Newspaper Page Text
CQAC3 XSp SfOrXgS. amir -insertions ft cents per line. Sixteen •£,:* » v lime* consecutively. $1. whic h **r!i. »«.-erueei- so have room* in- B^?ifcuj>e'« Director* =f Desirable Rooms 2"arS 01 a ioUTtcn *•*"•• Wrt! tor Jtrula.-- mi informs tlo-. cca.-rnlng these rooms ,' 1, j,aS. free of charge, at the Uptown HL of The N>«* York Triune. 1304 §sS»we;\ between 3Bt>l end 3.M. sta. ZX'mXSG — i>e*irable location. within *CrVt-,u:*s P.lcr.roord County Country _£r«t<i BO* Ms*»: two n-.irutes from C*«» * "• m:n::iei fr.>c> Midland Beach: !2r\Jaa<' sen ice eiven: references r* ** , -*^«idre«« JSrs. MASON, Dongan J^State:- I«!«nd. -~^Le'^VTLT rUP.NISHED APART- l a . Pr vat« ha::.. »1 50 dally; Including s t« n . $C 5 weekly; one. $I.V THE RSNSSBLABR. 15 Ea«' lit" •*• TUj cy •* SAS'r.- --Very attractive room, mitt, hoa-o private batr.s; parlor dining ££ eiices exchanged. J^Fc^T END AYE.. corner MSd rU. ■mbcV 'jr. rr. Riverside Park subway sta- surface car*: beautifully furnished Em or .-i looking West l^ad aye, and S'fc^rn cxr-osure: superior tabl^: most SatlW ~x [00 In New York City. rrßMsnrn booms TO let. -j-wi, } ««r' ion* f> --er'* per 'line. Sixteen J~s"tc\-+v timfi" ■ »c-i;t\ply. (1. which aiivTt:ser ta ha-.« ro.>ms entered in •CT'nbure's Directory of Desirable Rooms ymut' ■ ' l>*lrablo Room« Jw » ptr. - 13 c * fourteen days. Write for gsrisr Ten tef«-fr.»tlon coiifemlng «s«e r"oms «~rte ha J . free of cliargf. at th* Uptown ?SL of The - NY ' York Tribune. 1304 jJ^]ft4MV. bftweesi >BHi and 37: h si* -~F-aVt 30TH ST.— Large pleasant room. »rraiJ "(" (V "'. * lta private bath; gentle jain; references. BTH FT 3.15 WEST. —Par lor suite, second floor ro^raf, breakfast optional; gentl«» wt , tar _ ■ location; sub-a-ay and River- JJJi'l)n\e. ref«rmces rwntial telephone. l_j£AfT 4" ; •FT Hsndentne rooms, with -nva-f hath; Southerners THlimtHlalr 1. jioellent table and axteaOsMoe: reforenre. ■ear gT.. 6* WEfT. Flu iilssmd room for gtst'.finen cn!y; refren'-es required. 43711 ST.. 110 WEST. — Comfortable r*v>ms; very dean; every convenience, also back gtrlcT: $3 >ip- JK VTZST SSTII ST — Comfortably furnished brleiit airy rooms; near "L" and subway; genllimir . reference*. CRAVEN. FAFK AYE '^7;h *»>— Large and Rsa'! roams: running water; telephone; T^ier»lil«. f.r»t "is»» neiyhborheod. ryrcßMsnF.p ROOMS TO LET. •JDET. 20 EAST recjswstte Madiron Square Park) ■"— Salte t« rooms anfi bath-ooti; teference* ARTS. GCL£) FBAMBB. goli! car.Vl mirrnts. Co lonu! sl|ls* to crd*r. and readj made in fleck to select from at wholes*!* prices. eCHOFN' Msr.Hf«rr>ir»r. 14." r.*s: 22d-st. AUCTION R.4I.ES BT VIRTUE "f several chattel mortgages. §»n:u»J Newwltter. Auc*.ior.e*r. v. ill Mil cc Master a >' - 1 - HOC at »:» o" t>lock In the forenoon, at Nos -401 and 403 East •ii st Bcrourh ■f Manhattan," the fixtures of Hvtai fiionns formerly at No*. 5C2 Teeth £v«.. 20J SrrinF St.. ISS4 Avenue A. jfr orflpr cf mrrtryrpe. BILUARD AND POOL. TABLES. BILLIARD Al?Z> POOL TABLES ntt«>d with the incomparable MONARCH CUSHIONS. In (Screed by all the 1"' icr,t BiU'ard Exptrts in the rorli. prrf^ an«i »tn« rar PRICES ANT TEH MS TO PITT ANY AND ALL RBQriBE- EIUUIARP MATHP.IAUB 01' pyrpy' DESrRiPTION. REPAIF.S bt EXPERT MECHANICS AT REASOX TFE E r.r.'r??^'i ctc-b a e-col.lex de r OoTcdMroon«i and 229 -Jth aye., cor- Efr'llUhst. HAMTACTrnEr.S of billiard -- d nool ta!i'»f r^S 1 " stsq* bewUnai si'^y build «n; sTH«« P«t«*» MARX 2P.01-.. 24 Union fiQaar*. AinTTrnfinKEN'TS ans *'jasrript:or.s for '-.. Triton* received at thtir r r-t own 0!S». Ko 12^4 Erea4way. »>«w«en 3*<th taaSTtfc r?.. NatO 9 o'clock p. n-- Aaver ttcicti rceeiTcS at Cm foliowir.g branch tfbsi n regnlar eCJce istes ur.ttl 6 o'c:oc* p 8.->ir: 254 £W five., s. c. cor. 22d st.; lE3Cti»vc.. per. :2'h et . : 92 Eest 14th «.; S7 TT« i2c. ?:., r.*'*icen Tth cni fth aree.; 23 Wfsi rt ; I^-S Sd aye.. between HttCsiTftfe BW.; IOSG Hj aye.. re Sr «:ist ft: QV Ist rv» , rxsr >-9:h st. : 157 East !*:!■. st -."6 Tr»n:or.t aye.: Pt-C 53 nve. CARPET CLEANING N. Y. Carpet Cleaning Cc OJdesr. Larger, 'lost Modem. 427 >ND 45» WEET 45TH ST. Tel. 2S£— Bryant. Estab!ir,a*-d 16." XT. H. JORDAN. EDWIN LENT - 1 a 1 w, miu&m BSiWixHTLILST. 3&& i CAI.rET KING. E6tattlsSied 1*75 s 2:0 WEST T7TH ST. Uipr WcrUs. Excellent Facilities. TE^EPKOKE 2.2rS— HIVEP.SIDE. <un^rt;L carpet • LEAN!! I co — Ctear.s by cc.Tj'rees»d air. steam, hand cr os fiC<>r. ISj* Broadway. 421 East 4nh •t COS a: BItANDT. Ttl. 132— :;Sth. he«k« a>t> OKFirr rrr.sjr-Rr. ■^OLL TOP OFFICE fcxs iti'ri: !t p-»at rarte:y (C style »n3 price. EELLEW. 11l Ptftion =v CKESsa.UiING AMI MHXXXEKV. I»EESSMAKER —By ref.nel weamn; *••*. t^Stmtr.-t :r. jirivate :»aii!ifi by the day; Tfrfr- «"-'"-> and refereccea Adaresn if*"- Triß-urit Uptown Offic* 1304- Brflac-.viij iP-ES-v MM A K ETR— French : et seamstress in J*-ivs,t» famlij- or to ;sclo« m hotels, go x^coiinrrj- for summer; ail kinds sewing. JTJf-J'-Tf; n-.*kiag ever specialty; aaais: ""*-». tee: rt-ferenres; <!i ei^a#:rd June 1; WB r^i eresingi. a. n.. UU Broadway. fSjWgWpTOfM and ■übmrrlptlona for T^« THbun* r«*ived at tlieir Uptown «O» ISC4 Kroediray. between ««th SIS? t! * • irtil a fclock p. m. Adver 2««-.*n-* received at the .owing branch »-. * rr«u!ar office rates ur.iil 6 ociock fi,i:, •*•! 254 Bth eve., s. c. cor. 23d »t ; =*--**•- ye ■ '- r T. 12th St.: 92 East I4tii st _ EMPLOIMENY agencies. MRS. L. SEELY „__ _.HAS REMOVED HE I EMPLOYMENT BUREAU TO 23 West 39th St. •»««»??•■ 24'«. Bryant. tniQOKL,\s OFFICE: 84 KEVINS ST. ST. BA^TBPOLOWSW^S til Eaat E 2?' I>)T1 ' ENT BUREAU. •uptSS *^ * l — First decs domestics are In,:. i_*r*2 rmr '* n6 * lt * housekeepers, ma y"-'- «°'ern«i i> es. tutors, etc. P*°S^^? EMPLOTMENT BUREAU •»- Tel iaM 10 10 " » ye ■ comer BStt Arc You Looking for Board or Rooms ? The New- York Trißnr'. Information Bureau, at its Uptown Office. 1.364 Broadway, has 00 file all the better daw Board. fag House* and Ronm fHouaca. FREE mforma tion as to prices aad lo calities. L FOR S.U-B. DESKS.— Itolltup: partitions! railing*, "ta- Dies. tare*. l*ttar presses, counters, shelf j^l S ?t sr6s Oia^ P m^nire' S St dO ' fn ""'^ . _. LOST. L<^Tv <)r^ ■— Bankbook No Blf».218 «♦ i- tne German Savings Bank in the city ufsuiS W f« ( k/.,,'k /.,,'^ ornel U! th ay.. and 14th St.. !•«»•« to William Wos.ner. All person* If^n^ " eil ■**'««<• negotiating th« sam». of June. laoo. a duplicate win be issued ">«it stopped. Please return n.-nk to hark. k No - «*•««• Kank for mtr, ,^- ?° 4lh av * ■ "«w Ycrk. Pav "ler.t storred. pi,. aM( return bonk to bank MACHIXERY rulSntJSs^ »«*«« «orklr. X machines; fully guaranteed: machinery boucht arri m R:s;r^Eo^ t nT '"S" M,'^v,-_M ,'^v, _ . ._ jnOTO^EXcnAVINO. *«etor~!£!*? ZF ',•"• Work: ********* Gi-est Jono. ,t. •Phore log ; pr 7r.g. ' 3 j ggSTACRAXTS. CAFE KCRETTI M w r>sth Inter new Din 50c win. c.» mai »*sement Ix-h. «oc. TKDSTKS. ? "^ M^« BTB T f Ry i>-S FOR ~UM. DkESS TVPEWRITISO. TV PEWI;.ITERS^r^^-^~-^^ cSd?' M **""" * sS£.4B£ , ■ * TYPEWRITERS— Remington tlO; fv fln _ rtaU, ■>; Der.smore.YiSt or Hamnor'i »t EirClt rePßlrln «^ GAY. mwet * BELT WANTED. Slate. ANT INTELLIGENT PEheON may earn $43 to 6i> monthly at home in spare time correspor^o 1 . -t for newspapers; n> canvass ir.E; experie:i<:e uiriecessary. Send for nar tlcular*. PKESo SYNDICATE. Lockport, FIRST CLAFS AWNING CUTTER —Man to take charge of (hop. 672 Fulton st.. Brooklyn. IMMEDIATELY.