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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 02, 1906, Image 3

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leaders Find Following New Yorker
Line of Least Resistance.
ffTctn a Fpecla! Correspondent of The Trtbunt.)
Albany. Aug. I.— The rank and fll« of the
•©«noeratir organization In Albany County are
tor Hearst for Governor. Patrick E. McCabe.
•onQueror of ex-Judge Herrlck In the fight for
Control of the Albany County organisation and
-tnfildate for state chairman, has not declared
either Wr or against Hearst. Ho Is flirting with
gearst and taking advice from David B. Hill.
Ag in Erie and Onelda, the Democratic ma
rine leader of Albany County find* that fol
lowing Hearst is the line of least resistance
Hearst does not inspire enthusiasm or devotion.
tot the tide is running his way. Mr. Coats
«rortn. chairman of the Erie County organiza
tion, put Th ° situation in a nutshell when he said
to » Tribune correspondent a week ago:
•The Democratic masses want Hearst, and we
iVt going to ye them what they want."
jlr. CoatFworth formerly was the law partner
9f William F. Sheehan. He knows perfectly
trt'd that {riving them Hearst." as he put it.
tß«»st part ins company with much that Is de
jir»Me in th<» Democratic organization and ty
m up with much that is undesirable In the
arts of the. socialists, but following Hearst
Qjjjes the work of the leaders easier, and that is
irfcy Ooatssrorth and Mack are for Hearst. It
Is about the same way in Albany County. Me-
Calx-, irtth ambitions that reach far beyond the
control of the local machine, would like to see
the party shape its course so that in time it
irou'id elect a Governor. He knows what every
Republican county leader in the state knows.
that every Republican who joins the Hearst
movement this year will be a trouble maker for
the camp that welcomes him. driving out of
the Democratic camp a better soldier than hlra
ttlf. ■
Moreover, it is palling: to McCabe to see the
voters of Albany elect Republican and good gov
ernment n-.ayors. William Barnes. jr., the Re
publican leader, has outgeneralled McCabe at
every turn in the last few years, turning Demo
crat!" wards into Republican districts and play
tor Democratic factions against each other. Mc-
Cafee longs for the time when he can turn the
tables on Billy Barnes.
When M -Cab* and his eleven delegates land in
Buffalo on the «lay of the Democratic State Con
vention they will hear the Hearst shouters.
listen to Hearst bands and have Hearst badges
pinned mi their coats, and the chances are that
they will be for Hearst, despite the warning of
tfce fare of Wolfert's Roost. It is all because
follow:"? Hearst is the line of least resistance.
A? for the Hearst organization in Albany, it
Trill wither like new mown hay under an August
run If McCabe goes over to Hearst. McCabe will
corr.f- home from Buffalo if Hearst gets the
Democratic nomination, and he'll say to the
Hearst men:
"We're it; chase yourselves before you get
Ar.d then the enthusiastic men who briefly
bore the Hearst banners will get back the drafts
■sawn on the Hearst safe deposit company, and
the:.* will be rubber stamped: "No funds."
Mr. Windle. of Texas. Mr. Hearst's organizer.
came here and organized his little army, as he
did is other places. A gallant little band it is.
to be sure, with red topboots. yellow plumes in
their hats and bosoms that heave and burn with
hatred of the man with a faithful checkbook.
Mr. Windle came and organized. When the local
r.tvspaper men ran down the roster after the
rating was over the total was exactly twenty
X- nceforth." said the scribes, "this shall be
the Hearst Pkiddoo Club." The Hearst Sksldoo
Qgb it has been ever since. Then it grew: in "a
week to forty-six, and then to fifty-four. Since
the;, the club has b«en waiting to see what the
mmtttee would do. Now that the con
latas are fixed, doubtless the work of
■•■»- members will go on.
Ese commander in chief of the Hearst army
John E. Dugan. It is not out of disre-
Mr. I>ugan <<> say that he is a profes
irer. He is a plumber by trade, and,
lik«- others in his guild, he likes to repair leaks
• union rule*, and send In a sur
f. r his services. Mr. Dugan likes
it the regular organization. He does
.!i a political lockstep. He was the
origi:.^i Bryan map. in Albany, and long before
Bidders of Albany knew anything
Bryac Dugan, with a new Ki-to-1 badge
on his wmm dedarlns; against govern-
InjunctkML. Sometimes Dugan's friends
. to think that he is against govern
thsng. He was the original single
. rried about with him a copy of
Ban Progress and Poverty" until
rs thought h^ had dropped plumbing
for 1 vfngr. Wbeo the Hearst bard
B along Dugan was walking.
; "I'm no golf player. Here's
■rhere !t:.
