RAILROAD. r^TT j Open- j Hl«tl- I Low- I Ln.t " S«£*j I Inc. I St I an. 1 sale. •<•■ ___ ■ s-.ir.»-a> M\ 67 , M M*A *«! rnpr" *>"«* Ccn M i* I* Js W "~~~ BOND*. •■— " " ~~ ) Open- | Hl»h- | Low- I La, t •Jjf i 1 '"« I est. 1 — t. ! sale. £% >*V 9SV W% "TodTlots. tSe:i* «" Ets PW Khar*. INACTIVE CURB STOCKS. -jay—* tv William E. Nichols & Co.. No 15 Wall at.) '•- -' ntd. SsSbbA DW. Asked B S5i Ilfi :22 > gy-:::::y SC •1*23.; IM UO Iron Steamboat.. 1 3 **"£rrf -» *£ «o pref 155 IRS tI~TSt >"""• «* 102 Lnn» Monotype. . . 14 15 *2 S^h Fu:t.U. 3Vi «IT Berni a. L E... IS » V ll J or»- Mantr .4 5t .i\Tla 1 .2 I do l«t prrf .«0 m ....«« « ! dr M Ml . 15 17 laSdpret'." • • iPratt & Whit i>Mort 103 .afbrrfidl'f ♦ «Vi Procter & Gim .375 290 *? t, . . - » v 4e ; --ref . ar« «10 *i pfrf «1 J ( W I Sa'rty CII A L.2SR 233 «„ Writ Tpf■■ -1 *» ;rVrurlti^ Co 4* . eW, ©54 ** V ... sr.Vi k Fl.r.r Craw C 0... 27 40 -T-w 3<- Plaw. » 514 iM S2rrW««rt». •4 l- ißtan.l Coupler.... 40 44 prrf 60 71 j stand Mir. C 0... 10 12U JL.£rnueh ...«4« 4W) | Sis r>rcf 35 40 S?Uh T«r». 4S V* 30 ■: do f.s » « IZ rir Co pf. <"-2 «« iTr«T.ton rottery.. 1« 20 Sf ..lOIV* 101UI do rref 35 40 75 SO wStOm O».-J4« lr-rt 'Trow nirectorv.. 45 55 *, rTr f IS* 1<» Vt\ nank M Corn. 40 41 £ST ICS 115 ! «a iff no r4 |2te«teel.... « •" |Un T»-p»-writer... P7 M *7*"— » * 2 «*o Ist pref. 120 12 1 CLOSING CURB QUOTATIONS. gT al i|.h»a r. v "William E. Nichols A Co.. No. I' Wall st.) BU A«k.«.j nil Ask«-d j^cricar. Can.. 7^» * Grhihy Coprwr. . . 12* 12' i **„ rref «1 ■ ! Havana T -.Iwr.T 24 2"< krr r> r .rr. .»> "■•-' I do ant H 37 ii t«nM!"-'-- 3V. 3V' Inter ••• Marine 11*. 12 1- MatM 42i» -' ■ J do pr«-f SO., 31 ' v vi'\ W*t» CM.". •'• 1" H-Int fj!ver Art (v Ml 81 Bftr.'stev-: Co.. :*>H S0\» ! iBU* Rat Tr...227 252 j\ prrf s^.. ♦'»\4!Lcrf !«< 102 r«Tn«f »4 '.17 iilackay 7*H 7il-r 27* i 27%.! do pref ........ 73'» 73V »rtt coi f*r»<«-. "* *> V. A : n cons ■» % "rttra' Pbujwit * fi ■ Nevada «"ons IS 1"4 "on pT*f .... i' l 23 N V Trans 7 "\ me fur-wsy. •• ■ •'•"• W ;Otis Elevator M SB Mr«M.»r.vli -4H'; do ptt-f as Ml {•■ii Hcfrir Ms C IRcyal Rakini; P. 145 1«) am Capet*:.'. U RtM] •< , ;-f no US EWtrK- n>at .. 2>> 24 Term Cappn 42 4-* ir V rri. .. 7" 75 > Union Copper. ... IS IH rkrtrlr Vehj-I. .1« 22 United Cnp:>er U3\ «.4-» A« VT'i. ■»« 22 I s liil 1--4 ' N V & Q E LAP H «i 5 SfissC«Sa.. 90 ■-, I do r ref 70 fe(> l. G E Isl C :>s. rrji~ «5 : n ya. !:;• a" S5 to sUKiI ... W Cl I Nor U Ist 5s 101 lf» \ji Ist Don r-».114 nyn v I Ohio i i Gfa... » as nvrctt <"r. «? 4.1 41 I do etovks ;<■% ■ op . G L ■'■ T»**:"l 105 ;rtaniard 1-" 134 bsGssfit ..l ••• 15'» i:o or- If! :« V.M4.l*'S 111 jVVFUh L.l« 55...100 It* ao c>n .'«► lUS 107 i •Ar.d tstereat. FEf-RY COMPANIES. r>: Hi F- • !ft :.s l'» " ilO ;lO£ I!.! SF I mX .** fi* »4 I .- !ir. 100 NY A.- N.i 1 mssf 89 M yY *. !". i: F f:k <^ 70 : U F of NY&U £lk 22 25 BANK STOCKS. (!>;>• rtfd by C!'.ni"r. GSSwrt. n .. 2 Wall stiwal p W4. Afk«"l Bid- Asked. America '-I' l M 9 1 Lincoln 1 .'•<•» I.7<>-1 tn r.X' hanso "*■" '.'•<'' Manhattan Co.. 21«."> SI" Astor National CM ISO i Market A Ful.. 2C5 V 75 »>■ Nsiional SSS Sir. laietrofnU* — 4".» tt of M»rount lhu — Mechanics" M Hi j •../„■.. — 135 ;.Mfd, a.. ad... UtO 170 pnnrry- S» S» Mercantile 245 2T.3 Botdi A Urue. 17" iw» i M<>Trr>s.r.;itan ... 170 — Coal & 1 Nut.. 240 — M.-1 :uu 1«T. 175 C-nufhlatert .. IHi'i IT«> Mi-rrharits 1 Ex 17» IS" Oenturi 1" IS ! Mount Morris.. 235 — Ci:aM 7iW — .Mutual 3<*> — CuL'.te-.r \ .'!'•> — Nassau 2"2 212 Cfcemica 4.l'«> *.£*■<> 'New Am Nat.. pJM 425 <-;• ben Nat. isr> 340 |n yn n a :** SIS O!»y 'Jta% -M~\~ S V County I.2 — INirtit i — Ncrthem Nat.. ISO 1«"> Zxr Kn«r... J.V> 100 i Oriental , ;:•■" 270 Fldeaty ... . l''«i — iParJflc 24 250 Ttrti Kstioaat 72T. 7J»O ;Park — 41«) Ttttii Kational '■'•*<> — I People's fi- F^'ir, Aw-mi«-..3.«*m 4.200 j Pfirr.lx 175 W Fourth JSU... SIS 217 Plaia '■'■" CCO PWrtceelk Bi. -■«• — iProdur* Exch.. 170 lt"l Gillaur. 37.*» 4'«> ! Riverside 2&0 fi ' G»-:- — "<«■ ISf-nrmard »«."< — C*rmai.-Am . I.V l'jl ;t«>cond TOO — Gennaii £xcr. . 410 — i Hiatt- 1.7<«0 — Gtrraar.iii . .. :■"■ — j Thirty-fourth St 205 — Gr»*r»kh SSJTi SlO I Twelfth Ward.. S.VJ — E»rr.:!!or. rit) — I Twenty-third W It*) — Eiarvrr Af*t .MO 1 Union Exch 210 220 ter i- Tni-i. . r.75 G"0 I United National 107 113 !M»rbnroußh . IST. iflO 'I" S Exrhanc*-. . 125 130 Inrtu, 24'j 2T.it Warhlnpton Hts 225 — ;•*••■ • »a 2!ri IWVst Wde 000 — Vbtriy ...... 500 S2O . York% ille 400 — SEW JERSEY BONOS. ffsttubei Ly J Thomas Relnhardi. No. IS Wall «r*et-> Bid. Asked. •ab»-i „- I>^rk ft i m O>Ss, 1821. J& 3 112** — f«t*n rurr.plk* Co Ist 6s. 1.51. J& J 100 — fcr^i»», n -ira ;lo Ti Co Bt lmti ... 87? i — *«.i*L L Tt-r.ton I«y let ss. lii'JU. MAN 100 101% ,«o«en £.». iStil. J4 J MO- id W,t t.iaruu Hj !*. IMC 106 — <«'.rtl Electric Co of N J Ist 6- 11>48. J*J. *5 100 Cta»r.i Kie.iric Co Ist In. 1»15. M 4. N •»■'• — <«*;l Ira.