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2 fani'.sVr.g an 1 awe inspiring spectacle :to : tho ihnusards iir.'.nr; tiia ".-!.. is ci on Ob- Bt-rva -.ry Hi.: fIM loyal minority p-cc:r.»i! to eommar-l the fern on Xlrholal Island, which was engaged In a duel with Saudham's formidable masked ' bat teries. At 10 o'clock this morning they wero t'Sil OTrtslssjMsf broadsides at ten-minute inter vals. The casualties transported to Helslngfors are about fifty, of whom fifteen are dead. The num ber in the Sveaborg hospitals is not known. Order has been restored at Bkatudden Island, where 110 sailors and eleven civilians have been MswmA. Tlie town Is quiet and business is proceeding. bat the workmen are on strike. The Diet, at a sitting late la** night, issued an earnest warn ing to the population to abstain from taking part la acts which might gravely affect the whole country. T>e revolt, it is pointed out. occurred on the anniversary of a mining disaster which was earned by the recklessness of some officers and resulted in the loss of a dozen lives. Copies of the Viborgr manifesto of the out la-K-efi parliament are being distributed among the Cossacks, who quietly put them In their pockets. A naval squadron, including the battleship EiaTS. is reported to have sailed from Reval this afternoon for Sveaborg. The telegraph building; here has been ruined, and the barracks and cathedral have been bad ly damaged by the fire of the 11-Inch guns. The numbers of wounded and killed have probably been overestimated. The socialists are on the alert, and the towns people are in fear of a bombardment if the squadron arrives here. There was a panic all day long yesterday among the summer residents on the islands of the archipelago, owing to the fall of stray bul lets and shells, which caused a number of casu alties, both on the islands and in the city. A man sitting on the veranda of the yacht club was mortally wounded and a servant was killed. For more than a week Russian revolutionists have been working among the troops, distribut ing the Viborg and the Group of Toil manifestoes, and it is reported that on Sunday fifteen hun dred soldiers took an oath to fight on the side of the people. The Dews of the revolt here caused the great est excitement at Cronstadt. Precautions were hastily taker, by the authorities there. The hfSaMlllilnrie of the guns on board some of tho n-airhips were removed, while detachments of troops were sent on board other ships. MUTINIES IN THE FLEET. Four Warships Reported Seized — Czar's Yacht Held Ready. St. Petersburg, Aug. 2. — St. Petersburg is anx iously awaiting news of the outcome of yester day's battle between th* mutineers and the gov ernment forces at Sveaborg. No definite Infor mation ha*- been received here owing to the damage done to the land telegraph wires. The advices received by the government by wireless telegraphy have not been divulged. The utmost is attached to the con duct of the fleet. According to semi-official in timation the crews of these vessels are still un der the control of their officers, but private ad %-ices say that some members of the crews have be^n confined below decks for fear of mutiny. There was a rumor In circulation here to»night that four of the ships of the Baltic squadron were in complete mutiny and roaming at large in the Gulf of Finland, and that the commandant at Cronstadt had been ordered to prepare for an attack by these vessels. It is. worthy of Bate that a dispatch to an offi cial agency from Heleingfors announcing the ar rival of the fleet off Sveaborg. and the fact that that U oper,f j fire, does not mention what it opened fire against. Vice Admiral Birileff presumably has gone to HelKingfors to assume personal command of the fleet. Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovitch, the Emperor's brother, is not with the fleet, as previously reported, but at Gatchina with the Km press Dowager. The most intense anxiety still prevails with regard to a possible uprising at Cronstadt and the spread of the revolt through the entire naval establishment. A personal visit by a corre spondent of The Associated Press to Cronstadt, however, shows that the authorities There re ceived timely warning of the events at Sveaborg and nipped a possible revolt In the bud. They had the situation well in hand on Tuesday night, and quietly placed detachments of infantry at the doors of the marine barracks and removed the carbines from the racks in the buildings. Yesterday morning the fifteen hundred sailors composing the 7th Equipage, quartered at Cron stadt. whose loyalty had been distrusted, found themselves prisoners. The correspondent saw them looking out of the windows of their bar racks and unable to communicate with the out side. The streets of Cronstadt are swarming with troops of the loyal Guard regiments and the newly arrived men of the Twenty-fourth Di vision. The commandant