Lir M L. ricwe Is second in command in the
A Man
Who Wanted
To sell OATS for human food got
cross because people bought
So he told them in the papers to avoid the famous pre-digested food, for
it didn't give the stomach exercise, and from the lack of hard work it
would gradually get weaker.
Surely this is a "husky" one, this oats man. "Make the stomach
work," he* says. By the same token why not drop in a few beans or
black walnuts with hulls on?
The trouble is that people eat too much, and of -indigestible food.
So the poor old stomach works as hard as it can and considerable over
time until it lies down like a tired horse.
Then it needs food easy to digest; give it a chance to recover. It is
good hard sense to go a bit easy with the stomach and, even in health,
before it gives out, use wisely selected food easy to digest. That's
"There's a Reason."
Hearst army The doctor has seen a lot of gov
ernors marrh un a:.. 1 d..«-,i tho <=„;,,- f ,r- i hi']
alnce be began practising. Familiarity with gov
ernors hat made him confident of his own
"I could do It myself." said the doctor, after
attending the last New Year's reception given
by Governor Higgins.
But Dugan and the good doctor are not all.
There Is a formidable list of "antls"— men who
are against organizations until they are on the
payroll. Some of them are as follows:
Peter A. Delaney. former Democratic District
Attorney; Philip J. Ilenzel. former Democratic
candidate for City Controller; George Clapham.
former theatrical manager; Owen Malone, a
leading undertaker; Patrick J. Downey, national
organizer of th« Federation of Labor; M. A.
O'Connor, another leading undertaker; Captain
E. D. McMurray. retired United States Army
officer; John A. R. Kapps. former Democratic
alderman, and recently candidate for president
of the Common Council, and Omle DeGraff,
former Democratic commltteeman from the 19th
It will be noted In passing that two of the
organizers of the Hearst band are leading un
dertaker^ The rest is Jeft to the imagination.
Among the recruits of the Independence League
in Albany are six doctors and two undertakers.
These men seem to be endowed with an unerring
instinct. There will be plenty for them to do.
me new headquarters of the league are next
door to the headquarters of the Albany County
No startling development in the local Demo
cratic situation Is looked for until after the
Hearst state convention. While the enrolment
°l tn ® Independence League Is inconsiderable,
there Is a strong sentiment among the organized
labor men in favor of Hearst. This Is what
McCabe. the Democratic county leader, must
encounter. If he is to continue at the head of
the machine he has got to look sharp, because
the Herrirk men are ready to take advantage of
any mistake. The Herrick machine is nearly
out of commission, but it could be repaired.
McCabe is regarded by his Albany friends as a
coming man in state politics. He wants to be
state chairman, and he is working without the
assistance of Anthony N. Brady and ""Gene"
Wood, the men who helped him to break the
Herrick machine. McCabe's friends say that he
Is on good terms with Mr. Brady and Mr. Wood,
but that he does not like to be too friendly at
this time, as it may hurt him.
McCabe has been making a study of state
conditions for years, and knows every prominent
Democrat in the state. He was elected County
Clerk of Albany County in 189 S. and served
three years. He has been schooled In Hill pol
itics. His friends in Albany say that if he is
elected state chairman he will raise the money
to run the campaign. Murphy and McCarren
are his friends. Hearst has sent his confidential
men to see him two or three times. So far as
known he has not made any pledges. He is in
position to Jump either way.
Chairman of Congressional Campaign Com
mittee Pleased with Political Outlook.
Congressman Sherman, chairman of the Con
gressional Campaign Committee, which opened
headquarters in the St. James Building on Tues
day, was busy at his desk yesterday, but he said
that he was doing merely routine work, catching
up with the correspondence before branching out
on the aggressive programme that has been
mapped out. The dollar subscriptions continue to
come in with every mail and the idea bids fair to
be a great success.
Congressman Sherman began the campaign in
an extremely hopeful frame of mind. He said:
The situation is most satisfactory. The country
is prosperous, crops are good, men are making
money in their business and wages are almost
universally eatlsfactory. Moreover, I don t think
the people of this country are in the temper to
overthrow the present conditions. They do not
care to take any chances and fly in the face or
prosperity the way they did a dozen years ago.
Judiciary Nominators Will Circulate New
Petition for Entire Ticket.
Lawrence B. Sexton, of the law firm of Wetmore
& Jenner, has been named by the committee on
vacancies to fill the place on the ticket of the
Judiciary nominators left vacant by the death of
Michael H. Cardozo. As the latter's name was on
the same petition with the others .new nominating
petitions will have to be circulated for the entire
ticket of Independent nominations for the Supreme
Mr Sexton was born in Cleveland on July 26. 1859.
