr. Representative at Murray Hill Hotel 6 to 12 dally. RHODE ISLAND. WATCH HILL, R. I. OCEAN HOUSE OPEN EARLY IN JUNE. For Booklets address J. F. CHAMFUX. WATCH HILL HOUSE OPEN JUNE 20TH. T'.'T all de*ir«d information addresj HARVEY S. DKNISON. CONNECTICUT. GRISWOLD (EASTERN POINT). NEW LONDON. CONN. B. H. YARD. - • - Manager OPENS SATURDAY. JI'NE 23D. Entirely a new hole; Everything new— furnishings, bedding, linen, silver, etc. poIM mahogany furniture throughout. One hundred bathroom suites. THE TINEST BI'MMEB RESORT HOTEL IN AMERICA. Address. R. H YARD. MfT.. 71 Broadway. New Tork. until Juna Ist: after that date address a* obows), EDGE WOOD INN, EDGETWOOD PARK. GREENWICH (ON THE SOUND). CONN. Beautifully located retort hotel. Select patronage. ISO rooms en suite, with bath* and all mdem appointments. Careful »ervice in all departments Caetno. Golf. Tennis. Bowling. Riding and Driving. Superior table and auto quarter*. Well kept walks and drives. in a picturesque country. 4.1 minutes from New Verb via N*w Ila.v«a R. It. D. P. SIMPSON. Mana»*r. A«st. Mgr. Laurel Hous<-. Loke«-<iod, N. J. VERMONT. FRANKLIN HOUEE. Htßhcate Bprlngs. Vt . Ulsalsquol i- 1 5.1 and Lake Cbampluln.— Reopen. June to October; Improvements, etc.; latest fire e«rei<e attached: cele brated mineral Purina water served in hotel; only two mlnuttrf from rnl!ro«<l station to th* houso; excellent tiHhinir and boaun*: flrnt da— livery In connection; new i:ian»«'-ineri. F. CAUORETTE i- HON. Proprietor*. * DVEHTISEMENTS AND BtTSCKIPTIONS for The a\. Tribune receive'! at their l'i>t->wn Office, No. 13»* Bruodway. between S'.tti and •" .'Hi Ms., until 0 o'clock p. m. Art-. »-rtltement* recelve.l at the fullofrtng branch offices at recular office rat^n until *> o'clock p. m.. vis : 234 Bth avc . « €■ cor. tM st ; IBS Utii »ye., cor. 12th St.; 82 East 14th st : 237 \\>*t 4}rl et . between 7th and JUh ayes. . 2J 1 ;; Wn< 125 th «t.; ISBS 3d aye.. b«t»r*n 70th and 77th «t» .; 102 CSI avf . near «l»t »t.: 170* l«t aye. near Bstb «t.; 157 East I2.'th «., 7S« Tiemont aye.; OPO M •▼*> r.cax 41st (I . CM 3d ay* . 210 B>*«cker iv Summer Retort*. CA>*ADA. SiEW YORK. VACATION !N THE MOOHI4INS of Orange, Sullivan. Uieter and Delaware Counties. N. T.. en the New Tork. Ontario & Western By. If you *re seeking a SUMMER HOME for your tarr.Uy in a region cf absolute HEALTH AT MODERATE COST. 2.000 feet aoove the sea. wlih pure air. pure watw. pure milk, no malaria or mosquitoes, and within Three Hours' Hide from New T<~rk— a country heartily recommended by physicians — then send V cents for pontage to the under signed, or call and get free at oßlcet Uclow the SI'PERB LT ILLUSTRATED BOOK. "SUMMER HOMES," of 1W pages, it gives a. list of over I.OUO Hotels. Farms and Boarding Houses, with their location, rates of board, facilities, attractions. &c- Vacation Bureau at 42S Broad way. N Y. IN NEW YORK— I4I, »25. 1354. 17*» Broadway. 48 N&SMU »t.. 1* Park Place. 28T 4th avc.. MB Columbu* a*e.. 27»8 3d aye.. 106 West 12* th st . 182 Bth aye. Ticket offices. Fran'sUn and West 43d st ferries. IN BROOKLTN — t Court St.. 47» Nostrand aye.. cor. Maeon M. : 890 Broadway: Eagle Office. On May 2oth. 2?th. 2«th and 29th Eieuralon tlckju ;t reduced rates will be sold at 425 Broadway. 