— Cabir»t makers. car penter, machinists. latSe hands, moulders., engineers. toolmaUers. trass worker*, are men. blacksmiths, oilers, butchers tin S.». vain'.er6. lar>-r'!P. cooks. ' disn washers, iiltchenmen. porterp. useful men, lunchmar.. waiters. on'.r.lbu*sfs. elevator runners. laborers and messengers. GEI; MAN-AMKRICAN BUREAU. 1058 3d aw.. between 62d and C3d sts. DRUG CLERK WANTED in Newark; Ph. G. or registered in N. J. ; permanent position; must be reliable and all around men; good salary, name references state age and experience. Address PHARMACIST care John Mitchell. 450 Broad St.. New ark. N. J. Scasse. ANT INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $40 to 50 monthly at bone In spare time rcrr**pt.'ndlr.|; for newspapers; 1:0 canvass tag; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. PRESS SYNDICATE, Lockpoit. ! WANTED. — A seamstreeß and Other's helper: Protestant girl; rot over 23, who is wi.ling to make hereeif generally usetul in country l.c.Tr.e v.ith three childron^ must : present a good appearani c and be wi~ng to eat in the Idtcher: Al raterencet r- tuired; suit*- »as^* Address T. L. W.. 17 "A'est 'Slst Ft.. Men Yor«t. WORK WANTED. Male. AD WRITER or DEoIGXEr..— Cy Powell graduate retefence, (it-cite H. Powell. New York Personaj address. A. C. WADE, tSuddersvlUe. Me. BANK CLERK or LAW OFFI-rE.— Youns rr.zn. 1»; oest reference and security. Aaeress JOSEPH \\\ ANOLIERA. 216 U'ashlugton Et. BLACKSMITH, all around: pood and wiU- Jig. i<3s Kitrt 88th st. pOT wisnes j>oaltior. in automobile garage , v.ttet* he tun leurn tiie bUßti;ess tfjo? oughly. JOHN M'GONIGL£. i'J/j Ef-rt BBtQ et. BOY — Age. IT: living ■»;■ 1 parei t* stenog - ■ : [ANIN 140 81% ingtoa nt. — i.X. — Receiving or sn'.ppir.;; sixteen years' experience in large coor. sash and blind ::-.£.n..;oc:ur; concern. i. RJNG UEK. Jr.. ?• y liignpoist aye. West Ho boken. X J. — . CLEP.K.— Young mar.. 23; four years' «c ptfteace at shipping, ar.dhng all express matter; cr any cleium; ;x'£ition; good pen man. GaFK.NET. D4S 3'ith st CX»LO3 jk, N j. COMPANION 01 entertainer to ge&tlesnan or boy by brlsrht, accomp!i£bt j young student, derlrous cf tiavel'iins curing sum mer months. Box I'j, Cornwall, Conn. CHAUFFEUR.— By young man. American: private faT.ily; ireful driver; run or.J repair torcisr. or American care; references. CHA& POTBURY, :'.lB Grand aye.. B'klyn. CRAUFFEUB 2nd COACHMAN*, or either; reamed: goo<2 all around mar., with shop exp«rler .-. thorough horseman; 17 years' persoi.a! rrrferenc«-s; " diaengaced Juna 1. WEBER. 146 West 90th 6t- CHATFj-EtrK.— Fy younp man; ezp*rl snond reliable; best relerenees. Acoress F BI'CKMAN. care of F. Rosch. 155 \\ «st 2D:n t'. CHAUFFECE. machinist, r.ho carries also rnarir.r- p.rd stationary enginears licenses. J. POULSEV 422 West iTtB ft. CHAUFFEUR wishes to change his position with private family; strictly ternp* rate; first class reference. JOHN LARKIN. 1056 Simpson st. CHAUFFEUR and PLUMBED. — Oompe t«nt:: private party; w'l.Vi to w k«p Plumbing, »>: C in repair at l»Uura. W. D . .'•22 Evergreen aye . BrooklrJ- CHAUFFEUR.— American. 29; f>H Tea £f. experience on electric sn4 gasolece cars. 20 years' personal referents; cc-a do re pairs. F. WASnniS. 441 East 83d St. CHAUFFHI-R — Practical mechanic and re palier Address R. L. SCHNEIDER, 118 West »7th st. CHAUFFEUR.— Man. 88; good baWU; ex perienced In driving- and repairing both fortirn and American car*; prefer* driving private for moderate aaltry In order to get good r»"<-,rri rr . tn (j a from «r!vate party: can give 12 months' personal reference from manager of last place. W. A. ECKER. 209 East «4th st. CHAUFFEUR-— Married: 10 year* experl enoe; skilful mechanic; does aJI repairs: twice through Europe with employer; high est city references: willing to go anywhere; any car. E3BEH. 1206 Westcheater aye. CHAUFFEUR- — American, 88; licensed; ex perience*!; will ran any car end keep in repair dally after 8 p_. m. and Bunday: very reaeonable REJTBRTNCES. 2803 Bdway. DENTlST.— Machairtcal ; salary, 810 per we«lL 1. C. oars Davis. 400 Grand at. DRIVER.— By young man. C 3: or «t«l^ U-lns; alt* rears' experience. TONX Bvnwkur. 1873 Ist »v«. EUROPEAN ESCORT.— oouple. ax peri«nc«d tn.vtl.'ers: husband, a promi nent mufsaiar; will tax* a young gentle man or lady abroad tor tan weeks; mostly tor an outtng In Switzerland; excellent practice in »MS*MP»^»»i> •"*»»; ref creaeeis axcßMaxad. ABROAD. Box 8. Trtb cos pace. E3LJBVATOR RUNICER or DOORMAN^ By SSth at. oa*a PuUlaa. ■y»»« bd elevator attendant, tn HATI-^T. 847 fcaJt eM2> «t. T~w/?Tjn?T'R- £r»t d 6*» certl3cat»; sober. Inr « ansiianni hmir*' six years la last gSsaV gCTaEAB, MS Baat 18th at. EKGIKEER— SCIddIa ag^J ; smaU *t«asi niaat- waga* modarate; ataady. reliable: IKEXB. MAOSUnST.— Oannaa; In hlib cla«» aearUaeiX loft or factory; own toc'f tfcrea man l» last plaoa; referent**. E.N"GTNCCn. «•> Ooltuntaa ava. BDUCATBD Mid rwSnad youag man. with eorsJSenrilo business experience, deairta D - jf '.tvla emptorn»«Bt •vactlaga. etc. «M \ljyiYSi, Bex Tribune CKUoo. SnStfSnW atfi TBAWSLATQgL-A— '»i* ws4 •Tit»§ £52Bt»a, MM — L rrynat,_axu! hd* «=■-•- A^^lti, WT Oitta'iitimi •** NEW-YORK DATLY TRIfeTOE. MONDAY, MAY 21. 190*r. WORK WANTED. "SEPT 1 * • v «t«a— Mate anA Female- Jnsemri. ,i not ««••««»*• 2* words). three cem. KLvJSi C€ * lt>: -"""en Insertions. SO wort. •?, ; IriK 24 wor<l « ■ nd >«•■ «'»n *> Mat*. MACHINIST'S HELPER. «*.— By younc ir.aii, 20; has laker, charge of dynamos. GBOIiGE LARSON, 73 Johnson aye.. Union Course. Long Island. MACHINIST. — All around hand; thoroughly acquainted with marine engines; crank sltafis a specialty ; steady position. PH. LUCK. MS West SUth Ft. MACHINIST. — Expert sewinr macMnn r« psir'-r; un(ier*tsnu» repairing all kinds book and shuttle maclilnen. Address MA CHINIST. West 19th St.. Coney Island. MASSEUR. A-c— Experienced ; French; bath. hotel, sanatorium: or as valet to travel with family; good experience In travelling; speaks Rngltan, German, French and Ital ian. Address RAMB2A'JD. 227 E. 2fith st. MASSEUR wishes situation in bathing es taMler>m»rit. reference*; speak* <serman, Italian and Slavonic. OEOROE JAU DRICEK. ;c>3 Greenwich st. OKKICB WORK. — By yojng man. 80; has knowledge of bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, tocether with English, er.-l Spanish; can call and answer questions at any time. C L. C. 08 Beach hi.. Staple ton, Staten Island. PAINTER, paperlianger; highest grade In side ar.d outside work; hotels, real estate, private houses; city or country; low estimates; largest contracts executed. PAINTER. 13 West 42d St PAINTING, vanishing. roll«h:ti«. enamel ing, esiiir.aie.-. Kiveti on iniiaa and out side work of all kinds; all order* promptly attended 10; high ilana work. DOUGLAS. 75t> Lexington aye. PORTER (LIGHT).— By lntrlilaert Ger man AmerlcskC, 45; abie to take place aa head pcrter; highest city references, bond. If required. RELIABLE. 164 East 113 th st' POULTRY MAN. «-xp<". ien?'!d. sucressful. active, eldfcTiy Americir., handy with tojjfc; build, repair; fine gardener, care taker, horse, etc.; reliable, competent, strictly temper»t«. best refersn"", moderato wagej. HENRY. 424 West St. PAINTER, paperhanser, decorator- tnk« charg?: responsible any job: city or coun try. 114 East 41st st. PAINTER, rarerhangf and decorator; rrivate or estates: day or contract, first cla»B mechanic. Address PAINTER A-ND DECORATOR. 2901 Sth aye. Roofs & TINSMITH repalrtng: a!s..> roof-j under guarantee for good work tnar.shJp and reliable price- in ths city lin.!ts H. FRANKLIN. 1023 Ist aye. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER — five years' xpericnoe; best referer-cea. SNYDER. 