He was graduated from Harvard in 1881 and from
Columbia I-aw School in 1887. In ISBS he berame a
member of the firm of Wetmore & Jenner. The
firm is well known, not only in patent and trade
mark law. but in general practice. Mr. Sexton is
an independent Democrat. He is an active mem
ber and trustee of the Reform Club.
The Committee of Fifteen appointed by Dick S.
Ramsay, in Brooklyn, to select candidates for the
Supreme Court bench, will try to have an equal
re-preppiitation of both Republican and Democratic
parties on the bench In this district, and It Is
rumored that to this end they will nominate six
Democrat? and only two Republicans.
The committee thinks that the Republican party
is over represented !n the Judicial District of Long
Island. Justice Jayc-ox is likely to be re-elected,
and another Republican, who has not yet been de
cided upon, will be nominated.
[By Telegraph to Th« Tribune.]
Cumberland. Md., Aug. I.— A bitter attack was
made on Senator Stephen B. Elkins at the Repub
lican Congressional convention cf tht- Jd West Vir
ginia District, at Keyser. to-day. Resolutions were
offered which included a most flattf-rlng indorse
ment of Senator Elkins for the part he took In
moulding railroad rate legislation. John Hetzel, cf
Martinsburg, declared that Senator Elkins had
not earned the Indorsement. He said that Gov
ernor Dawnon of West Virginia put no confidence
In him when, he put the complaint of Independent
shippers of West Virginia Into the hands of Senator
TlUman. a Democrat.
■ ' —^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^^"^"^''^^■^■^■■■■■■■■bblsbbbbsb^b^b^Hßb^Bb^Bb^^bhbbbbbbslbbbbbbbbbsHbsl
Southron to Lead to Victor//, Says
Virginia's Lieutenant Governor.
[By Telegraph to The Tribune. 1
Norfolk. Va.. Aug. I.— "A Southern man for the
Democratic Presidential nomination in 19M" was
the slogan sounded to-day by P. Taylor Ellyson,
Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, who is the chair
man cf the State Democratic Committee and a
member of the National Democratic Committee.
Mr. Ellyson calls' on the Southern press to work
up a sentiment In favor of a Southern man for the
nomination. Speaking of William R. Hearst, Mr.
Ellyson said:
Even though he were elected Governor of New
Tork. I predict that he will never land the Demo
cratic nomination for President. I do not believe
that the people of this country want a man of Mr.
Hearst's type. Mr. Hearst, of course. Is a man of
great executive ability, but by hiring- food writers
he has managed to keep before the public through
his newspapers. The South should name a man tor
the Presidency. It has been forty-three years since
the Civil War and I believe to-day that the feel
ing against a Southern candidate will be no greater
in other sections of the country than the feeling the
West would have for a Northern man ort he North
for a Western man. The South has Presidential
timber and a Southern man can make as strong a
running as any man did in 19M.
Says If Democrats Have Sense They Will
Nominate Justice Gaynor.
That Borough President Coler is against William
R. Hearst, with whom he ran last fall, is indicated
by the fact that he came out for the nomination
of Justice Gaynor for Governor yesterday. It was
significant as coming the day after it had been,
decided that Hearst would be nominated on an in
dependent ticket by the Independence League, and
particularly so in view of the fact that Borough
President Coler sent a telegram from his summer
home asking a friend to make his views public
The telegram was as follows:
Kindly quote me as saying that if the Demo
cratic party has sense it will nominate Justice Gay
nor upon a platform based upon this morning's
interview. It will unite the party, hold the radicals
in line and give such men as myself an opportunity
to support the ticket enthusiastically.
Hitherto Borough President Coler has been saying
that Hearst would be elected Governor, and has
gone bo far as to predict a large plurality for him.
Justice Gaynor Talks of "Overgrown
Wealth, Got Withe ■.: '£ :nng."
In an interview printed in "The World" yester
day. Justice William J. Gaynor gave his opinion on
some of the questions of the day. He avoided a
direct reply when asked if he would accept the
nomination for Governor of New York on the
Democratic ticket. He said that it was wealth,
"overgrown wealth, got without earning it, by this
means and that, by trick and device, even though
all the while according to law, or enough so as to
keep from being indicted, or by the favor of govern
ment, which has now come to be under the ban of
the splendid intelligence and moral sense of the
people of this country. That a thing is done ac
cording to law. or that there i# no practice law for
bidding it, does not always relieve it from moral
He said the railways were just as much puhllo
highways for the use of all on equal terms as "our
dirt roads." The Standard Oil Company he de
clared to be the greatest monopoly in America,
saying that its history was accursed. He said the
street railways and the oil companies owned the
city, and that the street railways Instead of re
ducing fares for short distance riders as the
dividends grew too large to be permissible, "these
companies have kept on Increasing their paper
capital so that the dividend rate would be kept
"And the most incredible thing in all this busi
ness," he continued, "is that the subway road,
wholly built with the clty f s money, is In this com
bination, and Its vast earnings are being declared
out in dividends on this vast accumulation of
paper capital, which represents nothing but a
means of perpetually extorting money from the
pockets of the many."
