Newspaper Page Text
Bankers and Broken. WANTED Bowling Green Trust. / Continental Fire Insurance. Home Fire Inwiranco. Metropolitan Bank. p ■■ : - Consolidated National Bank. Citizens Central National Bank. Equitable Trust Co. Metropolitan Surety. United National Bank. Farmers' Loan A Trust. E. W. Bliss Pfd. A Bonds. United New Jersey R. R. A Canal. Manhattan Beach Hotel * Land Co. 4 a. FOR SALE American Exchange National Bank. Kings Co. Electric Light A Pcwer stock. Mechanics' National Bank. Night A Day Bank. Title Guarantee & Trust. Title Insurance Co. United States Trust. Union Trust. New York Trust Co. National City Bank. WM.E. NICHOLS & CO. 15 WALL STREET, N. Y. London & Paris Exchange, Ld. BANKERS, Are now dealing in and negotiating Amer ican Industrial and Mining securities on the London Stock Exchange. A special department has been opened for introduc ing sound and well supported undertak ings. Those desirous of placing securi ties on the London Market should com municate with the Secretary, London & Paris Exchange, Limited, Basildon House, Moorgate Street. Bank, E. C. London, England. Hallgarten & Co. r BANKERS 5 NASSAU STREET Investment Securities Foreign Exchange Utters of Credit avsiiabls in til putt of the World. R. L DAY CO., 3 NASSAU ST.. NEW YORK. 85 CONGRESS ST.. BOSTON Hezabert N. Y. and Boston Stock Exchanges. N. W. HARRIS i CO. BANKERS Pine Street. Corner William Chicago new YORK Beaton i Sexto Acporits eJhJast t» ttaafe cad allow interest oa >ilsaa»J act as fiscal &r»ts for sisilsl cellties ul corporatloßi. ZxtM t*«ten cX <nd tsa i*»l is BONDS FOR INVESTMENT UR OS AIPTJCATIOa N. W. HALSEY & CO, B ANKERS BONDS FOR INVESTMENT. 49 »ImH tit.. New lark. fBHADILFHU CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO. C H. VENNER & CO., BANKERS, 33 Wall St. New York. Bank Statements. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE STATE May , B i«« X at the doss of bosteca, M th, , 6 , day of IS?—- >^-.M I"J1I "J1 f , roni trust companies," bunks'. 123418 rp.r.K'-is j,nd brokers «->? •»•>- M Due from - rov C d reser^i agrau.lJlf.Mliss Far.ktnr hou,-, an 4 lot, ' VSit^Wf?. ■ ■:•:::::::::::::::: i.<^:«f:S Ch».£ui^ 3 i :z : - Bm, and - eh^ 105.000.00 AcA ' cr ";;.' rt?- o *!* Und " r ans ' of the abOTe 88S ' 527 - 36 Furniture arii fixture. 10.W4.75 I I \BII ITIES »«.423 39 j>tj*. deiK> S it. )rB ::.::::::::::;;;: ■ ■ uSo^S Due trust companies, inks; hank™..' ' .nd U iVi " :>T 4fl ■ any'r.f tIM ""^ W In?uran'N» rand 522 <>o« «« «v. n tir^nt fun-i .../. ai.jfe.^ v ras.os Bt»t* of New Tork. County N> w Tcrk *' 6 .«3^8»39 City of New Vcrk. in «M roun^ l^ s <££ "I'^ " ? for himself. Ny , ,h;, h; . t tlie fcrVrofn^ ,I^?n schedule accompanying the sam*-. is true aM ,* ?„ in • n re^rH.<;?F. to th* best of his SottU^JS b2ue??an3 law <Ohap. €«.. I^ ws of HO2 °S. am^r/and'not" 1!^?1 !^? wbere; and that the atw.e report is naiViJ «,!•! wHh an official node r#«»lvM P f "m th™ V«wi,?™S;n "of >lanks defignatlns the l«t h day of May. IWW a * it> d# r-n which such report »hall b- made. ar .d O L Hiriiuiii the I^ldent. is absent *nc! .anno, ioin in th«« renort " ARNOLD KOHK VIU Pw«mS£ fSeaiof^r,.?^^ Ri< A K v. SSSS.'Sf^r. Dividend Notices. TH«J PEX.VSTLVAXIA RAILROAD COMPA.NT T HE BOAUD OF DllffiiSfßßS hls" iifis : or« 5» «^S h S«S' ■*• h ' v- me<l HENRY TATNAU. Treasurer. Instruction. SYMS SCHOOL 81 West 43th Street N"«w buiidln*» mil be at «» «r.o il Ei« «j st street For Both Sexcn— Cir/. rpii« Bi-KL,:Tz school OF laxgcaobk. Harlem t,rrt:ch: f^-no* A-.*., ;v. f; (v IB >, j-,-,w c , itrook.r*.. '.i Curt at. Semite s. '.<■„►, RuilHlnt ■CHOOUi OPEN ALL si-iiMjj T WBt * Teachers' Agencies. «.»••;•«. »*hool» *=.! famine* Appir to •" a Ska, .:. J. rOCNtf-FLXTOXTM fnito *,*■..».-«. Till- FLNANCIAL MARKETS. LIGHTER TRADING IN STOCKS MARKS WALL STREETS WEEK. Monetary Conditions Improved, Despite Renewed Demand for 'Frisco Trade Outlook Promising. 0 THE WEEK IN WALL STEEET. The active upward movement which followed the so-called 'Frisco slump was succeeded last week by a quletlnsr down in market operations and Irregularity in prices which left quotations at the close little changed in the greater num ber of issues, a* compared with the final figures of the week before. Absence of active commis sion house buying: at the high prices established a week ago and the apparent willingness of the larger interests to discourage further operations for the rise served to induce considerable press ure against values by the trading element, but on all declines stocks appeared to be well taken and the shorts were not willing to make long time commitments. The fact that there Is no great activity among commission houses does not necessarily mean that quotations gradually will seek a lower level, but evidently it fore- shadows a period of inactivity, especially as the season is approaching when uncertainty over the year's harvests will develop. A stronger wheat market at the end of the week reflected adverse reports from certain sections of the agricultural community regarding weather con ditions, but from the advices received from officers of railroads that run through the farm lands there was nothing in the situation to cause alarm over the future of the important cereals. 