-tion Co of N J Ist I,*. 1033. J & U.l "«Si 107% t««^!ritis Wnt. H 4 PCo :, 103 S. J & J...10H — «i»sc D U Co 7 — |j». «ft On j^rt-y By l«t f>s. IWO. J & D... «7 M £u> - I.ariian Street Ry «en t*. 1854 Vi 100 *• t EWe Qb of ber B en Co l»t ba. 1&40. J & 103 — .iota It&i M&N *> » «Jinrt»CK Water Co Ist «a. 1652. J & J M *4 cobokft, X" rr> - Etsctric Ught •.. fi» lIKJU 105 — <■*•:• CV.j.-Hob & P I.v Co 4s. l»4tt. M & N.. 74 76 {■»•■• CM i I^ik J{ R Ist 4^*. IW3. Jat J -1« — Jf* P*a«f Termla*! U. A * 0 - 1J« — Jflil'ocfc r«t ul. «•. IMB. A* O ISO — };-,-i>»n a noiiisi.H Traction ft*. 1900 97H 100 f»O. B B BC N*» Jersey «a. A * 0.~ 10? *i — Cs«ex Ist U. 1814. man 11»V» — .fccot "s. :w:s j * d 120 V — •*•»* Ccr. Gk* Ct> lat 5«, IWB. J ft D IW* HOVi fe? — >« Jersey &Ny R R 6s. 1910. MAN 108 — *«» :*is y -.r. r . c Co Ist 4s. 192 Holder, rerry Co «n ss. 1*46, J A D..109 100 ?-T * M J Kerry Co 2fl £. IMB. .TAJ I**) 104 II iS 3 Tti.jhone Co Ist 6* IMS. M A X..110 — £'*:> J T\a-er Co let 6s. 1020. VA A •« 100 LV * Bab Gut CO eon 0s 1811. MA B. I'M 108 ■tfcaj* ■.-,„.. Term 6s, 1»48 M A N....114»i 11014 'T* Jiuitor. Oa Ry Ist «s 1814, JA J 1J» US* •*«•*£,, i»a», j& j 109 — -*««i 1U24 MAN 103 10» -£- Ii •-* 1. Hft Co U. IMB. A A 0....109 --,„ Rt 4s. IMB. M A N T7% 7«» I ?*f* * P*aaaJ Val lat 6*. lWh. J«i>....-» ,*J I r2S;l4s*^i Co Ist 6s. 18=5. MAN 105 101 jr-«8s. I'^A 100 — "f«« «i tt! To in «i, im A 4 0..- B»Vi — t*i«« tt. „- :ft 3 107 — . ££f Ga» Usrht Co Ist «• .Itt - -110 »M I g»»W n&'lway Co lrt «9. IK*. JA D 107 — j "V^cs r. : . y t.^..i way co let «s, IWI. F t A.. 104 — t»«n«. last, j in .V. 123 — K^* J - Ki«ctric hirbt Co Ist ««. 1009.... «•* — KS5i fc Pta Oen Eleo Co cea 6». Mft B 103 10ft T*J»-' Qm & EUc v, Ist Ba. 1811. ft J...-10S — •£•*' U :h *° L a«O — 103 — -, ut «•, ; iie. ja> iio - j~« ber> ■-, rorportt.r)rm oarUfloataa 7t) 71 £J P? '-■■' notes. 1V0»...- ..™... •* M K«Jr»:»:» Street Railway Pe. 1»« 10» 110 g***^ 'C 8 O«s Co Ist «a 1811. MA S. .1»» — C 5»« Ugbt n» Co Ist 6s. 16*!. FAX tB — l??»«t ITur^. a aid !• Co 4*. IS*3. J A D... 79 — •S**!i>* y* T *>> Ist S«. latß Mft 8 101 108 •S • G«» i. Tieo Co lat Da. 1&48. M ■ 10« — I,—* 1 J-»«»rng»T Rjr Ist c«. JBSI. Aft O 120 — tv?? *' R v Co Ist odo 6s. .2 W5*. J& J 1M — «^4 Else Co of M J Ist **. lt*4». JA D 71 TI ***« sate. «ao&no«M. STOCKS. r? l^ Oemtjanr J* 9 — , iSSr*"^ Tracts Cotapccr of New Jer»ey.7» «> P» *?»'* ' >uclb **SSSan? m ii & t, Hu Os» COBBpany...-.- .■-" .'." ••« * £ai, E<>CT:r l c Consjiaay cf Berren Coooty-...- 58 «» iSSSS^S^ com ** B>f ccmmoa :::i73 2**- r-*rut.iyr -*rut.iy Oaa Oompanir. ...........•••••■•* •" f7» H.4Mkee A Fa'-raon Rallwajr 0»... » — C fcfonawsrji Ltrht. Heat A PO««r Co-.. —-- •• — a>_."*'aar 2;nc Company *-5 "" fi^i**»»> fitrt»t IlsilwayCoßipeiiy » — 5JJ** Paasalc Qm A WlCWtfn O) ,™ " gj. 1*"!'1 *"!' Ettttt Hallway Company.. •••<** •a * Middleaes UaTbtlng O» W iS J «*-»Qa* Electric A Traetlca Oa »» "• oil ODasMsw. ., _ .....W 4 839 Flour, bhlg G.Tl's Cheese. pkRS 9 199 Flour, tacks 15.1C; | Etnrs. cares " 13V.3 Hominy. pk«» . . *«' I>r«ssed poultry, p'.trs. 1.001 Oatmeal, bills 319 Uv. poultry, cm** . 803 Wheat, bush B»%Oik> Apple*. bbl* 1 (XX) torn, bush :«7.n2X potatoes, bbls 16 4.V» Oat*. bush 107. Onions, pkgs 1775 Barley hush 31 <««' nnsin. l>Ms 1,535 Malt. bush 22..^iii Spirits turp, bbls 775 ■Baa, pkti 1.650 Sugar. I*l9 ( .n Hay. ten* 1.120 Itolaasta, Mis ay» Straw. ton» 70,011. lubricating, bbli.. CO Hopa. bales 49SiO>o Flock, j.kgi &73 ™*M. bush Peanuts, bans «u> Beer. bbls 100 Tobacco, htvls 150 Beet tcannedj. cises. 1.173 Tobseco, pk 85,B 5, 175 Porft. bl.liv 160; Whl*k/y. I bl* M<> gums. pk KS 247 Wool racks 75 Bacon. i,kr» *>»> Couon. bales 1,500 Cutmeats. pkfs S7O! Cottonseed oil. bWs... .".it L*rd. } irrcf * SsSlWlr.e jCal). bUs Sno **"*. keg* 10.41) EXPORTS TO-DAY. Ctorn. bush . 6.f>M;Tar. bbls 30 Oat*, bush ..,:<._•;, Petroleum, ref. sals.. 24.740 Peas, bush 4,473 CottMWr«d oil. gals . 4.^7.". Beans, bush m\ Lubrlcatlna; oil. sals. . I<> Four.«bbl« i.«. M pork, bbls 157 Flour, sacks 5,110 B«ef. bit's 115 inrnm^l. bbls J>7*'H<«pr. tierces M J;**" 1 "> : ,..hn« Baron. Hi 47." ('.'/» Pran 1 TT. 24.< Hr,! Lard. Ib 252.500 "■>'• bales i.,. Tallow, rh M.OOO O!lm#>al. tb 11«.7.Vl Oi^atc, Ib |.«K>-.» Oilcake Ib 242.4 ii«! Butter. Ib S7.ftj-) itosin. bbls ■Kg CheeK, Ib £-.7.10. CASH QUOTATIONS. Iron. Nor. KoKdr.fUSS | Flour. Hall patents. $4 ffi Iron So, No 2 «oit.. 17 75 Cotton. middllnfc 11.33 Ptrel rail* , SRM iv... V. 7 Rio. .. 7'- J-aic* copper ln^ota.. IS.^5 !?u S ar. Kianul-ii^.i . . (.60 iL n . • 39.73 ! Jloids* a. O X i rime. S3 Kxcnanre load 6.00 |Hwf. family .. .. m 75 &***** • I ■■•■ I Beer hams . . . . . a 23 Wlhfat No 2 red ... BB Tallow, prime . 5 <"wn. No 2 Mixed. SS^ilPnrk. megs 17 25 °" 1 *- J nix "' : . -•"• to IHoes. dressed, ISO ft $% ■ "> 33%! Lard, prime g 75 GENERAL MARKET REPORT. ____ _ N»w York. June 2. 