Pocasset Club's Outing First Gun in District
Leadership Battle.
The Pocasset Club, the Tammany Club of the
28th (formerly the 38d) Assembly District, of which
Sheriff Nicholas J. Hayes is leader, held its annual
outing yesterday at Witiel's Park, at College Point.
About 4600 were in attendance.
There was more than the usual Interest in the
outing this year because of the fight that is to be
made by ex-Alderman Thomas F. McCaul to wrest
the leadership from Sheriff Hayes, at the primaries
next month.
The day at College Point was spent in athletic
and other games. On the return of the club at
night there was a parade through the district,
which was ablaze with lanterns, fireworks and
Not Anxious to Sell, but Are Holding for
Higher Pnce>.
From a further investigation made yesterday into
the ico situation in this city by a Tribune reporter
it was learned that the persons who control the
supply for New York this year, and, consequently,
the price, are the speculators in Maine and in the
upper part of this state.
The consumption of Ice in this city, which has
been Increasing every summer. It was said, will be
greater this y*ar than ever before, and with the
shortage of the supply It is probable that within a
few months these speculators who are holding
their supply will be able to dispose of it to dealers
at practically their own prices. This means that
the price of ice here is almost certain to go up
even higher.
Nor are the Independent dealers the only ones
who will be compelled to purchase from this supply;
the American Ice Company, or Ice Trust, will have
no advantage over the Independents. The latter,
notwithstanding that they control four-fifths of the
output of artificial ice— the trust controlling the
other fifth— cannot manufacture ice in Quantities
large enough to meet the demand. The Independent
Ice concerns ar* charging the same prices as the
trust, that is ?* cents a hundred to dealers, and 40
The manufacturing of ice. because of the great
cost of the machinery and maintenance expenses, is
not. it was said yesterday, as profitable an enter
prise an is generally believed. So not only is tn*
output not increased to meet the stringency, but
the ice manufacturers maintain the same capacity
and then have difficulty in meeting the present
prices Nor can they risk to store up a large »-ipply
on account of the possibility of a largo crop ..t ice,
which would mean a great loss to them.
In Maine last winter there whs a decidedly open
P-ason, and Instead of 1.0T0.000 tons of i^e called
for the plants housed only 600.000. The speculators
control 100.000 tons, and they show no anxiety to
F.-ll at this time. On the Hudson River there were
harvested 1.CT2.188 tons, of which the independents
and speculators received 990.175 tons, while 692,013
tons went to the Ice Trust.
Commission Wants List of Institutions Hold
ing Public Funds.
The Banking Commission of the city, consisting
of the Mayor, the Controller and the City Cham
berlain, held a meeting yesterday and adopted a
resolution that the City Chamberlain prepare a
list of all the banks which have deposits of the
city, and the amount of each deposit.
The city officials, especially the Controller, were
disappointed at the lack of bidding at the last sale
of city bonds, and they are determined that the
next eale shall have a plentiful supply of bids if
possible. One of the things that the officials did
not like was the failure of the local banks to bid
for the bonds, especially those holding city de
Did Not Disagree with Bronx President Over
Alleged Attempt to Oust Secretary.
When Register Frank Oass was shown a state
ment yesterday that he and President Haffen of
The Bronx had had a disagreement In reference
to an alleged request by the President for the
resignation of 11. H. Rcilly, the Register's private
secretary, the Register made the following reply:
My relations with Borough President Haffen are
to-day what they have always been— of the most
cordial character. It is untrue that Mr. Haiten
has ;.skod for the resignation of Mr. Rally or of
any other member of my staff. What the rela
tions of Mr. Haffen and Mr. Rellly are 1 do not
know, nor am I Interfering in any manner with
tbeir alleged political difference*
(-onllnnnl fro,,, n.M „«?-.
mony with our Industrial and commercial proflr-
We favor the reciprocity Inaugurated by
Blalne. advocated by McKlnley and Roosevelt
and recognised In Republican platforms and
Other resolutions lament the death of David
B. Henderson and express regret that Senator
Allison could not be present.