'While It is too early to speculate on the probable crop yield. Wall Street houses believe In suggesting caution to their customers until it ran be definitely ascertained whether or not the country is to enjoy another year of agricultural prosperity. The announcement that the Penn sylvania Railroad had sold $50,000,000 of short time notes, and that further financing would be necessary in order to meet the large payments involved In th<- company's construction work now under way. was a factor which apparently helped bear operations in the week, while the disclosures of rebating and what may be called petty graft in certain departments of the com pany exerted a bad effect on Wall Street senti ment. Coining so soon after the Insurance scandals, evidence . of the employment of im proper methods by the leading railroad in the country naturally is bound to dampen for a time Wall Street enthusiasm. It is understood that the investigation by the Interstate Commerce Commission will involve a number of other large companies, and it is hinted in Wall Street that as the investigation proceeds there will be worse revelations than those developed in the inquiry over the Pennsylvania's practices. In the general position of affairs affecting the country's business there is nothing upon which may be based pessimism on the part of genuine holders of American Investment securities. Though In some lines of trade quieter conditions have developed. industries as a rule are on an exceedingly strong basis, with' no indication of a material setback in the near future, notwith standing the fact that in many parts of the country labor troubles have been more pro nounced in the last few days. Of course, if the year's crops should turn out poorly, general business for a time might be affected, but in this connection It may be well to bear in mind that the country no longer is dependent entirely upon its farms for Its material growth, although, of course, big crops mean a big addition to the wealth of the nation. The demand for structural material in the iron and steel market and for steel rails continues on an enormous scale, and, ■ according to advices received from the people actively identified with the Industry, there is no factor in the situation which suggests the possibility of an unfavorable change for many months to come, while the fact that the railroads are placing heavy orders for rails for delivery in 1907 may be taken as a direct indication of the supreme confidence which the railroads of the country have in the future stability of gen eral business. Proof of the excellent condition of trade in the United States is furnished by the large earnings of the transportation com panies, which without important exception are heavier than ever recorded in a corresponding period, and the same thing is practically true of bank clearings. Another indication of the country's growing industries is presented in the strength In the copper market, in which con sumption has now practically run ahead of pro ; duction. The Increased demand for the metal by manufacturing concerns has resulted in a further advance in prices, lake copper now be ( ing held at 18 7 to 19 cents a pound, electrolytic i at IRir, to 1594 cents and castings at 18%, to 18% cents. The idea that there are large hidden sup plies of the metal held for higher prices is grad- , | ually being dissipated. All of the favorable factors of the situation do not necessarily mean that there is soon to be an active upward move ; ment in securities, but it does suggest the wis : dom of holding first class stocks and bonds of j American railroad and industrial companies. The most Important movement In the money market last week was the re/sumption of trans i fers of funds through the Sub-Treasury for the I local banks to San Francisco. At the close of ; the preceding week it was believed the move ment to the Pacific Coast was over and that currency would soon return from that centre to the East, and as a consequence further heavy shipments naturally created disappointment in financial circles. Probably the renewed demand was due more to precautionary measures on the part of San Francisco bankers than to an actual need for additional funds. Naturally the banks in the stricken city are anxious to hold large reserves upon the reopening of business, which will take place May 23, in order to be protected against the possibility of enormous withdrawals of deposits. The general belief, however, is that there will be no general run on the banks, owing to the fact that the long suspension of business has afforded time for depositors to look at mat ters in a much different light from what they did Immediately following the terrible disaster. So far the 'Frisco banks have not availed, them selves of the offer of the government to deposit $15,000,000 of government funds with them, and this may be due to the fact that the money in stitutions have not yet been able to make ar rangements to turn over securities to the gov ernment in return for government deposits. Rates for money in New York in the last week did not reflect unfavorable conditions In the local banking position, although they did not fore shadow the development of a long period of extreme rase in the loan market. Nevertheless, both call and time accommodation could bo se cured at much better terms than a few weeks ago, time money, for Instance, ruling under ."> per cent, as compared with a C per cent level a fort night back. With the easier tendency in money foreign exchange rates naturally strengthened, ruling well above the level at which gold could be imported at a prom. The question of the prob ability of a return of much of the recently Im ported gold to Europe in the near future is beg.nntng to be discussed in financial circles, especially as before long a large amount of finance bills will mature, it l 9l 9 believed how ever, in well informed circles that either these bills will be renewed or government ex ■ change will be created by foreign Investments j here, corporation borrowing abroad for Amer • ican aceouni and remittance In connection with ! tiie payment or foreign fire insurance io 33es to XKVV-YOKK DAILY TKTPJ'NE. MONDAY. MAY 21. ftOG. prevent exports of the metal from the United States. There is no call abroad at present for gold, a reflection of which is presented in the easier condition of the money market at the foreign financial centres. At the moment Eu rope appears disposed not enly to lend money in this country, but to buy our first class in vestment securities. WEEKLY TABLE OF EONDS. ■— .{ boh,.. Igjaigh. jw W Net ' — ! ' gale I I lt>. ] change 1«W a° 4s Coup Itfi- HmJ J^lJW*!*^* - * aasßa%-SSirai is «^| x. \ ■ill ■Hi ill 1 1 llßfiiSl 1 sag? i» BP* ; 1 »»!