at Cronstadt ordered the confiscation of newspapers from Si. Petersburg in order to prevent the news of the outbreak at Sveahorg from reaching the islanders. This measure was fairly successful. A group of agitators who went over to Cron stadt In the same boat with the correspondent attempted to hold meetings and communicate news of the Sveaborg happenings. They were dispersed, however, and fled before the levelled rifles of the soldier?. The officers of the navy department at Cron stadt are besieged by the wives and relatives of officers on board the ships at Helslngfors, who are frantic ever the reports that the crews had risen and killed their superiors. As th* correspondent was crossing from Cron etadt to Oranienbaum he saw the Imperial yacht Polar Star lying with steam up at the pier be low the imperial residence at Peterhof. The general telegraph office of St. Petersburg and surrounding buildings were occupied by de tachments of Guards juft before midnight. The authorities evidently fear a genera! attempt to cut communication between the capital and the Interior. NO CRONSTADT MUTINY. Communication Restored — Move for General Strike. St. Petersburg. Aug. 1. — Telephone communi cation with Cron.-tadt m-as restored this after noon, ami at 6 o'clock this evening a message to The Associated Press said that no disturb ance had occurred there during the day. Both the telegraph and telephones lines to Cronstadt were cut la«t r.^ght. The chief anxiety here was in regard to the loyalty of the mala part of the Baltic fleet, consisting of a battle ship and three cruisers, which were hurriedly sent from Reval to Helsingfora. A telegram, aaid to be from the commander of the fortress, was received here to-day, but its meaning was zxat clear. It said: 'The entire crews cf four worships have mutinied." Other dispatches mentioned the crews of the torpedo boat destroyers and other ships on the 'spot as rebelling, while another dispatch said: For a time, with a portion of the crews locked below decks, the loyal members of the crews fired upon the mutineers. HH m ■«• • from an unexpected quarter has caused dismay in government circles and the feeling of alarm is increased by the bad news from the interior. The strikes are spreading rapidly. The whole of the Donets Basin, the c*=tre cf the :...:...ui and En:e!j!r.s: ii.Jufcliy, U in the grip of the strikers. The ■ revolutionists are wildly jubilant. Although the mutiny; at Sve'aborg; occurred unexpectedly, they decided to take advantage or it and. try to precipitate the g-er.cml .•■.»:.,.»■• I between tho government and the people for which they have been pre paring. They express supreme confidence that the military supports of the government will break where least expected, and that the gov ernment will find, when the teat comes, that the army Is divided against Itself, and that units succeed to be loyal will fight on the side of the people. The workmen's councils here and at Moscow have already Issued warnings to the workmen's organizations through the country to hold them selves in readiness to strike, and the revolu tionary military committee is acting with energy. They say that the crews of the warships at St. Petersburg are ready, and that if the Cron stadt squadron mutinies all the ships In the Bal tic vrlll soon be in their hands. The palace fit Peterhof is under the guns of the Cronstadt fortress. Emissaries have been dispatched to the ports of Reval, Riga and Ldbau. and If they are suc cessful, the capital will be immediately hemmed in by revolutionists. The proletariat organizations of Finland yes terday Issued orders to begin a general strike through the grand duchy at noon to-day. Tho proclamation exempts only the men employed at the electric light, ges and waterworks in the cities. The "Btech" thinks that civil war is at hand. The Liberals in general believe that the gov ernment will now be forced to discard all pre tence of reform, and that a military dictatorship is immediately ahead. Admiral Birileff, Minister of Marine, has sailed for Helsingfors on the schoolship Asia. The Admiralty officials decline to make public tho nature of the advices which they have received from the scene of the mutiny. Thus far no troops have been sent to Fin land from Russia proper, but General Saltza, commander of the military forces. in Finland, has been authorized to draw on all the garri sons in Finland, if necessary. All told there are about forty thousand Russian troops in the grand duchy. POLISH REVOLT GROWS. Governor General Threatens to Resign His Post. Warsaw, Aug. I.