Governor Cummins made a brief speech, say-
Ing that the hope nearest his heart was the con
tinued supremacy of the Republican party; that
he would urge in the future, as in the past, the
same sound principles of government for which
the party had stood, for the individual rights of
George D. Perkins said he now belonged to
the "common people." Since manhood he had
been Interested in the Republican party, and to
night re-enlisted In its service. He had. he said,
advocated only things which he believed to be
true, and would continue to advocate them.
There will be no organised opposition to Gov
ernor Cummins'B candidacy, and all strife In
the ranks of the Republican party in the state
appears to have ended with the convention.
se( oxd rrow.Kri: ahrest.
Woman Thinks Husband Prisoner in
Alabama Turpentine Camp.
William Hochsteln. proprietor of the Interna
tional Shipping Office, at No. 5 Clinton street, was
arraigned before United States Commissioner
Shields yesterday on a warrant charging him with
The complaint was made by Annie Lipkowich. a
young married womnn of No. 29 Pitt stree*. who
avers that her husband. Philip, went to Hochsteln
on May 30 for employment, and was sent by him
on a ship to Alabama, where he was to be em
ployed by the Nixon Lumber Company, near Mont
gomery. She has never heard from her husband,
she says, and fears he is a prisoner in some tur
pentine camp In the South.
8. S. Schwartz, the shipping agent of No. 133
Ist street and No. 283 Bowery, who was arrested
last week on a charge of peonage, was In court
when Hochsteln was arraigned for examination.
Commissioner Shields adjourned both cases until
September 22. that both sides might have time to
communicate with the South. Hochstein denies
any knowledge of the whereabouts of Lipkowich
further than that he sent him away to fill a place.
David Roberts, secretary of the Southern Immi
gration Society, called yesterday on Commissioner
Shields and denied that the alleged abuses existed.
He showed clippings from Southern papers denying
the alleged peonage said to exist In the lumber,
turpentine and pitch camps.
Mr. Roberts had just come from a meeting of the
Southern States Immigration Commission at No.
«« Fifth a\-enuf. At its meeting the commission
discussed the peonage rumors, and decided that
something should be dono to assure foreigners goinsf
out to the camps that nothing of the kind could
happen where labor was sent to proper places.
James E. Graybill. general counsel, was ordered
to take steps to prevent undesirable labor going
Near Relative-, Ask Tha + Comrri^in Be Ap
pointed to Consider Mm Rrsp inability.
Wilbur Larremore. counsel for George I. Mal
colm, a nephew, Lydia M. Worrall. a niece, and
other relatives of Mrs. Louisa M. Btenton. whose
daughter, Mrs. Alice Kinnan, was murdered some
time ago at the home of the two women in The
Bronx, applied yesterday to Justice Mac Lean in
the Supreme Court for an order appointing a com
mission to pass upon, with a sheriffs jury, the
sanity of Mrs. Stenton. Mr. Larremore said:
Your honor, we make this application on the affi
davit of George I. Malcolm, a nephew of Mrs. Sten
ton, an affidavit of Lydla M. Worrall. a niece, and
upon other affidavits, and also on the certificate of
Dr. William Mabon and Dr. Arthur H. Herrington.
who examined Mrs. Stenton. and who say that she
is suffering from senile dementia.
Hugo "Wintner, representing Mrs. Stenton In her
suit to recover property from Burton H. Gibson,
her former attorney, told the court that he had no
objections to offer to the application, as he had
maintained that she was of weak mind In the com
plaint filed against Gibson.
Justice Mac Lean reserved his decision.
Bridegroom Shot by Brother of Woman He
Had Promised to Wed.
Raleigh. N. C. Aug. I— A special dispatch from
Charlotte, N. C, to "The Eveninp Tim^s" s»ays that
a telephone message from Bessemer City srives the
information that W. M. Brown, a bridegroom of
an hour, was shot and killed by John M. Kincaid
at the railway station there this morning.
Brown was married at 8 o'clock a. m. to Miss
Bettle Perry, of Bessemer City. They were es
corted to the station by many friends, and intended
going to Danville, where the honeymoon was to
have been spent.
As soon as the party arrived at the station Kin
caid, who was waiting there, called Brown aside
and walked with him to a nearby room. A mo
ment later five pistol shots rang out. Several peo
ple rushed to the room and found Brown lying
dead, with Kincaid standing by him holding a
smoking pistol. Death had been instantaneous.
Kincaid immediately gave himself up to the author
It is said that Brown was to have married Kin
caid's sister, whom it ia allesred he betrayed some
months ago. Both men worked in the cotton mills
Kincaid has a wife and three children. His
father is a farmer and lives near Bessemer City.
Brown's people live at Cowpens, S, C
Governor Higgins Gives Condemned Mur
derer Month's Grace — Others Benefit.