«» C& N W Gen 3^s WVi wg OTVfc 97U + r SS t T T4s Cou P off 11001 100 lOij" oa%|loo* - 6000 Choc Ok & G r.5..:i05 111 111 I 111 +« liooo'cS^W*^ «■ unit IW * 100% lokl - 4 gte^a %i^,i^ — 4 9$ §SR& *i§ 82 ®S SBS? gg» ±1? 4000;ETV&G Con Ist Os'llfi^ lift 118' 2 116 .r.. r . r «MOO do Gen Con 45.. : 101* {oil, Joo^ I«M4 +1 ft 4r^?, ! Convt 45.... .»,:,.. 10.V4i03>-i 105-4 +2 -ffiS do Perm C T 4s. O'J^i 03^02^ 03't + a; .000 do Ist Con 75. .. 128% 131 131 131 X "a! £**<?* Pa = Ist 65.... 121% 121 121 121 i -"v COOO.^reen Bay Deb B. ,19 \ 19% 19.4 IS* + 2 R>«o ; Hav Elec Ry Bs.. '94 94 93^! 94 -___ 18000 Hock V Ist 4Hs.. 108 107»i 108% 1111% - - 3-i .000 H & T C Ist 55.. 111% 1 lU%{IU% lllS Z-Z-* JSg™ cent 4s 1!>53. . 103 103^4 103 103 - «$£ & o, G V N lst 6s " 7 llft »3 113 _ 4 «°^ do 2cl 5s 0» »9U 90>i !»»i,4 + X 5.0000 1 Int-Met 4^s 1 SOU JWii SS> 4 89 -. nl I'M. In l Paper 6s IC * 108 108 '08 —1* 2000: do Convt 5s 1 9ti?fc 96^ 9G% «6H + U MOO I" Steam P 6s..|lo3Vi[ 108%(lO3 103* + 'i 1000 lowa Cent Ist 55.|112 1 112% 112% 112% + •• 5000 Ind 111 & 1 45.... 100 100 100 ICO -_- .00) KCF 8& M 4s. 83% 84H 84 84 + H 32O00;Kan City So 35... 72* T%A\ 72>, ! 72« i — »i lf;«JO KCK 4s Stpd atd 80^4 Hi" S9 91 + U 3UOOO Ken Cent 4s 10014 100H 100 lOOU + 2 220O0il^cka Steel 85.... 108S 104% 1 1O3V' 104U X lOOOILse Gas Ist 55.... 107 »104 104 K4 i i»; 214000 L M& S Deb 4s 1 97^ 98% 97 \m%\ + \ fiOOOo: do 3H» I»3 00 98 88% -I? 18000 T. VX V Gtd 4UslllO { 110 no HO * * 1000IL Ay & F Ist.. US H3H 113% 1J314 z lv, 2&00OJL I Rcf 4s 100* 100H 002 JOOv? _ i? 65000 L&NCI Tr 45.. I 9714 fiTUi »7 " {.7541 + 1* »0f>o; do Unified 45...;102 1 4 102%! 102% 1 102% X v 20000 Man Con 4s 101 101% 101 101« i X i.{ 10000 ! Met EI-v Ist 65.: 1054 105U 105% 107.^ — - 21000 M St Ry ("Sen Bs.. 110% lit 111 1111 * + ia liOOOiMex Cent Con 4s. 79 I 79T41 79U 7<>U 4. vt 196000! do Ist Inc 21% 22 21>; "1«; — < 111000 1 do 2d Ino 18% 18% 18U! 1«2 _i v 1000 M L, S & \7 Ist.. 125 •128U 122U 1222 J- .4 2000 l M&Bt L. Ist Rrf 4s 84% 90%! 00% SOU' — 4 1000 Mo X & E 15t...!113S 113H1113-VII3N. 900O!Mo K& T lst 4s. 102 ' ! I«2«i,'li>2 102% + V, 6000! do 2.1 1 87% 8* ISTU'V;-' ._ 2 lOOOOi do Ext 5s iio^ii' lor. 104U!10ri i + 1-1 167000! do 4Us Sub Rets IBS 80 :S7 *! s s . .— it 9000 MO }iv- 4s ! 921,4 1 92U fl2V.| 92*4 - 3000 1 do Ist Col 55... 103 1 10S%|103%!10»«,| + % 10001 do Trust f.s lO4UI 104« i 104% 104141 - 10000! do lst Con 65. . |lt:i%l«12O " 120 1120 4- IVi ■ 60001 do 31 7s !I<>" «101 101 101 4. I>l 400<> Na? Elec R R 4?. I 88 ' 88 1 88 | SS — - 5000 ;XC& St L lst 11T.U! 119 URUjIIO 4- 314 23000! Nof M let Con 4s l 84% I 84U 1 84i,J «4. — il 71000 xV C Gen 8%«.. 98% 98% 1 9SM.I &Ri _ £ 53000 do L S Col 3>^s.! 89 '■ ■ Bpi..' RR%| 5:.:.; 4. iJ 20000 do Rep !ss ■ 68* 'R8 |88 J . 6000 do M C Col 3'is 1 S!l I R9 ' 89 89 1 22000 X V Dock 4s ' 9.V; l 95% 95 9." — xi 10000 XV G&E LH&P4s| 87 ! 87»; 87% 87% 4- nj 3000 di. r.s |107 I 108% 107 108 l! + 11. 20INVXY&QCK L&P 110041 101%M01HI101U + l.i» 17O00! NYO &TV Ref 4.s 100% lOlv;i lOtHil 101 " 4. ii 1000 IN Y3& \V Ref ss! 116 ' 11« 116 "lllrt - 20000, Norf & W Con 4s. 99 7 100 : 9<>- < i|lOrt 4- U, 27000 do PC & C 4s.. 1 98% 98% 92V 4 03% 4- 1U 33000 1 Nor Pac Gen 35.. ! 7.',5« 7« ! 76% 75% — U 59000! do Prior 4s 103>il M8%(103% 1034 4. 2 110001 do Reg HO2<4 102%|102% lO2U 4- •. 1000 do Term lst 116% 116 116 lir, "i — sj 6000! Ohio River lst ss. (US us (Us 118 | . — 150000 R & X Con 45..110 i% 1014101% 101% 7000 Ore Sh L Ist 68.1122% 123% 123 123y 4 l 4- « 1000 do Ist Con 55.. 118 | 118%|iir% 11«".,' 4. 1! 130000 do Gtd Ref 45.. I 05% I 98 | 05U: 95% 4- 14 13000 Perm Convt 8%5..l 90 '■ 99 : 98% 1 98% — 1* 18420C>0 do 3%s 1915 : 9G'4I Itfi% O.V; 9 \C\ i — si 4000! do Gtd 4%S '1W H : 107 ' 107 107 4. i; 1O00IPG&CC Ist Con 6s|ll7*<i 120 120 120 +2% 17000 !Peo &F. Inc 45... 1 72% 73 ' 72% 73 4- "tj 1000' P C C&StL 4%s AIII2T, 1*109% 1 109%! I — 1U 132000 Reading Gen 45..110051 lOOvsiIOOUIIOOvi 4- v 29000! do J C Col 45.. ! 97%| 98 '98 98 I X «i 200O|R & Dan Con 65.!113u lir. m.\ 1!."> j 4-1^ 3000 Rio G W Ist 1 97% I 98 : f>r,% 9r,y| Z. 141 4 61000 StL I MiS Kef 4s' 91% 92% 9lu. 92 I 4. 14 2000 do Gen 6s 112 ! 11*% llS%illJtu 4- 11? 40O0! do Rlv & G 4s. . I ■.<:•.", 93% I ft.iv t «3% * 82OTK>|St Lft S F Ref 4s I 85% Kfl I 85% s.V.i 4. % 10001 do Gen 5s 118 ! 118 1113 113 __? 5000! do 2d B 102, 100%1100% — isi 2HIOO|St L Svrn lst 45.. f«i ' 97 | <c,V 96% 4- 2 4«000| do Con 4s ' 80% I 801, ■ 80 i sou I i lOOOJStPM&M lst Con6s 137% 133% 138% 1133% 1 _3% 1000 do Mont Cent (Is in« 1 184 '134 184 _ •>"* 1000! do Mont Ext 4s. 1103% 103% 103>iil03U Z. 70OO! do Dak Ext 65.. ! 11l *108 ims |108 i 64000 S A & A P 45.... SS ' 88% I 87%|8R% 4. 14 9000 Scab A I. Gold 4s. ' 87 1 88 | 87% I «8 ' Ii 1 100001 do Ref Ts 101 I ini%flOl%imiu 1 4- v 3..00050 Pac Cl Tr 45.. I 93 ' 94 I 98% j 'M ' ' 4-1 27«"'<v>i do lst R»f 45... 1 9S ' !i«i.v <»r,i 4 I 9014 j 4. * 1(¥¥) pof N M Ist.. 110.". I 10J1V,!105%|10%%| 4. 2 l.ViOOlSouth Itv Ist "p.. ! 117 ! 117%I117«4I117% 4. il 2(Vio| do Mft O Col 4% )>4'i' 9(i | 95 I 91 "1 4. 11? 30001 do St L DIV 45. ! IS | 98 1 98 | OS ! * 1000 « n & N V lst 7s.tiO4i;i»ioi!Anoi%iioiy.| 4. v. 1000 l T CI & R Gen 5s!lOO I 100 " 100 1100 "l Z " 10T^> T Asm L 4%5...!112 «JOB ' ion 'loft I -- v 230001 do Tiff A* ! OS ' ft«>v fIR%! 98% 4- *l IROOO Tex & Pac Ist 55.!123 j 124 12!"; 12!', _ tT 12000 Third Ay* Con 4s. I 92%| 93 | 92% 93 | 4- i; 8000! do lst 5s !ll»M4 11«yil1«Hil18i:! _ i* 1OOO!T Ft LA W 45.. .1 80%1 Bns| BO'-i' BOU I «■«<><«> fnd Elee L6s 1 9«% 95%1 r»«V 9«i'-. 24«OfcOiT'n!on Pac Ist 4s.|H»4%i 104 7 « ' 104i 4 ! ' 4- kl 21000|tT R Rof S F 4s. . ' 79 ! 79%! 79 I 70>- 4- 14 20000 1 Un Ry of St L 4s. I 87 I ««U ' 88% 1 mi,' 4, HI «WW!O«!tT S Leather 6«..ll«>»» j 109U1109 liim. 4. ii pofM-in T- s R & Imp ss. I 95 ! 97%! SSUI f«7si 4. 2*? nnnon 'inter & Pel 49...! 92^1 9*>»ii 9 1 .'*, n*>%| 4. 1? 101WV1OIU S S»eel S F 6s. I J>"'4 ! 