1354 Broad way. 66 Beaver st.. 4 Court st.. Brooklyn. Weehawken and ferry office*, giving an opportunity of personally se lecting a Summer home and also enjoying a day s twine tn this delightful region. Tickets good returning May Slat. J. C. ANDERSON, Traffic Manager. 6« Beaver *t., M. T. MANHATTAN BEACH. MINMTTIH BEACH HOTEL WILL OPEN Wednesday, June 20th. T. F. BILLECK. Manage", 2» 4th Aye. N. Y. THE ORIENTAL HOTEL WILL OPEN Thursday. June 28th. JOS. P. GREAVES, Manager 289 4th Aye.. N. T. Care of Town and Country Hotel and Travel Bureau. Tel. 6246 Gramercy. The best place to spend your summer vacation la In tt • historic, picturesque and healthful CATSKILL riOUNTAINS. Over 1.000 ho'sls and boarding houses In this delightful region, with 'ts private parks and cottage life. THE ULSTER & DELAWARE R. R. "vlll inaugurate its complete summer schedule for the sea son of 1906, Sunday. June 17th. Excursion tickets at one fare for round trip will be sold by West Shore Ticket Agents from New York and Brook lyn from May 2flth to 2tnn. Inclusive, via Ulster * ©el* ware R. R., to all points in the Catskill Mountains. These tickets will be good for return trip until May 31st lnclu 6end S cent* postage for Illustrated Summer Bock, with map of the Catskills and list of hotels and boarding houses. N. A. BIMS. Oen'l Passenger Agt.. Kingston. N. T. THE GRAND HOTEL, CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, K. Y. Opens June 27th. Through Coach and Drawing Room car service from New York. Altitude over 2.000 feet. Passenger elevator to all fl™->rs. Unexcelled cuialnt. Booms singly or en suite, with private baths. Golf. Booklet. Apply to Alfred Elliott, Manager, Hick* Hies . N E Cor Broadway and 2*th St. (elevator 28th St., entrance). New Tork: telephone 474!? Mad. until June 27tb. after that date address The Grand Hotel Company. High mount P. P.. N. Y. PROSPECT PARK HOTEL. CATSKIM., N. Y. Will open in June, under new management. Private baths have been added, and many improvements 'are now being made. Bend for Illustrated booklet. New Tork rep resentative will call with floor plans and photographa. Address FRANK N. ROGERS. Manager. Catskill. N. T. " CattMll Maunlalas. The PFYMFRF 1 beautiflx IDC KfAiHCnC I uTAMFORD CHURCHILL HALL f "^SssEa HOTEL HAMTXTON- J CAl»kIW*» E. GRIFFITH. Mgr.. now booking at Hicks Bids.. cor. 23th st. and Broadway. New York. Tel. 47<8 Mad. B. E. CHURCHILX* M. P.. Prop- BBIABCXtrr SIAWOB. NEW YOKK. POCANTICO LODGE OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. _, . DeablaJ In capacity, generously equipped and conduct**. SE3SS?* " • CC^ h%*oE™. T'uTlL^Ca^ar* 1 " BRIARCLIFF LODGE WILL OPEN JUNE 1 FOR A SIX-MONTHS SEASON ENDING DECEMBER 1. P. B. PLUMER. Gen. Mgr. Hotel and Realty Interesta. Booking* new making for either bouse at Pj«« n «'T; Lodge BrUrellff Home Office, or New York OBle*. Windsor Arcade. »th Avenue and 4«th Street, where E. B. Cooiatock Is in dally attendance .'rcm 9:30 to !:■>. HOTEL GRAMA 1 AN, BRONXVILLE. TTEBTCHESTER CO.. N. T. OPEN ALL THE TEAR. The moat delightful health and pleasure resort near New Tork. N*w and modem; complete in every detail of seivice and equipment, refined, quiet, exclusive. 