Albany, Aug. I.— Governor Hlgglns to-<lay granted
a respite of one month to Edward Pekarr.. who was
to have paid the death penalty at Sing Sing next
Monday. The application In his behalf was made
by the Austrian Consul. Pekara was convicted of
killing his landlady in New York about a year ago.
Governor Hiifttins announced that he hail also
extended executive clemency in a number of cases,
the most interesting of which was that of Paul
Bauer, a youni; man sentenced from New York by
Recorder Goff In 1898 to serve twenty years follow
ing his conviction of grand larceny and an attempt
to escape from jail. After Bauer was s*»rt? to
prison his mother and two sisters were burned to
death and a third sister was seriously injured !n a
fire which destroyed their home. Another sister
has been the sole support of the Invalid and feeble
father, ami it was through her untiring efforts that
the Governor commuted Bauer's sentence to thir
teen years an<i six months. I'nder this commuta
tion Bauer will be released in October.
Hospital Matron Charged With Insubordina
tion and Failure to Wear Uniform.
Miss Minnie V. Lynch, matron at the East
35th street police station, will be tried this
morning before Deputy Police Commissioner
Mathot on charges made by Dr. White and Dr.
S. T. Armstrong, general medical superintendent
of Bellevue Hospital. She is accused of in
subordination and with falling on one occasion
to wear her uniform while matron of the
women's prison ward at Bellevue.
Miss Lynch was a matron at th<» hospital for
fourteen months, bat was transferred to the
East 35th street station three weeks ago. after
the charges had been made against her. She
has since been on sick lea»p.
Dr White alleges that Miss Lynch said he
was no gentleman and called him a harsh name.
She says th»« only name sho ever called him
was -kissing bug."
Chicago. Aug. I.— An innovation in banking meth
ods here was started to-day when a twenty-four
hour bank opened for business With the exception
of Sundays and holidays the bank will be open at
all times during the day and night. The work will
be divided among three shifts of employes. The
bank included both commercial and savings da
Announcing an August Sale •*
of discontinued Patterns.
A sale that will appeal to dis
criminating customers; embracing a
variety of objects unequalled during
our sixty-six years.
WE have " selected " and
marked down :
SUITES without duplicate?,
and priced all at one-third less than
formerly to quickly make room for
incoming merchandise.
Piece* purchased now can
be held" for Autumn Delivery.
Geo C Flint Co
43-45-47 West 2 3rd Street
More Complaints of 'Abuses in the
Isle of Pines.
New Orleans, Aug. I.— Additional complaints
about alleged ill treatment of Americana on the
Isle of Pines were received here to-day upon the
landing of J. A. Miller and J. H. Byrnes, two
American residents of the island.
William Taylor, an American resident of the
island, says he stationed his two sons in nis
watermelon patch to guard it against thieves.
The boys fired a rifle In the air when three na
tives entered the patch and Mr. Taylor drove
them out.
For this he wac arrested and kept in Jail four
days before he had a hearing. The Judge set
him free, but he was rearreated and imprisoned
for four hours. He was then told that the
natives "had successfully proved" that Taylor
held them up and attempted to rob them. Cash
bail of $800 was furnished by Taylor's friends.
end he is awaiting trial next autumn.
Mr. Symes said that in another case $800 cash
ball had been furnished by Americans three
years ago. and that this case had not been tried
yet. He said that W. H. Vanvorhees, an Amer
ican, who had built a sailboat, had been Informed
by the Cuban authorities that he would not be
allowed to use it.
Freed on Evidence of Sanity— Father "Was
J. P. Morgans Partner.
Boston. Aug. The release of Mrs. Dagmar
Baagoe, of Brooklyn, from the TVaverly Insane
Asylum was ordered by Judge Braley. off th» ■*•
premo Court, to-day after a brief hearing, a' which
evidence was offered that the woman was not In
The case of Mrs. Baagoe. who is the daughter of
General Chrlstensen. a Civil War officer, who for
merly lived in Brooklyn, but who died in Sweden
about a year ago. has been before the Massa
chusetts courts for some time. Originally she was
confined in a private Institution at Worcester. In
December. 1901. some of her relatives petitioned to
the courts for her release on the ground that she
was perfectly sane and that her incarceration was
illegal. After a preliminary hearing the court
granted the request of the woman's attorney that
she be removed to the Waverly Institution, and
this was done.
It is understood that Mrs. Baagoe will now live
with her mother in Brooklyn. It is said that the
woman was placed In the Worcester institution by
her husband.
General Christensen was formerly a partner of
J. Pierpont Morgan. Frederick Baagoe. the hus
band of the released woman, did not appear at to
day's hearing. He> is an analytical chemist and
pharmacist of New York City.