9Pi;l »T% M !4. ». i?Oor»t do Reit ' Vt%\ 07»; I W*l 97%t 4. «1 7SOfy>!Va T C A C 5«...l 0"' ! 9T.»4j 94%! 94%! . . U •W'v» 'V Chem Bs..<MH%| 100 |100 io,> , — 7 I«'^O!W«ba*t> lst Bs !11«»«l 11i%11'S«iMi3%| ? i.'.fOO! An 2d '104*41 1«« !104U1104%| 4- 14 I«VMV» do I>eb A I»R I 94 ! 88% 194 — 1 1811000 1 do r»*h B ' "7<i! 80 I "Si<| 79 j 4. , v 4<vwvwr'h Pitts T Ist.. I « ' B.'. ' £41.' RS | * 3 ««Vi' do 2d ! «<"*! «*%! SrtVil ?«:, 4. li, Tnon'-vTent Md 4s '87 ' *IH 4 ' 80 1 Muj . a * 210001 do Convt 4«....' 7l'4' 73 I 7!'. 73 1 4- 1U nonoiW-ft Ri-ore 4s 1107\,| 107H 1 1 1i»i», __ r T moot d« P-e li«wm 1 inns ' '"-IX ' ± 2 1«KV»IW ITn V A- R E.'IOT.. 1-.4 1104 1104 / j. 1* I«Mn'W«.T, V. Ist ••■<n 4«' Cl i H> I WH,! «<» i 4. .? 8SO0O:Wls Cent Gen 45.! 91 | 02 | SI ! 92 1 4. 1 * $l3,R^o."o ft Total sal«« for the week. "Ex>re»t. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Government bond quotations compare an follows I with those of a week ago: ; - May 12— —May 10 — ! V. 8. 2.. coupon. lf>3.-> . 103 '» W, ]<m 2 *"}£« IJ. 8. 2». rr.upon. 1030 103 Vi 104 inn' 2 \rn& V. H. as. registered. 1013 .. . . 10. 104 iS3 n?> IT. 8. Ss. coupon. IMS 103 lot i.-> ™L» » r. s. n*. small. 1918 io:, ._ ,s•> IW '»| U. 8. 4f. re l»l?re<l. 1807... .JQBU If>3»* lov? ua« ' 1\ F. 4b. coupon. 1007 jnaxj ion*! icvJ Ja?J^ nuitDßiM Columbia 3-C3»....V«Ji m% {?p!^ ™* RAILROAD AND OTHF.^. STOCKS. Following Is- the usual table giving the number of shares of all stocks dealt In last wssfc.^ t0 ****' with the highest, lowest and final prices of the week, the final prices of a week ago ana the^c* o»nc prices of May 20. 1905. the net changes for the week and the high and low prices In the >ear **». with the high and low prices In the year 1805: ' ■' ' - . .^ -— - "S7T~ — " May Actual sales Mar 10. 1 ilay {nm 111 1 Bnngw l»08. 1 hW^ ah^'es •• SW. Hlgh-I Low- I f00«. 12. | Not 1 Wlfih- Utm- Lo* ,X I ■ - I 100 S. •*. I sst. i Final. \ IMPS. I eh-««. \ »st. I «»t- Iff; ' ''^- Si I Adam, Express '■ - I 2» J 245 250 I 250 Z =» =» %J 2 J* 6.531.. Allis-Chalmers » 21% g*4 -»% «* —i? «7 63 «» 4«» i S3UI do preferred 61% 60?. 5.V* 65?* 67 — IJ* ,S., 99 m*i. 70 ■ 754.5.W 'AmalKamatod Copper..... V> , 111*,: IJJ% »«Wil 1«» +>* gtj 23% 2* I.OU> American Agr Chemical 24 2v., AH S fa — % Mi P 9 i H.4lool 'American Beet Sugar 2tt 28-» 23% £»» + * » g« g^" 17 300| 'do preferred — W4 M fc«H *.^ ■— 1% e»% ~ 43^ „ * 21.050iAmerican Cax A Foundry 33 42 40^ 41 40*. . + H «^» ,o|£, o| £ M% I.6W> do preferred....... »5% 102?4 10} »®1 lp^ ~J * x^,, M so* «%, Z4o«j| American Cotton Oil 31% 52% 31% Zi «% — * *** ~"" ISShee. — i f B ««4 3 +HI 4k *>% « 5. S.7U>'»Ainertcan Twine : C%| 9% sJg * W* iJ_ J^> £[ 2 " «* s.7lO|»Amirioan .-JraHsTwine 0-14 0% |H ?> «» +J "^ ii* JJ H 8 * 2.300 American Hide & Leather 7* 7 6* ' ' T~^7i' ±t | «si Wtl 29%. Ilzafe^i!;;;:; « it £ ft i f« fi fi fl i ISiiil lllf IHliil 305.1*00) " American Sir-elMns... 2f? i 4i 4 'i 1i 1 I* #* I & i.4^An^ri^r ss r tt r cci Foundry:::::::: » m! j^ j% jwd - * «* «{ "^ «j* 65.^.A^S l iu dd R kV.:.v.v.v.::::::: ii^ gi & i|^ T> g? i 4^ iS% jp gSfcs:ri:: W & %& ! M M±*]l r i ]^! I 4I 4 1 T^«i*.\mprlran Woollen ... 32 •" l ? 4"' **''» J9 I — l.» 4S J3\ 4«% Zu'is 200 C I«>3 1W I™ 107 I(*s 4- 1 110% 103 JOH«» 93 413 6ol)i»Anaro^di 104 27M4 S«l 270 2«8% 4- 1% 800 2^5% 2U5 l(»»i 15 As«o Vereh'ist'Dref — l'» 110 11<( ' "' ' I 11 - 1 ' 1 **** "°* wi 35 eOOiAtchi&on -'..... 7S<,il 00 •«% 3» ! 89 ! 9KT,; BS% 88% 77 \ 1 543 do <-rred :■■■:■:::■. 101% 102% 102 k)B% 102% + % 106 j 8»T. 1«3%, 70 i:^ Atlantic 6 eSS Line::.: M>3 m* 143% 144 i mi -3 j 197%! 137', 170 , 120 TOO j American Pnou Sorvlc* — i 4} 40», 41 , 44 , — » 54Ji s*'» — is 6TOßauimSrv2onio: :::::: .: ..... i«e% i k«t, i«v>i i«7\ I im%i —H4 117 lor^ m !<»% 12.870 BaHlroorVikOnio 1«6%I 10J% ISS% 1«7%1 108% 1 -1 | 117 1 10fi\ 117 ! l«»i 2 800 do "referred ••% M i "- 03 | »s^| — -'*■ 00% ; P2« a 100 80% 21."..- :.u nnx.klyn napld Transit S* 84Ti J?;i f«% ■• - + C 94V, 73 , JJU. Sgg 809 ' Brunswick H%! «• 1 I( 's "Hi 10% — lr*l 21% 14% *** *"■ 400 •Butterlck ::::::::::: — SfMl S^ « I •■ -J 70 40: «J H do ex dlv 1p c — 67' i t>o fX> m \ — — 8*»! 70 4ft «)% SO 100 Canada Southern — 67% "•'-" Will «fc — 11» 70Ji «6% 74-, «7 ll.tifO Canadian Facinc 144% 161% l.>i«%| 1* i ISO% - % J77J» 155> 177% 130*4 4.N.-.I. i Central leather — 421% -*1-*! 42% 43>» —1 49% 88% 4714 4f. 800 do preferred — I 10.1 | 2'H= 2 , HM% 105 — % 107% IW-, lflS% 101% 2 L.V. Central of New Jersey 193 i 22!>% 218% 228 j 220 > +8 231% I 204 ; SO 180 14.510 Chrsaoeake & Ohio 4«% 59=, 88% 88% 58% C 2» 4 ; .'.::■» SS% 4.'.', 20t>! Chicago & Alton 33 3'» -".>'* 29% | »> I — %i, SB% 25 44%' 30 1.1001 do preferred — 77 7t! : 7»? : «i 77 I — », >*** 74 ■ SS\j 73 ir..Ooo' Chicago Great Western IST* 2o'i IS ! 1!» I 19% i —%\ 28% 17% L.".'. !7:, 2001 do preferred A SB t 7H>,» «« T * 78' 4 I 77^»i 4- % SO ' 7*V 75% «O 5.4001 do preferred B SO% 30*. »1% 32 34% I -2", 39« i 81% 37- 111 200 do debentures «> I 83% 82% S3Ti 88%] +- % m;^, 83% 80 83*1 fs.!*O Chicago Milwaukee &St Paul.. 171 170 IGo^ ltWi 4 , M*% —1 19.1 16.V , 190 16}»% ISO do preferred 188% 181 181 I*l I 181 ' 196 177',: MS I*2>! .-i."7fi'Cliica«o ft Northwestern j 205% 20»". 2<V'% 204% 388 I — 1/, 240 192 ; 24» ' l'«n. 300 do preferred ' — -•". < -' 23!» S3S%| 23» I + %l 270 : 233 ; 2SB • "34 106 Chicago St Paul M& 0 172', 1791, I7!»'-! 17»% 17l«i — U! 1»« 171 ' 225 I 150 Chicago Terminal Transfer 17* 11% ; 11% II 1 * 13% —1% 18'; >,\ •£> ~\ Chicago Union Traction 6 . 4", 4 ; 4% 4'-i — % 13\ 4 ; 13"i ,; 18.2001 do preferred — 14» 41 15% 18% 14 I -- %| 47% 12^ .'►»' so»: 784iC CC& St Louis 97 88% 57% 88 97", 4. %] lOO", 9i>i 4 111 ! J>o 64.2^)01 Colorado Fuel & Iron* I 41% Rife 1 ■*'■>'•' Mi 1 51»«| — ' 1% 88% 1 40»« 39 I S8 6.400 i Colorado & Southern 2C' 4 34 •■"-"«: 83% .14 — *. 1 37 j 20% I 30% 22.i 309 do Ist preferred 54 ! 70 70 j 70 | 7<» 1 | 7.!', S6*i *»-, 50 * 1.400 do 2d preferred :«4 T i ! 4» 47%! 47% 47 i — m 65% 4,'!* :.:, . S*% 2.