— ln view of the recent out rages In and around Warsaw, the increased energy of the revolutionists and the inadequacy of the repressive measures at present in force, the Governor General has informed the govern ment at St. Petersburg, in emphatic terms, that he will resign unless he is permitted to establish a strict' state of siege. It is probable that the government will accept hie resignation. A con tinuation of the present state of affairs is impos sible. The secret printing works here, where all socialist newspapers and proclamations have been printed, which was recently discovered by the police, is a large and well equipped plant. The presses are driven by electricity. Several thousand copies of proclamations by the out lawed parliament were found. Twenty arrests were made. THE MURDER OF H. HERTZENSTEIN. Popular Leader Killed by Black Hundred Assassins at Terioki. St. Petersburg, Aug. I.— -The report of the murder of M. Hertsenstein, a leader of the Con stitutional Democrats in parliament, is con firmed. He was assassinated at his country house near Terioki, Finland, by men in the pay of the Black Hundred organization. M. Hertzenstein was walking along the sea shore with his wife and daughter, when several shots were fired at him from a building. Ha M. I. HERTZENSTETK. A leader of the Constitutional Democrats in the Russian parliament, who was assassinated at Terioki. Finland, on Tuesday. was hit twice and fell dead. Ills daughter was wounded in the hand. The murderers escaped. Three hours prior to the murder, a telephone message was received at a newspaper office from Moscow asking for news of M. Hertzenstein, and saying that it was reported in Moscow that he had been assassinated. M. Hertzenstein was of Jewish descent and wealthy. His attacks on the Minister of Fin ance in the lower house attracted much atten tion. He was a practical banker, having been for a long time the secretary of the Moscow Land Bank. He was a recognized authority on finance. His family had renounced the Jewish faith and become Orthodox Russians several generations ago. lie occupied a prominent place in Moscow society and was highly popular among the peasants. St. Petersburg, Aug. 2.— The Liberals are planning great demonstrations here and at Mos cow at the time of the funeral of the murdered Deputy, M. Hertzenstein. In the present temper of the people these demonstrations may result in collisions and bloodshed such as marked the funeral of Prince Troubetskoy. Tho Liberals have applied for permission to transport the body through St. Petersburg from the Finnish to the Moscow railroad stations. This has not yet been granted. Two persons suspected of complicity in the murder and a gendarme of Terioki. who re peatedly was seen in their company, have been •fretted. l*Maater Stolypin proceeded by yacht yester day to Feierhof. where he laid before the Em l-eror for his signature the ukases appointing Count Hoyden. Prince Nicholas Lvoff and Alex ander Guchkoff to portfol'os in tho reorganized Cabinet. The announcement of the Emperor's decision Is not expected before Friday, and team are entertained that th«> revolt at Svcaborg may influence him unfavorably in the matter. RUSSIAN BONDS AGAIN LOWER. St. Petersburg. Aug. I.— Prices on the Bourse to-day, with heavy supporting orders from the government bankers, were fairly well main tained in view of the gravity of tho situation. Government securities lout an average of less than a point, Imperial 4s closing at 71% and Ss at 88%. Paris, Aug. I.— Trading on the Bourse to-day was Irregular, Rueslane fluctuating upon forced sales and the news of the mutiny at Sveaborf . Later business became Inactive and then there SS^^QR^B^ro^^fß^^^^^Bss^^^^^S^^^^>'ME tj "A man's learning dies with him: even bis virtues fade out of remembrance, but the dividends on the stocks he. bcqaealhesto his children live and keep his memory drcfn." — Holmes. THE ordinary bank * deals merely with the living man, but the trust company takes charge of his estate after he is done, and sees that his wishes are carried out. INEQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK Fifieeu Nassau Street rnnlta! . . . • S .1.000,000 Surplus' an Profits. IO,5(1O,OOU Interest allowed on dally balances, subject to check. was a further decline of Russians, particularly of the new loan, which closed at 78.50. The general close was heavy. Russian 4s closed aft 70.10 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 461. BLKIXC; Si; A LINE PLANS. Rcjxirt That Ewperor ll us Author ized Beginning of Work. Paris, Aug. I.