Dispossessed on Judgment — If H» V-.ns Ap
peal Will Ask iMaga
Dispossess proceedings against the Rev. Lincoln
Caswell, the pastor of the Tabernacle Methodist
Episcopal Church, in Manhattan avenue. Green
point, were carried into effect yesterday in his
home. No. 131 Noble street, by a city marshal. Per
sonal property of the minister and the church so
ciety was put out on the sidewalk.
It was another chapter of the legal battle that
has been going on for some time between the Rev.
Mr. Caawell and the trustees of the church on one
side, and Louis Jurgens. the former owner of the
house, on the other. Mr. Jurgens. who is a trustee
of the church, rented part of the Noble street house
to Mr. Caswell soon after he became pastor of
the church. Mr. Jurgens. despite an alleged verbal
lease, sold the property. The purchaser and Mr.
Jurgens, who, was still the nominal owner of the
house, beg-an dispossess proceedings upon Mr. i:as
well's refusal to vacate.
The case was tried In the Fourth Municipal Dis
trict Court of Brooklyn, and judgment was rendered
neainst the minister. He appealed the case, which
is now pen.liiiK in the Appellate Division. Just aa
dispossess proceedings were about to be brought
a«ainst Mr. laswell in June, his wif* became the
mother of a daughter, and he received a month s
srace. When he failed to vacate the premises dis
possess proceedings on the original Judgment
against him were instituted, and he received until
* the Appellate Division be
decided in the minister's favor. It was said last
night that he would sue Mr. Jurgens for damages.
Cheer Yiddish Warnings Till Police Inter
fere in City Hall Park.
About three hundred small boys and a few score
..f passing Brooklynltes attended the open air
stereopticon lecture on tuberculosis in front of th«
City Hall. This Is the second of such lectures
planned by the Health Department.
The pictures alternated with warnings not to spit
upon the sidewalk or the parlor floor, warnings
against lack of ventilation and a too steady us*
of alcoholic beverages. The pictures showed the
interior of filthy tenement houses, damp cellars
and other frut'fui sources of infection.
Some of the warnings were in Yiddish, the crowd
always cheering the queer looking letters.
•Why shouldnt they? asked Mulligan, the park
•cop." "Shure they're all Eyetalians."
The youthful audience was clearly disappointed
at the lack of moving pictures. To show their dis
approbation most of them tried to get into the path
of the light from the lantern, throwing up their
hats or holding up their hands to cover the pict
ures. Thj police held them In check, and the exhi
bition went on for about half an hour.
[By Telegraph to Th* TrtbuM ]
Gregory. S. D.. Aug. .I.— The little town of
T>alla.s. ten miles west of Gregory, was pat on
wheels to-day and every house in the place was
moved to QnjOlfi wh« s re the buildings are to
night in ptac«» and again ready for occupancy.
There were about seventy-five houses and SJSO
people in Dallas, all of whom are now residents
of Gregory. Dallas and Gregory were rival
towns, but when the Northwestern Railroad an
nounced that it would build an extension to
Gregory, leaving Dallas far to «M Bttta W •»■
sens of Dallas sent a committee to Greg r to
see on what terras they would be admitted, and.
when arrangements were made. Dallas promptly
moved over here.
Men Who Testified to Robbing
Madine's Trunk Held.
fßy Tel*armph to Ihe Trlbun«.l
Pittsburg. Aug. I.— The arrest of two of Augustus
Hartje's detectives was the sensational feature to
day In the divorce trial. The sleuths who testifled
to robbing Madlae's trunk were arrested in tho
crowd in front of the court house this afternoon.
Edward G. Hartje. brother of the libellant. was
hastily summoned from the courtroom and went
on the bond of the detectives for COOd each.
■While this exciting llt'le scene was transpiring
In the street a breathless crowd was listening in
the courtroom to the most sensational testimony of.
the trial.
Alma Ross, the mysterious blonde who kept a
rooming house, swore that Augustus Hartje and
Josephine Wright frequently met at her house.
When the witness pointed out Hartje in the court
room Hartje smiled. Hartje. several days ago.
swore that he did not know Josephine Wright and
nver visited her. and the Wright woman swore
that she did not know Hartje.
Blanche Ashby. a Washington Negress who for
merly worked for the Hartjes. was on the stand
to rebut the testimony given by four Negroes of
■Washington, whom Hartje brought on last week to
testify That the A9hby woman had told them she
periured herself In a deposition sh* had made fa
voring Mrs. Hartje and that Mrs. Hartje had
promised her 800 to do it. The woman denied
every statement Hartje's witnesses had made.
