6 Bankers and Brokers. .Redmond Bj_o. HIGH GRADE INVESTMENT BONDS AND SECURITIES LETTERS Or CREDIT POR TRANELERS PhiUddphil 507 Chestnut St. 33 Pine St, New York. Knauth, Nachod & Kiihne 15 William St., New York Letters of Credit and Travelers Checks HENRY CLEWS & CO. 11,13, 15&17 Broad Street. BANKERS. Travelers' letters of credit available the world over. Bills of exchange in sterling and francs in sums to suit. Deposit accounts received. Investment Securi ties, Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on com mission. MEMBERS N. V. STOCK EXCHANGE. Manhattan Company Bank, Mechanics National Bank, Bank of New York, DEALT IN. cx_ix\arTGi\_r gilbert 2 Wall St. , j " FOR SALE— Aeolian Weber Piano _n_ Pianola Common, Babcock & Wiicox r.». Stock. WAI7TED— Internationa! Nickel Prcf. and Common, Federal Sugar Common. FREDERIC H. F>-TCH. X>c_l»r in Unlisted Swwrttie- of ILallr«--« .->n.; other Cnrp-rmxiotm in the I'nlted Prate* «nU---her<« "T»J 111 € Broad. S.I Broad St.. Nm York. ■ Giiicago anil !!ori!iW2siern Stock Scrip Bought and Sold. | SCHMIDT & GALLATIN, Memhrrs N. V. *t:v_ n.rhanffe. T»l.. V.Z<(, ttxtor. 11l 1 www. N. Y. ttucmtm* K. CH/\!Ch & CO., m,:mbei:. of &_«£_ ißti ßti < j^-_3 ' I 1. ; pa 1; u.l «■•• Trade. 7 WALL STREET. fl--n. <»!!..« J_JJ ' '-< -"-rai-ii **- Ituitimnrr. I .>._ Jli. h.. -t . \-.»ark, N. J. MACKAY & CO. Bankers NEW YORK TOW n-::i.\DE'.j-HiA Chicago mi F. MARQUAND 35-37 BROAD st._i_i:t. STOCKS a_c_cL _t_O_vr_DS FOB INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN. _-r_-T__: SS_ l^-_5 O S_« ■■ft-SMias of th. Market lor tn* >r«r i_o:,. mallea Xr*"■ Klotz Throwing Co. First «_ 5% " Marshall Light, Heat & Pou- Pr Co pi m K. Mjc h i r Traction tension co. TV Mine Sec. Corp. Collateral Trust 7s yStSST* CC ° nS - "■*■ • MUling Co. Kewfoun-landT:: Estates. Ltd First Es New River Lumber Co. First 6f " rat " S " New York. Auburn & Lan s!ng Ry Co -.. , w P_-Oa.s & Electric Co. Firsf 5_ °» »**■%. Point Pleasant Traction c o First . s I^lelgh & Southport Ry. Co Firsts Sierra Madiv L__,a _- Lurßber Co / _ . Southern States Lumber Co. Second 66 S fc Tehuantf, Rubb - cujt -« co. * Money Cs ■ -°- Purchase Tyler Lumber Ca First 6s. VVfc-hingTon^centrai R y . <•„ First 4a. AT A ■BDIfiBVVB. &a_d OF DI of four per cent. <4<7«) w_J'on th <»Pl_l stockholder, of rlcorS r .unViV «. to will clo.« at the clo.e of t.u.1l _. 1S J ? T 1 Tr n * " took. reopen on July 2. l»0«. "•"'*»• « n June 12. 180«. and . ALFRED nOMEB, Tre__.,,>- Bankers and Brokers, WE SOLICIT THE BUSINESS of S^^SSiii^^ conscientious "Service" in execution ioo bale lots. "MARKET REVIFW- ; -^!. n / n IOO ° bushel luts and Cotto " i» JOHN A. BOARDMAN & CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, Uptown Offices, 33 Broadway, INToxtc Yox-1i near Bond St. Main Office. 415-417 Walnut St..' PhiU. a " d Bro * dw ay; 655 Broadway, STOCKS GENERALLY HIGHER. PRICKS ADVANCE ON LIGHT DAY'S TRADING. St. Paul the Feature, Buying Based on Report of Eights to Sharehold ers — Bank Statement Disappointing. C!oslng prices of stocks dealt In. with net changes, follow: -tlit ft—l C 0... 23% + HI lowa Cent pf . . . . 31 do iref in*. *>■ H X Ice of Cnic... UV« - '» Ami! Copper. . .loß% + %i Louis & Nash. ..14»» — •Am Beet fig.. 27S —U! Mexican Central. -..>» +1% Am C & P_jr.. 41% -HI Mich Cent 143 -r& Am Cotton OH. 31* — V M & St L....... il* -t- ,' Am Ice Secur.. >i 2% +I%' MBPft BJ M.lff +»»* •Am Locomotive 70% -- *|iio Kan & Tex.. J4^* -r V. •Am Bmdt 135 ■*■ % do pre; ; *«* +Vj Am Pneumat... 44 + »i( Mlhsourl Pac O.i -,- % do nef ...•■ -4 *N»: '- "ii ... t«V_ — * Am Bteel Fdry. 1.% - < N V Air Brake. 14o:. —1 do pref 4U -% N V Central..... 1J.»» +% •Am Sugar 135% -,;gV Ci. St L... • + % Am Tot. pref...H«* — V- V O _.- « &1% — 2 •Anacor-t ... .3*l -r 1% Sozt _• »'•_• ••• * Il*I 1 * +J» AT& S F ...<.«• + %;Nurth American. 97% + S At Coast Llne..l4S I Northern Pa-. . . 211% ■+ *4 BaJt * Ohio ...1_ — |Pae_e Coast U^% ■+ J. do pref „. !>4 ; , i IVnn Railroad. . .133 —V. Uklyn Rap Tr... *S - % I'coria .& i:a»J... ■'.«* +lte \ Canadian Vac. . 140% ! 1 'rested Steel Car ._■!• - — - Cent Leather... 42% + *.Uy Steel Spring. ••-% + > Ch«-s a.- Ohio . 58* + % Heading ■ ■! ■"* -t M Chic _.- AH pf.. 704 + 4 do Ist l-i-cf 92% - » Chic Gt West.. 10 I 'Rep Iron _: Stl. _'J +"• dope*! U :<■> ! do pi_ 1"-*H -♦- Si CMA St p 174* +3% Bock lil-nd -'< —■» do pref I«3* +2 St 1- &BV2! pf 40* +1* CAN W 2"6 • -1 iSt Louis Soothw _-'■■« + % Chic Ter Tr 12* 4- % ... pref •*'•''*» +*'■» do pref M +1 | Blnsf rihnff >«>'» i % Chic Un Tr pf . . 13% - % I Southern 150. ... 66% C« ■■ * 1... '.»«», IS I Southern By »«■■» Col Fuel & 1... 60% -IV Vena Cft 1 '."•«** +1 I Col A So Ist pf. — % do pref.. •-.I™f». I ™f» TJ* Int-Met 81% | Vulcan Detln pf. t'4% +> 4 do ,-, r , ; f XV 4 - %<\Vabash pref..... 4l»* -rl»_ Inter Paper 19% -%| Wells Fargo -sO — lowa Central... Si + » ' •Unlisted. Closing prices of active bonds dealt In, with net changes, follow: Japan 6s P9* + % Col Ind »•_..