Newspaper Page Text
ft TERRAXOFA CASE BEGUN. Jury of Family Men WM Decide Girl's Fate. With th* eelectlon of the twelfth Juryman in the ca«e of Josephine Terranova. charged with ir.urd«lnff her uncle and aunt, the trial began yc?t«rday before Juetlc* Scott In the Supreme Court John F. Gibbons, a retired handkerchief manufaef urer. Hvin* at ICo. 331 East 57th street, took the twelfth seat In the Jury box. Every member of the jury is the father of one or more daughters. Immediately after Gibbons was selected the witnesses, excepting: the experts, were sent out Of the courtroom while Assistant District Attor ney Ely made his opening address to the Jury. He said that it was a case which would try their strength and appeal to their sentiment, but that sentiment and sympathy have no place in a court of justice. He described In detail the alleged commission of the crime and the acts which led up to it. r>r. Thomas Curt in. coroner's physician at the time the crime was committed, testified to the autopsy and the character of the wound that ca.uwd the death of the aunt. John Rlsgio. a cousin of Gaetano Ri£glo. the uncle, testified that he was present at Fordham Hospital after the autopsy and saw the body of the aunt. He was followed by I>omink» Clcdo, who was a driver for the tmele when he was killed. Cicdo said he was working over the accounts of Riggrlo when the girl came into the house. She went upptair.« to the room where her aunt was. Clccio heard cries for help, and said he ran into the room and found Josephine pointing a revolver at her aunt. m In the struegle to get the revolver away from the girl Ciccio said It was discharged twice, Josephine then ran out of the room and down stairs to the street. The uncle fell to the floor with a wound over his heart, said the witness. Allen C. Brown, a draftsman, produced a drawing of the room where the crime was com mitted. Giovanni Cuccio. another of Reggio's employes, identified a revolver as the one that lie had seen in the room. This closed the exam- Vat ion for the day. APPEALS TO THE PRESIDENT. Dr. Charles L. Morehouse. of Xo. 328 West 3<Hh strwt. or.o of thf> pioneer oil men of this countrj'. hap written a letter to President Roosevelt asking Jiim to fr.rre John D. Rockefeller to pay for the use of patents and the use of his oil for many He bogs the President to confiscate the Standard Oi! works. Dr. Morehouse's letter covers fifteen closely written page*. In an interview yes terday he mads the following statement: In writtas to the President I did so after appeal \voi:k WAXtsa ■ate. PH.NO or MUSIC TRADE.— By practical m^" from Kng!an<:. twenty-eignt years ota a-rs^ and cnurcn or- PUNTING. varnishing, polishing, enamel ine•estimates (riven on Inside and out «i£ e «ork of all kinds; all yd«prompgr attended to; high class work. DOLGLAi. 7£'J Lexington aye. PORTER &c— Honest, respectable young man as porter or elevator runner, or to be lisefu; in doctor's offioe. Please call H. H.. 4;. Columbus aye. West 23d st- RESPONSIBLE MAN. with horse and ex rrVrs wagon, v. : shea contract with firm. ■weekly or monthly. KX)LZE. — West 29i h it. b TENOGFAPHE» ar.d TYPEWRITER.— ,-v^Ji penman; salary ieasoM.ble; two ve^T. ', no agencies need answer. A ICK'e: 531 East 93d ft. SUPERINTENDENT or FOREMAN on building "or contracting -work; ten years' experience headline men and accounts. Box 27. 1515 3d aye. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER ..|« hM employment evenings and Sun days manuscripts, deeds, wills, epeclfica fon-' S* copied and returned promptly; Smkble! HENRY GIBBS, fc* Willow at. Brooklyn. , SALESMAN.— Young man in ho_sefurnlsh- crockery store, as salesman; experi enced: good reference. J. FOESTADT. 24 Ei:-: 11th Et. SALESMAN By young .man, tt\^"Sl tioot well recomraendad; city trade; ho siery. oreet*. underwear or any legitimate rropositlon: a trial will prove my aW my end reliablJUi'. Address A. H- I*. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broadway. STENOGRAPHER.— Typewriter, clerk; col ored man; references; experienced. C. i. WHITE. 349 West 63d St. ■WOODWORKING— Young man; age 18; learn the •woodworking trade. Address G. 8.. 4ftsß Macdonough St.. Brooklyn. ■WATCHMAN.— By young man. SO as spe cial officer, night watchman or driver. C. BERGHUFER. 4^6 fcth «t- "WATCH MAX. —By middle aged, sober, in dustrious man; night or day: rxcellent references. MARCUS FISCHER. 521 Hast fc2d st. WATCHMAN. — German-AtrK'rlcen^ mar rle<l: sober, honest; caretaker; handy with tools, good reference, E. S., 66 Fulton 6t_, Astoria. L. I WATCHMAN or CARETTAKER— By mid dle age 4 , man; reference*. A<i<ir<>ss H. WEJ CHERT, 402 East 32.1 it , top floor. •WITH BOOKMAKER at racetrack. sheet writing or anything. Address W. SEA- J£AN, i hl< beater aye. and Oak ;•> , Morris Ttrk. Long land. YOUNG MAX. understanding automobiles. horteE. carriages, painting, pipefltting, «■• . on gentleman* estate, or at anything; reference. O'KEEFE. 71 Columbia et., Brooklyn. 3TOUNG MAN.- -Age. 20; exr<?ienced In grocery business: eJ-iort ir»; city or countrj'. WiLLIAM THIEMEIi. 11C2 let TOUSG MAN. 22; Jewish; strong; any kind of work; good reference. Address BBRKO TVITZ. car-- Levy. 245 Rivington st. | TOCXO MAN.— Ag« 19; office experience; change of advancement. YOUNG MAN, , Box 32. Tribune Offlre. YOUNG MAN. 18, v.lshes place; city or country. F. 7.JNKE. care of Stone, k< j »a «v<>. YOUNG MAN. married, graduate mechan ical draftsman, wishes place with chance for advannr-ment; slight experience in sheot m*taJ drafting; waifs $12. CHARLES BRECHT. 161 Palieade aye.. Jersey City. YOUNO MAS*. 20. In office; educated; thor oughly understands Engli«.h, French and Oermai references. Ii HIRSOHN. 21 West ll?.th rt. YOUNG MAN. 18; good education; work at anything chance for advancement. LEONARD VITTI. 41 Grand *t. I'OUNO MAN, 21: work at anything r*a for.a with chance for advancement. ANDREW CHRISTIAN, 117 Utica aye. T: --ulyr. TOUNG MAN desires to learn the electrical business, wiring preferred. C H. CORE, 420 H'iklmer *t.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. — Porter, oftVe or wholesale house. E. LAUER. 3d St., Wooihavcn. TOUKG MAN. 38; position where he 'An e/Jva:.^«- hlm»"l* arid l«irn trade, carpen ter or r--:- : ':-e piefsrred. HENRY YHEBSS. iSO3 3d aye YOL'NG MAN, having worked eight years In rton broker's office, desires position with ia.rrMy In country; outdoor work- ex cellent reference. HAVES. 