— ln accordance with an order Issued by the Emperor of Russia, the American syndicate represented by Baron Loicq de Lobel Is authorized to begin work on the Transsi berian-Alaska railroad project. The project referred to In the above dispatch is to build a railroad from Siberia to Alaska by bridging and tunnelling under Bering Strait. It Is said thai the enterprise will be capitalized at 52fi0.000,000 or $300,000,000 and that the money cen tres of Russia, France and the United States will be asked to lake bonds. CAMPAIGN IN LEYTE. Force Ready to Round Up Bandits — The Rice Imports. Manila, Aug. 1. — General Lee, commander of the American forces on the island of Leyte, has telegraphed to General Wood that he has five hundred regular troops, besides a number of scouts and constabulary, ready to begin a move ment to round up the rebellious Pulajanes. The municipal presidents charge that the recent out break was caused by the action of Governor Deveyra. in disarming the municipal police of many towns, thus leaving the homes of the peo ple practically unguarded. Gm^ernor General Ide has received reports say ing that in the fiscal year ended June 30 the importations of rice to the Philippines decreased 61,072,411 pounds, valued at $3.064488 in gold. Commenting on the reports, the Governor Gen eral says: From thesfc reports it appears that the num ber of pounds of rice imported into the Philip pines during the fiscal year of lIMMt was some thing Iras than three-sevenths of the importa tions in 1901, and the- cash sent out from the islands for rice was less than four-elevenths of the sum sent in 1894. If the same ratio of decrease continues for a year, or even a semester, no more rice will be imported, and In two years the islands, besides supplying the home demand, ought to be exporting rice. The publication of the report has caused a controversy. The local shippers contend that the decrease of importations is a result of tho pov erty of the people, who, it is alleged, are not buying rice, but are living on yams and other food. The shippers say that the Philippines will never export rice. SCIENTISTS MEIT AT YORK. I R. Lankester Speaks on Recent Discov eries — American Gifts. London, Aug. 1. — The annual meetng of the British Association for the Advancement of Science began at York to-day, under the presi dency of Edwin Ray Lankester. In his address the president outlined the advancement of sci ence during the last quarter of a century, which he said "will stand out forever as that in which new chemical elements possessing astounding properties have been made known with extraor dinary rapidity and sureness of demonstration." Mr. Lankester devoted much of his address to a review of tho increased knowledge concerning radium, and gave Ernest Rutherford, of McGill University, Montreal, much of the credit for in vestigation in this direction. Speaking of astronomy, Mr. Lankester made reference to the method of Professor Pickering, of Harvard University, of charting the sky rapidly and his records of the sky as a whole. "This wonderful new method." continued tha president. " is a mode of keeping a record of present movements ami chances which promises much for tho future of astronomy." The speaker made acknowledgment of the as sistants rendered by wealthy Americans to scientific research in providing great telescopes and equipment, as well as other helpful gifts for other branches of science. "In the United States this is not infrequent," said the speaker, "while in this country it Is rare." In the course of the session it was announced that Sir David Gill had been nominated for the presidency of the association for 11)07. TAXPAYERS WANT THIRD TRACK. The Allied Taxpayers' Associations of The Bronx held a meeting, last nl*h* at Bedford Park Casino, Webster avenue and 200 th street, and pro tested against the Rapid Transit Commission's re cent decision against the building of a through ex press third track on the Third avenue elevated line from Manhattan to Bronx Park. Philip Mc- Kinley presided. Julius Haas declared that the present Rapid Transit Commission should be replaced by one con sisting of two members from every borough in the greater city, except Richmond, which should have one member. President McCaffrey of the East Tretnont Tax payers' Association offered a resolution calling on the Kapid Transit Commissioners "to reconsider rind grant, upon proper terms and restrictions, the application of the interbofeouKh Rapid Transit Company to third-truck the elevated line In The Bronx as submitted by the compnnv and rejected by the board." The resolution approved the plans for extended rapid transit agreed upon by the board, but maintained that they were insufficient. GIRL STUDENT HAD LIBRARY BOOKS. (By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Madison, Wis., Aug. I.— Miss Jennie H. Mor rill, nret graduate student of the University of Wisconsin, who refused a degree from the Uni versity of Knoxviiie, Term.. was discovered to day to have two hundred and fifty books of tho State Historical Society. University and private libraries of this city. Her home is at Atlanta, and she held a fellowship here. She had been hero two years, und nearly every society has asked her to be a member. The books were fount! in a Ktorthouse, where she left them when ehe started on her vacation. WIND UPROOTS VANDERBILT'S TREES. Hempstead, Long Island, Aug. I.