881 Br; .k aye STENOGRAPHER, highest ability, desires t(. tra.-el as secretary: knowiedgn of photographic art. references. 364 West &Sth st. BAUjOP..— Good r igger. wire ana rop* aplieev. Addrewt a S . 101 Market Slip. TINSMITH.— Handy with tools; sober married; would work in automobile shop best references. JAMES BLACK. 145 Wem 160 th *t. VARNISHING, polishing. f!n» furniture. floors, all hard woods in |r«-nrrel; city or country. Tel. 61ft- SSth st 4SS W 37th St. \% ANTED- -Position In real estate "fflce by graduate of National '''•-operative Realty Company; references sar:*factory. \ddress L- R. 8.. Tribune Uptown Office. 12A4 Ercadway. YOUNG MAN. 18: good education; work at anything: chance for advancement. LEONARD VITTI. 41 Grand St. YOUNG MAN on gentleman's place; has first class experience dairy, poultry and horseman; also out«!cle gardens, lawns,' etc M. G.. Box 33. Tribune Office. TOUNfJ MAN. 20. a« driver, packer or ele vator runner: reference. ARTHUR Mc- CARROLU 608 West lflth st. YOUNG MAN. 17. In office; 2 years' ex perience in real estate offlre as collector and office work; highest references. JACOB GRABSCHRIFT. SI 2d aye. YOUNG MAN. 19. desires position outside. <-.r with a travelling Faleyman. M. PERLr- MAN. f-i Orchard st. TO! NO MAN. 24: handy with too!*, three years' BXperlence In eieetric line; I'" 0 handy at machinery. Address G. H.. Trib une Uptown O.Ticc. 13*54 Broadwar. TOT >"■; MAN, 21; indoor or "utdoor. e< peiienced ;a;kt: and shipping clerk. A<I >HHN. 380 East 7th st. i IRISHMAN, 25; married; city ex reference not afraid of A.'dress H. .1 MADIOAN. 77 Bar- TOUNO MAN". 19; ambitious, trustworthy; in cr out of town. THOMAS A. LEE. 171 ?sonttroin<-ry St.. Jersey City. YOUX(J MAN; 2": in trim mil!: ran take off quantities from plans accurately, make oui. llbts. trtka rneasureaenta at buildings snj ir.ake aetails. Address DRAFTSMAN. IS 13 2d aye. YOUNG MAN" — Age. 2S. recently dla charged from navy as chief yeoman (chief cltrk); where opportunity exists lor advancement. WILLIAM RAPFEPOF.T, 2*2 Brook avf. ADVERTISEMENTB and subscriptions for The Tribune received at their Vpiown o:nce. No. 1864 Broadway, fcftwee.n SUih and 87th ftf.. urtli 0 o'clock p. pi. Afiver- U*ea snts received at the foliowLig branch oJßi^s at regular once rates until 8 o'clock i). m.. viz. . 254 Bth aye.. s. c. cor 23d st ; 153 Cth are., cor. ll!!h st ; 92 East 14th St.; £57 West 42.1 st . between 7th an.l Sth ayes. ; SOS Weal 12Tth st.; IS3S Sd aye., between 7Gth and 77th fits. ; 1026 3d aye.. near 81*1 St.; l,"08 Ist aye.. near 88th ft.; 157 East liSth st. : 7.VJ Tremont ; <i."i Or.d aw aTflosale. BOOKKEEPEP.. stenographer, typewriter, 18; experienced; faiarv $s, good at lig ures and {air ■writer. NETTIE BLOOM. 870 5 ft st. The Bronx. COMPANION. — summer months: by ■••our.; lad;- teacher; as companion or te/'cr.'-r for small c!*n- beet references. M « BESSIE HANKINS. V/allaceton. Va. COMPANION. &.-C— Srr.iih Collage student as companion or private secretary 10 a lad/, or as governegs, 'or tne cummer rnocihs; wil'lng to travel; highest refer ences. Address STUDENT. Tribune Office. COMPANION, &c— English woman as com panion, housekeeper or nurse to invalid. generally useful; so°d references; would travel Address A. 8.. 10 West lSlst St., present employer. COMPANION, &c. — At E?afcr!sht. N. J. tor cummer; middle aged, it-fined. Intelligent person; in respectable family; &s companion or nurse to child or adult; best reference; wages $20 per month. Address M. U C. Siliott Place. East Orange, >.. J. FRENCH DRESSMAKER, from Doucet; engagement by day in family; city or country; rim class work only. DRESS MAKER. 237 Eaet 50th st. GOVERNESS. — By young lady; upeaka German. French, English: fine sewer; good references. Address KLEIN. 333 3d aye. GOVERNESS. English, expert, prepares boys and sirls for school; Continental French and German. Latin music, English "irnnchti: hl<ily recommended; good salary. M. X.. Trlbu^* Up:o»n Oflce. 1364 B'way. IXTERTRErrEB.. Ac— Part«tftn widow of American neva! offlcer trill act at inter preter in Paris or travel. Addreu Mrs. A. STREET. 6 Rue Ltopold-P.obert. Paris. OFFICES WORK.— By young woman, 87: In doctor's cfllee; most excell«nt references) as to ability, etc: accurate, expert type writer. A. E.. 231 West 136 th St. STENOGRAPHER — Any machine; quail fled; over five years' experience; refer enoes character, ability; salary arranged accordingly: trial, 88 per day. Add raw n. 8.. Box 110. TMbuna Offioa. BTENOQRAPHBR and TYPEWRITER,— <iood penman; salary reasonable j two years' experlenoe: no agencies need answer. A. ICKE, 831 Bast 9U ie STENOGRAPHER —By young woman. 18: rood speller; beginner: $8 to start. MAY MANNING. 2012 Ist aye. BTE.VOOKAPHER-Tt VETWRITHJR, expert; nine years' eiperleooe meroanills, rail road, insurance; Hammond, Remington; $18 weekly. MISS COOMBS. ISO East iflSd St. 6TBNOGHIAPHBR or BBCRHJTART.— By New Englandar; sssks employer appreci ating ability and reliability ; salary accord- Ing to hours, based •nquality and Quantity of work. Addreaa BtTTLER. Box IJO. Trlb une Uptown Offloe. US* Broadway. TOUNO GIRL who has recently finished bar couraa of stanorraphy and typewriting at Pratf s Business School wishes offlca po sition. A. STEIN. IBM 2d aye. ADWRTZEEanDNT* and aubscrlpUona tat The Tribune reoelred at their Uptown Office, No. 1864 Broadway, between 3Sth and 17th «U., until 8 o'clock p. m. Adver tisement* received at the fallowing branch offices at rerular offioe rates until 1 o'clock p. m., via.: 294 Bth, s. c. cor. Sid St.; IBS Oth aye., cor. ltth st. S3 East 14th at.: »7 Wast «2d St.. between 7th and Bth ares.; 203 West 113 th St.; 1835 M aye., between 7Sth and T7'h sts ; 1020 Sd aye.. near «l«t et.: 1706 Ist Ml, near Sftth st.: IS7 Saat lStth st. : 75* Trcmont aye. ; CSO Sd aye. mMOBmC sBTCAtTOOT Wol3B^ Mate. AM ANXIOUS to find a good position for my coachman: first «lasa la every par ticular. Telephone 74-SUdlsoo or M - Rector. BUTLER. VALJBT.— ■nglUhman. slngla; wlxr* foataua a) teapt; Bar Harbor rre r..r«l r..'»t c!u« rritttn<«»; tborouthly Viaoa. E**t iid st. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Make ATTENDANT. MASSEUR.— for In valid or elderly gentleman; special refer ence as masseur. FITZGERALD. 400 East 67th at. ATTENDANT. COMPANION, to an In valid; experienced, educated, gentlemanly: arcustomed to travel; New York reference*. GKAHAM. fl> Lexington aye. BUTLER— UsefuI colored man as butler, or department house. 422 West 45th St.. rare Miss Taylor. BrTLER — HOUSEWORK— CoIored wan and wife; city or country. *?2 West 45th at, .are Miss Tayior. BUTLER, or second, f-rencf.msr.. 35. wlShes situation In American family; city or country; speaks little English. Address LOUIS FRENCH BRANCII. 10S West 54th street. CARETAKERS. — Couple, no children, man employed Wn.dorf; experienced. ED WARD BURROW, 407 West l»th st. CARETAKERS — Intelligent American coupie. no children, would like to tak* care of private residence: first cla«s ppr- Eonal refcrenc*. D. E.. 254 Bth aye. < ARETAKERB.— Toung married couple; In private house. T. BAP.RETT, care of Shannon. 141 West IWJJ'i »t CARETAKEP.F. — Youn^ American cotipte. one child; for the summer or longer, best refeiencen. A. D.. 2imo ."id ay.. CARETAKER, reliable, to care far private house for the summer; referot one child; no postal*. LENS RITTi;R. 21« West C7th st. CARETAKER. Germar couple. f ,n» child, five years of age. best of references, wishes position for one or two houses dur ing the summer season. MRP. L. FRANK EN. 351 East COth at., room 7. COA("HMAN. English; ag«. 