1301. ,-.,. " Th * m»rk«t Btarted in excellent form, with S?i ."' pr ' Xm * higher and oth«r month* uncharged o»in r to very boo,] Havre market news, that market X D? , ?'■ cl'-inf Vi^H franc higher. although there »t« a holiday at Hamburg. It w«» Burpo««i that Havre Jtr^JT- b " I!lf ' 1 ni *"VF" VF The local market, however. iM- "" "i points on an - '->"- f ur lar»e receipts .luring t,,«V »f d It , <-1 , ; : BB * 01 2> '- 7:io haci - ?ao Pau ' 11 receipts Saturday v»-!L! ? !arße - tbe oH'c'al caMe statlnE them to be i_.««« ji S f* • pe».Tu.t »•«« «he corrcapondlnc day last rear. Th« recoipts at Rio a.,,1 Stin ,,,, to-day, as offlc:ally re rK^rted «■,,.- ik.^, bags. a 5 ain«t 14..^ th* same ilu i«i** yfar. a I-.x-hanp- was l ; 1 hiphor. with Rio 7.'. Zl ' . ■-r iM taato* .v. r-!, off. Karl Krlsche estimates re.^irits at Hlo ror June >73.(i0u ha) - and at Pantos S3Q. ?-j-ru^ g t- a I * l of C 23.000 bae>. against a total of "-u'ilf'S k 3SS a^i June - an •»««««• over last year cf -..♦. bags. This estimate Inchoates a tot^l crop tMls ittajori of about 10.400.0.*. bags, of which 0.760,000 ba^s are already la BtaM The crop leu soaeon was 9.9554100 tap* Arrivals of mild coffee at Unit, d Stales ports dur £s a > wcra I J 4 - S °2 bags Hn 1 deliveries lUM'S bad i' „A mild coftf* In the United Stales on June 1 was ••* 1 '- baps. H S ain«t *« 806 on May i and 536.600 on June 1. la»t year. Of this total New York has 110.54S bass; t^n Francisco. 4C.CI«> haca. and New Orleans 7.717 D&CS. The rfngp of contract prices in the local market to-day was as follows: Tester- Openlns. High. Ijpw. firm day •£"*■•• — — — !••■!.-•.•:. ; '.C July 005 '■".'. 0.00 Sftr.-jjO 00 i; ■»> AuuuK — — — c <■-.... .- ,:.,:. St-ptember C.20 . M 6.10 6.l<»bti 15 CIS October — — — C 1 .*.'; 4. RYE riyii'K •iui -' . quoted: Fair to good. |3 4.'.'i">*.l BO; cholre to fan.-y. S~l !).-.pS4 15. CORN MEAL firm; quoted: Kiln dried. *» '''■..--'.«>. as ••• b and KAGMEAL. firm; quoted Fine white an! yellow. $120 coarff. $1 07S$l 09. Fill'! ■ Western Fteady; city stea.'.y; quoted: Western Fpring. 13025; standard mlddUnj, &)2t>, la 166 It) carka: flou ; re<". dog. |23 25. all .Tune thipmeni; city bran. J22. bulk: $23<|523 50. rack* . ml.i dMr.g. |23e52450; !«-rt d"'?. *25: hominy chop. $.'-• 50, bulk $2J 70. «cacks; i.ilmeal. tS»SO99SO. OHAIN— -WHEAT — Price* (or wheat FteDdied up a little to-day, in »vtnpathy with d September at >-4"* c. Private advices from th»- Wen said th*- market had a Utter undertone, lnd-pef'lently of the corn strength. 'NVhlle most of the n«-\vs from cr< p n«^-tlons was favoraWf, hulls had un ■atlsfactory r^r^r' 51 ... parts of Kansas, ani Inld BtrCBS on the Snow rerort. whkli made the June condition B6.fi, ac.i:nst U\ last month ar.ii B»>.S a year apo. At the Im mediate ripening; prices were a Fhail' 1 l"w<>r thnn the pre vious lent. refl«"Hlng the b»atihh weather map and room selling Thin d— 1-t. was quickly recovered, and up to th* 1 last half bom the market showed a pood deal of strength. Br- int. all >«tlniated that worlds shipments would bo around ],i..,i,i 1 bush. c'msiar>-d with 11.112.000 bush the rrevlou*- ■.v.*k It alas: alf.o expected:Usat the quantity on |MMIgl would sSm>w a tr>»od decrease. '■-'■' • I j.ool was closed and Contir.~r.tul markets showed little important char.g*-. <*csh wheat at New York was nominal, closing as follows No 2 r«-d. '.He elevator and 9."> c fob afloat; No 1 Northern I )uluth, »IV. and No I hard Northern Manitoba. •<. -. fob afloat CORN— In face of go?d weather an.l c-or. Dews, the cr.m mark.-t was etrnnK most of the Eeptilr.n. advan'-in? readily on active covering of shorts and nn urp^nt <-a.»h demand at Chicago to nil Chipping sales made for the first part of June. Foreigners were buyers of July, hut it was said that there had be* n sev-ral cknceliatiins c.n corn for »-xi»ort. Near the close at Chicago the market eased r.ff under r.-allzlri. although last prices were still hlr^r than the previous nlpht. At New York July at 1 o'cl-K-k wa« 57 .fieptem bc-r s»>v»e and IVcf-mber U^C Cjsh corn continued nominal clnslnK as follows: No - corn. SHY' elevator and •V-'-e fob afloat; No 2 white, .".i'sc. and No 2 yellow. Klc" fob afloat. OATS— The market for oats was steady Bod at one time *»Ti Vsc above the prevfoufl nlpht. al though pi»n of thig vas lost near the close unfl-r r<-al;z in* The cash mnrket m New York was steady. dorttlß as follows: Mixed 20 to 82 lh. Sli'ic: natural white. 3:> to S3 '.b. 40«40Wc and Hipp, d white. M to 40 Ib. 4ICN2J4C UYE>-ilark.t dull No 2 Western, -..fob New York HAULEY— Mark" : 'lull Feeding. 4•4 • Ijr, ■■■■1 malt ir.»; 62 .'7 c: f Hew Terk. NEW VOKK PRICES. Tl-heat: Opening. Low. Close. day July '5.1% R7 7-lo >••»% S>Vj fc.H September &4% — 84% ■* •■■' ju'v .... 