--• sl STOCK MARKET OPERATIONS. Transactions in yesterday's short session of the stock market were light in volume on a movement of values which generally favored the long account. An exhibition of pronounced strength in St. Paul apparently was due to speculation based on the theory that the com pany. In financing its Western extension, will give to the stockholders valuable rights. So tar there has been no official confirmation of the Wall Street report regaining the form which St. Paul's probable financing will take, but -peculators appear to believe that there will be an issue of bonds, also of stock The present time does not appear to bo rropitious for the bringing out of new securities issues, especially as bo many underwriting syndicates are tied up with stotks and bonds for which they have been unable to find a market, and as a consequence ft. Paul may conduct a large part of its financ ing in the foreign markets The publication of a bank statement which was not as favorable as Friday's estimates Indicated was without < -if--' ' on values. According to the known move ment of money in the week, the Clearing House return should have presented a gain in ca^h of between $G,fWO.OOO and $9,«X)0.000. but the actual figures showed a gain of only $1,126,000, while the reserve above lesal requirements was increased by only 1121.875. An Increase in loans "f P2,HV2.000, with the gain in each, accounted In great part for the increase in deposits of more than 14^000.000. the latter ' Hem causing a pain In the rash required against deposits of £1.004,000, hi'!:, deducted from the Increase in a. nnd $31,700,875 In the corresponding period In 1904. Closing prices as a rule were at or near the best of the day. According to the belief of the best informed men In Wall Street there will be a further large return movement of money from San Francisco In the couree of a few weeks, and as a conse quence it Is r.srume?! that there will be a large enough accumulation of funds in the city banks to maintain ■ relatively easy level for loans in the next two months. The action of the- Secre tary of the Treasury In the week in suspending special government deposits with the banks against an equivalent amount of gold engaged abroad ought to be considered a reassuring de velopment of the present situation, inasmuch as it reflects the Improved condition of money and the passing of the necessity for further emergency measures. While the National City Bank engaged .500.000 gold for import last week there probably will be no further arrange ments for shipments of the precious metal from Europe to this country until there is an actual necessity for such a movement. Current rates of exchange, together with the price of gold and money abroad, are not in favor of gold ex ports to New York, and It is therefore extremely Improbable that additional engagements will be made. The gold engaged by the National City Bank was taken in Australia, where sterling Is generally at a premium. A large amount of finance bills matured In the last week, but these were offset by contracts against shipments of corn later on in the season. There was no pressure of bills on the market in the week, and no evidence of any special inquiry for remit tance. While railroad earnings in the last week were large In the great number of issues, there was a material falling off in the coal roads, including Pennsylvania, and the net gains reported by some companies were much smaller than in pre ceding months, notably in the case of Union Pacific, which, of course, was affected by the San Francisco earthquake and fire. Pennsyl vania for the first time in many months shows on the lines east of Ptttsbnrg a large falling off in gross receipts for the month of April and a moderately heavy decline in net earnings, though on the lines west of Plttsburg there was a large gain, both in gross and net. For the four months of the current year gross earnings of this road amount to 143,540.209, as compared with $37,050.80 i» In the same time a year ago, and net earnings to $11,667,328. against $8,097.- S2S in the corresponding period in 1905, Any decline in railroad earnings at this time is likely to cause unfavorable sentiment In Walt Street owing to the fact that the railroads are now making active preparations to Increase their obligations through the medium of the loan market. The congested condition of the bond market makes it practically Impossible for liivtlct'rs and Brokers. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SrXPAY. JTXE & 1906 the railroa-is to put out at present new bond Issues, and as a consequence they are compelled to resort to short time notes, which they hope to convert into fixed obligations at some more favorable period, The demands of the rail roads for money doubtless will be an important factor to be reckoned with In the mone- market for ionic time to come, but it should be borne in mind that these demands are due to the neces sities of the companies which are developing through the expansion of the country's indus tries. The country needs .m. reaped railroad ractl.ties, and it is utt&trstooU that already inn. .. thousand milns of new track*** has Leen contracted for. The reports received in the wetk from commercial agencies were generally favorable, the only adverse feature of Im portance being the moulders 1 strikes in the iron trade. These strikes unve caused enl'or.cea idleneta among many plants, and naturally buyers are now going slow in making purchases. The general iron and steel business, however, continues in fair volume, and consumption ol most lines appears uninterrupted. BOND MARKET SALES. 