88: married, no family; thoroughly understand* his busi ness In all Its branches: ten years' first class reference from last employer: city or country. WELLS. 865 W*st B3d "it. COACHMAN— Thoroughly understands his business: good, careful driver: neat ap pearanoe; strictly sober; honest, wll'.lns and obliging; best personal reference. 8 River aide Drive; 'phone. 2700— Columbm. COACHMAN and GARDENER— Very neat and tidy Swede; smooth tared; s..od ap pearance; strictly sober; understands sare fine horses, etc.; very best reference. CHARLES, care Carpenter's Bureau, 154 6th aye. COACHMAN.— Married; thoroughly experi enced; unsurpassed personal recommenda tions; skilful driver: neat appearance, tem perate, obliging, trust worthy, economical manager, city, country MILVEEN. 23* East 28th st. COACHMAN.— years' experi ence finest trotting and road horses, car riage* and stable outfit; will be round com petent and trustworthy; can handle four or tandem. Address N. MC. care Mr. French. SI 6th aye.. Brooklyn. COACH AN.— Married, childless, country preferred thoroughly underriar.<ls al. du ties, splendid perso-*l references; temper ate, willing. resner-t.JI; moderate expecta tion*. FLAHERTY. P22 3d aye. COACHMAN, gardener. Cadillac operator: competent, trustworthy German-Ameri can, middle aged, single; wishes to change; can alpo run a car; $23 and found- excel lent references. COACHMAN. 526 Clinton aye,. Newark. N. J. COACHMAN— Married man; first class; best reference regarding honesty, so briety, capability. JOHN, care of .T. B. Brewster. 49th Ft.. 7th aye. COACHMAN and first class horseman: first class references, written or personal. EDWARD WENDELL. 221) West sSth st. COACHMAN. - Young man. 27: good driv er; strictly sober: thoroughly understands his business: Al reference. J. R., Trib-'iie Uptown Ofßce, 1364 Broadway. COACHMAN— MiddIe aged; understands his business thoroughly; flr*t clas* r»-r sona! Call or address T X . 22 Weat Bth *t. CO.VHMAN - Rv young marrKvi man; first <:l.iss personal reference, country or city. T G . 241 Ea«« 4.-»th st. COACHMAN.— By young man. SO; city ref frenees: last employ tr can be seen. .TAMES M'CAFFRBi'. IS \\>*t «Oth St. ' OACHMAN.- Eiir'.lsh; finrle; T, feet 4 Incf.'-f^. t.mperate. cotnf><'tent. Address T ? . Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broad wry COACHMAN.— Married, no children; eight years' excellent references: understands c«re of fin" horres: ape. £«; exi<-riencpd with road tnd trotting horses; willing and obliging M. ,T . rarp»n«<-r's Bureau, 154 fith aye. COACHMAN— hnnest. careful driver; best city an 1 personal references. Ad dress J. M . K>43 3d iv«. COACHMAN, mug!*; r^mp'^Tit to care for horses harness and carriages; also xutomobile; permanent position; country preferred C C. Tribune Uptown Ortice 12<U Broad war. COACHMAN. Elrgle; tßorougalv under 6tsr.ds care of hort*s. harness. ca-iir,.rfs: good rider, careful driver; neat appear ance: sober, reliable: Al personal written references. T. F. D.. Box 112 0,17 eth aye. COACHMAN.— Expert driver; understands his business; drive four and blow sound horn. Present employer, 77 East 80th Bt. COACHMAN, first class, wonts situation; exceptionally fond of horses;" city end country references. Apply J. G.. 128 Chambers st. COACHMAN, married: excellent appear ance: strictly temperate: skilful, stylish city driver; thoroughly competent, pains taking and economical: excellent personal references LYDON, 122 East 3lst st. COACHMAN. n:arrled: disengaged Jur.o 1: first class city driver: willing and oblig ing: present employer ran lie eeen. 67 West f.4th st. : Fergr.nun's f.oc.r COACHMAX— FamiIy going at.roart wish-s 1 ■ m ure position fcr Their roarhrr.nn, whom their can highly mT.-rr.nenC. Address present employer. R. M O . 1111 w. fi7th «t. COACHMAN anit ÜBEFUL MAN —Mar ried, r.o children: wife as cook; excellent mnn for gentleman's place; best of refer ences from last employer. Address ARTHUR, care Cerr>«Tt»r's Bureau, 154 eth aye COACHMAN, r lngle; young man; thcroiißh ly un<Jar*tan<i» car* of horses, harness, carriages; honetst. sober arid steady; first class references; our.try preferred Ad dres F. L. 1.. Trlbvine TTptown Offlpe. 1384 Broadwajr. COACHMAN'— USEFUL MAN— yourg men; ccachman: long exr>erlence: ether second cr useful man; together or separate; willing. Obliging. MORHGWB BUItSAU, 721 Lexington avi. Tel. 1&28 — Plaza.. COACHMAN.— Experienced; first class ref erences; willing and obliging. Call or *ddrt*i J. QL'IKKEX 1&7 Harrlsoa st.. Brooklyn. COACHMAN— First class man; thoroughly competent in eiery respect, as references will testify. Addras* XV. W., Tribune Up town Office., 1394 Broadway. COACHMAN, married, no family, thor oughly experienced horseman, withes cou:iuy position; neat appearance; abso lutely sober, honest. Industrious; beet ref erences. FRANK, Tribune Uptown Office, 1804 Broadway. FARMER. FOREMAN. —American; good plain gardener; all work on place; two children, 5 an-3 2 yean; wife excellent but ter maksr. poultry, etc.; board help. JOHN, at Carpenter's 154 6th ava. FARMER. — By young man. 19; on small farm; any distance from New Tork; wages moderate Addreaa MODERATE, Tribune Office. FARMBrR. foreman, or useful man: by Irishman; gooo vegetable gardener; wtfa excellent cook or houseworker; t\k years" reference from last place. B Carpentaf s Bureau. 104 Bth aye. GARDENER and USEFUL MAN— By a Swede; good vvgetable grower: cut lawn*, paths, etc; specks good English: best ref erence. JOHN, at Carpenter's Bureau, 154 6th ara. GARDENER, or superintendent, of private place, by Englishman, age 88; married, no family ; experience on some of lancest places tn country; understands growing of fruit, flowers and vegetables outside and under glass; farming, care of livestock; landscape, laying oat new place, etc. ; state wagaa. etc T. Y. J.. R> S. New Brunswick, N- J. GARDENER, caretaker, horse, etct •"•» oeatful poultry; handy with tools; bolld. repair; competent, reliable, strictly tem perate: beat references; modarate wagsa. GARDENER. 48* West at. OARDKNBR.— Soouh. single. M: IS yearr American •xperienre under glaas. outside; charge country place: best reference. W. D.. Box 78. Pleaaantville. N. T. JAPANESE. — By young man to do any Mnd of work: speaks, writes and reads EngUaa wall. BAKAJ. Box 3ft, Tribune Oflea> JANITOR, single, wants position as Janitor. porter or haady man; handy with all kinds of tools; refertmoee. JOHN A. DOW NET, 701 Lexington are.. Brooklyn. JANITOR— Maa and wife, two ohildrwL aged sis and eight, jwltanbtp of cold water Catnouse; no baaetnent: do small re pairs. Mrs. HURLJBT. 4SS West 40th at. NURSE.— WeII trained: iindimsnils Atac>- Ican massage. privaU faally. A. O. JOSEPHS. »7 Wilt ii:h st. AiyVEKTISEIfIBm aa* nkMntttail* Th» Tribune received at teeir Uptown Offlce. No. ISM Brt*a*'ay. lwtM-**n OSta and 87th sta.. until • o'clock p. m. A* T tUements received a* tfce toiCwiff brew* offices at rwdueflet rates until *o clock :\ m.. viz.: ~<i £th are,, s. c. oer. ~>i *t-; TOta m. cor.Jkh at!: 02 E*iU-»U» .t.: ti7 West 424 *t,, b«fwe«n 7th rM r.ft av«»-| i*»* vr..t 126Ui eM'lU* id tfv, betw*»n l«U. u*l nii ha i WJ» M a-**-. *—** •«•" DOMESTIC situations wanted. Situations Waatrd— Male and Female— Four tines (not exceeding 24 words), three insertions, 15 cents: seven Insertions. SO snu. Exceeding 24 words end less than 40 wows, three Insertions, 30 cents; seven in sertions. CO cents. M*l» JANITOR. — Young German eoople- general repairs. BT7SBMAN. 311 East }02d ft. NURSE.