400 W. 64th ft.. YOCN<i MAN. 24: reference: place 1 -1, ,. fal l ■W«: •!"» ttcre fs a«svan^cment K. W. O\VES. f&o Bth tve. TOKsd .van. a. w.-nld ::ke t.,"i^ r^r"ni« electrical trade. WICKENDEN. 12&7 Clay »^t., Bronx. TOUXO MAN wou'.o Jike clerical work at ham* evenings. A4Are.« H. J. c, . West field N. J. YOUNG MAX. 19. at anything: neat «r peantn.-.-. living with parent.-, referent riven: roolr ool reputfltlon. KENRY KAHN. lil East Broadway. Vcaatsa. CLERK — Refined, «ntelllfr»r.t. nice appear ing, light color« 3. Southern woman, as office dtrk; or any (ratty position; p« : isona: retareoess. g. w.. 331 Wkt 271h •«.. csr« of Johnson. CAFHrER— Jsa> : five year* *-xr>erl- CHAPEROV. OOICPAKION rjOVERVEsi" - By North German. Bovui English and French. «J* > mu*lc: best reference* Ad- E^Lflw'' T. Trlt ' ljn * Uptown > iff., 13t*» CHAPEHONE. Sfrr»'»ry. ftur^er-.taln:: houße .t-,f- by cultivated sromaa "rl'h #. x _ peil«r.<-»; wi:wit.: to fill «njr tru«t -.vertb * jHM«!t«.i>:! fn r»i'n*l •'urroun'liriet-. it--' ■ i..* «X'.h*nr«s. Ao'-re** H. B. A , Trlbur;* Ud »»a 03.6, 12C4 Bna4v«f> ing to John D. Rockefeller to make restitution for having crushed me and driven me out of business, besides chesting me and using my patents, which have helped to make him one of the richest men In the world, as well as the most despised. WILL OF JOHN DALY FILED. Estate, Valued at More Than $20,000, Left to Relatives and Servants. The will of John Daly, who died at his home. No. 12 East 64th street. April 26. was filed in the Surrogate's office for probate yesterday afternoon. It is darpd September 15, 1905. and while the peti tion states that tha value of the real and personal property is more than $20,000 the will bequeaths much more, which is divided among the nieces and nephews of the testator and old family servants. To his cousin. Patrick Daly, of Troy. N. V., the testator leaves $2,000. and to Annie O'Connor and Catherine O'Connor Burke, of the same city. $2,000 each. Mary Davis, another niece, living In New York City, receives the same amount, while Jo hanna Mulbrandon. a niece living In Memphis, receives $1,000. To Caroline O'Connor, widow of the testator's nephew. James O'Connor. $50,000 is bequeathed. The following family servants are remembered: Nervell O. Newman. $2,000: John Williams. $2,000: Annie Williams. $1,000; Mary pinckett, $500; Fanny Grigsby, $1,000, and Louis Nicholas, $250. The residue, in equal shares, is left to Michael J. and John O'Connor, who are appointed execu tors. James A. and Richard Lynch, of No. 99 Nassau street, are attorneys for the executors, and they filed the will. THE IRON TRADE. Cleveland, May 16.— "The Iron Trade Review" will say to-morrow: The very great prosperity of the railroads, so closely connected with that of the iron and steel business, has been reflected for many months in unprecedentedly heavy purchases of rails, and that this liberal policy of buying- is not to be abandoned is clearly shown by the heavy orders already placed and others pending. It is estimated that 1,000,000 tons of steel rails for 1907 delivery have been under negotiation, and that fully one-half of this tonnage has been placed. The Illinois Steel Company, which has already been patronized liberally by Western railroads. t?HI probably book orders for 1907 considerably in excess of its present capacity, with the expectation that the new mill at Gary. Ind.. will be completed in time to assist in filling orders. The strike of moulders in a number of leading manufacturing centres has had a depressing effect on foundry grades of pig iron, and causes a. ten dency toward weakness in some places, especially in the Chicago district, where southern iron ha* been bought from 25 to 50 cents a ton lower than recent quotations. Ohio furnaces have shown con siderable eagerness for business. The very htjrh price of tin is expected to have ef fect on the tin plate market. Tin, has this week reached the highest quotation on record. The demand for structural material shows some diminution: mills are very busy on old orders. The San Francisco demand has not been heard from to any appreciable extent. WORK WANTED. Female. COMPANION. For summer months; by young lady teacher; as companion or teacher for small children; best' references. Miss BESSIE HANKIXS. Wallacfeton. \a. COMPANION. &c. — At Seabrlght. N. J . for Eummer; middle aged, refined, intelligent person; In respectable family; as companion or nurse to child or adult; best reference; wages $20 per month. Address M. L. C Elliott Place, East Orange. N. J^ I COMPANION.— WeII bred young woman; alone; as companion; give sen-ices In re turn for home; references. Address D.. Mill Neck. L. I. GOVERNESS. «c. — Highly recommended English lady as governess, secretary, com panion, for summer months; travelled ex tensively in Europe. Egypt; speaks several languages. VERNE. 14 West 101 st st. GOVERNESS. English, expert, prepares boys and girls for school; Continental French and German. Latin music. English branches; highly recommended; good salary. M. E.. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 B'way. PLAIN SEWER and MENDER.— By middle aged woman; city or country. A. M., care Runkel. 214 West 25th at. PRIVATE SECRETARY.— stenog rapher; eight years" experience; capable of handling correspondence personally ; sal ary <l&-$au. 8. W.. Apartment 3. 510 West 124 th st. STENOGRAPHER.— Any machine: quali fied; over five years' experience; refer ences character, ability; salary arranged accordingly; trial. $3 per day. Address B. 8., Box 110. Tribune Office. STENOGRAPHER— ; office as sistant: experienced; permanent; operates Remington. Smith, Oliver; commercial work; references. CANDY STORE, 8870 3d aye. STENOGRAPHER.— WiIIing; beginner; age. 16; salary $5. R. B . 809 Cauldwell aye., Bronx. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.— Good penman: salary reasonable; two years' experience: no agencies need answer. A. ICKE. 331 East »3d St. STENOGRAPHER-TYPEWRITER, expert; nine years' experience mercantile, rail road. Insurance: Hammond. Remington; 15 weekly. MISS COOMBS. 