10 tnir-mes from Grand Central via Harlem Division N. T. C 10 trains dally Send for new illustrated booklet J. J. LAICNIN CO.. Props.. Bronxvllle. N. T. Also i Garden City Hotel. Garden City. L. I. Props, l Manhanset House. Shelter Island. L. I- THE ADIROXDACKS Hotel AMPERSAND Jrk AND COTTAGES OX LOnEK BABANAC LAKE. A most delightful lake and mountain r*sort. Opens Jun* 83d. r-^rfect Golf Links. Kiahina. rawing. Kathlng. Ten nU and Dancing. Superior Music. Post telsgi apE. tele phone, office. ln he tei. Booklet. G. S. MOLLTO.V Man ifw. Ampersand. N. Y. N. T. Office. 239 Fourth Avnu*. /TX7KEN bensflta. pleasure and novelty •■^^t": VV are con»iJered there is no place * 10 oompai* with th« STEVENS HOUSE. Lake Placid. Every want of the visitor is anticipated and ahix.lute enjo>ment Is assured; be sides there's i>reclal rate* for May and June Booklet upon request. . \OEO. A. STEVENS. Pale Proprietor. >^ LAKE PLACID. N. Y. ,__S Mo"rT c y"s jlVfi la th* Heart at th* AI»IKOM>A<JU*. . Two lar»* totals and cottage*, overlooking two «< « n * most beautiful lakes in the region. On* hotel Just twi" All new furniture TTnut flshtn*. boating, bathing. b«*»- Ibc. pool, tennla. orchestra, h«>use physician. san.t»r> plumbing rure spring water. No pulmonary invaltcs Moderate rate*. Reduction In Jun* ana September. Arit» tic catalogue. UOUUi^Y'S. Lake Pleasant. Hamilton to . N. Y. - A— ELEGANT LT FURNISHED APARTMENT, prl • vat* bath. SI. 50 dally- Includinß meals. two, »3S wtoUy; oat. «5. THE VAN iUKCSSELAEn. 13 E. Uth Summer Jucsoris. The ROYAL MUSKOKA HOTEL .".,'rifcn J? of Cz:::h ilsiefca La'*ts, OssSa "TieldealSffinmerßesortofAmerlca** > tAKXSefBirESrrwiTBISLSSefeUERALD Cinoclnj, Bstbls;, Fishtar, bcMtftd \?ttzr Trips, CoH nd Tunis " •Mjdi.-a tow I. mm that ■■■■iiijM<^p«^ > . raom»perfnrMdbytk*lracraiit»iMS. «ajFevirUai.a«*a *••» than a daw"* j<mma* from principal American cMh, via Jftaparn Fatta, Detrott. or Chic rx so. ilana-asipJj lllnstrated Da— rlp«l» Matter Free. Apply to F. P. Dwyer. Eastern Pass. A?'t. OR IXT> TBUSVt UAUAVAY. -J9O Broadway N«wTwlt NT _?'*!>. O J BELUGjn'I P««* A Tk?ket Aeent. CIiAXO TUL'.SK It.\II.WAV. llontr*al. Canada. SIW-TORR. ALEXANDRIA bat. K. T. THOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE STAPLES & DE WITT. Fmsrlttera, OPENS KATIRDAY. JI'XE Sard. For engagement of rooms apply to W. H. WARBIHTVN. The BrosteU. 38. J7t»» st . M. T. RED SWAN INN, WARWICK. ORANGE CO.. N. T^ Opens June 18th: only «C mtlej from tfce city: quiet. ta nned, homelike; electric lights, steam heat, private bath". elevator; our ova gardes; excellent table: &s*st COL" COURSE; beautiful drive*; dcli^ttful climate Hill si for booklet until May 23th. C. M. BARTLBTT. ear* Beit lett Inn. Lakowood. N. J. THE COLUMBIAN 1000 ISLAND TAMK, St. Lawrence River. W. T. The beat located and most attractive hotel TT""B* to« Thousand Islands; excellent cuistaw Orchestra aM all amusements. Open June 15. Booklet. I~ A. JOIIXSOX. rropzletor. GALEN HALL. H.»tel and Sanatorium. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Elegant saw hrtek buHdtac M* saar* tamorteus aa •otamodaUoas em th* coast. Half a* aara of Curairea Bate* aaa » swimming pool. Booklet. F. iTrOUNa General M*nagef. HOTTLL MORTON. Virginia Are., near Beach. Atlantic City. N J. Oaaa all th* year. Fine Table. Bultes with prlrate bath. ITaat somely refumtsned. Perfect sanitary arraagementa. Bla> vator to all flotrs. Special rate* for wlatar. Capacity. Be. MRS. N. R. HAINES, Owaer vi Pr^rietwf CMALFOME, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. AlwayaOaaa. Ob th* Beach, rirspruat Scad Car Uterarare- THB LXBOB COMPAWT. HADBON HALL. ATLANTIC CITT. K. J. ALWATS OPEN ON OCBAJt FHOSfT. Courteous Attention. Homelike Surrcundlnca, Every Comfort. Booklet and Calendar on application. LEEDS A LIPPINCOTT. HOTEL BTJDOLF. ATLANTIC CITT. NEW JEKBET. Directly en Beach. Local and lose distance telephone* In rooms. American and European plans. 440 oceaa view room*. 100 suite* with private sea water bath*. Orohea tra. Capacity 1.000. Epecial Spring rates. New Tork Bam. Town and Country Bureau. 9Ht 4th Aye., 10 A. M. to « P. M. Phone 6246 Gramercy. CHAS. R. MYBRS. Owner. HOTEL DENNIS, ATLANTIC CITT. N. J. Open all the year. Fireproof addition of 100 Rooms and baths. Hot and cold isa water in private baths. WALTER J. BTTZaY. SEASIDE HOUSE, Atlantic City. X.J. Best Location on the Ocean Front. F. E. COOK & SON. HOTEL TRATMOIIE Atlantic nu i tt i iifi l m unt city Overlooking the Ocean. Open ail taa year. TRATMOKK HOTEL CO. CBAS. O. MARQUETTB. IX a WHITS. Manager. Frsaldaat ALLENHURBT INN * AND COTTAGES. ALLENHURST. N. J. Will Open May SOtfc. 1908. i Booking Office. Town and Country. 2£» Fourth At*. Fred. A. Duenneyer. Prop. A. I* Marrt». Mar. Lat« Hotel St. Regis. ' SOMERSET INN . AXD EIGHT COTTAGES. BERNARDSVILLE. K. J. 35 mile* from New Turk, oa Loetiawaana I? R . v|a W. 23rd. Christopher or Barclay JR. Terry. Altitude SOB fasti o = .ns May i» BEN - R - WHELPS. Manager. Open* May w Telephone 7B> B*raard»vtU«. THE ALBERTSON, New Jersey. Accommodate* 1«>; »*l«ct and xt.f.nsd: references. Sand for booklet. J. m- MWaIgQW. THE ALLAIRE,, Directly on th* beach. E. M. RICHABD&ON. rEXK6TI.VA.XIA. THE KITTATINNY, UEI.AWABE WATER c.*r. pa. The Paradise cf AnMTtca. Capacity, 400. Open from May till November. 2Vi hours from New Yerk via I>ela waio i Lacka wanna R. R. wtthrut chance of cars- Auto »ra«e. Writ* for special rite» an,{ Illustrated booklet. -HARLES B. CtJFE. /^ANADEXSIS. PA.— POCOXO MOrNTAIXS. I r Where you can catch trout. THE yew 6PRUCT CAm.N inn. attractively located in J»ocono alt*., mod. improvement^: 5 in 'from Kew York. Booklet W. J. * U. D. PMCB PC. Caaadeasla. r*a Crcaco Sta.. Lacka. R. R. TIROtXXA. Virginia Hot Springs SEW YOKE Omn 3«S nrrn AYE. IVatrrs balks, liet«-I- and "■"> aewber* c^sanaA. Rhsoma'tlam. gout and nervous dinaaas cu:e.l. Oonptota h\drotherapeutlc apparatus. Japan#«e «un jarlor. jolf. ,iSmnn.f^l. Jine Uv«r> and outdoor pastimas. fS4 VfiW H*Ml^rEAT>. modern in the strictest t»a-- and ti&tronizad by th* highest claas, la unquestionably in. finest all year round resort hotel la America. Uruker*' eOc* with d!r*et X. Y. -sir*. The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway allows stop-over at Covlactoa. Vs., on through in nets •• Cincinnati Louisville, tiucago. ft. Luula ana to* A***, lor tide trip to Virginia Hot Spring* Pullman rtßii»*rim««t car. v »a Usshlrgton. >••»•* S. T. «5 V n> . arrives Fprlnss k:3O a. m. eastern Urns. tsrutaloa tickets at C * O. oOK*. 