-;y.' ; Col & Hocking Coal & Iron la 21 lit*. 1 2<> ■ 205 4 | — %i »«i 3i3 i 17 jo ]< ti<«) 'Corns Tunnel — .l. 1 .15 I .IS I .18 I • I .40 .10 ' _ __"* 17.8821 Consolidated Gas I ISC 198% 139 I 127% 1 IS*: 1 ! +1%! I*ls. I*><S,' 214 175 11.308 Corn Products — 24 j 2:: | 23%| 23% 4. % 28 i 21% — — 2.370 do preferred — fil% 78% 81 ! 78% l + 2*4 i SSV 741- _ _ 11.400 Delaware & Hudson ISO 214 207% 210% SOO% - 1' 8 229. i 18» * I 240»i 17S-; 3,700 1 Del Lackawanna & Western 370 5.".'> 47S 528 I 472% I +BB i 530 ! 4?.7^i 40«!. 38.'. ' s.soo! Denver & Rio Grande 28' 4 44 42% 42' j 44 | —1% 51V 3<sS' 3»»il 27% Sim! do nreferred 85 87% *>7 87%. 81% — ' t -.I.- W?i j> r *' M l* 100i Detroit Sojthern — s<'- 0% S% 9% j 11 * ji:. 12%: 4% 100 1 Detroit United Railroads 88 06 M , 9*; I 00'4| — «4« 4 102 ! 90vl! 96% 70% 1001 »Dist of America pref — 6S *« t:r, I «i j I SB *i "■ -»- ' _" 37.558 I •Distilling Porurttles 42-, <•»-. «» ! 64 I «3i,l + v. SB% .'.l '■ 5414 34% 428 »Duluth So Shore & Atlantic... 12 1»% 18% 18% IS | — 'i 22% 18*4 22^k 11% 92.300 Erie X* k -»*S 42's 4:: ; «! 43 i 4- ■-.. 50% 3<»i» 52*4 37U 4.860] do Ist preferred 7C« 4 - 79 4 77% 78% 78% —I 83 j 75 j 5.",',: 74T, 2. 800 do 2d preferred 03 70 | «7% PS',: ft) _v ' 7tjrt ♦auf 78% .v.i, 300 Fe'Jernl Mining & Smelting — lfiU%; 1«5 ! lffl»\ lfin»i | l:i» 13s 145 «5A 4.5001 do preferred 03 100?s OS ; <<»)•». 90*41 — V 11"V '» *. lio'i 7". 3.4501 General KlPctrlc MB 1«9 1««% 168% 1«7%| -(-1 | 1S1'»: 161% "192 169 23.002 Great Northern pref 2Srt j 3i« 29« - 301 V 303% — 1%! 848 I 273 S."-" 23« «V«» I Havana Electric Railway j 15% 51 -47 47 51 — 4 I 51 33% : 3^'- IS 400! Hocking Valley *8 12* 125 1£« ; ]•*» — ! 135 , 113% 121% *>»» MO! do preferred »2*i 9.?', 96% 88% 95 4- it, fts%! Mt\ »7V 90 2.lss] [lllinois Central 155% 178% 171% 171% 172% _ \\ IR2 i 134 '■ IV, 152*1 3.0001 International Paper 19 2*) ' 19 I 1» : 20 | — ; 2»-.>; 19 25U ISU 100 d.) preferred 78% 88% s.i-v 1 SS% s«%l — SSH 82% B.<i 7S r.OO ! •International Power — <>2 51 ' 60% : r>7 I +3% SB ."p«> ' 100 4S 10, 150 1 'International Steam Pump 29 ! 5S 52 .*.."■. ; 58 ( —5V 88 27 ' 40Ti 2K 4.1001 do preferred 80 I !)2 j un ; SO% 88% + M H 79 fill 7>> : l.lOrillowa Central 24% 87% 2fi?i 27 i 27% — % 34«; 24\ 32 ! 24 200 do preferred — 52« t 52 '■ 52%! B» I — % SS% 49 I 61 ' 50 87.787 'Int-Met w I — ; MS 51^ 61% 84% — 2SI MS BO ; — i — 7.' % *¥)' 'do preferred w 1 — 87 84%! 84% 8«H — 1-* 87H 8041 — ' I.WO Kanawha & Michigan 30% 75 fir, | «.i, S3 ! +*V 7.", S 68 «$,,. 1.700 Kansas City Southern 25% 'Mi 24 25V 4 i 2« — 3 37% 23% 5S "•"-. f.OO do preferred 88% 1 53% 52 52 I 54 1 —2 I 71* 5> ! Trt 62 3.8(10 Knickerbocker Ice of Chicago.. 19U 64%! «3Tj| «4 I «M%! %i «S I 59 ' 63 ' IO 1.185 Long Island — I 72% 72 I 72 I 72 1 ' 81* i «7»t : 73Ti 1 Brtii 13.410 Louisville & Nashville 142 [ 14«\ H3 ' 145 145% — y.l |B6U 13BU 157*!! 134U 1. Manhattan Beach — 5 5 i 5 5% 1 — v 133? 5* 1 li* | H 400! Manhattan Elevated J«3 j 154 ' 154 154 153 ' +II 162 147U 175 I 161 4.200 'Metropolitan Sec Subs ctfs 76 7.">',»' 74", 74?4 7M4.1 _ SI 75* 701,' 91 ' 68»i I.lso! 'Metropolitan Street Ry ctfs 11 5% lit? ! 114 114 I 115 I —1 * Us?) 1C4% 13.1 ' 114 13:6 BOI Mexican Central 18% 28% 22% 22% 23% — \ 2Wfc uS] 26 I 18' i! Minneapolis &St Louis --■ 73 i 71V 71> : ! 72%! —1 ' 84>4 ml Sid.) ifiu 2001 do preferred — !>4 ! , BS% 80% 94 — % 100«2 90 | 10« i m 1.400 1 Minn St Paul &SSM I 112*4 1M IPS I 157% 157 I 4. \ 164 i4t.-'i 4t .- ' 145 j fiftU 2.M01 do preferred 158% 175 171 ' 174% 173 I 4- IV 183% 163% 173 , US 21.500 i Missouri Kansas & Texas I 24V S5 33 ' 34»ii 53% l -i. iJ\ 40« i "•» I a»it ox 2.4001 do preferred ! RS I 6fti, f.s HSiil OSU| —.'Si 74*, 1 64« i 73 BSM 20.400 1 Missouri Pacific 95 95% »3 ' f.T> SB% 4- %l lOfiaJl £2 llO^i S2 2001 Nashville & Chattanooga 148 139 i:h> ! 138 i i-.H \ 4- 11 149U! 133 1%9 *i 13" 3 2.lool 'National Biscuit 60 f 64% «{ ' ,-,4 84% — % 7Ui « IBM "« r;00 ! National Enamelling & Stp 2fi I 13 7 ,' 1.1% i.-?i_., 133.1 _ t*| IS 2 ", 1 ,' u a , lT 66.050! ' National Lead 45 *2V 75%! 7«% M» 1 _ si,. OflK «« I 89>4 -ii 2.150 'do preferred 107 1034 102- 4 | MS% 103 ■ + .. 106% lOlli! 11 1 97^ 800 National RR of Mexico prof... 35 88% 39 I 30« ii 39% — »!i 41^ ; 38 1 Ii ii 2 lflO! do 2d preferred — 2fW 4 i 20% i 20%! 20^4 . ' 2Mt 19»i 244 it? 1.400 'New York Air Brake 150 147% 14.". I 14*% 147% ! — % l«W*?i liV ' ISsS 140 27.' New York Central 138% 141". 13!>V 139*4 141% — I*l IS«% 130% I«7V iSv 4.100 N V Chicago &St Louis 43% 7O>^ 67 I (SI r<>"! —1 73% ',1 ' Ta2 IT* 300 do 2d preferred 74% S*% 1 8B . Srt'-i 87 ! — % '»n. Brt ' v. ■ 74 i::r. ; New York Dork pref «2 i »> i Ml I SO "I so I -^1 83 I flttel mm . id 92 'N VAN .1 Telephone 172% 14.". 14rt ! 14.% 147 ' I ir,.Vil 14". 2 ' ir>tt i«sii 2S3IN V New Haven & Hartford.. «*".«» 197% 107*,' 1:.7^ 197 4- v 204« i IMS, •in*! l<r^ 25.820 New York Ontario & Western.. 45V,! 61% 49%! 50 I 491,' 4- % r.71* 1 ££ «4 )iMi 35.420! Norfolk A Western 7«% 90% 88% l 89'il SK^I + 2: mill R4 ecu *R 100 do preferred 93 91 91 ( 91 '• 91% — 2 5* 90 ■ MHM H »lli 3.900 North American 99% 98 97 I — I »■;£< " 1 | * 1 "" 1 91 * ! do ex dlv I*4 P c — 97 Sift I 9<V.: — I - 1; 107 93 I lftT -„, 40,901 Northern Pacific 181 210 2*3 \ 20-1- 207 I —1% 23 V nw 216U Ifix 150 1 Ontario Stiver -- 2% 2«i 2%l B%i -?• 4: I "?* U 4 | 16|Paclflc Coast — 139 135 I 137 i 138 ' — 1 I HI) ! ioi»4 109t 7«« 6.700 Pacific Mall 38% 40% 87% S9%| **» 4. 1 51 H 34 \*Z< 2" 183.603 1 Pennsylvania 1327, 135% 1"2 I 1.72%! 13C. ! —3% 14^!' lS ' iwi i?« iPeoria & Eastern 34* 37 ' 37 i ST .IS ■— 1 I 46%! J« ■ I Sj? > S H 900 1 People's Gas & Coke ' SB BS% re ' :.2: .2 I 93 — 1 ' 103 i sou liw n-. 300! Pittsburg Coal 18 i 14% 14 11 14 ) L 17% 13^ i'l ' ?ii* 161 do preferred 78% 53% .i;:u! sit*, I M ' : 62% '.4 sou 4— 300 ip CC& St Louis I 71 ! »>i, so 1 so"' so 1 siV .7*,. k-»m' -ft* 7. 450! Pressed Steel Car ! 3t'V M% 50% 51% 51% I _X, l 64% 43 J?i T * ii 410 do preferred 92 97? 