6500 Japanese -• BSH 7. <») L. S & II So Deb -:-." ■• ■ - iJ 1,6^. 3V§g n7>_ -A,?. U( I, 4 "_* 2000 L _.- X Gen 6s... lib* ___ __ __!? ! ' 3 » IWWO ML,9 * W Ist. .124 S do EHII « , WWO -Mo X Ext T Ist 4s. 11^ <-■ u4 - (i *^ -o Ext 6s lUO __ T' * *' «-"»••• 93 • i 54100 NY C Gen 3HB-- t*^i IW/0 \rn AY i«"i_V «H U oi Ul -° P * nn Convt a * s -- "'"i 5000 do IvnW'/" 1 }?:. i «°*> K*a<»n_ Cen 45..1U1 JWO. At C__ "i_ T * ' >M bt L. & S F Kef 4- BftK g__tß#i£Ss__&tf ___ ,'" Rar a r 4s : , s "i «»• »°^ >■""&:."" _tJS! rlt r P 11 f t }"' ?1 *i 2WO do 6t L. Dlv 4s. &8V; in^r! J P f .H a r Lon **-U!*ii -U-0 do US l-OD elf f jd °° i *** South Ry Ist 5... 1.8 1000 C*° "& a Ist I it**).; rr.d I_lec L. 55... 9_4 4-YHJO .ii ; ' X " ; 101 *» 40000 United RRof 9 F \ot. r V* i Q J o 4s - laj i do 81\ "•>.,f °° * So lst 4! - W^" 10000 do ... 82S r ,"► ,• \ 1 y k ■•_"•• i»H SOOOO do 824 ISOUO Col Ind 5s A.... 71* 10U00 do 82^ £j«0 do Da B 784 7«o.rt do ?2V. f**g jo 7s\ 10000 do :::: I_^ ™ __}<> 78« 139<)00 do 82»i -}-,% Lr J e ° r - vt *••;•'• JOTHIIKOOO do ... ?3 °vwvt »/i' i- 1 Tr - 4S "■ 94 |4V " Vk do 83 H ?<^. i , & J . C ,?" n 4s - '""* 100 " l> *o S3? C"0?0 ! 4HS 87S:«_O0O do P3>4 ?r»w *j° S7H 1000 WMd Convt 45>. . . 7.1H J^ 575,! UVH) do 75V. -" ' T ' io ., .; ic«v> \v Kor far lst. .114 BOM K-ln * 'r,? 1 :': ' - 9", r. 8. is. coupon. 1807 lOSH 1037, 1,134,, !<>";, > . B. 4?. registered, 1025 l_s\ 1204 12S\ IS. I. S. 4s, coupon. 1025 12S^» i«<,:! I"»'*^ I" 0 ) 1 ' nisi Hot of Columbia 85. .117 _ 11? _, Philippine 4!« 1001^ — 1004 _ WEEKLY STOCK CHANGES. I .-:. Mr-lay. J Saturday, I Net , j May ar;. j June 2. ich'ngej. Amalgamated Copper I |OBU 10SH +~~ \h American ftir & Foundry..! 4a?t Line 141114 ' 14s Till Anaconda > 2«7 ' _«- __ " Baltimore _■ Ohio liVSifc 1 j,i« iT Brooklyn rtapld TrarVit. i sis 83 Z|2 .-.,.- Ohio -s-; 1004 ±>jf Ch-i^ni-ease & Ohio | 08% nil<-ago ft North m.. . 206 "fifl 4. 1 ehicaso Mil 4.1 Paul j in.s^ i 1744 -- «'■ Chicago Great Western.!.! 1>) „ I_ Consolidated Gas 13c,*; j^o^ T O 7 t <■'; ,- f-* * Iron ' 5. ' m>7a 41% Colorado Southern 1 3-i»t «i! T c.c '.' CV)m Product, Rennlng..:: .it «? + Delaware & Huison... •°ll 1 . _MU 4. 1 '* Driver _• Rio Grande rNjf. ST^' *£ l T*• pS-.tr^ err _::::::::: & - * (Jo *1 pr-f erred ?Ju 1?2 T S Cfn.ral Kl-.-n. „-C I ,;,,',,' '. I J Imf-rratlopal Paper .-„ ... X,.; u,j' + * Illinois' "'..„,,, m r ,.-,f- i7r,4i 7r ,4 ■ *£- I I 4 tl lCan?:is City Southern pref. 63% M »- __ v I^utsvll- & Nashville 145 a! .V, T * T_Jj Mexican Centra] 1 •■•■: J i! !,* ■ J 4 Manhattan i_2 " ' i?->i* i ? 3* Missouri Pacific I £1- 8 1? Missouri, Knn-:,» & Texas. ' 34J4 I •?« T j_ do itelj.::::::::::: SSi 4S i4i 4i 4 ' g* _____ Nat lona I Biscuit I «i ,",, * National !>>ad | 77 -,-!, > „ N V central * Hud Itlver. 139 $3 :I T ' N \ 'Ontario * Wwtorn. . . | .MH M' 4 - H Nnifn.lt _.- \\ , -■stern I *s«> > - t »ST l i _ S Northern Pacific ' 2ti7'- ! 2111n +4C Peoples Gas of micaco ...' 02 • jv. I'ittßliur. Coal preferred...! r.5 I M 1 Pacific Cna-t 1 i.mv ' 131%; _ *. Pacific Mnll 1 B»U 39 _ v Pennsylvania ! 13414 13 -, _m PreMed Steel Car I .-,1 R"> +1 n*n;S 4. 1 8t I/ouli Southwestern ' 21 ' i _2 l « 4. \ do preferred ' 554 ' MS 4- IT* Texas * Pacific I :fj' s 3.3\ 4- Hi Toledo. Ft I»uls A West.. I .3] ;t,,-r,; t ,,-r, _ v Tuln City Rapid Transit..! 117 : -» ' HP, —1%. rnlon Pacific ■ HS\, ; ,»,,,i_ 4. „ TJnited State* Steel ' 40H I 4| IS do preferred I 105H I W.V4 I Si Virginia-Carolina Cht-mlcal ' 41 '■ 40 _ 1 Wahash i 21 ' i ! 21 — V. Western T'nion I o_^i | l)°V4 i> Wisconsin Central prrf | r.<*i | {^",14 j + £ Total sales for the week 1 on- .- -„ Total gales In preceding week ... .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. a7_4»45 •Ex dividend. ~° MONEY AND EXCHANGE. MONEY MARKET.-Money on call. 2% per cent. Time money was quoted at 4 per cent for thirty day*. 4>4 per crnt for sixty days, 44/?/4»; per cent for ninety days and four months and 4»i'§'s per cfnt for five and six months. Commercial paper was quoted at ECSU per cent for sixty to ninety days, F.'.fF.i, p . r rent for four to six months and U\'nC per cent for others. POREION EXCHANOHL - Market closed firm. Actual closing rates follow: Cables. Sl_ht. Elxty Jays Berlin* 4.8M8 *.^>4«4.R3>_ 4s_fJ4's->i Kruno* T>.\*\ !S*i -remark- 94 «4 .V,r_ rraaoe franc* .1.20 r 171. B'lKlum franca r; 21»4 , ;■/ Switzerland francs S.S.^i « ,cis Holland fpilMeni .')'.»'* ° {;),* DOMESTIC EXCHANGE,— New Orleans— Com mercial. 25c discount; bank. $1 premium. San Fran cisco—Slgrht. par: telegraph. 2Hc Boston— 20c dis count. Chicago— loc discount. Charleston— par; celling. He premium. Cincinnati— 25 C premium Savannah— Buying, EOc discount; selling, 75c ia . count. Minneapolis— premium. St. Louis— premium bid, 280 premium asked. FOREIGN MONET MARKET.-Call money in London. 2Vi©3 per cent. Open market discount rate for short bills. 3% per cent; long bills. 3^ per cent Berlin discount rate, 34» per cent. Berlin exchange on London. 