— Young man. professional expert •ncc; good ief«r*npes. JCD. 128 Chart ton st. USEFUL MAN.— Hoaeat. willing; small family In country: understands care of horses; &peak» French. CHARANCE, W)5 We«t 41st st USEFUL man. age 21; smart; perfectly willing : speaks little English: honest. neat, strictly sober; priva»« fami!-, ; highly recommended; $'"• up. EUKSUZIAN, 338 4th aye. USEFUL MAN— Younc Irishman. )un landed; with private family in pountir; very handy abou* grntl'man's place. K. DV/YER. Washington Inn.. Wrsr lOMa s«. USEFT'L MAN— Sy young man; country; not Afraid of work FRANK BESTIuTv. 257 Avenue B. USEFUL MAN arouml a place; ,in drive-: hcnesl. soVr. willing and obliging; i-an give personal references, will go very rea sonable, country preferred. A., Box 3SJ. Tribune Office. USEFUL man. middle aged: in co-jntry. Call, after 2. LONO. 550 K««t limh st VALET— On gentleman's yacht: most re liable Jspan«ae. bust city reference. J. P. 823 East 55th st. VALET. — .lap3n»«i»; in private family; city '<i country: or gentleman's bachelor apart ment: entire charge of house, hot-.! at club; does not use tobacco or liquors: clothing pressed, etc.; experienced traveller Europe and this country; understand* massage and cooking; excellent personal and written ref erences. G. KANEKO. care L. U. Smith, 173 Madison aye. VALET — English; understand* barberinc ar.d massage treatment. M. HOI.IJXG WORTH. 2» West 64th St. VALET. ATTENDANT to Invalid; experi enced, educated, icemlemanly: accustomed to navel; New York refer»jices. GRAHAM «9 Lexington aye. WAITER — Steady colored man; can take charge; city or country: «ood reference. FRANK. 408 West 55th St. WAITER —By colored man; hotel, cafe restaurant or club. Call cr write. W. M. JOHNSON. 15 Rockwe .'. Place, Brooklyn ADVERTISEMENTS and subscription* for The Tribune received at their Uptown Ofllce. No 1.3R4 Broadway, between SSth and 37th sts.. until 9 o'clock p. m Adver tisement; received at th« following branch office* at regulsr office rate* until 8 o'clock p. »., vli : 2T>4 Mh-ave . s. c cor. 2i ; d-st., 1.18 Oth-ave.. enr 12th-fct . 92 East 14th-at.; SB7 West 42r H -st-. lietw»en 7th and Bth aye*.; 283 Went 125th-st I.S3S 3d-ave .. between Tilth and 77th st*.: I.C'.T. ::d-ave.. near Slat Fmm. CARETAKER, housekeeper, companion, chaperon or matron; ox-customed to man agement of servants tn fine homes and ex perience in all lines of management in in stitutions: would travel with lady, hospital experience; unqualified references: city 0. country. A.. Box 9t. Tribune Office. CARETAKER— By woman; private house: good references, call Monday. A. 8.. care of Mies Nilson. fi3s M aye. CARETAKER. —By respectable woman: beat references. Mrs. M . care of Jani tor. 14'i6 3d aye. COOK — Thoroughly competent; persoral references; wages $4.V-SSO. X., S3 Eaat 128 th ati COOK, colored, seeks situation with private family «r gentlemen's apartment; econom ical manager; strictly sober: a reputation for hard work and*; ten years' references Andrew A. J . Tilrmne Uptown Office. 18«4 Broadway. COOK First class; understands her busi ness thoroughly, from soups to desserts; an excellent housekeeper; city or country: not i«i>» than $30 a month: has very best references from loading families. Call SWEDISH EXCHANGE. 453 Lexington aye.. or Te!. 455— 38 th st. COOK. — in country with private family; good references; wages $35. Address 217 West 3Cth St.. second bell. COOK.- -First class: willing to go to the country; best references; small hotel or private family: also laundress, willing to assist housework- Call Mrs. WILKES' EMP. BUREAU, 957 3d aye.. or Tel. 724 — Plaza. COOKS. — Colored, first class, for private fsmlites or Warding bouses country- RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 320 West path st. Tel. ns+*-Cclumbu». COOK— LAUNDRESS. — Two younir German girls; one as cook; other as laundress; will go together or separately; city or country. Call UAS3 EMP. BUREAU, 1025 3d aye.. or Tel. 111— riai3. COOK. — By young woman; g.->o'l plain cook; (ma!! family; ccurtry preferred; wages $25. Address C. D.. Tribur.e Uptown Offli?*>. 1364 Broadway. COOK.— By resp*otaMe woman: two years' reference: lac. employer can V>e »ecu. clty or country. 184 w ?t 20th st. fMcUm'i belli. COOK. — first class O?rmen; good baker; best references; city or country; wages *33 to $4". Call at LA No & BOECHEKER CO., jri West 27th et. COOK— First class; thoroughly under stands all branches plain and fancy cook- Ing: very neat: good references; city or country. M. F.. Mrs. Collier's Agency, 122 Wist 23d st. COOK.— Protestant; understands all branches of plain and fancy cooking: fc^oti home preferred to high wage*: pj.-.j references. F. N.. Mrs. Coiner's Agency. 128 TVeM 231 st. COOK— Very best references; Swedish: can take entire charge. Cull BLOOM'S EMP. BUREAU. 747 Lexington aye.. or T#!. 4887 — Plaza. COOKS.— For summer hotels or private families: S^re.iish and Finnish: very test references; |2il to 840. Tali BLOOM'S BMP. BUREAU. T47 I^Mlngtcr. ay«.. or To!. 4«*r— Plaza COOK.— Reliable wo:nar. as family cook; [Virata or small boarding house: so short rliatanc-e in tho country; r#st references. 20« Wett ?.€th et. COOK— CHAMBERMAID —First class cook; good bsker: entries, soups, .tel.ien. ires: | l# friend chambermaid :cood laundress: private, public; city or country MOR ROWS BUREAU, 721 Lexington aye. COOK, *c—Assiste — Assist with lrundry: also cham bermaid or waitress: two competent Fin nish girls: very best references. JL'SSILA rUREAU. «'«0 Lexington aye. COOK — CHAMBERMAID, WAITRESS — Two Slavish girls, cook, good baker: ether chambermaid, waitress; excellent laundress; private, public: city or country. MOR ROW'B BUREAU. 721 Lexington aye. Tel. IW2&— Plara. . COOK — CHAMBERMAID. WAITRESS - Two German Klr-s; cook, good baker, ex cellent laundress: other chambermaid an# waitress : togetliei or sepnrate; city or coun try- MORROWS BUREAU. 721 Lexington aye COOK— KITCHENMAID —By Two girl»; one as cook, 833: other as kitchentnald. (20; excellent reference*; country preferred. Mies SHEA'S Bureau. 8 East 42d st. COOK— WAITRESS.— Two Swedish glrle; one first class cook: underatands ail branches cooking; other rapabie waitress and pariormald; city or country; be*t r«-f«r ence from present employer. J.. Mise t'jta- Oerald's Bureau. BOS sth aye*.. cor. 42d «t. CHAMBERMAID.— Bf toub» Swedish girl; la country. Call Monday, after 10. or ad dress 14 East 76th St. CHAMBERMAID and SEAMSTRESS.— By a first claas 'young woman: willing to as sist waiting best reference*; wa«ej $20 ti3 Call at LANG A BOECHSRER CO.. IS West 27th st. COUrLE.— Daughter. 10: care «f prtvai* reciUenc* for summer; honest and reli able; references. M.. Trtbuna Uptown Of tice. 1844 Bruadway. DAT- 8 WORK, washing and Ironing. Write or call Mrs HEADING. 113S Ist aye.. third flight, rear. left. KITCHENMAID - Exparlen.ed ; JIMS" • month. Call MonUy. 10-12. CENTt RT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. lf>« 6th aye. KITCHEN WOMAN.— flood, oulok. experi enced; restaurant or hotel; by the jtay or we»k; wash dlshe*. etc Mrs. MILLER, 284 18th St.. Brooklyn. LAUNDRESS. — Underatands line laces; good shirt, collar and cuff Ironer; very neat and obliging: excellent references. city or country- M C, Mrs. Colliers Agency. 123 Weat 23d st LAUNDRESS French; thoroughly experi enced; fine clothes, shirt*, silks, flannel*, best references: speaks English. JAO QUIN'S BUREAU. 60S t'.th aye. LAUNDRESS —Strong young Swedish girl. undanuuiJ* her business thoroughly; •'nail hotel or private family: 839 BLOOM 8 EMP. BUREAU. 