The issue as to the disputed l«»v» letters was de
fined when Tom Madlne, the coachman, who is
named as the corespoudenfin the case, swore that
the letters which the private detectives said were.
taken from his trunk never were there.
Mother Thinks Son Was Murdered— Hints
at Jealousy as the Cause.
George C. Eichhorn. a watchman, living at No.
1.219 Decstur street. Brooklyn. Is held m the
Queens County jail at Long Island City to await
the result <-f the coroner's inquest Into the death
of Benjamin Tockers. of Maspeth. Coroner 1 Am
bler, of Queens County, is to complete the Inquest.
so that Eichhorn can be arraigned before Magis
trate Smith on August «- ._ *
Yockers was found dead in a vacant field at East
Elmhurst. Long Island, on the morn::-? of June 14
last. The police say the dead man had a wound in
his head, and a revolver was found at his side. The
body was sent to Skeletons morgue at Xewtown.
and two days later was identified by Mrs. Sophie
Yockers the dead man's mother, and her daughter.
The police put the case down as one of suicide.
but Mrs Yockers from the first has maintained)
that her son had been murder*.!. He had told seme
friends that he might be killed, and she learned
that the night before he was f..und dead he had
been seen in the company of Eichhorn and Charles
Walters of No. IST Schaefer street. Brooklyn.
Mrs. Yorkers, with her daughter, began to trace the
movements of the dead man for several days be
fore his death. She called upon District Attorney
Darrln and told all she had heard and learned,
and Mr. Darrln decided to mako an investigation,
which resulted in the arrest of Eichhorn and Wal-
The two prisoners refused to have anything to
say. except that they were inno. and yesterday
mornin«f.when they were arraigned before Magis
trate Smith. Assistant District Attorney oung
moved to discharge Walters, ami he was promptly
released from custody. .
Mrs Yorkers hint.-.l at jealousy being the cause
of her son's death. She said he had .Wn living Hi
the same house with a mar: sister of -.horn 9
who was separated from her husband and that tn«
latter, she believed, held Yockers responsible tor
the estrangement between himself and wire.
The Charity Organization Society appeals for
$60 to pay rent for four months for a widow witl»
five children, until the eldest, who is less than four
teen years old. can hegin work. The mother is in
dustrious, but on account of her own poor health
is unable to earn more than enough for food, ana
a succession of illnesses among t>ie children has
recently added to her heavy burden of anxiety. Any
money for this case sent to the Charity Organiza
tion Society. No. 105 East 22d street, will be duly
and publicly acknowledged.
An Indian Summer fete will be given at Dream
land, Coney Island, on September -.. when Elks'
Day will be celebrated by more than ten thousand
members of the lodges throughout th» country.
The carnivals to be held en that .lav will be under
the direction of Brroklyn Lodge cf Elks No. 22.
among whose- membership is inetnoM ex-Snertc
Buttling, who has arranged a special programme)
for the day
Chicago. Aug. I.— The last saloon license that will
be issued in Chicago until the city nearly doubles
its present population was given out yesterday.
The license number Is 7.353. Under th Markhi
ordinance, which »i>e» into effect to-day, no more
ealoons will be> permitted In Chio-igo until the ratiJ
Is one saloon for every ECO population.
Albany. Aug. I.— Governor Higgins to-day ordered
an extraordinary term of the Supreme Court, to bo
held at Herkimer. beginning August 27. Justice
Irving R. Devendorf presiding, to *ak« up the case
of Chester Gillette, of Cortland. who is under ar
rest at Herkinser charged trtth ttw murdet of Oraca
Brown. The girl's body was found in Bis Moos»
Lake last month, under cir-.-umatances Indieatine
foul play. She had gone to Kis M>K»»e with Gillette.
and went out on the lake w:t». !im. He says tJuit
she was drowned after the accidental upsetting. or
the boat.
Block Island. R. 1.. Aug. 1.-In a dense fag th»
government collier Nero ran ashore to-day near
South light. She carried *•'>' ton« of coal and
Is apparently spitted on a submerged rock. At
high tide to-night the sea tw« w«* °P«« «g
forward compartm*it U full .. .
is an English built vs** otMJ
of a speed of nine kuots. laptam wurufa i» «a»
command. ' .
(By T»l*rrap!» to The Tribune. 1
Saratoga.' N. V.. Aug. 1.-Senator K'lgur T.
Brackett is sick to-night. He Is cor.nned to his
room at his North Broadway cottage, and could
not be seen In relation to th- Sag.- will contest.
The Senator was taken suddenly sick at fcis otttcj.
early this afternoon. Hia physkiun. Dr. D. C.
Mortarta. doe* not believe the Senator's cur.d '.:'.- a

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