97% »7Ti J»7V» 4- 2 i« S iSS 2^ * 850 ' Pullman Palace Car 234 227 225 I 22T. I 22S ! —» I 247»i i -ViUi »1 4^ 1.4001 'Railway Bteel Spring- ■ ! 33 | 53% .".2 ; 52% l .V? ! _t 4 r,«£ "44 • tniJ 1001 'do preferred MH 102% I'^.. 102% 102 4. 1! 107 MM 1^ *! j& 773.5001 Reading 88% 132% 127% 131%; no% I ,<• ; ■ ,2» J?5». : 2? 800 I do Ist «r*fcrred 91 92% 92% »2% !. 2 i 4- \, «£ : sou' «- V ' 11 100 do 3d nreferred 85% I>:u, 93', 9?.< i! »4 i _ » ;,.,• . «w> 101 2? •Republic iron * Steel | 16* 4 2T>^l » | 25% 2ft — 2 -.^ ! ?»l. "JI.. ?i 5.1001 'do preferred 70s] lOS% i0«..,j ion. io2«i! _ i2| lioV 01*1 l'rS* J£ 6.ISOO! Rock island 26". 26% 28% 25$ *»5 _% "k 1 2§- 5 2.500 do preferred 72 : 6.'. gt%| ( - 4 -, i fl.»ti> ? SjJ fiiu 1 s.-' tj>J» lOOiPt Joseph & C,d Island Ist pref. 4K 6.1 I 63 , 88 c i - _, 1 SJ ! ..A' 1 , C;' , *■» l.lOftlSt Loulb & San Fran 2d pref... «% I 4r.» 4 l 4.'. I 48 I 47 ' _o kiV' 41 ' -»!■ ?3? 3 V.".' St Louis Southwestern 22%! 23 I 22 2»4 SB ' —"a: I Sir*! iii- JS? £ «on do oreferred 58% .'.« ' 58% S BCI4 Z 2 «!■ =^ 2«% 2O 7.050 Sloss-SheffleM Steel & Iron 74 ! 79V 77 : TS% 79u T I* Su" IS* ,t«> 5^ 37.600! Southern Pacific | 58% 60% 84% «4%"l Wi Z. ]£ ?% S'*| J l^ "2,. 1.695 1 do preferred mV H<> ' 11S%I 119 • MSu 4. uj is* ir^ i^i -5^ 21.700' southern Railroad 25«% 38% 87% 87% 38% 3 £ io- A 2 ' 1«* »J5%» 985| do preferred 9.->V 100 90% 1 ion I »>>% I I*, aS* 2?« i^i- ; 2? ■ Tennessee Coal & Iron 77 ' 14SV 14.'. I 147^1 147* - *> ?«- ,£> BS* 55 T exas & Pacinc 31», 83% 81% 32"' 82% UTi, %£» J o? • S J? 52.. 1.200! do Land Trust 41 ; 77H 75 I 77% 74 i +su ; *v* • m i ii i S??* 1.300 Toledo Railways * L!«nt 33% 5.1% 31 I S»i 81% lof M, U ; s?i 5S .400 1 Toledo 81 Louis & Western.... 84% I 31 : »i% 312 .-, a C*. _2 . ■" S »H «i* ??!♦ 1.800 do preferred 54% 1 52% W> S | firt*| m i ~ I hSS 30 43?» 34^ 1.940 Twin CKy Rapid Transit 110% 118% 11« I llfl | ||m;| _ s«i JS££ ! ,S. V ,55,. .^i 1 * COO 'rrlon na & Paper 3 t!* rt^l 7? 1 4t s% z^: iv* ? J ??U 10^ 240 'do pref-rred 74% 71 71 71 I 71 Z * J4 * -S 15^ 617.000 1 Union Pacific I 117 151% 147^1 148% 150% _1% irrti- JL. ,!?> ,2 600 do preferred I 07% M ; pspsp 5 I 95 94% + % ft« 3 o?r 15 1? 3 " 1*"0 United Railway Investment 41 BM> 81 ,' 63 : 61 "■ +2 »5 £ H M ? 1.550 do preferred 80 I C9<il C* : e^\ SB I tIV su. »> 92% 21« i 4.«00 ; 'I' B Cast Iron ripe A F*drjr-.. 29 I 40% 48 I 48 I 49U| —V* 1 5* « **,x?, x ? • M? * 880 'do preferred.... 90% 931;. f,2UI »3% , 92%' 4.1* {&, S* 22$ !»•? SOlTTnlted States Kxpress 122 V 1«» 109 irft | l U. * I J_ , ,2"^, ,51 , ,?' « Tsw » 2.4001 S R«utv A- Improvement 86% 91% «. I M I <>. ~T : wu *S J^J IHl i 12.«n0 S Reduc & Ref 28% 39 ' 33 ' m | xt 4. J , *« »«? 77 19.700 'do preferred «0 | 80 | 73 I 75% 73 I I isi m Si 2"** IS< 9.oonUnUe-l =-«.e Rubber 87% 51 ! 49% r^ \ nori — v i«»ii im J? V^ • 1.000! do preferred 105% 1"-, ,, o<>0 <> j „>■» j 0: ' : Z vS\ t^n * . JEf .^ 33% 1000 do 2d preferred — I sou] 80 | 80% n&\ — <. JSit *S?* *V%\ ***» 1«7 WO Crlted State,, Steel 25 4 i 41% 40% 40% 4 iu ZKi jA*"' S. "* 1 7S 58.470 doprelorred 90%] !«■% 10.-, ' 1057$ 10« 4 Z * 1?? * ,3 «'<i 24% 2.970 1 Virginia-Carolina Chemical 33 ; 43% 41%: «% 43 | Z^'i I r2* *"£ I lnr "°** 3<MII do preferred 105%! 11O\ joAiJ ,*„,*) 1,, } ~ ,Jr. .-,., . ,3«, 3 « J 5.«H *»% BOO! Vlrplnla Iron Coal & Cok* 41 I » 43*! *«'* I 4" 4 ' *H Z1 * "JH 1«% 11^1 »*«* 4?o -Vulcan netlnnlnif I — I 11%;' i,V iT% ?:..4 Zat 52t a 2a 2 rr ' 22 ' 41 3 " 1.0001 'do preferred... 64% «4V, ,«'. .-a-! 64 a ! Z v ,«*■ .1 UV S 2.9001 Western Maryland — «*4 .17 V 40: ,-i- Teal 5 , Rft ! MV <» 4.fV»V do preferred I 37%' 47%j 20% , 4S 2 ~ 5 2E* 32 30 I 2Rt; 4.(W>! do preferred 37% l 47% l 4.-C S^, ;.! —!» ■*'* 19 24% l 17% 405 1 Western Union Telegraph ' 93 I 92% ■.-•1 »•..' t^ ~ I? iS> i ot s ** ' R7 400m>stlneh Mfc ' 182 I IS* I i.-.t * ' i"i 4 ; i-s*. ~ 4 J** <»' ' «RH' 9 100' Wheelin A Lake Erie I 18 I 17%' 17V 17v 1-- ~\ «,. 1?; » ! I** ' 1«2 3001 do lit preferred I 37 I 40% if.s* iA-. 1 ! JT* T V jlji '« 10%' Jt ,= 100: do 2.1 preferred 21%! 24 I 84 «vi * S , +. "' ff* •"»« 4« II SS . 6001 do preferred 48 I 52 1 S* j B<m| M 4M 4 IS? 2 2|*; «J» » 4.7f.2 282 Total gal«-s for the week. *i;nllste<l. ' ~ ~—"~ — " — =— ■ 4<H! !— 1!. BANK EXCHANGES; SALES RECORDED. The bank exchanges of the New York Clearing House and the stocks sold on the New York Stock Exchange last week' and for the same week of the preceding two years compare as follows: May 10. 'OR. M«v 20. 'OS. Mar 21. '04. nxrhinK«>!=. . ?1.02<>.7<>2.7J»7 $1,782,317,703 SJ.2l{> 167 r.Si No. shares sold. 4.7«^..'H^ 4.4*7.089 ' 1.3.Hy.T03 RAILROAD EARNINGS. The Tribune has printed the gross earnings of thirty-five railroads or systems for the first week in May. Of these, thirty-two return gains of $1. 257.439. or 18.2 rer cent, and three return losses of $127,687. or 43.8 per cent. The whole shows a gain of $1,129,752. or 15.7 per cent. The Tribune has also printed the gross earnings of twenty-three rail loads or systems for the second week In May, of which twenty-one return gains of $956,871. or II per cent, and two return losses of $119. or 44 4 per cent. The whole shows a gain of $837,432. or 15 per cent. First week In May — 32 companies... lO.^Sft ln™.fl™7*43> &'« ;t companlw... 150.Q56 -78 073 Dec/!*?;*!! 45.8 S^^%ftg£" 'T^™ I«-.»U»77M ir.7 21 ronil>»,274,7B» X. 317.018 Inc 871 IX a a companies... 150,411 380.010 && C J. *$%$& 44 ;J Tuttt 23 cos.. $0.425. 2fi0 $8,587,828 Inc. ' SS37 4r> ,-, 0 CENTRAL. OP GEORGIA. N-iimW rT mllen 1.577 latm, I I?.*,I I ?.*, Number of mUM. . ... 1.H77 \£e. !"!?* Second w«lt tn $-_^3.2')0 817" ion mim'S&l July Ito May 14 10.0C0.85C sToTOiwc * $ 82? COLORADO & BOUTHER.N. Number «f miles 1.121 1 vi , ., Second week In Stay... $210,004 1175. 43S xd'l.', July Ito May 14 10.324.1 M 8.283.»1» ft.oS's|S IXTEnOCBANIC OF MEXICO. "•"*» uou F.cond week In May... $uo.«i SUH.BW! SIM (Ml January Ito May U. . 2.483,144 2.425.287 "387 SI maacAN INTEnNATIONAI* Pfooml.week 10 .May... . $i:.