20 marks 61 pfennigs. Paris discount rate. 2 15-16 per cent. Paris exchange on London 25 francs mi centimes. Bar gold In London 77s sud FOREIGN SECURITIES.-Brltlsh consols ft money. 89; for the account. 89*. French rentes m francs 70 centimes. Japanese 6s. first series loi'u. SILVER MARKET. -Bar silver. 87V - Me,... silver dollars. 52c. Bar silver In London closed *" GOLD PREMIUM.-In Madrid. 9.25; Lisbon 4.M • MEXICAN EXCHANGE-Mexlcan exchange on New York is quoted at 138V4. "-cnango on RAILROAD AND OTHER STOCKS. ■an is^H c gagggg»AK — — 1 Adams Express. — — — — tt Albany- & tiu*... — • — • ~ - ■ ~^X V S! 4001 Ado prer IIBe " •• fu l 4 • ■ 3* Sim ISI H.sNr'Amal Copper. .. »••> %» ~^ =« 400 Mm Beet .sugar 27'4i 11% 1 £?**, -^r« |'J ! jZtcjTi F'dry ; 42 42 j 41 % "* "* ift* do .prcf. ........ —.— : ».lsJwß« iwlASwWton Cli 31% 31% 31-4 314 WM «« 1 do pref : — — —!—«> !■« |Amer DM Tel.. — — — — — .8» Amer t:xpre..s .' — — — — 21 ' "at «Am Gr Twin- — — — — | «> ' W» : I Amer Hide &L — — —( — «'» ' , co pref — — — t — 32 I 33'.j J.OOO Amer Ice .Sec... or, f.2'«. 61T4| H2-;, «2T» «-J 'Arn^r Uns. 10 •?' , •,„, ir^f — — — — I 38** 3*"? 3.rtoi« I# Am Locomotive 70 10% 70 *••»'« '" ;'.''♦ 1 'do pee: — ' — — I — ; 114 1 115 4. T00 •ABW Smelting. 1.'.4H ÜBIi IMHiIM f]M> };r» -I— j •do pref ! — . - i — I — ll^Hlll^'i •!(•> pirt n....|-l-- -I »•• 11 , 14 * 2001 Am Steel F"«lry. 12% | 13% | 12% 12% UJj J»^ I.ll)o|*Amer Sujwr.... 135^|13.V,|ia5Hjl33 1 !» 13.-% J3« . 'Jo pref I - ! — — — 1;« «J Am To! & Cable: — , — — I — •',' '•- -Am Tel & ivi..| — I — — I - "■ u> .-.--i laser Tob pref..!lo3Vi|lo3U 101*1034 -- — =r A .^pr^! Ie . n : = - ! z i = iS. X loT.AU Clili.:: 148 t! |I4S 14» »;H US 2lX»|Am I'tieu b«rv..| 44 I 44 . *4 J 44 I 4"H 44 d&siag§BS is 1.4. >*4V. fig* SHU 100 do vrof 1 04Ht »»Vii wv »4H W I>4', 7.300! Bklin Rap Tr.. ttVtl S3 j B3V* « «-» M 18-klyn Un Gas.. — — — — 'WS* lSlßrunswlck IIS 13 118 18 ll>* Is** - Ruff h *.• pittj. — i — — — -~ »•> 1 do pref I — — - - J" I£> DufT i Sus pref — I — — — I M **,' — -j*Butt«rlek C 0... — , — — — £> ™J Too Cana.ifnn^Parfflc 1COHI1«H I"OT4ICOVi lt>iH }••% -—C■ So Am Tel. — 1 - — — 1«» Uo 400 Centml Leather. 42 I 4-"^' 42 *"'* ■>-"< <;> ■ do pref — — I — — »04 10&H (Central of N J... — I — ! - . — 233 23. 1.800 ches a Ohio r..s'.. 59 I CS>-s nST» 55% st>Ti - Chlcajro & Alton — — — — 26^ 30 100 do pref 7«i* 7.V, T.iS "CVi 71 77 »*> Clilc (it West... lSvi l:> 18-« l'J ; I*V 1?,, 1 do pref A — — — — Tfl « 1 '4 ami do pref B 30 30 20 30 314. 32 do Sen i — : — I — i — MV» '4H, 25,100 Chte Mil &St 1> 171-h IY4", 171 174V4 17441 174H MM do pref ! IS2 lH3ViilB2 183H W — 1.100 Chic & Northw.|2o3'4 206 |^"03H 206 »JH »• Ch St PM& Oi — : — , — — }I 5 ] j£x . do cref i — — ' — — ISO 190 300 Chic Term Tr. . ttH 12's 124 124: 12 , 12H «00i do pref 30 '30 SO 30 20 35 1 Chic Inlon Trac — — — - *Jt ** 100 1 do pref 13» 4 ' 134 13»4j13',i 13Vi 14 200 CCC *St L.. »S«.i 98% &SVi 9S>i OH fl^Vi do pref -- — — - 11" m «—« — dm Lor & Wh , — i — — — •• 97^4 1 do pref i — ! — I — — HO US I Clev & Pltt« . — — — j — *'" — 18.500' C0l Fuel & Iron 58% 88% l 53H o»% BOT4 « - — - do D ref — I — I — — . •■ » v 100 Col &So Ist pf 60* ! 09*! •** CO* — — Col &H C & Ir. ! — — — — 19H ; 20 200 •Conutoek Tun. .24 I .25 1 .24 .25 — — 1.100 Ccnsol Gas 1 140 |140>i|189H 130»» 139* 14j>«i Corn Prod Ref . . I — — — — ~J»i 22Ti 533 (Jo pref ;SO SO SO SO \K\ *' Del & Hudson.. — - ■ — . — 213 21 . Del Lack &W. — — — — 532 0r... 10i> Deny & Rio Gr. 44U 44^ 44Vi 44V. 434 444 100 do pref 88 S8 M !SS ;83 I "S"* 'De» MftFt D. — — I — I — 19 24 200 Det United R R 9*% i 93% : !»»i| '-*> l + '•>* ; 2*'' «» «Dlßt Securities. 63* 63* 63 t>3 «3 84 •Sol So 8 4 At! — - — — i"* » i 'do pref — — i — - BM, 38% 2T150 f U S r .P. at .V.: 4«., 46% 4G* 4C* 4SH 4HVi I^o do Ist pref.. n% n% 7T% 77% !?'« !?* lrtO do 2d pref 71\ 71\ 71\- 71%. 70\ .14 Evans ft T H ... — — — — 121 2S 1 do pref - — i - — « -' 5 1 Federal M& S- ----- l« IW . -i do pref i — — — — OS* 9*\ - 1 'Ft W& D nty — — — | — 73 — Gen Ch»m!ral... — — — I — J«> g» - do pref . ... — — — — 103 104* 500 General Electric 1«S 16P', 1«8 MO* l«0«« 170 1.300 Northern pf. !30»T*453«7 .3f«*j3O7 3f»i*j3o7 Havana Elec I.v — I — I — ! — 45 4 I do pref — — — — »°H P» 100 Hockln* Valley. 132 1 133 132 ! 132 (132 139 SCO do pref I M^i 00«-*l «h*J 98%: 95%; ;'•>■» Homestak* ' . I—J—l— 1—l« | " ? » 98S|llllnols Central.. 1 170% 1 180* ; 170% 1 ISO j17»*,1.«% ; do Leased L. ..t — I — — ) — 1 103 I" 15 400'lnt Paper 1»%I 10% 19% 19% 1«4 20 ! do pref ! - — — — M *S* - *lnt Power I — — —■— m\m lint Steam Pump — — — I — I 54 ■■'• ) do pref — — — — "7 80 100 lowa Central 2S 28 2S 2S 27* 2v t 100 do pref 51Vi 51% 51% 51% 51 | .'.l'm 700 'Int-Met w 1... 51%! 51% M M*j Bl*j M', 400! *no pref w 1...! «V 85% 85 85V*! 85%! 85* Kana 4 Mich... — — — — 74%! 74* Kan City South. — — — — 25*; » - do pre'f I _____ 52*. ;,:< KCVS &M pf — — — — *>% ! *1 Keok ft Dcs M. — — — I — 1" I '» d.> pref — — — — 4" 1 :>0 300lKnlck Ice of Ch f.2% 62% 62* • -4 *- v - «2% ' do pref I — — I — I — I 77*1 81* Laclede Gas — — - — — 108 do pref | - - - - | » ,110 -11. E & Western. — I — I — — 3J*, 35 ; do pref : — — - — 82 « Lon? Island — I — — — W 73 0.800 Louis 4 Nash...