747 Lexington aye. or Tel. 4SS7— Plaaa. LAUNDRESS.— First class; private family; understands shirts, collars and cuffs; will ing to go to country or seashore; ISO. Call BLOOM'S EMP. BUREAU. 747 Lexington ava.. or Tel. 4887— Plaza. UIITNDRESS — German woman: good; ■oat out by the day; can do up shirts. Xra. SCHAETXUEIN. 3M East 7«th at. LAUNDRXSa — rirst din; can do up shirts, fine nn«n: personal r*fer«nce«: •vedlah girl. JU^SILA BUREAU. «80 LwJngton ava. LAtTNDRBBS. &c.— By neat young girl; shirts, collars, cut:*: ha* brother. uaaOU mvi und«i»t«-aC* cow*, nonet; ■"lli'nj, cUUicgi «*T «" country. aiOKJtO'W3 CU »l< L.'.N •iTr.VWKK.'V THE SPRINQ Sea Trips OF THE Msk« me«t attractive rcutM to •Norfolk, Old Point Comfort, Richmond, Va,, & Washington. D.-C.' Steamers sail daily except Sunday from Pier M. Nona River, foot of Beach Street New Tori. Tickets Incladlat meat« and stateroom be.-th. >B<x> one way. $14. round trip, and upwards. 818 UMW^ LW£. daily" service " For Old Tolr.t rom!ort. Norfolk. Ports mouth. Pinner's point cn<j Newport News. \ a... connecting for TVtershurt;. R!.:hmo«id. > lrginia Beach. Washington D. C., and entire south and "West. Freight and p«3senser steamers sail from Pier 2U. N. X.. foot Beach St.. «very week day at 3 p. m. H. B. WALKER. Vice-Pr-sHent and Traffic Manager. Special Party from New York per Quebec 8. S. Co.'s T. S. S. 'BERMUDIAN" May 24th, will witness the arrival of the win ning yachts at BERMUDA. Nine Days' Tour. Rat« <C£O Efl Including All Expenr«a *p«/A*«?U thm. mm A sow; 315 & 1185 BROADWAY. €40 MAD'jOX AYE., NEW YORK. "T.A VELOCE"— Fast Italian Line. Sailing from Pier 64. North River, ft. of 34th. St.. for NapVs and Ueno 1 Bolognesi. Hartfleld « Co.. -J» Wall St. STEAMBOATS. % QDsi^QagjGßft. . Pflatial 61 ** 11 "™ 'NEW YORK" and "ALBANY • of the Hudson River Day Line. /*•**■* and finest river boats in the world. Vv. Bltlyn.. J-"ulton St. (by Annex). B:oo A. M. Desbrossee St.. Pier 8:40 •• " West 42d St 9:00 " West 129 th St 9:20 " Landing at Yonkers. West Point. New burgh. Poughkeepsie. Kingston Point. Cats kill. Hudson and Albany. Dolly, except Sunday. Special trains to Catskill Mts. re sorts and Saratoga, and easy conrectlons to ail points East, North and Went. Through tickets and baggage checked at. offices of N. Y. Transfer Co. Through rail ticket* between N. Y. and Albany tcccpted. Most delightful one-day outings to West Point, Newburgh. or Pokeepsie.. returning on down boat. Restaurant open at 7A. M. MUSIC. SHAM MMI POWELL Leaving Desbrosses St. at 3:10 *>. ii. (Saturdays and Holidays. 1:45 P. M), W 42d St. 3:30 P. M. (Saturdays and Holidays 2 P. M). West mth St. 3:50 F. M. (Satur days and Holidays 2:20 P. M.. for Highland Falls, West Point, Cornwall. Newburgh. New Hamburgh. Milton, Poughkeepsle, liondout and Kingston. Orchestra on board. . . - « . BEFORE GOING ABROAD CONSULT THE EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENT S THAT APPEAR REGULARLY IN' THE TRIBUNE ON SUNDAYS. WEDNESDAYS AM) SATURDAYS. PEOPLES UIE NEW YORY—ALEANY. HUDSON RIVEK BY SEARCHLIGHT Steamers C W. MORSE and APIRON DACK. aiternating. iv. XMer :«2. N. R.. foot of Canal St.. 6 P. M : and Weat 129 th St.. 6:3 mp. m.. wrek days only. Direct connec tion at Aibeny for ail points. Orchestra. EXCURSION $2.50 nßrfn^TPfTnfK^i and points in UDUyS> U Vll'LJ NEW ENGLAND. FALL RIVER LINE via Newport and Fall River. Leave Pier 19, N. R.. foot of War ren St. week days and Sundays, at 5:30 P. M. Strs. PRXSCILLA and PURITAN. Orchestra on each. NORWICH LINE via New London. Lye. Pier 40. N. P. . ft. Clarkson St.. week days only, 6:00 P. M. Strs. City of Lowell and Chester W. Chapln NEW HAVEN LINE for New Haven. Hartford and North. Lye. Pier 20. E. R.. ft. Peek Slip, week days only. 2:45 P. M. Str. Richard Peck. BEFORE <~»OING ABROAD CONSULT THS EUROPEAN ADVKRTISKMEN'TS THAT APPEAR REGULAP.LY IN THE TniE'NE ON SUNDAYS. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. CATSDLL, HUDSON AND CGXSACKIS BOATS Irfare Pier 43. N R- week-days fl P M DOMESTIC SITrATIONB WANTED. Female. LAUNDRESS — Very fin«; willing to go alone or as head laundress in private family; very beet reference. JUSEILA BUREAU. 6?0 Lexington aye. LADY'S MAID. — First class; speaks French. German. English; hairdresser, seamstress, packer; good sailor; best city references. Address 343 West 30th st. MAID ard SBAMSTivES?.— Assist eham berwnrk; coir.pftent, obliging; young woman; eight years' reference; city or country. M. X.. Mrs. Collier's Agency. 123 West 23d st. MAID —By refined German gtr! to ladles or grown up children; good sewer; beet ref erences; wages $25. Call at LANG & BOECHEKER. 13 Wee* 27th st MAID — First class; young Swedish girl; cltv or country: has workwl for on«» of the best families Cfill SWEDISH E^CCHANGEi 453 I^xiliM-ton aye., or Tel. 4*5 — SSth it- NURSERY COVER NESS. —North German, ■wlti* child over 4 years; b«st city refer ence*. A. N.. Tribune Up'.owa Office. 1364 Broadway. —French; experienced; age. 34: •peaks English; plain sewing; wages. $25: rood reference Call or address A. care Mrs. Main. 215 East 634 St. NURHIS and chambermaid or wnltrees. by Scotch Protestant; neat, willing, oblig ing young woman: good references: '•Ity or country. K. M.. Mr*. Collier's Agency. 123 West 23d st. NURSE.— Reflr.ed: for one growing child: 120; country rr II * * r 'e (S - Miss SHEA. 8 East 42<3 st. NURSE. — By German Protestani: thor oughly understands full car* of Infant from birth: nent and refined: exceliem ref erences: flty er country- A. C. Mrs. Col lier's Agency. 122 West 23>1 si NURSE.— a German young woman to Infants or grown up children: hospital training: best references: want $26. Call at LANG * BOECHERER CO.. 13 "Xest 27th st. NURSE. Ac — By neat younr Otrtnan airl: experienced: rood seamstress: has brother, useful man: willing, obliging: city or con»> try; together or separate-.- MORROWS BU REAU. 721 Lexington aye. NURSE. — Lady desires situation after June 1 for most excellent woman as child's rur*e or rare of Invalid: hlshest references. Address P. O. Box 153. Col<l«prlns-on-Hud son. N. Y. TWO young Sweilsh girls: will go together or separate; very best references: willing to go to the country till BLOOM'S KMP. BUREAU. 747 Lexington aye.. cr Tel. 488T — Plaxa. WAITRESSES —By two pMa. M wto At lantic flty Address R. PIERiTE. Box 337. Summit. N* J. WAITRESS. — Can lake butler* p'.ace: can carve; has best references. JUSSILA BU REAU. CSO Lexington aye. WABHINO. — Rjjpeclabte Sw.-dlsh woman to take famllv washing home; open air drytne. Mrs. UH.BKRO. 130 Bergen si.. Brookljn. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER for one or more gentlemen or lady and gentleman. hv a smart, capable woman; best refer ences. Tall or address M. SHANKS. 534 West 125 th st. ;fi ADVERTISEMENTS an* aiifcaerlpHjma Mr ThiTrtbune receiwd at their I ptown Office No IBM Broadway, between SAth «nii S7th sts.. until » o'clock p. m. Adver- S2m«ts received a the following branch oClc-5 at rwular office ratea until 8 2> ock oOM9 vltV^T sth ava.. a. c. cor. 234 at.; (m™ th ay... cor. 12th st : M East Ut* at. «-7 Wast 42d st., between 7tb and Sth avea. ; SM WW«th st. ; 1?S8 »4 aye.. between Ittb and TTta eta.: 102t ava.. n«u- .Ist It : nod l*t «*•>. aswr MO lay.: »T Bml jia« »ti 7s<J r*«3ipct *t».i co sat©»a *t©» I \!LBOAD9L OBAOILOBdD^CD. BTA 2°^5 J9OlJ 901 <* We »« Twenty-third Street andl>esbroeeea and Cortlandt Streets. ••The leaving time from Desbroaaes and brtlandt Streeta to are minutes later thin butlo£ * ** Tw Bt l'- Ullrl Street «» r. . . . FO* THE WEST. .r o gA-t7s,cA^>^Au •10 56 A. M. ST. LOUIa LIMITED. Ku» •»»« i taclnnati and B t. Louis. •10 55 A. M. IJIB > BNNBYLV ANIA UM .,..,,„ lTtip— 23 hours to Chicago. •1 .53 P. M. CHICAGO. CINCINNATI •*B p.m. AND BT. LOUIS EXI'KBdg. •t-65 P. M. MUOSTLVAinA SPBCLU. >< » .. hours to Cblcago. MRS P. M. CHICA .O UMITEUX 2-5 l M w ESTIfRN EXPRESS. %25*>. M. »T. IX>LIS ANU CINCIN . _, _ NATI EXPREtS& -M P. Si PACIFI .