\i.v. jiayniw Jaiuaiy 110 May 14.. a.6io.ia4 I>U»S,I4J """"" XATIOVAT. OF MEXICO SBar-rtwa;: ,»s. «a iggj tt, i>->ns BOOTH W»f m X umber pf miles i ofto , --. BTtmBSE; SiS ,»ig ..jgf swiSSfciii jb! £& li week Ju.yltoMayU.r.:: 4.^^ jjjg^ J^g ALABAMA CR EAT SOUTHERN. Kumber "of .miles 190 * M IW3 i M ISO*. First week in May train* •«« * SO* J-» 1«C May 7.' ::;; &£ ,«?■$ .gl.^l CINCIXX ATI . NEW ORLEANS ft TEXA3 prci^ Number of miles rsa .^, w«Sftr».; «aS «5 .«£ Jwy Ito May , 7.000.240 8.227.27T $<h'c2S TORONTO. HAMILTON ft BTJFFALO V SSn2»»;:;:; SUS $S g^S DETROIT UNITED.' Month of April — SS?r.Sr.ST.i,«: :: $^t5 ■ss •»» o.^5a^:::::;;; "-- -fijg «^;t 1"—::;:::;;J^^1 "— ::;:::;;J^^ ' »-■- ..g.^ JaTrtoAprUSol- * 7 ' 2M tW^ ~~i££i n :Xi;xeV.;._|V» 7 *•«» •»« ot^t n rmT.::::::::_^ ""*§& n^s tB :::::::__^k> J^ ~^g Plll;>!u# $285,«5 MST.SS3 ' ftn DELAWARE ft HUDSON. Jan. Ito March 31— 1008. 1035 chanrn Ci«» earnUu: :-o:-i.7;? s?.CU3.eso ia^VaSTrwS Operating expenses .. 1.988.88* 1.701381 Xne. l«*w» Net earning* *1 oftn.oM MBO.SBS In- TiaT^ Char**. 73ft438 744. 410 In-.'^^g S*irp:>j» J.lf!».t»B» fias.27s In. BuTS July 1 to March Cl— •»i«i Gross ear nine* 59.2 M.344 IH.S3S.SCt 1nc ..... Operating expenses . . 5.308 Sl* .VIOY2OS Inc. tciV Net famines (.1784.32(1 53.525.37* *« 1532 Charges 2.24->.2«* 2.2IT.CSS Inc. z&\ ■urplua $J.544.2*> 81*17.718 Inc."S?I; *»— - _ & MISCELLANF.O"? SHCUSIIISS. (Furnish »i by Frederic H. Hatch. No. 20 BrrmA m* Bid. Asked. I X* * ) , American Can.. JJ» 7VJ B Stetson 273 «*< do pr«f. «1*» «2«»1 do pref Jsa "" Am Press Am. 83 M& LorllUrd pref.'/'ia ,2 Am Soda Fount. 1 S Lord & Taylor 'lfo 5 da Ist pref.... SO CO do com 6«r "J« V do 24 pr«f.... S 10 Manila* Tians,. 3«. *• Am Thrsad 0f... 3% » M«z Nat Con...' » * Am Typ* F<fair.. SB 41 M * Con... iL» •_ do pr»f M 101 | Nat C*ah Rpf . . ' iIT^ % Am Writ Paper. 3 4 N>w OrleanaT:.. j? £ do pref 24 26 I do pr»f ZT ■• Barney *3 C. «2& - |.N V Trans.... i » do pref ISO — |Ni:e9-t>n-P . it* ,J Bay Etat« Oaa. . % yotla Elevator.'.'. £ ,; Brit Col Copper. 7% 7% do pr»f. " i<2 ■ Colfa Arras 73 SI I Pitta * L E.. m Hi Compressed Air. — !i Pop. Jff». . . . ' ' ' 4*. ■ CCoof Am . .70 — ; do l«t pr»f ' «j* J Cm Firework*.. 15 2» , do 2:1 pref. "'" ' j- 3 do pref «7 72 I Pratt *Wh of inn 31 Conaof Kefri* .. * « : Royal Hale rpf iw *• Cent Fdry pref. .22 34 j Safety CH* L£» 2 Chesebro Mfar. . .44t* 4W> ! Seaboard Co . ' » Con Car Heat... 60 65 | do Ist pr»f. .. '£f ■ Ccn Rub Tire... V-, .2V do 2d •>!•«•• . "5* 2 do pref 7 *Vi .Singer Mf» Co.'jßa • Cramp S*E. .1* 25 [Stands CM !....«7 5- » Electric Vehicle. It 1.1 i Standard Miilln* ii> 7? do pref .17 20 { do pr»f »• •* K>ctr..-Pn-a ... M *%: Storage Power.."* « ™, Empire Steel « 9 j 10**- it 23.1 St W «l -."I do pref .•» 40 JToti Mm r,f N«v " 1«I 5 nr.^r.r. Copper.. 2«=» 2»*» ! Trenton Pot. ta £. ■ Hill Signal SS MO , do new pref.' .'.'." to* m? Havana T«>bacc^ I* 27 ' do o»w rtfs "75 d.> Ist pref.... XI n« ] Trow Directory 43 Z 11-H-M l*t pref •"» — I Union Ferry... " 3 ? Hud Riv El P.. SO 4A United Bank Xoti m „ Hud Riv Te1.... SW Xl I do pref 34 S Inter Salt ."?4'i P.« Un Typewriter... M m Int Mer Marine. 11". 12 | do Ist pr»f... 13 m -do »>ref 31 32 | do 21 pref....li3 ,2 let Silver pref. . . SO Ml -* «• TRUST AND SURETY COMPANIES. (Reported by Clinton Olltert. No. 2 Wall *rr«*r.> Bid. Asked, ; m ± AA^, Alliance Realty -- 125 : Manhattan .... 4 ; 3 ' '^1* Am Surety U» -"»> 1 Mercantile _ SI Bankers' — MO ! Metropolitan ... Sift *-i 8.1 & MtK Or. **> 41.1 I —anhattan ZZtg. 135 Z. Howling Green 2£2' a lE!!'* <Jo pref»rr«xl.. Jg|R •» Broadway ..." 1-". »*>-H: Mortgage Bond. 10» 11* Brooklyn 4l*> 425 ; Morton «*» cm • 'as Co of Am. 12i> I*> ! Mutual .. I*, '{i» Central 2.«S«> 2.130 I Mutual a. an* 217. s*l OntuTv Realty 19«» ->»> i Nassau a» ~i <tty Investing- 117', 12SV Nat Surety ia» *_. Colonial SSS 4«» jNVI, In jfe I*3 Columbia - 27.". jN V Mt R A Sec. 1»> » Commonwealth. »• l'« N V Trust.... 730 fa» Kmpir. Trust.. .110 315 . eooles . . XT, »» Equitable — .".I-. ' Real Kstate Tr. 51 " Varm L. & T.. 1.400 I.4ivi I Realty Aaaae..! 18.1 K!» Fifth Avenue. . — f/S j Standard Trust. +«,) 4: i Flatbu«h 2^.'. -"7.'> ! Title «; r *Tr. Km Sa Franklin 325 — IT ICo of NT. l«r. 1;.-, Guaranty Trust 525 — !TrCo of Am.. 750 "M Guardian 2~» — i fnlon 130 ft 141% Hamilton 3.V> — I'r,lte.l States.. 1335 lisa Home Truat... 190 — US rasuatty... 3>Ht .1 Hudson Realty 125 — IT <M 4 T. ... 420 — Inter Bits Corp l.V> I<W> jrsTG&t... 12* in Kings County. 450 475 I Van NonVn — 333 Knickerbocker. 1.3*0 — i Washington ... 4m _ Lawyer*' Mtir- 1"*" 191 | Westchester ... ISO na Law TlniT 2«S - "' i BT*J|. 13 ]M Lincoln M*> WO I Wllllamsburi .. 225 jm I. IL ft T. ... 2!» SH Windsor 380 at Mount Vernon. 225 235 HEW TERSE Y SECURITIES. BONOS. (Furnished by J. Thomas Reinhardt. No. 13 trail ■trtstk Bid. \mn. •American Dock ft Imp Co Bs, 1821. Jft J US* — Bergen Turnpike Co Ist ss. lU6I. JA J IW> Kg Brunswick Traction Co 3s. l!»4tS iff* — Camden & Trenton Ry Ist ss, IVJit. M* N lv» VU\ do s «n S3. 1031. J ft J &0 SB Canioen Suburban R>" 89. 11H* ... It* — Central Electric Co of X J Ist 3«. lint. JftJ. S3 1Q» CStiiena' Electric Co Ist 6», 1913. M & X » — Consol Traction Co of SJ Ist Ss. 1053. J & D.106^ 10T : i Consumers' Light. H&P Co 3s. 1939. J*J...lia — Kdlson £1 111 Co iPatenon> Ist 3s. 1912: J ft J..IQS — do gen 6a. IVJS. J & D lt)7 — Eltz. PI ft Cci Jersey V.y Ist sa. 1950. Jft V. . . «7 » Elizabeth ft Raxlun Street Ry gen ss. 1954..... 83 lU> Gas ft Kite Co of Bergen Co Is: ss. ISM'J. J ft D.102 — do ss. I«S4. M & N M SB . Hackensaclc Water Co Ist 4>. 1 .«.".2 . J & J. 93 ">» Hoboken Ferry Co Ist con ss. 1:»46. Mi X 10» HO Hoboken Land ft Imp Co 3s. 1910. M & X 102 — Hudson County Gas Co Ist Cs. 1049. M ft X .. .106 107 Jersey City Electric Light Co Cm. IStS 106 — Jersey City. Hob & P Ry Co 4s. 1949. MAX.. 72% 71 Jersey City A Berst R R Ist 4 ; 3 s. 1943. J 4 J...102 — •Lehlgh Valley Terminal ss. *.