135 East 103 d St. STENOGRAPHER or SECRETARY— New Englar.der; seeks employer appreci ating ability and reliability; salary accord ing to hours, based on quality and quantity Of work. Address BUTLER. Box 120. Trib une. Uptown Office, 1304 Broadway. STENOGRAPHER —By young lady gradu ate, 17, bright beginner, Remington or Underwood operator; $6. G. GRIMES 123 Hull St.. Brooklyn. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR.— Four years' experience, also office work. A. B 1404 Washington a>e., Bronx. TEACHER as governess or companion for summer months: English. French, music Address Miss LEY. 19 Webster Plate, ' Orange, N. J. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Mala. A COUPLE, with good experience In hotel and restaurant, wish to manage a road house or country club. Address M 8 X . Tribune Uptown Office. 1304 Broadway] ATTENDANT. COMPANION, to an ln valld; experienced, educated, gentlemanly; accustomed to travel; New Yum references. GRAHAM. ♦» Lexington aye. BUTLER or —Experienced Japan ese war.;, situation May 15 In private far:.,!;. . city or country; good refeiencee. KIGI MATbU. 5«1 Franklin St.. Buffalo. CHEF— By man; 25 years 1 experience In r-CTh American and Europoau houses; pri- I vate family or club preferred. Address S. R.. Tribune l - ptown Office. 1364 Broadway. CHEF.— German; trained In royal kitchen; i^rtg experience In aristocratic families. clubs and hotels; careful, economical man ager; best references. KLINKJCH,. 106 11th St.. Hobok< n. N. J. CAHETAKEP..— By coupie; reliable. tru« worthy; »i»h high clats furnished house to care for during summer : unquestionable references. A. J. C. Tribune Uptown Of- Bee. 1304 Broadway. COACHMAN and GARDENER— Very neat and tidy Swede; smooth taced; good ap pearanc*; strictly cober; understand!* care nna horses, etc.; very beat reference. CHARLES, cars Carpenter's Bureau. 1&4 6th aye. COACHMAN— Married, no children; night yeaik' cxc*lier.t. references: understands care of fine hor?fs: age. 28; experienced with road aril trotting horses; willing ar.<l obliging. M J.. Carx>enter"B Bureau. 154 *.'i!i aye COACHMAN.— twer.ty-elght years 1 experience; city or country; riding, driv ing; *ob*r. obliging; best references DRIVER. Casino Stables. 123 West 88th Bt.; telephone, 10ft Riverside. COACHMAN. — By colored man; married; iljm class personal reference; city or country JENKINS. 478 "th aye. COACHMAN —Single; elderly; first class groom; careful city and country driver; scber. willing, obliging: care lawn; g«n trally useful; personal reference*. COACH MAN. 6«1 Henry st . Brooklyn. COACHMAN. — Married; seventeen years' reference; care fine horses, carriages; city or country; employer can be aeen. PIERCE. 153 East S2d »t. COACHMAN.— understands city drtvtng and care of horses; city or coun- VJ : ?l\ clfy rtierence BEKKKLEY, 832 \Veat tsVI »> <v M. C A.). COACHMAN or GROOM— take care tail n »t? J " 1 ** Ui «*«»: g'^'i references; WO 8.. Miss Shea's Bureau. 8 East 42d st. ~ ei Jf, ltl '' 83: «=W«rler,ced city r-flii "d<r: dlwngSKert i«v-,n ; i*r«..nsl ref^r*T.<* as to honesty, sobriety ohlt-lmc anywhere; $40 and tiard. COACH M AN ' Casino stables. 123 West si,, h «t. A "™ °?^ H . J .f»? ■r- S >T <l^*!*'* •"•"."SaTrt.T; west from laet employer r» garclr.g honesty, sobriety •■amhin'tv £A_MK r XT East 40th St.! prUate stXwi 5 COALMAN -MarrlH; many yean beat reftrt-nccs from last nUre: not afraid of «""*; go anywhere, a/xi East 33d «" tx itS MA : ~ 1 " ;r " ehu * """V driver: good i. rl . <ler: , 1 " ar "" 1 « a '< *■"«;>" 180 pounds; test written an.l persoatj references di et , uctrr. CAMFumLI^ CIS <£&•: :.;'") s; KEW-YOKK DAILY TRIBUNE. THT'RSDAY. 3.7.; MMx T i:\VKSRUBY ON STAND. Says Wife Returned Bonds He Gave Her— lndictment Amended. When the trial of Lewis G. Tewksbury for the larceny of bonds valued at JIO.OOO from his for mer wife. Mrs., Mary Mills Grunhutt. was re sumed yesterday. Recorder Goff held a long con versation with counsel, and asked that the In dictment be amended to show that at the time of the alleged larceny the complainant was the wife of the defendant. He made this request, he said, because "the people are without remedy if the court should sustain the defendant's conten tion that a husband cannot steal from his wife." Counsel of both sides agreed to have the In dictment amended as requested." and then Tewksbury went on the witness stand in his own defence. He testified that in ten years he had made $1,500,000 in the brokerage business; that he first met Mrs. Grunhutt in Central Park when he was hurt in a runaway accident: that before his marriage to the complainant he had given her $25,000 in cash. Jewelry valued at $25. 000 and more than $100,000 worth of government bonds. He said that he asked Mrs. Grunhutt for the bonds on January 17, 1900, and that she sent them to him on the following day. The witness could not remember the numbers on the bonds. He then told of his failure, his trip to Mexico, thence to London, and finally of his marriage to a Miss Violet Butler in 1904. Assistant District Attorney Garvan submitted the witness to a gruelling cross-examination. Tewksbury testified that he had no record of the purchase of the bonds; that he did not run a bucket shop; that he did not know anything about bookkeeping, as he left that to his book keeper, and that he did not know where his bookkeeper was at present. He said that he was known in Paris as "Lewis Green." Mrs. Grunhutt was recalled to the stand, and denied the truth of much of her former hus band's testimony. Mr. Mclntyre. counsel for the defendant, in summing up said that the prose cution was the result of the hatred of a woman, and quoted "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." An adjournment was taken until this morning. WILL NOT BE PANAMA CHIEF OF POLICE. A De Forest wireless message from the steam ship Orinoco of the Royal Mall Steam Packet Company, which is to dock this morning, states that among the one hundred and sixty passengers from Colon and West Indian ports are G. W. Ji menez and family. Jimenez is the policeman who went to Panama to be chief of police some seven months ago. He found, when he got there, he says. that no authority was given him. and so he is com ing back to resume his place as a patrolman here. The Orinoco had a rough trip until Tuesday. but on Tuesday night the weather was so fine a dance was held on deck. DOMESTIC RITCATIOXS WANTED. Halo. COACHMAN.— driver; expert in care of horses and harness; sober, honest and industrious. Present employer. 