— The severe windstorm of yesterday on the Wheatley Hills and in the Manhu.ssct Hills region uprooted some of the lama trees on the country grounds of William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., at Deepdale. Choice shrubbery and plants were laid low, and tl.u crops on the place were considerably damaged. On the Harry Payne Whitney estate and M. D. Chapman estate much damage was also done. MARINE KILLED BY A BLOW. Boston, Aug. Private Duer. of the detachment of marines at the Chark-stown Navy Yuri], was killed to-night by a blow alleged to have been struck by Acting Corporal JenkinH. Jenkins was arrested by the naval officials, charged with causing the death of Duer. EHter Ik**l been drinking and waa placed under arrest by a navy yard patrol of marines. While bring taken to the guardhouse he tried to escape. Acting Corporal Jenkins is alleged to have struck Duer, who dropped to the ground, dying almost Immediately. PEERS MAY AMEND BILL. ■Education .Measure' Not To Be Rejected by Upper House. Lonflon, Aug. I.— ln the House of Lords to-day Lord Crowe moved the second reading of m Education Mil. The attendance was large, eighteen bishops being present. In the course of the debate wWch followed it was clearly Indi cated that the House had no intention of re jecting the bill, but the Archbishop of Canter bury, the Duke of Norfolk and other opposition pcer3 said that th- measure must be drastlcahy amended. MA DDKS TAKES SONS. Tvo Bays Nuic Said To Be in This City. [By Telegraph to Th» Tribur.a.l Lexington. Ky.. Aug. I.— John H. Madden, the Kentucky turfman, whose wife recently obtained a divorce, marrying Xl V. Bell, took his two sons, Edward and Joseph, from Hamburg Place secretly last Saturday, and they are now In Hew York. The boys were taken In an automobile to Win- Chester, twenty miles east of here, and placed on the Chesapeake & Ohio train going: east at 9 p. m.. every precaution being taken to prevent any one knowing of the departure. Maddens action in taking the children away secretly has" given grounds that he has informa tion that his former wife has designs on their eons, and that he is determined to get them out of her way. Mr. and Mrs. Bell are supposed to be on their way abroad, and in that event Mrs. Bell could not take the boys away. She told them two weeks ago when here that they would not see her for a long while. WOMAN LEAPS TO RESCUE. Wife of New York Physician Trie* to Save Negro Cook. [By Telegraph to Th« Trtbun».J Milwaukee, Aug. I.— Mrs. E. W. Allison, of New York, wife of a physician at No. 118 West WHh street, to-day leaped from the deck of the whaleback excursion steamer Christopher Col umbus into the Milwaukee River In the effort to save Milton Hull, a negro cook, who had fallen into the stream. Several hundred persons on the vessel saw her throw off her outer skirts, shoes and hat and dive from the upper deck, and as she dove Frank Felrny, a one armed sailor, leaped from the lower deck with a life preserver. The two were unable to find the body In the dirty river, but grappling hooks brought it to the surface a little later. JAPANESE AND Y.'CltilX AEEESTED. Divorced Wife, a "Teacup" Bride, and Pre* ent Spouse Quarrel in Street. John H. Stousa. a diminutive Japanese valet. whose wife, Mrs. Jennie Stossa, was divorced from him some time ago after seven years of married life which followed a "teacup" wedding ceremony, was arrested last night with the divorced wife and a woman about eighteen years old. who said ehe was Mrs. Elizabeth Stossa. Wife No. 2 declared, with a toss of her head, that hers was no "teacup" service ; that she had a bona fide marriage certificate. V\ ife No. 1 had six children by ERossa. He acknowledged the marriage and was ordered to pay her (!.• a month. He says she refused to tuke the money. AH three were talking loudly m iront or iso. «j Wen Mth street last nigiit, where tho Japanese and the woman who aays she is his wife live, in tho heat of the argument wife No. 1 struck wife No. 2. Wife No. 1 said that wife No. 2 used to be a servant in htr household. All three were locked up. cliurged with disorderly conduct. HOW TO ESCAPE EIECTKIC CHAIB. Get a Good Lawyer and Keep Quiet, Says Ex-District Attorney of Queens. Ex-District Attorney Merrill, of Queens, who has been retained by Joseph Adams, of Chester Park, who shot his cousin last Saturday night, sometime ago gave uterance to the following remarkable statement, gathered, he said, from a rather broad experience; No man need ro to the electric chair if he does two things— shuts his mouth tight and en gages a good lawyer immediately after the slaying. The law is such to-day that no per son observing that simple rule need bo con victed of murder in the first desre*. Adams is the young bridegroom who slew another bridegroom because, as his relatives claim, the other man and his family had issued statements derogatory to Mrs. Adams, his bride. Adams himself has made no statement whatever, save to say to Acting Captain Lynch, of the Richmond Hill police station, that he shot Bchmitzler