88% Ms-»M s -» " t; > ro%i B6H BeptemW 55% MH MJ» 56J4 58 > • . ■« METALS— Pig Iron certificates at the Produce Ex ctjtnn* were steady a- I about unchanged. We flujtt etundard foundry ay follows: June aiiu July. «1, 2o bid; i ):•'!■• r *17 .'•(> as-ked. i.SSEH ANI) SYRl'PS— K. ports from the in d-cate a eteadv to firm market for mo.ass.-*. with busi 1.e4 howeteT." mod.-rate and OfferlagS llsht. while me NVw' Yoik market was , tut steady for molH.-ses und • • BviuiM- Quotations Mlow: N-v. ■ ?Hft.Ml cornXm 14 p-itt.e aO0S8e; New Orleans, open k'.ttle fOfSf: SYRUrF • rommon. 14'515c; fair. 15@17c; i?ood. lSt*S>c. Pr i"AoV 2 lLloN^ni^ ■'provi'U.n market started out low»r or acrount of - l^'" 1 « : ■ ■ *- k -f 1; "; ncV- market, -ut ralUed - The SK 'IJ »•«« " Sgg 52 ri-*init tmm reaction and mas Onally rather • •" g i.f«^.t point of me da) ilecelpu I !«.„.,. Atimated for Monday. I ■•': for next week :i,, . Kanaas City had 4,. r ar»l Omaha 11. '**.>■ PORK^-SteadrQuoted: M...- U7esU «0; family. $18 WO »^sfcortd«ar $16 sfVSsl>'2s. iiKEF— Cjulc-t. Quoted: ex?ra' "»«W»«9* family. JllWl »: I-<*et . •» »**"> "«{; extra Inflia mw *lfis"'« Jl7. nEJKF HAM.x— Qul.-t. Quoted: *=0 DoffS2ft l'i.:»i:i' Il< NjS~nt.-a.ly. Quoted: Bacons fefcWl2c. TAIJ>OW-Steady. city Sc- counttT. 6S^ 1 4c LARD- Barely steady. Quoted: llldile West prime. 8.7S Cttj- Ir-rd quiet: quoted Mir Refln«J lard QUiet. Quoted: South America. 9 75c; Continent 0.20 c; Brazil ke«a. 10.75 c. Compound steady; quoted at 7S7SC BTEARINE— Steady. Quoted: Oleo. Xc: VIiCE. — Rice conditions showed report* of firm mar vets coming from the South, with offerings llsht and distribution good. while the New York market showed Se^ln^aT with moderate Jobbing distribution at full £r!£. knd oftertn C » on conservative line.. gu^ti.M.« follow" domestic, screening, BV,y3%c; second heads. iStHo- cholc. heads, 4*»»4%c; fancy heads &80£ c: StrT fancy heads, :.*.««'*<■: Japan, domestic. 4^»© •licTpainar6H«S»ic; Java. «4861ic; Rangoon. In bond, **l?'OAa— In refined sugar waa Quite active w«h utdortone firm, and the net price a* quoted by all rVflnorTwas 4.600, Us 1 per cent ca-b for granulatad SrtcSTquwed ar« Bat less 1 p«- cent for cash. Cut lo?f and opened. 5.80 c; mould A. 4 ulated ittc^Wle.^oan» and extra fine granulated. 4 Tor; U?u>' »b cartons, **> bags and tit) tejm of fln* granu- U^L* £TOe: eagle «•»• or standard gran uiated and dia mond A. 4.«0c. eonfecttoners* A. 4 4oo; No. 1. 4 ■ 85 «- C*^ « «^/i s i &*%<>.*? *% 49>c; No. B, 4 15c, Yn4 X a N^ 7 343 4 oftto. f- *''. No *. SJCo; No. 10. 8 0^: vL il BESC- No IX 8.80 c: No-. 18. 14 and 15. S7Ro. T>Jer« was a holiday at London on Saturday Raw »unar waTflroSy held with moderate offerings, and the under- SI showed l conHl1«mbl« firmness, with duty _ paid price. iwolk^ CJwitrifuiral. I*l test. 3 15-S2©3Hd: musco tLjof'eSTtV-f 2 1& -Wti* 81-SSd. and dolium augax. 80 teat an-i6«i2»-«aa COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. New York. June 2. 1M«. TTFiA'ca AND PEAS— Th« an«»ll Uaslnesa aoooraplUhed to^iiln KnTwUh the Quola-Uons that hay, baM S^orSTte and while tha general tone of toe market IS be^Uladabout steady, there are still some foft SSS oJr^ol reU« BtrlcUy choice BcoU* p«as are held v^V-T^ai^w SolcTper bush. »8efl0D; fair to good. fc '^ ll«flilta : do W kidney, choice. *&«?3 05; fair fr^od t-fTOBIitS: whit* kldW. cboloe. S3 25®|3 S&; PUS tf wa : isk^l I**1 ** l^ cSforS?' *3 10^813. I-EAS. green. Scotch. "BLTTEn-neceipU to-day. 4.838 exports. 4.000 rj,«^Se week is rolnit out without further change In g? gen^l .UuLtlon BuMre-s 1. moving along slowly; NEW-YORK DAILY TRTBT'XE. SUNDAY, JUNE S, 1006. E 7 \°Bft?»w' hlr ri dF -« UU ® 15r; » tate «»try tuba, fresh. 17? do thtrts 14t£°r ""• 17 * el**<-:e l**<-: do seconds. IH© SSs^K-IJBSStSsI white luxation* We quote: PETROLEUM, standard "i..- r..t'|.;.<; '^.i- k v- 47Oc^ Philadelphia. 7.7.V: bulk. 1025e> wa.t«'«-^r 3V3 V. Ncw -. York. 10.SUC : Philadelphia. York i'vS." lA.'^V ■ tjr>c - watp r white cases. New S w2Se '^ P:^F' C COTTONSEED oil. ?e»ow C N-. —c'. n ""'\ 3'3 ' ('( '- 1 ncmlnnl. prime «i:mm-r 3&c October ul>\ ST%«Mc: P-ptember. »7*« out of ,-,«- raS -j£S? r lc ?V* M - c ' : >-. «w, *o©«ci OIL. 70e7*0 - x"s E:I Thr. ! ;rrt lr , U . tO^ ay> lt7s * boxeF = "ports. 11.214 £ sb S $n rmaSs msFiS week ■nil »h 1 V. . hav<> teen ln '""KM" «»PPly this te ; v L,,,,S falr L y acttv «- hnve *><* leaned up ErTrel £? P i ß^ "S a » , th « durable lots 9t firm prlres Skirr.K only moderate!-, active, hut wlrr-n?" fur ond r.-^ ?^ '" P rlcc! \ Llverp-ol cable C?s for new white cream laree ? ow ',;!'>r*i We quote; N> « Mate. Mil H4«T»*£ A hcht Fklmr. beat. BYe& if -.art =kirn< B klmt C: 2"° fatl tr " gn °'' rr ' 9 ~' "4^4 "- : EGGS-necel PtsP t5 tr^-day. 13.623 cas-s. The week is eK*ln«; without material change In the situation. There is run entrance of prime to choice qualities which are steady to firm. but fom. surplus of medium and 1 .wet grades, n.-.me of which are ir.