|lsO*!lN>%!l49'i 14f-T'jil4l)% 1"'" IManhat Beach.. — 1— i— ]— J • I " Manhatta.i E1... — . — I — — 1 l- v -'- 154 - I'Met1 'Met Street Rv. : — — I — I — | — |11* 1. 800 Mexican Ce.Ural 22',: -"'-* _H -"'« i — 20»>i Michigan Cent. 144*' 14."> .144*1115 14t» 145 100 Minn 4St U.".Ti 71*. 71- ; 71S ; 71.. — — 400 MStP& SS M 157% IBS ( 151% j IBS 15f»4 do pref — I — — I — |173T»'174* 3.*00 IMo Kan A Tex. 34% 34% 34*; 3«%j 34%; 34 7 i 100 do pref. ... • 68% '"■■-'•« 88% •> * «-.s*j ♦!> 1 ■«.,) Missouri Piirifl.- 04% 95% M%! 83 ! SO j Wi ! Morris a Ess«y. — — — — ! i"' 1.- Na*h ft Chat... — I — — — 1143 113 'Nat Biscuit ..— — — — «4 I '~'\ - Mo prer — ] — — — 114 1154 — —1 Nat mam & St — — — — , 13 It's ! ,}o pref — — — — }<4 ■ -:' COO •National Lead. 76»i 76* 76* 76* 7«* T«% - 'do pref — — — — 1014 101% NRR of M pf . I — — — — 18 •■•' ( do 2.1 pref — — — — IS j -•» N*w Cent Coal. — — I — — 35 45 400! *N V Air Brake ! 145% 1 145 T i 1 145% 1 145% I — j — Oft i N V Central . . . .139% 1 14'> 139% Hit 135» 139T« 100 n v eh * st l -at , re> , e» as iwi,l rr» do Ist pref — I — | — 1 — 115 [118 — — do 2d pref — I — — — 84 ** IN V Dock — — — — 42 44 ! do pref — — — — M 82 N T Lack AW.— — — — lisa 135 *N YA N J Tel - — — — llrt \ 145 NVX II 4 H. - — — — 11M 1»7% BOON I Ont & W.. 51 MS 51 51% 51 I 51* 100 1 Norfolk A West. 87% 87% 87% 87% 87% 87% ! do pref ______ M> 5,1* 210! North American. 07 i !'74 97 97* »7* OS s.HO!Northern. HO! Northern Pa. 211 1212 211 211% 211* 211% 10O ; Pacific Coast (138% 138%|138% 135%'135>% 138% ! do Ist pref ... — I — — — 100 lflfl 1 do 21 pref — I — — — I- 11 * 135 Pact— Mall — — — — 37 30 13.160 Perm R R 133% 133% ! 132% 133 132% 183 200 I'e.iria & East.. 37 ! 374 37 j 374 374 SS - — Pee Gas & Coke — | — — — '■ 92* 93 - Plttsbur Coal.. — — — — 14 14% i do pref — — — — 53 56 IP CC* It _.. — — — — IS 84* 1 do pref I — — — — 105 Ho PFt W A Chic — — — — 176 179 do special — — — — 174 — 700! Pressed Stl Car. 51% 62* M", 52 52 52* i do pref — ! — I-- I — 1.7*! US% (Pullman p Car.. — — — — 1227 '233 Quicksilver — — — — 1*! 2 ; do pref _____ 3% I 4* !R R Securities.. — — — — 03 r»\ lOol «Ry Stl Spring.. 62% 52% 52% 62% 52% _ 1 'do pref — — ! — — 1 102 HIS 24.700; Reading 140% 1414 140% 14<>V140% 2-» do Ist pref | 1)2% i 02% | 02% (»2%| 92% 02* do 2d prof ] — I — I — I — ! M S>7 : Rons & Sara I — I — I — I — 2«.<« — I.looi»Rep Iron ft Stl! _ I 20 I 2S | 20 I 2M, IS •001 'do pref 103% 1 i<>.v-,,i0:u 4 103*|10.TN,,: lOJ* •3.300 IMand '2H 2m 4 ««j% 08% 68S "•'■, , do pref — j — I — t lit* ili'»i 3.500 Southern II R... 38% »% 3s* ss% gBK sgtf - ' do pref — — — — J,., *I ;„. ' 800'Tenn Cral A Ir. ! IV. |B«%(lKS inn*: iv.» 11,-I 1 ,-" 1 B.6r.% T a Red & Ref 3.1 r«4 3 rt ,>;u ;;»4 an. ioo -do p,,! T9 TO IT9 » tm. 7S*! 100 U 8 Rubber . 51 51 M 81 :Rl " Aiv do«r f «f — — - — 108%109% ao _a pref — — — thu mv 10.600 T' S Steel 40% 414 40% 41 ! ii |4U* I.lo© do pref ; 10.1 HW lI>KS VDB% UC%!l0« ' Vandalla R R. .. — — — __ .. * -y. !Va Iron <■*(•_ — _ — 43 '* "Vulc Detlnnlng- i — — — — 10 ill 100 «do pref 64% 64% 64% «4% .ay. «"t* IWnhnsh — — -— 21 *»n 1.5001 do pref 45% 60 4«% 41»% 4JVW I«v* 100 We.lls Farso Ex. 2S> SSO 2SO 2SI> 375 4\ Went Union Tel. — — — — 921, Vo — IWestlnnh M /*- - - - - i5 H li3 do Ist pref.... ______ J r_ .;„ Wheel _____ i« l^ ! do Ist pr«»f. ... _____ SI _T* 1 do 2d pref — _____ ?.{ v li Wisconsin Cent. — _ _ _ S«2 *! Ido rref ... _ _ _| _ »^ W^ 225.364 Total sale* for the day. •rnllsted BALTIMORE STOCKS. (Furnished by Van Behalf * Co.. No. 7 Wall .treet.) do lneortl'S... (_*» 7Z"» do Inromva as .« do 4. 05J4 02<4 I Norf Ry J"' jvi'jH ,Sii •do Income... 8«H SOS do 44. * lrr '-- *'* . — do IMS ail Pha. City "riy'&'uKw i»t Seah Air L, com Vlg — I Chaa cy>n r.Ue _th *£__ do Ist pref... — 03 ICbSJt t«.t.!?. i?s "'"' do id prsf.... *>* «l fnlon Truit £» 23 <»» _ fAM MS ! Tiiini Nat Bank 1» iS do io-y_ar 8..101H IMI4 IKMtt. *™d f« 1 ?! Jig- Bank.. / C»plt-I. l.pr^flts. 1 Loan*. I Specie. { l_,,_j^ | DetK>_u>i C: T^ 7T~, — . t . „ '.. — TZl — TT; — r>o™ooo 12.w0.0c0' |i7.io«:w.»>: «i3<57.000; 91.507.dc0t ii_.w»«noo' TT^T' Dank of N. Y. N_rl Bkir Ass n. »22;eCO *«».«*> 54.044.0i10, 4.132.f1W» 1145 000 27 (hWoJwi I>41 '-'») Bank .of the Manhattan Co £_2rSK 1.41T.700 ir».!*O.3<«) iWOiSOo' 1.045.0*» 12.914 em 72 — Merchants; National ••• JoOOOtJ" 3.54*. 1». __•».«)« ai»a.f«»; 1.«21.(Xi0 IH.S-R^,! .-$"1 Mechanic- National ....*■•• \fsssa 4.072..VM) __.««.«» 3.857.W0) 2.315.W _3.oi,»*J *»-a_l Bank of America i"SS«-«- 3O.».:{"«>| « «*4.000 ].tk_3.oAof 127.000.' 833.10T»)' _T__: rhenlx National..... •• 2 3*ov«>.f-io| 19.7-(V.:'.O!> lw » 044.4 i« 3».370.fi«0 9.4«3.f«f>l I4V43IVWA'- t!?? 1 /A National City..... _Go>< 25.ir.1>.4V): 4.9f>4.W)0! I.B7S.f**>* 24 -^ 2x> 7 - 4U - 1«>1 «> liWiliS 111 |« •§« Jlechanlca and Trader. • wn.aoo 5,e5».700 7SO.S» s_A2Oo' 3 «? «5' ■ ss^H:: n « 111 11 1§ il m ,' : "n, N Sr_l National is; il fi ! Ms ii III; j ■ ?/n»- CenVral National - Nin Z^ [ IXX** ><«»»>*! -.«»>«! I.TSK-R* ifSJ'SS t vs :!ft! M^rke and FMlton National 1 - wo -^» »-«*-J*_2, -'•'"" t.m.Sooj «27.*,,: COS7S M.trnnolltan Z.OOrt.OOrt 1 efl..!