in self-defence. Coroner Ambler, at the inquest yesterday, held Adams without bail to await the action of the grand jury, tho coroner's jury having recom mended such a course. As the prisoner was being led from the room a man, said to be a relative of the slain man, sprang at his throat, crying: 'You coward:" He was restrained by the ofllcers. who, however, did not arrest him. "There is nothing In this case." said Mr. Mer rill after the inquest. "We will get this young man off. He acted in self-defenco. His wife had been defamed. He went to the house quietly to see if the people there were the authors of the anonymous postal cards ehe had been receiving. He was attacked by two men, who used chairs as clubs, and he defended himself." KANSAS WHEAT, 80,000,000 BUSHELS. Larger Yield Than Was Expected— to Farmers $50,000,000 [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Kansas City, Mo.. Aug. I.— The wheat crop of Kansas has turned our far beyond expectations of any one who attempted to make estimates of the output before the harvest. Up to July 1 the general expectation was that the yield would be less than last year. The thrashing has now gone far enough to indicate that the state has raised about ninety million bushels of wheat, or thirteen million bushels more than in 1905, anil with one exception the largest crop that Kan sas has ever produced. Some phenomenal yields are reported in nearly every county in the state. Many fields produced forty to fifty bushels to the acre, and there are few counties that do not report tields yielding thirty bushels or more. At the present market values this years wheat crop is worth $."i»Mi(K»,o(fc» to the farmers of Kansas. The corn crop of Kansas promises to be about 2<lO.<fc<O,<JUO bushels, worth about Of more than one hundred reports regarding the condition of corn, only eleven report fair to poor, and all tho rest say the prospect Is good to excellent. WOULIiNT Lo>£ BY CONTEST. Sage Heir Says He Has Judgments Against Him for $25,000. By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Troy, X. V.. Aug. I.— James H. Sage has caused to be known that the reason he contests the will of his uncle, Russell Sage, is that there are judgments against him sufficient to eat up th« entire bequest of J25.000. Under these conditions, he would have all to gala and nothing to lose by holding out for |l,Cop.oiV>, or even $100,000. Certain Troy attorneys say that James 11. Sago went through bankruptcy proceedings two years ago und was discharged. A transcript of judgment from Rermselaer County was filed hero yesterday against Jam** H. Bago In favor of Clarence H. Bahrenberg, Henry If. Bcnutte and Henry W. Bahrenberg- for $39302. The judgment km obtained In the Supreme Court of Renssclacr County on February 5, 1893. OLD COLONIAL ESTATE SOLD. Stephen U. Angell. of Angell & Co.. has pur chased the Graham estate at Hawthorne. West chester County. Th* property contains two hun dred and sixty-three acres, and. with the exception (if the Fox Meadow property at Scaradale. Is the largest «state south of Mount IClsco, having a On our men's bargain menu. St. Cloud shirts— good if rather giddy E. & W. pleated negliges that have been $3.50. $2.50 now. Any one at all of our split and sennit straw hats. si now. Rogers, Peet k Company. Three Broadway Store*. 258 £42 '■ 1303 st Warren*. 13th si. 32nd at. asyfcßSArs SSBEaSSs geon. the grandfather of Mies Deborah GtahMfl. who sold it to Mr. Angell. WRECKED LAUNCH FOUND Block Island Life Saver Fears for Fate of Occupants. Block Island. R. 1.. Aug. L— A gasolene launch. with her engine broken as if by an explosion and otherwise badly wrecked, was picked up off the entrance of West Harbor late to-day by Captain Sands, of the North Life Savings Station. The launch had no occupants, and the only trace of her identity was found in the name Allsa. which ■was marked on one of her propeller blades. Captain Sar.cs said to-nigUt that while he had no means of knowing what had become of the occupants of th* boat the appearance of the craft Indicated that there had been an explosion, which may have resulted fatally to those oa board. "BLACK HAND" ARREST. Detectives Say They Gave Man $500 — Grocer Threatened. In the arrest of Attore Rice!, who gave his ad dress as Mills Hotel No. 1. in Bleecker street, yes terday afternoon in the store of Alfonso Sch!at tino. an Italian wholesale grocer, of No. a Down ing street, the police say they have run to earth one of a large gang engaged in extorting: money from wealthy Italians In this city by "Black Hand" letters. Ricci was arrested by Detectives Bonand and De Gerigo. attached to the staff of Detective Sergeant Petrosini. engaged In running down "Black Hand" operators. He is alleged to have accepted a package containing $300 in marked bills, to prevent the death of the grocer, his family and a friend at the hands of the -Black Hand." The detectives said that Just before they ar rested the Italian he said in their presence that the grocer's friend. Pasqua'.e Groco. who lives In Brooklyn, had been kidnapped by the gang, and would surely be put to death If the money was not forthcoming. Schiattino is much worried over the fate of his friend, as an attempt to reach Groco to Brooklyn was made without success, and he fear* that the boast made by the Italian may turn out to be true. ' The Italian was arraigned in the J *p™°r. Market Court before Magistrate Finelite. and held in $I.