-i into store rather than accept the |n w price* offered f-, them. D'rties and cherks held steady, but murt be very choice to rpa-h t. p quntan!«. V\ c quote: State. PeniMrjrlvania nnd nf-arVy selected wh!t«. fancy. n . do choice. 20©i:ie: .1 > extra mixed. lf)i.,a£Oc; do firsts, to ejetta Brats! lTiffls^,-; do VVestem *'* tr! ' n ™'- lM7l»^c; do fTMS. IT.- d:> f.e%jrds, '■'■I'' l - :do thirds. ISfilBVtC; Kentucky. Hue!''.', dl-tle3. iaOl4^c; ' >.-' k«. l'-ill'i... FRI'ITR— PREBH— In URht supply and .-..:• Ptrawtterrlea higher for fancy, large, but ordinary fruit without Improvement Blackberries steady. Other beiries unchanged Pf-aehes weak. Melon* in liifht demand and weak. Pineapples steady. We quote: APPLES. Northern Spy. per hbl. I&GQOS4 6O; do Baldwin. $5 50avls. $SACSr>O: do Runsets. $40$S; <".<-, all varieties, ■■ -m mon. J3gs4; BTRAWBERRIEfi Jersey, per quart, 8®l«i ; do Delaware nn.l upper Maryland. OlfTlSo; do l^wer Mary land. Eastern Phor-' and Virginia. rVf?loc; do Norfolk. Z'S fv; ni-ACKFtEnRIES. North Carolina, per quart. 12«1.V; Ht'f-KLEBERRIES. North Carolina, per quart. BOtOe: OO<"»SF.nEIIRIEB, small frrp»n. per quart. 10912?: PEACHES. Florida, per carrier. *1 «IS*'< SO- MI'FK MELfiNP Florida, per crate. $I^*3 .V> ; WATERMELONS. riorlrtn. in bb's. each. ♦>'■>" do p«r I"-'. $30" hop*, but prices nominally un changed. Reports from the Rrowlne section* both In this state and on the Pacific Coast continue unusually favor able, and If present conditions continue there is |tttl« doubt that there will be a heavy yield, with prices ruling accord'ngly. We quote: State. IJW>. choice, per n>. ll@12e: do common to fair 94. Rtfff»c: do Pacific CoaM. 10"5. choice, IS#l4c: do ncod to prime. ll l *ei2 l2'-:l 2-: do common to fair. lOfillc: do 1904. B#lto HAY AND STRAW— HAY— The usual dull trading seaatcifM of Saturday were" specially prominent today at th« Exchnnce and delivery points. Prlee« of the week are uncharged, but are likely to weaken, with larger re celptr. Receipts for the week were or-,- 7.470 tons, or |1 ■ M 2.400 tens below last week. The best run of the week has been freely upon No 1. strictly full quality. Pal«s row chiefly running in Inside rates. We quote: Prime, Irime bales, per 100 Hi. 95907\4r; No 1 do. 005 MV: No 2 do. 80©«2Hc: No 3 do. 7; Centra! of New Jer •ay, if... river boats. 13«; totnl. I.IM tons; receipts for week, "7.470 ton->; d-> last week. U.*?>7 tone; receipts for Hay. !'»; 37.0T.0 tons. same month last year. 52.072 torn Exports of hay, In balei« for the week from this port: Liverpool. 8.071: Port Royal, IS2: Barbados. 712: Nuevltas, 3S: liondon. 4.41*: Havana. 2.'.4; total, 14.843 bales POT'LTRY — — Some three cars arrived to-day by freight, hut are beir.ir carried over on the track by 1 • '•■ em. Fowls hfi ■- been in liberal supply, but in Rood demand, i.i .1 receivers only carrying over about throe carloads. Prollers are more plenty in the Invoices nnd outlook a shade easier. Other live unohanfre3. We quote: BROIL ERS, nearby per To. 2«Vff27c: do Western 2Hfi2i'>c; do Southern. 2'lc- FOWLS pfr Tb 13i*e; OLD ROOSTERS. per IT.. 7r; TfRKEYS. per rr. 11012r; PUCKS. Western. ! ••: pal 70-u^Or; do Southern and Bouthweeteot. .VifiWi , fJEE^C Western, per pilr SI 2T>'i7-$l 50; do SrfJthern and Southwestern, 00cG$l; PIGEONS per pair. 2.V. DRESSED — Only small scattering lots of freafa kllle-1 poultry ar lived to-day, but scarcely any laniard, and bulk will hay.-> to be carried over. Fowls are nominally unchar.Ked. but el^striK weal: nnd unsettled Invoices Indicate rather larger eupplles of fresh broilers, and the outlook weaker. Fprinj; ducks nl^>ut steady Squabs dull and weak. In frozen poultry fanry roasting chickens have sold fairly, but most ali other descriptions continue slow. We quote: Fresh kllle.l, lo«I— TTRKEYS. averaee lota. p»r Tb. 14.-; do p,, , r to medium. 12913 c; RROILERP. 4 Th per pair and un^er. Phtlaiielphin. dry picked. per Tb. 2-">'s.'!.V; do New York and Pennsylvania. 20CT2Sp: do Western, dry picked. 22920 c: do scalded 2flT24c; FOWLS. Philadelphia, dry picked, per Tb. 12M?13c; do Western, dry- picked, medium slxe. selected. 12Sc; do heavy. ia'ffl2iic; do arerase run, 12Hc; do poor to medium. ilfllVjc; do Southern and Southwestern. 12"* c; do Weatem. scalded, medium slr». selected. 12 I*'-;1 *'-; do averape run. 12'. 14c; do other nearby, |8e; BQUABB, prime, lame, white, per dozen. Jl VK(rsß: do mixed. $1 BO; do dark $1 25991 SO; <".o rulla, KAOTBe. Pro»en— TURKEYS. hens. No 1. 30. .do ms, lfi-S2Oc; do No 2. 14-91« c: do old torus. l~V,l}l'ir: CAPONS W<-i«tern. * Tb and over. each. l"-r?2»c; do under 8 Tb. 16917 c: BROILERS, dry picked. 4 Ib and under to r -l r . No 1. 17fr2tV; do scalded. 1*917. . do No 2. l.".«n»c; ROASTING CHICKENS, dry picked. No 1. 12'il7' do No 2 RS 10c FOWLS, per Tl>. ?