- RXPRBBS. •9 P. «i. AiA.ND AND CINCIN ••SSP.M. NATI iXPII&S •»55P. M PITTSL. K-a aPErnAU WASHINGTON AKD THE south. •7.55. » a}. '» .25. »w». .10.3:, a m . 12.25. •1255. 2.10 .«&2bv "Congressiunal United"). •3.23. -4.26. «4.53. «S.». ».23 P. m.. li.lo night. Sunday. S.IT.. «to A. •lO.Ci a. ir... 12.SV »12 5.1 (•3.23. "Con gressional Umitetl"). «;i.Ji "4.i5. »4.53k •5..15. t«.a p. m.. 1110 night. SOUTHERN RAILWAY.— •S.ZS. «4 » p. in.. 12 i<> a. tn. daily. ATLANTIC COAST LINE— •»» a. m. -jnd 23 p. m. daily. SEABOARD AIR LINE— iS-M p. m. osd 32. 10 ». m. dally. NORFOLK AMI WESTERN IX.MLWAT.— •3.25 p. m. dally. I CRRSAPKAKE * OHIO RAIT/WAT.— » 7.» a. m weekdu}* an 1 '4.r^ p .•.. daily. FOR OLJ. POINT rOMFORT and NOR FOLK.— »7.55 a. m. w«ex-£ays and 5.35 P n-. d;.|iy. ATLANTIC CITT -f>-.-> s.. m. and 255 p. :n. week-days. Sundays •?.» a. m. CAPE MAY. -12.63 p. m. week-days. LONG BRANCH. ASBVRY PARK 'Oeemi Grove) t*>ortV Asbury Perk Sundays*, ■nd Point Pleasant (4.00 frorc D*»b. * Cort. si's, on.'y) X.XV. 10.55 a. m.. 12--» • 1 25 Saturdays only). 2.25. 3.25. (4.25 ex cept Long Branch) and 4.A& p. m.. week days. Sundays 8.23. 825. 10.M a. m.. and 455 p. n>. ._ FOR PHILADELPHIA. COS. •7.25. »7.55 925. 8.5.',. •9.29. I™ •835. •tIOBS. •10.55. ll.!» a. m.» 12 2" •12.55. •] 55 2 10. 2.55. »3.25. S.S3. 4.25. •4.25. 4.55 <•+«.!» for North Philadelphia Only), »5.C5. »«.25. 6.55. 7.55. «25. 8.53. •25 (9.55 for North Philadelphia only, p. m. I*lo night week-days. Sundays. €.05. •;.!» b25 , •».». •». *t10.55. •1055 a. m . i 2.2». •12.55. -1-55. »325. ».65. »4.25 (»>4.v"S for North Philadelphia only). »4.55. »5.05. •8.23. 7.65. 825. 8.55. O.SI (9.55 fcr North Philadelphia only.» p. m.. 12.10 night. •Dining e*r. Ticket offlcc*. Nos. 4*l. 1354 and 170 Broad way: 182 Flf'n Avenue (below 2Sd St.): 283 Fifth Av>aue (corner 2»th St >. ant stations named above; Brooklyn. 4 Co-Jit street. 478 Nostrand Avenue. 390 Brc** war. end Pennsylvania Annex Station. The New Tork Transfer Company will call for and cheek baggage from hotels srd residences through to destination. Telephone "543 Chelsea" for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service. W. W. ATTERBURT. J. R. 'WOOD. General Manager. Pass*r Trade Manage.'. GEO. W. BOTD. Oeneral PaM«nger Agent. OCTAX WTKAMXBH. wkm ®&mm llotb. Fast Express Service. PI.TMOUTH— BREMEN. K. Wo. XL Mar 22. a. M. Kronprlaz....^. June S. 5 A.M. Kaiser June 12. 10 A.M. K. Wm. II June 18. SAM. Kronprina July 3. 12:30 P.M. Kaiser July 10. 10 A. M. K. Wm. II July 17. Noon Kronprinz July 31. II A. M. Twin-Screw Passenger Service. PLYMOUTH — CHERBOURG — BREMEN P Alice May 34. 10 A. M. i Friedrich Hay 29. 10 A. M. I tTrave May 31. 10 A. M. ' Kurfuerst June 7.10 A.M. Baibaroata June 14. 10 A. M. F. Alice June 28. 10 A. M. Frledrich July 5. 1O A. M. f Bremen direct. Mediterranean Service. NAPLES— GENOA. S. Albert June 2. 11 A. 51. £• Irene - June M. 11 A. Ii X- Lulee June 23. 11A.M. K. Albert July 7. 11 A. M. F. Irene July 28. 11A.M. K. Lutse Aug. 11. 11 A. M. K. Albert Aug. 25. 11 A M F. Irene ;M; M Sept. 1. 11A.M. Frcm Bremen Piers. 3d * 4th St*.. Hobokva, OELRICHS & CO.. No. 6 Broadway. X. T. Louis H. Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Phtla. BEFORE GOING ABROAD CONSULT THE EUROPEAN" ADVERTISEMENTS THAT APPEAR REGULARLY IN THK TRIBUNE OX SUNDAYS. WEDNESDATS ANT SATfRDATF. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE." Special Passenger Service PL-rMpTTK-CHKRBOt-RG~HAMBT-Wrj X s n A V.May24.Sam _ Kalserin A V.JuneSl D'land May3l.lo:3iiamlOcean& June 21 Amerika. .June 7.5 am 'Deutschlar.d.June 28 B'ch'r.Junel4,ll:3Oara July 5 Amon? the special features of these shras are: Grill Room. Plti-Carltnn Restaurant a la carte. Elevators. Gymnasium. Palm Gar «en. Electric Baths, etc. Twin Screw Passenger Service. DOVER (LONDON OR PARIS) AN© HAMBURG. ""** Large Twin-Screw Vessels of 34.000 tons. Superb Passenger Accommodations Fenn'a...June 2. 1 p:n IWaldersee. ..Jun* 30 Batavta.. June ft. 7 am : Pennsylvania- July 14 Patr'!a.Junel«.l :3opm IFatavia July 21 Pretoria. Jun* 23.6 ami Patricia July 23 Mediterranean Service. TO NAPLES AND GENOA. P. Oskar June BJtMoltke Jm y 4. tMoltke June 12 P. Adalbert. .Aug 7 P. Adalbert... June 1»!P. Oskar Auz 2S P. Oskar July IT I tMoltke Sent! 11 fCalls Gibraltar; has Grill Boom and Gymnasium. Summer Cru! ses To the Norwegian Fiords. North Cape. Spitsbergen. Iceland and European seaside reports. Ssnd for programme. TRAVELLER?' CHECKS IBSUET> BT THE COMPANY. OFFICE. 37 BROADWAY. N. Y. •Phone. 1900 Ractor. Piers. Hobokem BEFORE GOING ABROAD CONSULT THE EUROPEAN* ADVERTISEMENTS THAT APPEAR REGUI^ARLT IN THE AMERICAW LINE f««? «?• Bt - pp * ul June 1«. »:S0 A. M : .Taly 14 RED STAR LINE ]™ § '«' FTiJa«?~ ANTW E RP « <LONr>ON - PARIS>. Kroonland June June 2. noon : June 7 Krooniand June ». 8:00 A. M.; July 7 Zf eland. June 18. noon : July 14 V/KITH STAR LINE S°S£ c ' NEW Q-NSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. Oc«>anlo May 23. 6.-<y> P. M : June 20 Teutonic May hit. 10 .-«0 A. M. ; June 27 Cedrie June 1. 12:30 P. M ; June a Baltic Juae 8. 5:00 A. M.July 4 Majestic June 13 10:0i> A. M. : July 11 Celtic June 18. 1:00 P. M ; July IS & MEDITERRANEAN AZO 3 FROM NEW YORK— | REPUBLIC.May 31. 3 P.M.; Oct. 18. Nov. 9 CRETIC.Iune 21. 10 A. M.; 4, Best 23 FROM BOSTON— * ~* ROMANIC June R. 8:SO A. M ; July 7 CANOPIC. .June 80. ft P. M. : Aug. II : Oct. f TRAYEr^EP.3- CHECKS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED BY THE COMPANY. PASSENGER OFFICE. » BROADWAY. freight Ofllce. Whitehall Bids.. Battery PL DEO "D" LINE. For La Ounyra. Puerto Cabello. Cura cao and Msracatbo. via Curacao, calling also at San Juan. P. R. S. S. CARACAS Saturday. May 2(1. noon 8. S. PHILADELPHIA... B:I*.. June ». boo* For La Ouayra. Curacao and Maraoaibo B. S. ZULIA Saturday. June S. roon S S. MARACAIBO .Saturday. Jam 16. n«n These steamers have superior accommo- Cations for pa »»<;?iger a BOULTON. BLISS * DALLETT. General Uanagor*. 62 Wall St. ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES NTT 1 ' TORK-NEW ORLEANS SERVICE. FAST TIME. SUPERB SERVICE. EX CELLENT CUISINE. BERTH ANT» WEALS INCLUDED IN RATE ON STEAMS* From Pier 25. North River. EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT NOON. Proteus May 23! Proteus June 41 Coitus May 30|Cotouj June 13 Connecting at New Orleans with rail lines fnr points In LOUISIANA. TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. CALIFORNIA. Inquire 349 Broadway. New Tork. [F0D 0 LPodfGcd [Rdceod fiteam*hlpa of the BSD "D" LINE will sail (or San Juan direct, as fallows: 8. 8. CARACAS Saturday. May 26. noon 8. S. PHILADELPHIA. .Sat.. June 9. neon For freight or paeaa«« apply to BOULTON. BUSS & PSVL.LETT. General Man»eers. 62 Wall St. giraaf£GilT OLAßK ' s NINTH awjtuai. Ui?l!!c!N II CRUISE. Feb. 7, IDOI. 70 days by specially chartered B. B "ARABIC." IC.OOO tons. SO Tours to Europe. 2 Round the Worl<l. Program N Free. F. C. CLARK. l>tf Broadway. New York. "«ira©Dfl<D)lS ILDGSS. GLASGOW VIA LONCONUBRRT. rmawla. lUmj Astoria. .Juae ftBOOn CalH.! Jun*2.2 pm!ColujT>b!a,Junel«.2sTO Cabin ISO. M Cards *». 