«-<> 11« — •Lens Dock. Erie B R 6s. 1»35. Aft O ISO — Middlesex ft Somerset Traction ss. 1350 ft? 5 * 100 •Midland R R of X?w Jersey «?. A • 0 103\ — •Morris ft Essex Ist 7s. 1914. M ft X 119 * — do con 7s. 1913. J ft D 128 1 * — Newark Con Gas Co Ist .1». 194*. .T 4 D 10»«, lit* Newark Gas Co Ist 6s. 1944. Q— -T 133 — Newark Pass R R con ss. 1030. J•* J INM* 111* New Bnins Light. Heat i Power Co 4s. 1030. . . SO — •New Jersey ft XT R R dm. 1910. Mft N 103 — New Jersey Zinc Co Ist 4s. \V». Aft 0 9» 100 •X 7 ft Greenwood Lake sa. 1M«. M & X 11.1 — N T & Hoboken Ferry Co gen ss. 194«. J ft D.-lOT^i vm% •N T4- X J Ferry Co 2d Ss. 194«. T& .1 100 II; NTft X J Telephone Co Ist 5». 1923. Mft X..IW — XTft X J Water Co Ist 6s. 1920. Fft A 09 KM X V Ruth & Sub Gas Co con «a. 1911. Mft S. .104 MS •X T Sus * Western Term ss. 1948. M 4 X 114* ««•» North Hudson Co Ry Ist 8a 1911. J ft J 112 »IO!i do con 59. 192*. J4 J 10* — do e*t 3s. 1924. MftN 103 IBS North Hudson L. HftP Co 5«. 1889. Aft 0.... IDS — North Jersey St Ry 4a. 1043. M & X 7754 Ms Orange & Passaic Val Ist ss. 1039. Jft D 93 C? Passatc Lighting Co Ist ss. 1925. MAX 103 IST do 2d Bs. 19(» 100 — Pessalc Water Ct> Ist 49. 1920. A ft 0 SS* — do sen ss. 1937. Jft J 107 — Passaie Gas Uzht Co Ist «s. 1022 110 UJ Pnterson Railway Co Ist As. 1008. 3ft D 10T — Paterson City Railway Co Ist »-"s. 1907. Fft V 1"4 — do con 6s. "1931. Jft D 123 — Paterson Electric Liitht Co Ist «s. 190S 103% .— Paterson Gas IJarht Co Ist ss. 1906 MO — do 2d 6s. Aft 0 IS> — ' Paterson & Fas Gen E!ec Co .-or Is, M i s—loß5 — 108 M Plalnfleld Gas ft Elec Co Ist 3s. 1911. J* J 1«» — do pen ss. 1940. A* O MS — Flainfleld Street Ry Co Ist 6s. 1022. .T ft 3 110 -; Public Service. Corporation certificates TS ll do 5 per cent not»». ICO9 *4 W Rapid Transit Street Railway ss. 1921 10* IIS Rutherfor-l ft B S Oas C" Ist *> 1911. Mft3. *• — Somerset Llghtlnar Co Ist 3s. IMP. F" ft A »» "• Somerset. Union ft MM LOs 4s. I!M3. Jft D. .. IS — S Jersey Gas E*T CO Ist 3s. 19*?, M* ? 101 «• Trenton Gas ft Elec Ct> Ist ss. lfM9. M ft ? ...lOSIa i::-> Trenton Passenger Ry Ist «s 1931. Aft O 120 — Vrenton St Ry Co Ist con 3s. 1933. Jft J IPS — Vetted Elec Co of X J Ist 4s. 19*9. Jft D 71 •• •Flat price quotations. STOCKS. Celluloid Comwirtv t!S JJ Consolidated Traction Company of New Jersey. SO ■ Joseph Dixon Crucible t'ompany . 38t» — Essex ft Hudson Gas Company 1-4 iz? Gas ft Electric Company of Beriten Cbunty .... M •* Hackensack Water Company common «2 mm do preferred *£ *" Hudson County Gas Company WP> Jersey City. Hoboken * Paterson Railway C 0... S* ««?. P. Lorillard preferre,i 149 » New Brunswick Lfsht. Keat ft Power Co JJ* __ New Jersey Zinc Company 433 __ North Jersey Street Railway Company *» — Paterson & Passaic Gas ft Electric O> Jj .11 Public Service Corporation •*** is Rapid Transit Street Railway Company s^w Somerset. Cnlrin & Middlesex I.lshtlne Cn •» .. South Jersey Gas. Electric ft Traction Co '-» *~ Singer Manufacturing Cbaspany -SS 2m Standard Oil Company ••••■ ~ United Electric Company of New Jersey *» IN THE PETROLEUM FIELDS. The work of th© wildcatter has at last b«eaJ* warded, for what appears to be a good strife* w made on the West Fork. Spencer District. Rosa' County, for th» Carter Oil Company, on tb« J- •*» White farm. It started In last Sunday Bl * llt> possibly 100 barrels for the first twelve hour*. TRJ nearest producing well to this is in Cal&oun °**j"*l It is believed that it Indicates a new pool, or »#• "bly the extension of the KowelVs Run field. TW" is little work under way in this district, but » discovery has proved an Impetus for starting * work. The well is in B«rea grit, and is c* 0 * 0 to improve when shot. The Carter Oil Company •» the largest holder of territory in that locality. The Keener Sand pool in Tiler County still •» tinues the one great, interesting feat in i lower Southwest. Several new wells are J «*_j&. producing strata aad are expected to come m ™ tff . in a few days. As th« wells in this district .°*ttS» lore, have been almost uniformly product iv* •» expected that those now n*-arlng l>o . m P l *s*lVswX also prove of value. One of the good '^'S" ?K, this pool is its splendi.l staying power. »* B " e Jr Is a slight falling off la production, as » "^ expected, the different wells are holding hiRA. remarkabl* unanimity. The rive wells on tn« 'yr? Workman farm were, producing Sm> barrels **£& day. and the three on the M. I- r>maa^^,S barrels. while the two on the Clark '■"L'JJjSitS ing up at 275 and the No. 3 on the Morris ran £3i> barrels. _ _-_ k in tin There has been some revival of field 0^» 1 i? g,i Shallow Sand district, where additional «f"L being put down where there U room Tor lB »s There were also some wildcat operation* J Grant and Murphy districts, In the *> al j **" a ox tory. Th» field news from other BB t n« «3Sjl Southwest Is practically featureless: onl> »»• run of light wells and dry holes ,»;*• ,'*S? u ThStf»e ci name uninteresting conditions exist ' n ,, s^r l rjriliS Ohio, where light wells and total failures asm results of the week's work. . .— in bar* Kenned petroleum was unchanged at •■"■'{iSiphii rels and 1.70 cm bulk at New York. !™i a^^H prices on a basis of 5 points 1-^er The fWI refined market was also unchanged. I/*™?^ gjlas* per impel-in 1 gallon: Antwerp. 1» francs per »™ « and Bremen. &3S marks per s<> kilos. PEEKSKELL STRIKE SETTIXD- A committee from the teamsters' union •** entire association of bosses were to 0OBf fT 1 f: .. Peeksklll on Saturday evening un" l ml«BlgB*^j» an endeavor to settle the strike which has °<*"^ since Monday to this villas* «nd t^ 'J^cr lockout by the boss truckmen of •".S.'^JSjretJ row. An agreement was announced. **? _s*Sdti* conceding 12 pay for a day of ten hours »»i Ty . 5 . teamsters conceding tn« open saof^ . j.°Tw» 1 ters. masons or.«| others who hay» ■»*» "™"^_^bmbj early Nst week because they re' u »S?. «^T»H material carted l»y non-union men »v», IB * i r, tl goxX to-giorro^.