@l3c; DI CKS. Der tb, MWrlSc; GEESE, ncr It,. R^l2c. POTATOES AND VEGETABLES— potatoes in heavy supply and about M lower. Old potatoes held steady. Asparairus firrr.. Cabbage* in heavy supply and lower. Cucumber* 2.V wer. Mushrooms stoady. P-a3 llrm for fancy. but many poor, and such dragging at low flrures. Strine; beans show wide range It. quality and value. Tomatoes wak and lower. Other v^petablea ranco tbnut as quoted. We quote: POTATOES. Bermuda, per bhl. *3f}sfi; do Southern, fl .r.ogsi. r .ogsi B0; stp.te and West ern. In bulk. peT is*> rh, XtfifS 25; do per bar 7r.1l?:t; c'.o Mil-Mean, per small Vac. ?2 86; do Maine and East ern, por has. K3; do European, per ICS-Tb bait $2 ."»(«is2 7." . BWEET I'OTATOES. Jersey, per bbl. $1 (U>os3; do per lmsk»t. GOctttU ARTICBCEES. California, per dozen. COcGM: ASPARAGUS, per dozen bunches. 7." 3J2 75 . r.!-:r--> new. per 100 bunches. S3®s.l; CARROTS, oil. pe r M.I. •infl®f22a do new *2«rS4 rABBAOB 5 ! North Carolina and Norfolk per crate. llOtl SO; do Norfolk. per bhl. $l«r$l 25; do Eastern Shore, per .-'at.-. SlfiSl 60; do Maryland and Delaware, per bhl. «l«?$l 2.": CELERT, Hermu.la. per crate. 7Scotl; CUCUMBERS. Florid • per basket. *1"*1 "."; do Charleston and Bavannah. per crate, $1 f.. i -it *2 2.".; do hothouse, i .•:• basket, J:'. 2.".; do Norfolk, cold frame. $2 2."; do Boston, hothouse, per box. >:;■!s». do New Orleans, per ha«k<-t. |1«$1 50; «'ORN. Florida, per mo. $ifrs3; EOOPLANTS Flortdn i-- box. «1 50«52: GARLIC, New Orleans. t«t ITi 12:'.". HORSERADISH, per 100 IT>. >-i •$■'■ KALE, nearby per hhi, 2rif?.">'V; LET TUCE, nearby, per bbl. *14r$2 do Boston hothouse, per 3 do/en box. ti 2S; BEANS, lima. Florida per crate. *1 >.!*:•. MINT i-r 100 bunch" $lf(*2: SirPHHOOM*, per Ib, 20190i89225; PEAS. Nor folk. Telephone, per basket. |I#sl 60; do small. T6c©»l: do Baltlmors $l@fl 00; do Eastern* Sh ■ r. per V* bbl !*sket. .«1i!.«2 do per bush basket. 7Scwsl 90; do Mary land per basket, 11 BO#s2 50 do Jersey small. $1 2T>'f Jl 75; RADISHES, nearby per 100 bunches. (109T3e; RHrnARH. nearby, ppr 100 bunches. 3«c©sl; BEANS. string. Florida, wnx. per basket. HOcfttl; trreen. BOdMHj d.. Savannah, wax. per basket. 25c©$l do ftreon. IW 1 $ 1 2T.; rlo Charleston, wax. W)cflsl 2."; do gr.»en. Eoc® $1 fin do North Carolina, wax nnd green. per bush bas ket 112113*225 do Norfolk, green, r- r bnsket. $2 TO-? $3 r.O; SPIN A nearby, per bbl. DO ssl SQUASH. marrow ncr bbl crate. f2. for common to j»rlme native sides. No later cable advices from London or Liverpool. Shipments from this port to day were LOSO beeves and 7.411 quarters of teef. CALVES — Receipts none and pone on Bale. Feeling un changed. City dressed veals dull, at 7 H ©lO He per Ib; country dressed do In light supply and slow, at e^igO 1 ;!?. PHEEP AND — Receipts were MS cars, or "Hi." head. Including fi cars direct to slaughters and th» balance for the market, making, with the stale stock. 1O cars on sale, all at Jersey City. Sheep were la good demand and full steady; lambs active and strong; no strictly prime lambs offered Yearlings slow and barely steady. The pens were cleaned early Good to prime sheep sold at fO^il. 1 * «<> per I: dressed lambs steady at l.'iai.V; dressed yearlings at Il*flßc. Kales. — Kerns Commission Company: 833 Kentucky lambs. 82 Tb average, at $8 50 per 100 ft; 287 do. 03 Tt>. at 18 50; (U4 Kentucky yearlings. "6 Tb. at $7; 302 do. 72 Th. at $0 75- 822 do, >A IT. at $6 25; 11 do. 90 Tb. at «6; 220 Ohio sheep. 84 It., at (fi CO; 81 do. 84 Tt). at *5 40; 5 BurfaJo do, 100 Tb. at $5 60; 1 do. 100 Ib. at $5. Tobln Si Shannon: 858 Ohio sheep. (*2 Tb. at $5 60. HOGS — Receipts were 21 cars, or 3,215 haad. all con signed direct to slaughterers. Feeling nominally weak. Sales (late yesterday) .— S. Judd & On i 20 state hegs, 140 Ib average, at $7 per 100 Ib; 4 roughs. 343 Tb. at $0. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. fFurnlsliad by Charles D. Barney & Co.. No. 23 Broad utreelT New-York, and No. 122 South 4th street. Philadelphia.) Bid Asked. I Bid. Asked. Am Cement 6% 7 i Nat Asphalt pref. 4n 40H Am ny Co. - .... 62 Phlla Co BOH 61 Con L Sup Corp 20»i 21 donref 60 BOU do inwjmee. ... 62 64 I Perm R R Cb.66 7-16 66 0-16 Cambria Htee.l... *4%, 85 I Perm Bteel C 0... 62 « Con Tr of MJ. 82 82H] do Pfflf 104 103 I.laW.nd Bteel.. * Phlla Elec Co . . . 7% 8 Fie> Stor Bat Co 72 74 l Phlla & Erie . . . 67 70 eU Co of Am. ii* US Phlla Rap Tr.... 26* 2«H Falrmount Trao. 18 19 Sutra If * Btl . 1 Vlk Inn Co of N A 20 21 I Smokeless pow. . . 30 26 Lehlirh Nay. . . '. . lOOMi 110 Tidewater St^l.. % H LehlKh Val R. R 60% W>V t Union TracUon. . . «3 BSVi Mariden ...V... * «4 lOn Qas Imp Co . . 84% Mii NaiAsrhalt.... » 9V4!Welaboch Co 29 JO BONDS. Am Ry Con* 0a.102 102* Phlla Eleo 4a. ... 