^ lO.l^W^ _._sr, film 2140(<. liili^'fji!. 4JSI| » t^nsiJi-U- ??s-_£ ruvi ■• i:; " 1 ♦^»s« : Oriental 7SO.OflO! 1.154.400 ».4;<*.nno 1 TI." «oOi :v.--.«, ftTftliS ■- Importers' and Traders' National I..V)O.«V>| «.ST.S.9W>| __„-._:m«4> 3.32r>fli)«! t.tRI.MA! ; ti»«i» -- Notional Park 3 -£*ffl T -iSiJ2: «■-»,««»: XT.-U* «MJ i,2tt«« 77f£ $0 -^_-*» Ka«t Hlvrr National 25O.O0O; 122.300 1 _:?»..-«<•. 23«.7fi>i 13O>«' 1 431 nnS i *«.*>» Fourth Niitlnnal 3.0«>.«lO r.,<»»2>., 17 •■*,%», :..Tft».«f^ .1 f f* •»¥>! . S2_2 ♦•♦» Second National .Wo..>. t.63'».t>'\'> 1 lo.lfii».or»>! »1».'Sr!i Bfl! "* First National ! _o.A>i New Yr.ik .National Exchange... I l,«*K>tiOrt 901.4W ..-.-.,., 1.803.0001 .17T> 7<*t ST'-ifu ♦■•* I W'* Bowery | _*>.«» 77r fc -TOj 3.517. fxT0! :,;..'«.. STftlfK^! £m4'm^ **** New York County National | 3O.C00! ssr. l<; , ».;■.:.. IMS.W<>< 40,000 RsttSS German-American ■■ I 730.0n0: 577.3f»> 3.71».2H0 7,T.*i.>_¥> »2.ifli» •? -,-rl'ii,. "*«• i.Tiase National * 1.000.000 ' \V-t.u,, sO.s_3.4fift' l|.l_l.4«x>! l«»2'iO! '!*"-'■><'■>£ . Fifth Avenue I l«K000, 1.75>.i..^i., (♦.«__.«« 2,0,. » .1,, 703 Ort> '. .-"'■',. "1 Oerman Exchange 200.010 77H_i»>, 3.307.K00' l«?.0OO! 875 0"O; 43m«» ! — — O*rrn-n«..i 2n0.00r, <^.7.» 1 47- '.{:.. 472. 0u0J 718 7 nr. l *«tt_2i' — _nrr»ln N.itlonal 300. n»W 1.859.W0 12.5-',2.T(»»' »B«\U^! 2.fi.-.7.1<--O nr-TiS' _TT— r.nrfleld National 1.000.00i>. 1.31«>.0<»0| 7.1V».3«)« l.^ft.OfOt .-.. ZMI VrvV-rvl 23T»<» Fifth National 2M\OOOI 440. 000 ."Ul2.oOt>! .V.J»..V10 155.»f«. 4ii-* ■Vwv' W7n * i:»nk of the Metropolis I 1.000.Wi0 1.6.«4.«)0 lO.!>tl.nro: I.3iM>._ooi !)21 0(¥»' lit -•»! w 2i3.*a» WeM fide ' 200.000 811.SMM 4.44t.(1fi0. MI.OOO MSl— • T_kS ■ Seaboard Natlonnt \ X.I»0l«» 1.125.30»> 15.450.0001 2.72«"00O l^,;,»», 17^4^ • Flr.«t National. Brocklyn ' SfO.OPO 6fi7.!i«l ; 4 r.7<».i.«> «7!..«-<. 4,0,^, 4— > , nrJ 21«««» Liberty National I I.ooo.M*>! 2.143,300; 10.V,i....», 1 7-, „.. SSftOOO uriliT J. O1 ** New York Product Bxchanic» ! 1. C00. 000 [ 553. 40»: 8.14.-..«X>! 1 _.'.. ■. .. ;,. -. r^u., «».«» ■ New Amfterdam National Rrtrt.noft 61«l._!Tflt .-.: .... 200' >, _,«■» 533 fif»>! «"»_m"ll_1 S ' Astor National I 330.00i>! «>3.700! 4.»».<)flO! 1..v.»»> 13200O: 4 's' ««, •'W'K-j , . _______________________-_-----_--————-------—--— . Totals 1 117. 472. 14»,23«.400: 1.0.M.3-13.20O; 153. 103.6^0; ?'2.»&3._0r,< 'LOSB.-', 1 .l^o~_^g— • » rv » on total deposits. Increase $12^875; reserve en deposits other than United States dAcr-aZTTT^ • •United States deposit. Included. »17._a0.00t». _«-»-_, ' f A *»* tt7o : -j. THE WEEK'S BANK CHANGES. May 2«. June 2 Changes. Loans J1.049.30rt.«00 $ 1nc. »2. 152.400 Fpecle .. mo «00 153.105.80>> Inc. 2.124.«r>© Leiral tenders.. A3.Sftft.lOO f>2.50<».200 Dec. BST.SQQ Deposits 1.682. 731.W0 •1.038.751.100 Inc. 4.019.3.x> Circulation .... 49.534.900 49.73!>.200 Dec. 95.700 •United States deposits Included. .30.000. The following shows the relation between the total reserve and the total deposits on the respec tive dates: May 28. June 2 Changes. Spe-te Jlßo.ftSl.ooo $183,105,600 1ne.52.124.fi00 Legal tenders.. _.S0«.10O 82.508.2C0 Dec. 997.900 Total J2CJ.577.100 J266.003.800 1nc.J1.123.700 Cash required against de posits 238.1_2.f«0 259.197.773 Inc. 1.0T4.523 Reserve ..... 604. 150 J«.M«>O_S Inc. J121.*73 Reserve on deposit other than United States de creased $170,175. The following are the changes for the correspond ing week for the three preceding years: 1905— Loans decreased ».7_0.30i>. c_sh Increased $10,078, deposits decreased $18,651,500 and surplus reserve decreased $10.078. 1904— Loans decreased $3,315,200. cash increased $2.i'«2-.-O©. deposits decreased $154. 6fO and surplus reserve Increased $..068.53). I^»— I»ans decreased $7,837,800. cash decreased $8,453.700, deposits decreased $14,456,500 and surplus reserve decreased $4,569,500 i The following table shows the bank holdings on the respective dates: June 2. 'Oft. June 3. '05. June 4. "04. Loans $1,061,543,200 |1. 101.283. 1C0 91.038. 5«. _• «"» Specie lS3.Kß.6rt> 2D4.5Jf1.300 22«.6__.40n Legal tenders... 52.*5.200 55.«23.200 79,537.2«H» I>epo«it« •1.0.*W.751.10i> 1.13«.477.7«i0 1.09*.7J* »»> Circulation 49.730.200 40.273. 37.252.«(«> •United States deposits Included. $17.2R0.000. The following shows the relation between the total reserve and the total deposits on the respec tive dates: June 2. 0«. June 3. '05. June 4. '04. Specie 51^3,105.«n>-> J_04.54«,500 $226.«23.41» Legal tenders... 52.«>5.200 83.633.Z00 7ft. 2>«i T a,»| re»erv«. .. J2iW.nn3.SoO $2f»0.1t5a.70i:> ».V»v4*>.*«> Reserve required against deposits ..I!*. I*7 77- 2*4.119.425 274 *■)«. 72.". Res.we tß.sT«!o_ri J«.0W).273 su.TSft.sr3 Per cent of reser\-e 25.7 25.5 27. 1 FOREIGN COMMERCE. IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE AT NEW YORK. Week ended June 2— I 00«. 19"ft. l?>04. DnKOods J2.578.70rt ?2.414.2JvS Jl.lWl-.923 General merchandise... 11.457.1«« 10.«31.0w_ f«.10i>.613 Totals J14.03T,.57-_ J13.045.3-«O J9.1KJ7.43i1 From .lanuarv 1 — Drysoods ..$71.773.t#2 $«_.7aT0»57 J33.924.«77 General merchandise. ..2M.o36.2H« 2T.2. * r_. __C._3».33» Totals ... J32S.SOO.JVSS J3ls..V>aO_l J2«51.554.415 ■xfoan OF MERCHANDISE FROM NEW YORK. January 1 to May 2».5J81 311.4*5 J223.W3.252 J201.613.722 EXPORTS OF SPECIE. For th» weel: — Gold Hum ?641.»