77 East 66th st. __________ COACHMAN. SingIe; very good driver; good rider; expert in care of fine horses; private; good reference*. ANDREW. 176tt 2d aye.. care L&eblen. COACHMAN. — Single; first class man; thoroughly experienced In the care or fine horses, carriages aid harness; several years' highest references; city or country. P. D.. 205 Eas| 26th st. COACHMAN. — By young man; understands care fine horse*, carriages; honest, sober; careful driver; good reference, J. L.. Trib una Uptown Office, 1364 Broadway. COACHMAN. — Married, no children; best of references. T. W. H.. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broadway. COACHMAN.— EngIish, married, one child; understands care fine horses, carriages. harness; 5 years' first claps reference; un derstands taking care of lawns and drives; willing, obliging, trustworthy; country pre ferred. F. R.. Box 203, Tuckahoe, N. Y. COACHMAN. — Competent groom; English man. 82; medium stze; neat appearance; nice driver, rider; trained family servant; thoroughly understands all branches busi ness; hunters, roadsters, polo stock; strict ly temperate; willing, obliging; private family; city, country; will go anywhere; personal and written recommendations; \va*es reasonable. Address COACHMAN, Box 40. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broad way. | COACHMAN.— childless; country preferred thoroughly understands all du ties; splendid personal references; temper ate willing, respectful: moderate expecta ttPiis. FLAHERTY, 022 3d aye ; COACHMAN to private family, by compe tent young man; nine years' experience; ten months in garage, driving and repair ing gasolene cars of foreign and domestic styles; will furnish license and references to any one. wishing such service. « ILL ING. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broad way. COACHMAN.— Single: English: thoroughly competent; city or country; best city ref erences. W. C. 481 Park aye. COACHMAN — young man. SO: city ref erences: last employer can be seen. JAMBS M'CAFFREY. IS West 60th st. COACHMAN. — Thoroughly understands the business; strictly sober, honest and indus trious; careful driver; befit references; country preferred. A. M . 642 Pth aye. COOK— Colored: competent manager; four years' reference; take entire charge kitchen. SHEA. 8 East 42d st. FARMER. — Fore— an: American: can work and manage: married, three children, 6 to 10 year.*; practical farmer in every branch, stock, etc.; also plain gardener; wife attend poultry, board men. etc. ; long references. £>.. Carpenter's Bureau. 154 6th aye. FARMER — — Man and wife, colored, wish situation:, country or city; wife a first class cook; man thoroughly understands care of horses and cows, or butler work; willing and obliging; can furnish go.-d ref erence. Address D. J. ADAMS. MlUneck. Long I eland. FARMHAND — temperate, on farm, garden or private place; has little experi ence; willing to learn; reference from pri vate place A B. Cornwall Landing, Orange County, N. Y. GARDENER— UsefuI, middle aged, single. German; good horseman; understands gar dening and milking. CARLES RODE. 4fi2 Pearl St.. Brooklyn. GARDENER. — By sober, trustworthy, prac tical man: thoroughly experienced in the line of his duties: best references; small family; age 40. Address ENGLISH, Box 82, Irvlr.gton-on-Hudson, N. Y. GENERAL HOUSEWORK.— well edu cated, ambitious Japanese student ; private family; country or summer house. W. NYORAI. «4 Gist 133 dst JAPANESE dfslrfts full chargo of bachelor apartment; —any good references. OS CAR. 64 East 133 d st. JANITOR. —Experienced. reliable couple, no children, would take care of one house; no basement. J. MARA, 23f> West 10th st. JANITOR— Man and wife, two children, aged six and eight. ■ janltorship of mid water fiathojse; no basement; do small re pairs. Mrs. HURLEY. 483 West 40th st. JANITOR. —By German couple; man handy with tools. KROBEL. 222 E-mt 27th at. JANITOR — Colored: married man; In club house; good reference. Call or address B. H. LBE. 324 West B3d si*. JANITOR. — By man and wife (colored) 236 West 13« th at.. 21 flat. oast. USEFUL MAN around a place; can drive; honest, sober, willing and obliging; «an give personal references, will «■"■ very rea sonable; country preferred A.. i:o\ S3, Tribune Office. t^EFUIi MAN— Middle aged: general housework; hotel, private house: thor oughly understands business; rity 01 coun try. JOHN WILLIAMS. 441 West 62d st USEFUL max — Colored, in country; gen erally useful around the house; sober and lntelllsent; reference. Address W. T EN GRAM. 10 St. V.SEFVL MAN.— Middle acefl; city or ixnin try; hous^, (table, garden, shop, giore; handy with tools; leferences. W. T. 7 Exrhanee Placw, Jersey Cl«y. USEa!*UL MAN. —Hy young man, steady situation: good reference*. Address T. N 207 East 33d St., care Mrs. rirady. VALET. ATTENDANT to Invalid: ecpwi enced, educated, K<>n' ; ar^ to travel: New York references. <jFIAHAM 00 Lexington av> VALET.— To some rich man; finest refer eßQg P. O. Box g», E>g"x, corn Festal* CARETAKER— German widow; with three Krmvn children; honest and reliable best rerereneeti: ,-ity or country. HAAS, 300 West 117 th st. CARETAKER or JAN ITU ESS- German couple for cold water flathouse or private nous*-, no children; best ruferencea. 1.V5 East With it., ground floor. COOK. fee WAITER. 4c -Young couple; woman, houseworker. good cook, can (woman, hcwiseworker. good generally bake. e»o»llent Uur.dres.s. man. K*nera!ly useful. mide^jtanrin cows, horses, can »alt on table. lIuKJIOWS BUREAU, 721 Ltk lngton aye. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Situations Wanted — Male and Female- Four lines (not exceeding 24 words), three Insertions, IS cents, seven Insertions. 30 cents. Exceeding 24 words and less than 40 words, three insertions, 30 cents; seven in sertions. 60 cents. I Female. COOK. — Protestant: will assist Ironing; good baker; reliable, competent woman; excellent references; country preferred. A. A.. Mrs. Collier's Agency. 122 West 23d st. COOK, — By colored woman, with pri vate family going to the country; good cook, laundress; city reference. A. P. KIN NIE. 440 West 43th St.. Whlttaker's bell. COOK. — Colored; competent manager: four years' reference: take entire charge kitchen. SHEA. 8 East 424 st. COOK. — Neat young German-American girl; competent cook: good baker; has friend chambermaid, waitress or nurse; no objection to country; private or public. MORROW'S BUREAU. 