332 Hroa4«r»>. *in«ss Pcnaa R- R nd coßßsctcs lines. nUBD aTBKRT. aisaaitr. Hot aprijjp, V» CA>"Aa.\, MMW-JTE V. *• X v Citations. . ' "THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP NEW York, by til* grac* of Ood firm and tnde?ea£cst. te Isabel Helnleta. Bertha H**alel». Henrietta Saur*. I Urn Hc'cleln. August HeinMa. Ik* heir* and »*« «* Mr c.' Hans Heln'.em. deceased, tend *r«#tin«: 'Whereas Gears* Graver honrt. of th- City of 3**w Torn, has lately aa pMetl to the Surrogate* Court of oar County of Xt 1 * York, to have • certain instrument in writing. retaxtar to both r«al ami personal property, duly vrcv.d a* tbe lest win and testament of Han* Weiwlew*. la»« or th« CauatT of Mew Tar*, deeesst*. tntrttoce ye* aa4 eaahj of you in cited to appear before tii* Surrogate. «f ocr Ccinty «l Xew Tor*. •« his *»Be* la the Coast? cl Saw Tor*, en th« »th day of Jus* as* thousand al*» km* «re 4 and six. ax halt-past tea o'clock la the f»t«noea at that day. then aal there to attend the probate af «ks ■aid last will and testament. Aad suea of jmu a* art. hereby cited, as •*• aaaay ©« •7* of tweMy-ea* years, era required to appear to *«•? guardian, If you rave one. or If vriu have bob*, to a» •ear and aaaiy (or oae to fee aaantatam. or la th* event of your aeatart < r failure to do so. a guardian will ha appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act Mr ye« In the proceed tnr la testimony whereof. w» hare caused ttt« sea! it tßje arrogates Court of the seie County «4 3**w> [LSI Toek to be hereunto afltaed. Witness, Hoe. Fraak T. Kltaarerakt. • Suiropet* •># uur uU Couatgr of New Tors, at said County. ta* 23th day of April. In the rear of our Lord one thousand nine tnaadMgJ •iiate. DANIEL J. POWT>NRT. _ . _^ Oer* eT tk« ?urrcs-?t • Court. ELLIOT * 8. BIDNKY UUTH. Attorney* to* Petition* C. a* WaU Street. ?I. T. City. rpHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW Tork. by the grace of God free and tadnsagiat. «a the widow, all th* hetrs-at-law and next-of-k!n off T««mas Burgh, deceased. If any there a*, wfcos* n*i*a an* place* of residence are unknown to Jceeptv Rus'rton. the petitioner herein, asd cannot after cMsjeat inqnlo l«< ascertained by him; Jjlius M Mayer. >• Af.3rr.ey tiea •ral «f tte State of New York: TTillUm M Hoes, a* Put» lie Adalnlstratar of the County of New Tork. send erect ing: TTktrea* Je»e»h Rushton. of the City at New Torn, has lately applied to the gonoa»te'» Court nt ear County of New Tork, to feave a certain iastrusa>iu la writing, relating to both real ana personal pmperrr. duly proved. a* the last will sad trsta»ant nf Thomas Itarga. late c; the County of N«w York. Ueceased. Thetefore you and each of you are cited to appear before the (Surrogate af our County of New Tork. at ate c.-Jce la th« County eff New Tork. oa the ISth day of June, one thousand nla* buadrwt and six. at ha:;~pact tea o'clock la the. Sareaaamat that day. than and there to attend the probate of «aa «aid last will and testameat. And amch of you as as*, hereby cited, a* are und-r the age of tw»nty-«a* year*. are repaired to appear by your gnardkta. if >••« have *bbs> or If jma ha-f none, to apptar and apply tar en* to ha 17 pointed, or In the event of your scsleet or failure nit so. a enardtan will be appointed by the Surrogate t9 res> recent and act for rou In the aroceediaa la T**tlmany Whereof. We have caused the Seal af :b« ■unoawte'* Court of th* said County of tfwv York to be hereunto affixed. V.'Hr —-. Boa. ft« m.