«5 Silver 1.119.492 SSK.ZBS 751.M0 Totals J1. 163.392 J«M\2B*> J1.4_3.3_5 Prom January 1 — Gold . 337.122 J32.7f.1.54« J«4. 4< -0 Silver 16.3J-.071 13.557.16.S IS.»>s3.7iH Totals J31.fi59.193 J46.345.714 J53.153.173 IMPORTS OF SPECIE. For the w»ek— - ... . J422.503 J37.f1«0 J19.00J GoH $422..>i03 $37.«<>0 StSISSS Silver".*.".'..*. -. BUBS 13&.342 .^7 Totals 1-81. SI $177,022 J4S.«3 1 J Fiom January 1 — Gold ...... ' *.."... J43.220.R72 J3.ri3.530 J5.5-SOAIS Silver 2.0rt4.!Wl 1.531.34<> 407.511 Totals $45,253!b33 IB.IBMW J5.ftS7.M9 CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE SALES. STOCKS. Sharee I I Opon- j «l_h- I Low- I Last sold. I : Ing. I »st. i •— . I «=»1«-. 130'Allls-Ch.lmers ...I 23 ! 23H! 23 23^* 2.210 Amal Copper ' Vft%\ |W4 Wl\ I |V **» 120! Am Car & F.1y...l 42 42 i 41 * 41 » iW Am Locomotive... 70 ! 70S I TO TO 43t>!Am Hnieltlnn.. .. i:.4* 4 IW'« ! lS4**i I.V.V* rt>!.\m Sugar 135 a i I 13.*. 7 » t3SS 155% 23f»|At Top & S ... SO ■, "» 7_7 _ •*»*»! *>•'■'* F.alt A own. .. -. i«xs i 10s ] ins ' Ml 2.3.V* Hklyn Rap TV J|. ' 83% <» ! >:V «3 ■VI ! .^■«\ *> ,V>; Consol Oai» ' \4>i\ I 14** 1 -. 140 V* 14>'* li» !'i.«t Securities I C 363 «_» ! «1 OxVEri* 4rt»« 4*m' 4rtS: #iH av>ll»u)» * Nash . I I.V>V l.V»t' 1»" ; * ' 14!>* 3 Mexican Central.. 22 ! 22^ [ 22 I -'-'- 701 Mo Kan * Tex...) 34V»! 34 SI 1 ?! 34*» TflOIMo Pacinc I JHH I* 1 - 84% 9.".^» SON V Central | 14rt I 14" 1 - M 0 ! I*>Ml 1.2«14 1 J3.1»« 133 I 133 >■« 3.4'H> Reading I 14.1%! 141 V»i 1 KiS I»>\ llrt'Rep Steel I _R*4| ~*\\ 2"* 1 -! 2>\ 280 Southern Paelftc.l MS »W'-3 r.i>>-*| (U\\ \m Southern Railway. 3S\ 3s", :<>S 3sS 140' Texan Pactft> I S3 l - I 33 \ ! 33 W I .«*♦ 3.210! fnlon Pacific I ISO I 15O** i I*;.-, I.VtS .*._(• S Pte#l 1 »l 41 1 * 4"% 41 130 ' di> pref liiS\ 1111-. ' V«% HV, Wat-anh ! 21 21 ' 21 i 21 160| do pref I 4.HV 40 l sj 4HV, 4D 1 * 32.430 Total sales. MINING. hares ! ' Oped- | Hl^ii 1 I. •«■ • ' MjUH sold. I I tr.« ! eat. ! •-«. I sale. 3mV Atlanta ! .-» I _■> j .30 i _S T'Vi«Ti,.llar lft ! . _.? 1' .IS .?.« S»1«»lcom»took ' .2^ .23 ' .22 ' __ I. «¥»•>' ,«,t bond- .IS ,i» I .W i .!•* l.«V«->:Ooldfl»l ! 1.30) 1 1 .In Mm t_>ne Star ' .14 ; .14 ( .14 ! II 3f« Mexican ' 1 _»"» 1.2.\ !i .0 ' t •■:, Montgom*r\- Mt. . . .82 ' .52 I „v_ .TW.Ophlr 4.»» I 4.» Vi I 4.«!5 4*". 30<> Portland I i.rti> I i.no t Ai I.M inrt|F\*o_.| .IT ' .17 .17 .17 !A»> fs«v««* 1 1.1 I.H 1 15 11 l.ln«>lSlr*er Pick \ an \ .25 ._s „ 7.70<» Total pales. * WALL STREET AND EXCHANGES. FOREIGN* TRADIXO.-ForHgn houses were not factors in the local market, owlr.g to the Whitsun tide holidays In London. CHICAGO A ALTON DIVIDENDS. -The direc tors of the Chicago & Alton Railroad Company have declared dividends of $2 a share on the cumulative 4 per cent prior lien and participating MMi and 12 a •tat* on the preferred stock. The dividends are payable July 2 to stockholders of record June 15. These are the firm dividends on th* new Chicago & Alton Railroad Company's securities. th» Chicago _ Alton Railway being reorganised under the new name on March 8. 1006. ST. PAUL'S riN'ANCING.-The activity in St. Paul stock In yesterdays market was followed by various stories regarding the character of the probable . financing of the company's Western em tension. The latest report is that the company will Issue ai.OQO.OOO new stock and t53.000.0u0 3*. p«.r cent debentures, th« latter to fee a lien on the earnings ahead of the preferred and not a mortgage- on the. property. St. Paula April earnings, received yes terday, showed an- Increase In gross of $451,413 and an Increase In net of 1— ,107 COTTOX MOVEMENT.- According to "The BANK STATEMENT IN DETAIL. Financial Chronicle." the total receipts of __f for the week ended Jan. 1. :>•«. WA _'_ "™*>* against 78.802 bales in th, pr-cedl-'sr *~Z "^ total receipts since September 1 are 7 _2___T_ -__ 9.056.100 for the same period last y -.- a _£?* of l.fiS9.ll_. Th, weather In tl» week Jr™"* favorable. Rain fell In most sec'.ior.s .vherTn_2 and the temperature was satisfactory on t^_-_!_ SNOWS JUNE CROP REPORT-? makes June i condition of winter wheat tl against 91 last month and 58.3 a year ago iJ__ wheat. 94.3. against 93 last year T^ co_SS of oats. SBL>. against 83.3 last year. tV^ of sprins wheat Is 3So.<>» acres less than laiS? The acreage of oats about micha-md. >cv " ONTARIO & WESTERX.-The t turn made by the Ontario & xresterTfo- * month of April ls altogether ascribable Z the* £ traffic to the Ontario &t\ . 3tern i 3 bj,*^. when it is considered that almost halfTS gross earnings of the company is derived ToanhT business. u - s BANK CI_CARI.VGS.-The total bank ctotrten of the T_ nited States for the week ended Ja-. * were R39USSSS. a S ain,t tukjßXUßi in t^rC ceding week and $2.414.27T.«l la«r yea- STRENGTH IX THE GOULD ' STOCKS - Strensth In the Gould stocks was accompanied by a report that the Gou'.d Interests had cone to a friendly arrangement with the Pennsylvania ani other Important interests with whom they tav» hitherto km on distant terms. MONET FROM SAN FRAN' ; .3. -There was transferred yesterday from San Francisco for Xew York account K30.0Q. in new gold. A dispatch frora "Washington says that the Treasury Department received application to transfer from San Frar.