3d haaa £27.. r and upwards, according to accommodation * fteamshlp For terms and Information atiply HENDERSON BROTHERS 17- la Broadway BEFORE OOINO ABROAD CONSULT THE EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS THAT APPBAR KEOULARLY IN THE TRIBUNE OH SUNDAYS. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAY* IUXLROAD?". & aiOSOSS 8!V£B IjJ. i l v.i oeuwt iruin UtaoU centra* ataoash 4*l street. New York, a* below: Ay through trains, except tkoae lt«r!a< M * •'■> A. M.. V.VS. 3:30. ;.:4». UJ» P. if.. stop at 125 th street to receive pae* ----»•- » •en minutes after leaving 42.1 street. 12:10 A. M— 'MIDNiaHT BXPREBB. _. !>34>a. M— tKMPIHE STATE EXTBHt Most famous train in the world. *:43 A. M — »FA*T MAIL —24 nocrs «• (Tjicagc. *? : 2 A. M.— »DAT EXPRESS 1:«K M.— "THE SECOND EMPTItr. l:0«p. JJ._ •CHICAGO SPECIAL. I?* p - m— : r>UTn\j-ESTKnNLrinTErx *-3OP. M.— «toe 2«nH cbntup.t u» ?TEI. — h ure to Catenae. «ls) . . N. T. C— Lake Shc?e. m— tALBANT AND Tit OX ;.^ t'*LTH i : ?.« M -'K''l>*O» RIVER .'IPCCIAU i'^H M— •THE WOLVERINR s€?S >•— •FAST MAIL— For Albany. S-30 P M.— »LAKE SHORE USHTill>— 2-T-r hour train to Calcaca All »««:""_. Pullman •■■ra. 850 P. jr.— •CLEVELAND. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS LIMITEiX All _ _. Pullman enr». SS 1 * £• V — "WESTESK EXPRESa J2?F. M— •MONTH.. KXPTSE*! •:3O P. m — •adirondack AND 1to» , __ _ tp.eal kxpres3. «cop. M - "ucffalo. NI'A'IARA Falls. cukveljAND and to 9:V> p. M. -•'WESTERN NEW TORK EX «.«. PCUEBI ,? : 2* - W-— -PACIFIC EXPRESW. 11.30 p. >!.—•• -iHCAGO AND ST. U>Vm ._ EXPRESS. "Dally. tKx<-*pr .<r.r..Uy. 'Except Mit*»*ML ««. Harlem division. , P J™ A. M. and 3 35 P. M. del!* nicest Sunday, to Pitt*f!eld and North Ada me. Sunday*. » : » A. M. Pullman car* on an through trains. Trains niumlnated with Pintach l«nt. b ***!"* °«<*» at 14*. 245. 415 and 121S Broadway: 25 Union square W.. 375 Cohna> »i£ V« 117 Wew 12Bth ■*•• OrMl<l Ce«W| and i2Sth st. stations. New York: 533 ajsl 72« Fu:ton st. and 10« Broadway. Brooklyn. Telephone -300 *Sih Street" for Cab Ser vice. Baggage checked from hotel or resV •ence by T\>«cott Expreta. A. H. SMITH. C. T. DALT. C»a 1 Manager. Pasafr TteSel*ssW. Mew iJissev Oeitml STATIONS f«ag.%£«- WIUwESBARRE AND BdlASrJO^-«.T3 a: 2?:;»!i2?p a 2 p * tt *""*"• "" I^UEEHTBSP. T^ST3 J I TF R - ANI> BARNEGAT— *I.Ca 6.«0 A. 11.. 1.30. C 4.15. Oakewaod anfl ta^> £"« jajr. kS.4O. aiCO. xrt.CS)T s=» 0?,.^ M - »«■ «-*«-* «* A pLAN T1 ° CTTT— A. m. * : i «S LONO BRANCH. ABBLRT PARK, r«-=r «-=- > - OROVE. FoSTFLEisAKT^aaO 1^ 1130 A. M.. ex 1240. xl-30. UkT SZ g4 45. aft. IS. B.SO. 6.80. JIXOI. BogeS except Ocean Orove. Is A. M.. 4,8% lIS9HKII 095 A. M.. 15.30. 8.00. 4.15 p. Jt BvSZ *»>•■■ 92S A. M. 100. 743 P. U. rSm Pottsvuf^ Harrtsburg only. •«4-ao.rn. OO » •9 00. mqo.Ot. "U.BB p it* r»M 0 - t9 -^ ™ *^- e% v?^» TW t entT 7X h ll <1 Street—bß.2O P. ». CS.OO P. M., e!2.20 P It .hi n i?* m ,£L* M - "*» m M - A« mc : Liberty St.. West 284 si • Astor House. 2« «♦• MOO. 1354 giM?a»L I_t-' .>th At.. 281 sth Ay.. 31 Inion Square West 270$ 3d Ay.. 106 West 123 th 3t 243 £.°i U5U 5. b , us Ay - ***■ Ycrk : * Court ."was b3«air» tr. desfination. cnersja _, -5- BESLER. c K. BtTIT Tlee-Pre,. <: Gen. Mgr. Gea. Pass' r Agent. » BALTIMORE & CHIO R. R. KOTAi. BLUE LIKE TRAINS •Everr other hour on the even hour.- TO BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON Leave N<«w Tork City. 23d St. LJb'v St. •WASHINGTON-. Buf^t TSO am " Ortim tWASHINGTON. Diner. tilOam 10.0© mi tWASHIXC.TON. Diner. 11 SO am IZOO tWASHIXGTON. Buffet. ISO rm 108 nm f'ROTALLTD." Diner. AGO pro 4.00 nn» ♦Washington. Diner, S.lOpm «OOi"nt tWASHINGTOX. Buffet. «3O pm TOO ; m tWASHINQTON.SIeepera.U.BO pm 12.13 iff •Ex. Sun. tDally Through Dally Train* to th« VCmt. Leave New T«rk Oty. tM St. Lib* 9s. CHICAGO. PTTTSBURO. M SO pa 12.13 S CHICAGO. COLUMBUS. 11 SO am 12.C0 PITTS BURG. CLEVE-D. S.!SOpu 4 00p*» ••PrTTSIJfRr} LIMITED" «.SOp m 7Mm CIN..ST LOUIS LOUISV. llflOpm 12.19 n't CINST LOUIS. O.r-Oam 10.00 eaa ON .ST.LOfIS.LOUISV. BSO pm 00 pae Offices: 24.'.. 434. l.«ir> Broadway. A Astor House. 10» Greenwich St.. 23 Union Sonata W.. 891 Grand St . N. V. ; 543 Fulton Si. Bronte! West 23d St. and Liberty Bt. After 6 p. m. s!«eplmr car reserratlossl and full information regarding trains, etc. can be obtained at Bureau of Information, B. « O. D R.. Od St. Terminal. Phone Ss. Chelsea 3144. Foot of Wast 9d A : Cortlandt and rrstimsMs MB. B. 'Daily, t Except Sunday. Soaday: a£S C 12.55. dli4S. e7 49. BS.SS. SS «. 0.V.N.T., AXvJJ.V_ Z 1 Usneh Chunk Local. Njai tS.J3 a a Buffalo Fxpress. »a7.s» a m ••7.51 aU Buffalo Express.... •».» am *18JSa« BLACK DIAMOSDEXP.. »ll S5 a ■ «11MI* Msaeh t'bonk and Hacletor. *e1x.40 r m *d!U9 w U 'WtlKes-Barre Bxpiws. tiSri n.i»r« EMtnaLocal fSlOri) tS.» 9 a Ch!oae>> and Toronto Ixp *aS.4O p■ •x 5.« p ■ THE BCFrAj-OTBADf.. »I ap 2 *9.CD ru and Pullman aecoaanwdsdoaa laVSTS Ik :i«0 Broadway. 181 Sta Aye.. * Cnloa •«. wen, K.T. ; S3 Fulton St.. 4 Court St.. 4T» Xoatrsnd At v. m Broadwsy * foot Fulton St.. Brooklyn. B.T.Trusfer Co. wiu call for tad cosclbs??!^ N. X.. N. H. * HARTFORD K. a Trains depart from Orai<d Central StatsHb i2d tit. and 4th Aye.. as follows for BoSTON. via New London a* Prim-* ■,J..10:«lL *Xi,lU.-tM A. M-. tltll^SJi •x\l:oL *x 3 00l ni»*k HR •tl-:w P- ii-: via WliUiaanMo— i\3:t<J A. M. t2:00 P. M. ; via SpM.— A. M.. t||ia:Ool. •H4.-W. •11:00 P. M. WORCESTER ar.d FITCHBURO. va» W*e NAM— I3 P. M. LAKKVIH-E and NORFOLK— tS:4B A. H, t3:31 P. M. Ct Barrlngton. Stockbrtdg*. Lemox. Ptttx-* field— t4~sO. t9:4» A. M.. t8:« pril. ■!«■- omcea at ciirand Central Stattoa, and clXth St . also at c 243. 118 S. cUM U' way. c-S Union Square. cIS2 Fifth Ava,. cX4S Columbus Aye.. c«t» Maliaon Av-., cIOS VT. 123 th St.. 2798 Third Aye la B ooklyn ci Court St.. 47* Noatramd At«. S9O P way. •Dally t Except Sucdaya. *Stona at 123 th St. iStcps at 123 th St Sundays aSTjr. 'Parlor Car Limited. Has distaff caa, cParlor and Sleeping Car tickets also. Lacka wanna Railroad. N. T.. foot Barclay, Christopher. West Si St*. «9.0t» A. M — For Blachamtoa and Eire Ira. •10.00 A. M. — For Buffalo? Chicago and St. Louis •1 40 p. M. — Fbr Buffalo and C*'rago. .•»» P. M —Fer Scrantin and PlyniottX •*. 15 P. M. -Fir Buffal} and Chici^o. •".49 P. M. — *"or Buffalo. Srrmcus*. L'tiea. •tU)A. M.— For Ch'-n«>— Sleepers odsA 9 V) F. M Ti^":ft" at 149. 4T9. 11*1. 1434 Croadway. X Y. . 339 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. 'Daiji, 'F.xr»rit Stin'inv » ■ OC£AK WttMMMMMM CTJNARD LINE. From Tiers *1 51*. North Hirer. LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWV CABOMA May 22. • p l* CAMPANIA May 3, 4P,JJ Etrurta June 2 I.urania , ; un>- • «'armania June 8 firbria June IB GIBRALTAR- ITALY— He* Model 1- Twin Screw Steamer*. SLAVONIA May 22, noon: July 10. Aua. SB PANNONIA . . May ». 1O A. M- : July XT CARPATBIA. . June 12. 11 A. M. July I! VERNON a. BROWN. O. A a-8* State St.. opposite the Battery BEFOR« Gl>l.-«G .%BXCRIX> CONSULT" THE EUROPEAN ADVFRTISBMKTm TH4T APPEAR REQULARI.T IN THE TRIBUNE ON SUN DATS. WEDNESDAY^ AND SATURDAYS. »»WA¥S) CCOK # 3 TOURS TO EUROPE — 3» tat» season. SITS to tt.198. Praezaan^ THO9. COOK * SON. 245 ifl Broadway. «4S MaJ son ATe.. xVT. *-: AIXORT LINE. luxurious «aip^. Tickets to Texm*. Colorado. M«\»c \.« Meztt-o. Arizona. call tor niv Ocorcu. toe- Ma. Alabama, etc DBUUHTFUI. TB1V& TUB ROUTE TO MIAMA. i'AUM BKACat, Via.. *c |vu Key West). Colonist tlcVtta t» California os tnauiry. Our boo'»l»'. "Pocket Ould." free. v*. U. UAU-OKX * fa. ir.» rress s:.. k. V. 0