«*> ball for further examination to-day. rmt . m{ve . Two weeks ago Schiattino began to receive "Black Hand" letters. An appointment was made for tho Grand street elevated station. Schiattino sent Groco as his representative. According «othe detectives there was only one Italian on the plat form. Groco asked him if he was waiting for any one. "Yes. I am." replied the man. and if Schtattino does not come up with the money we W At 3!! r^ue^Vtris" Italian Oroeo went to the Batter", where he met four other Italians, who. herald were members of the gang Groco made arrangement- for the cang to send a messenger to Schlattlno-s store. The two detectives posed as relative* of the grocer at the conference in the "Detectives are searching for Oroco In Brooklyn. NEW $10,000,000 COIPFK COMPANY W. C. Greene One of the Directors— M \y Take in Greene Conso/.da.ted. St Paul Aug. I.— Incorporation papers of the Cananea Central Copper Company, of Duluth. were Oled «ltfc the Secretary of State to-day. The capi tal stock is 510.000.000. A filing fee of $5,025 was paid into the state treasury. The directors of the new company arc W. C. Greene. Cananea. Mexico: J D Ryan. Butte, Mont.: James Hoaston. Calu n'et 'Mich., and C. A. Duncan. G. A. Tomlinwrn. J. B CottonT W. A. OK-ott. T. K. Colle and C. A. Congdoa. all of Duluth. Duluth is the company's headquarters. Duluth. Minn.. Aug. I.— The mining properties controlled by the Cananea Central Copper Company are located in Csjianea, Mexico, and the presence of W. C. Greene on the board of directors of the company, which was incorporate-! in St. Paul to day, lends color to a rrport that ha* been in cir culation that the Greene Consolidated Copvcr property, located at Cananea, may be taken into th<- new concern. STEAMER SIGHTS FLOATING ISLAND Group of Bamboo Trees Puzzles Captain of Clyde liner. The steamship Arapahoe. of the Clyde Line, reached port last night from Jacksonville, ana reported seeing a moat novel sight, a floating island of bamboo trees. Th* steamer was twenty miles southwest by south of Diamond Shoal Lightship. Just on the western edge of the Gulf Stream, when It sighted a group cf trees floating northward. "I was at a loss to know what it could bo fcr a time." th 6 captain said, "but, when I took my glasses. J could tee the group as plain as I see you. There wen- fully a dozen trees. They seemed to be compact ami ranged from fifteen to twenty fret high. I recognized them as bamboo trees. They seemed to bo Quito fresh and swayed to and fro in the wind." JUVENILE CRIME LAID TO EDUCATION. [By Telegraph to The Tribunal Ithaca. N. V.. Aug. I.— "Juvenile crime is caused by the breach between Immigrant children and their parents made by education," said Edward L. Stevens, associate superintendent of schools of New York. in an addres? before the summer ses sion of Cornell University this" evenlnj. "The remedy is th«» education of the pnr?nt:\" "In six months." snld Superintendent Stevens "after the arrival of an Immigrant family In New York the o'lults and the children are separated by two hundred years in sympathy and Interest." CHURCH OF PILGRIMS CELEBRATES. Plymouth. Macs.. Aug. Many well known men cam© to Plymouth to-day to take part in tho exercises in observance of the »»th anniversary of the First Unitarian Church cf Plymouth. The programme included by Governor Curtis Guild. Jr.; John D. Long. ex-Secretary of the Navy; the Rev. Dr. Edward Everett HiU>. of Bos ton, and rrnfe3»c»r K. '• '. Moore, of Harvard Uni versity. Tl>>- First Church was organized a Bcrooey. England, in KM*, by Separatists from the Church of Kngland who desired more freedom In their methods of worship. William Urewstt-r was chosen older, and the early preu£hcr* were the Rev. John Smith, the Rev. Rlehiurd Clyfton and the Rev. John Koblneon. Driven from one place to another by persecution, th*» little hand of dissenters* tied to Holland In l«0s. In ICO. when the church had grown to a membership of about three hun dred, it was decided that one hundred of these members should seek a new home In America where they could have absolute religious freedom. Ht-aded by Elder Brews they oniharke.l m tho Mayflower. Untile; at Plymouth la December. A Boys get some plums, too. Washable suits at $1.15. " 379 Russian suits, sizes 3 to 7 years. 201 sailor suits, sizes 3 to 8. Prices, were *1.7-3 to $5. . 