60 TOM. V^ConCs. ...io» PWla Co 6s 103 104 Peo Pans Ry es.luav, 103 s■ ' ■ TALE OF A WEDDING CAKE. "A hordo of rats aa bit: as rabbits" haunts th© Dublin penaral rxmtoffle*. cor ding; to a statement of on official, which tells un amuHlnr «tory of & wedding cake dispatched from Dublin for Can- The wedding cake was packed In a box and duly posted at the Dublin poßtofnee. In the Di?ht tna rum attacked the parcel and ate not only the cake, but th« box Itself Nothing: was left but the utrln? and part of tha address label, and with these, slen der clews the sender of the wedding cake was traced. . -. A freai. u*?ddln»; cake U now going out to Can ada at •.:.-• e»,-:jHi of tLe Po«tma*t«r Gotianu^- Xfls& I Iy3i J Ta? SjTkl \ DRVUCN VW-Presldosi FREDERICK W. KGNIR. Secretary mod Treasure*. JAMKS M SHACKLETON. A>Ml>tunt Secret and A.»«l-t..nt Treaanrer. SAMUEL W. BELDOX General Conasel JEROME TAYLOR Tm»t nfHee* TKEODORB HAMr>ON Asst. Trn»t Ofl»c»» Financial. BONDS of tb« STATE OF NEW YORK FOR CANAL IMPROVEMENT EXEMPT FROM TAXATION. Notice la hereby grlren that pursuant to tha provisions of chapter 147 of tbe laws of 1903 and chapter SOS of tha laws of IMA, sealed proposals will be received at the offlce of th* state comptroller. !n 'he city of Albany, until Thursday. June 14. 1900. at twelve o'clock noon of that day. for the purchase In whole or In part of One Million Dollars in Bonds to be issued by the people of the State of New York. In either registered or coupon form at the option of the purchaser, bearing interest at the rate of three per rent per annum from January 1. 1906. payabls seml-annually on th« first days of January «r.d July of each year. and the principal payable on the first day of January In the year ItKWI. Principal and in terest payable in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the Back of the Man hattan Company In the city of New York. Coupon bends will be Issued in the denom ination of One Thousand Dollars and regis tered bonds in denominations of One Thousand and Ten Thousand Dollars. A sinking fund Is established by law for the extinguishment of the Indebtedness created by the sale of the aforesaid bonds and for the payment of the interest thereon as the same become due. The Bonds are exempt from taxation. Ko proposal will be accepted for leas than the par value of the bonds nor unless accom panied by a deposit of money or by a certified check ">r bank draft upon a bank or trust company of the city of Albany or New York, payable to the order of the Comptroller of the Etate of New York, for at least two per cent of the par ralua of th* bonds bill for. All proposals, together with the security deposits, must be. sealed and endorsed 'Loan for Canal Improvement' and inclosed in a sealed envelope directed to the "Comptroller of the Etate of New York. Albany." The successful bidder or bidders will be re quired to pay for the bonds, on the acceptance of the croposal. by deposit in the bank of tha Manhattan Company In the City of New Tork to the credit of "Treasurer of the State of New York on account of the (.'anal Fund." of the amount si the award, together with pre mium and accrued interest from January 1. 190tt. tees the amount of the deposit of such successful bidder or bidders which will be ap plied toward the payment for the bonds. All other deposit* will be returned by mail to the respective bidders within three days after tha bonds have been awarded, unleas different In struction* to the comptroller as to the return of the deposit are duly given. The comptroller reserves the right to re ject any or all bids which are not In hla opinion advantageous to the interests of tna Btate. OTTO KELSET. Comptroller. State Comptroller's Office. Albany. N. T. May 17. 1900. ARIZONA COPPER We offer a high class Ir.ve^traant In Copper. En gln«*r's report, mipi anJ prospectus on application. A block of 100. 0 M shares of treasury stock of The Ariaona Copper Belt Minlns; Company has been placed In our hands for Immediate sale at Ti cents per share; par Talue 11 00. non-ass«ssable. This Is the first hun dfed thousand, and Immediate advance to SO cents per share will take place when this U sold. Write, wire or call at once for full particulars. JOSEPH SHANFIELD & CO.. 25 Broad St.. New York. N. V. •Ami. Cop • • • •70 B. &■ 0 90 Penna HO N. Y. Cen. ... 115 Ca. Pac 120 Investors will find these stocks for sale at above prices later on. I will tell I you why. INVESTIGATOR, 139. Tribune. ' JiOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL. BANK, located at McCumbar. in the Blate of North Dakota. Is closlnc Its affairs. All note holders and other creditors of the association, are. therefor* hereby notlned to present th. nates au4 other I cut*, for payment. r E. WOOD. Caahlar. Dated MeCmaber. N. D.. May Ist. 1808. I ryANTED— S3O,OOO to $35,000 on choice tract I 1* * Lobs Island land. Security chotc* and t times Iota; y«y £%. GIBIUI.7AR. Box li. Ttlbuos. Trust Com pa nics. FULTON TRUST COMPANY or new Tonic Real Estate Trust Company of New York— EetsMMM« US*. so sfAaaAU STKEirr. Capital. Surplus an* -X , -,-v^ /^-w-v Undivided Profits. f • . 