721 Lexington aye. COOK. Thoroughly competent; personal references; wages $45-$5 O. X.. 53 East 128 th st. COOK. — Good cook in private family; do plain washing If necessary; city or coun try; good city references. 134 West 19th St.. two flights, front. COOK.— First class; understands her busi ness thoroughly, from soups to desserts; an excellent housekeeper; city or country; not less than $50 a month; has very best reference from leading families. Call SWEDISH EXCHANGE. 453 Lexington aye.. or Tel. 4*5 — 38th st. — Active, middle aged, Scotch Prot estant woman; cook, laundress, house work or useful servant; country. 214 West 27th st. (second floor). COOK. — Young woman; good plain cook; small private family; ccurtry preferred; wages. $25. A. C.. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broadway. " COOK— Lad y closlnff house would like to secure good position for her cook, whom she can recotiroend highly. Call 313 West 74th St.. between 9 and 11 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. m. COOK— CHAMBERMAID. 4c— Two South ern colored women: Jus? arrived; willing to work together or separate; cook and laundress, chambermaid or waitress, or gen eral housewoik. Call 73 Fleet st., Brook lyn. 'Phone 4206 J — Mala COOK. — Protestant; for unall hotel or in stitution; excellent manager; will take temporary position; best of references. F. M.. Mrs Collier's Agency. 122 West i'3d St. , CHAMBERMAIID and laundress, or cook and laundress, neat, competent young woman; good references; country preferred. M. B. Mr? Collier's Agency. 122 W. s.'.d st. CHAMBERMAID— Do plain sewing or as sist in dining room; excellent city refei enccs. AdUreaß MiS3 DILLON. 18S East 73d st CHAMBERMAID.— By neat young Irish Cathollo girl; nurse; good chambermaid; can saw; has brother useful, plain gardener, willing, obliging; city or country MOR ROWS BUREAU, 721 Lexington' av<\ CHAMBERMAID— useful maid; re spectable woman; tak* care of growing children; reference; no cards; country pre ferred. 857 Sth aye. (Qulnn btlb. ' CHAMBERMAID— Scotch TrotfEtant; ex cellent references; good seamstress; would assist In dining room. E. M.. Miss Fitz gerald's Bureau. f>o3 Sth aye.. cor 4-i st. COUPLE. — Daughter, 10; eire of private residence for sumjner; honest ar.i reli able; references. M.. Tribune Uptown Of fice. 1364 Broadway. DAY'S WORK — Respectable woman: wash- Ing. Ironing or house cleaning; washing to take home Call or write Mrs M JACK SON, 717 A Gates aye.. Brooklyn GlßL.— Colored; are. 23. In doctor's office. Address S. M.. care Johnson 3C Wallace St., Orango, N. J. HOUSEWORK Colored girl to do general housework In apartment ■ s!>vn in Call 2H» West 40th St. HOUSEKEEPER.- Cnretaker; trustworthy. reliable person; experienced; well recom n:fnded. Address J. E., .">7.' Lexington aye (fifth bell). 6 HOUSEKEEPER. — Kljtht y.wa' esperTl enco. private house nnii hot*!; thorough caterer, .-nark*-'.-! chopper; successful man ■ agtr servants; understands private corre spondence, bookkeeping; educated, refined ndaptabl»; 35 years olJ; highest city refer ences; moderate salary. M.. The Hopkins Educational Bureau. 1 Union Square. HOUSEBKEEPER.— Experienced, capable, managing housekeeper; cultured, refined young woman: Fren h. apes English fluently, take entirf charge of large houFf hold; recommendittonH. «; . 828 V.'. IM'i st. HOUSEKEEPER, --"\oiin? Jewish .• oman with 12 •••ir old boy wishes good position an housekeeper; win i .■ disengaged May '» best references. Mr; ROSEN, care H. Rol man. 12 East S7th St. HOUSEWORK.— By woman to do li?ht housework, or neKlut with children; ref erences, 128 West l!>th ct., two flights HOUSEWORK on* or two. days a. week; young woman Mrs. 1, HOFF MANN. lt?l>l De Kalb aye.. Brooklyn, INFANTS NURRB.— By exr*rl»r.oed Ene llsh Protestant woman; take entire charge; bring up on bottle; city, country; bent references; wages J25 to $30. -j.:; West 37th St. JANITRES3. — Young Grornun A-, woman, good references. Mrs. WERNES BACH. «18 East 17iii «f. LADY'S MAID Ey competent German epeaklrg German. French vi. 1 Enifllah; good hairdresser, packer, traveller, ««am stre»». manlcur*; .vlient refer«nc*!i' j:il M W.. Miss Flt:Geralds Bureau. SOI OUi o\,- . corner 42d et. LADY'S MAID. aeamstres*, (lre«smakTne^ cutting and fitting; 3 years' references from last p!n-». city "i country. ■•■•> East 44th st . care Knight. LADY'S MAIL -By competent w^rnan" g'.od seam»tre;s. packer, hairdressrr' seven yearn' reference last employe" n' » . Mlsn FUzGeralJ's !!un-au. 6fi3 sth' aye ' corner 42*1 st. MOTHER'S HKI.PEn.-By Enrllah wom an; excellent .-nmHtre»s and experienced in the care of children; refined horn" 'n country of more consideration than salar>" £• f^r' < 5t,?5 t ,?: raM ' nurgau - *<* -^ NURSE- North Oerman girl; speaks Fnir wllllnß, cb.lring; rlty or country won iO2v-'ri-L! lEAl; - 7a U«U«toa a,e . Tel. DKY <.'><>!>* t —^ y—^_ R. H. Macy * Co.'a Attractlona Ala tMr Lew rrtee». 4li H/ V-A\ B*way at «lh Ay. C 2? 34th to 3sth St Art Wares Salon. Third Floor. I $50,000 Worth of the Finest Art Pottery and Bric-a-Brac in a special sale this week 25% Redaction. Adjoining this third floor Art Wares Display — the Display of Oriental Rngs and Carpets — largest collection ever shown at Macy's. In Every Detail of Summer Home Furnishing We Offer UNSURPASSED FACILITIES. If your plans involve a large expenditure, have our CONTRACT DEPART MENT submit ESTI MATES. Women's Tailored Hats at $3.96 Instead of $5.00. First Floor. Made of Pyroxoline braid, in black, brown, gray, cardi nal, reseda, green and plum : trimmed with a shirring of chiffon and a natural quill. la the Balcony Millinery Room we are showing an exceptionally attractive line of Ready-to-wear Hats, at prices ranging from $3.49 to $11.74. SMstainiinig Interest am tlhe Sale Of Undermiasliins and Kindred Limes of White Goods, As long as Sale stocks last, you have the best possible reasons for buying: Thoroughly well mido garments good as the most critical home-sewer could produce and vastly cheaper. With the Undermuslins— of lawn, batiste and silk; Petticoats, Kimonos, Corsets and apparel for infants and children. A great and good opportunity, rightly estimated, as record selling indicates: Undermuslins on three floors — floor, first floor, and In the basement. Drawers !9c to $24.95 Walking Skirts 39c to $7T;H Underskirts 39c to $11.44 Cfcemises 24c to $24.96 Corset Covers 15c to $8.96 NigHt Gowis 39c to $26.49 THREE-GARMENT SETS OF UNDERWEAR, $3.96. ' -neck Gown. Skirt-length Chemise and Umbrella Drawers — made of nainsook, prettily trimmed with Val. lace insertion and edg ing, embroidery beading with satin ribbons drawn through; further trimmed with dainty ribbon bows. Heavy Taffeta Silk Petticoats, $5.89. Second Floor. Made with deep umbrella flounce, finished with extra flounce, various rows of shirring and rose niching, extra silk dust ruffle. BLACK PERC ALINE TETTICOATS. with circular flounce. 