81.15. Rogers, Peet & Company. Tfcrea Broadway Starts. 253 §« ,253, 253 oppeshs near eppesftj ': City Hi!:. U=icn Sqpzzz. CttclejSj-^ MQBSAN'S GINGER ALE and CLUB SODA Ac&noTTlffdsrea the C«»t> HIGIIE3T AWAEB3 World's Co!ursV*i» Exp,».:ion. O*6«r trrtM your £•»:«-. or JOHN MORGAN MS-M7 West Wta Street. 'Pbon* Z!S Bryant. Seed for Interesting Booklet. English LUNCHEON' AND TEA BASKETS Fitted «*ns3lete. tar m k|ir^ Travellers, sat Tacbtter. JEWIS&(?ONGE^ 130 mm* MS West 43d Street. r.t! US West rorty-Crst street. New Xezlc. WRECKS BROOKLYN HOME. Plumber Suspected of Causing L..- plosion and Injury to Women. A high explosive, which the police of th* Bed. ford avenue station believe was a stick of th namlte or a tomb, was exploded outside the hall door of the apartments of Mrs. Mary Om, a widow twenty-nine years old. on the secoat floor of the four story tenement house at Na 2TU Wythe avenue. Williamsburf;, early ye> terday morning: wrecking tha apartment Thomas Owens, a walking delegate of a ploae er*s union, who lives with his family oa to third floor of tho house, was in the hall at tks time, and his left arm was so badly in nuke! that It was amputated later at the Eastern Dis trict Hospi'.al. Mr*. Else Is also in the bosoMt in a serious condition from her injuries. Who set off the explosive is nut known. Mt the police believe that Owens had something v do with it They say he was angry tweaus* noise in the woman's apartment kept Mb awake. Tenents m the house and in adjoining bonsai aroused by the explosion found Mrs. Eisa •»• conscious on the fir-ar of h^r kitchen, with tfct door leaJlng to the ha!! blown away. She late? accused Owwtia of having caused the exptoets* Her ?*cc wsa filled wtth powder and he? «► tire body wv; baoly lacerated. Detectives following a trail of blcod from Ike hall of the building to a Raines law hotel at Kent and Metropolitan avenues, found Owens unconscious on a landing at the top of t»e building. He denied at the hospital that sS had caused the exp!os!cn. He said he Ist heard s. notsa in the hull and poin^ downs"trs had found a man dressed in a Grand Army cr form puundins on the woiiai's door. OWJ says he told the man to go away and that the explosion followed. In investigating Owms's life the police ! 3 they found that he had been implicated Is ea plosions before, and that ha recently wrecsel th* interior of a saloon after having tn>Bl» with th* proprietor Owns has t#cn active 1* organizing plumbers' unions. They edsjMel last night that they were trying to conae» Owens with the recent explosions in Manhat tan when non-union men were injured while e> work. When he is able to leave the heejOM he will be charged with felonious ass&ult. MC A HI! EX WONT TJiM Sheriff's Jury to Inquire Into Mr*- Dixons Claims. Justice White, in the Supreme Court la Broc&P yesterday, ordered that a Sheriff's Jury be ■* pointed to inquire* Into the amount of damages .tf 15 Mrs. Mary 11. Dlxon. who threatens to brine sell against Senator P. If. McCarren to recover I2M.M* lor deception and neglect. Mrs. DUon charges that Senator McCarwa h^ her to .believe that a cemmon law niarrtage ••• va!!d, ba» thai she subsequently learned that •■* marriages had been abolished a month before > v went to live with him. Mrs. r>ix..i» further «taSe> tlxat she accompanied the Senator to various pu-23 places of amusement and ha* been introduce* •• his wife at a number of hotels. According to the affidavit. a son was born to I • '•"■ Dixon while staying at the Clarendon Hotel. Broe> lyn. on August ti. 1904. The chiM was aft^rwew chHstene«l trick H. Mctarren, jr. Mrs. 522 charges thai the S«-iu»:or has ceased to •-■ontfMm" to the support of her anU her ton. * H . Tlie or.'.or asking for juil^m-nt by default awdW* appointment cf the Jury was submitted by ■*? Dlxpn'a counsel Attnched to the order was «5*% tlnyU ft Julius* M«>n(!»lnaum. who »wears he *«•*■- the iKomcM on th» d«fendnnt on June 24. 9ena»» McCarrcn dented that he ha.a teen served wiy» ew notice of the suit. , Senator McCanen. when seen yesterday. »■■ was too busy to talk of the affair. MITCHELL MAY RUN FOR COKGRES3. [Ujr Ta!#rraph to Th« Tribune. 2 La Porte. Ind.. Aug. I.— lndiana Demecte* leaders "cave formulated a clan to make Je»* Mitchell, the !al»or leader, the candidate t» Congress in the 7tU District to oppose OB grcss:r>.an Overstrect. Republican, who fcAS liet* rer.omir.atetl. irat will be oppose! by an *=;!' pendent Republican us well as a Deuwcwg candivtate. Mr. Mitchell's answer is cxpecqe within a few days. It I* believed that he Wtßg got tho svlld oranir.,l labor vote. Toe dlstr-' !» now strongly Itcpublican. MRS BARNEY OLOFIELO REMAKRI^ !By TVlcsrsph to TT.» Tribune. 1 Toledo. Oh!o. Aug. Mrs. Beatrice OldfleW. •■• was recently tilvorccu from Barney Ol«ltfc»ld^J* aut-.:n:oMli.-t. wsa SMUllled here :o-viav bji a F'Vk i»trai« :•» Vr-u luu. -. woiMlwurk**-. -■ .'. 3U Unix a«r««(.