200,000 Deposits (2.005 accounts) $8,025, «34 (As reported to Basktasj Dep*,. May 18.) Designated Legal Depository Receives Deposits V Allowing Interest •. ■ Accepts Trusts TRUSTEES : HENRY C. SWORDS. H. IT, CAMMASX. President. Vtce-Prosldent. B. W. REIGHLET. is Vice President * Secretary James M. Varnum. Oeonie G. £>• "Witt Charles C. Buries. Henry X. Pozaroy. L4sp-nard Stewart. Percy Chubb. Henry Lewis Morris. J. Roosevelt Soeaev*.:. Edwin A. Crulkahank. Harrison E. Qawtry. Charles A. Peabody. Prank S. Wttharbee. Char. A. Schermerhom. Robort Goelet. Joel Francis Freeman. Frederic de Pey»tai Vamtmr, Douglu* Robinson. Alfred E. Marttasj. Charles a. Brown. Richard H. WUUajii*. Howland Pell. Charlea M. Van Kteeek. Assistant B^wntarT. Financial. DIVIDEND SJL?«. BM*m Upon th« Preferred 6tock of DM KETW TORX METAL CEILINO CO. / Send me your name and address IBS' m further particulars In regard to tills old I/* established enterprise. Sabscrfbe now ill and .secura July dividend. Shares, 119 -, each; cash or monthly payment* » t, •' cepted, Address me. can above coia pany. _ _ 1 547 UK.ST t»TH BT, i.w;m:i:h-yi >-ov vo«k. Excursions. Parties under special escort will I«aT« thn Eastern cities July 7 and 19 for a tour through, tha (straaift [Laiifeds GBsgdsgDOsgo CBooDss©o PACIFIC NORTHWEST ALASKA AND the Wonderland of America ETATEPvOOMS. ALASKA STEAMERS. — Cholc* state* r .ms furnished on Alaska steamers. TO DENVER. COLORADO SPRINGS. C.RAND CANON; CALIFORNIA. ALASKA, etc.. July 2d. TO THE PARK AND RETURN Julj 7. 19. Aug. It. Sept. 10. TO THE PARK AND CANADIAN ROCKIES July 7. ID. Aug. 11. Sept. 10. TO THE PARK. UTAH AND COLORADO Aug. li. TO THE PARK. PACIFIC NORTHWEST. CALIFOR NIA. GRAND CANON. &c. S»pt. 10. TO EUROPE JMh ■, 14. 21. -'-. 3n. July 4. 5. 10. 11. GRAND TOUR AROUND THE W~>rtrj> In September SHORT TOURS TO EASTERN RESORTS throughout the Summer. RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP TICK to all points. Travellers' Con.lmsed Guide, containing useful In formation, mail- on request. When writing for circulars, please state Information *?jot» a ranges so. T•. (M I Gramercy. New Tr.rk: 2T» Union Sq. Philadelphia, Boston, Pitt*b .: Chicago, eta jf^T^A'jf i!Af VT' U They Cannot Bar*: ...They Cannot Htmk.l All Tickets Include Admission to DREAMLAND. CONEY ISLAND Greatest Amusement Enterprise In the World. TIME TABLE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) : Leave foot 119 th St.. North River. 9:45. 11:00 A. H. 12 SO, 2:00. "'. •:! 7:45 P. M. Leave foot 23d St.. North River. 9:00. 9:45. 10:30. lt:IS A. M.. 11 M M.. 1:15. 2:00. 2:43. 8:45. *-30. 6:30. «:15. 7:00. 7:45. g:3O. 9:10 P. M. Leave pier 1. North, raver, half hour later than at 2!d St. Returning — Leave Iron Pier. Coney Island. »10:40. •11:25 A. M-. 13:10. •13:53. *1 .*O. J:»5. 3:40. 4:25. •3:25. «:10. 7:10. 7:53. »8:40, 9:T5. »10:10. 10:4« P. M. Returning from Coney Island trips marked wltfej a • co to 12»th St.. North River. ICoond Trip Ticket*. 33 Cents. Rotmd Trip Tickets, 129 th At.. 45 Cents. STEAMER TACKCS makes trips JCVEKK DAT to FISHING BANK**. Leave E. 31st St. 7: JO a. m.; Pier (New) No 1. N. X.. 8:20 a. m. Bait and Taokla as board. Fare: Gentlemen. 73c.; Ladles, Ma.| CbU dren. 25c. STEAMER GRAND REPUBLIC TT THE ircpsoy TO WE?' POINT AND NETWBURGH. TIME TAHL£ TO-I>AY» Leaving Pl-r 1. N. R. 9SO a. m.: West IN St. 19 a. m . West i:9th St.. 10:S0 a. m. ROVND TRIP, Ma. ( STARI S A EXCURSIONS BOOKS OPEN STEAMBOATS AND BARGES SHADY SHOVES ON LONG ISLAND SOCSD and Hl'llSON RIVER A Day's Pleasure for Chorche* aad Sanlay Schools. OFFICE: CORTLANDT ST. PIEP.3. - ■ •Phone. 1298 Cortlandt. J CHARMING EXCURSIONS WEST POINT. NEWBL'RGH AND PO'KEEPSIC Dally (except Sunday), by Palace Iron Day Line Strain ers "New York" and "Albany." Bklyn. Fulton St. . W. vis. St.. 0; W. :2MJk ft.. l): 20 A. M MORNING AND AFTERNOON CONCERTS* EUROPEAN ACCOMMODATIONS EITREP. WITH FAR X X or Independently. Limited berths -. low rates. Apply THOS. H. HENDRICKSON & SON, 343 FVLTON ST.. BHOOKLYN. N. T. RED BANK LINE Ltttvsa Krankllrt St.. Pier M N. R. dally, • it m., I r. :n Sundays, a a m. only for Uish.an.la. Red Bank. ate. Tri>.i«->\onn-vtlon to l/ong Branch. Asbury Park. Exo-.fruo. School Agencies. TTXLI* SETLECT TOUR SCHOOL — .ltd troubU £~\ saved. School Amt-no. S'- W. W'h st Vinhmnn. Instruction. TNSTRUCTOR tn un:\»Mty will tutor during iai> A*ni«r; college preparation. Address U. C. C. Trtbua« OSce. ' For Doth 6exe»— dry. rrUIE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANOUAOasB. '1 v. ssa Squ»r» ilia Bti«J»»yi. Harlem Branch: Linux A**.. .X. E Corner r»ta Sft> Biiieliliii Tl Court St. Newark: Kfhmifr Culldtnx. SCnOOLS OPEN ALL BUMMER. Teachers' Agencies. ' "AMIiKICAS AND VoREiCN^TILCcHEIis'" AC^CY ■ui'i'llt-* Profßsaors. Teachers. Tutors, -rn»«e»a. (M, i to ColUfM. Schools and families. Apply to > ilxv M. J. TUL'NU-FCLTON. $3 Union B«uar«> 7