59c. tilWiKrk" rV»«"c*»4-e made of fine white batiste: low bust, deep J\dDU WJracts h ip S ; garters attached front and sides; Q rustproof ; sizes 18 to 26 ; made to sell at $1.00 ; sale price €>vC Marked Reductions m High Class Dress Fabrics. First Floor. l> n II M PORTED Silk-and-Wool and All Silk Fabrics— from French looms. At the new low prices the values are truly extraordinary. l^g^l All Silk Voile, Marquisette, Shadow Check and JacquarS Eolienae, Embroidered Voile, Satin Panne ail Fancy Effects— in all desirable colors and designs ; 44 to 46 inches wide. In Addition: 2,000 Yards Imported Black Chiffon ) Voile 44 inches wide. \<US^* OCRAN "TKAMBKS. CAGQAiSiIA'iS PACIFBC «"V for^n IP C»!aa a a\a ll M s£. Islands: • . »«»• . Monteagle June * Empress of Japan June 11 R M S Tartar June .3 Empress of China July 2 of Indta J«J> £ r. M, S. Athenian.. July 3<> For Fiji Hawaiian Islands. Australia and New Zealand. Mah»no May 25|Mlowera June 2a Fcr rates, ami Information apply to 281 Sth aye -45S and 1 Broadway. "LA VELOCE." -Fast Ital'.an Line. FOR NAPLES AND GENOA. Cltta dl Torino. Mai- 31 Citta rll Napoli. Juno 13: Cltta .11 mm n '.'.■■•xi'-. raiHng> July 3 Cabin. up Dint" Saloon on Promenade Deck. BOLOG - NFSI" HARTFIELD A: CO- -■» Wall St. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTU*. Female. MAin and SEAMSTRESS— German Trot estunt; con cut and fit; very n^<it . best references: city or country- Mrs. COL LIER'H AOBNCT. 122 West 28d at. NURSE.— Flryt class; reflned North Ger man; speaks French, takes full charge children from - years up. ttst references. FRAULEIN, 237 West 24th St. NIJRSE.— English Protestant as nurse or maid to growing children; neat, capable and refined, excellent references; city or country J. C. Mrs. Collier's Agency. 122 West 23d si. Nl'Ri-El -Infant*. experienced; Protestant, Ainericaii, unrt«rstar»U 'bottle feeding; r:ty references. HILL.ERY, >*> E. llf»ih st. NURSE. -Trained. highly recommended; take care of patient on trip to Europe. Address R. N.. Trtlmr.e Uptown Office. 1304 Brcadway. NURSE.— Graduate trained nurse, or will act as malt] and companion for summer references. Y. N. Box 8. Tribune omcc. SEAMSTRESS. colored. In families; good references: $1 23 per day. Write. 43 Fleet Place. Brooklyn. • WAITRESS.— PIace In country. ,an carve: btM references. JUBSILA BUREAU.. «SO Lexington aye. ■ .-. .-•. -• t WASIIINa -Colored woman; take In wash tag iii.a Ironing. JLVUV HOTT. 3^-' West •Tin »U «.oon<s Electrical Goods In New Quarters. Basement. All sorts of Electrical Goods h§ve been rounded up In the basement and given a special sec tion — about twice as mnch space as we have devoted to such sup plies heretofore. The display, marking the open ing of this enlarged department. is most interesting. Prominent are the Electrical Cooking and Heating Devices. Th«e are ready for use in any house or apartment where elec tric lighting current is available. Merely detach an incandescent globe and attach plug of feed cord— no smoke, no excess heat, no worry : — Electric Irons, with six feet of cord and plug, $4.29, $4.69, $5.64, $7.22. Electric Stoves, with s»lx feet of cord and plug. $3.74, $4.69, $5.91 ands7.Ol. Electric Food Heaters. $4.69, $5.96, $6.19, $6.36 and $6.59. Electric Tea Kettles, nickel plated. $7.42, $8.24 and $9.07. Electric Coffee Machines, nick el-plated, $9.42 and $11.14. Electric Coffee Machines, made of copper, $8.39 and $10.10. Electric Chafing Dishes, nick el-plated. $13.19, $15.24 and $16.49. Electric Curling Iron Heaters, $2.89, $3.44 aud $5.27. Electric Fans. lU-uifh. with nine feet of cord. $9.74. Electric Clocks, with bulb and battery complete, $3.44 and $4.47. 16-Candle-power Bulbs. 116 volts. Edison base, doz.. $1.46; each 1 3c ; 4-Candle-power, each, 24c: 8 and 16-Candle-power, frosted glass, each 29c. STEWIBOATS. Palatial Steamers 'NEW YORK" ana "ALBANY" cf the Hudson River Day Line, fastest anl finest river boats In the worM. Lv. Bklyn.. l-tiitin st (by Annex>.S:Co A. M. Deabrosaea St.. Pier s:4t> " " West 4-i bt 0:00 ."'■ West lirtttri St 9:20 " Landing at Yonkera, West ' point. New burgh. Pougbktepsie. Kingston Point, fats kill. Hudson and Albany. Daily, escept Sunday Special trains to C'atskill Mts. re sorts an.i Saratoga. and easy conrectloru to all points East. North and West. Thpvagh 1 " 11 *- 8 an.l bassaß* checked at ortices of N > : Transfer Co Through rail tickets de i«ht?,.. on*-,lay outings to West Point. v-t'iM I on *- da >" outings to West Point. Newburgh. or Pokeepsi*.. returnlnj on down beat Restaurant opt-n a' 1 \ v v sic str. MARK p.-ii|.l'i i oomineneea May Si! iU ss.*s»i rowtu, v ;j •_; PIIPILEB OIE NEW YORY— ALBANY. HUDSON RIVER BY 6EARCHUOHT Steamers C. W. MOK3£ aud \Dino>.- DACK. ulternatins. lv. Fier 32 \ ■• foot or Canal St. 0 I" M.; and Went i.'tf, st 8:30 p. m . w*rk tlays only. Direct connool tlon at Albany for a.l points. Orchestra. EXCURSION $2.50 FALL RlVt;n LINE via Newport and Fal< River L*a*e Hei 19. N. r . root tf \V«r ren .f 1 . w#ek <lay " an .i SumUvs. hi - ;i> P. M. sir. -PIUS.CILLA ana PURITAN Orchestra on each. NORWICH LINE via New I«, n .l>n 1,, rw 40. N r: f, Clarkaon .•" L" w ,'.», sajrV-Ai." 1 " •"i" i -^— " — NEW HAVEN LINK for New Haven. Hartford and North Lye. Tier 20 V- r" ft P*ck slip, wrek days oaly. •.• 45 »• » Str P.lchi.r.l Peck. M BEFORK OOINO ABnoAT> CONSULT THE EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENT THAT APPKAR ItEGULARLY IX TUX CATSKILL, HUDSON AND" COXSACEI2 BOATS •-•v. Pi,, 43. *t. R.. week-days. a p. v. n,MW'O,\DS. ' OBAOILBQAffI. STATIONS foot of West Twanty-thM Street and pesbrosMs and Cortlandt Streets. r^.Th» .nv.r>( time from Desbrowes and Cbrtlftndt Street* la nve minute* later th*« that given below (or Twenty-laird Site:: Station. FOR THE WEST. FOIt TIIG VTEST. *7.53 A. M. CHICAGO SPECIAL. •10 A. U. f>T. LOUIS LIMITED. Tor Cincinnati and St. Louis. •10.55 A. M. TUB PENNSYLVANIA LIM ITED—23 hours to Chicago. •1.85 P. U. CHICAGO. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS. •S.SS P. U. PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL — 18 hours to Chicago. •4.83 P. M. CHICAGO LIMITED. •5.» P. M. WESTERN EXPRESS. •5.15 P. M. ST. LOUIS AND CINCIN NATI EXPRESS. 7.M P. M. PACIFIC EXPRESS. •*.2»P. M. CLEVELAND AND CINCIN NATI KXPi'.i>s ••.55 P. if. PITTSBURGH SPECIAL. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. •7.53. 8.23. •».». •bkfls. '10.36 a. m . 12.23. •12 6.1. 2.10 . (*3.23. "Congressional Limited"). •3.25. •4.25. •4.33. '3 33. 9 29 P. m . 12.10 night. Sunday. 25. •» 25. •10.85 a. m.. 11S5. •12.33 (»3.23. "Con gressional Limited"). •3.2*. ••.US. •i.53, •8.06. 9 23 p. m., 12.10 night. SOUTHERN RML.WAT.—'3-Zi. •4.25 p. m.. 12.10 a. tn. dally. ATLANTIC COAST LINE.— •».» a. m- and 8 25 p. m. dally. ■ SEABOARD, AIR L1NE.— 12.23 p. m. and 12 10 a. m. dally. NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAT.— •3.25 p. m. daily. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY.— I. 3S a. m. »>tk'!aj s and M.55 p m. dally. FOR OLD POINT COMFORT and NOR FOLK.—»7.SS a. m. wees-- days and 8.33 p. m. dally. ATLANTIC C1TY.— 9.85 a. m. and 2.36 p. m . week-days. Sundays. *7.53 a. m. CAPE MAT.— 12.53 p. m, week-days. LONG BRANCH. ASBURY PARK (Oresn Grove) (North Asbury Park Sundays). •nd Point Pleasant. .00 from Desb. A fort. St». only) 8.55. 10 55 a m.. 1225 41.25 Saturdays only). 2.25. 3.25. <4.2S ex cept Lonar Branch) and 55 p. m.. week days. Sundays. 8.23. 25. 10.55 a. m.. and 4.5," p. m -„ FOR PHILADELPHIA. ••OS. »7.25. I.X. 9.23. 53. •»». ».!B. •».!». »t1055. •10.35. 11.. a. m.. 12.29. •1233. «155 2 10. 2.55. •325. 3 55. 4 23. •4 25, 4 55 (•i«5S for North Philadelphia *>nly>. •».!«. »6.23. 6.53. .'.3. 8.23. 8.33. •25 (0.55 for North Philadelphia only* p. m. 1210 nlcht week-days. Sunlays. ••«». «7.55. J>.25. •9.25. 9.55. *t1055. •10.55 a. m .. 12 25. »12 .55. M.». •3.25. 3 53. M.2R (•;4.«5 for North Philadelphia only). »4.55. •3.53. »e.2S. 7 55. 8.25. 8.55. •.25 (9.55 fcr North Philadelphia only* P- m.. 1210 night. •Dining cpr. Ticket offices. Som. -Ml. 1354 and 170 Broad way: 182 Ftf'.n Avenue tbelow 23d St.): 263 Fifth Avenue (corner 2!Hh St.). and stations naxred above; Brooklyn. 4 Court street. 47& Nostrand Avenue. 390 Broad way, and Pennsylvania Annex Station. The New York Transfer Company will tall for acci check baggage from hotels) and residences through to destination. Telephone "343 Chelsea" for Pennsylvania Railroad Ca* Service. W. W. ATTEB3URY. J. R. WOOD. General Manaor. Pass'r Trade Manager. GEO. W. BOTD. Genera! Passenger Agent. IMTO CEiBKWa HOT. Fast Express Service. ' PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— BREMEN. K. Wm. li. May 22. «A. M. : Kronprinz June 5. SA. M. Kaiser June 12, 10 A.M. K. Wm. II June 18. 5 A.M. Kronprmz July 3. 12:30 P. M. , Kaiser July 10. 10 A. M. i K. Wm. II July 17. Noon i Kronprinz July 31. 11 A M. Twin-Screw Passenger Service. BREMEN DIRECT. Rheln May. 17. 10 A.M. i tP. Alice May 24. 10 A.M. ♦ Frlednch _ May 29. 10 A.M. Trave May 31. 10 A.M. : tKurfuerst June 7.10 A.M. 1 tßaroarossa June 14. 10 A.M. ! tßremen June 21. l'> A. M. ♦P. Alice June 26. 10 A. M tCttllir.g at Plymouth and Cherbourg. Mediterranean Service. GIBRALTAR— NAPLES— OENOA. ICLulse May 19. 11 A. M. Albert Jur» 2, 11 A. M. P.lrene — June 14. 11 A. M. j K. Lulse June 23. 11A.M. ; K. Albert July 7. 11A.M. P. Irene July 23. 11 A. M. ■ I K. Lu!s« Aug. 11. 11 A. M. ' K. Albert Aug. 23. 11 A. M. i ! From Bremen Piers. M * 4th ?t».. Hoboken. | OELRICHS & CO.. No. 5 Broadway. N. T. r : Louis H Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Phlla. J EAMBURG-AKSSICAN LINE. Special Passenger Service. J*LYMOUTH — CHERBOURG — HAMBURG. - cher. May 17.1 :30pm : Bluecher Jure 14 Klin A V.May24.sam Kalserin A V.June 21 D* land- May3l. lo:3oam !Oceana June 23 Amerika. Juris 7. .'» am ; Deutschlar.d. June 23 Among the special features of these *hlpa are: Grill Room. Ritz-Carlton Restaurant a l.i cart». Elevators. Gymnasium. Palm Gar den. Electric Baths, etc. Twin Screw Passenger Service. DOVER (LONDON OR PARIS> AND HAMBURG. Lare* T"v!n-Screw Vessels of 14.000 ton* Superb Pass»neer Accommodation*. Waldersee.Maylft.SpmJPretoria. ... June V sylvanla. June S.lpn i WaHer9ee....Jui«« «0 Batavla. .June 9. 7 am Pennsylvania. July 14 Pafola Junel>?.l:3i>pm IBatavU July 21 Mediterranean Service. TO NAPLES AND GENOA. I» O«kar June * ♦Moltk* July 24 ♦ Moltke . Jure 12! P. Adalbert. . Ac«. 7 P. Adalbert.. . June 19 P Oskar Auir. 2* P. Oskar July 17 Moltke ....Sept. 11 tCalls Gibraltar; has Grill Room and Ovmnaohißi ___ TRAVELLER? CHECKS ISSUED BT THE COMPANY. OFFICE. 37 BROADWAY. N. V. • Phono. 1900 Rector. Piers. Hoboken. AMERICAN LINE ST* 1 2" PLYMOUTH— CHERBO— SOUTH AMPTON St Paul May 19. 9:30 A. M : June- 1* New York May 2«. 9:30 A M.: .Tune 23 fit Louis June 2. 9:30 A. M : June 30 Philadelphia . . »June 9. 9:30 A M : July 7 RED STAS LIRE M f^ er pOiER— ANTWERP— (LONDON, PARIS>. Zeeland May 19. 2:00 P. M ; June 18 Finland May 28. 7:30 A. M : June 2S Vad^rland June 2. noon: June 30 Kroonland June 9. 3:00 A. M. . July 7 WHITE STAR V LINE £°£ '^ • NEW YORK— Q-NSTOWN— Celtic May IS. 2:30 P. M. : June 13 Ot,«anlc May 2.'!. s:ort P. M : June SO Teutonic ...... May SO. lO:0O A.M.; June 27 Ceiirio June 1. 12:.V»P M. : June 2» Baltic June B. S:00 A. M. Jult 4 Majestic June 13. 10:00 A M.; July 11 THE KSBITERSAHEAH AZORES FROM NEW YORK REPUBLIC May 31. 3 P.M.. Act, 19. Nov. 29 CRETIC!une 31. ll» A. M. : Aug. •*. Sept. '.3 LX FROM BOSTON— CANOPIC.May 1». A. M. . June 30: Au«;. U ROMANIC '»ne 5. 6:30 A. M. : July 7 P\?SENGER OFFICE. » BROADWAY. rretcht Office. Whitehall Bld».. Battery PI. BEFORE GOING ABROAD CONSULT THE EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS that APPEAR REGULARLY in the TRIBUNE ON" SUNDAYS. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. ©Li DQMinOH LOOSE. DAILY SERVICE. For Old Point Comfort. Norfola. Ports mouth Pinner" Point and Newport Neva, Vi . connecting for Petersburg. Richmond. Virginia Beach. Washington. D. C. aa4 entire South and 'West. "Freight and passenger steamers sail from Pier 20. N. R.. foot Beach St.. every week 4av at 3 y in. U. B. WALKER, VW- President and Traffic Manager . - -' . CUNARD L.IKE. From Piers 51-52. North River. LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWX. t'MBRI Ma >' I*- Noon CARONIA May & 2 F. M Campania . May 2*; 'arnaala June 5 EtrurU June 2'Luca.r.ia ''me S> ALTAR— ITALY -ADRIATIC New Model r Twin Screw Steamers. BLAVONIA May 22. noon; July 10; Aw» 2J» r\NN"^NIA. -- May 29. I<> A. M . July IT CAP.PATHIA .. June 12. I! A M.; July 31 VEKNON rf- BROWN. C. a ;i-C» State Bt; opposite the Battery. 1 ' "~ ' RED "D" LINE. For La C.uayra. Puerto CahelJo. rura cart an.l MarncalM. via Ojraca% •lillns; also at San Juan. P. R. 6. S. .-\;\ . . Satwrdaj May 2«. noon 8. S. PHILADELPHIA Sal . June ». noon For La Uuayra, Curacao ap.a Marjcai&o. S S- MARACAIBO. Saturday, ilay m soon S. S. ZULIA Saturday, June 2. noon Those slWiiiii h.»ve superior accommw datirn» for rasaecgers. nOULTON. BLJ39 * DALTJSTT. OfHal \!«»n-r>. S2 Wall St. 6CVORE «:OIXCI ABROAD CONSULT TJIE EUROPEAN ADVtUTISEMK.NTS THAT APPKAR KEat'L.\KU IN TKE TRIHITNK ON Sf.VL'AVJ. WtUXESIUVs AND SATURDAYS. lIALLORY LINE, luxurious ship*. Tickets '•> Texas. Colufa«>o, MsiUcoj Met* 31- •.;->•. Arizona. Caliturcia. \>j.(u, r'tur l.i». Alabama, .to. DSUOHTri'L TlilPd. THE KOUTB TO MIAMA. I'.Vl-M BE.u-U. Flu.. *c <vU Key Colonist ticket* 10 California on tnuuiry. Our bookies ••Pocket CJukde- free. •■ M- MALLUUY - CO.. l"i> Front St.. N. T. BEFORE «J«>r.\C. ARROAP CONSULT THE ELROrEA.N ADVERTISEMENT* THAT APPKAR REUI'LARLY IN THE TRIBUNE ON SUNDAYS. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. WBll'-'MT'* «'I-A RKS NINTH ANNUAL ly) f'iil'Cliw 'I CRUISE. Frb. 7. 1907. TO days, by rneclally chartered B S. "ARAB-iO." IA.UOO lull-. 3O Tours to Eurnpe. 2 R^.und the World. Program N Free. Jf*. C CLARK. '•*•. Broadway. New .York. CCOK'S* TOURS TO EUROPE.— ,V> thla sr.ifoii. $17.% to ;"1 l v ;> Progmmme*. TH • Ct>OK ■ SON. 543 and 11S3 Uioaa«ay. US Madison Aye.. N. Y. & jfyosw wm H •top at 123 th street m rit-M?? * S tea minutes after le*«taV2 -**">» «fiiife §Bt3S!__P^. Dally. tEscept 9oaday fp nM « Broadway; » Union 35tti7?-fAKLS» AH SMITH. m * m c , _w «8--l Man.,*, r_s^«- lew Jiisiy Com STATION iSSa"g%5» 1 CO. 500 and <LOO p Ir 3 " xlS> -S. "WILKESBARRE AND%Tt»x-«- A. M-. loop _ fcalajs. |{ S Lakehurst). m I Bkraan A P*M NTIC CI "-"ft« A. *. M- Grove; aS*J J^J SANDY HOOK ROrTB FOB i__r~i PLEASAXT-Pier 81. x R T Pt^' IS: iSfjf to*-?t>h.l only). | l.ooi 1.20. t£oa p w'29 7 ao^p^M Bt™*"** only. h<|«{ A .^LA -* li « > . -LOO. «2.<!0. S Hfti s^sss^s^ tioft ■?* «& BALTIMORE .%XD VA^BOM, 8 11^, ?s?5» -•»* »^* •rally tDa'ilv exc«>t Suada* aw da>-«. tParior car* only VtaTaasM aExcert Saturday* mDinii* g_-^g? days only. zFrozn Liberty St culyr^ From Tw-atr-thlivi 3t.-«t-M.» P. «,. c 3.5« P M . el 220 P J* 14.30 * 9 JIISOP. M-. M.2OP. M. vSBP £ Offices: Liberty St.. West 23d St I Aster House. 245. 434. 1300. 1334 Bnait— s I>2 Sth ay.. 2SI am Ay.. 25 Union Sou- West. 2798 31 At. 105 W«st _3tH 3?J Columbus Ay.. Xew York: 4 Court St M 344 Fulton St.. 47» XrjitraiKj Ay »5 ly n: 3!*> Broadway. Wi;;; a .-nsbur«. X»< York Transfer Co. cajls tor and cM tjccsyr* to destination. W. G. BESLER. c. » BtT« Vlce-Pres. & Gen. Mar. Gen. Fassr AM LEHIGH PALLET,. 1 Foot of West tU A ; CorQiadt tad D?* 1;1 ;— *• ■ B. *D»11t. t Except taatey. SaatwTa clia. dl 2«. eT4-V «■'>»■ xi>«. iLt N.T..AL» Ji.i.i MiacS Chunk Local. ♦**>*■( tt9u Buffalo Fxprm. <IT.titliW.S4l Buffilo Expr»a» I *»H*« Tt**l BLACK DIAMOND EXP. »11 » ill TO MM Mauch t'buok and Hazletos rs *13»»i w>!k»».B*rre Eiprew. > ♦»3ftM»i EastooLoeal *' :0 Fl ■».»»«' Chlraso and Toron'n Em 40 Fl tut Fl THEBCfFALOTRMX.. ' *7 mFJ Wl Tickets aadPullmaa accomaio<l»aoii'.>i,CAti * M*« Broadway. I*2 Vh At» . c : ; ; ;-;.■»:•; N. Y. -. £5 Fulton St.. 4 Court Sr . in !.': •r.- *.i: » 89C Bro«dw»y * foot Fulton St. Bwefcip. S. T. TmuTer Co. wtllcaUforaadckau BALTIMORE t OHIO 8. | UOYAL. BLUE U.NE TRJUSI. "Every othar hour en ta» «yea tmt TO BALTIMORE AND WASEZSZZ* Leave New York City. 11l St. 13/1% •WASHINGTON. Buff*?. TSOIM »2° fWASHiNGTOX. Pm»r, » 90am JM ; fWASHINGTON. IMn#r. 11.50 tn CJ>»^ ; tWASHINGTON. Bu««t. 1»J« SOT : f'ROYALLTD." t>ln*r. J»B" *gj tWASHINGTON. Diner. ».»P« *•!» tWASHINGTON. Buffet. *» BO M»g fWAS HINGTON. 51t#per». 1130 1»» •Ex Sun. k »• Through rally Trs!a« to <*•"*■*•_» Leave New York Otv. 2*** ' VglZ CHICAGO, PITTSBfRO. 11J»P«H CHICAGO. COLUMBt-S. 11 »W» 1 ??! PITTSBURG. CLEVET>. -IWpa fr' •'PITTSUCKG LIMITED" *»> B=« I^* ! CIS..ST .LOriS.LOUISV. 11 »P» gl CIN.STLOUIS.LOUISV. f»<»V£ CIS ST.LOriS.LOUISV. Br«d»W •» Offices: Ml. 434. 1300 *^I™\!£, House. 10S Gi*em»:oh St.. » j E^2L2» W.. SSI Grand St . N. !-:f'"l > Brooklyn: West 23d St. and Lft«WT » After « p. m. iiejp!n« «r "^l-^ ■ad Tat! information rat! *,2=^| can be cb:ained at Bureau of wg*™J| B. A O. R R.. 23J St. Terminal. *"^ m Chelsea 3544- N. T . N. H * HART S?2?a£ Train, depart from Giv ? ,***!^Zf 42d St. and 4ia Aye.. A3 *}£"'*?***• BOSTON. >U N*.« Loc*» * r», NOKFOLK-tS:O V 1V 1 Ticket offices at cGrnrf^wjJ,*^ ■nd clXth St.. «!»" at <■-**•« ii*l ** | 300 B way ».daj» f^ts? 1 * 123 th k »«ops at ' ? M 3^J5« •Piarl Car Liml:ed ,2i.a5» ' cParlor and S'.eeplns <-»r tlc"»" *"^ Lack a wanna Jsl X Y. fool Barclay. 'TirlluaMsV St i _ M VMM *S 00 A SI —For BiaJthamton sKJ^TJi •10 00 A. Sl.— iVr Bu.^al- 1 . V-!»r» Lculs. n,>i*f% •14OP 51.— For B»!?al>« Ril . c SgS< ! -5 -.» , - «> M -For Sc"L n , r^J, n *-^ 1 "* I •« 1.1 P M. -For Buffalo •»* 2rtil «* Ticket, at M» t» "^J-SsT^B S T. 330 Fultoa St. Bratma J ♦ f^rerf Stingy , 4MHAN »TT ■!!»«* ■ steamships of t*»" KST 1 '^,'J^.- For fwlsht -^VJKiiSB; I :n;^M^r,.vajgJ BEFORE GOIN^ AEKOA ?TrS^^ ; TUB St'ROPBAX ADVfcßTß^jj, THAT AFfJLAK ;lEt \ l >*J?2njag»<^ TniBUNK ON' SCNPAI*. ** w^ AND SATURDAYS. _ — -'U &K3GBOGGDCS MSg GLAfeGOW VIA UPND o ***^^^* I Oolumma May tSlSpw :<. ai*locl»- -j^ ,y I i"rnets!*Ma>2i'..lls!n ! AstorU i .Ji- >i Cabin tbK 2d CaMa •»• JJ-Si^^ and upward*, according to * c *«2Sri:s 2 ■ tennis, ip For terms «nd »»M»2SjiJ HKXUUR3OX F-KOTHEttS. I'-^jj^-^. ! BKFORR <M»lNl. ABROAD ' fisSl^B 1 - THK EUROPIiAN A pvK il^g«^H TM*T APPEAR REurLASI; I I TRIBI'XK OX >I\DAVJk *• " I AND SATCUDATS I