> Frank T. FttxseraM. a Omieamte of ear seM Caunry of New Torh. at aaM Coualjr. the feat day et April, ta ta* y«ar at e«r Lord eaa «asa>> •and aia* huadreJ aad si* DANIEL X SOWOIfKT. Clerk of the Surrogate* Qsil. Charles A- Ilevtoß. Attorney tor Petitioner, as isl*«ji New Terk City. ij>HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF SEW _ Terk by th* grace of Qa* fre* and tadepsadfiat. «a William Qoldea. Ann Golden, the l»etr« a* law and next at kin sad aesaaaal representatives of Martha, CbtukSta (known also •■ Martha O'Connor), deceased. Oiarlca P. Cjnftcajyl* C. **?•••• Sophia A. Tandensark. Acn!» U aiflard. IlertaaVl De 1 Loughran Annie M. Will— Mary Loughraa. Beatrice S. O'Connor. Alice Franeaa t *eg)naa. Buaaa Beatrice Levghian. Mary A. t«uahsea> Margar* i Leaghraa, Alicia Loitghraa, guardtas af the P«*o~ •< M*ry \. Loushnn and Marcaret l»ash*aa: Jahß D Cafnlan. Matilda D. Betnnacer. a« exenjtsix et the last will and Uetament of Fwdtaane BaiaaMer. aacaaeai; Janes H. Moran. as referee is *•< action In the tuuissaa Court in WestchestT County In which Beajaaata F."t*a»la to plaintiff and Charles c Ferris and other* are <!-• fen.'ar.ts; Henr;etta Vartln. tie occvpaats or the tetldlar kcown aa Jf a 232 West Sttn Street. In the BannMll * Manhattan. in the County. City and State of New Tork: Wilttact i:. Field and Mary neio fthe — in «4 the heirs at law. next or kin and personal representative ♦ et Martha Conner*, known also a* Martha, O'CBsWor. deceaaeC. aad th* aaaies of the oeeupaata «f tke i^wfiTTT anewa as Me. 233 West 24th Street, in the TTnin*sli of Manhattan, in the County. City and State of New York, beta* unitnowm. and cannot be ascertained). Tou and each of you are hereto* cited and la^utred aer aanalty to be aad appear befere our Surrogate "f the County of New Tork. at the Sumcata*a Court of asM Couaty. held at the County Court Home, In tba Count* ef New Tork. on tho first day of Jt»e. tSM. at n*lf seat tea o'clock In the forenoon of that day. thaa cad taer* to show cause why a decree should not be made fllini 11— the disposition of mo much of the real prupeity at Peter C. Loagoran. deceased, ■■ shall be. necessary to pay ' his debts and funeral e.-pense*. and why Cathsxtaa XMao*) chnuld net have rich ether relief as war he asset: an 4 each on* of you a* are hereby cited, as ere under tat) age of twenty-ooe years, are re«ulred to appear by yew? guardian tf you have one, or tt you Bare none, to ap pear and apply far one to be appointed, or in th* event at your Deflect or failure *« do a*, a award taa win bo £>• petnted by th* Surrogate to npraunt and act tor yr*ula the procaedtag. - . In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of the Barrogate's Court of the said Ce»«*r of Xew Tork to he hereunto anxed. Witness Hon. Frank T. Fltstteralj. a Burrogat* of a«r ,m . tald County, at the County of New Tork the (Seal) Cth tfay of April in the year of our Lord on* thousand nine hundred and six. DANIEL J. DOWDSET. cl * I *J? f the Surrogate's Court. J. It. Bow**. Attorney for Petitioner No 290 Broad way. Borough of Manhattan. New Tork City. N T. »J»HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP NEW Tor*, by th« grace of God. free aad Independent —Ta Josephine H. Ruasell. Eleanor Busaell Scott. JoaeaMaa Russell. Marie L. Ruwell. Cornelia H." Hughes. Henry R. Hnghea,. Albert B. Hilton. Hattl* K. Hilton. Helen Hil ton. Albert B. Hilton. Jr.. Vincent X Hntnn. Edward R. Hilton, r>oTPthy W. Hilton. Ellen V. Hilton. Edna F. Hilton. The Mercantile Trust Company, a* general g_n> dlaa of the estates of said Helen Hilton. Albert B. Hli ton, Jr.. and Vincent X HUtnn. Infanta, E. rranrts. Hye*. as general iroardlaa of the estates of said ElTen P. Hilton and Ulna F. Hilton, rnfant*. and to all persons Interested In th* estate of Henry Hllt-m. !at» ft th* County of New York. deceas«4. as creditors, ' legatee?. next of kin or otherwise, esnd greAt'.ag: Tnu and ear* nt yets are hereby cited and roqeired pernonalb' to'Be*t3<J anpeap before ear Surrcgate of the County of New Tora as th* Burrogates* Court of paH fmintv. heM at the >>nrmtr Court Honsa in th* County of New Tork. on the 12tk day of .Tune. 1908, at half-past tan »'<-loc*} In th* foreaoaa of that day. then and there to attend a Judicial settle— ment of the second scrount of ppoeee4tags of Hor»r« Rus'ell and Edward D. Harris, as executors of ant trustees under tie last will and testament of said deceased: an* such of you aa are hereby cited, aa are -indar the ac» "t twenty-Ofie. years, are required tt» appear by your guasw «tan. If you have on*, or If y»u have none. ' to appear and apply for one to be appointed, or tn tae event off your neglect or failure, to do so. a guardian will ba ap pointed by tr<* Surrogata to represent aad act for yea in the proceeding. la testimony whereof we hare cansw) the seal of ta* Aurrorates' Conrt of the said County of New ft*. 9.1 Tork to be hereunto affixed. Wttneea Res. Frank T. Fttzcerald^ a Snrrcgate of out aaM County, at the County «f New York, the Mth day of AprtL In the year of our Lord one tHousand nine h-in<sr*d and sta. DANIEL 3. DOWDJTBT. . - Clerk ot the Surrogates' Court. JAMES 8. DARCT. Attorney for Executors. 290 BsaaaV ' way. New Tork Clt». rpHB PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW Tork by the grace of Ood free and Independent. — Ta John C. PlemiT!*;. of Chl-aso. ITllpola. aad Owen F A—la, of Oileafo. Illinois. Executors named In the last will aal testaia^ct of E!!«e M. Ptaller. deeeaaed: Fu'.^r niimaij. of tn* City and County of New T*rk (an infant uader —a aa°*~of> fourteen years), an heir snd next of kin of TH— M. Feller, deceased, send greeting: Whereas Allen F. Morse, of the city of New Tork. ha* lately app!<ad •» the Surrogate's Court of our County at K*«r Vosk. •» have a certain instrument ta wrtttns; re_t_s to ta_i leal and personal property, duly proved as th* last wßt and taetament ef Ellen at Falter, late of the) County af New Tork. deceased, therefore you aad each of yea are cited to appear before th* Surrogate of ear Carroty af New Tork. at his »(!