« cisco CMXIO'.OOO to tY.f East GREAT WESTERN DEBENTURE INTEREST UNCHANGED.— The usual semi-annual interest payment of $2 a share on the 4 p»r cent debent-.irs stock of the Chicago Great Western Company wtQ be made on July 13. 1906, to the holders of record of June 30. ADMITTED TO OUOTATTON.— There has b?ea admitted to quotation in the unlisted department Canadian Paoifie Railway Company certirtcates of subscription. fu!l paid, for r.ew ordinary capita] stock, and Baltimore & Ohio 'Company subscrip tion receipts, fall paid, for n • macher & Co. say: With the assistance of the United States Trf~» ury, arrangements for th- importation of Sl.Wk- COO. gold from Australia were consummated la* ■week. Without government interference th:3 in portation would not have tak»n place, as the rates for foreign txehangc remained practically sta tionary sino* 1 writing ©or l»i»T mitt, and i!pmar:d sterling is selling considerably above what is coa ceded the sold import point. That this piece of good news, "fnr'-ed" as it v/as. did not make the favorable Impression in well informed banking cir cles which was looked for in some Quarters is mt remarkable. ImWd. there Is a grave doubr in tfca minds of oar bp^t hankers as to the advisability of government assistance In international transac tions of the kir.cl. unless at a time of srrav- ten sion At si: h a time it is to be expected, and we look with onfi.ienee to the Secretary of the Treas ury for relief, but during a time of comparative ease in the money market such assistance by ;hj government is • ertainly to be looked upon leas favorably, itanj are asking the question as ro the possiM. attir'ude of th- government in case of gold' exports. If the United Stares Troasury is warranted In assisting gold imports, might it not also in the case of a threatened wholesale e*? 0 "*" tion of gold step in aid create cendtttwa f_. wnulil make it more difficult or impossible to ex port gold from here? And what would be th* re sult of such arbitrary procedure on the pirt of V* government? It is s°lf-evidon: that old «**£ tior.s woi:!d be upset. rcs-Itbss in at Wst «="*" rarv uncerratnty, which, once create.!, is bourj » do mischief Distrust is hardly toward stability in fls_n_e. We firmly sZ_* _■ It is safe f> let the law of supply and «_m in sert itself. Gol,. imoorts and exports shoLll » permitted to tik.' their natural course %ye .._— enough confidence in the country to fe^l that ir they are allowed to >»o so. tue balance of trade w_i be bound to work out in our favor. CURB MARKET TSADI3JG. The overshadowing feature to the market fcr ssisMa securities was a sharp break in Greer? Consolidated Copper and the continued upwaw movement in Maekay common. Aside frcrn tho« two factors the market was practically -I a s»™*" still ard quotations Ouctnated only slightly in e.tner direction. Greene Consolidated Copper on the ne«* of the disaster in the mines opened fully _* 18 - a * Utea before the regular time and thousands « shares were thrown or. the market, which brow th" price abo it _>-, points from the previous^c'.osirs The felling movement was general and what J* supporting or,',. : . appeared fttfted to stem the ttu* Maekay common, or. the other hand, was ur. excellent support and reached a r.ew f'* h^"^ at an advance of l^ poirts t.> "*. r- ss!:l S *? f.-rr.-.! - previous high mark by nearfil h P o^ Chicago Subway was somewhat irrrgular but .a-^ active. Standard Oil was neglected. lio ~^° ll a-ta -t was firm. Copper Socuri:>* imorovtd *fc. Butte Coalition v k . There wa^ no laauiry tor no J which hold about steady. ACTIVE CUF.3 STOCKS. i ■ — INDUSTRIALS. Shares ! ! Op«- I H:.O- I __^ | £?. ■oktj [ tog, litx.^-* »t_ — . _3i» IVth Steel ( -orp...j •'«>*» ! sJu| 2M) Hanm Tobacco*. _*_» -V_| -** t\ 90O.Huu.VHl Oil I IV _»! _r 4 4* loA do rref 4S 4> *> 9 ft* to pref «it_J.:. •*i* l=;l =; *-, l >. *,» 9 li. do pref ; '■■'<■ i »3> H*. « ;.•. .Vanhiittai Transli 3H' S ■_ *•• « to N V Transror..... rt * . j-l 1 Stanlanl Oil 1 ew i «l» «» » 4l>»;T_»am«'l«r » ■ »., Ir.' fl ■"«' ' rape* Sk f"u!p- ■ - ii •* »■ " ._— MINING STOCKS. Shares ; _ ' I ."•-„- I High- i U£- J JjJ sold I I tag. ■ fit. __J^l_L-> — . • 30M Boston Ctoppcr j K'lj 3J*»! *V* '.'.»- SCOlDutt* Coalition w t »'» »■»! ?J? j* 1 * ' .V^VC-oi-pcr S*.-_ritie_.. .a* s 3»V "»£ , i 1.6 M» Ctam-Ely Mlntr*.. «•"-] _J_j S '• Mv< IVlores. U«l i * ' *J» *v. Jl-S : Four Aces tC- I »» *;v. »» V»>|Kum«c» ile-.-kCopi 5Wj S> *£ |*W tKW.Otroux Mlnin*....| U>S, »>»' '..' I* StWUold KtU i -\\ 2*»: .^^[ I?"* tOliUranty Ccn*ol i t- l *i •*_»! „",,' .' l.flm.Creeno ton Ctipper _rt •■"* -,t ' 3 1 * 2.ort> Gr«*i Gold .. 3". -'■« **i m I.oi'o;iireen«>Uol.:-SUv«r 2*» 2U *£i 5^ tin Guar-Juato t.vnaoi a 5 * -J» »Jj I OiWOiHannapah Mtruaa. . >» *» * i 4 TSS'Mlcma^ Ucl.t Mta. 4H *^ 2, ■• tV tUiV Mitchell Mining... "'i TH ' •* *\ lhH»MuQt-Shoshvn* ... 4* ♦'» ,j % i**k ?tii»i Nevada Con Cop.. IS** l>4 1_ ♦ - U*>,Nev-rtah Mj_ 8. * * *. a LRtiitNlpinkinK MWmi\> 3N »«» -» |"» R,H>j Precious Met Ocra is ** *""» £ ICOiTVnipah K.vt-n 10 | I" ! ■* 40Ojl_lon Copper Co.. IS : 1 "-'•"' _' » '2 t". ,| O-ICi »>-it». •- 10 '