}<<• in th* Cesßst* of New Tork. ea the 28th day of May one thousand nine traadrea and atx. at half-past ten o'clock In the for»ri>-.n of that day. the* and there to attend the probate of th* said last will as£ testament. And such of you as are hereby cited, aa ava under th* age of twenty-one yean, are required to ap pear by your guardian, if you have one, or tf yon hart non«. to appear aad apply far on* to be appointed, ar la the event of your neglect or failure to do so. a guarttaa will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent aed, en for you la the proceeding In testimony wtsereof we have caused the seal of th*, Surrogate's Court nt t£e raid bounty of "st [L. 8] Tork. to be hereunto affixed, trttaesa. HoaV Frank T. Fltzgerali. a Surrogate of our sa! * County of New Tork. at sa!d eousty. the »tij day of AarU. In the year of our Lord one tji^iaao.i Bine hiiniTiaa' and six. r-ANISL J. I>QWIIS_T. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. EDWIN A. JONES. Attorney far Petitioner. JZa. 87 C*_» Street. New Tcrk. " . - rpHE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF SEW York, by the grac* of God free aad lal*rn>ilaa| (supplemaßtal cttattcn). to Jobo Schroder, th* tii*.«_<J a Ernestine Schroder, deceased. sand gr«ati=s: Wharam Ernostln« yon Munster. of th* City of New Task. — aa lately applied t» th» . ; ufrn»»t# » Court of etir Cocarr of New Tors, to have a certain Instrument ta wrtttas; relat ing to both real and personal property, duly prcred as _» last will and t*'tament of Ernestln* Schroder. _t* of th* County of New York, deceased, therefore y#u ea*) c— eh of you are etted to appear before th* Sutroa— te of oar County of New York, at his oflJr- in th* CoaMy of Mew York, on the ll th day of June, on* *^"'lt^n^| nice b— Ml rsd and sis. at half-pan ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day. then and there to attend the probate- of th* s_4 last will and tevtament And such of you as at* ■*>*>■ cited a* are under the age cf twenty-mi* years, a** so <julr^l to appear by your cuarrllas. If >*v have oce. or If you r.av* none. to appear and apply tor oa» *<■> be ap pointed or In the event of your neglect m failure to 4* so a guardian will be appointed by th« ■iismjais as ram. rcasßt and act for you In rue proceeding. la testimony — hareuf we nave rausetf rh* seal or tha BBrro«at*'B Court at th* said County of New [Zj> S.) York to be hereunto affix**. Witness. H«a Frank T. FUxgerslt). a Surraaate of car m Count:- of New Tork. at *ail Cniiaty ■•»• t*h .Jar Of April, in the year of 'our _or 3 on* thousand n\n» h';j»Jr«d and at*. r>ANTEU J. DOWr»vr:Y Cle'k of th«» San nor*?*'< Tnart RICHARD W. KILL. Attorney for Petittnsrr. '«» Nassau Street. New Tork Clry. Instruction. SYMS SCHOOL — West 4Sta Straat. New tra tidings mill a* at 48 ana 31 East Slit Str**: Tor Beth Sexes— orr. mBE BHRLITZ SCHOOL 07 LAXGCAGE3L .1. M-..'.!«cn Square < 1122 Broaa*»>i Harlem Vat:.-. Lkios A\e . X. X Corner 13Bta St. Bnoalvs 7.t Court St. Newark. Sctieu»r Ru ldtag. SCHOOLS fiPEX ALL SCMXKIt Teachers* Agencies. A'IERM »X «M> ronriCN TEACHEW fictscr »-jf>Mi-» I'r«>f««ser*. Teachers. Tutors. Gov«nes«— . a**.. a» CaU'cea. :--bool» and families. AP3>y %a Ut>. M J. Twx«vn:i.TO\. 33 i*nt-.« f—ari School Agencies. -TTELP SELECT TOUR SCHOOL-— Tti«s and troubla Xl sated, ~ ARenc... ai U. i(Hta at., l!ir.ha:«=. 13